Tomato Research

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A review of recent research on tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest

technology with refrence to fruit quality

Article · January 2007


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Ioannis Karapanos Dimitrios Savvas

Agricultural University of Athens Agricultural University of Athens


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The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology ©2007 Global Science Books

A Review of Recent Research on Tomato Nutrition, Breeding

and Post-Harvest Technology with Reference to Fruit Quality

Harold C. Passam1* • Ioannis C. Karapanos1 • Penelope J. Bebeli2 • Dimitrios Savvas1

1 Laboratory of Vegetable Production, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, Votanikos, 118 55 Athens, Greece
2 Laboratory of Plant Breeding and Biometry, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, Votanikos, 118 55 Athens, Greece

Corresponding author: * [email protected]

The continued importance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) as a vegetable and salad commodity is reflected by the large volume
of research on virtually all aspects of the crop. Since 2000, over a thousand scientific papers per year relating to tomato research have
been published, not including those in the less widely read literature, conference and workshop proceedings. In the present paper, we
survey recent findings in the areas of tomato nutrition, the influence of salinity on nutrition and growth, tomato breeding and genetic
resources, and the post-harvest physiology, storage and ripening of fruit. Research findings are considered particularly with respect to fruit
quality, as reflected in the quality standards of the European Union.

Keywords: antioxidants, ethylene, genetics, heavy metals, markers, nutrients, ripening, salinity, storage, transgenic
Abbreviations: ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate; AVG, aminoethoxyvinylglycine; BER, blossom-end rot; Fe-EDDHA, iron
ethylenediaminedihydroxyphenylacetic acid; GA3, gibberellic acid; IAA, indole-3-acetic acid; IPP, isopentenyl diphosphate; LDPE, low-
density polyethylene; 1-MCP, 1-methylcyclopropene; NFT, nutrient film technique; QTLs, quantitative trait loci, RH, relative humidity;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; SA, salicylic acid


INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
MINERAL NUTRITION OF TOMATO........................................................................................................................................................ 2
Responses to specific nutrients and nutrient ratios .................................................................................................................................... 2
Nitrogen ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Phosphorus............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Potassium.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Calcium................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Magnesium............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Iron........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Manganese ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Zinc....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Copper................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Boron .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Molybdenum......................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Salinity ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Responses to beneficial elements and heavy metals .................................................................................................................................. 6
Nickel.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Silicon ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Selenium ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Aluminium ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Cobalt.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Cadmium............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Mercury................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Nutrition and fruit quality.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
TOMATO BREEDING .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tomato genetic resources .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Tomato species...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Landraces .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Molecular breeding - Molecular markers ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Comparison between markers ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Applications of molecular markers ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Tomato maps ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
QTLs for fruit traits ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
QTLs for plant traits ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
QTLs for biotic stresses ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Received: 28 February, 2007. Accepted: 20 April, 2007.

Special Feature
The European nutrition,
Journal of Plantbreeding
andpost-harvest technology.
Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21Passam et al. Science Books
©2007 Global

QTLs for abiotic stresses ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Cloning of useful genes ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Transgenic plants..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
POST-HARVEST TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Post-harvest treatments prior to storage................................................................................................................................................... 12
Storage environment................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Controlled or modified atmospheres........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Lycopene, antioxidants, ascorbic acid and carotenoids............................................................................................................................ 13
Ethylene in relation to storage, ripening and quality ............................................................................................................................... 14
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 14
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

INTRODUCTION pH (Barber 1984; Lea-Cox et al. 1996; Imas et al. 1997). In

turn, the pH of the external medium may influence the
A significant impact of globalization on horticulture has uptake of P and micronutrients, thereby inducing serious
been an increasing demand for quality improvement and the nutritional disturbances (Islam et al. 1980; Imas et al. 1997;
wider adoption of quality standards for fruit, vegetable and Adams 2002). Furthermore, the form of nitrogen supplied
salad commodities. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum to the plants may influence the uptake of other macronu-
Mill.) is a major horticultural crop with an estimated global trients due to ion antagonism (Marschner 1995). Last but
production of over 120 million metric tons (F.A.O. 2007). not least, the N form also influences plant metabolism, due
Salad tomatoes must have a flavour, colour and texture that to differences in the intracellular assimilation pathways
satisfy the consumer’s preference. At the same time they (Raab and Terry 1994; Gerendás et al. 1997). In view of
must be suitable for post-harvest handling and marketing, this background, many investigations have recently been
even over large distances. In addition, processing tomatoes concerned with the responses of tomato to the N form sup-
must have the rheological characteristics required by the plied to the plants via fertilization.
relevant food processing industry. Earlier studies concerned with the effects of nitrogen
In the European Union (E.U.), the application of quality source on tomato and its interactions with other nutritional
standards to fresh tomatoes has increased the uniformity in and environmental factors indicated that tomato is suscep-
size, maturity and presentation of produce. However, the tible to the supply of ammonium as a sole or dominating
most significant quality characteristic of a product (i.e. its nitrogen form (e.g. Kirkby and Knight 1977; Ganmore-
flavour and aroma) are not affected by such standards, but Neumann and Kafkafi 1980; Pill and Lambeth 1980; Maga-
by the genetic characteristics of the species or cultivar, the lhães and Wilcox 1983; Errebhi and Wilcox 1990; Imas et
cultivation procedures employed (especially the nutrient al. 1997). More recent studies have confirmed this conside-
status of the plant; Fig. 1), the stage of harvest and the post- ration. Thus, according to Claussen (2002), the use of am-
harvest technology employed. monium as sole or dominating N source in a solution cul-
In the present paper, we survey recent research on ture of tomato resulted in impaired growth and yield res-
tomato mineral nutrition, breeding and post-harvest tech- trictions. Siddiqi et al. (2002) and Akl et al. (2003) ob-
nology, particularly where relating to the quality of the served a restriction of both the vegetative growth and the
fresh fruit. fruit yield of tomato when NH4-N/total-N in the nutrient so-
lution was higher than 0.1. However, Claussen (2002) and
MINERAL NUTRITION OF TOMATO Dong et al. (2004) observed an increase in both total and
fruit dry weight when the ammonium fraction was 0.25.
Nutrition is a complex process involving 16 essential nut- According to Akl et al. (2003), the impaired growth of
rients, as well as many other chemical elements that are tomato when the ammonium fraction was in the range 0.15-
either beneficial or harmful to plant metabolism. Further- 0.25 of the total-N supply was associated with low pH
more, the response of a crop, such as tomato, to a particular levels (<5) in the root zone. In contrast to Siddiqi et al.
nutrient status may vary with cultivar and exogenous fac- (2002) and Akl et al. (2003), Claussen (2002) maintained
tors, such as cultural practices, substrate and environmen- the rhizosphere pH above 6 by adding CaCO3 to the growth
tal conditions. The provision of nutrients to the plant in medium. Thus, it seems that the lowest level of NH4-N/
quantities that are optimal for their subsequent utilization is total-N, that impairs the growth and yield of tomato, is
a primary aim of crop fertilizer programmes and, since both mainly dictated by its impact on the rhizosphere pH, which
yield and quality are adversely affected by any deviation is influenced not only by the nitrogen form but also by
from this optimum, it is essential at all times to avoid an ex- environmental factors (Chaignon et al. 2002).
cess or lack of nutrients. In recent years, an appreciable vo- With respect to fruit quality, a NH4+-N-dominated nit-
lume of horticultural research has been devoted to the sub- rogen supply may markedly increase the incidence of fruits
ject of tomato nutrition and standard concentration levels with blossom-end rot (BER) (Fig. 1B), an effect which is
for nutrient supply to tomatoes have been proposed (e.g. for ascribed to a depression of Ca uptake by the enhanced ex-
crops in peat-based media, by Bryson and Barker 2002). ternal NH4+ levels (Kirkby and Mengel 1967; Siddiqi et al.
2002; Akl et al. 2003; Heeb et al. 2005b). Siddiqi et al.
Responses to specific nutrients and nutrient (2002) and Heeb et al. (2005a) state that the supply of 0.1
ratios of total-N in the form of NH4+ (10% of total N) is capable
of enhancing the flavour of the fruits, presumably by ele-
Nitrogen vating glutamine and glutamate levels.
The interactions between salinity and nitrogen form
Nitrogen is the only nutrient that can be supplied to plants were recently studied by Ben-Oliel et al. (2004), who found
in both anionic (NO3-) and cationic (ΝΗ4+) form (Forde that the addition of 1 mM ammonium to 7 mM nitrate in
and Clarkson 1999). Hence, the fraction of ammonium to the nutrient solution had an ameliorating effect on tomato
the total nitrogen supply may considerably influence the fruit yield under salinity.
total cation to anion uptake ratio (Imas et al. 1997; Savvas Tan et al. (2000b) used 15N- labelled compounds in a
et al. 2006). However, changes in this ratio are electroche- hydroponic culture of tomato and found that the absorption,
mically compensated for by commensurate alterations in translocation, and assimilation of urea is poor at the
the influx or efflux of protons (H+) or basic anions in the seedling stage, but increases to almost similar levels with
root zone, thereby significantly influencing the rhizosphere that of NO3-N at the reproductive growth stage. Based on

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

lized in insoluble forms. Jones (1998) suggests a P concen-

tration of 1% in the dry weight as the critical level between
sufficiency and toxicity for tomato plants. Toxic levels of P
in the leaves of tomato may also be imposed by Zn defici-
ency (Kaya and Higgs 2001).


The K requirements of tomato are extraordinarily high due

to the rapid growth of the plant in combination with the
heavy fruit load (Chapagain and Wiesman 2004). To cope
with high K requirements, tomato has evolved efficient
mechanisms to acquire potassium under conditions of low
K levels in the root zone (Chen and Gabelman 2000; Rubio
et al. 2006). These mechanisms are governed by genes ex-
pressed only under conditions of too low K levels in the
root zone, and which are induced either by a root-localized
signal or because of root sensing of the mineral in the sur-
rounding environment (Wang et al. 2002); it seems that
these genes are not associated with K nutrition under con-
ditions of normal K supply.
As reported by Mulholland et al. (2001), high levels of
air humidity may considerably restrict the K concentration
in young expanding leaflets near the shoot apex compared
with standard air humidity; under such conditions, leaf ex-
pansion, yield, and the proportion of Class 1 fruits may be
drastically reduced. When tomato is grown under condi-
tions of limited K supply, sodium may partially substitute
for potassium. Indeed, according to Walker et al. (2000),
the growth of tomato plants cultivated in a K-deficient nut-
Fig. 1 Nutrient disorders of tomato. (A) Nitrogen deficiency. (B) Cal-
rient solution (0.5 mM K+) was severely depressed in com-
cium deficiency (blossom-end rot). (C) Phosphorus deficiency. (D) Potas-
parison with K-replete plants (4.5 mM K), while the supply
sium deficiency. of 1 or 5 mM NaCl virtually restored growth to the level of
K-replete plants.

the above results, Tan et al. (2000b) suggest that urea may Calcium
be used as an N-source in soilless grown tomato crops,
provided the plants are at the reproductive growth stage. Recent research has revealed that a low calcium level in the
root zone is rarely a limiting factor for the vegetative
Phosphorus growth of tomato (del Amor and Marcelis 2006). Neverthe-
less, the calcium nutrition of tomato demands special at-
Modern tomato cultivars and hybrids exhibit high relative tention because this nutrient is intimately involved in the
growth rates and therefore rely on an adequate supply of occurrence of the physiological disorder BER, which may
phosphorus for optimal development and high yields. In- considerably reduce fruit quality and market acceptability
deed, as reported by de Groot et al. (2002), the relative (Ho et al. 1993; Grattan and Grieve 1999). BER is caused
growth rate of tomato increases sharply with increasing by a local deficiency of Ca in the distal part of the fruit,
plant P concentration when the latter is below the critical which results in a disruption of tissue structure in that area
level of adequacy. Results from recent research have indi- (Adams 2002). Various factors, including the cultivar, the
cated that foliar application of phosphorus in greenhouse external concentrations of Ca, NH4-N, K, and Mg, salt or
tomato enhances the concentrations of chlorophyll, K, P, water stress, oxygen availability in the root zone, air rela-
Mg and Fe in the leaves, accelerates fruit maturity and in- tive humidity, and air temperature, may aggravate or ame-
creases marketable yield and quality (Chapagain and Wies- liorate the occurrence of this physiological disorder (Saure
man 2004). According to de Groot et al. (2001), at mild P 2001; Navarro et al. 2005). As a result of the involvement
limitation the assimilate supply is not the limiting factor of so many factors in the occurrence of BER, no absolute,
for reduced growth rates, but at severe P limitation the rate critical fruit Ca concentration associated with the appear-
of photosynthesis is depressed, as indicated by the decrease ance of this disorder has been identified (Ho and White
in starch accumulation. Under conditions of severe P defi- 2005). According to Hao and Papadopoulos (2004), the in-
ciency, the leaf N concentration is also suppressed, due to a cidence of BER at an external Ca concentration of 3.75 mM
decrease in leaf cytokinin levels (de Groot et al. 2002). increased linearly with increasing Mg levels in the root
In addition to its effect on growth, the level of P may zone, while it was not affected by Mg concentration at 7.5
also influence the reproductive efficiency by improving mM Ca. Nevertheless, as suggested by Ho and White
pollen performance (Fig. 2B). Thus, according to Poulton (2005), the manipulation of the nutrient levels in the root
et al. (2001), mycorrhizal infection and high soil P levels zone or the growth environment are not adequately effec-
are capable of increasing pollen quality (in vitro and in tive measures in reducing BER because they affect apo-
vivo pollen performance) as well as pollen quantity, there- plastic Ca concentration in fruit tissue indirectly. Therefore,
by enhancing fitness through the male function. Further- these authors suggest spraying Ca directly on to young
more, a high P supply may ameliorate the adverse effects fruits in order to prevent BER.
of excessive Co concentrations (0.5 mM or more) (Chatter- Higher transpiration and temperature levels enhance
jee and Chatterjee 2002) as well as Zn toxicity (Kaya and water uptake, thereby increasing the transport of Ca to the
Higgs 2002) on tomato. An excessive supply of P rarely leaves via the xylem (Taylor et al. 2004). However, under
imposes toxicity symptoms in soil grown tomato crops due such conditions, the transport of water to fruits is reduced
to the low solubility of this nutrient element in the soil so- due to competition with the leaves, and thus translocation
lution. However, in soilless culture, the occurrence of of Ca to fruits is also restricted, thereby increasing the per-
phosphorus toxicity is likely, since excess P is not immobi- centage of fruits with BER (Adams 2002). On the other

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21 ©2007 Global Science Books

rigation or by foliage spraying is another effective means of

preventing or even curing an iron deficiency (Fernández
and Ebert 2005; He et al. 2005). According to Sánchez et al.
(2005), the combination of Fe-EDDHA with organic com-
pounds such as commercial humic substances or mixes of
amino acids may further improve Fe uptake.
Iron deficiency in tomato is characterised by a drastic
reduction of the leaf chlorophyll content (Dasgan et al.
2003). According to Mills and Jones (1996), a Fe concen-
tration of 60 mg kg-1 in the leaf petioles opposite or below
the top flower cluster is the lowest critical level for the
occurrence of iron deficiency in tomato. However, it seems
that the activities of Fe-containing enzymes, specifically
ascorbate peroxidase, catalase, and guaiacol peroxidase, are
more reliable criteria for the characterization of the Fe
nutritional status of tomato than the tissue Fe level (Ruiz et
al. 2000; Dasgan et al. 2003).
Besides the rhizosphere pH, many other factors, such as
the genotype, the levels of soluble Fe, phosphorus, bi-
carbonates, organic matter and moisture content in the root
zone, may influence the uptake of Fe by tomato (Ruiz et al.
2000; Dasgan et al. 2004). Thus, recent research (Rivero et
al. 2003) has indicated that the uptake of Fe by tomato, as
well as the activities of enzymes related to the metabolism
of this micronutrient within the plant, specifically Fe-che-
late reductase, aconitase, guaiacol peroxidase, catalase, and
Fe-superoxide dismutase, are diminished by heat stress
(T=35°C). Furthermore, the ability of the root system of
Fig. 2 Tomato cultivation, artificial pollination and fruit quality. (A) tomato to acquire Fe is greatly influenced by genotypic
Hydroponic cultivation of cherry tomato. (B) Pollen collection. (C) Con- variations among cultivars (Dasgan et al. 2002, 2004), and
trolled pollination. (D) Tomato grading. (E) Large-grade tomatoes packed this variation may be even wider in the case of grafting
in a single layer. (F) Pre-packed plastic boxes of cherry tomatoes. tomato on to iron efficient rootstocks (Rivero et al. 2004).
According to Wang et al. (2002), several genes are in-
volved in Fe uptake under Fe-limiting conditions in the root
hand, too high levels of air humidity in greenhouses origin- zone and the expression of these genes is induced within
ating from energy saving measures may reduce transpira- one hour after withholding Fe from the roots of intact
tion to levels imposing Ca deficiency in the leaves of toma- plants. Li et al. (2004) isolated the ferric-chelate reductase
to, with subsequent loss of yield and quality (Hamer 2003). gene LeFRO1 from tomato, the transcription of which was
Another aspect related to the application of Ca in to- induced in roots under conditions of iron deficiency. FER is
mato cultivation that has recently been studied is its effect another gene isolated from tomato that seems to play a cen-
on the occurrence of some fungal diseases. Thus, as repor- tral regulatory role in controlling the whole iron deficiency
ted by Ehret et al. (2002), spraying of tomato leaves with responses and iron uptake by tomato roots (Ling et al.
various combinations of Ca salts was as effective as ele- 2002; Yuan et al. 2005).
mental S in reducing powdery mildew (Erysiphe orontii)
colony counts on leaves. The suppression of powdery mil- Manganese
dew development in tomato by foliar Ca application was
ascribed to both osmotic (concentration) and ion-specific Manganese deficiency is a frequently occurring nutritional
effects. Furthermore, an enhanced supply of calcium signi- disorder in tomato crops. Recent research has indicated that
ficantly increases the resistance of tomato to bacterial wilt the growth of tomato may be severely restricted by either a
caused by Ralstonia solanacearum, while highly resistant too high or a too low Mn concentration in the root zone
cultivars are characterized by a high Ca uptake (Yamazaki (Shenker et al. 2004). Reuter and Robinson (1986) suggest
et al. 2000). a concentration range of 50-500 mg kg-1 in mature leaves as
adequate for tomato. However, Shenker et al. (2004) found
Magnesium that the growth and the chlorophyll content of plants with a
leaf Mn concentration of 16.8 mg kg-1 were not signifi-
High levels of Mg in the root zone seem to be beneficial cantly lower that those of plants with leaf Mn levels falling
for tomato. As reported by Adams (2002), a Mg concen- within the above range of adequacy, while a leaf Mn con-
tration of approximately 4 mM in the root zone of tomatoes centration of 207.4 mg kg-1 was associated with toxicity
grown in NFT resulted in deficiency symptoms in the symptoms. According to Mills and Jones (1996), a Mn con-
leaves, while increasing the Mg level to 6 mM maintained centration of 250 mg kg-1 in the leaf petioles is the maxi-
the plants free of deficiency symptoms throughout the sea- mum safe level for tomato. Nevertheless, the critical level
son. Similar results were reported by Hao and Papadopou- for the appearance of Mn toxicity may be influenced by
los (2003, 2004) for tomato grown on rockwool. various other factors, such as the magnesium to manganese
ratio (Horst 1988; Le Bot et al. 1990).
Iron Normally, a too high Mn concentration in the root zone
is expected to reduce Fe uptake due to competition in
Iron deficiency is the most frequent nutritional problem uptake mediated by common metal transporters, which are
faced by most cultivated plants when the pH level in the located in the plasma membrane (Marschner 1995; Kor-
root zone is too high. However, tomato does not seem to be shunova et al. 1999). Nevertheless, in some cases an in-
susceptible to iron deficiency under conditions of mode- crease in the external Mn concentration may also enhance
rately high pH (6-7) in the root zone (Islam et al. 1980; the shoot Fe concentration in tomato (Gunes et al. 1998;
Akl et al. 2003). Nevertheless, the application of part of Shenker et al. 2004).
nitrogen in the form of ammonium may reduce chlorosis
symptoms in tomato, especially in soilless grown crops
(Sonneveld 2002). The use of iron chelates either via ir-

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

Zinc restrictive factors. Hence, a dominant-stress-factor model

following the Liebig-Sprengel law of the minimum may be
An optimal zinc supply in tomato is indicated by Zn con- used to describe the responses of tomato to simultaneous
centrations ranging from 20 to 250 mg kg-1 in the leaf peti- exposure to boron and salinity or boron and water shortage.
oles opposite or below the top flower cluster (Mills and Furthermore, Ben-Gal and Shani (2002) found that the
Jones 1996). Zinc deficiency is visually manifested by yield response of tomato to boron nutrition correlates better
thinner and shorter internodes, upward twisting leaf bor- with B concentration in the irrigation water and soil solu-
ders, and unevenly distributed chlorotic flecks on the old tion than with the levels of boron in the plant tissue. Accor-
leaves (Bergmann 1988). As reported by Kaya and Higgs ding to Alpaslan and Gunes (2001), soil boron concentra-
(2001), zinc deficiency in tomato was alleviated by foliar tions of 5 mg kg-1 or higher are expected to impose boron
application of Zn at 23 mg L-1. Zinc toxicity in tomato may toxicity symptoms.
be ameliorated by foliar spraying with P- and Fe-contain-
ing fertilizers (Kaya and Higgs 2002). Molybdenum

Copper In a recent experiment with tomato, it was shown that sul-

phate and molybdate compete for the same carrier and
Tomato is rather susceptible to low rhizosphere pH (Akl et transport sites during uptake, and that sulphate deficiency
al. 2003) and this response seems to be at least partly due leads to excess Mo uptake (Alhendawi et al. 2005). Never-
to the occurrence of Cu toxicity (Chaignon et al. 2002). theless, the impact of these findings on tomato nutrition is
Overall, tomato seems to be subsceptible to excessive Cu limited, due to the high tolerance of this plant species to
concentrations in the root zone. Indeed, as reported by Liao excessive molybdenum concentrations in the plant tissue.
et al. (2000), Cu concentrations higher than 5 mg L-1 in the
recirculating nutrient solution depressed biomass produc- Salinity
tion in shoots and roots of tomato grown in a NFT system.
Copper retention by roots limits Cu translocation to shoots A comprehensive review of research carried out up to 1999
via the xylem (Liao et al. 2000). As a result, with increased on the responses of tomato to salinity has been presented by
Cu availability in the root zone the increase in root Cu Cuartero and Muñoz (1999). As indicated in previous in-
concentration is much greater than that in the shoots, which vestigations, the tomato plant is moderately sensitive to
means that the leaf Cu level is not a reliable indicator for salinity (Maas and Hoffman 1977), although considerable
Cu toxicity in tomato. In most cases, Cu toxicity conside- differences between cultivars may be observed (Alian et al.
rably reduces the uptake of Fe by tomato, thereby imposing 2000). In soilless culture, where the salinity in the root zone
visible symptoms similar to those of Fe deficiency (Berg- can be better manipulated by means of nutrient solution
mann 1988). composition and irrigation frequency, tomato can tolerate
total salt concentrations of up to 2.5-2.9 dS m-1 in the root
Boron zone without yield losses (Shannon et al. 1987; Sonneveld
and Welles 1988; Sonneveld and van der Burg 1991). The
Boron deficiency in fresh-market tomatoes is a widespread exact level may vary depending on cultivar sensitivity
problem that reduces yield and fruit quality (Davis et al. (Caro et al. 1991) and environmental conditions (Sonne-
2003). As reported by Smit and Combrink (2004), at too veld and Welles 1988; Li et al. 2001; Karlberg et al. 2006).
low B levels in the root zone, the leaves of tomato are brit- Increasing the salt concentration in the root environment to
tle and appear pale-green, a considerable fraction of levels higher than the above range affects yield, due mainly
flowers abscises and the fruits lack firmness, a problem to a restriction of the individual fruit size (Adams and Ho
that is worsened during storage. According to Smit and 1989; Adams 1991; Willumsen et al. 1996; Cuartero and
Combrink (2004), the above symptoms appeared at a B Muñoz 1999; Li et al. 2001; Navarro et al. 2005). However,
concentration level of 0.02 mg L-1 in the nutrient solution at very high salinity levels, the number of fruits per plant is
supplied to a crop grown on quarz-sand, but a B concen- also affected by salinity (Cuartero and Muñoz 1999). Ac-
tration of 0.16 mg L-1 seemed to be optimal for tomato and cording to Adams and Ho (1989), van Ieperen et al. (1996)
levels of up to 64 mg L-1 did not cause any toxicity symp- and Olympios et al. (2003), the number of fruits per plant
toms. Furthermore, a suboptimal boron supply may consi- was restricted when the level of salinity in the root zone
derably reduce fruit set, especially if no other means for was 8 dS m-1 or higher. The suppressive effect of moderate
pollination (e.g. vibration) are applied (Smit and Combrink salinity on tomato fruit size seems to originate from a
2005). In another study, it was shown that an enhanced restriction of water transport into the fruit, which results in
boron supply (B foliar spray at 300 mg L-1) was associated enhanced rates of dry matter accumulation (Johnson et al.
with a less frequent incidence of the physiological disorder 1992; Plaut et al. 2004). Mavrogianopoulos et al. (2002)
shoulder check crack (Huang and Snapp 2004a), the visible stated that the reduced transport of water into tomato fruit
symptoms of which are described under ‘nutrition and fruit under saline conditions is a result of whole-plant osmotic
quality’. Davis et al. (2003) reported that the delivery of B adjustment. Moreover, most experiments concerned with
either through the nutrient solution (1 mg L-1), or by foliar the response of tomato to moderate salt stress revealed a
spraying (1.87 mg L-1) of boron chelated with mannitol, to higher sensitivity of fresh fruit yield to salinity compared to
tomato grown in river sand, was associated with increased that of the vegetative growth (Shalhevet and Yaron 1973;
plant growth and tissue K, Ca and B concentrations. In the Katerji et al. 1998). Tomato seems to be salt sensitive
above study, foliar spraying with boron significantly en- during early development (Kütük et al. 2004). For example,
hanced fruit B and K concentrations in comparison with no according to Olympios et al. (2003) tomato is more sus-
boron supply, which indicates firstly that B is translocated ceptible to high salinity (8.7 dS m-1) at an early stage of
from the leaves to the fruit and secondly that B is also in- development than in the later growing stages. According to
volved in K translocation within the plant. Enhanced up- Stanghellini et al. (2002), the effects of salinity on tomato
take of Ca, Mg, Na, Zn and B with higher B levels in the were reversible and the leaching of the salts from the root
root zone has been reported by Smit and Combrink (2004). environment resulted in full recovery of growth in the plant
Another recently investigated aspect related to boron parts that had not reached the rapid growth phase when the
nutrition in tomato is the interaction between boron and sa- plants were exposed to salinity (EC 9 dS m−1).
linity or water stress. According to Ben-Gal and Shani Comparisons of tomato responses to different salinity
(2002, 2003), under conditions of simultaneous boron defi- sources have led to the conclusion that the exposure of
ciency and salt or water stress, the extent of growth sup- tomato to low and moderate salinity affects fruit growth
pression is determined by the factor imposing the most se- mainly through osmotic effects rather than ion specific to-
vere stress and not by an addition of the effects of both xicity, provided that the basic nutrient supply is balanced

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21 ©2007 Global Science Books

and adequate (Adams and Ho 1989; Adams 1991; Sonne- Nickel

veld and van der Burg 1991). The primary mechanism in
the tolerance of sodium by tomato under conditions of One of the non-nutrient chemical elements that can be clas-
NaCl-salinity is active exclusion, combined with retention sified as “beneficial” for plant growth is nickel. The occur-
of Na by the xylem parenchyma of the roots, stems and rence of Ni at low concentrations in the root zone may be
petioles of older leaves, which enables the maintenance of of value to the nitrogen assimilation and growth of tomato,
low Na levels in the younger, photosynthetically active while an increased supply of Ni may be deleterious for the
leaves (Shannon et al. 1987). In agreement with this, An et plants (Tan et al. 2000a). Nickel is an essential component
al. (2005) found that the increased salt tolerance of some of the enzyme urease, which catalyses the assimilation of
tomato cultivars was related to a higher root-to-shoot ratio urea within the plant tissues (Marschner 1995). Therefore,
and to an enhanced ability to exclude Na from the shoot. the beneficial effects of Ni on plant growth are observed in
Nevertheless, it seems that the responses of tomato to salt plants fed with urea. According to Tan et al. (2000a), Ni is
stress conditions are also determined by the concentration beneficial for urea-fed tomato plants when supplied at a
of endogenous ABA, which acts as a signal for the activa- concentration of 0.1 mg L-1 via the nutrient solution. In
tion of stress adaptation mechanisms (Chen et al. 2003; contrast, a concentration of 1 mg L-1 in the root zone may
Mulholland et al. 2003). be harmful for tomato plant growth (Tan et al. 2000a).
The deleterious effects of salinity on tomato biomass
production can be ameliorated by an enhanced supply of Silicon
calcium (Grattan and Grieve 1999). According to Flores et
al. (2001) and Ben-Oliel et al. (2004), the supply of part of Another chemical element with stimulatory effects on
the nitrogen in the form of NH4-N in salt-stressed tomato tomato growth is silicon. The favourable effects of Si on
seems to increase the rate of N assimilation, as well as the plant growth seem to originate from reinforcement of the
levels of Fe and chlorophyll in the plant tissues, thereby cell walls due to the deposition of Si in the form of amor-
mitigating salt injury. Furthermore, better root aeration, phous silica (SiO2.nH2O) and opal phytoliths (Inanaga and
which enhances the oxygen supply to the root cells, may Okasaka 1995; Epstein 1999). According to Miyake and
considerably enhance the salinity tolerance of tomato Takahashi (1978), silicon should be considered an essential
(Bhattarai et al. 2006). Recent strategies in breeding salt nutrient for tomato. Nevertheless, tomato belongs to the
tolerant tomato cultivars focus not only on the selection of plants classified as Si excluders, and, therefore, the silicon
reliable nutritional and biochemical indicators (Juan et al. concentration is higher in the roots than in the shoots
2005) but also on the use of molecular markers and genetic (Dannon and Wydra 2004; Heine et al. 2005).
transformation (Cuartero et al. 2006; Xu and Shi 2006). According to Dannon and Wydra (2004), addition of
Borsani et al. (2001) used mutagenesis to identify plant silicon to the nutrient solution may significantly reduce the
genes required for salt tolerance in tomato. Nevertheless, incidence of bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanace-
despite some promising results, the development of salt- arum in tomato grown in hydroponic culture. Recently, it
tolerant cultivars by means of transgenesis has not yet been was shown that silicon alleviates the deleterious effects of
achieved (Foolad 2004). NaCl-salinity on tomato plant growth (Stamatakis et al.
Other strategies that might be applied to improve the 2003; Al-Aghabary et al. 2004; Romero-Aranda et al.
growth and yield performance of tomato include the in- 2006). The stimulatory effect of Si on the growth of tomato
crease of air humidity during hot weather, especially in plants exposed to NaCl-salinity was ascribed to a restric-
Mediterranean countries (Cuartero and Muñoz 1999; An et tion of Na and Cl uptake (Stamatakis et al. 2003), improve-
al. 2005) and the grafting of tomato on to salt tolerant root- ment of the plant water status (Romero-Aranda et al. 2006)
stocks (Chen et al. 2003; Estañ et al. 2005). Enhanced salt and enhancement of the activities of superoxide dismutase
tolerance of tomato grafted on to some rootstocks seems to and catalalase, which protect the plant tissues from oxida-
be associated with a higher ability of the root system of the tive damage induced by salt (Al-Aghabary et al. 2004).
latter to exclude Na+ and Cl- from the shoot (Fernández- Furthermore, Si was found to increase net photosynthesis in
García et al. 2002; Santa-Cruz 2003; Estañ et al. 2005). tomato plants exposed to NaCl-salinity (Romero-Aranda et
Recently, Stevens et al. (2006) tested the application of 0.1 al. 2006), a response that may be associated with an en-
mM salicylic acid (SA) via root drenching as a means of hancement of the leaf chlorophyll content, and the photo-
improving the salt tolerance of tomato and found that SA- chemical efficiency of photosystem II (Al-Aghabary et al.
treated plants exposed to salinity exhibited higher survival 2004).
and relative shoot growth rates compared to untreated In soil-grown tomato crops, an inadequate supply of Si
plants. Nevertheless, further research is needed on this is rather unusual, due to the abundance of Si in the earth's
topic to confirm these results and the cost of using salicylic crust. However, in commercial hydroponics (Fig. 2A),
acid on a commercial scale has to be estimated. plants are grown on inert substrates and, therefore, the sup-
Unlike the growth and yield of tomato, fruit quality is ply of Si depends mainly on the silicon concentration of the
favoured by moderate salinity levels. This aspect will be irrigation water used to prepare the nutrient solution. Thus,
discussed in more detail in the Section under the heading if the silicon concentration in the irrigation water is low,
“Nutrition and fruit quality”. tomato may benefit from the extra addition of Si (1-2 mM)
to the nutrient solution. According to Stamatakis et al.
Responses to beneficial elements and heavy (2003), the addition of 2.25 mM Si to the nutrient solution
metals in soilless culture may also reduce the occurrence of BER
in tomato fruit, provided that the plants are not exposed to
Under the intensive growing conditions prevailing in the salinity.
modern greenhouse industry, the occurrence of non-nut-
rient chemical elements at concentrations much higher or Selenium
much lower than those corresponding to the natural adap-
tation of tomato is not a rare exception. Therefore, in re- Selenium is long known to be an essential element for
cent years, many investigators have been concerned with human and livestock nutrition (Marschner 1995). Although
the responses of tomato to toxic concentrations of heavy selenium is not considered an essential nutrient element for
metals or to the beneficial effects of non-nutrient elements, plants, its concentration in edible tissues of cultivated
such as silicon, nickel, etc. plants has recently attracted some interest due to its posi-
tive effects on human health, including protection against
various forms of cancer (Anderson and Scarf 1983; Ip
1998). Selenium is translocated from the shoot to the fruit
of tomato, but the rate of translocation is reduced with in-

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

creasing sulphate supply to the plants (Pezzarossa et al. 2005). These biochemical and ultrastructural changes are
1999). Recent research has indicated that inorganic sele- manifested in premature senescence of the leaves. Cad-
nium supplementation (e.g. 1.5 mg Se per kg of soil) in mium remains predominantly located in the roots of tomato,
tomato crops may enhance the Se content of the tomato which seem to play the role of Cd-trapping (Chiraz et al.
fruit, thereby serving as a natural means to increase the 2003). A concentration of 0.05 mM Cd in the soil or nut-
daily Se intake by humans (Carvalho et al. 2003). Further- rient solution is high enough to induce toxicity symptoms
more, when grown in soils rich in Se (40 mg kg-1), tomato in tomato (Ouariti et al. 1997).
was capable of taking up considerable amounts of Se and
translocating them to non-edible plant parts, particularly Mercury
leaves, stems, and roots (Carvalho et al. 2003). Hence,
tomato can also serve as a selenium scavenger to remedi- The exposure of tomato to high levels of mercury, origina-
ate Se-contaminated soils. ting from anthropogenic soil contamination, impairs growth
and may lead to plant death. In a recent investigation, it was
Aluminium shown that Hg concentrations as high as 10 μM in the root
zone are toxic to tomato and the phytotoxic effects are
The aluminum concentration in the root zone of most agri- brought about by an enhanced production of active oxygen
cultural crops is usually very low, but it can increase to to- species (mainly H2O2) and subsequent lipid peroxidation
xic levels when the pH of the soil or the nutrient solution (Cho and Park 2000). In the above study, it was found that
retained in the root zone of soilless grown crops falls Hg accumulates predominantly in roots rather than in the
below 5.5 (Marschner 1995). Increased tolerance to Al shoot of tomato.
toxicity may originate from the exudation of citric acid by
the roots, which can contribute to detoxification of Al and Nutrition and fruit quality
increased phosphate availability, but tomato seems to be
rather susceptible to high Al concentrations in the root Product quality is a complex characteristic that depends on
zone (Luo et al. 1999). According to Cramer and Titus several factors and includes both objective, measurable
(2001), an elevated concentration of dissolved inorganic quality traits as well as subjective, sensory characteristics
carbon (CO2 + HCO3-) may ameliorate Al toxicity in (Auerswald et al. 1999; Schnitzler and Gruda 2002). In the
tomato crops by providing supplementary carbon for last decades, quality concerns have become increasingly
organic acid synthesis. important worldwide and, therefore, many investigations
have addressed the impact of plant nutrition on the quality
Cobalt of tomato fruit.
It is well known, that an adequate supply of potassium
Cobalt is a constituent of cobalamin (vitamin B12), which is enhances the titratable acidity of tomato fruit (Davies and
an essential coenzyme of three enzyme systems; methio- Winsor 1967; Adams et al. 1978; Davies and Hobson 1981),
nine synthase, ribonucleotide reductase, and methylmalo- thereby considerably improving the sensory quality of
nyl-coenzyme A mutase. These enzymes are required by tomato. Low levels of potassium supply in soilless cul-
Rhizobium in the process of inorganic nitrogen fixation tivated tomato plants are associated with ripening disorders
(Dilworth et al. 1979). Consequently, Co is considered a (Adams 2002). As reported by Hartz et al. (2005), en-
beneficial mineral element for legumes. Furthermore, since hanced fertilization with potassium improves fruit colour,
cobalamin is essential for livestock and humans, care while at the same time reducing the incidence of yellow
should be taken to ensure an adequate supply of Co to fo- shoulder and other fruit colour disorders. In contrast to K,
rage plants. With respect to tomato, there is no report indi- an increase of the nitrogen supply to tomato above a thres-
cating any requirement of cobalt by this crop. However, hold level considered as optimal for greenhouse production
excessive Co concentrations in the root zone may pose a may reduce fruit quality by decreasing the sugar content
problem for tomato in some cases, particularly when the (Davies and Winsor 1967). As reported by Parisi et al.
plant is grown in serpentine soils or in soils enriched with (2006), a high nitrogen supply (250 kg ha-1) impaired some
sewage sludge (Perez-Espinosa et al. 2002). The toxic important quality characteristics of the tomato fruit, such as
effects of Co on tomato were studied in a crop grown in pH, soluble solids, glucose and fructose content, as well as
refined sand and the results indicated that plants respond to the ratio of reducing sugars to total solids. The inclusion of
0.05 mM Co in the nutrient solution by growth suppression part of nitrogen in the form of NH4-N may improve fruit
(Gopal et al. 2003). At higher Co concentrations (0.1-0.5 quality by increasing the content of sugars and organic
mM), plant biomass was more severely suppressed and acids when compared with solely nitrate nutrition (Flores et
visible toxicity symptoms occurred, the intensity of which al. 2003). As suggested by Heeb et al. (2005b), the supply
increased with rising external Co levels (Gopal et al. 2003). of reduced nitrogen forms, such as ammonium or organic
In tomato plants suffering from Co toxicity, the concen- nitrogen, to tomato results in an improved fruit flavour.
trations of Fe, chlorophyll a and b, and the activity of cata- With respect to phosphorus, it appears that the variation of
lase are depressed, while that of peroxidase, acid phospha- P supply in soil grown tomato crops does not significantly
tase, and ribonuclease tends to increase (Chatterjee and influence the total soluble solids, pH, acidity of the tomato
Chatterjee 2002). Increased supply of Fe (Chatterjee and juice, or the fruit colour characteristics (Oke et al. 2005).
Chatterjee 2002) and P (Chatterjee and Chatterjee 2003) Nevertheless, the available information regarding the im-
may partially ameliorate the toxic effects of Co on tomato. pact of P on tomato fruit quality is currently rather limited.
Calcium plays a key role in the quality of tomato fruit,
Cadmium due mainly to its impact on the occurrence of the physio-
logical disorder BER (Fig. 1B) (for more details on this
Cadmium is a heavy metal which is highly toxic for plants topic see section “Responses to specific nutrients and nut-
and animal organisms. Due to its relatively high mobility rient ratios”). Furthermore, an enhanced supply of calcium
in both soil and plant tissue, Cd constitutes a serious threat may reduce the incidence of shoulder check crack, another
for human health and, therefore, many recent investiga- physiological disorder that leads to a deterioration in fruit
tions have been concerned with its impact on various agri- quality (Lichter et al. 2002). This defect appears as a
cultural crops. When tomato is exposed to relatively high surface roughness that develops primarily on the shoulder
Cd concentrations, the leaf structure is disorganized in a area of the fruit, which spoils the appearance and severely
manner characterised by a smaller mesophyll cell size, re- restricts the storability of the fruits (Huang and Snapp
duced intercellular spaces, as well as severe alterations in 2004a). Microscopic inspection of the damaged fruits by
chloroplast fine structure, which exhibits atypical shape the above authors revealed that the surface roughness con-
and dilation of the thylakoid membranes (Djebali et al. sisted of many microscopic cracks that occurred in parallel

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21 ©2007 Global Science Books

lines. As reported by Huang and Snapp (2004b), weekly pene concentrations in tomato fruit are enhanced by mo-
sprays of tomato fruit in the field with a solution contain- derate salinity but decrease as the level of salinity exceeds a
ing 50 mM CaCl2 consistently reduced the incidence of threshold value. Recalculation of the data of Petersen et al.
fruit-cracking to a moderate degree. Magnesium is not (1998) on a mg per fruit, or mg per 100 g dry fruit basis,
directly involved in the fruit quality of tomato, although revealed equal or even decreasing concentrations of these
under conditions of severe Mg deficiency the size and pigments with increasing salinity, in agreement with the
overall appearance of the fruit may be reduced. However, previous results of Adams and Ho (1989). Only the sugar
an increase of the Mg supply above the standard recom- content of dry tomato fruit seems to increase slightly with
mended levels, though not toxic for the plants, may con- increasing salinity (Petersen et al. 1998). Adams and Ho
siderably increase the incidence of BER, unless accom- (1989) suggested that the increased concentrations of titra-
panied by a commensurate increase in calcium supply (Hao table acids and sugars in the fruit juice are merely due to
and Papadopoulos 2004). the reduced water content (increased dry matter content) of
With respect to trace elements, the fruit quality of the fruit imposed by increasing external salinity levels. The
tomato is affected predominantly by boron, while the other increase of the vitamin C and β-carotene concentrations in
micronutrients may deteriorate the fruit quality of tomato the fruit of salt stressed tomatoes may also be due to the
only when the plants exhibit severe deficiency symptoms, restricted water content of the fruit. However, Sato et al.
which result in an overall imbalance of plant metabolism. (2006) state that the increased concentration of soluble
According to Huang and Snapp (2004a), an inadequate solids in the fruit of NaCl-treated plants was not the result
supply of boron results in an increased incidence of the dis- of simple overall condensation due to the reduction of
order shoulder check crack, while spraying the tomato foli- water transport. Nevertheless, in terms of consumer quality,
age with B consistently reduces the percentage of fruits af- the determining factors when assessing the response of
fected with this disorder. Furthermore, a low boron supply tomato to nutrient solution salinity are the concentrations of
reduces the firmness of tomato fruits and this problem is the above constituents in the fruit juice. Indeed, Sato et al.
exacerbated during storage (Smit and Combrink 2004). As (2006) found that the consumer grading of tomato fruit was
reported by these authors, fruit set, development, and co- determined by the concentrations of sugars, organic acids
lour, as well as total soluble solids, firmness and shelf life, and amino acids in the fresh fruit. It can be therefore con-
seemed to be close to optimum when tomato was supplied cluded, that moderate levels of salinity improve the fruit
with a balanced nutrient solution containing 0.16 mg L-1 B. quality of tomato.
In addition to the individual nutrients, the total salt Based on the above data, one might expect the percen-
concentration in the root zone is a crucial factor for fruit tage of tomato fruits graded Class I to be enhanced by in-
quality. There is a general consensus that a moderate in- creasing salinity. Indeed, some researchers reported an in-
crease of salinity in the root environment improves the creased proportion of fruits graded Class I when the salt
fruit quality of tomato (Auerswald et al. 1999; Savvas concentration in the nutrient solution was increased above
2001; Kraus et al. 2006). The favourable effects of salinity the standard recommended values (Adams and Ho 1989;
on the quality of tomato are mainly an increasing dry mat- Adams 1991). However, nutrient solution salinity restricts
ter content, and higher sugar and titratable acid concentra- the mean weight of tomato fruit too (Chrétien et al. 2000;
tions in the fruit juice (Ehret and Ho 1986a; Adams and Ho Krauss et al. 2006), while increasing the incidence of BER
1989; Gough and Hobson 1990; Sonneveld and van der (Ehret and Ho 1986b; Sonneveld and van der Burg 1991;
Burg 1991; Serio et al. 2004; Tabatabaei et al. 2004; Adams and Ho 1992; Willumsen et al. 1996; van Ieperen
Krauss et al. 2006). Nevertheless, although high salinity 1996; Schwarz et al. 2001). As a result, in some cases, the
increases the total soluble solids and titratable acids in favourable effects of salinity on the percentage of fruits
fresh tomato fruits, these differences seem to disappear graded as Class I may be counteracted by a higher percen-
after storage for two weeks at 15°C (Cramer et al. 2001). tage of small fruits and fruits with BER, as has been repor-
According to Gough and Hobson (1990), taste panels res- ted by Willumsen et al. (1996) and Chrétien et al. (2000).
pond more to sweetness than to acidity, when testing the Although the exposure of tomato to moderate salinity
sensory quality of tomato fruits. improves fruit quality it may reduce yield, but to a much
With respect to the impact of salinity on fruit firmness, smaller extent than that imposed on other vegetable fruits
contradictory results have been reported. Thus, Petersen et (Savvas 2001). Therefore, the recommended level of nut-
al. (1998), Botella et al. (2000) and Schwarz et al. (2001) rient solution salinity for tomato cultivation in soilless cul-
observed enhanced firmness of tomato fruit with increasing ture has to be a compromise between these two contrasting
salt levels in the root zone, while in the experiments of effects. The current recommendation for tomato is a total
Krauss et al. (2006) fruit firmness was reduced by salinity. salt concentration corresponding to an electrical conducti-
According to Cuartero and Muñoz (1999), the firmness of vity (EC) of 2.6 dS m-1 in the nutrient solution supplied to
tomato fruit decreases only at high salinity levels (in the crop in order to maintain an EC level of 3.5-3.7 dS m-1
excess of 10 dS m-1) in the root zone. In other studies, the in the root zone solution (Sonneveld and Straver 1994; de
red fruit colour was enhanced and the shelf life of tomato Kreij et al. 1999). According to van Ieperen (1996) and
was prolonged by nutrient solution salinity (Sonneveld and Santamaria et al. (2004), nutrient solutions with a high EC
van der Burg 1991; Botella et al. 2000), whilst the inci- during the night and a low EC during the day appear to
dence of the physiological disorders blotchy ripening (Son- improve fruit quality in soilless grown tomato without af-
neveld and Welles 1988; Mulholland et al. 2002), gold fecting fruit yield. Nevertheless, the application of such
specks (Sonneveld and Voogt 1990; Mulholland et al. nutritional programmes, though potentially beneficial, may
2002), russeting (Sonneveld and van der Burg 1991) and be not feasible in most commercial tomato crops, espe-
fruit cracking (Chrétien et al. 2000) decreased. Gold cially those grown in substrates.
specks are considered to be symptoms of Ca excess in
tomato fruits (de Kreij et al. 1992). Thus, the favourable TOMATO BREEDING
effect of salinity on gold specks is attributed to the
decreased translocation of Ca into the fruits, which is Like all known species of the genus Lycopersicon, tomato
observed when the plants are exposed to high external salt is a diploid; it has 2n=24 chromosomes, and a genome size
concentrations (Ehret and Ho 1986b). Furthermore, in- of 2.0 pg/2c = 9.5×105 Kb/1c (950 Mbp), which is com-
creasing the total salt concentration in the nutrient solution posed of 77% heterochromatin and 23% euchromatin (Pet-
seems to enhance the concentrations of vitamin C, lyco- erson et al. 1996). Tomato chromosomes can easily be
pene, and β-carotene in fresh tomato fruit (Petersen et al. identified by pachytene analysis. With the development of
1998; Krauss et al. 2006), although this was not confirmed trisomics, monosomics and translocations through chromo-
by the results of Fernández-Garcia et al. (2004). According some engineering, tomato cytogenetic research has become
to de Pascale et al. (2001) the total carotenoid and lyco- one of the most advanced areas in the field of agriculture.

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

The genus Lycopersicon includes both self-incompa- tance genes for cultivated tomatoes (Rick 1995). The wild
tible and self-compatible species, with the latter varying in species L. pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy, L. peruvianum Mill.
their degree of outcrossing. Tomato is self-pollinating, but and L. pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill., represent a potential
can easily hybridize within the species or cross with wild source of useful genes for salt tolerance during seed germi-
relatives under appropriate conditions, thus permitting nation (Foolad 2004). The species L. peruvianum, L. pim-
gene introgression from wild relatives. Moreover, tomato pinellifolium and L. hirsutum Humb. & Bonpl. have been
is considered a model research organism because it has a identified as potential sources for resistance to the patho-
relatively short life-cycle, with a new cultivar “Microtom” gen Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis,
being even shorter-lived (70-90 days from sowing to fruit which causes bacterial canker of tomato (Kabelka et al.
ripening) (Dan et al. 2006). 2002). The species L. peruvianum is almost immune to Oi-
Throughout the last century, tomato breeding has been dium neolycopersici, which causes powdery mildew on
based on various standard methods, including the pedigree tomato, and provides resistant genes for tomato improve-
method of hybridization followed by selection and back- ment (Bai et al. 2004). An Mi gene responsible for nema-
crossing of desired traits from one parent into another, tode resistance has been identified in L. peruvianum (Am-
which has resulted in the generation of improved tomato miraju et al. 2003), whereas resistance to whitefly (Bemisia
varieties and hybrids with high quality and yield. Tomato spp.) has been found in wild populations of L. esculentum
improvement has increased by the exploitation of exotic var. cerasiforme (Dun.) Afef. (Sanchez-Pena et al. 2006).
resources and the introgression of new valuable genes into The trichome characteristics from the wild species L.
the tomato genepool. Classical breeding has not only deve- cheesmanii f. minor Riley and L. pennellii have been trans-
loped cultivars with monogenic and dominant resistance ferred to cultivated tomato and they affect the behaviour of
for controlling certain plant pathogens, or by the com- Myzus persicae (Simmons et al. 2005). Phytochemical ses-
bination of resistances in F1 hybrids, but has also enabled quiterpene carboxylic acid synthesis in L. hirsutum f. ty-
the acquisition of good, value-added agronomic traits, such picum Humb. & Bonpl. LA 1777, promotes host-resistance
as high fertility and fruit setting, earliness, uniformity, to insect pests, such as Helicoverpa zea and Spodoptera
adaptation, firmness and long shelf-life appropriate for exigua, in cultivated tomato (Frelichowski and Juvic 2005).
shipping to distant markets. The replacement of inbred Attempts have been made to transfer the chilling tolerance
lines by hybrids has remarkably increased yield, while the found in L. hirsutum into cultivated tomatoes (Venema et al.
genetic gain rate has been reduced due to low genetic di- 2000; Dolstra et al. 2002). Germplasm screening has
versity within cultivated tomatoes (Grandillo et al. 1999a). revealed high levels of resistance to tomato fruitworm (He-
Initially, the exploitation of wild relatives for tomato licoverpa armigera) only in the wild Lycopersicon species,
breeding was limited to major genes controlling qualitative particularly L. hirsutum and L. pennellii (Takelar et al.
traits, such as resistance to pests and diseases, but omitting 2006). L. cheesmanii has high sugar and β-carotene con-
quantitative trait loci (QTL) alleles, which affect economi- tents and is of great interest for quality improvement
cally important agronomic traits. Since the 1980s, promi- breeding (Nuez et al. 2004), while L. peruvianum has a
sing technologies have emerged to overcome the barriers distinctive aromatic fragrance that has been introduced into
of traditional techniques. These include molecular map- the cultivated tomato gene pool (Kamal et al. 2001). In
ping, the identification of valuable QTLs and the limitation virtually all instances of tomato genetic improvement, fruit
of genetic drag (Alpert et al. 1995; Grandillo and Tanksley quality is of paramount importance, which derives not only
1996; Foolad and Chen 1999; Grandillo et al. 1999b). In from the acquistition of desirable fruit traits, such as better
the late 1980s, molecular markers were applied to tomato aroma (Kamal et al. 2001) or colour (Nuez et al. 2004) and
improvement programmes (Tanksley et al. 1989; Miller increased resistance to mechanical damage, but also from a
and Tanskley 1990; Rus-Kortekaas et al. 1994; Bredemei- reduction in the incidence of pests and diseases injurious to
jer et al. 1998), and plants that had been genetically trans- the fruit.
formed for herbicide, virus and insect resistance were ob-
tained (Fillatti et al. 1987; Nelson et al. 1988; Shah et al. Landraces
During the last five years the bulk of published work in Landraces (local populations, traditional cultivars or heir-
tomato genetics and breeding refers to biotechnology and loom varieties) are heterogeneous, genetically dynamic po-
molecular techniques. The results of some of these studies pulations that have evolved under low inputs of soil and
in relation to tomato genetic resources and breeding achie- agrochemicals and have been subjected to selection pres-
vements, are presented in the following section. sures for hardiness and local adaptability, rather than for
productivity (Frankel et al. 1995). Tomato landraces are
Tomato genetic resources still cultivated for local use and consumption in many re-
gions of the world. They frequently have distinctive orga-
Genetic resources are the most valuable source of genetic noleptic traits (flavour and aroma) and nutritional value.
material for any breeding process. They can be conserved Within Europe, Italy, Spain, France and Greece possess a
ex situ in gene banks, on farm in cultivated material or in wealth of tomato landraces that provide the source for
situ in wild species. Tomato genetic resources include old numerous, locally-named products. Examples include the
and new cultivars, primitive cultivars, breeding lines, land- cherry-like tomato named ‘Corbarino’, grown in the Cam-
races or heirloom tomatoes, and wild related species. To pania region of Italy, the small-fruited tomato ‘Santorini’
these genetic stocks can be added cloned genes (Frankel et grown on the island of Thera, Greece, and the tomato land-
al. 1995). Within cultivated tomato, genetic variation is race types ‘Muchamiel’ and ‘De la Pera’ of the Valencia
very low; thus, there has long been an interest in searching communities in Eastern Spain (Andreakis et al. 2004; Gar-
for genes in exotic and primitive germplasm and closely cia-Martinez et al. 2006; Terzopoulos and Bebeli, unpub-
related species. New breeding strategies now permit an in lished).
depth study and effective exploitation of the genetic diver- The level of genetic variability differs among the vari-
sity of wild relatives and landraces. ous landraces and depends on the selection pressure that
has been applied to each population. However, the wide
Tomato species diversity present within them offers landraces plasticity and
homeostasis to adverse environments and provides them
Tomato crosses with its wild relatives with varying degrees with the capacity to be cultivated in marginal areas. Their
of difficulty; thus wild relatives can and have been used as inter- and intra-population variability has been the subject
sources of genes for crop improvement. Wild species are of many studies in regions where such landraces are still
interesting resources of genetic variation for introgression cultivated, and the diversity in morphological and agrono-
breeding and comprise exclusive sources of many resis- mic characters, fruit quality, soluble solids, micronutrient

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21 ©2007 Global Science Books

contents and volatile aroma compounds has been clearly vealed a large and variable degree of polymorphism which
established (Agong et al. 2001; Carbonell-Barachinna et al. may be exploited in tomato breeding programmes (Egashira
2006; Rao et al. 2006; Terzopoulos and Bebeli, unpub- et al. 2000). The genetic distances within and between ac-
lished). Moreover, tomato landraces have shown large and cessions of Lycopersicon species indicate that the self-in-
significant variation in flavour volatiles (Ruiz et al. 2005) compatible species L. peruvianum, L. pennellii and L. hir-
and nutritional constituents (Andreakis et al. 2004). These sutum clearly have a higher genetic diversity than the self-
distinctive quality characteristics have been exploited not compatible species (Kochieva et al. 2002). The molecular
only for fresh fruit improvement, but also in the develop- characterization of landraces has been carried out with
ment of high quality processed products, such as sweet and many kinds of markers (Andreakis et al. 2004; Carelli et al.
savoury tomato preserves. 2006; Garcia-Martinez et al. 2006; Rao et al. 2006). A
combination of some SSR and AFLP markers revealed a
Molecular breeding - Molecular markers unique fingerprint for even the most closely related tradi-
tional tomato cultivars in the south-east of Spain (Garcia-
Irrespective of the tools adopted during the breeding pro- Martinez et al. 2006).
cess, the breeder has to take two major steps: first to find
and/or create genetic variation and secondly to select the Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS)
best genotypes. Even though the results of traditional
breeding are undoubtedly clear and remarkable, it is never- Molecular markers can be used to help the breeder during
theless a very lengthy process. Recently, gene technology the selection process. When the trait is controlled by a spe-
has made a significant impact on breeding through marker- cific major gene of critical importance (e.g. the resistance
assisted selection (MAS) and genetic engineering. to a disease that follows Mendelian inheritance), a mole-
Numerous molecular marker systems have been used cular marker linked to this gene may be extremely useful
in tomato. These include restriction fragment length poly- for MAS in plant improvement. MAS can accelerate the ex-
morphisms (RFLPs), random amplified polymorphic ploitation of useful genes from wild species in breeding
DNAs (RAPDs), amplified fragment length polymor- programmes, through introgression in the cultivated tomato
phisms (AFLPs), simple sequence repeats (SSR) or micro- followed by backcrossing. The steps required for the deve-
satellites, intersequence simple repeats (ISSRs), cleaved lopment of markers for use in MAS and the many advan-
amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS), retrotranspo- tages of MAS are reported in a review by Collard et al.
son-based sequence specific amplification polymorphisms (2005).
(SSAP), (Alvarez et al. 2001; Zhang and Stommel, 2001; Markers of particular interest are the ones that link to
Areshchenkova and Ganal 2002; Bonnema et al. 2002; disease resistance genes. A CAPS marker and two AFLP
Bredemeijer et al. 2002; Kochieva et al. 2002; Cooke et al. markers could be effectively used for MAS of the resis-
2003; He et al. 2003; Tikunov et al. 2003; de Giovanni et tance gene ol-2 to Oidium lycopersicum, which causes
al. 2004; Scott et al. 2004; Tam et al. 2005; Carelli et al. powdery mildew of tomato (de Giovanni et al. 2004). SSR
2006; Rao et al. 2006; Sabatini et al. 2006). markers linked to a late blight resistant gene in tomato have
been identified and can be used in MAS (Zhu et al. 2006).
Comparison between markers A co-dominant CAPS marker derived from the ovate gene
in tomato, which was mapped and cloned by Liu et al.
Various studies have compared the efficiency of molecular (2002), could distinguish Italian ecotypes with a pear fruit
markers used in tomato improvement. Reproducibility tes- shape. However, one of the lines did not perform according
ting of RAPD and SSR (microsatellite) markers in tomato to CAPS assay, probably because the ovate mutation is not
has shown that RAPDs are difficult to reproduce, while associated with a single phenotype (Tanksley 2004; Saba-
SSRs are characterized by robustness and repeatability tini et al. 2006).
(Rajput et al. 2006). SSAP was used to assess genetic di- In tomato, most of the studies related to MAS are based
versity within tomato industrial lines and proved to be on crosses carried out between cultivated tomato and re-
more informative than AFLP and SSR markers (Tam et al. lated species. The level of genetic variation within the cul-
2005). tivated tomato, revealed by most of the common molecular
markers, was very low, which is a burden for MAS with
Applications of molecular markers respect to a wide range of important agronomical traits.
Most traits of agricultural importance, such as yield and
A description of diversity in genetic material is a prere- quality, are complex and they have polygenic control and
quisite for its efficient use in plant breeding. DNA finger- quantitative inheritance. There are many regions within the
printing permits the analysis of the genetic distance be- genomes which contain genes that are associated with a
tween parents and predicts the performance of the progeny. polygenic trait and are called quantitative trait loci (QTLs).
Molecular markers have been used in tomato in studies, The identification of QTLs based only on conventional
such as germplasm characterization (Rao et al. 2006), the phenotypic evaluation is not possible. The efficiency of
evaluation of genetic diversity and species relationships MAS backcrosses for the introgression of a quantitative
within the genus Lycopersicon (Alvarez et al. 2001; Kochi- trait locus (QTL) depends on the stability of QTL expres-
eva et al. 2002; Tikunov et al. 2003), the genetic structure sion (Chaib et al. 2006).
and diversity of wild Lycopersicon species populations
(Nuez et al. 2004; Sifres et al. 2006), the determination of Tomato maps
relationships between tomato cultivars and fingerprinting
(He et al. 2003; Park et al. 2004; Rao et al. 2006), the pu- Saturated linkage maps are essential tools for genetic stu-
rity control of cultivars and variety identification (Brede- dies such as positional gene cloning, quantitative trait map-
meijer et al. 2002; Cooke et al. 2003), the identification of ing and MAS (Collard et al. 2005). Linkage maps have
markers linked to important genes, map-based gene clo- been utilized for the identification of chromosomal regions
ning, and genetic mapping (Saliba-Colombani et al. 2000; that contain genes controlling simple traits (controlled by a
Areshchenkova and Ganal 2002). single gene) and complex quantitative traits using QTL
Based on molecular markers, levels of intraspecific analysis, and tomato has one of the most saturated maps
tomato polymorphism have been estimated to be very low. (Tanksley et al. 1992). Many single genes and QTLs that
This is attributed to the self-pollination and self-fertiliza- confer resistance to all major classes of plant pathogens
tion of modern tomato cultivars, combined with their nar- have been mapped on the tomato molecular map (Grube et
row genetic base (He et al. 2003; Tam et al. 2005; Sabatini al. 2000).
et al. 2006). In contrast to the cultivated tomato, analysis Mapping QTLs as single Mendelian factors will have a
carried out with RAPDs on the ‘peruvianum complex’ re- strong impact on breeding programmes in using marker as-

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

sisted selection. neering has been resisted within Europe. Currently, several
cultivars of transgenic tomatoes are commercially available.
QTLs for fruit traits Antisense RNA technology has been used to increase the
shelf life and commercial sales of gene-spliced ‘Flavr Savr’
Tomato may be considered a model for fleshy fruit deve- (i.e. delayed ripening tomatoes) and has been approved by
lopment. Domesticated tomatoes show a wide range of the United States Food and Drug Administration (USDA).
morphological diversity, whereas wild tomatoes produce Virus-resistant tomato was the second transgenic crop to be
small, round fruit. Most tomato fruit traits are quantita- commercialized (James 1997).
tively inherited. A large number of QTLs have been iden- The aims of transformation are the development of
tified in tomato that are associated with fruit development, plants that are resistant to specific pathogens, most desi-
size, shape, colour, ripening, organoleptic quality and yield rably combining with the simultaneous transfer of genes
(Causee et al. 2001; van der Knaap and Tanksley 2001; controlling other significant plant and/or fruit character-
Nesbitt and Tanksley 2001; Saliba-Colombani et al. 2001; istics. Herbicide resistance was one of the first targets of
Fulton et al. 2002; Liu et al. 2002; Causee et al. 2002; van genetic engineering, since this can be exploited not only by
der Knaap et al. 2002; Frary et al. 2003; van der Knaap the seed producer, but also by the herbicide manufacturer,
and Tanksley 2003; Barrero and Tanksley 2004; Semel et which in effect means promoting a potential monopoly by
al. 2006). the large multinationals active in both these fields.
Prerequisites for successful genetic transformation in-
QTLs for plant traits clude an in vitro regeneration, DNA delivery system, func-
tionally introduced DNA (integration of the introduced
QTLs for leaflet and perianth size and shape characters, as DNA into the chromosome for stable transformation),
well as stem morphology and stigma exertion, have been selection of transformed cells (promoters and markers) and
mapped (Coaker et al. 2002; Chen and Tanksley 2004; their regeneration. For in vitro regeneration, tomato has
Frary et al. 2004). Genetic analysis of traits distinguishing been shown to be a particularly amenable plant (Bhatia et
outcrossing and self pollinating forms of currant tomato (L. al. 2004).
pimpinellifolium) showed that the pollination mode is con- Tomato transformation uses an Agrobacterium-media-
trolled by QTLs (Georgiady et al. 2002). ted gene transfer method, where a disarmed non-patho-
genic Agrobacterium tumefaciens naturally transfers part of
QTLs for biotic stresses its genome, which has been genetically modified, into the
tomato cell nucleus. The genetically modified part of the
Even though many single genes controlling vertical resis- genome, the transgene, contains the promotor (a regulatory
tance to various pathogens have been identified and trans- sequence), the gene itself, the terminator sequence and in
ferred with crosses to elite pure lines and commercial hyb- most cases selectable markers, which are sequences that
rids, and continue to be of major importance to breeders, control antibiotic or herbicide resistances and are used in
the polygenic durable resistance can be studied with QTL order to select the regenerant plants carrying the transgene.
analysis. Powdery mildew, fusarium wilt and bacterial spot The current protocols in tomato use leaf disc/cotyledon
are among the diseases studied. Three QTLs for resistance tissue, co-cultivated with disarmed Agrobacterium tumefa-
to the fungus Botrytis cinerea were identified and can be ciens harbouring binary vectors. This protocol has been
introgressed into commercial cultivars (Foolad et al. 2002; used to generate transgenic lines from several tomato culti-
Bai et al. 2003; Scott et al. 2004; Brouwer and St. Clair vars expressing various genes of interest and selectable
2004; Finkers et al. 2007). markers. Protocols for tomato transformation are given in a
review by van Eck et al. (2006). The transformation effici-
QTLs for abiotic stresses ency, expressed as transformation rates and recovery of
transgenic tomato plants, depends on the genotype, explants,
Sensitivity to injury at low temperatures (chilling injury) growth regulators, bacterial concentration and Agrobacte-
limits the application of refrigerated storage to tomato and rium virulent gene inducers; but the appropriate manipula-
is a serious quality constraint (see section on “post-harvest tion of these parameters can lead to the increased produc-
technology”). Therefore, many studies have been carried tion of transformed plants (Cortina and Culianez-Macia
out on chilling tolerance using populations derived from 2003; Ellul et al. 2003). One crucial point in the develop-
crosses between L. esculentum and L. hirsutum, and many ment of transformed plants is the selection marker that is
QTLs have been identified. Some have supported genetic used. It has been suggested that an alternative to antibiotic
control by multiple QTLs (Foolad and Lin 2001), while or herbicide resistance markers, such as a mannose selec-
others found a single major and several minor QTLs tion marker gene, may lead to greater public acceptance of
(Truco et al. 2000; Goodstal et al. 2005). transformants (Sigareva et al. 2004).
Marker-free transgenic tomato plants harbouring a
Cloning of useful genes synthetic Bacillus thurigiensis endotoxin gene cryIAc have
been obtained (Zhang et al. 2006). The resulting tomato
If the DNA-based markers can also be placed on a map or fruits can be used for the production of oral vaccines and
genome sequence of a model organism, it becomes pos- other immunotherapeutic proteins. The cholera toxin B sub-
sible to clone the gene underlying the QTL. To date only a unit and the ORF2 partial gene of hepatitis E virus have
few genes have been cloned in this way (Liu et al. 2002). been expressed in transgenic tomato plants (Jani et al.
The cloning of a major QTL gene fw2.2, which is respon- 2002). Transgenic tomatoes enriched in flavones and flavo-
sible for the major fruit difference between wild and culti- noids have been claimed to be beneficial against cardiovas-
vated forms, has contributed to the study of the molecular cular disease (Rein et al. 2006).
and physiological properties controlled by the gene (Frary A root-specific Tob promoter was used to direct the
et al. 2000; Nesbitt and Tanksley 2001). expression of the sarcotoxin IA gene in tomato roots, so as
Even genes for complex traits can be isolated through to enhance host resistance against the parasitic weed Oro-
the use of molecular maps. Cloned genes provide new tools banche aegyptiaca (Radi et al. 2006). However, introgres-
for plant breeders to improve the efficiency of plant breed- sion of this resistance into the cultivated tomato in order to
ing strategies via MAS and plant transformation. combine it with acceptable fruit qualities, has not been
Transgenic plants

Even though molecular marker techniques are frequently

applied in plant breeding, the application of genetic engi-

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21 ©2007 Global Science Books

POST-HARVEST TECHNOLOGY affected due to the accumulation of acetaldehyde and etha-

nol (Boukobza and Taylor 2002; Polenta et al. 2006).
Tomatoes are harvested at various stages of ripeness and Wang (2006) reported that methyl jasmonate and me-
the storage conditions employed differ with each stage. In thyl salicylate reduced chilling injury in tomatoes and other
general, pre-cooling is required only if the fruit tempera- fruits of tropical origin, while at the same time increasing
ture is higher than 26-27°C and ripening is to be delayed. the expression of genes responsible for the synthesis of heat
Although fully ripe tomatoes may be held at 2-5°C for a shock proteins. Methyl jasmonate also increased the level
few days prior to consumption (not longer, since colour of antioxidants and the activity of free radical scavenging
loss and softening may occur), fruit that are mature green enzymes, indicating that protection against chilling injury
or at the turning or breaking stage should not be subjected involved protection of tissues against free radical injury.
to temperatures lower than 12°C as chilling injury may Moreover, by increasing the levels of pathogenesis-related
occur, with adverse consequence for subsequent ripening proteins, methyl jasmonate and methyl salicylate assist in
and quality. the development of resistance to disease during low tempe-
rature storage (Ding et al. 2001, 2002).
Post-harvest treatments prior to storage
Storage environment
Because tomatoes are sensitive to chilling injury, particu-
larly during the early stages of ripening, the use of low The temperatures and RH recommended for the commer-
temperatures for tomato storage is restricted. In conse- cial storage of tomatoes at each stage of maturation have
quence, a number of recent publications have examined been well documented (Ryall and Lipton 1979), and there-
pre-storage treatments aimed at retaining fruit quality fore recent research has concentrated largely on physiolo-
during storage and reducing the susceptibility of fruit to gical and biochemical changes during the ripening process.
chilling injury. Although fully ripe tomatoes may be stored for a short
According to Saltveit (2001), the application of heat- time at low temperatures, nevertheless adverse effects on
shock to tomatoes prior to exposure to low temperatures fruit quality may occur. For example, ripe fruit that had
increases their resistance to chilling injury. Using a method been stored at 5°C for 4 days were deemed by sensory ana-
based on ion leakage from tissue discs for the assessment lysis to be significantly less aromatic, less sweet and more
of chilling injury, it was found that a short heat treatment acidic than corresponding fruit stored for the same length of
(45°C for 10 minutes) even after exposure of the fruit to time at 20°C. The poorer aroma of fruit stored at 5°C was
low temperatures would reduce the subsequent develop- attributed to a loss of the principal volatile components,
ment of chilling symptoms. Soto-Zamora et al. (2005a) ex- detected by gas chromatography (Maul et al. 2000).
posed mature green tomatoes to heat treatments (34 or Van Dijk et al. (2006a) developed models to forecast
38°C and 95% RH for 24 hours) prior to storage at 4 or the loss of weight and firmness of tomatoes during storage
20°C for four weeks in an attempt to reduce chilling injury at various temperatures, while de Ketelaere et al. (2004)
at 4°C. Although the higher temperature caused serious in- adopted a non-destructive acoustic firmness sensor to group
jury, treatment at 34°C was only slightly harmful (higher tomato cultivars according to firmness change during sto-
weight loss than the untreated control). When stored at rage and in relation to harvest.
20°C, fruit that had been exposed to 34°C ripened similarly Van Dijk et al. (2006b) reported that the temperature
to those of the control, but at 4°C chilling injury occurred (3-25°C) and stage of ripening (6 and 8 on the scale of the
in both the control and the treated fruit, even though the Dutch and Belgian Growers’ Associations) influenced en-
synthesis of lycopene was higher in the latter. In parallel zyme activity during 4 weeks of storage. The activity of
experiments (Soto-Zamora et al. 2005b), fruit were ex- polygalacturonase increased and pectin methyl esterase
posed to high temperature (38°C), but under a low O2 decreased over time, while that of β-galactosidase was at
concentration (5%) to inhibit the activity of oxidative en- first induced and subsequently inactivated. A significant
zymes implicated in the induction of thermal injury. Since correlation between enzyme activity and near infra-red
neither the thermal injury induced at this treatment tem- spectra of intact fruit was discerned only in the case of
perature nor chilling injury during storage was reduced, polygalacturonase, which is thus considered to be the major
such heat treatments are clearly not appropriate for tomato enzyme involved in fruit softening during storage. Accor-
storage. By contrast, Fallik et al. (2002), also in an attempt ding to Mondal et al. (2003), lipoxygenase activity and the
to delay ripening and reduce chilling injury, found that malondialdehyde and H2O2 content of tomatoes, harvested
brief exposure of tomatoes at the pink stage of ripeness to at the turning stage and stored for 14-15 days at 10, 25 or
high temperature (52°C by washing and brushing for 15 35°C, increased with temperature. Moreover, the increase
seconds or total immersion of fruit for 1 minute) prevented in these components was higher in a cultivar with a short
the appearance of chilling injury symptoms at 5°C for 15 storage life (5-7 days) than in that with a longer storage life
days and in the case of washing transiently increased fruit (14-15 days). A temperature-related increase in ROS sca-
resistance to Botrytis. For commercial exploitation of the venging enzymes was also observed, indicating that fruit
technique, the authors recommend the shorter treatment stored at high temperatures are susceptible to increased oxi-
time. According to Iwahashi and Hosoda (2000), the delay dative activity, leading to membrane damage and a loss of
in ripening of mature green tomatoes following heat treat- fruit integrity. Cultivar related differences in the activity of
ment (37°C for one day in their case) relates to a loss of lypoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase and alcohol dehydroge-
existing protein in the pericarp and a synthesis of new pro- nase were reported by Yilmaz et al. (2002). Alcohol dehy-
teins, including antioxidant enzymes and heat shock pro- drogenase activity in almost all cultivars was highest in
teins. Heat treatment has also been proposed as a means of fruit harvested at the red stage.
inhibiting microbial activity and fruit cracking under con- Enzyme changes during ripening also determine the
ditions of high humidity in modified atmosphere packaging changes in the flavour and aroma constituents of the fruit.
(Suparlan and Itoh 2003), as well as for delaying colour Krumbein et al. (2004) stored three categories of tomato
change in cherry tomatoes (L. esculentum var. cerasiforme) (long life, ‘normal’ life and cherry) harvested at the red,
(Ali et al. 2004). ripe stage at 20°C and 55% RH for 21 days (i.e. under shelf
Subjection of tomatoes at the light rose stage to anoxia life conditions). Changes in flavour attributes and the majo-
for 24 hours also delayed the development of Botrytis, but rity of volatiles assessed followed a similar trend in each
only for up to four days after treatment when fruit were fruit category, with the strength of the characteristic ‘to-
stored at 20°C. Although this treatment delayed the colour mato flavour’, but also an undesirable ‘mouldy flavour’ (at-
development of fruit, it did not affect their organoleptic tributed to hexanal and 2-isobutylthiazole), increasing with
characteristics (Fallik et al. 2003). However, when the time.
treatment time was extended, fruit quality was adversely

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

Controlled or modified atmospheres Lycopene, antioxidants, ascorbic acid and

Controlled or modified atmospheres have been shown to
delay ripening during storage. Hatton et al. (1975) reported Colour is a major quality characteristic in virtually all fruits
that atmospheres of 4-8% O2 and 1-2% CO2 prolonged sto- and vegetables and uniformity of colour within toma-toes is
rage life and delayed ripening at 12.8°C, but concentra- a principal requirement of the E.U. quality standards for
tions of O2 lower than 4% or CO2 higher than 4% resulted this crop. All fruit within a box must be at the same stage of
in uneven ripening. Dennis et al. (1979) found that fruits ripeness during marketing. Since the deposition of
stored in 5% O2 + 5% CO2 had a better flavour than those carotenoid pigments is responsible for the characteristic
stored in 3% O2 + 5% CO2. However, Batu (2003) ob- colour of ripe tomatoes (Fraser et al. 2001), an understan-
served that after 60 days storage of mature green or rose ding of carotenoid synthesis in tomato is of immediate
tomatoes at 13 or 15°C, those stored under controlled at- relevance to quality. During fruit ripening, maximum con-
mospheres of 5.5% O2 + CO2 (3.2, 6.4 or 9.1%) were less centrations of α- and β-carotene occur at the turning to
acceptable in terms of sweetness and aroma than those breaking stages (Meredith and Purcell 1966), after which
stored in air. Moreover, even short-term storage of red, lycopene accumulates (Davies and Hobson 1981). Al-
almost fully ripe tomatoes under conditions of low or zero though it was earlier considered that carotenoid biosyn-
O2 (e.g. in N2 for 35 hours) adversely affects fruit aroma, thesis occurred via the mevalonic acid pathway (Grierson
due to a reduction in C-6 compounds and isobutylthiazole, and Kader 1986), recent research has suggested that caro-
and an increase in ethanol and acetaldehyde (Boukobza tenoids are in fact derived from isopentenyl diphosphate
and Taylor 2002). (IPP) and are produced in the plastids via the 1-deoxy-D-
Modified atmospheres resulting from the enclosure of xylulose-5-phosphate, or Rohmer, pathway (Bramley 2002).
tomatoes in polyethylene or other forms of plastic pack- This conclusion contrasts with that of Lois et al. (2000),
aging (Fig. 2F) may also delay fruit ripening and prolong who consider both pathways to be involved. Phytochrome
storage life. Srinivasa et al. (2006) stored green, physio- has also been implicated in the induction of lycopene ac-
logically mature tomatoes in cartons covered with chitosan cumulation (Alba et al. 2000).
(biodegradable membrane) for 30 days at 27±1°C. Fruit Apart from contributing nutritive elements, colour and
showed better colour retention and firmness not only in flavour to the diet, tomatoes are also a valuable source of
relation to the control (fruit stored in air) but also in com- antioxidants, or chemo-protective compounds, and may
parison with those enclosed in low-density polyethylene thus be termed a "functional food" (Ranieri et al. 2004).
(LDPE) film. By contrast, Kantola and Helen (2001) found The antioxidant potential of tomato is derived from a mix-
that the sensory quality of organically grown tomatoes ture of antioxidant biomolecules, including lycopene, as-
stored for 3 weeks at 11±1°C and 75-85% RH in perfor- corbic acid, phenolics, flavonoids and vitamin E, and is
ated LDPE, cellophane or biodegradable bags was not af- especially high in cherry tomatoes (Kaur et al. 2004).
fected by the packaging material. However, these results The lycopene content and antioxidant activity of toma-
apparently reflect the level of O2 within the containers, toes varies between cultivars and is highest in cherry or
since Muratore et al. (2005) showed that the quality cha- small, cocktail fruit (Kaur et al. 2004; Molyneux et al.
racteristics (vitamin C, carotenoids) of plum tomato could 2004). There is a correlation between fruit colour and total
be preserved satisfactorily in modified atmospheres pro- antioxidant concentration, with lycopene content increa-
duced by enclosure of fruit in biodegradable or polyolefin sing from the rose to red colour stages (Brandt et al. 2006;
films only when the O2 permeability of the film was suf- Helyes et al. 2006) and mature green tomatoes having a
ficient to prevent anaerobic respiration. The inclusion of an significantly lower total antioxidant content than red toma-
ethylene adsorbent (granular activated carbon) within poly- toes (Wold et al. 2004). Red-fruiting cultivars also have a
propylene bags in which tomatoes at the turning stage were higher lycopene content than yellow, orange and black-
stored at 8°C, reduced the level of ethylene within the sto- fruiting cultivars (Cox et al. 2003). Lycopene synthesis
rage atmosphere for 21 days. Colour change, softening and during growth is inhibited at temperatures below 12°C and
weight loss were reduced and quality on ripening was im- prohibited at >32°C. Unlike ascorbic acid synthesis, which
proved (Bailén et al. 2006). is promoted by the exposure of fruit to full sunlight, lyco-
Mondal et al. (2006) reported that when tomatoes are pene synthesis is higher in fruit that are shaded by the foli-
enclosed in polyethylene and stored at 25°C they are more age. The spectral quality of the light may also play a role;
resistant to oxidative stress than unenclosed fruit stored at for example UV-irradiation has been found to affect the
the same temperature. This resistance derives from the in- phenolic and carotenoid content of fruit to a degree that de-
creased activity of ROS scavenging enzymes such as pends on the cultivar sensitivity (Giuntini et al. 2005;
superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, Luthria et al. 2006). In consequence, there is a seasonal ef-
catalase and glutathione reductase, which inactivate the fect on lycopene and antioxidant levels in fruit (Rosales et
ROS and thereby reduce the dangers of oxidative stress on al. 2006; Toor et al. 2006), as well as an effect of irrigation
membrane integrity. Low oxygen levels in modified or and the nutritional status of the plant (see review by Dumas
controlled atmospheres also inhibit polygalacturonase acti- et al. 2003).
vity, thus reducing the rate of fruit softening (Kapotis et al. Because of their importance to human health (Madhavi
2004). High concentrations of CO2, on the other hand, are and Salunkhe 1998), antioxidants may be considered a
known to inhibit ethylene synthesis, apparently acting at a valuable quality attribute of tomatoes and it is important to
site prior to that of the conversion of ACC to ethylene (de minimize losses of these compounds during the post-har-
Wild et al. 2005). Enrichment of the storage atmosphere vest period. Fruit that are harvested at stages prior to full
with ozone, which may be of value in reducing the micro- ripeness show an increase in lycopene content during post-
bial activity of sliced tomatoes, causes a transient increase harvest ripening. For example, Toor and Savage (2006)
in respiration, resulting in increased fructose, glucose, as- studied the changes in the antioxidant content of tomatoes
corbate and fumarate levels, both in intact and sliced fruit harvested at the light red stage and stored for 10 days at 7,
(Aguayo et al. 2006). However, exposure of mature green 15 and 25°C. The total antioxidant activity of fruit in-
fruit to atmospheres containing ethanol (from 2.5 to 25 ml creased by 17-27% during storage. However, whereas phe-
per 2.5 kg fruit held in a total volume of 5 l) delayed ripen- nolics and ascorbate increased only slightly and indepen-
ing due to a reduction in ethylene synthesis and respiration, dently of temperature, the lycopene content of fruit after 10
and a delay in the onset of the climacteric. A parallel delay days storage at 15 or 25°C was more than twice as much as
in fruit softening was attributed to an inhibition of polyga- that of fruit stored at 7°C. Although low temperatures
lacturonase and pectin methyl esterase, and the most ef- during storage lower the lycopene content of fruit, even
fective treatment was that of 20 ml ethanol per 2.5 kg fruit when harvested at a mature red stage, they do not neces-
(Thakur et al. 2000). sarily reduce the total antioxidant capacity (Javanmardi and

The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 1-21 ©2007 Global Science Books

Kubota 2006). Hence, the observation of Slimestad and piration (Wills and Ku 2002; Ergun et al. 2006). The extent
Verheul (2005) that cherry tomatoes that are ripened on the of inhibition depends on the duration of application and the
plant have a similar carotenoid and ascorbate, but higher stage of fruit ripening at treatment (Sisler et al. 1996; Hoe-
sugar, content than fruit harvested at the orange-yellow berichts et al. 2002; Wills and Ku 2002; Mir et al. 2004),
stage and ripened during storage, suggests that for maxi- while the effective concentration varies between cultivars
mum antioxidant content and sweetness, it is better to har- (Watkins 2006). Although fruit recover the ability to ripen
vest ripe fruit and store at low temperature. Where possible, after 1-MCP treatment, inhibition can be reimposed by fur-
however, the length of storage should be limited, since the ther applications (Hoeberichts et al. 2002; Mir et al. 2004).
ascorbate content of fruit decreases even at low tempera- However, when 1-MCP was applied at the mature green or
tures (Sablani et al. 2006). For the consumer, it is impor- breaker stages, fruit showed a long delay in the develop-
tant to know that 52% of the total antioxidants (48% lyco- ment of colour, did not soften sufficiently, shrivelled and
pene, 43% ascorbic acid, 53% phenolics) are located in the were susceptible to disease; by contrast, fruit treated at the
epidermis of the fruit, which in consequence should not be rose or light red stages subsequently ripened satisfactorily
discarded during consumption (Toor and Savage 2005). (Hurr et al. 2005). According to Mostofi et al. (2003), the
storage temperature after treatment significantly affects the
Ethylene in relation to storage, ripening and colour development of tomatoes treated with 1-MCP at the
quality mature green stage.
Apart from its effects on fruit ripening and colour
Although the relationship of ethylene biosynthesis to the development, 1-MCP may affect certain other quality traits.
induction of the respiratory climacteric and the ripening For example, Wills and Ku (2002) consider that 1-MCP
processes of tomato and other fruits has been the subject of improves fruit flavour by changing the ratio of total soluble
considerable research over the past 50 years (Goodenough solids to titratable acid, although this observation was not
1986; Chaves and de Mello-Farias 2006), the mechanisms confirmed by Mir et al. (2004) who reported a slight
involved have still to be defined. Alexander and Grierson change in the volatile components of fruit treated with 1-
(2002) reviewed the role of specific isoforms of ACC syn- MCP at the mature green and breaker stages, but no change
thase and ACC oxidase in regulating ethylene biosynthesis in sugars or titratable acid.
during ripening and discussed the role of ethylene recep- Watkins (2006) reviewed the effects of 1-MCP on fruit
tors. Jakubowicz and Sadowski (2002) discussed the struc- ripening with reference to its commercial application, while
ture and catalytic activity of ACC synthase, as well as the Feng et al. (2004) reported that analogues of 1-MCP, 1-
organization, gene structure and transcriptional expression ethylcyclopropene and 1-propylcyclopropene, also inhibit
of ACC synthase genes, while two more reviews relating to ethylene induced ripening of tomato and avocado, but to a
ethylene receptors and the control of ethylene-mediated lesser degree than 1-MCP. Another potentially useful
processes in tomatoes at the receptor level have also been application for 1-MCP is the prevention of fruit abscission.
published (Klee 2002; Klee and Tieman 2002). This may not only be of significance in crop production,
Commercially, the promotion of ethylene biosynthesis but also in storage. Cherry tomatoes are frequently mar-
is exploited for the induction or enhancement of fruit keted as trusses of fruit, and treatment with 1-MCP can re-
ripening (e.g. in banana and tomato), while inhibition of duce fruit separation from the truss during storage and
ethylene synthesis or removal of ethylene from the storage marketing (Beno-Moualem et al. 2004; Lichter et al. 2006).
atmosphere is used to delay ripening and prolong storage. 1-MCP also delays the ripening of cherry tomato depen-
Logendra et al. (2004) applied Ethephon (2-chloro- ding on the concentration and stage of ripening at applica-
ethylphosphonic acid) to tomatoes at the mature green or tion (Opiyo and Ying 2005).
breaking stage whilst still on the plant. Application at the Other methods of delaying ripening, either through the
green stage reduced the number of fruit per truss, but also inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis or the removal of ethy-
reduced the time to harvest without adversely affecting lene when formed, have also been investigated. TiO2 me-
quality. Chomchalow et al. (2002) applied ethylene to fruit diates a photocatalytic breakdown of ethylene under UV-
harvested at the mature green stage before and after expo- irradiation, thus delaying the ripening of mature green to-
sure to low temperatures, and found that when ethylene matoes both in air and in modified atmospheres (Maneerat
was applied prior to exposure (but not afterwards) it of- et al. 2003). This reaction, the efficacy of which depends
fered a certain amount of protection against chilling injury. on the TiO2 concentration and the intensity of UV-irradia-
However, Kapotis et al. (2004) demonstrated that the exo- tion, also removes acetaldehyde and ethanol for up to eight
genous application of ethylene to fruit stored in an atmos- days after treatment, thus inhibiting the formation of odours
phere of 1% oxygen did not induce autocatalytic produc- due to fermentation (Maneerat and Hayata 2006). Saltveit
tion of ethylene by the fruit. Treatment of tomatoes at the (2005) reported that the ability of AVG to inhibit ethylene
breaker stage with GA3 or IAA (20 mM for 1 hour) caused synthesis in tomato pericarp discs correlated with an inhi-
an increase in ethylene biosynthesis (higher than that in- bition of protein synthesis. Elsewhere, Hong et al. (2004)
duced by exogenous ethylene application) as a result of the reported that the vacuum infiltration of tomatoes at the
promotion of ACC synthase activity. The activity of α- and early red stage with glucose solutions caused an inhibition
β-galactosidase and α-arabinofuranosidase was also stimu- of ethylene biosynthesis as a result of a reduction in the
lated, but fruit softening, chlorophyll breakdown and total activity of ACC oxidase. However, interesting as these ob-
carotenoid synthesis tended to be delayed. Moreover, GA3- servations are, it is difficult to see how they can be exploi-
and IAA-treated fruit did not respond to the exogenous ted commercially.
application of ethylene (100 ppm) with an increase of auto-
catalytic ethylene production (Sozzi et al. 2000). The effect CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
of ethylene on the volatile components of tomato was re-
viewed by Zhu et al. (2005). The inhibition of ethylene Tomato is one of the most researched of all horticultural
biosynthesis by suppression of ACC synthase (Oeller et al. crops and considerable progress has been achieved in all the
1991) or ACC oxidase (Hamilton et al. 1990) caused a sig- areas described within the present review. In particular, in
nificant reduction in aroma volatiles, while non-ripening the field of plant breeding, molecular techniques have
natural mutants that are affected for ethylene response lack opened new horizons for genetic improvement. New types
the most potent odours (McGlasson et al. 1987). of markers, such as the single nucleotide polymorphisms
The recent commercial availability of the ethylene in- (SNPs) will influence future mapping and the utilization of
hibitor 1-MCP, has resulted in a number of studies of its MAS in tomato improvement. However, selection requires
application to tomato storage and ripening. Exposure of the screening of many plants and the cost of the markers is a
tomatoes to 1-MCP delays fruit ripening by a transient limiting factor for their routine use in the breeding pro-
inhibition of both ethylene biosynthesis and the rate of res- grammes of many counties. Even though there are many

Tomato nutrition, breeding and post-harvest technology. Passam et al.

advanced studies in QTL mapping and MAS, their ef- genus Lycopersicon. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 103, 1283-1292
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from gene expression studies. Functional genomics me- heat-stable root-knot nematode resistance gene Mi-9 from Lycopersicon pe-
ruvianum is localized on the short arm of chromosome 6. Theoretical and
thods can be utilized to develop markers from genes them-
Applied Genetics 106, 478-484
selves and the increase of information available in data- An P, Inanaga S, Xiang JL, Eneji AE, Nan WZ (2005) Interactive effects of
bases will allow data mining for the development of new salinity and air humidity on two tomato cultivars differing in salt tolerance.
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within studies incorporating genetic modification. Although ping OI-4, a gene conferring resistance to Oidium neolycopersici and origin-
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