A Model of Factors Affecting Cyber Bullying Behavi PDF
A Model of Factors Affecting Cyber Bullying Behavi PDF
A Model of Factors Affecting Cyber Bullying Behavi PDF
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This work was supported by Research Management Centre (RMC) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for funding this project under
grant number PY/2018/02903: Q.J130000.21A2.04E40.
ABSTRACT This research attempts to mitigate this gap within the literature concerning the use of social
media for cyber engagement among students. Since students often become upset when network
providers intervene, the present study aims to develop a model to measure ethics issues related to
engagement with social media. The conducted survey examines social media use with regard to cyber
engagement, cyber bullying behaviors, and being bullied, harassed, and stalked. To achieve the study
objective, the study employed a questionnaire as the main data collection method and distributed it to 242
students, all of whom use social media. The findings were obtained via a quantitative research method,
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Partial least squares (PLS). The findings from our empirical
study indicate that the assessment of discriminant validity has become an extensively acknowledged
requirement for the analysis of latent variables‟ relationships. Goodness of fit indices demonstrates a
good fit of the model. Roughly more than half of students indicated they had been bullied, harassed, and
stalked online. The proposed model will help campus administration and decision-makers formulate
strategies that can significantly reduce cyber harassment among students.
INDEX TERMS Social Media Used, Cyber Harassment, Cyberstalking, Cyber bullying
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881292, IEEE Access
effects of cyber bullying have been cyberstalking, and cyber bullying among
acknowledged, although a comprehensive students.
investigation remains to be undertaken [12].
Moreover, the negative impact of cyberstalking II. RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES
has been found to be compounded when fiscal This research considers the social media used
costs are also incurred, as this worsens the and cyber engagement to be independent
victim‟s psychological distress and sense of variables, and cyber harassment, and
persecution [13]. Thus, this research aimed to cyberstalking to be mediator variables. The
specifically proposes a model for identifying the dependent variable is cyber bullying.
significant factors that are anticipated to play a
major role in minimizing cyber harassment,
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5 CB5 0.7993
6 CH1 0.8210
7 Cyber CH2 0.7525
8 Harassment CH3 0.8364 0.907 0.903 0.632 0.532
9 CH4 0.7746
10 CH5 0.7642
11 CE1 0.8344
12 Cyber CE2 0.8023
13 Engagement CE3 0.8465 0.899 0.909 0.601 0.000
14 CE4 0.7854
15 CE5 0.8345
16 CS1 0.8123
17 Cyberstalking CS2 0.8239
18 CS3 0.7360 0.910 0.900 0.708 0.507
19 CS4 0.8228
20 CS5 0.8004
21 SMU1 0.8340
22 Social Media SMU2 0.7109
23 Used SMU3 0.8345 0.923 0.920 0.698 0.000
24 SMU4 0.7395
25 SMU5 0.7739
4.3 Discriminant Validity of Measurements exceeded 0.50. Having determined each factor‟s
The items‟ degree of difference within each item variance, it is imperative that the square
factor, as well as the difference among the root of the average variance among the relevant
factors, was tested through discriminant validity. items not be surpassed when the item
In accordance with [34], each construct‟s relationship between two factors, according to
discriminant validity was confirmed at a [29, 33]. See Table 3.
significance of p = 0.001, as all AVE results far
TABLE 3. Discriminant Validity of Measurements
Factors Code CB CH CS CE SMU
Cyber Bullying CB 0.8423
Cyber Harassment CH 0.6420 0.9732
Cyberstalking CS 0.5312 0.4329 0.9634
Cyber Engagement CE 0.5420 0.5510 0.4507 0.8316
Social Media use SMU 0.4991 0.4983 0.5501 0.4620 0.8961
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2881292, IEEE Access
Additionally, table 3 presents the variables of subsequent Structural equation modeling SEM
cyberstalking, cyber harassment and cyber stage adopted confirmatory factor analysis CFA
engagement, and social media in general, in in order to verify the posited hypotheses. Figure
relation to cyber bullying. Table 3 also provides 2 indicates that all hypotheses were accepted.
the reliability and validity scores. The
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Factors No Items
1 The use of bad social media is considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber
harassment, and cyber stalking.
2 Pretending to be another person without that person‟s approval on social
Social Media media is considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber
Used stalking.
3 Entering someone‟s personal page on social media without their approval is
considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber stalking.
4 I feel that using of social media will be easy in my study but sometime it‟s
considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and cyber stalking.
5 I feel that using social media will be easy to incorporate in my study but
sometime its considered a form of cyber bullying, cyber harassment, and
cyber stalking.
1 By using of social media, via interactions with other peers I had cyber
Cyber 2 By using the social media in my study has favored my personal relationships
Engagement with my peers but I had cyber engagement.
3 By using of social media, I am not satisfied with the cyber engagement.
4 By using of social media, I had frequent conversations with peers, but I had
cyber engagement.
5 By using the social media I felt that my opinions have been taken into account
via my peers but I had cyber engagement.
1 I bullied others students through social media use outside my university.
Cyber Bullying 2 I bullied others students through social media use inside my university.
3 I bullied others students through cyber engagement outside my university.
4 I bullied others students through cyber engagement inside my university.
5 I need to learn to deal with cyber bullying by myself.
1 I harassed others students through social media use outside my university.
2 I harassed others students through social media use inside my university.
Cyber 3 I harassed others students through cyber engagement outside my university.
Harassment 4 I harassed others students through cyber engagement inside my university.
5 Cyber harassment has direct influence on cyber bullying. Thus, Impact on
academic achievement.
1 I stalked others students through social media use inside my university.
2 I stalked others students through social media use outside my university.
Cyberstalking 3 I stalked others students through cyber engagement outside my university.
4 I stalked others students through cyber engagement inside my university.
5 Cyber stalking has direct influence on cyber bullying. Thus, Impact on
academic achievement.
2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See
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