How To Fill CMR Model Iru 2007 en
How To Fill CMR Model Iru 2007 en
How To Fill CMR Model Iru 2007 en
With the intention of harmonising the IRU has revised the 1976 model
and simplifying international road and issued a new model in 2007.
transport, the IRU developed a
model of the CMR consignment This current document is meant for
note, the first version of which was carriers who intend to use the new
issued in 1976. In order to take into CMR consignment note. It describes
account the advances in the field of how this model should be filled in by
transport and to use the learning the carrier or his/her partners, so as
gathered of over 30 years of to best protect his rights and interests.
experience in the use of the first
model of the consignment note,
IRU 2 How to fill in the CMR consignment note (IRU model 2007)
The consignment note is printed in four copies of Box 7 Successive carrier(s). This box is intended for the
different colours: eventuality that the transport is carried out by several
carriers who carry out the voyage successively.
• red : copy for the consignor
• blue : copy for the consignee (this copy This box, if applicable, should be filled in at the moment
accompanies the goods throughout the entire when the successive carrier takes the goods into charge
transport) – these indications will be noted at least on the
• green: copy for the carrier consignment note intended for the consignee (second
• black: copy reserved for administrative procedures copy) and on the copy intended for administrative
All copies of the consignment note must be filled out in
the same way. It is possible that at the time the If it is foreseen that the transport be carried out by
consignment note is established, certain data will be several successive carriers, it is important that the copy
unknown (for example: information concerning of the consignment note intended for the consignee has
successive carriers). This data can be added later in the at least a record of the carrier who will deliver the goods.
available copies.
The successive carrier must date and sign the box
The number of the CMR consignment note appears in (“goods received and accepted”, “date” sections). Here
two places: at the top right of the page and at the bottom he can also indicate the reservations concerning the
left of the page. number of packages, their identifying marks and
numbers, the apparent state of the goods and their
The country in which the consignment note was issued is packaging at the time of taking into charge. If there is a
also indicated at the top of the page (Pays/Country). lack of space, the reservations can be written elsewhere
(for example on the back of the consignment note), but a
It is recommended to fill in the boxes as follows: clear indication on the consignment note should state
that reservations were made, and these should be
Box 1 Name and complete address of the consignor of validated by the carrier who carried out the part of the
the goods transport preceding the taking into charge by the
successive carrier.
Box 2 Name and complete address of the consignee of
the goods Box 8 Reservations and observations of the carrier at
the time of taking the goods into charge, such as the
Box 3 Place and date when the goods are taken into number of packages, their identifying marks and
charge by the carrier. It is recommended that the carrier numbers and their packaging. These reservations must
indicate the hour of arrival of the vehicle at the place of be validated by the consignor if they are to be valid.
loading and the hour of departure. These annotations
are useful in the event that the vehicle remains standing Box 9 List of the documents handed by the consignor to
over a period of time due to the consignor of the goods, the carrier (for example: loading list, certificates of origin
so as to enable the carrier to obtain remuneration. of the goods etc.).
Box 4 The foreseen place of delivery of the goods. It is Boxes 10-15 correspond to the usual description of the
recommended to ask the consignor to indicate the transported goods, including, if applicable, special
opening hours of the warehouse or depot where the indications concerning dangerous goods.
delivery will take place. This mention will avoid the
carrier having an expensive and unnecessary wait if he Box 16 Particular agreements between the consignor
arrived outside of opening hours. and the carrier such as the declared value of the goods
and the amount representing special interest at time of
Box 5 Particular instructions of the consignor. If delivery, the agreed time limit within which the transport
necessary, the consignor is expected to indicate must be carried out, the possibility of using open non-
instructions that could affect the transport, such as the sheeted vehicles, the use of palettes, the record of the
instructions concerning Customs procedures, the ban on person responsible for loading, stowing and unloading,
transhipment of the goods, insurance of the goods or the admission of the transport onto a ferry, the
any other instruction he deems useful. applicable jurisdiction or any other indication deemed to
be useful by the parties to the transport contract.
Box 6 Name and complete address of the carrier, other
references if applicable.
IRU 4 Document title
Box 17 Indications concerning the amount of the Box 21 Place and date of the establishment of the
different payments relating to the transport contract consignment note
established as well as the indication of the party who is
bound to carry out the payment. If the carrier is not Box 22 Signature or stamp of the consignor (choice left
capable or if he judges it irrelevant to indicate the exact to the consignor)
amount of the payments due, he is strongly advised to at
least indicate the party responsible for the payment in Box 23 Signature or stamp of the carrier (choice left to
order to avoid future discussions in this respect. the carrier)
Box 18 Other useful indications: the parties may add Box 24 Signature and stamp of the consignee
any indication of use to other parties or to the competent confirming delivery of the goods, indicating the place,
authorities. This could be the license plate number of the the date and particularly quoting the time of arrival of the
vehicle, load capacity, the net weight of the goods, the vehicle at the place of delivery and subsequent
number of the TIR Carnet or any other Customs departure following the unloading. These remarks are
document used during the transport etc. useful in the case where the vehicle remains standing
due to the consignee of the goods, in order to, if
Box 19 The indication of the amount of reimbursement necessary, remunerate the carrier.
transferred by the consignee and to be received by the
carrier at the time of the delivery of the goods. Warning: The consignment note also has at the bottom of the
in accordance with the CMR Convention (Article 21), the page a “Non-Contractual Part” field, reserved for the
carrier is bound to remunerate the consignor for the use of the carrier (for example: Customs offices used,
exact amount of the reimbursement if the goods were distances covered, etc., i.e. records that do not entail
delivered to the consignee without the said contractual obligations for the concerned carrier).
reimbursement being settled at delivery.