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Chapter 1.

Library and information science MCQs hub

1. CAN refers to
A Computerised Area Network
B /Campus Area Network
C Campus Automated Network
D Computerisd Architecture Network
2. Which program is not related with IFLA?
D /Pre natal cataloguing
3. Which part of new encyclopedia Britan-
nica is useful for ready references?
A Macropaedia
B /Propaedia
C Micropaedia
D Premedia
4. Which libraries are functioning as deposi-
tory libraries?
i.) Delhi Public Library ii.) Connemara Public Library iii.) British Council Library iv.)
Central Reference Library
A (i), (iii), (iv) are correct
B (i) & (iii) are correct
C /(i) & (ii) are correct
D (ii) & (iii) are correct
5. Consider the following statements:
A. The maintenance section should be in near place to stock room, reading room
etc. B. The entire stock room covered by main- tenance section, for renewal of dam-
aged book.
A Statement A is true Bis false
B /Statement A and B true
C Statement A and B false
D Statement A false B true
6. PRECIS was developed by in 1971.
A /British National Bibliography
B Indian National Bibliography
D Library of Congress
7. Which of the following are news sum-
i) Data India ii) Times of India Index iii) New York Times Index iv) Asian Recorder
A (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (ii)(iii) and (iv) are correct.
D /(i) and (iv) are correct.
8. Which is National Library?
A Anna Centenary Library
B /Library of Congress
Do you know?
C Anna University Library
D British Council Library
9. A common test in research demands much
priority on
A Reliability
B Useability
C Objectivity
D /All of the above
10. In which law “Guidance to uses in the use
of library”?
A B C D 11. Physical property A B C D First Law of Library Science Third Law of
Library Science
Fifth Collation.

Organization /Second /Conservation condition maintained.This Law

12. Gate register of library shows

J Law of

A to find the user name

B for name shake
C /to know the total user strength per dayD check the library staff
Do you know?
13. Which of the following is not a circulation
A Registration of members
B Charging of overdues
C Renewal of books
D /Preparation of shelf card
14. Who was the first Librarian of Imperial Li-
brary, Calcutta?
A /John MacFarlane
B Harinath De
C B.S.Kesavan
D S.R.Ranganathan
15. Indian Science Abstract is published by:
16. How many fundamental categories did
Ranganathan identify?
A /five
B two
C six
D four
17. In 1966, the MARC as pilot project was
launched by:
B /Library of Congress
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C The British Library
D American Library Association
18. INSDOC comes under
19. What is Index India?
A Abstracting Service
B Reprographic Service
C /Indexing Service
D Translation Service
20. The essential qualities of a researcher are
A Spirit of free enquiry
B Reliance on observation and evi- dence
C Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
D /All the above
21. WIPO is located at
A New York
B London
C /Geneva
D Paris
22. “Pro Quest” is
A Traditional Commercial Publisher
B Scholarly Society Publisher
C /Electronic Aggregator
D Publisher of Higher Learning Institu- tions 23. Which Law of Library Science
the need of Library Building?
A /First Law of library science
B Second Law of library science
C Third Law of library science
D Fourth Law of library science
24. Which one is not service of circulation sec-
A /Binding of book
B Lending of book’s
C Renewal of book’s
D Discharging of book
25. An online search in which all aspects of the records in natural language may be
used as sought terms is
A Alphabetical collateral search
B Multi aspect search
C /Free text searching
D Streaming search
26. What is the symbol used in CC Ed 7 for in- dicating anterioring common isolate?
A /Double inverted comma (, , )
B Equal (=)
Do you know?
C Plus(+)
D Dot(.)
27. Internet filtering is
A /A form of censorship
B Acceptable user policy
C Access to inappropriate material
D Blocking internet facility
28. What are the four entities of FRBR model?
A Personality, Matter, Energy, Space
B Books, Form, Availability, Type
C /Work, Expression, Manifestation, ItemD Discipline, Entity, Action, Personality
29. When Madras Public Library Act was in-
A 1939
B 1940
C /1948
D 1946
30. Who is the father of Library movements in
(U.S.A.), America?
A J.D.Brown
B H.E.Bliss
C John Paul Otlet
D /Melvil Louis Kossuth Deway
31. Glossary is a:

Do you know?
A /List of technical words with defini- tions
B List of words in a language
C List of thematically arranged words
D Alphabetical index to passages of work 32. Who categorized information sources
into conventional, non-conventional, neo- conventional and micro documents?
A /Ranganathan
B Bradford
C Grogan
D Henson
33. Expand ARPA Network
A All Research Projects Agency Net- work
B /Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
C Advanced Review Projects Agency Network
D Advanced Research peer Agency Network 34. In which year was UGC
A 1973
B /1988
C 1982
D 1973
35. Which Section of AACR - II (R) deals with
serial publications?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Part - A, Section - 3
B Part - B, Section - 3
C /Part - A, Section - 12
D Part - B, Section - 12
36. What is/are common feature/s between
RFID & Barcode Technology?
i.) Read more than one item at a time ii.) Able to locate specific items on
shelves iii.) Programmable iv.) Read while item is moving
A (i), (ii) are correct
B (iii), (iv) are correct
C (ii), (iv) are correct
D /All the above are correct
37. Which of the following are the types fac-
tors studies under ANOVA?
i) Fixed ii) Frequency
iii) Calculated iv) Random
A (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B /(i) and (iv) are correct.
C (i) and (iii) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct.
38. Arrange the following according to their
year of origin:
i.) Indian National Bibliography
ii.) British National Bibliography
iii.) Cumulative Book Index
iv.) Books in Print
A (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
B (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
C (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
D /(iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
39. The Farmington plan is associated with:
A Library Legislation
B Library Cataloguing
C /Library Cooperation
D Library Indexing Service
40. SDI service is a/an
A Group Service
B /Individual Service
C Parallel Service
D Retrospective Service
41. Who is the Secretary of the College Library
A Principal
B Vice Principal
C /Librarian
D Assistant Librarian
42. The process of establishing headings and
providing ‘Cross references’ is called

Do you know?
A Access points
B Headings
C /Authority control
D Bibliographic Records
43. Thesauro facet is
A /Indexing tool
B Abstracting tool
C Book selection tool
D Reference tool
44. 45. the How sified Leading tion A B C D A B books Etc.
Descriptive 4 3 /Universal many Bibliography Cataloguing Entries
C 5 Entries
D /6 Entries
46. What is the chief record in the library?
A Catalogue
B /Accession Register
C Collection Register
Do you know?
D Shelf list
47. How is stochastic equation of information
A By statistical rules
B By dynamic rules
C /By statistical and dynamic rules
D None of these.
48. Package libraries are one of the activity of
A /Extension service
B Lending service
C Research work
D Reference work
49. Indian Copyright Act, 1957 came into ef-
fect from
A /1958
B 1959
C 1960
D 1965
50. The following is a collaborative network of
Reference Librarians
A Worldcat
C /Question point
D Global scholar
51. CCF stands for:
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A /Common Communication Format
B Centre for Communication Format
C Committee for Communication For- matD Common Curriculum Format
52. Who has evolved ‘Bureaucracy model’ of
A John A.Veig
B Harold Laski
C /Max Weber
D Joseph Massie
53. Match the following:
List - I List - II A.Trade publisher i.UNESCO B.Subject book publisher
55. The standard size of a catalogue card is
A /12.5 cm × 7.5 cm
B 12 cm × 7 cm
C 11 cm × 5 cm
D 10 cm × 4 cm
56. What is a bug?
A Computer Virus
B Error in Computer Configuration
C /Error in a Programme
D None of these
57. Which law of library science promotes
reading habit?
A Fifth
B Fourth
C Third
D /First
58. Who publishes Science Citation Index?
A /Institute for Scientific Information
B Oxford Press
C Wiley
D Clive Bingley
59. What is the another name of Added en-
A Main entry
B Cross reference entry
C /Secondary entries
8 54. C.Government Press D.Scholarly lisher

C Balagurusamy
D None of the above
Do you know?
D Subject entry
60. The term communication came from
which language?
A Greek
B /Latin
C German
D French
61. ILA Bulletin is
A /Quarterly
B Monthly
62. 63. In with a Indian the C D A B C D general the year a Bi-annual Bi-monthly
Deductive Abnormal Transcendental /Inductive process specific Library statement,
A 1931
B /1933
C 1936
D 1948
64. What is a Word Processor?
Do you know?
A Software
B Hardware
C Back end
D /Program to perform word process- ing functions 65. First Law of library science is
not con-
nected with
A Location
B Building
C /Loss of Book’s
D Furniture
66. UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was
published in the year
A 1972
B /1949
C 1948
D 1947
67. AACR I is a code meant for which cata-
A /Dictionary catalogue
B Divided catalogue
C Alphabetical catelogue
D Classified catalogue
68. Windows NT is a
A Software
B Hardware
C Tool
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D /Operating system
69. Shelf list facilitates
A Classification
B Weeding out
C /Stock verification
D Documentation
70. What does library classification mean?
A /Arrangement of ideas in a system- atic manner
B Arrangement of document according to physical form
C Arrangement of year wise
D Author wise arrangement
71. Who stated that “To provide the right book
to the right reader at the right time”?
A L.R.McColvin
B Melvil Dewey
C S.R.Ranganathan
D /Drury
72. FTP refers to
A Full Time Programmer
B /File Transfer Protocol
C File Transfer Programme
D File Task Programme
73. Which of the following gives complete control over the cross references of an in-
dex to the Indexer?
A See also cross reference
B check also cross reference
C See cross reference
D /Inverted cross reference
74. Which Indian University first started
M.Lib.Sc.& M.Phil courses
A /University of Delhi
B University of Madras
C S.N.D.T.Women University, Bombay
D Aligar Muslim University
75. Mark the ‘odd one out’:
A Cow-Calf principle
B /Principle of osmosis
C Wall picture principle
D Whole organ principle
76. SLSH stands for
A Subject Language Subdivision Head- ingB Science List of Subject Headings
C /Sears List of Subject Headings
D Science Language Subject Heading
77. Which of the following are nonprobability
i) Quota sampling ii) Judgement Sampling iii) Cluster Sampling iv) Multi-stage
Do you know?
A (i) and (iv) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C /(i) and (ii) are correct.
D (iii) and (iv) are correct.
78. By which name Delivery of Books Act
(1954) was revised in 1956?
A Delivery of Books Act, 1956
B /Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1956
C Delivery of Books and Newspaper 79. 80. Act, The places called Headquarters D
A B C D A 1956 replacement None Reference Separation Information Paris /Shelf
as of shelves of rectification
B Washington
C London
D /The Hague
81. Which one was the first scheme could be called a completely Analytico-Synthetic
classification scheme?
Do you know?
A Colon Classification 6th Edition
B Colon Classification 4th Edition
C Colon Classification 3rd Edition
D /Colon Classification 1st Edition
82. In which one is synonyms meaning?
1. Reference book 2. Rare possible book 3. Not possible book 4. In printed book
A /1 and 2
B 1 and 3
C 2 and 3
D 3 and 4
83. The ”Expansive classification’ was pub-
lished in
A 1901
B /1891
C 1933
D 1905
84. Library Ethics is a combination of what?
i.) Responsibility ii.) Accountability iii.) Commitment iv.) Decision Making
A /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
C (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
85. Generally the information sources are di-
vided mainly in to following categories?
A Primary and secondary.
B Reference and information sources.
C /Documentary and non-documentary
D Books and periodicals
86. Peter Phyrr developed this technique:
B Performance Budget
C /Zero Based Budgeting
D Line by line Budget
87. Which of the following is not covered in
Resource sharing?
A Sharing materials
B Sharing functions
C Sharing services
D /Sharing staff
88. Which kind of budget initialize with a min-
imal or zero figure for funding?
A Traditional Budget
B /Zero Based Budget
C Capital Budget
D Imposed Budget
89. How many columns are there in the acces-
sion register?
A 10
B 12
C /14
D 16
90. Which two organizations jointly publish
survey on digitization and preservation?
91. The first printed works are called
A Impensis
B /Incunabula
C Impression
D Imprimatur
92. In notational plane “Decimal fraction de-
vice” contributes to which canon?
A Uniformity
B /Relativity
C Hierarchy
D Non Hierarchy
93. The alternatives and modifications of H-
Index are
i.) I-index ii.) Pure-h Index iii.) Scimgo Journal Rank iv.) European Impact Factor
Do you know?
A (i) & (iii) are correct
B /(i) & (ii) are correct
C (i) & (iv) are correct
D (ii) & (iii) are correct 94. Indian National Bibliography is used for
A /Book Selection
B Stock verification
C Reservation
D Classification 95. Query languages come under which gen-
A B C D 96. What A B C settes, D Second Third Fifth All Non-Paper Audio /Fourth
/In is CD-ROMs, the Documents generation electronic generation meaning visual
97. Consultation of Book Replacement and
Duplication with whom?
A /with circulation section
B with technical section
C with maintenance section
D with librarian
Do you know?
98. A word book is also known as
A Index
B /Dictionary
C Monograph
D Periodical
99. To make a program safe, one should take
care of
A /Strong authentication and access controls
B Error checking controls
C Do risk analysis
D Vendor’s credibility
100. A systematic method and process of studying and evaluating whether the ex-
penditure for products, materials, or ser- vices is justified by the benefits is
A Break Even Analysis
B /Cost-Effective Analysis
C System Analysis
D Administrative Analysis
101. Arrange the following IFLA programmes according to their year of
i) UBC ii) UAP iii) ISBD iv) International MARC Office
A (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
B (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
C (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D /(iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
102. Which of the following is not an implica- tion of Fourth Law of Library Science?
A Classified arrangement
B Stack-room-guides
C Issue Methods
D /Rural Library Services
103. In the library hierarchy which level of management is responsible for execution
of policies?
A /Middle level
B Operational level
C Top level
D Lower level
104. In which device is requires when connect-
ing to Internet?
A Keyboard
B /Modem
C Eathernet cable
D Data card
105. Which of the following guides are used in
maintenance section of the library?
i.) Gangway guides ii.) Shelf guides iii.) Tier guides iv.) User guides
A (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
B /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
D (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
106. When Karnataka Public Library Act was
A /1965
B 1968
C 1972
D 1981
107. Primary Sources include:
i) Thesis ii) Patent iii) Abstracting Periodical iv) Periodical article
A (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
B (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
C /(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
D (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
108. Which of the following are reasons for ob-
solescence of information?
i) Information is considered invalid. ii) Information is valid but mostly avail-
able online. iii) Works are extensively cited. iv) Information is valid but inadequate
for exploration.
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C /(i) and (iv) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct.

Do you know?
109. Citation Indexing was first developed in
the field of
A Social Science
B /Law
C Science
D Mathematics
110. Windows edition of CDS/ISIS is named
C Windows ISIS
111. 112. of week Modes Generally D A B C D A B which WINCDS Accessioning
Documentation 40 /Classification /36 -50 of process -50 formation library hours

C 56 -65 hours
D 50 -60 hours
113. Which one is a basic service of the library?
1. Provision of General information 2. Provision of specific information 3. Assistant to
location of document
Do you know?
4. Assist to use oflibrary catalogue
A 1 and 2 are true
B 3 and 4 are true
C 2 false
D /all are correct
114. Which one of the following is correctly
A Reference service ± Special Library
B Reference books ± Theses
C /Clipping service ± Newspapers and Magazines
D CAS -+ print Journals
115. In which year reference service was
started in USA?
A 1905
B 1872
C 1873
D /1875
116. Which of the following activities are sup-
ported by UGC?
i.) Facilitating increased access to infor-
mation. ii.) Monitoring the implementation of re-
vised curriculum. iii.) Making policies for human resource
development iv.) Funding all academic libraries.
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B /(i) and (iii) are correct
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C (ii) and (iii) are correct
D (i) and (iv) are correct
117. Which association & aposs tagline is “connecting people and information”
118. In spiral of scientific method, the span of
Zenith to descendent is
A Empirical phase
B Hypothesizing phase
C /Deductive phase
D Verification phase
119. How many Auxiliary tables are there in
DDC 23rd Edition
A 16
B /6
120. Which one of the following is a Bulletin
Board Service on Internet?
A Picaso
B Google talk
C /Blog
D Oovoo
121. Open access increases the use of books ac-
cording to the
A /First law of library science
B Third law of library science
C Second’law of library science
D Fourth law of library science
122. An University providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet
A Jawaharlal Nehru University
B /Delhi University
C Mahatma Gandhi University
D University of Madras
123. Which among the following is free Audio
book site?
A Ebrary
B Virtua
C /Librivox
D Google Books
124. Library is a
A Political agency
B /Social agency
C Economic agency
D Industrial agency
125. Who said, “Public Library is the responsi- bility of Local and National
Authorities.It must be supported by specific legislation and financed by National and
Local Govn- erments”?
Do you know?
A S.R.Ranganathan
B Gopala Rao Ekbote
C Sinha Committee
D /UNESCO Manifesto
126. Information is
A Raw data
B Raw knowledge
C Input data
D /Organized data
127. The term ’literary warrant’ was first intro-
duced by
A S.R.Ranga nathan
B /E.Wyndhan Hulme
C A.Neelamegam
D 128. ISO-9960 A ROMB C D Senguptha
129. The Principle of Local Variation is mainly
applicable in:
A /Cataloguing
B Reference service
C Circulation
D Acquisition
Do you know?
130. Which is fourth law of library science?
A Every book its reader
B Every reader his/her book
C The library is a growing organism
D /Save the time of the reader
131. Weeding of un-useful books from the li- brary is emphasized by this law of
library science:
A Second law
B Third law
C Fourth law
D /Fifth law
132. In colon classification scheme ‘X’ repre-
sent for
A Sociology
B History
C /Economics
D Library and Information Science
133. Search engine is usually a web based sys-
tem for
A Searching the information available on E-mail
B /Searching the information avail- able on the web
C Searching the information available on the Laptop
D Searching the information available on the Databases
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
134. One of the authorized user makes bulk downloading of a Journal using robots
and consequently licensor blocks access of the journal.What may be the most
appropriate action (s) that librarian should initiate?
i) Cancellation of authentication of the
said user. ii) Asking the licensor for blocking up the access without prior information.
iii) Investigate and take corrective mea-
sures. iv) Notify user community of user re-
A (ii), (iv) are correct.
B (ii), (iii) are correct.
C /(i), (iii) are correct.
D (i), (ii) are correct.
135. In KWIC indexes the keyword is
A Derived from the text
B Derived from the abstract
C /Derived from the title
D Assigned by the author
136. The invisible web refers to-
A The internet, since we cannot see it
B /That part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines
C The telecommunication signals which are not seen
D The failure in accessing the web pages 137. Which of the following is not the
of Local Library Authority?
A Providing lands and buildings
B Closing the library
C /Enacting Public Library Act
D Employing Staff
138. Sir Sayaji Rao Gaekwad III established
which type of library?
A Academic Library
B /Public Library
C National Library
D Special Library
139. Which is not a input device?
A Key board
D /Plotter
140. Which organization supported in India
the Information Policy?
141. When the answer of a reference question is provided within half an hour then it
is called
A /Short range reference service
B Very short range reference service
C Long range reference service

18 N

Do you know?
D Reference service
142. Identify the place where IFLA was first
A The Hague, Netherlands
B /Edinburgh, Scotland
C Helsinki, Finland
D London
143. In fund accounting, fund can not be
used for other purposes.
A /Recurring
144. operators iii.) iv.) Which ii.) B C D A B i.) Key Action Performer Form Non-
recurring Restricted
(ii), /(i), of System (i) of the (ii) of PRECIS? and J Document following and of

(iv) action


i S h
are the main role

C (i), (iii) and (iv)
D (ii), (iii) and (i)
145. Name the University Library in India that first ”Reference Librarian” created the
postA /Madras University Library
B Mumbai University Library
Do you know?
C Delhi University Library
D Ahmedabad University Library
146. What does ZBB stand for?
A Zero Balanced Budget
B /Zero Base Budgeting
C Zero Based Budget
D Zero Balancing Budgeting
147. With which activity analysis, decision analysis and relations analysis are associ-
A Planning
B /Organizing
C Staffing
D Reporting
148. When was the Encyclopaedia Britannica
first published?
A 1765 -1769
B 1750-1754
C 1775-1779
D /1768 -1771
149. Fore runners of Internet is
150. What is the correct sequence of the fol- lowing sections of the main entry as per
classified catalogue code (CCC)?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
i.) Note Section
ii.) Leading Section
iii.) Heading Section
iv.) Title Section
A (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
B /(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
C (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
D (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
151. Which of the following is not a language
of DBMS?
D All the above
152. Who publishes INIS atom index?
A /INIS (Vienna)
153. The term Lexicography is associated
A Compilation of Encyclopedia
B Compilation of Hand books
C /Compilation of Dictionaries
D None of the above
154. Who is the father of WWW?
A John Harris
B Johan H.Alsled
C /Tim Berners Lee
D Dewey
155. Who was the first librarian of New Impe-
rial Library?
A Harinath Dey
B W.Bordan
C B.S.Keshvan
D /Mac Farlane
156. How many numbers are there in call
B /3
157. In CC, main class are divided into:
A /Facets
B Notation
C Isolates
158. When Ranganathan left to England, who can Associates with him m London,
Chief Librarian?
A Sir P.Sivasamy Iyar
B /W.C.Berwick Sayers
C Sir Maurice Gayer

20 N

Do you know?
D Prof.S.Das Gupta 159. Arrange the following in chronological
i) Unix ii) MS-DOS iii) Linux iv) Windows
A (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
B /(ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
C (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
D (iii), (i), .(iv), (ii)
160. ‘Communities’ is a component ing digital library software
B /D space
C Fedora
D 161. What A B C D i-core

Self Open Non-text /Virus is “McAfee”? replicating source checking J files

programme software of follow-

162. The committee that advices the Govern- ment in matters relating to libraries is
A /State central committee
B Local library authority
C Adhoc committee
D Executive committee
Do you know?
163. ‘Eradication of Malaria in India 190-1999’
- a report can be categorized under
A /Trend Report
B Review Report
C State of the Art Report
D Research Report
164. Identification of an e-article and paying
for full-text is known as
A /Pay-per-view
B Consortium
C Campus license
D E-subscription
165. Which two is a Library Management Soft-
ware for small libraries?
A /Library Solution and Follet
B Follet and MSN
C MSN and Tar
D LYCOS and Live Search
166. Which of the following qualities that the notations should have m the words of
A Unity, Strength, Expression
B /Uniqueness, Brevity, Expressive- nessC Union, Brief, Exposure
D Uniform, Bright, Extension
167. Who propounded “Minimum, Middling and Maximum Theories” of reference ser-
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A C.M.Winchell
B James I.Wyer
C /Samuel Rothstein
D D.W.Lewis
168. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Founda-
i) Promotes public libraries
ii) Located at Mumbai
iii) Promotes school libraries
iv) Located at Kolkata
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B /(i) and (iv) are correct
C (i) and (iii) are correct
D (iii) and (iv) are correct
169. Cataloguing -in-publication started by li-
brary of congress in the year
A /1971
B 1981
C 1991
D 2001
170. Arrange the following in the chronologi-
cal order of their first year of publication:
i) Arts and Humanities Index
ii) Social Science Citation Index
iii) ISI Web of Science
iv) Science Citation Index
A /(iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
B (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
C (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
D (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
171. Identify the correct order of the evolution
of computers
A /PC-XT, PC-AT, Mainframe, Micro
B PC-AT, PC-XT, Mainframe, Micro
C Micro, PC-AT, PC-XT, Mainframe
D Mainframe, Micro, PC-AT, PC-XT
172. Ulrich International Periodical Directory
has been published by
A /R.R.Bowker
B H.W.Wilson
C Butterworths
D R.R.Vaghn
173. What is software for a computer?
A Set of packages
B Set of databases
C Computer system
D /Set of programmes
174. The main components of an RFID system
A Handheld Reader, RFID label printer, server and External book return
B /RFID tags, readers or sensors, An- tenna and server
22 N

Do you know?
C RFID label printer, sensors, antenna and server
D RFID tags, server, external book re- turn, sensors
175. Resource sharing is a part of
A /Library cooperation
B Library Administration
C Library Management
D Library Cataloging
176. Which of the following are not the sec-
ondary sources?
177. der iii.) Which ii.) A B C D i.) copyright? Downloading multiple Placing ment
Downloading in Encyclopedia Digest
Text /Thesis

folder of book the on a J following web-server copies copyright aa

i S h
document document, are protected prohibited and printing save docu-



iv.) Downloading a document with li-

cense to use and E-mailing it
A (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
B (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
C (iii), (iv) and (ii) are correct
D /(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
Do you know?
178. Among the following which is a
A Alta Vista
B Trojan Horse
C Yahoo
D /Netscape
179. Arrange the following according to year
of publication:
i) Colon Classification
ii) Prolegomena to Classification
iii) Five Laws of Library Science
iv) Classified Catalogue Code
A iii, iv, i, ii
B /iv, ii, i, iii
C iii, i, iv, ii
D i, ii, iv, iii
180. Arrange the following according to their
year of origin:
i) Statistical Bibliography
ii) Librametery
iii) Bibliometrics
iv) Webometrics
A (ii)(iii) (i)(iv)
B (iii)(ii)(i)(iv)
C /(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)
D (ii)(i) (iii)(iv)
181. In which system of periodical registration
“Bottom and Top cards” are used?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A /Kardex
B Three card system
C Ledger system
D Register system
182. Information is
A Raw data
B Raw knowledge
C Input data
D /Organized data
183. The Unit card system associated with
A /Register card system
B Shelf card system
C Dolphi card system
D Browny card system
184. Subject classification was introduced by
A H.E.Bliss
B /J.D.Brown
C S.R.Ranganathan
D C.A.Cutter
185. SLIC Developed by
A S.R.Ranganathan
B C.A.Cutter
C /J.R.Sharp
D Derick Austin
186. Identify the chronological order of the
following Public Libraries Acts:
i) Andhra Prade h Public Libraries Act ii) Karnataka Public Libraries Act
iii) Haryana Public Libraries Act iv) Maharashtra Public Libraries Act
A (ii), (iv).(iii), (i)
B /(i), (ii).(iv), (iii)
C (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
D (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
187. Advisory Committee for libraries was set up by Government of India under the
Chairmanship of
A B.K.Sen
B S.R.Ranganathan
C B.S.Kesavan
D /K.P.Sinha
188. Which of the following are the basic com-
ponents of expert system?
i) User interface
ii) Knowledge base iii) Inference Mechanism
iv) Schema
A /(i), (ii) and (iii)
B (ii), (iii) and (iv)
C (iii), (iv) and (i)
D (iv), (iii) and (ii)
189. In which year PRECIS was introduced?

24 N

Do you know?
A /1958
B 1960
C 1962
D 1964
190. Who coined the word Bibliography?
A /Louis Jacob de Saint Charles
B Lee Ash
C J.D.Brown
D Ranganathan
191. 192. perial brary? the Which Which A B C D A B category Fayzee Statham
Sadler Chain Uniform /Richey library committee of the indexing Committee,
Committee, of be J Committee, indexing Committee, following pre-coordinate

a i
designated recommended 1916 1939

S h
does 1932 1926 as copyright not indexing? that fall into im- li-

D /Sear’s List of Subject Headings
193. What is the name of the instrument mar- keted by Remington Rand of India Ltd
for Periodical registration?
A Three card tray
B /Kardex
Do you know?
C Copier
D Printer
194. Binary system of numbers uses only
A /Two digits
B Four digits
C Eight digits
D Six digits
195. In which year and which University was
started M.Lib.Sc.Course First
A 1962 Madurai Kamaraj University
B 1968 -Delhi University
C /1968-Banaras University Varanasi
D 1968 -Annamalai University
196. Which service demands the creation of a
‘user’ profile?
B Information retrieval
D Reference service
197. The Dewey Decimal Classification di-
vides human knowledge into
A /10 basic categories.
B 100 basic categories.
C 1000 basic categories.
D 10000 basic categories.
198. ’Fair use’ is the norm for determining the
legality of
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Producing the second edition of a book
B /Photocopying an entire book
C Making available a book to another li- brary on inter-library loan
D Prescribing a book as a text book.
199. What are three types of basic languages
used in computer programming?
A Zero, low and high levels
D /Machine, Assembly and high level lannguages
200. budgeting does not take into ac- count what happened in the past but em-
phasizes on current activities.
A Formula
B /Performance
C Programme
D Zero-base
201. Arrange the following classification schemes in the order of year of origin.
A UDC, Expansive classification, DDC, CCB Expansive classification, UDC, CC, DDCC DDC, CC,
Expansive classification, UDCD /DDC, Expansive classification, UDC, CC
202. Research Primary periodicals sources are
which category of sources?
A /Primary sources
B Secondary sources
C Teritiary sources
D Non-documentary sources
203. In USA, what was student expenditure on
college and university library 1964-1965?
A $ 51.75
B /$ 52.75
C $ 53.75
D $ 54.75
204. Which of the following are review type
i) Current Awareness
ii) Trend Reports
iii) News Clippings
iv) State of the Art Report
A (i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
B (i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
C /(ii)& (iv) are correct.
D (ii) & (iii) are correct.
205. Joseph W Lippincott Award is presented
to the librarians for
A promoting love for books and read- ing.B advanced study in the field of chil- dren’s library.

26 N

Do you know?
C achievements in classification and cataloguing.
D /outstanding participation in pro- fessional library associations. 206. Find out the
odd one
A AA code
207. are the storage areas for the various
types of documents kept in a library.
208. 209. cess? APUPA A A B C D A B C D good Tasks. .Racks
Acquisition /Stacks

a i
/Classification library Pattern J building is related is with an

S h riRam
outcome which pro- of

librarian and.
A Registrar
B Building Corporation
C Finance Officer
D /Architect
210. What is the full form of MBO?
Do you know?
A Modern Budget Operation
B /Management By Objective
C Modern Bibliographic Organization
D Management By Organization
211. What are two main methods of measur- ing impact factor of any information re-
trival system? (1) Expression rate (2) Re- call rate (3) Precision rate (4) Depression
rateA (1) and (3) are correct
B /(2) and (3) are correct
C (2) and (4) are correct
D (1) and (4) are correct
212. The paper used in “pocket edition” books
are of what type?
A Superior type
B /Inferior type
C Medium type
D Ordinary type
213. Which of the following software is useful
for word processing?
C /WordStar
214. Who printed ”A.A.Code” draft?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
215. Reading centre & aposs, story hours, exhibitions and reading to literature are
forms of
A Extension service
B Service of a public library
C /Both
D None
216. Who is bringing out the ISBDs?
C Library of Congress
217. The chi-square technique is used to com-
pare the observed data with that of
A Collected raw data
B /Expected data
C Analysed data
D Graphical data
218. Who designed analytical engine?
A /Charles Babbage
B Pascal
C James Watt
D Boyl
219. Which of the following is developed by
A Oracle
B /Word Perfect
C Corel Draw
D Page maker
220. Roget’s International Thesaurus is a
A /Classified List of Words
B Book of Synonyms
C List of Standard Terms
D List of Scientific Terms
221. OAISTER is an example of digital li-
braries architecture based on
B Software Agents Architecture
C Federated Database System
D /Metadata Harvesting
222. Which of the following is not an alerting
C /Document Delivery Service
D Electronic Clipping Service
223. One of the following search engine is ex-
clusively meant for scientific information:

28 N

Do you know?
A Google
B Yahoo
D Altavista
224. Which category of sources of information
are directories?
A /Tertiary
B Non-documentary
C Primary
D Secondary
225. Motivational factors in management was
started by
A Abraham Maslow
B Doughlas Mc Gregor
C /Fredrick Herzberg
D Chester Barnard
226. Mobile library is a kind of which service?
A Reference service
B /Extension service
C Ready reference service
D Long range reference service
227. IATLIS was established in the year
A 1965
B 1966
C /1969
D 1970

Do you know?
228. Which of the following barriers, come in
the way of cooperative ventures?
1. Inadequate library collections 2. Inadequate Finance 3. Lack of support from
authorities 4. Distance between libraries
A 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B /1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
C 2, 3 and 4 are correct
D 1, 3 and 4 are correct
229. Which type of switching system is tele-
phone network?
A /Circuit switching
B Packet switching
C Message switching
D None of the above
230. Which of the following states don’t have
library legislation?
i) Haryana ii) Delhi iii) J & K iv) Manipur
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (i) and (iv) are correct.
D /(ii) and (iii) are correct.
231. A sale organized fair by a library to dis- pose of surplus and out-depted sale
books is
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Book fair
B /Book Sale
C Book stall
D Book week
232. Expansion of MALA.
A Mumbai Acquisition of Library Asso- ciation
B /Madras Library Association
C fyiunicipal Library Association
D Modern Library Association
233. ASCII has how many codes?
A /256
B 526
C 265
D 254
234. Which classification scheme was pub-
lished in 1876?
A Colon Classification
B Universal Decimal Classification
C /Dewey Decimal Classification
D Expansive Classification
235. The word “Hierarchical classification”, is
derived from philosopher who is
A Plato
B Aristotle
C /Plato and Aristotle
D No one of these above
236. Indian Patent Act, came into force in the
yearA 1972
B /1970
C 1975
D 1977
237. Which one of the following has devel- oped an automated book ordering sys-
A Jawaharlal Nehru University Library
B University of Madras Library
C Anna University Library
D /University of Missouri Library
238. ERIC is sponsored by
A US National Health Institute
B Health and Rehabilitation Services Division, A LA
C Department of Health Education & Welfare, Government of USA
D /Institute of Education Sciences of the United States Department of Education
239. International Information System on Re-
search in Documentation established by
240. CDS/ISIS, CD stands for

30 N

Do you know?
A /Computerized documentation
B Computer Disc
C Compact Disc
D Computerized Disc
241. “Prevention of Cholera in India” gener- ates following index terms according to
modified ‘Chain Indexing’, arrange them in correct order
i) India ii) Cholera iii) Disease iv) Treatment v) Medicine
A (iii), (iv), (i), (ii), (v)
B (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (v)
C /(iv), (iii), (ii), (v), (i)
D (i), (iii), (iv), (v), (ii)
242. “Students’ visit to Library is influenced by the availability of Internet”.State “Stu-
dents’ visit to library” is which kind of variable?
A Independent Variable
B Intervening Variable
C /Dependent Variable
D Intercept Variable
243. Which of the following citation style man-
uals are from the same publisher?
i.) A.P.A. ii.) Turabian iii.) Chicago

Do you know?
iv.) M.L.A.
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B /(ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (iii) and (iv) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct
244. Map Library, Record Library, comes un-
derA Academic Library
B Branch Library
C District Library
D /Special Library
245. Following is not a Web 2.0 tool:
A Blog
B Facebook
D RSS feeds
246. The distinct characteristic(s) of digital
objects are
A Physical Medium
B Logical process
C Conceptual recognition and transac- tionD /All the above
247. When the population is heterogenous, which of the following methods give bet-
ter results?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Purposive Sampling
B /Quota Sampling
C Random Sampling
D Stratified Random Sampling 248. Maintenance section is responsible for
A /Stock verification
B Classification of books
C Reservation of books
D Maintenance of statistics 249. ‘Span of control’ is associated with which
of the following?
A /Management principle
B Managerial function
C Management theory
D Complex staff pattern 250. In the binary system of numbers, 100 rep-
resents the decimal number
A 12
D /4 251. The person who provides reference ser-
vice is called
A Chief librarian
B Grade One Librarian
C Deputy Librarian
D /Reference Librarian
252. In colon classification, which mnemonic is displayed in the use of digit ‘4’ as for
pathology, disease, transport, hybrid etc.?
A /Seminal
B Systematic
C Scheduled
D Alphabetical
253. The objectives of a library catalogue were
broadly described by in 1876.
A /Charles Ammi Cutter
B S.R.Ranganathan
C Melvil Deway
D W.A.Bordon
254. CAS is defined as
A A process of dissemination of infor- mation
B A process of information
C /A process of dissemination of cur- rent information
D A simple information service
255. “Five Laws of Library Science” was first
published in
A 1925
B 1930
C /1931
D 1933
256. METS stands for

32 N

Do you know?
A /Machine Encoded Transmission System
B Metadata Encoded for Textual Sources
C Machine Encoded Textual Standard
D Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard
257. Which of the following makes a network
A Encryption
B Network Interface Card (NIC)
C D 258. Which with namic, nomenon? A B C D 259. ZOTERO A Static Fourth Third
Second /Password /Fifth /Content emphasis continuum Law is Keys Law

a i
a J of Management on Library Capture and information never Science,


h riRam
ending as restated a phe- dy-

B Reference Management System

C Serials Management System
D Bibliographic Rreference Manage- ment System
260. An appropriate source to find out de-
scriptive information is
Do you know?
A Bibliography
B Directory
C /Encyclopedia
D Dictionary
261. Who is the compiler of Web- Bibliography
of Rabindranath Tagore?
A Bengal Library Association
C National Library of India
262. Following is not a social bookmarking
site:A Digg
B Delicious
C /Sqidoo
D Facebook
263. Identify the secondary sources from the
A Standards
B Patents
C /Directories
D Journals
264. Expand DEVSIS
A Developing Science Information Sys- temB /Development Science Information System
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C Development Science Informatics System
D Defence and Science Information System 265. One of the following is not an open
A DSpace
B /Windows
C Green-stone
D Linux
266. Dr.S.R.Ranganathan stated that ”Adop- tion of Pre-natal Classification and Cat-
aloguing of all home produced book by the National Central Library.of a coun- try
would save—-percent of technical man power”.
A 90 percent
B /79 percent
C 89 percent
D 69 percent
267. A budget which mainly covers items of current revenue and expenditure is
A Programme budget
B Welfare economics
C Current budgeting
D /Capital budgeting
268. The term ’Pre-natal’ cataloguing used by
A C.A.Cutter
B Antony Panizi
C American Library Association
D /Dr.S.R.Ranganathan
269. Outlook express is available on
A Netscape
B Mozilla firefox
C Chrome
D /Internet explorer
270. In Five laws of Library Science “Every
Book its reader” is
A Second law
B /Third law
C First law
D Fourth law
271. Example of tertiary sources is
A Bibliographics
B Year books
C /Bibliography of bibliographics
D Monographs
272. Ranganathan’s “Classified catalogue
code” was published by
A University of Madras
B Tamil nadu Library Association
C Public Library Association
D /Madras Library Association
273. The first law of library science focus qn

34 N

Do you know?
A on general appeal
B on the organisation
C user and the usable item
D /on usable item
274. What is the main source of income for
Public libraries?
B Government
C /Library cess
D Gifts/Donations
275. Canon of decreasing extension to which canon?
A Canon of context
B Canon of array
C /Canon of chain
276. thor/name A D A B C version Canon KWOC KWAC /WADEX
a iS
is of currency called J KWIC augmented is with related


277. “Scitation” is the online host service of
A /American Institute of Physics
B University of Maryland
C Society for Industrial Research
D Oxford University
Do you know?
278. Which one is not a canon (as given Ran-
A /Canon of Comprehensiveness
B Canon of Consistence
C Canon of Context
D Canon of Currency
279. Which of the following is not a “Graphic
A Pie Chart
B Bar Chart
C /Table
D Histogram
280. What do you know about management?
A It is a collective process
B It is a single process
C Management is a process
D /It is a process of making collective efforts aimful
281. What is the meaning of Modular form of
library building?
A The building is in the form of model
B The building has circular rooms
C /One hall is constructed at every floor
D The area of the rooms may be in- creased or decreased
282. In classification, the sequence of two iso- lates ideas in an array is determined
by the35
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Principles of filiatory sequence
B Principles of array
C Principles of chain
D /Principles of facet sequence
283. Arrange the following in a chronological order according to their year of
establish- ment:
i.) Library of Congress ii.) NISCAIR iii.) Delivery of Books Act iv.) National Library of
A (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
B (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
C /(i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
D (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
284. “List of Subject Headings for use in dic-
tionary catalogs” brought out by
A C.A.Cutter
B Library of Congress
D The Library Association
285. Informal self education is possible in
what kind of library?
A National Library
B /Public Library
C Specific Library
D College Library
286. Expansion of ISO
A Indian Standards Organisation
B /International Standards Organisa- tionC International Science Organization
D Information Standards Organisation
287. A set of rules that govern overall data communications system is popularly
known as
A /Protocol
B Agreement
C Pact
D Memorandum
288. Which one is not a enemy of book?
A /Napthalin
B Insects
C Fire
D Dust
289. Anglo-American cataloguing rules
(AACRl) was published in the year
A 1960
B /1967
C 1970
D 1971
290. “Internet Public Library” is being main-
tained by

36 N

Do you know?
A MIT, Massachusettes
B University of Michigan
C University of Arizona
D /Drexal University
291. Find a correct answer:
1. S.R.Ranganathan’s five laws of library science 1st Edition was in 1931, 2nd
Edition 1957 2. S.R.R.Colon classification 1st Edition
was in 1933, 5th Edition in 1958
A 1 and 2 True
B /2 only False
C 1 and 2 False
D 1 only False
292. Which is the largest University Library in
the World?
A /Harward University Library, USA
B New York University Library, USA
C Delhi University Library, India
D Madras University Library, India
293. In which modes of formation the subject
”Biochemistry” is formed?
A /Fusion
B Cluster
C Distillation
D Denudation
294. User education methods can be classified

Do you know?
A Direct method
B Indirect method
C Combination of direct and indirect method
D /All of above
295. Which of the following are the compo-
nents of Search Engine?
i.) Spider ii.) TCP/IP iii.) Search Mechanism iv.) Index
A (iv), (i) and (ii)
B (iii), (ii) and (i)
C /(i), (iii) and (iv)
D (ii), (iv) and (iii)
296. Bern Convention (1886) is related with:
A Standard
B Patents
C /Copyright
D Translations
297. The description of the document present
in brief is called
A /Abstract
B Index
C Glossary
D Literature
298. ‘British Book News’ is an example of
which Bibliography?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Subject
B /Trade
C International News letter
D National News Letter
299. Information retrieval is fastest from
A Floppy Disk
B Magnetic Tape
C /Hard Disk
D None of the above
300. Who has initiated UDC?
A Melvil Dewey
B S.R.Ranganathan
C /Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine
D C.A.Cutter

Library and information science MCQs


9500 important LIS

and share it now⇒Library and information

Bonus 9500 MCQ’s ON LIS. Click on

below link.
There is a /mark for correct choice. If
not satisfied with the answers, search
the internet for correct answers.

Sky is the
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
1. CAN refers to
A Computerised Area Network
B /Campus Area Network
C Campus Automated Network
D Computerisd Architecture Network
2. Which program is not related with IFLA?
D /Pre natal cataloguing
3. Which part of new encyclopedia Britan-
nica is useful for ready references?
A Macropaedia
B /Propaedia
C Micropaedia
D Premedia
4. Which libraries are functioning as deposi-
tory libraries?
i.) Delhi Public Library ii.) Connemara Public Library iii.) British Council Library iv.)
Central Reference Library
A (i), (iii), (iv) are correct
B (i) & (iii) are correct
C /(i) & (ii) are correct
D (ii) & (iii) are correct
5. Consider the following statements:
A. The maintenance section should be in near place to stock room, reading room
etc. B. The entire stock room covered by main- tenance section, for renewal of dam-
aged book.
A Statement A is true Bis false
B /Statement A and B true
C Statement A and B false
D Statement A false B true
6. PRECIS was developed by in 1971.
A /British National Bibliography
B Indian National Bibliography
D Library of Congress
7. Which of the following are news sum-
i) Data India ii) Times of India Index iii) New York Times Index iv) Asian Recorder
A (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (ii)(iii) and (iv) are correct.
D /(i) and (iv) are correct.
8. Which is National Library?
A Anna Centenary Library
B /Library of Congress

2 N

Do you know?
C Anna University Library
D British Council Library
9. A common test in research demands much
priority on
A Reliability
B Useability
C Objectivity
D /All of the above
10. In which law “Guidance to uses in the use
of library”?
A B C D 11. Physical property A B C D First Law of Library Science Third Law of
Library Science
Fifth Collation.

Organization /Second /Conservation condition maintained.This Law J Law of

a i S
Library of of the Library books Science is known Science

should as


12. Gate register of library shows
A to find the user name
B for name shake
C /to know the total user strength per dayD check the library staff
Do you know?
13. Which of the following is not a circulation
A Registration of members
B Charging of overdues
C Renewal of books
D /Preparation of shelf card
14. Who was the first Librarian of Imperial Li-
brary, Calcutta?
A /John MacFarlane
B Harinath De
C B.S.Kesavan
D S.R.Ranganathan
15. Indian Science Abstract is published by:
16. How many fundamental categories did
Ranganathan identify?
A /five
B two
C six
D four
17. In 1966, the MARC as pilot project was
launched by:
B /Library of Congress
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C The British Library
D American Library Association
18. INSDOC comes under
19. What is Index India?
A Abstracting Service
B Reprographic Service
C /Indexing Service
D Translation Service
20. The essential qualities of a researcher are
A Spirit of free enquiry
B Reliance on observation and evi- dence
C Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
D /All the above
21. WIPO is located at
A New York
B London
C /Geneva
D Paris
22. “Pro Quest” is
A Traditional Commercial Publisher
B Scholarly Society Publisher
C /Electronic Aggregator
D Publisher of Higher Learning Institu- tions 23. Which Law of Library Science
the need of Library Building?
A /First Law of library science
B Second Law of library science
C Third Law of library science
D Fourth Law of library science
24. Which one is not service of circulation sec-
A /Binding of book
B Lending of book’s
C Renewal of book’s
D Discharging of book
25. An online search in which all aspects of the records in natural language may be
used as sought terms is
A Alphabetical collateral search
B Multi aspect search
C /Free text searching
D Streaming search
26. What is the symbol used in CC Ed 7 for in- dicating anterioring common isolate?
A /Double inverted comma (, , )
B Equal (=)

4 N

Do you know?
C Plus(+)
D Dot(.)
27. Internet filtering is
A /A form of censorship
B Acceptable user policy
C Access to inappropriate material
D Blocking internet facility
28. What are the four entities of FRBR model?
A Personality, Matter, Energy, Space
B Books, Form, Availability, Type
C /Work, Expression, Manifestation, ItemD Discipline, Entity, Action, Personality
29. When Madras Public Library Act was in-
A 1939
B 1940
C /1948
D 1946
30. Who is the father of Library movements in
(U.S.A.), America?
A J.D.Brown
B H.E.Bliss
C John Paul Otlet
D /Melvil Louis Kossuth Deway
31. Glossary is a:

Do you know?
A /List of technical words with defini- tions
B List of words in a language
C List of thematically arranged words
D Alphabetical index to passages of work 32. Who categorized information sources
into conventional, non-conventional, neo- conventional and micro documents?
A /Ranganathan
B Bradford
C Grogan
D Henson
33. Expand ARPA Network
A All Research Projects Agency Net- work
B /Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
C Advanced Review Projects Agency Network
D Advanced Research peer Agency Network 34. In which year was UGC
A 1973
B /1988
C 1982
D 1973
35. Which Section of AACR - II (R) deals with
serial publications?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Part - A, Section - 3
B Part - B, Section - 3
C /Part - A, Section - 12
D Part - B, Section - 12
36. What is/are common feature/s between
RFID & Barcode Technology?
i.) Read more than one item at a time ii.) Able to locate specific items on
shelves iii.) Programmable iv.) Read while item is moving
A (i), (ii) are correct
B (iii), (iv) are correct
C (ii), (iv) are correct
D /All the above are correct
37. Which of the following are the types fac-
tors studies under ANOVA?
i) Fixed ii) Frequency
iii) Calculated iv) Random
A (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B /(i) and (iv) are correct.
C (i) and (iii) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct.
38. Arrange the following according to their
year of origin:
i.) Indian National Bibliography
ii.) British National Bibliography
iii.) Cumulative Book Index
iv.) Books in Print
A (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
B (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
C (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
D /(iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
39. The Farmington plan is associated with:
A Library Legislation
B Library Cataloguing
C /Library Cooperation
D Library Indexing Service
40. SDI service is a/an
A Group Service
B /Individual Service
C Parallel Service
D Retrospective Service
41. Who is the Secretary of the College Library
A Principal
B Vice Principal
C /Librarian
D Assistant Librarian
42. The process of establishing headings and
providing ‘Cross references’ is called

6 N

Do you know?
A Access points
B Headings
C /Authority control
D Bibliographic Records
43. Thesauro facet is
A /Indexing tool
B Abstracting tool
C Book selection tool
D Reference tool
44. 45. the How sified Leading tion A B C D A B books Etc.
Descriptive 4 3 /Universal many Bibliography Cataloguing Entries

Entries Section, published entries J Title are is Code)? all a there

i S h
systematic Section, over in the Entries CCC Head world. list (Clas-

(Eg.) of Sec- all

C 5 Entries
D /6 Entries
46. What is the chief record in the library?
A Catalogue
B /Accession Register
C Collection Register
Do you know?
D Shelf list
47. How is stochastic equation of information
A By statistical rules
B By dynamic rules
C /By statistical and dynamic rules
D None of these.
48. Package libraries are one of the activity of
A /Extension service
B Lending service
C Research work
D Reference work
49. Indian Copyright Act, 1957 came into ef-
fect from
A /1958
B 1959
C 1960
D 1965
50. The following is a collaborative network of
Reference Librarians
A Worldcat
C /Question point
D Global scholar
51. CCF stands for:
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A /Common Communication Format
B Centre for Communication Format
C Committee for Communication For- matD Common Curriculum Format
52. Who has evolved ‘Bureaucracy model’ of
A John A.Veig
B Harold Laski
C /Max Weber
D Joseph Massie
53. Match the following:
List - I List - II A.Trade publisher i.UNESCO B.Subject book publisher
55. The standard size of a catalogue card is
A /12.5 cm × 7.5 cm
B 12 cm × 7 cm
C 11 cm × 5 cm
D 10 cm × 4 cm
56. What is a bug?
A Computer Virus
B Error in Computer Configuration
C /Error in a Programme
D None of these
57. Which law of library science promotes
reading habit?
A Fifth
B Fourth
C Third
D /First
58. Who publishes Science Citation Index?
A /Institute for Scientific Information
B Oxford Press
C Wiley
D Clive Bingley
59. What is the another name of Added en-
A Main entry
B Cross reference entry
C /Secondary entries
8 54. C.Government Press D.Scholarly lisher

Who A B C D A N A A A /A has /Tim − − − developed − ii, iv, i, B iii,

Berners-Lee B B Pub- − − − B iv, iv, iii, − C iv, C ii.American chological

iii.Harper iv.W.B.Saunders C World − − C − iii, iii, − i, D D i, Wide D D − − −

Collins − ii ii Society

C Balagurusamy
D None of the above
Do you know?
D Subject entry
60. The term communication came from
which language?
A Greek
B /Latin
C German
D French
61. ILA Bulletin is
A /Quarterly
B Monthly
62. 63. In with a Indian the C D A B C D general the year a Bi-annual Bi-monthly
Deductive Abnormal Transcendental /Inductive process specific Library statement,

J of Association statement, Reasoning Reasoning

a i S
Reasoning reasoning it Reasoning is called and was when conclude

h riRam
founded we start in to

A 1931
B /1933
C 1936
D 1948
64. What is a Word Processor?
Do you know?
A Software
B Hardware
C Back end
D /Program to perform word process- ing functions 65. First Law of library science is
not con-
nected with
A Location
B Building
C /Loss of Book’s
D Furniture
66. UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was
published in the year
A 1972
B /1949
C 1948
D 1947
67. AACR I is a code meant for which cata-
A /Dictionary catalogue
B Divided catalogue
C Alphabetical catelogue
D Classified catalogue
68. Windows NT is a
A Software
B Hardware
C Tool
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D /Operating system
69. Shelf list facilitates
A Classification
B Weeding out
C /Stock verification
D Documentation
70. What does library classification mean?
A /Arrangement of ideas in a system- atic manner
B Arrangement of document according to physical form
C Arrangement of year wise
D Author wise arrangement
71. Who stated that “To provide the right book
to the right reader at the right time”?
A L.R.McColvin
B Melvil Dewey
C S.R.Ranganathan
D /Drury
72. FTP refers to
A Full Time Programmer
B /File Transfer Protocol
C File Transfer Programme
D File Task Programme
73. Which of the following gives complete control over the cross references of an in-
dex to the Indexer?
A See also cross reference
B check also cross reference
C See cross reference
D /Inverted cross reference
74. Which Indian University first started
M.Lib.Sc.& M.Phil courses
A /University of Delhi
B University of Madras
C S.N.D.T.Women University, Bombay
D Aligar Muslim University
75. Mark the ‘odd one out’:
A Cow-Calf principle
B /Principle of osmosis
C Wall picture principle
D Whole organ principle
76. SLSH stands for
A Subject Language Subdivision Head- ingB Science List of Subject Headings
C /Sears List of Subject Headings
D Science Language Subject Heading
77. Which of the following are nonprobability
i) Quota sampling ii) Judgement Sampling iii) Cluster Sampling iv) Multi-stage

10 N

Do you know?
A (i) and (iv) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C /(i) and (ii) are correct.
D (iii) and (iv) are correct.
78. By which name Delivery of Books Act
(1954) was revised in 1956?
A Delivery of Books Act, 1956
B /Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act, 1956
C Delivery of Books and Newspaper 79. 80. Act, The places called Headquarters D
A B C D A 1956 replacement None Reference Separation Information Paris /Shelf

as of shelves of rectification J the of service of IFLA above service of at

i S h
rare book regular is books located in intervals the in: proper is

B Washington
C London
D /The Hague
81. Which one was the first scheme could be called a completely Analytico-Synthetic
classification scheme?
Do you know?
A Colon Classification 6th Edition
B Colon Classification 4th Edition
C Colon Classification 3rd Edition
D /Colon Classification 1st Edition
82. In which one is synonyms meaning?
1. Reference book 2. Rare possible book 3. Not possible book 4. In printed book
A /1 and 2
B 1 and 3
C 2 and 3
D 3 and 4
83. The ”Expansive classification’ was pub-
lished in
A 1901
B /1891
C 1933
D 1905
84. Library Ethics is a combination of what?
i.) Responsibility ii.) Accountability iii.) Commitment iv.) Decision Making
A /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
C (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
85. Generally the information sources are di-
vided mainly in to following categories?
A Primary and secondary.
B Reference and information sources.
C /Documentary and non-documentary
D Books and periodicals
86. Peter Phyrr developed this technique:
B Performance Budget
C /Zero Based Budgeting
D Line by line Budget
87. Which of the following is not covered in
Resource sharing?
A Sharing materials
B Sharing functions
C Sharing services
D /Sharing staff
88. Which kind of budget initialize with a min-
imal or zero figure for funding?
A Traditional Budget
B /Zero Based Budget
C Capital Budget
D Imposed Budget
89. How many columns are there in the acces-
sion register?
A 10
B 12
C /14
D 16
90. Which two organizations jointly publish
survey on digitization and preservation?
91. The first printed works are called
A Impensis
B /Incunabula
C Impression
D Imprimatur
92. In notational plane “Decimal fraction de-
vice” contributes to which canon?
A Uniformity
B /Relativity
C Hierarchy
D Non Hierarchy
93. The alternatives and modifications of H-
Index are
i.) I-index ii.) Pure-h Index iii.) Scimgo Journal Rank iv.) European Impact Factor

12 N

Do you know?
A (i) & (iii) are correct
B /(i) & (ii) are correct
C (i) & (iv) are correct
D (ii) & (iii) are correct 94. Indian National Bibliography is used for
A /Book Selection
B Stock verification
C Reservation
D Classification 95. Query languages come under which gen-
A B C D 96. What A B C settes, D Second Third Fifth All Non-Paper Audio /Fourth
/In is CD-ROMs, the Documents generation electronic generation meaning visual

generation J generation documents etc.
i S h
other of form E-Documents? than such printed as Cas-

97. Consultation of Book Replacement and
Duplication with whom?
A /with circulation section
B with technical section
C with maintenance section
D with librarian
Do you know?
98. A word book is also known as
A Index
B /Dictionary
C Monograph
D Periodical
99. To make a program safe, one should take
care of
A /Strong authentication and access controls
B Error checking controls
C Do risk analysis
D Vendor’s credibility
100. A systematic method and process of studying and evaluating whether the ex-
penditure for products, materials, or ser- vices is justified by the benefits is
A Break Even Analysis
B /Cost-Effective Analysis
C System Analysis
D Administrative Analysis
101. Arrange the following IFLA programmes according to their year of
i) UBC ii) UAP iii) ISBD iv) International MARC Office
A (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
B (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
C (iv), (i), (ii), (iii)
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D /(iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
102. Which of the following is not an implica- tion of Fourth Law of Library Science?
A Classified arrangement
B Stack-room-guides
C Issue Methods
D /Rural Library Services
103. In the library hierarchy which level of management is responsible for execution
of policies?
A /Middle level
B Operational level
C Top level
D Lower level
104. In which device is requires when connect-
ing to Internet?
A Keyboard
B /Modem
C Eathernet cable
D Data card
105. Which of the following guides are used in
maintenance section of the library?
i.) Gangway guides ii.) Shelf guides iii.) Tier guides iv.) User guides
A (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
B /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
D (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
106. When Karnataka Public Library Act was
A /1965
B 1968
C 1972
D 1981
107. Primary Sources include:
i) Thesis ii) Patent iii) Abstracting Periodical iv) Periodical article
A (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
B (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
C /(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
D (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
108. Which of the following are reasons for ob-
solescence of information?
i) Information is considered invalid. ii) Information is valid but mostly avail-
able online. iii) Works are extensively cited. iv) Information is valid but inadequate
for exploration.
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C /(i) and (iv) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct.

14 N

Do you know?
109. Citation Indexing was first developed in
the field of
A Social Science
B /Law
C Science
D Mathematics
110. Windows edition of CDS/ISIS is named
C Windows ISIS
111. 112. of week Modes Generally D A B C D A B which WINCDS Accessioning
Documentation 40 /Classification /36 -50 of process -50 formation library hours

a i
J hours of staff the of subject working library?

S h riRam
are hours the part per

C 56 -65 hours
D 50 -60 hours
113. Which one is a basic service of the library?
1. Provision of General information 2. Provision of specific information 3. Assistant to
location of document
Do you know?
4. Assist to use oflibrary catalogue
A 1 and 2 are true
B 3 and 4 are true
C 2 false
D /all are correct
114. Which one of the following is correctly
A Reference service ± Special Library
B Reference books ± Theses
C /Clipping service ± Newspapers and Magazines
D CAS -+ print Journals
115. In which year reference service was
started in USA?
A 1905
B 1872
C 1873
D /1875
116. Which of the following activities are sup-
ported by UGC?
i.) Facilitating increased access to infor-
mation. ii.) Monitoring the implementation of re-
vised curriculum. iii.) Making policies for human resource
development iv.) Funding all academic libraries.
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B /(i) and (iii) are correct
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C (ii) and (iii) are correct
D (i) and (iv) are correct
117. Which association & aposs tagline is “connecting people and information”
118. In spiral of scientific method, the span of
Zenith to descendent is
A Empirical phase
B Hypothesizing phase
C /Deductive phase
D Verification phase
119. How many Auxiliary tables are there in
DDC 23rd Edition
A 16
B /6
120. Which one of the following is a Bulletin
Board Service on Internet?
A Picaso
B Google talk
C /Blog
D Oovoo
121. Open access increases the use of books ac-
cording to the
A /First law of library science
B Third law of library science
C Second’law of library science
D Fourth law of library science
122. An University providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet
A Jawaharlal Nehru University
B /Delhi University
C Mahatma Gandhi University
D University of Madras
123. Which among the following is free Audio
book site?
A Ebrary
B Virtua
C /Librivox
D Google Books
124. Library is a
A Political agency
B /Social agency
C Economic agency
D Industrial agency
125. Who said, “Public Library is the responsi- bility of Local and National
Authorities.It must be supported by specific legislation and financed by National and
Local Govn- erments”?

16 N

Do you know?
A S.R.Ranganathan
B Gopala Rao Ekbote
C Sinha Committee
D /UNESCO Manifesto
126. Information is
A Raw data
B Raw knowledge
C Input data
D /Organized data
127. The term ’literary warrant’ was first intro-
duced by
A S.R.Ranga nathan
B /E.Wyndhan Hulme
C A.Neelamegam
D 128. ISO-9960 A ROMB C D Senguptha

Standard Standard Standard /Standard is related J for for for for Computer

iS h ri
Information Networking encoding with? data on CD- Hardware

129. The Principle of Local Variation is mainly
applicable in:
A /Cataloguing
B Reference service
C Circulation
D Acquisition
Do you know?
130. Which is fourth law of library science?
A Every book its reader
B Every reader his/her book
C The library is a growing organism
D /Save the time of the reader
131. Weeding of un-useful books from the li- brary is emphasized by this law of
library science:
A Second law
B Third law
C Fourth law
D /Fifth law
132. In colon classification scheme ‘X’ repre-
sent for
A Sociology
B History
C /Economics
D Library and Information Science
133. Search engine is usually a web based sys-
tem for
A Searching the information available on E-mail
B /Searching the information avail- able on the web
C Searching the information available on the Laptop
D Searching the information available on the Databases
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
134. One of the authorized user makes bulk downloading of a Journal using robots
and consequently licensor blocks access of the journal.What may be the most
appropriate action (s) that librarian should initiate?
i) Cancellation of authentication of the
said user. ii) Asking the licensor for blocking up the access without prior information.
iii) Investigate and take corrective mea-
sures. iv) Notify user community of user re-
A (ii), (iv) are correct.
B (ii), (iii) are correct.
C /(i), (iii) are correct.
D (i), (ii) are correct.
135. In KWIC indexes the keyword is
A Derived from the text
B Derived from the abstract
C /Derived from the title
D Assigned by the author
136. The invisible web refers to-
A The internet, since we cannot see it
B /That part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines
C The telecommunication signals which are not seen
D The failure in accessing the web pages 137. Which of the following is not the
of Local Library Authority?
A Providing lands and buildings
B Closing the library
C /Enacting Public Library Act
D Employing Staff
138. Sir Sayaji Rao Gaekwad III established
which type of library?
A Academic Library
B /Public Library
C National Library
D Special Library
139. Which is not a input device?
A Key board
D /Plotter
140. Which organization supported in India
the Information Policy?
141. When the answer of a reference question is provided within half an hour then it
is called
A /Short range reference service
B Very short range reference service
C Long range reference service

18 N

Do you know?
D Reference service
142. Identify the place where IFLA was first
A The Hague, Netherlands
B /Edinburgh, Scotland
C Helsinki, Finland
D London
143. In fund accounting, fund can not be
used for other purposes.
A /Recurring
144. operators iii.) iv.) Which ii.) B C D A B i.) Key Action Performer Form Non-
recurring Restricted

(ii), /(i), of System (i) of the (ii) of PRECIS? and JDocument following and of

(iv) action


i S h
are the main role

C (i), (iii) and (iv)
D (ii), (iii) and (i)
145. Name the University Library in India that first ”Reference Librarian” created the
postA /Madras University Library
B Mumbai University Library
Do you know?
C Delhi University Library
D Ahmedabad University Library
146. What does ZBB stand for?
A Zero Balanced Budget
B /Zero Base Budgeting
C Zero Based Budget
D Zero Balancing Budgeting
147. With which activity analysis, decision analysis and relations analysis are associ-
A Planning
B /Organizing
C Staffing
D Reporting
148. When was the Encyclopaedia Britannica
first published?
A 1765 -1769
B 1750-1754
C 1775-1779
D /1768 -1771
149. Fore runners of Internet is
150. What is the correct sequence of the fol- lowing sections of the main entry as per
classified catalogue code (CCC)?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
i.) Note Section
ii.) Leading Section
iii.) Heading Section
iv.) Title Section
A (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
B /(ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
C (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
D (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
151. Which of the following is not a language
of DBMS?
D All the above
152. Who publishes INIS atom index?
A /INIS (Vienna)
153. The term Lexicography is associated
A Compilation of Encyclopedia
B Compilation of Hand books
C /Compilation of Dictionaries
D None of the above
154. Who is the father of WWW?
A John Harris
B Johan H.Alsled
C /Tim Berners Lee
D Dewey
155. Who was the first librarian of New Impe-
rial Library?
A Harinath Dey
B W.Bordan
C B.S.Keshvan
D /Mac Farlane
156. How many numbers are there in call
B /3
157. In CC, main class are divided into:
A /Facets
B Notation
C Isolates
158. When Ranganathan left to England, who can Associates with him m London,
Chief Librarian?
A Sir P.Sivasamy Iyar
B /W.C.Berwick Sayers
C Sir Maurice Gayer

20 N

Do you know?
D Prof.S.Das Gupta 159. Arrange the following in chronological
i) Unix ii) MS-DOS iii) Linux iv) Windows
A (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
B /(ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
C (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
D (iii), (i), .(iv), (ii)
160. ‘Communities’ is a component ing digital library software
B /D space
C Fedora
D 161. What A B C D i-core
Self Open Non-text /Virus is “McAfee”? replicating source checking J files


programme software of follow-

162. The committee that advices the Govern- ment in matters relating to libraries is
A /State central committee
B Local library authority
C Adhoc committee
D Executive committee
Do you know?
163. ‘Eradication of Malaria in India 190-1999’
- a report can be categorized under
A /Trend Report
B Review Report
C State of the Art Report
D Research Report
164. Identification of an e-article and paying
for full-text is known as
A /Pay-per-view
B Consortium
C Campus license
D E-subscription
165. Which two is a Library Management Soft-
ware for small libraries?
A /Library Solution and Follet
B Follet and MSN
C MSN and Tar
D LYCOS and Live Search
166. Which of the following qualities that the notations should have m the words of
A Unity, Strength, Expression
B /Uniqueness, Brevity, Expressive- nessC Union, Brief, Exposure
D Uniform, Bright, Extension
167. Who propounded “Minimum, Middling and Maximum Theories” of reference ser-
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A C.M.Winchell
B James I.Wyer
C /Samuel Rothstein
D D.W.Lewis
168. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Founda-
i) Promotes public libraries
ii) Located at Mumbai
iii) Promotes school libraries
iv) Located at Kolkata
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B /(i) and (iv) are correct
C (i) and (iii) are correct
D (iii) and (iv) are correct
169. Cataloguing -in-publication started by li-
brary of congress in the year
A /1971
B 1981
C 1991
D 2001
170. Arrange the following in the chronologi-
cal order of their first year of publication:
i) Arts and Humanities Index
ii) Social Science Citation Index
iii) ISI Web of Science
iv) Science Citation Index
A /(iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
B (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
C (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
D (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
171. Identify the correct order of the evolution
of computers
A /PC-XT, PC-AT, Mainframe, Micro
B PC-AT, PC-XT, Mainframe, Micro
C Micro, PC-AT, PC-XT, Mainframe
D Mainframe, Micro, PC-AT, PC-XT
172. Ulrich International Periodical Directory
has been published by
A /R.R.Bowker
B H.W.Wilson
C Butterworths
D R.R.Vaghn
173. What is software for a computer?
A Set of packages
B Set of databases
C Computer system
D /Set of programmes
174. The main components of an RFID system
A Handheld Reader, RFID label printer, server and External book return
B /RFID tags, readers or sensors, An- tenna and server

22 N

Do you know?
C RFID label printer, sensors, antenna and server
D RFID tags, server, external book re- turn, sensors
175. Resource sharing is a part of
A /Library cooperation
B Library Administration
C Library Management
D Library Cataloging
176. Which of the following are not the sec-
ondary sources?
177. der iii.) Which ii.) A B C D i.) copyright? Downloading multiple Placing ment
Downloading in Encyclopedia Digest
Text /Thesis

folder of book the on a J following web-server copies copyright aa

i S h
document document, are protected prohibited and printing save docu-


iv.) Downloading a document with li-

cense to use and E-mailing it
A (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
B (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
C (iii), (iv) and (ii) are correct
D /(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
Do you know?
178. Among the following which is a
A Alta Vista
B Trojan Horse
C Yahoo
D /Netscape
179. Arrange the following according to year
of publication:
i) Colon Classification
ii) Prolegomena to Classification
iii) Five Laws of Library Science
iv) Classified Catalogue Code
A iii, iv, i, ii
B /iv, ii, i, iii
C iii, i, iv, ii
D i, ii, iv, iii
180. Arrange the following according to their
year of origin:
i) Statistical Bibliography
ii) Librametery
iii) Bibliometrics
iv) Webometrics
A (ii)(iii) (i)(iv)
B (iii)(ii)(i)(iv)
C /(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)
D (ii)(i) (iii)(iv)
181. In which system of periodical registration
“Bottom and Top cards” are used?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A /Kardex
B Three card system
C Ledger system
D Register system
182. Information is
A Raw data
B Raw knowledge
C Input data
D /Organized data
183. The Unit card system associated with
A /Register card system
B Shelf card system
C Dolphi card system
D Browny card system
184. Subject classification was introduced by
A H.E.Bliss
B /J.D.Brown
C S.R.Ranganathan
D C.A.Cutter
185. SLIC Developed by
A S.R.Ranganathan
B C.A.Cutter
C /J.R.Sharp
D Derick Austin
186. Identify the chronological order of the
following Public Libraries Acts:
i) Andhra Prade h Public Libraries Act ii) Karnataka Public Libraries Act
iii) Haryana Public Libraries Act iv) Maharashtra Public Libraries Act
A (ii), (iv).(iii), (i)
B /(i), (ii).(iv), (iii)
C (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
D (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
187. Advisory Committee for libraries was set up by Government of India under the
Chairmanship of
A B.K.Sen
B S.R.Ranganathan
C B.S.Kesavan
D /K.P.Sinha
188. Which of the following are the basic com-
ponents of expert system?
i) User interface
ii) Knowledge base iii) Inference Mechanism
iv) Schema
A /(i), (ii) and (iii)
B (ii), (iii) and (iv)
C (iii), (iv) and (i)
D (iv), (iii) and (ii)
189. In which year PRECIS was introduced?

24 N

Do you know?
A /1958
B 1960
C 1962
D 1964
190. Who coined the word Bibliography?
A /Louis Jacob de Saint Charles
B Lee Ash
C J.D.Brown
D Ranganathan
191. 192. perial brary? the Which Which A B C D A B category Fayzee Statham
Sadler Chain Uniform /Richey library committee of the indexing Committee,

Committee, of be J Committee, indexing Committee, following pre-coordinate

a i
designated recommended 1916 1939

S h
does 1932 1926 as copyright not indexing? that fall into im- li-

D /Sear’s List of Subject Headings
193. What is the name of the instrument mar- keted by Remington Rand of India Ltd
for Periodical registration?
A Three card tray
B /Kardex
Do you know?
C Copier
D Printer
194. Binary system of numbers uses only
A /Two digits
B Four digits
C Eight digits
D Six digits
195. In which year and which University was
started M.Lib.Sc.Course First
A 1962 Madurai Kamaraj University
B 1968 -Delhi University
C /1968-Banaras University Varanasi
D 1968 -Annamalai University
196. Which service demands the creation of a
‘user’ profile?
B Information retrieval
D Reference service
197. The Dewey Decimal Classification di-
vides human knowledge into
A /10 basic categories.
B 100 basic categories.
C 1000 basic categories.
D 10000 basic categories.
198. ’Fair use’ is the norm for determining the
legality of
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Producing the second edition of a book
B /Photocopying an entire book
C Making available a book to another li- brary on inter-library loan
D Prescribing a book as a text book.
199. What are three types of basic languages
used in computer programming?
A Zero, low and high levels
D /Machine, Assembly and high level lannguages
200. budgeting does not take into ac- count what happened in the past but em-
phasizes on current activities.
A Formula
B /Performance
C Programme
D Zero-base
201. Arrange the following classification schemes in the order of year of origin.
A UDC, Expansive classification, DDC, CCB Expansive classification, UDC, CC, DDCC DDC, CC,
Expansive classification, UDCD /DDC, Expansive classification, UDC, CC
202. Research Primary periodicals sources are
which category of sources?
A /Primary sources
B Secondary sources
C Teritiary sources
D Non-documentary sources
203. In USA, what was student expenditure on
college and university library 1964-1965?
A $ 51.75
B /$ 52.75
C $ 53.75
D $ 54.75
204. Which of the following are review type
i) Current Awareness
ii) Trend Reports
iii) News Clippings
iv) State of the Art Report
A (i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
B (i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
C /(ii)& (iv) are correct.
D (ii) & (iii) are correct.
205. Joseph W Lippincott Award is presented
to the librarians for
A promoting love for books and read- ing.B advanced study in the field of chil- dren’s library.

26 N

Do you know?
C achievements in classification and cataloguing.
D /outstanding participation in pro- fessional library associations. 206. Find out the
odd one
A AA code
207. are the storage areas for the various
types of documents kept in a library.
208. 209. cess? APUPA A A B C D A B C D good Tasks. .Racks
Acquisition /Stacks
a i
/Classification library Pattern J building is related is with an

S h riRam
outcome which pro- of

librarian and.
A Registrar
B Building Corporation
C Finance Officer
D /Architect
210. What is the full form of MBO?
Do you know?
A Modern Budget Operation
B /Management By Objective
C Modern Bibliographic Organization
D Management By Organization
211. What are two main methods of measur- ing impact factor of any information re-
trival system? (1) Expression rate (2) Re- call rate (3) Precision rate (4) Depression
rateA (1) and (3) are correct
B /(2) and (3) are correct
C (2) and (4) are correct
D (1) and (4) are correct
212. The paper used in “pocket edition” books
are of what type?
A Superior type
B /Inferior type
C Medium type
D Ordinary type
213. Which of the following software is useful
for word processing?
C /WordStar
214. Who printed ”A.A.Code” draft?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
215. Reading centre & aposs, story hours, exhibitions and reading to literature are
forms of
A Extension service
B Service of a public library
C /Both
D None
216. Who is bringing out the ISBDs?
C Library of Congress
217. The chi-square technique is used to com-
pare the observed data with that of
A Collected raw data
B /Expected data
C Analysed data
D Graphical data
218. Who designed analytical engine?
A /Charles Babbage
B Pascal
C James Watt
D Boyl
219. Which of the following is developed by
A Oracle
B /Word Perfect
C Corel Draw
D Page maker
220. Roget’s International Thesaurus is a
A /Classified List of Words
B Book of Synonyms
C List of Standard Terms
D List of Scientific Terms
221. OAISTER is an example of digital li-
braries architecture based on
B Software Agents Architecture
C Federated Database System
D /Metadata Harvesting
222. Which of the following is not an alerting
C /Document Delivery Service
D Electronic Clipping Service
223. One of the following search engine is ex-
clusively meant for scientific information:
28 N

Do you know?
A Google
B Yahoo
D Altavista
224. Which category of sources of information
are directories?
A /Tertiary
B Non-documentary
C Primary
D Secondary
225. Motivational factors in management was
started by
A Abraham Maslow
B Doughlas Mc Gregor
C /Fredrick Herzberg
D Chester Barnard
226. Mobile library is a kind of which service?
A Reference service
B /Extension service
C Ready reference service
D Long range reference service
227. IATLIS was established in the year
A 1965
B 1966
C /1969
D 1970

Do you know?
228. Which of the following barriers, come in
the way of cooperative ventures?
1. Inadequate library collections 2. Inadequate Finance 3. Lack of support from
authorities 4. Distance between libraries
A 1, 2 and 3 are correct
B /1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct
C 2, 3 and 4 are correct
D 1, 3 and 4 are correct
229. Which type of switching system is tele-
phone network?
A /Circuit switching
B Packet switching
C Message switching
D None of the above
230. Which of the following states don’t have
library legislation?
i) Haryana ii) Delhi iii) J & K iv) Manipur
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (i) and (iv) are correct.
D /(ii) and (iii) are correct.
231. A sale organized fair by a library to dis- pose of surplus and out-depted sale
books is
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Book fair
B /Book Sale
C Book stall
D Book week
232. Expansion of MALA.
A Mumbai Acquisition of Library Asso- ciation
B /Madras Library Association
C fyiunicipal Library Association
D Modern Library Association
233. ASCII has how many codes?
A /256
B 526
C 265
D 254
234. Which classification scheme was pub-
lished in 1876?
A Colon Classification
B Universal Decimal Classification
C /Dewey Decimal Classification
D Expansive Classification
235. The word “Hierarchical classification”, is
derived from philosopher who is
A Plato
B Aristotle
C /Plato and Aristotle
D No one of these above
236. Indian Patent Act, came into force in the
yearA 1972
B /1970
C 1975
D 1977
237. Which one of the following has devel- oped an automated book ordering sys-
A Jawaharlal Nehru University Library
B University of Madras Library
C Anna University Library
D /University of Missouri Library
238. ERIC is sponsored by
A US National Health Institute
B Health and Rehabilitation Services Division, A LA
C Department of Health Education & Welfare, Government of USA
D /Institute of Education Sciences of the United States Department of Education
239. International Information System on Re-
search in Documentation established by
240. CDS/ISIS, CD stands for

30 N

Do you know?
A /Computerized documentation
B Computer Disc
C Compact Disc
D Computerized Disc
241. “Prevention of Cholera in India” gener- ates following index terms according to
modified ‘Chain Indexing’, arrange them in correct order
i) India ii) Cholera iii) Disease iv) Treatment v) Medicine
A (iii), (iv), (i), (ii), (v)
B (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (v)
C /(iv), (iii), (ii), (v), (i)
D (i), (iii), (iv), (v), (ii)
242. “Students’ visit to Library is influenced by the availability of Internet”.State “Stu-
dents’ visit to library” is which kind of variable?
A Independent Variable
B Intervening Variable
C /Dependent Variable
D Intercept Variable
243. Which of the following citation style man-
uals are from the same publisher?
i.) A.P.A. ii.) Turabian iii.) Chicago

Do you know?
iv.) M.L.A.
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B /(ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (iii) and (iv) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct
244. Map Library, Record Library, comes un-
derA Academic Library
B Branch Library
C District Library
D /Special Library
245. Following is not a Web 2.0 tool:
A Blog
B Facebook
D RSS feeds
246. The distinct characteristic(s) of digital
objects are
A Physical Medium
B Logical process
C Conceptual recognition and transac- tionD /All the above
247. When the population is heterogenous, which of the following methods give bet-
ter results?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Purposive Sampling
B /Quota Sampling
C Random Sampling
D Stratified Random Sampling 248. Maintenance section is responsible for
A /Stock verification
B Classification of books
C Reservation of books
D Maintenance of statistics 249. ‘Span of control’ is associated with which
of the following?
A /Management principle
B Managerial function
C Management theory
D Complex staff pattern 250. In the binary system of numbers, 100 rep-
resents the decimal number
A 12
D /4 251. The person who provides reference ser-
vice is called
A Chief librarian
B Grade One Librarian
C Deputy Librarian
D /Reference Librarian
252. In colon classification, which mnemonic is displayed in the use of digit ‘4’ as for
pathology, disease, transport, hybrid etc.?
A /Seminal
B Systematic
C Scheduled
D Alphabetical
253. The objectives of a library catalogue were
broadly described by in 1876.
A /Charles Ammi Cutter
B S.R.Ranganathan
C Melvil Deway
D W.A.Bordon
254. CAS is defined as
A A process of dissemination of infor- mation
B A process of information
C /A process of dissemination of cur- rent information
D A simple information service
255. “Five Laws of Library Science” was first
published in
A 1925
B 1930
C /1931
D 1933
256. METS stands for

32 N

Do you know?
A /Machine Encoded Transmission System
B Metadata Encoded for Textual Sources
C Machine Encoded Textual Standard
D Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard
257. Which of the following makes a network
A Encryption
B Network Interface Card (NIC)
C D 258. Which with namic, nomenon? A B C D 259. ZOTERO A Static Fourth Third
Second /Password /Fifth /Content emphasis continuum Law is Keys Law
a i
a J of Management on Library Capture and information never Science,


h riRam
ending as restated a phe- dy-

B Reference Management System

C Serials Management System
D Bibliographic Rreference Manage- ment System
260. An appropriate source to find out de-
scriptive information is
Do you know?
A Bibliography
B Directory
C /Encyclopedia
D Dictionary
261. Who is the compiler of Web- Bibliography
of Rabindranath Tagore?
A Bengal Library Association
C National Library of India
262. Following is not a social bookmarking
site:A Digg
B Delicious
C /Sqidoo
D Facebook
263. Identify the secondary sources from the
A Standards
B Patents
C /Directories
D Journals
264. Expand DEVSIS
A Developing Science Information Sys- temB /Development Science Information System
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C Development Science Informatics System
D Defence and Science Information System 265. One of the following is not an open
A DSpace
B /Windows
C Green-stone
D Linux
266. Dr.S.R.Ranganathan stated that ”Adop- tion of Pre-natal Classification and Cat-
aloguing of all home produced book by the National Central Library.of a coun- try
would save—-percent of technical man power”.
A 90 percent
B /79 percent
C 89 percent
D 69 percent
267. A budget which mainly covers items of current revenue and expenditure is
A Programme budget
B Welfare economics
C Current budgeting
D /Capital budgeting
268. The term ’Pre-natal’ cataloguing used by
A C.A.Cutter
B Antony Panizi
C American Library Association
D /Dr.S.R.Ranganathan
269. Outlook express is available on
A Netscape
B Mozilla firefox
C Chrome
D /Internet explorer
270. In Five laws of Library Science “Every
Book its reader” is
A Second law
B /Third law
C First law
D Fourth law
271. Example of tertiary sources is
A Bibliographics
B Year books
C /Bibliography of bibliographics
D Monographs
272. Ranganathan’s “Classified catalogue
code” was published by
A University of Madras
B Tamil nadu Library Association
C Public Library Association
D /Madras Library Association
273. The first law of library science focus qn

34 N

Do you know?
A on general appeal
B on the organisation
C user and the usable item
D /on usable item
274. What is the main source of income for
Public libraries?
B Government
C /Library cess
D Gifts/Donations
275. Canon of decreasing extension to which canon?
A Canon of context
B Canon of array
C /Canon of chain
276. thor/name A D A B C version Canon KWOC KWAC /WADEX

a iS
is of currency called J KWIC augmented is with related


277. “Scitation” is the online host service of
A /American Institute of Physics
B University of Maryland
C Society for Industrial Research
D Oxford University
Do you know?
278. Which one is not a canon (as given Ran-
A /Canon of Comprehensiveness
B Canon of Consistence
C Canon of Context
D Canon of Currency
279. Which of the following is not a “Graphic
A Pie Chart
B Bar Chart
C /Table
D Histogram
280. What do you know about management?
A It is a collective process
B It is a single process
C Management is a process
D /It is a process of making collective efforts aimful
281. What is the meaning of Modular form of
library building?
A The building is in the form of model
B The building has circular rooms
C /One hall is constructed at every floor
D The area of the rooms may be in- creased or decreased
282. In classification, the sequence of two iso- lates ideas in an array is determined
by the35
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Principles of filiatory sequence
B Principles of array
C Principles of chain
D /Principles of facet sequence
283. Arrange the following in a chronological order according to their year of
establish- ment:
i.) Library of Congress ii.) NISCAIR iii.) Delivery of Books Act iv.) National Library of
A (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)
B (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
C /(i), (iv), (iii), (ii)
D (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
284. “List of Subject Headings for use in dic-
tionary catalogs” brought out by
A C.A.Cutter
B Library of Congress
D The Library Association
285. Informal self education is possible in
what kind of library?
A National Library
B /Public Library
C Specific Library
D College Library
286. Expansion of ISO
A Indian Standards Organisation
B /International Standards Organisa- tionC International Science Organization
D Information Standards Organisation
287. A set of rules that govern overall data communications system is popularly
known as
A /Protocol
B Agreement
C Pact
D Memorandum
288. Which one is not a enemy of book?
A /Napthalin
B Insects
C Fire
D Dust
289. Anglo-American cataloguing rules
(AACRl) was published in the year
A 1960
B /1967
C 1970
D 1971
290. “Internet Public Library” is being main-
tained by

36 N

Do you know?
A MIT, Massachusettes
B University of Michigan
C University of Arizona
D /Drexal University
291. Find a correct answer:
1. S.R.Ranganathan’s five laws of library science 1st Edition was in 1931, 2nd
Edition 1957 2. S.R.R.Colon classification 1st Edition
was in 1933, 5th Edition in 1958
A 1 and 2 True
B /2 only False
C 1 and 2 False
D 1 only False
292. Which is the largest University Library in
the World?
A /Harward University Library, USA
B New York University Library, USA
C Delhi University Library, India
D Madras University Library, India
293. In which modes of formation the subject
”Biochemistry” is formed?
A /Fusion
B Cluster
C Distillation
D Denudation
294. User education methods can be classified

Do you know?
A Direct method
B Indirect method
C Combination of direct and indirect method
D /All of above
295. Which of the following are the compo-
nents of Search Engine?
i.) Spider ii.) TCP/IP iii.) Search Mechanism iv.) Index
A (iv), (i) and (ii)
B (iii), (ii) and (i)
C /(i), (iii) and (iv)
D (ii), (iv) and (iii)
296. Bern Convention (1886) is related with:
A Standard
B Patents
C /Copyright
D Translations
297. The description of the document present
in brief is called
A /Abstract
B Index
C Glossary
D Literature
298. ‘British Book News’ is an example of
which Bibliography?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Subject
B /Trade
C International News letter
D National News Letter
299. Information retrieval is fastest from
A Floppy Disk
B Magnetic Tape
C /Hard Disk
D None of the above
300. Who has initiated UDC?
A Melvil Dewey
B S.R.Ranganathan
C /Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine
D C.A.Cutter
301. Academic libraries includes
A Special libraries
B Mobile libraries
C Government libraries
D /University libraries
302. All India public library association was
formed in
A 1919
B /1920
C 1921
D 1922
303. The Librarian Day celebrated on
A 15th Sep
B 24th Nov
C 11th Dec
D /12th Aug 304. Which of the following principles are as-
sociated with library building planning?
i) Principle of Uniformity ii) Principle of Comfortability iii) Principle of Simplicity iv)
Principle of Continuity
A /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
B (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
C (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
D (iii), (iv) and (i) are correct. 305. What name was given to the rules regard-
ing cataloguing by Ranganathan?
A Laws
B Theories
C /Canons
D Principle 306. The Delivery of Books and Newspapers
Act of 1954 was amended in the year
A /1956
B 1957
C 1955
D 1959 307. In which library, was first introduced by Dr.S.R.Ranganathan evolved
the Three Card system?

38 N

Do you know?
A Banaras Hindu University Library
B /Madras University Library
C Delhi University Library
D Aligarh Muslim University Library
308. E.C.Richardson defines notation as
A ”A detailed symbol”
B /”A shorthand sign”
C ”A sort listed symbol”
D ”A brief sign”
309. In which year American Library Associa-
tion was formed?
A /1876
B 1886
C 1896
D 1899
310. In which Library, Reference Service was
first developed in USA
A Special Library
B /Public Library
C University Library
D College Library
311. CDS/ISIS software was developed in
A 1990
B 1965
C 1970
D /1971

Do you know?
312. BERN CONVENTION (1886) is con-
cerned with:
A Translations
B /Copyright
C Patent
D Standards
313. Which policy gives importance to Public
A /National Policy on Education
B Information Policy
C Book Selection Policy
D National Policy on Medicine
314. POSDCORB coined by
A Henry Foyal and W.Taylor
B /Gulick and Urwick
C Henry Foyal
D Frederick W.Taylor
315. Which one is Library and Information
Science Journal name?
A /Reference Reviews incorporating ASLIB Book Guide
B Reference Reviews incorporating ASLIB Book journals
C Reference Reviews incorporating ASLIB Book Review
D Reference Reviews incorporating ASLIB E-Book 316. Which of the following
principles are as-
sociated with library building planning?
i.) Principle of Uniformity
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
ii.) Principle of Comfort ability iii.) Principle of Simplicity iv.) Principle of Continuity
A (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
B /(ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
C (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
D (iii), (iv) and (i) are correct
317. The “citation indexes” are now available
online as
A /Web of Science
C Scopus
318. Which of the following is Volatile Mem-
ory?A /RAM
319. The National Library for the visually
handicapped is located at:
A Allahabad
B Indore
C /Dehradun
D Nainital
320. A topology designed with each node con- nected directly to a central unit and
switch is known as
A Ring
B /Star
C Bus
D Mesh
321. Which of the following is not related to
case study approach in a research design?
A Indepth Study
B Study of one/limited cases
C /General study
D Little concern about generalisation to a large population 322. Which of the
following are Open Source
Content Management System?
1. Drupal 2. Joomla 3. Atex 4. Open CMS
A (1) and (2)
B /(1), (2), (4)
C (1), (3), (4)
D (2), (3), (4)
323. According to General Financial Rules, 2005, loss of how many volumes per
thou- sand volumes issued / consulted in a year is to be taken as reasonable.
A Three
B Four
C /Five
D Six

40 N

Do you know?
324. Which of the following is not the criteria
for selecting periodicals?
A Recommendation of specialists
B Recommendation of members
C Recommendation of library staff
D /Recommendation of the publisher
325. Arrange the following according to their
year of first publication:
i) Encyclopaedia Britannica ii) Encyclopaedia Americana iii) Encyclopaedia of Library
and Infor- iv) A B C D 326. The is?A B mation McGraw-Hill ence (iv), (iii), (ii), 15” /(i),

/16 standard × and (iv), × (iii), (i), (ii), 13” 13” Science J Technology (iv), size (i),

(iv), (i), (iii) of Encyclopaedia (ii) (ii)

i S h
(iii) an accession register of Sci-
C 12” × 5”
D 5” × 3”
327. Which was the first calculating machine?
A Mark-I
B Analytical engine
C /Abacus
Do you know?
328. General Financial rules prescribe physical verification of books annually for the
col- lection of
A 50, 000 volumes
B 40, 000 volumes
C 30, 000 volumes
D /20, 000 volumes
329. In PRECIS, the index entries are gener-
ated in format of.
A /two line, three part
B three line, two part
C one line, three part
D three line, three part
330. A template is a
A /Structured specification
B Recursive routine
C Assembler program
D I/O measure
331. In Colon classification, which digit is
used to represent India?
A /44
B 54
C 45
D 5491
332. Expand GOC
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Government Order for Catalogue
B Goods Order Committee
C Government Officials Committee
D /Good Office’s Committee
333. “National Library Week” in India is ob-
served during the month of
A August
B /November
C December
D January
334. Now a day & aposs what is a most im- portant vital resource for societal
develop- ment of a country?
A Books
B Kowledge
C /Information
D Data
335. What is a Patent?
A An agreement to the Government
B Document of the library
C /An agreement between the inven- tor and the Government
D An agreement between library and Publisher 336. The first and foremost function
of person-
nel management are
A /Job analysis
B Performance appraisal
C Job placement
D Job training
337. What is the suitable reference sources to know about the information of a
particular place?
A Directory
B /Gazetteer
C Encyclopedia
D Year book
338. ‘Delphi Technique’ was first discussed in
a monograph by
A /O.Helmer
B E.Nagel
C D.M.Potter
D J.H.Shera
339. Which one is not search engine?
A Google
B Yahoo
C /Netscape navigator
340. The device that converts digital to analog
and analog to digital signal is known as
A Analog computers
B /Modem
D Electro fax
341. Index Medicus is brought out as printed

42 N

Do you know?
A Quarterly
B /Monthly
C Weekly
D Has ceased publication
342. Which of the following are the models of
i) Economic Theory Model ii) Stock Adjustment Model
iii) Shanon Weaver Model iv) Schramm Model
A /(iii) and (iv) are correct.
B (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C (i) and (ii) are correct.
D (ii) and (iv) are correct.
343. Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) contains biography of prominent people
ofA All nations
B Europeans
C Americans
D /Britishers
344. LIPHIS (Linked Phrase Indexing System)
was developed by
A /T.C.Craven
B J.Farradane
C J.C.R.Yeats
D P.Ekern

Do you know?
345. Access to back volumes of E-journals is
known as
A Random Access
B /Perpetual Access
C Online Access
D Retrospective Access 346. “National Program for Acquisitions and
Cataloguing”(NPAC) is an example for
A /Shared cataloguing
B Centralized cataloguing
C Cataloguing in publication
D Pre-natal catalogue 347. What does Formula Budget refers?
A Enhance the facilities
B No logical way of allocation
C Emphasize more expenditure on salary
D /Standard allocation of money 348. Ontology is
A A Documentation service
B An Indexing method
C /Classification of Internet based documents
D Cataloging of Internet based docu- ments 349. Which of the following are common
of protocols?
i.) HTTP ii.) FTP iii.) Telnet
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
iv.) Gopher
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
C (iii) and (iv) are correct.
D /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
350. Which organisation applied Library and Information Policy in India at national
351. Feedback mechanism is a part of which
A Reprography service
C Translation service
352. By which name MEDLARS is provided
B Index Medicus
C Medical Index
D Medaindex
353. Which of the following is an ‘Acronym’?
354. The Principle of local variation is associ-
ated with:
A Circulation
B /Cataloguing
C Classification
D Acquisition
355. Expand the acronym “IASLIC”
A International Association of Special Libraries
B /Indian Association of Special Li- braries and Information Centers
C Indian Association of Special Library Center
D International Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers 356. Which
indexing system has open ended
357. The term ‘Literary warrant’ for book clas-
sification was introduced by
A /W.C.B.Sayers
B Wyndham Hulme
C J.D.Brown
D H.E.Bliss

44 N

Do you know?
358. Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and un-
organized facts is known as:
A /Data
B Information
C Knowledge
D Wisdom
359. Patent Information Alert published by
360. 361. cation” In Most D A B C D A B which None Budgeting Coordination
Classified Abstracts /Search /Indexes in of is their used the of of the

J volumes. these

ai S
periodicals Formulation bibliography following do the not term provide

C References
D Diagrams
362. A periodical evaluation of an employee is
done through
A Job rotation
B /Performance appraisal
Do you know?
C Refresher course
D Work guide
363. Article published in research journal are
A Reference sources
B Secondary sources
C /Primary sources
D Tertiary sources
364. BIOS stands for
A /Basic Input Output System
B Basic Index Output System
C Basic Input Output Symbol
D Basic Index Output Symbol
365. Which of the following is not a System
A Operating System
B Language Translator
C /Adobe Photoshop
D System Utility
366. Register system is the method is not used
in which system?
A Periodical Receipt
B Charging method
C /Notifications
D Stock verification
367. The libraries with Defence Science mate- rials is coming under which category
of li- brary?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Public library
B Private library
C Academic library
D /Special library
368. User education may be provided in four
interrelated areas which are
A /User’s awareness, user studies, li- brary orientation, bibliographic instruc- tionB
User’s awareness, library orientation, inter-profiling, bibliographic instruction
C Aptitude test of the users, use of cat- aloguing, inter-profiling, user’s awareness
D Bibliographic instruction, library ori- entation, computer literacy, user’s aware-
369. “Pre Natal cataloguing” a term used by
A /S.R.Ranganathan
B Melvil Devey
C M.T.Franklin Currier
D G.Michet Le Jay
370. Which is the central theme of Drury’s
principle of book selection?
A Staffs
B Books
C /Reader
D Furniture
371. Which of the following are Library net
i.) Internet ii.) Indonet iii.) INFLIBNET iv.) OCLC
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (ii) and (iv) are correct.
C /(iii) and (iv) are correct.
D (i) and (iv) are correct.
372. IIA founded in 1968 stands for
A Integrated Industry Association
B Information Industry Association
C Integrated Illiteracy eradication As- sociation
D /Institute of Information Associa- tion. 373. Who wrote the book “Book binding for
A S.R.Ranganathan
B H.M.Lydenberg
C /Eric.A Clough
D Douglas
374. Three cards system in libraries are mainly
used for
A circulation of books
B serial selection
C /acquisition and control of serials
D book selection
375. “Current contents service” is a service in

46 N

Do you know?
C Translation
D Reprography
376. Reference sources are those
A Which are large in size?
B Which are read at home easily?
C /Which used to obtain particular in- formation?
D Which are costly?
377. ZOTERO A B C D ment 378. Which tages i.) ii.) iii.) iv.) Tags Hundred Cheaper
More Content Reference Serials /Bibliographic System of RFID of can is security

the Management a J Management technology than be - of Management

a i
following read tags Barcode and can Reference inside Privacy be in System

S h
are System libraries? read a System case. the at Manage- advan- a


A (i) and (iii) are correct

B /(i) and (ii) are correct
C (ii) and (iii) are correct
D (iii) and (iv) are correct
379. Which association‘s tagline is “managing
Do you know?
D LC 380. Who initiated NATIS in 1974?
D ALA 381. When was the different typological study towards mode of formation of
subjects done?
A /1950
B 1960
C 1970
D 1975 382. “Unity of Command” is associated with
A /One Person’s Responsibility
B Joint Responsibility
C Nobody’s Responsibility
D General Responsibility 383. What is the cataloguing that refers to any reductions
in the amount of catalogue?
A .Centralised Cataloguing
B Cooperative Cataloguing
C /Limited Cataloguing
D Shared Cataloguing
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
384. The initial focus of BONET was aimed to
do which major activity?
A /Inter -library Activities
B Acquisition Activity
C Circulation Activity
D Reference Activity
385. Virtua accommodates Different version
of the MARC Standard?
D /SWEMARC/All of above
386. Books misplaced on the shelves by read- ers are restored.This work is referred
to as.
A Shelving
B Stock verification
C /Shelf rectification
D Shifting
387. Which of the following are Schools of
Management thought?
i) Scientific Management School ii) Human Behavioural School iii) Classical School
iv) School of Authority
A (ii) and (iv) are correct
B (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
C (iii) and (iv) are correct
D /(i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
388. The Vth edition of CCC Classified Cata-
loguing Code was published in
A 1962
B /1964
C 1966
D 1971
389. PRECIS has been developed by
A S.R.Ranganathan
B /Derek Austin
C M.A.Gopinath
D Ganesh Bhattacharya
390. Who has studied the psychology of work-
ers?A /Hugo Mansterberg
B F.W.Taylor
C Frank Gilbreth
D Henry Fayol
391. What are the two parts of the annual re-
port of the library
A Primary and Secondary
B Analytical and Systematic
C Upper and Lower
D /Descriptive and Statistical
392. What is Trade bibliography?

48 N

Do you know?
A List of Author Bibliography
B List of Special Bibliography
C /List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher
D List of books of trade Library
393. Information about scale and projection
can be found in
A Encyclopaedias
B Hand books of Manuals
C /Geographical sources
394. 395. switching iii.) iv.) Which ETD ii.) D A B C D i.) Shodhgangotri Vidyanidhi
Shodhganga INDEST-AICTE Directories Packet

Message /Router database one system? J of in the India consortium

i S h riRam
following is maintained is not by a

A (i) and (iii) are correct

B (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
C /(ii) and (iii) are correct
D (iii) and (iv) are correct
396. A library on ’Gandhian studies” belongs
to which type of library?
Do you know?
A Public library
B Government library
C /Special library
D College library
397. In the notational system of a classification
”an empty digit” denotes that has
A No real value
B /No semantic value
C No syntactical value
D No ordinal value
398. A network in which the host computer controls different nodes which further
con- trol other nodes, is known as
A Star Network
B Ring Network
C /Hierarchical Network
D Multipoint Network
399. E-Journal articles can be identified with
the help of
A Digital Journal Identifier
B Journal Source Identifier
C Journal Article Identifier
D /Digital Object Identifier
400. MEDLARS was developed by (NLM)
USA in
A 1965
B /1964
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C 1969
D 1967
401. An entry that is made for the subject of a
chapter in a book is referred to as
A /Cross-Reference Entry
B Cross-Reference-Index Entry
C Class Index Entry
D Book Index Entry
402. The term ’Encyclopaedia’ is coined from
which language?
A French
B Latin
C Russian
D /Greek
403. The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intel-
lectual Property Right was based on.
A American Patent Law 1810
B /British Patent Law 1852
C The Patent Bill
D The Design Act of 1911
404. Protocol means
A Interchange of data between two de- vices
B Interchange of data between two computers
C Linkage between two computers
D /Linkage between two devices
405. Library Technology Report is a publica-
tion of
406. Who adopted the catch word “POSD-
A Arthur Henry
B Henry Fayal
C /Luther Gullick
D H.P.Luhn
407. ISBD are formulated and brought out by
408. Identify the odd one out.
409. Which one of the following is not a virtual
A Without walls.
B /With distributed physical loca- tions.

50 N

Do you know?
C Providing integrated and unified re- mote access to geographically distributed
D Which does not exist in reality.
410. The annual report of college library does
not include the
A Total number of books
B Activities of library
C Financial constrains
D /Loss of books
411. What are the four entity of FRBR model?
A Personality, Matter, Energy, Space
B /Work, Expression, Manifestation, ItemC Book, Form, Availability, Type
D Discipline, Entity, Action, Personality
412. The basic characteristics of a system are
i) Interrelated components
ii) Independent and can stand alone
iii) Arranged in hierarchical order
iv) Inputs, processes, outputs & feed
A (i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
B (i), (ii), (iv) are correct.
C (ii), (iii), (iv) are correct.
D /(i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
413. A dictionary catalogue may be divided in

Do you know?
A /Two parts
B Four parts
C Five parts
D Six parts
414. BCD stands for
A Basic Computer Display
B /Binary Coded Decimal
C Basic Coded Decimal
D Binary Computer Display
415. How Multilingual Dictionaries are
known as?
A /Polyglot
B Directories
C Lexicon
D Thesaurus
416. Whether intellectual property can be
A No
B /Sale is possible
C Yes
D None of these
417. When the last print version of Ency-
clopaedia Britannica was published?
A 2009
B 2010
C 2011
D /2012
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
418. DELNET stands for:
A /Developing Library Network
B Department of Electronics Library Network
C Distance Education Library Network
D Delhi Library Network
419. ‘Facts on File’ is a
A /Weekly list
B Fortnightly
C Monthly
D Quarterly
420. What is a “Beetle”?
A /Insect
B Natural disaster
C Chemical disaster
D Fire disaster
421. Expansion of LLA.
A Local Library Advisory
B Local Library Acquisition
C Local Library Amenities
D /Local Library Authorities
422. Which of the following are limitations of
digital libraries?
i.) Full text searching ii.) Operational costs iii.) Rights management iv.) Hyper text
A (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
B /(ii) and (iii) are correct
C (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
D (i) and (iv) are correct 423. In the catch word “POSDCORB” the let-
ter “B” denotes
A Buying
B /Budget
C Bibliography
D Business 424. Questionnaire is a:
A Research method
B Measurement Technique
C /Tool for data collection
D All the above 425. Jubilee Project is associated with what?
A /Evaluation of electronic informa- tion services
B Public library survey
C Strategic management of libraries
D Scale development 426. Work study, standardised tools, selecting and training of
workers are the contribu- tions of
A Louis Brndeis
B F.W.Taylor
C Henry Fayol
D /Lyndall Urwick

52 N

Do you know?
427. Canon of Decreasing Extension’ belongs
toA /Canons for chain
B Canons for characteristics
C Canons for array
D Canons for filiatory sequence
428. Which Committee/Commission recom- mended that Imperial Library be desig-
nated as Copyright Library?
A Fayzee Commission, 1939
B /Riche Committee, 1926
C Statham Committee, 1932
D Sadler Committee, 1916
429. Consider the following statements:
1. The LC cooperative cataloguing pro- gram was established in 1830 State- ment 2.
In 1950 the union catalogue of public library holdings developed in Califor- nia
A Both (1) and (2) are correct
B /Both (1) and (2) are incorrect
C (1) is correct, (2) is incorrect
D (1) is incorrect, (2) is correct
430. The word ”Policy Information” includes
A Ideas
B /Decision Making
C History
D Results

Do you know?
431. Which of the following identifies user by
a login permission to a licensed site.
A Authorization
B /Authentication
C Digital signature
D All of the above
432. Which is the oldest classification scheme
in the following?
433. Which of the DOS commands is used to
delete a directory?
434. What is the unit of information?
A /Bit
B Byte
C Gram
D Hertz
435. Library of Congress was established in
A 1700
B /1800
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C 1900
D 2000
436. Today information is regarded as which
of the following?
A Wealth
B Commodity
C Products
D /All the above
437. CCC -The added entry comes under the
Section of
A Leading Section
B /Tracing Section
C Title Section
D Accession Part
438. The library promotion entirely based on
A /Conduct user meet
B Conduct exhibition
C Expand the library timing
D Provide extention activities
439. Phoenix schedules are part of which clas-
440. Assertion (A): According to the Third Law of Librarianship given by Michael
Gorman, we need to use technology in- telligently to enhance service. Reason (R):
Technology is used to solve problems and improve services and achieve cost
effectiveness rather than adopted for its own sake.Codes:
A (A) is true, but (R) is false.
B Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
C Both (A) and (R) are false.
D /Both (A) and (R) are true.
441. Who directs Public Relation Programme
in University?
A /Alumni of University
B Laymen
C Business People
D House Wife
442. Which one is the important depository of
Translation in U.K.?
A British Museum
B /British Library Lending Division
C The library Association
D Oxford University
443. Web impact factor is developed by
A /P.Ingwersen
B L.Bornebora
C M.Thelwall
D R.Rousseau

54 N

Do you know?
444. Zero Based Budgeting system was pro-
pounded by:
A Peter Drucker
B Edward Evans
C Allen Kent
D /Peter Phyrr
445. Sea Customs act of 1962 censor and ban
foreign publications in
A /India
D Australia
446. POPSI is a
A Keyword based indexing system
B /Post-coordinate indexing system
C Pre-coordinate indexing system
D Citation indexing system
447. Which Commission recommended 10% of the total college budget for
development of Libraries?
A Dr.S.R.Ranganathan Committee
B Mehrotra Committee
C /Kothari Committee
D Curriculum Development Commit- tee in LIS
448. In which year was passing Delivery of
Books Act?
Do you know?
A 1952
B /1954
C 1964
D 1961
449. Which sources would you consult to know the “Impact Factor” of Journal pub-
i) Web of Science ii) Science Direct iii) SCOPUS iv) EBSCO
A (i) and (iv)
B (ii) and (iii)
C /(i) and (iii)
D (iii) and (iv)
450. Which one of the following is the full
name of Melvil Dewey?
A Melville Kossuth Dewey
B Melville Dewey
C Melville Louis Dewey
D /Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey
451. MICR refers to
A Machine Ink Character Reader
B /Magnetic Ink character Reader
C Manual Impression Character Reader
D Machine Impression Character Reader
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
452. Following is an example of microblog-
A Wordpress
B Blogspot
C Livejournal
D /Twitter
453. Cataloguing-in-publication began in July
1971 at
A British Library
B /Library of Congress
C National Agriculture Library
D National Library of Medicine
454. Adhoc Committee is also called as
A /Statutory Authority Committee
B Executive Committee
C Self Perpetuating Committee
D Reporting Committee
455. Communication satellites orbit miles
above the earth?
A 20, 000
B 21, 000
C /22, 000
D 23, 000
456. Editing activities comes under
A Library routine activities
B Technical activities
C /Extention activities
D Indexing and abstracting activities 457. A situation where a digital resource is no
longer readable is called
A Digital Divide
B Digital Representation
C Digital Rendering
D /Digital Obsolescence 458. What is the call number for surgery in
B L:4
C /L:4:7
D L: 4: 97 459. Conference proceedings are considered
as documents.
A Conventional
B /Primary
C Secondary
D Tertiary 460. Historical/Government records related to
an organization are maintained in
i.) Achieves ii.) Museums iii.) Repositories iv.) Government libraries
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B (ii) and (iii) are correct
C /(i) and (iii) are correct
D (ii) and (iv) are correct

56 N

Do you know?
461. Which library use sears list of subject
heading mainly?
A /Small libraries
B Big libraries
C Academic and special libraries
D Public libraries
462. Arrange the following in the ascending order of their first year of publication:
i) BNB ii) INB iii) Compendex 463. mation iv) Which A B C D A B C D Roget’s (iii),
(ii), (i), Abacus Acta All /(iv), /Interlending Science? is of (iii), (iv), the numerica (ii),
a i
above (iii), Thesaurus J journal (ii), (i), (iv), (i), (iii) (iv) and (i) (ii) of of

S h
Library Document English and words supply Infor-

464. Which is the apex body of Madras Public
Libraries Act?
A Mobile Libraries
B Directorate of Libraries
C Library Commission
D /State Library Committee
Do you know?
465. Arrange the following processes of re-
search in order:
i) Theory Building ii) Reflecting and Integrating of Idea iii) Research Design iv)
Review of Literature
A /(iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
B (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
C (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
D (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
466. In which Law of Library Science Empha-
sise the user Time Saving concept?
A First Law of Library Science
B Second Law of Library Science
C Third Law of Library Science
D /Fourth Law of Library Science
467. The objectives of a library catalogue were broad by described by Charles Ammi
Cut- ter in the year
A 1776
B /1876
C 1976
D 1979
468. POSDCORB coined by:
A Fayol
B Maslow
C /Gulic
D Ranganathan
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
469. What is the standard size of catalogue
A 10 cm × 8cm
B /12.5 cm × 7.5 cm
C 10.9 cm × 8.8 cm
D 12.7 cm × 5.7 cm
470. Which Section of the Madras Public Li- braries Act, 1948 empowers a local
library authority to levy cess?
A /12(1)(a) Section of the act
B 12(1)(B) Section of the act
C 21(1)(a) Section of the act
D 21(1)(B) Section of the act
471. In the world wide web, name the acronym that describes the internet ad- dress
of a file
472. What do you mean by Book Selection?
A Procurement of books
B Donation of books
C Accessing of books
D /Adding books to a library
473. 1 Gigabyte is equal to
A 1324 megabytes
B 1224 megabytes
C 1124 megabytes
D /1024 megabytes
474. The subject of Research Methodology is the outcome of the mode of formation
of subject, known as
A Loose Assemblage
B Fission
C /Distillation
D Cluster
475. POPLINE database is related to which
A Political Science
B /Medicine
C Sociology
D Agriculture
476. MESH is a
A /Thesaurus
B Dictionary
C Journal
D Library
477. The first online computer library was es-
tablished by OCLC in the year
A 1972
B /1971
C 1973

58 N

Do you know?
D 1974
478. The catalogue codes were developed in
the order as:
A Anglo American Code (Joint Code), Rules for Dictionary Catalogue, ALA rules for
author and title entries, AACRI
B Rules for Dictionary catalogue, ALA Rules for author and title entries, AACRI,
Anglo American Code (Joint Code)
C /Rules for Dictionary catalogue, An- glo American Code (Joint Code) ALA rules
for author and title entries, AACRI
D ALA rules for author and title en- tries, AACRI, Rules for Dictionary cata- logue,
Anglo American Code 479. Granthana is an official publication of:
480. Walford’s Gurde to Reference Material is
published by
A American Library Association, Chicago
B R.R.Bowker, London
C /Library Association Publishing, London
D Learned Information Ltd., New Jer- sey 481. 1 Gigabyte (GB) is
A 1024 Bytes
B 1024 KB

Do you know?
C /1024 MB
D 1024 GB
482. Reading centre, story hours, exhibition
and reading to literature are form of
A /Extension service
B Service of Public library
C Both
D None
483. Library cess contribution of Tamilnadu
A /10% on Property Tax
B 8% on Lands and Building
C 6% on Lands and Building
D 5% on Property Tax
484. Indian patents on all areas are published
inA India: A reference annual
B Indian chemical patent index
C /Gazette of India, Part-III
D None of the above
485. The word “Index” is derived from
A /Latin
B Greek
C German
D French
486. NationarTranslation Centre in USA is la-
cated in which place
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Newyork
B /Chicago
C Mexico
D California
487. Arrange the following according to their
year of establishment:
i) NIC
A (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
B (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
C (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
D /(ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
488. Arrange the following according to their
year of enactment:
i) Tamil Nadu Public Library Act
ii) Kerala Public Library Act
iii) Maharashtra Public Library Act
iv) Orissa Public Library Act
A /(i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
B (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)
C (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
D (iv), (iii), (ii), (i)
489. Corollary for Second Law of Library Sci-
ence is
A /Books for all
B Free Books Service
C Free Library Service
D Books every where
490. What is the process of transferring soft- ware programme from secondary
storage media to the hard disc called?
A Download
B Upload
C Installation
D /Storage
491. ‘Noise’ in Information Retrieval is due to
A Precision
B Recall
C Relevant information
D /Redundant information
492. Which of the following are ‘Inclusive ge-
ographical sources’
i.) Maps ii.) Atlases iii.) Encyclopaedias iv.) Yearbooks
A (i) & (ii) are correct
B /(iii) & (iv) are correct
C (ii) & (iii) are correct
D (ii) & (iv) are correct 493. The “Principle of Literary Warrant” was
propounded by:

60 N

Do you know?
A S.R.Ranganathan
B /W.Hulme
C Melvil Dewey
D Derek De Solla Price
494. Computer memory is measured in
A Bytes
B Kilobytes
C Megabytes
D /All of the above
495. Herzberg’s A B C D 496. Following A B C D Decision Leadership Staff HTTP
TCP/IP /Motivation
a i
recruitment is two J not making factor a network theory protocol:

S h
deals with

497. Which is the head quarters of IASLIC?
A Chennai
B Bombay
C Delhi
D /Calcutta
Do you know?
498. Who was the propounder of Poly-
A D.J.Foskett
B /C.A.Cutter
C Derek Austin
D Tom Children
499. Which is the connecting symbol of en-
A , (Comma)
B ; (Semicolon)
C /: (Colon)
D .(Dot)
500. Who coined the acronym POSDCORB?
A Mayo
B Moslo
C /Luther Gulick
D Taylor
501. Who has brought Marathi version of
colon classification?
A Bhattacharya
B K.S.Ragavan
C /R.S.Parkhi
D S.R.Ranganathan
502. INFLIBNET located at
A Chennai
B Delhi
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C /Gujarat
D Mumbai
503. Arrange the stages in the preparation of
State-of the Art Report.
i) Consultation with subject expert ii) Scope determination iii) Appraisal of information
iv) Identification of the collection
A /(ii)(iv)(iii)(i)
B (iv)(ii)(iii)(i)
C (iii)(i)(iv)(ii)
D (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)
504. Which of the following is not a book se-
lection tool?
A Bibliographies
B /Biographies
C Publishers catalogue
D Book sellers catalogues
505. What is the meaning of automation in
present time?
A /Use of Computer
B Use of Networking
C Use of any type of Machine
D Use of Robots
506. Which of the following concepts are asso-
ciated with professional ethics?
i) Accountability ii) Unique training
iii) High quality service iv) Professional independence
A (i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
B /(i), (iii) are correct.
C (i), (ii), (iv) are correct.
D (iii), (iv) are correct.
507. Which Library Association Publishes
journal of Librarianship?
A /The Library Association
B American Library Association
C Indian Library Association
D Society for the Development of Li- brary Science 508. Who are the publishers of
‘Year Book on
Human Rights’?
A /United Nations
B Ministry of Law, Govt.of India
C Europa Publishers
D R.R.Bowker
509. Which budgeting does not take into ac- count what happened in the past but
em- phasis on current activities?
A Formula budget
B Performance budget
C Programme budget
D /Zero-based budget
510. Supervision of loan desk in University Li-
brary with

62 N

Do you know?
515. A University Librarian
Redundancy of information is
B Head of Technical Section/Technical Asst.
A /Unnecessary and should be elimi- nated
C /Head of Circulation Dept./Circulation
B Unnecessary but cannot be avoided
C Necessary and some times useful D Library Asst
511. Phoenix schedules are part of
D Necessary and always desirable 516. When Madras Public Library Act was en- A
A 1930
B 1946
D C /1948 512. IASLIC D 1965
A 517. Arrange the following web browsers in
chronological order:
B i) Safari
ii) Chrome C iii) Netscape Navigator D iv) Firefox
513. Which A (iv)(i)(ii)(iii)
A B (i)(ii) (iii)(iv)
B C (ii)(i)(iv)(iii)
C D /(iii)(i)(iv)(ii)
518. Virus is a software which can
A Manipulate data
B Replicate itself
C Damage computer
D /All the above 519. The objective of library binding is
of the library materials.
63 LCC
1984 /1955
a i
/1982 year was was founded J OSI introduced? in the year:

D 1974
514. EDSAC is belongs to
A /First generation computer
B Fifth generation computer
C Third generation computer
D Second generation computer
Do you know?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Proper organisation
B Accessibility.
C /Durability
D Humidity control
520. Arrange the following Public Library
Acts according to their year of enactment:
i) Uttar Pradesh PL Act ii) Arunachal Pradesh PL Act
iii) Orissa PL Act iv) Gujarat PL Act
A /(iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
B (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)
C (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
D (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
521. ‘Web of Science’ covers
A Sciences
B Social Sciences
C Arts of Humanities
D /All the above
522. Starting, Chaining, Browsing, Differenti- ating, Monitoring, Extracting,
Verification and Ending are important stages of which information seeking behavior
A Dervin’s Model
B /Ellis Model
C Marchionnini Model
D Kuhlthan Model
523. ‘Segmentation’ is associated with
A Reference Service
B /Market Survey Report
C Digest Service
D Indexing Service
524. Expansion for NISSAT
A /National Information System for Science and Technology
B National Information on Social Sci- ence and Technology
C National Information in Science and Technology
D National Information Services and System for Technology
525. Which association‘s tagline is “connect-
ing people and information”?
526. How many steps involved to POPSI in-
dexing system?
A 12 -steps
B 10 steps
C /8-steps
D 6 -steps
527. WIPO Academy deals with

64 N

Do you know?
A Patent Cooperation Treaty
B /Courses on Intellectual Property
C Trademarks Gateway
D All of the above
528. The initiation, selection, exploration, for- mulation, collection and presentation
are two stages of which model of information seeking behaviour
A Ellis Model
B Krikelas Model
C /Kuhlthou Model
D 529. Skill public A opment, B Govt.of C Foundation
D 530. What tivity?
Wilson Ministry Directorate Indian /Raja Development librarians is West Govt.of the

Library Model best Ram Bengal J of India in Human way of India Mohan
i S
Programme Association of Library Internet is Resource initiated Roy (SDP)

Services, Connec- Library Devel- by


A Telephone Connection
B Dial up connection
C /Dial up connection with modem and telephone
D Use of modem and telephone line
531. Which one of the following protocol is
used in file transfer over internet?
Do you know?
532. Research is conducted to:
i) Generate new knowledge
ii) Develop a theory
iii) Develop communication skills
iv) Re-interpret existing knowledge
A (i), (iii) and (ii) are correct
B (iii), (ii) and (i) are correct
C /(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
D (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
533. What type of Organisation is UGC?
A /Autonomous Organisation
B Public Sector
C Private Organisation
D Industrial Firm
534. Impact factor is devised by
A /Eugene Garfield
B Alan Pritchard
C David Hume
D Louis Brandeis
535. Expansion for DESIDOC.
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Documentation on Science Informa- tionB Delivery of Scientific Information and
Documentation Centre
C /Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre
D Defence Information Documentation Centre
536. In which year was opened for the Public
Connemara library?
A 1869
B /1896
C 1871
D 1873
537. Who developed CDS/ISIS?
538. Every web page has a unique address
known as
B /Uniform resource locator
C Hyperlink
D Map
539. FRBR Model consist of which of the fol-
lowing four entities?
A Personality, Matter, Energy, Space
B /Work, Expression, Manifestation, ItemC Book, Form, Availability, Type
D Action, Place, Impact, Category
540. CDS/ISIS software is distributed in India
C National library of India
541. Identify the correct order of the evolution
of the following storage devices:
A DVD, Magnetic tape, Floppy, CD
B CD, DVD, Magnetic tape, Floppy
C Floppy, CD, DVD, Magnetic tape
D /Magnetic tape, Floppy, CD, DVD
542. Which reference tool defines Reference service as “ that phase of work which is
directly concerned with assistance to readers in securing information and in us- ing
the resources of the library in study and research”?
A Encyclopedia of Librarianship
B Encyclopedia of Library and Infor- mation Science
C /ALA Glossary of Library Terms
D ALA World Encyclopedia of Library & Information Services
543. By which name MEDLARS is now being
provided on online?

66 N

Do you know?
A Index Medicus
B /Medline
C Medical Index
D Meda Index
544. FRBR is developed by
545. Which A B C D 546. Scaler A B C Joy Key Mouse Scale Chain /Plotter

/Authority chain is stick board output of for performance J shows locating

a i S
structure device racks of of computer? staff

D A link in the chain
547. Consider the following statements:
I. Areas of automation in libraries are House keeping and Information han- dling
II. House keeping operations in Li-
braries are CAS and SDI
Do you know?
A /I alone is correct
B II alone is correct
C Both are correct
D Both are not correct
548. Calcutta Public Library was established
A 15th Century
B 16th Century
C /19th Century
D 20th Century.
549. The first edition of DDC was published in
A 1875
B /1876
C 1874
D 1896
550. Which is not a reprographic service?
A Micro Copying
B Blue Printing
C /Paper Printing
D Thermo Copying
551. Theory X and Y is developed by
A Peter Drucker
B /Douglas Mc Gregor
C Abraham Maslow
D Henry Fayol
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
552. What was the name of the first inter- national cataloguing code published on
A /A A Code
C Vatican Code
553. The professional ethics help to -
i.) Get the right direction ii.) Enhance image iii.) Get more salaries iv.) Resolve day to
day issues
A (ii) and (iii) are correct
B (i) and (iv) are correct
C /(i) and (ii) are correct
D (ii) and (iv) are correct
554. The reader liable to punish by the librar-
ian (Which one is not relevant)
A Damage the book
B /Covered the damage book
C Tearing the book
D Stolen the book
555. The international conference on catalogu-
ing principles was held in the year 1961 at
A Germany
B England
C /Paris
D Rome
556. As per UDC classification number of
A 53
B 54
C /51
D 31 557. The first All India Conference of Librari-
ans in 1918 was held at:
A Baroda
B Calcutta
C Madras
D /Lahore 558. Ontology is
A An Indexing Method
B /Classification of Internet based documents
C Cataloguing of Internet based docu- ments
D Documentation service 559. Which of the following source(s) you re- fer to get
information on old name for ‘Zaire’?
i) Encyclopaedias ii) Yearbooks iii) Gazetteers iv) Directories
A (i) and (ii) are correct.
B (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
C /(i) and (iii) are correct.
D (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

68 N

Do you know?
560. The oldest and largest Library Associa-
tion in the World is
561. Which committee recommended 6.5% of
University budget for its library?
A Sinha Committee
B Radhakrishnan Committee
C Mudaliar Committee
D /Ranganathan Committee
562. Under which category Dictionaries
A Primary sources
B /Secondary sources
C Teritiary sources
D Non-Documentary sources
563. The idea of citation analysis was pro-
pounded by
A A.J.Lotka
B Bradford
C De Solla Price
D /E.Garfield
564. A graphical representation using sym- bols to represent operations, data, flow,

Do you know?
A Logical Chart
B /Flow Chart
C System Flow Chart
D Network Chart
565. Which fundamental category is the ’core
component’ of a compound subject?
A energy
B matter
C /personality
D time
566. EUAL stands for
A E-monitoring library for Academics
B End User Logistics Association
C Electronic Usage of Library Acquisi- tions
D /End User License Agreement
567. Who coined the function of managements
A /Luther Gullick
B Henry Fayol
C F.W.Taylor
D W.Schulze
568. In classified catalogue code, How to write
the “Second Edition”?
A /Ed 2
B Edition 2
C 2nd ed
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
D 2nd Ed
569. Is a process of information
A Books
C Computers
D None of the above
570. The first centre to use computer in the li- brary and information activities in India
571. The process of surrogating, repackaging and compaction of the primary
literature that results in creation of secondary jour- nals, is
A Newsletter
B /Abstracting and Indexing Periodi- calC House Journals
D Electronic Journal
572. AGRIS became operational in 1975 and
sponsored by
573. “Information Literacy Competency Stan- dards for Higher Education” is
prepared byA AASL
574. Name editors of 7th edition of colon clas-
A /Neelamegham, Gopinath and Seetharama
B Ranganathan
C Martin
D M.A.Gopinath
575. Which of the following are ‘Open Source
Content Management Systems’?
i) Drupal ii) Atex iii) Joomla iv) OpenCms
A (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
B (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct
C (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
D /(i), (iii) and (iv) are correct
576. Which form of catalogue is not released
before the books are published?
A Cataloguing in publication
B Cataloguing in source
C Pre-natal catalogue

70 N

Do you know?
D /Co-operative cataloguing
577. Microphone is used to
A Transfer data
B Print out
C Sharing of data
D /Input audio to computers
578. Canons formulated by S.R.Ranganathan
forA Facet sequence
579. 580. is considering World The B C D A B C D related Catalogue Helpful
U.S.Organization International /Classification /United library Intellectual to the

a i
J sequence Nations budget previous Law Property prepared

S h
Organization years Organization budget without is:

A /Zero based Budget
B Performance Budget
C Line item Budget
D Lumpsum Budget
581. What is the Thesaurus?
Do you know?
A A collection of selected terminology
B Synonymous terms
C List of words
D /All of the above 582. Routing or periodicals is:
B Distillation
D Abstracting Service 583. Identify the technique(s) to collect the data regarding the
number of persons vis- ited the periodical section of the library at different hours of
the day.
i.) Questionnaire ii.) Interview iii.) Observation iv.) Library records
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B (ii) and (iii) are correct
C /(iii) and (iv) are correct
D (ii) and (iv) are correct 584. Which library first introduced the printed
A /British Museum
B Lennin’s State
C Imperial Library
D Library of Congress 585. Which of the following does not protect
intellectual property?
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Encryption of data
B Digital watermark
C Uniquely encoded licences
D /Plug-ins
586. Oceanography is obtained by which
mode of Formation of subjects?
A Fusion
B Dessection
C Distillation
D /Cluster
587. ‘Noise’ in Information retrieval is due to
A Precision
B Recall
C Relevant Information
D /Redundant Information
588. SOUL -Developed by
589. Canon of Recall -Value was propounded
byA C.A.Cutter
B Melvil Dewey
C Ganesh Bhattachary
D /S.R.Ranganathan
590. UNESCO assisted in setting up a model
public library in India, that name is
A /Delhi Public Library
B Imperial Library
C Asiatic Society Library
D Calcutta Public Library
591. An order with the supplier to be acted
upon until it is countermanded is
A classified order
B /standing order
C firm order
D administrative order
592. ‘Biotechnology’ is an example of how
knowledge grows by
A /Fusion
B Lamination
C Fission
D Loose Assemblage
593. Major problems of ‘Information Commu-
nication Technology’ are
i) Information overload ii) Information insecurity iii) Lack of innovative technologies iv)
Lack of control over communication
A (ii) and (iv) are correct
B (i) and (iv) are correct
C /(i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
D (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

72 N

Do you know?
594. Main use of Shelf list is
A Cataloging
B Circulation
C /Stock Verification
D Book Selection
595. The network topology in which nodes are connected to a central hub as known
A Ring Topology
B Bus Topology
C /Star Topology
D Mesh Topology
596. Who produce the law 1 : relation between the reference journal?
A Lotka
597. Russia In B C D A B which Zipf Martin
1863 /Bradford
was year established?

ai S h ri
J was the national n : of nresearch 2 about library of

C /1862
D 1865
598. Which of the following are characteristics
of a review?
i) Analyses research topic ii) Indicates inter-relation of ideas
Do you know?
iii) Presents an integrated picture of de-
velopment and program iv) Provides only current information
A (ii), (iii), (iv) are correct.
B (i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
C /(i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
D (i), (ii), (iv) are correct.
599. Who was the librarian to become the first
President of the ILA?
A /S.R.Ranganathan
B D.B.Krishna Rao
C R.K.Sharma
D Krishan Kumar
600. What is the relationship between ISBD
and cataloguing codes?
A They are not related at all
B /Cataloguing codes will include bib- liographic description
C ISBD includes cataloguing rules
D ISBD can replace cataloguing rules
601. On which of the following technologies
semantic web is not based?
B Ontologies
C /Cloud seeding
602. Information on Prime Minister of
Bangladesh can be found in
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A International Who’s Who
B Who’s Who in Bangladesh
C Current Biography
D /Statesman’s Yearbook
603. Assertion (A): Present decade has ac- cepted E-journals as channels of fast
com- munication.Reason (R): E-publications have added enormous quantity of lit-
erature but affected the quality of re- search.Codes:
A (A) is true but (R) is false.
B (A) is false but (R) is true.
C /Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.
D Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not a correct explanation.
604. Z39.50 is a standard for
A Communication formats
B /Search and Retrieval services
C Cataloguing Web Resources
D Library Management Services
605. Who has developed MARC?
A Indian National Library
B Pakistan National Library
C /Library of Congress
606. ‘Geophysics’ has been formed as a result
A Lamination
B /Fusion
C Fission
D Agglomeration
607. The term censorship is derived from the
word censere of origin.
A German
B Greek
C /Latin
D Sanskrit
608. ISBN now consists of:
A 10 digits
B /13 digits
C 15 digits
D 8 digits
609. Who is the person responsible for devel-
opment of POPSI in India?
A S.R.Ranganathan
B Neelameghan
C /G.Battacharya
D K.Sharma
610. Who explained the principle of Scien- tific Management as “that the whole coun-
try was suffering a great loss due to in- efficiency found in their daily job”?
A /Frederick W.Taylor
B Henry Fayol

74 N

Do you know?
C Peter Drucker
D Maslow
611. ‘Who’s who in India’, an irregular publi-
cation is published by
A /Business Press, Bombay
B Sterling, New Delhi
C Tradesman & Men Asia, Delhi
D Sahitya Samsad, Calcutta
612. The Model Public Library in India is
A Connemara Public Library
B /Delhi Public Library
C State Central Library, Mumbai
613. 614. in What A D A B C D MARC staff National System Network
/Database is member the called? collection J
Library, responsible


i S hriRam
of terms for or preparing records

catalogue entries is
A Classificationist
B Classifier
C /Cataloguer
D Documentalist
615. Cooperation means
Do you know?
A Types of Document
B /Mutual help and voluntary effort
C Selection principles
D Theory of management
616. Terminal symbol in a flowchart repre-
A /Start of program logic
B Manual operation
C Processing
D Decision
617. How we call a collection of maps, tables,
charts, etc.?
A Globe
B Gazetteer
C /Atlas
D Map
618. Replica means
A /refers to a copy or reproduction of a work of art
B refers to a publication which gives a formal record
C refers to the copy no longer in th e li- brary
D refers to a membership card
619. NPAC stands for
A /National Programme for Acquisi- tions and Cataloguing
B National Program on Acquisitions and Cataloguing
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
C National Programme for Acquisi- tions and Categories
D National Program on Acquisitions and Classification 620. Inter-library loan works
comes under the
A Maintenance section
B Acquisition section
C /Circulation section
D Periodical section
621. Major elements of a profession are
i) Philosophy ii) Body of knowledge iii) Publicity iv) Status
A (i), (ii), (iv) are correct.
B /(i), (ii), (iii) are correct.
C (ii), (iii), (iv) are correct.
D (i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
622. What symbol does colon(:) denote in
fundamental category?
A Personality
B Matter
C /Energy
D Space
623. The Electronic Library is
A A Magazine
B /A Journal Name
C A LIbrary
D An Encyclopeadia
624. INSDOC has been merged with NISCOM
and is now known as:
625. Another term of PERT is
626. Who is responsible for increasing in- teraction between libraries from common
wealth countries through visits and other ways
627. The notation used to increase the capacity
of an array are:
i) Empty digit
ii) Emptying digit
iii) Indicator digit
iv) Speciator

76 N

Do you know?
A /(i) and (ii) are correct.
B (iii) and (iv) are correct.
C (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
D (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
628. RDA related to
A Classification
B /Cataloguing
C Searching
D Browsing
629. 630. signtools? iii) iv) Solomon Which ii) A B C D i) Pie Zigzag Fishbone Pareto
Field Data Statistical /Pretest-post of chart the Four Analysis studies

a i
chart J following diagram Technique group test Model design are control

S h riRam
standard is related group TQM de- to

A (i), (iv) are correct.

B (ii), (iii), (iv) are correct.
C /(i), (iii), (iv) are correct.
D (iii), (iv) are correct.
631. New York times index is
Do you know?
A Journals index
B Book index
C /Newspapers index
D E-Book index 632. The first edition of ”Library of Congress
Classification” was published in
A 1905
B 1933
C /1901
D 1935 633. Inference Engine is a part of which infor-
mation system?
A Management information System
B Decision Support System
C /Expert System
D Open System 634. The foundation of Librarianship is
A Catalogue
B Book
C /Classification
D Notation 635. Technical section performs mainly two
functions namely classification and
A Accessioning
B Bills payment
C /Cataloguing
D Shelving
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
636. Which set of rules is applicable for ex-
change of files over Internet?
637. The publisher of “Information Power: Building Partnership for Learning” is
638. Microchip was invented by
A Microsoft
D /Intel
639. Metadata Dublin core refers to
A /Data elements in database
B Bibliographic elements in database
C Field elements in database
D Subject elements in database
640. In UDC what are the facet indicators are
used to combine the facets?
A Colon
B Double colon
C Square bracket
D /All the above
641. The concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
belongs to
A Second Generation Computers
B Third Generation Computers
C Fourth Generation Computers
D /Fifth Generation Computers
642. Damodaran Committee was appointed in
1971 to review working of
A Medical College Libraries
B National Science Libraries
C Agriculture Libraries
D /Polytechnic Libraries
643. What is world of learning?
A /Directory
B Encyclopedia
C Dictionary
D Year book
644. Computer mediated delivery of scholar by information, education and training to
remote users is called
A classroom learning
B /e-learning
C distance learning
D none of the above
645. Consider the following statements:

78 N

Do you know?
I. The five laws of library science are the very soul of the theory of Interlibrary loan II.
Fifth law of Library Science insists the
growth in readers
A I alone is correct
B II alone is correct
C Both are not correct
D /Both are correct
646. Which of the following is the essence of
Open Access System?
A B C D book 647. FID sibility A B C D Design Design Separation DDC AACR

CC /Right is /UDC for the body of of J of Library Shelves of reader which

a i
rare has Building books
S h
to take overall away respon- any

648. Andrew Carnegie donated two million
pounds for development of
A Library Collection
B /Library Building
C Library Furniture
D Library Staff
Do you know?
649. Colon classification 4th Edition was pub-
lished in the year
A 1939
B 1946
C 1949
D /1952
650. Which organization has introduced the concept of “Sister libraries” for children‘s
and young adults reading?
651. The standard “X” theory “Y” was con-
ceived by
A Peter F.Drucker
B /Doughlas Mc Gregor
C Gulik and UR Wick
D F.W.Taylor
652. In which period of the year National Book
Week is celebrated?
A /November 14th -November 20th
B November 16th -November 22nd
C November 12th November 18th
D December 12th -December 18th
653. In classification, the term BSO stands for79
Chapter 1. Library and information science MCQs hub
A Basic Subject Organization
B /Broad System of Ordering
C Broad Subject Organization
D Biography of Subject Ordering
654. Who of the following is not the author of
any reference book?
A C.M.Winchell
B William A Katz
C Louis Shores
D /Maurice B.Line
655. Indian National Advisory Board for Li-
braries was setup in 1966 by
A Association of Indian Universities
B /Ministry of Education
C Planning Commission
D University Grants Commision
656. MS-DOS was developed by
A Lotus
B /Microsoft
D Apple
657. ‘RRRLF’ falls under the:
A Ministry of Human Resource Devel- opment
B Ministry of Information & Broadcast- ingC /Ministry of Culture
D Ministry of Science & Technology
658. CDS/ISIS was distributed in India was
659. Who is known as father of Artificial Intel-
A /J.McCarthy
B M.Minsky
C Alan Turing
D N.Wiener
660. Which one of the following is not covered
in centralised cataloguing?
A To avoid duplication of work
B To reduce cost of cataloguing
C To raise the level of quality of cata- loguing
D /To promote the use of E-Resources
661. Of the following libraries in India, which
one is the oldest library?
A Asiatic Society Library, Bombay
B Connemara Public Library, Madras
C Delhi Public Library, Delhi
D /National Library of India, Calcutta.
662. Which one is E-Bibliographic database?
80 N

Do you know?

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