Banana Tag Lesson Plan
Banana Tag Lesson Plan
Banana Tag Lesson Plan
Overview of lesson
This lesson has been designed to help students learn how to follow basic rules in a fun game-based setting in a grade
2 gym class. Throughout the lesson, students will need to play fair and be honest about being tagged but will also
develop their basic locomotor skill of running. In addition, this lesson is designed to encourage students to work
cooperatively with their peers by requiring them to accept their assigned roles in the game. By the end of the lesson,
students will have worked together, followed rules, and achieved their physical activity suggestion for the day.
Alberta Program of Study
A: Students will acquire skills through a A2–1: select and perform locomotor skills involved in a
variety of developmentally appropriate variety of activities
movement activities; dance, games, types of A2-11: apply basic rules and fair play while playing and
gymnastics, individual activities and learning the strategies of lead-up games
activities in an alternative environment; e.g., C2–3: identify and demonstrate etiquette and fair play
aquatics and outdoor pursuits C2–4: accept responsibility for assigned roles while
C: Students will interact positively with participating in physical activity
others C2–5: display a willingness to play cooperatively with
others of various abilities, in large or small groups
Critical Questions
Lesson Guiding Questions:
What are the rules we need to follow?
Are you playing fair?
Learning Objectives
Students will apply locomotor skills like running while participating in a cooperative game.
Students will apply and follow basic rules for fair play in a game setting.
Students will demonstrate their ability to play fair through a cooperative game.
Students will recognize responsibility for their assigned role in a game setting.
Students will demonstrate a willingness to play with others through a cooperative game.
o For each round, 4 or 5 students will be picked to be ‘the monkeys’ (or it). The other students will be
scattered around the gym and on “go”, and the monkeys will try to tag the other students who are
running around the gym. When a student is tagged, they must stop where they are and stand like a
banana (standing with both arms stretched above their head). To be freed, another player (not a
monkey) must ‘peel’ the student who is a banana by gently pulling their arms down one at a time.
Once the banana student has been peeled, they are free to start running around the gym again.
Demonstration (2 min):
The teacher(s) will show them a quick visual representation of the game to help students grasp the rules. To
do this, we may call on a student (one who is paying attention) to help with the demonstration (be the
After the demonstration, a quick check for understanding of rules will take place with the students
Transition (1 min):
The teacher(s) will pick 4-5 students at random to be monkeys and will have them stand in the middle while
the other students scatter around the gym.
Summative Assessment:
There is no summative assessment
for this lesson.
If this activity is not working for the group of 40 students or students appear to be getting board, the game of
tag can switch to Wonka Tag.
o Before beginning this game, students will need to gather and review the rules to help prevent any
kind of injury.
Consolidating and Closure (2 min):
Gather to Line-up and Head Back to Classroom:
Students will listen to the teacher with instructions to line-up.
Remind students of how we walk in the halls (finger on lips, hand on hips)
Reflective Notes:
Chaotic with 40 students but a good learning experience
Students were focussed while listening to instructions and played the games well (followed rules)
Most students seemed to have lots of fun