Processed Fruit and Vegetables

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Processed Fruit and Vegetables

General information Frozen or canned fruit and

Fresh fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, vegetables
minerals and dietary fibre. Whilst most fruit and vegetables
should be eaten fresh, processed fruit and vegetables can be
acceptable alternatives. They come in many forms, including:
• Frozen carrots, peas, beans, corn and vegetable mixes.
• pre-prepared fresh
• Canned tomatoes, corn, baked beans, beetroot
• canned and baby carrots.
• frozen • Canned pineapple, peaches, apricots, pears
• dried and mixed fruits.
• juiced • Frozen mangoes, berries and pineapple.

Pre-prepared fresh fruit Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables can be a good
choice. Although it is important to remember to select
and vegetables carefully, as some products may have added sugar, fat or salt.
Common varieties include fruit salads and vegetable-based Where possible, choose varieties with no added sugar (those
salads. These are convenient, but may have a shorter storage canned in natural juice rather than syrups) and those with no
life. They may also be more expensive than whole fresh fruits added salt or saturated fat.
It is also important to check the information on the nutrition FRUIT AND VEGETABLES INCLUDE:
panel for these foods as some pre-prepared salads may include • Convenience
added ingredients, such as sauces and flavourings, fried bread • Longer shelf life
croutons or meats. Many of these ingredients can be high in
• Year round availability
saturated fat, sugar or salt and should be avoided.
• Most vitamins are retained as they are generally processed
and packaged within hours of being picked
• Easy storage
• Easy preparation
Processed Fruit and Vegetables continued

Storing and preparing your Dried fruit

processed fruit and vegetables The fibre found in dried fruit is good for you and can help
to add variety to a healthy, balanced diet. However, it is
Whilst the canning and freezing process can help protect
important to remember that because the water is removed,
food from organisms that can cause food to go off, it
dried fruit such as sultanas, apples, currants, apricots and
is important to store and prepare processed fruit and
prunes will naturally contain a lot of sugar. For this reason,
vegetables properly.
no more than one serving of dried fruit should be eaten
• Frozen fruit and vegetables should be kept at a day. An example of one serving of dried fruit is 4 dried
-18 degrees Celsius for no more than six months. apricots or 1½ tablespoons of sultanas.
When shopping, try to put frozen products in your
Dried fruit does have a longer storage life than fresh fruit,
trolley last, take them home immediately and place
however it will not last forever. Check the packet for the
them straight in the freezer.
use-by date and information on storage.
• Canned fruit and vegetables are sterilised by heating
during the canning process, and can be kept on the Fruit and vegetable juices
shelf for 2 to 4 years. Once a can is opened, however,
Fruit juice is often regarded as a healthy choice as it contains
its contents should be removed from the can, stored in
Vitamin C. However, one small glass (125 ml) of most
the refrigerator and used within a few days.
fruit juices provides the daily requirement of Vitamin C for
• Fruits and vegetables packaged in glass jars, plastic
children. More than this provides excess sugar and kilojoules
tubs and flexible pouches are generally as good as
that can contribute to weight gain.
canned products, as they undergo the same kind of
processing. Check the label on the packet for the WHEN YOU CAN:
use-by date and information on how they should • Choose 100% fruit juice rather than fruit drinks
be stored. or fruit juices with added sugar.
• Select vegetable juices that are low in added salt
As with fresh fruit and vegetables, when preparing
and sugar.
processed vegetables, microwave cooking and steaming
are better options than boiling vegetables in a large Remember, a piece of fruit is always a better choice
amount of water, as the food will keep more of its than juice as it provides essential fibre in your diet.
nutritional value.

Further information
For more information on healthy eating and physical activity for you and your family, go to:

© State of Western Australia, 2007 reproduced with permission. May 2010.

An Australian Government, State and Territory health initiative

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