Chapter 1 - Arithmetic and Algebra PDF
Chapter 1 - Arithmetic and Algebra PDF
Chapter 1 - Arithmetic and Algebra PDF
SEMESTER 1 2018/2019
Remark 1.2.8. As was the case with Definition 1.2.2, this can be extended to the
case where x is a negative real number or indeed a complex number and we will study
this in the second semester. It can also be generalised to the case where instead of
, we have a real or a complex number. This is the sort of problem that you would
encounter in a third year undergraduate course, so we won’t consider it in detail
here. Note that the general approach for a real exponent is that we approximate it
more and more closely by rational exponents and then ‘take the limit’. We will look
in more detail at limits when we study calculus.
We now know what xa means if a is a positive real number, so the next we need
to do is to extend the definition to the case when a is a negative real number. This
is the next definition.
Definition 1.2.9 (Negative powers). If a and x are positive real numbers, then the
−a’th power of x, denoted x−a is defined to be a .
Remark 1.2.10. As with the previous definitions, this can be extended to the case
where x is negative or complex (but not zero since that would involve division by
zero). Also note that the only power we have not yet defined is x0 . This will be
dealt with in Theorem 1.2.12.
Now that we have made the definitions, let us do some examples.
Example 1.2.11.
2 √ 2
(1) 27 3 = 3 27 = 32 = 9.
3 1 1 1 1
(2) 16− 4 = 3 = √ 3 = 3 = .
16 4 4
16 2 8
32 r 3 ! !
r 3 3
9 2 9 9 3 27
(3) = = = = .
4 4 4 2 8
− 45
81 1 1 1 1 1024
(4) = 5 = !5 = 5 = = .
256 81 4
81 3 243/1024 243
256 256 4
We will also need to have some general rules that will allow us to manipulate
indices and these are listed in the following theorem.
Theorem 1.2.12 (Rules of indices). Let x be a positive real number and let m and
n be real numbers, then
(1) xm × xn = xm+n .
(2) (xm )n = xmn .
(3) xm ÷ xn = xm−n .
(4) x0 = 1.
(5) x1 = x.
Remark 1.2.13. In fact most of these rules hold when x is zero or negative but
there are some exceptions and sometimes if x is negative then we will end up with
complex numbers, so we do need to be careful. In this course I will not ask you
about any of these tricky situations however.
I think it is also important to understand where these results have come from,
since if you do, you don’t have to memorize them, you can just derive them whenever
you need them. So below I will indicate how the results can be justified if m and n
are natural numbers. If you find the arguments hard to follow, then my advice is to
first use actual numbers for m and n. You will then be better able to understand
the general case.
(1) xm means x multiplied by itself m times and xn means x multiplied by itself
n times, so xm × xn is x multiplied by itself m + n times. That is xm+n .
Expressed algebraically
xm × xn = |x × ·{z
· · × x} × x
| × ·{z
· · × x} = x · · × x} = xm+n .
| × ·{z
m terms n terms m+n terms
Note that here we have used the notation ‘· · · ’ which means ‘and so on’.
(2) xm means x multiplied by itself m times and we are multiplying this by itself
n times, so we end up with x multiplied by itself mn times, which is xmn .
Expressed algebraically
(xm )n = |xm × ·{z
· · × xm} = |x × ·{z
· · × x} = xmn .
n terms mn terms
(3) Here we will first look at the case when m > n. xm ÷ xn means we start
with x multiplied by itself m times but we divide by x multiplied by itself n
times, so these cancel with n of the x’s in the numerator and we are left with
x multiplied by itself m − n times, which is xm−n . Expressed algebraically
| × ·{z
· · × x}
m terms
xm ÷ xn = · · × x} = xm−n
= |x × ·{z
| × ·{z
· · × x}
m−n terms
n terms
Example 1.2.16.
(1) 2 × 32 = 2 × 9 = 18.
(2) (2 × 3)2 = 62 = 36.
1 2 2 + 54 56
(3) 2 ÷ 33 + 2 = 2 ÷ 27 + 2 = 2 × +2= +2= = .
27 27 27 27
3 2
(4) 2 ÷ (3 + 2) = 2 ÷ (27 + 2) = 2 ÷ 29 = .
3 29
2 2 8 8 + 54 62
(5) (2 ÷ 3)3 + 2 = +2= 3 +2= +2= = .
3 3 27 27 27
1 2 8 8 + 75
(6) 2 ÷3 ×4 + 52 = 2 ÷3 ×4 + 25 = 2 × ×4 + 25 = ×4 + 25 = + 25 =
3 3 3 3
= .
1 2 162
(7) 2 ÷ 3 × (4 + 5)2 = 2 ÷ 3 × 92 = 2 ÷ 3 × 81 = 2 × × 81 = × 81 = = 54.
3 3 3
(8) 2 ÷ (3 × 4 + 5)2 = 2 ÷ (12 + 5)2 = 2 ÷ 172 = 2 ÷ 289 = .
(9) 2 ÷ (3 × 4 + 52 ) = 2 ÷ (3 × 4 + 25) = 2 ÷ (12 + 25) = 2 ÷ 37 = .
2 2 37
2 1 2 8
(10) (2 ÷ 3 × 4 + 5) = 2 × × 4 + 5 = ×4+5 = +5
3 3 3
2 2
8 + 15 23 232 529
= = = 2 = .
3 3 3 9
2 2 2
2 2 1 2 18
(11) (2 ÷ 3 × (4 + 5)) = (2 ÷ 3 × 9) = 2 × × 9 = ×9 = = 62
3 3 3
= 36.
Warning 1.2.17. There still remains the question of what xy means. Does it mean
(xy )z or x(y ) ? It would be expected that this should mean (xy )z since that is what
we get if we work from left to right. However it is in fact taken to mean x(y ) . This
is a bit strange and the explanation is that if we wanted to write (xy )z we would
z z
write xy×z , so we take xy to mean x(y ) . What I suggest in situations like this is
to use brackets to make it absolutely plain what you mean. In fact this is a general
piece of advice; if you think a particular expression could be ambiguous then it is
better to use extra brackets to explain what you mean. You can never go wrong by
using extra brackets but sometimes you can by not using enough.
Theorem 1.2.12 dealt with the case where we were only dealing with powers of a
single number or variable. However sometimes we have a power of a product and in
this case the following theorem can prove to be very useful.
Theorem 1.2.18. Le x and y be positive real numbers and let a be a real number,
(1) (x × y)a = xa × y a.
Remark 1.2.19. As was the case with Theorem 1.2.12, this theorem is also true
in a lot of cases when x and y are not positive but these cases can prove to be
complicated and can involve complex numbers, so I won’t deal with these cases
Also note that when writing mathematics, the multiplication sign × is often
replaced with a dot or indeed omitted altogether. So (1) can also be written
(x · y)a = xa · y a or even (xy)a = xa y a. From now on I will use any of these
notations interchangeably; one thing you have to get used to in maths is the wide
variety of notation used, even when exactly the same thing is meant. Of course we
do also have to guard against ambiguity. For example, if we want to denote 2 times
3 then we have to be careful writing 2 · 3 since this could be mistaken for the decimal
2 point 3 and of course we can’t omit the dot altogether since then we would have
twenty three.
Now let us have a look at some examples which use Theorem 1.2.18.
Example 1.2.20.
√ 2 √ 2
(1) ( xy) = ( x) y 2 = xy 2 .
(2) (x−2 y 3 ) (y 3) = x−2(−4) y 3(−4) = x8 y −12 =
−4 −4 −4
= (x−2 ) .
y 12
Here we could also leave the answer as x8 y −12 .
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
(3) (x2 y 3 z 4 ) = ((x2 y 3 ) z 4 ) = (x2 y 3 ) (z 4 ) = (x2 ) (y 3 ) (z 4 ) = x2×5 y 3×5 z 4×5
= x10 y 15 z 20 .
1.3. Logarithms.
In Section 1.2 we saw that roots and indices are the same thing and in this section
we will see that logarithms are also indices. Let us start with the definition.
Definition 1.3.1 (Logarithm). Let a and x be real numbers with a > 1 and x > 0.
Then the logarithm of x to the base a, denoted loga x, is the number y such that
x = ay .
Remark 1.3.2. That is the logarithm is the power a has to be risen to in order to
obtain x. That is why I said above that logarithms are indices.
Sometimes logarithms are also defined if 0 < a < 1 but these are so rarely used I
won’t deal with them here (if I did, it would cause complications below).
Warning 1.3.3. Note that x has to be a positive number. The log of zero or a
negative number is not defined, i.e., it doesn’t exist.
While we will usually use a calculator to find logs, I think it is also important to
start out by doing some simple ones by hand, since this will help you to understand
the concept. So here are some examples.
Example 1.3.4.
(1) Find log2 8.
Since 23 = 8, it follows that log2 8 = 3.
(2) Find log3 3.
Since 31 = 3, it follows that log3 3 = 1.
In fact loga a = 1 for any a > 0, since a1 = a.
(3) Find log4 2.
Since 4 2 = 2, it follows that log4 2 = 12 .
(4) Find log10 1.
Since 100 = 1, it follows that log10 1 = 0.
In fact loga 1 =0 for any a > 0, since a0 = 1.
(5) Find log5 .
1 1
Since = 5 , it follows that log5
= −2.
25 25
(6) Find log8 .
1 − 31 1
Since = 8 , it follows that log8 = − 13 .
2 2
Note that in the above examples, loga x > 0 if x > 1 and loga x < 0 if x < 1. In
fact this is always true.
Proposition 1.3.5. Let a and x be real numbers with a > 1 and x > 0. Then
(1) loga x < 0 if x < 1.
(2) loga 1 = 0.
(3) loga x > 0 if x > 1.
As a ‘challenge problem’, see if you can figure out why (1) and (2) hold.
I think it is also useful to see what the graph of the logarithm function looks like
(we will return to graphs in Chapter 4, where I will formally say what they are).
In Figure 1 I have plotted the graph for various values of a. This figure gives a
good visual illustration of Proposition 1.3.5. Note that the graphs all lie to the right
of the y-axis (since log is only defined for x > 0), they all lie below the x-axis for
0 < x < 1 (this is (1)), they all cut the x-axis at x = 1 (this is (2)) and they all lie
above the x-axis for x > 1 (this is (3)).
I have just plotted the graphs for a = 2, a = e and a = 10, since these are the
values of a that you will most likely meet. Logs to the base 2 are used in Computer
Science. Logs to the base 10 were often used for calculation (we will see in Theorem
1.3.7, items (1) and (2) that logs convert multiplication into addition and taking
powers to multiplication) in the days before calculators but are not so common
these days. Logs to the base e arise naturally in many different areas of science and
this will most probably be the base that you encounter the most. We will meet e
again when we study calculus, but for the moment we will note that it is a number as
important in calculus as π is important in geometry and trigonometry. Like π, e is a
special sort of irrational number called a transcendental number. You don’t need to
Figure 1. The graphs of y = loga x for a = 2, a = e and a = 10.
know what this means for this course, but for those of you that have met polynomials,
it means that it is not the root of a polynomial with integer coefficients. In common
with all irrational numbers, e cannot be written down exactly as a decimal, since
it doesn’t repeat or terminate. It is approximately equal to 2.718 to three decimal
places (we will look at decimal places in Section 1.4).
Please also note some other features of all the functions. The all get very large
and negative as x gets close to zero, they all increase as x increases and they all get
very large as x gets very large (this last feature may not be completely apparent
from the graph but it is true).
Warning 1.3.6. We also have to be careful with notation when dealing with logs
since different books use different notation. Depending on the book (or course) log x
(where the subscript is omitted) may mean log to the base e or log to the base 10,
so it is essential at the start to find out exactly what it does mean. Logs to the base
e may also be denoted by ln x and this is what I would recommend if you have the
choice since ln x never stands for anything else.
As was the case with indices, there are several rules that allow us to simplify
logarithms. These, together with some points covered above, are listed in the next
Theorem 1.3.7 (Rules of logarithms). Let a, b, m, x and y be real numbers with
a, b > 1 and x, y > 0. Then
(1) loga (xy) = loga x + loga y.
(2) loga ) = m loga x.
(3) loga = loga x − loga y.
(4) loga 1 = 0.
(5) loga a = 1.
logb x
(6) loga x = .
logb a
(7) aloga x = x.
(8) loga (ax ) = x.
Remark 1.3.8. In fact the first five items in Theorem 1.3.7 follow from the corre-
sponding items in Theorem 1.2.12. I won’t give the details here, since at this stage
it is more important to be able to use the rules rather than to prove them. However
I think just knowing that they follow will make it easier to get used to both sets of
rules. If you want to try a ‘challenge problem’, then have a go at trying to prove
the first three items.
Item (6) enables us to calculate a log to any base we want even though most
calculators are only able to calculate logs to the bases e and 10.
Item (7) is just the definition of a log and (8) follows from (2) and (5).
Warning 1.3.9. Note that in general it is NOT true that loga (x+y) = loga x+loga y
or that loga (xy) = loga x × loga y.
Now let us do some examples where we use Theorem 1.3.7 to simplify various
Example 1.3.10.
(1) loga (xy 2 ) = !
log x + loga (y 2) = loga x + 2 loga y.
4 a
x x
(2) loga = 4 loga = 4(loga x − loga y).
y y
3 1
x 3 1
(3) loga 1 = loga (x ) − loga y 2 = 3 loga x − loga y.
y2 2
logb a
(4) loga x = logb a × loga x = logb x.
1.4. Decimal Places, Significant Figures and Scientific Notation.
While in pure mathematics, we often deal with algebraic expression or exact
values, when we use mathematics in other scientific disciplines we will usually be
dealing with data which will be approximate. In this section, we will start to look
at the way approximations should be treated.
Firstly, I think the most important thing to realise is that = has a very specific
meaning in mathematics. It means that two expressions or numbers are equal and
it should only be used in this precise situation. It should NOT be used (at least
on its own) if two expressions or numbers are only approximately equal. Note that
even if two numbers agree to the first billion digits, this does not mean that they are
equal. Also note that if you calculate something using a calculator, this does not
mean that the answer is ‘correct’. For example, if I put into my calculator I get
π π
1.570796327. This does not mean that = 1.570796327. In fact = 1.570796327
2 2
can’t be true since is a non-repeating, non-terminating decimal.
Now that we have had a look at what we should not do, we will look at what
we should do. First let us look at rounding positive numbers to a given number of
decimal places. Say we want to round a positive number to n decimal places. What
we do is to look at the n + 1’th decimal place and
• If it is five or more we round up.
• If it is four or less we round down.
Warning 1.4.1. Note that there can be cases where more than the n’th decimal
place changes. For example 19.96 is 20.0 to one decimal place, so that in this case
all three of the digits we end up with are different to those we start with.
Also note that if we give an answer to n decimal places, we should always write
down n decimal places, even if there are zeros on the right (these are sometimes
called trailing zeros). So, in the above example 20 would not be correct, it must be
20.0 if we are giving the answer to one decimal place.
Here are some examples.
Example 1.4.2.
(1) 21.543 = 21.5 to one decimal place.
Note that here we are allowed to use ‘=’ since we indicate that we are only
saying the numbers are equal to one decimal place.
Also note that ‘one decimal place’ is often abbreviated to ‘1 d.p.’
(2) 35.235 = 35.24 to 2 d.p.
(3) 0.000423 = 0.000 to 3 d.p.
(4) 5 = 5.00 to 2 d.p.
Note that although this is correct mathematically (where we just quote the
number to the given number of decimal places), it might not be correct in
physics, for example, since the 5 may just mean that the measurement is to
the nearest integer.
Now let us look at rounding negative numbers to n decimal places. This is another
area where different books can tell you different things but if we want to be consistent
with the way we rounded positive numbers then the rules have to be as follows: We
look at the n + 1’th decimal place and
• If it is five or less we round up.
• If it is six or more we round down.
This may seem a bit strange but if we study the number line in Figure 2, hopefully
everything will become clear.
The green points (-0.26 and 0.24) both lie closer to the black numbers on the left
(-0.3 and 0.2) so both should be rounded down (that is to the left). So −0.26 = −0.3
and 0.24 = 0.2 both to 1 d.p. The blue points (-0.15 and 0.15) both lie exactly
between the black numbers to the left and the right (-0.2 and -0.1, and 0.1 and 0.2,
respectively) so, as a rule of thumb, we are going to round them up (that is to the
right). So −0.15 = −0.1 and 0.15 = 0.2 both to 1 d.p. The red points (-0.04 and
0.06) both lie closer to the black numbers on the right (0 and 0.1) so both should
be rounded up (that is to the right). So −0.04 = 0.0 and 0.06 = 0.1 both to 1 d.p.
Here are some more examples involving negative numbers.
Example 1.4.3.
(1) −1.66 = −1.7 to 1 d.p.
(2) −5.2755 = −5.275 to 3 d.p.
(3) −0.455 = −0.45 to 2 d.p.
(4) −3.999 = −4.00 to 2 d.p.
While approximating a number to a particular number of decimal places is some-
times a good idea, there will be other situations where it is not appropriate. For
example if we are measuring some astronomical distance and we can measure it to
the nearest 1% then it would not be possible to give the measurement in miles to
any number of decimal places, since we don’t have sufficient accuracy. In situations
like this it is more appropriate to give our answer to a certain number of significant
figures. The significant figures are the non-zero digits counting from the left. So, in
the above situation, where we can measure something to the nearest 1%, we could
quote the measurement to two significant figures.
The actual rules for rounding are the same as those we used for decimal places,
so let us look at some examples.
Example 1.4.4.
(1) 64528562 = 65000000 to two significant figures.
Note that ‘two significant figures’ is often abbreviated to ‘2 s.f.’
(2) 0.003456 = 0.00346 to 3 s.f.
(3) 0.999 = 1 to 1 s.f.
(4) 6 = 6.000 to 4 s.f.
Note again here that while this is correct mathematically, it might not be
appropriate in a given scientific situation.
(5) −2.886 = −2.89 to 3 s.f.
(6) −0.5 = −0.50 to 2 s.f.
(7) −0.6 = −0.6 to 1 s.f.
As we noted above, 65000000 to 2 s.f. might be a reasonable way to give our
measurement if it is accurate to 1% but this is still not really the best way to
present our data, since someone else reading our report has to go to the trouble
of counting the number of zeros. This is not too much work in this case but if
there were 35 zeros, say, it would entail quite a lot of effort. This is where scientific
notation comes into its own. The idea is to write a number as x × 10a , where a
is an integer and is usually chosen so that 1 6 x < 10 for positive numbers and
−10 < x 6 −1 for negative numbers (note these two conditions can also be written
1 6 |x| < 10, where |x| is the absolute value of x). Here are some examples (the
numbers on the right are in scientific notation).
Example 1.4.5.
(1) 2395738 = 2.395738 × 106 .
(2) 0.0000635 = 6.35 × 10−5 .
(3) 5.53 = 5.53 × 100 .
Note that sometimes we omit the 100 in cases like this.
(4) 34 = 3.4 × 101 .
(5) 0.9 = 9 × 10−1 .
Remark 1.4.6. The examples above show that to convert any number to scientific
notation, we count the number of places we have to move the decimal point (counting
left as positive and right as negative) so that it ends up to the right of the first non-
zero digit (from the left) and this number then becomes the exponent of the 10.
Of course, sometimes we will want to convert a number in scientific notation back
to ordinary notation and in this case we just reverse the above process. That is we
move the decimal point by the number of places indicated by the exponent of 10
(where a negative number means move the decimal point to the left and a positive
number means move it to the right). Here are some examples.
Example 1.4.7.
(1) 2.653 × 107 = 26530000.
(2) 4.21 × 10−5 = 0.0000421.
(3) 3.21 × 1025 = 32100000000000000000000000.
This last example shows why scientific notation is so useful.
We can also combine scientific notation with significant figures (but not usually
with decimal places) and this is quite often the way data is displayed in science.
Here are some examples.
Example 1.4.8.
(1) 73857647 = 7.4 × 107 to 2 s.f.
(2) 0.00004555 = 4.56 × 10−5 to 3 s.f.
(3) −2345.5 = −2.345 × 103 to 4 s.f.
(4) −0.0005 = −5.0000 × 10−4 to 5 s.f.
Note again that while this is correct mathematically, it might not be appro-
priate scientifically.
1.5. Arithmetic of algebraic expressions.
Although we have already manipulated some algebraic expressions, we are now
going to look in more detail at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing alge-
braic expressions. In this chapter we will deal with expressions containing powers
of x.
Example 1.5.1.
Remark 1.5.2. It is not necessary to include the middle step in each of these
calculations once you have got the hand of things. I have just included it to make
it obvious exactly what is happening.
Example 1.5.3.
Note that this example shows that we can also calculate powers of an alge-
braic expression using this technique, provided the power is a natural num-
ber. We will return to the subject of finding powers of algebraic expressions
when we study The Binomial Theorem in Section 1.6.
Remark 1.5.4. I recommend that you approach these problems systematically. For
example, note how I have started with the expression on the left and taken each of
its terms in order and multiplied them by the whole of the expression on the right.
There is no mathematical reason why you have to do it this way, for example, you
could start with the expression on the right and multiply each of its terms with the
whole of the expression on the left. What is very important though is that you take
the same approach each time. If you don’t then it will be almost certain that you
will make a mistake.
Example 1.5.5.
(1) 8270
7 57894
57894 4
So in this case we have = 8270 + .
7 7
That is the quotient is 8270 and the remainder is 4.
(2) 12845
8 102760
So = 12845 and the remainder is zero in this case.
(3) 4382
56 245393
245393 1
So = 4382 + .
56 56
That is the quotient is 4382 and the remainder is 1.
(4) 83927
672 56399502
56399502 558
So = 83927 + .
672 672
That is the quotient is 83927 and the remainder is 558.
Example 1.5.6.
(1) x−1
x+2 x +x+1
− x2 − 2x
x2 + x + 1 3
This tells us that = x−1+ .
x+2 x+2
So the quotient is x − 1 and the remainder is 3.
(2) x2 +1
x+1 x3 + x2 + x + 1
− x3 − x2
3 2
x +x +x+1
This tells us that = x2 + 1.
So the quotient is x2 + 1 and the remainder is 0.
Note that this example shows us that if we know one factor of an expression,
then we can use division to find the other factor. For example, say we knew
that x + 1 was a factor of x3 + x2 + x + 1, then using division, we see that
the other factor is x2 + 1.
(3) x2 − 2x + 4.
3x + 1 3x3 − 5x2 + 10x − 3
− 3x3 − x2
− 6x2 + 10x
6x2 + 2x
12x − 3
− 12x − 4
3 2
3x − 5x + 10x − 3 −7
This tells us that = x2 − 2x + 4 + .
3x + 1 3x + 1
So the quotient is x2 − 2x + 4 and the remainder is −7.
Note that when dealing with algebraic expressions, the remainder does not
have to be positive.
(4) x2 − 32 x + 54 .
2x + 1 2x3 − 2x2 + x + 2
− 2x3 − x2
− 3x2 + x
3x2 + 23 x
x +2
− 2 x − 54
2x3 − 2x2 + x + 2 3 5 4
This tells us that = x2 − x + + .
2x + 1 2 4 2x + 1
3 5 3
So the quotient is x2 − x + and the remainder is .
2 4 4
(5) 4x2 − x − 7.
x2 + x + 2 4x4 + 3x3 + 2x + 1
− 4x4 − 4x3 − 8x2
− x3 − 8x2 + 2x
x3 + x2 + 2x
− 7x2 + 4x + 1
7x2 + 7x + 14
11x + 15
4 3
4x + 3x + 2x + 1 11x + 15
This tells us that 2
= 4x2 − x − 7 + 2 .
x +x+2 x +x+2
So the quotient is 4x2 − x − 7 and the remainder is 11x + 15.
Note that the remainder does not even have to be a number but what is
true is that the highest power of x in the remainder has to be lower than the
highest power of x in the divisor.
Remark 1.5.7. As always in maths, it is good practice to check our answer once
we have obtained it and this is especially important when there are plenty of places
to go wrong, as in this case. Fortunately there is a good way of checking our answer
here; we have to check that the final equation holds. For example, let us have a look
at the last example. We have to check that
Example 1.6.2.
(1) i = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.
(2) i2 = 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 = 55.
(3) i3 = (−1)3 + 03 + 13 + 23 = −1 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 8.
(4) xi = x2 + x3 + x4 .
(5) ixi = x + 2x2 + 3x3 + 4x4 .
Remark 1.6.3. Note that summation notation can be used with numbers or with
algebraic expressions.
This also means that (2) can be written as
n n n−0 0 n n−1 1 n n−2 2 n n−n n
(x + y) = x y + x y + x y +···+ x y
0 1 2 n
n n n n−1 + n n−2 2 n n
(3) = x + x y x y +···+ y .
0 1 2 n
1.6.2. Factorials and Binomial Coefficients.
Next we have to have a look at . This is called a binomial coefficient and
you may have met the other notation n Ci in school. It tells you the number of ways
can choose i items from n items (where order doesn’t matter) and the numbers
appear in Pascal’s triangle, which I have shown in Figure 3.
n=0 1
n=1 1 1
n=2 1 2 1
n=3 1 3 3 1
n=4 1 4 6 4 1
n=5 1 5 10 10 5 1
n=6 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
n=7 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1
n=8 1 8 28 56 70 56 28 8 1
n=9 1 9 36 84 126 126 84 36 9 1
3 3 3 2 3
(4) (1 + y) = 1 + 1 y+ (1)y 2 + y 3 = 1 + 3y + 3y 2 + y 3 .
1 2
2 2 2 2
(5) x2 + y 3 = x2 + x2 y 3 + y 3 = x4 + 2x2 y 3 + y 6.
4 4 4 3 4 2 2 4
(2x − 1) = (2x) + (2x) (−1) + (2x) (−1) + (2x)(−1)3 + (−1)4
1 2 3
= 16x4 + 4 8x3 (−1) + 6 4x2 (1) + 4(2x)(−1) + 1
= 16x4 − 32x3 + 24x2 − 8x + 1.
−2 4 4 4 3
4 2
3x − 2y =(3x) + (3x) −2y −2
+ (3x)2 −2y −2
1 2
4 3 4
+ (3x) −2y −2 + −2y −2
=81x + 4 27x3 −2y −2 + 6 9x2 4y −4 + 4(3x) −8y −6 + 16y −8