Spiritual Health Assessment

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Loving God | Loving Others | Living Missionally


1. Take the Spiritual Health ASSESSMENT on pages 2-3.

The assessment is designed to give you a snapshot of your spiritual health and pinpoint areas that may be out of
balance. It focuses on three aspects of spiritual health­­—Loving God, Loving Others and Living Missionally­.

2. Transfer the scores to the Spiritual Health PLAN on page 10.

We suggest you now focus on the aspect of spiritual health with the lowest score—Loving God, Loving Others or
Living Missionally­. Review the questions regarding that aspect and then select the one statement that you consider
to reflect your greatest challenge. Enter this statement number on the Spiritual Health Plan under the corresponding
section and prayerfully consider making this your focus over the next 30 days.

3. Choose a crawl, walk, or run step from the Spiritual Health GUIDE on pages 4-10 and get started.
The table suggests a beginning step (crawl), an intermediate step (walk), and a more advanced step (run) for each
statement in the assessment. Pick the step or steps you want to take in the next 30 days.

4. Transfer the steps to your Spiritual Health PLAN on page 10.

5. Find a spiritual partner or friend to help you.

Please don’t try to do this alone. Isolation can lead to procrastination. We suggest sharing the goals you have
set with a trusted friend. It is God’s plan and design for us to have others pray for us, hold us accountable and
encourage us to stay the course of spiritual growth throughout our lives. Feel free to contact the pastoral staff with
any questions to assist you on your journey.

6. Celebrate and record your progress on your Spiritual Health PLAN on page 10.

7. Consider the Spiritual Health RESOURCES on pages 11-16.

Spiritual Health ASSESSMENT
Loving God | Loving Others | Living Missionally
Doesn’t Partially Generally
descibe me descibes me descibes me

1. How I live my life shows that God is my highest priority. 1 2 3 4 5

2. I am dependant on God for every aspect of my life. 1 2 3 4 5

3. There is nothing in life I haven’t surrendered to God. 1 2 3 4 5

4. I regularly spend time in God’s Word. 1 2 3 4 5

5. I have a deep desire to spend time in God’s presence. 1 2 3 4 5

6. I know God is with me even if I don’t sense Him. 1 2 3 4 5

7. I am the same person in public as in private. 1 2 3 4 5

8. I am quick to confess things in my life that aren’t Christ-like. 1 2 3 4 5

9. A review of how I use my finances would show how God is a high priority in
1 2 3 4 5
my life.

10. I allow God’s Word to guide my thoughts and change my actions. 1 2 3 4 5

11. I am able to praise God during difficult times and see them as growth
opportunities. 1 2 3 4 5

12. Prayer has changed how I view and interact with the world. 1 2 3 4 5

13. I find I make good choices when I am tempted to do wrong. 1 2 3 4 5


14. I have relationships with Christians from different churches, denominations or

faith traditions than my own. 1 2 3 4 5

15. I am genuinely open and honest as to who I am. 1 2 3 4 5

16. I regularly use my time and resources to care for the needs of others. 1 2 3 4 5

17. I have deep and meaningful interactions with others in worship. 1 2 3 4 5

18. I have an easy time receiving encouragement from others. 1 2 3 4 5

19. I meet regularly with Christians for fellowship and accountability. 1 2 3 4 5

20. There is nothing in my relationships that is currently unresolved. 1 2 3 4 5

21. There is nothing in the way I talk about others that I would not share with them 1 2 3 4 5
in person.

Doesn’t Partially Generally
descibe me descibes me descibes me

22. My love and care for my family is a reflection of God’s love for me. 1 2 3 4 5

23. I am regularly involved in a Growth Group or other small group. 1 2 3 4 5

24. I actively seek out advice from others regarding important life decisions. 1 2 3 4 5

25. I seek to restore relationships when I experience conflict with people 1 2 3 4 5

26. I have made peace with past hurtful or harmful relationships to the best of 1 2 3 4 5
my ability.


27. I am involved in Equipping Classes to become better equipped to serve. 1 2 3 4 5

28. I am currently serving God with the gifts and passions he has given me. 1 2 3 4 5

29. I regularly reflect on how my life can have an impact in the global world. 1 2 3 4 5

30. I enjoy meeting the needs of others without expecting anything in return. 1 2 3 4 5

31. I find that my relationship with Jesus comes up frequently in conversation

1 2 3 4 5
with those in my “other places” who do not know Him.
32. I see my “other places” as an opportunity to build relationships with
unbelievers so that I can share the Gospel with them. 1 2 3 4 5
33. I regularly feel compelled to serve the poor, disenfranchised and needy in
my community. 1 2 3 4 5

34. I feel personally responsible to share my faith with those who don’t know
Jesus. 1 2 3 4 5

35. I am intentionally building relationships with unbelievers in my “other places.” 1 2 3 4 5

36. I regularly pray for the world and those who don’t know Jesus. 1 2 3 4 5

37. I am confident in my ability to share my faith. 1 2 3 4 5

38. I sense a clear direction on where God wants me to serve Him. 1 2 3 4 5

39. Those closest to me would say my life is characterized more by giving 1 2 3 4 5

than receiving.



QUESTIONS 1-13 (Loving God) QUESTIONS 14-26 (Loving Others) QUESTIONS 27-39 (Living Missionally)

Spiritual Health GUIDE
Loving God


1. How I live my life shows that God Ask a friend or spouse to help Pick one Old Testament Make it a daily habit to reflect
is my highest priority. you identify your top priorities. character such as Abraham, on your activities for that day.
What changes do you need to David or Daniel and study their Journal or spend time in prayer
make? life story. Reflect on and journal over how you saw God in your
about how they made God a daily activities. How does a
priority in their lives. recognition of God’s presence
shape your priorities?

2. I am dependant on God for every Take 3-5 minutes each morning Read Psalms 42, 61-65 and Fast from food or some object
aspect of my life. to give thanks to God in prayer. 139-143. Note all the times on which you normally depend.
the writer talks about his Focus on God as you fast, and
dependency on God. How do remind yourself how dependent
those words describe your own you are on God for your life.
dependency on God? Consult a physician before fasting
from food.

3. There is nothing in life I haven’t Take an inventory of your life Set up a plan for giving up one Regularly fast from the things you
surrendered to God. and note everything you have thing you have held back from have trouble surrendering to God.
not surrendered to God. Share God. You may need to ask a
your results with a friend. How friend or spouse to hold you
can you work on these things to accountable to do this.
surrender them to God?

4. I regularly spend time in God’s Meditate on a verse of scripture Set aside 15 minutes per day to Memorize scripture. Choose some
Word. on a daily basis and journal it. study God’s Word. Ask God for verses from your daily reading to
Also watch RightNow Media insight into his Word and how to memorize. Make it a priority to
videos to learn more about apply it to your daily life. hide God’s Word in your heart.
God’s Word.

5. I have a deep desire to spend Give God a one minute prayer Set aside four to eight hours to Identify a place you can go to
time in God’s presence. everyday. go on a spiritual retreat to be focus on God and worship him.
alone with God. Make it a habit to spend time in
this place on a regular basis.

6. I know God is with me even if I Reflect on one way you have Read Psalms 139-143 and Make “Practicing the Presence of
don’t sense Him. seen God at work around you Job. Look for examples of God God” a daily practice in your life.
this past week (in creation, being active even in the midst of
people, circumstances, etc.) silence and suffering.

7. I am the same person in public List one or two areas you think Ask a friend or your spouse Set up a regular appointment with
as in private. are inconsistent about the way if they see any inconsistency a friend, spouse, or mentor to
you carry yourself in public in the way you carry yourself discuss how well you are living a
versus the way you are when no publicly versus privately. life that is transparent. Allow this
one is around. Bring these areas before God person to speak truth to you, and
and establish a plan to make to hold you accountable.

8. I am quick to confess things in Evaluate one aspect of your Establish a plan, with the help Find a spiritual partner and
my life that aren’t Christ-like. character that you would like to of a friend, on the steps you establish a relationship of regular
work on and share this with a want to take to make a lasting accountability.
friend who can pray for you. change in one area of your

9. A review of how I use my Begin to give to the church and Establish a regular pattern of Give generously over and above
finances would show how God is look for ways to help those in church giving according to how your regular church giving.
a high priority in my life. need. God has blessed you. Consider supporting a Global
Outreach Partner or outside

Spiritual Health GUIDE
Loving God


10. I allow God’s Word to guide my Read one Bible passage a day. Make a plan to read the entire Make a regular habit of in
thoughts and change my actions. Bible in a year. depth Bible study.

11. I am able to praise God during During a difficult time thank Journal about your Minister to others through
difficult times and see them as God for all He has done for you circumstances to see how God the pain you’ve experienced
growth opportunities. and for the growth that comes is working in and through them. by joining a ministry at River
through trials. Share what you Spend some time reminding City Christian that specifically
are learning with a friend or yourself of His work by re- focuses on meeting the needs
mentor. reading what you have written. of those who are struggle where
you have struggled (Divorce
Care, Grief Share, Celebrate
Recovery, etc.)

12. Prayer has changed how I view Pray a one sentence prayer Spend some time praying Dedicate a specific amount of
and interact with the world. from time to time to bring God through structured prayers on a time devoted to prayer each
into your circumstances. daily basis. week.

13. I find I make good choices when I Examine the ares of your Develop a strategy for handling Make confession and
am tempted to do wrong. life where you struggle with specific temptations in your life. repentance a regular part of
temptation. What are those Find a partner to help you. your time with God. Name
areas of struggle? What should the things you have done and
you start doing to avoid them? commit yourself to making the
right choices in the future.

Spiritual Health GUIDE
Loving Others


14. I have relationships with Identify someone in your Pray for a need of a Christian Serve at a community or church
Christians from different neighborhood or workplace who you know who is from a sponsored event with a Christian
churches, denominations or faith attends another church and ask different church, denomination you know from a different
traditions than my own. them about their involvement. or faith tradition. church, denomination or faith

15. I am genuinely open and honest Identify those areas that are Honestly share your faults and Share your story with a group
as to who I am. difficult for you to be open about. struggles with someone who about how God helped you in a
Pray and identify someone with will commit to praying for you time of struggle.
whom you can approach and on a regular basis.
begin to share these areas.

16. I regularly use my time and Pray for a need that someone Find someone who has a need Rally your Growth Group to
resources to care for the needs has. Make it a point to ask them in your Growth Group or at care for someone who has a
of others. about it when you see them and church, and then meet that need. Contact the church for
pray for them on the spot. need. more information on people
who have needs in the church
or community.

17. I have deep and meaningful Attend a worship service on a Arrive early for worship and Take the New Members class
interactions with others in regular basis. have conversations with people and become a member and invite
worship. you don’t know yet. others to church.

18. I have an easy time receiving Ask God to help you establish Establish a discipleship Disciple someone else towards
encouragement from others. a new friendship and share relationship and discuss a maturity in Jesus as a disciple
something of your life with that specific issue in which you who makes disciples.
person. would like to grow.

19. I meet regularly with Christians Watch videos from RightNow Invite others to join you in a Offer to help teach an Equipping
for fellowship and accountability. Media, attend an Equipping Growth Group, an Equipping Class or facilitate a Growth
Class or become part of a Class or in a discipling Group.
Growth Group relationship.

20. There is nothing in my Pray for someone with whom Make it a point to seek Mend a broken or hurting
relationships that is currently you have a conflict. Read the forgiveness or to forgive relationship in your life and seek
unresolved. book of Philemon. Pray that you someone with whom you have a to reconcile with that person.
will move towards reconciling conflict.
the relationship.

21. There is nothing in the way I talk Pray that you won’t participate Lovingly challenge those who Make it a point to share directly
about others that I would not in gossip. gossip to speak with the person with a person instead of talking
share with them in person. directly. about them behind their back.

22. My love and care for my family is Begin to share meals more Begin to pray with your family Have a family night each week.
a reflection of God’s love for me. regularly with your family. on a daily basis. Spend time having fun, praying,
telling stories, reading the Bible,
playing games, etc.

23. I am regularly involved in a Sign up to be in a Growth Offer to facilitate or host one of Get involved in leading or co-
Growth Group or other small Group. the Growth Group meetings. leading a Growth Group

24. I actively seek out advice from Pray for and identify those who Have one or two people Develop a discipleship
others regarding important life can provide feedback in your become spiritual friends with relationship with someone who
decisions. life. whom you share important is a generation ahead of you
decisions. or who is further along in their
journey with God.

Spiritual Health GUIDE
Loving Others


25. I seek to restore relationships Begin to pray for the person Seek out the person with whom Make it a habit to initiate
when I experience conflict with with whom you have a strained you have a strained relationship conflict resolution with
people. relationship or conflict. and make an attempt to people.
reconcile with them (Matthew

26. I have made peace with past Identify those hurtful Begin to pray for those who have Seek out a mature Christian
hurtful or harmful relationships relationships and how they hurt you (Luke 6:27-31). who can help you work
to the best of my ability. affect your relationship with through unresolved hurts.
God and others.

Spiritual Health GUIDE
Living Missionally


27. I am involved in Equipping Attend a class next session. Commit to attending a class Ask to serve as an Equipping
Classes to become better each session in the coming Class teacher or to help
equipped to serve. year. coordinate an Equipping

28. I am currently serving God with Attend the SHAPE class. Commit to serve in a specific Develop your gifts by taking on
the gifts and passions he has ministry for a specific amount leadership opportunities.
given me. of time.

29. I regularly reflect on how my life Go on an entry level Global Ask a Global Outreach Partner Consider becoming a Global
can have an impact in the global Outreach trip (Mexicali, San to put you on their email list and Outreach Partner or to support
world. Francisco, etc.) regularly pray for their ministry. a Global Outreach Partner

30. I enjoy meeting the needs Discuss with a friend five Pick one practical way to meet Serve at church on a weekly
of others without expecting practical ways you can meet a need and do it. basis helping in a specific
anything in return. needs around you. ministry area.

31. I find that my relationship with Pray for specific people that Intentionally build relationships Take an open unbeliever
Jesus comes up frequently in God could bring into your life to with unbelievers in your you have established a
conversation with those in my talk about faith and Jesus. “other places” with the goal relationship with through the
“other places” who do not know of eventually sharing the good First Step booklet.
Him. news of Jesus.

32. I see my “other places” as an Invite an unbeliever over for Host a dinner, game night or Intentionally model leading
opportunity to build relationships dinner or hang out with him/her BBQ with your Growth Group others to Jesus and help equip
with unbelievers so that I can in a social setting. in which you invite unbelieving other younger believers to do
share the Gospel with them. neighbors or friends. the same in their “other places.”

33. I regularly feel compelled to Go on a hospital or Identify those who are the Begin regularly serving at
serve the poor, disenfranchised shut-in visit with the neediest in your community and the Union Gospel Mission,
and needy in my community. Congregational Care Team. identify ways you can begin to Helping Hands Ministry or
serve. Volunteer your time. other ministry of mercy in your

34. I feel personally responsible to Memorize the Romans Road Practice sharing the Gospel Share the Gospel and your faith
share my faith with those who (Romans 3:10,23, 6:23, 5:8; and your faith with other with someone from your “other
don’t know Jesus. 10:9-10) and other methods Christians or with those in your places.”
helpful in sharing the Gospel. Growth Group.

35. I am intentionally building Prayerfully identify an Invite an unbelieving person Begin a spiritual conversation
relationships with unbelievers in unbelieving person with whom with whom you regularly with an unbelieving friend.
my “other places.” you regularly interact and interact out to coffee, to lunch Consider taking him/her
develop a relationship with or over for dinner. through the First Step booklet.

36. I regularly pray for those who Identify names of unbelieving Do a prayer walk through your Ask your Growth Group for
don’t know Jesus. people and pray daily for their “other places.” Walk the block, names of unbelieving friends.
salvation. workplace, etc. praying for each Pray for each name and hold
person and for their eyes to each other accountable to
open to Jesus. share your faith with them.

37. I am confident in my ability to Write our your testimony and Share your faith with an Dedicate yourself to discipling
share my faith. share it with a friend. unbelieving friend. a newer believer so that they
become a disciple who makes

Spiritual Health GUIDE
Living Missionally


38. I sense a clear direction on Pray for a direction to serve. Take the SHAPE class and ask Own a specific aspect of
where God wants me to serve input from others regarding ministry and dedicate yourself
Him. your giftedness to serve. to it for an extended period of
39. Those closest to me would say Serve at church during a one Volunteer at a regular serving Take on a leadership role within
my life is characterized more by time event (Winter Sanctuary, ministry (Bridges, Greeters, a ministry that best expresses
giving than receiving. Christmas Mall, Harvest Union Gospel Mission, etc.) or your gifting (student ministries,
Carnival, etc.) go on a Global Outreach trip. men’s or women’s ministries,
Growth Groups, etc.)

Spiritual Health PLAN

Spiritual Health PLAN for: ___________________________________________________ Today’s date: _______ / _______ / ___________

I will share my plan with: ____________________________________________________ who will be my spiritual partner to help me


What aspect of the vision is most What steps do I need to take? How will my spiritual partner Record the progress you make
out of balance in my life? help me in this process? in this aspect.


My overall score: ___________

My greatest challenge
(Question #: _________ )


My overall score: ___________

My greatest challenge
(Question #: _________ )


My overall score: ___________

My greatest challenge
(Question #: _________ )

Spiritual Health RESOURCES


Crawl (Beginning)
God Questions by Hal Seed
Seven Guides to Effective Prayer by Colin Whittaker
The Air I Breathe: Worship As a Way of Life by Louie Giglio
Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Walk (Intermediate)
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
How to Study the Bible for All It’s Worth by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart
Radical by David Platt

Run (Advanced)
Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem


The Story (Randy Frazee)

Prayer (Philip Yancy)
Gospel in Life (Tim Keller)
Crazy Love (Francis Chan)
Don’t Waste Your Life (John Piper)
Not a Fan (Kyle Idleman)
One Way Love (T. Tchividjian)
Surprised by Hope (N.T. Wright)
God’s at War (Kyle Idleman)
The Basic Series (Francis Chan)

Practicing the Presence of God:
Practicing the presence of God involves looking for God in every detail of you life. To do this you may want to think of
God as ever-present in every situation and remember you are never alone. Look at everything you do not as something
you do by yourself, but something you do together with God. Spend time speaking with Jesus as if He were right there
with you. Take some time to think about Him every hour of the day.

Preparation for Corporate Worship:

Spend some time preparing yourself for Sunday’s worship service. As you approach the building, take a moment
to stop and thank God for your church. Before the service begins, say a prayer of thanks to God. Tell Him you are
looking forward to meeting Him in worship. Pray that God would prepare your heart to worship Him. Spend some time
praying for the pastor and everyone involved in worship that day. Look around at those entering the church and pray
specifically for as many as you can that God would touch their hearts and souls during the service. During worship, try
to picture Christ seated on the throne and thank Him for His sacrifice. Read Isaiah 6:1-8.

Worship as a Lifestyle:
Make it a point to see every action as a worship sacrifice to God. When you wake, thank Him for the day. As you go to
work or school, sing praise music or adore Him for who He is. Throughout the day, try to commit every word, thought
and action to Him as a way of thanking Him and worshiping Him, realizing every breath is His gift to us. At home, bring
God into every activity. Talk with others about the things God has done in your life.

The Bible as a Story:

For many people scripture can become dry because it is read like an encyclopedia. Take some time to read the Bible
like a novel. Start at the beginning and read it straight through. Instead of looking for something to apply that day, look
for overall themes and indications of what God is like and how He interacts with people.

Book Study:
Choose a book of the Bible and commit to studying it in depth. Read through the entire book a few times. While doing
this, get a basic understanding of how the book is structured, and what the author’s message is, who he is speaking
to, and what the book’s purpose is. Then start with a section of one chapter and read this through a few times asking
the same questions as above. To help you in your study, you may want to pick up a commentary that helps explain
things verse by verse.

Meditate on God:
Take some time to meditate on who God is and get a sense of His greatness. You may want to use the Psalms as a
guide. Read through a Psalm and note what the psalmist says about God’s character and about His experiences with
God. Take some time to praise God for who He is and for what He has done in your life.

The ACTS Model:

The ACTS model prayer involves breaking our prayers up into different focuses. The “A” stands for adoration. The first
portion of our prayers should focus on adoring God for who He is and giving Him honor and glory. The “C” stands for
confession. A very basic part of prayer is self-examination and coming clean before God about our sin, confessing
it and then turning from it. The “T” stands for thanksgiving. Thank God for who He is and what He has done. The “S”
stands for supplication, which involves bringing our requests before God.

The Lord’s Prayer:

When asked by His disciples to teach them to pray, Jesus gave them what has come to be known as the Lord’s Prayer.
The Lord’s Prayer is a model that can be broken up into six R’s. The first three R’s deal with prayers directed toward
God. They are: Remember the Lord is near (“Our Father in heaven”, Matthew 6:9), Reflect on who God is (“hallowed
be your name”, Matthew 6:9), and Refocus our lives toward His Kingdom and His will (“your kingdom come, your will
be done on earth as it is in heaven”, Matthew 6:10). The second three R’s deal with prayer for our needs. They are:
Request the needs you have for today (“Give us today our daily bread”, Matthew 6:11), Repent of the sins you have
committed (“Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors”, Matthew 6:12), and Rest in God’s deliverance
and presence in times of temptation (“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”, Matthew 6:13).

The purpose of a traditional fast is to abstain from food in order to focus clearly on your relationship with God. You can
also fast from television, entertainment, reading, or anything that distracts you from God. We recommend consulting a
physician before fasting from food. Remember, the goal is to develop a focus on God. In order to fast you may want to
consider the following:
• Have a clear purpose for the fast.
• Begin with something small like one meal or one time slot.
• During the fast, commit the time you would have spent eating or watching TV to prayer, Bible study, worship,
etc. Use it as a time to focus on God.

Sometimes it is helpful to journal in order to see God’s work in our lives. You may want to start a journal that allows you
to record some of the victories and struggles you are having. Record your thoughts and feelings as you go through a
process of self-examination. Make it a point to review your journal annually to see how God has worked in your life over
the past year.

Money Management:
Take some time to look over how you manage your money. If you don’t have a budget you may want to establish one.
Spend some time praying over what God wants you to do with the money He has given you. This will help you budget
with God’s priorities in mind. If you need help with money management see a Christian financial counselor, commit to
attending an appropriate Equipping Class or watch a RightNow Media financial video series.

Spiritual Health RESOURCES
Crawl (Beginning)
Love Beyond Reason by John Ortberg
On the Anvil by Max Lucado

Walk (Intermediate)
Connecting by Larry Crabb
Reflections of a Prodigal Son by Henry Nouwen
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
Real-Life Discipleship by Jim Putman

Run (Advanced)
Community That is Christian by Julie Gorman
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Discipleship Explored (Barry Cooper)

One Anothers (Tony Evans)
Prodigal Perspectives (Chris Seay)
Outlive your Life (Max Lucado)
Aha (Kyle Idleman)
What If… (Alan Danielson)

Growth Groups:
Become a part of a Growth Group where you can grow as a follower of Jesus in small group community. God has
created us for community. We are not meant to walk alone on the journey of faith. Spiritual families provide a place for
you to grow in all areas of the vision: Loving God, Living Missionally, and especially Loving Others.

Discipleship Partners:
Search out a spiritual partner who will commit to meeting with you regularly and help you grow in your relationship with
Jesus. It could be an older person or a peer. Set up a time to meet together. It could be through email conversation
or in person. This needs to be a person with whom you can openly share your struggles and ask for prayer, discuss
behaviors you need to change, share devotional insights you have learned in your personal study of scripture, and talk
about general life issues.

On-The-Spot Prayer:
Prayer is usually a great way to build community with others. The next time a person shares a need of concern with
you, stop right there and ask if it is okay to pray for them. Make this a regular habit, and watch what it does for the level
of intimacy you have with the people around you.

Seek Reconciliation:
For many of us, there are strains in our relationship that come from false perceptions or hurts we have chosen to
harbor. Take a look at your own life. Are there any strained relationships? Are you angry with someone else? Are you
holding a grudge? Are you mad at God for not coming through for you? Are you often critical of yourself and others? As
you reflect on your answers to these questions, make it a point to seek to be reconciled to people you are separated
from because of these issues. You may want to talk with a counselor or a pastor before you seek reconciliation.

How Do You Relate?
What relationship problems are unmanageable for you? Are there patterns in your relationships that you repeat over
and over again? What bad habits do you bring to your relationships? Many of us experience relational problems due to
the way we relate to others. Make it a point to explore these issues with a counselor, pastor or spiritual partner.

Celebrate Recovery:
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “Eight
Recovery Principles.” By working and applying these biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become
free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most
importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.

Congregational Care:
This ministry exists to help and encourage those in times of illness or crisis in their lives. The Congregational Care
Team is a group of volunteers who show simple acts of care and kindness to those in need like making phone calls
to those who are housebound, sending cards and notes, or visiting and praying with individuals. Contact Pastor Dan
Wade if you are interested in serving.

Spiritual Health RESOURCES

Crawl (Beginning)
The Walk by Stephen Smallman
Becoming a Contagious Christian by Mark Mittelberg and Lee Strobel
Improving Your Serve by Chuck Swindoll
Multiply by Francis Chan and David Platt

Walk (Intermediate)
The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
Ministries of Mercy by Tim Keller
The Externally Focused Church by Rusaw & Suanson
Counter Culture by David Platt

Run (Advanced)
Breaking the Missional Code by Ed Stetzer
Perspectives of the World Christian Movement edited by Ralph Winter


The Reason for God (Tim Keller)

Christianity Explored (Rico Tice)
Why We Trust the Bible (S. Nichols)
Why Jesus (David Nasser)
Gospel in Life (Tim Keller)
Why We Believe the Bible (J. Piper)
Work as Worship (J.D. Greear)
Surprised by Hope (N.T. Wright)
H2O (Kyle Idleman)

Take on the Life of Another:
As followers of Jesus, our most fundamental command from Jesus is to make disciples. As we grow as disciples,
we are to be making disciples of others. Living missionally starts with being intentional in our relationships and in our
“other places” (where we naturally exist with non-believers). As a disciple, you should always have someone in your life
ahead of you (Paul) and someone behind you (Timothy).

Count Conversations:
Often we can put too much pressure on ourselves to convert someone or to have all the right answers. It is the Holy
Spirit who transforms lives, not us. All you have to do is talk about the Gospel (see Matthew 28:18-20). This starts with
being intentional in your “other places”, where you naturally exist with non-believers. Through engaging in relationship
you build a platform which will earn you the right to speak the Gospel into their lives. Instead of counting the number of
people you have led to Jesus, start counting the number of conversations you have with others about Jesus. You may
be shocked to find how easy it is to talk naturally about Jesus when you don’t pressure yourself to convert them.

Pray for Your Friends:

Make it a point to pray specifically for people you know who don’t know Jesus in your “other places”. You may want to
write their names down on a piece of paper or in your prayer journal. In addition, let your Growth Group or someone
else close to you know to keep you accountable. Set aside regular time in your day to pray for them.

Join a Ministry:
Join an existing ministry at River City Christian that fits your spiritual gifts, interests, passions, talents, abilities, personality
type, and experiences. Take the S.H.A.P.E class and find something that sounds interesting and get involved. You’ll never
know what you’re good at until you get started. If it doesn’t work out, call it an experiment and try something else.

Be Ready to Care:
Be ready to care for the hungry or needy wherever you go. Carry gifts certificates from your local grocery store and
department store to give to those who have need, without worrying about cash. Also, get involved at serving at Winter
Sanctuary and/or the Christmas Mall to be around those in need to grow more of a heart of compassion.

Community Compassion:
Look for opportunities to care for the needs of your community. There are many community programs that help share the
love of Jesus, by meeting the needs of others. Look for ways to take your faith outside the walls of River City Christian.

Short-Term GO Trip:
Choose to go on a short-term Global Outreach trip. Through these trips you get a chance to partner with career Global
Outreach Partners, gain a better understanding of people’s need for Jesus, and see God at work worldwide.

10933 Progress Court | Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 | 916.861.2240 | rivercitychristian.org

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