Sat Cheat Sheet Grammar

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Grammar Cheat Sheet

SAT  & ACT ® ®

  List items must

  be parallel,
Shorter is better
e.g., noun, noun, noun

Underline NOT & EXCEPT Comma before a

preposition = WRONG

Colon = list or explanation;

Check DELETE/OMIT first
must follow a full sentence

Period = Semicolon =
Keep verb tense consistent
Comma + and/but

Comma + (s)he, it, they usually Singular verbs end in -s;

= comma splice = WRONG plural verbs do not

Its, their = possessive; it's = it is; Than = comparison;

they're = they are; there = place Then = next

2 commas = 2 dashes ADD/DELETE/REVISE: is the

= 2 parentheses information on- or off-topic?

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