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A Model of Factors Affecting Cyber Bullying Behaviors among University


Article  in  IEEE Access · November 2018

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881292

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6 authors, including:

Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi Noraffandy Yahaya

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Mahdi M Alamri Fahad Moafa

King Faisal University Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


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A Model of Factors Affecting Cyber Bullying

Behaviors among University Students
1 1 2
3 1 4
Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
Faculty of Education, Education Technology Department, King Faisal University, Alahsa, Saudi Arabia
College of Education, Psychology Department, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Corresponding author: Noraffandy Yahaya (email: [email protected]) and Waleed Al-Rahmi ([email protected]).

This work was supported by Research Management Centre (RMC) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for funding this project under
grant number PY/2018/02903: Q.J130000.21A2.04E40.

ABSTRACT This research attempts to mitigate this gap within the literature concerning the use of social
media for cyber engagement among students. Since students often become upset when network
providers intervene, the present study aims to develop a model to measure ethics issues related to
engagement with social media. The conducted survey examines social media use with regard to cyber
engagement, cyber bullying behaviors, and being bullied, harassed, and stalked. To achieve the study
objective, the study employed a questionnaire as the main data collection method and distributed it to 242
students, all of whom use social media. The findings were obtained via a quantitative research method,
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial least squares (PLS). The findings from our empirical
study indicate that the assessment of discriminant validity has become an extensively acknowledged
requirement for the analysis of latent variables‟ relationships. Goodness of fit indices demonstrates a
good fit of the model. Roughly more than half of students indicated they had been bullied, harassed, and
stalked online. The proposed model will help campus administration and decision-makers formulate
strategies that can significantly reduce cyber harassment among students.

INDEX TERMS Social Media Used, Cyber Harassment, Cyberstalking, Cyber bullying

I. INTRODUCTION media reports, cyber bullying is an international

A particularly grave problem facing society issue [4]. In terms of internet-based harassment,
today, to the extent that it may be deemed a and in some cases student suicides, cyber
threat to public health [1], is cyber bullying. bullying is prominent. One illustrative case is the
Modes of entertainment, learning approaches bullying of a student at McClure Middle School
and social engagement among students have in Seattle, which resulted in the suspension of
fundamentally changed particularly over the 28 students [5]. Rather than groups of students,
previous decade as a result of the expansion of it is specific students who tend to be affected
technology and computer-driven engagement most by cyber bullying. However, cyber
and knowledge dissemination. Significantly, new harassment has not only received a significant
methods of communication have emerged: SMS amount of attention from social networking
communication, social media platforms, chat platforms, the mitigation of cyber harassment
forums, emailing, webcams, instant messaging has also been spearheaded by the mass media
apps and websites have become pervasive, [6], almost to the extent of creating a moral
especially among youths. This influx of new panic about the issue [7]. In terms of the
technology significantly influences individuals‟ international prevalence of cyber harassment,
day-to-day lives [2]. Indeed, with regard to social over the course of their lives, 69.9% of
engagement, digital communication apparatuses teenagers in Portugal stated they had been
are perceived as indispensable by most victims [8] and 51% of teenagers in Singapore
students [3]. However, the prevalence of reported being abused a minimum of one time
smartphones and other digital tools has [9]. Additionally, 20% of Swedish female youths
increased the occurrence of cyber bullying and 14% of male youths stated they had been
activities. Bullying via the internet is a particular subject to cyber harassment [10], as well as
hazard for students. According to various global 21% of Canadian teenagers [11]. The extreme

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effects of cyber bullying have been cyberstalking, and cyber bullying among
acknowledged, although a comprehensive students.
investigation remains to be undertaken [12].
Moreover, the negative impact of cyberstalking II. RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES
has been found to be compounded when fiscal This research considers the social media used
costs are also incurred, as this worsens the and cyber engagement to be independent
victim‟s psychological distress and sense of variables, and cyber harassment, and
persecution [13]. Thus, this research aimed to cyberstalking to be mediator variables. The
specifically proposes a model for identifying the dependent variable is cyber bullying.
significant factors that are anticipated to play a
major role in minimizing cyber harassment,

FIGURE 1. Research Model and Hypotheses

2. 1 Social Media Use cyber bullying directly or indirectly via deviant
Social media is defined as “forms of electronic behavior intention [22].
communications (as Web sites for social 2.3 Cyber Harassment
networking and microblogging) through which Cyber harassment is the interchangeable and
users create online communities to share synonymous use of the terms “cyber
information, ideas, personal messages, and harassment,” “cyberstalking,” and “cyber
other content (as videos)” [14]. Numerous bullying”, Cyber harassment is defined by a
possibilities for communication are extended to perpetrator‟s “desire to frighten or embarrass the
youths through social media [15]. However, harassment victim” [23]. It has been argued by
these communication opportunities have AlKaabi [24] that any crime conducted involving
engendered an increase in harassment for computer-based technology is regarded as a
numerous users [16]. In contrast, [17, 18, 19] cybercrime.
students and researchers have positive attitudes
and intentions to use social media for 2. 4 Cyberstalking
educational purposes. Cyberstalking is “an escalated form of online
harassment directed at a specific person that
2.2 Cyber Engagement causes substantial emotional distress and
Cyber engagement is engage online to be serves no legitimate purpose, the action is to
communicated and share words, images, or annoy, alarm, and emotionally abuse another
language by or through the use of electronic person” [25]. The increasing use of cyberspace
mail or electronic communication, directed at a by 'criminals' has prompted a rush of legislation
specific person, causing substantial emotional and, as a result, academic interest. However, in
distress to that person and serving no legitimate spite of the number of high-profile cases
purpose [20]. A study conducted by Fishbein appearing in the media, the topic has yet to be
and Ajzen [21] reveals the effect of cyber analyzed against a proper theoretical framework
engagement and bullying through deviant that combines an understanding of internet
behavior intention in theory of reasoned action crime with an understanding of the psychological
(TRA). However, previous studies have phenomenon of stalking.
indicated that cyber engagement can affect

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2.5 Cyber bullying considered to determine construct validity [29]. A

Cyber bullying is when someone “repeatedly methodical assessment of the extant literature
makes fun of another person online or was undertaken to identify other analysts‟
repeatedly picks on another person through devised and assessed items.
email or text message or when someone posts
something online about another person that they 4.2 Convergent Validity of Measurements
don‟t like” [26]. Cyber bullying is different from Alzahrani et al. [33] and Hair et al. [29] state that
cyberstalking in that it usually occurs between convergent validity can be confirmed using three
minors, and it is subtler in nature [27, 28,43]. methodological procedures: composite reliability
(CR), factor loadings and Average Variance
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Extracted (AVE). The suggested lower limit for
Data from 242 questionnaires was stored into composite reliability (0.70) was exceeded by the
the SPSS 23 version package software. identified values, which were between 0.9004
Postgraduate students at Malaysia‟s Universiti and 0.9201. The recommended lower limit for
Teknologi, who are present on social media, the factor loadings was also surpassed, with
comprised the questionnaire sample. The results between 0.71 and 0.86. As Table 1
model‟s validity using confirmatory factor indicates, the loadings show that the factors
analysis by employing SmartPLS 3.0, were allocated the appropriate items, which is
specifically the Partial Least Square Structural equal to or above 0.50. The factor must be
Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Additionally, the assessed through the loading of pertinent
investigation implemented an appropriate indicators, as [33] have emphasized. With
methodology to formulate an effective model. results between 0.6014 and 0.7088 for the
Given that inaccuracy in the findings may stem (AVE), this also exceeded the suggested figure
from outlier cases, data is removed from further of 0.5 as indicated by [29, 33] for all the three
analysis in accordance with Hair et al. [29]. tests of convergent validity. As well, the square
Extant literature [13, 30, 31, 32] was reviewed to root of the average variance shared by a single
identify appropriate factors for study: social construct‟s items should not be exceeded by the
media use (SMU), cyber engagement (CE), correlations between the items in two constructs,
cyber harassment (CH), cyberstalking (CS), and as indicated by Hair et al. [29]. Table 1 presents
cyber bullying (CB). The Table 4 presents the the statistical model‟s overall confirmatory factor
25-questions questionnaire that was used in this analysis (CFA) with R Square. Moreover, In
study. relation to this, Hair et al. [29] suggested the
model estimation to be estimated through the
IV. RESULT AND ANALYSIS maximum likelihood estimation procedures by
The data was analyzed through a two-step using the goodness-of-fit guidelines, like the
procedure established by Hair et al. [29]. First, normed chi-square, chi-square/degree of
the measurement model was examined for its freedom, normed fit index (NFI), relative fit index
reliability, as well as its convergent and (RFI), incremental fit index (IFI), Tucker-Lewis
discriminant validity. Second, the structural coefficient (TLI) comparative fit index (CFI), the
model was examined to analyze the proposed parsimonious goodness of fit index (PGFI), the
relationships among the constructs, in terms of rootmean-square residual (RMR) and the root
strength and direction. mean square error of approximation (RMSEA).
Table 2 presents the Summary of Goodness Fit
4.1 Construct Validity of Measurements Indices for the Measurement Model. See Table
The degree to which a particular factor is 1 and Table 2.
actually reflected in the quantified items is
TABLE 1. Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results
No Variables Code Factors Cronbach‟s Composite AVE R
Loading Alpha Reliability Square
1 CB1 0.8177
2 Cyber Bullying CB2 0.7937
3 CB3 0.8429 0.890 0.911 0.668 0.498
4 CB4 0.8173

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5 CB5 0.7993
6 CH1 0.8210
7 Cyber CH2 0.7525
8 Harassment CH3 0.8364 0.907 0.903 0.632 0.532
9 CH4 0.7746
10 CH5 0.7642
11 CE1 0.8344
12 Cyber CE2 0.8023
13 Engagement CE3 0.8465 0.899 0.909 0.601 0.000
14 CE4 0.7854
15 CE5 0.8345
16 CS1 0.8123
17 Cyberstalking CS2 0.8239
18 CS3 0.7360 0.910 0.900 0.708 0.507
19 CS4 0.8228
20 CS5 0.8004
21 SMU1 0.8340
22 Social Media SMU2 0.7109
23 Used SMU3 0.8345 0.923 0.920 0.698 0.000
24 SMU4 0.7395
25 SMU5 0.7739

TABLE 2. Summary of Goodness Fit Indices for the Measurement Model

Type of measure Acceptable level of fit Values
Root-Mean Residual (RMR) Close to 0 (perfect fit) .034
Normed Fit Index (NFI) Value should be equal to or greater than 0.90. .931
Relative Fit Index (RFI) Value should be equal to or greater than 0.90. .934
Incremental Fit Index (IFI) Value should be equal to or greater than 0.90. .947
Tucker Lewis Index (TLI) Value should be equal to or greater than 0.90. .945
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) Value should be equal to or greater than 0.90. .952
Root-Mean Square Error of Value below 0.10 indicates a good fit and below 0.05 is
Approximation (RMSEA) deemed a very good fit. .046

4.3 Discriminant Validity of Measurements exceeded 0.50. Having determined each factor‟s
The items‟ degree of difference within each item variance, it is imperative that the square
factor, as well as the difference among the root of the average variance among the relevant
factors, was tested through discriminant validity. items not be surpassed when the item
In accordance with [34], each construct‟s relationship between two factors, according to
discriminant validity was confirmed at a [29, 33]. See Table 3.
significance of p = 0.001, as all AVE results far
TABLE 3. Discriminant Validity of Measurements
Factors Code CB CH CS CE SMU
Cyber Bullying CB 0.8423
Cyber Harassment CH 0.6420 0.9732
Cyberstalking CS 0.5312 0.4329 0.9634
Cyber Engagement CE 0.5420 0.5510 0.4507 0.8316
Social Media use SMU 0.4991 0.4983 0.5501 0.4620 0.8961

4.4 Analysis of the Structural Model and Discussion

In order to investigate the different constructs‟ PLS algorithm. The identified path coefficients
correlations, the hypotheses were assessed are presented in figure 1, while the hypothesis
using the SmartPLS 3.0, which implemented the testing outcomes are outlined in figures 2.

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Additionally, table 3 presents the variables of subsequent Structural equation modeling SEM
cyberstalking, cyber harassment and cyber stage adopted confirmatory factor analysis CFA
engagement, and social media in general, in in order to verify the posited hypotheses. Figure
relation to cyber bullying. Table 3 also provides 2 indicates that all hypotheses were accepted.
the reliability and validity scores. The

FIGURE 2. Path Coefficients Results

The hypotheses developed for the factors‟ apparent that the structural framework‟s
correlations, as well as the research model, are assessment for verifying hypotheses and
supported by the findings. The structural determining the framework‟s validity is sound,
framework‟s standard errors and unstandardized with robust results given in relation to the crucial
coefficient results are presented in Table 4. It is statistical measures.

TABLE 4. Hypotheses testing results of Structural Model

H Independent Relationship Dependent Path S.E. T. Value Result
H1 SMU CH 0.3348 0.0154 13.400 Supported
H2 SMU CS 0.1930 0.0160 9.702 Supported
H3 SMU CE 0.4426 0.0122 27.111 Supported
H4 CE CH 0.1528 0.0137 7.943 Supported
H5 CE CS 0.4241 0.0137 24.994 Supported
H6 CH CS 0.3747 0.0142 19.624 Supported
H7 CH CB 0.2009 0.0132 10.246 Supported
H8 CS CB 0.2339 0.0209 9.762 Supported
Note: SE: Standard Error.
also positive and supported, as a relationship
Regarding the first hypothesis, the relationship exists between cyber engagement and
between social media use and cyber cyberstalking (β =0.4241, t =24.994, p < 0.001).
harassment achieved the following results (β Cyber harassment was further found to be
=0.3348, t =13.400, p < 0.001). Therefore, the positively and significantly related with
first hypothesis is positive and supported. The cyberstalking (β =0.3747, t =19.624, p < 0.001).
second hypothesis is also positive and The relationship between cyber harassment and
supported, as the analysis indicates a cyber bullying was also found to be positive and
relationship between social media use and significantly (β =0.2009, t =10.246, p < 0.001).
cyberstalking (β =0.1930, t =9.702, p < 0.001). Finally, the results also confirm that
The next direct effect is the relationship between cyberstalking is significantly related to cyber
social media use and cyber engagement (β bullying (β =0.2339, t =9.762, p < 0.001), thus
=0.4426, t =27.111, p < 0.001). Therefore, confirming hypothesis number 8.
hypothesis number 3 is positive and supported. In sum, the entire hypotheses are supported by
Moreover, hypothesis number four is also the results of this study, which consistent the
positive and supported, as the analysis also majority of the prior studies that reported the
indicates a strong relationship between cyber social media use affect cyber harassment, and
engagement and cyber harassment (β =0.1528, cyberstalking which in turn effect cyber bullying
t =7.943, p < 0.001). The next hypothesis five is [35, 36, 37, 43] that showed a negative impact

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on student academic performance but are 4.5 Implications and Contribution

contradict with others [38] that showed a positive Internationally, research on cyber bullying has
impact on student academic performance. In the rapidly evolved over the last years with the
current research majority of students (84.3%) findings indicating that, similarly to university
surveyed reported that they have been victims of and school bullying, participation is related to a
repeated cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and number of factors, which can be both individual
cyberstalking, a greater proportion than has and contextual. In terms of individual factors,
been found in previous studies [11]. The most research findings indicate that boys and
majority of victims also reported a double girls participate equally in cyber bullying, but
involvement in cyber harassment, and with different forms of deviant behaviors [12, 39].
cyberstalking, both as aggressor and as victim Therefore, this research indicates that
which in turn to effect cyber bullying. Added, regardless of the fact that these social media are
young students were more cyber bullying, cyber there to enhance our social experiences but
harassment, and cyberstalking [37]. many negative experiences were identified on
Cyber bullying negatively correlated with deviant cyber bullying, cyber harassment and
behavioral control. Psychological autonomy, cyberstalking. Therefore, contributed develop a
warm involvement and on-line disinhibition model for identifying the significant factors that
significantly predicted Cyberbullying, while are anticipated to play a major role in minimizing
psychological autonomy, cyber victimization cyber harassment, cyberstalking, and cyber
[39]. Added to the above, the use of social bullying among students.
media also brings cyber harassment, and
cyberstalking which in turn affect cyber bullying. V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
However, in this research questionnaire sought This study investigated the factors that affect
responses to questions regarding specific cyber cyber bullying on cyber harassment,
bullying, cyber harassment, and cyberstalking cyberstalking among university students. In
conduct: whether the student had carried out or summary, our results indicate that exposure to
been subject to such acts. From the social media use and cyber engagement
respondents 51% got cyber bullying only, 47% amplifies cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and
got cyberstalking only, and 68% got cyber cyberstalking. These findings emphasize the
harassment only. While 84.3% respondents got importance of considering the roles that social
cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and media and cyber engagement play in everyday
cyberstalking. These findings differ a little from life in an effort to mitigate the negative effects
previous research [11, 38]. For Facebook, more associated with cyber bullying, cyber
than half of the people who use this platform harassment, and cyberstalking.
reported that have been the victims of Facebook
bullying at least one time in the last year. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Additionally, most of these students have been We would like to thank the Research
confronted with abusive actions on this platform. Management Centre (RMC) at Universiti
As the use of the internet becomes a daily Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for funding this
activity practiced by students, it is expected that project under grant number PY/2018/02903:
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Factors No Items
1 The use of bad social media is considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber
harassment, and cyber stalking.
2 Pretending to be another person without that person‟s approval on social
Social Media media is considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber
Used stalking.
3 Entering someone‟s personal page on social media without their approval is
considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber stalking.
4 I feel that using of social media will be easy in my study but sometime it‟s
considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber stalking.
5 I feel that using social media will be easy to incorporate in my study but
sometime its considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and
cyber stalking.
1 By using of social media, via interactions with other peers I had cyber
Cyber 2 By using the social media in my study has favored my personal relationships
Engagement with my peers but I had cyber engagement.
3 By using of social media, I am not satisfied with the cyber engagement.
4 By using of social media, I had frequent conversations with peers, but I had
cyber engagement.
5 By using the social media I felt that my opinions have been taken into account
via my peers but I had cyber engagement.
1 I bullied others students through social media use outside my university.
Cyber Bullying 2 I bullied others students through social media use inside my university.
3 I bullied others students through cyber engagement outside my university.
4 I bullied others students through cyber engagement inside my university.
5 I need to learn to deal with cyber bullying by myself.
1 I harassed others students through social media use outside my university.
2 I harassed others students through social media use inside my university.
Cyber 3 I harassed others students through cyber engagement outside my university.
Harassment 4 I harassed others students through cyber engagement inside my university.
5 Cyber harassment has direct influence on cyber bullying. Thus, Impact on
academic achievement.
1 I stalked others students through social media use inside my university.
2 I stalked others students through social media use outside my university.
Cyberstalking 3 I stalked others students through cyber engagement outside my university.
4 I stalked others students through cyber engagement inside my university.
5 Cyber stalking has direct influence on cyber bullying. Thus, Impact on
academic achievement.

2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
View publication stats http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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