RPMS Midyear Evaluatio
RPMS Midyear Evaluatio
RPMS Midyear Evaluatio
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-
Weight Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) year
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline per Means of Verification Performance Review
KRA Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks Results
8. Participated in 1. Personal notes of teachers Quality 4 4
collegial on LACs/FGDs/meetings
discussions that with proof of attendance
use teacher and 2. Minutes of LAC/FGD
learner feedback sessions on use of teacher 4 4
to enrich teaching and learner feedback to
practice. enrich teaching practice with Efficiency
proof of attendance
3. Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-
Weight Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) year
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline per Means of Verification Performance Review
KRA Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks Results
Basic 11. Monitored and 1. Compilation of a learner’s Quality 4 4
Education evaluated learner written work with summary of
Services progress and results and with signature of
achievement using parents
learner attainment 2. Formative/summative
data. assessment tools with TOS
and frequency of errors with Efficiency 4 4
identified least mastered
3. Class records/grading
4. Lesson plans/modified DLLs
showing index of mastery
Timeliness 4 4
5. Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-
Weight Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) year
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline per Means of Verification Performance Review
KRA Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks Results