SLS 107 - 2015 Specification For Ordinary Portland Cement
SLS 107 - 2015 Specification For Ordinary Portland Cement
SLS 107 - 2015 Specification For Ordinary Portland Cement
UDC 666.942.2
(Fifth Revision)
Gr. 8
Copyright Reserved
17, Victoria Place
Elvitigala Mawatha
Colombo - 08
Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Standards are subject to periodical
revision in order to accommodate the progress
made by industry. Suggestions for
improvement will be recorded and brought to
the notice of the Committees to which the
revisions are entrusted.
This standard does not purport to include all the
necessary provisions of a contract.
© SLSI 2015
All right reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing from the SLSI.
Foreword 1
1 Scope 1
2 References 2
3 Definitions 2
4 Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 3
5 Constituents 4
6 Composition 5
7 Mechanical, physical and chemical requirements 5
8 Marking 7
9 Delivery and packaging 9
10 Manufacturer’s certificate 9
11 Independent tests 9
12 Sampling 10
13 Inspection and testing 10
14 Compliance of a lot 10
SLS 107 : 2015
This standard was approved by the Sectoral Committee on Building and Construction
Materials and was authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri Lanka Standard by the
Council of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution on 2015–11–19.
This standard was first published in 1971 and subsequently revised in 1982, 1995, 2002 and
2008. This is the fifth revision of the part 1 of the standard. It incorporates the experience
gained with the use of the last revision and brings the standard in line with the present
practices followed internationally in production and testing of cement. Further criterion for
differentiation of rapid hardening & normal hardening cement was also introduced.
For the purpose of comparison of cement type given in this standard with those given in
BS EN 197-1, corresponding equivalent cement type with respect to BS EN 197-1 is given
where applicable.
Appendix B of the standard provides some guidelines on the use of cement while Appendix C
gives some useful information on adulterated cement. Since this current revision of the
standard refers to relevant SLS ISO standard test methods, SLS 107: Part 2 will be
withdrawn, with the reviewing of remaining cement standards.
Further guidance on usage of this cement with respect to other cements in Sri Lanka
(see Appendix D) is included to satisfy a pressing need of the cement users.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied
with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or observation shall
be rounded off in accordance with SLS 102. The numbers of significant places retained in the
rounded off value shall be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
In the preparation of this standard the assistance derived from the publications of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), European Committee for
Standardization (CEN) and British Standards Institution (BSI) are gratefully acknowledged.
This standard covers the requirements for constituents, composition, mechanical properties,
physical properties, chemical properties, packaging, marking and delivery of Ordinary
Portland Cement (OPC).
NOTE: Requirements for other cements are covered in separate Sri Lanka standards
(see Clause 2).
SLS 107 : 2015
For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply:
3.1 additives : Constituents other than main constituents, minor additional constituents or
calcium sulphate which are added to improve the manufacture or the properties of the cement,
such as grinding aids, pigments or pack set inhibitors.
3.2 cement : An inorganic finely ground hydraulic binder which, when mixed with water,
forms a paste which sets and hardens by means of hydration reactions and processes and
which, after hardening, retains its strength and stability even under water.
3.5 increment : Quantity of cement taken in a single operation of the sampling equipment
SLS 107 : 2015
3.6 laboratory sample : Sample prepared by thoroughly mixing and if necessary reducing
from a large composite sample (spot or composite sample) and intended for use by
laboratories undertaking the tests.
3.7 lot : In any consignment or part of a consignment, all the packages of cement or
quantity of bulk cement belonging to one batch of manufacture or supply shall constitute a lot.
3.10 minor additional constituents : Specially selected inorganic materials (such as fly
ash, granulated blast furnace slag and natural pozzolana) used in a proportion not exceeding a
total of 5 % (m/m) related to the sum of all main and minor additional constituents. (see 5.1
and 5.2).
3.11 percent (m/m) : Mass of a constituent expressed as a percentage of the total mass of
the constituents.
3.12 packer/distributor : The establishment responsible for the quality of cement packed
and/or distributed in Sri Lanka.
3.13 sample : Quantity of cement taken at random, in accordance with the specified
sampling plan, from a large quantity (cement stored in silo, stock of bags, wagons, trucks,
etc.) or from a fixed lot, relating to the intended tests. A sample may consist of one or more
3.14 sample for retest : Sample which is to be kept for possible subsequent test in the
event of the results from tests carried out on laboratory samples being in doubt or dispute.
3.15 spot samples : Samples which is taken at the same time and from one and the same
place, relating to the intended tests, and which can be obtained by combining one or more
immediately consecutive increments.
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) conforming to this standard shall, when appropriately
batched and mixed with aggregate and water, be capable of producing mortar or concrete
which retains workability for a sufficient time and after defined periods attains specified
strength level and possesses long term volume stability. It shall behave in a similar manner
when mixed with water to form neat cement slurry.
SLS 107 : 2015
Portland cement clinker being the main constituent is a hydraulic material made by sintering a
precisely specified mixture of raw materials (raw meal, paste or slurry) containing elements,
usually expressed as oxides CaO, SiO2 ,Al2O3 ,Fe2O3 and small quantities of other materials.
The raw meal, paste or slurry is finely divided, intimately mixed and therefore homogeneous.
Portland cement clinker shall consist of at least two-thirds by mass of calcium silicates
(3CaO.SiO2 and 2CaO.SiO2). The remainder shall consist of aluminium and iron containing
clinker phases and other compounds. The ratio by mass CaO/SiO2 shall be not less than 2.0.
The magnesium oxide, MgO content shall not exceed 5.0 % (m/m) when determined in
accordance with SLS ISO 29581-1.
At the option of the manufacturer, minor additional constituents may be used in the
manufacture of OPC provided the total amount of such materials shall not exceed 5.0 %
(m/m) related to the sum of all main and minor additional constituents of the cement.
Minor additional constituents are specially selected, inorganic natural mineral materials,
inorganic mineral materials derived from the clinker production process or constituents as
specified in 5.1 unless they are included as the main constituents in the cement.
Minor additional constituents, after appropriate preparation, and on account of their particle
size distribution, improve the physical properties of the cement (such as workability or water
retention). They can be inert or have slightly hydraulic, latent hydraulic or pozzolanic
properties. However, requirements are not specified for them in this respect.
Minor additional constituents shall be correctly prepared, i.e. selected, homogenized, dried
and comminuted depending on their state of production or delivery. They shall not increase
the water demand of the cement appreciably, impair the resistance of the concrete or mortar to
deterioration in any way or reduce the corrosion protection of the reinforcement.
NOTE: Information on the minor additional constituents in the cement should be available
from the manufacturer on request.
Calcium sulphate is added to the other constituents of cement during its manufacture to
control setting.
5.4 Additives
Additives for the purpose of this standard are constituents not covered in 5.1 to 5.3 which are
added to improve the manufacture or the properties of the cement.
SLS 107 : 2015
The total quantity of additives shall not exceed 1.0 % (m/m) of the cement (except for
pigments). The quantity of organic additives on a dry basis shall not exceed 0.2 % (m/m) of
the cement. A higher quantity may be incorporated in cements provided that the maximum
quantity, in percentage, is declared on the packaging and/or the delivery note.
These additives shall not promote corrosion of the reinforcement in concrete or impair the
properties of the cement or of the concrete or mortar made from the cement.
Admixtures for concrete, mortar or grouts in dry form shall not be incorporated in BHC
conforming to this standard.
When admixtures for concrete, mortar or grouts conforming to the BS EN 934 series are used
in cement the standard notation of the admixture shall be declared on bags or delivery
% (m/m)
Designation cement type
in Main constituent Minor additional
BS EN 197-1 Clinker Constituents
(2) (3) (4)
Ordinary Portland
CEM l 95 to 100 0 to 5
The compressive strength of mortar prisms shall be determined in accordance with SLS ISO
679 at the laboratory temperature of 27 ± 2 0C.
The moist air room or the cabinet for storage of the test specimens in the mould shall be
continuously maintained at the temperature of 27 ± 1 0C and a relative humidity not less than
90 %. The temperature of the water in the storage container of test specimens shall be
maintained at 27 ± 1 0C.
The standard strength of cement is the compressive strength of mortar prisms determined at
28 days and shall conform to the requirements given in column 4 of Table 2.
Two classes of standard strength are included in this standard. i.e. Class 32.5 and Class 42.5
(see column 1 of Table 2).
SLS 107 : 2015
The early strength of cement is the compressive strength of mortar prisms determined at either
2 or 7 days and shall conform to the requirements given in column 2 or 3 of Table 2
Two classes of early strength are included for each class of standard strength, a class with
ordinary early strength indicated by N and a class with high early strength indicated by R.
The initial setting time of cement paste of standard consistency as determined by the method
described in SLS ISO 9597 shall conform to the requirements given in column 5 of Table 2.
Compressive strength
Strength N/m2 Initial setting
class time
Early strength Standard strength
2 day 7 day 28 day
(1) (5)
(2) (3) (4)
7.2.2 Soundness
The cement shall not have an expansion of more than 10 mm when tested for soundness by
the method described in SLS ISO 9597.
In determining the chemical composition of cement, either the analysis by wet chemistry
described in SLS ISO 29581-1 or by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique given in SLS ISO
29581-2 may be used. In the case of dispute, unless otherwise agreed by all parties, only the
test methods described in SLS ISO 29581-1 shall be used.
The chemical requirements of all strength classes of the OPC shall conform to the
requirements listed in Table 3.
SLS 107 : 2015
NOTE 2: Test method for the determination of C3A content of clinker from an analysis of the
final cement is not yet develop
8.1 OPC manufactured in compliance with this standard shall be marked on the bag
legibly and indelibly with the particulars as given in (a) to (h). When supplied in bulk,
manufacturer’s certificate, the delivery note or the invoice shall also provide the following
SLS 107 : 2015
f) Net mass of the contents in kg if packed in bag or in tonne (1000 kg) if supplied in
g) Any other information required in the standard
eg: type of admixture used, loss on ignition (if applicable), etc.; and
h) Best before date (as declared by the manufacturer).
NOTE 1: Attention is drawn to the product certification marking facilities offered by the Sri
Lanka Standards Institution. See the inside back cover of this standard.
NOTE 2: For the “best before” date to be valid, cement should be delivered, stored and used
as specified in Appendix B.
8.2 In the case of the bagged cement the size of the letters used for (c) and (d) shall be not
less than 12 mm in height.
8.3 In the case of bagged cement brand name, SLS mark (if applicable) and generic name
shall be displayed on the front side of the bag. Information in Figure 1 should be displayed on
the rear side of the bag
සාමාන්ය ෙප ල ෙම
சாதாரண ேபார்ட்ேலண்ட் சீெமந்
Ordinary Portland Cement
Strength class
The name and address of the manufacturer, packer and the distributor
The week of manufacture and the date of packing
Net mass in kg
Best before
SLS 107 : 2015
The cement shall be supplied in bulk, or packed in bags of sufficient strength and construction
to prevent damage or deterioration of cement, during normal handling.
Any container used for bulk supply shall have an airtight fully enclosed body robust enough to
prevent spillage of cement, and a special facility for dustless discharge such as air slide,
pneumatic discharger or spiral conveyor.
When cement is supplied in bag form, the minimum net mass of each bag shall be 50.0 kg.
The net mass of the bag of cement shall be determined by its gross mass and the mass of
package. The nominal mass of the empty bag shall be marked to the nearest one gram on the
package, where facilities exist for such marking. If mass of an empty bag is not displayed on
the bag, mass should be determined by weighing 10 empty bags used for the same batch.
These empty bags should be supplied by the manufacturer (see 3.9) or packer/distributor
(see 3.12).
The bags of cement which are not in good condition, due to causes such as moisture patches,
torn bags, burst stitches, spilling cement or exudation of cement dust, shall be rejected.
The manufacturer/packer/distributer shall be satisfied that the cement at the time of its
delivery complies with the requirements of this standard. In case of imported cement time of
delivery means the time of delivery to a port in Sri Lanka.
If the end-user or his representative requires independent tests, they shall be carried out in
accordance with this standard on the written instructions of the end-user or his representative.
The manufacturer/vendor shall supply, free of charge, the cement required for testing unless
otherwise specified in the enquiry and order, the cost of the tests shall be borne as follows:
a) by the manufacturer/vendor if the results show that the cement does not comply with
the requirements of this standard; and
b) by the end-user if the results show that the cement complies with the requirements of
this standard.
SLS 107 : 2015
Where the compliance of a lot to the requirements of this specification is to be assessed based
on statistical sampling and inspection, sampling scheme given in Appendix A shall be applied.
In case a sample is required for independent tests, it shall be taken, at the option of the end-
user or his/her representative, before delivery or within one week after delivery of the cement
as per Appendix A.
Where the compliance with this specification is to be assured based on manufacturer’s control
system coupled with type testing and check tests or any other procedures, appropriate schemes
of sampling and any other inspection procedures can be adopted.
All the samples shall be directed to the testing authority with immediate effect and the tests
shall be commenced within 4 weeks of the delivery of the sample to the testing authority.
13.1 Inspection
Where the cement supply is in bulk form, each container shall be inspected at the sampling
stage for the relevant delivery and packing requirements as per clause 9.
Where the cement supply is in bag form, each bag selected as in A.2.1, shall be inspected at
the sampling stage for the marking and packaging requirements specified in clause 8 and
clause 9 respectively. Required facilities shall be provided by the manufacturer/vendor
responsible for the quality or its representative.
13.2 Testing
The laboratory sample (see A.3) shall be tested for all the mechanical, physical and chemical
requirements specified in clause 7.
Any lot, when sampled in accordance with clause 12, fails to comply with any of the
following requirements during the period declared by the manufacturer, shall be deemed not
to comply with this standard.
Each container shall comply with the relevant delivery and packing requirements in clause 9.
SLS 107 : 2015
a) Each bag in the sample drawn in accordance with clause 12 shall comply with the
marking requirements given clause 8.
b) The number of bags not conforming to relevant delivery and packaging requirements
in clause 9 shall be less than or equal to the corresponding acceptance number given
in column 3 of Table 4.
The laboratory sample (see A.3) shall comply with the mechanical, physical and chemical
requirements given in clause 7.
SLS 107 : 2015
SLS 107 : 2015
Where the cement packed in bags, the sample shall comprise the number of bags that is given
in column 2 of Table 4, selected at random from the lot in accordance with the lot size given
in column 1 of Table 4.
NOTE: Table 4 was prepared in accordance with ISO 2859-1:1999 - Sampling procedure for
inspection by attribute and Part 2 - Sampling schemes index by Accepted Quality Limit (AQL)
for lot by lot inspection.
To ensure the randomness of selection, a method given in SLS 428 shall be used.
Alternatively all the bags in the lot may be arranged in a serial order and starting from any
bag, every nth bag be selected in order to meet the requirement given in column 2 of Table 4, n
being the integral part of N/n where N is the lot size (number of bags in a lot) and n is the
sample size (number of bags have to be selected).
Approximately equal quantities of cement shall be taken from each bag selected and make
composite sample in order to meet the requirements of laboratory sample (see clause A.3).
Appropriate sampling instrument described in A.1 shall be used to collect the cement from the
A.2.2 Sampling from large containers and bulk transport (after loading or before unloading)
Sufficient number of increments shall be drawn from evenly distributed points of each
container (wagon, truck, etc...) and a composite sample shall be made in order to meet the
requirements of laboratory sample (see clause A.3). Increments shall be taken by using a
sampling tube or appropriate sampling instrument.
Care shall be taken not to take materials from the top and bottom layers of the mass of
cement. The thickness of the layer to be considered is at least 150 mm.
Sampling shall be carried out with suitable increments at regular intervals when the cement is
being charged into the container/silos or being discharged from the containers/silos and
composite sample shall be made in order to meet the requirements of laboratory sample (see
clause A.3). The increments shall be such that one increment is taken per 10 tons of cement or
as per the agreement between the manufacturer (or vendor) and the customer (or purchaser).
Appropriate sampling instrument shall be used.
SLS 107 : 2015
Immediately after homogenization of sample, it shall be divided equally (see Note) into
required number of laboratory samples by using a sample divider or other suitable means. The
laboratory sample shall be of such a size that all the tests whatever specified can be carried out
NOTE: In general at least 5 kg of cement sample would be sufficient to carry out all the tests
Each of the laboratory samples shall be divided into two equal portions and packed separately
(second portion of the sample for retest if required).
a) Where the rigid container is used, it shall, as far as possible, be completely filled
and their closure shall be sealed (integral seal or other suitable means).
b) Where the PE/PP bag is used, the air in the bag shall, as far as possible, be
removed and provision shall also be made to seal them where necessary.
NOTE: It should be noted that packaging, however air-tight, cannot in the long term prevent
a certain amount of aeration, which may vary depending on the properties of the packing
SLS 107 : 2015
Dry cement in normal has no harmful effect on dry skin. When cement is mixed with water,
alkali is released. Precautions should therefore be taken to avoid dry cement entering the
eyes, mouth and nose and to prevent skin contact with wet cement.
Repeated skin contact with wet cement over a period may cause irritant contact dermatitis.
The abrasiveness of the particles of cement and aggregate in mortar or concrete can contribute
to this effect. Continued contact during a working day can lead to cement burns with
ulceration but this is not common. Some people are sensitive to the small amounts of
chromate which may be present in cement and can develop allergic contact dermatitis, but this
is rare.
When working in places where dry cement becomes airborne, protection for the eyes, mouth
and nose should be worn.
When working with wet mortar or concrete, waterproof or other suitable protective clothing
should be worn such as long sleeved shirts, full length trousers, waterproof gloves and shoes.
Clothing contaminated with wet cement, mortar or concrete should be removed and washed
before further use.
If cement enters the eye it should immediately be washed out thoroughly with clean water and
medical treatment should be sought without delay. Wet mortar or concrete on the skin should
be washed off immediately.
To protect cement from premature hydration after delivery, bulk silos should be waterproof
and internal condensation should be minimized.
Paper bags should be stored clear of the ground, not more than eight bags high and protected
by a waterproof structure. As significant strength losses begin after several weeks of storage
in bags in normal conditions, and considerably sooner under adverse weather conditions or
high humidity, deliveries should be controlled and used in order of receipt.
Where cement is to be used in grouts or renders that are pumped through small apertures, such
as spray nozzles, it is recommended that the user passes the cement or suspension through a
screen of suitable mesh aperture to retain any occasional coarse particles.
SLS 107 : 2015
The cement hydration process generates heat, particularly in the first few days. Cements with
higher early strength usually have a higher initial rate of heat generation than those with lower
early strength. A higher initial rate of heat generation may be an advantage for thinner
concrete sections, because it reduces the need for extended striking times. However, it may be
a disadvantage for larger sections on account of the temperature gradients, which are set up.
A variety of Cement of different fineness is available. In general, fineness varies from about
300 m2/kg to 400 m2/kg with the latter value in the order of that of rapidly hardening Portland
cement. If the selection of a cement is to be based on fineness, the advantages and
disadvantages listed below should be taken into account with respect to the specific
application under consideration.
a) possesses a higher volume per unit mass and hence yields greater volume of cement in
volume batched concrete or mortar;
b) develops higher early strength although standard strength (28 days) may not be very
different from any other cement;
c) improves workability and also causes less bleeding in mortar or concrete; and
d) requires a lesser curing period.
Strength Class 52.5 cement can be manufactured or imported for a specific project under the
permission of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution.
SLS 107 : 2015
Most common form of adulteration is to produce underweight cement bags. The next common
form is to insert warehouse cement sweepings which may be partially aerated. Less common
forms are inclusion of very fine quarry dust and inclusion of hardened cement lumps in finely
ground form. Every user should exercise caution in the purchase of cement and if adulteration
is suspected it may be useful to inform the manufacturer/vendor.
The best form of identification of adulterated cement is to conduct all the tests specified in
this standard. It is also possible to identify adulteration by some simple observations. Some
means of identification using simple observations are as follows:
a) Check whether machine stitches of cement bags are tampered with. Generally hand
stitches are similar on both sides of the bag and are of inferior quality;
b) If the cement bag bends sharply when handled or transported, it is likely to have been
tampered with;
c) When the bottom stitched end of the bag is pounded on the floor a few times to pack the
cement, and if the bag is tampered with, the opening used for filling cement at factory
(a top cover of the cement bag) will open out easily or can be seen as damaged slightly;
d) The gross mass of a cement bag is approximately 100 g to 200 g more than the net mass
specified, otherwise it is likely to have been tampered with;
e) When equal volumes of cement and water are shaken in a test tube or clear glass bottle
and left for a few minutes slight adulteration may show as a dark spray and heavy
adulteration may show up as a precipitate; and
f) When cement is spread into a thin layer on a glass sheet and then covered with another
similar glass sheet, adulterated cement may show up patches of slightly different shades of
SLS 107 : 2015
subjected to severe
strength concrete
strength concrete
Pre-cast concrete
grade 30 & up to
Masonry work
Cement based
Strength class
(greater than
Cement type
(c) Concrete
(b) Medium
(a) Normal
(b) & (c)
(a) & (c)
32.5 N/R
OPC SLS 107 *** ** ** ** ** *** *** *** ** **
42.5 N/R
*** *** ** ** ** *** *** *** ** **
32.5 N/R
BHC SLS 1247 *** ** *** *** ** ** * *** ** **
42.5 N/R
*** *** *** *** *** ** * *** ** **
32.5 N/R
PLC SLS 1253 *** ** * * * ** * *** ** **
42.5 N/R
*** *** * * * ** * *** ** **
NOTE 1: Specific guidelines with respect to usage of different types of cement for concrete are given in BS EN 206-1 and BS 8500.
NOTE 2: For the specific exposure condition of “concrete subject to water pressure in a very aggressive condition rich in sulphates”, PLC content in
the mix should be more than that of OPC, if PLC is selected.