History of Architecture
History of Architecture
History of Architecture
1. Identify this vernacular house of the Cordillera Region. 9. At Angkor, passage through the enclosure walls surrounding a temple
compound frequently accomplished by means of an impressive gopura,
rather than just an aperture in the walls or a doorway. What is a gorupa?
10. What vault is almost always square in plan and is constructed of two
barrel vaults intersecting at right angles? It is frequently separated by
traverse arched ribs of profile as at Speyer and Santiago de Compostela.
A. Kalinga B. Kankanai
C. Bontoc D. Isneg
A. Ribbed vault B. Groin vault
C. Barrel vault D. Pointed arch vault
2. Who is the first Filipino Licensed Archiect.
11. What are generally part of any monastic complex and also occur at
A. Juan Nakpil B. Felix Ramos
cathedral and collegiate churches? They were essential to the communal
C. Tomas Mapua D. Guillermo Manahan
way of life, a place for both working during daylight hours and relaxing during
inclement weather. They usullay abut the church building and are enclosed
3. Its design was based and expanded upon the unconstructed Philippine-
with windowless walls on the outside and an open arcade on the inside,
American Friendship Center. The Tanghalan is a primary example of the
looking over a courtyard.
architect's signature style knows as the floating volume, a trait that can be
seen in his structures indigenous to the Philippines such as the nipa hut.
A. Chapter House B. Refectories
Who is this architect of this building.
C. Cloisters D. Crypt
16. What was an international movement in the decorative and fine arts that
began in Britain and flourished in Europe and North America between 1880
and 1910, emerging in Japan in the 1920? it stood traditional craftsmanship
using simple forms, and often used medieval, romantic or folk styles of
decoration. It advocated economic and social reform and was essentially anti
18. Who coined the phrase " form ever follows function" to capture the his
belief that a building's size, massing, spatial grammar and other
characteristics should be driven solely by the function of the building?
20. De Stijl, Dutch for style, was a Dutch artistic movement founded in 1917 i. Mortuary
in Amsterdam. Proponent of the De Stijl advocated pure abstraction and ii. Elevated court way
universally by a reduction to essentials of form and color, they simplified iii. Valley Temple
visual compositions to vertical and horizontal using only black white and iv. Hypostyle Hall
primary colors. What is the other name for De Stijl
26. Identify the ilustration?
A. Expressionism B. Futurism
C. Neoclassicism D. Eclecticism A. Old temple of Athena B. Temple Athena Nike
C. Erectheum D. Athena Promachos
21. What is a movement of movement of postmodernism architecture which
appeared in the 1980s. which gives the impression of the fragmentation of 27. Greek Temple Plan
the constructed building. It is characterized by an absence of harmony,
continuity, or symmetry. A. Octastyle Dipteral B. Octastyle PSueduodipteral
C. Octastyle peripteral D. Octastyle in Antis
A. Deconstructivism B. Biotecture
C. Post Modernism D. International Style 28. What is the open space in the interior of the castle for practicing combat?
22. What building is form Roma temple, now a church in Rome Italy, on the A. Polisode B. Motte
site of an earlier temple commissioned by Marcus Agrippa and was C. Bailey D. Ditch
completed by the emperor Hadrian? the oculus at the domes apex and the
entry door are the only natural sources of light in the interior of this building? 29. From what ancient civilizations did the architects of the Renaissance get
their inspiration?
A. Sistine Chapel B. The Pantheon
C. San Pietro Montario D. Sta. Maggiore Cathedral A. Egyptian & Persians B. PErsian &Greeks
C. Greeks & Romans D. Romans & Assyrians
23. identify the encircled part of the Greek temple. 30. Who was considered to the first true Renaissance Architect?
31. Who is the artist considered as the greatest artist of his time during the C. Arts & Crafts Movement D. High tech Architecture
Renaissance? He is the most known today for his frescos at the Sistine
Chapel? 41. What is the tower built atop the torogan hides the sultans daughter.
32. Which of the ff architectural elements is considered a " hallmark of Gothic 42. What is the space in the bahay kubo wherein the mats are spread out on
Churches? the floor to sit on, sometimes around the dulang, low table?
33. What is the highest level of windows around the top of a cathedral? 43. What is the separate storehouse on stilts where unhuled rice kept?
34. What do you call the first Voussior resting on the impost of an arch? 44. What is the row of carved projecting beam ends in ornate motifs usually
five in front and two smalller ones on the sides of a torogan ?
A. Springer B. Keystone
C. Extrados D. Spandrel A. Panolong B. Okir
C. Giban Siyabit
35. What is the design proportioning and disposition of windows and other
elements opening of the building? 45. What is the mezzanine elevated 1.0 mt. Above the ground usually
located on the floor of the masters bedroom right underneath his bed.
A. Fenestration B. Facade
C. Bay D. Clerestory A. Camedor B. Entresuelo
C. Zaguan D. Caida
36. What is the principal story of large building, such with formal reception
and dining rooms, usually one flight above the ground floor. 46. What is an azotea?
A. Cortile B. Piano Nobile A. open terrace open to the toilet, use for laundry drying space.
C. D. Loggia
47. What si the use of fornication?
37. What is the open square or public place in the city or town especially in
Italy? 48. What is a Greek building that contains painted pictures?
38. What is the archiecture of the Eatern sphere o the later Roman Emprie 49. Who is the architect of the Shrine of our Lady of Peace at EDSA?
developing from late Roman and Early Chirstian....... Chruch building are
from Greece, Italy...... A. Francisco Manosa B. Carlos Arguelles
C. George Ramos D. Felipe Mendoza
A. Romanesque Architecture B. Byzantine Architecture
C. Gothic Architecture D. Renaissance Architecture 50. TREFOIL ARCH
60. What is the temple tower of the ancient assyrians & babylonians?
A. Crepidoma B. Pedestal
C. Stylobate D. Podium
A. Circle B. Half-circle
C. Ellipse D. Trapezoid
A. Beam B. B. gutter
A. Stylobate B. Podium
C. Euthyntheria D. Stereobate
72. How many statues of relgious persona are there in the piazza of St.
Peter's Rome?
A. Dynamic B. Theatrical
C. Simple D. Dramatic
A. Citadel B. Castle
C. Fortification D. Cathedral