Chebotarev 1955 Metamorphism of Natural Waters 2
Chebotarev 1955 Metamorphism of Natural Waters 2
Chebotarev 1955 Metamorphism of Natural Waters 2
, Lotion
C3wchimiu1et Qmmocbin&x~
* . . 0 . . . . . . 137
~y~~~~d~tyofwa~~ ....... . 137
~Of~6~~“~~” ....... . 137
Hy~~e~i~~~d~ty ....... . 138
Depthandaalinityofwater ........ . 138
Salinity variation with dietauca from the outcrop end from the BBS . . 144
Depth and mlinity of weter in the Great Art&an Beein ... . 146
Subterrane8n waters in oil6elde ....... . lb2
Substance of the problem ........ . 162
Method of grouping ......... . 162
Chemical compoisition of w8ter ....... . 153
Hydraulic gradients and veloaityof flow . . , . . * 167
Pr8etieal view .......... . 160
Chemical compoktion of nstural brines ...... . 160
Oilfield brinee .......... * 160
“Conri&e” brinee .......... . 161
Chaagesin Baiinity concentration of brinee ..... . 161
Sdt domes end 8esocieti w8ters ...... . 162
SubMT8ne8n w8ters of VOlCaniC8&3o&tiOn ..... . 162
waters of geysers ......... . 162
Wetera of mud volcanoes ........ . 162
Salinity of weter eesocieted with meklliierous deposit8 ... . 103
Salinity of waters from sedimentary, metsmorphic, and igueou8 m&a . . 164
REFEIUZNCES .......... , . 168
+ Psrt 1 of this srticle haa been publiied in @&&a. ct Coamockkt. Acta S,22.
Opeol basins are found in the localities where the water-b8aring formation
containing artesian and subart&an waters in upper portion of the arm is drained
by the rivers or lak8s in lower area (Antelopa Valley, California, the Ukrainian
basin, and others).
Parsly tied basins are found in the areas in whioh the piessure (art&an and
subarfeeiari) waters are drained by boree only in one portion of the basin: whereas
in the other portion, located in the vicinity, pressure wat8rs are discharged by
springs (the Great Australian Basin, for instanoe, where the “mount springs” are
CZ~W?.basins, in which the outlet of the porous wat8r-b8aring bed at the lower
level is presumably found on the floor of the sea.
It is believed that in the alosed basins a oertain but unknown amount of
pressure-water may be spent on the general leakage through the imparm8able
strata, all of which permit the mpe of an appreciable portion of pressure-water
(South Dakota, Pre-Caucasian Basins, Turkestan).
The intensity of water-exchange between surfaoe and subterranean waters is
largely dependent upon the ratcl of flow in the intake asea and by the drainage
conditions in the ar8a of disoharge. The later one is usuaJly direoted seawards or,
after all, towards the oceanio depressions.
In some large structural units a looal drainage of deep-s8at8d water may be
caused by the occuriwnee of the tectonic breakings, but the rat8 of such drainage
would not be sign&ant.
In most artesian “systems” of the clos8d type, wa~r~xcha~e is more intensive
on the slope8 of the structure, while in the inner portions very oft8n sluggish
movement occurs
As a result of this proaess, a great variation in chemical oomposition of sub-
terranean waters takes place; bioarbonate waters prevail on the slopes of the
structure, while sulphate and chloride waters occur in the dcseper portions of the
The relation between the depth of the occurrence and salinity of subterranean
waters in the crust of weathering is twofold.
As a gexmral law the geoobemical types of natural waters depend on the water-
exohange possibility: bioarbonate waters occur near the earth’s surface and
chloride waters in the deeper portions of the structures (Tables 18, 19).
A deviation of this law often occurs when the local structural ooiiditions of the
water-bearing bed facilitate the active water-exchange in the subsurface reservoir
(Tables 20 and 21).
The depth of the active exchange is variable, but sometime it is ~o~d%~~b~~
Table 14. Reldon betweenhydra&c gmdknta and idinity of subtewaneanwater8 in the artem& ba8in
- - -
Hydmtdic Totu!
aroup Brodd @7&88
Mode of
of borea reporting of
, um!er
% p.p.m. % C8 ’ b%g Cl so4
+K + CO,
340 0.013 100.0 1,307 100.0 p.p.m.
React. V8hl0 y0
240 oa3 23.0 2,046 166.0 p.p.m. 442 137 124 974 281 88
Reaat. value y0 26.6 9.4 14.1 37.8 8.0 4.2
-- -_ __~ -- --
360 0.01 100.0 1,663 100.0 p.p.m. 367 112 91 687 349 167
Reaot. V81U0y0 26.2 9.6 14.2 28.6 12.6 9.0
-_ -~ --
Second 270 0.0076 76.0 2,337 140.0 p.p.m. 473 174 162 1,166
F&act. value % 24.6 10.3 16.1 39.4
-_ --
280 oaO19 61.3 9,143 131.0 p.p.m. 3,420 3,213 3,146 160
%&.Tt. V81Uey0 32.6 28.1 20.4 1.6
Table 15. Relation&p between hydmulic gradients and salinity of mbbtewanean w&r8 in Soutl& Dakota Artesiun Baain
(Dakota uasw%twe) (DARTON, 1909P
Hydmulic Total
C&ion8 Anions T
gmdient 8a&ity ckla8
Mode of
. . reporting - Qf
0baerw.l % pp.?& % Mg CI so,
-7 + co,
~--- -__- -___ _.~_
-I--- ---t----
Butte County wo3 ! loo.0 500-8 lOO*O p.p.m- 163.7 9.7 2.4 16.2 140.9 237.9
;= Well X& React. value yo 46.3 3.3 1.4 3.2 i 20.2 26.8 III
miles below
-_ . . . ~~-
Stanley 2.100 0*0008 j 26.6 3,487-l 022.0 p.p.m. 1,401.7 11.6 625 1,380 - 688.4
County Rewzt. velue yo 49.2 0.6 0.3 28.3 - 21.7 III
* Remarks: All oomputationa including the reconversion of the water analyses from hypothetical compounds into the ionic! form have been done
by the preaeut writer.
Table 16. Relation betweenhydraulic@radien&and mtinity of mtbtewaneanu&era in theSan Dkgo area, California
(ELLIS and LEE, 1919)
StUtiC Haydn&k Total
cations Aniom
Lxulity of l&d gradient salinity I
Mode of
feet _ reporting - - - __~
above I I N8 HCO,
S.L. /Obuewed) % 1 p.p.m. ) % Cl3 Mg 1 Cl so4
+K + 30,
-- - - - __-
Table 18. Change in rrdinity and types of subterranean waters with depth
in paleowic formations of the Kama River area (Europe) (USUPOV, 1948)
Zevel Rektive of
I p.p.m. Na + K Ca HCO, uxzter
salinity Mg
I i -7
- -
Upper Permian + 197 332 1.0 3.2 37.1 9.7 1.4 45.4 I
( , /
Lower P8lWktl +74 482.4 1.4: 9.5 18.2 i!I 22.3 i 2.1 36.0 1 II
Lower Permian +01 3,367 IO.1 30.5 9.8 9.7 Ii 22.3
Carboniferons - 2,023 356.3 38.3 6.4 5.3 i 48.6 1.2 i 0.2 \-
Carboniferous - 3,369 3;36,020 / 1,012.l 38.2 8.6
150 45,174 74.0 Pleistocene None 241 917 1.5 Tertiary Flowing
Tabk 22. Sdinity wrktim of a&terra-n watere with dietam fnnn the outrrg,
A. Midwag/ Oil F&Id, Ch&b?‘nk (~GElU3, 1%17)
/ /
Q,ooO 12,681 * Own computetion
16,000 24,090
21,600 32,193
27,300 34,889
Depth Xotal8alinity
(f@4 I (P.PW
Metamorphism of natud wetmein the cruetof weather@
from the Ozarks the ~ncent~tion ~~~6s at the rate of 1,200 p.p.m. per mile in
a di&ance of 125 miles, and in Minnesota and Wisconsin (southward from the
Canadian shield) 315 p.p.m. per mile is a distance of 225 milas (Don and GINTIGB,
The increase in salinity concentration in water with the westward distance from
the outcrop area and with inoreased depth and with the area of high depth of the
water-bearing rock below the surface is also well known in Southern Kansas
(ABXCRNATHY, 1948) and in West Texas Permian Basin (Bnaams and FASH, 1934).
A similar phenomenon has been reoorded in Europe (Iax ATOVXCH, 1944).
= = s?+?$ /Nl+K: ca / n#fg / cl 1 so, p.
I&vfbhinowell 4 130-617 1.032 42,266 13,6& 1,219 721 21,609 4,842 256
UdZ.8ohkrrwelllQ 388-969 1,077 106,239 37,209 2,162 866 69,989 4,831 182
Nytve well 21 749-777 1.183 206,767 64,716 10,313 3,300 126,861 946 543
Diutianoeinaand DiLeancuinkwut
Totd himdneaa
c1 a
Totid kadncds
from the shore fromtAauhore
(P-P4 as c&o, k?w.~.) a.9 ckaco,
(k-f4 (W
A Table 25. Depul to tier dn the @ted Art&m Btin (chk& bicarbonute uxz.tere)
4,oock&ooo 2 o-2 12
5,ooo-6,000 1 1 /1 0-f ; -o’7 :I ---
--- :/ ----- ____
Metemorphism of natural watera in the crust of weathering
Table 25 (continued)
Percentage of bore
the bak
of bore-e 1-o j 26.0 50.0 75.0 ’ 99.0
Depth in feet
South Australia 920 2,481 577 177 49 I -
Queenslaud 1,678 4,004 /’ 1,297 689 221 92
New South Wales 99 4,277 2,465 1,881 j 1,406 614
TOTAL 2,697 - I I I - ~ -
1 - i -
I /
Remarka: Total 8mount of boreholes accounted in the Great Art&en Besin is now &out 5,000.
The deepest bore 89 yet known is in exceea of 7,000 feet, being somewhere nesr the north-eeet corner
of South .hfhr8h8.
Fig. 11. Integral frequencv curve of total salinity in shallow underground water
in the Great Artesian Besin.
I. I. CmrBoTmv
R&&g of total
uidimity T
(P.P.W ---__-.
NUT&? PV of dYW
Pcnho?&of Relative tim
of 1.0 / 26.0 1 60.0 / 76.0 / 99.0 salin*
TOTAL j 1,412 j - 1 - / - / - j - 1
Metamorphismof naturalwatersin the crustof we8thea-ing
Percmtagc of anulyatw
Number of water
1.0 35.0 60-O 76.0 99.0
anulyaea I I I I
Tot& dinity (p.p.m.)
Shallow water LeeI than 1,087 4,089 More than 8,223 / 326
(no subdivided)
(1) South Australin Leea than 1,201 3,732 More than 9,863 644
(2) Queensland Lees than 243 972 More then 3,330 357
(3) New South Walea Lea.9than 109 438 More than 1,487 611
Jurassic pressure-waters
(S.A. portion) LeafIthan 1,367’ 2,273 More than 3,217 118
Tambo Jurassic 143 37.4 5.2 7.4 16.2 - 33.8 II
Cunnamula Jurassic 308 50.0 - - 2.0 - 48.0 I
Eromanga Jurassic 1,997 49.4 0.6 - 4.3 1-o 44.7 I
Winton Jurassic 373 41.0 9.0 / - 13.0 - I 37.0 II
- -
w rwly
Fig. 13. Classification diagram for subterranean waters in the Great Artesian Basin. Some figures
refer to bore numbers on Fig. 12; ions in reading value in percent. Tertiary waters: 19, 20, 21;
Cretaeeous waters: 7, 10, 11. 12, 13, 24, 8%; Jurassic watera: 1.3,4,6,6, 8.9, 14, 17,22, 23. 25, 26,
34, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48a, 60, 85, SO, 129.
I. I. CEzBmmlEv
Method of grouping
The assorted data related to the depth of ooourrenoe and saGrAy variation of
subterranean waters in the oil6eld areas in the world (Table 31) have been oolleoted
chiefly from published sources (3, 10, 14, 17, 18, 19,20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36,
39,42,45,47, 48,49, b2, 63, 64, 67, 62, 63, 66, 07) and are grouped aocording to
the geochemieal types of waters. The analysis of these data has been oarried out by
means of the aforementioned principles of the theory of frequenoy.
Number of analyea
a ( Mg / Cl 1so, /HCO.
Bioarbonate wetem 618 630 629 629 629 630
sulph8te w8tma 266 256 266 2S6 266 256
Chloride watera 939 933 938 943 940 936
t5,000 900 ec
i.3 I 0,oaa 600 ec
Fig. 15. Intagrei frequency curves of’chemical composition of bicsrbonate waters in oilfield areas
(T.S. = total salinity).
IS. Frwncy
Frequency in percent
Major groupe
of waters j - ;iI 25.0 PO j 75.0 [~-~~‘~“Yjj~ ZzI’
1-O ! 10.0
~.--- -_ ~___~_._ -- -.__ -___ _._.._______ _ .
Bicarbonate 6,226 ! 4,142 / 3,175 2,282 ’ 1,587 1 1,091 520 j 34
Sulphate 5,109 ! 3,393 ’ 2,600 1,869 1,300 j 894 426 1 28
Chloride 11,328 1 7,095 5,178 3,488 2,195 / 1,372 508 606
I 1
* Remarke: Although the number of wells for bicarbonate and sutphate wakn~~is inadequute com-
pared to chloride wstenr, the figures show that the formsr occur at more &allow depth than the latter
one. Many pools sre now being deveioped at depths bebw 10,ooO feet, and the deepest bore aa yet
known has been pmet tha ZO,~-fit mark in Wyoming oilfield (LEVORSEN, 1951; SALNIKOV, f961).
Metamorphism of natural watersin the crust~of weathering
99.0 / p.p.m. I
/ Reacting vaiue e/o i
ctl t:
/ i-i-
Number of analyses / 618 j 630 ’ 629 ; 629 / 629 / 630 630
! / i b 1
The data in Table 34 show that the water in the productive well is evidently
in an active exchange with the surface water or with shallow underground water
of lower salinity.
Average (3 analyses) / 957 ’ 12.7 7.4 29.9 1 III j After twenty hours
I j pumping
Average (3 analyses) 1 963 10.9 23.7 15.4 III / After two days
I P-Ping
OF 256
pumped well: total salinity of water sharply decreased and the CO, content in-
creased aocordingly. SO,-ion disappeared oompletely. After twenty hours pump-
ing and partioularly after two days the chemical composition of water became nearly
the same as it was for four years. This is clear evidence that .the supply from the
outside source was inadequate to cover the pumpage, and the “deep-seated”
(“native”) water came up again.
The water analysis given in Table 35 can be considered 88 a representative
analysis of highly concentrated bicarbonate waters (Class II) associated with
oil-pools :
Metamorphismof naturalwatersin the crustof weathering
Table 36. ~he?nicd cmpodion of 8dphate umtm8 #8oci&ed with o&pooh i?a wodd
Pemmt Mode of
fW7~Y reporting
I.0 p.p.m.
Reacting due y0
10.0 p.p.m.
Re8cting value y. 34.9 9.8
25-O p.p.m.
Reacting value y.
50.0 i p.p.m. 924 275 76
Reacting due y. 33.5
99.0 p.p.m. 37
Reacting v&l0 y. 26-O 20.8 3.2
GA. B-3
I. I. CEEBoTaagv
O-04 at a depth of 1,700 to 1,860 feet below sea-level (BEAL, 1917); the gradient
0.02 is also known in Terek-Dagestan oil-pools.
The rate of movement of waters evidently varies in an irregular manner, being
in many oases affeoted by the numerous faults and tiaotures. In Salt Creek oil-
field, for example, water moves at the rate of 1 to 4 feet per 24 hours (COFFTNand
DEFORD, 1934).
Fig. 17..Fmqmnoyourvea
of ok&ml oompo&ionof ohloride
w&emin oil&Ademm
(T.S. = totalmlinityj.
It is assumed that water and oil in the subsurface reservoir are in statio
equilibrium before the reservoir is tapped by drill@ wells, but as oil is produced
the enoroaohment of water into the spaoe previously oooupied by oil ooours.
Among the forces which may be responsible for the water entering (expansibility
of the water due to the presence of dissolved gases, reduction in pore space of the
rock upon reduction of pressure, etc.) the supply of extraneous water either at the
outorop of the formation or from other formations along &surea and craoks in the
faulted and sheared zones might be an important faator (WILDEand MOOSE, 1938).
The pmnt circulation of subterranean waters has certainly modifmd the
distribution of oil and gas in some oil&lds (the Grey Bull and Torahlight fields,
for instance) (LLOYD and BXUNDENSTINE,1922).
On the other hand, in the formations whioh to all appearanoe contain no water
and where liquids are considered to be in a “static” condition thereis no hydraulic
force, and, in contrast to the structural ocourrenee of oil, the oil-pools in such
formations are found in the synalines (REEVES, 1917).
Metamorphism of naturalw&erain the cruetof weathering
Table 31. Chemical compoeition of &wide watere associated with oil-pools in world
Percent Mode of
I i Tot&
Ne+K Ca Mg Cl so, HCO,
frewmy reporting adinity
1 ,
10.0 p.p.m. 40,970 14,760 1,748 81,092 2,330 3,007 143,897
Reacting value y. 33.4 13.8 2.8 48.0 1.0 1.0 100.0
25-O p.p.m. 23,970 8,201 1,071 64,320 1,601 1,760 90,923
Reacting value y. 33.8 13.3 2.9 48.0 1.0 1.0 100.0
-- ~-~
50.0 p.p.m. 10,880 3,422 632 29.100 928 798 46,660
Reacting value y. 34.3 12.4 3.3 48.1 1.1 0.8 I 100.0
75-o p.p.m. 4,080 1,239 220 13,680 487 308 19,906
Reading value y. 34-b 12.0 3.6 48.1 1.2 0.7 100.0
-- --~
90.0 p.p.m. 1,190 296 70 6,820 232 87 7,700
Rea$ing value y. 36.7 10.3 4.0 48.2 1.4 0.4 100.0
-- ---
99-O p.p.;n. 0 170 69 8 1,164 68 12 1,471
R%acting value y. 33.0 14.0 3.0 48.0 1.7 0.3 100.0
- -- -____~
C, 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0
Number of analyses 1 939 18331838 943 940 936 967
Table 38. chsmicul churacterktice of typical Water8 associated with od-pool8 in the world
(60 peg centfrequency)
Mode of Total
Qroups of Na + K Ca Mg Cl SO, HCO,
reporting salinity
P-p~“. o / 1”;::; 1 “;;y 1 y; j 2;;y 1 ;y 1 ;1y t&y
Reactmg value ,(,
Remarks: These characteristics are different from those shown elsewhere (CHEBOTAREV, 1952),
because the number of analyses was different.
ocouwtm.ce Occuwence
Rating R&?I.g
(p-P.4 Number Percent @-p.m.) / Number 1 Percent
I 1 I I I
Ca’ ’
- -
I- I TOTAL 46 loo.0
- ratio
Ma’ -
Ocouwence Oecuwence
Rating of Rating of
Rl.tiO8 TCl.608
1 Number Percent Number Percent
O-2 4 9.1 8-10 - -
2-4 30 68.2 10-12 - -
4-6 I 15.9 12-14 1 2.3
B. Integral frequency
44 8.9
It has been statSed that in Ohio, for instance, the quantity of brine that has been
taken from Rig salt sand was enormous and much more than the rock could at any
t’ime contain; on the other hand, in Pittsburgh the natural brines became so dilute
that it was no longer profitable to work them (BOWNOCKER, 1906; PRALEN, 1919).
“Connate” brines
The variation in total salinity of Appalachian brines which serve for industrial
uses and are considered as “connate” waters is illustrated by the data in Table 40.
Change in salinity concentration of brines
The increase in salinity concentration of brines as oil production continued is
shown in Table 41.
a*of- Anat@ when Totat 8alini.$y Ce”
(fW (P-P.*.) &F
1,466 1 month old / 79,150 Lc4
18 monthsold 1 103,730 5.6
The Excelsior Company Works, however, have pumped chloride brines from
the 760-feet level for many years without any substantial ohange in the chemical
composition (m and WELCH,1019).
In the general oonsensus the salt domes have been derived from sedimentary
salt deeplyburied in the strata under the a&ion of the great gravity or teetonic
upward forces.
It is believed that rock-salt whiohis of lower speoifi~gravity than the sediments has
been displaced as a plastic body and hss often pier& the adjacent sedimentary rocks.
As regards the position of subterranean waters with respeot to the salt body,
the following three types of water have been detenninod (DZENS-LITOVSKY, 1946):
1. Oversalt waters, chiefly brines, ciroulate over the salt in the cover-rocks; they
are agents in the formation of the intensive karst cavities occurring often in salt
mince. 2. Lateral or neaz-salt w&x-s (brines) surround the salt deposits from the
sides; they occur at the contact of the salt with the rocks s~un~g the salt
body. 3. Inter-salt and under-salt waters (brines) which are found in rooks inter
and under the salt deposit respectively.
- / I ..-
%zPwaweIS@ilz%w y. 1,208
- / 4&f
239 33
4.3 E.0
* - ,,4;: 18: 19.8
129 Boiling
. t RtN&X~~~ % 2,596
- 46.3
096 74
2.9 ;:: ;.; ;&. :y 6.8
276 8.w
---- --p
s$$&~*’ Reacj3:TZ;* % 8,245
- 1,389
36.3 68.1
10.3 56.3
1.6 57.1
2.8 489
8.0 1,984
24.0 1,891
18.0 806
Metamorphism of natureI waters in the crust of weathering
Table 43. Chwniud wmpodion of u&era awocidd with mud volca~ (Turkmenti)
(KOSSYQIN, 1936)
* With epproximetion.
Table 44. Sa&nity varidon of water aesocdde& with zinc and lead deposits
of theJopkin Region, U.S.A. (SIEBENTAL, 1916)
A. Diaibuiion
B . Frequency
Percentjrequency Number
Salinity of C,
1.0 10-o 2450 60.0 76.0 90.0 analyses
Total salinity (p.p.m.) 36,180 16,600 8,400 3,180 1,020 240 119 1.3
Remmh: Tho data in Tables A and B have been computed by the present author.
It has been suggested that for the leaching of zinc from the Cambrian and
Ordovician dolomite limestone in the Joplin Region the pore-water would require
to be changed thirteen times.
of waters
Salinity from
sedimentary, naetumrphic, a9zd igneou.8 rocks.
seainaetiry rocb.
The .saJinity variation in subterranean waters from sedimentary formations
in illu&ated bv the data in Table 45.
T Parta per naillion Hardne8.s in
- -___ Englkh
8&T@/ T
1Ns+K; CR i Mg Cl
-I so4
I HCO, degTea
/ 898
0.5 I 1.0 1.0 0.9 / 0.5 0.9 0.6 I
c, /
Metamorphism of natural wake in the crust of weathering
Total salinity (p.p.m.) 10.04Oj 13;680 / 6,120 13,680 12,400 1 1,760 j 840 1 692 1 0.6
Percentfrequency Number
&umber of I
analpea ’ 106 96 96 211 130 43 222
Table 61. Salinity of uubtwmmn ux&mjhn Pdeowic formath (Ewope)
(Author’8 d&x)
Number of
anmlyees 910 I 707 418 994 _-
I i I.--
Total salkity (p.p.m.) 1 0.9 1 161
- - -m-.-
0.12 0.01 1.0 187
L i
!i’abk 63. Chemical compsitionof Pal-s&c w&era of the high ,dnit~ (d-eastern Kaw)
Sect. 8.T.28S RI.1 E. / 100,199 33,860 4,731 1,791 66,7861 4.0 ‘.O
Metamorphism of natural waters in the crust of weathering
Metamorphic rock.a.
Total salinity of shallow underground waters from metamorphic rocks can be
characterized by the data in Tables 54 and 55.
Table 64. Salinity of eubtemanean w&we from metamorphic rocb (Union of South Africu)
(BOND, 1940)
6.5 2.7 1.7 / 0.8 / 0.2 j Ql2 1 0.01 1 1.0 / 96
Table. 65. Salinity of eubtermnean waters from metamorphic (Pre-Cambriun) rock (Au&r&a)
(MILES, 1952)
Total salinity (p.p.m.) 4,018 2,074 2,045 1,473 958 700 343 31 0.5
Igneous rocks.
The salinity variation in subterranean waters found in igneous rocks is illus-
trated by the data in Tables 56, 57.
Table 56. Salinity of eubtwranean water from igneous rocks (Europe)
(Authur’s data)
I Total
I Cl3 Mg Cl 604
Number of
analyses 314 270 I 260 377 ! 308 I 370
The data presented in Tables 52, 64, 57 heve been computed by the present writer. The permission
for the reference on this publication is given by the Government Printer, Pretoria. It hes been suggemt.4
that the following imprint must be given; “Extract from Geological Memoir No. 41 reproduced under
Government Printers Copyright Authority No. 1120 of 30/l/53.”
I. I. CuwscrrAaEv
Ca” I
7 / 16.6
Mg” I
1. ABEBNATEY, G. E. (1948) Ground water available for water-flooding oil projects in South
Eastern Kansas. Tratw. Kaneas Acud. Std. 51
2. Bm, H. O., and RICK, R. C. (1963) Sea-water intrusion into ground-water basins
borderingthe CalifornianCoast aud inland bays. Tmnu. Amer. &q&y@. Union 84 (No. 4)
3. BAZNES, V. E. (1932) Oilfmld waters of North-Central Texae. Bull. Amer. Auwc. Petrol.
Gwl. 16 (No. 4)
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