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This conceptual paper proposes that communication strategies should be aligned to the IMC message
typology in its entirety. In order to shed light on the role of IMC in the development of communication
strategies a literature review was conducted. The literature review revealed that IMC is a logical
structure of developing communication strategies. An organisation should control (planned) or
influence messages (unplanned, product, service) to ensure message consistency and maximum
communication impact. In simple terms, an organisation should strive to match its brand promise made
through planned messages with actual performance as reflected in its product, service, and unplanned
messages. The paper provides a communication planning framework to organisations on how to use
IMC message typology to ensure message consistency and maximum impact.
Key words: IMC message typology, marketing communication tools, product messages, planned messages,
unplanned messages, service messages, communication strategy.
There is a growing interest in integrated marketing organisations in all sectors are being forced to embrace
communication (IMC) among marketing scholars and IMC as a marketing approach. IMC represents a
practitioners. Notably, the fragmentation of markets and paradigm shift from the era of mass marketing to the era
the multiplicity of promotional tools are a compelling of consumer orientation. The new marketing approach,
reason for organisations to adopt IMC in order to ensure as embodied in IMC, emphasises issues such as
consistent messages to all stakeholders (Gronstedt and relationship marketing, retention marketing and database
Sircuse, 1998:23). marketing (Iacobucci and Calder, 2003:6).
Traditionally, organisations have focused on mass In addition, Shimp (2003:6) claims that “a marketer who
marketing with the emphasis on selling goods and succeeds in the new environment will be the one who
services regardless of the needs of the customers. How- coordinates the communication mix so tightly that you
ever, with the increased competition in the marketplace, can look from (advertising) medium to medium, from
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Takalani 91
programme event to programme event and instantly see Juxtaposed to the view that IC was an alternative term for
that the brand is speaking with one voice”. Shimp’s IMC, Rensburg and Cant (2009:3) are, nevertheless, of
assertion endorses the view that IMC is important to the opinion that IC differs from IMC. According to them,
ensure both message consistency and maximum IMC deals with integration within “the realm of marketing”,
communication impact. Moreover, as Gurău (2008:171) while IC goes beyond marketing to include communication
suggests, IMC “provides an opportunity for organisations fields such as corporate design, public relations and
to enhance the relationship of their brands with customers corporate communication (Rensburg and Cant, 2009:3).
and other stakeholders”. Despite its popularity; there is still no consensus among
In spite of the growing importance of IMC, there is scholars on the definition of IMC (Kerr et al., 2008:514;
paucity of research evidence on the role of IMC message Grove et al., 2007:37; McGrath, 2005:192; Anantachart,
typology in the development of communication strategies. 2005:102). In the next section, the definition of the
However, scholars such as Badrinarayanan (2005) have concept will, despite the confusion and lack of clarity
looked at integrated marketing communication and brand about its meaning, be examined.
identity as critical components of firms’ brand equity
strategy. In an article entitled “How integrated marketing
communication works? A theoretical review and an Defining IMC
analysis of its drivers and effects”, Porcu et al. (2012)
propose a conceptual framework around IMC. None of Despite confusion and ambiguity, several scholars have,
these studies focus on the role of IMC message typology nevertheless, proposed definitions of the concept of IMC.
in the development of communication strategies. It is Table 1 presents various definitions as offered by some
against this background that the goal of the paper is to of the authoritative voices on the concept: Table 1.
analyze the role of IMC message typology in the It may be deduced from the abovementioned definitions
development of communication strategies. This paper is that IMC is about the combined use of promotional tools
divided into four sections namely, literature review, in order to bring about “clarity, consistency, and maximum
research approach, discussion and implications for communication impact” (Schultz and Schultz, 2003:93).
communicators. However, it would not seem as if any agreement about
the definition of IMC is in sight. Moreover, understandably,
the lack of a clear definition and a solid theoretical base
LITERATURE REVIEW has resulted in IMC being a poorly defined discipline
(Kerr et al., 2008:516; Fitzpatrick, 2005:93; McGrath,
Historical evolution of IMC 2005:192). The definition that has been adopted in this
paper is that of Duncan (2002) because it takes the role
Communication integration is not a new concept and, in of IMC messages in the development of communication
fact, the concept of communication integration emerged strategies. The definition suggests that an organisation
as early as the 1930s. During this period the sales should control (planned) and influence messages
representatives would collaborate with the advertising (unplanned, product, service) messages to create and
team while, by 1966, scholars had already recommended nourish stakeholder relationships. Thus, it can be argued
the combined use of promotional tools in order to ensure that the IMC message typology in its entirety provides a
synergy (Thorson and Moore, 1996:13). framework whereby an organisation should communicate
The late 1970s and the 1980s saw an increase in with its stakeholders. Furthermore, there are messages
merger activity in the advertising industry. This trend that an organisation can control (planned) and there are
came about as a result of an industry-wide effort to offer those that the organisation can only influence.
more than advertising and to provide a one-stop service In addition, there is vociferous scholarly debate about
to clients (Thorson & Moore, 1996:13). In the late 1980s, whether IMC is a new concept, with three opposing
this new integration was labelled the “new advertising”. groups of scholars taking part.
However, this elicited an outcry from public relations The first group regards IMC as a new discipline while
academics, who saw the new concept as being, what the second group sees IMC as an old discipline. In other
they termed, a marketing imperialism and, to them; this words, the second group sees IMC as an old idea under
new concept would mean a domination of marketing over the guise of a new label with this group arguing that, as
public relations (Thorson and Moore, 1996:14). early as the 1950s, advertising agencies such as Leo
The 1990s saw IMC becoming one of the most topical Burnett were practising IMC (Thorson & Moore, 1996:14).
marketing issues (Percy, 1997:ix). Moreover, it was in the The third group claims that IMC is irrelevant (Kerr et al.,
1990s that IMC emerged as a discipline (Kerr et al., 2008: 517).
2008:514; Holm, 2006:24). Possible names that were
suggested for the new discipline included integrated
communications (IC), total communication and IMC with IMC message typology
the latter emerging as the most favoured term (Kerr et al.,
2008: 514). The IMC message typology presents a good framework
92 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
“IMC is the concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many
Kotler 1999 communication channels to deliver a clear, consistent and compelling message about the
organisation and its message”
“IMC is a strategic process used to plan, develop, execute and evaluate coordinated,
Schultz and Schultz 2004 measurable, persuasive brand communication programmes over time with consumers,
customers, prospects and other targeted, relevant internal and external audiences”
for communication planning purposes. This view is individual who has had personal experience of a service
consistent with Moriarty‘s statement (1994:39) that IMC provider may be regarded as an objective source of
message typology (planned, unplanned, product and information. References and testimonials represent an
service messages) “is a logical structure of developing active way in which an organisation such as a museum
stakeholder communication strategies” because an may use positive word-of-mouth communication in its
organisation should meet or surpass the customer marketing strategies (Hackey, 2010: 136; Melewar and
expectations created through planned messages with Karaosmanoglu, 2006:852). In addition, positive or
actual performance as reflected in its unplanned, product negative news disseminated by the mass media, non-
and service messages. In the same vein, Hawkins et al. governmental organisations (NGOs), employees and
(2011:230) state that IMC has “emerged as a strategy for others may also influence consumers’ perceptions of
gaining competitive advantage”. Thus, organisations such organisations (Melewar and Karaosmanoglu, 2006:852).
should use IMC as a strategy to survive in the highly In order to ensure message consistency, an
competitive environment. In order to make a brand organisation should influence product messages. Product
promise, an organisation should send planned messages messages emanate from the attributes of a product, for
to its customers and prospects. Planned messages, example, pricing, durability, distribution networks, form,
according to Duncan and Moriarty (1997:78) and Dahlén features, performance, conformance, quality, reliability,
et al. (2010:34), are messages that are sent via the reparability and style (Venter and Rensburg, 2009:260;
traditional elements of the marketing communication mix, Aaker, 1995:204; Kotler and Keller, 2009:363; Little and
namely, advertising, personal selling, public relations, Marandi, 2003:120). According to Van der et al.
sales promotion and sponsorships. (1996:172), a product is the first component of a
However, there are also various unplanned communi- marketing mix and, hence, it should form the basis of
cation activities which are major determinants of the communication decisions.
attitudes and behaviours of consumers. These activities In an effort to maximise communication impact, an
include word-of-mouth or interpersonal communication, organisation should ensure that customer expectations
intrapersonal communication and intermediary are consistent with its service messages. According to
communication (Dahlén et al., 2010:34; Melewar and Duncan and Moriarty (1997:84), service messages
Karaosmanoglu, 2006: 852). The impact of word-of- “originate from interactions with the organisation’s
mouth communication is particularly significant as an employees”. Clearly, in order to meet the expectations of
Takalani 93
customers it is essential that museum employees be it is recommended that an integrated agency, as opposed
competent, reliable and responsive. This view is in line to a traditional agency, be used (Thorson and Moore,
with Yucelt (2000:4)’s suggestion that the quality of a 1996:27).
service is determined by the quality of the relevant
employees. Consumer-based integration: During this stage, an
organisation gathers information about both customers
and prospects with a view to improving its communication
Stages of IMC efforts with the profiles of customers and prospects being
an important consideration when determining a communi-
According to Thorson and Moore (1996:24), the IMC cation mix. To this end, it is advised that databases be
integration process comprises the following stages, established as these databases will enable the
namely, awareness, image integration, functional integra- organisation to match its market offering with the needs
tion, coordinated integration, consumer-based integration, of its customers. This, in turn, will enable the organisation
stakeholder integration and relationship management both to increase its customer retention rates and to
integration. attract prospective customers (Thorson and Moore,
Awareness: The business environment is dynamic. In
other words, economic, social, technological and cultural Stakeholder integration: Customers are the main reason
factors all have an impact on the existence of an why an organisation exists. However, noncustomer
organisation and are a compelling reason for a move to stakeholders also constitute an important part of the
new, integrated marketing systems (Thorson and Moore, stakeholder community of an organisation with these
1996:24). noncustomer stakeholders including employees, the
community, government, press, vendors and suppliers
Image integration: It is essential that an organisation
(Thorson and Moore, 1996:30). Employees are at the
present “a consistent message, look and feel”. In other heart of the implementation of IMC because they are the
words, the messages to all stakeholders and their embodiment of the brand. Accordingly, it is essential that
physical presentation should be consistent, as consis- employees “live the brand”. The growing importance of
tency of image and message eliminates both internal employees reinforces the view that internal communi-
contradictions and a fragmented image (Thorson and cation is an important tool in re-orientating employees in
Moore, 1996:24). line with the IMC culture, together with the concomitant
change in values and beliefs (Fill, 2001:414).
Functional integration: Prior to functional integration,
the strengths and weaknesses of all the marketing Relationship management integration: This stage
communication tools should be analysed. These tools involves measuring the effectiveness of both the
include public relations, advertising, sales promotions marketing communication efforts and the role that the
and direct marketing. Of special interest is the fact that communication professionals are playing in the strategic
these tools all complement each other (Thorson and direction of the organisation. IMC elevates communication
Moore, 1996:26). As Thorson and Moore (1996:26) professionals to a strategic level where they are able to
suggest, “public relations permits an organisation to use make a meaningful contribution to the strategic direction
third-party credibility with careful targeting and placement of an organisation. For example, they may assist in the
of newsworthy stores in media while advertising allows a implementation of programmes such as total quality
message to be repeated” Accordingly, the right mix of management. Significantly, they may also make a contri-
tools should be selected in order to ensure both message bution when an organisation enters into strategic alliances
consistency and maximum communication impact with with other organisations (Thorson and Moore, 1996:33).
written policies, manuals and guidelines being used to
achieve the desired results. In addition, cross-functional
communication is important in order to ensure successful Principles of IMC
integration (Thorson and Moore, 1996:26).
According to Schultz and Schultz (2003:50), there are
Coordinated integration: The communication integration eight guiding principles in the implementation of IMC.
may be driven by either an organisation or a communi- These principles include the following: become a
cation agency. In the case of an organisation, each of the customer-centric organisation, use outside-in planning,
communication disciplines may lead the integration, focus on the total customer experience, align consumer
depending on the marketing goals and objectives of the goals with corporate goals, set customer behavioural
organisation. The glue that binds the communication objectives, treat customers as assets, streamline func-
disciplines within an organisation “is shared budgets, tional activities and converge marketing communication
shared performance measures, and outcomes”. In the activities. Each of these eight principles will now be briefly
case of an agency driving the communication integration, described:
94 Afr. J. Mark. Manage.
Planned message to increase the number of visitors by 10% this year; to increase the level of awareness of the museums’
objectives: market offering; to increase profit by 5% during this financial year; to increase donations by 3%
Unplanned to counteract negative publicity within three hours of its occurrence; to generate free media coverage
message objectives worth R1 million; to reduce the amount of negative publicity
Product message
to improve existing exhibitions; to provide a more diversified product offering
to reduce the number of visitors’ complaints by 20% during this financial year; to provide prompt,
Service message
courteous and knowledgeable responses to all visitor enquiries; to create a conducive service
environment; to increase the level of visitor satisfaction; to increase the number of repeat visitors by 5%
not have control over unplanned, product and service unplanned messages to ensure message consistency
messages, they should influence them. and maximum impact. The organization should set IMC
In other words, they should try to match customers’ objectives and develop a programme featuring planned
expectations which were created through planned message activities, product message activities, service
messages with the actual experience as manifested in message activities and unplanned messages activities.
the form of product, service and planned messages as a
match between customer expectations and actual
experience (product and service messages) will result in Conflict of Interests
positive unplanned messages, that is, maximum
communication impact and message consistency. This The author has not declared any conflict of interests.
section presents the observations that were made during
the literature review. The following section looks at the
implications of the findings for communication REFERENCES
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