1filipino Scientist
1filipino Scientist
1filipino Scientist
Arturo Alcaraz. Doctor Arturo Alcaraz is a Paulo Campos. Filipino scientist, Paulo Campos
volcanologist specializing in geothermal energy built the first radioisotope laboratory in the
development. In 1967, Arturo Alcaraz and team Philippines. Doctor Paulo Campos is a specialist in
powered an electric light bulb using steam-powered nuclear medicine and the award winning writer of
electricity. Power coming from a Volcano near the over seventy-five scientific papers including:
town of Tiwi. This was the first geothermal power Observation of Some Parameter of Insulin Action;
generated in the Philippines. Cr-51 Tagged Red Cell Studies; and The Genetic
Factor in Endemic Goiter
Benjamin Almeda. Benjamin Almeda designed a
food-processing machine. In 1954, Benjamin Magdalena Cantoria. Magdalena Cantoria is a
Almeda founded the Almeda Cottage Industry (now noted Filipino botanist who is known for her
the Almedah Food Machineries Corporation) which research in the morphology, physiology, and
manufactured his basic food processing inventions biochemistry of drug plants, in particular agar,
including his rice grinder, meat grinder and coconut rauwolfia, datura, mint and Piper. 1954 - Edwin
grater. Leigh Newcomb Award in pharmacognosy given by
the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical
Julian Banzon. Filipino chemist, Julian Banzon Education, 1962 - Edwin Leigh Newcomb Award
researched methods of producing alternative fuels. (for research on the growth and development of
Julian Banzon experimented with the production of Daturia strasmodium L.), and 1977 - Most
ethyl esters fuels from sugarcane and coconut, and Outstanding Phi Sigman
invented a means of extracting residual coconut oil
by a chemical process rather than a physical Josefino Comiso. Filipino Physicist Josefino
process. BS in Chemistry from the University of the Comiso has been warning the world about global
Philippines - 1930 and Ph.D. in Biophysical warming. Josefino Comiso is a Filipino physicist
Chemistry from Iowa State University - 1940. working at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
studing global warming in the Arctic. Josefino
Ramon Barba. Ramon Barba invented practical Comiso was the first person to discover a recurring
flower induction treatments. Filipino scientist, polynya in the Cosmonaut Sea, south of the Indian
Ramon Barba is best known for his advancements Ocean. A polynya is a semipermanent area of open
in mango farming research and tropical tree water in sea ice.
physiology. Ramon Barba invented techniques to
promote crop flowering using a potassium nitrate Lourdes Cruz. Doctor Lourdes Cruz has made
spray. The Philippines is a leading exporter of scientific contributions to the biochemistry field of
mangoes and mango products. B.S. Agronomy conotoxins, in particular the toxins of the venom of
(Fruits) University of the Philippines - 1958 and M. the marine snail Conus geographus. Lourdes Cruz
Sci. Horticulture, University of Georgia - 1962 documented the biochemical characterization of the
homologous highly toxic monomeric peptides with
Benjamin Cabrera. Doctor Benjamin Cabrera has internal disulfide bonds including: Conotoxin GI,
developed innovations in drug treatments against Conotoxin GIA and Conotoxin GII. Lourdes Cruz
diseases caused by mosquitoes and agricultural soil. has helped develop conotoxins for the purpose
Doctor Benjamin Cabrera has written more than a biochemical probes for examining the activities of
hundred scientific publications on medical the human brain. Lourdes Cruz - Awards: NAST
Outstanding Young Scientist Award 1981, NRCP the 15th International Congress of Pediatrics award
Achievement Award in Chemistry 1982, and as most outstanding pediatrician and humanitarian
Outstanding Women in the Nation's Service Award in 1977.
(Biochemistry) 1986. B.S. Chemistry, University of
the Philippines, 1962, M.S. Biochemistry, Anacleto Del Rosario. Filipino chemist, Anacleto
University of Iowa, 1966 and Ph.D. Biochemistry, Del Rosario won the first prize at the World Fair in
University of Iowa, 1968 Paris in 1881 for his formula for producing a pure
kind of alcohol from tuba of a nipa palm. His
Rolando De La Cruz. Filipino scientist Rolando research also led to the extraction of castor oil from
De La Cruz invented an anti cancer skin cream. a native plant called palma christi.
Rolando de la Cruz invented DeBCC an anti-cancer
skin cream made from cashew nuts and other local Ernesto Del Rosario. Filipino chemist, Ernesto Del
herbs from the Phillipines. Rolando de la Cruz's Rosario is best known for his achievements in
cream combats basal cell carcinoma or skin cancer biotechnology and applied physical chemistry. He
without causing any side effects. has invented methods of alcohol production from
cellulosic and starchy materials, a method of
Emerita De Guzman. Filipino scientist Emerita De continuous-flow alcohol fermentation process, and a
Guzman researched the propagation of pure method of yeast production from waste coconut
makapuno trees. In particular, she studied the water.
growth and development, in vitro, of the makapuno
coconut embryo. Emerita De Guzman research led Roberto Del Rosario. Filipino Inventor Roberto
to the faster propagation of pure macapuno trees del Rosario is the president of the Trebel Music
and increased makapuno nut production from 3-5 Corporation and the inventor of the Karaoke Sing
makapuno nuts to 14-19 nuts. Emerita De Guzman Along System in 1975. Roberto del Rosario has
also invented tissue culture techniques for the rapid patented more than twenty inventions making him
propagation of abaca and banana plants. Emerita De one of the most prolific Filipino inventor.
Guzman - Awards: Rizal Pro Patria award 1976,
SEARCA professional Chair in Plant Physiology Daniel Dingel. Filipino Inventor. Daniel Dingel
1974-1976, Outstanding Scientist Award of the claims to have invented a water-powered car. He
Philippine Association for the Advancement of designs cars that run on water. The Philippine Daily
Science 1976, and Professional Award for Inquirer reported that Daniel Dingel built a water-
agriculture of the UP Alumni Association, 1977. fueled automobile engine as early as 1969. Dingel
Bachelor's degree in Botany from the University of has no patents and many members of the science
the Philippines in 1953, MS degree in Plant community feel that his water-powered car is a
Physiology from Cornell University in 1956, Ph.D. hoax. However, Daniel Dingel has demonstrated his
in Plant Physiology from Cornell University in car without any technical papers or explanation as
1961. to how it works. And if it does work, a water-
powered car would be a fantastic invention.
Fe Del Mundo. Filipino Doctor, Doctor Fe Del
Mundo is credited with studies that lead to the Pedro Escuro. Filipino scientist, Pedro Escuro is
invention of an improved incubator and a jaundice best known for his isolation of nine rice varieties.
relieving device. She has dedicated her life to the The Pedro Escuro rice varieties are: Milpal 4, HBD-
cause of pediatrics in the Philippines. Fe Del 2, Azmil 26 and C-22 and C-18, C4-63, C4-137, C-
Mundo - Awards: In 1966, Fe Del Mundo received 168 and C-12.
the Elizabeth Blackwell Award for "outstanding
service to mankind"; In 1977, Fe Del Mundo Agapito Flores. Filipino Scientist. Agapito Flores
received the Ramon Magsaysay Award for has been acclaimed by some as being the inventor
outstanding public service; and She also received of the first fluorescent lamp - is this true? The
Agapito Flores controversy continues - Agapito diphtheria resulting in the prevention of those
Flores has been acclaimed by some as being the diseases in the Phillipines. Hilario Lara also
inventor of the first fluorescent lamp. However, the established the Institute of Public Health at the
dates are all wrong for this being possible. The University of the Philippines and helped establish
following points have been taken from "The History the National Research Council of the Philippines.
of Fluorescent Lights"
Felix Maramba. Felix Maramba built a coconut
Pedro Flores. Pedro Flores was the first person to oil-fueled power generator. He also is the developer
manufactured the yo-yo in the United States. The of one of the world's most profitable biogas
word yo-yo is a Tagalog word, the native language systems. Felix Maramba is the president of the
of the Philippines, and means 'come back.' In the Philippine Association of Flour Millers, Inc. Felix
Philippines, the yo-yo was a weapon for over 400 Maramba wrote: Biogas and Waste Recycling, The
hundred years. Their version was large with sharp Philippine Experience.
edges and studs and attached to thick twenty-foot
ropes for flinging at enemies or prey. People in the Luz Oliveros Belardo. Filipino chemist, Luz
United States started playing with the British Oliveros Belardo researched the phytochemical
bandalore or yo-yo in the 1860s. It was not until the properties of plants in the Philippines for natural
1920s that Americans first heard the word yo-yo. products. Filipino chemist, Luz Oliveros Belardo
Pedro Flores, a Philippine immigrant, began researched the phytochemical properties of plants in
manufacturing a toy labeled with that name. Flores the Philippines for natural products, essential oils,
became the first person to mass-produce yo-yos, at and the medicinal qualities. She produced thirty-
his small toy factory located in California. Duncan three extractions of essential oils used for flavoring,
saw the toy, liked it, bought the rights from Flores scents, and herbal medicines.
in 1929 and then trademarked the name Yo-Yo.
William Padolina. William Padolina has served as
Francisco Fronda. Doctor Francisco Fronda is the Secretary of the Department of Science and
know as the Father of poultry science in the Technology for the Philippines where he directed
Philippines. Francisco Fronda has improved researchers and the private sector and enabled the
methods of production for the poultry and livestock growth of the Internet and e-commerce in the
industry. He is also the author of the book Poultry Philippines. William Padolina has also served as the
Science Production and was one of the first five Deputy Director General of the Philippines-based
people in the world to earn a doctorate in Poultry International Rice Research Institute.
Eduardo Quisumbing. Filipino botanist, Eduardo
Carmen Intengan. Food and nutrition researcher Quisumbing was a noted expert in the medicinal
Carmen Intengan was a pioneer that helped improve plants of the Philippines. He was author of more
the Filipino diet. Food and nutrition researcher, than 129 scientific articles. many on orchids.
Carmen Intengan (aka Carmen Llamas Intengan and Eduardo Quisumbing served as the Director of the
Carmen L. Intengan) was a pioneer that helped National Museum of the Philippines, where he
improve the Filipino diet. She has conducted rebuilt the Herbarium. The plant "saccolabium
research studies in food analysis, enzyme work, and quisumbingii" is named in honor of Eduardo
glass paper chromatography techniques. Quisumbing.
Hilario Lara. Hilario Lara helped establish the Francisco Quisumbing. Filipino chemist,
National Research Council of the Philippines. Francisco Quisumbing invented Quink ink, which is
Doctor Hilario Lara is a medical researcher and used in Parker Pens. Quink ink is named after the
public health specialist who has studied the spread inventor. It is a quick drying ink with a cleaning
of cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, measles and property that prevents the ink from clogging the
pen. Velasquez spenting over thirty years researching
myxophyceae which is bluegreen algae.
Dolores Ramirez. Biochemical geneticist, Dolores
Ramirez promoted the development of genetics in Carmen Velasquez. Carmen Velasquez was a
the Philippines as a teacher, author, and researcher. noted Filipino biologist. Noted Filipino biologist,
She researched the cytogenetics of Philippine food Carmen Velasquez is a specialist in fish
crops: rice, coconut, banana, sugarcane, parasitology - the study of parasites and hosts
ornamentals, legumes, durian, lanzones, santol and among fish. Carmen Velasquez discovered thirty-
balimbing. two species and one new genus of digenetic
trematodes (parasites) in local fish from the
Jose Rodriguez. Jose Rodriguez is a noted Filipino Philippines.
scientist and researcher who has invented methods
of controlling Hansen’s Disease commonly Gregorio Zara. Famous Filipino Scientist.
known as leprosy. His leprosy control program was Gregorio Zara - famous Filipino scientist Gregorio
instituted in the Philippines and other Asian Y Zara. Filipino scientist Gregorio Y. Zara (D.Sc.
countries. Jose Rodriguez's medical papers on Physics) invented, made improvements to, or
leprosy research are often referenced and have been discovered the following: invented the two-way
published around the world. television telephone or videophone (1955) patented
as a "photo phone signal separator network";
Eduardo San Juan. Eduardo San Juan worked on discovered the physical law of electrical kinetic
the team that invented the Lunar Rover or Moon resistance called the Zara effect (around 1930);
Buggy. Mechanical engineer, Eduardo San Juan invented an airplane engine that ran on plain alcohol
(aka The Space Junkman) worked on the team that as fuel (1952); improved methods of producing
invented the Lunar Rover or Moon Buggy. Eduardo solar energy including creating new designs for a
San Juan is considered the primary designer of the solar water heater (SolarSorber), a sun stove, and a
Lunar Rover. San Juan was also the designer for the solar battery (1960s); invented a propeller-cutting
Articulated Wheel System. Prior, to the Apollo machine (1952); designed a microscope with a
Program, Eduardo San Juan worked on the collapsible stage; and helped design the robot
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM). Marex X-10.
Alfredo Santos. Doctor Alfredo Santos is a noted Prescillano Zamora. Prescillano Zamora is best
researcher in the chemistry of natural products, in known for his research in plant anatomy-
particular the isolation and elucidation of the morphology including the taxonomy of Philippine
phaeantharine and other alkaloids from Philippine ferns and the discovery of more fern
medical plants. species.Prescillano Zamora is best known for his
research in plant anatomy-morphology and
Francisco Santos. Filipino Chemist Francisco pteridophyte biology, including the taxonomy of
Santos studied the nutritional problems associated Philippine ferns and the discovery of more fern
with the Filipino diet. Filipino agricultural chemist, species. He has been a supporter of the conservation
Doctor Francisco Santos studied the nutritive values of the environment in the Phillipines and a
and chemical composition of local foods from the supporter of natural resources policy research.
Philippines. His data was used to help detect and
solve problems with Filipino diets.