tr150 PDF
tr150 PDF
tr150 PDF
Service Manual
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Contents TR150 and TR170 Service Manual
1 Introduction 6
1.1 Purpose 6
1.2 Product Overview 6
1.3 Safety 6
1.4 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) 6
1.5 Tools Required 9
1.6 Electrical Installation in General 10
1.6.1 Electrical Installation in General 10
1.7 Exploded Views – H Frame Size 11
1.8 Exploded Views - I Frame Size 14
1.9 Ratings 17
1.9.1 Short Circuit and Overcurrent Trips 17
1.9.2 DC Voltage Levels 17
4 Troubleshooting 27
4.1 Troubleshooting Tips 27
4.2 Exterior Fault Troubleshooting 27
6 Test Procedures 45
6.1 Non-repairable Units 45
6.2 Introduction 47
6.3 Static Test Procedures 47
6.3.2 Rectifier Circuit Test 48
6.3.3 Inverter Section Tests 48
6.3.4 Intermediate Section Tests 49
6.3.5 Location of UDC Terminals 49
6.4 Dynamic Test Procedures 52
6.4.1 No Display Test (Display is Optional) 52
9 Block Diagrams 94
9.1 Block Diagrams, Frame Sizes H and 9 94
9.1.1 H6 Frame Size 94
9.1.2 I6 Frame Size 95
9.1.3 H7, H8, I7, I8 Frame Size 96
9.1.4 H9 Frame Size 97
9.1.5 H10 Frame Size 98
Index 99
1 1 1 Introduction
1. DO NOT touch electrical parts of the frequency • Do not touch components on the circuit boards.
converter when connected to mains. Also make • Hold circuit boards by the edges or corners
sure that other voltage inputs have been discon- only.
All cabling must comply with national and local regulations on cable cross-sections and ambient temperature. Copper
conductors are required. 75 °C (167 °F) is recommended. For TR170 drives operating in ambients over 50 °C (122 °F), copper
conductors rated 80 °C (176 °F) or higher are recommended.
Table 1.6 Tightening Torques for Enclosure Sizes H1–H8, 3x200–240 V & 3x380–480 V
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 LCP 11 DC coil
2 Front cover 12 Rectifier modules
3 Cradle 13 IGBTs
4 LCP gasket 14 Capacitors
5 Control card 15 Heat sink fan assembly
6 Control card mounting plate 16 Fan
7 Support bracket 17 Cable mounting plate
8 RFI filter 18 Relay/transducer card with mounting plate
9 Power Card 19 Cable entry
10 Power card mounting plate
1.9 Ratings 1 1
1.9.1 Short Circuit and Overcurrent Trips
The frequency converter is protected against short circuits with current measurement in each of the 3 motor phases or in
the DC link. A short circuit between 2 output phases causes an overcurrent in the inverter. The inverter turns off the IGBTs
individually when the short-circuit current exceeds the permitted value (Alarm 16 Trip Lock).
2.3.2 Output Signals See the Quick Guide for detailed information on accessing
and showing parameters, and for descriptions and
The frequency converter also produces output signals that procedures for service information available in parameter
are carried either through the RS485 serial bus or terminal group 6-** Analog In/Out. 2 2
42. Output terminal 42 operates in the same manner as 2.5 Control Terminals
the inputs. The terminal can be programmed for either a
variable analog signal in mA or a digital signal (0 or 1) in For proper function of the frequency converter functioning,
24 V DC. In addition, a pulse reference can be provided on the input control terminals must be:
terminals 27 and 29. Output analog signals generally • Wired properly.
indicate the frequency, current, torque, and so on, to an
external controller or system. Digital outputs can be
• Powered.
control signals used to open or close a damper, or send a • Programmed correctly for the intended function.
start or stop command to auxiliary equipment. Ensure that the input terminal is wired correctly:
1. Confirm that the control and power sources are
Additional terminals are Form C relay outputs on terminals wired to the terminal.
01, 02, and 03, and terminals 04, 05, and 06.
2. Check the signal in either of 2 ways:
Terminals 12 and 13 provide 24 V DC low voltage power, • Press [Display Mode], then select Digital
Input. The LCP shows the digital inputs
often used to supply power to the digital input terminals
which are correctly wired.
(18–33). Those terminals must be supplied with power
from either terminal 12 or 13, or from a customer supplied • Use a voltmeter to check for voltage at
external 24 V DC power source. Improperly connected the control terminal.
control wiring is a common service issue for a motor not Confirm that each control terminal is programmed for the
operating or the frequency converter not responding to a correct function. Each terminal has specific functions and a
remote input. numbered parameter associated with it. The setting
selected in the parameter enables the function of the
Number of digital outputs 2 terminal.
Terminal number 42, 451)
Voltage level at digital output 17 V See the Quick Guide for details on changing parameters
Maximum output current at digital 20 mA and the functions available for each control terminal.
Maximum load at digital output 1 kΩ
Terminal Function
01, 02, 03 Form C relay output on control card. Maximum 240
V AC, 2 A. Minimum 24 V DC, 10 mA, or 24 V AC,
100 mA. Can be used for indicating status and
warnings. Physically located on power card.
04, 05 Form A relay output on control card. 30 V AC, 42.5
V DC. Can be used for indicating status and
12, 13 Voltage supply to digital inputs and external
transducers. For the 24 V DC to be used for digital
inputs, switch 4 on the control card must be closed
(ON position). The maximum output current is 200
16–33 Programmable digital inputs for controlling the
frequency converter. R=2 kΩ. Less than 5 V=logic 0
(open). Greater than 10 V=logic 1 (closed).
20 Common for digital inputs.
39 Common for analog and digital outputs.
42, 45 Analog and digital outputs for indicating values
such as frequency, reference, current, and torque.
The analog signal is 0–20 mA, or 4–20 mA at a
maximum of 500 Ω. The digital signal is 24 V DC at
a minimum of 600 Ω.
50 10 V DC, 17 mA maximum analog supply voltage
for potentiometer or thermistor.
53, 54 0–10 V DC voltage input, R = 10 kΩ Used for
reference or feedback signals. A thermistor can be
connected here.
55 Common for analog inputs. This common is
isolated from the common of all other power
supplies. If, for example, the frequency converter’s
24 V DC power supply is used to power an
external transducer, which provides an analog
input signal, terminal 55 must be wired to terminal
60 Programmable 0–20 mA or 4–20 mA, analog
current input, Resistance=approx. 200 Ω. Used for
reference or feedback signals.
61 RS485 common.
68, 69 RS485 interface and serial communication.
2 2
Control terminals must be programmed. Each terminal has specific functions and a numbered parameter associated with it.
The setting selected in the parameter enables the function of the terminal. See the TR150 and TR170 Quick Guide for details.
Incorrect grounding
Do not use twisted cable ends (pigtails) since they increase
shield impedance at high frequencies.
Ground potential protection
When the ground potential between the frequency
converter and the PLC or other interface device is different,
electrical noise may occur that can disturb the entire
system. Resolve the electrical noise by fitting an equalizing
cable next to the control cable. Minimum cable cross-
section is 10 mm2 (8 AWG).
Another part of the logic section is the removable LCP or • Cascade pump controller
display mounted on the front of the frequency converter. • Custom operating software
The LCP provides a user interface to the frequency
Circuitry for controlling speed of the cooling fans is also As long as power is applied to the frequency converter,
provided on the power card. voltage is present in the DC link and the inverter circuit.
Voltage is also fed to the switch mode power supply
3.2.3 Power Section (SMPS) on the power card and is used for generating all
other low voltage supplies.
The DC coil is a single unit 2 two coils wound on a
common core. One coil resides in the positive side of the 3.3.2 Intermediate Section
DC bus and the other in the negative. The coil aids in the
reduction of mains harmonics. From the rectifier section, voltage passes to the
intermediate section. The DC link is an LC filter circuit
The DC bus capacitors are arranged into a capacitor bank consisting of the DC-link inductor and the DC-link
along with bleeder and balancing circuitry. capacitor bank that smooths the rectified voltage.
The inverter section is made up of six IGBTs, commonly The intermediate section consists of the following
referred to as switches. One switch is necessary for each components:
half phase of the 3-phase power, for a total of 6. The 6 • The DC-link inductor located in the positive side
IGBTs are contained in 3 dual modules. of the DC link provides series impedance to
changing current. This impedance aids the
filtering process while reducing harmonic
A Hall effect type current sensor is located on each phase
distortion to the input AC current waveform
of the output to measure motor current.
normally inherent in rectifier circuits.
• The DC-link capacitors are arranged into a
capacitor bank along with bleeder and balancing
• High frequency (HF) filter film capacitors. These
capacitors reduce the common mode noise
caused by switching into stray capacitors to
ground in cable and motor.
The voltage on a fully charged DC link is equal to the peak the voltage delivered to the motor. A thermal sensor
voltage of the input AC line. Theoretically, this voltage can mounted inside the IGBT module provides heat sink temp
be calculated by multiplying the AC line value by 1.414 feedback for the inverter.
(V AC x 1.414). However, since AC ripple voltage is present
on the DC link, the actual DC value is closer to
(V AC x 1.38) under unloaded conditions. The DC value can
drop to (V AC x 1.32) while running under load. 3 3
For a frequency converter sitting idle while connected to a
nominal 460 V line, the DC-link voltage is approximately
635 V DC (460 x 1.38). As long as power is applied to the
frequency converter, this voltage is present in the DC link
and the inverter circuit. Voltage is also fed to the switch
Illustration 3.3 Output Voltage and Current Waveforms
mode power supply (SMPS) on the power card which is
used for generating all other low voltage supplies. The
SMPS is activated when the DC-link voltage reaches
approximately 250 V DC. 3.3.4 Fan Speed Control
3.3.3 Inverter Section
Enclosure H6 H7 H8
Voltage T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T2
The inverter section is made up of six IGBTs, commonly
Power rating
referred to as switches. One switch is necessary for each 15 18.5 22 30 37 45
half phase of the 3-phase power, for a total of six. The six
IGBTs are contained in one power module shared with the FAN start
45 45 45 45 45 45
rectifier. The inverter section receives gate signals from the temperature °C
MOC. FAN maximum
speed 60 60 60 60 60 60
temperature °C
Once a run command and speed reference are present, the
FAN stop
IGBTs begin switching to create the output waveform, as 36 36 36 36 36 36
shown in Illustration 3.3. Looking at the phase to phase temperature °C
voltage waveform with an oscilloscope, a train of pulses of
Table 3.1 Fan Speed Control, IP20, H6–H8, T2
different widths is shown. The amplitude of the pulses
measures the DC-link voltage. To view the fundamental IP20
sinusoidal curve, set the oscilloscope to filter out high
Enclosure H6 H7 H8
harmonic content.
Voltage T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4
Power rating
When measuring current, the normal view will be a 30 37 45 55 75 90
sinusoidal curve. The amplitude of the measured current
FAN start
depends on the loading form. 45 45 45 40 40 40
temperature °C
FAN maximum
This waveform, as generated by the frequency converter, speed 60 60 60 55 55 55
provides optimal performance and minimal losses in the temperature °C
motor. FAN stop
41 41 41 30 30 30
temperature °C
Hall effect current sensors monitor the output current and
feed it back to the control. The current signal is used for Table 3.2 Fan Speed Control, IP20, H6–H8, T4
two purposes:
• to compensate for dynamic motor operation. IP54
Enclosure I6 I7 I8
• to monitor overcurrent conditions, including
ground faults and phase-to-phase shorts. Voltage T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4 T4
Power rating
During normal operation, the power card and control 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
monitor various functions within the frequency converter.
FAN start
The current sensors provide current feedback information. 45 45 45 40 40 40 40
temperature °C
The DC bus voltage and mains voltage are monitored and
Enclosure I6 I7 I8
FAN maximum
speed 60 60 60 55 55 55 55
temperature °C
FAN stop
3 3 temperature °C
35 35 35 30 30 30 30
Enclosure H9 H10 H6 H7 H8
Voltage T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6 T6
rating 2.2 3.0 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30 45 55 75 90
FAN start
tempera- 35 35 35 35 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40
ture °C
speed 55 55 55 55 60 60 60 60 55 55 55 55
ture °C
FAN stop
tempera- 31 31 31 31 36 41 41 41 30 30 30 30
ture °C
4 Troubleshooting
• Examine operation and condition of these items as possible causes for operational faults.
4 4 • Check function and installation of pressure sensors or encoders, and other equipment used for
feedback to the frequency converter.
Cable routing • Avoid routing motor wiring, AC line wiring, and signal wiring in parallel. If parallel routing is
unavoidable, maintain a separation of 150–200 mm (6–8 inches) between the cables or separate them
with a grounded conductive partition.
• Check the voltage source of the signals. Though not always necessary depending on the installation
conditions, the use of screened cable or a twisted pair is recommended.
Frequency converter display The display shows important items, such as:
• Warnings.
• Alarms.
• Fault history.
Frequency converter interior • Check that the frequency converter interior is free of:
- Dirt.
- Metal chips.
- Moisture.
- Corrosion.
• Check for burnt or damaged power components, or carbon deposits that are the result of a
catastrophic component failure.
• Check for cracks or breaks in the housings of power semiconductors, or pieces of broken component
housings, which are loose inside the unit.
• Refer to the frequency converter operating instructions and this chapter for further details.
Environmental conditions • Under specific conditions, these units can be operated within a maximum ambient of 50 °C (122 °F).
GLCP • If supplied, check that the GLCP is correctly installed, and that the display is lit when powered on.
Grounding • The frequency converter requires a dedicated ground wire from its enclosure to the building ground.
It is also suggested to ground the motor to the frequency converter enclosure.
• The use of conduit or mounting of the frequency converter to a metal surface is not considered to
be suitable grounding.
• Check for good ground connections that are tight and free of oxidation.
• Proper fusing.
• Blown fuses.
PROFIBUS option • Check that the option is mounted correctly on the control card.
Programming Ensure that frequency converter parameter settings are correct according to:
• Motor.
• Application.
• I/O configuration.
Proper clearance The frequency converter requires top and bottom clearance adequate to ensure proper air flow for
cooling in accordance with the frequency converter size. When the heat sink is exposed at the rear of
the frequency converter, mount the frequency converter on a flat, solid surface.
Vibration • Check for exposure to an unusual amount of vibration.
• When the frequency converter experiences a high level of vibration, ensure solid mounting or use
shock mounts.
4.5 Fault Symptoms If the display continues to cut out, follow the procedure for
chapter 4.5.1 No Display as though the display was not lit
4.5.1 No Display at all.
The LCP display provides 2 display indications. One with 4.5.3 Display (Line 2) Flashing
the backlit alphanumeric display. The other is 3 LED
indicator lights near the bottom of the LCP. When line 2 flashes, it indicates that an LCP stop command
has been given by pressing [Off/Reset]. The frequency
converter cannot accept any further run command until
4 4 the LCP stop is cleared. To clear the LCP stop, press [Auto
On] or [Hand On].
If the frequency converter is operated in local control, or
remote control with a maintained run signal, the
frequency converter starts immediately. Failure to be
prepared for immediate start can cause personal injury.
Illustration 4.1 LED Indicator Lights
• Be prepared for immediate start.
If the green power-on LED is illuminated, but the backlit 4.5.4 WRONG or WRONG LCP Shown
display is dark, it indicates that the LCP is defective and
must be replaced. Be certain, however, that the display is
The message WRONG or WRONG LCP appears due to a
faulty LCP or the use of an incorrect LCP.
If neither indication is available, then the source of the 4.5.5 Motor Will Not Run
problem is elsewhere. Proceed to the next troubleshooting
steps. If this symptom is detected, verify that the unit is properly
powered up (display is lit) and that there are no warning
4.5.2 Intermittent Display or alarm messages displayed. The most common cause of
this problem is either incorrect control logic or an
Cutting out or flashing of the entire display and power LED incorrectly programmed frequency converter. Such
indicates that the supply (SMPS) is shutting down due to occurrences result in one or more of the following status
overload. Improper control wiring or a fault within the messages being displayed.
frequency converter itself can cause the overload.
LCP Stop
The first step is to rule out a problem in the control wiring. [Off] has been pressed. Line 2 of the display also flashes
To do so, disconnect all control wiring by unscrewing or when this situation occurs.
unplugging the control terminal blocks from the control Press [Auto On] or [Hand On]. Refer to the Input Terminal
card. Signal Test.
If the display stays lit, the problem is in the control wiring This message indicates that there is no start signal at
(external to the frequency converter). Check all control terminal 18.
wiring for short circuits or incorrect connections.
Ensure that a start command is present at terminal 18.
Refer to the Input Terminal Signal Test.
TRIP (AUTO RESTART) The LEDs on the front of the frequency converter and a
The frequency converter is programmed to restart code in the display signal a warning or an alarm.
automatically after the fault is removed. The number of
automatic reset attempts can be continuous or limited to a A warning indicates a condition that may require attention
programmed number of attempts. If the selected number or a trend that may eventually require attention. A warning
of automatic reset attempts is exceeded, the trip condition remains active until the cause is no longer present. Under
changes to TRIP (RESET). some circumstances, motor operation may continue.
Requires resetting of the frequency converter before A trip is the action when an alarm has appeared. The trip
operation after a fault is cleared. The frequency converter removes power to the motor. It can be reset after the
can be reset manually by pressing [Reset], a digital input, condition has been cleared by pressing [Reset], or through
or a serial bus command. For TR150 and TR170 frequency a digital input (parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs). The
converters, stop and reset are the same key. If [Off/Reset] is event that caused an alarm cannot damage the frequency
used to reset the frequency converter, [Start] must be converter or cause a dangerous condition. Alarms must be
pressed to initiate a run command in either local or reset to restart operation once their cause has been
remote. rectified.
Requires that the main AC input power to the frequency The reset can be done in 3 ways:
converter must be disconnected long enough for the
display to go blank. The fault condition must be removed • Press [Reset]
and power reapplied. Following power up, the fault
indication changes to TRIP (RESET) and allow for manual,
• A digital reset input
(X) Dependent on parameter. A trip is the action when an that caused an alarm cannot damage the frequency
alarm has appeared. The trip coasts the motor and can be converter or cause dangerous conditions. A trip lock is an
reset by pressing [Reset] or make a reset by a digital input action when an alarm occurs, which can damage the
(parameter group 5-1* Digital Inputs [1]). The original event
• Check that the motor current set in
parameter 1-24 Motor Current is correct.
Extend the ramp time
Change the ramp type
• Ensure that the motor data in parameters 1-20 to
1-25 is set correctly.
Increase parameter 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter
• If an external fan is in use, check that it is
selected in parameter 1-91 Motor External Fan.
WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage
If the DC-link voltage drops below the undervoltage limit,
• Running AMA in parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
Adaptation (AMA) tunes the frequency converter
the frequency converter checks for 24 V DC back-up
to the motor more accurately and reduces
supply. If no 24 V DC back-up supply is connected, the
thermal loading.
frequency converter trips after a fixed time delay. The time
delay varies with unit size.
WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout
Remove power and check if the motor shaft can
There is no communication to the frequency converter.
be turned.
The warning is only active when parameter 8-04 Control
Check that the motor size matches the frequency Word Timeout Function is NOT set to [0] Off.
converter. If parameter 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function is set to [5]
Check parameters 1-20 to 1-25 for correct motor Stop and Trip, a warning appears. The frequency converter
data. then ramps down until it trips, while giving an alarm.
Parameter 8-03 Control Timeout Time could possibly be
ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault increased.
There is current from the output phase to ground, either in
the cable between the frequency converter and the motor,
or in the motor itself. The current transducers detect the
Live Electrical Components!
ground fault by measuring current going out from the
frequency converter and current going into the frequency
converter from the motor. Ground fault is issued if the
deviation of the 2 currents is too large. The current going • Check connections on the serial communication
out of the frequency converter must be the same as the
current going into the frequency converter. • Increase parameter 8-03 Control Word Timeout
• Check the operation of the communication
5.1.2 Mains Phase Loss Trips The frequency converters are designed to accept various
signals. First, determine which of these signals the
The frequency converter monitors phase loss by frequency converter is receiving:
monitoring the amount of ripple voltage on the DC bus. • Digital inputs (18, 19, 27, and 29).
Ripple voltage on the DC bus is a product of a phase loss • Analog outputs (42 and 45).
and can cause overheating in the DC-bus capacitors and
the DC coil. If the ripple voltage on the DC bus is • 10 V output.
unchecked, the lifetime of the capacitors is drastically • Analog inputs (53 and 54).
• Serial communication bus (68 and 69).
The presence of a correct reading indicates that the
When the input voltage becomes unbalanced or a phase
microprocessor of the frequency converter has detected
disappears completely, the ripple voltage increases. This
5 5 increase causes the frequency converter to trip and issue
the wanted signal. See chapter 2.3 Frequency Converter
Inputs and Outputs.
alarm 4, Mains Phase Loss. In addition to missing phase
voltage, a line disturbance or imbalance can cause an
increased bus ripple. This data can also be read in parameter group 16-6* Inputs
and Outputs.
Possible sources of disturbance
If there is no correct indication, check if the signal is
• Line notching.
present at the input terminals of the frequency converter.
• Defective transformers. Use a voltmeter or oscilloscope in accordance with
• Other loads that can affect the form factor of the chapter 6.4.7 Input Terminal Signal Tests.
AC waveform.
Mains imbalances which exceed 3% cause sufficient DC- • If the signal is present at the terminal, the control
bus ripple to initiate a trip. card is defective and must be replaced.
• If the signal is not present, the problem is
Other causes of increased ripple voltage on the DC bus external to the frequency converter. Therefore,
are: check the circuitry providing the signal along
• Output disturbance. with its associated wiring.
Any references or limits set incorrectly result in less than 5.2 Internal Frequency Converter Problems
acceptable frequency converter performance. For instance,
if maximum reference is set too low, the motor is unable 5.2.1 Overtemperature Faults
to reach full speed. Set these parameters according to the
requirements of the particular installation. References are If an overtemperature indication is shown, determine
set in parameter group 3-0* Reference Limits. whether this condition actually exists within the frequency
converter, or whether the thermal sensor is defective.
Incorrectly set I/O configuration usually results in the
frequency converter not responding to the function as 5.2.2 Current Sensor Faults
commanded. Remember that for every control terminal
input or output there are corresponding parameter Sometimes an over-current alarm that cannot be reset,
settings. These settings determine how the frequency even with the motor cables disconnected, indicates when a
converter responds to an input signal or the type of signal current sensor fails. However, the frequency converter 5 5
present at that output. Utilizing an I/O function involves a experiences frequent false ground fault trips. This is due to
2-step process. Wire the wanted I/O terminal properly, and the DC offset failure mode of the sensors.
set the corresponding parameter accordingly. Control
terminals are programmed in parameter group 5-0* Digital
The simplest method of determining whether a current
I/O Mode and parameter group 6-0* Analog I/O Mode.
sensor is defective is to disconnect the motor from the
frequency converter. Then observe the current in the
5.1.5 Motor/Load Problems frequency converter display. With the motor disconnected,
the current should be zero. A frequency converter with a
Problems with the motor, motor wiring, or mechanical load defective current sensor indicates some current flow. An
on the motor can develop in several ways. The motor or indication of a fraction of 1 A is tolerable. However, that
motor wiring can develop a phase-to-phase or phase-to- value should be considerably less than 1 A. If the display
ground short circuit resulting in an alarm indication. Check shows more than 1 A of current, there is a defective
whether the problem is in the motor wiring or the motor current sensor. All 3 current sensors in TR150 and TR170
itself. units are mounted on one circuit board (either power card,
SMPS card, or current transducer card). The repair
A motor with unbalanced, or asymmetrical, impedances on procedure is to replace all 3 current sensors at the same
all 3-phases can result in uneven or rough operation, or time.
unbalanced output currents. For measurements, use a
clamp-on style ammeter to determine whether the current 5.2.3 Signal and Power Wiring
is balanced on the 3 output phases. See Considerations for Electromagnetic
chapter 6.4.6 Output Imbalance of Motor Supply Voltage Test. Compatibility
Usually, a current limit warning indicates an incorrect This section provides an overview of general signal and
mechanical load. If possible, disconnect the motor from the power wiring considerations when addressing the electro-
load to determine if the load is incorrect. magnetic compatibility (EMC) concerns for typical
commercial and industrial equipment. Only certain high
Often, the indications of motor problems are similar to the frequency phenomena (such as RF emissions, RF immunity)
problems of a defect in the frequency converter itself. To are discussed. Low-frequency phenomena (such as
determine whether the problem is internal or external to harmonics, mains voltage imbalance, notching) are not
the frequency converter, disconnect the motor from the covered.
frequency converter motor terminals. Perform the initial
procedure with no motor connection on all 3-phases with NOTICE
an analog voltmeter, see chapter 6.4.6 Output Imbalance of
Special installations or compliance to the European CE
Motor Supply Voltage Test. If the 3 voltage measurements
EMC directives require strict adherence to relevant
are balanced, the frequency converter is functioning
standards and are not discussed here.
correctly. Hence, the problem is external to the frequency
5.2.4 Effects of EMI equipment has a high level of EMI immunity. However,
non-industrial, commercial, and consumer equipment is
While electromagnetic interference-related (EMI) distur- often susceptible to lower levels of EMI.
bances to the operation of the frequency converter are
uncommon, the following detrimental EMI effects Detrimental effects to these systems include the following:
sometimes occur: • Pressure/flow/temperature signal transmitter
• Motor speed fluctuations. signal distortion or aberrant behavior.
• Serial communication transmission errors. • Radio and TV interference.
• Frequency converter CPU exception faults. • Telephone interference.
• Unexplained frequency converter trips. • Computer network data loss.
Modern frequency converters (see Illustration 5.1) utilize fast-switching electronic devices to generate the modulated output
voltage waveform necessary for accurate motor control. These devices rapidly switch the fixed DC-link voltage creating a
variable frequency, and variable voltage PWM waveform. This high rate of voltage change [dU/dt] is the primary source of
the frequency converter generated EMI.
The high rate of voltage change caused by the IGBT switching creates high frequency EMI.
5 5
1 AC line
2 Frequency converter
3 Motor cable
4 Motor
4 Motor
Illustration 5.3 Signal Conductor Currents
5 Stray capacitance
6 Signal wiring
7 Signal wiring
8 Signal wiring NOTICE
9 Ground Unprotected or poorly routed signal conductors located
close to or in parallel to motor and mains conductors are
Illustration 5.2 Ground Currents susceptible to EMI.
5.2.7 Preventive Measures separately from the signal and mains wiring, no further
consideration is needed. If the conductors are routed close
EMI-related problems are more effectively alleviated during to other susceptible conductors, or if the system is
the design and installation phases rather than after the suspected to cause EMI problems, consider alternate motor
system is in service. Many of the listed steps can be wiring methods.
implemented at a relatively low cost compared to the cost Installing shielded power cable is the most effective way to
of identifying and fixing the problem later. alleviate EMI problems. The cable shield forces the noise
current to flow directly back to the frequency converter.
Grounding Thus, the noise current cannot get back into the power
Ground the frequency converter and motor solidly to the network or take other undesirable high frequency paths.
equipment frame. A good high-frequency connection is Unlike most signal wiring, the shielding on the motor cable
necessary to allow the high frequency currents to return to must be terminated at both ends.
5 5 the frequency converter instead of traveling through the
If a shielded motor cable is not available, then 3-phase
power network. The ground connection is ineffective if it
conductors along with ground in a conduit provides some
has high impedance to high frequency currents. Therefore,
degree of protection. This technique is not as effective as
it must be as short and direct as possible. Flat-braided
shielded cable due to the unavoidable contact of the
cable has lower high frequency impedance than round
conduit with various points within the equipment.
cable. Mounting the frequency converter or motor onto a
painted surface creates an effective ground connection. In Serial communications cable selection
addition, running a separate ground conductor directly There are various serial communication interfaces and
between the frequency converter and the running motor is protocols in the market. Each of these interfaces
recommended. recommends 1 or more specific types of twisted pair,
shielded twisted pair, or proprietary cables. Refer to the
Cable routing
manufacturer’s documentation when selecting these
Avoid parallel routing of:
cables. Similar recommendations apply to serial communi-
• Motor wiring. cation cables as to other signal cables. Using twisted-pair
• Mains wiring. cables and routing them away from power conductors is
encouraged. While shielded cable provides extra EMI
• Signal wiring.
protection, the shield capacitance may reduce the
If parallel routing is unavoidable, preferably maintain a maximum allowable cable length at high data rates.
separation of 200 mm (6–8 in) between the cables or
separate them with a grounded conductive partition. Avoid
routing cables through free air.
6 Test Procedures
6 6
1 RS485
2 Line in
3 Ground
4 Wire clamps
5 Motor
7 Relays
1 Line 8 I/O
2 Ground
3 Motor Illustration 6.2 I2 Frame
4 Relays IP54 380–480 V, 0.75–4.0 kW
6 6
1 RS485
2 Line in
1 RS485
3 Ground
2 Line in
4 Wire clamps
3 Ground
5 Motor
4 Wire clamps
5 Motor
7 Relays
8 I/O
7 Relays
8 I/O
Illustration 6.4 I4 Frame
IP54 380–480 V, 0.75–4.0 kW
Illustration 6.3 I3 Frame
IP54 380–480 V, 5.5–7.5 kW
Pay close attention to the polarity of the meter leads to The inverter section is primarily made up of the IGBTs used
ensure the identification of any faulty component, in case for switching the DC bus voltage to create the output to
an incorrect reading appears. the motor. The frequency converter also has clamping
capacitors between +UDC and -UDC on the IGBT.
Described next is the procedure to conduct the static test
on the rectifier.
Disconnect motor cables when testing inverter section.
NOTICE With leads connected, a short circuit in one phase reads
In H6 units the +/-UDC terminals are not readily in all phases, making isolation difficult.
accessible. Find terminals K601 (+) and K611 (-) between
the DC capacitors.
Before starting tests, ensure that meter is set to diode
In H7-H8 units the +/-UDC terminals are directly
6 6 accessible on MK900 on the power card.
In I7-I8 units the +/-UDC terminals are accessible on
Inverter test part I
MK900 on the power card or on MK3 on the current
1. Connect the positive (+) meter lead to the
sensor board.
positive (+) DC bus terminal.
For further details, see chapter 6.3.5 Location of UDC
Terminals before measuring). 2. Connect the negative (-) meter lead to terminals
U, V, and W in sequence.
Before starting tests, ensure that meter is set to diode Each reading must show infinity.
Inverter test part II
Rectifier test part I 1. Reverse the meter leads by connecting the
1. Connect the positive (+) terminal of the negative (-) meter lead to the positive (+) DC bus
multimeter lead to the positive (+) DC Bus. terminal.
2. Connect the negative (-) terminal of the 2. Connect the positive (+) meter lead to U, V, and
multimeter lead to the input terminal L1, L2, L3 W in sequence. Each reading should show a
in turn. The multimeter indicates Infinity. diode drop.
Rectifier test part II Inverter test part III
3. Reverse the meter leads by connecting the 1. Connect the positive (+) meter lead to the
negative (-) terminal of the multimeter lead to negative (-) DC bus terminal.
the positive (+) DC Bus.
2. Connect the negative (-) meter lead to terminals
4. Connect the positive (+) terminal of the U, V, and W in sequence. Each reading should
multimeter lead to the input terminal L1, L2, L3 show a diode drop.
in turn. The multimeter indicates Diode drop.
Inverter test part IV
Rectifier test part III 1. Reverse the meter leads by connecting the
5. Connect the positive (+) terminal of the negative (-) meter lead to the negative (-) DC bus
multimeter lead to the negative (-) DC Bus. terminal.
6. Connect the negative (-) terminal of the 2. Connect the positive (+) meter lead to U, V, and
multimeter lead to the input terminal L1, L2, L3 W in sequence.
in turn. The multimeter indicates a diode drop.
Each reading should show infinity.
Rectifier test part IV
7. Reverse the meter leads by connecting the
negative (-) terminal of the multimeter lead to
the negative (-) DC Bus.
8. Connect the positive (+) terminal of the
multimeter lead to the input terminal L1, L2, L3
in turn. The multimeter indicates Infinity.
This test is applicable for H7, H8, I7, and I8 units only. Remove the IP20 front cover, then remove the capacitor
vibration support. The terminals K601 (+UDC) and K611 (-
UDC) are located between the 4 capacitors on the circuit
The intermediate section of the frequency converter is
board. Remove the metal cover to access these terminals.
made up of the DC bus capacitors, the DC coils, and the
balance circuit for the capacitors.
H7 and H8
Remove the IP20 front cover to access the terminals
directly on the power card MK900.
Remove the front terminal cover to access the connectors.
The UDC terminals are located inside the frequency
I7 and I8
Remove the IP54 front cover to access the +/- UDC
terminals, either on the power card MK900 or on MK3 on
the current sensor board.
An incorrect reading here could indicate that a fault in the 3b Swap the phase that appears to be
customer connections loads down the supply. Disconnect incorrect with 1 of the other 2 phases.
control wiring and repeat the test. If this test is successful, 3c Reapply power to the frequency
then continue. Remember to check the customer converter and place it in run.
connections. If still unsuccessful, replace the unit.
3d Repeat the current measurements.
2. Measure the 10 V DC control voltage at terminal If the imbalance of supply voltage moves with swapping
50 with reference to terminal 55. The meter must the leads, the mains supply is suspect. Otherwise, it may
read between 9.2 and 11.2 V DC. indicate a problem with the gating of the rectifiers.
Use an analog voltmeter for monitoring output voltage.
Digital voltmeters are sensitive to waveform and
switching frequencies and commonly return erroneous
3. Reconnect the motor to the frequency converter. If 24 V is present, proceed with checking the individual
4. Connect mains to the frequency converter, and inputs as follows:
start the frequency converter. 2. Connect the (-) negative meter lead to reference
terminal 20.
5. Monitor current on the 3 output phases at the
motor terminals U, V, and W, using the clamp-on 3. Connect the (+) positive meter lead to the
ammeter. An analog device is preferred. To terminals in sequence.
achieve an accurate reading, run the frequency The presence of a signal at the desired terminal must
converter above 40 Hz as this is normally the correspond to the digital input display readout. A reading
frequency limitation of such meters. of 24 V DC indicates the presence of a signal. A reading of
The output current must be balanced from phase-to-phase, 0 V DC indicates that no signal is present.
and no phase must be more than 2–3% different from
another. If these tests are successful, the frequency Analog inputs
converter is operating normally. The value of signals on analog input terminals 53 and 54
can also be shown. The voltage or current in mA,
6. If the imbalance is greater than described depending on the switch setting, is shown in line 2 of the
6 6
previously, disconnect the motor cables and
repeat the voltage balance test. If the desired signal is not present in the display, the
7. Stop the motor and disconnect mains from the problem is either in the external control wiring to the
frequency converter. frequency converter, or a faulty control card. To determine
the fault location, use a voltmeter to test for a signal at the
Since the current follows the voltage, it is necessary to control terminals.
differentiate between a load problem and a frequency
converter problem. When a voltage imbalance in the Verify that the reference voltage power supply is correct
output is detected with the motor disconnected, the as follows.
inverter is faulty. Exchange the frequency converter. 1. Use a voltmeter for measuring the voltage at
control card terminal 50 with respect to terminal
55. The meter must read between 9.2 and 11.2 V
6.4.7 Input Terminal Signal Tests DC.
The presence of signals on either the digital or analog If the 10 V supply voltage is not present, conduct basic
input terminals of the frequency converter can be verified control card voltage test, see chapter 6.4.3 Basic Control
on the frequency converter display. Digital or analog input Card Voltage Test.
status can be selected or read in parameters 16-60 to
16-64. If 10 V is present, proceed with checking the individual
inputs as follows.
Digital inputs 2. Connect the (-) negative meter lead to reference
With digital inputs shown, control terminals 18, 19, 27, and terminal 55.
29 are shown left to right, with a 1 indicating the presence 3. Connect the (+) positive meter lead to desired
of a signal. terminal 53 or 54.
If the desired signal is not present in the display, the For analog input terminals 53 and 54, a DC voltage
problem is either in the external control wiring to the between 0 and +10 V DC must be read to match the
frequency converter or a faulty control card. To determine analog signal sent to the frequency converter. Or a reading
the fault location, use a voltmeter to test for voltage at the of 0.9 V DC to 4.8 V DC corresponds to a 4–20 mA signal.
control terminals.
Verify that the control voltage power supply is correct A (-) minus sign preceding any reading above indicates a
as follows: reversed polarity. In this case, reverse the wiring to the
1. Use a voltmeter for measuring voltage at control analog terminals.
card terminal 12 and 13 with respect to terminal
20. The meter should read 21-27 V DC.
If the 24 V supply voltage is not present, test the control
card in chapter 6.2.1 Introduction.
Frame size is used throughout this manual where ever
procedures or components differ between frequency
converters based upon the unit's physical size. Refer to
chapter 1.4.1 Frame Size Definitions to determine frame
7 7
2 Cradle 1 Fan cover plate
Illustration 7.1 Control Card and Control Card Mounting Plate Illustration 7.2 Heat Sink Fan Assembly
1. Remove the 4 screws on the DC coil cover to 1. Remove the 6 screws on coil mounting plate.
access the DC coils. 2. Remove the coil mounting plate.
2. Remove the 4 screws to loosen the cables from 3. Loosen the 4 screws from the DC Link card.
the DC Link card.
4. Press one of the barbs to loosen the link card.
3. Remove the 6 screws on the DC coils (3 screws
on each coil). 5. Unplug the 10-pin ribbon cable and the filter
4. Remove the coils.
6. Remove the DC Link card.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
Reinstall in the reverse order. Join the mounting snaps.
7 7
1 DC coil cover
2 DC coils 1 Coil mounting plate
2 Capacitor bank metal cover
4. Remove the 3 screws from U V W cables. 3. Remove the 3 small screws (T10) from the power
5. Press the barbs on the side of the filter.
6. Remove the RFI filter.
If it is difficult to get out the screws, use a magnet.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
4. Remove the 6 remaining screws (T20).
5. Lift the power card and slide it out of the frame.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7 7 If it is difficult to remove the power card, it is helpful to
press the frame sides outwards while pressing the barbs
on the side of the power card.
1 RFI filter
1 Power card
2 EMC shield
2 Power card mounting plate
7 7
1 Power card
1. Remove the 2 screws (T20) from the filter shield. 1. Remove the red/black cables from the filter cable.
2. Remove the shield. 2. Remove the protective foil.
3. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the power card 3. Remove the 3 filter cables screws using a hex 8
mounting plate. key.
4. Remove the power card mounting plate. 4. Remove the 2 screws (T20) from the EMC shield.
5. Unplug all cables from the inrush card. 5. Remove the EMC shield.
6. Remove the 6 screws (T20) from the inrush card. 6. Remove the 8 screws (T20) on the filter cable
7. Remove the inrush card. cover.
Reinstall in the reverse order. 7. Loosen the left cable connector using a hex 5 key
8. Remove the entire filter assembly.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7 7
1 RFI filter
2 Screws
3 EMC shield
1 EMC shield
2 Power card mounting plate
3 Inrush card
1. Unplug cables on the relay transducer card. 1. Loosen and remove the 2 cables (T20).
2. Loosen the right cable connector using a hex 5 2. Remove the 6 screws (T20) from the shield.
key. 3. Remove metal shield and plastic cover.
3. Open the plastic clamp to remove the cables 4. Remove the 2 screws (T20) from each of the
from the connector.
rectifier modules.
4. Remove the 2 screws (T20) from the holding 5. Remove the 3 rectifier modules.
5. Remove the holding bracket. 7.4.7 IGBT
6. Remove the 3 cable screws (T20).
1. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the cable
7. Remove the 3 screws on relay card (T20).
connector plate.
8. Remove the relay card by pushing in the
2. Remove the cable connector plate.
retaining clips on the standoffs. Use a screwdriver
if necessary. 3. Loosen the coil cables (T20).
9. Remove the mounting plate. 4. Unplug the cables. 7 7
Reinstall in the reverse order. 5. Remove the 2 screws from each of the 2
6. Remove the capacitors.
7. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the bus bar.
8. Remove the cables from the IGBTs.
9. Remove the 2 screws (T20) from each IGBT.
10. Remove the IGBTs.
The IGBTs and the heat sink have thermal paste on them.
Be careful not to touch the paste directly as it is
11. Remove the thermal paste from the IGBT.
12. Clean the heat sink.
Reinstall in the reverse order. Join the mounting snaps.
1 Relay transducer card
2 Relay card mounting plate
7 7
1. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the DC coil cover 1. Remove the foil.
plate. 2. Remove the 6 screws on the base plate.
2. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the heat sink. 3. Remove the base plate.
3. Remove the heat sink. 4. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the capacitor
4. Remove 4 screws (T20) from each of the 2 DC mounting plate.
Coils. 5. Remove the mounting plate.
5. Remove the coils. 6. Turn the capacitor bank upside-down.
Reinstall in the reverse order. 7. Remove the hex nut with a hex 19 key.
8. Remove the capacitor.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7 7
5. Press the barb on the LCP ribbon cable and pull 7. Remove the power card by pushing in the 6
it out of the control card mounting plate. retaining clips.
1 Power card
2 Cradle
Illustration 7.17 Power Card
3 Control card
4 Control card mounting plate
1 EMC shield
2 Power card mounting plate
3 Inrush card
7 7
1 Foil
2 Bus bar
3 Plastic cover
4 Rectifier modules 1 RFI filter
2 Screws
Illustration 7.19 Rectifier Modules 3 EMC shield
5. Remove the 3 screws (T30) on the relay card. 2. Remove the cable retaining guide.
6. Remove the 2 10-pin ribbon cables. 3. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the cable
connector plate.
7. Remove the 3 screws (T20) from the relay card.
4. Remove the cable connector plate.
8. Press the 3 retaining clips.
5. Remove the 2 cable screws (T20)
9. Remove the relay card.
6. Remove the 2 screws (T30) in each of the 2
10. Remove the relay card mounting plate.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7. Remove the capacitors. 7 7
8. Remove the 2 screws (T30) from the bus bar.
9. Remove the 4 screws (T20) holding the
10. Remove the bus bar.
11. Remove the gate cables from the IGBTs.
12. Remove the 4 screws from each IGBT.
13. Remove the thermal paper.
14. Remove the thermal paste from the IGBTs and
the heat sink.
Reinstall in the reverse order. Join the mounting snaps.
7 7
1. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the DC coil cover 1. Remove the foil.
plate. 2. Remove the 4 screws from the base plate.
2. Remove the 4 screws (T20) from the heat sink. 3. Remove the base plate.
3. Remove the heat sink. 4. Remove the 4 screws from the capacitor bank
4. Remove 4 screws (T20) from each of the 2 DC assembly.
Coils. 5. Remove the assembly.
5. Remove the coils. 6. Turn the assembly upside-down.
Reinstall in the reverse order. 7. Remove the 2 hex nuts with a hex 19 key.
8. Remove the 2 capacitors.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7 7
7.6 H10 Frame Size Disassembly and 7.6.2 Power Card Cover
Assembly Instructions
1. Press and loosen the 3 barbs at the bottom, and
7.6.1 Control Card and Control Card the 3 barbs at the top.
Mounting Plate 2. Remove the power card cover.
1. Remove the LCP cradle. LCP cradle can be Reinstall in the reverse order. Join the mounting snaps.
removed by hand.
2. Remove 3 screws (T10) securing the control card
mounting plate to the control assembly support
3. Carefully lift out the control card.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7 7
2 Control card mounting plate
3 Control card
1. Remove the 4 screws (T10) for the DC coil cables. 1. Remove the 7 mounting screws from top surface.
2. Remove the 5 screws (T10) for the heat sink. 2. Press and loosen the 3 barbs at the bottom.
3. Remove the 4 IGBT screws (T25). 3. Unplug the DC coil cables.
4. Unplug fan cable connector. 4. Remove the heat sink.
5. Lift out the DC coils.
The power card and the heat sink have thermal paste on Reinstall in the reverse order.
them. Wear protective gloves as the paste is poisonous.
5. Lift out the power card.
6. Remove the capacitor bank gasket.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
7 7
1 Heat sink
1 DC coil
7 7
8 8
1 Fan cover
2 Fan assembly
1. Remove the 3 black plastic covers. 1. Remove the 2 screws from the snubber capacitor
2. Unplug and remove the fan. on the bus bar unit.
4. Remove the 2 screws (T20) at MK101. 3. Use a Hex 8 key to remove 2 screws from the bus
bar unit.
5. Remove the 3 screws (T20) at K103A, K104A, and
K105A. 4. Remove the 6 small screws (T10).
6. Remove the 4 screws (T20) and from the SMPS 5. Remove the remaining 9 screws (T20).
card. 6. Unplug cables.
7. Lift off the SMPS card. 7. Lift out the bus bar unit.
Reinstall in the reverse order. Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 SMPS card
1 Fan
2 Bus bar unit
8 8 1 DC coil
1 Power card
Illustration 8.7 DC Coil
1 RFI filter
8 8
Illustration 8.8 RFI Filter
1. Unplug and remove the LCP ribbon cable. 1. Remove 4 screws (T20) from the power card
2. Unplug all other cables from the power card. mounting plate.
3. Remove 3 screws (T20) on the power card. 2. Remove the power card mounting plate with the
fan attached.
4. Remove the power card.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Power card mounting plate
8 8
1 Inrush card
1 Bus bar
Illustration 8.12 Inrush Card
1. Unplug the 3 filter cables from the thyristors 1. Remove the 3 clamps on each side of the 2 cable
using a hex 8 key. connectors.
2. Loosen the 3 cables from the cable connector 2. Remove the cable connector with no cables
using a hex 5 key. attached.
3. Remove 3 screws (T20) from the support bracket. 3. Remove 3 screws (T20) from the support bracket.
4. Remove support bracket. 4. Loosen the 3 cables from the relay transducer
5. Remove 4 screws (T20) from the RFI filter. card.
6. Remove the entire assembly. 5. Remove the cable connector with cables and
retaining guide attached.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
6. Unplug all other cables from the relay transducer
7. Remove the 3 screws (T20)
8. Remove the relay transducer card.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 RFI filter
1. Remove 2 screws (T20) on the fan bracket. 1. Remove the black plastic cover.
2. Remove 2 screws (T20) from the fan. 2. Remove 4 screws (T20) on the cover plate.
3. Remove the fan. 3. Remove the terminal plate.
Reinstall in the reverse order. Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Fan 1 Terminal plate
1. Remove 2 screws (T20) from the 2 snubbers. 1. Remove gate cables from IGBTs.
2. Remove the snubbers. 2. Remove 2 screws (T20) from the heat sink fan
3. Loosen and remove cables from bus bar assembly assembly.
and DC coil. 3. Push the fan cable down through the gasket.
4. Remove 6 screws (T20) from the bus bar 4. Carefully press the gasket down with a
assembly. screwdriver.
5. Remove the bus bar assembly. 5. Remove the fan assembly.
Reinstall in the reverse order. Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1. Remove 4 screws (T20) from each of the 1. Remove 5 screws (T20) on the potted coil.
capacitors. 2. Remove the DC coil.
2. Remove the capacitors. Reinstall in the reverse order.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
1 Bus bar
8 8
1 Capacitors 2 DC coil
1. Remove 2 screws (T20) from each of the 3 IGBTs. 1. Remove 2 screws (T20) from each of the 3
The IGBTs and the heat sink have thermal paste on them. CAUTION
Wear protective gloves as the paste is poisonous. The thyristors and the heat sink have thermal paste on
2. Remove all IGBTs. them. Wear protective gloves as the paste is poisonous.
Reinstall in the reverse order. 2. Remove the thyristors.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Thyristor
Illustration 8.22 IGBT
Illustration 8.23 Thyristor
8 8
1 Power card
1 LCP and cradle
2 Control card and mounting plate
Illustration 8.25 Power Card
3 EMC shield
4 Terminal plates
5 EMC shield
1. Remove 4 screws (T20) from the power card 1. Unplug all cables.
mounting plate. 2. Remove 6 screws (T20) from the inrush card.
2. Remove the power card mounting plate with the 3. Remove the inrush card.
fan attached.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Inrush card
1 Power card mounting plate
1. Unplug and remove the red/black cable. 1. Unplug the 3 filter cables from the thyristors
2. Remove the black plastic cover. using a hex 8 key.
3. Remove 6 screws (T20) and 2 screws (T30) from 2. Loosen the 3 cables from the cable connector
the support bracket. using a hex 5 key.
4. Remove the bus bar assembly. 3. Remove 3 screws (T20) from the support bracket.
8 8
1 Bus bar
1 RFI filter
Table 8.1
1. Remove 2 screws (T20) from each of the 2 cable 1. Remove 4 screws (T20) on the cover plate.
connectors. 2. Remove the complete terminal plate including
2. Remove the cable connector. cable connector.
3. Remove 3 screws (T20) from the support bracket. Reinstall in the reverse order.
4. Loosen the 3 cables (T30) from the relay
transducer card.
5. Unplug all other cables from the relay transducer
6. Remove the 3 screws (T20).
7. Remove the relay transducer card.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Terminal plate
1. Remove 2 screws (T30) from each of the 2 1. Remove 4 screws (T20) from the heat sink fan
snubbers. assembly.
2. Remove the snubbers. 2. Push the cables down through the gaskets.
3. Loosen and remove the 2 cables from bus bar 3. Carefully press the gaskets down with a
assembly and DC coil. screwdriver.
4. Remove 2 screws (T30). 4. Remove the fan assembly.
5. Remove 8 screws (T20) on top of the bus bar Reinstall in the reverse order.
6. Remove the bus bar assembly.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Fan cover plate
2 Heat sink fan
1. Remove 4 screws (T20) from each of the 1. Remove 5 screws (T20) on the potted coil.
capacitors. 2. Remove the DC coil.
2. Remove the capacitors. Reinstall in the reverse order.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8 1 Bus bar
Illustration 8.34 Capacitors
2 DC coil
1. Remove 4 screws (T20) from each of the 3 IGBTs. 1. Remove 2 screws (T20) from each of the 3
The UGBTs and the heat sink have thermal paste on CAUTION
them. Wear protective gloves as the paste is poisonous. The thyristors and the heat sink have thermal paste on
2. Remove all IGBTs. them. Wear protective gloves as the paste is poisonous.
Reinstall in the reverse order. 2. Remove the thyristors.
Reinstall in the reverse order.
8 8
1 Thyristor
Illustration 8.36 IGBT
Illustration 8.37 Thyristor
9 Block Diagrams
9 9
9 9
Illustration 9.2 I6 Frame Size
9 9
Illustration 9.3 H7, H8, I7, I8 Frame Size
9 9
Illustration 9.4 H9 Frame Size
9 9
Illustration 9.5 H10 Frame Size
Rectifier.................................................................................................... 24
Reference signal.................................................................................... 31
Relay................................................................ 12, 13, 15, 16, 23, 63, 69
Remote input.................................................................................. 18, 19
Reset.......................................................................................................... 34
RS485................................................................................................. 18, 20
RS-485....................................................................................................... 18
SCR...................................................................................................... 25, 53
Serial bus................................................................................... 19, 32, 34
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