One of the important sect which arose in Indian subcontinent around 6th century BCE was
AJIVIKA . According to Goyal, it was probably founded by Nanda Vachchha but gained
strength under Makkhali Goshala , who is said to be a disciple of Mahavira. In a Jain canonical
text the Ajivikas or followers of Gosāla are represented as a class of recluses ( samaņas ) who
begged alms as a means of livelihood and were no better than householders in as much as they
used to eat seeds, drink cold water and have an undesirable intimacy with the women. According
to Prof. Rhys Davids and Dr. Hoernle Ajivika refers to right means of livelihood ( samma
ajiva). ' It flourished during the reign of Mauryan Emperor Bindusara. Thereafter it declined but
was still in practice in some parts of South India.
Sources : By combining data found in the Jaina and in the Buddhist canon, scholars have tried
reconstitute the history of Ajivikas.
It believes in the doctrine of NIYATI(FATE) which means everything in life is pre-
determined & there’s no free will , according to Samannaphalasutta. All souls have to pass
through 84,00,000great kalpas, 7 births as deities, 7 as insensibles beings, 7 as sensible beings &
7 with changes of body through re-animation. It denied the doctrine of KARMA ( DEEDS ) &
VIRYA (ENERGY) .It did not belive in God & developed a theory of elements as well as atoms.
It also propounded the theory of MANDALA-MOKSHA which means jivas that have
attained salvation may come to Earth in order to keep the world moving. It encouraged extreme
asceticism ,solitude, disdain of comfort & love for all kinds of austerities.