SJVNL 76 - 1 - Finalconsolidated - Environmental - RHEP PDF

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Consolidated by: DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd.

List of Acronyms/Abbreviations
CA Compensatory Afforestation
CAT Catchment Area Treatment
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
cumec Cubic metre per second
DPR Detailed Project Report
EA/EMP Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Plan
EPP Emergency Preparedness Plan
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
GoHP Government of Himachal Pradesh
GOI Government of India
HPSPCB Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board
HRT Head Race Tunnel
ITIs Industrial Training Institutes
LADC Local Area Development Committee
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
NJHEP Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro Electric Power Project
O&M Operations and Maintenance
PAPs Project Affected Persons
PFRs Preliminary Feasibility Reports
PIA Project Influence Areas
PIIA Project Immediate Influence Areas
PIC Public Information Centre
RAP Resettlement Action Plan
RHEP Rampur Hydro Electric Project
SA Social Impact Assessment
SCDP Sustainable Community Development Program
SJVNL Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited

1 US$ = INR 40.0



Table of Contents i
List of Tables xiii
List of Figures xviii


1 Introduction E-1
2 Project Location & Context E-1
4 Important site characteristics E-4
5 Environmental and social Assessment process E-6
Environmental Context & Project Location E-6
Impact Assessment process E-6
Policy & Regulatory Framework E-7
Key Safeguard Documents E-7
Disclosure & Consultation E-8
6 Analysis of Alternatives E-9
Identification of the Rampur Project E-9
Initial Ranking E-9
Analysis & Prioritization E-9
The “No Project” Alternative E-10
Project’s Design Alternatives E-10
Identification of the most favourable alternatives E-12
7 Environmental & Social Impacts & Mitigation Measures E-12
Involuntary Resettlement E-12
Institutional arrangements for implementation of RAP and SCDP E-14
Impacts on Forests, Natural Habitats & Wildlife E-15
Instream Flow Impacts & Water Quality Issues E-17
Construction-Related Impacts E-19
Safety of Workers and Communities E-20
Impacts on Physical Cultural Resources E-21
Other Induced Impacts and Cumulative Effects E-21
Dam Safety E-22

Operations manual and emergency preparedness E-22
Riparian Issues E-22
Catchment Area Treatment Plan & Other Environmental Enhancements E-23
8 Implementation Arrangements E-24
Institutional Framework E-24
Adaptive Management of Environmental Issues E-24
Continuous Stakeholder Consultation E-25
Institutional Capacity Building E-25
9 Budget for environment management E-25


1.1 The Rampur Project 1-1
1.2 Project Location 1-1
1.3 Context of the Project 1-3
1.3.1 Hydropower Potential in India 1-3
1.3.2 Hydro Power Potential in Himachal Pradesh 1-3
1.4 Rationale for the Project 1-5
1.4.1 Demand for Energy in India 1-5
1.4.2 Power Demand Scenario in the Country 1-6
1.4.3 Need for Hydropower 1-7
1.4.4 Identification of Rampur Hydro-Electric Project 1-7
1.5 Analyses of Alternatives 1-7
1.5.1 Identification of the Rampur Project 1-7
1.5.2 Initial Ranking of Hydropower Projects 1-8
1.5.3 Analysis & Prioritization 1-8
1.5.4 Development Status of Hydropower Projects in the Indus Basin 1-8
1.5.5 Project’s Design Alternatives 1-8
1.5.6 Analyses to Identify the Most Favorable Design Alternatives 1-12
1.5.7 Overall Selection 1-17
1.6 Construction Components of the Selected Project Design 1-18
1.7 Project Requirements 1-22
• Land Acquisition 1-22
• Construction Material 1-22
• Construction Schedule 1-23

1.8 Lessons Learnt from Implementation of the Nathpa-Jhakri Hydropower Project 1-23
1.8.1 Major Issues as per Implementation Completion Report 1-23
1.8.2 Good Practices implemented in the Nathpa-Jhakri Hydropower Project 1-24
• Environment 1-24
• Resettlement & Rehabilitation 1-26
• Employee Welfare 1-29
1.9 Environmental Assessment in Rampur Hydropower Project 1-29
1.9.1 Environmental Context & Project Location 1-29
1.9.2 Impact Assessment process 1-30
1.9.3 Regulatory Clearances for the Project 1-31
1.9.4 Key Safeguard Documents 1-31
• Disclosure & Consultation 1-31
1.10 Structure of the Report 1-32


2.1 Constitutional Provisions 2-1
2.1.1 Water Resources 2-1
2.1.2 Environment 2-1
• Specific Reference to Environment Protection in the Constitution 2-1
2.2 The Policy Framework for Hydraulic Infrastructure & the Environment 2-2
2.2.1 National Water Policy 2-2
2.2.2 Water Policy of Himachal Pradesh 2-3
2.2.3 National Environment Policy 2-4
2.2.4 National Forest Policy 2-5
2.3 Environmental Regulations & Legal Framework for the Project 2-6
2.4 Environmental Regulations 2-6
2.4.1 Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 2-6
• Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 2-6
• Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 2-6
• Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, &
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 2-7
• The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 2-7
• Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Amendment Rules, 2003 2-7
• Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 2-7
• The Serais Act, 1867 2-7
• The North India Canal and Drainage Act, 1873 2-7
• Indian Easements Act, 1882 2-8
• The Indian Fisheries Act, 1897 2-8
• The Factories Act, 1948 2-8
• The Mines Act, 1952 2-8
• The River Boards Act, 1956 2-8

• Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 2-8
• EIA Notification, 1994 2-8
• EIA Notification, September 2006 2-8
2.4.2 The Environmental Clearance Process 2-8
2.4.3 The Forestry Clearance Process 2-9
2.5 Environmental Clearances Obtained for the Project 2-10
2.5.1 At State Level 2-10
• Pollution Control and Environmental Conservation 2-10
• Additional Clearance for Environmental Flow 2-11
2.5.2 At the Government of India Level 2-11
• Stage-I Environmental Clearance 2-11
• Stage-II Environmental Clearance 2-11
• Stage-III Environmental Clearance 2-12
2.6 Responsibilities of Government of India under International Treaties 2-13
2.7 Applicability of the World Bank Safeguard Policies 2-19
• Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) - APPLICABLE 2-19
• Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) – NOT APPLICABLE 2-19
• Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) - APPLICABLE 2-19
• Indigenous Peoples (OD 4.20) – NOT APPLICABLE 2-19
• Forests (OP/BP 4.36) - APPLICABLE 2-20
• Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) - APPLICABLE 2-20
• Physical Cultural Resources (OPN 11.03) - APPLICABLE 2-20
• Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP/GP 7.60) – NOT APPLICABLE 2-20
• Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP/GP 7.50) - APPLICABLE 2-20
2.8 SJVNL Corporate Policy Statements 2-21
2.9 SJVNL Corporate Policy on Environment 2-21
2.9.1 SJVNL’s Environmental Policy Statement 2-21
2.9.2 SJVNL Health, Security, Safety & Environment Directive 2-22
2.9.3 SJVNL’s Biodiversity Conservation Policy 2-24
2.9.4 SJVNL’s Climate Change Commitments 2-25


3.1 River Systems of Himachal Pradesh 3-1
3.1.1 The Indus River System 3-1
3.1.2 Satluj River in Himachal Pradesh 3-2
3.1.3 Important Tributaries of River Satluj 3-2
• Spiti River 3-2
• Baspa River 3-2
• The Nogli Khad 3-2
• Soan River 3-3

3.1.4 Hydro power Projects on the Satluj 3-3
• Proposed Khab Hydropower Project (1020 MW), Kinnaur District 3-3
• Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project (1000MW), Kinnaur District 3-3
• Bhaba Hydel Project (120 MW), Kinnaur District 3-4
• Baspa Hydroelectric Project (300 MW), Kinnaur District 3-4
• Proposed Sorang Hydropower Project, Kinnaur District 3-4
• Ghanvi-I (22.5 MW), Shimla District 3-4
• Ghanvi –II (10 MW), Shimla District 3-4
• Nathpa-Jhakri Hydel Project (1500 MW), Kinnaur District 3-6
• Proposed Luhri Hydroelectric Project (465 MW), Kinnaur District 3-6
• Kol Dam (800 MW) 3-6
• Bhakra Dam 3-6
3.2 Baseline Characteristics of the Satluj Basin 3-7
3.2.1 The River and its Catchment 3-7
3.2.2 Topography 3-9
3.2.3 Geology 3-9
3.2.4 Climate 3-10
• Baseline 3-10
• Rainfall & Cloud Cover 3-10
• Relative Humidity 3-11
• Temperature 3-11
• Special Weather Phenomena 3-12
• Wet Haze and Fog 3-12
• Potential Impacts 3-12
3.2.5 Climate Change 3-12
• Baseline 3-12
• Potential Impact 3-14
• Effect of Climate & Hydrological Variability on the Performance of the Project 3-14
3.2.6 Floods, Cloud Burst and Flash Floods 3-19
• Potential Impact 3-20
3.2.7 Soils 3-21
3.2.8 Erosion & Sedimentation 3-22
• Baseline Erosion Rates 3-22
• Potential Impact 3-24
• Mitigation Measures & Monitoring 3-24
• Monitoring 3-24
3.3 Geological Characteristics of the Project Area 3-27
3.3.1 Geology 3-27
• Potential Local Thrust and Faults 3-27
3.3.2 Seismology 3-28
• Lesser Himalayan Seismic Belt 3-30
• Main Central Thrust (MCT) 3-30
• Kaurik Fault 3-30
• Rampur Fault 3-30
• Main Boundary Fault (MBF) 3-30
• Foothill Thrust 3-30
• Potential Impacts 3-30

• Mitigation Measures 3-31
3.3.3 Landslides 3-31
• Potential Impacts 3-33
• Mitigation Measures 3-33
3.4 Hydrology & Water Resources 3-33
3.4.1 Baseline Hydrology 3-33
• Flow Profile of River Satluj 3-34
• Hydrological Changes in the Satluj River 3-45
3.4.2 Sources and Usage of Water 3-45
3.4.3 Existing Water Quality of Satluj 3-45
3.4.4 Water Quality 3-46
3.4.5 Downstream Water Use: Impacts of Water Quality Changes 3-50
• Estimates of Sewage Loads 3-51
• Effluent from Rampur Town 3-53
• Effluent Disposal from Jhakri Colony 3-54
• Effluent Disposal from Proposed Project Colony 3-54
• Effluent Disposal from Temporary Labour Shelters 3-54
• Effluent Disposal from Operation of Crushers 3-54
• Mitigation Measures 3-55
3.4.6 Channel Sedimentation and Reduced Dissolved Oxygen 3-55
• Mitigation Measures 3-56
3.5 Land Environment 3-56
3.5.1 Land Use 3-56
3.5.2 Soil Quality 3-62
3.6 Aquatic Habitat & Fish Diversity 3-63
3.6.1 Aquatic Flora 3-63
3.6.2 Aquatic Fauna 3-63
3.6.3 Fish Habitats 3-63
3.6.4 Results from Aquatic Monitoring 3-68
• Migratory Fish Species 3-69
• Outcomes of the Study on Fish Availability 3-69
3.6.5 Potential Impacts on Aquatic Habitats & Mitigation 3-69
• Construction Related Impacts 3-70
• Work on the Riverbed 3-70
• Construction of Project Infrastructure 3-70
• Water Pollution 3-70
• Use of Explosives 3-71
• Vegetation Clearing 3-71
• Reduced River Flow 3-71
• Interruptions of Fish Migration & Destruction of Spawning Grounds 3-72
• Water Pollution from Use of Synthetic Chemicals 3-72
3.7 Terrestrial Biodiversity 3-72
3.7.1 Background 3-72
3.7.2 Methodology and Assessment techniques 3-74
• Flora Assessment 3-74

• Assessment Techniques 3-74
• Shanon – Weaver Index (1948) 3-74
• Fauna Assessment 3-74
• Public Consultation 3-75
3.7.3 Forests and Terrestrial Biodiversity of Himachal Pradesh 3-75
• Forest 3-75
• Natural Flora 3-76
• Natural Fauna 3-77
• Traditional Timber Rights Followed in Himachal Pradesh 3-77
• Procedure for Obtaining Timber 3-77
• Timber Trees 3-78
3.7.4 Terrestrial Biodiversity of Satluj Basin 3-78
• Forest Types 3-79
• Natural Flora 3-79
• Natural Fauna 3-79
3.7.5 Biodiversity of Project Influence Area (7 km radius surrounding the project site) 3-82
• Forests 3-83
• Flora 3-85
• Ethno-Botanical Baseline 3-93
• Fauna 3-93
• Wildlife 3-93
3.7.6 Biodiversity of the Project’s Immediate Influence Area 3-95
• Forest Types 3-95
• Flora 3-95
• Fauna 3-97
3.7.7 Biodiversity of Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-98
• Forests Directly Affected by the Project 3-98
• Forest Type 3-99
• Flora 3-99
• Fauna 3-101
3.7.8 Distribution of Endangered/Protected/Rare/Endemic Flora and Fauna 3-102
• The Satluj Basin 3-102
• Project Influence Area (7km all around the Project) 3-104
• Project’s Immediate Influenced Area (500m around the Project) 3-105
• Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-105
• Comparative Distribution of Forests 3-106
• Comparative Status on Protected Area Network 3-106
• Comparative Distribution of Flora 3-106
• Comparative Distribution of Fauna 3-107
3.7.9 Potential Impacts on Terrestrial Biodiversity & Mitigation 3-108
• Loss of Forest 3-108
• Mitigation Measures for Loss of Forest 3-108
• Impact on Flora and Fauna 3-109
• Quantitative Assessment of Flora in the Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-110
• Assessment of Flora of the Immediate Influence Area 3-117
• Mitigation Measures for Impact on Flora and Fauna 3-121

3.8 Impact Generated by Construction Activities 3-121
3.8.1 Water Quality Impacts & Mitigation 3-121
• Baseline 3-121
• Sources and Type of Impacts 3-122
• Mitigation 3-122
3.8.2 Air Quality Impacts & Mitigation 3-123
• Observations on Ambient NOX Levels 3-124
• Observation on ambient SO2 levels 3-124
• Observations on Ambient SPM levels 3-125
• Observations on Ambient RPM levels 3-125
• Source and Types of Impacts 3-125
• Mitigation 3-125
3.8.3 Noise Impacts & Mitigation 3-125
• Baseline 3-125
• Source and Types of Impacts 3-126
• Mitigation 3-130
3.8.4 Quarries 3-130
• Types of impacts 3-130
• Mitigation 3-130
3.8.5 Muck Generation & Disposal 3-130
• Types of Impacts 3-130
• Mitigation Measures 3-131
3.8.6 Work Camps, Work Areas & Labour Force – Impacts & Mitigation 3-133
• Impacts 3-133
• Mitigation 3-133
3.8.7 Construction of Headrace Tunnel – Impacts & Mitigation 3-133
• Impacts 3-133
• Mitigation 3-134
3.8.8 Construction of the Power House and Tailrace Channel - – Impacts & Mitigation 3-134
• Impacts 3-134
• Mitigation 3-134
3.8.9 Road Construction Impacts & Mitigation 3-134
• Impact 3-134
• Indirect and Cumulative Impacts on Natural Resources 3-135
• Interference with Movements of Wildlife 3-135
• Mitigation 3-135
3.8.10 Transmission System - Impacts & Mitigation 3-135
• Mitigation Measures 3-135
3.9 Other Environmental Impacts on the Communities 3-136
3.9.1 Impacts on Human Health 3-136
• Mitigation 3-137
• HIV/AIDS Risk Level 3-138
• Potential Management Interventions for HIV/AIDS 3-138
3.9.2 Impacts of Downstream Hazards 3-139
3.9.3 Water Availability for Communities 3-139
3.9.4 Impact of Blasting on Agricultural & Horticultural Yield 3-140

3.9.5 Potential Effect on the Occupation Pattern in the Project Influence Area 3-143
• Employment Benefits 3-143
• Shift in Occupation Pattern 3-144
• Accessibility to Basic Infrastructure 3-145
• Power Generation and Transmission Benefits 3-147


4.1 Objective & Principles of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 4-1
• Boundaries 4-1
• Spatial Boundary 4-1
• Temporal Boundaries 4-1
4.2 Methods & Approaches 4-2
4.2.1 Stakeholder Consultations 4-2
• Public Consultation and Disclosure 4-2
• Public Consultation Activities 4-2
• Project Planning Responses to Stakeholder Concerns 4-3
• Disclosure 4-3
4.3 Environmental Regulations, Compliance & Voluntary Actions 4-3
4.3.1 Environmental Clearance for Rampur Hydropower Project 4-4
4.3.2 Conditions laid by the State Government 4-4
4.3.3 Conditions laid by the Central Government 4-4
4.3.4 SJVNL Activities for Ecosystem Sustainability of the Satluj Basin 4-5
4.3.5 Other Parallel Activities Ongoing 4-6
• Implementation of the Hydropower Policy of the State 4-6
• River Basin Development Optimization Study 4-6
• Planning for Basin Level Implementation of Catchment Area Treatment 4-6
4.4 Institutional & Implementation Arrangement 4-6
4.4.1 Activities within Project Area 4-6
• SJVNL Environment Management Department (EMD) 4-7
• The Construction Contractors 4-8
• State Forest Department 4-9
4.4.2 Activities in the Project Influence Area 4-9
4.4.3 Activities in the Catchment 4-9
4.5 Environmental Management Actions for the Rampur Project 4-9
4.5.1 Managed River Flow 4-10
• Minimum Release 4-10
• Waste Water Treatment 4-10
• Control of Silt Runoff in the River 4-11
• Fishery Management and Sustenance of Endemic Fisheries 4-12
4.5.2 Biodiversity Management 4-12
• Actions in the Project Influence Area (PIA) 4-13
• Actions in the Project’s Immediate Influence Area (PIIA) and the Directly Affected Area 4-14

• Compensatory Afforestation Plan 4-14
• Quarry/Muck Area Redevelopment Plan 4-14
4.5.3 Catchment Area Treatment 4-14
• CAT Plan Area 4-15
• Objective of the CAT Plan 4-15
• Plan Period 4-15
• Responsibility 4-16
• Forest Conservation & Improvement 4-16
• Species Selected for Afforestation 4-17
• Soil & Moisture Conservation Work 4-17
• Infrastructure Development 4-18
• Wildlife Management (in the CAT Plan) 4-18
4.5.4 Mitigation of Construction related Impacts 4-19
• Erosion and Sediment Control 4-20
• Planning & Managing Muck Disposal 4-21
• Quarry and Borrow Area Management 4-24
• Water Quality Monitoring 4-26
• Management of Water Quality, Chemical Waste and Spillage 4-26
• Emergency Measures for Hazardous Materials 4-27
• Emissions & Dust Control 4-27
• Noise Control 4-28
• Enhancement and Conservation of Physical Cultural Properties 4-28
• Landscaping & Re-vegetation 4-30
• Vegetation Clearing 4-31
• Logging and Removal of Waste Forestry Products 4-32
• Solid Waste Management 4-33
• Management of Construction Work Camps and Spontaneous Settlement Areas 4-34
• Mitigation for Impacts from Construction of Roads 4-35
• Mitigation for Impacts from Construction of Power Evacuation System 4-36
• Environmental Training for Construction Workers 4-37
• On-Site Traffic & Access Management 4-37
4.5.5 Contractor’ Staff Health Program 4-38
• Construction Camps 4-38
• For Overall Workforce 4-38
• Additional Malaria Control Measures 4-39
• HIV/AIDS Prevention Measures 4-39
4.5.6 Safety Assurance in the Project 4-44
• Goal of Working Accident-Free 4-44
• Safety Assurance Plan & Safety Manual 4-44
• Safety Management Arrangement 4-44
• Accountability 4-45
• Zero Tolerance Program 4-46
• Implementation and Responsibilities 4-46
4.5.7 Emergency Preparedness Plan 4-47
• Emergency Identification and Evaluation 4-47
• Emergency Evaluation 4-50
• Mock Drills 4-50
• Preventative Actions (where available) 4-51

• Notification Procedure 4-51
• Notification Flowchart 4-52
• Important Telephone Numbers 4-52
• Early Warning System and Communication Network 4-53
• Communication Systems 4-54
• Access to Site 4-54
• Response during Periods of Darkness 4-54
• Response during Periods of Adverse Weather 4-54
• Sources of Equipment 4-54
• Stockpiling Supplies and Materials 4-55
• Emergency Power Sources 4-55
• Warning Systems (if used) 4-55
4.6 Accessing Carbon Finance 4-55
4.7 Environmental Monitoring Plan 4-56
4.7.1 Internal Monitoring by the Environment Management Department (EMD) of SJVNL 4-56
4.7.2 Major Monitoring Themes 4-56
• Water Quality 4-57
• Ambient Air Quality and Meteorology 4-57
• Noise 4-57
• Ecology 4-57
• Incidence of Water-Related Diseases 4-58
• Land Use 4-58
4.7.3 Adaptive Environmental Management Requirements 4-59
• River Water Quality 4-59
• Silt Load and Grain Size Distribution 4-59
• Indoor Air Quality at Power House Area 4-59
• Erosion and Landslide 4-60
• Changes in Flow of the Natural Water Source like Tributaries and Springs 4-60
• Fish Management 4-60
• Review of Adaptive Management Targets 4-60
• Budget 4-60
• Future Studies 4-60
4.7.4 Indicators for Monitoring Implementation and Performance of EMP 4-60
4.8 Communications and Public Disclosure 4-61
4.9 Improving Environmental Management Capacity 4-63
4.9.1 Capacity Building of Relevant State Agencies 4-64
• State Forest Department 4-64
• Fisheries Department 4-68
• Department of Environment 4-68
• Coordination for Sustainable Hydropower Development 4-70
• Institutional Arrangements for River Basin Management 4-70
• Environmental Management of Hydropower Development 4-72
• Managing Muck Disposal in the State 4-73
4.9.2 Capacity Building of the Regulators 4-73
• Himachal Pradesh Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (HPEPPCB) 4-73
• HPEPPCB /State Council for Science Technology and Environment (SCSTE) 4-74
• Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), GOI 4-74

4.9.3 Capacity Building of SJVNL 4-74
• SJVNL: Environmental Activities 4-74
• Environmental Institutional Set-up 4-75
• Staffing Requirement 4-75
• Environment Activities at Corporate Environment Level 4-75
• Environment Activities at Project Level 4-76
• Training for Environment Management & Development of Adaptive Management Capacity
• The Five Dimensions of Capacity 4-79
• Training Needs Assessment 4-80
• List of Training Institutes In India & Abraod 4-89
4.10 Budget & Procurement of EMP and Environmental Capacity Building Activities 4-90
4.10.1 Budget for Implementation of EMP and Environmental Capacity Building 4-90
4.10.2 Procurement of EMP Implementation & Environmental Capacity Building Activities 4-91

List of Tables

Table E.1 - Baseline Characteristics of Project-Affected Persons E-13

Table E.2 - Comparative Status of Forests and Natural Resources in the Project Area E-16
Table E.3 - Minimum Flow at Various Locations from Khab to Suni (cumec) E-18
Table E.4 – Budget for Implementing EMP E-25

Table1.1 - Hydropower Potential of India 1-3

Table 1.2 - Hydropower Potential in River Basins of Himachal Pradesh 1-5
Table 1.3 - Hydropower potential of Satluj Basin in Himachal Pradesh 1-5
Table 1.4 – Water Conductor Loss in Alternative II 1-13
Table 1.5 – Energy Generation in Alternative II 1-14
Table 1.6 – Water Conductor Loss in Alternative III 1-15
Table 1.7 – Energy Generation in Alternative III 1-16
Table 1.8 – Water Conductor Loss in Alternative IV 1-16
Table 1.9 – Energy Generation in Alternative II 1-17
Table 1.10: Summary Analysis of Alternative Project Designs 1-18
Table 1.11 - Salient Features of Rampur Hydroelectric Project 1-20
Table 1.12 – Land Requirement for the Project 1-22
Table 1.13 - Estimated Quantities of Construction Materials 1-22

Table 2.1 – Environmental Considerations and the Environmental Clearances

Obtained in the Rampur Hydropower Project 2-14

Table 3.1 – The Indus River System 3-1

Table 3.2 – Tributaries of the Satluj 3-3
Table 3.3 - Features of Major Hydro-Electric Projects on the Satluj 3-4
Table 3.4 – Topographical Divisions of the Satluj Basin 3-9
Table 3.5 - Historical Monthly Rainfall (in mm) Data for Rampur 3-11
Table 3.6 - Temperature Data at Rampur Station 3-11
Table 3.7 - Temperature data at Luhri 3-12
Table 3.8 - Hydrology Risk Assessment: Trend Variables (GWh/year) 3-18
Table 3.9 - Major Flash Floods & Cloudbursts in Himachal in 2003 3-21
Table 3.10 - Analysis of Soil Samples near of Rampur Hydropower Project 3-22
Table 3.11 - Silt Data at Khab, Powari, Nathpa, Jhakri, Bael, Nirath and Sunni, 2006 3-23
Table 3.12 - Stratigraphic Sequence of Rocks in the Project Area 3-27
Table 3.13 - Seismo-Tectonic Features of the Project Area 3-28
Table 3.14 - Major Earthquakes within 200km of the Project Site 3-29
Table 3.15 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Khab (downstream of Spiti Confluence):
Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow 3-37

Table 3.16 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Nathpa Dam Intake:
Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow 3-38
Table 3.17 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Rampur:
Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow 3-39
Table 3.18 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Luhri (downstream of Bael Village):
Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow 3-40
Table 3.19 - Measured Flow data for Tributaries of River Satluj (Nathpa to Jhakri Stretch)
for the months of October 2005 - April 2006 3-41
Table 3.20 – Computed Lean Flow for Tributaries of River Satluj (Nathpa to Jhakri Stretch) 3-42
Table 3.21 – Daily Discharge at Rampur 3-43
Table 3.22 - Minimum Flow of the Satluj from Khab to Suni 3-44
Table 3.23 - Measured Flow data for Tributaries of River Satluj (Jhakri to Bael Stretch)
for the months of February-March, 2006 3-44
Table 3.24 – Water Requirement in Project Area 3-45
Table 3.25 - Primary Water Quality Criteria as laid by the Central Pollution Control Board 3-46
Table 3.26 - Drinking Water Standards 3-47
Table 3.27 - Water Quality Profile of River Satluj, Year 2003 Monitoring Results 3-48
Table 3.28 - Water Quality Satluj, Year 2006 Monitoring Results Jhakri-Rampur-Bael Stretch 3-48
Table 3.29 - Water Quality Data of River Satluj, July 2004 3-49
Table 3.30 - Estimated Sewage Load of Villages at Right Bank of River Satluj, 2001-11 3-51
Table 3.31 - Estimated Sewage Load from Villages at Left Bank of river Satluj, 2001 3-52
Table 3.32 - Estimated Sewage Load of Rampur Town 3-54
Table 3.33 – Land Use of the Project Influence Area (7km all around the Project) 3-56
Table 3.34 - Land Utilization of Villages in RHEP influence area 3-61
Table 3.35 – Land Use in the Study Area (7km all around the Project) 3-61
Table 3.36 - Land Use (in hectares) of RHEP Influence Area 3-62
Table 3.37 - Analysis of Soil Samples near the Rampur Project Area 3-62
Table 3.38 - Floral Species in Satluj along Jhakri-Rampur-Bael stretch 3-63
Table 3.39 - Faunal Species in Satluj along Jhakri-Rampur-Bael stretch 3-64
Table 3.40 - Fish Species Historically Reported in Upper Reaches of the Satluj River 3-64
Table 3.41 - Fish Species Reported Historically in River Satluj in Himachal Pradesh 3-67
Table 3.42 - Status of Forest in Himachal Pradesh, Kullu and Shimla Districts 3-73
Table 3.43 – Status of the Protected Area Network 3-73
Table 3.44 - National Parks/ Wild Life Sanctuaries in Eastern Himachal Pradesh 3-73
Table 3.45 - Change in Forest Cover of Himachal Pradesh 3-75
Table 3.46 - Major Forest Types Recorded in Himachal Pradesh 3-76
Table 3.47 - Timber Rights Marketed to Right Holders from Rampur Forest Division 3-78
Table 3.48 - Major Forest Types of the Satluj Basin 3-78
Table: 3.49 - List of Fauna Reported from the Satluj Basin 3-82
Table 3.50 - Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Satluj Basin 3-83
Table 3.51 - Land use Pattern of Forest in Project Influence Area 3-83
Table 3.52 - List of Protected Forests in Project Influence Area 3-83
Table 3.53 - Flora Recorded in the Project Influence Area (7km all around the Project) 3-86

Table 3.54 - Ecological Features of Dominant Flora in Project Influence Area 3-87
Table 3.55 - Major Uses of Trees from Forests in the Project Influence Area 3-88
Table 3.56 - Commercially Important Trees (Horticulture) 3-88
Table 3.57 - Medicinal Plants from Local Forests 3-89
Table 3.58 - Ethno-Botanical Approach for Major Plant Species from Local Forests 3-89
Table 3.59 - Domestic Animal Census Data (2003) for Rampur Division 3-93
Table 3.60 - List of Wildlife Reported from the Study Area and Their Status 3-94
Table 3.61 - Census Data of Wildlife 3-95
Table 3.62 - Flora Recorded in the Immediate Influence Area 3-96
Table 3.63 - Avifauna Recorded in the Immediate Influence Area (500m around the Project) 3-97
Table 3.64 – Purpose-wise Acquisition of Forest Land in the Project 3-98
Table 3.65 - Flora Recorded in the Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-99
Table 3.66 - Major Uses of Trees found in the Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-100
Table 3.67 - Avifauna Recorded in the Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-101
Table 3.68 - Livestock in all Villages in the RHEP Influence Area 3-102
Table 3.69 - Livestock in Villages Directly Affected by RHEP 3-102
Table 3.70 - List of Rare and Threatened Species 3-103
Table 3.71 - Status of Rare, Endangered and Protected Species of Fauna
Historically Recorded in the Satluj Catchment 3-104
Table 3.72 - Comparative Distribution of Forests Types 3-105
Table 3.73 - Comparative Status of Protected Areas 3-106
Table 3.75 - Comparison of Diversity Index 3-107
Table 3.76 - Comparative Distribution of Endangered Species of Wildlife 3-107
Table 3.77 – Density of Trees in Rampur Forest Area 3-108
Table 3.78 - Diversity Index of Flora found in the Immediate Influence Area of RHEP 3-109
Table 3.79 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Cut and Cover for the Head Race Tunnel 3-110
Table 3.80 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area I near Kazo Adit 3-111
Table 3.81 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Job Facilities Area at Kazo Adit 3-111
Table 3.82 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Approach Road for Kazo Adit 3-112
Table 3.83 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of Kazo Adit 3-112
Table 3.84 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area II near Kunni Adit 3-112
Table 3.85 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Kunni Adit 3-113
Table 3.86 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Goshal Adit 3-113
Table 3.87 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area III
downstream of the Nimrand Bridge 3-113
Table 3.88 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area IV at Averi 3-114
Table 3.89 - Assessment of Flora on the Sites of the Surge Shaft and the
Approach Road to the Surge Shaft 3-114
Table 3.90 - Assessment of Flora on the Sites of the Power House Area &
Its Approach Road 3-114
Table 3.91 - Assessment of Flora on the Quarry Site at Village Koyal 3-115
Table 3.92 - Diversity Index of Project’s Directly Affected Area 3-116
Table 3.93 - List of Trees to be Felled for the Project 3-116

Table 3.94 - Assessment of Flora of the Kunni Area 3-117
Table 3.95 - Assessment of Flora of Nirmand Area 3-118
Table 3.96 - Assessment of Flora Near Bayal Village 3-119
Table 3.97 - Assessment of Importance Value Index for Flora near Pashada Forest Area 3-120
Table 3.98 - National Ambient Air Quality Standards 3-123
Table 3.99 - Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data 3-123
Table 3.100 - Maximum, Minimum, Average Values of NOx, SO2, SPM, RPM in Ambient Air 3-124
Table 3.101 - Hourly Equivalent Noise Levels in the Project Area 3-126
Table 3.102 - Ambient Noise Standards 3-126
Table 3.103 - Noise Level due to Operation of Construction Equipment 3-127
Table 3.104 - Increase in Noise Levels due to Operation of Construction Equipment 3-127
Table 3.105 - Transmission Loss through Common Construction Materials 3-127
Table 3.106 - Increase in Noise Levels due to Increased Vehicular Movement 3-128
Table 3.107 - Noise Generated due to Drilling 3-128
Table 3.108 - Noise Generation due to Blasting 3-129
Table 3.109 - Maximum Exposure Periods Specified by OSHA 3-129
Table 3.110 – Requirement of Muck Disposal Area 3-131
Table 3.111 - Details of Identified Dumping Areas 3-131
Table 3.112 - Leading Causes of Premature Mortality in Himachal Pradesh, 2003 3-136
Table 3.113 - Leading Causes of Disability in Himachal Pradesh, 2003 3-136
Table 3.114 - Disease Profile in the Influence Area of the Project, 2005 3-137
Table 3.115 - IPH Department Water Supply Schemes Affected due to Nathpa-Jhakri Project 3-140
Table 3.116 – Horticulture Crop Trees in the Nathpa-Jhakri Influence Area 3-141
Table 3.117 - Production of Apple in Himachal Pradesh 3-141
Table 3.118 - Rainfall at Rampur: Relationship with Impacts on Orchards 3-142
Table 3.119 - Employment Generation in the Hydropower Projects on the Satluj 3-144
Table 3.120 – Change of Occupation of the Community (%) induced by the
Nathpa-Jhakri Project 3-144
Table 3.121 - Power Generation & Transmission Aspects for
Hydropower Projects in Satluj Basin 3-148
Table 3.122 – Time Lag for Peaking Power Generation among Projects in the Satluj Basin 3-149

Table 4.1 - Budget for Sanitary Facilities for Construction and Labour Camps 4-11
Table 4.2 - Farm Components in Snow Trout Facilities financed by the Project 4-12
Table 4.3 – Sites Selected for Compensatory Afforestation 4-14
Table 4.4 – Activities under Forest Conservation & Improvement Component 4-16
Table 4.5 - List of Trees Recommended for Afforestation in CAT Plan 4-17
Table 4.6 – Activities under Soil & Moisture Conservation Component 4-17
Table 4.7 – Activities under Infrastructure Development Component 4-18
Table 4.8 – Activities under Wildlife Management Component 4-19
Table 4.9 – Budget for Protection (Retaining/Toe Wall) during Pre-Construction 4-24
Table 4.10 – Budget for Reinstatement Works after Completion of Muck Disposal 4-24
Table 4.11 – Budget for Solid Waste Management 4-33

Table 4.12 - Budget for Implementation of EMP Measures for Road Construction 4-36
Table 4.13 – Summary Environmental Management Plan 4-40
Table 4.14 – Response Level Matrix for Each Type of Emergency Events 4-48
Table 4.15 – Important Emergency Contacts 4-53
Table 4.16 - Local Gram Panchayat Contact Numbers 4-53
Table 4.17 - Environmental Monitoring by HPEPPCB during Construction 4-58
Table 4.18 - Environmental Monitoring by HPEPPCB during Operation Period 4-58
Table 4.19 – Indicators for performance Monitoring 4-61
Table 4.20 – Communication & Public Disclosure Plan 4-62
Table 4.21 – Capacity Building Proposals of the Forest Department
(through the DPL financing) 4-66
Table 4.22 – Workload of the Environment Department of SJVNL 4-77
Table 4.23 – Overall Program & Budget for Environmental Training 4-80
Table 4.24 – Training on Environment Management: Training Contents & Targets 4-81
Table 4.25 – Detailed Plan for Training on Environmental Management 4-82
Table 4.26 – Budget for Implementing the EMP 4-90
Table 4.27 – Summary Procurement Plan for Implementation of
EMP and Environmental Capacity Building Activities 4-91

List of Figures

Figure E.1 - Location of Satluj Basin in State of Himachal Pradesh, Northern India E-2
Figure E.2 - Location & Lay-out of the Rampur Project E-3

Figure 1.1 – Location of Shimla Town and the State of Himachal Pradesh India 1-2
Figure 1.2 – Location of the Satluj Basin within Himachal Pradesh 1-2
Figure 1.3 – Operating and Proposed Hydropower Projects in the Satluj Basin 1-4
Figure 1.4 - Location & Lay-out of the Rampur Project 1-19
Figure 1.5 - Afforestation Works in Nathpa-Jhakri Project 1-24
Figure 1.6 - Awareness Camps in Project Affected Areas of Nathpa-Jhakri Project 1-25
Figure 1.7 - R&R Colony at Project Site 1-26
Figure 1.8 – The Mobile Health Van in Nathpa-Jhakri Project Area 1-27
Figure 1.9 - Infrastructure Development Works in Nathpa-Jhakri Project 1-28
Figure 1.10 – Health Service Provided to the Communities by Nathpa-Jhakri Project 1-29

Figure 3.1 – Major Tributaries and Streams meeting the Satluj 3-5
Figure 3.2 - Satluj Catchment Topography in the Tibet Region (I) 3-7
Figure 3.3 - Satluj Catchment Topography in the Tibet Region (II) 3-8
Figure 3.4 - Satluj Catchment Topography in the Tibet Region (III) 3-8
Figure 3.5 - IRS–WiFS Imagery showing Distribution of Snow Cover in Baspa Basin
(November 2000 to February 2001) 3-14
Figure 3.6 - Hydrology Trends: Total Average Flows at Nathpa Intake 3-15
Figure 3.7 - Lean Season Average Flows at Naphta Intake 3-15
Figure 3.8 - Wet Season Average Flows at Nathpa Jhakri Intake 3-16
Figure 3.9 - Total Annual Energy 3-16
Figure 3.10 - Annual Generation, Peaking Operation 3-17
Figure 3.11 - Lean Season Peaking Energy (Morning + Evening Peaks) 3-17
Figure 3.12 - Sensitivity of Economic Returns to Hydrology Trends 3-18
Figure 3.13 – Artificial Lake Formation in River Parechu in Tibet, China 3-19
Figure 3.14 – Damages due to Flash Flood of June 2005 3-20
Figure 3.15 - Grain Size of Suspended Sediments at Upstream Locations of RHEP 3-23
Figure 3.17 – Siltation in the Project Region 3-25
Figure 3.18 – Eroded Material Transported by Tributaries of the Spiti 3-26
Figure 3.19 – Unstable and Erosion-prone River Banks of the Satluj 3-26
Figure 3.20 – Typical Topography above the Nathpa Dam 3-28
Figure 3.21 – Epicenters of Major Earthquakes 200km around the Project 3-29
Figure 3.22 - Views of a Landslides in the Project Area 3-32
Figure 3.23 – Digital Elevation Model of the Satluj Basin (in Himachal Pradesh) 3-35
Figure 3.24 – Water Flow in the Satluj at Different Locations

Figure 3.25 – Water Quality Trends: pH Values 3-49
Figure 3.26 – Water Quality Trends: DO and BOD 3-50
Figure 3.27 – Land Use of the Satluj Basin 3-57
Figure 3.28 – Soil Erosion in the Satluj Basin 3-58
Figure 3.29 – Agriculture in the Project’s Surrounding Area 3-59
Figure 3.30 – Grazing Land in the Vicinity of the Project Area 3-60
Figure 3.31 – Fishing in the Tributaries of the Satluj 3-66
Figure 3.32 - Wildlife Protected Areas in Himachal Pradesh 3-80
Figure 3.33 – National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Satluj Basin 3-81
Figure 3.34 - Trees of the Area 3-90
Figure 3.35 - Shrubs of the Area 3-91
Figure 3.36 - Herbs of the Area 3-92
Figure 3.37 – Muck Dumping Sites identified by SJVNL 3-132
Figure 3.38 - Water Level along the River at a Flow of 1500 cumec 3-139
Figure 3.39 – Relationship between Rainfall and Production of Apples 3-143

Figure 4.1 – Emergency Notification Flowchart 4-52

Figure 4.2 – Environment Management Department in SJVNL 4-78




1.1 Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (SJVN) - a joint venture between the Government of India
(GOI) and the Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP) - has proposed construction of the 412
MW Rampur Hydro Electric project (RHEP) on the River Sutlej in Himachal Pradesh to tap the
hydropower potential of the Sutlej River between Jhakri and Bael village. The proposed project is
conceived as a tailrace development from the 1500 MW Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro Electric Project
(NJHEP); hence the operation of Rampur project would be closely interlinked with NJHEP. Thus,
the Rampur project will not include the construction of a dam, nor will it involve any land
inundation. The following summarises the studies and activities undertaken to assess the
environmental and social impacts of the Rampur Hydropower Project. Further details on all aspects
can be found in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EA) full report and its associated
documents, prepared by DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd., Himachal Pradesh University,
Consulting Engineering Services India Ltd.), FQA Management Services Pvt. Ltd., National Safety
Council of India, and the Himachal State Forest Department.
1.2 The summary is set out under the following sub-headings:-
• Project location and context
• Project description
• Important site characteristics
• Environmental and social assessment process
• Analysis of alternatives
• Environmental & social impacts & mitigation measures
• Implementation arrangements


2.1 India, on account of the large river systems and favorable geographical features, has a
vast potential for hydropower, estimated at over 148,000 MW, which has been identified as India’s
solution to its low carbon energy growth strategy. The hydroelectric schemes, which have been
developed to-date, utilize only about 20% of this total potential. For the purpose of hydroelectric

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

development, the river basins can be divided into six major groups namely the Indus, the
Brahmaputra, the Ganges, the Central Indian Rivers, the West Flowing Rivers and the East Flowing
Rivers. There is a broad consensus in the Government of India to expand power generation by
developing the country’s hydropower potential.
2.2 Himachal Pradesh has a significant hydro-potential, indeed this is one of the state’s key
resources. The major river systems of the region are the Chandrabhaga or the Chenab, the Ravi,
the Beas, the Sutlej and the Yamuna. Through preliminary hydrological, topographical and
geological investigations, it has been estimated that about 18,820 MW of hydro power can be
generated in the State by constructing various major, medium, small and mini/micro hydel projects
on the five river basins. Out of the total hydropower potential a little over 6,000 MW has been
harnessed so far.
2.3 The River Sutlej, which is one of the key river basins featuring in the hydro development
plan of the state of Himachal Pradesh, rises in the Tibetan Plateau (Rakastal-Mansarovar lake; at
an elevation of about 4570m above mean sea level), travels about 1450km (320km in China,
758km in India, and 370km in Pakistan) before it meets the Chenab River and subsequently the
Indus. Governments of Himachal Pradesh and India are working to exploit the full hydro-potential
of the Sutlej river Basin though both private and public developers. The location of Sutlej basin is
shown in the map at Figure 1.
2.4 Some of the projects proposed for construction are Khab and the 1000 MW Karcham
Wangtoo project upstream of Rampur and Luhri and 800 MW Kol dam projects down stream. The
1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri HEP, immediate upstream is already in stage of operation. The most
celebrated dam on the river is the Bhakra Dam, which was completed in 1963. Downstream of
Bhakra too there are structures on the river, including the Nangal diversion dam and Ropar

Figure E.1 - Location of Sutlej Basin in State of Himachal Pradesh, Northern India

2.5 RHEP is located, near the town of Rampur in Shimla and Kullu districts of Himachal
Pradesh. The project area is enclosed by latitudes 77o35’N and 77o43’; and longitudes 31o23’E and

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

Figure E.2 - Location & Lay-out of the Rampur Project

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

3.1 The project is designed to divert water from the tail race pool of Nathpa Jhakri hydro-electric
power project (NJHEP) 1 project (located near the village of Jhakri on the east bank of the Sutlej)
through a 15km head race tunnel to a surface power station (located near the village of Bael on the
west bank of the Sutlej), from where the water will be returned to the river. The project does not
divert any additional water downstream of the Nathpa dam, and will not require any new dam to
divert the water, any de-silting chambers to clean the sediments flowing in the river and intake
arrangements, nor will it involve any additional land inundation.
3.2 The water from the Rampur Intake structure will be conveyed through a 484m long tunnel
before it crosses under the river to the right bank through a 43.2m cut-and-cover conduit, from
where it is conveyed via a 10.50m diameter head race tunnel (HRT) of 15.08km length terminating at
a 140m high, 38m diameter Surge Shaft. The water will then enter three surface penstocks of 5.4m
diameter each, which bifurcate into six branch tunnels, of 3.8m diameter. These feed six 68.7 MW
Francis turbines, housed in a surface power station.
3.3 On completion, the project would use a gross head of 139m to generate approximately 412
MW of peaking power and 1,770GWh of electricity in a 90% hydrological dependable year. The
Project office and construction sites will be approached by project roads connected to National
Highway-22A on the east bank of the river. This run-of river project will be located between the two
other run-of-river projects: the upstream and already operating 1500MW Nathpa-Jhakri project
(which has a small diurnal storage) and the proposed Luhri project downstream of Rampur.
3.4 The power generated by Rampur HEP will feed the Northern Indian Energy Grid, directly
benefiting consumers in the states of north India and improving the availability of power at
reasonable cost. Amongst other supplies being developed, this power can also be used to provide
service for those who currently have limited or no access to electricity. Sale of power will provide the
state of Himachal Pradesh with a royalty benefit of 12 per cent of the power generated – equivalent
to some $12 million each year – in addition to the state’s share in the plant’s dividends.


4.1 The catchment area of the Sutlej at Rampur is about 50,800km2 (49,800km2 at Nathpa
Dam), of which about 30% falls in India and the remainder in China. The rivers in the catchment are
fed by snow melt, particularly in China. A small portion of the project catchment also receive
precipitation due to the South-West monsoon (June-September).The peak flows of the river occur
during June to September, while the lean period occurs between October and April. Much
hydrological study of the Sutlej has previously been performed in preparation for the construction of
the existing Bhakra Dam, which is downstream of Rampur, and for the construction of the upstream
existing Nathpa Jhakri scheme. Water availability studies were carried out from 1963 onward by
using observed discharges at Rampur town. The discharge data has been related to the Nathpa dam
site considering the catchment area and rainfall variability proportions.

NJHEP was built on the River Sutlej and was commissioned in 2003-04. This project included construction
of a 60m high dam on a deep gorge, 27km headrace tunnel, a 1km tailrace tunnel; one of the world’s
deepest surge shafts; and one very large de-silting chamber. The project was financed by the World Bank.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

4.2 An independent study of alternatives has also been carried out in anticipation of the
proposed Rampur scheme, confirming the prudence of investing further funds to utilize the flows
exiting the Nathpa Jhakri scheme.
4.3 Design flood: Both the permanent works and the temporary river diversion works will be
designed to withstand a river flow corresponding to a 10,000 years return period flood, which has
been assessed to be 7,150 cubic meters per second at Rampur.
4.4 Geology of the locale and lessons learnt in constructing Nathpa Jhakri: Due to
RHEP’s proximity to Nathpa Jhakri, the geological experiences encountered in the construction of the
Nathpa Jhakri scheme are of direct relevance for the planned construction of the Rampur project.
Nathpa Jhakri and Rampur are located in the lesser Himalayas, which are characterized by very
rugged topography and lofty steep-sided mountains. The lithology in the area has played a significant
role in the development of its surface landforms. The granite and gneisses, with subordinate schist
bands, which are exposed in the eastern parts, form high peaks, steep escarpments, and glaciated
deep valleys. The terrain in the western part has subdued topography due to the presence of
essentially schistose rock. The rock types in the area of the two schemes comprise of a variety of
metamorphic rocks, including gneisses, schistose gneiss, schist and quartzite. Amphibolites as basic
intrusive, granite, and pegmatite and quartz veins as acidic intrusive were also encountered. These
unfossiliferous rocks belong to Jeori-Wangtu Gnessisic complex of the Precambrian age. The
geologists and construction engineers, employed on the NJHEP, successfully met the difficult
challenges, which the geology posed in the excavation and construction of the project and these
lessons will inform the development of the Rampur HEP, particularly the tunneling.
4.5 Seismicity: The project area lies in the seismic zone IV as per the seismic zoning map of
India as incorporated in Indian Standards, a high damage risk zone. It has been rocked by a number
of major earthquakes in the recent past. As far as the project area is concerned it is observed that no
epicenter of magnitude more than 5 lies within distance of 50 km. The Detailed Project Report (DPR)
prepared for the project addresses seismic performance by calculating stresses induced in key
components of the project under seismic loading. The considerations are also made on permanent
deformations induced by seismic loading.
4.6 Sedimentation and Silt Erosion: The Sutlej River normally carries a considerable volume
of sediments particularly during the high-flow season. Sediment and erosion control measures
upstream of Nathpa Jhakri, by soil management and afforestation, offer only very limited possibilities
to reduce the sedimentation load. This is because of - (a) the natural physiography and soil
morphology of the region and (b) it is not practical to introduce vegetation at the high altitudes
around the higher reaches of the river, from where much of the silt is derived. Recognizing that the
river silt loads will be high for the life of the project, the design of Nathpa Jhakri (a) provided for
gates in the dam to facilitate the periodic flushing of the fore-bay pond in its intake area; (b)
specified turbines materials to minimize equipment wear and down-time for maintenance; and (c)
includes, at the head of the power tunnel, wide underground de-silting chambers, where the water
flow reduces, and heavy sediments above 0.15 to 0.2mm in diameter settle into troughs. The
resulting slurry is returned to the river.
4.7 Extensive research and dimensional analysis modeling supported the inclusion of these
measures in the project design. However, silt erosion of the turbines runners (impellors) and the
associated equipment has been proved more deleterious during the first three years of operation
than was expected when the project was planned. This is mainly because the silt load content of hard
quartz is higher than was expected, when the river content was analyzed and the project designed in
the 1980’s. Runners have been repaired by adding replacement metal to the runner blades and other
worn parts by specialized welding technique. This is an expensive and lengthy exercise and
necessitates each turbine being unavailable for generation while this work is carried out. SJVN is

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

carrying out experiments and research with modern ceramic and other coatings in an effort to reduce
this wear at Nathpa Jhakri. Modifications to the station’s intake design to avoid the ingress of water
with high silt contents are also being investigated.
4.8 The design of the Rampur runners and other related equipment has taken into account the
considerable experience gained at Nathpa Jhakri project.


Environmental Context & Project Location

5.1 The project area and the project’s influence area are located in the lower Himalayas, and are
characterized by rugged topography with steep hills (altitude varying from 850m to 2000m). The area
experiences subtropical to sub-Himalayan climate; and is sparsely vegetated. Immediate vicinity of
the projects supports patches of dense forests, but has a long history of deforestation. The hill slopes
are steep, and are generally covered with sparse vegetation, over burden and outwash material. Most
of the human population in the project’ influence area are concentrated in the villages along the
highway and the connecting district roads.
5.2 Although forestry is the major land use in the hill state of Himachal Pradesh (with 37,033km2
or about 66% of the state area under legally defined forests), there has been a long history of forest
degradation. As a result, only about 8976km2 area of the state currently is classified as “dense”
forest, and the remaining is a mix of “open” forests, meadows, grasslands and barren scree slopes.
Most of the good quality forests remain in the relatively remote and inaccessible areas, whereas the
forest cover near the traditional settlements, major towns and near major transportation routes are
relatively poor. The patches of good quality forests close to the major transportation routes, such as
highways are the results of government initiatives for protection of forests since 1980.
5.3 As part of the governments’ plans and programs for managing forests, biodiversity and
wildlife, vast tracts of forest land is currently being protected in the state. Of these, 1896km2 (5.1%
of state area) are reserved forests, and 11,378km2 (31% of state area) are demarcated protected
forests. These areas support 3295 plant species (7% of the total plant wealth of India). Similarly, for
conservation of biodiversity and wildlife, an area of 7000km2 (12.7% of the state area) are under the
protected area network, which include 2 national parks (1440km2) and 32 wildlife sanctuaries
(5562km2). This protected area network supports 5721 recorded wildlife species (7.4% of total
animal wealth of India).
5.4 Historical reasons combined with the natural setting, have led to areas around the Rampur
project having relatively poor forest cover or biodiversity. The project is located by the side of a
major transportation route (National Highway 22A), and in the midst of a number of traditional
settlements including the major town of Rampur. The steep rocky slopes by the deep gorges of the
Sutlej and its tributaries do not support good forests. There is no reserve forest and only 12 patches
of protected forests within the project’s influence area (defined as an area 7km around the project).
The protected forests (about 20km2) overall occupy about 8% of the project’s influence area. The
closest of the protected forest patches, the Baruni Protected Forest is located about 750m away from
the project; all others are more than 2-3km away. Of all the protected areas of the state (national
parks and wildlife sanctuaries), none is located within the project’s influence area, and the closest
one – the Rupi-Bhava Wildlife Sanctuary – is located 13km away from the project.

Impact Assessment process

5.5 The Rampur Hydropower project is classified as a Category A operation under the World
Bank environmental screening procedures specified in operational policy 4.01. The project triggers 6

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

of the 10 World Bank safeguard policies 2 , and required comprehensive environmental assessments.
The project also required a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) stipulated by the
Government of India as well as the Government of Himachal Pradesh. An initial environmental
impact assessment was prepared by WAPCOS Ltd. (India) in parallel with the detailed project report.
The baseline surveys covered a period of June 2003 to September 2004. Subsequently, 6 supporting
studies by independent consultants were undertaken to enhance the analysis, which involved
additional detailed field investigation and community consultations over a period of about a year
(November 2005 – November 2006). Further, the Himachal State Forest Department prepared the
catchment area treatment plan, and the emergency preparedness plan was prepared in-house. The
initial EIA, the background studies and plans have been integrated into a consolidated environmental
assessment and environmental management plan (EA/EMP) by DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt.

Policy & Regulatory Framework

5.6 From environmental impact assessment point of view, the project is subject to a variety of
national and state laws, rules and regulations. Among these, the prominent are the following:
• The Forest Act 1927; the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980; the Wildlife (Protection) Act
1972; National Wildlife Action Plan 1983; National Conservation Strategy 1992; National
Forest Policy, 1988;
• The Environment (Protection) Act 1986; the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification,
• Government of Himachal Pradesh Order on Minimum Flow of Rivers, 2005.
5.7 As per the prevailing procedures, the project required (i) forestry clearances, (ii)
environmental clearances. Forestry clearances were required to acquire forest land (although none of
the area acquired was defined either as reserved forests or as demarcated protected forests) and
clear fell about 1000 trees on such land. These were obtained through a process of joint verification
of land and trees by the forest department of GoHP.
5.8 The project has obtained the 3-stage environmental clearance from the Ministry of
Environment, GoI (MOEF). The final environmental clearance to the project was granted on 31 March
2006. This was preceded by the Stage I and the Stage II clearances from MOEF; the forest and
environmental clearances by the GoHP; and a no-objection certificate from the Himachal Pradesh
State Pollution Control Board (HP SPCB), based on a formal public hearing of the project.
5.9 The project does not require any regulatory clearance under the GoI Ancient Sites and
Remains Act, as it does not impact, directly or indirectly any known or notified cultural heritage
resource. The State Department of Culture had also provided no-objection to the project on the basis
that no cultural property is impacted by the project.

Key Safeguard Documents

5.10 A detailed description of the project’s baseline environmental conditions; probable adverse
social and environmental impacts; and detailed environmental and social management plans
including institutional responsibilities, implementation schedules, budget, arrangements for
monitoring and evaluation, are provided in the following documents (i) the Environmental

These 6 World Bank Safeguard Policies are those on - Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01), Forests
(OP/BP 4.36), Cultural Property (OPN 11.03), Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12), Safety of Dams
(OP/BP 4.37), and on Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

Assessment and Management Plan (EA/EMP) consolidated/prepared by DHI-India Pvt. Ltd.; (ii)
Baselin socio-economic survey of project affected people carried out by Himachal Pradesh University,
(iii) the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) prepared by Consulting Engineering Services India Ltd.; (iii)
the Social Impact Assessment (SA) prepared by FQA Management Services Pvt. Ltd.; and (iv)
Sustainable community Development Program (SCDP) was prepared by SJVN in assistance with CES..
5.11 The EA/EMP is supplemented by the following supporting documents: (i) Study of the
Managed River Flow in the project stretch of the river Sutlej prepared by DHI-India Pvt. Ltd.; (ii)
Assessment of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Impacts from the project prepared by Consulting
Engineering Services India Ltd.; (iii) Analyses of Induced Impacts of the Rampur Hydropower Project
& Cumulative Impacts of Hydropower Development in the Sutlej Basin in India prepared by DHI-India
Pvt. Ltd.; (iv) Safety Assurance Plan for the project prepared by National Safety Council of India; (vi)
Archaeological Study Report prepared by Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla Office, and (vii) a
Catchment Area Treatment Plan for the project prepared by the Himachal State Forest Department.
The project has also prepared an Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP), summary recommendations
from which are incorporated in the EMP.

Disclosure & Consultation

5.12 The project has engaged stakeholders including the project-affected people in discussing
different aspects of the project over the last 3 years. SJVN has organized community meetings,
meetings with village elders and elected leaders of the villages. During the preparation of EA and
social assessments, a number of informal, but significant, meetings were organized. As part of the
regulatory clearance process, a formal public hearing was organized. At village Bael, a public
information centre (PIC) had been set up since December 2005, where the local community and any
other stakeholders have full access, and this public information centre has been helpful for the local
public in recording their views about the project. Additionally, SJVN has sponsored and participated in
the traditional village fairs, special events such as the Republic Day celebrations, and sports events in
all the villages in the project area.
5.13 As part of social assessment, 17 consultations were held with various stakeholders such as
local villagers, affected people elected representatives, Government officials, women and youth
organizations, media persons, etc. In all, 207 persons participated in these meetings. The key issues
discussed included employment opportunities, health and education facilities, concerns about drying
water sources, impact of tunnel construction, mobile health facilities, monitoring project
implementation of community development activities, etc. The proposed measures for the above
concerns are incorporated in the Resettlement Action Plan and the Sustainable Community
Development Plan. Similarly, as part of Resettlement Action Plan, seven consultations were held
which were participated by 142 persons discussing about the impact of land acquisition and proposed
resettlement measures, options for resettlement, site selection, opportunities for employment, etc.
5.14 The EIA report (based on which regulatory clearance for the project was granted) was
disclosed before the formal public hearing, with assistance from the state pollution control board. The
revised EA/EMP, SA, RAP (including its translation of Executive Summary in the local language -
Hindi) and SCDP reports have been disclosed, in October 2006 in public information centers in Bael
Village and Jhakri, public libraries in Shimla and Kullu, and in SJVN corporate office in Shimla. All the
documents are also available online in the Rampur Project webpage (accessible through the SJVN
website – The availability of these documents was also announced in the local
newspapers (both English and Hindi newspapers) in October 2006. The current (January 2007)
version of the Executive Summary of the EA has also been locally disclosed.
5.15 A complete set of these safeguard documents can also be found in Bank’s Info Shop in
Washington DC and New Delhi, where these have been available since October 2006. A final round to

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

publicly disseminate the final versions of these safeguard documents was held at PIC in Bael village
on March 30, 2007 and was attended was more than 200 persons.


Identification of the Rampur Project

6.1 The key GoI policy statements that guide hydropower development are National Policy for
Hydropower Development (1998) and the 50,000 MW Hydroelectric Initiative (2003). The policy
statements describe the policy objectives of hydropower development as: (i) environmental benefits,
in particular avoidance of pollution and emissions from thermal plant, (ii) benefits for power system
operation, especially for meeting peak demand, (iii) energy security - reducing exposure to fuel price
and supply risks. The policy statements also propose several actions to promote hydropower.
6.2 A key feature of these policy statements is the concept of planning for the development of a
‘shelf’ (portfolio) of hydroelectric projects. India had adopted a portfolio approach to project
development given (i) the scale of projected demand increases relative to individual project size, and,
(ii) the benefits of having a portfolio of projects in terms of diversifying project development and
timing risks.

Initial Ranking
6.3 In October 2001, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) produced a study which ranked 399
candidate hydro schemes (with an aggregate capacity of est. 106,910 MW) into three categories (A,B
& C) according to the following criteria: (i) rehabilitation and resettlement impacts, (ii) whether
projects are in areas subject to international water treaties, (iii) likelihood of delay due to
complexities of inter-state co-ordination, (iv) project size, (v) type of scheme, preference being given
to projects that do not involve large storage, (vi) height of dam, preference being given to projects
with lower dams, (vii) length of tunnel / channel, preference being to projects with shorter tunnels,
(vii) status of upstream and downstream hydroelectric project development, preference given to
projects on rivers were there are already other projects, (ix) accessibility of site, and, (x) status of
project development, preference being given to projects for which site investigations and feasibility
studies are ready. This approach, therefore, screened a large universe of candidate projects using
proxy indicators for (i) environmental and social impacts, (ii) political risk, (iii) construction risk, (iv)
project cost, and (v) development lead time. Rampur is a CEA category A project, high in the
development portfolio.

Analysis & Prioritization

6.4 A major activity under the “50,000 MW” (2003) initiative was preparation of ‘Preliminary
Feasibility Reports’ (PFRs) for 162 new hydroelectric projects. CEA was entrusted with responsibility
of leading this exercise, and it in turn tasked a number of agencies to prepare these reports following
a standard guideline. PFRs include a conceptual project design, preliminary project and equipment
layouts, environmental and geological studies, planning for power evacuation, cost estimates and
financial appraisal. The 162 PFRs where then screened according to the following criteria; (i)
projected levelised tariff below Rs 2.5 / kWh – 78 met this criterion, (ii) excluding projects with major
environmental impacts or international issues – 5 were excluded on this basis. Therefore, 73 projects
were selected for detailed feasibility analysis, i.e. preparation of “detailed project reports” - Rampur
project is one of these. Each of these projects is being followed up by Government of India. Rampur
falls within the top ten projects (excluding the small projects 27-85 MW) in the Indus basin and as
such is a Government priority.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

6.5 Detailed Project Reports also follow a methodology specified by CEA. The main components
of this feasibility analysis are: (i) comparison of alternative technical options for exploitation of the
hydro resource, (ii) hydrological analysis, (iii) quantification of power generation potential, (iv) site
survey, (v) geological investigation, (vi) construction methodology and equipment design, (v)
environmental and social assessments, and (vi) financial analysis.

The “No Project” Alternative

6.6 ‘NO PROJECT’ ALTERNATIVE: Rampur project is one of the priority elements in the
hydropower development program for India. Currently, India faces severe power shortages (10%
average, and 13.5% during peak hours), which translate into a substantial loss to the economy. India
will require an additional 100,000 MW of generating capacity by 2012, even with a significant pace of
loss reduction and enhanced efficiency gains, to continue with its current growth trajectory and to
provide universal access to electricity. If India continues to rely heavily on indigenous coal resources;
supplies and consumes energy under a “business as usual” scenario, it might produce 13% of the
world’s total CO2 emissions by 2031, up from the current share of 4% of global CO2 emissions. For a
“lower carbon” development path, it would be important that cleaner power generation activities,
such as hydro are scaled-up; and a substantial portion of the new and additional generation capacity
come from hydro.
6.7 A “no-project” scenario will ensure that the resulting increased demand-supply gap for
electricity will be filled up by development of additional coal fired power stations (the fuel of choice
given India’s abundant coal reserves) during off-peak time and small diesel or coal fired plants during
peak time. These would result in significant net increase in GHG emissions (12,000 tonnes of SOx,
6,000 tonnes of NOx, and about 2 million tonnes of CO2).
6.8 Due to the finite nature and limited number of feasible of hydropower project, it is unlikely
that a gap created by not developing Rampur project can be filled up by developing another
hydropower project which is currently low in CEA’s ranking and feasibility studies. Even if any such
project replaces Rampur, the environmental and social impacts of that project will be higher than the
Rampur project (as the CEA studies are good proxy for environmental and social footprints).
6.9 At the state level, hydropower is a major resource in Himachal Pradesh, important for the
state’s economic progress and revenue accrual. The state is expected earn about US$245 million of
revenue as royalty from hydro projects in 2013, which is more than 17% of the State’s current level
of own tax and non-tax revenues and more than double the State’s current level of own non-tax
revenues. A “no-project” scenario would mean an annual revenue loss of US$18.25 million for the
state (which is equivalent to 1.25% of the state’s current revenue receipts, or about 16% of current
non-tax revenue receipt). It is unlikely that a coal fired plant (that would come up as a response to
the “no project” scenario) will come up within Himachal Pradesh, being away both from the coal
mines and the centers of power demand. The “no-project” scenario therefore will also mean a
forgone power production worth more than US$ 100 million, which is equivalent to 1.9% of the
current state gross domestic product.
6.10 Overall, the “no project” alternative is not a desirable option.

Project’s Design Alternatives

6.11 Six alternative layouts were formulated and analyzed for Rampur Hydroelectric Project. As
the intake structure for the Rampur project had already been built along with the outfall structure of
the 1500 MW (6 x 250 MW) Nathpa Jhakri project – this is a constant in all the 6 alternative layouts.
6.12 ALTERNATIVE – I: This involved a short tunnel on the left bank followed by an inverted
siphon aqueduct and further transfer tunnel on the left bank. The surface powerhouse would be
located on the right bank of the river Sutlej near the village of Bael to use a gross head of 138.7 m

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

with an installed capacity of 412 MW. For this alternative no de-silting arrangement or storage
reservoir was envisaged since only silt free and regulated flows from tailrace of Jhakri powerhouse
are proposed to be used for power generation.
6.13 During construction, this alternative would have involved problems of handling a large
diameter steel lined inverted siphon aqueduct and problem of accumulation of silt at the bend
/depression points of the inverted siphon during operation. Further, the siphon will have to be long
due to (i) the need to achieve workable gradients and (ii) the requirement of clearance of its ends
from river banks.
6.14 ALTERNATIVE – II: This was a modification of Alternative I. The difference was that the river
crossing was proposed by means of a 43.2m long cut and cover reinforced cement concrete conduit
in place of the deep siphon aqueduct of Alternative-I. In addition, construction of upstream and down
stream coffer dams and a concrete lined horseshoe shaped diversion tunnel are also involved.
6.15 ALTERNATIVE – III: This was similar to alternative-II except that the powerhouse would be
located near village Behna at the confluence of Behna Khad with river Sutlej about 20km downstream
of outfall of alternative-II to gain an additional head of 80.22m. The unfavourable rock conditions for
the power house were found to add complexity to this alternative which already required a very long
(even longer than NJHEP) head race tunnel.
6.16 ALTERNATIVE – IV: In this alternative, the powerhouse was envisaged on the left bank of
river Sutlej. It envisaged a 11km long head race tunnel on left bank of river Sutlej from Jhakri to
Nogli. A long tailrace tunnel of around 8.2km would be required for releasing water back to Sutlej
6.17 In this alternative, the HRT would encounter overburden or inadequate rock cover in the
initial stretch. The powerhouse caverns would have to be set deep inside the hill and reinforced. The
tailrace would also pass through unfavorable rock classifications; and an additional surge shaft in the
downstream water conductor would be required, since it is so long. The only suitable site for an adit
is too close to the populated Rampur town, which was considered unlikely to be permitted.
6.18 ALTERNATIVE – V: This Alternative comprised all the features of Alternative-II and also
involved picking up additional water from the Sutlej river at a point downstream of it’s inter section
with Kajo Khad by constructing a diversion dam. It was thus proposed to utilize additional water of
about 150 cumecs through a second parallel HRT. An underground de -silting chamber and additional
tail race tunnel would also be required. This alternative will utilize a gross head of 138.7 m with an
installed capacity of 574MW and a design discharge of 533.88 cumecs.
6.19 The geo-technical features of this proposal were similar to those for the alternative II. The
difference lies in the introduction of a diversion dam across the Sutlej, an additional HRT diameter
coupled with a de-silting chamber for picking up the additional 150 cumecs of water during the
monsoon months.
6.20 ALTERNATE VI: This alternative contemplated the construction of a pickup gravity dam with
a dam toe power house near the Village of Bael so as to utilize the entire releases of Jhakri power
house besides the additional waters generated from the intermediate catchment area. The height of
the dam was to be around 140m so as to fully utilize the available head between Jhakri power house
and Village Bael. The length of the dam at the top would have been more than 600m at this location.
I6.21 In this alternative, a large portion of Rampur Township, Brau, Nogli and other villages would
have to be displaced. A wide stretch of arable land would be submerged. Three main bridges, the
National Highway between Khaneri and Nirsu on the left bank and Rampur bypass road on the right
bank as also the link roads on the two banks would have been affected. In addition, the 2.5MW Nogli
power station and some of the transmission towers of SJVN would also be submerged.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

Identification of the most favourable alternatives

6.22 Based on the preliminary studies of geological features, environmental and sociological
aspects, project components and operational parameters discussed above, the No Action (or “no
project”) Alternative, Alternatives I, IV and VI were not considered for further examination. Power
potential studies and selection of optimum proposal in respect of the alternative II, III and V were
taken up. The parameters for such investigation included water availability, water levels in intake
pool, tail water level of powerhouse, water conductor losses, rated head, power generation and
installed capacity, and investment cost. From all perspectives, alternative II is technically feasible,
optimum from social and environmental impact points of view, and economically the most attractive.


7.1 The following are reviewed in this section:-

• Involuntary Resettlement
• Impacts on Scheduled Tribes
• Impacts on Forests, Natural Habitats and Wildlife
• In stream Flow Impacts and Water Quality Issues
• Construction-Related Impacts including Impacts of Associated Works
• Safety of Workers and Communities
• Impacts on Physical Cultural Resources
• Other Induced Impacts and Cumulative Impacts
• Dam Safety
• Operations Manual and Emergency Preparedness
• Riparian Issues
• Catchment Area Treatment Plan & Other Environmental Enhancements

Involuntary Resettlement
7.2 The land acquisition and resettlement impacts of this project are small compared to similar
hydropower projects. The total private land required for the project is estimated to be about 30
hectares belonging to about 167 landowners (141 families). Out of these, 35 families are likely to
become land less (less then 0.40 hectares of remaining land holding) and 28 families will be
physically displaced. There are no impacts to non-title holders except for two tenants. A rental
allowance and shifting allowances are proposed for those affected tenants. However, provisions for
assistance are kept in the policy provisions in case any non-titleholders are affected during the
7.3 As part of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the state Government and SJVN,
a Resettlement Policy has been executed. The policy includes several improvements over the
previous entitlements used for Nathpa-Jhakri project. The key improvement includes: top-up money
for loss of land, options for resettlement of displaced families (cash or cash and developed plot and
constructed house) and provision for award of small contracts to Project Affected Persons (PAPs).
The policy also incorporates several provisions for taking up community development works including
operation of a mobile health unit. A copy of the policy provisions (in English and Hindi) has been

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

circulated widely amongst the potential project affected people. However, there are a few gaps in
comparison with the Bank’s operational policy on Involuntary Resettlement. These gaps include: non-
inclusion of non-title holders as PAPs, lack of clarity of mitigation of impacts due to ancillary activities
such as transmission lines, access roads, borrower areas, and dump sites, cut off date for eligibility of
benefits as on the date of survey or land acquisition notification, developmental approach for income
restoration or improvements, valuation of loss of structures based on scheduled rates and excluding
the depreciated amounts; disclosure procedures. These gaps have been addressed through the
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
7.4 A Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been prepared, and the report is available both in
English and Hindi (Executive Summary only). This describes the policy provisions for payment of
compensation and resettlement assistance and implementation arrangements consisting of
institutional mechanisms, grievance procedures, monitoring and evaluation arrangements, time table
and budget provisions. It also contains the outcome of baseline socio-economic survey and
consultations and the baseline values for the key performance and impact indicators, which will be
used for measuring the outcomes of resettlement implementation. A transit plan for resettlement of
physically displaced families is in place and the livelihood support activities are also highlighted. The
Resettlement Action Plan contains the provisions for assistance to non-title holders, it has also taken
into account of the impacts related to land acquisition for ancillary services, dump sites, etc. The
compensation rates for private lands were assessed by a special committee based on various
parameters such a recent sale transactions, recent court order on enhanced compensation in the
near by projects and land rates paid for some private hydro projects. A third party assessment was
undertaken by approved valuers for payment of compensation to the structures which is based on
recent Himachal Government scheduled rates. The RAP also outlines the assistance for income
generation activities and the first notification under land acquisition act for land owners and date of
baseline survey for non- title holders will constitute the cut-off date. The draft documents are
disclosed in the Public information Centre and web site of SJVN. It was disclosed in the Bank’s Info
Shop. These provisions in RAP will address the gaps in relation to comparison of the resettlement
provisions of the client with the Bank’s involuntary resettlement provisions.
7.5 The key baseline socio-economic characteristics are summarized below and these will be
used during the impact evaluation to judge whether the objectives of resettlement have been realized
or not.

Table E.1 - Baseline Characteristics of Project-Affected Persons

No Indicator Value Remarks
Economic Average annual income ( Rs) 1,20,648
Proportion of families living below poverty line* (%) 2.76
Proportion of families having outstanding debt (%) 29.0 Average Rs. 81,000
Proportion of workers in service or business (%) 13.0
Housing Proportion of families living pucca houses** (%) 35.0
Average size of the house (sq.ft) 578
Proportion of families having separate kitchen (%) 79.0
Proportion of families having separate toilet (%) 68
Ownership of Average land holding size (ha) 10.35
Land and
Proportion of households having Refrigerator (%) 46
Housing having LPG connection (%) 82
Average livestock/household (in number) 2.12
* based on per capita monthly income of Rs. 289
** A house constructed by using cement, brick and steel.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

7.6 A separate Sustainable Community Development Program (SCDP), has been prepared
describing the proposed infrastructure facilities in the project area for next 5 years with an estimated
cost of INR 256.8 million (US$ 6.2 million). This program includes implementation of basic
infrastructure facilities in the affected villages, operation of mobile health van, scholarships to the
wards of affected and local people, sponsoring children to industrial training institutions for acquiring
technical skills, support services to agricultural and horticultural activities, improving drinking water
facilities in the local villages, support to educational institutions, etc.
7.7. Implementation Progress (current status): The overall land acquisition is proceeding
satisfactorily. The principle approval has been obtained from MOEF for transfer of government land
(49 hectares). The private land acquisition is in advance stage and so far about 14 hectares of private
land (49%) has already been acquired and the compensation has been offered to the affected land
owners. This land is mostly required for the civil works and the balance land acquisition is required
for townships, for which construction is due to start only in the middle of 2008. Further, the options
for resettlement have been explained to all those affected and have been finalized for all the families
who have only one house and they have expressed their preference for cash and a developed plot on
which to construct a house. They will be offered developed plots shortly. The alternative sites have
been identified in consultations with the displaced families and it may take some time to acquire
these lands. Since the construction of houses will take about 12-18 months, the project authorities
have proposed transitional arrangements with an alternative of leased accommodation or rental
allowance of INR.2000 per month for a maximum of 18 months. The implementation of SCDP has
also commenced. Some of the facilities already initiated include a mobile health van, contribution
towards construction of a new bus station and parking space at Rampur, construction of school
buildings and a bridge. In addition, 35 youths, including 5 girls, belonging to the families of the
project affected area have been provided sponsorship for admission in Industrial Training Institutes
(ITIs) for acquiring technical skills. The first year annual program on small infrastructure, which is
based on the proposals received from each of the affected villages, is also in progress.
Impacts on Scheduled Tribes
7.8 The impact on scheduled tribes is negligible. Only two tribal families are being affected by
the project. The proportion of tribal families living in project area is about 3% compared to 4% in
Himachal Pradesh and 8% in India. The socio-economic characteristics of tribal people in the project
area reveal that they own agricultural land, livestock and also own material assets like television,
cooking gas etc i.e. similar to the non-tribal people. A social assessment was carried out by a team of
independent consultants and social scientists employed by the project developer (SJVN). It was
determined that the tribal families from the Negi and Gujjar tribes migrated to the project area some
50 years ago. Based on the screening of the representative sample of tribal families against the five
criteria listed in the World Bank’s OD 4.20, “Indigenous Peoples,” (which covers scheduled tribes),
paragraph 5, the social assessment team concluded that the families do not possess three of the five
characteristics (close attachment to ancestral territories; self-identification as members of distinct
cultural group and presence of customary social and political institutions). The World Bank social
scientist on the Task Team, who has been visiting the project site from time to time since 1998,
concurs with the determination and conclusion of the social assessment team that the families do not
meet the criteria of the Indigenous Peoples as listed in OD 4.20. This issue was subject to review by
the Indigenous Peoples Coordinator of the World Bank who concurred with this decision. Therefore,
the project will not trigger the Indigenous Peoples Policy (OD 4.20).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

Institutional arrangements for implementation of RAP and SCDP

7.9 Institutional arrangements to ensure the implementation of the RAP and SCDP are in place
including suitable staff at project site and in Shimla. Regular review procedures are specified and a
grievance redressal committee consisting of representatives from Government (sub-Divisional
Magistrate), Bloc Development Officers, and PAP representatives has been formed. The Corporate
Office at Shimla is responsible for overall policy guidance, planning and monitoring of R&R activities.
Implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation component at field level is the responsibility of
Environment and R&R Cell at Rampur project office. The responsibility includes implementation,
monitoring, contingency planning; R&R related programme and reporting during RAP implementation.
The Head of the department of Environment & R&R Cell at Rampur project office and other field
officers will coordinate with various government departments like revenue, forest, and other
administrative units at various levels to facilitate smooth implementation of RAP
7.10 During implementation and subsequent operation of the 1500MW Nathpa-Jhakri Hydropower
project, SJVN has already implemented a range of good social practices successfully such as: (a)
uninterrupted operation of a mobile health van for more than 5 years in the affected villages; (b)
offering employment to about 60 project affected persons in the project; (c) construction of a
resettlement colony and market complex for project affected people; (d) support to income
generation activities to about 50 families; and, (d) infrastructural developmental works worth about
INR 25 million in the affected villages.

Impacts on Forests, Natural Habitats & Wildlife

7.11 Baseline studies were conducted for the project’s influence area (PIA - 7km area around the
project), project’s immediate influence area (PIIA – 1.5 km area around the project), and the directly
affected areas (DAA – which includes all 86.5ha of land being acquired for the surface level works of
the project, of which 48.9 ha is forestland).
7.12 Based on the baseline data and a comparison with the available data for the state, or the
Sutlej basin as a whole suggest that the project’s influence area is relatively poor in terms of forest
cover, plant wealth, wildlife and biodiversity. The project’s immediate influence area and the directly
affected area has the minimum possible forest types in hilly areas - sub-tropical euphorbia scrub and
dodonea scrub, which are sparsely distributed along foothills and hill slopes. Only four species of
wildlife are reported from the project’s influenced area of which Himalayan Black Bear is reported
only during summer while Musk and Barking deer showed altitudinal migration during winter. The
Common Leopard is reported to follow cattle/goat/sheep herd commonly surrounding the villages in
forest areas. No endangered, rare or protected species is found from the project’s immediate
influenced area or the directly affected area.
7.13 Impact of the project on the existing landscape, at the basin or even at the district level is
truly insignificant, owing to the environmental setting of the project. Impacts at the more immediate
level will also be small, if not insignificant. The project acquires 48.9ha of degraded forest land (with
very little forest or tree cover), and notionally acquires (but does not disturb – as the works are deep
underground) another 20.47 ha of similar degraded forest land over the tunnels. Together these
represent 0.07% of the total forest area of the Rampur and Anni forest divisions (which together
have 90,596 ha of legally defined forests).
7.14 There are total 12 protected forests under the study area of which 6 forests fall in Rampur
Division while 6 are in the outer Seraj division of the Kullu district. None of these are directly
impacted by the project.
7.15 The project will clear fell 1075 trees, of which 996 are (exotic) eucalyptus trees, which were
earlier planted by the forest department. The other 79 trees to be felled are commonly distributed

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

throughout the project’s immediate influence and influence area. For each of the land parcels
affected by the project, the diversity is very low. The highest value of diversity index recorded is 1.28
for the powerhouse and approach road area. For all other sites, the diversity index is even lower than
that - indicating that the area is not rich in floral wealth and represents poor diversity.
7.16 No endangered, rare, threatened or endemic trees are lost due to felling in project. The
dominant shrubs are of species which are widely distributed throughout the project immediate
influence area as well as project influence area and are not endangered, rare, threatened, or
endemic in nature. Owing to their common distribution and not having significant ecological status
loss (although some of them have community use and medicinal values), losing these trees and
shrubs will not significantly affect existing biodiversity status of the project influence area, the Sutlej
Basin in general, or Himachal Pradesh in totality. It will also not affect the structure composition, of
existing forest types, forest cover or distribution characteristics of flora.

Table E.2 - Comparative Status of Forests and Natural Resources in the Project Area
Parameter Himachal Sutlej Project’s Project’s Immediate Project’s Directly
Pradesh Basin Influence Area Influence Area Affected Area
Forests Type 9 8 4 2 2
Sub-Groups 36 9 10 2 2
Flora (total trees, shrubs, 3256 NA 119 77 63
climabers, grasses, ferns,
epiphytes, etc)
Flora: Diversity Index - - - 1.17 – 1.41 0.27 – 1.3
Protected National Park 2 1 0 0 0
Wildlife Sanctuary 32 8 0 0 0
Existence of Endangered/ 11 11 1 (Common 0 0
Threatened/ Rare fauna (number Leopard)
of species)
Altitudinal Migration
– 3 more species
Other Wild Fauna 5710 NA 58 Mainly domestic animals

7.17 To compensate for the loss of the acquired forestland, a compensatory afforestation (CA)
plan will be implemented by State Forest Department. The Compensatory Afforestation will be carried
out on 139 ha as per the Forests (Conservation) Act 1980 in Arsu and Nichar ranges of Ani forest
division. The impacts of the project will be more than sufficiently compensated by such afforestation.
In fact, development of 139 ha of forested area instead of the 48.9 ha of degraded forest land will be
an environmental enhancement in the area. Additional measures by the project includes payment of
net present value of forests of about US$ 10 million (to generate forests of equivalent area elsewhere
in the project’s influence area), and a catchment area treatment plan, costing US$ 5.3 million.
7.18 Indirect impacts of project activities on flora are expected to be mostly limited to project’s
immediate influence area. Indirect impacts will be due to various construction activities such as
generation of dust due to earthwork, excavation, transportation of construction materials (sand,
aggregate, cement etc), quarry, crusher & blasting operations; air pollution due to movement of
construction vehicles, equipments and machinery; influx of laborers; and pollution generated through
provision of labor camps established temporarily at construction sites etc. These impacts will be
short term and limited to construction period only. Long-term exposure of dust may affect some
vegetation and lead to various morphological effects such as chlorosis, necrosis, discoloration and
ultimately reduction in primary productivity. This is important for the vast number of orchards in the
project area. The project will take sufficient measures to control dust during the construction period.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

Blasting will be controlled, so as not to create great noise, although noise impacts on wildlife would
not be significant owing to the lack of wildlife in the area.
7.19 The EMP also includes measures related to prevention of disturbance to forests and wildlife
by construction labourers, procedures for disposal and management of muck and debris, and
redevelopment of muck disposal sites (see below). Dumping areas are either devoid of vegetation or
show a few weedy shrubs. Very limited adverse impact on flora is expected as these shrubs are
widely distributed in project immediate influence area as well as project influence area. To mitigate
this loss of shrubs, an approved muck disposal plan should be strictly implemented. As such no
vegetation was recorded at the proposed quarry site, however to avoid impacts due to quarry
operations on surrounding quarry site, adequate dust suppression measures should be implemented.
After completion the quarry operation, the area would be redeveloped.

Instream Flow Impacts & Water Quality Issues

7.20 The Rampur Hydroelectric project will in effect be operated as a cascade station to the
Nathpa-Jhakri run of the river power plant. The only change in the river flow will occur between the
intake works at Jhakri (where the Nathpa-Jhakri tailrace water is currently re-entering the river
Sutlej), and the tailrace outlet at Bael village. At Jhakri, the current flow of river is constituted by (i)
the water from Nathpa-Jhakri tailrace, and (ii) the combined flow of all tributaries joining the river
Sutlej between the Nathpa dam and Jhakri (except a stream called Shoulding, where 6 cumec of
water is diverted to augment the Nathpa-Jhakri lean season peaking power generation). The project
uses all the water coming from the Nathpa-Jhakri tailrace, but does not use any of the water coming
through the tributaries.
7.21 The Government of Himachal Pradesh requires all projects to provide an instream flow of a
minimum of 15% of the lean season flow, immediately downstream of any dam/diversion structure.
The minimum lean season flow available at Nathpa dam is 47.4 cumec. Thus a minimum lean season
flow of about 7 cumec would be required to meet the spirit of the GoHP regulatory guidelines. The
actual lean season flow that would be available from tributaries (at Jhakri, Rampur and upstream of
the RHEP tailrace outfall at Bael village) is more than this required minimum flow.
7.22 Detailed studies carried out examining the issues of water pollution, flushing required to take
care of the pollution and sewage load in the stretch between the intake and outlet works of the
project, suggest that the available minimum lean season flow would be sufficient. There is no direct
consumptive use of water (for drinking, irrigation and other household purposes) from the Sutlej
since it sits in such a deep gorge in this area. The natural springs and ‘chashme’ are the key sources
of water for people living in the area for their own consumption, livestock use and irrigation
purposes. In most of the villages except those, situated on high hills, the state department of water
supply (department of public health) has provided piped water supply for domestic purposes. The
existing plans to augment water supply also do not include use of any water from the Sutlej.
Irrigation in the area is rain fed or the very limited water demand for agriculture practice (only about
10% of the land area is under agriculture) is being fulfilled by khuls (canal). Therefore, the reduced
flow in the river due to proposed project will not hamper the water supply schemes in the area.
7.23 Maximum discharge of river Sutlej goes up to 10000-12000 cumec and minimum discharge
remains in the range of 70-80 cumec. The absolute minimum 10-day flow at the Nathpa dam is 47.4
cumec (see table E-3 below).
7.24 Owing to geographical reasons, and very high silt load coming from snow melts in China and
cold desert areas of Spiti Vally, the acquatic life in the river is poor. Great hazards are caused due to
variable velocities of water, ice formation during winter, occurrence of periodic floods due to cloud
burst and continuous rolling of bottom material consisting of boulders, stones, gravels etc. High flood

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

causes dislodging of benthic animals, but still the turbulent river Sutlej has provided microhabitats for
a few micro-organisms to get suitably adapted to the environment.

Table E.3 - Minimum Flow at Various Locations from Khab to Suni (cumec)
Monthly min 10 Daily min Absolute Minimum
Site 90 percentile 60 percentile 90 percentile 60 percentile Monthly 10 Daily
Khab 64 46 59 44 17 8
Nathpa 116 91 106 93 59 48
Rapmur 104 92 102 89 69 65
Luhri 108 98 104 90 70 56
Suni 110 99 106 96 72 71

7.25 To assess the existing scenario of fish type available in the river body, 20 days monitoring
was carried out in month of March 2006. No fish were reported in the Sutlej River in the project area
during surveys of 1998, 2004 and 2006. However, fishes were monitored in the side streams
particularly Nogli Khad, Sumej Khad and Kajo Khad, near the confluences with Sutlej River. These
side streams have less flow instability, favorable temperature and less turbidity than the main Sutlej.
The sole fish species monitored was a trout (Schizothorax spp, Schizothoraichthys spp.) and it was
caught downstream of the confluence of Nogli khad with main Sutlej River. This is a small sized,
migratory fish variety and is locally known as “asla”. Market surveys (in 4 markets where fish is
available in the project area - Tapri, Bhabanagar, Rampur and Bael) and consultation with community
and experts suggest that the main Sutlej river has very little fish population in the stretch between
Jhakri and Bael. Only one person was found involved in fishing activity that too on one of the side
streams. For commercial purposes, the fish is mainly brought from downstream areas like Bilaspur.
Upstream, a few sites such as Sangla, are being developed by the state fisheries department for
sport fishing. Mahseer is migratory fish, and was historically reported to be present in Sutlej.
However, for about 50 years now its migration is affected by construction of Bhakra dam on the
Sutlej. Even without the Bhakra dam, its availability in project area is a remote possibility due to the
low water temperature.
7.26 Rampur, which is only town in the project area has a sewerage scheme. The sewerage
treatment plants have been damaged by floods and are only partially operating and repairs are being
taken up. In the mean time most of the population of the town is served by septic tanks. Other than
Rampur, no other town puts effluent into the river. In Jhakri township, established under Nathpa-
Jhakri project, the households are connected to sewage pipeline network, which is finally connected
to eight septic tanks. Most of the villages have provision of soak pits (some up to 20-30ft deep) for
collection of human excreta. Liquid effluent leaches into the ground and solid effluent is converted
into manure after mixing with soil. There are no industries that could result in pollution. SJVN has
proposed to fund establishing a sewerage treatment plant, as part of the EMP, to treat the sewage
flowing into Sutlej river from the Jagatkhan and Brow villages located opposite Rampur town, to
further improve the water quality.
7.27 As per the primary water quality criteria as laid by the Central Pollution Control Board, the
Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, has kept the river Sutlej under ‘A’ category of water
quality with respect to pH, DO and BOD in general. The critical parameters observed in past in some
stretches of the river is total coliform for which category of river comes down to ‘C’ category. The
level of dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the project stretch varies from 8 to 8.5 (mg/l) between Jhakri to
Bael. The high DO levels in the river indicate high water quality in the study stretch. This may be
because of higher water flow in the river and low environmental temperature. The pH value is 8.1

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

and 7.88 at Bael and Jhakri respectively indicates that the river water is slightly alkaline in nature.
The level of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in the river is around 1.0 mg/l at all places except at
downstream of Rampur town, where value observed was 1.2 mg/l. The BOD and COD values are
very low, which indicates the absence of organic pollution loading. This is mainly due to the low
population density, low agro-chemical dosing and absence of industries in the area. Water quality in
terms of pathogenic bacteria appears to be good except at immediately downstream of Rampur
town, where faecal coliform was observed as 4 MPN/100ml and the value of total Coliform was
observed as 14. Otherwise none of the samples (Jhakri outfall, Rampur u/s, Bael) has shown the
presence of faecal contamination. Iron and Zinc were found <.05 at Jahkri outfall and at Bael but
value of mercury was observed on higher side. Mercury was found 7.11 ppb at Jhakri outfall that
may be due to mecahnical processing taking place in Jhakri Power house. However, all these values
are much below the standard water quality norms. However, the fluorides level was of the order 1
mg/l which just meets the permissible limit for drinking purposes (note that there is no supply of
drinking water from the Sutlej).
7.28 In past, no major epidemic has been reported in the area. Thus, even without lots of sewage
treatment facilities in the area, the pollution loading (organic and bacteriological) is well within the
carrying capacity of the water available for dilution in river Sutlej and its tributaries. The findings of
the village level surveys, data collected from the Health Department and Government hospital,
Rampur do not indicate prevalence of water borne diseases in the area. However, during summers
(April-July) about 50 cases on an average have been recorded related to gastroenteritis, diarrhea and
dysentery from the project area.
7.29 In light of the above, the parameters on which the medium and long term adequacy of river
flow will depend include desired dilution to the sewage, limited functions as aquatic habitation, and
favourable flow condition for flushing of sediments. Adequate flow in the river especially during lean
season becomes essential to provide the desired dilution to the sewage, which is being disposed into
the river with or without treatment. It is important to maintain the river ecology aesthetically as well
as for the sustenance of its natural functions i.e. aquatic habitation etc. Several different scenarios of
water demand due to increased population in the project area, and increased sewage load have been
simulated for different flow releases varying from 1 cumec to 10 cumec as well as zero release. The
studies suggest that the available minimum lean flow would be adequate for the needs of the water
quality impacts in the Jhakri-Bael stretch. However, for maintaining water quality in the Nathpa-Jhakri
stretch, a release of 5 cumec from the dam would be necessary. The project will, in fact, release
more water from the dam (7 cumec), as per the regulatory requirement of the GoHP, which,
according to the studies should be more than sufficient for water quality and aquatic life. All residual
impacts due to managed river flow will be monitored by SJVN as part of the project’s overall adaptive
monitoring program, and all relevant actions including augmentation of lean season managed flow
will be taken up if warranted by such monitoring.

Construction-Related Impacts
7.30 Management of construction-related impacts would be the responsibility of the SJVN
(through its contractors, as and where relevant, and as described in the EMP). The plans for
managing the construction site impacts include plans and guidelines for managing and restoring the
muck disposal sites (including advance protection measures for the sites, before muck is actually
disposed in these sites), management and reinstatements for the quarries, management of effluent
discharge, management of safety and health issues (including a plan to manage the HIV/AIDS risks),
and a chance find procedure for conservation of cultural properties. These measures are described in
detail in the EMP, and in the supporting environmental documents. Supervision and monitoring will
be essential to ensure full implementation of the detailed plans. These arrangements have been
described as part of the EMP.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

7.31 Control of Pollution from Labour Camps during Construction Phase: The aggregation of large
labour population and technical staff during construction phase is likely to put significant stress as a
result of discharge of sewage, solid wastes and other pollutants. The total population due to
congregation of work force and their families during construction phase is expected to increase the
local population significantly. This is likely to affect the existing infrastructure. Thus, the EMP has
identified a number of measures to be implemented to maintain the facilities in labour camps,
sanitation and sewage treatment facilities, solid waste management, and provision of community
7.32 Environmental Management in Road Construction: In hilly terrain, road construction often
generates significant quantity of wastes (muck) due to the stripping of the rocks to make way for the
roads. The stripped muck is generally cleared by dumping the material along the slopes. These
dumped materials finally flow down to the valleys and ultimately finds its way in to the river. The
EMP includes measures so that the stripped material would be collected and dumped in the
designated muck disposal areas, protection against erosion, and bio-engineering measures to protect
the road slopes.
7.33 Muck Disposal: For managing the 3 million m3 of muck to be generated by the project, a
muck disposal plan has been prepared. The plan includes, over an above reuse of part of the muck
as construction material for the project, site protection and rehabilitation measures which includes
civil works, vegetative measures, fencing and planting. As three of the four dumping areas are
located closed to river Sutlej, there are chances of rolling down of muck/ loose material leading to
blockage in river flow or contamination of water due to silting. To avoid this, retaining walls of 2–7m
height are to be developed along the bank of the river at all muck disposal areas.
7.34 The EMP includes measures related to the control of air pollution and noise pollution. All
crushers will have cyclone, and particulate filters. Workers would be provided with effective personal
protective gears such as masks, ear muffs or ear plugs. Equipment and machinery should be
maintained regularly to keep the noise generation at the design level. Silencers and mufflers of the
individual machinery are to be regularly checked. The sewage generated from various labour camps
shall be treated in septic tanks before disposal by discharging into the river. The septic tanks shall be
located so as not to pollute the drinking water sources.
7.35 Transmission, Township, and Workers’ Camps: The project does not construct any new
power transmission lines. Power would be evacuated through a short loop-in loop-out arrangement
by connecting to the existing high voltage transmission line at Duttanagar. The existing transmission
line was built following the environmental and social standards of the Power grid Corporation, which
is recognized to be among the best in India. Similarly, the project does not construct any new
township, and instead uses the existing facilities at the Jhakri Township constructed by the Nathpa
Jhakri project. The small project facility at Bael village and the camp sites for the contractors had
been included in assessments of impacts related to land acquisition and resettlement, biodiversity
and forest, etc.

Safety of Workers and Communities

7.36 Given the typical context of Himalayan geology, and the substantial underground
construction works, the project involves serious potential safety risks for the workers. SJVN has
adopted, as part of its overall environment policy, a Health, Safety and Environment Directive –
which includes the commitment to provide a safe place to work for SJVN employees; and
acknowledges that SJVN has the ultimate responsibility for compliance with all the requirements of
applicable safety rules and regulations. To implement this directive for the Rampur project, a site
safety assurance plan has been prepared. This plan will install systems so that safe procedures are
followed in construction of the project (documented in the safety manual of the project).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

7.37 The safety manual for the project describes a systems approach using an established
standard similar to the well known ISO 9001 standard. Describes the applicable safety policies and
rules; specifies the use of personal protective equipment for all workers. It also specifies the
standards and methods to adhere to in the various stages of project construction period – such as in
cutting and welding operations, excavation and trenching, tunnel excavations and drill operations; in
using explosives, cranes, ladders scaffolds and stairways; in working around high voltage and in
other electrical safety contexts, etc.
7.38 The site safety assurance plan represents a program approach to safety in which specific
documentation and practices had been developed for the Rampur project. This project specific plan
describes responsibilities for safety assurance, including the organizational set-up to effectively
monitor and manage compliance with SJVN’s corporate safety directives. It specifies methods and
schedule for hazard identification, employee orientation, subcontractor orientation and training;
accident investigation and reporting, contractor/SJVN interface, safety documentation and record
keeping, and a safety incentive program. The plan also includes provisions for securing occupational
health by ensuring hazard communication, hearing conservation and protection, respiratory
protection, and prevention of infectious diseases. The plan detailed the requirements for emergency
response including worker refuge stations, evacuation of work area or jobsite, tunnel rescue team,
and securing the accident scenes.

Impacts on Physical Cultural Resources

7.39 The project area does not have known archaeological or historical sites or remains. This has
been confirmed by a field based archaeological examination of the project area. There is only a small
possibility of impacts on cultural properties (such as community religious properties, sacred groves,
and chance-finds). The EMP includes procedures to identify such properties, and mitigate and
manage impacts in the case such properties are affected.

Other Induced Impacts and Cumulative Effects

7.40 The induced impacts of the project could include increasing urbanization of the area around
the project, particularly at Rampur town, and the consequent demand for water, effects on water
quality due to increased sewage load, increased demand for timber rights from the forests, possible
drying up of small water sources, and perceived damage to built properties. The GoHP is constructing
sewage treatment facilities at Rampur. The state forest department has already exhausted the stock
to cater to the future demand for traditional timber rights (for which new settlers also become
eligible), and will not entertain demands from new settlers in the area. The state’s Hydropower Policy
commits that in the event of increased future demand for drinking water, all water allocation could be
reviewed to ensure primacy of drinking water supply. The project has committed that any water
source that dries up during construction or operation of the project will be compensated by the
project, either by supplying water directly or by developing and protecting alternative sources. For
this, the project, jointly with the villagers, has collected baseline data (on flow, location, use)
including videographs of all the water sources in the villages in the vicinity. These water sources will
be monitored as part of the adaptive monitoring program for the project. In addition, the project is
providing for some augmentation of water supply to the villages as part of the SCDP. On the
perceived damage to built properties – although it is unlikely that the underground works hundreds
of meters below the surface could result into such damages – the project agreed to develop a
baseline jointly with the villagers (complete with photographs and video) so as to use this baseline as
a basis for compensation in the event of damages. Progress on this baseline is uneven given the
varied willingness of individuals to document their properties.
7.41 Major cumulative effects of hydropower development in the Sutlej basin include the creation
of additional employment, including that for the local communities. In addition, parts of the revenue

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

from the projects, and the Rampur project in particular, goes to the state which could be used to
provide better access to social amenities. The possible negative cumulative affects relate to the influx
of population to the project area, and include threats to biodiversity, deterioration of water quality,
increased pollution levels all over the Sutlej basin, and increased HIV/AIDS risks. Most of these
possible effects had been described in the preceding paragraphs. For addressing the HIV/AIDS
issues, the project will partner with the state level initiatives under the National HIV/AIDS program,
and will have close cooperation with state AIDS control society. The project will implement through
its contractors a program for awareness, diagnosis and referral as is the spirit of the National
HIV/AIDS control programs. Climate change, extreme weather events and increasing flash floods
could also pose a set of risks to the project. These risks had been analyzed for the project. The
Rampur project uses water which is available through the Nathpa Jhakri tailrace, and is therefore
protected from the impacts of flash floods or increasing/decreasing water flows unless the Nathpa
Jhakri project is also impacted. Further, the economic and the financial sensitivity analyses suggest
that viability of the project is not affected by the worst-case scenarios for the climate change and the
possible extreme events.

Dam Safety
7.42 This project does not construct any dam, but uses tailrace water diverted by the dam earlier
constructed by the Nathpa-Jhakri Power project. The Nathpa-Jhakri Dam was constructed following
the Bank’s policy on safety of dams (as the project was funded by the World Bank). During
construction of the Nathpa-Jhakri project, a panel of experts was in place to advise SJVN on all
aspects of construction of the dam and the underground works. In Rampur project, therefore,
aspects related to safety of dam needed to be only re-confirmed. Accordingly, SJVN engaged the
Dam Safety Organization, from Nashik to examine the dam and related works with respect to stability
and maintenance of the structures. The safety of the dam was confirmed and this review will now be
regularly followed up.

Operations manual and emergency preparedness

7.43 Additionally, an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual has been drafted, which
incorporates elements pertaining to civil works and addresses the issues of instrumentation, rock
anchors in the rock slope upstream on the dam, tunnel de-watering and filling procedures, and gate
operation in case of floods. The O&M manual will integrate the relevant elements of the emergency
preparedness plan (EPP), which covers emergency identification, evaluation, and classification, where
each emergency situation is analyzed in terms of identification (observations, monitoring, instrument
readings), evaluation (comparison with reference values, descriptions, etc.), classification (what
measures to take). The EPP covers potential emergency situations such as excessive uplift pressures
on the dam-concrete foundation contact, slope instability upstream of the dam (rock slope with
anchors), emergency evacuation of the power house (flooding, fires, etc.), and underground water
ways incidents (partial or total tunnel collapses).

Riparian Issues
7.44 The River Sutlej (a tributary of the Indus) is an international river (flowing through China,
India and Pakistan). This run-of the river project is located in between two existing dams. The
upstream dam at Nathpa, about 50 km upstream of the project, has a small storage (an inundation
of about 22 ha, all within the river gorge, mainly for producing peaking power for the 1500MW
Nathpa-Jhakri project). The downstream Bhakra dam and the storage of Govindsagar were
completed in 1960s, and constitute a major multi-purpose project of Northern India. The Bhakra Dam
has a gross storage of 9621 million m3, and is about 200km downstream of the Rampur project.
Thus, there is no significant impact of the project related to water flow and availability on either the
upstream or downstream riparian countries. The water quality impacts of the project are assessed to

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

be minor even at the immediate project area, and would be truly negligible downstream of Bhakra. In
addition, the Sutlej is one of the 3 eastern rivers defined by the Indus Treaty (between India and
Pakistan), and is earmarked for sole (consumptive) use by India.
7.45 According to the World Bank policy on International Waterways, both the upstream and
downstream riparian countries, China and Pakistan were notified and provided with relevant project
details. No objection to the project was raised by either of the riparian countries.

Catchment Area Treatment Plan & Other Environmental Enhancements

7.46 The Saltuj River flows in narrow deep channels with steep hills rising on either side in the
project area. The hills are very steep with poor or no vegetation cover. Due to poor vegetation cover
the rate of soil erosion is high. Different forms of erosion such as sheet erosion, gully erosion,
riverbank erosion are quite prevalent throughout the project affected/immediate influence and
project influence area. Common anthropogenic factors leading to erosion are over gazing, collection
of trees for fuel, fodder, timber and unscientific farming practices. The project activities accelerating
soil erosion will be quite significant during construction phase such excavation work,
tunneling/blasting, construction of temporary and permanent road in project area to move vehicle/
machinery/equipments and workforce.
7.47 The induced impacts of the project are largely confined to the project’s influence area, and
relate to the dependency of local people on forests. These impacts include various anthropogenic
activities affecting forest such as traditional timber rights, new migrant laborers, associated
development, and induced commercial developments.
7.48 To address these catchment-wise issues, the Forest Department, Government of Himachal
Pradesh has formulated a catchment area treatment (CAT) plan for the Rampur hydroelectric project.
The objective of this plan is to ensure that the sediment load does not increase due to construction
and operation of the project. The CAT plan also addresses the need to protect the watersheds in the
region and, as per the directives of the GoHP; covers area treatment measures, soil conservation
measures, and includes measures for improvement of degraded forest areas within the project
catchment. The plan will be implemented over a 10 year period, at a cost of Rs.220 million.
7.49 The CAT plan will cover the following types of degraded area - degraded forest, degraded
pasture and barren land, erosion prone area, treatment of active land slides, treatment of drains. In
the open forest areas, the CAT plan will support replenishment afforestation, assisted natural
regeneration, development of NTFPs. As part of pasture improvement, it will provide for subsidiary
silvicultural operation, treatment of erosion prone area, stabilization of active landslides, roadside
erosion control, avenue plantation and landscaping. It will also support village infrastructure
development, such as village ponds and tanks, soil/water conservation structures, repair of
springs/baunes/water sources, strengthening of village paths/roads, treatment of private lands,
distribution of seedlings, etc.
7.50 The project will support the GoHP program for development of fisheries in the state. The
GoHP has proposed to implement supplementary stocking program for snow trout (Schizothorax
richardsonii) – an endemic species. The stocking will be done annually by the Fisheries Department.
To achieve this, facilities to produce seed of trout need to be developed at suitable sites, for which
the project will contribute Rs.10 million, to be utilized for developing hatcheries. Similarly, to support
the GoHP programs for conservation of wildlife, the project will contribute Rs. 6.25 million.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA


Institutional Framework
8.1 Whereas the primary responsibility to implement the EMP is of the SJVN, a number of EMP
activities, such as the compensatory afforestation, the CAT plan, the fisheries and the wildlife
conservation support activities will be implemented by the state government agencies.
8.2 In view of the extensive hydropower development planned in Himachal Pradesh and the
limited capacity of the Forest Department of GoHP to implement the compensatory afforestation and
catchment area treatment plan in the Sutlej basin, the Forest Department and the hydropower
development agencies (particularly SJVN) will share the implementation responsibility. The overall
principle of such division of responsibility would be to make best use of the comparative advantages
for implementation (which suggests that all mechanical, i.e. non-plantation works will be
implemented directly by the hydropower agencies). The cost norms will be as per the Forest
Department norms, and overall monitoring will be done by the Upper Satluj Watershed Society (a
part of the Forest Department). For the Nathpa-Jhakri and the Rampur projects, SJVN will discuss on
the actual division of works with the Conservator of Forests (CF), Rampur Circle. The forest
department will also modify the catchment area treatment plans, so as to treat the priority areas
(such as current landslides) first. To this end SJVN and the CF, Rampur Circle will review and agree
on the modified CAT plan. Additionally, as per the recent discussion between the SJVN and the GoHP,
an integrated CAT plan will be prepared for the entire Sutlej basin, based on satellite imageries and
remote sensed data. SJVN will prepare this plan.
8.3 As per the hydropower policy of the state, the GoHP will constitute a multi-disciplinary
committee under the chairmanship of Chief Minister. Other members shall be state Power Minister
(Vice Chairman), Minister/Member of Legislative Assembly of the area where Projects are being
executed, representatives of the hydropower company, representatives from various concerned state
government departments, Chairman/Managing Director of the concerned Power Utility and Chairman,
Local Area Development Committee (LADC). The Committee will be monitoring the issues arising
during the implementation of the project; employment related monitoring, relief and rehabilitation,
review of progress of LADC schemes, implementation of CAT plan, compensatory afforestation,
environmental management plan, and restoration of facilities which get damaged because of the
implementation of the project. The committee will also review the recommendations (and
implementation thereof) of the Forum of Hydroelectric Power Producers. The Committee will draw up
the methodology to regulate the payments to be made by the Company to the various departments
of the Government in connection with the implementation of the project.
8.4 The World Bank (financed by PPIAF) is also supporting the GoHP through a technical
assistance in preparing river basin development optimization strategies, for the Sutlej basin. The
ongoing study would demonstrate the methodology for optimization of hydro-development in the
Sutlej basin with the goal of facilitating coordinated and sustainable development by private and
public sector developers, with due regard for the environmental and social impact of river-basin-wide
development. The optimization study will cover environmental and social implications of multi-project
development, including but not limited to: (i) implications for water resource management, (ii)
catchment area treatment plans, (iii) potential cumulative impact on natural forests and other
protected areas; (iv) social impacts arising from multiple projects; and (v) communication/public
outreach issues.

Adaptive Management of Environmental Issues

8.5 SJVN has adopted a corporate environmental mission statement and environmental policies.
The SJVN mission statement (“…developing and supplying to the nation, state and local communities,

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

and efficient, economic, environmentally sustainable, and socially responsible hydropower”) stresses
the need to develop adequate long-term capacity to mange environmental issues in all its projects.
The environment policy specifically requires SJVN to develop and maintain adaptive environmental
management mechanisms and adequate risk management systems. To this end, SJVN has prepared
an adaptive environmental management plan for its corporate operations. This would help managing
environmental issues in the Rampur project.

Continuous Stakeholder Consultation

8.6 The project will continue to engage the local communities and stakeholders, through periodic
public consultation meeting, special events such as cultural programs, and will take community view
in consideration in all stages of the project construction and operation. A community communication
plan has also been prepared, and will be implemented by SJVN. The PIC will also continue to function
throughout the project construction and operation period for continued public disclosure, and for
recording public comments and suggestions. A committee consisting of representatives from the
state government, elected representatives, PAPs and project implementing agency has been
constituted to serve as grievance redressal committee to deal with the grievances of the project
affected people.

Institutional Capacity Building

8.7 SJVN has already taken a number of actions to augment the capacity of the environmental
cell. For medium term capacity building, a capacity building plan has been prepared. It includes the
development plan for staffing of the environmental cell, and procurement of monitoring equipments.
Additionally, a detailed training plan has been prepared, which includes training of the staff of the
environmental and social cell, training of contractors’ staff, as well as training of the corporate and
project level managerial staff on environmental management.


The overall budget for implementing the EMP is INR 455 million (~ US$ 11 million). A detailed break-
up is given in Table below.

Table E.4 – Budget for Implementing EMP

Implementation Budget
Responsibility Million INR Million USD
Compensatory Afforestation including payment of NPV of Forests HP State Forest 66.03 1.59
Wildlife Conservation Department (SFD) 6.25 0.15
Catchment Area Treatment Plan SFD and SJVN 219.90 5.30
Muck disposal Plan, including Restoration of the Disposal Areas SJVN 23.66 0.57
Restoration and Landscaping of Sites directly affected by the Project SJVN 2.50 0.06
Fisheries Development Activities Hp Fisheries Department 10.00 0.24
Sanitation Facilities SJVN 21.86 0.53
Control of Pollution from
Labour Camp during Solid Waste Management SJVN 11.11 0.27
Construction of Settling Tanks SJVN 2.00 0.05
Sewage Treatment Facilities for Jagatkhana and Brow towns SJVN 10.00 0.24
Pilot Works on Muck Dumping & Active Landslide Sites SJVN 5.00 0.12
Public Awareness Programme SJVN 0.50 0.01
Development of Environmental Laboratory and Monitoring Instruments–
for Rampur Project 1.95 0.05

Rampur Hydropower Project: Executive Summary of EA

Implementation Budget
Responsibility Million INR Million USD
Environmental Monitoring during Project Construction and Operation HP Pollution Control Board 7.50 0.18
Independent Environmental Monitoring, Regulatory Compliance, Reporting) SJVN 10.00 0.24
Environmental Monitoring SJVN 5.50 0.13
Environmental Monitoring Silt Analysis SJVN 3.00 0.07
Equipment, Tools and MIS
Software (Corporate & Emergency Communication and Information
Project) Systems 3.50 0.08
1:15,000 Topographic Maps SJVN 2.50 0.06
Emergency Preparedness Plan: VSAT for communication SJVN 5.00 0.12
Adoption of Environment management Systems (ISO-14000 & OSHAS-
18000) – Rampur Project 2.00 0.05
Panel of Safety Experts SJVN 6.60 0.16
On-Site Training SJVN 17.20 0.41
Implementation of
Environmental Training Off-Site Training in India SJVN 5.60 0.13
Program (Corporate &
Overseas Training & Exposure Visits
Project) SJVN
(Environment & Sediment Control) 6.00 0.14
Total Budget for EMP Implementation 455.16 10.97
NOTE: In addition to the above budget for implementation of the EMP, the budget for Implementation of the RAP and the SCDP are INR
320 million (USD 7.7 million) and INR 256.8 million (USD 6.2 million).

The budget for implementing the RAP (INR 320 million ~ US$ 7.7 million) and the Sustainable
Community Development Plan (INR 256.8 million ~ US$ 6.2 million) is not included in the Table
above. The total budget for managing social and environmental issues in the project is US$ 25
million, which is about 4% of the overall project cost.


Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report


1.1 The Rampur Project

Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (SJVNL), a joint venture owned by the Union Government of India
India (GOI) and the State Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP), will construct a 412MW hydro
project known as Rampur Hydroelectric project (RHEP) on river Satluj in Himachal Pradesh The
project will tap the hydropower potential of the Satluj River between Jhakri and Bael villages and
project will be a tailrace development of the 1500MW Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro Electric Project (NJHEP)
constructed and operated by SJVNL. The operation of RHEP would be closely interlinked with
NJHEP project.
The RHEP will divert 383.88 cubic m per second (cumec) of de-silted water of the tailrace pool of
NJHEP through 15km headrace tunnel to a surface power station near Bael Village. On completion,
the project would utilise a gross head of 138m to generate approximately 1969.69 GWh of design
energy in a 90% dependable year. The catchment area of the Satluj at the Nathpa dam is
49,800km2, and up to Rampur HEP is 50,800km2. Several tributaries join the Satluj between the
Nathpa Dam and the RHEP tailrace outfall.
The main works of the RHEP comprise of the Head Race Tunnel from the Rampur Intake, which
envisages diversion of the entire 383.88 cumec of desilted water from Tail Race Outfall of NJHEP
located on the left bank of river Satluj at Jhakri. The water from Rampur Intake structure shall be
conveyed to the right bank through a cut & cover Conduit, 10.50 m dia HRT of 15.08 Km length
terminating into a 140 m high, 38 m dia Surge Shaft. The length of HRT on left bank is 484 m
before it crosses the river Satluj with a 43.2 m long Cut and Cover Conduit. The water will further
enter into three underground penstocks 5.4 m dia each bifurcating into six Branch Tunnels each of
3.8 m diameter, to feed six generating units in a surface Power House equipped with Francis
turbines driven generating unit each of 68.67 MW capacity.
Since Rampur hydro project will take water from the NJHP tailrace, it will require neither a dam nor
any new reservoir capacity or land inundation. No desilting chambers will be required since desilted
water from NJHP plant will be used. Owing to Run-of-river design of RHEP, environmental and
social impacts are not very serious in nature and are manageable.
The power generated by Rampur HEP will feed the Northern Indian Energy Grid, directly benefiting
consumers in the states of north India and improving the availability of power at reasonable cost.

1.2 Project Location

The Rampur hydroelectric project is located about 115km east of Shimla, the capital of the state of
Himachal Pradesh (Figure 1.1). The project area falls within latitudes 77o35’N to 77o43’ N and
longitudes 31o23’E to 31o30’E (Figure 1.2).
Various sites of the Project are approachable by project roads connected to National Highway-22
on the left bank of the river stream. RHEP project is one among series of projects that are being
developed on river Satluj. It is located in the Jhakri village on the left bank of Satluj.
The catchment area of Satluj at Rampur discharge site, about 7 km up stream of the proposed
RHEP Power House site, is about 50,800 sq. km, of which about 30% falls in India and the
remaining portion in China, which is mainly covered with snow.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 1.1 – Location of Shimla Town and the State of Himachal Pradesh India

There are number of tributaries flowing into the Satluj between Nathpa Dam and Rampur tailrace
outfall. Both of its banks have population residing at high elevation as well as close to the river. In
the project affected stretch of river Satluj (of about 23km from Jhakri to Bael villages) the major
town is Rampur, and there are another 53 villages (24 villages on left bank and 29 villages on right
bank) Right bank is relatively less populated or developed. The RHEP would use right bank for
headrace tunnel and other facilities of the project. Rampur town is the main human settlement with
a population of about 10,000, and offers relatively better socio economic conditions.

Boundary of
Satluj Basin


Figure 1.2 – Location of the Satluj Basin within Himachal Pradesh

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

1.3 Context of the Project

1.3.1 Hydropower Potential in India

India, on account of the great river systems and favourable geographical features, has a vast
potential for hydropower estimated over 84000 MW at 60 percent load factor with an anticipated
generation of 600 billion units per year. The various hydroelectric schemes presently under
operation utilise only about 14-15 % of the total potential. Efforts are on to increase the present
installed capacity. For the purpose of hydroelectric development, the river basins could be divided
into six major groups namely Indus, Brahmaputra, Ganga, Central Indian Rivers, West Flowing
Rivers and East Flowing Rivers. There is a broad consensus in the Government of India to expand
power generation by developing the country’s hydropower potential of which, very less has been
harnessed so far. While State and Central Government agencies are largely concentrating on mega-
hydel projects, the private sector is being roped in to execute the mini- and micro-hydel segment
projects. Funding for these projects has come in from the World Bank, private banks like ICICI,
nationalized banks like Central Bank of India, various State Banks, and institutions like IFCI and
PFC. As per the estimates of CEA, region wise hydro power potential of India has been given

Table1.1 - Hydropower Potential of India

Region Principal Features of Hydro Project Pumped Storage Small Hydro (up
Feasible Installed to 25 MW)
Potential at Feasible Potential in
Capacity in MW Potential in MW
60%Load Installed billion kWh
Factor Capacity in MW per year
Northern 30155 53405 225 13065 5210
Western 5679 8928 31.4 39684 2100
Southern 10768 16446 61.8 17750 2230
Eastern 5590 10965 42.5 9125 1660
North-Eastern 31857 58956 239.3 16900 3330
Total 84044 148700 600 95524 14530
Source: Estimates of Centtral Electricity Authority (CEA)
Note on potential: Estimates of Small Hydro potential vary. According to one estimate, it could exceed 10,000 MW. Grid
quality power potential from wind, small hydro and biomass is estimated to be about 50,000 MW.

To tap the existing hydroelectric potential, Government of Himachal Pradesh has undertaken
several projects. The sites thus identified by the State Government are complying with the
guidelines prescribed by the Central Government and the procedure thus followed insists upon a
greater public consultation, better monitoring of environmental and social aspects of projects,
improvements in resettlement policy and practise, as well as in institutional capacity related to
project identification, engineering and design.

1.3.2 Hydro Power Potential in Himachal Pradesh

The State has been hallowed by tremendous hydropower potential. A comparative overview with
regard to hydropower potential of various river basins in the state has been presented below (Table
1.2). The total potential of various river basins in the State in terms of power generation is
estimated to be 20463.5 MW approx. As of June, 2003, Himachal Pradesh had 145 Hydro Electric
projects worth Rs.47, 479 crore in various stages of planning and implementation. Table 1.3 gives
an overview of capacities of different ongoing and proposed projects hydroelectric projects on the
Satluj in Himachal Pradesh (also see Figure 1.3).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 1.3 – Operating and Proposed Hydropower Projects in the Satluj Basin

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 1.2 - Hydropower Potential in River Basins of Himachal Pradesh

River Basin Identified potential (MW)
Satluj 9728
Beas 4293
Ravi 2181
Chenab 3301
Yamuna 960
TOTAL 20463
Source: EIA for Rampur HEP, H.P, Year 2005, SJVNL Consultancy Division, Oct, 2005

Table 1.3 Hydropower potential of Satluj Basin in Himachal Pradesh

Name of Generation Implementing Name of Project Generation Implementing
Type Project Capacity Agency / Owner Capacity Agency / Owner
(MW) (MW)
Bhakra Beas Board SJVNL
Currently Bhakra 1200.0 Nathpa-Jhakri 1500.0
Generating HP Electricity HP Electricity
SVP Bhaba 120.0 Nogli Stage I 2.5
Projects Board Board
HP Electricity JP (Private Sector)
Ganvi 22.5 Baspa Stage II 300.0
HP Electricity SJVNL
Projects Ganvi-II 10.0 Rampur 412.0
Construction HP Electricity Private Sector
Bhava 5.5 Karchham 1000.0
(2283.5MW) Board
Augment Wangtoo
Keshang-I 66.0 Kol Dam 800.0
- -
Proposed Sorang 60.0 Shongtong 402.0
Projects Karchham
under - -
Sal – I 6.5 Kashang – II 60.0
(2760.5 Tidong – I 100.0 Kashang – III 132.0
Thopan 400.0 Khab 600.0
Jangi Thopan 400.0? Luhri 600.0?
- -
Other Kuling Lara 40.0 Lare Sumate 104.0
Identified - -
Proposed Lara 60.0 Sumate Khatang 130.0
Projects - -
Ropa 60.0 Chango 140.0
(619.0 MW)
- -
Mane Nadang 70.0 Kut Khad 15.0
Source: SJVNL, Infra/ Consultancy Division Oct, 2005

1.4 Rationale for the Project

1.4.1 Demand for Energy in India

India is on a road to rapid growth in economy. During the period 1981-2000, it has witnessed an
impressive GDP growth rate of around 6%/yr. Policy initiatives of the Government of India during
the past decade have resulted in a faster growth of GDP and forecasts by several agencies point
towards continued growth of Indian economy. Reports suggest that India has the potential to show
the fastest growth over the next 30 to 50 years. Growth could be higher than over the next 30

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

years and close to 5% as late as 2050 if development proceeds successfully. To ensure that the
development proceeds successfully, Government of India has been very proactive and several steps
have been taken in the recent past. These include policy initiatives as well as planning and
launching of projects aimed at improving energy, transport and communication infrastructure in the
As elsewhere in the world, the energy and electricity growth in India is closely linked to growth in
economy. Since Independence, average growth rate of electricity generation over the entire period,
has been an impressive 8.6%/yr. In spite of this impressive growth, per capita electricity as well as
primary energy consumption are still very low. In addition, the share of non-commercial energy
resources continues to be much higher than what it is in developed countries. Domestic production
of commercial energy has registered an average growth of about 5.9%/yr during the period 1981-
2000. Various constraints, particularly poor hydrocarbon resource base, have forced an increased
reliance on energy imports, which have grown at the rate of about 7.1%/yr. The electricity sector
also has experienced severe shortages during the above period despite an impressive growth.
During the year 2000-01, there was an average electricity shortage of 7.8% and a peak power
demand shortage of 13% . It has now increased to 10% and 15% respectively.
The growth rate of electricity has been substantially higher than other forms of energy, the reason
being convenience of use and cleanliness at the user end. Electricity generation in India during the
fiscal year 2002-03 was about 532 billion kWh from electric utilities and about 104 billion kWh from
captive power plants. On per capita basis it turns out to be about 610 kWh per year. As already
mentioned, India’s GDP has been growing quite fast and it is forecast that it will continue to be so
in the coming decades. GDP growth is accompanied with growth of primary energy consumption as
well as electricity consumption.

1.4.2 Power Demand Scenario in the Country

India has achieved remarkable progress in the field of power development since independence in
1947. The rate of growth of installed capacity, though impressive, has not been able to keep pace
with the increase in power demand and the country is presently facing peak power shortages of
varying degree in various regions of the country.
The power availability in 2005-06, in the northern region, comprising Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP and Uttaranchal, was 168, 511
million units (MU) against the requirement of 188,418 MU. This region suffered a shortfall of
19,907 MU in 2005-06 which works out to be 10.6 per cent.
In a projection made by Assocham on Power Sector Performance, since only about one-third of
10th Plan capacity target addition had been accomplished by March, the impact would be much
higher in the northern and western regions, which suffered power shortage to the extent of 11 and
14 per cent during 2005-06. In the year 2006-07, total energy and peak energy demands in the
northern region shall be 220,820 MU and 355,540 MU against availability of 181,468 MU and
29,667 MU respectively. Thus, there shall be deficit of 17.8% and 16.5% for total energy and peak
energy respectively, in the northern region. These deficit figures for all India are 12.9% and 12.3%
respectively. Further, the Report of the Group on Power for 10th Plan estimated the need based
capacity addition of 62,213 MW during 11th Plan.
Thus, it is necessary to commission projects to generate power to bridge the ever-increasing gap in
demand and supply scenario. Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited (SJVNL) has proposed for complete
Basin development by constructing several hydropower projects along the Satluj basin (refer Fig
1.2) to exploit such an enormous source of energy which lies untapped in the State.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

1.4.3 Need for Hydropower

India, on account of the great river systems and favourable geographical features, has a vast
potential for hydropower, estimated to be over 84000 MW at 60 percent load factor (60% L.F.)
with an anticipated generation of 600 billion units per year. The various hydroelectric schemes
presently under operation in the country utilise only about 14-15 % of the total potential. Efforts
are on to increase the present installed capacity. For the purpose of hydroelectric development, the
river basins could be divided into six major groups namely Indus, Brahmaputra, Ganga, Central
Indian Rivers, West Flowing Rivers and East Flowing Rivers. There is a broad consensus in the
Government of India to expand power generation by developing the country’s hydropower potential
of which, very less has been harnessed so far. While State and Central Government agencies are
largely concentrating on mega-hydel projects, the private sector is being roped in to execute the
mini- and micro-hydel segment projects. Funding for these projects has come in from the World
Bank, private banks, and institutions like IFCI and PFC.
To tap the existing hydroelectric potential, Government of Himachal Pradesh has undertaken
several projects on various sites which identified by the State Government in compliance with the
guidelines prescribed by the Central Government. Procedure thus followed insists upon a greater
public consultation, better monitoring of environmental and social aspects of projects,
improvements in resettlement policy and practise, as well as in institutional capacity related to
project identification, engineering and design.

1.4.4 Identification of Rampur Hydro-Electric Project

Rampur HE Project was identified by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) as the least cost option
plan for meeting the projected energy and power shortage in the Northern Region by the end of
11th Five Year plan i.e. by 2011-12). Environmentally Rampur HE Project is least damaging owing to
its nature being “run of the river scheme” and advantageous location between Nathpa Jhakri (1500
MW) project which is under operation and Luhari (425 MW) project, which is under planning. As
both the upstream and down stream projects are also run of the river schemes, Rampur HEP will
have no effect on the operation of upstream and downstream projects.
The design of the Rampur scheme encompasses the experience gained from successful projects in
hydropower in India, and in its preparation has avoided the pitfalls experienced by the less
successful hydroelectric projects. Rampur’s technical design, layout and cost estimates result from
careful analysis of alternatives. A range of sites, capacities, designs and engineering techniques
were studied, before the final layout and design was decided upon.
Further rationale for the Rampur Hydropower project is described in the section on the Analysis of
Alternatives, below.

1.5 Analyses of Alternatives

1.5.1 Identification of the Rampur Project

The key GoI policy statements that guide hydropower development are National Policy for
Hydropower Development (1998) and the 50,000 MW Hydroelectric Initiative (2003). The latter
sets a long term target for hydroelectric power to meet 40% national generation mix, and medium
term target as 28.63% of generation mix by end 10th Plan (the starting point being 25% in 2003).
The policy statements describe the policy objectives of hydropower development as: (i)
environmental benefits, in particular avoidance of pollution and emissions from thermal plant (ii)
benefits for power system operation, especially for meeting peak demand (iii) energy security -
reducing exposure to fuel price and supply risks. The policy statements also propose several policy
actions to promote hydropower.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

A key feature of these policy statements is the concept of planning for the development of a ‘shelf’
(portfolio) of hydroelectric projects. India had adopted a portfolio approach to project
development given (i) the scale of projected demand increases relative to individual project size
(ii) the benefits of having a portfolio of projects in terms of diversifying project development and
timing risks.

1.5.2 Initial Ranking of Hydropower Projects

In October 2001, Central Electricity Authority (CEA) produced a study which ranked 399 candidate
hydro schemes (with an aggregate capacity of est. 106,910 MW) into three categories (A,B & C)
according to the following criteria: (i) rehabilitation and resettlement impacts (ii) whether projects
are in areas subject to international water treaties (iii) likelihood of delay due to complexities of
inter-state co-ordination (iv) project size (v) type of scheme, preference being given to projects
that do not involve large storage (vi) height of dam, preference being given to projects with lower
dams (vii) length of tunnel / channel, preference being to projects with shorter tunnels (vii) status
of upstream and downstream hydroelectric project development, preference given to projects on
rivers were there are already other projects (ix) accessibility of site (x) status of project
development, preference being given to projects for which site investigations and feasibility studies
are ready. This approach, therefore, screened a large universe of candidate projects using proxy
indicators for (i) environmental impact (ii) political risk (iii) construction risk, (iv) project cost, and
(v) development lead time. Rampur is a CEA category A project, high in the development portfolio.

1.5.3 Analysis & Prioritization

A major activity under the “50,000 MW” (2003) initiative was preparation of ‘Preliminary Feasibility
Reports’ (PFRs) for 162 new hydroelectric projects. CEA was charged with responsibility for leading
this exercise, and it in turn tasked a number of agencies, including SJVNL. PFRs were prepared in
accordance with CEA guidelines. A PFR includes conceptual project design, preliminary project and
equipment layouts, environmental and geological studies, planning for power evacuation, cost
estimates and financial appraisal. The 162 PFRs where then screened according to the following
criteria; (i) projected levelised tariff below Rs 2.5 / kWh – 78 met this criterion (ii) excluding
projects with major environmental impacts or international issues – 5 were excluded on this basis.
Therefore 73 projects were selected for detailed feasibility analysis. Rampur project is one of these.
Detailed Project Reports follow a methodology specified by CEA. The main components of this
feasibility analysis are: (i) comparison of alternative technical options for exploitation of the hydro
resource (ii) hydrological analysis (iii) quantification of power generation potential (iv) site survey
(v) geological investigation (vi) construction methodology and equipment design (v) environmental
assessment (vi) financial analysis.

1.5.4 Development Status of Hydropower Projects in the Indus Basin

There are 9 projects (excluding 4 small projects of capacity 27-85MW) in the entire Indus basin
ranked higher than the Rampur project in the CEA pre-feasibility ranking exercise. Of these 2
project are in the state of Jammu & Kashmir, and are yet to be taken up for construction. The
remaining projects are in the Satluj basin. Two of these projects (Allain Duhangan- 192MW and
Karcham Wangtoo-1000MW) are under development by private entrepreneurs. For 4 other projects
(all in the range of 420-600MW) detailed project reports are being prepared, and for one project
(Shongtong Karcham – 780MW) the preparation is yet to start.

1.5.5 Project’s Design Alternatives

Six alternative layouts had been formulated and analyzed for Rampur Hydroelectric Project. As the
intake structure for the Rampur project had already been built along with the outfall structure of

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

the 1500 MW (6 x 250 MW) Nathpa Jhakri project – this is a constant in all the 6 alternative
ALTERNATIVE – I: Beyond Rampur intake, around 402 m long 10.5m diameter concrete lined
Head Race Tunnel (including suitable transition from 10.15 m to 10.5 m diameter) on the left bank
will join a 182m long steel lined inverted siphon aqueduct of 10.50 m diameter. Immediately after
the inverted siphon aqueduct, a concrete lined circular headrace tunnel having 10.5 m diameter
and about 14.5 km long begins on the right bank of river Satluj. This alternative envisages an
open to sky, surge shaft of 38m diameter and about 140m depth along with three numbers
partially underground penstocks of 5.4m diameter, 402/409m long each and a valve chamber for
housing three Butterfly valves. The surface powerhouse will be located on the right bank of the
river Satluj near village Bael to utilize a gross head of 138.7 m with an installed capacity of 412
MW. The powerhouse cannot be located further downstream, since the area is a low lying flat
made of alluvium through which tunneling is not possible. It is not feasible to construct a channel
due to presence inhabitation and agricultural field in the area. Therefore, the water is led to the
river through a relatively short tailrace tunnel of around 54m length. For this alternative no de-
silting arrangement or storage reservoir is envisaged since only silt free and regulated flows from
tailrace of Jhakri powerhouse are proposed to be utilized for power generation.
The proposed headrace tunnel cuts across all the three rock groups viz., the Jeori-Wangtu Gneissic
complex, Kullu group and Rampur group, thereby negotiating both the thrusts interpreted in the
area. A major fold axis viz., Rampur Anticlinal axis is interpreted adjoining the Suman Khad
crossing besides the general tunneling problems expected in the Himalayas. The closely jointed
and fractured quartzite along the thrusted contact between the Jeori Wangtu Gneissic complex and
Rampur Group is for an approximate thickness of 500 meters. Hot water conditions along the above
mentioned thrust shall have to be tackled. The surface temperature of hot water from the spring is
reported to be about 31oC. However, the temperature at depth is likely to be higher.
During construction, this proposal involves problems of handling a large diameter steel lined
inverted siphon aqueduct and problem of accumulation of silt at the bend /depression points of the
inverted siphon during operation. The more complicated inverted siphon will take longer to
construct. Silt would deposit in the siphon when power discharge is low or during shut down. The
longer the shut down the more will be the silt deposit. It will cause operational problems. Further,
the siphon will have to be long due to (i) the need to achieve workable gradients and (ii) the
requirement of clearance of its ends from river banks.
ALTERNATIVE – II: This is a modification of Alternative I. The difference is that the river crossing
is proposed by means of a 43.2m long cut and cover reinforced cement concrete conduit in place of
the deep siphon aqueduct of Alternative-I. In addition, construction of upstream and down stream
coffer dams and a concrete lined horseshoe shaped diversion tunnel of 10m diameter and 223.5m
length are also involved. The remaining components like 10.5m diameter and 15.08km long HRT,
38m diameter 140m deep open to sky surge shaft, three partially underground steel penstocks of
5.4m diameter and 402/409m length, a surface Butterfly valve house, surface power house near
village Bael and a tail race tunnel are similar to those of Alternative-I for utilizing a gross head of
138.7m with an installed capacity 412 MW.
The proposed headrace tunnel cuts across all the three rock groups viz., the Jeori-Wangtu Gneissic
complex, Kullu group and Rampur group, thereby negotiating both the thrusts interpreted in the
area. A major fold axis viz., Rampur Anticlinal axis is interpreted adjoining the Suman Khad
crossing besides the general tunneling problems expected in the Himalayas. The closely jointed
and fractured quartzite along the thrusted contact between the Jeori Wangtu Gneissic complex and
Rampur Group is for an approximate thickness of 500 meters.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Hot water conditions along the above mentioned thrust shall have to be tackled. The surface
temperature of hot water from the spring is reported to be about 31oC. However, the temperature
at depth is likely to be higher. This is being explored further by drilling a hole at the required
Major drainages across the headrace tunnel are the Kajo Khad, the Kuni Khad and the Suman Khad
and the ground cover over the proposed tunnel alignment across these drainages is approximately
100 m, 250 m and 80 m respectively. The depth to bed rock and requirement of minimum sound
rock cover in these sections vis-à-vis internal water pressure in the tunnel will have to be kept in
view during the construction stage.
The Suman Khad - HRT intersection (bend) lies in the axial zone of the Rampur Anticline. The
tunnel is interpreted to lie within phyllite/metabasic flows in this section and the metabasics are
expected to be of a poor tunneling media.
The Kullu group of rocks is hetrogeneous in nature and as such is expected to be more problematic
while tunneling. Presence of limestone with solution effects and inflow of water along with weak
carb-phyllites may pose tunnelling problems.
The proposed headrace tunnel will have a ground cover of less than 600m for a length of around
13km. The ground, however, touches a maximum elevation of 2080m (near Kumsu, east of
Nermand) indicating the maximum ground cover over the tunnel to be about 1100 meters. This
stretch of around 1800 meters will need additional precautions coupled with timely treatment so as
to achieve good progress in adverse tunnelling conditions.
The option of providing an underground powerhouse near village Bael would be to locate it in
phyllites, carb phyllites and lime-stone strata with solution effects in a synclinal structure, which is
likely to pose a number of problems while tunneling. Locating the tailrace tunnel could also be a
problem due to presence of thick river terrace material between the river and underground
powerhouse. As such an underground powerhouse at this location is likely to face a number of
limitations and even Geological Survey of India has opined in favour of a surface powerhouse at
this location. In this connection, a preliminary geological report on Rampur HEP, District Shimla
(Himachal Pradesh) by Mr. Yogendra Deva of Geological Survey of India for Annual Programme
1996-97 be referred. [Appendix 2, volume IV of Detailed Project Report on Rampur HEP (May
2005)]. In contrast, the surface powerhouse location here is more favorable on account of being on
the riverbank and well above the highest flood level.
ALTERNATIVE – III: This is similar to alternative-II except that the powerhouse is located near
village Behna at the confluence of Behna Khad with river Satluj about 20km downstream of outfall
of alternative-II to gain an additional head of 80.22m. Also, as suggested in the Geological Report
of the Geological Survey of India (1996-97), the proposed headrace tunnel alignment has been
modified so as to increase the rock cover over the tunnel at Kurpan Khad and also to reduce the
maximum rock cover from 1700m in the remaining reach. With this, the length of HRT increases to
36km; and 4 more working adits with a cumulative length of 6km will be required over and above
the adits already envisaged for the proposed 15km long headrace tunnel for Alternative II.
This alternative also contemplates utilization of the entire tailrace discharge of 383.88 cumec from
Nathpa Jhakri HEP and comprises of structures similar to those of Alternative II. The concrete
lined Head Race Tunnel of 10.5m diameter will be from Jhakri tail pond to the surge shaft near
village Behna. As suggested in the Geological Report of the Geological Survey of India (1996-97),
the proposed headrace tunnel alignment has been reviewed and modified so as to increase the
rock cover over the tunnel at Kurpan Khad and also to reduce the maximum rock cover from 1700
meters in the balance reach. With this, the length of HRT increases to 36km. In view of the long
length of HRT, four more working adits with a cumulative length of 6km will be required over and
above the adits already envisaged for the proposed 15.08 km long headrace tunnel for Alternative

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

II. The depth of surge shaft will be about 180m and open to sky, steel lined pressure shaft of
about 350m length and underground powerhouse near village Behna with a tail race tunnel of
about 1km length terminating near the confluence of Behna Khad with river Satluj to utilize a gross
head of 238m with an installed capacity of 690 MW.
The possible underground powerhouse location is in the Dolomite/limestone, phyllite and
carbonaceous phyllite slates. Large solution cavities are present in the dolomite/limestone.
Therefore, the underground powerhouse shall require elaborate support system and may face
heavy water inflow problems. For locating a surface powerhouse, terrace is not wide enough to
accommodate the proposed structure.
ALTERNATIVE – IV: In this alternative, powerhouse is envisaged on the left bank of river Satluj.
It envisages a 11km long concrete lined head race tunnel of 10.5m diameter on left bank of river
Satluj from Jhakri to Nogli. A long tailrace tunnel of around 8.2km is required for releasing water
back to Satluj River. The surge shaft would be of 110m height; and steel lined pressure shafts of
5.40 m diameter, about 200m long and an underground power house on right bank of Nogli Khad
are the other features of the alternative. The tailrace tunnel will join the Satluj river immediately
downstream of Duttnagar on NH-22 (opposite to the Kurpan Khad) to utilize a gross head of 147.5
m with an installed capacity of about 424 MW.
Flat bedrock has been proved by geophysical survey along the riverbank, above which the hill
slopes are completely under the cover of unconsolidated overburden, comprising silty/sandy soil
with boulders and rock fragments of quartz mica schist. At the proposed powerhouse site, the Nogli
Khad waters flow through an antiformal valley with the quartzite and phyllite dipping in opposite
directions on the nala banks. A major fault along the Nogli Khad is also suspected. The phyllites on
the right bank of the Nogli Khad are found to be structurally disturbed and weak for which lot of
excavation and rock stabilization problems are expected for the underground complex.
In this alternative, the HRT will encounter overburden or inadequate rock cover in the initial reach.
The tunnel shall pass through a major thrust zone in Brauni Khad area. Huge seepage problem
would be encountered, during construction and operation, as the joints dip towards these caverns.
The caverns will have to be set deep inside the hill. The tailrace will be passing through a thrust
and carbonaceous phyllites. An additional surge shaft in the downstream water conductor will be
required, since it is long. Space for pothead yard will have to be created by excavating huge chunk
of hill on the opposite bank at considerable cost. The only suitable site for adit is too close to
Rampur town. This may not be permissible.
ALTERNATIVE – V: This Alternative comprises almost all the features of Alternative-II but
involves picking up additional water from the Satluj river at a point about 500m downstream of its
inter section with Kajo Khad by constructing a diversion dam. It is thus proposed to utilize this
additional water of about 150 cumec through a second 6.2m diameter concrete lined tunnel, which
will run parallel to the HRT of Alternative- II before meeting at surge shaft. An underground de -
silting chamber on the 6.2m diameter tunnel will also be required. From surge shaft, underground
steel lined pressure shaft of about 200m length will feed a surface powerhouse located near village
Bael, with twin tail race tunnels of about 1km length carrying water to a point near the confluence
of Kurpan Khad with the river Satluj opposite Duttnagar on NH-22. This alternative will utilize a
gross head of 138.7 m with an installed capacity of 574MW and a design discharge of 533.88
The geo-technical features of this proposal are similar to those for the alternative II. The
difference lies in the introduction of a diversion dam across the Satluj, an additional HRT of 6.2 m
diameter coupled with a de-silting chamber for picking up the additional 150 cumec of water during
the monsoon months.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

ALTERNATE - VI: This alternative contemplates the construction of a pickup gravity dam with a
dam toe power house near Village Bael so as to utilize the entire releases of Jhakri power house
besides the additional waters generated from the intermediate catchment area. The height of the
dam above the river bed will be around 140m so as to fully utilize the available head between
Jhakri power house and Village Bael. The length of the dam at the top shall be more than 600m at
this location.
In this alternative, large portion of Rampur Township, Brau, Nogli and other villages will have to be
displaced. A wide stretch of arable land will get submerged. Nearly three main bridges, the National
Highway between Khaneri and Nirsu on left bank and Rampur bypass road on right bank as also
the link roads on the two banks will be affected. In addition, 2.5MW Nogli power station and
transmission towers of SJVNL will get submerged. About 100ha of land on right bank owned by
Army will also go under water. Besides the foregoing losses, additional arrangement for periodic
flushing of reservoir during monsoon shall be required to be made thereby disrupting generation of
power for 2 to 3 days at a time. Further, such a scheme does not appear in the master plan of
Hydro Power Development in Sutlej Basin’ prepared by CEA (2004).

1.5.6 Analyses to Identify the Most Favorable Design Alternatives

Based on the preliminary studies of geological features, environmental and sociological aspects,
project components and operational parameters discussed above, Alternative I, IV and VI were not
considered for further examination. Power potential studies and selection of optimum proposal in
respect of the alternative II, III and V were taken up. The parameters for such investigation
included water availability, water levels in intake pool, tail water level of powerhouse, water
conductor losses, rated head, power generation and installed capacity, and investment cost.

Water Availability: Discharge series at Nathpa Dam have been utilized for Rampur H.E.P as the
discharge from tailrace of existing Jhakri Power House would be directly used for Power Potential
studies. Ten daily discharge data series (May to April) for 41 years at Nathpa dam site (1963-64 to
2003-2004) have been given in Annexure -5.1. Ten daily discharge data series (May-April) of
Sholding Khad (1963-64 to 2003-2004) have been given in Annexure – 5.2. The series for Sholding
Khad consists of the generated series from 1963-1970 and 1987-2004 and observed data for the
period 1970-1987. Discharge from Sholding Khad restricted to 6 cumec, carried through a tunnel
joins the HRT of Nathpa Jhakri Hydo-Electric Project through a drop tunnel. The discharge from
Sholding Khad alongwith the discharge from Nathpa dam is utilized at Jhakri Power House.
However, for meeting the environmental requirement 15% of minimum flow of the hydrological
series at Nathpa Dam site has been deducted during the lean period, to arrive at the discharges
that eventually after passing through the tail race, is available for generation at Rampur Hydro-
electric Project.
Water Levels in Intake Pool: In the tailrace outfall structure of Nathpa Jhakri HEP, an intake
pool in front of Rampur Intake has been provided which has a limited capacity. The tail water level
in the pool is at EL 1005.00 m, when all the six (6) units at Jhakri are running. But when one (1)
unit is running the tail race water level would be EL 1002 m. The average TWL of Jhakri tail pool
would be at EL 1003.5 m.
Tail Water Level (TWL) of Rampur Power House: Geologically good site is available for
locating Power House on right bank of river Satluj near village Bael opposite to Dutt Nagar, which is
about 15 Km downstream of Rampur town. The maximum and minimum tail water levels of
Rampur Hydo-electric project have been fixed as EL 866.7 m & EL 862.9 m respectively. Thus, the
average TWL would be at EL 864.8 m.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Water Conductor Losses of Rampur HEP: Head loss would be varying according to the
variation in discharge from time to time. The water conductor losses in the head race tunnel,
penstocks and tailrace tunnel due to friction and bend losses etc. on different values of water
discharge have been computed as follows:

Table 1.4 – Water Conductor Loss in Alternative II

Discharge (cumec) Head Loss (m)
383.88 19.6
350 16.6
300 13.0
250 9.3
200 6.5
150 4.4
127.96 (corresponding to discharge for two units) 3.2

Rated Head: The gross and net rated heads for Rampur HEP have been determined as indicated
• Max. TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1005 m
• Min. TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1002 m
• Average TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1003.5 m
• Normal TWL for Rampur HEP = EL 866.7 m
• Min. TWL for Rampur HEP = EL 862.9 m
• Average TWL for Rampur HEP = EL 864.8 m
• Gross Rated Head = 138.70 m
• Max. Head Loss in water conductor system at a discharge of 383.88 cumec = 19.60 m
• Rated net Head = 119.10 m

The 90% And 50% Dependable Years: The 10-daily discharge series (1963-2004) at Nathpa
Dam (Annexure –5.1), and the 10-daily discharge series (1963-2004) of Sholding Khad (Annexure –
5.2) have been utilized to determine the dependable years to assess the power potential of the
The discharge series of Sholding Khad (1963-2004) limited to 6 cumec which is restricted by the
capacity of the desilting chamber and tunnel emanating from the Sholding Khad weir, have been
added to the discharge series at Nathpa Dam of respective years. The combined 10-daily
discharge series so obtained is given as Annexure – 5.3. Considering various parameters viz.
combined 10-daily discharge, combined turbine generator efficiency of 92%, gross head of 138.70
m and head losses as indicated in para 5.2.4, unrestricted power, and unrestricted energy
generation have been determined as shown in Annexure – 5.4 and 5.5 respectively. The
unrestricted energy has been arranged in the descending order as given in Annexure 5.6.
The 90% and 50% dependable years are determined as follows:
• 90% dependable year = [(N+1) x 0.9] year

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• 50% dependable year = [(N+1) x 0.5] year, where N is the total number of years for
which discharge series is available.
Here N is 41, therefore,
• 90% dependable year = (41+1) x 0.9 = 42x0.9 = 37.8 = 38th year
• 50% dependable year = (41+1) x 0.5 = 42x0.5 = 21st year
2000-01 and 1972-73 works out to be 90% and 50% dependable years respectively.
Power Generation and Installed Capacity: For the 90% dependable year which works out to
be 2000-01, the power potential assessment has been carried out considering the full utilization of
the discharge from Nathpa Jhakri Power House. The rated discharge of Jhakri plant corresponding
to rated out put of 1500 MW at rated head of 428 m is 383.88 cumec. The same discharge would
be utilized for Rampur HEP. For a given net head of 119.10 m and specific speed of 214.3 RPM,
Francis turbine is an obvious choice. For a discharge of 383.88 cumec and a net head of 119.10 m,
it would be possible to develop 412 MW at Rampur. The annual energy generated, with an installed
capacity of 412 MW, in the 90% dependable year is 2025.55 GWh and the design energy with 95%
availability of installed capacity and allowing for 15% deduction for meeting the environmental
requirement, is 1969.68 GWh. The annual energy generation in the 50% dependable year is
2182.06 GWh. A summary of the study is given below:

Table 1.5 – Energy Generation in Alternative II

Particulars 90% dependable year 50% dependable year

Annual Energy (GWh) 2025.55 2182.06

Lean Period Power (MW) (Oct-April) 124.42 153.4
Design Energy (GWh) 1969.68 -
Lean Period Energy (GWh) (Oct.-April) 634.30 781.25
Lean flow load factor (%) 30.20 37.23
Annual load factor (%) 56.12 60.46

Water Availability: This scheme is similar to alternative-II except that the power house is located
near village Behna in the proximity of confluence of Behna Khad with river Satluj about 20 km
downstream of outfall of alternative-II to gain additional head of 80.22 m. The discharge series at
Nathpa Dam and Sholding Khad as adopted in alternative-II, after deducting 15% of minimum flow
of the hydrological series at Nathpa Dam site, during the lean period, to meet the environmental
requirement, has been utilized for generation at Rampur Hydro-electric Project. The ten daily
discharge data series (May-April) at Nathpa dam site (1963-64 to 2003-04) and Sholding Khad
(1963-64 to 2003-04) are given as Annexure 5.1 and 5.2 respectively.
Water Level in Intake Pool: The maximum and minimum levels in tail race pool of Jhakri plant
would be as EL 1005 m and 1002 m respectively as discussed in 5.2.2 above.
Tail Water Level (TWL): The average tail race water level has been estimated to be EL 765.5 m.
Water Conductor Losses of Rampur HEP: Head losses would be varying according to the
variation in discharge from time to time. The water conductor losses in the head race tunnel,
penstock and tail race tunnel due to friction, bend losses etc. have been computed as follows:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 1.6 – Water Conductor Loss in Alternative III

Discharge (cumec) Head Loss (m)
383.88 38.68
350 32.42
300 24.24
250 17.32
200 11.66
150 7.25
127.96 5.28

Rated Head: The net rated head has been computed considering average tailrace water level as
EL 1003.5 m at Jhakri (refer Sec 5.2.5), which is also intake for Rampur HEP and average tail water
level as EL 765.5 m at the proposed power house site. The rated head adopted for the turbines
has been taken as 199.32 m as indicated below.
• Max. TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1005 m
• Minimum TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1002 m
• Average TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1003.5 m
• Tail water level at proposed Power house site = EL 765.5 m
• Gross rated head = 238.0 m
• Head loss in water conductor system at a discharge of 383.88 cumce = 38.68 m
• Net rated head = 199.32 m
For a net rated head of 199.32 m and specific speed of 125.5 RPM, Francis turbine is an obvious
choice. Alternative –III provides a gain of net head of 80.22 m over Alternative-II.

The 90% and 50% Dependable Years: The combined 10-daily discharge series as given in
Annexure – 5.3, has been utilized to determine 90% and 50% dependable years. Unrestricted
power and unrestricted energy have been determined considering the combined 10-daily discharge,
combined turbine generator efficiency of 92%, gross head of 238 m and water conductor losses as
indicated in para 5.3.4, and are given in Annexure 5.9 and 5.10 respectively.
The unrestricted energy has been arranged in descending order as given in Annexure 5.11 and
90% and 50% dependable years determined as explained in para 5.2.6. The years 2000-01 and
1972-73 are the 90% and 50% dependable years respectively, as given in Annexure 5-11.

Power Generation and Installed Capacity: For the 90% dependable year, which works out to
be 2000-01, the power potential assessment has been carried out considering the full utilization of
the discharge from Jhakri Power House. With a discharge of 383.88 cumec and a net head of
199.32 m. it would be possible to develop 690 MW approximately. The annual energy generated
with an installed capacity of 690 MW in the 90% dependable year is 3426.87 GWh and the design
energy with 95% availability of installed capacity, is 3239.75 GWh. The annual energy generation
in the 50% dependable year is 3769.88 GWh. A summary of the study is as given below:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 1.7 – Energy Generation in Alternative III

Particulars 90% dependable year 50% dependable year
Annual Energy (GWh) 3426.87 3687.71
Design Energy (GWh) 3239.75 -
Lean Period Power [MWc (Oct-April)] 213.66 262.33
Lean Period Energy (GWh) (Oct-April) 1089.24 1336.04
Lean flow load factor (%) 30.97 38.02
Annual Load factor (%) 56.70 61.01

Water Availability: This scheme is similar to Alternative -II but with an additional utilization of
surplus water available in Satluj river at Jhakri. The 10-day discharge series (1963-2004) at
Nathpa dam and Sholding Khad. The additional discharge diverted from river Satluj, downstream
of Jhakri, by constructing a pick up dam and underground desilting chambers joins the discharges
from the Jhakri power house at the surge shaft through another tunnel of 6.2 m dia parallel to the
main head race tunnel. Further, for meeting the environmental requirement, 15% of minimum flow
of the hydrological series has been deducted during the lean period of the discharge series. The
present study has been done considering a combined discharge of 533.88 cumec.
Water Levels In Intake Pool: As the intake structure of Rampur is at the tail pool of Nathpa
Jhakri HEP, the average tail water level of EL 1003.5 m fixed for Nathpa Jhakri tail pool has been
taken as water level for computation of gross head.
Tail Water Level (TWL): The maximum and minimum tail water levels for the proposed power
house have been kept as EL 866.7 m and EL 862.9 m respectively which are same as in alternative
Water Conductor Losses of Rampur HEP: Head losses would be varying according to the discharge
from time to time. The water conductor losses in the head race tunnel, penstocks and tailrace
tunnel due to friction, bend losses etc. have been computed as follows:

Table 1.8 – Water Conductor Loss in Alternative IV

Discharge (cumec) Head Loss (m)
383.88 19.6
350 16.6
300 13.0
250 9.3
200 6.5
150 4.4
127.96 3.2

Rated Head: The gross head has been considered corresponding to average water level as EL
1003.5m in Intake for Rampur H.E.P at Jhakri & average Tail Water level as EL 864.8m at proposed
Rampur Powerhouse. The rated head adopted for the turbines has been taken as 119.1m as
indicated below.
• Normal TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1005 m
• Minimum TWL at Jhakri Pool = EL 1002 m

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Max. TWL for Rampur HEP = EL 866.7 m

• Minimum TWL for Rampur HEP = EL 862.9 m
• Average water level at intake = EL 1003.5 m
• Average Tail water level = EL 864.8 m
• Gross Rated head = 138.70 m
• Head Loss in water conductor system at 533.88 cumec = 19.6 m
• Net rated head = 119.10 m
The 90% And 50% Dependable Years: The combined 10-daily discharge series utilized for
alternative-II, as given in Annexure – 5.3, along with the 10 daily discharge series of additional
flow, from the pick up dam has been utilized. Unrestricted power and unrestricted energy has
been determined considering the combined 10-daily discharges, combined turbine generator
efficiency of 92%, gross head of 138.70m and water conductor losses as indicated above.
The unrestricted energy has been arranged in descending order and 90% and 50% dependable
years determined to be 2000-01 and 1995-96.
Power Generation and Installed Capacity: For the 90% dependable year the power potential
assessment has been carried out considering the full utilization of the discharge from Nathpa Jhakri
Power House and the additional discharge diverted from Satluj limited to a maximum of 150
cumec. The total discharge is a combination of 383.88 cumec from NJHEP and 150 cumec from
the pick up weir. With a discharge of 533.88 cumec and a net head of 119.10 m, it would be
possible to develop 574 MW approximately. The annual energy generated with an installed capacity
of 574 MW in the 90% dependable year is 2412.49 GWh and the design energy with 95%
availability of installed capacity, is 2312.70 GWh. The annual energy generation in the 50%
dependable year is 2729.41 GWh. A summary of the study is as given below:

Table 1.9 – Energy Generation in Alternative II

Particulars 90% dependable year 50% dependable year

Annual Energy (GWh) 2412.49 2729.41

Design Energy (GWh) 2312.70 -
Lean Period Power [MWc (Oct-April)] 126.55 166.70
Lean Period Energy (GWh) (Oct-April) 645.11 848.95
Lean flow load factor (%) 22.05 29.04
Annual Load factor (%) 47.98 54.28

1.5.7 Overall Selection

Economic analysis has been carried out for alternative- II, III and V. Design energy for alternatives
II and III has been computed considering the water availability from tailrace of Jhakri Power Plant.
For Alternative–V additional discharge diverted from River Satluj by constructing a pick up dam has
also been considered along with the tailrace discharge from Jhakri power house. Plant availability
has been considered as per the norms of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). The
tariff has also been determined for each case based on prevailing norms.
From all perspectives, alternative II is technically feasible, optimum from social and environmental
impact points of view, and economically the most attractive (Table 1.4).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 1.10: Summary Analysis of Alternative Project Designs

Alternative Reason for Energy Tariff (Rs/kWH) Investment Cost (Rs.
Rejection Generation Crore)
Levelized First Year
I Geological Note: Considerations include suitability of available construction material, huge
uncertainties and insurmountable silt load issues.
II - 2021.98 1.75 1.94 2145.95
III - 3329.3 1.97 2.18 3969.64
IV Geological features, Note: Considerations include inadequate rock cover, excavation in fragile
social issues material, huge seepage problem; adit at Rampur town.
V - 2366.54 2.81 3.11 4032.66
VI Social and Note: This includes storage and consequent high levels of loss of forests and
environmental impacts private properties. Additionally, the town of Rampur and other human
settlements would need to be displaced.

1.6 Construction Components of the Selected Project Design

The project envisages construction of the following structures (Figure 1.4). The salient features of
the project are given in Table 1.11.
Intake Tunnel: A diversion tunnel of 10.50m dia, 169.00 m long to carry design discharge of 405
cumec after puncturing TRT outfall of Nathpa Jhakri Project at 45o angle has already been
Cut & Cover River Crossing: A cut & cover river crossing of 10.50m diameter, 43.20m long RCC
box section type is to be constructed to take water from left bank to right bank.
Head Race Tunnel: The water discharge of 405 cumec is carried through a 10.5m diameter and
14.56km long concrete lined head-race tunnel provided on right bank of Satluj up to surge tank.
The tunnel is designed with a bed slope of 1 in 431.
Surge Shaft: A surge shaft is provided at the end of HRT. Surge shaft is concrete lined with
finished diameter of 38m and 140m high open to sky. Surge shaft entry, 3.8m diameter is of
restricted orifice type.
Penstock: Three penstocks of 5.4m diameter steel lined with approximate length of 402m for the
central penstock and 409m for each side penstock.
Powerhouse and Switchyard: A surface power-house 136m long and 23.5m wide including
control room, etc., is proposed to be constructed on the right bank of Satluj river near village Bail.
The power-house and switchyard will be connected to NH-22 on left bank by constructing a bridge
over Satluj.
Tail Race Channel: Tail water will be discharged into river on the downstream side through
horseshoe concrete lined section of 10.5m dia and 7.2km length.
Adits: Four adits have been proposed for construction of head race tunnel. In addition one adit
cum spill tunnel on left bank is also proposed.
Transmission System: Evacuation of power generated at Rampur Hydroelectric Project will be
undertaken by a 400KV Jhakri-Nalagarh D/C line at Duttnagar.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 1.4: Location & Lay-out of the Rampur Project

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 1.11 - Salient Features of Rampur Hydroelectric Project

LOCATION State Himachal Pradesh
District Shimla / Kullu
Vicinity Intake works are at Jhakri in Distt. Shimla (The tail water
of Nathpa Jhakri HE Project has been utilized) and the
Power House is located on right bank of river Satluj near
village Bayal in distt. Kullu about 15 Km d/s of Rampur
HYDROLOGY Catchment area at Nathpa 49820 km2
Catchment area at Rampur 50880 km2
(G & D Side)
Design Flood (At Rampur) (As per SJVNL)
100 Year 4104 m3/sec
1000 Year 5572 m3/sec
10,000 Year 7151 m3/sec
Av. Annual run off in 50% 10181.22 Mm3
average ear
Av. Annual runoff in 90% 8195.35 Mm3
average year
INTAKE STRUCTURE Normal Pond level 1005.00 m
Minimum water level (MWL) 1002 m
Design discharge 383.88 cumec
Top elevation of wall / 1026.5 m (corresponding to Design flood of 5660 cumec
structure with freeboard of 1.8m)

Number of Intake Gates 2 (6m wide x 7m high)

INTAKE TUNNEL Type Circular, concrete lined

Size 10.15m / 10.50 m dia
Length 484 m
Design discharge 383.88 cumces
INTAKE CONDUIT (CUT & Type Circular Concrete lined, 10.5 m dia.
Length 43.2 m
Design discharge 383.88 cumec
HEAD RACE TUNNEL Type Circular Concrete lined
Size 10.50 m finished diameter
Length 15.08 km
Design discharge 383.88 cumec
Bed slopes 1 in 90 & 1 in 431
Velocity 4.43 m/sec
ADITS Length of adit at RD 14625 590 m
m (upstream of surge shaft)
Length of Goshai khad adit 1116 m
at RD 11720 m
Length of adit near Kunni 604 m
khad at RD 5854 m
Length of Kazo khad adit RD 760 m
2712 m
Length of adit, cum spill 342.5 m
tunnel at left bank
All the adits are 7.5 m D-

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

SURGE SHAFT Numbers One (Open to sky)

Type Restricted Orifice
Diameter 38 m
Depth 140 m
Orifice dia. 4.45 m
Elevation of centre line of 949.54 m
head race tunnel
Elevation of invert of surge 944.29 m
Max. up surge 1049.38 m
Minimum down surge 978.05 m
BUTTERFLY VALVE Type Surface type
Size of chamber 69, long, 10.50 m wide and 23 m high
No. of butterfly valves 3 Nos.
Size of valves 5.40 m internal dia.
PENSTOCKS Numbers Three number bifurcating into six
Size 5.40/ 3.80 m circular, steel lined
Type Partly underground
Length Middle 489 m (including bifurcation)
Side 499.5 m each (including bifurcation)
Velocity in 3.8 m dia portion 5.64 m/sec
Type and thickness of steel ASTM-537 (20 mm to 16 mm) (Main pipe) (12 mm)
liner (Branch pipe)
Installed capacity 412 MW
Size 136 m long x 23.5 m wide x 47 m high
Type of Turbine Francis, vertical axis
Speed of Turbine 214.3 RPM
Gross head (Rated) 138.7 m
Net head (Rated) 119.10 m
Generators 6x68.67 MW, 0.9 pf, generation voltage 11 kV
Step up unit Transformers 6 Nos, 84 MVA 3 phase 11/400 kV OFWF type
TAIL RACE Type Horse shoe concrete lined/Trapezoidal
Size 10.5 m dia.
Length 72 m + open channel
Maximum Tail water level EL 866.70 M
for power generation (Q =
383.88 cumec)
Minimum Tail water level (Q EL 862.90 M
= 32 cumec)

OUTFALL ARRANGEMENT Type Broad crested weir type

Crest elevation EL 862 M
Number of gates 3
Size of Gate 7.5 m wide x 4.33 m high
Design discharge 383.88 cumec
SWITCHYARD Size and type Surface 400 kV Switch Gear
GIS type with double bus bars arrangement
TRANSMISSION OF It is proposed to evacuate the power generated at Rampur Hydro Electric Project by
POWER loop-in, loop-out system (LILO) of 400 kV Jhakri Nalagarh D/C line

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

POWER GENERATION Annual energy generation in 2077.84 GWh

a 90% Dependable year

Annual energy generation in 2230.31 GWh

a 50% dependable year

COST ESTIMATE Civil & E&M cost of Project Rs. 2221.55 Crores
Civil works Rs. 1565 Crores
Electrical works Rs. 656.55 Crores
IDC Rs. 254.36 Crores
Grand Total Rs. 2475.91 Crores
FINANCIAL ASPECTS Cost per MW of installed Rs. 5.39 crores

1.7 Project Requirements

Land Acquisition
The total land required for the project is approx. 80 ha. The details of the land requirement for the
project are as follows:

Table 1.12 – Land Requirement for the Project

Type of land Area (ha)
Government land/ Forest land 50
Private land 30
Total 80

Construction Material
The Project would involve handling of large quantities of construction materials. The project would
require 3 lakh m3 of concrete for which an estimated 2.72 lakh m3 of coarse aggregate and 1.38
lakh m3 of five aggregate will be required. Similarly large quantity of steel, cement, etc. would be
required. The estimated quantities of construction materials required are given in Table 1.13.

TABLE 1.13 - Estimated Quantities of Construction Materials

Type of Construction material Unit Quantity
Concrete m 300,000
Coarse aggregate m 272,000
Fine aggregate m3 138,000
Cement MT 133,000
Structural steel MT 5,057
Reinforcement steel MT 20,323
High tensile strength plates MT 12,824
Source: Detailed Project Report, Rampur 2001

For meeting the requirements of coarse and fine aggregates, it is proposed to use the Koel quarry
site, located on right bank of river Satluj near Pacchada Khad on NH-22 about 2km from the power
house site. Sufficient quantity of deposits is available. The barren government land available in the
vicinity of the Koel quarry area can accommodate crushing plant and other accessories required for
quarrying purpose.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Construction Schedule
The project implementation schedule envisages the completion within a period of six years.

1.8 Lessons Learnt from Implementation of the Nathpa-Jhakri Hydropower Project

1.8.1 Major Issues as per Implementation Completion Report

The World Bank funded the construction of the Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric power Project (NJHEP).
The two major concerns were:
• Tthe speed of decision making within the SJVNL, earlier known as the Nathpa Jhakri
Power Corporation (NJPC),
• The time taken for environmental protection and remediation work to be arranged with
the Himachal Pradesh Department of Forests.
One of the major concerns was the issue of the institutional strength of NJPC (now SJVNL). For
example, there are still frequent periods when the organisation has less then its full complement of
Directors. The following issues relating to the NJHP remain. These are of significance to the
Rampur HE project, and will be monitored during project preparation.
• There remain some disputed payments on the major civil works contracts as some claims
have been referred to arbitration or court. This is not unusual for large civil works
contracts. At present this does not seem likely to have a major impact on the
contractors’ enthusiasm for the Rampur project, but this will be monitored. SJVNL have
taken action to revise the scheme of delegation of authority and the procedures for
issuing variation orders to reduce the number of disputes on future contracts;
• Implementation of the Catchment Area Treatment plan is still proceeding as planned with
Ministry of Environment and Forests (Government of Himachal Pradesh). The
implementation is being closely monitored now.
• Implementation of all agreed resettlement actions were completed before the project was
commissioned, apart from the allocation of seven shops which was held up due to court
cases. However, since the project was commissioned, the Government of Himachal
Pradesh has retrospectively changed the definition of a project- affected family and thus
additional families have become eligible for resettlement and rehabilitation benefits.
SJVNL is actively processing these new requirements;
• NJHP has suffered from a higher than expected silt content in the river water, and
consequently there has been increased wear on the turbines, which has increased
maintenance costs. In August 2005 the project was closed for nearly three weeks due to
excess silt in the water, which was beyond the capacity of the desilting chambers.
Closures due to silt were predicted in the design of NJHP but were expected to be in the
region of 5 days per year. The project authorities are now in the process of determining
the probability that such high silt loads as happened in 2005 are likely to recur. This has
implications for the Rampur project because Rampur can only generate when NJHP is
operating, and Rampur will be utilising the same water. These factors are being taken
into account in the technical design and financial and economic analysis of the project.
To summarise, several elements are essential for the successful implementation of large projects of
such nature. These include:
• careful selection of the site and appropriate engineering design;
• solid initial investigations, especially regarding geological conditions;
• strong and competent implementing agencies with the capacity to take quick decisions;

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• continued and substantive consultations with stakeholders;

• early attention to social and environmental aspects of projects; and
• appropriate financing and tariff design which are critical to the financial sustainability of
projects with long gestation periods.

1.8.2 Good Practices implemented in the Nathpa-Jhakri Hydropower Project

Nathpa Jhakri Hydro-Electric Project (NJHEP) is one of the most eco-friendly Projects in the
country. Being run of the river project, it has minimum impact on ecology of the area and least
disturbance to flora and fauna. The positive impact on the environment are on very high scale of
appraisal, because this project will generate in to Northern Region Grid about 7,000 GWh of
electricity each year. In doing so, it will delay the necessity of the construction of either coal or gas
fired thermal plant of the same capacity, and will thus hugely reduce India’s green house gas
emissions and positively impact on India’s global warming effect.
The Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. has prepared and followed a comprehensive Environment
Management plan and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan for its various Environment and R&R
related activities.

Salient features of Environment activities undertaken by SJVNL in Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Project
are as below:
ER & R Department: SJVNL has established a separate ER&R Department for Nathpa Jhakri
Hydroelectric Project site and also at corporate level under the direct control of Director (P). This
department undertakes all activities of Environment and R&R at Project and at corporate level.
Works under Execution through Forest Department, GoHP: The Forest Conservation Act of
1980 stipulates strict forest protection measures and raising compensatory afforestation on double
the degraded forest land in lieu of diversion of forest land for non forest purposes. The 171 hectare
of Forest land and 224 hectare of private land was acquired by SJVNL for the construction activities
of the Project. SJVNL is utilizing 171 hectare of forest land for non forest purposes. To fulfil the
stipulation of Ministry of Environment & Forest, GOI to minimize impacts on the environment in and
around Project site, SJVNL through State Forest Department, GOHP is implementing massive
compensatory afforestation, soil stabilization, avenue plantation and Catchment area treatment

Figure 1.5 - Afforestation Works in Nathpa-Jhakri Project

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Under afforestation plan at a cost of 3.20 crores, a total of 6, 73,860 plants of selected species
have been planted in and around the project area. Nurseries have been raised at various
locations through Forest Department GOHP as well as of SJVNL. Soil conservation works
have been carried out by way of constructing check walls, retaining walls and terracing with wire
crates at various locations identified by Forest Department based on the priorities fixed by them
with reference to criticality of the location. A total of 145 hectare area has been treated by Katta
crate technique. A total of 27 kms khads, nallahs, prone to flood have also been treated.
Avenue Plantation: To clean and green the project area, avenue plantation involving more than
10,000 ornamental trees have been planted in and around the Project colony, along the road etc.
Reclamation of Muck Disposal: The reutilization and scientific reclamation of about 65 lacs m3
of muck which was generated from excavation of this mega project was given due care. This
excavated material has been planned to be disposed off in ten muck disposal site duly
rehabilitated. About 22 lacs m3 of muck has been re-utilized for various purposes within the
Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan: It is well established fact that reservoirs formed due
to construction of dam are subjected to sedimentation. The process of sedimentation embodies
sequential processes of erosion, entrainment, transportation, deposition and compaction of
sediments. The Catchment area Treatment has been envisaged to ensure that sediment load do
not increase due to construction and operation of the project and reservoir life remain at least to
the extent envisaged in the design. The CAT Plan of the Project is a comprehensive activity at an
estimated cost of 29.57 crore. The 280 sq. km area of Catchment will be treated by various
activities like afforestation, pasture development, soil stabilization, erosion & land slide protection
works. Due consideration will be taken to involve local residents in this work through awareness
campaigns. So far a sum of Rs. 2 crores have been released to State Forest Department for raising
nurseries and other CAT related works. A sum of Rs. 94.30 lacs have been spent by the State
Forest Department towards CAT activities of NJHEP.
Sustenance & Enhancement of Fisheries: SJVNL has proposed supplementary stocking
programme for sustenance and enhancement of Fisheries through Department of fisheries, GOHP
at a cost of 1.60 crores. Under this programme Fisheries department will undertake construction of
Hatchery building, race ways and development of fingerlings of trout fish. A sum of Rs. 50 lacs
have already been released to the Fisheries department by SJVNL.

Figure 1.6 - Awareness Camps in Project Affected Areas of Nathpa-Jhakri Project

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Veterinary & Horticulture Camps at Project Area: To familiarize the local people with
technical know how of breeds/ animal health / common diseases etc., SJVNL has organized two
Veterinary & four Horticulture camps at Project affected villages. These camps also provide
awareness of local residents regarding their veterinary and horticulture need based requirements.
Free inputs in the shape of seeds, farm equipments are also distributed to local residents through
these camps.
Medical Infrastructure Facilities: To create awareness amongst the local project affected
people regarding health and hygiene, SJVNL has started mobile health van and which visits the
project affected villages. The health and hygiene aspects of project affected persons and other
residents are taken care of through these facilities.
Environmental Monitoring: To assess the base line conditions at the project site with respect to
air, water, waste water and soil characteristics during construction stage and after commissioning,
SJVNL through HP Pollution Control board is conducting Pre & Post commission of environmental
parameters evaluation work. In this activity the Air, Water, soil and waste water samples are being
taken and evaluated for environmental monitoring. The pre commissioning work is already
completed and Post Commissioning work has started now.
Solid Waste Management: SJVNL has planned and designed the proper solid waste
management system, which includes network for collection, transportation, storage and disposal of
solid waste. The Nigam has a goal for development and enforcement of sanitation standard in
project vicinity. Incinerators have been installed in the project area for solid waste management.

Resettlement & Rehabilitation

SJVNL as a responsible corporate citizen took utmost care in re-settlement and rehabilitation of few
Project Affected Families (PAFs) whose land or house or shop was affected due to construction of
Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Electric Project. The Nigam followed the resettlement and rehabilitation policy
formulated in consultation with Government of Himachal Pradesh to provide assistance and
rehabilitation measures to all those who were affected by the project. Its various provisions are:
• Developed agricultural land to land less Project affected families (PAFs) equivalent to the
area acquired or 5 bighas which ever is less. These 5 bighas would include any land left
with the family after acquisition. Allotment of land will be made on the basis of landless
certificate issued by the sub Divisional Magistrate of the concerned area who also acts as
R&R Officer of the Project.

Figure 1.7 - R&R Colony at Project Site

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Alternative house with a plinth area of 45 sqm. or a payment of Rs. 45000/-only

according to their choice to each landless PAFs.
• Allotment of plots for shops at the market developed for displaced shopkeepers.
• Preference of allotment of shops at the shopping complex built at Project site –Jhakri to
the displaced shopkeepers.
• Provision for suitable employment to one member of each landless PAFs according to his
capacity and qualifications, subject to availability of vacancy. However, a PAF who has
been allotted a shop or plot will not be eligible for employment.
All these benefits are in addition to land benefit to PAFs under Land acquisition Act 1894. The
salient works under taken under R&R are as below:
• Land was acquired from 480 families from 22 villages in the project area.
• 62 families became landless.
• 43 families were given cash in lieu of alternative house.
• 17 families were provided built up house.
• 41 were provided with land for land benefit.
• 71 displaced shop keepers have been given shop plots.
• have been provided shops in shopping complex.
• One member of 60 PAFs have been provided employment.
Other facilities: In addition to above salient features the following facilities/ schemes have been
started with specific aim of care and development of Project Affected Families and local
• Mobile health Van: A mobile health van for the benefits of Project Affected Families
which visits the affected villages for health and hygiene awareness and treatment since
Jan. 2000. So far 20,000 patients have been benefited and a sum of Rs. 25 lacs has been
incurred on this activity.

Figure 1.8 – The Mobile Health Van in Nathpa-Jhakri Project Area

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Income Generation Activities: Support is provided to PAFs for starting Income

Generation Activities such as poultry farm, milk diaries, taxis etc. A financial assistance is
provided under this activity.
• Merit Scholarships Scheme for wards of PAFs: SJVNL has also started Merit
Scholarship scheme for the wards of PAFs who are undergoing vocational / professional
courses in the fields of ITI’s, Diploma in Engineering/ Pharmacy ,Degree in engineering /
Medicines .Under this scheme the wards will be provided scholarship @ Rs. 700/- Per
Month to Rs. 1500/Per Month.
• Infrastructural Facilities and other aids to School: Infrastructural facilities and
other aids in the shape of grants for Primary to Sr. Secondary level Government Schools
within two Project area. Under this scheme financial assistance will be provided to the
school so as to improve the infrastructure and other aids such as books, notebooks,
computer, overhead projector, scientific equipment, extension of room etc., as per the
requirements of the school . This scheme is linked to afforestation campaign also, where
school students will be encouraged to plant saplings under a grant.
• Compensation for Blast Damages: A compensation of 5.45 crores has been
distributed to 5509 nos. local residents whose houses were affected due to blasting
activities. This compensation was assessed by expert scientist of National Institute of
Rock Mechanics and Geologist of Government of H.P.
• Scheme for Restoration of Water Sources: The construction activities of NJHEP
extended in districts of Kinnaur and Shimla because of which water sources and schemes
in the vicinity got affected. A sum of Rs. 88 lacs has been provided to Irrigation & PH
Department, GOHP for restoration of dried up water sources and augmentation of water
supply schemes got affected by project activities. A total of Rs. 145 lacs will be provided
for this work.
• Infrastructural Development Works: SJVNL has spent Rs. 226 lacs on Infrastructural
Development works in project affected area (project affected Panchayats ) ,where
assistance is provided to affected Panchayats for community development buildings,
school rooms, school play grounds, foot paths, foot bridges , cremation grounds etc.

Figure 1.9 - Infrastructure Development Works in Nathpa-Jhakri Project

Impact Assessment Study of R&R Implementation: SJVNL has got conducted Impact
Assessment Study through Agro Economic Research Centre-Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla on

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Resettlement Implementation of NJHEP. The study reveals that, “There is considerable

improvement in living standard, Health & Hygiene, Education of PAFs in NJHEP. In fact R&R
Implementation Scheme of NJHEP has achieved its objectives”.

Employee Welfare
The company respects and cares for its employees and the persons living in the project vicinity and
has extended various schemes for them like:
• Establishment of branch of Delhi Public School at Jhakri.
• Subsidized Canteen facilities.
• Recreational Club with indoor games facilities.
• Multi-dish Antenna System.
• Consumer Cooperative Stores.
• Distribution of LPG.
• Provision of facilities such as Shopping Centre, Bank and Post Office in the Project
• Ladies Club
• Auditorium

Figure 1.10 – Health Service Provided to the Communities by Nathpa-Jhakri Project

1.9 Environmental Assessment in Rampur Hydropower Project

1.9.1 Environmental Context & Project Location

The project area and the project’s influence area are located in the lower Himalayas, and are
characterized by rugged topography with steep hills (altitude varying from 850m to 2000m). The
area experiences subtropical to sub-Himalayan climate; and is sparsely vegetated. Immediate
vicinity of the projects supports patches of dense forests, but has a long history of deforestation.
The hill slopes are steep, and are generally covered with sparse vegetation, over burden and

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

outwash material. Most of the human population in the project’ influence area are concentrated in
the villages along the highway and the connecting district roads.
Although forestry is the major land use in the hill state of Himachal Pradesh (with 37,033km2 or
about 66% of the state area under legally defined forests), there has been a long history of forest
degradation. As a result, only about 8976km2 area of the state currently is classified as “dense”
forest, and the remaining is a mix of “open” forests, meadows, grasslands and barren scree slopes.
Most of the good quality forests remain in the relatively remote and inaccessible areas, whereas the
forest cover near the traditional settlements, major towns and near major transportation routes are
relatively poor. The patches of good quality forests close to the major transportation routes, such
as highways are the results of government initiatives for protection of forests since 1980.
As part of the governments’ plans and programs for managing forests, biodiversity and wildlife,
vast tracts of forest land is currently being protected in the state. Of these, 1896km2 (5.1% of state
area) are reserved forests, and 11,378km2 (31% of state area) are demarcated protected forests.
These areas support 3295 plant species (7% of the total plant wealth of India). Similarly, for
conservation of biodiversity and wildlife, an area of 7000km2 (12.7% of the state area) are under
the protected area network, which include 2 national parks (1440km2) and 32 wildlife sanctuaries
(5562km2). This protected area network supports 5721 recorded wildlife species (7.4% of total
animal wealth of India).
Historical reasons combined with the natural setting, have led to areas around the Rampur project
having relatively poor forest cover or biodiversity. The project is located by the side of a major
transportation route (National Highway 22A), and in the midst of a number of traditional
settlements including the major town of Rampur. The steep rocky slopes by the deep gorges of the
Satluj and its tributaries do not support good forests. There is no reserve forest and only 12
patches of protected forests within the project’s influence area (defined as an area 7km around the
project). The protected forests (about 20km2) overall occupy about 8% of the project’s influence
area. The closest of the protected forest patches, the Baruni Protected Forest is located about
750m away from the project; all others are more than 2-3km away. Of all the protected areas of
the state (national parks and wildlife sanctuaries), none is located within the project’s influence
area, and the closest one – the Rupi-Bhava Wildlife Sanctuary – is located 13km away from the

1.9.2 Impact Assessment process

The Rampur Hydropower project is classified as a Category A operation under the World Bank
environmental screening procedures specified in operational policy 4.01. The project triggers 6 of
the 10 World Bank safeguard policies 1 , and required comprehensive environmental assessments.
The project also required a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) stipulated by
the Government of India as well as the Government of Himachal Pradesh. An initial environmental
impact assessment was prepared by WAPCOS Ltd. (India) in parallel with the detailed project
report. The baseline surveys covered a period of June 2003 to September 2004. Subsequently, 6
supporting studies by independent consultants were undertaken to enhance the analysis, which
involved additional detailed field investigation and community consultations over a period of about
a year (November 2005 – November 2006). Further, the Himachal State Forest Department
prepared the catchment area treatment plan, and the emergency preparedness plan was prepared
in-house. The initial EIA, the background studies and plans have been integrated into a
consolidated environmental assessment and environmental management plan (EA/EMP) by DHI
(India) Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd.

These 6 World Bank Safeguard Policies are those on - Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01), Forests
(OP/BP 4.36), Cultural Property (OPN 11.03), Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12), Safety of Dams
(OP/BP 4.37), and on Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

1.9.3 Regulatory Clearances for the Project

From environmental impact assessment point of view, the project is subject to a variety of national
and state laws, rules and regulations. Among these, the prominent are the following:
• The Forest Act 1927; the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980; the Wildlife (Protection) Act
1972; National Wildlife Action Plan 1983; National Conservation Strategy 1992; National
Forest Policy, 1988;
• The Environment (Protection) Act 1986; the Environmental Impact Assessment
Notification, 1994
• Government of Himachal Pradesh Order on Minimum Flow of Rivers, 2005.
As per the prevailing procedures, the project required (i) forestry clearances, (ii) environmental
clearances. Forestry clearances were required to acquire forest land (although none of the area
acquired was defined either as reserved forests or as demarcated protected forests) and clear fell
about 1000 trees on such land. These were obtained through a process of joint verification of land
and trees by the forest department of GoHP.
The project has obtained the 3-stage environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment,
GoI (MOEF). The final environmental clearance to the project was granted on 31 March 2006. This
was preceded by the Stage I and the Stage II clearances from MOEF; the forest and environmental
clearances by the GoHP; and a no-objection certificate from the Himachal Pradesh State Pollution
Control Board (HP SPCB), based on a formal public hearing of the project.
The project does not require any regulatory clearance under the GoI Ancient Sites and Remains
Act, as it does not impact, directly or indirectly any known or notified cultural heritage resource.
The State Department of Culture had also provided no-objection to the project on the basis that no
cultural property is impacted by the project.

1.9.4 Key Safeguard Documents

A detailed description of the project’s baseline environmental conditions; probable adverse social
and environmental impacts; and detailed environmental and social management plans including
institutional responsibilities, implementation schedules, budget, arrangements for monitoring and
evaluation, are provided in the following documents (i) the Environmental Assessment and
Management Plan (EA/EMP) consolidated/prepared by DHI-India Pvt. Ltd.; (ii) the Resettlement
Action Plan (RAP) prepared by Consulting Engineering Services India Ltd.; (iii) the Social Impact
Assessment (SA) prepared by FQA Management Services Pvt. Ltd.; and (iv) Sustainable community
Development Program (SCDP) prepared by FQA Management Services Pvt. Ltd.
The EA/EMP is supplemented by the following supporting documents: (i) Study of the Managed
River Flow in the project stretch of the river Satluj prepared by DHI-India Pvt. Ltd.; (ii) Assessment
of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Impacts from the project prepared by Consulting Engineering Services
India Ltd.; (iii) Analyses of Induced Impacts of the Rampur Hydropower Project & Cumulative
Impacts of Hydropower Development in the Satluj Basin in India prepared by DHI-India Pvt. Ltd.;
(iv) Safety Assurance Plan for the project prepared by National Safety Council of India; (vi) Report
on Archaelogical and Cultural Properties prepared by the Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla
Office, and (vii) a Catchment Area Treatment Plan for the project prepared by the Himachal State
Forest Department. The project has also prepared an Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP),
summary recommendations from which are incorporated in the EMP.

Disclosure & Consultation

The project has engaged stakeholders including the project-affected people in discussing different
aspects of the project over the last 3 years. SJVNL has organized community meetings, meetings
with village elders and elected leaders of the villages. During the preparation of EA and social
assessments, a number of informal, but significant, meetings were organized. As part of the

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

regulatory clearance process, a formal public hearing was organized. At village Bael, a public
information centre (PIC) had been set up since December 2005, where the local community and
any other stakeholders have full access, and this public information centre has been helpful for the
local public in recording their views about the project. Additionally, SJVNL has sponsored and
participated in the traditional village fairs, special events such as the Republic Day celebrations, and
sports events in all the villages in the project area.
As part of social assessment, 17 consultations were held with various stakeholders such as local
villagers, affected people elected representatives, Government officials, women and youth
organizations, media persons, etc. In all, 207 persons participated in these meetings. The key
issues discussed included employment opportunities, health and education facilities, concerns about
drying water sources, impact of tunnel construction, mobile health facilities, monitoring project
implementation of community development activities, etc. The proposed measures for the above
concerns are incorporated in the Resettlement Action Plan and the Sustainable Community
Development Plan. Similarly, as part of Resettlement Action Plan, seven consultations were held
which were participated by 142 persons discussing about the impact of land acquisition and
proposed resettlement measures, options for resettlement, site selection, opportunities for
employment, etc.
The EIA report (based on which regulatory clearance for the project was granted) was disclosed
before the formal public hearing, with assistance from the state pollution control board. The revised
EA/EMP, SA, RAP (including its translation in the local language - Hindi) and SCDP reports have
been disclosed, in October 2006 in public information centres in Bael Village and Jhakri, public
libraries in Shimla and Kullu, and in SJVNL corporate office in Shimla. All the documents are also
available online in the Rampur Project webpage (accessible through the SJVNL website – The availability of these documents was also announced in the local
newspapers (both English and Hindi newspapers) in October 2006. This current (January 2007)
version of the Executive Summary of the EA has also been locally disclosed.
A complete set of these safeguard documents can also be found in Bank’s Infoshop in Washington
DC and New Delhi, where these have been available since 23 October 2006. A further round of
public consultation on the final versions of these safeguard documents is scheduled to be held in
Bael village in February 2007.

1.10 Structure of the Report

Chapter 1 The Chapter gives an overview of the need for the project and hydro-power potential of
river Satluj and the state of Himachal Pradesh. Good practices of SJVNL and the lessons learnt
during NJHEP have also been summarized. The chapter also includes a brief write-up on various
project appurtenances, construction schedule and related aspects.
Chapter 2 of this report summarizes the policy, leagal and regulatory framework for the project.
In addition, the environmental, health and safety policies adopted by SJVNL, during preparation of
the Rampur Hydropower project are described.
Chapter 3 describes the baseline environmental conditions including physical, biological, socio-
economic parameters and resource base. The baseline study involved both field work and review of
existing documents, which were already prepared in connection with project conceptualization,
planning and design. Chapter 3 also describes, simultaneously, the anticipated positive and
negative impacts as a result of the construction and operation of the project. This Chapter further
describes the overall mitigation measures that would be required, relevant to each environmental
impact from the project.
Chapter 4 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for amelioration of anticipated adverse impacts
likely to accrue as a result of the proposed project is outlined in this Chapter. The approach for
formulation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) was to maximize the positive

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

environmental impacts and minimize the negative ones. After selection of suitable environmental
mitigation measures, the cost required for implementation of various management measures is also
estimated, to have an idea of their cost-effectiveness. This Chapter further includes the description
of the environmental monitoring and reporting arrangements, as well as the capacity building
requirements. At the end, the budget for implementing the EMP is included.



Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report


2.1 Constitutional Provisions

The constitutional provisions and key points of policy and regulatory framework of India are
discussed below:

2.1.1 Water Resources

• As per Constitution of India water is primarily a State subject and the role of Government of
India comes in only in the case of interstate river waters.
• States are free to enact “water” laws and frame policies in accordance with this provision.
• Regulation and development of inter-state rivers and river valleys is under the control of the
• Indian Parliament may, by law (1) provide for the adjudication on any dispute or complaint
with respect to the use, distribution or control of the waters of, or in, any inter-state river or
river valley” and (2) “that neither the Supreme Court nor any other court shall exercise
jurisdiction in respect of any such dispute or complaint” as referred to in (1).

2.1.2 Environment
The first constitutional provisions related to environment were made in the Forty-Second
Amendment to the Indian Constitution. This amendment was passed in response to India being
party to the Stockholm Declaration adopted by the International Conference on Human
Environment in 1972. The Forty-Second Amendment introduced Article 48-A into the Directive
Principles of State Policy in Chapter IV of the Constitution. The article declared the State's
responsibility to protect and improve the environment and safeguard the forests and wildlife of the
country. Another provision, included in Article 51-A (g), stipulated the duty of every citizen to
"protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to
have compassion for living creatures." These amendments imposed an obligation on the
Government and the courts to protect the environment for the people and the nation.

Specific Reference to Environment Protection in the Constitution

The State's responsibility with regard to environmental protection has been laid down under Article
48-A of our Constitution, which reads as follows:

"The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard
the forests and wildlife of the country".

Environmental protection is a fundamental duty of every citizen of this country under Article 51-
A(g) of our Constitution which reads as follows:

"It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural
environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for
living creatures."

Article 21 of the Constitution is a fundamental right which reads as follows:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

"No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to
procedure established by law."

Article 48-A of the Constitution comes under Directive Principles of State Policy and Article 51 A(g)
of the Constitution comes under Fundamental Duties.

The State's responsibility with regard to raising the level of nutrition and the standard of living and
to improve public health has been laid down under Article 47 of the Constitution which reads as

"The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of
its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties and, in
particular, the State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption
except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to

The 42nd amendment to the Constitution was brought about in the year 1974 makes it the
responsibility of the State Government to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard
the forests and wildlife of the country. The latter, under Fundamental Duties, makes it the
fundamental duty of every citizen to protect and improve the natural environment including forests,
lakes, rivers and wildlife and to have compassion for living creatures.

2.2 The Policy Framework for Hydraulic Infrastructure & the Environment

2.2.1 National Water Policy

The National Water Policy was first adopted in September 1987. It has been reviewed and updated
in response to a number of new issues emerged of late. The 2002 National Water policy (Ministry
of Water Resources, Government of India) has emphasized on several facets that are important
from an environmental and social viewpoint including the following statements:
• Water is part of a larger ecological system. Realising the importance and scarcity attached
to fresh water, it has to be treated as an essential environment for sustaining all life forms.
• Water is a scarce and precious national resource to be planned, developed and conserved
and managed as such, and on an integrated and environmentally sound basis, keeping in
view the socio-economic aspects and needs of the States
• Water resources development and management will have to be planned for a hydrological
unit such as drainage basin as a whole or for a sub-basin, multi-sectored, taking into
account surface and ground water for sustainable use incorporating quantity and quality
aspects as well as environmental considerations
• Preservation of the quality of environment and the ecological balance should be a PRIMARY
consideration at project planning and the adverse impact on the environment, should be
minimised and should be offset by adequate compensatory measures
• There should be an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to the planning, formulation,
clearance and implementation of projects, including catchments area treatment and
management, environmental and ecological aspects, the rehabilitation of affected people
and command area development.
• The detrimental environmental consequences of over-exploitation of ground water need to
be effectively prevented by the Central and State Governments.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• There should be a close integration of water-use and land-use policies

• Reclamation of water logged/ saline affected land by scientific and cost effective methods
should form a part of command area development programme
• On resettlement and rehabilitation, there is the need of a “skeletal national policy” and
States should evolve their own detailed policies.
• Effluents should be treated to acceptable levels and standards before discharging them in
to natural streams and that minimum flow should be ensured in the perennial streams for
maintaining ecology and social considerations
• Special efforts should be made to investigate and formulate projects either in, or for the
benefit of, areas inhabited by tribal or other specially disadvantaged groups such as socially
weak, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes

2.2.2 Water Policy of Himachal Pradesh

The State Policy is in consonance with National Water Policy of 2002. It makes a clear statement of
objectives. Some of the statements in this policy document relevant from social and environmental
viewpoint are:
• Promotion of a participatory approach and involvement of local communities and
stakeholders, including women, in the management of water resources, in an effective and
decisive manner in various aspects of planning, design, development and management of
the water related schemes.
• Ensure ecological and environmental balance while developing water resources
• Promotion of equity and social justice among individuals and groups of users in water
resource allocation and management
• Ensure self-sustainability in water resources development
• Provision of a well-developed information system, for water related data for resource
planning. A standardized state information system should be established with a network of
data banks and data bases, integrating the State and Central level agencies and improving
the quality of data collection and analysis
• Effective monitoring of policy implementation
Among the important provisions included in this policy document are:
• Non-Conventional methods for augmenting availability of water such as artificial recharge
of ground water and traditional water conservation practices like rainwater harvesting,
including roof-top rainwater harvesting and use of such water through dual plumbing
systems in all buildings need to be promoted. Pilot projects will be supported for
demonstration effect. Research and development in these areas shall also be supported.
• Water resource development projects should as far as possible be planned and developed
as multipurpose projects but provision for drinking water shall be a primary consideration.
There should be an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to the planning, formulation,
clearance and implementation of projects, including catchment area treatment and
management, environmental and ecological aspects, the rehabilitation of affected people
and command area development. Besides, in projects for hydropower generation involving
impounding of water, adequate water shall be released round the year to meet the needs
of downstream users. The sustainability evaluation of the Project shall determine
“Environmental Discharge” to be prescribed for the Project, which shall not be less than
15% of the available discharge at any given time. In forest areas the extraction of water

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

shall be planned keeping in view the needs of the flora and fauna of the area. The
involvement and participation of beneficiaries and other stakeholders will be encouraged at
the project planning stage itself.
• All water resources projects should be examined from ecological and environmental
considerations and remedial measures wherever needed should form a part of the project
itself and implemented along with it. A minimum flow in the natural streams should be
• Water Harvesting should be given consideration in planning water resources. Viable
projects, especially in scarce ground water areas, should be investigated and implemented
to increase the surface water availability would also help in recharging the ground water.
• All the water resources projects shall give due regard to the “ecological health” and other
needs for which adequate provision shall be made on priority basis.

2.2.3 National Environment Policy

The Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) is the nodal administrative agency of the Central
Government for planning, promotion, co-ordination and overseeing the formulation and
implementation of environmental and forest policy, legislations and programmes. Regulatory
functions like grant of Environment Clearance, Forest clearance are part of the mandate of this
The essential components of environmental policy in India are the prevention of pollution at
source; the encouragement, development and application of best available feasible technology; the
application of the polluter pays principle; the focus on critically polluted areas, and the participation
by the people in the environmental planning of development.
Agenda 21 of the Earth Summit guides the current environmental policies in India. The national
environment policy statements reflect the strong commitment that the government of India has for
environmental protection and improvement.
The main features of the national environment policy are described below:
• Definition of environment has been enlarged to include all entities, natural or manmade,
external to oneself, which provide value, now or perhaps in the future, to humankind.
• Foundational aspirations have been addressed, which are (i) that human beings should be
able to enjoy a decent quality of life; (ii) that humanity should become capable of
respecting the finiteness of the biosphere; and (iii) that neither the aspiration for the good
life, nor the recognition of biophysical limits should preclude the search for greater justice
in the world. The principles of good governance, viz., Transparency, Rationality,
Accountability, Reduction in time and costs and Participation with stakeholders.
• Mainstreaming environment in all activities.
• Responsibilities of the State and the citizen have been stated in the light of the
amendments introducing fundamental duties in the Constitution of India.
• International commitments on global climate change, stratospheric ozone depletion, and
transfer of hazardous wastes and loss of biodiversity.
Certain new principles for environmental management have been included in the policy, some of
them based on judicial interpretations. The new principles include the following:
• The precautionary approach
• Polluter pays principle

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Economic value of services of environmental resources

• Priority for incomparable entities like Taj Mahal and others
• Equity, both intra-generational and inter-generational
• Civil liability for environmental damage
• State is trustee (not the owner) of all natural resources
• Standards should be set in the context of society and economy

2.2.4 National Forest Policy

The principal aim of Forest Policy is to ensure environmental stability and maintenance of ecological
balance including atmospheric equilibrium, which is vital for sustenance of all life forms, human,
animal and plant. The basic objectives that govern the National Forest Policy are the following:
• Maintenance of environmental stability through preservation and, where necessary, restoration
of the ecological balance that has been adversely disturbed by serious depletion of the forests
of the country.
• Conserving the natural heritage of the country by preserving the remaining natural forests with
the vast variety of flora and fauna, which represent the remarkable biological diversity and
genetic resources of the country.
• Checking soil erosion and denudation in the catchment areas of rivers, lakes, reservoirs in the
"interest of soil and water conservation, for mitigating floods and droughts and for the
retardation of siltation of reservoirs.
• Checking the extension of sand-dunes in the desert areas of Rajasthan and along the coastal
• Increasing substantially the forest/tree cover in the country through massive afforestation and
social forestry programmes, especially on all denuded, degraded and unproductive lands.
• Meeting the requirements of fuel-wood, fodder, minor forest produce and small timber of the
rural and tribal populations.
• Increasing the productivity of forests to meet essential national needs.
• Encouraging efficient utilization of forest produce and maximizing substitution of wood.
• Creating a massive people's movement with the involvement of women, for achieving these
objectives and to minimize pressure on existing forests.
Essentials of forest management include the following provisions:
• Existing forests and forestlands should be fully protected and -their productivity improved.
Forest and vegetal cover should be increased rapidly on hill slopes, in catchment areas of
rivers, lakes and reservoirs and ocean shores and, on semi-arid, and desert tracts.
• Diversion of good and productive agricultural lands to forestry should be discouraged in view of
the need for increased food production.
• For the conservation of total biological diversity, the network of national parks, sanctuaries,
biosphere reserves and other protected areas should be strengthened and extended
• Provision of sufficient fodder, fuel and pasture, especially in areas adjoining forest, is necessary
in order to prevent depletion of forests beyond the sustainable limit. Since fuel wood continues
to be the predominant source of energy in rural areas, the programme of afforestation should

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

be intensified with special emphasis on augmenting fuel wood production to meet the
requirement of the rural people.
• Minor forest produce provides sustenance to tribal population and to other communities
residing in and around the forests. Such produce should be protected, improved and their
production enhanced with due regard to generation of employment and income.
• The forest policy provides strategy for area under forests, afforestation, social forestry & farm
forestry, management of state forests, rights and concessions, diversion of forest lands for
non-forest purposes, wildlife conservation, tribal people and forests, shifting cultivation,
damage to forests from encroachments, fires and grazing, forest-based industries, forest
extension, forestry education and forestry research.

2.3 Environmental Regulations & Legal Framework for the Project

The RHEP project has been developed by meeting the requirements of State as well as Central
Government environmental regulations. The project issues have been addressed to comply with
following mentioned environmental regulations.

2.4 Environmental Regulations

2.4.1 Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

This is the national umbrella legislation for preservation and conservation of the environment.
Under this, an environmental clearance from MoEF is required.
The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was introduced as an umbrella legislation that provides a
holistic framework for the protection and improvement to the environment.
In terms of responsibilities, the Act and the associated Rules requires for obtaining environmental
clearances for specific types of new / expansion projects (addressed under Environmental Impact
Assessment Notification, 1994, and subsequently in 2006) and for submission of an environmental
statement to the State Pollution Control Board annually.

Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

According to the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 "wildlife" includes any animal, bees, butterflies,
crustacea, fish and moths; and aquatic or land vegetation which forms part of any habitat. In
accordance with Wildlife (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002 “no alternation of boundaries /
National Park / Sanctuary shall be made by the State Govt. except on recommendation of the
National Board for Wildlife (NBWL)”.
Further, in terms of Supreme Court Order dated 13.11.2000 the State Govts have to seek prior
permission of Supreme Court before submitting the proposal for diversion of forest land in National
Park sanctuaries.
Whenever, any part of Wildlife Sanctuary / National Park is getting affected by a hydro project the
forest proposal in respect of such project is entertained by MoEF, GOI only after permission of de-
reservation / de-notification of Wildlife Sanctuary /National Park has been accorded. After
recommendation of Standing Committee of NBWL proposal for de-reservation/ de-notification is
ratified by Hon’ble Supreme Court.

Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

This Act provides for the conservation of forests and regulating diversion of forestlands for non-
forestry purposes. When projects fall within forestlands, prior clearance is required from relevant
authorities under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. State governments cannot de-reserve any

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

forestland or authorize its use for any non-forest purposes without approval from the Central
For diversion of forestland (for inundation and for locating project components), the project
proponent needs to apply (on standardized formats) to the state government. Depending on the
area required to be diverted, the proposals are cleared by MoEF regional or central offices provided
that the cost of compensatory afforestation, cost of rehabilitation of endangered/rare species of
flora/fauna, and the net present value of the forest resources are deposited upfront with the state
Forest Departments.

Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, & Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981
The requirement is to obtain from the State Pollution Control Board a no-objection certificate, by
demonstrating that the prescribed standards are not likely to be exceeded, by avoidance or
mitigation measures.

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002

The Ministry of Environment and Forests has enacted the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 under the
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity signed at Rio de Janeiro on the 5th day of June,
1992 of which India is also a party. This Act is to “provide for the conservation of biological
diversity, sustainable use of its components, and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising
out of the sued of biological resources, knowledge and for matters connected therewith or
incidental thereto.” As per the provision of the Act, certain areas, which are rich in biodiversity and
encompasses unique and representative ecosystems are identified and designated as biosphere
reserve to facilitate its conservation. All restrictions applicable to protected areas like National Park
& Sanctuaries are also applicable to these reserves.

Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Amendment Rules, 2003

These Rules classify used mineral oil as hazardous waste under the Hazardous Waste (Management
& Handling) Rules, 2003 that requires proper handling and disposal. Organisation will seek
authorisation for disposal of hazardous waste from concerned State Pollution Control Boards (SPCB)
as and when required.

Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

MoEF vide its notification dt. 17th July, 2000 under the section of 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 has notified rules for regulation/ control of Ozone Depleting Substances
(ODS) under Montreal Protocol. As per the notification certain control and regulation has been
imposed on manufacturing, import, export, and use of these compounds. Organisations as per
provisions of notification shall is phase out all equipment, which uses these substances, and is
aiming at CFC free organisation in near future.

The Serais Act, 1867

The Act enjoined upon a keeper of Serai or an inn to keep a certain quality of water fit for
consumption by “persons and animals using it” to the satisfaction of the District magistrate or his
nominees. Failure for maintaining the standard entailed a liability of rupees twenty.

The North India Canal and Drainage Act, 1873

Certain offences have been listed under the Act contained in Section 70.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Indian Easements Act, 1882

Sections 7, illustrations (f), (g) and (h) of the Act deal with pollution of waters.

The Indian Fisheries Act, 1897

The Indian Fisheries Act, 1897 contains seven sections. Section 5 of the Act prohibits destruction of
fish by poisoning waters.

The Factories Act, 1948

Factories Act, 1948 is a social welfare legislation intend to secure health, safety and welfare of the
workers employed in factories. Hiowever,some of the provisions of this Act are concerned with
prevention of water pollution.

The Mines Act, 1952

Chapter V of the Act deals with provisions regarding health and Safety of the employees. Section
19(i) Government upon arrangement for the quality of water for drinking purposes.

The River Boards Act, 1956

The Act provides for the creation of River Boards for regulation and development of interstate
rivers and river valleys. One of the functions of the Board is to advise to the Government
concerned on “prevention of pollution of the waters of the interstate rivers”.

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958

The legal requirement is to obtain from ASI a no-objection certificate if any protected cultural
property is within 10km of the project.

EIA Notification, 1994

This restricts and prohibits on the establishment, expansion and modernization of certain activity or
projects unless environmental clearance has been accorded (applicable to hydropower projects
costing Rs. 1 billion or more). This notification was amended in 1997 to elaborate on the procedure
for public hearing. MoEF environmental clearance is given only when the other applicable
clearances are obtained.

EIA Notification, September 2006

Note: This is not applicable to RHEP but will be applicable to any new hydropower project.
This notification separates projects in two categories. The first category of projects requires
environmental clearance from the Central Government through MoEF on the recommendation of
Expert Appraisal Committee and the second category of projects requires environmental clearance
from state/union territory environmental impact assessment authority (SEIAA). SEIAA takes
decision on the recommendation of state/union territory level expert appraisal committee. All
hydropower projects with more than 20 MW capacity and/or 10,000ha of culturable command area
will require environmental clearance from MoEF. Projects less than 20 MW and/or 10,000ha
culturable command area respectively will need to take environmental clearance from SEIAA.

2.4.2 The Environmental Clearance Process

Environmental and forest clearances are two important regulatory requirement for the hydropower
project. Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) is the nodal agency which is entrusted with the
authority of issuing these clearances after thorough appraisal process. The application for
environmental clearance has to be made in the proforma as specified and has to accompanied by a

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

project report which should, inter alia, include an Environmental Impact Assessment Report,
Environment Management Plan and details of public hearing as specified and prepared in
accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment
and Forests from time to time.
Before starting the process of EIA study, the project authorities have to intimate the location of the
project site to the Ministry of Environment and Forests while initiating any investigation and
surveys. The Ministry of Environment and Forests then has to convey a decision regarding
suitability or otherwise of the proposed site within a maximum period of thirty days. The said site
clearance is then granted for a sanctioned capacity and shall be valid for a period of five years for
commencing the construction, operation or mining.
The EIA study done for the cleared site leads to EIA report which is submitted in required format to
MoEF. The reports submitted with the application is evaluated and assessed by the Appraisal
Committee constituted by MoEF. The said Committee of Experts has full right of entry and
inspection of the site at any time prior to, during or after the commencement of the operations
relating to the project.
The Impact Assessment Agency then prepares a set of recommendations based on technical
assessment of documents and data, furnished by the project authorities supplemented by data
collected during visits to sites or factories, if undertaken and details of the public hearing.
The assessment is completed within a period of ninety days from receipt of the requisite
documents and data from the project authorities and completion of public hearing and decision
conveyed within thirty days thereafter.
The clearance granted is valid for a period of five years for commencement of the construction or
operation of the project.
As per the latest September 2006 notification, the responsibility of environmental clearance has
been divided between state and central government depending on the category of the project.
However, this notification was not applicable on RHEP since RHEP clearances were obtained in
March, 2006.Discussed below is the detailed process which was followed for obtaining various
applicable clearances required for RHEP project.

2.4.3 The Forestry Clearance Process

This Act provides for the conservation of forests and regulating diversion of forestlands for non-
forestry purposes. When projects fall within forestlands, prior clearance is required from relevant
authorities under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. State governments cannot de-reserve any
forestland or authorize its use for any non-forest purposes without approval from the Central
government. The steps for forest clearance are described below:
Identification of Forest Area Involved (Location of Project): Preliminary location of project is
done by using tools such as the forest atlas and Survey of India maps. During route alignment, all
possible efforts are made to avoid the forest area (like national park and sanctuaries) or to keep it
to the barest minimum. Whenever it becomes unavoidable due to the geography of terrain or
heavy cost involved in avoiding it, different alternative options are considered to minimize the
requirement of forest area.
For selection of optimum proposal, the following criteria are taken into consideration:
• any monument of cultural or historical importance is not affected by the project;
• the proposed alignment of the project line does not create any threat to the survival of
any community with special reference to Tribal Community;

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• the proposed alignment of the project does not affect any public utility services such as
playgrounds, schools and other establishments;
• the alignment of the project does not pass through any sanctuaries, National Park,
Biosphere reserves or eco-sensitive zones; and
• the alignment of the project does not infringe with area of natural resources.
To achieve this, selection of forest area involved is undertaken in close consultation with
representatives from the State forest departments and the Department of Revenue. Minor
alterations are made to avoid environmentally sensitive areas and settlements at execution stage.
Trees on such locations are felled but after stringing is complete and natural regeneration is
allowed to specific heights and whenever required the tree plantation is taken.
Formulation of Forest Proposal: After finalization of forest area involved for project location the
proponent submits details in prescribed proforma to the respective DFO/ Nodal Officer (Forest) of
concerned State Government. The DFO/ Nodal Officer forward the details to the concerned
Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) or the Conservator of Forest for formulation of forest proposal for
processing of clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. The DFO then surveys the
relevant forest area required for the construction of project under the possible alternatives. Forest
authorities conduct a cost-benefit analysis to assess the loss of forest produce, loss to environment
vis-à-vis benefits of project. Compensatory Afforestation (CA) scheme is prepared to compensate
loss of vegetation and is the most important and integral part of the proposal. For CA, the forest
authorities identify degraded forestland of twice the area of affected land. The proponent provides
undertaking/ certificate to meet the cost of compensatory afforestation and the Net Present Value
of forestland diverted. The NPV rate varies from Rs. 5.8 to Rs. 9.2 lakh per hectare (as per MoEF
Notification dt. 23.04.04) and is payable to the “Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and
Planning Authority” (CAMPA). If the forest is rich in wildlife, then the Chief Wildlife Warden also
gets a detailed assessment report prepared including measures to protect the wildlife, which is
submitted with the proposal.
Approval of Proposal: The proposal is submitted to the state forest department and then
forwarded to the principal chief conservator of forests in the state and finally to the state
secretariat. The State Government recommends the proposal for further processing and approval to
a) Concerned Regional Office of the MoEF if the area involved is 40 hectare or less b) MoEF, New
Delhi if the area is more than 40 hectare.
To facilitate speedy approval of forest proposal involving lesser area, Ministry of Environment &
Forests had established Regional Offices in each region for processing and approving these
proposals. The MoEF approves the proposal in two stages. In principle or first stage approval is
accorded with certain conditions depending upon the case. Second stage, or final approval is
provided after the compliance report of the conditions stipulated in first Forest Proposal (FP) is
received by MOEF,GOI from State Forest Department .

2.5 Environmental Clearances Obtained for the Project

RHEP clearance was undertaken at two stages (i) from the HPEPPCB at state government level and
(ii) from the MoEF at Government of India level.

2.5.1 At State Level

Pollution Control and Environmental Conservation

No objection certificate (NoC) under Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, & Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 is a mandatory requirement for Hydropower and the

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

same was applicable to RHEP. To obtain NoC, a detailed environmental Impact assessment study
and public consultation was undertaken. The HP Environment Protection and Pollution Control
Board (HPEPPCB) and the State Council of Science,Technology and Environment (SCSTE) were the
two nodal agencies responsible for assessing EIA study, organising public hearing and then issuing
No Objection Certificate for the said hydro power project.

Additional Clearance for Environmental Flow

HPEPPCB issued a notification on July 16, 2005 for quantum of minimum flow of water to be
released and maintained immediately downstream of diversion structures of existing and up-
coming hydel projects through out the year. As specified, minimum flow should not be less than
10%. This notification has been partially modified vide notification No PC-F(2)-1/2005 dated Sept 9,
2005. Updated notification stipulates that the quantum of minimum flow of water to be released
and maintained immediately downstream of the diversion structures of existing and up-coming
hydel projects through out the year should be threshold value of not less than 15% of the
minimum flow observed in the lean season; to main river water body whose water is being
harnessed by these projects.
RHEP has been designed with above-mentioned requirement of maintaining minimum release in
river Satluj during lean season.

2.5.2 At the Government of India Level

A 3-stage procedure for project preparation as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Power was
followed for RHEP. Activities of the 3 stages were tied up with a concurrence or clearance from the

Stage-I Environmental Clearance

This comprised activities for preliminary selection of the project site including (a) a desk study on
meteorology, hydrology and topography; (b) essential topographical survey and geological
investigations, (c) establishment of observatories for weather and river flow; (d) preliminary layout
of project facilities and a preliminary cost estimate; (e) cost estimates for Stage-II activities; (f)
commencement of EIA and EMP studies; and (g) site clearance from MoEF as per EIA notification,
Site clearance (Stage I) for RHEP was obtained from MoEF in September 2004. The purpose of
clearance was to get approval for further investigation at the site before seeking environmental
clearance from the MoEF.

Stage-II Environmental Clearance

Activities in this stage included (a) complete topographical, geo-physical and construction material
surveys, geological exploration; (b) collection and analysis of hydro-meteorological and silt data;
(c) preparation of detailed project report and techno-economic clearance from CEA; (d) preparation
of EIA & EMP reports. The project authorities then approached H.P. Environment Protection and
Pollution Control Board (HPEPPCB) and State Council of Science, Technology and Environment
(SCSTE) for No Objection Certificates (NOC). Environment Planning Unit (EPU) of SCSTE examined
the proposal and circulated EIA/EMP to all line departments within a week. The departments were
required to submit their response with in three weeks. Meanwhile the SJVNL was asked to make
preliminary presentation to the State Pollution Control Board-HPEPPCB. The EPU by the time
conveyed the departmental comments to SJVNL for making suitable changes in EIA/EMP. The state
board organized internal presentation before the specialist on EIA/EMP submitted by the RHEP
authorities. Observations by the specialists were conveyed to the project authorities and were
asked to integrate observations in EIA/EMP.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Issues Raised in Presentation: Presentation before specialists, prior to public hearing, raised
issues, significant of them are detailed below:
• The spatial dimension of ambient air quality monitoring needed to be increased from the
current two locations to more locations so as to represent all adits and the villages of the
project area.
• Water Quality Monitoring needs to be monitored for two more seasons in addition to the
one season already undertaken.
• Video recording of all ground and surface water sources to be done by the project
• Technical plan for muck disposal should be submitted to HPEPPPCB and proper measures
shall be taken for a safe dump site
• Sewage treatment plants shall be used in the townships rather than septic tank and
Incinerator shall be used for treating garbage of the township.
• EMP Implementation cost should include cost of third party monitoring during
construction and post construction stages of the project.
• Flow in the natural regime of river Satluj available at Jhakri should not be diverted for
Rampur Hydel project.
After project authorities complied with all the requirements including above mentioned, SCSTE
informed the HPEPPCB to conduct public hearing as per procedures laid down in EIA Notification.
Public notices for holding environmental public hearing near proposed power house in village Bayal
and near Kunni khad bridge in village Chatti were published in news paper for holding the Public
Hearing on 26-10-2005. There were significant issues raised by stakeholders from villages
surrounding the project.
Project authorities were asked by HPEPPCB to prepare action plan for addressing those issues.
After receiving the action plan, HPEPPCB issues No Objection certificate (NOC) to the SJVNL and
recommended the case to MOEF for environmental clearance.

Stage-III Environmental Clearance

Post NOC from HPEPPCB, environmental clearance was obtained from MoEF in March, 2006.
Environmental clearance was granted by MoEF with prior mandatory conditions for implementation
by the project during construction and operation phases. Simultaneously, Mining lease and
permission for diversion of 69.3762ha of forest land was obtained by SJVNL from Director of
Industries and MoEF (FC Division) respectively.
Environmental safeguards insisted upon by MoEF: MoEF stipulated additional conditions to
ensure safeguards from the uncertainties, and weaknesses, if any, in the EIA/EMP. These are
described below:
• Preparation and implementation of (a) a resettlement and rehabilitation plan, (b) a
catchment area treatment plan.
• Dissemination of clearance to the village panchayat/local NGO and advertisement in local
newspapers for general disclosure.
• Implementation of fish management plan in consultation with the state fisheries
• Conservation of medicinal plants.
• Compensatory afforestation and involvement of local people in afforestation.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Restoration of borrow pits and quarry sites.

• Disposal of muck at designated sites and landscaping of the sites.
• Maintaining the specified minimum flow of water in the stream.
• Health check up for construction workers.
• Availability of minimum 23.7 cumec water during lean season in the river downstream of
‘dam’ for sustaining aquatic life.
• Establishment of multi-disciplinary institutional mechanism for environmental monitoring.
This to include experts on ecology, forestry, wildlife, soil conservation and NGOs, etc.
A more detailed description of the staged environmental clearance process is contained in Table 2.1

2.6 Responsibilities of Government of India under International Treaties

India is responsible to follow guidelines of Indus river treaty before developing any water resource
project on these basins. The utilization of waters of Indus river systems have to be in accordance
with the Indus water treaty, 1960,concluded between India and Pakistan with the help of World
Bank. Under this treaty, the water of the Sutluj, the Beas and the Ravi referred to as eastern rivers
can be fully utilized by India whereas the other rivers i.e., the Indus, the Chenab and the Jhelum,
the so called western river fall to the share of Pakistan. The treaty, however, enables India to
develop hydro potential in the upper reaches of the western rivers, where they traverse through
the Indian Territory. RHEP, on the river Satluj project is fully independent project of India as per
the Indus treaty and there is no limitation on its development.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 2.1 – Environmental Considerations and the Environmental Clearances Obtained in the Rampur Hydropower Project

Project stage Subject Specific Queries SJVNL – RAMPUR PROJECT

Period before Agency Responsibility for identification of Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board. The project was envisaged as extension of the Nathpa Jhkari
the Project was the project. Project
transferred to The status of project preparation Only Project Feasibility Report was provided. This was developed by the HP State Electricity Board
SJVNL when the project was transferred (HPSEB). The Detailed Project Report (DPR) including the Detailed Cost Estimate was prepared by
to SJVNL. SJVNL on 31st May 2005.. However, M/S WAPCOS was appointed a Review Consultant for reviewing
the DPR before submission to CEA.
Prioritization Was this part of the prioritization
by the CEA?
The environmental parameters The following environmental parameters were considered :
considered in the CEA 1. Extent of Forest land to be used
2. Extent of private land required
3. Statutory requirements for diversion of Forest land
4. Statutory requirements for Environmental clearance
5. Land use pattern
6. Wild Life clearance
7. Indus Water Treaty clearance
8. Defense / civil aviation clearance.
9. Number of persons likely to be displaced and their rehabilitation
Analysis of Consideration of any site, Six different alternatives utilizing the tail race waters of the existing 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri HE
alternatives technology or storage alternative Project besides picking up additional water from Satluj river at a location suggested by Geological
at this stage. Brief results. Survey of India were studied for firming up the location and layout of the project. These were studied
briefly, and which also rejected 2 alternatives on social/environmental grounds.
Evidence that the site was
selected carefully to avoid The alternatives were selected in such away that the population to be displaced be minimum. Avoided
environmental (or resettlement) flooding of the Rampur town.
Reasons for selecting the particular site (hydrology, topography, The suitability of alternative was done based on cost benefit study,
geology, environment or any other). which also rejected 2 alternatives on social/environmental grounds.
Initial scoping Undertaking a preliminary (or initial or rapid) environmental Yes. The key issues identified were: Forest Clearance aspects,
examination (of any form) to identify key issues. Key issues were Environment clearance aspects. The need for the EIA Study, and
identified. the issues around the muck disposal sites.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Project stage Subject Specific Queries SJVNL – RAMPUR PROJECT

Stage I Changes from the What were the changes, if any? Why were those changes made? None
Clearance earlier proposal
Was any modification of storage or inundation proposed? None
Was the site of the storage, powerhouse, etc., changed? If yes, then why? Was
environment a factor?
Was public consulted before or after these changes? Not Applicable
Site selection Were alternative sites examined at this stage? What issues triggered search for
alternative sites?
Public Was public informed/ consulted about the proposed project
First stage Site When was the application submitted?
Clearance by On 22-04-04
Did MOEF raise any objection, or
Yes they required Satellite Imagery of the Project area showing land use pattern vide their letter
wanted any modification of the
dated 24-05-04
proposal? By what date?
Was a revised application
Reply submitted on 27-07-04
When was the clearance
On 3-09-04
obtained? Date/Year?
Did MOEF lay any major condition • The fund required for Environmental Aspects should be included in the budget of the
at this stage? What were those? project.
• Tandem operation process with NJPS has to be mentioned in detail in PFR

Other relevant Was any other (Wildlife Board/ASI/State PCB) clearance obtained, which included any
clearances consideration of environmental issues? If so, what were the issues? NO

Involvement of At what stages were the

the Environmental environmental officers involved? Environment officers were involved right from the start of the case.
Group of SJVNL What was their scope of works?
What specific improvement or Environment Officers at Project site were involved for detail application , survey related to
modification was suggested by environment information.
the environmental officers, if Environment officer at corporate Office was also involved for TOR preparation of EIA /EMP study and
any? for filling up the application’s column related to stage-I.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Project stage Subject Specific Queries SJVNL – RAMPUR PROJECT

Feasibility Agency Responsibility for the study Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board. The project was envisaged as extension of Nathpa Jhkari
Study Project. It was feasibility report.
Analysis of Was any site, technology or Six different alternatives utilizing the tail race waters of the existing 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri HE
alternatives storage alternative considered at Project besides picking up additional water from Satluj river at a location suggested by Geological
this stage? Briefly, what were the Survey of India were studied for firming up the location and layout of the project.
results? Finally 2nd alternative which envisages utilization of tail race water of NJHEP and construction of cut
and cover RCC conduit for crossing the river ,15.08 Km head race tunnel, 140 m deep surge shaft six
partially underground penstocks and a surface power house has been found to be most suitable
alternative and adopted for RHEP.
Any evidence that the site was
The alternative has been selected in such away that alignment should have minimum number of
selected carefully to avoid
trees to be uprooted and popution to be displaced be minimum. The number of houseless families by
environmental (or resettlement)
this way has been zeroed down to twenty.
issues? If so, what issues?
Scoping Preliminary environmental examination (of any form) identify key issues. Carried out.
What key issues were identified? As described earlier.
Public Was public informed/ consulted
consultation about the main features and General Manager of the project had number offormal and informal meetings with the public. Also ,
potential impacts of the proposed press statements were issued to bring about the details to public.
Stage II Second stage Site Date of submission of the
On 20-12-04
Clearance Clearance by application.
MoEF MOEF objections on the
Yes, objections were raised vide their letter dated 14-01-05
Date of submission of the
Yes, revised application was submitted on 14-01-05
revised application.
Date of Stage II Clearance. On 28-02-05
Major condition stipulated by MOEF at this stage. NO
Other relevant Was any other (Wildlife Board/ASI/State PCB) clearance obtained, which included any consideration of
clearances environmental issues? If so, what were the issues?
Involvement of At what stages were the environmental officers involved? What was Environment officers were involved right from the start of the case.
the Environmental their scope of works? What specific improvement or modification Scope of their work included compilation of information and
Group of SJVNL was suggested by the environment group, if any? submitting the case for environment clearance.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Project stage Subject Specific Queries SJVNL – RAMPUR PROJECT

EA (EIA) & Public Was public informed/ consulted
Public consultation about the main details and
Consultation assessed environmental impacts
of the proposed project?
Give details (Date, Place, Who DATE:- 26-10-05 DATE:- 26-10-05
Attended, Number of Attendees, PLACE:- Village Bayal (Near PH site) PLACE:- Near Kunni Khad in village chatti
Whether the meeting was
recorded or not, etc.) No. of Attendees:- 230 No. of Attendees:- 113
The meeting was video graphed and minutes were recorded.
Who Attended:- MLA(Anni)-cum-chairman HPMC, Member secretary HPSEP & PCB, Environment
Engineer Rampur, SDM Anni, Env. Engg(ST), Executive Engg. IPH Div. Rampur, Executive Engg. IPH
Div. Anni, SDO IPH Nirmand, DFO Anni, HPPWD Officials, HDO Horticulture Dept. , BDO Nirmand,
Health Dept. officials, Chairman Panchayat Samiti , Senior Citizens.
What was the response of the
public? Was it considered for Response of the public was good and supportive. There were no modifications in the proposal for the
modification of the project project.
Public disclosure By what means was information PIC was setup in village Bael on 19-12-05. An officer of Executive Rank is presently posted there. A
of information publicly disseminated or No. of Boards in Hindi and English are displayed in the PIC giving Information of the Project features
disclosed? Give details of PIC. and the various R&R and Environment works that will be carried out by the project.
EIA Clearance Environmental How was the EA/EIA/EMP evaluated/appraised? It was evaluated at Project site with the assistance of Corporate
(Stage II assessment ER&R .
Clearance) Involuntary How were the proposals for Involuntary Resettlement evaluated It was evaluated at Project site with the assistance of Corporate
resettlement /appraised? ER&R .
Environmental When was the application submitted? On 14/12/2005
Clearance by Did MOEF raise any objection, or
MoEF wanted any modification of the
proposal? By what date?

Yes. on 31-01-06 observations were raised,

1. The report of CAT plan shall be submitted to member of appraisal committee.
2. The unit of land use has not been mentioned.
3. The project is in severe seismicity zone.- the eeismicity report needs to be corrected.
Clearnce from National Committee of Seismic Design Parameters of CWC is required.
4. A statement that private land are of non agriculture category and do not belong to tribals.
5. The number of tribal people affected Families be stated. 2-17
6. Soil (N P & K) should be reported in standard form and unit i.e., kg of nutrients/ha.
7. On introductory page annual unit of power generation is mentioned as 1946 GWh, but on
page 2-5 it is mentioned 2230.31. Correct figure was to be intimated.
Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Project stage Subject Specific Queries SJVNL – RAMPUR PROJECT

8.Quantity of water to be released during lean season for maintaining the aquatic life may be
9. The committee also decided to depute a sub group to vivit project.
The MOEF,GOI later cancelled the visit and fixed new date for presentation..
Was a revised application submitted? Revised reply submitted on 6-02-05
When was the clearance obtained? Date/Year? On 31-3-06
Did MOEF lay any major condition 1. The treatment proposed in CAT plan be submitted to MOEF .
at this stage? What were those? 2. Clarence from National Committee on seism city Design Parameters of CWC should be obtained.

3. The families affected due to acquisition of land should be rehabilitated as per R&R policy of SJVNL
and NPRR-2003.
4. All assurance/ commitments given by project authority in the public hearing must be honoured in
letter and spirit , particularly with regard to employment to project affected persons and locals.
5. Implementation of fish Management Plan should be carried out in consultation with State Fisheries
department and sent to MOEF,GOI within three months of isuue of this letter .
6. During lean period 23.7 cumec water should be made available in the released downstream of the
dam for immediately aquatic life.
In addition to above there are 11 general conditions.
Other relevant Was any other (Wildlife Board/ASI/State PCB) clearance obtained,
Yes State Nodal Deptt takes NOCs/ Clearances from Wild life forest
clearances which included any consideration of environmental issues? If so,
department , State Archeology etc.
what were the issues?
Other State Pollution Procedure followed? Any problem
Procedure was followed.
Clearances Control Board or delay encountered
State Deptt. of Procedure followed? Any
Objections were raised by the Dept. and were replied.
Science & Tech problem or delay encountered
Forest Procedure followed? Any problem
Yes, at various levels objections were raised and attended to.
Department or delay encountered?
Archaeological Procedure followed? Any problem A certificate stating that no Archeological structure is coming within the project area was acquired not
Survey of India or delay encountered? from ASI but State Archeology Deptt. .
Indian Wildlife Procedure followed? Any problem A certificate/undertaking from the DFO wildlife was obtained mentioning that there is no wild life
Board or delay encountered? sanctuary falling in the project area was acquired.
Any Other? Fisheries Department also gave clearance.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

2.7 Applicability of the World Bank Safeguard Policies

The World Bank safeguard concerns and the policies that are applicable to the RHEP are
summarized below. The project has been designed with full compliance to the requirement of WB
safeguard policies.

Note: The Social Safeguard Policies, viz., the Policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) and the Policy
on Indigenous Peoples (OD 4.20) are included below, but are dealt separately by the social assessment
studies, and the resettlement action plan – not covered under the EA/EMP.

Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) - APPLICABLE

The major environmental issues in the project would include (a) disturbance to the forest cover in
the project influence area, and the catchment; (b) impacts on the potential water use downstream;
(c) induced erosion and landslides in the project area and its vicinity; (d) impacts from the project’s
associated facilities; and (e) the construction-related impacts.

Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) – NOT APPLICABLE

Based on the baseline data and a comparison with the available data for the state, or the Satluj
basin as a whole suggest that the project’s influence area is relatively poor in terms of forest cover,
plant wealth, wildlife and biodiversity. Impact of the project on the existing landscape, at the basin
or even a district level is insignificant, owing to the environmental setting of the projects. Impacts
at the more immediate level will also be small, if not insignificant.
There are total 12 protected forest under the study area of which 6 forest falls in Rampur Division
while 6 in outer Seraj division of Kullu district. The details of protected forest are given in Table 3.
None of these are directly impacted by the project.
Owing to their common distribution and not having significant ecological status loss (although some
of them have community use and medicinal values), loss the trees and shrubs will not significantly
affect existing biodiversity status of the either project influence area, the Satluj Basin in general, or
Himachal Pradesh in totality. It will also not affect the structure composition, of existing forest
types, forest cover or distribution characteristics of flora.

Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) - APPLICABLE

The land acquisition and its associated resettlement impacts are very moderate and manageable.
The project involves relatively a small amount of land acquisition and physical displacement,
consisting of about 29 hectares of private land belonging to 180 title holders and transfer of about
49 hectares of forest government land. Among 180 title holders, 29 title holders will also loose
their houses and 55 land owners will become land less retaining less than 0.40 hectares.

Indigenous Peoples (OD 4.20) – NOT APPLICABLE

The impact on tribal is negligible. Only one tribal family is being affected and the proportion of
tribal families living in project area is about 3% compared to 4% in Himachal Pradesh and 8% in
India. The socio-economic characteristics of tribal in the project area reveal that they own
agricultural land, livestock and own material assets like television, cooking gas four wheelers similar
to non-tribal. They do not exhibit any indigenous characteristics as described in the Bank’s
Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples as confirmed by the social analysis described in Social

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Assessment. The analysis carried out by the borrower indicates that the tribal are fully integrated
into the mainstream economy of the local area.

Forests (OP/BP 4.36) - APPLICABLE

The project acquires 48.9ha of degraded forest land (with very little forest or tree cover), and
notionally acquires (but does not disturb – as the works are deep underground) another 20.47ha of
similar degraded forest land over the tunnels. Together these represent 0.07% of the total forest
area of Rampur and Anni forest divisions (which together have 90,596ha of legally defined forests).
The project will clear fell 1075 trees, of which 996 are (exotic) eucalyptus trees, which were earlier
planted by the forest department. Other 79 trees to be felled are commonly distributed throughout
the project’s immediate influence and influence area.

Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) - APPLICABLE

This project does not construct any dam, but uses tailrace water diverted by the dam earlier
constructed by the Nathpa-Jhakri Power project. Construction of the 60m high Nathpa-Jhakri Dam
followed the Bank’s policy on safety of dams (as the project was funded by the World Bank). In this
project, the aspects related to safety of dam needed to be (only) re-confirmed. The borrowers have
prepared an Emergency Preparedness Plan, which takes adequate care of the safety features for
the project, and reconfirms the safety of the Nathpa-dam.

Physical Cultural Resources (OPN 11.03) - APPLICABLE

The project area does not have known archaeological or historical sites or remains. This has been
confirmed by an archaeological examination of the project area.
There is only a small possibility of impacts on cultural properties (such as community religious
properties, sacred groves, and chance-finds). The EMP includes procedures to identify such
properties, and mitigate and manage impacts in the case, such properties are impacted.

Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP/GP 7.60) – NOT APPLICABLE

No part of the project area, and in fact, no part of the state of Himachal Pradesh is under any
international dispute.

Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP/GP 7.50) - APPLICABLE

The River Satluj (a tributary of the Indus) is an international river (lies in China, India and
Pakistan). This run-of the river is located in between two existing dams. The upstream dam at
Nathpa, about 50km upstream of the project, has a small storage (an inundation of about 22ha, all
within the river gorge, mainly for producing peaking power for the 1500MW Nathpa-Jhakri project).
The downstream Bhakra dam and the storage of Govindsagar were completed in 1960s, and
constitute a major multi-purpose project of Northern India. The Bhakra Dam has a gross storage of
9621 million m3, and is about 200km downstream of the Rampur project.
Thus, there is no significant impact of the project related to water flow and availability on either
the upstream or downstream riparian countries. The water quality impacts of the project is
assessed to be minor even at the immediate project area, and would be truly negligible
downstream of Bhakra. In addition, the Sutlej is one of the 3 eastern rivers defined by the Indus
Treaty (between India and Pakistan), and is earmarked for sole (consumptive) use by India.
According to the Bank policy on International Waterways, both the upstream and downstream
riparian countries, China and Pakistan, were notified and provided with relevant project details. No
objection to the project was raised by either of the riparian countries.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

2.8 SJVNL Corporate Policy Statements

As stated in the Environment Policy, the mission of SJVNL is to:

To Plan, Investigate, Organise, Execute, Operate and Maintain Hydropower

Projects in the Satluj River Basin in Himachal Pradesh and at any other place.

SJVNL Corporate Vision statement is as follows:

To Make India a Fountainhead of Hydro Power and the Energy Source of the
Future by Reorganising Development with Passion and Professionalism for
Sustainable Viability of the Corporation on Bedrock of Sound Commercial

In the pursuit of above mission, SJVNL had set for itself the following Corporate Objectives :
• Operating and maintaining power stations with maximum performance efficiency.
• Establishing and following sound business, financial and regulatory policies.
• Taking up of other hydro power projects.
• Completion of the new projects allocated to SJVNL in an efficient and cost effective
• Dissemination of available in-house technical and managerial expertise to other utilities /
• Creating work culture and work environment conducive to the growth and development
of both the organization and the individuals through introduction of participative
management philosophy.
• Fulfilling social commitments to the society. Achieving constructive cooperation and
building personal relations with stakeholders, peers, and other related organization.
• Striving clean and green project environment with minimal ecological and social
• To strive for acquiring Mini Ratna Status.
It could be seen that sustainability of the projects, and conservation and protection of environment
had been part of the Corporate Objectives.

2.9 SJVNL Corporate Policy on Environment

In 2006, the SJVNL Board of Directors adopted the following corporate policies on environment,
health and safety. All projects of SJVNL, including the currently operating project, viz., the Nathpa-
Jhakri Hydropower project will implement these policies, as applicable. The Rampur Hydropower
project has been prepared in due consideration of these policies.

2.9.1 SJVNL’s Environmental Policy Statement

Following is the text of the SJVNL’s Environment Policy:
“SJVNL is a supplier of environmentally friendly electric power generation. The Company is
committed to the ownership and operation of generation facilities which contribute to the reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions and which minimise environmental impact both in construction and

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

SJVNL will:
• Discharge its obligations under the national and State environmental legislations,
regulations, guidelines and directives; and operate in an environmentally responsible
• Strive to minimize the impact of its operations on the environment by means of a
program of continuous improvement.
• Identify aspects of activities which have a significant environmental impact as an integral
part of its decision-making and its commitment to prevention pollution.
• Develop and maintain adaptive environmental management mechanisms for the
establishment and maintenance of environmental objectives.
• Develop and maintain efficient and two-way communication with the local communities,
and partner and assist them in resolving environmental concerns
• Respond promptly and effectively to any known significant environmental impacts caused
by operations under its control.
• Promote the development of efficient and clean operations procedures.
• Promote the efficient use of energy, raw materials and other resources within its
• Manage land under its care with sensitivity, having due regard for local environmental
• When appropriate, maintain close liaison with regulators, authorities and environmental
• Promote environmental awareness among employees, suppliers and contractors
• Educate and train employees to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible
• Make this policy known and available to the public
In support of this policy, SJVNL will review all new projects for compliance and conduct regular
reviews of existing projects from legal stipulations angle as well as internal procedures. SJVNL will
prepare and maintain procedures to support this policy in the light of changes in knowledge and
understanding. However presently procedures enlisted will act as guidelines or directives for
implementing the Policy.”

2.9.2 SJVNL Health, Security, Safety & Environment Directive

Following is the text of the SJVNL’s Health, Security, Safety and Environment Directive:

SJVNL’s ambition is to demonstrate courage, foresight, respect and a strong sense of responsibility
for people and the environment. SJVNL will be in the forefront in environmental care and industrial
safety. This directive lays down the necessary SJVNL policy and requirements governing our
“Health, Security, Safety and Environment” (HSE) efforts to achieve this ambition.

The directive covers all HSE aspects, applies to all parts of the value chain, and all our other

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

All employees are responsible for their own health, security and safety and shall cooperate and
contribute to the creation of a safe, secure and healthy working environment and to the
achievement of the SJVNL’s environmental obligations and goals. Specifically, every employee shall
execute his or her task in a secure, safe and efficient manner in compliance with applicable
requirements and guidelines.
The SJVNL Board is responsible for the establishment and deployment of SJVNL’s policy
concerning Health, Security, Safety and Environment, and for the elaboration of those related
corporate steering documents as are deemed necessary.
General Managers and all Project Managers shall address all relevant HSE issues. They are
accountable for the HSE performance of their operations/activities, including an appropriate level of
security, and for compliance with statutory requirements and SJVNL’s own corporate requirements.
They are responsible for integration of applicable HSE practices into the business processes for
which they are responsible and shall show determination and commitment to HSE through active
leadership, i.e. driving the continuous improvement process: setting goals, follow-up and support
the HSE activities, and building a sustainable HSE culture.
Corporate Environmental, Safety and Social Development Unit shall, on behalf of the
SJVNL Board, ensure that all SJVNL activities are carried out in conformity with statutory
regulations and SJVNL’s own corporate requirements. They shall assume ownership of the Health,
Security, Safety and Environment Processes, assist in making information concerning HSE available,
and facilitate cooperation, networking and the exchange of best practices in these fields.
In cooperation with the Corporate HSE staff, All Project Units shall facilitate information
exchange and develop common attitudes and standards across all SJVNL projects.
Health, security, safety and environmental issues shall be resolved within the appropriate
organizational level, i.e. as low as possible and practical.

Description of the HSE Policy

SJVNL is determined to work ambitiously, through continuous improvement, for a healthy work
environment, safe and secure conduct, and low environmental impact.
• We will design our projects, develop and use technology to produce minimum adverse
effect on the environment, making efficient use of energy and resources.
• At the strategic and operational levels we will show due concern to HSE, including the
health and safety of our neighbours. When acquiring or entering into commercial
agreements with companies that are far from our standards, we shall strive to set
ambitious goals to ensure significant improvements in their HSE performance.
• We will systematically seek to deepen our understanding of HSE risks and effects of our
activities, promote transparency and routinely publicize our health, security, safety and
environment goals and report on status and progress in a dialogue with our stakeholders,
including local communities.
• We will continuously work to reduce environmental impacts and risks related to our
activities, and contribute to sustainable power generation in a life-cycle perspective.
• We are determined to have no injuries on our premises, and work continuously to avoid
work related illnesses, property damage and production loss.
• We will encourage our employees to adopt a healthy, safe life-style for themselves and
their families.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• If accidents occur, we shall be prepared to do the utmost to prevent and mitigate injury,
damage to the environment, property and SJVNL’s reputation. Saving life will be our
highest priority.
• We will protect personnel, premises and activities against conscious and negligent
unauthorized actions, balancing the company’s need for protection of the integrity of
employees and third parties.

HSE Management System

• All our activities shall be in compliance with statutory requirements and SJVNL corporate
• All SJVNL projects shall be in compliance with the ISO 14001 standard or equivalent.
• We shall achieve our goals through the systematic management of HSE risks and
opportunities, and the development of and adherence to a common HSE management
system built on good practice and experience, as described in detail in Safety Assurance
Plans and Environmental Management Plans of all individual projects.
• SJVNL encourages the use of nationally and internationally recognized standards,
guidelines, procedures and acceptance criteria. If needed, sector specifications should be
established for issues not covered by such.
• SJVNL will strive to develop Corporate Guidance on Health, Safety, Security and
Environmental Management. Wherever possible, SJVNL will encourage adoption of
Occupational Health, Safety and Social Accountability Management Systems.”

2.9.3 SJVNL’s Biodiversity Conservation Policy

Following is the text of the SJVNL’s Biodiversity Conservation Policy:

“The Biodiversity Challenge and Our Commitments

Respect for the values of the Earth and the resources it provides for present and future generations
belongs to the key values that SJVNL lives by. We recognise that:
• Our operations have impacts that, if not properly addressed, may result in reduced
biodiversity; i.e. losses in the variety of ecosystems, species and genetic material
• Action is required now to protect the variety of ecosystems as providers of services to
• There is need for a global regulatory framework for the safeguarding of biodiversity
• There is need for knowledge of the primary and secondary effects of hydropower
development activity on biodiversity
Our ambition is to be aware of risks to biodiversity from our activities, and to contribute to
biodiversity conservation where we operate.

To meet the biodiversity challenges - we will

• Respect the Government of India (and IUCN classification, as far as applicable) of
protected areas and management regulations applicable to them
• Take actions to avoid or mitigate impacts on biodiversity from our operations. This will
include compensatory measures to conserve biodiversity in sensitive areas
• Consider primary and secondary effects on biodiversity in our Environmental and Social
Impact Assessments

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Monitor biodiversity in connection with our activities

• Contribute to the development of a better knowledge on the effects on biodiversity of our
• Actively support the development of frameworks on biodiversity conservation
• Engage in partnerships and stakeholder dialogue to meet our ambitions

In the River valleys that SJVNL is involved in developing hydropower, we will:

• Encourage a consistent dialogue on conservation of biodiversity
• Assist, as far as practicable, the State Governments and River basin Authorities in the
implementation of their stated biodiversity conservation plans and programs
• Partner with other hydropower developers in the river basin in developing knowledge
base on biodiversity and its linkages to community life and well being.”

2.9.4 SJVNL’s Climate Change Commitments

Following is the text of the SJVNL’s climate change commitment:

“We Recognize
• That the risk of long term climate change requires action now to reduce global
greenhouse gas emissions
• That our own projects face potential threats from climate change and the ensuing
variability in hydrological regime and landscape degradation
• That technology development is necessary for emissions reductions and development of
long term sustainable systems
In SJVNL, we are committed to participate in the development of knowledge regarding the climate
change issues, in our own emissions reductions and in the development of sustainable systems.

We will support
The National and State Governments, other relevant stakeholder and parner agencies involved in
developing, managing and regulating hydropower in the river valleys that SJVNL is involved:
• To implement best practices and best available technologies in the short term
• To develop bridging solutions for the intermediate term
• To develop systems and infrastructures for the longer term
We will also support the National and State Governments to develop equitable frameworks
designed to find cost efficient solutions to the potential threats arising out of climate variability and
extreme climatic events.

The framework to make it happen

• We participate in and support the National and State endeavors to develop the
commitments and the frameworks like the UNFCCC/Kyoto protocol with its flexible
mechanisms, and frameworks with similar goals
• We support market based emissions trading systems to provide the necessary incentives
to drive emissions reductions
• We will strive to design, develop and operate our projects to ensure reductions in
greenhouse gas emission

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• We will strive to design, develop and operate our projects to ensure adequate
management and response to extreme climatic events

Our actions to meet the global climate challenge

• We will continue to develop our business, projects and operations in a way that will
support global green house gas emission reductions in a life cycle perspective
• We will limit emissions from our production through better operations and trough
development and implementation of new technologies, wherever relevant and economical
• We will take into account the expected future cost of green house gas emissions in major
investment decisions to support the choice of climate benign solutions
• We will develop a trading capacity to manage our green house gas portfolio and to
provide incentives to reduce operational emissions.”


Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report


This chapter starts with a description of entire Satluj Basin. This is followed by a presentation of
issues related to Indian part of Satluj Basin such as regional biodiversity, existing
upstream/downstream hydropower projects in the region.
The next sections focus on project specific issues. The approach adopted is in this section is to first
describe the baseline conditions and significant environmental issues, then to evaluate the potential
environmental impacts and finally the ways of avoiding these impacts. Mitigation measures,
compensation measures and opportunities for environmental enhancement are discussed.
The last sections of the chapter focuses on the general and specific impacts associated with
construction activities.

3.1 River Systems of Himachal Pradesh

The Himalayan mountain chain has a dominant influence on the climatic conditions prevailing over
Indian sub-continent. They lie in the path of rain-bearing monsoon winds and thus bring rain to a
large part of India. The Himalaya houses a vast reservoir of moisture both in the form of ice, fresh-
water and underground water. The rivers draining the Himalayas sustain life in the Northern part of
the Indian sub-continent. The drainage system of Himalaya is very complex. It is composed both of
rivers and glaciers. Himalayan River criss-cross the entire mountain chain. In fact a number of
rivers are older than the mountain system. They have cut across the various mountain ranges. In
Himachal, rivers from two rivers systems- Indus River System (Satluj, the Beas, the Ravi, the
Chenab and the Jhelum) and Ganga River System (only river Yamuna) flow through.

Table 3.1 – The Indus River System

Name of Source Total Stream Drainage (km2) Remarks
River length (km)
Jhelum Northern of Pripanjal, Kashmir 400 28, 490 Indian Scetor Only

Ravi Born in Bara Banghal, Kangra district 725 5957 Indian sector only

Chenab Greater Himalayan Canton of Lahaul 1180 26,755 Indian sector only

Beas Beas Kund at Southern face of 470 25, 900 -

Rohtang pass in Greater Himalayas
Satluj Mansarvor group of lakes in Tibet 1050 24, 087 Indian sector only
Himalayas 4630m
Yamuna Yamunotri in Gharwal hills and forms 1,300 359,000 Catchment area in
the Eastern boundary with Uttar Himachal is 2320
Pradesh km²

3.1.1 The Indus River System

The river Indus rises from the Tibetan plateau and enters the Himalaya in Ladakh. It enters the
Kashmir region near its confluence with the river Gurtang, at an elevation of about 4200 metres.
The drainage basin of the Indus river system extends from the Naga Parbat mass in the extreme
North-Western part of the country to the Western slopes of the Shimla ridge in Himachal Pradesh.
It includes the whole of Jammu and Kashmir and most of Himachal Pradesh. The extreme Northern
tract of the Indus basin comprises of the cold desert of Ladakh, Lahaul Spiti and Pooh. South of
this tract lies the higher Himalayan mountain wall. The lower and middle Himalayas occupy the
central part of the Indus basin. The low rolling Shivalik hills occur along its Southern periphery.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Climatic conditions in the Indus river system vary from arctic to sub-tropical. The cold desert area
remains devoid of rainfall and experiences heavy snowfall. The important rivers of this system are
the Satluj, the Beas, the Ravi, the Chenab and the Jhelum. Out of these five, four flow through
Himachal Pradesh and along with their tributaries draining parts of Himachal Pradesh.

3.1.2 Satluj River in Himachal Pradesh

Satluj rises from beyond Indian borders in the Southern slopes of the Kailash mountain near
Mansarover lake from Rakas lake, as Longcchen Khabab river (in Tibet). It is the largest among the
five rivers of Himachal Pradesh. It enters Himachal at Shipkila (altitude is 6,608 meters) and flows
in the South-Westerly direction through Kinnaur, Shimla, Kullu, Solan, Mandi and Bilaspur districts.
Its coarse in Himachal Pradesh is 320 km. from Rakastal, with famous tributaries viz. the Spiti, the
Ropa, the Taiti, the Kashang, the Mulgaon, the Yula, the Wanger, the Throng and the Rupi as right
bank tributaries, whereas the Tirung, the Gayathing, the Baspa, the Duling and the Soldang are left
bank tributaries. The prominent human settlements that have come on the banks of the Satluj
River are Namgia, Kalpa, Rampur, Tattapani, Suni and Bilaspur. Its total length is 1,448 km. It
leaves Himachal Pradesh to enter the plains of Punjab at Bhakhra, where the world's highest
gravity dam has been constructed on this river. Its total catchment area in Himachal Pradesh is
20,000 sq. km. Its vedic name is Satudri and Sanskrit name Shatadru. The Satluj finally drains into
the Indus in Pakistan. The catchment area of about 50,140 km. of Satluj River is located above the
permanent snow line at an altitude of 4,500 metres. The upper tracts of the Satluj valley are under
a permanent snow cover.

3.1.3 Important Tributaries of River Satluj

Refer Figure 3.1.

Spiti River
The Spiti River originates from Kunzum range and Tegpo and Kabzian streams are its tributaries.
Water draining the famous Pin valley area are also a part of the Spiti river system. Its position
across the main Himalayan range deprives it from the benefit of the South-West monsoons that
causes widespread rain in most parts of India from June to September. The river attains peak
discharge in late summers due to glacier melting. After flowing through Spiti valley, the Spiti River
meets Satluj at Namgia in Kinnaur district traversing a length of about 150 km. from the North-
West beyond that it flows in South-West direction in the Pradesh. Huge mountains rise to very high
elevations on either sides of the Spiti River and its numerous tributaries. The mountains are barren
and largely devoid of a vegetative cover. The main settlements along the Spiti River and its
tributaries are Hansi and Dhankar Gompa.

Baspa River
Baspa is an important tributary of the river Satluj in its upper courses. The Baspa is joined by many
smaller channels draining snowmelt waters. The Baspa River has cut across the main Himalayan
range. Thereafter it empties itself into the river Satluj in district Kinnaur. Baspa originates from the
Baspa hills, joins it from the left bank near Karcham. Satluj River leaves Kinnaur district in the West
near Chauhra and enters Shimla district.

The Nogli Khad

It joins Satluj just below Rampur Bushahar. The river Satluj enters Mandi district near Firnu village
in the Chawasigarh and passes through the areas of Mahunm, Bagra, Batwara, Derahat and Dehar.
Practically the whole of the ancient Suket state except Jaidevi and Balh circles drains into Satluj.
The main tributaries of the Satluj in district Mandi are Siun, Bahlu, Kotlu, Behna, Siman, Bantrehr,
Khadel and Bhagmati.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Soan River
The Soan River rises from the Southern slopes of the Shivalik range also known as Solasinghi range
in the tract to the East of the Beas gap across the Southern periphery of the Kangra valley. It joins
the boundary of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Its gradient is not very steep and the slopes of the
Soan catchment vary from gentle to steep. In the summer the discharge drops drastically, while
during monsoon it is in spate.
Other tributaries of the Satluj are as in Table 3.2 below.

Table 3.2 – Tributaries of the Satluj

Region of confluence Name of Stream

Joining Satluj in Tibet in the Province of Zangchu, Drama, Yankti, Chonak, Manglan,
Nari Khorsam Trunsaco, Sumna, Trape
Spiti, Ropa, Taiti, Kashang, Mulgaon
Right Bank
Yula, Wanger, Throng , Rupi
Joining Satluj Below Shipkila, in India
Tirung, Gayathing, Baspa
Left Bank
Duling, Shoulding

3.1.4 Hydro power Projects on the Satluj

The Government of India and State Government of Himachal Pradesh have identified the Satluj
River as one of the main sources of hydroelectric projects. The total hydropower potential of Satluj
river basin as estimated is 9728.25 MW out of which 5515.75 MW is being harnessed through
projects that are either under operation or in construction stages (refer Table 3.3). In this
particular section, key features of main hydro- power projects that are in varying stages of
planning, construction, completion and operation have been discussed. The main hydroelectric
power plants and dams are:

Proposed Khab Hydropower Project (1020 MW), Kinnaur District

The Khab HEP located in the Northern Power region is conceived as a run-of-river development on
the river Satluj to tap the hydroelectric potential of the upper reaches of river Satluj as it enters
into the Indian Territory. The project envisages the construction of 275 m high concrete gravity
dam with 12.6 km long and 9 m dia tailrace tunnel and would generate 1020 MW of electricity with
a tentative construction cost of 14000 Crores. It is envisaged that the cost will be shared by
downstream benefitting projects due to storage of silt which increases life of downstream
reservoirs. For the scheme, diversion works on the river are located at 310 d/s of Khab, the
confluence of river Satluj and river Spiti in District Kinnaur of State, about 300km from Shimla.

Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project (1000MW), Kinnaur District

The Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project will utilise the head available between the tail waters
of Baspa Hydroelectric Project Stage-II and head waters of Nathpa-Jhakri Hydroelectric Project.
The project envisages a concrete gravity dam about 43 m high above the river bed (approx. 98 m
high above the deepest foundation level). The dam will have 6 sluice spillway bays of size 9m (W)
x 9m(H). The other main component of the Project are: 10.48 m diameter, 17.2 km long head race
tunnel, 4.75m dia. 4 nos. pressure shafts, an underground power-house with 4 x 250 MW installed
capacity, transformer hall and 909 m long 10.48 m dia tail race tunnel. The diversion of river is
envisaged by construction of a Diversion tunnel.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.3 - Features of Major Hydro-Electric Projects on the Satluj

Name of the Location Hydrology
District River Catchment Area Average runoff in Average runoff in
(Km2) 90% dependable year 50% mean year
Khab Kinnaur Satluj 44,000 4413 Mm3 7138 Mm3
Karcham Wangtoo Kinnaur Satluj 48,755 112558 cumec-day 75697 cumec day
Nathpa-Jhakri Kinnaur Satluj 49,820 7689 Mm 9596 Mm3
Rampur Shimla/ Kullu Satluj 50,880 - -
Luhri Kinnaur Satluj 52,403 9341 Mm 12074 Mm3
Source: PFR Khab project, Year, 2004; EIA for Updation of NJHEP, Year 2003;
Report on Karcham Wangtoo Project, Year 2005; EIA for Rampur HEP, Year 2005; PFR Luhri HEP, Year 2004

Bhaba Hydel Project (120 MW), Kinnaur District

The 120 MW Sanjay Vidyut Pariyojna of Bhaba Hydel Project is complete. The project includes a
weir across the Bhaba Khad, a right bank tributary of Satluj with a desilting basin, a small reservoir
2.5m (finished), 8.4 km long head race tunnel, 5m dia underground surge shaft, underground
pressure shaft, and underground powerhouse on right bank of Satluj river. The project was
commissioned by HPSEB in the year 1989.

Baspa Hydroelectric Project (300 MW), Kinnaur District

It is located about 200 km from Shimla on NH-22 and envisages construction of a 10m high
barrage across river Baspa, 8km long and 4m diameter head-race tunnel and underground
powerhouse and has installed capacity of 300 MW. Project is complete and is commissioned.

Proposed Sorang Hydropower Project, Kinnaur District

The proposed Sorang hydroelectric project is a run-of-the-river type development on Sorang Khad,
a tributary of Satluj River, in Kinnaur District. The project consists of construction of trench weir
across Sorang Khad at an elevation of + 1943.50 m. The water flow directed shall be fed through a
1.54km long HRT and 183m long pressure shaft and 970 m long buried Penstock to a under ground
powerhouse on the left bank of Tikkadda Khad near the confluence with Satluj river. The Project
thus utilizes a head rated of 667.15 m. to produce 100 MW of power. The power generated at
Sorang HEP is propose to be fed into HPSEB 220/66KW substation at Kotla near Jeori and Kunihar
in Distt. Solan.

Ghanvi-I (22.5 MW), Shimla District

Ghanvi-I hydroelectric project is a run-of-the-river scheme on Ghanvi khad a tributary of Satluj
River in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. The project consists of a trench weir across Ghanvi
Khad near village Ghanvi, vortex tube type desilting arrangement, power channel, underground
forebay, surface/underground surge shaft, surface/underground penstock and a underground
power house on the left bank of Ghanvi khad. The project has been commissioned in the year
2000. The development and operating scheme of Ghanvi-I & II is very similar to that of Sorang
Hydroelectric Project.

Ghanvi –II (10 MW), Shimla District

Ghanvi-II hydroelectric project is being conceived as a run-of-the-river scheme on Ghanvi khad a
tributary of Satluj River in Shimla District of Himachal Pradesh. The project consists of a trench weir
across Ghanvi khad near village Rungcha, vortex type desilting arrangement, storage reservoir, 1.4
km long head race tunnel, underground surge shaft, surface/underground penstock and an
underground power house on the left bank of Ghanvi Khad.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.1 – Major Tributaries and Streams meeting the Satluj

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Nathpa-Jhakri Hydel Project (1500 MW), Kinnaur District

This project is the largest run-of-the river scheme on the river Satluj to harness the Satluj River for
hydel power jointly undertaken by Haryana & Himachal governments and is. It is located 140 km
from Shimla on NH-22 and includes construction of a 60.5 m. high gravity dam built on Satluj at
Nathpa, a 27-28 km. long and 10.5 m. diameter head-race tunnel on the left bank and an
underground powerhouse at Jhakri, with an installed capacity of 1500 MW (6 x 250). The plant will
utilize the available 425m gross head between Nathpa & Jhakri. Project is complete and running with
full capacity. The salient features are:
• The Nathpa Jhakri Power Project is under operation since 2003 and has a generation
capacity of 1500 MW.
• The project is also utilizing the water of an intervening stream, i.e. Sholding khad through a
trench weir and a drop shaft.
• The energy generation is of the order of 7425 GWH in a 50% mean year and nearly 6700
GWH in a 90% dependable year. The project has been completed at a cost of Rs.8656

Proposed Luhri Hydroelectric Project (465 MW), Kinnaur District

The Luhri HEP is foreseen as run-of-the-river developments on Satluj River, in the reach between
Luhri and Chaba villages in Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh just downstream of confluence of
Behna khad with Satluj River near Luhri. The project site is about 80km from Shimla and is an
upstream development to the proposed Kol dam electric project on Satluj River. The project
envisages construction of a 60M high (above sea bed) concrete gravity dam on the river near the
village Nathan for diversion of a design discharge of 477 cumec, through 4 intakes and underground
desilting arrangement into a 15.50 km long, 10.50m finished diameter head race tunnel on the right
bank of the river. A gross head of 127m is available at the power station, which shall be utilised to
generate 465 MW (3X 155 MW) of power.

Kol Dam (800 MW)

800 MW Kol Dam hydro electric project in Himachal Pradesh to be set up by National Thermal Power
Corporation at an estimated cost of Rs 5300 crore is located in Distt Bilaspur. It envisages to utilize
power potential of Satluj. The project involves construction of 163 m high rockfill dam across river
Staluj 6 km upstream from existing Dehar power station and installation of four units each of 200
MW. The power generated will be evacuated to power deficient northern region through 400 KV
integrated transmission system lines constructed for Nathpa Jhakhri and Kol dam projects.

Bhakra Dam
The construction of this project was started in the year 1948 and was completed in 1963. It is 740 ft.
high above the deepest foundation. Bhakra Dam is the highest Concrete Gravity dam in Asia and
second highest in the world. There are two power houses namely Left Bank Power Plant and Right
Bank Power Plant. It is a Concrete straight gravity with Height above the deepest foundation equal to
225.55 metres (740 feet) Its Height above river bed is 167.64 metres (550 feet). The elevation at top
of dam above mean sea level is equal to 518.16 metres (1700 feet). The total installed capacity of
left bank power plant is 450 MW - 5 units of 90 MW each and of the right bank power plant is 600
MW - 5 units of 120 MW each. The facility uses the Satluj River to supply drinking and irrigation
water for portions of six states.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.2 Baseline Characteristics of the Satluj Basin

3.2.1 The River and its Catchment

River Satluj rises in Tibetan plateau in the region of the Mansarover Lake situated at an elevation of
about 4570m above mean sea level. The river enters India near Shipkila after traversing a length of
about 320 km in the Tibetan province of Nari Khorsam. The geographical limits of the Satluj basin
covers Nari Khorsam province in Tibet, China and in Himachal Pradesh, India. The Catchment area of
river Satluj up to Bhakra dam is about 56,876km2 out of which about 36,900km2 falls in Tibet and
19,975km2 in India.
Topographically and climatologically the catchment of entire Satluj basin can be divided into four
parts, viz., the Tibetan Plateau, the Spiti Valley, catchment from Khab to Nathpa dam site, and the
catchment from Nathpa dam site to Bhakra. The characteristics of Spiti valley catchment area are
identical to that of the Tibetan Plateau with Height of the catchment area falling above 3048m and
4570m. In this area also there is absolutely no vegetation and the melting of snow forms deep flow
channels on the surface. The catchment area of Khab to Nathpa dam site and Nathpa dam site is
bound by moderately high hills with elevation of 1525m to 3048m. Nathpa dam site to Bhakra dam
stretch is flanked by foothills of Shiwaliks near Bhakra Dam. Rainfall varies from little to moderate
along higher to lower reaches of the catchment. Snow fall is higher in the upper reaches of the
catchment area. The flows in the river are mainly due to snow melting which follows more or less a
regular pattern. Good forest cover is observed at lower altitudes and on flat surface active agriculture
activities are observed.

Figure 3.2 - Satluj Catchment Topography in the Tibet Region (I)

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.3 - Satluj Catchment Topography in the Tibet Region (II)

Figure 3.4 - Satluj Catchment Topography in the Tibet Region (III)

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.2.2 Topography
As stated earlier, topographically the entire Satluj basin can be divided into four categories viz.
Tibetan Plateau, Spiti Valley, Khab to Nathpa dam site and Nathpa dam site to Bhakra Dam. The
RHEP project is located on the topographical characteristics of region between the Nathpa dam and
the Bhakra dam site. River Satluj rises in Tibetan plateau in the region of the Mansarover Lake
situated at an elevation of about 4570m above mean sea level. The river enters India near Shipkila
after traversing a length of about 320km in the Tibetan province of Nari Khorsam. The snow melt
results in deep channel formation on the surface. There is absolutely no vegetation in this region.
Spiti River is the largest tributary of the river Satluj and joins river Satluj at Namgia (Khab), about
14km upstream of Pooh. The topography of this catchment is identical to that of the Tibetan
Plateau. From Spiti valley, the river Satluj flows through moderate to high hilly terrain with
elevation of 1525m to 3048m and has little rainfall but heavy snow. The area has steep slopes with
little earth cover. The topography of the RHEP project area catchment has high surrounding hills.
In the lower area, Rampur to Bhakra, the average slope of the river is about 1 in 300. The river
Satluj in the project area flows, in south-westerly direction with a major south-easterly loop near
Nogli, the river flows through a narrow gorge, which opens into large terraces on either bank. In
the entire stretch of river Satluj, several tributaries join it on left and right banks.

Table 3.4 – Topographical Divisions of the Satluj Basin

Tibetan Plateau River Satluj rises in Tibetan plateau in the region of the Mansarover Lake situated at an elevation of
about 4570m above mean sea level. The river enters India near Shipkila after traversing a length of
about 320 km in the Tibetan province of Nari Khorsam. There is no local rainfall in this region. The
snow melt results in deep channel formation on the surface. There is absolutely no vegetation in this
Spiti Valley Spiti River is the largest tributary of the river Satluj and joins river Satluj at Namgia (Khab), about 14
km upstream of Pooh. The characteristics of this catchment area are identical to that of the Tibetan
Plateau. Rainfall is scarce in this area. Height of the catchment area drained by river Spiti is between
3048m and 4570m. In this area also there is absolutely no vegetation and the melting of snow forms
deep flow channels on the surface.
Khab to Nathpa The catchment area is bounded by moderately high hills with elevation of 1525 m to 3048 m and
Dam Site has little rainfall but heavy snow. The snow line in this region is at + 3048 m. The flows in the river
are mainly due to snow melting which follows more or less a regular pattern. The area has steep
slopes with little earth covered. Due to the absence of rain, arid conditions prevail and the good
forests seen below Reckong Peo are not found at higher altitudes. The pine forests near Karcham-
Wangtu give way to chilgoza plantations in the higher altitudes.
Nathpa dam site to The catchment has high surrounding hills like Narkanda, Shimla (3050m) etc. but is flanked by foot
Bhakra dam hills of Shiwaliks near Bhakra Dam (915m). Rainfall in the region is moderate to heavy. The area is
forested with scattered to dense patches of trees. There is agricultural development in several
locations, mainly along the river and on flatter slopes. In the lower area, Rampur to Bhakra, the
average slope of the river is about 1 in 300, with heavier rains and silt loads. The forest cover is
sparse with denudation of vegetation because of over-grazing.

3.2.3 Geology
The rock formations in the entire Satluj basin, part of which falls in Tibet, belong to the Pre-
cambrian Age. The region is characterized by three structural units, namely, Jeori Wangtu Gneissic
complex, Kullu group of formation and Rampur group of formation. The geological formation in the
area is categorized into Pre-Cambrian system, Late Pre-cambrain systems, Silurain and
carboniferous systems. Pre-Cambrain system consists of schists, gneiss, grains and quartzites. Late
Pre-Cambrain Himanta system is marked by phylities, quartzites, contomerates, shales and states.
Silurain system is rich in Karol, limestone, Quartzite while Carboniferous formations are similar to
Silurian systems except that slate and dolomite replace karol of the system. Quartzite and
limestone are found in both the systems.
Seismologically, Himachal Pradesh can be classified into the following three sub-domains.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Frontal Foodhill Seismic Belt: area occupied by the Siwaliks, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments
defined on the north by the Main Boundary Fault (MBF). The southern boundary is not well defined.
The belt shows evidences of neo-tectonic activity along thrust and transverse faults known as tears
in the foothill belt.
Lesser Himalayan Seismic Belt: is bounded in the north by Main Central Thrust (MCT) and Main
Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the south. This area demonstrates the highest seismicity level with most
of the fault planes solutions being parallel to the Himalayan trend and displaying thrust type of
Great Himalayan Seismic Belt: is the area falling north of Main Central Thrust (MCT) and is
characterised with seismic events, majority of which have magnitudes less than 5 on Richter scale.
The state of Himachal Pradesh can be classified into two distinguished seismic zones namely
Himachal Upper Seismic Zone (HUSZ) and Himachal Lower Seismic Zone (HLSZ) separated
by Basement Thrust Front (BTF). The lateral bounding of surfaces of these seismic belts/zone is
through distinct crystal blocks namely Chamba, Kangra and Shimla blocks.

3.2.4 Climate

The climate of the whole Satluj valley region is generally temperate type, but due to large
variations in the altitude, there is a wide range of climatic variations. Climate varies from the sub-
tropical climate of sub-mountainous areas at the bottom of the Satluj valley to the alpine in the
upper reaches, parts of which are perpetually under snow. The climate of Satluj valley is marked by
a gradual alteration from heavy monsoon of the outer Himalayas to the arid Tibetan type with a
winter snowfall practically in summer rains. The monsoon clouds advancing from the plains of India
are combed out by the outer ranges of the hill, where most of the monsoon rain falls. Hence the
inner valley, though gets good cloud, but no steady precipitation occurs during the monsoon
months. Satluj valley lying east and west is badly placed for rainfall and further local aridity is
caused by storm clouds being checked in their progress up in the valley by many spurs. This local
aridity increases by the heating of the enormous stretches of bare cliffs, turning the deep narrow
gorge absolutely stifling under the summer sun. This in turn gives a hot drying local wind, beating
up and down the main valley with great regularity. It is due to this reason that Rampur where the
RHEP is located, at 3000 ft elevation in the bottom of the gorge, receives about 800mm rainfall,
while Kotgarh at 8000 ft, almost in the same sector of valley receives about 1150 mm of rainfall.
The RHEP project area normally experiences severe cold winter during months of December to
February, followed by summer during months of April to June. Monsoon starts from July and
continues till mid-September before arrival of post monsoon/autumn season from mid-September
to November.

Rainfall & Cloud Cover

Maximum rainfall in the area occurs in monsoon months from mid July to mid September. The
western disturbance that passes over the north-western part of the country during the winter
months also affects the rain in catchments. During the months of July and August, the sky exhibits
heavily clouded to overcast conditions for almost entire months. This is a period of frequent and
heavy rainfalls over the Project area. Western disturbances create impact during December to
March but their intensity remain low and for lesser duration. A transition period, from mid-
september to early December is relatively rain free. In the month of November, least cloud cover is
observed and the sky largely remains clear. December to March is a period when heavy cloud
cover could be expected for a period of 10 days in a month due to western disturbances. Monthly
rainfall analysis indicates that the rainfall in the Rampur area is highly seasonal, with about 65% of
the annual rainfall occurring between July and September. The area also receives winter rains and
snow due to the western disturbances in the months of December to March. This period

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

contributes about 20% of the total rainfall in the area. The average annual rainfall recorded for
Rampur area was 800 mm. Rainfall data for Rampur area is summarized in Table 3.5 for the years
from 1999 till 2004.

Table 3.5 - Historical Monthly Rainfall (in mm) Data for Rampur
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
1999 78.9 19.9 5.4 0 31.4 19.6 185 60.9 18.5 0 0 5.2 424.8
2000 0 0 0 0 0 244.9 337.9 21.3 12.1 0 0 0 616.2
2001 20 40 105 34 103 113.9 60 123.1 60 0 16 41 716
2002 61.5 142 93 104 13 45 10 152 104 0 0 1 725.5
2003 55 110 60 61 11 41.5 264 132 107 0 4 41 886.5
2004 67 4 0 69 57 114 93 244.5 24 81 2 6 761.5
Source: IMD

Relative Humidity
Relative humidity levels in the region are generally low throughout the year except during monsoon
months. Relative humidity declines below 40% during summer season, and exceeds 80% in wet
season, peaking at a mean of 91% in August. The average relative humidity during synoptic hours
is 53% and 62% respectively.

Reduced temperatures are experienced in the project area with the onset of monsoon in July until
February, with the lowest in January. Local climatic condition characterizes a faster rate of
temperature drop in day time as compared to night time. After the withdrawal of monsoons by
mid-September, the night temperature falls rapidly. January is coolest month with the mean
maximum and minimum temperatures of around 8.9oC and 1.7oC respectively. During winters,
under the influence of western disturbances, the temperature falls appreciably, touches even below
0oC. Temperature starts rising from the beginning of March till peaking up in June. The mean
minimum and maximum temperatures in this period are around 15.6oC and 24oC respectively.

Table 3.6 - Temperature Data at Rampur Station

Year Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
1989 Max. 16.84 19.32 23.56 30.01 33.18 33.31 32.19 31.39 31.97 29.48 23.48 17.75
Min. 3.58 6.2 8.99 12.47 17.38 20.16 22.59 20.98 18.96 13.85 8.53 5.5
1990 Max. 20 17.46 30.08 28.24 31.97 34.66 30.53 31.72 30.68 28.56 25.51 19.58
Min. 6.21 6.52 7.52 12.38 18.13 21.33 - 21.72 19.81 12.84 8.81 5.75
1991 Max. 19.26 10.04 23.4 27.07 33.1 34.18 35.34 31.39 31.68 29.73 23.74 19.26
Min. 2.47 6.42 9.28 11.87 16.73 20.62 23.67 22.02 20.48 13.9 8.42 5.44
1992 Max. 17.25 18.96 21.39 28.94 32.11 35.11 31.61 30.98 30.75 28.24 23.77 0.66
Min. 5.66 5.42 9.87 14.18 16.05 20.31 21.45 21.98 19.59 13.65 9.68 5.39
1993 Max. 15.82 20.77 21.39 29.4 34.46 33.85 34.64 28.01 31.63 24.03 22.68 18.45
Min. 4.64 7.36 8.13 13.01 17.77 22.88 22.5 17.31 14.62 7.49 8.11 5.5
1994 Max. 18.27 18.86 27.74 26.35 32.65 35.96 32.29 31.16 30.88 28.96 25.2 18.96
Min. 5.5 5.21 9.36 11.87 16.81 21.7 22.24 21.89 18.27 13.18 8.46 5.86
Source: IMD

Recording of temperature at Luhri has been initiated by DFO Ani from May 2003. The recorded
data has been presented below:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.7 - Temperature data at Luhri

Month (Year 2003) Maximum Minimum
May 40.2 17.1
June 44.5 19.0
July 38.6 22.7
August 36.6 22.9
September 40.7 20.5
Source: Luhri PFR, Year 2004

Special Weather Phenomena

Thunderstorms mostly occur from March to September. Thunderstorms also occur in association
with the western disturbances in winter, often accompanied with hail. During winter months fog is
common phenomenon.

Wet Haze and Fog

Still and cool air, when combined with the presence of hygroscopic particles in the air, forms wet
haze or fog near the ground or water surface, even when the relative humidity is as low as 75%.
With wet Haze, the number and size of the condensed droplets are both small; with fog however,
there are more and larger sized particles. Fog forms in different ways. When a surface is radiating
its energy to the clear sky, the cooling surface then cools the air directly above it. This could
happen only in areas where the water body is very shallow. Otherwise, the warmer water below
will replace the cooling water at the surface. Another type of fog, steam fog, is formed when cold
air moves over warm water. The cold air causes the condensation of the evaporating water. The
“steam” so formed drifts upwards and slowly disappears. The general circulation model indicates
that this can occur at times when the mountain air is very cold and the reservoir water is very
warm. This will be an early morning event.

Potential Impacts
The replacement of forest, agricultural lands and grasslands may result in some changes to the air
temperature and relative humidity over the water and around the Banks. However, it has been
experienced that these changes are more prominent in large Hydropower projects where water
reservoir and Dam activities are involved. The RHEP project does not involve Reservoir activities,
and therefore, the microclimatic changes will not have significant adverse impact on the overall
climate of the area.
The project area does not have significant presence of condensation nuclei, as the area is relatively
free of pollutants. RHEP is not likely to change haze and fog pattern significantly in the area.
Chances of formation of haze and fog will be there but will not be severe enough as the project
does not involve reservoir activity. Usually fog and haze will be seen in morning hours, near river

3.2.5 Climate Change

According to WWF, "Himalayan glaciers are among the fastest retreating glaciers globally due to
the effects of global warming." A WWF report- An Overview of Glaciers, Glacier Retreat and
Subsequent Impacts in Nepal, India and China, states that glaciers in the region are now receding
at an average rate of 10-15 metres per year. This will eventually result in water shortage for
hundreds of millions of people who rely on glacier-dependent rivers in China, India, and Nepal.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

As glacier water flows decline, the energy potential of hydroelectric power will decrease, causing
problems for industry, while reduced irrigation means lower crop production. Rapid melting of
glaciers and snowfields may also lead to disruption of water supplies, fisheries and other wildlife.
Himalayan glaciers feed into seven of Asia's greatest rivers, the Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra,
Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Huange Ho. In India, the Gangotri glacier, which supports one of
India's largest river basins, is receding at an average rate of 23 metres per year. In China, the
report shows that Qinhai Plateau's wetlands have seen declining lake water levels, lake shrinkage,
the absence of water flow in rivers and streams, and the degradation of swamp wetlands.
A study by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the International Center for
Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) reveals that the temperature in the Himalayan region
has risen by almost 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since the 1970's. This shift in climate
causes meltdown of snowfalls and glaciers - at the fastest rate in the world (50 feet/15 m per year
in northern India) - even in winter, causing icy water to accumulate in lakes hedged by unstable
dams of sediment and stone. As the lakes swell, the dams often burst, sending muddy streams
down the narrow valleys. In addition to life and property – including bridges, hydro-electric plants
and tourist facilities – the flood, laden with massive boulders and sediment, also devastates
agricultural lands and irrigation systems in the valleys below.
During winter, most of the high-altitude regions experience snowfall, and snow cover plays an
important role in the ecology of the region. Therefore, understanding of snow accumulation and
ablation is important for utilization of the Himalayan water resource. The heavy snowfall is also
fortuitous for the rivers, especially snow-fed ones which will have abundant water during summers
when the snow melts, which in turn shall boost hydro-power generation. The snow has also lent
some happiness to farmers in the state who are anticipating a good yield with abundant water to
enhance their crop quality.
Snowpack ablation is highly sensitive to climatic variations. Increase in atmospheric temperature
can enhance energy exchange between the atmosphere and snowpack. This can increase snow-
melting. Investigations suggest that climate of the earth has constantly changed in the course of
time, during the past ten million years or so. This increase in temperature has continued in the 21st
century and average surface temperature of the earth can rise by 1.4 to 5.8°C by the end of the
century. This will have a profound impact on snow accumulation and ablation rate in the Himalaya,
as snow and glaciers are sensitive to global climate change.
Many research organizations and independent researchers are doing commendable work in
systematic analysis of accumulation and ablation of snow cover in the Himalayan region using WiFS
data of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS). A study has also been done for Baspa Basin up to
Sangla, in Himachal Pradesh. Baspa is a one of the main tributaries of river Satluj. The study
confirms that global warming has started affecting snowmelt and stream run-off in this region of
Himalyas. Winter stream flow for the Baspa glacier basin has increased 75% since 1966 and local
winter temperatures have warmed, suggesting increased glacier melting in winter (Figure 3.5)
The problems associated with glacier retreat in the face of climate change are not straightforward.
On the one hand current increased melting induces a gradual increase in discharge. In the longer
term however as glacial mass decreases there will be a ‘tipping point’ as runoff begins a decrease
trend with massive implications. Perennial rivers could be changed into seasonal streams giving rise
to freshwater scarcity in the summer months when melt waters contribute the bulk of the water
(around 75%) to the Himalayan rivers.
In addition more melting is expected to increase the frequency of catastrophic events such as
glacier lake outburst floods (GLOF) that have devastating consequences for civil works like bridges,
dams and powerhouses, and communities living at downstream. Also, the increase in phenomena
such as cloudbursts is widely noted. Incidence of landslides, on other hand, was perceived to have
slightly declined or remained relatively constant over time.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.5 - IRS–WiFS Imagery showing Distribution of Snow Cover in Baspa Basin
(November 2000 to February 2001)
Note reduction of snow cover from November to February.

Potential Impact
RHEP being a “run of the river” project is not likely to cause major issues that could add to the
global warming. Impacts on climate change (increased flooding or reduced water flow later) will
have limited impact on the Rampur project, as the operation of the project is linked to the Nathpa-
Jhakri project, in tendem. The passing of increased flood from Nathpa Dam will not effect the
Rampur project. Over a period of time, if water flow reduces such that the generation of power
during the lean season (especially during the peak hours) declines for the Nathpa-Jhakri project,
generation of power at Rampur will also reduce proportionally. Given the financial rate of return,
even a 15-20% reduction of flow will not make the Rampur project commercially unviable.
However, indirect impact of climatic change would be triggered by the associated effects of climate
change like flood and flash floods. With one more project added in the Satluj Basin, any flood will
have larger impact on the downstream people. RHEP’s impact due to climatic change is likely to be
impacts related to flood and flash floods.

Effect of Climate & Hydrological Variability on the Performance of the Project

Over the past 20 years, the stream flows exhibit a statistically significant decreasing trend over
time, as shown in Figure 3.6 below.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.6 - Hydrology Trends: Total Average Flows at Nathpa Intake


average flow, cumecs



1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004
1966 1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002

The annual average flow of the 22 years 1964-1992 is 335 cumec; the annual average since then
computes to 291 cumec. However when the total flows are decomposed into lean and wet season
flows, a somewhat different picture emerges. Figure 3.xx below shows the lean season average
flows which appear to have become more volatile (coefficient of variation increased 60% from 0.1
in 1964-1992 to 0.16 in 1993-2004), while the average has declined only marginally from 127 to
126 cumec over the same period.

Figure 3.7 - Lean Season Average Flows at Naphta Intake

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

In other words, the decline has occurred in the wet season flows, as shown in Figure 3.8 below:
the average 1964-1992 flow of 626 cumec is followed by an average for the 1993-2005 period of
only 526 cumec.

Figure 3.8 - Wet Season Average Flows at Nathpa Jhakri Intake

However, what matters is not so much the total inflows, much of which is spilled anyway during
the wet season, but the corresponding energy generation. Figure 3.9 below shows the total annual
energy generation, based on the DPR data that extends just to April 2004, and which is based on
“energy potential”. The trend shown since the mid 1970s is unmistakable, and statistically
significant. 1

Figure 3.9 - Total Annual Energy

Source: Rampur DPR

The least squares fit shown in the figure has an R2 of 0.28.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

As an independent check on the DPR calculations we have run our project simulation model for the
entire set of years from 1964 to 2005, based on a reservoir operating rule that maximizes peak-
hour generation. The result is shown in Figure 3.10 below.

Figure 3.10 - Annual Generation, Peaking Operation

Source: model estimates

The downward trend in total energy depends upon the time period selected. If one starts in 1973,
the trend-line has a lesser slope than if one starts in 1990, but both are statistically significant. If
one takes the view that in a normal system (without curtailments), the most valuable energy is
lean season peak energy, does this exhibit a similar trend? Figure 3.11 below shows that this is
indeed the case: while the longer time series shows no statistically significant trend, the shorter
series shows a statistically significant downward trend.

Figure 3.11 - Lean Season Peaking Energy (Morning + Evening Peaks)

Therefore for the risk assessment of economic returns we take as one of the variables the trend
value of peaking energy. The corresponding trend variables for the wet season peaking energy,
and off-peak energy, are as follows in table 3.8.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.8 - Hydrology Risk Assessment: Trend Variables (GWh/year)

Lean season Total lean Wet season Wet season Total energy
Peaking season Peaking [Figure 16]
[Annex II]
[Figure 18] [Annex II] [Annex II]
1974-2004 0 -1.4 -0.04 -3 -4.4
1990-2004 -6.4 -9.1 -1.2 -10 -20
Boldface = statistically significant at the 95% confidence level

For the corresponding probability distributions we assume that the trend variable is distributed with
mean at the mid-point of the ranges shown in Table 3.xx; truncated at zero at the low end (i.e. in
the interest of conservative assumptions, we assign zero probability to increasing trends); and
adjusted such that the probability of a downward trend greater than –6.4 GWh/year is 10%.
The trend line in Figure 3.9 indicates that in the 20 years from 1980 to 2000, the potential average
annual energy generation has fallen from 3,500 GWh to 2,800 GWh, an annual decline of around
1.25%. If this trend were applied to the design energy estimate (1,835GWh for peaking operation),
the energy generation in year 20 falls to around 1,400 GWh, but the baseline ERR decreases from
20.1% (as shown in Table 6) only to 19.1% - a reflection of the relative unimportance to economic
returns of generation beyond the 10th year or so (at the discount rate of 12%).
Figure 3.12 shows the sensitivity of returns to the magnitude of this long-term downward trend
(assuming the worst case that this is indeed a downward trend and that the trend would not
reverse itself. For the hurdle rate to be reached would need generation in year 10 to fall to about
700 GWh, or an annual decline of 6.5%, or five times greater than what has been observed.

Figure 3.12 - Sensitivity of Economic Returns to Hydrology Trends


economic rate of return

hurdle rate:= 12%



0 500 1000 1500 2000
generation in year 10[GW h]

Such a decline in stream flows would be unprecedented, even under the most pessimistic
assessments of the impact of climate change. It may be concluded that even under a worst case
scenario of a long-term decline in inflows, the Rampur economic returns are robust. If indeed the
cause is long-term climate change, then similar trends in the hydrology of other Himalayan rivers
would be observed, so all hydro projects feeding into the Northern Region would be similarly
affected. This would aggravate peaking power shortages in the system as a whole, making greater
the economic value of Rampur’s energy, which would offset Rampur’s lower production.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.2.6 Floods, Cloud Burst and Flash Floods

The river Satluj carries the maximum amount of silt among all Indian rivers. The maximum flows in
it occur during June-August resulting from combined contribution of rainfall and snowmelt. Three
floods that submerged the entire Satluj basin in 1997, 2000 and 2005 have affected the Satluj
catchment area immensely. Those floods not only led to damages in the area but also the entire
topography,which has changed with heavy erosion of the riverbanks. Between 1991 and 2003
nearly 36 major cloudbursts and flash floods have been recorded in the basin.
An unprecedented cloudburst and flash flood on August 11, 1997 in the catchment area of river
Satluj had caused extensive damage. The river Satluj was blocked near Wangtoo and a 5 km × 2
km lake was formed in a matter of hours. This nascent water body had submerged an equal length
of the National Highway. The peak discharge at Rampur during this flash flood was 2,577 cumec.
In this flood around 223 lives were lost and property worth several crores was damaged.

Figure 3.13 – Artificial Lake Formation in River Parechu in Tibet, China

Satellite image of Lake Parechu, October 1, 2003 Satellite image of Lake Parechu , July 15, 2004

Satellite image of Lake Parechu, September 1, 2004

The flash flood of August, 2000, the probability of which was estimated to be one in 61,000 years,
left a trail of destruction in Shimla and Kinnaur districts, killing more than 150 persons and washing
away 14 bridges. The estimated loss to public and private property in this calamity was around Rs.
1,000 crore. The water level rose suddenly from 12 to 20 metres, damaging a 320 km stretch of
the National Highway and the 1500 MW nathpa Jhakri Hydro Electric Project.
In June 2005, there was a sudden breach in the artificial lake on river Parechu, in Tibet (China),
which led to an unprecedented rise in the water level of river Satluj and caused flash floods in five
districts of Himachal Pradesh. Parechu is 3500 metre-long 800-metre wide and 15 meter-deep lake
in Tibet close to the Indian border which was formed behind a landslide blocking the Parechu river,

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

a tributary of the Satluj river that flows into India from Tibet. The flash floods, however, caused
extensive damage to roads, bridges, agricultural crops, Government & private properties and other
infrastructure. Also, three hydro-electric power projects in the State viz. Naptha Jakhri, Chamera II
and Baspa, had to be temporarily shut down due to heavy siltation caused by the flash floods. The
discharge recorded was about 3000 cumec.

Potential Impact
RHEP is likely to add risk of greater damage from flood or flash flood situation in the area. Although
it is not likely to trigger directly a flood or flash flood situation but may contribute in cumulative
factors for flood and flash flood situations in the region. It will also indirectly increase the damage
to downstream river streams and people and property in case of any such situations of flood/flash

Figure 3.14 – Damages due to Flash Flood of June 2005

Villagers collect logs of timber brought by the raging Satluj;

Portion of houses washed away by the torrents at Nogli
Flood loss: Broken limb of a bridge in Satluj river near Bael village, near Rampur

In the last 12 years, over 40 incidents of flashflood, cloudbursts have occurred in Himachal. Most of
these were extremely fierce, like the Chirgaon and Wangtoo flashflood, where even the army fell
helpless. Over 350 people were killed. Prior to this 1994-95 (August) the Manimahesh cloudburst
and flashfloods washed away almost entire length of Chamba-Bharmour road (62 km). Over 50
people feared dead leaving 2000 people injured.(estimated loss over 450 crores). The year 1997
again saw a heavy flashflood in Manglad in Rampur Tehsil of Shimla District. In the year 2000, the
Monsoon brought nightmare for people living in Satluj catchment areas. The dead bodies even
reached up to Kasol- Chindi (Mandi). Over 150 lost their life; several thousand lost their livelihood.
There was loss of life and property worth Rupees 200 crores.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.9 - Major Flash Floods & Cloudbursts in Himachal in 2003

Date Area
8 July 2003 Rai Khud (near Sarahan in Rampur Sub division (Shimla) in which loss of crops, cattle’s was reported

13th July, 2003 Chunahan (Balh valley) Property, crops and real estate, cattle worth crores washed away due to flash flood
16th July Gadsa valley (Pulia Nalla) in Kullu district loss of life over 150 (though reported only 35), Expected loss over
Rs.100 crores.
20th July, 2003. Balh valley in Mandi district in Gaggal area heavy loss of crops, fields and property reported.
24th July 2003 Bahang in Kullu Valley (near Manali) 2 people lost lives, property, houses damaged
26th July 2003 Jhakri area in Rampur Tehsil (Shimla) Indo-Tibetan Border Road, land slid caused huge loss, danger to NJPC,
buried dead, a few went missing
27th July 2003 Dansa (Bari Dhar) in Rampur Tehsil (Shimla) cloudburst caused extensive danged to coops, apple orchards,
agricultural land
2nd Aug 2003 Lulani village in Baijnath (Kangra) cloudburst revel lent f lash flood damaged houses, 5 killed 18 families
3rd Aug 2003. Shilara on Rampur - Shimla (NH) road witnessed landslide road blocked
3 Aug 2003 Bhagsunath (Kangra) land slid caused one dead, 2 injured
6th Aug 2003 Balh Valley (Mandi district) witnessed yet another cloudburst extreme damage to crops and ferhla land
7 Aug 2003 12 Kangni Nalla (Solang) in Manali area cloudburst left BRO labours 36 dead 20 stall reported missing

7th Aug 2003 Kotkhai Tehsil (Shimla) cloudburst caused, transport bus with passenger washed away 15 had miracle

3.2.7 Soils
The majority of land in the Satluj river valley floor and lower slopes is composed of alluvium in the
form of terraces and fans. The soil is generally sandy-loam and the depth is shallow except in the
areas having vegetation cover where it is fairly deep. In the regions above 1,500 m, the soil is
generally deep. Largely the soil can be classified as podzols, both brown podzols and humus and
iron podzols are found in the study stretch. These are acidic in nature with the organic content
ranging from medium to high. Nutritional survey of soil and plant analysis suggests that the soils by
and large have low levels of Zn, Cu, B and Mo.
The soil is acidic on higher elevation because of low rate of decomposition of organic matter. Soil is
characterized by moderate permeability and low to moderate fertility. Acidic soil is considered well
suited for pasture, but moderately to poorly suited for field crops. This soil type has water
deficiency owing to the fact that moderately permeably nature of the soil allows water to drain
In the RHEP influence area, the soil is largely podzols, both brown podzols and humus and iron
podzols. This soil is acidic in nature with medium to high organic contents. Soil drainage property is
satisfactory in general in the area. However in a few isolated patches soil has poor drainage
capacity as well.
Comparative account of soil properties for various locations upstream and downstream of NJHEP
area, viz. Upstream of dam near Wangtoo bridge, Upstream of NJHEP dam, Downstream of NJHEP
dam, Near power house, Downstream of tailrace discharge from power house, has been presented
in the Table 3.10.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.10 - Analysis of Soil Samples near of Rampur Hydropower Project

Parameters U/s dam near U/s of D/s of NJHEP Near Jhakri D/s NJHEP
Wangtoo bridge NJHEP dam dam P.H. tailrace
pH 6.02 7.22 7.47 7.21 7.4
Electrical conductivity (μs/cm) 174 310 211 575 164
Sodium as Na (meq/100 gm) 0.004 0.004 0.01 0.007 0.01
Nitrogen as TKN (%) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Phosphates as PO4 (meq/100 gm) 0.200 BDL BDL 1.40 0.200
Potassium as K (meq/100 gm) 0.003 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.002
Source: EIA Study for Updation of NJHEP, Year 2004; EIA study for Rampur HEP, Year 2005
BDL – Below Detectable Limit

In the Luhri region, downstream of the Rampur Hydropower Project, soil texture is clayey loam rich
in organic matter with varying depth. The soil is acidic on higher elevation because of lower rate of
decomposition of organic matter. Soil drainage is generally satisfactory except in few isolated
patches where it is poor.

3.2.8 Erosion & Sedimentation

Baseline Erosion Rates

River Satluj in general is characterized by a very high silt load coming from snow melts in China
and cold desert areas of Spiti Vally. The average annual sediment load in the Spiti, a major
tributary of river Satluj, was estimated at 7.66 million tones while that for river Satluj was
estimated to be 7.30 million tones. These estimations were carried out on the basis of suspended
sediment sampling done by the Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board at several gauging
stations in the Satluj river system. The annual sediment transport by these two rivers was
calculated by undertaking river cross-section modelling and velocity measurement to arrive at
estimates of river discharge. The annual sediment transport for the river Spiti has been reported at
7.84 million tones and correspondingly 7 million tones for river Satluj. Snowmelt and the related
erosion processes (rapid mass wasting in combination with glacier runoff) are the major sediment
sources. The local developmental activities like construction of roads, hydro projects, residential
areas, tourism also contribute in soil erosion and are of great importance for estimating erosion
potential of the area. The density of the silt deposits is influenced by the particle size distribution
and is time dependent.
At the upper Satluj regions, the bed material is heterogeneous as a result of heavy floods which
break up the “erosion pavement” of coarse bed material exposing a finer substratum. Catastrophic
input from rapid mass wasting process also leads to heterogeneous nature of bed material. Both
factors result in a rapid increase in bed-load transport by the river Satluj that is reduced only when
the riverbed adapts to the new situation. River Satluj on its course of travel flows through terrain
having very little as well as loose vegetation. Such terrain does not hold soil tightly and hence
enhances the rate of erosion. Most of the loose soil is flushed into the river. This makes river high
in suspended solid and hence turbid water for larger part of the year.
The data of average silt concentration at a few locations viz. Khan, Power, Nathpa, Jhakri, Bale,
North and Sunni have been summarized in Table 3.11 and Figure 3.15 below.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.15 - Grain Size of Suspended Sediments at Upstream Locations of RHEP

Grain Size Distribution of susupended particles

at different locations
Fine < 0.075
Medium 0.075-0.20 mm
Coarse > 0.20 mm

Satluj at Khab Spiti at Khab Satluj at

Table 3.11 - Silt Data at Khab, Powari, Nathpa, Jhakri, Bael, Nirath and Sunni, 2006
(in parts per million)

Month Khab (1) Powari (2) Nathpa (3) Jhakri (4) Bael (5) Nirath (6) Sunni (7)

January - 126.41 11.97 89.21 98.59 101.61 41.13

February 48.79 95.18 108.09 106.04 118.3 126.78 31.95
March 92.52 98.55 108.8 88.24 127.12 133.85 -
April 1181.54 816.95 478.3 1324.63 1211.86 1229.78 -
May 2553.11 2863.4 2007.89 3604.77 3246.58 3637.96 -
June 686 818.52 583.22 1261.36 1208.75 1248.42 -
July 7985.45 4086.79 4296.41 4342.68 4004.92 - -
August 13155.74 8368.56 8846.56 5979.19 6310.56 - -

Figure 3.16 - Extent of Siltation in the Project Area

12000 January
Silt data (ppm)

10000 February
8000 March
6000 April
4000 May
2000 June
0 July
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Potential Impact
The impacts described above are not of serious consequence to either the function of the energy
production, or to the environmental impact. Generally it has been observed that changes in the
flow and flood regime do create impacts on the competence of the channel to carry sediment and
to the ability of the system to flush sediment deposited during low-flow events. In downstream,
where tributaries add more material to the river, aggradations may be more common than
degradation. Lower regulated flows, especially without the natural freshet peaks; do not have the
conveyance power to carry material produced by upstream degradation as well as that contributed
by the tributary flow. Where aggradations occur, typical responses include lateral scour, channel
widening, braiding, and a reduced mean flow depth. The runoff from the unprotected excavated
borrow pits and muck disposal sites will trigger increased soil erosion and therefore, increased
sedimentation rate downstream of the area. The erosion rates are generally significant during
construction phase. High turbidity levels in the Satluj river water due to sediments reduce the light
penetration, which reduces the photosynthetic activity and therefore the primary productivity as
well. This is well established by the low value observed for nutrients in river water during river
water quality monitoring in June, 2004.

Mitigation Measures & Monitoring

The appropriate management adopted by SJVNL will guarantee that the suitable Catchment Area
Treatment (CAT) Plan measures are implemented to control erosion and sedimentation in the river.
It will further ensure that sediment yield will remain at the current estimated low level. From an
economic and environmental perspective it is important that timber harvest in the project area is
eliminated and that slash-and burn activities be limited to current levels or less. The objectives of
the SJVNLL management will include activities to protect and rehabilitate the forest cover to ensure
adequate water flows with low sediment in the river.
Although the resettlement area represents only a fraction of the catchment area, uncontrolled
erosion will contribute to sedimentation in the nearby streams. The implementation of the
management plan will ensure that agricultural practices and forestry activities within the
resettlement area prevent such erosion.
Some existing quarries which were used for Nathpa Jhakri Project will also be used for RHEP,
resulting in no further erosion. To minimize use of natural resources, excavated material for the
HRT will be reused for construction work elsewhere because the geology of the HRT area is similar
to the quality of construction material required for the project.
Muck disposal areas have been chosen in such a manner that chances of exposure of human
settlements to these disposal areas are minimized. These disposal areas are located close to adits
for the HRT. The sites of disposal area are currently barren and hence biotic life will be least
affected. Quarrying and muck disposal activities will be undertaken strictly as per the guidelines
developed by environment management plan related to construction activities. Project releases into
the Satluj river at tailrace will be equivalent to natural discharges. Therefore it is expected that the
quantity released will not impact the current rate of erosion expected in the Satluj downstream of
RHEP tailrace.

To assess whether the land use and forestry plans are being successfully implemented, a water
quality-monitoring program will be used to analyze levels of suspended solids and sediment size
distribution in the river.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.17 – Siltation in the Project Region

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.18 – Eroded Material Transported by Tributaries of the Spiti

Figure 3.19 – Unstable and Erosion-prone River Banks of the Satluj

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.3 Geological Characteristics of the Project Area

3.3.1 Geology
The project region lies in the Western Himalayas. Geologically, Himalayas is one of the youngest
orogenic belts and therefore represent unstable regions of the earth. The region belongs to Jutogh
series of formation, which is co-relatable to the archaen group of rocks. These are the oldest
sedimentary systems that have metamorphosed and occur more or less as a continuous band
between the central axis of higher Himalayas and outer ranges. The project area lies in lesser
Himalayas with general altitude above elevation 1000 mts. The area consists of deep and narrow
valleys and gorges having steep cliffs and escarpment faces. The rock types in the area comprise a
variety of metamorphic rocks like gneisses, schist, gneissose schist and basic intrusive and granite.
These unfossiliferous rocks belong to Rampur block and surrounded by the Jeori-wangtu, Jutog
group, Sakala group.
The RHEP project is located in Pre-Cambrian terrain of Lesser Himalayas. The stratigraphic
sequence of Pre-Cambrain rocks is presented in Table 3.12.

Table 3.12 - Stratigraphic Sequence of Rocks in the Project Area

Age Formation Group Lithology
Pre-cambrian Manikaran Rampur Predominantly white quartzite with minor greenish, grey phyllite and
Ortho-amphibolites bodies
Banjar Rampur Metabasic volcanic flows with minor white quartzite and ortho-
amphibiolite bodies
Garh Kullu Streang augen gneiss with pocket of phyllite, carbphyllite and
metabasic intrusive
Khamrada Kullu Phyllite carls phyllite and limestone stone with quartzite interbeds

The bedding seen in the Rampur group and that in the Jeori-wangtu complex is in the form of
compositional banding. In the Rampur area the strike direction varies from N 40 E-S40° W to N60°
W with southerly dips ranging from 20° to 40°. At some places gouge seams are also associated
with some of the joints. The foliation trend generally varies from N70°W-S70°E to N70°E-S70°W
having an average dip of the order of 35° in the northerly direction. Being in orogenic belt the
project area is prone to earthquakes and as per the Indian Seismic Zone categorization, the project
site falls in Seismic Zone IV.

Potential Local Thrust and Faults

Satellite imagery indicated that Main Central Thrust (MCT) treanding parallel to the Himalayan axis
is identifiable along the entire stretch of the Himalayas. In the project area the MCT treands in the
NW-SE direction. Rampur fault separates the quartzites of the Rampur from the gneisses and is
located about 1 km downstream of the Jhakri underground power house. Another fault known as
Main Boundary Fault(MBF) was found running parallel to MCT at a distance of 60-70 km south of it
and runs along the entire stretch of Himalayas. Another youngest of the regional tectonic
lineaments and quaternary/neogene deformations known as Foot Hill Thrust (FHT) has a strike
length of 60 km and runs parallel to MCT and MBF.
The Seismo-tectonic features of the geology that can significantly affect the seismicity in the area
are listed in Table 3.13.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.20 – Typical Topography above the Nathpa Dam

Table 3.13 - Seismo-Tectonic Features of the Project Area

Seismo-tectonic Characteristics
Main Central Thrust Regional feature trending parallel to the Himalayan axis and is identifiable along the entire stretch
(MCT) of the Himalayas.
In the project area, MCT trends in NW-SE direction with shortest distance from the Nathpa dam site
and powerhouse being 10 km and 26 km respectively.
Kaurik Fault Trends in the N-S direction in the northern part and NW-SE in the southern part, it is one of the
bounding features of the Shimla block.
The fault has a length of 100-200 km and it runs at a distance of 40 km and 50 km from the Nathpa
dam site and power house respectively.
Rampur Fault Separates the quartzites of the Rampur from the gneisses and is located about 1 km downstream of
the Jhakri underground power house
Main Boundary Fault Lies parallel to MCT at a distance of 60-70 km south of it and runs along the entire stretch of
(MBF) Himalayas.
Foot Hill Thrust (FHT) Youngest of the regional tectonic lineaments and quaternary/Neogene deformations are observed.
The thrust has a strike length of 60 km and trends parallel to MCT and MBF.

3.3.2 Seismology
The project zone lies in the Lesser Himalayas Region, which is seismologically very active as per the
seismic zone categorization in India (IS: 1893-2002). The entire project area falls in Zone-IV with a
history of occurrences of series of earthquakes having magnitude greater than 5 on Richter Scale
and the last major earthquake had occurred in 1991. The list of major earthquakes that have
occurred in Rampur Project site is given in Table 3.14.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.14 - Major Earthquakes within 200km of the Project Site

Date of Epicentre Magnitude on
Occurrence o o Richter Scale
Latitude ( N) Longitude ( E)
5.3.1842 30 78 6.5*
16.6.1902 31 79 6.0*
13.6.1906 31 79 6.0
28.2.1908 32 77 7.0*

20.10.1937 31.1 78 6.0

12.5.1939 32.5 78 6.3
22.6.1945 32.8 76.9 6.5
10.6.1947 32.6 75.9 6.0
27.6.1955 32.5 78.5 6.0
12.4.1963 32 78.79 6.0
19.1.1975 32.35 78.76 6.8
20.10.1991 30.75 78.86 6.6
Note:- * Estimated values based on macro-seismic effects.
Source: Seismic parameters for Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro-Electric Project site, H.P. Project No. 575 Department of Earthquake
Engineering University of Roorkee, Roorkee, 1993.

Being an active orogenic belt, the Himalayas are more prone to earthquakes than any other part of
the country. Along with the higher frequency of occurrence of earthquakes, magnitude too is
higher in these regions as compared to the rest of India. This phenomenon is attributed to the
higher strain accumulation in the ambient compressive stress regime along the margins of the
Indian Plate, resulting from its continued convergence after collision and fusion with the Chinese
Plate along the Indus-Tsangpo (Brahamputra) Suture zone along the Himalayan Belt.

Figure 3.21 – Epicenters of Major Earthquakes 200km around the Project

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Lesser Himalayan Seismic Belt

The lesser Himalayan Seismic Belt is bounded in the north by Main Central Thrust (MCT) and Main
Boundary Thrust (MBT) in the south. This area demonstrates the highest seismicity level with most
of the fault planes solutions being parallel to the Himalayan trend and displaying thrust type of
The RHEP site is located in Shimla Block, which is bound on the west by Sundernagar fault and on
the east by Kaurik fault and its extension. The block forms the eastern most region of Himachal
Pradesh and shares its boundary with Uttar Pradesh. The rock formations exposed in the area are
openly folded with axial trends in NW-SE to E-W directions. Minor folds of varying trends superpose
these folds. Along the numerous zones/seams in the area, localized faults with length varying from
0.5 km to 3.0 km have also been observed.
The above mentioned structural features are too localized to have a bearing on the seismic activity
of the area. The various seismo-tectonic features, which can significantly affect the seismicity in the
area, are listed as below:

Main Central Thrust (MCT)

This is a regional feature trending parallel to the Himalayan axis and is identifiable along the
entire stretch of the Himalayas. In the project area, MCT trends in NW-SE direction with
shortest distance from the dam site and power house being 10 km and 26 km respectively.

Kaurik Fault
The Kaurik Fault trends in the N-S direction in the northern part and NW-SE in the southern part it
is one of the bounding features of the Shimla block. The fault has a length of 100-200km and it
runs at a distance of 40km and 50km from the Nathpa dam site and power house respectively.

Rampur Fault
This separates the quartzites of the Rampur from the gneisses and is located about 1km
downstream of the Jhakri underground power house.

Main Boundary Fault (MBF)

This lies parallel to MCT at a distance of 60-70km south of it and runs along the entire stretch of
the Himalayas.

Foothill Thrust
This is the youngest of the regional tectonic lineaments and quaternary/Neogene deformations are
observed. The thrust has a strike length of 60km and trends parallel to the MCT and the MBF.
Continuous seismic activity of the Himalayas is possible in the areas situated in the intersections of
these transverse features.

Potential Impacts
Seismically active areas generally feel tremors on regular interval. The satluj basin Region is prone
to high chance of occurrence of earthquake due to various types of normal or lateral faults. The
RHEP does not involve any reservoir activity. The Nathpa Jhakri project does involve reservoir but
only for water regulation purposes and hence the size of reservoir being small. Therefore, in both
the cases, project structures are not likely to induce additional factors for increased seismic effect.
Nonetheless, there are good numbers of hydropower projects planned along the Satluj basin, which
may trigger individual or cumulative seismic effect.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Mitigation Measures
All precaution will be taken to incorporate seismic factors in all the construction projects and
earthquake will be one of the key aspects for designing a sound emergency and disaster
management plan for the project as well as for the entire basin as part of the adaptive
management plan to be developed by SJVNL authorities.

3.3.3 Landslides
Besides earthquakes, landslide is another natural hazard, frequent in the Satluj river basin.
Landslides in the region is triggered by downslide movement of soil, debris and rocks, resulting
from natural causes, vibrations, overburden of rock material, removal of lateral supports, change in
the water content of rock or soil bodies and blocked drainage, etc. The mass movement varies in
magnitude from soil creep to landslides. Almost every year one or more major landslides affect the
state. Loss of life; damage to houses, roads and other means of communication, agricultural land;
and floods are some of the major consequences of landslides in the region. Flash floods,
particularly in the narrow river gorges are one of the leading causes of landslides in Himachal.
These in turn jeopardize the stability of the hill as a whole. Some landslides fragments have often
blocked various river gorges and streams.
At present, landslides occupy about 1% of the land surface in five central districts of Himachal
Pradesh. Some of the major landslides in the state include the following:
• Thangi Slide (on the NH 22, 389.2 km on the right bank of Satluj river opposite the
confluence with Tirung Khad): It is a recurring landslide with instability caused by toe
erosion by Satluj and due to cutting in the road widening. The high discharge of Tirung
Khad has forced the Satluj river towards west to undercut the slope.
• Khadra Dhang Slide Zone (75 x 1300 x 10m): It is located on the old Hindustan-Tibet
road along the right bank of Satluj, opposite to Ribba. The construction of road and
steepening of already steep slopes due to toe-cutting by river Satluj make it an active
landslide. Though the Hindustan-Tibet road has now been diverted to the left bank of the
river, but toe cutting by river Satluj during peak discharge continuously causes active
• Pangi Slide (measuring 65 x 300 x 6m): it is located on the Pangi-Kalpa link roads
junction with NH 22. Seasonal seepages along with uncontrolled blasting for the
construction of NH-22-Kalpa link road has contributed to the generation of this slide.
• Powari Slide Zone (measuring 1000 x 500 x 25m): It is located on the lower slope
along the right bank of Satluj river between Powari and Peo. The construction of the
approach road from Powari to Kalpa has been one of the lead causes in making this a
major landslide area.
• Barua Slide (measuring 60 x 100 x 15m): It is located in the left middle slope in the
Baspa valley about 5 km southeast of Karcham. Though the slode was triggered in 1987-
88 it has been repeatedly activated. The removal of toe to widen the road and already
moistened glacial material and seasonal seepage from upslope has contributed to the
occurrence of this landslide.
• Urni Rockfall (measuring 500 x 250 x 5m): It is located near village Tapri along the
lower slope, on the right bank of river Satluj on NH 22. Over steepening of the slopes due
to toe cutting by Satluj has been further intensified by rockfall on the opposite bank,
forcing the river towards the present slide.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.22 - Views of a Landslides in the Project Area

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Nichar/ Nathpa Landslide (measuring 350 x 200 x 35m): It is located in the lower
middle slope on left bank of Satluj river is located on NH-22 road. The toe cutting by the
Satluj River and widening of the NH-22 road had over steepened the slopes. Thus
adverse rock dip and slope relationship and seepage of water from upper slopes have
caused this complex rockfall and debris slide.
• Shoulding Khad Slide (measuring 200 x 200 x 15m): It is located along the right bank
of the Shoulding Khad, a tributary of Satluj River. The toe-cutting by the Soldan Khad
have also over-steepened the slope and contributed in sliding. The monsoonal rain of
September 1992 have further deteriorated the situation and resulted in debris flow.
• Jhakri Landslide (measuring 500 x 500 x 15m): It is located on the left valley slopes of
the Satluj valley on NH-22 (288/450 km stone). The upper slope area is covered with
agricultural fields of Shah and Ghaso villages are situated. The location of the landslide is
in the vicinity of main central thrust and east-west trending Nogli Gad Fault. The greater
slide occurred on 24 Feb 1993 following heavy winter rains. The slipped mass (37.5 x
105m) temporarily blocked the river Satluj and within 48 hours a lake was formed which
was 1.5 km long, 25-30m deep and 15-20m. The lake induced dimension remains in
existence for 7-8 months.
All the landslides have a total volume of more than 2.2 x 106 m3 and a mean age of 6.5 years. This
helps to calculate the denudation rate, which is about 12mm/year (all erosive processes).
Landslides have about 2.5 mm/year denudation rate.

Potential Impacts
Planned and unplanned developments in the region over a period of time have created an increase
in the vulnerability of the geologically young, unstable and fragile rocks. Deforestation, poor road
alignment and construction techniques, terracing and water intensive agricultural practices,
encroachment on steep hill slopes in the area have lead to general increase in the intensity and
frequency of landslides. The construction of road is leading factors for increased landslide incidence
in the project area as well as in the neighbouring regions. The construction of roads in the recent
past has been extensive with the development of various hydropower projects in the area. Surface
erosion of the bank is another major cause for landslides.

Mitigation Measures
Surface erosion is best controlled by vegetation. However, in a steeply sloping terrain, difficulty lies
in growing vegetation on steeply sloping banks. Engineering solutions such as surface drainage,
sub-surface drainage, toe protection and rock bolting will be required to be used for preventing
landslides. All road construction works in the area will be planned and adequate provisions for
prevention of erosion activities will be incorporated. Landslides will be stabilized by engineering and
bio-engineering methods. A comprehensive Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan and
Environment Management Plan for road construction will be prepared by SJVNL with adequate
safeguards for land slide prevention.

3.4 Hydrology & Water Resources

3.4.1 Baseline Hydrology

The operation of the Rampur Hydro Electric Project will involve diversion of entire water from the
Jhakri Tailrace outfall of Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro Electric Project. The water, after utilization by RHEP
for power production, will be discharged in the river Satluj near village Bael in Rampur at about 23
km from Jhakri. Total catchment area at the Rampur discharge site is about 50,880km2. The
principal tributaries in the area that significantly contribute to Satluj flow especially in peak season

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

are Gaura, Barauni, Pashada, Machhada, Darshai, Jakho, Racholi and Nogli In addition, there are
several small nallas that drain into the river Satluj between Jhakri to Bael stretch.

Flow Profile of River Satluj

The course of river Satluj in Himachal Pradesh is 320 km from Rakas Lake, with principal tributaries
in India are Spiti, Kashming, Baspa, Bhaba, Nogli, Kurpan, Nauti, Shoulding, Seer, Bahrari, Ali and
Gambher. River Spiti, which confluences at Nangia, 14 km upstream of Pooh is the biggest
tributary. The upper tracts of the Satluj valley are under a permanent snow cover. The prominent
human settlements along the banks of the Satluj are Namgia, Kalpa, Rampur, Tattapani, Suni and
Bilaspur. See Figure 3.22.
To understand the changes in the river flow profile over the course of time, historical flow data
giving the minimum, maximum and average discharge for at different locations have been compiled
and plotted (Table 3.15. 3.16, 3.17 and 3.18 below).
Referring to various project documents has collected and complied the historical flow data for the
river Satluj and its tributaries at various stretches in the basin i.e. Khab, Luhri, Suni, Kasol etc.
(refer Annexure III). At Khab, the annual average flow ranges from 81.6 cumecs to about 334
cumecs, with a maximum flow of 334.58 cumecs witnessed in the year 1973. Similarly at Rampur,
the minimum flow encountered was of 247.5 cumecs in the year 2001 and a maximum of 534.5
cumecs in year 1973. At Luhri the range of flow is 273.83-557 cumecs. At Suni the maximum flow
of the value 580 cumecs was seen in the year 1973. At Kasol, the year 1979 saw the maximum
flows of value 446.67, while the leanest flow the region has seen is 336.83 in 1997.
The flow data for various tributaries, existing in Nathpa-Jhakri stretch has been compiled from
available project reports (refer Table 3.19). For the determination of the flow levels of the
tributaries joining the river in the Jhakri-Bael stretch, a flow measurement campaign was organized
for a period of two months (Feb-March, 2006) with each observation taken at an interval of 10
days (refer Table 3.20). Unlike Nogli khad, the flow in most of the tributaries was very low during
the monitoring campaign; hence a current velocity meter was used to measure the flow.
Considering, comparatively higher flow in Nogli khad, float method was used.
Similarly, flow pattern of the principal streams contributing into the river Satluj has also been taken
into account so that in later stages of impact assessment, it could be estimated that after the
restricted river flow due to NJHEP and RHEP, how significantly the tributaries contribute to the river
to maintain the minimum desired flow in it. The flow data for tributaries meeting Satluj between
Nathpa and Jhakri stretch has been compiled using data measured by IIT Roorkee on 10 daily basis
and is presented below for the months of Oct, Nov, Dec 2005, Jan, Feb, Mar and April 2006.
Further, the principal tributaries between Jhakri up to Bael have been identified and mapped;
accordingly, a flow measurement campaign for the tributaries/ khads was carried out for two
months (Feb-March, 2006) at 10 days interval of time. Considering comparatively lesser flow, the
‘Current Velocity Meter’ method was adopted to measure the flow in streams i.e. Kajo, Kunni, and
Racholi etc. For Nogli khad, which is having reasonably higher flow, ‘Float method’ was used for
flow measurement.
The flow data for all tributaries (khads) from Nathpa to Bael is presented below. Table 3.22 gives
data for tributaries from Nathpa to Jhakri and table 3.23 gives data for tributaries from Jhakri to

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.23 – Digital Elevation Model of the Satluj Basin (in Himachal Pradesh)

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.24 – Water Flow in the Satluj at Different Locations

1. Flow of the river near u/s Jhakri 2. Satluj river near u/s Jhakri 3. Satluj river meandering through the region

4. Satluj river at Jhakri 5. Satluj river near d/s Rampur 6. Satluj river at Bayal

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.15 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Khab (downstream of Spiti Confluence): Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.16 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Nathpa Dam Intake: : Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.17 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Rampur: : Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.18 - Historical Flow Data of River Satluj at Luhri (downstream of Bael Village): : Minimum, Maximum & Average Flow

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.19 - Measured Flow data for Tributaries of River Satluj (Nathpa to Jhakri Stretch) for the months of October 2005 - April 2006
Average 10 Daily Discharge (cumec)

Tributary October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006


Manglad 0.662 0.725 0.934 0.979 1.099

1.44 1.35 1.32 1.23 1.15 1.12 0.592 0.589 0.563 0.572 0.787 0.619 0.587 0.537 0.505

Chaura Khad 0.686 0.748 0.812 0.867 1.049

0.62 0.58 0.61 0.60 0.56 0.51 0.485 0.450 0.406 0.464 0.563 0.488 0.470 0.446 0.438

Chaunda Khad 0.589 0.669 0.684 0.744 0.962

1.01 0.87 0.91 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.437 0.460 0.392 0.407 0.468 0.443 0.419 0.408 0.352

Rupi Khad 0.739 0.771 0.816 0.884 1.106

1.74 1.46 1.37 1.40 1.15 0.98 0.637 0.535 0.526 0.515 0.706 0.534 0.546 0.516 0.538

Sholding Khad
1.93 1.84 1.56 1.27 1.16 0.98

Sumej Khad
1.66 1.56 1.32 1.08 1.03 1.00

Gaanvi Khad
1.92 1.67 1.56 1.53 1.60 1.12

Sorang Khad
1.58 1.21 0.96 0.75 0.72 0.44

Silaring Khad
0.91 1.19 1.09 0.69 0.60 0.45

Unoo Khad 0.155 0.195 0.217 0.246 0.301

0.134 0.136 0.153 0.162 0.215 0.162 0.149 0.146 0.121

Daaj Khad 0.214 0.221 0.226 0.240 0.308

0.107 0.094 0.085 0.114 0.152 0.128 0.120 0.114 0.108

Kaowil Khad 0.183 0.195 0.251 0.275 0.350

0.165 0.118 0.102 0.129 0.170 0.157 0.148 0.144 0.133

Gatti Khad
0.158 0.150 0.136 0.136 0.168 0.149 0.144 0.138 0.135

Source: Primary Survey by IIT Roorkey.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.20 – Computed Lean Flow for Tributaries of River Satluj (Nathpa to Jhakri Stretch)
Average ten daily discharge (cumec) Lean
October November December January February March April Mont
Manglad 1.44 1.35 1.32 1.23 1.15 1.12 0.592 0.589 0.563 0.572 0.787 0.619 0.587 0.537 0.505 0.662 0.725 0.934 0.979 1.099 0.505 Feb
Chaura Khad 0.62 0.58 0.61 0.6 0.56 0.51 0.485 0.45 0.406 0.464 0.563 0.488 0.47 0.446 0.438 0.686 0.748 0.812 0.867 1.049 0.406 Dec
Chaunda Khad 1.01 0.87 0.91 0.79 0.76 0.72 0.437 0.46 0.392 0.407 0.468 0.443 0.419 0.408 0.352 0.589 0.669 0.684 0.744 0.962 0.352 Feb
Rupi Khad 1.74 1.46 1.37 1.4 1.15 0.98 0.637 0.535 0.526 0.515 0.706 0.534 0.546 0.516 0.538 0.739 0.771 0.816 0.884 1.106 0.515 Jan
Sholding Khad 1.93 1.84 1.56 1.27 1.16 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 Nov
Sumej Khad 1.66 1.56 1.32 1.08 1.03 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nov
Gaanvi Khad 1.92 1.67 1.56 1.53 1.6 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 Nov
Sorang Khad 1.58 1.21 0.96 0.75 0.72 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 Nov
Silaring Khad 0.91 1.19 1.09 0.69 0.6 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 Nov
Unoo Khad 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.121 0.134 0.136 0.153 0.162 0.215 0.162 0.149 0.146 0.121 0.155 0.195 0.217 0.246 0.301 0.121 Feb
Daaj Khad 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.107 0.094 0.085 0.114 0.152 0.128 0.12 0.114 0.108 0.214 0.221 0.226 0.24 0.308 0.085 Dec
Kaowil Khad 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.102 0.165 0.118 0.102 0.129 0.17 0.157 0.148 0.144 0.133 0.183 0.195 0.251 0.275 0.35 0.102 Dec
Gatti Khad 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.158 0.15 0.136 0.136 0.168 0.149 0.144 0.138 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 Feb
Gharsoo 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Feb
Chhota Kumba 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Feb
Shimla Khad 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Feb
Dharali Khad 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Feb
Wadhal RB 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Feb
Manglad RB 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Feb

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.21 – Daily Discharge at Rampur

Daily Discharge of Satluj River Observed at 10am at Rampur G&D Sites

Upstream of Rampur Upstream of Downstream of

Downstream of Date
Date (February Town (at Rampur Town Rampur Town
Rampur Town (at
2006) Jagatkhana Bridge (March 2006) (at Jagatkhana (at SJVN Bridge
SJVN Bridge Site)
Site) Bridge Site) Site)
1-Mar-06 103 104
- - 2-Mar-06 110 112
3-Mar-06 104 106
4-Feb-06 127 128 4-Mar-06 102 103
5-Feb-06 150 151 5-Mar-06 96 97
6-Feb-06 134 135 6-Mar-06 120 122
7-Feb-06 137 130 7-Mar-06 147 149
8-Feb-06 106 106 8-Mar-06 148 145
9-Feb-06 134 137 9-Mar-06 153 152
10-Feb-06 109 109 10-Mar-06 103 105
11-Feb-06 106 150 11-Mar-06 103 105
12-Feb-06 113 114 12-Mar-06 121 122
13-Feb-06 106 158 13-Mar-06 112 110
14-Feb-06 104 105 14-Mar-06 110 111
15-Feb-06 126 126 15-Mar-06 111 112
16-Feb-06 112 113 16-Mar-06 101 102
17-Feb-06 106 109 17-Mar-06 67 70
18-Feb-06 116 118 18-Mar-06 98 100
19-Feb-06 145 143 19-Mar-06 101 100
20-Feb-06 142 144 20-Mar-06 83 85
21-Feb-06 103 104 21-Mar-06 104 105
22-Feb-06 105 106 22-Mar-06 146 147
23-Feb-06 112 113 23-Mar-06 154 155
24-Feb-06 122 124 24-Mar-06 158 157
25-Feb-06 116 117 25-Mar-06 156 155
26-Feb-06 109 110 26-Mar-06 145 150
27-Feb-06 128 129 27-Mar-06 108 107
28-Feb-06 127 128 28-Mar-06 107 108
29-Mar-06 108 109
- - - 30-Mar-06 106 107
31-Mar-06 155 157

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.22 - Minimum Flow of the Satluj from Khab to Suni

Monthly min 10 Daily min Absolute Minimum

Site 90 percentile 60 percentile 90 percentile 60 percentile Monthly min 10 Daily min

Khab 64.33 45.66 59.00 44.00 17.33 8.00

Nathpa 116.01 91.45 105.97 93.13 59.13 47.53
Rapmur 104.00 91.66 102.00 89.00 69.00 65.00
Luhri 107.70 97.60 104.00 90.00 70.00 56.00
Suni 110.33 99.00 106.00 96.00 72.00 71.00

Table 3.23 - Measured Flow data for Tributaries of River Satluj (Jhakri to Bael Stretch)
for the months of February-March, 2006
Minimum Minimum
S. Name of Discharge S. Name of Discharge
Date Discharge Date Discharge
No. stream (cumec) No. stream (cumec)
(cumec) (cumec)
06.02.2006 0.422 06.02.2006 0.290
16.02.2006 0.502 16.02.2006 0.304
27.02.2006 0.432 27.02.2006 0.268
1 Kajo 0.422 2 Kunni 0.290
06.03.2006 0.508 06.03.2006 0.283
15.03.2006 0.526 15.03.2006 0.316
25.03.2006 0.575 25.03.2006 0.312
09.02.2006 0.113 09.03.2006 0.103
16.02.2006 0.147 17.02.2006 0.141
28.02.2006 0.131 01.03.2006 0.102
3 Tunnan 0.113 4 Racholi 0.102
06.03.2006 0.166 07.03.2006 0.131
15.03.2006 0.179 16.03.2006 0.121
25.03.2006 0.184 26.03.2006 0.114
17.02.2006 0.107 18.02.2006 0.133
01.03.1006 0.097 02.03.2006 0.095
5 Jhako 07.03.2006 0.114 0.097 7 Barauni 09.03.2006 0.092 0.082
16.03.2006 0.111 18.03.2006 0.083
26.03.2006 0.112 27.03.2006 0.082
08.02.2006 0.101 14.02.2006 3.39
17.02.2006 0.117 23.02.2006 4.01
01.03.2006 0.118 03.03.2006 3.54
6 Pashada 0.101 10 Nogli 3.54
07.03.2006 0.131 10.03.2006 3.77
16.03.2006 0.120 19.03.2006 4.01
26.03.2006 0.114 28.03.2006 4.15
18.02.2006 0.145 18.02.2006 0.175
02.03.2006 0.127 02.03.2006 0.119
09.03.2006 0.119 9 Badgai 09.03.2006 0.106 0.089
8 Kasholi 0.091
18.03.2006 0.104 18.03.2006 0.101
27.03.2006 0.091 27.03.2006 0.089
28.03.2006 4.15 Sourec: Primary Survey by DHI-Water & Environment

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Hydrological Changes in the Satluj River

Historically managed river flow has potential to impact land, water and biodiversity environment
around the river. For RHEP, the diversion of estimated 383.88 cumec water from river Satluj at
Jhakri outfall may have impacts to the river, biodiversity as well as communities residing along it.
Throughout the year, this impact on water level will be prominent in the dry season. As per the
project estimations, a minimum of 13.537 cumec discharge without considering the evaporation
losses in tributaries will be available in the river Satluj between Jhakri and village Bael.

3.4.2 Sources and Usage of Water

The river Satluj is not the main source of water in the area. The natural springs and ‘chashme’ are
the key sources of water for people living in the area for their own consumption, livestock use and
irrigation purposes. In most of the villages except those, situated on high hills, IPH Department has
laid down the pipelines to connect the natural springs (at upper reaches) to the households
through storage tanks for water supply after providing primary treatment. The villages those are
located on higher reaches depend directly on natural springs or khads flowing in vicinity. The main
khads in the NHEP area are Sholding Khad, Panvi Khad, Bhawa Khad, Baspa River, Kut Khad etc,
while in RHEP area, the main khads are Nogli, Kajo, Kunni, Racholi, Kasholi, Barauni etc. The total
flow coming to the river from main perennial streams falling in Jhakri outfall to Bael river stretch is
5.36 cumecs as measured by the consultant during lean season.
For drinking purpose, about 76.6 % of population depend upon piped water supply about 5.8 %
and 17.6 % utilize water from perennial/seasonal streams and natural sources respectively. For
cleaning and other domestic uses 49.4 % use pipe and tap, 20 % use streams and 30.6 % use
natural sources. For cattle, tap water takes care if 43 % of the requirement, 18 % of the water
comes from natural sources while streams/river and meet 39%.

Table 3.24 – Water Requirement in Project Area

Water Requirements (based on findings of primary level village surveys)
NJHEP area RHEP area
2.0 MLD* (@ 40 lpcd for villages 1.33 MLD* (@ 40 lpcd for villages

* Population of Rampur town and Jhakri Township have not been included.
The specific water demand for these areas is 0.68 MLD and 0.60 MLD respectively

Further, agriculture crops in the area mainly depend on rains, however, irrigation canals also exist
in some of the villages especially in the downhill parts of the areas. These canals are basically
known as ‘Khuls’ in the area and having capacity of only 3-4 cusecs. The water in the streams,
khads, is also used by people living alongside as on requirement, especially for livestock purposes.

3.4.3 Existing Water Quality of Satluj

The water quality of river Satluj in general is good. There are no major sources of domestic or
industrial pollution, hence the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels are good with low BOD and COD
values of the river. There is no direct disposal of domestic sewage into the river but due to open
defecation; human/animal waste finds its way to Satluj through seasonal and perennial streams
owing to natural slope of area.
The use of agro-chemicals in the area is low but it has been seen that over the last few years the
rate of consumption has increased. This can be one of the sources of water pollution; it can also
lead to production of excessive organic matter, which would deplete the DO content of the river.
The Central Pollution Control Board of India has classified water resources of the country for
different water bodies, according to their uses.This has been summarized in tablexx. As per the

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

classification, the river water quality at Rampur has been designated as Class A, making it fit for
drinking purpose after disinfection and without conventional treatment. However, this quality is
with respect to pH, DO and BOD only. By the standard of Total Coliform prescribed by CPCB and
actual value monitored in Satluj River, category of river comes down to C category. This makes it
important to control discharge of sewage in the river and also the open defecation near river and

3.4.4 Water Quality

Adequate flow in the river especially during lean season is essential for maintaining natural dilution
capacity of the river, which can then sustain a certain level of organic pollution load from sewage,
without getting polluted itself. Adequate flow is also important to maintain the river ecology
aesthetically as well as for the sustenance of its aquatic habitation .Restricted flow in the river
between Jhakri to Bael for RHEP has potential to affect dilution of the sewage discharged from
project influence area to the river. In addition to sewage, effluents from crushers and muck
disposal area will increase pollution pressure on the river.

Table 3.25 - Primary Water Quality Criteria

as laid by the Central Pollution Control Board
Designated Base Use Class of Water Criteria
Drinking water source without 1. Total Coliform organism MPN/100ml. shall be 50 or less.
conventional treatment but after 2. pH between 6.5 and 8.5.
disinfection A
3. Dissolved Oxygen 6 mg/l or more.
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20oC, 2 mg/l or less.
Outdoor bathing (Organized) 1. Total Coliform organism MPN/100ml.shall be 500 or less.
2. pH between 6.5 and 8.5.
3. Dissolved Oxygen 5 mg/l or more.
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20oC 3 mg/l or less.
Drinking Water Sources after 1. Total Coliform organism MPN/100ml.shall be 5000 or less.
conventional treatment 2. pH between 6 and 9.
3. Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/l or more.
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20oC 3 mg/l or less.
Propagation of Wild Life and Fisheries. 1. pH between 6.5 and 9.5.
D 2. Dissolved Oxygen 4 mg/l or more.
3. Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or less.
Irrigation, Industrial Cooling 1. pH between 6.5 and 9.5.
Controlled Waste 2. Electrical Conductivity at 25-mg/cm max. 2250.
3. Sodium absorption ratio Max. 26.
4. Boron Max 2 mg/l.
If three parameters falls in category ‘A’ but fourth parameter falls in category C, the overall quality of river will fall under Class ‘C’.

As per the above criteria, the Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board has reported the river
Satluj under ‘A’ category of water quality with respect to pH, DO and BOD in general. The critical
parameters observed in past is Total Coliform according to which category of river comes down to
‘C’ category.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.26 - Drinking Water Standards

Parameters Value
Acceptable* Cause for Rejection+
Turbidity 2.5 10
pH 7.0-8.5 <6.5
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) 500 1500
Total hardness (mg/l) 200 600
Chlorides (mg/l) 200 1000
Sulphates (mg/l) 200 400
Fluorides (mg/l) 1.0 1.5
Nitrates (mg/l) 20 20
Calcium (mg/l) 75 200
Magnesium (mg/l) 30 150
Iron (mg/l) 0.1 1.0
Phenolic compounds (mg/l) 0.001 0.002
Faecal coliform (MPN/100 ml) Nil Nil
Total Colifoms 10 10
* Limits upto which water is generally acceptable to the consumers.
+ Figures in excess of those mentioned under `Acceptable’ render the water not acceptable but still may be tolerated in the
absence of alternative and better source, but upto the limits indicated under column `Cause for Rejection’, above which the
supply will have to be rejected.

Satluj is marked by turbulent flow and low temperature. River water monitoring was undertaken
twice by different agencies, first in June 2004 and second in February 2006. The monitoring results
show different values for a few of the parameters. However these differences are not very alarming
and can be assumed to be the result of temporal changes as well as induced impacts. Going by the
recent monitoring in February 2006, the dissolved oxygen is relatively good (between 8 to 8.5
mg/l) between Jhakri to Bael and suggest good river purification capacity. Water is alkaline with
very low organic load. Turbidity is very low [1.2-1.6 Nephrometric Turbidity Units (NTU)], indicating
the absence of a large sediment or algal load carried by the river. This is further confirmed by low
presence of total suspended solids (22.28 mg/l).
The pH values are around 8 and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is about 1.0 mg/l.Fecal
coliform bacteria were found to occur in negligible numbers except at down stream of Rampur
town. Fecal coliform count here can be related to human and animal activities in the lower river
Heavy metals are generally present in traces, except for Mercury which was estimated on higher
side at 7.11 ppb at Jhakri outfall. This high level of mercury may be due to mechanical processing
in the power house of Nathpa-Jhakri project.Bacteria present in decaying vegetation can also
change mercury, present in rocks underlying a reservoir, into a form which is soluble in water. This
mercury in its methylated form enters the food chain and is bio-concentrated, with highest
concentrations occurring in piscivorous fish and birds. These elevated tissue levels can often
exceed those recommended for human consumption (particularly in older biota), thereby creating
associated human and environmental health risks. It is important for SJVNL to identify the source
of this mercury through series of water quality monitoring and take adequate mitigation measures
for preventing health hazard due to mercury contamination of river water. Presented in Tables
below are the ‘water quality monitoring’ results for June 2004, February 2006 and drinking water
parameters prescribed by the Indian National Standard.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.27 - Water Quality Profile of River Satluj, Year 2003 Monitoring Results
Parameter u/s d/s u/s d/s u/s
Nathpa Nathpa N.Sari N.Sari Jhakri
BOD (mg/L) 0.10 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.30
COD (mg/L) 16 20 14 14.80 48
TSS (mg/L) 214.90 322 29.70 36.10 208.90
TDS (mg/L) 254 258 80 68 207
Turbidity (NTU) 72.80 104 25.00 26.40 68
pH 8.20 8.17 7.40 8.05 7.93
Total hardness (mg/L) 160 152 26 28 134
Total Alkalinity (mg/L) 105 15 35 30 165
Faecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml) NA NA NA NA NA
Total Coliforms (50 standard value) NA NA NA NA NA
Mercury as Hg (ppb) NA ND ND ND ND
Iron as Fe (mg/L) 0.03 0.09 ND 0.06 0.12
Nickel as Ni (mg/L) 0.08 nd 0.10 0.46 0.08
Cadmium as Cd (mg/L) ND ND ND 0.01 ND
Chromium as Cr (mg/L) 0.03 ND 0.23 ND 0.01
Zinc as Zn (mg/L) 0.01 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.01
Source: State Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board, 2003
NA: data not available; ND: value not detected

Table 3.28 - Water Quality Satluj, Year 2006 Monitoring Results

Jhakri-Rampur-Bael Stretch
Parameter Below NJHEP tailrace Rampur u/s Rampur d/s Bael Town
BOD (mg/L) 1.00 1.05 12.00 1.00
COD (mg/L) 19.36 19.36 19.36 53.24
TSS (mg/L) 22.0 29.0 39.0 28.0
TDS (mg/L) 290 320 360 380
Turbidity (NTU) 1.4 1.2 1.6 1.4
pH 7.88 7.95 8.10 8.10
Electrical Conductivity (μS/cm) 490 530 600 630
Total hardness as CaCO3 175 175 170 175
Total Alkalinity (mg/L) 186 186 186 186
Faecal Coliform (MPN/100 ml) Absent Absent 4 na
Total Coliforms (50 standard na na 14 na
Mercury as Hg (ppb) 7.11 - - nd
Iron as Fe (mg/L) < 0.05 - - < 0.05
Nickel as Ni (mg/L) < 0.02 - - < 0.02
Cobalt as Co (mg/L) 0.051 - - 0.077
Cadmium as Cd (mg/L) < 0.1 - - < 0.1
Chromium as Cr (mg/L) < 0.003 - - < 0.003
Zinc as Zn (mg/L) < 0.05 - - < 0.05
Source: Monitoring Results carried out by DHI-Water & Environment, 2006

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

In past, no major epidemic has been reported in the area. Thus, it can be said that although, there
are no sewage treatment facilities in the area, the pollution loading (organic and bacteriological) is
well within the carrying capacity of the water available for dilution in river Satluj and its tributaries.
A time series profile has been plotted for Rampur u/s and d/s for three parameters namely pH,
BOD and DO (Figures 3.25 and 3.26). It is evident from the data that DO levels in latest data have
dropped while BOD is increased significantly. The reason for this could be either low flows or
increased pollution load from Rampur town. But since results show same trend at upstream as well
as at downstream reaches, the reason could be attributed to low flows in the month of February.

Table 3.29 - Water Quality Data of River Satluj, July 2004

Parameters / Sampling Locations Above Nathpa Dam Below Nathpa Dam Powerhouse Below Tailrace
pH 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.5
Electrical conductivity (μs/cm) 210 290 203 263
Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 130 179 125 163
Total Suspended Solids, mg/l 466 60 558 880
Total alkalinity (CaCO3), mg/l 98.4 118 118 118
Carbonates, mg/l Nil Nil Nil Nil
BOD, mg/l 3.2 2.1 2.7 13.2
COD, mg/l 18.4 13.8 18.5 27.6
Nitrate as NO3, mg/l BDL BDL BDL BDL
Phosphate as PO4, mg/l 0.28 BDL 0.16 0.40
Fluoride as F, mg/l BDL BDL 0.2 BDL
Chloride as Cl, mg/l 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9
Sulphate as SO4, mg/l 45.3 56 49 86
Sodium as Na, mg/l 11 11 8 9
Potassium as K, mg/l 1 2 1 1
Calcium as Ca, mg/l 34.7 44.2 28.4 38.7
Magnesium as Mg, mg/l 1.9 1.9 4.8 3.3
Oil & Grease, mg/l BDL BDL BDL BDL
Phenolic Compound BDL BDL BDL BDL
Total Coliforms 21 21 21 12
MPN 21 21 21 12
BDL: Below detectable limit. Source: Monitoring by WAPCOS, 2004

Figure 3.25 – Water Quality Trends: pH Values

pH-Rampur d/s pH -Rampur u/s

8.3 8.4
8.1 8.1
7.9 7.8
June, 01 June, 04 Jan,05 Feb-06 June, 01 June, 04 Jan,05 Feb-06

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.26 – Water Quality Trends: DO and BOD

DO-Rampur d/s DO-Rampur u/s

12 12

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4
June, 01 June, 04 Jan,05 Feb-06
June, 01 June, 04 Jan,05 Feb-06

BOD-Rampur d/s BOD-Rampur u/s

1.4 1.4

1.2 1.2
1 1

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
June, 01 June, 04 Jan,05 Feb-06 June, 01 June, 04 Jan,05 Feb-06

3.4.5 Downstream Water Use: Impacts of Water Quality Changes

Many of the communities in the Project area live in close proximity to the existing water bodies and
currently utilize surface water and groundwater for a variety of beneficial uses, including drinking
water, recreation, and washing, irrigation, fishing and watering livestock. Therefore the quality of
water is regarded as an important issue, not only for aquatic life but also for the multi-use of water
by riverine and residents. Any of the negative changes in water quality highlighted in the analysis
above could impact these beneficial uses of water, and therefore the communities themselves.
Reduced river flow usually creates impact on downstream activities like reduced water availability
for irrigation, drinking and dilution of pollutants. RHEP stretch of river does not have any existing or
proposed irrigation/ water supply schemes linked to river Satluj, hence impact on water source
usage due to managed river flow is not a significant concern.
The survey of the project influence area during study revealed that the natural springs, khads,
chashme and bowli (kachchi and pukki) and various tributaries flowing in vicinity are the key
sources of water for villages that are located along the river stretch between Jhakri and Bael.
Majority of these sources are perennial with seasonal discharge variation between 0.7 l/sec to
0.005 l/sec. These sources are fully capable of satisfying various water needs of villagers.
Irrigation activities in the area meet water demand by rain or by canals, known as “khuls” locally.
Rampur town has piped water supply from government run schemes. These water supply schemes
draw water from natural springs/bowlis located on upper reaches of mountains, a permanent
phenomenon in the area. Therefore, the reduced flow in the river due to proposed project would
not be a bottleneck for running water supply schemes in the area.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Naturally available water sources as mentioned above do get adversely impacted by construction
and blasting activities. Study undertaken during preparation of previous projects i.e. Nathpa Jhakri
Hydro Electric Project reported drying of some stream outlets due to blasting activities and
sediments carried by floods, which is common in the area. The upper outlet of a chashme along the
Kajo khad had closed during the flood in 2001. Change in flow pattern, drying of some sources and
opening of new sources is also a natural occurrence in such hilly areas where there is large-scale
construction and or blasting activities in operation. During the course of time as well, due to
changes in climatic condition, sometimes some sources show change flow behaviour, which may
also impact water activities depending on these sources. Since RHEP is a run of the river project,
not involving very large scale construction of dam / reservoir activities, adverse impacts as
enumerated above are not likely to impact existing water supply sources and thereby schemes
dependent on these sources.
Nevertheless, keeping in mind sensitive receptors of RHEP, a detailed monitoring programme will
be planned and implemented by the SJVNL for regular monitoring of the flow of natural
streams/khads in the project affected as well as project influence area. Result of monitoring will be
documented for preparation of short and long term action, if required.

Estimates of Sewage Loads

Primary village level survey in the project influence area showed that the area is inhabited by
population of 15,926 at Right Bank of the river and 25,753 at Left Bank. Cumulative generation of
sewage from villages on both bank of the river is about 0.314 MLD. This sewage when considered
on standalone basis in the river can be well taken care of by the present river flow. However, there
are other sewage loads as well from near by Rampur Town, residential colony for the project
related population and existing residential colony of the Nathpa Jhakri project near Jhakri. Out of
three above-mentioned residential areas, only Rampur has potential of creating adverse impact
owing to its sewage load since other two have provision of treating their sewage loads. The scale
of development in the town due to hydroelectric project development is very fast. Administrative
status of the town is soon going to be upgraded to District level from present Block level. This is
likely to induce rapid growth in the area hence heavy population inflow. Although, Rampur town
has sewage treatment plants of varying capacity, yet in light of ever increasing floating population
as well as settling population, the existing sewage treatments may not be fully capable of meeting
the requirement.
To estimate the generation of sewage load in Rampur Town in future, a decadal variation in the
population as noticed over the period and decadal projections has been made using linear growth
pattern. The result has been summarized in Tables 3.30 and 3.31.

Table 3.30 - Estimated Sewage Load of Villages at Right Bank of River Satluj, 2001-11

2001 2011

Stream in Name of Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated

Vicinity Village Population Water Sewage Water Sewage
(Census 2001) Demand in Generation Demand in Generation
Kajo Duwari 240 0.010 0.008 313 0.013 0.010
Kajo Kafti 54 0.002 0.002 70 0.003 0.003
Kajo Kharga 350 0.014 0.011 457 0.018 0.014
Kajo Kimcha 48 0.002 0.002 63 0.003 0.003
Kajo Kumahar 400 0.016 0.013 522 0.021 0.017
Kajo Kund 60 0.002 0.002 78 0.003 0.003
Kajo Narku 42 0.002 0.001 55 0.003 0.001

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

2001 2011

Stream in Name of Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated

Vicinity Village Population Water Sewage Water Sewage
(Census 2001) Demand in Generation Demand in Generation
Kajo Seri 12 0.0005 0.0004 16 0.001 0.001
Kajo Shaich 42 0.002 0.001 55 0.003 0.001
Kajo Suraage 390 0.016 0.012 509 0.021 0.016
Kajo Tharwa 320 0.013 0.010 418 0.017 0.013
Tributary - Kajo 0.063 0.081
Kasholi Brow 120 0.005 0.004 157 0.007 0.005
Kasholi Damehli 750 0.030 0.024 979 0.039 0.031
Kasholi Kasholi 1018 0.041 0.033 1328 0.054 0.043
Kasholi Palli 450 0.018 0.014 587 0.023 0.018
Kasholi Panasha 250 0.010 0.008 326 0.013 0.010
Kasholi Pankwa 1320 0.053 0.042 1723 0.069 0.055
Kasholi Poshna 3552 0.142 0.114 4635 0.185 0.149
Kasholi Sharshaya 378 0.015 0.012 493 0.020 0.016
Kasholi Tunan 4115 0.165 0.132 5370 0.215 0.172
Tributary - Kasholi 0.382 0.500
Kunni Gad 120 0.005 0.004 157 0.007 0.005
Kunni Bishlai 350 0.014 0.011 457 0.018 0.014
Tributary - Kunni 0.015 0.019
Satluj Koel
636 0.025 0.020 830 0.033 0.026
Satluj Bael
Directly Draining to the Satluj 0.020 0.026
TOTAL 0.480 0.620

Table 3.31 - Estimated Sewage Load from Villages at Left Bank of river Satluj, 2001

2001 2011

Stream in Name of Estimated Estimated Estimated

Population Estimated Population
Vicinity Village Sewage Water Sewage
(Survey/ Water Demand (Estimated
Generation Demand in Generation
Census 2001) in MLD 2011)

Barauni Jhakri 5890 0.23560 0.18848 7686 0.3075 0.246

Tributary - Barauni 0.189 0.246
Jakho Darshal 287 0.011 0.009 375 0.0144 0.012
Jakho Khanari 1038 0.042 0.033 1355 0.0548 0.043
Tributary - Jakho 0.042 0.055
Racholi Racholi 915 0.037 0.029 1194 0.0483 0.038
Racholi Odda 437 0.017 0.014 570 0.0222 0.018
Racholi Kandi 900 0.036 0.029 1175 0.0470 0.038
Racholi Pal 608 0.024 0.019 793 0.0313 0.025
Racholi Kasha 1920 0.077 0.061 2506 0.1005 0.080
Tributary - Rancholi 0.153 0.200
Satluj Shingla 890 0.036 0.028 1161 0.0470 0.037
Satluj Shaneri 713 0.029 0.023 930 0.0378 0.030
Satluj Uru 220 0.009 0.007 287 0.0117 0.009

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

2001 2011

Stream in Name of Estimated Estimated Estimated

Population Estimated Population
Vicinity Village Sewage Water Sewage
(Survey/ Water Demand (Estimated
Generation Demand in Generation
Census 2001) in MLD 2011)

Satluj Kalna 382 0.015 0.012 499 0.0196 0.016

Satluj Besri 293 0.012 0.009 382 0.0157 0.012
Satluj Duttnagar 1213 0.049 0.039 1583 0.0639 0.051
Directly Draining to the Satluj 0.118 0.155
Nogli Kumsu 937 0.037 0.030 1223 0.0483 0.039
Nogli Kamlahu 438 0.018 0.014 572 0.0235 0.018
Nogli Rajpura 114 0.005 0.004 149 0.0065 0.005
Nogli Masarna 337 0.013 0.011 440 0.0170 0.014
Nogli Makroli 90 0.004 0.003 117 0.0052 0.004
Nogli Karali 379 0.015 0.012 495 0.0196 0.016
Nogli Thana 68 0.003 0.002 89 0.0039 0.003
Nogli Jaguni 706 0.028 0.023 921 0.0365 0.030
Nogli Dhar 306 0.012 0.010 399 0.0157 0.013
Nogli Dansa 595 0.024 0.019 776 0.0313 0.025
Tributary – Nogli 0.128 0.167
TOTAL 0.630 14679 0.5873 0.823

Above values have been used for assessing the DO profiles along the main river.

Effluent from Rampur Town

Rampur is the only major town falling in the diversion tunnel site under Rampur Hydroelectric
project. Presently it has a provision of STP with total capacity of 1.0 MLd to serve total population
of 7083 persons (this also includes 2800 persons under floating population) but due to huge
damages occurred to the machinery part and particularly to the main line, presently only 50
households are being served by the STP. Total about 60% of population is being served by Septic
One another STP with capacity of 0.5 MLD is under re-construction for 1737 persons. The other
zone has provision of septic tank covering 157 persons and 2200 college students.
Considering the scale of development taking place in the town due to hydro-electric project
development in the area and also noticing that very soon administrative status of the town is going
to change from Block level to District level, which may induce heavy growth in the area and may
attract heavy population inflow.
However, in existing conditions, there is sufficient water available in the river for providing enough
dilution to the effluent waste of the town, but the reduced flow in the river as proposed under the
RHEP and induced growth of the town as foreseen, it may lead to deterioration of water quality in
the river.
The decadal variation in the population as noticed over the period with available population data
and decadal projections has been made using linear growth pattern to estimate the generation of
sewage load.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.32 - Estimated Sewage Load of Rampur Town

Using Linear Trends of Population Growth
Year Population Water Demand (MLD) Effluent generated (MLD)
1981 3310 0.312

1991 4342 0.52 0.416

2001 5653 0.68 0.544
2011 7354 (projected) 0.88 0.704
2021 9055 (projected) 1.08 0.864
2031 1,0756 (projected) 1.29 1.032

It is to be noted that the population estimate given above does not include floating population.
Thus it becomes essential to give due attention towards installation of adequate capacity of sewage
treatment plant and to maintain minimum flow in river especially during lean season to provide
enough dilution for disposal of effluents.

Effluent Disposal from Jhakri Colony

In Jhakri Township, which was constructed under under Nathpa-Jhakri project, total number of
households is one thousand. This township is well connected to sewage pipeline network, which is
finally connected to eight number of septic tanks. However, presently storage capacity of these
septic tanks is adequate and as such, no directs disposal into the river has been planned.

Effluent Disposal from Proposed Project Colony

The effluent will be purely domestic sewage in absence of any major construction activity during
operation of the proposed hydropower plant. If assume the population of proposed colony is 3000,
the water demand would be around 0.3 mld (taking 100l/capita/day water requirement). The
sewage load would be about 0.24 mld. The total BOD load would be in order of 71 kg/day, which is
insignificantly low to generate any adverse impacts on river water quality. To avoid any
concentrated point source impact, it is advised to plan for installation of adequate sewage
treatment facility for the colony.

Effluent Disposal from Temporary Labour Shelters

Taking total population inflow of 12000 during 6 years of proposed construction activities under
RHEP projects, the total water requirements would be 0.84 mld ( @ 70 lpcd ). Thus, total sewage
generation would be 0.67 mld (80% of water supply). The corresponding BOD load would be 541
Generally, during construction stages, labour camps get installed at two or three different locations
but even considering the entire sewage disposal as a concentrated point source enough dilution is
available in river Satluj.
As observed from the modelling results, no impacts are anticipated on water quality of river Satluj
but to have pre-construction measures, appropriate treatment facility (septic tank etc.) should be
provided to avoid any adverse conditions.

Effluent Disposal from Operation of Crushers

A crusher of capacity 120-150tph will be commissioned at the project site during construction
period and water will be required for washing of boulders and for lowering of temperature of the
crushing edge. About 0.1 m3 of water will be needed per tonne of material crushed.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Expected effluent from the crusher: About 12-15 m3/hr

• Expected discharge: 0.0033- 0.0042 cumecs
• Expected suspended solids: 3000-4000 mg/lt
Considering the present minimum flow, which remains in order of 60-70 cumecs, the impact due to
disposal of crusher effluent could be considered insignificant, however, it is advised to avoid single
point disposal instead multiple location, could be identified at sufficient intervals to provide enough
dilution. It is also advised to have provision for primary treatment to effluent prior to disposal in

Mitigation Measures
RHEP authorities will make a comprehensive evaluation of augmentation required for existing
sewage treatment plants and if required new sewage treatment plan will be constructed to manage
pollution load on the river. Besides sewage load, another pollution load generated will be from
muck disposal area and also crushers. Project authorities will prepare a detailed waste water
management plan.

3.4.6 Channel Sedimentation and Reduced Dissolved Oxygen

Low flow in river causes sedimentation in downstream channel and can also reduce dissolved
oxygen. Increased sedimentation and reduced dissolved oxygen have wide ranging implications for
aquatic biodiversity and river aesthetics.
A study was undertaken to measure flow velocity profile of Satluj River between Nathpa and Bael
so as to determine most favourable flow condition for flushing of sediments and dilution scenarios
for expected organic pollution loads. The different scenarios were simulated for different flow
releases varying from 1 cumecs to 10 cumecs as well as zero release. Several BOD loads for the
different merging tributaries in Satluj were used for DO modelling. Results indicate that for any
organic load (BOD) less than 5 mg/l, the DO levels at no point along the stretch, even at release of
1 cumecs in the river goes below 8. For details, refer Background Report on the study of Managed
Flow (DHI, 2006).
The MIKE 11 model was used for the simulation of flows, water quality and sediment transport in
rivers, irrigation systems, channels and other water bodies. As an assumption, instead of 23 kms of
river stretch between Jhakri to Bael for assessing the changes in river flow profile at downstream
with varying flow releases, model has been established for 63kms of river stretch between Nathpa
to Bael. The river network with different streams meeting with river is shown in Among
hydrometric data, constant flow data for various streams have been used due to un-availability of
time series data. Three cross-sectional data were used for 63kms of river stretch. These were, (i)
Nathpa Dam Site (U/s)- Cross-sectional data (for about 3 kms of river stretch), (ii) Jhakri Outfall
(approximate middle of the stretch) (for about 2 kms of river Stretch) and (iii) Rampur Power
House ( Bael in D/s) (for about 1 km of river stretch).
Flow Velocity Profiles of river Satluj were worked out for different flow conditions at Nathpa Dam
Site. Varying discharge scenarios at Nathpa Dam site in the range of 0-10 cumecs have been
considered to assess the corresponding flow velocities at different stretches of river. In addition, a
simulation for 1500 cumec was also carried out to observe velocity profile of the river in worst-case
scenario of a flood.
Model results estimate that average velocities up to a release of 3 cumecs are in the order of 1.0
m/sec, which further reduce downstream. This is not a favorable condition for flushing of
sediments. For release more than 3 cumecs, the average flow velocity reaches in the order of 0.8 -
1.2m/sec for 4 cumec and 10 cumec of discharge respectively. This has potential of easily flushing
the sediments sizes of the order of 0.7- 0.8 mm. Aquatic ecologyl and fisheries too find a

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

conducive environment in the velocity range between 0.8 -1.2 m/sec. In a scenario when 1500
cumec of water is discharged from the dam, velocity changes from 0.6 to 12.7 m/sec. The average
velocity found from upstream at Nathpa dam site to downstream till 53 km, is more than 12.7 m/s.
Dissolved Oxygen level in river stretch is estimated at above 8.0 mg/lit at all locations, with the
existing BOD load of 5-8 mg/lit and with varying discharge scenarios of 1-10 cumec.

Mitigation Measures
Adaptive Management Plan will be prepared and implemented by project authorities for mitigating
the ill effects of managed river flow on aquatic biodiversity and river aesthetics.

3.5 Land Environment

3.5.1 Land Use

The project influence area is rich in forestland. Survey result of the land use pattern in the 7km
radius area around the project site has been summarized in Table 3.33 below. See also Figure 3.

Table 3.33 – Land Use of the Project Influence Area (7km all around the Project)
Land Use Classification Total Area within 7 km of Project % of Total Area

Water 1.05 0.68

Open 29.54 19.14
Agriculture 18.10 11.73
Degraded Vegetation 20.02 12.98
Medium Vegetation 8.44 5.47
Dense Vegetation 21.76 14.10
Scrubs 26.88 17.42
River bed 0.46 0.30
Settlement 3.62 2.35
Snow 1.75 1.13
Miscellaneous 22.69 14.71
Total 154.31 100.00

Village Nirmand is the largest one in the area with a geographical area of 1102 hectares. Other
main villages falling in RHEP influence area are Bael, Duttnagar, Poshna and Koyal. Village Bael has
smallest geographical area of 76 hectares. Details on village wise land use pattern of the RHEP
influence has been summarized below in Table 3.34.
Land use pattern detail show that Satluj basin is experiencing a general decline in agricultural
activities and specifically in the project area. There is a clear shift from agriculture based pursuits
to non-agriculture based ones. Influx of population, greater availability of opportunities and other
related development in the area that is induced by the hydro development is the key reason for a
greater dependence of local people on non-agricultural activities.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.27 – Land Use of the Satluj Basin

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.28 – Soil Erosion in the Satluj Basin

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.29 – Agriculture in the Project’s Surrounding Area

1. Agricultural fields near Bael 2. Farming done at Landless colony, Jhakri

3. Farming at Landless colony 4. Agricultural fields near Bael

5. Crops near Bael 6. Plum plantation near Tunnan village

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.30 – Grazing Land in the Vicinity of the Project Area

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.34 - Land Utilization of Villages in RHEP influence area

Land Use Type Koyal Bael Dutt Nagar Tunan Poshna Nirmand

Area under Forests - - - - - -

Area not available for Cultivation 29 15 83 107 49 246
Other uncultivable land excluding 114 547 - - - -
fallow land (permanent
pastures/other grazing land,
miscellaneous tree crop/groove
included in net area sown, culturable
Fallow Land (current/others) 1 4 - 23 22 71
Total cropped area (net sown 316 114 230 731 391 1553
area/area sown more than once)
Total Cultivable area (irrigated/un- 133 57 - 6 244 856
Village common lands - - - - - -
Land put to other use - - - - - -
(industry/community house)
Area under ponds for agriculture - - - - - -
Source: Baseline Demographic Socio-Economic Survey of Rampur Hydroelectric Project, Year, 2005

Land use pattern has been studied using latest satellite data (IRS P6, LISS III sensor) for the entire
Satluj basin. Raw digital satellite data was procured from National Remote Sensing Agency and
processed in house using the hardware and software facilities available with the consultant. The
land use classification has been presented in the Table 3.35 below:

Table 3.35 – Land Use in the Study Area (7km all around the Project)
S.No. Landuse Category Percentage of total Satluj basin area
1. Agricultural land 10.95
2. Fallow land 0.08
3. Plantations 0.25
4. Land without scrubs 1.68
5. Forest areas 24.96
6. Water bodies 0.69
7. Snow covered area 37.87
8. Settlement 0.21
9. Barren areas 20.16
10. Grassland 3.16
Total 100
Source: Satellite Imagery, Year 2005

The influence area of RHEP includes village Nirmand, which is having largest geographical area of
1102 hectares. Other main villages falling in RHEP influence area are Bael, Duttnagar, Poshna and
Koyal. Village Bael has smallest geographical area of 76 hectares. Bael and Poshna villages do not
have any land under category of ‘non-agriculture’ use. Details on land use pattern of the RHEP
influence has been presented below in Table 3.36.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.36 - Land Use (in hectares) of RHEP Influence Area

Landuse Type Koyal Bael Dutt Nagar Tunan Poshna Nirmand
Area under Forests - - - - - -
Area not available for Cultivation (non- 29 15 83 107 49 246
Other uncultivable land excluding fallow land 114 547 - - - -
(permanent pastures/other grazing land,
miscellaneous tree crop/groove included in net
area sown, culturable waste
Fallow Land (current/others) 1 4 - 23 22 71
Total cropped area (net sown area/area sown 316 114 230 731 391 1553
more than once)
Total Cultivable area (irrigated/un-irrigated) 133 57 - 6 244 856
Village common lands - - - - - -
Land put to other use (industry/community - - - - - -
Area under ponds for agriculture - - - - - -
Source: Baseline Demographic Socio-Economic Survey of Rampur Hydroelectric Project, Year, 2005

It can be inferred from the above data that there is a decline in landuse under agriculture related
activities and irrespective of form of compensation provided to affected people in the project
influence area, there has been a shift from agriculture based pursuits to non-agriculture based
ones. This could mainly be attributed to the influx of more number of people, greater available
opportunities and other related development in the area that is induced by the hydro development.

3.5.2 Soil Quality

In Shimla district, the soil is generally shallow in depth except in the areas having vegetation cover
where it is fairly deep. In the regions above 1,500 m, the soil is generally deep. Largely the soil can
be classified as podzols, both brown podzols and humus and iron podzols are found in the study
stretch. These are acidic in nature with the organic content ranging from medium to high.
Nutritional survey of soil and plant analysis suggests that the soils by and large have low levels of
Zn, Cu, B and Mo.
Comparative account of soil properties for various locations - upstream of NJHEP dam, downstream
of NJHEP dam, near the power house, downstream of tailrace discharge from power house, has
been presented in the Table 3.37.

Table 3.37 - Analysis of Soil Samples near the Rampur Project Area
Parameters Upstream of Downstream of Near Jhakri Downstream of Jhakri
Nathpa dam Nathpa dam Powerhouse Tailrace Discharge

pH 7.22 7.47 7.21 7.4

Electrical conductivity (μs/cm) 310 211 575 164
Sodium as Na (meq/100 gm) 0.004 0.01 0.007 0.01
Nitrogen as TKN (%) Nil Nil Nil Nil
Phosphates as PO4 (meq/100 gm) BDL BDL 1.40 0.200
Potassium as K (meq/100 gm) 0.005 0.002 0.005 0.002
Source: EIA study for Rampur HEP, Year 2005
BDL – Below Detectable Limit

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.6 Aquatic Habitat & Fish Diversity

3.6.1 Aquatic Flora

Past studies in various stretches of the river Satluj indicate inherently poor presence of planktonic
community in the river and its tributaries. The planktonic community, therefore, plays a little role in
ecological niche in the Satluj river system. A monitoring survey of Jhakri-Rampur-Bael stretch of
river in the month of March 2006 establishes presence of Green Algae and Blue Green
Algae.Diatoms,Bryophyta and pteridophytes are also significantly present in the river. The species
along with their typical characteristics are summarized in Table 3.38 below:

Table 3.38 - Floral Species in Satluj along Jhakri-Rampur-Bael stretch

Type Species Characteristics
Green Algae Tetraspora, Ulothrix and Oedogonium Contains chlorophyll, hence use captured light
energy to fuel the manufacture of sugars.
Blue green algae Microcystis, Chrococcus, Gloecapsa, Arthrospora, The blue green algae do not possess
Oscillatoria, Lyngbya, Phormidium, Schizothrix, flagellated motile cells and hence found
Richella, Anabaenopsis, Cylinderospermum, attached except a few forms like oscillatoria
Wollea, Nostoc, Anabaena, Gloetricha, Fisherella. which shows slow creeping movement
A large number of blue green algae are able
to fix atmospheric nitrogen e.g. Nostoc,
Anabaena, Cylinderospermum etc.
Diatoms Navicula, Gyrosigma, Nitzschia and Suriella. unicellular algae
cell walls of these organisms are made of
silica, and are of varied shapes
Bryophyta Riccia fluitans, Marchantia simlana “amphibious” in nature; grow in moist and
shady places on the sides on river water
Pellia endiviaefolia, Madotheca
Pteridophytes Equisetum ervense, E. debile, E. ramosissimum containing all the vascular plants that do not
and E.diffusum bear seeds: ferns, horsetails, club mosses,
and whisk ferns
Source: EIA for Rampur Hydroelectric Project, Year 2005; Monitoring carried out during March, 2006

3.6.2 Aquatic Fauna

The aquatic faunal communities are severely harmed by variable velocities of water, ice formation
during winter, occurrence of periodic floods due to cloud burst and rolling of stream bottom
material consisting of boulders, stones, gravels etc. Faced with tough survival conditions, these
faunal communities show inherent capability to adapt to the tough hydrological conditions of fast
flowing riverine conditions. Satluj river provides good microhabitats for various faunal communities
to get suitably adapted to the tough environment. Faunal communities in Jhakri-Rampur-Bael
stretch of Satluj River are summarized in Table 3.39 below

3.6.3 Fish Habitats

Historical survey reports of the state fisheries department, for the streams of river Satluj at high
reaches i.e. upstream of Bilaspur, estimated presence of 51 species of cold water fishes including
exotic trout, snow trout and several species of hill stream fishes. Main species are listed in tablexxx.
Another study conducted by K.L. Sehgal of ICAR,Nainital on the Ecology and Fisheries of Mountain
Streams of the North-Western Himalayas in 1988 reported a large number of fish species mainly
belonging to 13 taxonomical families (51 species) present in entire Satluj River of Himachal region.
The survey was made for the entire Satluj basin up to downstream till now existing Govind Sagar
project. These species survey results are presented in tablexx.
The study also established that in comparison with other mountain streams of NW Himalayas, the
fish population in river Satluj is very little. The river flows through deep gorges alternating with

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

oblong and wide valleys. Advance debris and/or glacial moraines and landslides continuously cause
modifications in the morphology of Satluj. In the river course such places are clearly marked by a
sudden widening of the valley indicating a damming of the river and creation of a natural reservoir.
These changes have resulted in different stream ecology, which is not conducive for fish growth.
As per the historical information collected from the Fisheries department, the streams of river Satluj
at high reaches i.e. upstream of Bilaspur harbored 51 species of cold water fishes (Table 3.40)
including exotic trout, snow trout and several species of hill stream fishes.

Table 3.39 - Faunal Species in Satluj along Jhakri-Rampur-Bael stretch

Group Species Characteristics
Invertebrates Arcella. -Stagnate water containing much vegetation
-Found growing at-least 20 meter away from the riverbank.
-Secretes yellow to brown thick hard transparent and hemispherical shell
Diffusia , Monostyla -Free living; symmetrical shell
-Feeds upon algaehence it is in plenty where algae are in abundance
Planaria naids of -Found at the bottom where it is found resting on the undersurface of stones and
Baetis, Ephemerella, on the aquatic leaves.
Epeorus, Rithrogena, -Planarians were collected for laboratory analysis by baiting shallow streams with
caenis, Heptagenia raw pieces of raw liver
Elmis Psephenus, -Forewings are leathery possess antenna
Hydrophilus amongst. -Mouth parts are chewing type.

Vertebrates Amphibia -Tadpoles of Rana tigrina

Fishes Salmo trutta fario (Fry and fingerlings), Schizothorax richardsonii (Young stages),
Nemacheilus gracilis, N. stolizkae, N. botia, Glyptothorax stoliczkae, G. conirostre
Source: EIA for Rampur HEP, Year 2005; Monitoring Results, March, 2006.

Table 3.40 - Fish Species Historically Reported in Upper Reaches of the Satluj River
Family Species
Cyprinidae Barilius bendelisis, B. vagra, B. barila, B. modestus, Oxygaster bacaila, Rasbora
daniconius, Carassius auratus, Cirrhinus reba, C. mrigala, Crossocheilus latius, Catla
catla, Labeo dero, L. dyocheilus, L. bata, L. calbasu, L. rohita, Cyprinus carpio var.
communis, C. carpio var nudus, C. carpio var specularis, Schizothorax richardsonii*,
S.plagiostomius, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Hypophthalmicthys molitrix, Tor putitora*,
Garra gotyla gotyla, G. lanita , Puntius sarana, P. ticto, P. chola and P. sophore.
Cobitidae Biota dario, B. birdi, B. lohachata, Noemacheilus botia, N. rupicola, N. monatanus, N.
kangrae and N. horai

Bagridae Mystus seenghala and M. aor

Schilbeidae Clupisoma garua
Sisoridae Glyptothorax pectinopterus and G. cavia
Belonidae Xenentondon cancila
Ophiocephalidae Channa gachua and C. punctatus
Mastocembelidae Mastocembelus armatus armatus
Salmonidae Salmo trutta fario*
Source: Himachal Pradesh Fisheries Department
* A migratory fish

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

A survey was undertaken during RHEP EIA study to confirm the earlier mentioned study reports as
well as to identify source, availability, quantity and type of fish found in river stretch adjoining
project area. The survey indicated a scanty fish population in the Satluj river stretch between
Nathpa and Bael. Here too the fish population is mainly derived from the khads that meet Satluj.
They are mainly confined to the side streams like Nogli, Samej and Kurpan. Trout is the main fish
Prominence of fish population in the khads has resulted in the fish catching activity mainly
practiced at confluence of Nogli tributary with Satluj. There are only four licensee fish catchers
among the local people at the Nogli confluence area, for carrying out fishing activities. For
commercial purposes, fish is mainly brought from Bilaspur.
Satluj is category A or high mountain stream ranging 0.92 – 2.68 m/s in velocity. The abiotic
parameters which affect the biotic communities of the river are source of water, size, elevation,
slope, substratum, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, water hardness etc. Many of these
parameters control the biological productivity either singly or in combination. The studies available
on quantitative and qualitative analysis of micro and macro-benthic communities in the river stretch
revealed that river Satluj and its tributaries are represented by major benthic invertebrates and
vertebrates. The micro-biotic communities are represented by diatoms, blue-green and green algae
on which the invertebrate and benthic fish subsist. The invertebrates are represented by young
stages of insects, which contribute up to 80% of total invertebrates’ density. The vertebrates are
represented by benthic fish species belonging to garrids, nemacheilids and glyptothoracids groups.
Nektonic fish are represented by Schizothorax richardsonii and Salmo trutta fario.
No historical or existing data are available on utilization of micro- and macro- biotic life by the
fishes in river Satluj that could indicate the growth pattern of fish population in the river. From the
data available on other rivers in the region, similar to Satluj river like rivers of the Indus basin, it
can be established that ecology of river Satluj is conducive only for propagation of two
commercially important species. High velocity (Average stream velocity of 2.00 m/s ), low
temperature, lack of spawning beds (pebbles, gravel etc) in the project area induces migration of
fishes to the tributaries, which maintain relatively higher temperature. Fish here can easily mature
and spawn. The newly hatched young fish remain in the tributaries till they are sufficiently grown
up to take care of themselves.
The high flow regime in river Satluj makes the upper reaches, difficult habitats for fish. Frequent
occurrence of spates makes conditions worse for breeding and propagation of cold-water fish.
Sometimes entire species type from the river body disappears due to devastating floods, as
happened in case of river Ravi. The flood in 1947 caused complete removal of brown trout
population in Ravi. The cold-water streams of Satluj river also make it inherently poor in biological
productivity due to low temperature and scanty food. Most of the energy of cold-water fishes is
utilised in maintaining their position in fast–flowing waters and hence they live under continuous
physiological stress.
The same was confirmed by referring to the thesis on “Ecology and Fisheries of Mountain Streams
of the North-Western Himalayas”, KL Sehgal, ICAR, Nainital, and Year1988), which reported a large
number of fish species mainly belonging to 13 taxonomical families (51 species) inhabited the
Satluj River in Himachal region in the past. As per discussions with Dr. K. L. Sehgal, these species
have been reported in the entire Satluj basin up to downstream before coming up of Govind Sagar
project. Refer Table 3.41 below.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.31 – Fishing in the Tributaries of the Satluj


Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.41 - Fish Species Reported Historically in River Satluj in Himachal Pradesh
Family Species Local Name Fish Type / Remarks
Notopteridae Notopterus chitala (Hamilton) Pari
N. notopterus (Pallas) Moh
Cyprinidae Barilius barila (Hamilton) --
B.bendelisis chedra. (Hamilton) Patha
B.vagra(Hamilton) Lohari
B.shacra (Hamilton) Chilwa
Danio (danio)devario (Hamilton) Parrandah
D.(Brachydanio) rerio (Hamilton) Kangi
Esomus danricus (Hamilton) Makni
Rasbora daniconius (Hamilton) Chindolachal
Tor chilinoides
Tor putitora (Hamilton) Mahseer chiniaru Migratory Sharp decline
in catch
Catla catla (Hamilton) Theila
Cirrhina mrigala (Hamilton) Mori
C.reba (Hamilton) Sunni
Crossocheilus latius punjabensis (Hamilton) Tiller
Garra gotyla (Gray) Kurka
Puntius chola (Hamilton) Chidu
P.chonchonius (Hamilton) Chidu
P.ticto (Hamilton)
P.sophore (Hamilton)
Labeo boga (Hamilton) Morah
L.calbasu(Hamilton) Kalbaus
L.dero (Hamilton) Gid
L.dyocheilus(MeClelland) Kunni Sharp decline in catch
over the years
L.gonius (Hamilton) --
L.pangusia(Hamilton) --
L.rohita (Hamilton) Rohi
Schizothorax richardsonii Trout (Migratory)
Cobitidae Botia birdi Chipar
Noemacheilus botia(Hamilton) Sundal
N.botia aeurus (Hamilton) Sunda
N.corica (Hamilton) Talana
N.kangrae(Menon) --
Siluridae Ompak bimaculatus(Bloch) Pallu
Wallago attu (Hamilton) Mullae
Bagridae Mystus (Mystus) bleekri (Day) --
M.(Mystus) vittatus (Bloch) Kingra
M.(Osteobagrus) seenghala (Sykes) Singhara
Rita rita (Hamilton) Khagga
Amblycipitidae Amblyceps mangois (Hamilton) Sundal
Sisoridae Glyptothorax conirostris (Steind) Nao
G.pectinopterus(Hamilton) Mochi nao.
G.stoliczkae(Steind) Naiya
Schilbeidae Clupisoma garua (Hamilton) Bachwa

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Family Species Local Name Fish Type / Remarks

Belonidae Belone cancila (Hamilton) Takla
Muglidae Mugil cascasia (Hamilton) Buah
Channidae Channa gachau (Hamilton) Dauli
C.marulius (Hamilton) Saul
Mastocembelidae Mastacembalus armatus (Lacepede) Bami
Salmonidae Salmo trutta fario Trout
Source: ‘Ecology and Fisheries of Mountain streams of the North-Western Himalayas’, K.L Sehgal, ICAR, Nainital, 1998

The data available on quantitative qualitative analysis of micro and macro-benthic communities in
the river stretch reveal that river Satluj and its tributaries are represented by major benthic
invertebrates and vertebrates. The micro-biotic communities are represented by diatoms, blue-
green and green algae on which the invertebrate and benthic fish subsist. The invertebrates are
represented by young stages of insects which contribute up to 80% of total invertebrates’ density.
The vertebrates are represented by benthic fish species belonging to garrids, nemacheilids and
glyptothoracids groups. Nektonic fish are represented by Schizothorax richardsonii and Salmo trutta
Although no data are available in the literature on utilization of micro- and macro- biotic life by the
fish in river Satluj but considerable literature is available in closely related rivers of the Indus
system. In river Beas, Sehgal (1988) and Sehgal et al. (1984) worked out a coefficient of
accessibility or availability factor or forage ratio (Pf/Pb where Pf is percentage of animal/plants
foraged and Pb is percentage of benthic biota in the stream) in S . richardsonii and S. trutta fario.
It was observed that forage ratio ranged 2.8- 4.2, 0.3 -1.0 and 0.3 – 3.7 for larvae of Diptera,
nymphs of Ephemeroptera and larvae of Trichoptera in young of S. richardsonii (15-65 mm in total
length). In the grown up specimens 140-480 mm in total length, the fish subsisted on benthic
algae. The food quotient ranged 0.9 -1.2, 0.3 -1.6 and 0.5 -2.8 for diatoms, blue green and green
algae respectively. The brown trout S. trutta fario which is sight feeder has been studied in Beas
and Jhelum. Fish ranging 101- 200 mm in total length consumed 74.2 % of Ephemeroptera in total
animal foraged although other groups were fairly abundant. Specimen ranging 201- 400 mm in
total length consumed larvae of Trichoptera to the extent of 54.6 % in total invertebrates and on
aerial insects and other small land animals to the extent of 20.9%. The forage ratio for
Ephemeroptera ranged 0.6 -1.1 against 1.0-4.3 for Trichoptera. Based on the results obtained for
other rivers of North West Himalayas it is presumed that ecology of river Satluj is conducive for
propagation of two commercially important species. Due to high velocity, low temperature, lack of
spawning beds (pebbles, gravel etc) in the project area, fish is induced to enter the tributaries,
which maintains comparatively higher temperature where they mature and spawn. The newly
hatched young fish remain in the tributaries till they are able to take care of themselves.

3.6.4 Results from Aquatic Monitoring

As mentioned earlier, a monitoring was carried out in month of March 2006 to determine the
presence or otherwise, and the typology of fish population. Small-narrow thread system, commonly
prevalent in the area, was used for fish catch. No fish could be found in the Satluj during the 20
days of monitoring. However, fishes were observed in the Nogli Khad, Sumej Khad and Kajo Khad,
near their confluences with Satluj River.
The sole fish species caught with the help of a local fisherman was a trout (Schizothorax spp,
Schizothoraichthys spp.). Fish was caught downstream of the confluence of Nogli khad with main
Satluj river. Schizothorax belongs to taxonomical family Cyprinidae and sub-family
Schizothoracinae. It is a small sized, migratory fish variety and is locally known as “asla”.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Migratory Fish Species

When the temperatures start rising above 22 oC to 25 oC, sometimes during Feb-March, migratory
species in Satluj starts moving upstream to colder reaches of the river from downstream. But low
temperature of 8-9.5 o C of water due of the influx of snow-melt water does not make it conducive
for the ripe fish to spawn. Hence, Trouts enter the side streams of the river, which receive warm
ground waters (17.5-21.5oC) and spawn abundantly.

Outcomes of the Study on Fish Availability

Assessment of the available historical data, fish monitoring survey and interaction with fisheries
departments, fisheries expert and fisherman conclude following on fish availability in the river Satluj
along the stretch between Jhakri and Bael:
• River has very less fish population in stretch between Jhakri to Bael. Whatever fish
population exists in the river in this stretch comes from the Khads. Fish species mainly
found are Trouts i.e. Snow trouts and Brown trouts. Snow Trouts ( S . richardsonii) is
most common fish in river Satluj. Snow trout is neither a rare nor an endangered fish but
is categorized as vulnerable one.
• The side streams like Nogli khad, Samej khad have fish populations. This is mainly due to
less flow instability, favourable temperature and less turbidity. Fishes have also been
sighted at the confluence points of khads (Nogli, Sumej and Kajo).
• All species available in River Satluj (stretch from Jhakri to Rampur to Bael) are endemic
except brown trout that is exotic.
• Fish catching is not a very prevalent activity in the area. Only a few fishermen are
involved in fishing activity at Nogli for commercial purpose. Only four fishing licence have
been issued in this region. For commercial purpose, the fish is mainly brought from
downstream regions, Bilaspur being one among the major ones.
• Migratory fishes like the snow trout etc., require free passage, to and fro from their
spawning grounds located upstream, owing to changes in water velocity, volume of
discharge, water chemistry, temperature and turbidity. But this issue is insignificant owing
to low fish population that primarily exists in tributaries and their confluences with river
• Mahseer is migratory fish and its migration is affected by construction of Bhakra dam on
the Satluj. Its availability in project area is a remote possibility due to low water
A detailed study shall be undertaken for the entire stretch to understand the exact route that is
being followed by the fisheries in the river especially after construction of hydroelectric projects and
to understand the microclimate needed for the fish growth in the area.

3.6.5 Potential Impacts on Aquatic Habitats & Mitigation

With the limited information on fish distribution and biology, and no information on the precise
ecological requirement or the reactions to environmental stress of the fishes native to the surveyed
area, the discussion on the potential impacts of the Project is derived from past experience with
other, related species in adjacent areas and expertise. Two main types of impacts are presented:
• Impacts related to construction
• Impacts related to the permanent changes to the various aquatic habitats due to water

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Migration measures are proposed whenever possible (see EMP, Chapter 4).

Construction Related Impacts

The possible impacts of the Project on aquatic habitats and biodiversity during construction include:
• Silt deposit in river bed
• Construction of Project infrastructure
• Water pollution
• Use of explosives
• Vegetation clearing

Work on the Riverbed

Silt deposit in riverbed increases the sediment load of the river. This affects fish downstream
directly and indirectly. Fish living in clear water habitats are directly affected by increased
suspended sediments that may damage their gills or accumulate in their gill chambers, leading to
death. Indirect effects of silt deposits in river bed include:
• Modifications of the natural habitat by silt deposition
• Destruction of spawning sites
• Silt deposition over freshly laid eggs or newly hatched larvae;
• Reduced primary production as a result of reduced light penetration
Mitigation: Construction material will not be dumped in the river but transported to secure
disposal areas and dumped above the level of the rainy season flows. Construction sites will be
cleared before they are flooded.
SJVNL will adhere to the erosion control plans set down in environment management plans to help
limit sedimentation resulting from construction.

Construction of Project Infrastructure

Construction of the infrastructure mainly affects the freshwater ecology when poor construction
practices result in an increased sediment loads. This happens when:
• Construction material is washed into the water course
• Unstabilised infrastructure is washed away in the rainy season
• When temporary infrastructure or rods are constructed.
Mitigation: All infrastructure including temporary constructions, will be stabilized and bridges will
be built to respect the existing stream/ river bed and bank morphology. Construction material will
not be washed into the stream but transported to disposal areas.

Water Pollution
Spills of fuel and chemicals may have direct and indirect impacts on the aquatic fauna, as well as
humans and animals feeding on aquatic products. Pollution most often occurs where pollutants are
stored, and also when they are used incorrectly.
Mitigation: Retention tanks will be constructed around every area where liquid and solid fuels or
chemicals are stored. Empty packaging material will be eliminated in the appropriate way.
Recyclable packaging will be preferred whenever possible. The construction work force will be

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

trained in the safe and proper use of fuel and chemicals and instructed in non-damaging disposal.
Safety will be controlled and enforced.

Use of Explosives
Use of explosives in water is highly damaging for fishes and other aquatic organisms. If they are
not killed instantly, their internal organs may be severely injured leading to death within e few
minutes to a few days, even if they are at a considerable distance from the explosion site. In
theory, little or no explosives will be used underwater during construction of the Project. However
experience shows that at most construction sites, large quantities of explosives are stolen or
diverted from their proper goal and used for fishing. Besides being illegal, fishing with explosives is
a very inefficient method as most killed fishes cannot be recovered. Additionally, the explosives
damage the fish habitats and occasionally kill fishermen. As these occasional “fishermen” are
usually Project workers, this issue is also of concern for Project security.
Mitigation: Fishing with explosives by Project workers will be totally banned in the project
influence area.

Vegetation Clearing
The mechanical removal of vegetation for construction purposes, ideally accompanied by its
transformation into any usable product, is probably the environmentally les damaging method, but
depending on the timing and locations of the clearing it will result in a short-term increased
sediment load in the river during the wet season.
Mitigation: All possible measures to reduce the transport of sediment to the main river will be
taken, including proper road construction and sediment traps. Sediment traps will be checked
frequently and maintained. Sediment will essentially be transported to proper disposal areas.

Reduced River Flow

Diversion of the waters for power generation will have the obvious consequences of reduced flow
in the Satluj River. This will have several secondary consequences and the already mentioned
effects of degraded water quality.
The reduced flow in the Satluj river will result in a decrease in water level compared to the present
lowest level, but the existing morphology will only be slightly affected. The deep pools will remain.
Runs, rapids and rifles will become narrower and shallower, with slower water. The slower water
may affect the survival of some species and their population density. It will very significantly reduce
the habitats suitable for the endemic kind. Reduction of flow coupled with increase in turbidity will
severely affect groups of micro-benthic organisms especially diatoms. The virtual suppression of
most of the seasonal, cyclic successions of low and high waters will probably have a much more
significant impact on the aquatic diversity than the reduction of the minimum flow. It is likely to
severely affect their growth, reproduction and migration.
A permanent low water level will have a negative impact on fish as it will drastically reduce the
available food sources, reduces the number of hiding places and increase s predation. This will
increase their sensitivity to diseases through increased stress. Almost all the cold water fish breed
in flowing water. The spawning areas of these fish species are found amongst pebbles, gravel,
sand etc. The eggs are sticky in nature and remain embedded in the gravel and subsequently
hatch. Any disturbance of stream bottom will result in adverse impacts on fish eggs. Even increase
in fine solids beyond 25 ppm will result in deposition of silt over the eggs, which would result in
asphyxiation of developing embryo and also choking of gills of young newly emerged fry. The
construction of a dam on river Satluj at Nathpa has lead to reduction of flow, which has already
affected the riverine ecology by converting lentic system to a lacustrine system. The ecology in the
lacustrine system has already developed over an area of 16.5 ha. As a result of reduction in flow,

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

downstream of the dam i.e. from Nathpa-Jhakri-Bael, the fish stock could be affected adversely.
However, since this stretch has negligible fish population and the fish predominance is more in the
side streams/ tributaries, not much impact is envisaged due to reduced flow on the fishery.

Interruptions of Fish Migration & Destruction of Spawning Grounds

Information obtained on fish migrations in the Satluj is at present incomplete, and does not allow
clear conclusions about which fish may migrate, during which season and for what purpose.
Some migratory fish species may travel very long distances between precisely delimited feeding
and breeding over hundreds or thousands of kilometres. Others may migrate for a few km between
different places within the main river, between the main river and tributaries. Usually, Fish ladders
are constructed at many dams to allow for fish to migrate. RHEP does not involve construction of
Dam and hence fish ladder is not required for consideration.
Mahseer is the only migratory fish in the area and its migration is affected by construction of
Bhakra dam on the Satluj downstream of RHEP. Its availability in project area is a remote
possibility due to low water temperature.

Water Pollution from Use of Synthetic Chemicals

Any increase in the use of synthetic chemicals associated with Project activities has the potential to
elevate their concentrations in the surroundings water. Although low concentrations of these
synthetic chemicals may not be acutely toxic to aquatic organisms, they may exhibit chronic effects
and potentially bio-accumulate to levels that are harmful to humans.
Mitigation: A Chemical Management Plan has been developed to ensure the safe storage, use and
disposal of synthetic chemicals.

3.7 Terrestrial Biodiversity

3.7.1 Background
Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variability within and between all micro organisms, plants
and animals as well as the eco-system, which they inhabit. Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous
state in northern India known for its natural beauty, rich culture and religious heritage. The state
has a population of six million and covers 55,673 sq. km, ranging from foothills (Shivaliks), the Mid-
hills, the High- Hills, and the Cold Dry Zone of upper Himalayas. The state is a rich repository of
biodiversity, and forms the Catchment of several major northern Indian rivers. Endowed with a
vast canvas of dense forest and colourful wildlife, state encompasses three bio geographic zones
representing great attitude and climate variations, sub tropical to cold desert supporting a vast
variety of floral and faunal biodiversity. The protected areas are the vital tools for conserving
biodiversity. The 32 Wildlife Sanctuaries together with the 2 National Parks consist the state’s
Protected Area Network (PAN) occupy, which 13.6% of state’s geographical area as compared to
national average of 4.70%. About 25.8% area of States area’ falls under forests which is higher
than the average national forest area of 20.64%. The status of forest of the India, Himachal
Pradesh and the two districts-Kullu and Shimla are summarizedin Table 3.42 below.

Table 3.42 - Status of Forest in Himachal Pradesh, Kullu and Shimla Districts

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Place Geographical Area km 2 Dense Forest km 2 Moderately Dense Open Forest km 2

Forest km 2
India 3287263 51285 339279 287769
Himachal Pradesh 55673 1093 7883 5377
Kullu District 5503 117 1295 521
Shimla District 5131 194 1587 602
Source: State of Forest Report 2003, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun

The state’s Protected Area Network is extremely rich in wildlife. Rare mammals include Musk Deer,
Black Bear, and Snow Leopard & Leopard. The avifauna includes rare pheasants such as Western
Trapogon and Cheer Pheasants. The state bird Monal is still found extensively in many higher
protected areas. The status of protected area is given below.

Table 3.43 – Status of the Protected Area Network

Location No. of Sanctuaries No. of National Parks
India 490 88
Himachal Pradesh 32 2
Satluj basin 10 0
Project area 0 0
Source: Wildlife Wing, Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, Shimla

Table 3.44 - National Parks/ Wild Life Sanctuaries in Eastern Himachal Pradesh
S. No. Name of Wild Life Sanctuary/National Park Region Area (km2)
1. Bandli Wild Life Sanctuary Mandi 41
2. Gobindsagar Wild Life Sanctuary Bilaspur 100
3. Majathal Wild Life Sanctuary Solan 40
4. Darlaghat Wild Life Sanctuary Solan 6
5. Shilli Wild Life Sanctuary Solan 2
6. Rupi Bhabha Wild Life Sanctuary Kinnaur 503
7. Daranghati (Part I & II) Shimla 167
8. Lippa Asrang Kinnaur 31
9. Sangla Valley Kinnaur -
10. Great Himalayan National Park Kullu 765
11. PIN Valley National Park Lahaul & Spiti 675
Source: Environmental Information Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forests

The terrestrial biodiversity status was studied regarding flora and fauna in the Project Influence
Area, (7km surrounding the project sites), the Project Immediate Influence Area (500m on all sides
along the alignment of HRT) and the Project Affected Area (the total 49.8ha of forest land
acquired). For Terrestrial biodiversity survey, data were collected through extensive survey of the
areas. Information was also collected from different Government Organizations such as Forest
Department, Social Forestry, Dept of Science, Technology & Environment, District Statistical office,
Animal Husbandry Dept., Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. On the basis of onsite observations as well as
forest department records a checklist of flora and fauna was prepared. Public consultation and
literature review helped in identifying major uses of plant species in terms of timber, fodder, food,

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Botanical Survey of Flora was undertaken with respect to taxonomy, physiognomy, forest type,
Structure, Associations, Phenology and Ethno-botanical information for major forest species, etc.
Ecological status of flora and fauna with respect to endangered, rare, threatened, endemic as well
as distribution characteristics i.e. native/exotic, commercially/ locally important species, weeds or
parasites were surveyed extensively.

3.7.2 Methodology and Assessment techniques

The Primary survey & secondary data available with various state sources were collected to assess
baseline terrestrial biodiversity status.

Flora Assessment
To characterize the vegetation under the project area, study was carried out by using Standard
Quadrat Method and Random Sampling approach was followed. The project area is open scrub land
with dominant shrub species hence quadrat size of 5 × 5m was used for study of trees and shrubs,
whereas for grasses and herbs 1× 1m quadrats were used. Immediate impact sites have been
considered for study. The number of quadrats was taken such so as to cover 8-10 % of the total
land parcel under the project area. The properties of vegetation with reference to species
composition and functional attributes are expressed on species basis. The specific formats were
formulated to collect information regarding flora & fauna of the project / study area.

Assessment Techniques
The density measurements is calculated to measure individuals present, the dominance
measurements is estimated to denote which species is largest in terms of its presence and the
frequency measurements calculation indicated how widely species is distributed among the same
plots. Importance value is used to assess the overall significance of a species since it takes into
account several properties of the species in the vegetation. Importance value index were calculated
as per Curtes & Mc Intosh (1950). The following parameters were assessed from the field data

Shanon – Weaver Index (1948)

The number of species and number of individuals in a community is measure of species diversity,
which depends on stability of the habitat. Vegetation of the study area was assess by determining
Shannon – Weaver diversity index (1948)
D= -Σ (ni / n) log2 (ni / n)
ni = Number of individuals of each species in the sample
n = Total number of individuals

Fauna Assessment
The fauna assessment technique followed during study varied with type of animal present. The
domestic animals were listed based on direct observation during field survey; census data was also
collected from the District Statistical office, Shimla. The list of wild life was obtained from Rampur
and Anni Forest Division, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh office as well as onsite observations (direct/
indirect method). On the basis of onsite observations as well as forest department records a
checklist of fauna was prepared.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Public Consultation
The public consultations were undertaken to understand about various aspects of biodiversity of
the area. Information about uses of various plant species by local people as well as sighting of any
wildlife species, uses, poaching, etc were gathered as part of the public consultation activities.

3.7.3 Forests and Terrestrial Biodiversity of Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh, one of the important mountainous states of India spreads over an area of 55673
Sq. Km in the Himalayan Region of India. The area is rugged and mountainous with ranges
spreading along the Indus-Satluj river system. The height varies from 244 m above Mean Sea level
(msl) in areas bordering Uttar Pradesh and Punjab plains to 6750 m in Trans Himalayan zone along
Lahaul, Spiti and Pin valleys.
Geographically area of the state can be divided into three major zones i.e. subtropical zone
extending from lower frames to a height of 1550 m above main sea level and incorporating Shivalik
foothills & lower ranges of middle Himalaya. The temperate zone incorporating all hills and valleys
situated between 1500 to 3200 m and the Alpine zone covering all hills and valleys situated above
an altitude of 3200 m, which are, characterize by extreme cold climate.

Forestry is the major land use in Himachal Pradesh, owing to a wide range of altitude, temperature
and rainfall, Himachal Pradesh supports diverse types of forests, now mostly confined to higher
hills and interior valleys. The total geographical area of 55,673 Sq. Km in the state, out of which
14,353 Sq. Km area is legally classified as forest. This includes meadows, grasslands and barren
scree slopes above the tree line as well as areas under permanent snow. 1,093 Sq. Km is classified
as “dense” forest and 5,377 Sq. Km as “open” forest.
The tree cover (dense forest and open forests) accounts for 25.78% of the geographical area of
the State (SFR, 2003). The actual forest cover has decreased by 7km2 from the assessment made
during 2001.

Table 3.45 - Change in Forest Cover of Himachal Pradesh

Year Dense Forest (Sq. Km) Open Forest (Sq. Km) Total Forest (Sq. Km)
2001 10,429 3,931 14360
2003 8,976 5,377 14353
Change in Forest cover -1,453 1,446 -7

Given the wide latitudinal and climatic range in the State, a wide variety of forests are met with at
different altitudes and in different physiographic zones. See Table 3.46
The forest wealth of Himachal Pradesh, replete with diverse vegetation, ranging from tropical to
sub-tropical and temperate to alpine, has been sustaining rural life since time immemorial. The
wide range of altitude, topography and climatic conditions have contributed towards the rich and
diversified flora Coniferous forests dominant from mid to high hills, with a preponderance of Oaks
in moist depressions. In the foothills, forests are dry deciduous, thriving in a low water table and
dry soil conditions. The sub-Himalayan region is characterized by most deciduous forests, with Sal
as the predominant species. In dry the dominant species, and the moist temperate region in
characterized by the presence of Deodar forests.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.46 - Major Forest Types Recorded in Himachal Pradesh

S.No Major Forest Type Classification Code
1 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest 3C/ C 2A
2 Tropical Dry Deciduous 5B/C-1 A
3 Subtropical Dry Evergreen 10-C1
4 Himalayan Moist Temperate Forest 12/C-1a
5 Himalayan Dry Temperate Forest 13/C1
6 Sub Alpine Forest 14/C/a
7 Subtropical Pine Forest 9C1
8 Most Alpine Scrub 15/C1
9 Dry Alpine Scrub 16/C1
Source: Forest Working Plan Rampur Forest Division

Natural Flora
It is estimated that almost 3256 species of vascular plants occur in the forests of Himachal
Pradesh. Of these, only about 100 odd are commonly utilized for timber, farming implements, fuel,
fodder, and NTFP, include medicinal use. Based on published records for the State, the Botanical
Survey of India has compiled a Flora of Himachal Pradesh (Chowdhery & Wadhwa, 1984). As per a
tentative compilation of the total higher plants found in the State, there are 3120 angiosperm and
12 gymnosperm taxa while 34 species for lower plants including pteridophytes, bryophytes, fungi
and algae.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Natural Fauna
The estimated 5721 species of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna listed in the state, perhaps only
about 100 species are commonly observed and reported upon regularly. The faunal diversity
includes 649 Chordates (77 Mammals, 447 Birds, 44 Amphibians and 81 Fishes), 4543 Arthropods
(2 Bryozoa, 4362 Insects, 195 Arachnids, 11 Myriopods and 73 Crustaceans) and 412 others (60
Annelids, 73 Mollusks, 2 Acanthocephala, 132 Nematodes, 16 Rotifers, 90 Platyhelminths, 2
Cnidaria, 3 Porifera and 34 Protozoan). (Biodiversity Action Plan 2003)
The fauna of Himachal Pradesh is very diverse and unique. The rich faunal diversity includes 77
species of mammals, 447 species of birds, 44 species of reptiles, and 81 species of fish. Among the
pheasants, with increasing altitude, are Kalij in the foothills Koklas and Monal in the temperate and
mid-level forests, and the Snow cock in the alpine areas. The Western Tragopan, a rare and
endangered species, is confined only to the western Himalayas. Himachal Pradesh also has
probably the largest population of Chir pheasants in the world. Among herbivores are the Ibex,
Serow, Blue sheep, Tahr, Musk deer, Goral and the Barking deer or of intermediate status such as
Black Bear, Himalayan Weasel, Yellow Throated Martin, Stone Martin and Wolf are also found here.
The Common Leopards and Snow Leopards are representative of the larger cats.

Traditional Timber Rights Followed in Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh has the highest percentage of rural population (90.21%) in the country residing
more than 20000 villages across the state. The predominantly rural population is primarily
dependent on agriculture base economy for livelihood. The natural forest in the area provides wood
for building of houses, bridges, furniture, and agricultural implements, in addition to providing
much needed fuel wood. People are also dependent upon the native land races of livestock for
agricultural purposes and their daily needs of milk, meat, wool and hide. A large proportion of this
livestock feeds on grasses and leaves obtained from forest. Overall the dependency of local people
on naturally available resources of forest is very high.
The forest of Himachal Pradesh have an estimated growing stock of 10.26 crore m³ and more than
4.5 lakh m³ of timber is harvested every year in the form of salvage and to meet the demand of
right holders. As per one estimate timber worth Rs 60 crore is allocated to the right holders at
nominal cost every year (HPFSR, 2000). All green commercial harvesting of timber from the State’s
forests has been suspended since 1984. The forests also contribute an estimated annual income of
Rs. 25 crore to the rural communities in the form of minor forest produce.
The right to the timber is admitted under section 28 of Indian Forest Act (1927). People have a
right to get timber at nominal rates for construction/repair of houses/dwellings. The right holders
must be bonafied native agriculturist, holding land in settlements in forest areas. A right to the
timber is for following purposes:
• For construction and repair of dwelling houses, cattle and grass sheds and other
agriculture buildings.
• For construction & repair of temple and buildings attached to temple.
• For ask of deotas and other such purposes.
• For grain boxes, irrigation channels, agricultural & domestic implements.

Procedure for Obtaining Timber

The timber tree allotted to bonafied right holder on application to D.F.O. through Gram Pradhan
and Patwani of settlement. The trees are cut and removed whether dry or green stating as fallen
for building purpose only. The deputy commissioner is empowered to arrange with right holders in

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

forest. The quantity of timber per annum to be granted (Thumb rule: 800 trees/year) is fixed and
quantity is distributed among right holders.

Timber Trees
A total number of 20 timber spices are recommended by forest department. The some important
timber species are Deodar (Cedrus deodara); Chir (Pinus roxburghii); Kail (Pinus wallichiana); Rai
(Picea smithiana); Tosh (Abies pindrow); Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo); Poplar (Populus deltoides)
Trees to be cut are marked by Forest Officer strictly according to the silvicultural availability.
Deodar trees are given only for irrigation channels for the construction & repair of temple buildings
and for doors and windows of dwelling houses. Green deodar trees are not cut within 10 years of
its age which are present in the premises of any temple or any building connected with temple.
While dry deodar trees standing within above mentioned places may be cut and remove only for
repair of the temple buildings. There are 250 villages belonging to 48 Panchayat in Rampur forest

Table 3.47 - Timber Rights Marketed to Right Holders from Rampur Forest Division
Year Deodar Kail Rai Chir
Number Volume (m3) Number Volume (m3) Number Volume (m3) Number Volume (m3)
1987 – 88 533 1646.71 1058 4291.62 277 941.68 58 35.70
1988– 89 408 1085.58 955 2597.34 53 786.79 70 99.36
1989 – 90 109 543.04 655 2397.98 236 1118.43 23 26.99
1990 – 91 344 1773.625 1414 378.85 86 363.99 25 58.63
1991 – 92 624 2448.14 1661 6694.68 65 996.29 41 116.45
Source: Working Plan for Rampur Forest Division

Table 3.48 - Major Forest Types of the Satluj Basin

S. No. Major Forest Type Classification Code
1 Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forests 5B/C-2
2 Himalayan Subtropical Pine Forests 9 C-1
3 Dry Bamboo Breks 5 B/E9
4 Himalayan Sub Alpine Fir Forests 14/ C1b
5 Himalayan Kharsoo – Oak Forests 12/C2 a
6 Himalayan Dry Temperate Forests 13/ C1
7 Himalayan Kharsoo – Oak Forests 12/C1a
8 Mixed Broad leaved Coniferous Forests 12/C1b
9 Coniferous Pine Forests 13/C2a
10 Western Mixed Coniferous Forests 12/C1d
Source: Enchanting Himachal Wildlife wing (2004)

3.7.4 Terrestrial Biodiversity of Satluj Basin

The river Satluj is the largest river system of Himachal Pradesh with a total catchment area of
20,398-km² spread over the districts of Lahaul & Spiti, Kinnaur, Simla, Solan and Bilaspur.
Originating in Tibet, the river flows from east to west, enters the State at Shipki (6,608 m) in
Kinnaur. Its various right bank tributaries including the Spiti, the Ropa, the Kasang, the Mulgaon,
the Yul, the Wanger and the Throng in Kinnaur join it. The Tirung, the Gayanthing, the Duling, the

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Baspa, the Solding, the Manglad and the Nogli streams form some of its left bank tributaries.
Before entering the Punjab plains, it cuts a gorge in Naina Devi Dhar. A big dam across this gorge
near Bhakra village has been constructed which has created a huge reservoir called the Govind
Sagar in the district of Bilaspur.

Forest Types
The altitudinal variation in Satluj basin leads to variation on forest types. The various forest types
reported in Satluj basin is as given in Table 3.48.

Natural Flora
The marked altitudinal variation in Satluj leads to various forest types. The higher elevations i.e.
upper reaches of Satluj basin is marked by great Himalayan Ranges with very high rugged
mountains, covered with massive snow and glaciered rising as high as 6700 m above mean sea
level. The area is known as Cold Desert, which covers about 35% of total geographical area of the
state. The upper reaches of Satluj basin fall in Lahaul & Spiti and Kinnaur district. Major forest
types found are Dry Alpine Scrub predominantly in Cold Desert area form 3600 to 5500m. The
vegetation is sparse, discontinuous and scattered represented by shrubs having high medicinal
values. The dominant shrubs are Juniperus sp, Ephedra sp, Myricaria sp, with supported herbs such
as, Rosa macrophylla, Ribes orientale, R.alpestrie, Lonicera spinosa, Clematis veratie, Capparis
spinosa, etc.
The Moist Alpine Scrubs are found where cold dry conditions prevail above 3600 m elevation. The
dominant herbs represented by Berberis, Loniccra, Cotoneaster, Astragalus, Potertilla, Geranium,
Fritillaria, Corydalis etc. Himalayan dry Temperate Forests found in Kinnaur district. The dominant
tree species are Pinus wallichiana (Blue pine); Picea smithiana (Rai), Abies spectabilis, Juniperus
macropoda, Populus ciliata, Salix viminalis, Quercus dilata, Alnus indica. The dominant shrubs
comprise of Salix, Barberis, Rosa, Viburnum, Lonicera sp. etc.
The Middle basin of Satluj shows moist Deodar Mixed coniferous Forests at altitudinal range of
1800 to 2400m. & 2400 to 3300 m. Cedrus deodara (Deodar) is dominant species of forests. The
Mixed Coniferous Forests include pure Spruce & Silver fir mixed with Deodar (Cedrus deodara), Kail
(Pinus wallichiana) with associated species such as Aesculus indica, Corylus colurna, Juglans regia,
Prunus cornata etc.
The Subtropical Pine Forests occurs between 600-1700m covering district of Solan, Shimla and
Bilaspur in lower Satluj basin Pinus roxburghii (Chil) is the predominant species associated with
Quercus leucotrichophora, Rododendron arboreum, Lyonia ovalifalia, Acacia catehu, Terminalia
chebula, Syzygium cumunni, Emblica officinalis, Mallotus philippinensis and dominant shrubs as
Carissa opaca, Carissa spinarum, Dodonea viscosa, Indegofera heterantha, Rhamnus virgata etc.

Natural Fauna
The altitudinal variation, also the climatic and forest types the variation in fauna of the Satluj basin
is observed. The fauna of the upper basin i.e. Cold desert is of special concern; as most of the
endangered, endemic and rare species of wildlife is reported, form this region. A large variety of
carnivore of endangered/ rare status such as, Snow Leopard, Himalayan Brown Bear, Black Bear,
Himalayan weasel, Yellow throated martin, Wooly hair Wolf, and Common Leopard. The herbivores
are of various types of which, Ibex, Serow, Blue Sheep, Thar, Musk deer, Ghoral and Barking deer.
The small mammals include the Himalayan and long tailed marmots, Himalayan squirrels and Voles.
The lower basin of the Satluj represents the different fauna such as Jungle cat, Bengal Fox, Indian
Porcupine, Wild Boar, Common Palm Civet etc. The wildlife reported from various forests types are
given in details in table 3.50.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.32 Wildlife Protected Areas in Himachal Pradesh

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.33 – National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Satluj Basin

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table: 3.49 - List of Fauna Reported from the Satluj Basin

Scientific Name Common Name Family
Canis lupus Indian Wolf Canidae
Canis aureus Jackal Canidae
Capra ibex Himalayan Ibex Bovidae
Capricornis sumatraensis Serow Sciuridae
Cervus unicolor Sambar Canidae
Felis bengalensis Leopard cat Felidae
Felis caracal Caracal Felidae
Hemitragus jemlahicus Himalayan thar Bovidae
Hylopetes, Petaurista Flying Squirrels Hylobatidae
Hystrix indica Indian Porcupine
Macaca mutata Rhus Macaque Cercopithecidae
Martes flavigula Yellow Throated Martens
Martes fonia intermedia, , Martens
Moschus moschiferus Musk deer Cervidae
Muntiacus muntjak Barking deer or Muntjac
Nemorhaedus gora, Gorals
Ovis nahura Bharal Bovidae
Paguma larvata Himalayan Palm Civet
Panthera paradus Leopard or Panther Felidae
Panthera uncia Snow leopard Platanistidae
Presbytis entellus Common langur Cerocopithecidae
Petaurista pataurista Common Giants squirrels Sciuridae
Selenarctos thibetanus Himalayan black bear
Sus scrofa Wild pig Suidae
Tragulus meminna Mouse deer Tragulidoe
Ursus arctos Himalayan Brown bear Ursidae
Vulpes bengalensis Indian fox Canidae
Vulpes ferrilatus Tibetan fox Canidae
Bungarur cacraleus Common Indian Crait
Hemiductilus fuviviridis Common House Geico
Naja naja Indian Cobra
Varanus bengalensis Monitor Lizard Varanidae
Pyyas mocosus Common rat Snake Bovidae
Varanus bengalensis Bengal Monitor Lizard
Source: Enchanting Himachal Pradesh, 2004

3.7.5 Biodiversity of Project Influence Area (7 km radius surrounding the project site)
The project influence area is defined as the zone within 7 Km radius surrounding the project sites.
Forests of this zone belong to Rampur division of Shimla District and Anni (Outer Seraj) Division of
Kullu District. All the project units will be located in Rampur division. Rampur division has a total
forest cover of 40,372ha. The details of project influence area are discussed below.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Interacting biophysical (elevation, soil types, moisture, flooding slope), climatic and anthropogenic
factors (logging, burning, agriculture fuel wood collection, hunting, non-timber forest product
gathering) have resulted in the development of a mosaic of forest and vegetation types in this

Table 3.50 - Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Satluj Basin

Serial No. Name Area (km2)
1. Bandli (Mandi) 41
2. Daranghati (Shimla) 167
3. Darlaghat (Solan) 6
4. Gobind Sagar 100
5. Kibber (Llauhal & Spiti) 1400
6. Lippa Assrang (Kinnaur) 349
7. Majathal (Solan) 57.55
8. Rakchham Chitkul (Kinnaur) 304
9. Rupi Bhabha (Kinnaur) 738
10. Shikari Devi (Mandi) 72
Source: Wildlife Wing Forest Department Himachal Pradesh

Forest Type: The regional climate variation and altitudinal variation have resulted in wide variety
of forests. In general coniferous forests dominates mid to high hills while foothill forests are dry
deciduous and scrub forests, thriving in a low water table & dry soil conditions. In dry localities,
Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) occurs as a dominant species while moist temperate region is
characterized by the presence of Deodar (Cedrus deodara) forests. The details of land use pattern
of forest in the Project Influenced Area are summarized below in Table 3.51.

Table 3.51 - Land use Pattern of Forest in Project Influence Area

Details of Land Rampur (Area in ha) Ani (Area in ha)
Demarkated Protected Forest 14737.01 13774.80
Un Protected Forest 16562.65 16212.49
Agriculture 7560.09 4618.90
Pasture 562.90 2637.63
Other 10532.25 3252.12
Total 49955.71 40495.94
Source: Rampur Forest Divison

Table 3.52 - List of Protected Forests in Project Influence Area

S.No Rampur Forest Division (Area in ha) Distance (km) Anni Forest Division (Area in ha) Distance (km)
1 Bahli Protected Forest (176.17) 2.5 Marha Kod Protected Forest 5.25
2 Banavali Protected Forest 3.0 Khaira Kod Protected Forest 4.0
3 Baruni Protected Forest (32.4) 0.75 Ramgarh Kondi Protected Forest 3.5
4 Daran Protected Forest (5.5) 5.5 Sanpatu Protected Forest 4.5
5 Gaura Protected Forest (113.8) 3.5 Shikarwah Protected Forest 3.75
6 Sanathali Protected Forest (299.70) 2.5 Tandi Thera Protected Forest 3.0

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Source: Data collected form Rampur Forest Division

There are 12 protected forests under the influence zone, of which 6 protected forests fall in
Rampur Division while 6 others belong to outer Seraj division of Kullu district. The details of
protected forest are summarized in Table 3.52.
Forest Distribution: Distribution of forests in Rampur division occurs mainly between altitudes of
700 m to 2600 m. The forests distributions are as per the definition of “The Forest Types of India:
by Champion and Seth (1962)”. Following are the typical forest types located in project influence
5B/C-2 Northern mixed deciduous forest: This type is spread above Rampur, up to 40 Km
upstream of river Satluj and its tributaries on the banks of the stream. The forests are largely of
the scrub type. Major and minor associates of this type are characterized as follows:
Major Associates Lannea - Mallotus - Cedrela
Bauhina - Albizzia - Bombax
Sapindus – Dalbergia – Cedrela
Minor Associates Desmodium – Rhus - Colebrookia
Euphorbia - Woodfordia – Rubus- Cannabis
Sub group 5/1-5-2 Khair – Sisoo Forests: These types of forests are restricted along the river
Satluj on gravy and sandy loam soils. Major and minor associates of this type are characterized as
Major Associate: Acacia- Dalbergia - Mallotus
Minor Associate: Adhatoda- Zizyphus - Mallotus - Aseculus
Sub- group 9/C-1 Himalayan Subtropical Pine forests: This type occurs between 1000m to 2000m
elevation. Pinus roxburghii (Chir) occurs remarkably in pure and gregarious form. The crop is
irregular and mature trees few and widely scattered. Major and minor associates of this type are
characterized as follows:
Major Associates Quercus - Rhododendron- Lyonia
Abizzia - Pinus wallichiana
Minor Associates Woodfordia - Desmodium - Rhus
Rubus - Lillium - Berberis
Myrsine -Indigofera – Plectranthus
Himalayan Moist Temperate Forests: This type of forest generally occurs between 1500 to 3300m.
These are well-stocked forests of good height, growth varying between 30-45m. Major and minor
associates of this type are characterized as follows:
Major Associates: Quercus – Pine
Minor Associates: Sarococca – Skimmia - Strobilanthus
Rosa - Clematis- Hedera
Sub group 12/C-1Ban – Oak Forests: The Ban Oak is common low level Oak of moist zone and is
the major species over considerable area, varies from 1500 to 2100m. Major and minor associates
of this type are characterized as follows:
Major Associate: Rhododendron - Lyonia- Litsea
Cedrela – Carpinus

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Minor Associate: Berberis - Indigofera – Sarcococca

Desmodium - Inyrrine - Vibernum
Prinsepia-Spiraea - Lonicera - Rubus
Sub group 12/c-1b Mohru oak forests: These forests occur in small patches above the ban forests
between 2100-2500m.
Major Associates: Cedrela –Acer- Rhus
Aesculus – Prunus – Pyrus - Jugla
Minor Associates: Rubus - Lillium - Berberis
Myrsine -Indigofera - Plectranthus
Sub group 12/DS-1 Oak Scrub: This forest type occurs near habitations between 1500-2200m and
is affected by lopping, browsing, unregulated fallings for fuel and agricultural implements. Major
and minor associates are described as:
Major Associates: Rhododendron - Lyonia
Minor Associates: Berberis – Prinsepia
Sub group – 12/DS-1/I-C Moist Deodar Forests: The deodar forest is found between the altitudinal
ranges of 1800-2400m. Deodar is poorly represented in the heavy rainfall zones adjoining Saharan
and this type can be seen in Ramgarh – Kanji range of Anni division. Major and minor associates of
this type are characterized as follows:
Major Associates: Deodar - Pinus wallichiana - Quercus incana
Minor Associates: Berberis – Launicere - Desmodium

Characteristics: The climatic and altitudinal variations markedly influence the type of species
distribution in various zones. Physiognomically flora of the study area can be categorized as trees,
shrubs, herbs and grasses. The details of Flora recorded during survey in project influence area is
summarized and presented in Table 3.53. The climax and dominant species of forests are Chir
(Pinus roxburghii) Kail (Pinus wallichiana), Deodar (Cedrus deodara) and Ban Oak (Quercus incana)
along with their major associated species. The dominant associate of (Cedrus deodara) Deodar is
Ban Oak (Quercus incana) Kharsu Oak (Quercus semicarpifolia).
The Chir (Pinus roxburghii) occurs remarkably in pure and gregarious form and constitute stable
sub climax due to biotic factors. The crop is generally irregular and mature trees are widely
scattered. It improves in quality where pure quartzite formations occur. The common associates of
Chir (Pinus roxburghii) are Ruin (Mallotus philippinenisis); Toon (Cedrela toona), Kachnar (Bauhina
varigata), Siris (Albizzia lebbek), and Semal (Bombax ceiba). The undergrowth generally consists of
Indigofera pulchella, Rosa mustata etc. The ecological features with reference to their habitat,
nature i.e. evergreen or deciduous, and their distribution in terms of altitude of the major forest
species is given in details below in Table 3.54.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.53 - Flora Recorded in the Project Influence Area (7km all around the Project)
S. S.
No. No.
1 Acacia leucophloea Subabul Mimosaceae 1 Adhatoda vasica Basuti, Vasika Acanthaceae
2 Albizzia lebbek Seris Leguminosae 2 Agave americana Rambans Cactaceae
3 Bauhinia variegata Kachnar Leguminosae 3 Aloe vera Aloe Liliaceae
4 Bombax ceiba Semal Bombaceae 4 Artemesia vulgaris Kubash Compositae
5 Callistemon citrinus Bottle brush Myrtaceae 5 Berberies aristata Berberidaceae
6 Cedrala serrata Darloi Miliaceae 6 Berberis lycium Kashmanl Berberidaceae
7 Cedrela toona Toon Miliaceae 7 Calotropis gigantea Aak Asclepiadaceae
8 Cedrus deodara Devdaar Coniferae 8 Cannabis sativa Bhang Cannabinaceae
9 Celtis australis Kharak Urticaceae 9 Carissa spinarum Karonada Apocynaceae
Colebrookia Bambher,
10 Cupressus torulosa Leuri Coniferae 10 Labiatae
oppositifolia Sidhar
11 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Fabaceae 11 Cotoneaster acuminata Ruinish Rosaceae
12 Embelica officinalis Amla Euphorbiaceae 12 Cotoneaster baciIlaris Ruinish Rosaceae
13 Eucalyptus globulus Safeda Myrtaceae 13 Daphne papyracea Thymelaeaceae
14 Ficus bengalensis Bargad Urticaceae 14 Debregeasia hypoleuca Sihanru Artocarpeae
15 Ficus elastica Rubber tree Urticaceae 15 Desmodium tiliaefolium Martoi Leguminosae
16 Ficus palmata Fedu, Phegru Urticaceae 16 Dodonaea viscosa Mehandi Sapindaceae
17 Ficus religiosa Pipal Urticaceae 17 Euphorbia royleana Shuru Euphorbiaceae
18 Ficus roxburghii Timal Urticaceae 18 Girardinia heterophylla Bichhu, Kushki Urticaceae
19 Grevillea robusta Silver oak Proteaceae 19 Phiunli Hypericaceae
20 Grewia oppositifolia Biul Tiliaceae 20 Indigofera gerardiana Kathi Leguminosae
21 Juglans regia Akhrot Juglandaceae 21 Indigofera pulchella Sakina Leguminosae
22 Lannea grandis Jinghini Anacardiaceae 22 Lantana camara Lantana Verbinaceae
23 Litlsea umbrosa Shuru Lauraceae 23 Lonicera angustifolia Banchulu Caprifoliaceae
24 Mallotus philippinenisis Ruin Euphorbiaceae 24 Mohonia nepalensis Khoru Berberidaceae
25 Mangifera indica Aam Anacardiaceae 25 Moriandra strobilifera Pothi Labiatae
26 Melia azedarach Dhenk Meliaceae 26 Murraya koenigii Kath Neem Rutaceae
27 Morus alba Tut Urticaceae 27 Musa paradisiaca Kela Scitaminaeae
28 Morus serrala Himu, Tut Urticaceae 28 Opuntia monocantha Nagphani Cactaceae
29 Morus sps Urticaceae 29 Plectranthus coesta Chichiri Labiatae
30 Pinus roxburghii Chil Coniferae 30 Princepia utilis Bhekal Rosaceae
31 Populus ciliala Poplar Salicaceae 31 Ricinus communis Arandi Euphorbiaceae
32 Prunus amygradus Badam Rosaceae 32 Rubus ellipticus Hinsar Rosaceae
33 Prunus armeniaca Chuli Rosaceae 33 Rumex hastatus Bhilmora Polgonaceae
34 Prunus cerasoides Paja Rosaceae 34 Sarcococca saligna Tiliari Euphorbiaceae
35 Prunus communis Aloocha Rosaceae 35 Solanum surattense Kateli Solanaceae
36 Prunus persica Aroo Rosaceae 36 Strobilianthes sp. ---------------- Acanthaceae
37 Punica granatum Aanar Lythraceae 37 Woodfordia fruticosa Dhaula Lythraceae
38 Pyrus malus Seb Rosaceae 38 Zizyphus jujuba Beri Rhamnaceae
39 Quercus incana Ban Cupuliferae 39 Zizyphus nummularia Beri Rhamnaceae
40 Quercus dilata Moru Cupuliferae

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

S. S.
No. No.
41 Robinia pseudoacacia Pahari kikar Papilionoidaea
42 Rhodondendron arboreum Burans Ericaceae
43 Sapindus mukorossi Ritha Sapindaceae
44 Syzygium cumini Jamun Myrtaceae
45 Tamarindus indica Imli Caesalpiniaceae
1 Achyranthes aspera Amaranthaceae 2 Argemone mexicana Prickly poppy Papaveraceae
3 Asparagus racemosa Sahansarpali Liliaceae 4 Bauhinia vahlii Malo Leguminosae
5 Chenopodium album Bathwa Chenopodiaceae 6 Chromolaena odorata Triva gandha Chromolaenae
7 Clemapis montana Kauniabali Ranunculaceae 8 Datura suaveolens Datura Solanaceae
9 Echinops echinatus Gokhru Compositae 10 Erigeron bellidioides Horse weed Compositae
11 Frageria indica Bhumla Rosoideae 12 Frageria vesica Bhumla Rosoideae
13 Heliotropium strigosum Hatta-juri Boraginaceae 14 Jasminium officinale Chameli Oleaceae
15 Ocimum basilicum Vantulsi Labiatae 16 Oxalis corniculata Amrit sak Oxilidaceae
17 Polygonum chinense Jangli palak Polgonaceae 18 Sonchus oleraceus Dudhi, Pathari Convolvulanceae
19 Thymus serphyllum Hasha Lebiatae 20 Tridex procumbens Ground weed Amaranthaceae
21 Trifolium pratense Purple clover Papilionoidae 22 Verbascum thapsus Gidar tamakus Scrophulariaceae
1 Arundo donax Phiral, Naru Gramineae 1 Pteris sp Fern Pteridaceae
2 Cynodon dactylon Dhub Gramineae 2 Adiantum sp Fern Pteridaceae
3 Saccharum spontaneum Kans Gramineae Epiphyte
4 Parthenium hysterophorus Compositae 1 Vanda roxburghii Badang Orchidaceae
5 Phragmites communis Naal Gramineae Epiphyte
6 Erianthus munja Munj Gramineae 1 Vanda roxburghii Badang Orchidaceae
Source : Field Survey CES (I) Pvt. Ltd, Feb- April 2006

Table 3.54 - Ecological Features of Dominant Flora in Project Influence Area

S.No Name of Species Ecology
Scientific Local Habitat Nature Distribution (m)
1 Albizzia lebbek Siris Hills Deciduous 300 – 1300
2 Bombax ceiba Semal Hill slopes Deciduous 300 – 1500
3 Bauhinia variegata Kachnar Forest Deciduous 300 – 1500
4 Cedrus deodara Deodar High forest Evergreen 1800 – 3000
5 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Hill slopes Deciduous 300 – 1500
6 Mallotus philippinenisis Roghs Forest Evergreen 300 – 1200
7 Pinus roxburghii Chir Forest Deciduous 300 – 1500
8 Pinus wallichiana Kail Forest Evergreen 1800 – 4300
9 Quercus incana Ban Oak Forest Evergreen 1200 – 2400
10 Quercus semicarpifolia Kharsu Oak Forest Evergreen 2100 – 3800
11 Rododendron arboreum Brans Forest Evergreen 1800 – 4300
12 Sapindus mukurossii Ritha Forest Deciduous 200 – 1500
Source: Data collected during field survey

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The Upper reaches are generally occupied by Kail. The common associates are Brass (Rododendron
arboreum). Ban oak (Quercus incana) is usually found in small proportion mixed with the Chil
(Pinus roxburghii), Kai (Pinus wallichiana) and Deodar (Cedrus deodana). It occupies lower
elevation in the northern slopes and along hills as it requires a good soil rich in humus. The Deodar
(Cedrus deodara) forests occur at higher elevations. The snowfall is must for the existence of these
forests. The Deodar prefers comparatively heavy soil formed by disintegration of granite. A few
species of flora types(trees, shrubs and herbs) in the area are presented here in pictorial view.
Community use of Natural Flora: The people from surrounding villages depend on forest for
various purposes. The Table 3.55 given below depicts various uses of trees by local people.

Table 3.55 - Major Uses of Trees from Forests in the Project Influence Area
Name of Tree Local Name Charcoal Resins Fodder Fuel Timber Manure
Cedrus deodara Deodar - - - + + -
Mallotus philippinenisis Ruin - - - + + +
Pinus roxburghii Chir + + - + + +
Pinus wallichiana Kail + + - - + +
Dalbergia sissoo Shisham - - + + _
Morus alba Tut - - + + - +
Quercus incana Ban oak - - + + + +
Quercus semicarpifolia Kharsu Oak - - - + + _
Source: Information Collected during Public Consultation
+ In Use - Not in use

Considerable loss is done to the forest by the way of illicit felling of Deodar (Cedrus deodara) and
Kail (Pinus wallichiana) for agricultural implements and manufacturing of packing cases. The resins
are obtained from Kail (Pinus wallichiana) and Chir (Pinus roxburghii) by cutting deeply at the base
of trees. The local villagers debark Chir (Pinus roxburghii) trees for roofing material of sheds and
charcoal. The resinous wood is used by the villagers for igniting fires in their houses.
Horticulture offers the better and maximum use of land besides checking soil erosion and
ameliorating the economic condition of farmers. Fruit trees offer the possibility of a high food yield
per unit of land. They optimize the moisture and nutrients from the sub-soil. Some of the fruit trees
generally grown in fields are listed in Table 3.56.

Table 3.56 - Commercially Important Trees (Horticulture)

Botanical Name English/Common Name
Juglans regia Walnut
Pyrus malus Apple
Mangifera indica Mango
Prunus armeniaca Apricot, Khumani,
Prunus avium Cherry (sweet)
Prunus domestica Plum
Prunus dulcis Almond
Prunus persica Peach, Aaru
Prunus cerasus Cherry (sour)
Punica granatum Pomigranate
Pyrus communis Nashpati
Source: Information collected during Public consultation/survey

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Large number of herbs was collected for various medicinal purposes. It is estimated that if all the
household remedies are taken into account, about 1500 native plant species are used for health
care purposes by the people of the State (Chauhan, 1999). In order to exercise some measure of
control over the exploitation of medicinal plants, especially herbs, the forest department has
prescribed a four-year exploitation cycle and has also fixed an export permit fee in respect of some
heavily exploited species.
The Gentiana kurro, Podophyulum emodi are extensively exported as dhup for incense. The
important medicinal herbs of the forest are described in Table 3.57.

Table 3.57 - Medicinal Plants from Local Forests

Name of Species Chemical Part of Plant Use against Collection
Property Use Disease Period
Scientific Local
Acorus calamus Barre Carminative Rhizome Colic May- June
Aconitum heterophyllum Patis Febrifuge Root Dysentery Sept-Oct
Berberis lycium Kashmal Anti-malerial Root Jaundice Nov - Mar
Adhatoda vasica Basul Expectorant Leaves/root Cough/cold Dec-Mar
Juranea macrocephala Dhoop Freshener Roots Dhoop Mar-May
Orchis latifolia Salmam Aphrodic Tubers Nervous debality Sept- Nov
Pistacia intergerrima Kakarsingi Expectorant Leaves Asthama Mar-May
Podophyllum emodi Bankakdi Purgative Rhizome Apr- Sept
Gentiana kurroo Karu Stimulant Rhizome Fever Oct- Dec
Taxus baccata Rakhal Anti-carcinogenic Bark/ Laves Asthama Mar- May
Rhum emodi Chukri Purgative Rhizome May-Jul
Source: Information Collected during Public consultation

Table 3.58 - Ethno-Botanical Approach for Major Plant Species from Local Forests
Name of Species Group Pests Part of Plant Symptoms Name of Pests
Scientific Local
Cedrus deodara Deodar Insect Needle Defoliation Electropis deodara
Cone Loss of seeds Euzophrea cedrella
Poles Debarking Scontus major
Roots Stunted growth Cockchafer malolanthea
Seedlings Regeneration Agrotis ypsilon
Needle Discoloration Brachyxstus subsignatusis
Fungus Poles Stunted Growth Fomes annosus
Pinus roxburghii Chir Insect Needle Loss of needles Platypus biferis
Needle Discoloration Chlonophrous stroilicola
Fungus Shoots Stunted Growth Peridermium cedri
Needle Shunted Growth Peridermium comanulatum
Pinus wallichiana Kail Insect Poles Debarking Inslongifolia bores
Cones Discoloration Polyranthus sp
Fungus Growth Trametes pinii
Source: Information collected from Forest Working Plan Rampur / Seraj division

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.34 - Trees of the Area

1. Rhododendron arboretum 2 Juglans regia

3.Cedrus deodara 4.Pinus roxburghii

5. Mallotus philipinennesis 6. Callistemon citrinus

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.35 - Shrubs of the Area

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.36 - Herbs of the Area

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Ethno-Botanical Baseline
The climax species of forest are Deodar (Cedrus deodara), Chil (Pinus roxburghii) and Kail (Pinus
wallichiana) hence pathological and ethno-botanical information has been collected with reference
to various diseases pathogen type, major symptoms and put of plant affected. The following Table
depicts details of pathology & ethno-botanical information. See Table 3.58.

The fauna of the study area is dominantly represented by reptiles, birds and animals. The variation
in altitude, climate, topography, forests type and forest cover in the area provides habitat for
variety of animals like reptiles, birds and animals. The fauna of the area is further classified as
domestic animals and wild life and explained below.
Domestic Animal: The cattle share dominates the fauna population by contributing 42% in the
total population of domestic animals. This is followed by 40% of sheep and 18.% of Goats. Local
people use the horses, mule and donkeys for carrying their luggage/material in hilly areas.
Domestic animal census data is summarized in Table 3.59 below:

Table 3.59 - Domestic Animal Census Data (2003) for Rampur Division
S. No. Animal Population
1 Cows 37267
2 Buffaloes 862
3 Horses 20
4 Mules 99
5 Donkeys 57
6 Sheeps 35553
7 Goats 16449
Total 90315
Source: Information collected form District Statistical Handbook Govt. of Himachal Pradesh

Habitat Affinities of Wildlife: Wildlife habitat is that space where the animal lives over the
seasons of a year. Habitat serves as physical location for food or nutrients, as well as for shelter.
Surveys were carried out primarily using direct sighting and indirect evidence and through
interviews with local residents. The altitudinal variation in the study area (from 700-3000 m) has
remarkable impact on the distribution pattern of wildlife in the region. The carnivore wildlife in area
is represented by Leopard (Panthera pardus), Indian Wolf (Canis lupus) and Himalayan Fox (Valpes
vulpes). Among herbivores, Barking Deer (Muntiacus muntiak) is sighted at elevations from 1600-
2900mts. Musk Deer (Moschus moschiferus) is also seen at 3000m and above. This animal comes
down at lower elevation during the winter and goes back to higher altitude during summer. All the
valleys of Satluj Basin have good population of Black Bear (Selenarctos thibetanus). These wild
animals move close to habitation during crop season particularly during summer.
Among the reptiles, the most species are represented by common Indian Krait (Bungarus caerules),
Himalayan viper (Ancistrodous himalayanus), Indian cobra (Naja naja) and Rat snake (Pyers
mocosus) among Snakes, while lizards were represented by Common Indian Monitor (Varanus
monitor), common House Geeko (Hemidactylus brooki), and Rock lizard (Agamo tuberculata).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Important birds of the study area include pheasants, showing typical altitudinal variation in their
occurrences such as Kauj Pheasat at foothill while Koklas & Monal Pheasant in temperate and mid
level forest. A list of wildlife as reported by forest department of Himachal Pradesh has been
prepared and presented here in Table 3.60 below:

Table 3.60 - List of Wildlife Reported from the Study Area and Their Status
Scientific Name Common Name Family Status*
Barbastella barbasetellus Barbos teliobat
Canis lupus Indian Wolf Canidae Endangered & Rare
Capricornis sumatraensis Serow Sciuridae Special Game
Caprolagus hispidus Hispid hare Cervidae Endangered & Rare
Hylopetes, Petaurista Flying Squirrels Hylobatidae Special Game
Hystrix hodgson Himalayan Porcupine Special Game
Martes flavigula Martens Small Game
Mustela sibirica Himalayan weasel
Mos homourus Hill mouse
Moschus moschiferus Musk deer Cervidae Endangered & Rare
Muntiacus muntjak Barking deer or Muntjac Big Game
Nemorhaedus goral Gorals Big Game
Nesekia indica Indian Molr rat
Pteromys petaurista Brown Flying Squirrel
Selenarctos thibetanus Himalayan black bear Big Game
Vulpes vulpes Red fox Canidae Small Game
Agamo tuberculata Rock Lizard
Ancistrodous himalayanus Himalayan pit viper
Bungarus caerulues Common Indian Krait
Hemidactylus brooki Common House Geeko
Naja naja Indian Cobra
Pyyas mocosus Rat Snake
Varanus flavescens Monitor Lizard Varanidae
Catreus wallichii Cheer Pheasant Phasianidae Endangered & Rare
Ithaginis cruentus tibetanus, Blood Pheasants Phasianidae Endangered & Rare
Catreus wallichii Cheer Pheasant Phasianidae Endangered & Rare
Syrmaticus humiae Humes bar backed Pheasant Phasranidae Endangered & Rare
Lophophorus impejanus, Monal Pheasants Phasianidae Endangered & Rare
Tetraogallus tibetanus Tibetan Snow cock Phasianidae Endangered & Rare
Source: Information collected from working plan Rampur/Seraj forest division
Status*: As per Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

The Census data of wildlife for Rampur and Anni Forest Division indicates large population of
monkey in both forest divisions. Leopards have been reported in Rampur Forest division however in
Anni Forest division no Leopard is reported. The detail of wildlife census conducted in 2005 for
Rampur and Anni divisions are is given in the Table 3.61 below:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.61 - Census Data of Wildlife

Wildlife Number Forest division
Red Jungle Fowl 09 Rampur
Kelij Pheasant 04 Rampur
Koklas 09 Rampur
Himalayan Monal 04 Rampur
Monkey 5881 Rampur
Langur 664 Rampur
Leopard 07 Rampur
Monkey 5601 Anni
Leopard 00 Anni
Langur 552 Anni
Source: Forest Department Rampur wild Census 2005

3.7.6 Biodiversity of the Project’s Immediate Influence Area

The project immediate influence area is comprised of 500m all around the project. The project
immediate influence area is characterized by steep hill slopes, foothills, national highways (NH-21)
and major settlements of Jhakari, Rampur and other townships. The entire area is interrupted by
agricultural and horticultural activities. The detail of forest types, natural flora and fauna is
discussed in following sections.

Forest Types
The major forest types within the project influence area are DS-I Himalayan sub tropical scrub and
DS-II sub tropical scrub. The extensive growing areas used as grazing grounds & hay fields by the
villagers result in formation of DS-I Himalayan Sub tropical Scrub forest. They are spread over in
between Chir (Pinus roxburghii). There is frequent and large scale burning hence this type forms
regressive serial stage.
Minor Associates: Berberts - Cotoneastor- Prinsepia
This type is due to heavy biotic interference of grazing and burning.
Another important forest variety is Sub tropical Euphorbia Scrub, spread along river Satluj. The
common associates are Zizyphus jujube, Zizyphus nummularia & Ficus sp. Occurrence of this type
of forest is usually associated with lime stone formation.

The natural flora of the immediate influence area of the project is spread along the slopes, foothills.
There is avenue plantation along the existing NH-21 as well as Eucalyptus & Dalbergia sissoo
planted by forests department. Compensatory afforestation and plantation under catchment area
treatment plan of NJHEP project too fall in the immediate project influence area. A total of 75 plant
species were observed during survey of floral species in the area. 28 species accounted for trees
followed by 26 for shrubs, 17 for herbs and 4 species for grasses. The detail of flora recorded is
presented in Table 3.62 below.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.62 - Flora Recorded in the Immediate Influence Area

1 Acacia leucophloea Subabul Mimosaceae 1 Adhatoda vasica Basuti, Vasika Acanthaceae
2 Albizzia lebbek Seris Leguminosae 2 Agave americana Rambans Cactaceae
3 Bombax ceiba Semal Bombaceae 3 Aloe vera Aloe Liliaceae
4 Callistemon citrinus Bottle brush Myrtaceae 4 Artemesia vulgaris Artemesia Compositae
5 Celtis australis Kharak Urticaceae 5 Berberies aristata Karmshal, Kashmoi Berberidaceae
6 Cupressus torulosa Leuri Coniferae 6 Calotropis gigantea Aak Asclepiadaceae
7 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Fabaceae 7 Cannabis sativa Bhang Cannabinaceae
8 Eucalyptus globules Safeda Myrtaceae 8 Carissa spinarum Karonada Apocynaceae
9 Ficus elastica Rubber tree Urticaceae 9 Bambher, Sidhar Labiatae
10 Ficus religiosa Pipal Urticaceae 10 Sihanru Artocarpeae
11 Ficus palmate Fedu, Phegru Urticaceae 11 Martoi Leguminosae
12 Ficus roxburghii Timal Urticaceae 12 Dodonaea viscosa Mehandi Sapindaceae
13 Grevellia robusta Silver oak Proteaceae 13 Euphorbia royleana Shuru Euphorbiaceae
14 Grewia oppositifolia Biul Tiliaceae 14 Bichhu, Kushki Urticaceae
15 Mangifera indica Aam Anacardiaceae 15 Lantana camara Lantana Verbinaceae
16 Melia azaderach Dhenk Meliaceae 16 Moriandra strobilifera Pothi
17 Mallotus philippinenisis Ruin Euphorbiaceae 17 Musa paradisiaca Kela Scitaminaeae
18 Morus alba Tut Urticaceae 18 Opuntia monocantha Nagphani Cactaceae
19 Morus sps Paper Mulberry Urticaceae 19 Plectranthus coesta Chichiri Labiatae
20 Morus serrala Himu, Tut Urticaceae 20 Princepia utilis Bhekal Rosaceae
21 Pinus roxburghii Chil Coniferae 21 Ricinus communis Arandi Euphorbiaceae
22 Populus ciliata Poplar Salicaceae 22 Rubus ellipticus Hinsar Rosaceae
23 Prunus amygradus Badam Rosaceae 23 Rumex hastatus Bhilmora Polgonaceae
24 Prunus communis Aloocha Rosaceae 24 Solanum surattense Kateli Solanaceae
25 Prunus persica Aroo Rosaceae 25 Woodfordia fruticosa Dhaula Lythraceae
26 Robinia pseudoacacia Pahari kikar Papilionoidaea 26 Zizyphus nummularia Beri Rhamnaceae
27 Syzygium cumini Jamun Myrtaceae
28 Tamarindus indica Imli Caesalpiniaceae
1 Achyranthes aspera Aghada, Puthkanda Amaranthaceae 2 Argemone mexicana Prickly poppy Papaveraceae
3 Asparagus racemosa Sahansarpali Liliaceae 4 Chenopodium album Bathwa Chenopodiaceae
5 Chromolaena odorata Triva gandha Chromolaenae 6 Echinops echinatus Gokhru Compositae
7 Erigeron bellidioides Horse weed Compositae 8 Fragaria indica Bhumla Rosoideae
9 Heliotropium strigosum Hatta-juri Boraginaceae 10 Ocimum basilicum Vantulsi Labiatae
11 Oxalis corniculata Amrit sak Oxilidaceae 12 Pteris sps Fern Pteridaceae
13 Sonchus oleraceus Dudhi, Pathari Convolvulanceae 14 Tridex procumbens Ground weed Amaranthaceae
15 Trifolium pratense Purple clover Papilionoidae 16 Verbascum thapsus Gidar tamakus Scrophulariaceae
17 Jasminium officinalis Chameli Oleaceae
1 Arundo donax Phiral, Naru Gramineae 2 Cynodon dactylon Dhub Gramineae
3 Saccharum spontaneum Kans Gramineae 4 Parthenium h Congress grass Compositae
Source: Field Survey CES (I) Pvt. Ltd, Feb- April 2006

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The dominant tree species of avenue plantation are Acacia leucophloea (Subabul), Albizzia lebbek
(Seris), Bombax ceiba (Semal), Callistemon citrinus (bottle brush), Ficus palmate (Fedu), Grevellia
robusta (Silver oak), Grewia oppositifolia (Biul), Melia azaderach (Dhenk), Morus serrata (Shehtut),
Populus ciliata (Poplar), Robinia pseudoacacia (Pahari Kikar), etc. The plantation carried out by
forests department is mainly of Pinus roxburghi (Chil), Dalbergia sisso (Sisham) and Eucalyptus
globulus (Safeda).Since the area is interrupted by various agricultural and horticultural activities,
fruit trees such as Mangifera indica (Mango), Prunus amygradus (badam), Prunus communis
(Aloocha), Prunus persica (Aroo), Syzium cumini (Jamun), Tamarindus indica (Imli) etc., were
commonly recorded.
Typical of the climate and other meteorological variations in the area, the common shrubs observed
were Adhatoda vasica ()Agave americana (Rambans), Calotropis gigantean (Akh), Cannabis sativa
(Bhang), Carissa spinarum (Karonda), Colebrookia oppositifolia (Bhaber), Debregeasia hypoleuca
(Sihanaru), Dodoneae viscosa (Mehandi), Euphorbia royleana (Shuru), Girardinia heterophylla
(Bichhu Ghas), Moriandra strobilifera (Pothi), Rubus ellipticus (Hinsar) Rumex hastatus (Bhilmora)
The common herb species of the immediate influence area is represented by Achyranthes aspera
(Aghada), Chenopodium album (Bathua), Erigeron bellidioides (Horse weed), Oxalis corniculata
(Amrit sack), Sonchus oleraceus (Dudhi), Fragaria indica (Bhumla) etc. The common climbers are
represented by Asparagus racemosa (Shatavari) and Jasminium officinalis (Chameli).

The distribution of fauna is driven by presence of favourable vegetation providing feeding,
breeding, hiding & resting sites. Project area is dominated by hilly tracks with less vegetation cover
and further interrupted by agriculture activities in the form of trench cultivation. Fauna of the
project area is mainly represented by reptiles, birds and mammals. The reptiles are further
represented by Calotes versicolor (Common Lizard) and common Geeko (Hemidactylus brooki). The
mammals are represented by animals of local importance such as Cows, Oxes, Horese, Mule,
Donkey, Pigs etc. No wildlife is commonly observed in the area, which may be due to increased
human activity in the area. Total 35 species of birds observed in the area are summarised in Table
3.63 below:

Table 3.63 - Avifauna Recorded in the Immediate Influence Area

(500m around the Project)
S. No. Scientific Name Common Name Family
1 Acridotheres tristis Indian Myna Sturnidae
2 Aeridotheres ginginianus Bank myna Sturnidae
3 Cassa flavirostris Yellowbilled Blue Magpai Carvidae
4 Columba livia Blue Rock Pigeon Columidae
5 Corvus macrorhynchos Jungle Crow Carvidae
6 Corvus splendens House Crow Carvidae
7 Corvus corax Ravan Carvidae
8 Dandroatta vagabunda Treepie Corvidae
9 Dicrurus adsimilis Black Drongo Dieruridae
10 Egretta garzetta Little Egret Ardeidae
11 Gallus gallus Common Fowl Phasinidae
12 Lanius schach Rofusedbacked Shrike Campehagidae
13 Lanius excubitor Grey Shrike Campehagidae
14 Megalaima malabarica Crimsonbreasted barbet Cpilonidae

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

S. No. Scientific Name Common Name Family

15 Megalaima zeylanica Largegreen barbet Cpilonidae
16 Milvus migrans Pariah Kite Acciptridae
17 Motacilla maderatensis Large pied wagtail Motacillidae
18 Myiophonus horsfieldii Whistling Thrush Turnidae
19 Nactarinia asiatica Purplerumpled Sunbird Nectarinidae
20 Nectarinia minima Small Sunbird Nectarinidae
21 Orthotomus sutorius Tailor Bird Pachycephalinae
22 Parus major Gray Tit Parinae
23 Passeer domesticus House Sparrow Passerinae
24 Psittacula krameri Roseringed Parakeet Psittacidae
25 Psittacula cyanocephala Blossomheaded Parakeet Psittacidae
26 Psittacula himalayana Slatyheaded Parakeet Psittacidae
27 Picnonotus articeps Black Headed Bulbul Pycnonotidae
28 Picnonotus leucogenys White Cheeked Bulbul Pycnonotidae
29 Picnonotus cafer Redvented Bulbul Pycnonotidae
30 Saxicoloides fulicate Indian Robin Muscicapidae
31 Sopsychus saularis Magpie Robin Muscicapidae
32 Streptopelia chinensis Spotted dove Columbidae
33 Streptopelia decaocto Ring Dove Columbidae
34 Turdoides caudatus Common babbler Muscicapidae
35 Terpsiphone paradisi Paradise Flycatcher Muscicapinae
36 Turdus merula Blackbird Turninae
37 Upupa epops Hoopoe Upupidae
38 Zosterops palpebrosa White Eyed Zosteropidae

Source: Field Survey CES (I) Pvt. Ltd, Feb- April 2006

3.7.7 Biodiversity of Project’s Directly Affected Area

Forests Directly Affected by the Project

The project-affected area comprises of entire footprint of the project activities. Total footprint of
the project, involving various project units, consist of 86.5 ha of land. Out of this land, 48.9 ha
belongs to forestland for surface work and 20.41 ha forestland for underground work. Break up of
forestland for various project units in the project area is summarized and presented in Table 3.64.

Table 3.64 – Purpose-wise Acquisition of Forest Land in the Project

S.No Name of Site Forest Area Acquired
Mohal /Up Mohal Area (Bigha) Area (Hectare)
1 Cut & cover and Job facilities Falti Kushwa (Kothi 15/20) 10-19 00-88-62
2 Adit Approach road & Job facilities Koja Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 12-10 01-01-16
3 Job Facilities (Kajo Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 05-14 00-46-13
4 Dumping Area (Near Kojo Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 89-13 07-25-53
5 Adit Approach & Job facilities (Kunni Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 05-08 00-43-70
6 Dumping Area (Near Kunni Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 15-03 01-22-61
7 Bridge & Approach road 9near Kunni Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 00-13 00-07-69
8 Adit & Job Facilities (Goshai Adit) Fatti Tunan (Kothi 15/20) 18-00 01-45-67

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

S.No Name of Site Forest Area Acquired

Mohal /Up Mohal Area (Bigha) Area (Hectare)
9 Dumping Area Fatti Nirmand 29-10 02-38-74
10 Dumping Area Fatti Nirmand 45-01 03-64-59
11 Approach road & Job facilities Fatti Bayal 198-09 16-06-04
12 Power House, Penstocks, Approach Road & Job facilities Fatti Bayal 82-17 06-70-50
13 Approach road, Tail Race & job facilities Fatti Bayal 08-02 00-65-55
14 Approach road & Job facilities Fatti Bayal 15-11 01-25-84
15 Quarry road, Crusher & Job facilities Gadej (Koel) 67-05 05-44-25
Total 604-15 48-96-62

Forest Type
The forest type is influenced by hilly mountainous tracks, steep hill slopes, foothills and Satluj river
valley. Forest type is mainly represented by dwarf shrubby vegetation interrupted by patches of
Eucalyptus plantation. The major forests type occurring in project affected area are discusses in
details below.
DS-I Himalayan Sub tropical Scrub: The extensive growing areas used as grazing grounds & hay
fields by the villagers forms this forest type. There is frequent and large scale burning hence this
type farms regressive seral stage.
Major Associates: Dodonea - Rhus - Woodfordid
Minor Associates: Berberis - Cotoneastor- Prinsepia
DS-II Sub tropical Euphorbia Scrub: Euphorbia royleana and Opuntia sp constitute this type of
forest, which spread along river Satluj. The common associates are Zizyphus jujuba Zizyphus
nummularia & Ficus sp. This type is associated with lime stone formation.

The flora of project area is dominated by 64 species belonging to 52 genera and 34 families.
Physio-gnomically vegetation has been categorized as trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses. The flora
recorded under the project-affected sites is presented below in Table 3.65:

Table 3.65 - Flora Recorded in the Project’s Directly Affected Area

Trees Shrubs
1 Acacia leucophloea Subabul Mimosaceae 1 Adhatoda vasica Basuti, Vasika Acanthaceae
2 Bombax ceiba Semal Bombaceae 2 Agave americana Rambans Cactaceae
3 Celtis australis Kharak Urticaceae 3 Aloe vera Aloe Liliaceae
4 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham Fabaceae 4 Artemesia vulgaris Artemesia Compositae
5 Eucalyptus globulus Safeda Myrtaceae 5 Berberies aristata Karmshal, Kashmoi Berberidaceae
6 Ficus palmata Fedu, Phegru Moraceae 6 Calotropis gigantea Aak Asclepiadaceae
7 Grewia oppositifolia Biul Tiliaceae 7 Cannabis sativa Bhang Cannabinaceae
8 Mangifera indica Aam Anacardiaceae 8 Carissa spinarum Karonada Apocynaceae
9 Melia azaderach Dhenk Meliaceae 9 Colebrookia oppositifolia Bambher, Sidhar Labiatae
10 Millingtonia hortensis Akas Neem Sapotaceae 10 Debregeasia hypoleuca Sihanru Artocarpeae
11 Mallotus philippinenisis Ruin Euphorbiaceae 11 Desmodium tiliaefolium Martoi Leguminosae
12 Morus alba Tut Meliaceae 12 Dodonaea viscosa Mehandi Sapindaceae

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

13 Pinus roxburghii Chil Coniferae 13 Euphorbia royleana Shuru Euphorbiaceae
14 Prunus communis Aloocha Rosaceae 14 Girardinia heterophylla Bichhu, Kushki Urticaceae
15 Prunus persica Aroo Rosaceae 15 Lantana camara Lantana Verbinaceae
16 Robinia pseudoacacia Pahari kikar Papilionoidaea 16 Musa paradisiaca Kela Scitaminaeae
17 Tamarindus indica Imli Caesalpiniaceae 17 Opuntia monocantha Nagphani Cactaceae
Herbs 18 Princepia utilis Bhekal Rosaceae
1 Aghada, Amaranthaceae 19 Arandi Euphorbiaceae
Achyranthes aspera Puthkanda Ricinus communis
2 Argemone mexicana Prickly poppy Papaveraceae 20 Rubus ellipticus Hinsar Rosaceae
3 Asparagus racemosa Sahansarpali Liliaceae 21 Rumex hastatus Bhilmora Polgonaceae
4 Chenopodium album Bathwa Chenopodiaceae 22 Solanum surattense Kateli Solanaceae
5 Chromolaena odorata Triva gandha Chromolaenae 23 Zizyphus nummularia Beri Rhamnaceae
6 Echinops echinatus Gokhru Compositae
7 Erigeron bellidioides Horse weed Compositae
8 Fragaria indica Bhumla Rosoideae
9 Heliotropium strigosum Hatta-juri Boraginaceae
10 Ocimum basilicum Vantulsi Labiatae
11 Oxalis corniculata Amrit sak Oxilidaceae
12 Pteris sps Fern Pteridaceae
13 Sonchus oleraceus Dudhi, Pathari Convolvulanceae Herbs
14 Tridex procumbens Ground weed Amaranthaceae 1 Achyranthes aspera Aghada, Puthkanda Amaranthaceae
15 Trifolium pratense Purple clover Papilionoidae 2 Argemone mexicana Prickly poppy Papaveraceae
16 Verbascum thapsus Gidar tamakus Scrophulariaceae 3 Asparagus racemosa Sahansarpali Liliaceae
17 Jasminium officinalis Chameli Oleaceae 4 Chenopodium album Bathwa Chenopodiaceae
Source: Field Survey CES (I) Pvt. Ltd, Feb- April 2006

Table 3.66 - Major Uses of Trees found in the Project’s Directly Affected Area
Name of Tree Fence Ornamental Avenue Planting Fodder Fuel Timber Fruit
Acacia leucophloea + - - + _ _ _
Bombax ceiba - + - - + - -
Celtis australis - - - + - + _
Dalbergia sisso - - - - + + -
Eucalyptus globulus - - + - - + -
Ficus palmata - - - + - - +
Grewia oppositifolia - - - + - - -
Mangifera indica - - - - - - +
Melia azaderach - - - + - - -
Millingtonia hortensis - - - - + - -
Mollotus phillipinenisis - + - - + - -
Morus alba - - - - + - +
Pinus roxburghii - + - - + - -
Prunus communis - - - - - - +
Prunus persica - - - - - - +
Robinia pseudoacacia - + - + - - -
Tamarindus indica - - - - - - +
Source: Public Consultation + In use - Not in use

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Community Uses of Natural Flora: The trees in the project area are used for various purposes.
The major uses of trees falling under the project area are as given in Table 3.66.

Project, area is dominated by hilly tracks with less vegetation cover and interrupted by agriculture
activities in the form of trench cultivation. Fauna of the project area is mainly represented by
reptiles, birds and mammals. The reptiles were represented by Calotes versicolor (Common Lizard)
and Hemidactylus brooki (Common Geeko)
Avifauna: The common birds observed are tabulated below:

Table 3.67 - Avifauna Recorded in the Project’s Directly Affected Area

S. No Scientific Name Common Name Family
1 Acridotheres tristis Indian Myna Sturnidae
2 Aeridotheres ginginianus Bank myna Sturnidae
3 Columba livia Blue Rock Pigeon Columidae
4 Corvus macrorhynchos Jungle Crow Carvidae
5 Corvus splendens House Crow Carvidae
6 Corvus corax Common raven Carvidae
7 Dandroatta vagabunda Treepie Corvidae
8 Dicrurus adsimilis Black Drongo Dieruridae
9 Egretta garzetta Little Egret Ardeidae
10 Lanius excubitor Grey Shrike Campehagidae
11 Megalaima malabarica Crimson breasted barbet Cpilonidae
12 Milvus migrans Pariah Kite Acciptridae
13 Motacilla maderatensis Large pied wagtail Motacillidae
14 Nactarinia asiatica Purplerumpled Sunbird Nectarinidae
15 Nectarinia minima Small Sunbird Nectarinidae
16 Orthotomus sutorius Tailor Bird Pachycephalinae
17 Passeer domesticus House Sparrow Passerinae
18 Psittacula krameri Rose ringed Parakeet Psittacidae
19 Picnonotus leucogenys White Cheeked Bulbul Pycnonotidae
20 Picnonotus cafer Red vented Bulbul Pycnonotidae
21 Sexicoloides fulicate Indian Robin Muscicapidae
22 Sopsychus saularis Magpie Robin Muscicapidae
23 Streptopelia chinensis Spotted dove Columbidae
24 Turdoides caudatus Common babbler Muscicapidae
25 Terpsiphone paradise Paradise Flycatcher Muscicapinae
26 Turdus merula Blackbird Turninae
27 Upupa epops Hoopoe Upupidae

Source: Field Survey CES (I) Pvt. Ltd, Feb- April 2006

Domestic and Wild Animals: The common domestic animals observed are Cow, Bulls, Sheep,
Goats, Dogs, Cats and Fowls. The major grazers are cows and bulls while browsers are sheep and
goats.Wildlife is not observed in the area.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.68 - Livestock in all Villages in the RHEP Influence Area

Name of Gram Total Cattle Population Name of Gram Total Cattle Population
Panchayat (Cow/Ox / Sheep /Goat) Panchayat (Cow/Ox / Sheep /Goat)
District Shimla District Kullu
Racholi 506 Sarga 1681
Singla 523 Kushwa 1578
Bharawali 782 Kharga 2524
Duttnagar 231 Tunan 1272
Lalsa 445 Nishani 1054
Dansa 875 Arsu 1910
Munish 3565 Bari 3289
Kuhal 2633 Kot 4207
Kashapat 3804 Poshna 631
Jhakri - Deem 1478
Source: District Census for Shimla & Kullu Districts, Year 2001 and
Report on Catchment area Treatment Plan for Rampur Block, Forest Division, Rampur

Table 3.69 - Livestock in Villages Directly Affected by RHEP

Livestock Number per household
SC/ST General All

Milch cattles 0.67 0.60 0.63

Draught animals 1.32 1.21 1.26
Young stock 0.67 0.64 0.66
Sheep & Goat 0.56 0.42 0.48
Others 0 0.01 Neg
Total 3.22 2.88 3.03
Source: District Census for Shimla & Kullu Districts, Year 2001 and
Report on Catchment area Treatment Plan for Rampur Block, Forest Division, Rampur

Besides providing a source of supplementary income, livestock also serves as a source of balanced
diet for the people in the rural as well as for the surrounding urban areas. Bee keeping is also
being promoted in the study area as it helps in pollination of the apple crop.

3.7.8 Distribution of Endangered/Protected/Rare/Endemic Flora and Fauna

The distribution of endangered/protected and vulnerable animals in various project zones is
discussed further:

The Satluj Basin

The state of Himachal Pradesh is rich in biodiversity. Forest is an important natural resource of the
State. Forests of the state are utilized for timber collection, fuel wood source, fodder & grasses and
horticulture & leaf collection activities. These activities have induced heavy pressure on forests and
owing to this forests are under severe threats of lasting damage. Past studies undertaken in the
area reported an alarming degradation of 440 Sq km of dense forests into open forests from 1997
to 1999. The loss of forest has lead to loss of habitat for wildlife. Absence of friendly habitat has
put significant pressure on the survival ability of wildlife. Some of the wild animals that are unable
to adapt to the new conditions have become endangered/threatened. Those species of wildlife that

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

are not commonly available and are in very less numbers have become a rare species and are
facing severe threat from hostile living conditions. The ecological status of flora & fauna in forest
of Himachal Pradesh, which are under pressure, is discussed here in detail.
Flora: The State forests are rich in variety of plants that are utilized for medicinal purposes. The
Alpine meadows and Alpine scrub forests provide habitat to a variety of important medicinal flora of
the state. As per an estimate, about 1500 native plant species are used for health care in the state.
Local villagers in these forests have traditional rights to harvest medicinal plants. Over exploitation
of some of these medicinal plants has put them in threatened/endangered/rare species category.
The rare & threatened/endangered plants of Himachal Pradesh are summarized in Table 3.70

Table 3.70 - List of Rare and Threatened Species

S.No. Name S.No. Name S.No. Name
1. Achillea millefolium 2. Aconitum heterophyllum 3. Aconitum violaceum
4. Arnebia benthami 5. Arnebia euchroma 6. Arnebia guttata
7. Astragalus candolianus 8. Astragalus grahmianus 9. Astragalus leucocephalus
10. Betula utilis 11. Bunium persicum 12. Carex borii
13. Carum carvi 14. Chrysanthemum pyrathroides 15. Cortusa mathiole
16. Dactylorhiza hatagirea 17. Draba cachemirica 18. Draba lasiophylla
19. Ephedra geradiana 20. Eremurus himalaicus 21. Euphrasia jaeschkei
22. Euphrasia pauciflora 23. Euphrasia platyphylla 24. Ferula jaeshkeana
25. Galium serphylloides 26. Gentiana tianschanica 27. Hedysarum cashmerianum
28. Heracleum candicans 29. Heracleum thomsoni 30. Heteropappus holohermaphroditus
31. Hyoscyamus niger 32. Inular racemosa 33. Juniperus communis
34. Juniperus recurva 35. Jurinea tibetica 36. Leontopodium frinbriligerum
37. Limosella aquatica 38. Meconopsis bikramii 39. Orobanchhe hansii
40. Pedicularis albida 41. Pedicularis pychnantha 42. Pedicularis purpurea
43. Physochlaina praealta 44. Picrorhiza kurrooa 45. Pinus gerardiana
46. Podophyllum hexandrum 47. Potentilla curviseta 48. Potentilla fulgens
49. Rheum australe 50. Rheum moorcroftianum 51. Rheum spiciforme
52. Saussurea gnapholoides 53. Saussurea gossypiphora 54. Saussurea obvallata
55. Scrophularia koelzii 56. Scrophulria suffruticosa 57. Sedum jaeschkei
58. Seseli tribobium 59. Silene stewartii 60. Silene stewartii
61. Thylacospermum caespitosum 62. Valeriana jaeschkei 63. Veronica biloba
64. Viola biflora 65. Waldhemia glabra 66. Waldhemia stoliczkei
67. Waldhemia tomentosa
Source: Biodiversity Action Plan 2003

Among the total endangered species, 7 species are found in the project influence area. The
medicinal plant species such as Aconitum heterophyllum (Mithi patish), Picorhiza Karoo (Karoo) and
Podophyllum emodi (Bankakari) are categorized as endangered owing to 50% reduction in their
population while Rheum emodii (Rewand chini), Polygonatum verticillatum (Salammishri), velerina
wallichii (Nalchnihani) and Acorus calamus (Birch) have faced about 20% reduction in their
population in last ten years. These too are categorized as endangered species.
Project immediate influence area and the project-affected area are free from presence of any of
the above-mentioned 7 endangered species of medicinal plants.
Fauna: The entire satluj basin is rich in faunal diversity owing to significant variation in climatic
conditions, altitudinal differences and forests diversity. However, the faunal biodiversity remains

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

under constant threat due to fragmentation, degradation and loss of natural habitats. The state
government has extended special protection to endangered wildlife of the state by giving them
special recognition. Musk Deer is recognized as state animal and Monal Phesant as state bird. A list
of endangered and protected wildlife of Himachal Pradesh is summarized in Table 3.71 below:

Table 3.71 - Status of Rare, Endangered and Protected Species of Fauna Historically
Recorded in the Satluj Catchment
Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name
Protected Endangered
Panthera pardus Leopard Panthera uncia Snow leopard
Panthera uncia Snow leopard Capra ibex Himalayan Ibex
Felis bengalensis Leopard Cat Hemitragus jemlahicus Himalayan Thar
Ovis ammon hodgsoni Nayan
Pseudois nayaur Bharal
Capricornis sumatraensis Serow Vulnarable
Moschus moschiferus Musk deer Panthera pardus Leopard
Hemitragus jemlahicus Himalayan Thar Moschus moschiferus Musk deer
Catreus wallichii Cheer Pheasant Panthera uncia Snow leopard

The distribution of endangered/protected and vulnerable animals in project influenced area,

immediate influence area and project affected area is discussed below.

Project Influence Area (7km all around the Project)

The information about the distribution of endangered wildlife is collected from respective forest
division i.e. Rampur/Ani forest Division Himachal Pradesh. The endangered animals reported from
project influence area are Leopard (Panthera pardus), Himalayan Black Bear (Selenarctos
thibetanus), Barking deer (Muntiacus muntiak), Himalayan fox (Vulpes valpes), wolf (Canis lupus),
and among birds Monal phesant (Lophophorus impejanus), Koklaj Pheasant (Purcrasia
macrolopha), and Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) are reported from the forests of the study
The carnivore representative of forest under the study area is Leopard (Panthera pardus). It is
member of cat family is a sleek short haired and agile animal with a fabulous coat marked with
close-set rosettes. It has adapted itself to the forest aera as well as to the open countryside. It is
known to lift sheep & cattle from the shed. The Himalayan Blackbear (Selenarctos thibetanus)
inhabits the oak forests from 1800m to 2500m and is considered a savage animal by villagers for
its raids on village cultivation and occasional attacks on humanbeings. Jackel (Canus aureus) have
been reported from populated areas while Himalayan fox (Vulpes valpes) reported during winter
near habitations in forests.
The Musk deer (Muschus mosehiferus), a solitary and secretive animal is reported from Alpine and
sub alpine zones of the forests at altitude above 2900-4000m elevation range The havey show fall
in higher altitudes leads to downward migration up to 2800-2500m is reported during winter. The
Rhesus macaque (macaca mulata) reported between 1200-2400m mostly in broad-leaved forests
while Langoor (Presbytes entellus) reported 1800-2800m.
The large sexually dimorphic members of phesant family are found throughout the forests. The
Monal phesant (Lophophorus impejanus) a colourful and attractive bird reported fom 300-3000m
while Koklaj Pheasant (Purcrasia macrolopha) is found on steep forested hillsides between 500-

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3000m elevation, and Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii) is found on hillsides between 1800-

Project’s Immediate Influenced Area (500m around the Project)

The area is marked by degraded scrub forest, heaving populated along the National Highway
interrupted with intensive agriculture/horticulture/animal hasbandary practices, etc Hence chances
of wildlife habitats are not expected; and no records of wild life reported from the project area.

Project’s Directly Affected Area

The area is marked by dry denuaded steep hillslopes, foothills with sdcanty thorney shrubs type
vegetation cover and plantation paches of Eucalyptus interrepted by agricultural activities. None of
the wildlife was noticed either direct or indirect evidences as well as there are no reports of wildlife
from forest department records.

Table 3.72 - Comparative Distribution of Forests Types

Forest Types Himachal Pradesh Satluj Basin Project Influence Project Project
Area Immediate Affected
Influence Area Area
Tropical Moist Siwalic Sal Forest. 3C/C2a - - - -
Deciduous Forest
Bhabur Sal Forest. 3C/C2b - - - -
Dry Alpine Scrub + 16/C1 - - -
Moist Alpine Scrub + Alpine Pasture 15/C3 - - -
Sub Alpine Forest + Fir Frs. 14/C1a - - -
Pasture 14/DS1
Himalayan Dry + Coniferous Dry D. Frs. 13/C2b - - -
Temperate Forest
Con. Pine Frs. 13/C1
Blue Pine Frs. 13/C2b - - -
- - -
Himalayan Moist + Ban-Oak Frs. 12/C1a + - -
Temperate Forest
Kharsu Oak Frs. 12/C2a + - -
Moist Deodar Frs. 12/C1C + - -
Oak- Fir Frs. 12/C2b - - -
Mix. Con Frs. 12/C1d + - -
Moharu Oak Frs. 12/C1 + - -
Oak Scrub Frs. 12/Ds1 + - -
Sub- tropical Pine + Himalayan Sub- tropical Pine + - -
Forest.. Frs. 9C1 St. Euph Srb 9DS2 + +
Sub-tropical Dry Dodonea Srb + +
Evergreen Forest.. + + 10DS1

Tropical Dry + + Northern Dry Mixed - -

Deciduous Forest. Dec. Frs. 5/C2

+ + Khair – Sissoo - -
Forest. 5B/1S2
Total 9/36 8/9 4/10 2/2 2/2
+ Present - Absent

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Comparative Distribution of Forests

Table 3.72 shows comparative distribution of forest types in Himachal Pradesh, the Satluj Basin,
the Project Influenced Area, the Project Immediate Influenced Area and the Project Affected Area.
It revealed that Shivalik Sal Forest differentiate Himachal Pradesh from Satluj Basin. While High
Altitude Forest (3500-6600m), Alpine and Sub-Alpine Forest differentiate Satluj Basin and Project
Influenced Area, the Project Immediate Influenced Area and the Project Affected Area represents
minimum forest types, i.e., Sub-tropical Euphorbia Scrub and Dodonea Scrub, which are sparsely
distributed along foothills and hill slopes.

Comparative Status on Protected Area Network

The Himachal Pradesh is endowed with the vast canvas of dense forest and colorful wildlife. The
Protected Area network of Himachal Pradesh is comprised of 32 Wildlife Sanctuary and 2 National
Parks occupying 13.6% of the Geographical Area of the States. Following table shows comparative
distribution of Protected Area Network.

Table 3.73 - Comparative Status of Protected Areas

Protected Areas Himachal Satluj Basin Project Project Immediate Project
Pradesh Influence Area Influence Area Affected Area
National Park 2 1 - - -
Wildlife Sanctuary 32 8 - - -

Comparative Distribution of Flora

The wide range of altitude topography and climatic conditions resulted in rich and diversified flora
in Himachal Pradesh. The flora of Himachal Pradesh comprised of higher plants, ferns, mosses,
fungi and lichens. A total number of 3256 vascular plants has been reported from the State of
which 3210 are angiosperms, 12 are gymnosperms and 34 species of lower plants. Local people for
timber, fodder, fuel, food and medicines have used the flora. The comparative statement on flora
recorded during survey is given below
Table 3.74 - Comparative Distribution of Flora

Sl.No. Nature of Flora Project Influence Project Immediate Project Affected

Area Influence Area Area
1 Trees 45 28 17
2 Shrubs 39 26 23
3 Herbs 21 14 16
4 Climber 04 02 01
5 Grasses 06 04 04
6 Ferns 02 02 02
7 Epiphytes 01 01 -
8 Mushroom 01 - -
Total 119 77 63

Taxonomically flora of the Project Influenced Area recorded highest number of 119 species
belonging to 98 Genera & 58 Families followed by 77 and 63 in Project Immediate Influenced Area
and Project Affected Area respectively. Physiognomically these can be categorized as trees, shrubs,
herbs, climbers, grasses, ferns, epiphytes and mushrooms.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The diversity of flora of project affected area and immediate influence area does not show much
variation. The value of diversity index for trees & shrubs fall in the range of 0.27 to 1.30 for project
affected sites and 1.17 to 1.41 for immediate influence areas. The range for diversity index of
project affected sites and immediate influence area are given in the Table 3.75 below.

Table 3.75 - Comparison of Diversity Index

Area Diversity index Range for Trees & Shrubs Diversity index Range for Grasses & Herbs
Project Affected Area 0.27 – 1.30 0.17 – 0.80
Immediate Influence Areas 1.17 - 1.41 0.87 – 1.13

Comparative Distribution of Fauna

The variation in forest type and vegetation pattern resulted in distribution of diversified flora
throughout the state. The rich faunal diversity includes 77 species of mammals, 447 species of
birds, 44 species of amphibians & reptiles and 81 species of fishes. The Himachal Pradesh supports
rich wildlife fauna, which is generally recorded from higher altitude forest (3500-6600m). The
comparative distribution of endangered, rare & protected species of Himachal Pradesh is given in
table 3.76 below.

Table 3.76 - Comparative Distribution of Endangered Species of Wildlife

Forest Wild life Himachal Satluj Basin Project Project Project Affected
Type Pradesh Influence Area Immediate Area
Influence Area
Cold Desert Snow Leopard + + - - -
Dry Alpine Him Brown Bear + + - - -
Scrub Tibetan Wolf + + - - -
Moist Alpine - -
Red Fox + + -
Sub Alpine - -
Common Leopard + + +
Frs. (3500-
6600) Him Black Bear + + +* - -
Bharal + + - - -
Him Thar + + - - -
Him Ibex + + - - -
Musk Deer + + +* - -
Barking Deer + + +* - -
+- Present, - - Absent *- Altitudinal Migration

Only four species of Wildlife are reported from the Project Influenced Area of which Himalayan
Black Bear reported only during summer while Musk & Barking deer showed altitudinal migration
during winter. The Common Leopard is reported to follow cattle/goat/sheep herd commonly
surrounding the villages in forest areas. None of the endangered rare or protected species is
reported from Project Immediate Influenced Area or Project Affected Area.
The base line faunal survey of the Project Influenced Area revealed that a total 58 species of fauna
recorded during survey of which 18 species are recorded for mammals, 38 species of birds and 2
species of reptiles. Fauna of Project Affected Area and Project Immediate Influenced Area show
poor distribution and mainly represented by domestic animals of local interest such as cows/
buffaloes/ horses/ donkeys/ mules/ cats/ dogs, etc.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.7.9 Potential Impacts on Terrestrial Biodiversity & Mitigation

Impacts to the terrestrial ecosystems on the Rampur region may be fairly significant during the
construction and operation of the power plant if it is considered separate part of the biodiversity.
However, in the context of overall biodiversity of the region,the significant will be very low owing to
nature of project being “Run of the River” with small forest land requirement. Impacts will be either
direct related to the physical clearance, degradation or disturbance of ecosystems and/ or indirect
resulting from the increased population and improved access. Impacts are predicted for various
project activities during construction & operation phase of project. Impacts are categorized as
direct, indirect, cumulative and induced impacts. Impacts on terrestrial biodiversity have been
considered at various levels such as project-affected area, project immediate influenced area and
project influenced area (7 Km surrounding project site).

Loss of Forest
The terrestrial biodiversity of project affected area and project immediate influence area is
represented by low floral & faunal diversity. The tree density in the forest to be acquired for the
project is low. It is around 128-184 trees/ ha , whereas in a good forest, the tree density should be
of the order of 1000-1100 trees/ ha. No rare or endangered tree species were observed in the
forest. No medicinal plants or species of economic importance is present in the proposed project
land. The forests of the area are represented by degraded forests type such as Euphorbia Scrub
and Himalayan Subtropical Scrub. Weedy shrubs with some common tree species dominate the
area. As acquire forestland is just 0.9% of the total forestland available in Rampur division
therefore it will not significantly affect existing forest cover.

Table 3.77 – Density of Trees in Rampur Forest Area

Location Density (No./ ha)
Nogli (Left bank) 128
Bael (Right bank) 184
Duttnagar (Left bank) 133
Source: EIA Study Rampur HEP, H.P

The impact due to tree felling will be insignificant, as 92.6 % of the total trees to be felled
comprised of Eucalyptus trees, which is exotic species to the natural forest. Other tree species are
commonly available in the project immediate influence area and project influence area. As a result
there will be no change in community composition and structure of forest due to tree felling.
The loss due to clearing is also not expected as weedy shrubs, which dominate the forest, are
widely distributed. None of the endangered, rare, threatened or endemic species was observed
throughout the project area hence adverse impacts on Terrestrial Biodiversity due to loss of species
are not at all envisaged.

Mitigation Measures for Loss of Forest

Afforestation programmes for the loss of forests will include tree plantations, silvipasture
development and development of vegetative shrubs. Afforestry mitigation measure will be done
only on pasture lands and grazing lands will not be taken up for afforestation. Exotic species and
dry deciduous species will be avoided. Ever green species should be preferred, to avoid fire due to
flammability of grass during dry summers. A decentralized way of participatory management
practices will be encouraged for conservation of natural resources in the area. A detailed
afforestation plan will be prepared by the project authorities. Besides, a Biodiversity Management

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Plan be prepared for construction & operation phase of the project that will mitigate indirect and
cumulative impacts of loss of forest.

Impact on Flora and Fauna

Increased human interference, direct as well as indirect will have impact on flora and fauna of the
area. The workforce of project may be tempted to cut trees to meet their fuel requirements and for
temporary shelters of their families. In absence of strict implementation of an environmental
management plan; adverse impacts on terrestrial flora may be significant.
Wild fauna is nonexistent in the vicinity of project area. Wild animals generally do not prefer
coming below the altitude of 2000m in the project area because of low density of forest and lack of
proper habitat in the region. Hence, impacts on terrestrial fauna are not expected to be significant.
Construction phase will induce movement of large number of machinery and construction labour in
the area. The operation of construction equipment and blasting is likely to generate noise that can
create some level of disturbance to wildlife population. The increased accessibility to the area due
to human interferences may also have some adverse impact on the migratory birds of the area.
Since the area does not fall on the migratory route of animals, there is no likelihood of significant
effect on migration of animals during seasonal changes.
Although project affected area does not have much flora and fauna of significant value, yet an
assessment of Importance Value Index and Diversity Index of flora of project affected areas and
project immediate influence area was conducted to understand the likely damage to biodiversity.
Importance Value Index (IVI) expresses dominance and ecological success of any species in an
area whereas Diversity Index expresses the variety of species in an area.

Table 3.78 - Diversity Index of Flora found in the Immediate Influence Area of RHEP
Trees & Shrubs Grasses & Herbs
1. Kunni Area 1.40 1.10
2. Nirmand Area 1.41 1.13
3. Near Pashada Forest Area 1.17 0.94
4. Bayal Village 1.24 0.87

Low diversity index and project area being very small portion of the entire biodiversity, make the
potential impact on the biodiversity very less significant.
Induced Impact relevant to Traditional Timber Rights: The state of Himachal Pradesh has
the highest percentage of rural population (90.21%) in the country, with more than 20000 villages
across the state. The predominantly rural population is primarily dependent on agriculture base
economy for livelihood. The natural forest in the area provides wood for building of houses,
bridges, furniture, and agricultural implements, in addition to providing much needed fuel wood. A
large proportion of local livestock feeds on grasses and leaves obtained from forest. Overall the
dependency of local people on naturally available resources of forest is very high.
Under section 28 of Indian Forest Act (1927), the people of Himachal Pradesh have a right to get
timber at nominal rates for construction/repair of houses/dwellings and also for cremation of dead
bodies etc.
There will be increase in timber demand owing to increase in the population and hence of the right
holders. Division in the family, economic development of the people will further boost the demand
for timber rights. It is also observed that, local right holders misuse rights by selling timber
obtained in consessional rates to non-right holders & city dwellers of nearby town. Therefore a

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

major impact on project influence area will happen due to various rights given to villagers residing
in forests.

Quantitative Assessment of Flora in the Project’s Directly Affected Area

Assessment of flora of project-affected area was conducted to arrive at area specific diversity index
and importance value of affected project area. All the sites are open scrub areas dominated by
thorny shrubs and weed species. The dominant shrub species recorded are Adhatoda vasica,
Zizyphus nummularia, Rumex haustatus, Colebrookia oppositifolia, Cannabis sativa, Artemesia
vulgaris, Euphorbia royleana, Dodoneae viscose etc. These species are representative of degrade
area and are abundantly found in dry areas and wasteland.
The dominant herbs and grasses are represented by Pathenium hysterophorus, Arundo donax,
Cynodon dactylon, Oxalis corniculata, Tridex procumbens, Erigeron bellidioides etc. Parthenium is
weed species present in the area is indicator of degraded land and is found throughout the arid
zones and degraded areas.
The Tree species is represented by Eucalyptus globules, which is an exotic species planted in the
area. Besides Eucalyptus some fruit trees like, Prunus persica, Prunus communis, etc are present.
Assessment of flora of project-affected area has been conducted. Area specific Diversity index and
importance value of affected project area have been derived. All the sites are open scrub areas
dominated by thorny shrubs and weed species. The dominant shrub species recorded are Adhatoda
vasica, Zizyphus nummularia, Rumex haustatus, Colebrookia oppositifolia, Cannabis sativa,
Artemesia vulgaris, Euphorbia royleana, Dodoneae viscose etc. These species are representative of
degrade area and are abundantly found in dry areas and wasteland.
The dominant herbs and grasses are represented by Pathenium hysterophorus, Arundo donax,
Cynodon dactylon, Oxalis corniculata, Tridex procumbens, Erigeron bellidioides etc. Parthenium is
weed species present in the area is indicators of degraded land and are found throughout the arid
zones and degraded areas
The Tree species is represented by Eucalyptus globules, which is an exotic species planted in the
area. Besides Eucalyptus some fruit trees like, Prunus persica, Prunus communis etc. are present.
The area wise assessment of the flora is provided in the Tables 3.79 to 3.91 below:

Table 3.79 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Cut and Cover for the Head Race
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Artemesia vulgaris 42.85 78.26 10.81 131.9
Euphorbia royleana 42.85 17.39 30.83 91.08
Ficus palmate 14.28 4.34 58.37 77.01
Herbs & Grasses
Argemone mexicana 20.00 7.14 1.01 28.16
Arundo donax 40.00 42.86 89.66 172.5
Parthenium hysterophorus 40.00 50.00 9.14 99.14

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.80 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area I near Kazo Adit
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 14.81 27.27 14.75 56.83
Agave americana 3.70 1.81 0.72 6.24
Aloe vera 3.70 1.81 0.662 6.18
Bombax ceiba 3.70 1.81 61.37 66.88
Calotropis gigantea 7.40 9.36 0.937 17.70
Cannabis sativa 11.11 14.54 2.245 27.90
Carissa spinarum 3.70 1.81 0.49 6.01
Colebrookia oppositifolia 11.11 16.36 7.99 35.46
Dodonaeae viscosa 7.40 3.63 0.641 11.68
Opuntia monocantha 3.70 1.81 3.07 8.59
Prinsepia utilis 7.40 3.63 1.70 12.74
Ricinus communis 3.70 1.81 0.371 5.89
Rumex hastatus 11.11 7.27 0.837 19.22
Zizyphus nummularia 14.81 16.36 5.17 36.35
Herbs & Grasses
Chenopodium album 10.00 13.79 18.32 42.11
Chromolaena odorata 20.00 17.24 18.95 56.19
Cynodon dactylon 10.00 13.79 33.93 57.7
Jasminium officinalis 20.00 6.89 1.864 28.76
Oxalis corniculata 10.00 17.24 15.38 42.62
Tridex procumbens 30.00 31.03 11.58 72.61

Table 3.81 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Job Facilities Area at Kazo Adit
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Berberies aristata 10.00 3.33 1.52 14.85
Cannabis sativa 10.00 13.33 1.53 24.86
Carissa spinarum 10.00 3.33 0.42 13.75
Colebrookia oppositifolia 40.00 66.66 23.64 130.3
Desmodium tiliaefolium 20.00 10 1.41 31.41
Pinus roxburghii 10.00 3.33 71.49 84.82
Herbs & Grasses
Achyranthes aspera 12.49 7.69 10.44 30.63
Asparagus racemosa 6.24 2.56 3.55 12.37
Echinops echinatus 18.74 17.94 26.84 63.53
Ocimum basilicum 24.99 17.94 17.90 60.85
Oxalis corniculata 18.74 17.94 11.86 48.56
Parthenium hysterophorus 6.24 20.51 16.24 43.00
Pteris sps. 12.49 15.38 13.07 40.96

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.82 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Approach Road for Kazo Adit
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Acacia leucophloea 9.09 4.00 23.44 36.53
Calatropis gigantea 18.18 8.00 0.341 26.52
Cannabis sativa 27.27 56.0 2.61 85.88
Colebrookia oppositifolia 27.27 20.0 3.91 51.18
Mallotus phillipinenisis 27.27 16.0 69.37 112.6
Rumex haustatus 27.27 16.0 0.80 44.08
Solanum surattense 9.09 4.00 0.74 13.83
Herbs & Grasses
Heliotropium strigosum 25.0 22.22 18.34 65.56
Ocimum basiculum 16.66 22.22 22.53 61.42
Oxalis corniculata 16.66 18.51 15.41 50.59
Saccharum spontaneum 25.0 29.63 34.73 89.36
Verbascum thapsus 16.66 7.40 8.86 32.94

Table 3.83 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of Kazo Adit

Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Pinus roxburghii 33.33 50.05 99.78 183.16
Rumex hastatus 66.66 50.05 0.192 116.90
Herbs & Grasses
Parthenium hysterophorus 49.97 66.66 48.17 164.81
Saccharum spontaneum 49.97 33.33 51.83 135.14

Table 3.84 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area II near Kunni Adit
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 10.71 7.84 19.50 38.06
Berberies aristata 3.57 1.96 3.02 8.55
Calatropis gigantea 7.14 5.88 6.09 19.12
Cannabis sativa 7.142 15.68 10.73 33.56
Carissa spinarum 3.57 1.96 2.46 7.99
Colebrookia oppositifolia 17.85 25.49 16.40 59.82
Debregeasia hypoleuca 3.57 1.96 2.77 8.31
Dodonaea viscosa 21.42 19.60 18.90 59.93
Euphorbia royleana 3.57 1.96 5.02 10.55
Lantana camara 14.28 11.76 8.10 34.15
Rubus ellipticus 3.57 1.96 2.76 8.29
Zizyphus nummularia 3.57 3.92 4.125 11.61
Herbs & Grasses
Fragaria indica 18.18 15.38 18.30 51.86
Launaea procumbens 18.18 23.07 21.28 62.54
Parthenium hysterophorus 36.36 34.61 40.56 111.54
Tridex procumbens 27.27 26.92 19.85 74.05

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.85 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Kunni Adit

Species Relative Frequency Relative Density IVI
Calotropis gigantea 40.00 37.50 39.67 117.17
Rumex hastatus 60.00 62.50 60.32 182.82
Herbs & Grasses
Cynodon dactylon 49.99 41.66 41.25 132.92
Parthenium hysterophorus 49.99 58.33 58.74 167.07

Table 3.86 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Goshal Adit

Species Relative Frequency Relative Density IVI
Dodoneae viscosa 60.00 71.43 1.82 133.25
Eucalyptus globulus 20.00 14.28 91.99 126.28
Euphorbia royleana 20.00 14.28 6.18 40.47
Herbs & Grasses
Oxalis corniculata 50.00 60.00 58.44 168.44
Tridex procumbens 50.00 40.00 41.55 131.55

Table 3.87 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area III downstream of
the Nimrand Bridge
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 17.65 20.0 3.16 40.81
Cannabis sativa 11.76 16.00 2.56 30.33
Carissa spinarum 5.882 4.00 0.67 10.56
Colebrookia oppositifolia 17.65 24.00 7.42 49.07
Euphorbia royleana 23.53 20.00 29.89 73.4
Ficus palmata 5.882 4.00 27.19 37.07
Opuntia monocantha 5.882 4.00 2.09 11.98
Robinia pseudoacacia 5.882 4.00 25.97 35.85
Zizyphus nummularia 5.88 4.00 0.99 10.88
Herbs & Grasses
Fragaria indica 16.67 10.52 9.20 36.39
Oxalis corniculata 33.33 38.59 36.57 108.50
Parthenium hysterophorus 41.67 47.36 50.4 139.53
Verbascum thapsus 8.33 3.50 3.715 15.55

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.88 - Assessment of Flora on the Site of the Dumping Area IV at Averi
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Calotropis gigantea 25.00 29.99 1.68 56.68
Colebrookia oppositifolia 25.00 20.0 3.00 48.00
Zizyphus nummularia 25.00 29.99 2.54 57.54
Eucalyptus globulus 25.00 20.0 92.66 137.66
Herbs & Grasses
Parthenium hysterophorus 75.00 86.84 96.10 257.95
Cynodon dactylon 25.00 13.15 3.84 42.00

Table 3.89 - Assessment of Flora on the Sites of the Surge Shaft and the Approach Road
to the Surge Shaft
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 25.0 35.55 3.57 64.13
Cannabis sativa 12.5 26.66 1.16 40.33
Carissa spinarum 4.16 2.22 0.17 6.55
Eucalyptus globulus 12.5 8.88 90.0 111.38
Euphorbia royleana 12.5 6.66 3.26 22.43
Opuntia monocantha 8.33 4.44 0.65 13.43
Princepia utilis 8.33 4.44 0.52 13.29
Rumex hastatus 8.33 6.66 0.40 15.40
Saccharum spontaneum 62.5 63.63 32.03 158.17
Zizyphus nummularia 8.33 4.44 0.24 13.01
Herbs & Grasses
Arundo donax 37.5 36.36 67.96 141.82

Table 3.90 - Assessment of Flora on the Sites of the Power House Area & its Approach
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 9.30 11.86 0.32 21.49
Agave Americana 6.97 5.08 2.41 14.4
Ailanthus excelsa 2.32 1.69 3.02 7.04
Cannabis sativa 6.97 10.17 0.16 17.3
Carissa spinerum 4.65 5.08 0.21 9.95
Celtis australis 2.32 1.69 2.60 6.62
Dalbergia sissoo 2.32 1.69 1.29 5.31
Eucalyptus globulus 9.30 11.8 39.0 60.20
Euphorbia royleana 2.32 1.69 0.85 4.87
Ficus palmata 2.32 1.69 3.00 7.02
Girardinia heterophylla 2.32 3.3 0.20 5.9
Grevia sps 2.32 1.69 2.70 6.72
Lantana camara 2.32 6.78 0.10 9.20
Mangifera indica 2.32 1.69 13.52 17.5

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Relative Relative Relative

Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Melia azaderach 6.97 5.08 4.50 16.5
Milingtonia hortensis 2.32 1.69 3.43 7.45
Morua alba 2.32 1.69 3.32 7.34
Musa paradisiaca 2.30 1.69 4.21 8.23
Prinsepia utilis 4.65 3.39 0.15 8.19
Prunus communis 4.65 6.78 6.30 17.7
Prunus persica 4.65 3.39 6.01 14.0
Ricinus communis 4.65 3.39 0.09 8.13
Rumex haustatus 4.65 3.3 0.03 8.07
Solanum surattense 2.32 1.69 0.29 4.31
Tamrindus indica 2.32 1.69 2.14 6.16
Herbs & Grasses
Arundo donax 11.11 6.89 64.69 82.699
Chenopodium album 11.11 6.897 1.272 19.28
Cynodon dactylon 22.22 31.04 11.35 64.604
Fragaria indica 11.11 13.79 5.875 30.78
Oxalis corniculata 22.22 24.14 6.666 53.02
Trifolium pratense 11.11 13.79 5.525 30.43
Verbascum thapsus 11.11 3.44 4.627 19.187

Table 3.91 - Assessment of Flora on the Quarry Site at Village Koyal

Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 10.52 6.25 5.16 21.94
Calatropis gigantea 5.263 3.12 0.05 8.44
Eucalyptus globulus 5.263 12.50 12.83 30.60
Euphorbia royleana 10.52 9.37 2.79 22.69
Ficus palmata 5.263 3.12 7.34 15.73
Melia azaderach 10.52 6.25 12.30 29.08
Musa paradisiaca 5.263 6.25 10.97 22.49
Prunus communis 15.78 21.87 34.03 71.69
Prunus persica 10.52 12.50 14.18 37.21
Rumex hastatus 10.52 9.37 0.15 20.05
Zizyphus nummularia 10.52 9.37 0.1 20.05
Herbs & Grasses
Argemone mexicana 11.11 10.00 11.52 32.63
Erigeron bellidioides 22.22 15.00 13.65 50.87
Fragaria indica 22.22 20.00 19.36 61.58
Oxalis corniculata 22.22 20.00 18.20 60.42
Sonchus oleraceus 11.11 15.00 15.92 42.03
Tridex procumbens 11.11 20.00 21.36 52.47

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The Diversity Index for the project-affected area has been calculated. The diversity of the area
is very low. Highest value of diversity index recorded is 1.28 for Powerhouse and approach road
area. For all other sites, the diversity index is below. This indicates that the area is not rich in floral
wealth and represents poor diversity. The diversity index of the project-affected area is given in the
Table 3.92 below.

Table 3.92 - Diversity Index of Project’s Directly Affected Area

Trees & Shrubs Grasses & Herbs
1 Cut and Cover Head Race Tunnel 0.27 0.39
2 Dumping Area (near Kazo Adit) 0.90 0.58
3 Dumping Area (near Kunni Adit) 0.97 0.73
4 Kazo Adit 0.27 0.27
5 Kazo Job Facility 0.48 0.79
6 Kazo Approach Road 0.51 0.66
7 Kuni Adit 0.28 0.29
8 Goshai Adit 0.34 0.29
9 Dumping Area (Nirmand Bridge) 0.83 0.46
10 Averi Dumping Area 0.59 0.16
11 Surge Shaft Area (Approach road) 0.78 0.28
12 Power House Area (Approach road, tail race and job facilities) 1.28 0.75
13 Quarry road, Crusher & Job Facilities 0.97 0.76

Tree Felling in the Project: A verification of the trees to be felled fro the project reveled that, of
92.6 % of trees to be felled is Eucalyptus. The Eucalyptus is an exotic species to the natural forests
of the region, and is planted by the Forest Department under degraded forest area development
scheme. Other species reported are commonly distributed throughout the project immediate
influence area and project influence area.

Table 3.93 - List of Trees to be Felled for the Project

Sl.No. Scientific Name Common Name Number
1 Eucalyptus globolus Safeda 996
2 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham 37
3 Melia azadirach Dreak 21
4 Grewia oppositifolia Biul 9
5 Toona ciliata Tun 4
6 Pinus roxburghii Chir 3
7 Morus alba Mulberry 2
8 Acacia leucophloea Subabul 1
9 Salix sp Willow 1
10 Ficus palmata Fedu 1
Total 1075
Source: Tree Cutting Report Rampur Forest Division

None of endangered, rare, threatened or endemic tree is loosed due to felling in project-affected
area. Owing to their common distribution and not having significant ecological status loss, of these

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

species will not significantly affect existing biodiversity status of the either project influence area,
Satluj Basin in general or Himachal Pradesh in totality. It will also not affect the structure
composition, of existing forest types, forest cover or distribution characteristics of flora. Therefore,
adverse impacts on terrestrial biodiversity due to proposed tree felling is not at all expected.

Assessment of Flora of the Immediate Influence Area

Assessment of flora of immediate influence area has been conducted (500m from the project-
affected areas). Random Quadrat sampling has been conducted and site-specific Diversity Index
and Importance Value Index have been derived. The Diversity index is low and maximum value is
1.41. The value of diversity index for trees & shrubs is higher than grasses & herbs. Importance
Value Index (IVI) expresses dominance and ecological success of any species in an area. The flora
of the area is dominated by succulent shrubs such as Agave americana (Rambans), Euphorbia
royleana (Shuru), and Opuntia monocantha (Nagphani) followed by thorny species such as Carissa
spinarum (Karonda), Zizyphus nummularia (Beri), Rubus ellipticus (Hinsar), Solanum surrattense
(Kateli) etc. The assessment of flora depicts that Eucalyptus globules is the dominant tree in the
area followed by Mallotus phillipinenisis and fruit trees of Prunus sps.
Among herbs and grasses Parthenium hysterophorus is dominant species followed by Arundo
donax, Cynodon dactylon, Oxalis corniculata, Tridex procumbens, Erigeron bellidioides, Jasminium
officinalis, Fragaria indica etc. The site wise quantitative assessment of the flora of project affected
sites is presented below in Tables 3.94 to 3.97.

Table 3.94 - Assessment of Flora of the Kunni Area

Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Callistemon citrinus 5.40 5.88 7.20 18.44
Dalbergia sissoo 5.40 3.92 9.43 18.76
Eucalyptus globules 5.40 3.92 13.91 23.24
Ficus religiosa 2.70 1.96 2.91 7.57
Ficus palmata 2.70 1.96 3.09 7.75
Ficus roxburghii 2.70 1.96 4.27 8.93
Grevellia robusta 2.70 3.92 12.32 18.95
Mangifera indica 2.70 1.96 17.07 21.73
Mallotus philippinenisis 2.70 1.96 1.43 6.10
Pinus roxburghii 2.70 3.9 12.32 18.95
Prunus communis 5.40 3.92 1.66 10.99
Robinia pseudoacacia 2.70 1.96 3.86 8.52
Adhatoda vasica 5.40 5.88 1.149 12.43
Artemesia vulgaris 5.40 5.88 0.64 11.93
Calotropis gigantea 2.70 1.96 0.21 4.87
Cannabis sativa 2.70 5.88 0.80 9.38
Colebrookia oppositifolia 2.70 1.96 0.36 5.03
Debregeasia hypoleuca 5.40 3.92 1.68 11.00
Dodonaea viscosa 2.70 5.88 1.20 9.79
Girardinia heterophylla 5.40 5.88 1.20 12.49
Lantana camara 2.70 1.96 0.13 4.79
Moriandra strobilifera 2.70 1.96 0.36 5.03
Plectranthus coesta 2.70 3.92 0.40 7.02

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Relative Relative Relative

Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Princepia utilis 2.70 1.96 0.26 4.93
Rubus ellipticus 5.40 5.88 1.10 12.39
Rumex hastatus 2.70 5.88 0.30 8.88
Woodfordia fruticosa 2.70 1.96 0.50 5.16
Zizyphus nummularia 2.70 1.96 0.10 4.76
Herbs & Grasses
Achyranthes aspera 4.54 5 6.03 15.57
Chenopodium album 4.54 5 4.05 13.5
Chromolaena odorata 4.54 2.5 1.86 8.90
Erigeron bellidioides 9.09 7.5 5.44 22.03
Fragaria indica 9.09 7.5 7.52 24.11
Heliotropium strigosum 9.09 12.5 10.23 31.82
Oxalis corniculata 9.09 10 7.99 27.08
Sonchus oleraceus 9.09 7.5 5.53 22.12
Tridex procumbens 4.54 5 2.72 12.27
Verbascum thapsus 4.54 5 4.13 13.67
Jasminium officinalis 13.63 12.5 8.06 34.20
Cynodon dactylon 4.54 2.5 2.49 9.54
Saccharum spontaneum 4.54 7.5 9.10 21.15
Parthenium hysterophorus 9.09 10 24.77 43.86

Table 3.95 - Assessment of Flora of Nirmand Area

Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Acacia leucophloea 3.33 2.27 4.70 10.3
Albizzia lebbek 3.33 2.27 5.30 10.9
Callistemon citrinus 3.33 4.54 5.53 13.4
Cupressus torulosa 3.33 4.54 5.99 13.8
Dalbergia sissoo 3.33 2.27 4.61 10.2
Eucalyptus globulus 3.33 2.27 6.91 12.5
Ficus palmate 3.33 2.27 3.53 9.14
Ficus roxburghii 3.33 2.273 4.88 10.4
Grevellia robusta 3.33 2.273 5.38 10.9
Melia azaderach 3.33 4.545 8.45 16.3
Morus sps 3.33 2.273 5.76 11.3
Pinus roxburghii 6.66 6.818 18.6 32.1
Populus ciliata 3.33 2.273 5.38 10.9
Prunus communis 3.33 4.545 2.30 10.1
Robinia pseudoacacia 3.33 2.273 4.41 10.0
Adhatoda vasica 3.33 4.545 0.87 8.75
Agave Americana 3.33 2.273 0.34 5.95
Artemesia vulgaris 3.33 4.545 0.49 8.37
Cannabis sativa 6.66 9.091 1.22 16.9
Colebrookia oppositifolia 3.33 4.545 0.92 8.80
Debregeasia hypoleuca 3.33 2.273 0.69 2.96
Dodonaea viscosa 3.33 2.273 0.49 6.10

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Relative Relative Relative

Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Euphorbia royleana 3.33 4.545 0.99 8.87
Girardinia heterophylla 3.33 2.273 0.384 5.99
Lantana camara 3.33 2.273 0.230 5.83
Plectranthus coesta 3.33 4.545 0.307 8.18
Princepia utilis 3.33 2.273 0.307 5.91
Rumex hastatus 3.33 4.545 0.3075 8.18
Woodfordia fruticosa 3.33 2.273 0.538 6.14
Herbs & Grasses
Achyranthes aspera 3.84 2.632 3.89 10.37
Argemone mexicana 3.84 2.632 5.72 12.21
Chenopodium album 3.84 5.263 4.83 13.94
Echinops echinatus 3.84 2.632 0.01 6.478
Erigeron bellidioides 3.84 2.632 2.16 8.643
Fragaria indica 7.69 10.53 11.91 30.13
Heliotropium strigosum 7.69 7.895 7.31 22.91
Oxalis corniculata 7.69 10.53 9.53 27.75
Sonchus oleraceus 7.69 13.16 10.99 31.85
Tridex procumbens 11.5 7.895 4.87 24.31
Trifolium pratense 7.69 5.263 4.81 17.77
Verbascum thapsus 3.84 2.632 2.17 8.654
Jasminium officinalis 3.84 2.632 2.06 8.54
Cynodon dactylon 3.84 5.263 5.26 14.38
Saccharum spontaneum 11.5 10.53 13.74 35.81
Parthenium hysterophorus 7.69 7.895 10.65 26.24

Table 3.96 - Assessment of Flora Near Bayal Village

Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Ficus elastica 5.26 3.704 7.648 16.61
Mangifera indica 5.26 3.704 29.08 38.05
Melia azaderach 5.26 3.704 6.373 15.34
Mallotus philippinenisis 5.26 7.407 5.307 17.98
Morus serrata 5.26 3.704 8.633 17.6
Prunus amygradus 5.26 11.11 10.08 26.46
Prunus communis 5.26 7.407 3.476 16.15
Prunus persica 5.26 7.407 5.214 17.88
Syzygium cumini 5.26 3.704 5.62 14.59
Tamarindus indica 5.26 3.704 5.041 14.01
Adhatoda vasica 5.26 7.407 1.321 13.99
Artemesia vulgaris 5.26 7.407 0.746 13.42
Colebrookia oppositifolia 5.26 3.704 0.695 9.662
Debregeasia hypoleuca 5.26 3.704 1.043 10.01
Dodonaea viscosa 5.26 3.704 0.753 9.72
Girardinia heterophylla 5.26 3.704 0.579 9.546
Lantana camara 5.26 7.407 0.695 13.37
Musa paradisiacal 5.26 3.704 7.068 16.04

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Relative Relative Relative

Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Zizyphus nummularia 5.26 3.704 0.637 9.604
Herbs & Grasses
Achyranthes aspera 8.33 3.704 6.159 18.2
Erigeron bellidioides 8.33 3.704 3.424 15.46
Fragaria indica 16.7 18.52 23.55 58.74
Heliotropium strigosum 8.33 14.81 15.43 38.58
Ocimum basilicum 8.33 7.407 7.609 23.35
Oxalis corniculata 8.33 11.11 11.3 30.75
Tridex procumbens 16.7 25.93 18.01 60.6
Trifolium pratense 8.33 7.407 7.609 23.35
Verbascum thapsus 16.7 7.407 6.884 30.96

Table 3.97 - Assessment of Importance Value Index for Flora near Pashada Forest Area
Relative Relative Relative
Species IVI
Frequency Density Dominance
Adhatoda vasica 4.166 5.71 0.95 10.83
Artemesia vulgaris 4.166 5.71 0.55 10.43
Berberies aristata 4.166 2.85 0.35 7.382
Bombax ceiba 4.16 2.85 6.73 13.75
Carissa spinarum 8.333 5.71 0.55 14.60
Celtis australis 4.16 2.85 5.13 12.16
Dalbergia sissoo 4.16 2.85 5.57 12.60
Desmodium tiliaefolium 4.166 2.85 0.27 7.30
Eucalyptus globulus 8.33 5.71 10.04 24.08
Euphorbia royleana 4.166 2.85 0.35 7.38
Grewia oppositifolia 4.166 2.85 5.89 12.92
Lantana camara 4.166 5.71 0.51 10.3
Mallotus philippinenisis 8.333 8.57 6.45 23.35
Moriandra strobilifera 4.16 2.85 0.36 7.39
Pinus roxburghii 12.5 22.8 53.5 88.90
Plectranthus coesta 4.166 5.71 0.70 10.58
Princepia utilis 4.166 2.85 0.55 7.581
Rumex hastatus 4.16 5.71 0.8 10.75
Solanum surattense 4.16 2.8571 0.51 7.54
Herbs & Grasses
Achyranthes aspera 7.69 4.34 2.4 14.49
Arundo donax 7.69 4.34 4.28 16.32
Chenopodium album 7.69 8.69 7.35 23.7
Cynodon dactylon 7.69 8.69 9.55 25.94
Echinops echinatus 15.3 13.0 8.82 37.25
Fragaria indica 7.69 13.0 11.3 32.13
Heliotropium strigosum 15.38 13.0 11.7 40.1
Parthenium hysterophorus 15.38 21.739 31.86 68.98
Pteris sps 7.69 4.34 2.4 14.49
Saccharum spontaneum 7.69 8.69 10.04 26.43

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Mitigation Measures for Impact on Flora and Fauna

A management plan will be prepared by SJVNL along with local administrative authorities for
controlling and reducing the activities related to extraction of timber from the forest. A
compensatory afforestation plan and biodiversity preservation plan will also be prepared by the
SJVNL as mitigatory measures to the impact on biodiversity by the RHEP. Biodiversity Management
Plan as mentioned earlier will be prepared for construction & operation phase of the project that
will mitigate indirect and cumulative impacts on flora and fauna.

3.8 Impact Generated by Construction Activities

Generally many significant impacts are observed during the construction of hydropower projects.
Most construction activities will impact water, air; and will generate noise. Such impacts are
presented with associated mitigation measures in the first part of this section. This second part
deals with specific impacts associated with some of the construction activities, principally with
quarries and borrow sites, work camps, work areas and labour forces, the head race tunnel,the
Power Station and substations and the Downstream Channel. The third part of this section deals
with impacts linked to other specific construction and Project Developments, such the construction
of roads, the Transmission Lines, the impacts associated with resettlement, and the potential
impacts to physical and cultural resources within the construction areas.
Without these specific details, the EIA of these components can only be preliminary in nature and
limited to identifying the major areas of consideration. Although several areas have been identified
the precise location of the construction work camps and work areas are yet to be determined. For
spoil disposal sites, quarry sites and construction work camps and work areas, a plan detailing the
locations, designs and environmental safeguards will be prepared by construction contractor’s
Environmental Management and Monitoring team. A discussion of quarry sites, spoil deposal, and
construction work camp areas is included below to present the framework within which the
activities will be determined and to provide general information on location which has been
identified as possible sites.
The environmental management plan for construction activities will define best practices for a
number of relevant areas. It will also need to have a number of sub-plans for implementing
protection and mitigation measures addressing all environmental impacts created by the
construction activities. In addition, a number of monitoring programmes will be developed to
ensure that the impacts during construction are effectively mitigated and controlled. Currently, the
environmental requirements established by SJVNL on the construction contractor to minimize
construction impacts on the environment.

3.8.1 Water Quality Impacts & Mitigation

The water of river Satluj in the project area is slightly alkaline, soft in nature and is relatively free
from organic pollution load and fluoride. The dissolved oxygen is high in the river. The reason for
good quality can be ascribed to high water flow, low temperature and absence of any industrial
activity. Faecal contamination is generally low except near areas where local population resides.
River water is relatively free from heavy metal contamination except Mercury at one location in the
project area near intake structure at Jhakri outfall.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Sources and Type of Impacts

The major sources of construction related impacts on water quality will be from erosion of the
disturbed area required for the construction activities (construction sites, concrete batch plants,
material storage areas, vehicle maintenance areas, disposal areas), from waste water discharge
from the construction labour camps and from contaminated water (oil, grease, petro chemicals,
cement and chemicals) resulting from various construction activities. The primary impact is the
potential for introducing sediments and pollutants to the adjacent river body during the period of
construction, thereby affecting aquatic habitats, fishes and water source for residents and wildlife
downstream of the construction areas.

The project authority will be required to prepare several plans, including an Erosion and Sediment
control Plan, and Water Quality Monitoring Plan, incorporating the following key points:
• Water management plans will comprise of the development of drainage works, sediment
traps, diversions, culverts and other structures designed to treat water to an acceptable
quality before discharge into the natural water courses. All structures will be in place prior
to beginning the construction of the facilities.
• All runoff from the construction areas, including from concrete batch plants, will be
directed to sediment settling areas. Erosion control facilities will be installed throughout
the construction areas and will include silt traps, fences and sedimentation basins where
appropriate, depending upon the size of the catchment. The sediment settling basin will
have adequate storage capacity and will be regularly inspected, with accumulated
sediments removed throughout the construction period.
• Catch drains, diversion drains, table drains, windrows and associated drop down will
direct site run off to established watercourses. These will be inspected regularly for any
damage caused by sourcing, sediment deposition, channel obstruction and loss of
vegetation cover, and all erosion control measures will be maintained.
• Soil and spoil removed from the construction areas will be stockpiled separately and
stabilized with grasses or other vegetations
• Treatment facilities to remove oil and grease from the water before discharge to the river
will be installed. This will be of particular importance for the runoff from the Vehicle
maintenance areas. Monitoring of oil and grease skimmers will be made throughout the
construction period.
• Refueling of heavy equipment and machinery will be undertaken with appropriate
safeguards and protection measures to prevent spillage or contamination by chemicals or
maintenance oils and lubricants. All fuel and hazardous materials will be stored in such a
way as to minimize the potential for spills(chemical waste/spillage Management Plan,
Emergency plan for Hazardous materials of RHEP)
• Waste water treatment plants will be installed to treat all waste water generated from the
labour camps and other facilities associated with the construction of the project
• Any use of Synthetic chemicals will have to be done in accordance with the RHEP
Chemical waste/Spillage Management Plan.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.8.2 Air Quality Impacts & Mitigation

The study area mainly comprises rural environment. Sources of air pollution affecting the region
currently are vehicular traffic, dust arising from unpaved village roads and domestic fuel burning.
The air environment around project site is free from any significant pollution source. Therefore,
Ambient air quality is quite good in and around the project area. Ambient air monitoring was
undertaken in the project area in post monsoon season in the year 2004. Monitoring established
that air quality parameters conform to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for residential
and rural areas. Maximum level of NOx and SO2 was observed as 9.4 μg/m3 and 7.1 μg/m3
respectively. SPM and RSPM were found to have maximum value of 105 μg/m3 and 44 μg/m3
respectively. See Table 3.99.
The National Ambient Air Quality Standard by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) is presented
in Table 3.98.

Table 3.98 - National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Pollutants Time weighted Average Industrial Area Residential Area Sensitive Area
(μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3)
SO2 Annual Average * 80 60 15
24 hours ** 120 80 30
NOx Annual * 80 60 15
24 hours ** 120 80 30
SPM Annual * 360 140 70
24 hours ** 500 200 100
RPM Annual * 120 60 50
24 hours ** 150 100 75
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken twice a week 24 hourly at uniform interval.
** 24 hourly/8hourly values should be met 98th percentile of the time in a year. However, 2% of the time, it may exceed
but not on two consecutive days.
NOTE 1: National Ambient Air Quality Standards: the levels of air quality with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the
public health, vegetation and property.
NOTE 2: Whenever and wherever two consecutive values exceeds the limit specified above for the respective category, it
would be considered adequate reason to institute regular/continuous monitoring and further investigation.
Source: S.O. 384 (E), Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 dated April 11, 1994
and [EPA Notification: GSR 176 (E), April 2, 1996]

Table 3.99 - Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data

Post-monsoon Season (September 2004), (Unit: μg/m3)
Station NOx SO2 RPM SPM
Rampur 7.2 6.1 39 92
8.2 6.9 40 102
9.4 6.8 44 105
7.2 BDL 38 97
6.7 BDL 38 96
9.4 7.1 36 92
8.0 BDL 38 99
7.1 6.4 40 104

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Station NOx SO2 RPM SPM

Village Bael 8.2 6.2 36 87
8.2 BDL 38 95
8.6 BDL 40 101
7.8 6.7 40 103
8.2 6.7 38 97
8.1 6.9 40 104
7.9 BDL 40 101
7.8 BDL 38 94
BDL: Below Detectable Limit (6 μg/m for SO2)

The maximum, minimum and the average values for different air quality paramters have been
calculated and presented below for easy reference.

Table 3.100 - Maximum, Minimum, Average Values of NOx, SO2, SPM, RPM in Ambient
Post-Monsoon Season (Unit: μgm3)
Station Average Maximum Minimum
Nitrogen Oxides
Rampur 7.9 9.4 6.7
Village Bael 8.1 8.6 7.8

Rampur 4.1 7.1 BDL
Village Bael 3.3 6.9 BDL
Suspended Particulate Matter
Rampur 98.3 105 92
Village Bael 97.75 104 87
Respirable Particulate Matter
Rampur 39.1 44 36
Village Bael 38.75 40 36
* Below Detectable Limit (BDL) for SO2 is 6 μg/m3
* Average values have estimated excluding values Below Detectable Limit.

Observations on Ambient NOX Levels

The highest average NOx value of 8.1μg/m3 was observed at Rampur in post–monsoon season.
The highest value of 9.4 μg/m3 too was observed at the same station. The NOx level as monitored
by HP State Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board ranges from 5.24 to 26.34μg6/m3.
The NOx level observed at various sampling stations in the project and the study area was much
lower than the permissible limit of 80μg/m3, specified for residential and rural areas.

Observation on ambient SO2 levels

The maximum SO2 level of 7.1 μg/m3 was observed at Rampur. Quite a few values were observed
to be below detectable limit (BDL) of 6 μg/m3 during the survey conducted in post-monsoon
season. The average SO2 levels as observed by HP State Environment Protection & Pollution

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Control Board ranges from 1.84 to 9.42μg/m3. The SO2 level observed at various stations was much
lower than the permissible limit of 80 μg/m3 specified for residential and rural areas.

Observations on Ambient SPM levels

The maximum SPM level of 105µg/m3 was observed at Rampur. At all the ambient air quality
monitoring stations, the SPM level was much below the permissible limit of 200µg/m3, specified for
residential and rural areas.

Observations on Ambient RPM levels

The average RPM levels as observed at the two stations in the study area ranged from 38.75 to
39.1µg/m3 in post monsoon season. The highest RPM level observed was 44 μg/m3. All the values
of RPM monitored during the field survey were well within the permissible limit of 100 μg/m3
specified for residential and rural areas.

Source and Types of Impacts

Vehicles and stationary equipment will impact air quality at the construction site through emissions
from the engines. Additionally quarry site activities including operation of crushers, concrete batch
plants, construction work and movement of vehicles along unpaved road will generate dust &
gaseous emission and impact air quality. The burning of waste will also affect air quality. In
absence of proper fuel, construction workers at the project site may use wood for fuel burning.
This will impact air quality.

Maintenance of vehicles and stationary equipment in good working order will reduce negative
impacts on air quality. Spraying water on roadways and other activity areas where there is
potential for dust emission will control dust. The burning of waste will be done in designated areas
away from settlement. Burning of wood for fuel purposes by the construction workers and any
other material, which produces toxic gases, will not be allowed. The construction contractor will
prepare an Emission and dust control plan.

3.8.3 Noise Impacts & Mitigation

The project area is calm and peaceful with negligible high sound activity. The noise survey results
for the project area are well within the upper limit prescribed by the National Ambient Noise
Standards for residential area. The noise level at various sampling stations ranged from 32 to 44
The noise levels at Jhakri, Near Rampur Bridge and Bael were monitored in the month of
September 2004. These two locations would be potentially affected the most by high noise
activities of the project. Monitoring was done only during daytime since the noise levels observed
were quite low, almost close to lowest permissible standard i.e. night time in silence zone; hence
measuring noise level during night time was not considered important from study point of view.
The day time monitoring was carried out continuously for 12 hours, at each location and hourly
equivalent noise level(Leq) was measured. The results are summarized in Table 3.101. Table 3.102
presents ambient noise standard prescribed by the CPCB.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.101 - Hourly Equivalent Noise Levels in the Project Area

[unit: db(A)]
Time Jhakri Near rampur Bridge Bael
8 -9 AM 34 32 32
9-10 AM 38 39 34
10-11 AM 36 38 32
11 AM - 12 Noon 34 38 34
1 – 2 PM 35 38 34
2 – 3 PM 34 37 34
3 – 4 PM 38 36 34
4 – 5 PM 37 30 35
5 – 6 PM 38 31 35
6 – 7 PM 34 38 33
7 – 8 PM 33 38 33
8 – 9 PM 32 38 32

Table 3.102 - Ambient Noise Standards

Area Code Category of Area Limits in dB (A) Leq
Day time Night time
A Industrial Area 75 70
B Commercial Area 65 55
C Residential Area 55 45
D Silence Zone 50 40
NOTE 1: Day time - 6 AM and 9 PM; Night time is 9 PM and 6 AM
NOTE 2: Silence zone is defined as areas upto 100 metres around such premises as hospitals, educational
institutions and courts. The silence zones are to be declared by competent authority. Use of vehicular horns,
loadspeakers and bursting of crackers shall be banned in these zones.
Source: Environment (Protection) Third Amendment Rules, 2000 Gazettee notification, Government of India, date 14.2.2000.

Source and Types of Impacts

Sources of noise will be the vehicles and equipment for excavation and stationary equipment,
including concrete batch plant located at the construction sites. Other sources of noise will be the
use of explosives for blasting purposes for construction activities, drilling machines and quarrying
and crushing activities.
Construction Equipment: Under the worst case scenario, considered for prediction of noise
levels during construction phase, it has been assumed that all these equipment generate noise
from a common point. The increase in noise levels due to operation of the different construction
equipment are given in Table 3.103.
It would be worthwhile to mention here that in absence of the data on actual location of the
different construction equipment, all the equipment have been assumed to operate at a common
point. This assumption leads to over-estimation of the increase in noise levels. Also, it is a known
fact that there is a reduction in noise level as the sound wave passes through a barrier. The
transmission loss values for common construction materials are given in Table 3.105.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.103 - Noise Level due to Operation of Construction Equipment

Equipment Noise level dB(A) Equipment Noise level dB(A)
Earth moving Materials handling
Compactors 70-72 Concrete mixers 75-85
Front loaders 72-82 Movable cranes 82-84
Backhoes 72-92
Tractors 76-90 Stationary
Scrappers, graders 82-90 Pumps 68-70
Pavers 86-88 Generators 85-90
Truck 84-90 Compressors 75-85
Vibrators 69-81 Saws 74-81

Table 3.104 - Increase in Noise Levels due to Operation of Construction Equipment

Distance Ambient noise Increase in noise Noise level due to Increase in ambient noise
(m) levels dB(A) level due to construction level due to construction
construction activities activities
activities dB(A) dB(A) dB(A)
100 40 76 76 36
200 40 70 70 30
500 40 62 62 22
1000 40 56 56 16
1500 40 52 52 12
2000 40 50 50 10
2500 40 48 49 9
3000 40 46 47 7

Table 3.105 - Transmission Loss through Common Construction Materials

Material Thickness of construction Decrease in noise level
material (inches) dB(A)
Light concrete 4 38
6 39
Dense concrete 4 40
Concrete block 4 32
6 36
Brick 4 33
Granite 4 40

Thus, the walls of various houses will attenuate at least 30dB(A) of noise. In addition there is
attenuation due to the following factors:
• Air absorption
• Rain
• Atmospheric inhomogeneties.
• Vegetation cover

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.106 - Increase in Noise Levels due to Increased Vehicular Movement

Distance (m) Ambient noise level Increase in noise Noise levels due to Increase in ambient
dB(A) level due to increased vehicular noise level due to
increased vehicular movement dB(A) increased vehicular
movement dB(A) movement dB(A)
10 40 72 72 32
20 40 67 67 27
50 40 61 61 21
100 40 57 57 17
200 40 52 52 12
500 40 46 47 7
1000 40 42 44 4

As mentioned earlier, there will be significant attenuation due to various factors, e.g. absorption by
construction material, air absorption, atmospheric inhomogeneties, and vegetation cover. Thus, no
significant impact on this account is anticipated.
Noise Generated due to Drilling: The noise levels monitored at a 10m distance from the source
and operator’s cabin is given in Table 3.107.

Table 3.107 - Noise Generated due to Drilling

Equipment Noise level at source dB(A)
Standing idle (inside cabin) 70-72
Standing idle (10 m radius) 72-74
On load (inside cabin) 78-80
On load (10 m radius) 82-84

The noise levels during various construction activities have been compared to various standards
prescribed by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which are being implemented
in our country through rules framed under Factories Act. It can be observed that for an 8 hour
duration, equivalent noise level exposure should be less than 90dB(A).
The Director General of Mines Safety in its Circular number DG(Tech)/18 of 1975, has prescribed
the noise level in mining operations for workers in 8 hour shift period with unprotected ear as
90dB(A) or less. Similar norms can be considered for construction phase of the proposed project as
well. The workers who are expected to be exposed to noise levels greater than 90dB(A), should
work in these areas upto 6 to 8 hours. In addition, they also need to be provided with ear plugs.
Thus, increased noise levels due to drilling are not expected to adversely affect the workers
operating the drill or involved in other mining activities closely.

Noise Generated due to Blasting: Noise generated by blasting is instantaneous in nature. Noise
generated due to blasting is site specific and depends on type, quantity of explosives, dimension of
drill hole, degree of compaction of explosives in the hole and rock. Noise levels generated due to
blasting have been monitored at various sites and the results have been summarized in Table

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.108 - Noise Generation due to Blasting

No. of holes Total charge (kg) Maximum charge/delay (kg) Distance (m) Noise level dB(A)

15 1500 100 250 76-85

17 1700 100 250 76-86
18 1800 100 250 74-85
19 1900 100 400 70-75
20 2000 100 100 76-80

It can be observed from Table 3.108 that noise level due to blasting operations are expected to be
of the order of 75-86 dB(A). Since, the nearest settlement is atleast 1 km away, the incremental
noise due to blasting is expected to be 50-60dB(A). As the blasting is likely to last for 4 to 5
seconds depending on the charge, noise levels over this time would be instantaneous and short in
duration. Considering attenuation due to various sources, even the instantaneous increase in noise
level is not expected to be more than 60dB(A). Hence, noise level due to blasting is not expected to
cause any significant adverse impact.
Impacts due to Ground Vibrations: The explosive energy generated during blasting sets up a
seismic wave within the surface, which may affect the structures and cause discomfort to human
population. When an explosive charge is fired in a hole, stress waves traverse in various directions,
causing the rock particles to oscillate. Blasting also generates ground vibrations and instantaneous
noise. Various measures have been recommended to minimize the adverse impacts due to blasting:
• Proper design of blast hole to be developed.
• Use of noiseless trunk delays to minimize the noise due to air blast.
• Use of non-electric system of blasting for true bottom-hole initiation.
• Use of muffling mats to arrest the dust and fly rock.
Noise in and around the construction site will likely affect the wildlife and potentially residents in
the nearby areas. Wildlife in the area will likely move away from the noise and eventually return to
the area when construction is complete. However, there is no major wildlife observed in and
around the construction site and hence this may not be a significant issue.
Impacts on Labour: The effect of high noise levels on the operating personnel has to be
considered as this may be particularly harmful. It is known that continuous exposures to high noise
levels above 90dB(A) affects the hearing acuity of the workers/operators and hence, should be
avoided. To prevent these effects, it has been recommended by Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) that the exposure period of affected persons be limited as in Table 3.109.

Table 3.109 - Maximum Exposure Periods Specified by OSHA

Maximum equivalent continuous noise level Unprotected exposure period per day for 8 hrs/day
dB(A) and 5 days/week
90 8
95 4
100 2
110 ½
120 ¼
No exposure permitted at or above this level

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Maintenance of the vehicles and construction machinery in good working order and installation of
noise mufflers on all engines will reduce the noise nuisance.
Exposure period of noise affected operation personnel will be limited. This will reduce any adverse
impact on their health
To reduce the impact of noise on wildlife, explosives will be used during the daylight hours when
wildlife is less active than during night time.
The construction contractor will prepare a Noise Control Plan to manage noise pollution.

3.8.4 Quarries
Cement, coarse and fine aggregate, sand will be required for various project uses, such as road
base for the new roads, as well as for works involving concrete constructions. The project requires
about 2.72-lac m3 coarse aggregates and 1.38 lac m3 fine aggregate. The excavated material of the
Headrace tunnel (between Kajo and Kunni khads) will be used as coarse aggregates meeting
partial requirement of the project. The remaining requirements of coarse and fine aggregates will
be met from the already existing (same quarry was used during Nathpa Jhakri Project)Koel Quarry,
located near Bael on right bank of river Satluj near Kurpan Khad on NH-22 about 2 km from the
power house site. Sufficient quantity of deposits is available. The barren government land available
in the vicinity of Koel quarry area will accommodate crushing plant and other accessories required
for quarrying purpose.

Types of impacts
Opening of the quarries will cause visual impacts because they remove a significant part of the
hills. Other impacts will be the noise generated during aggregate acquisition through explosive and
crushing, which could affect wildlife in the area, dust produced during the crushing operation to get
the aggregates to the appropriate size and transport of the aggregates, and transport of materials
to the nearby rivers.

Standard mitigation measures against erosion and sedimentation, noise and air pollution will be
taken, in particular for the use of explosive. At the end of the exploitation, quarries will be
rehabilitated. This will include re-establishment of vegetation, restoration of natural watercourses,
avoidance of flooding of the excavated areas, achievement of stable slopes, and avoidance of
features, which would otherwise constitute a risk to health and safety or a source of environmental

3.8.5 Muck Generation & Disposal

Types of Impacts
The Project will generated approximately 2.76 lacs m3 of muck which will be disposed off at four
designated dumping sites having a total capacity of 2.82 lac m3. The details of the muck dumping
sites are explained in tablexx below.
The proposed project at Rampur is expected to generate approx. 2.85 million m3 of muck, which is
proposed to be disposed at the following designated sites:
• near Kajo adit
• near Kunni adit
• dumping area in Nermand

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• dumping area in Bael

These sites have been identified at right bank of the river, close to four edits of proposed tunnel so
as to minimise the risks involved in terms of affecting human settlements due to blow of dust and
frequent movement of heavy vehicles. The sites need attention in terms of surface preparation and
fencing of boundaries to avoid environmental risks i.e. land sliding, sedimentation of river, air
pollution, etc. An area of 18.3593 ha has been earmarked for disposal of muck. The details are
given as below.

Table 3.110 – Requirement of Muck Disposal Area

Sl. no. Land Area
1. Private land in tehsil Nirmand 3.8446 ha
2. Government land 14.5147 ha
Total 18.3593 ha

Table 3.111 - Details of Identified Dumping Areas

S.N. Dumping Area Description of Area Quantity of Dump mm3
1 Dumping area - I Opposite Kaneri Hospital, Rampur 1.05
2 Dumping area – II Opposite HERC workshop, Rampur 0.06
3 Dumping area - III D/S Nirmand Bridge 0.38
4 Dumping area- IV Averi 1.32

These sites are located on the right bank of Satluj river, close to four edits of Head Race Tunnel
(HRT). The locations are favourable in minimising the risks to human settlements due to blow of
dust and frequent movement of heavy vehicles.

Mitigation Measures
The sites of muck disposal will be provided with surface preparation and fencing of boundaries to
avoid risks such as land sliding, sedimentation of river, dust pollution. A retaining wall will be
constructed at site before to prevent accidental dumping of spoil in the river. Rehabilitation of the
site will be undertaken for used disposal sites. This will include re-establishment of vegetation,
restoration of natural water courses, achievement of stable slopes, and avoidance of features which
would otherwise constitute a risk to health and safety or a source of environmental pollution.
A suitable plan for muck dumping schedule will be prepared by the construction contractor before
the start of construction work so as to control muck disposal activity in environment friendly
manner. Figure 3.37 shows pictures of identified dump sites.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 3.37 – Muck Dumping Sites identified by SJVNL

Site 1- Near Kajo Adit Site 2- Near Kunni Adit

Site 3- Near Village Nermand Site 4- Near Village Bael

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.8.6 Work Camps, Work Areas & Labour Force – Impacts & Mitigation
Suitable zones will be identified for potential construction camp development to accommodate a
maximum construction worker population of approximately 4000 workers. It is expected that small
businesses and their families will move to the proximity of the work camps and are expected to be
higher in number than that of workers formally employed by the project.

Potential impacts from the workforce and of the spontaneous development, at the work camps in
all construction areas, will be in terms of additional pressure on land and natural resources
including hunting near the camps and, directly and indirectly on project influence area. It is
expected that the spontaneous development will generate solid and liquid wastes. Additionally, the
spontaneous development near the construction camps could create public health risks, included an
increase in the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases.
Without treatment of wastewater from the work camps and the adjacent communities could cause
water quality problems in the adjacent water bodies, and could affect local populations, the labour
force, new communities, and fish populations. Inappropriate solid waste disposal could lead to the
contamination of the soil and rivers, and the spread of communicable diseases.

The environmental management of construction work camps and spontaneous settlement areas will
be specified in the Environmental Management Plan for Construction Work Camps and
Spontaneous Settlement Areas . It will be made part of the contractual arrangement with
contractors. Hunting will be completely prohibited in the area by the rule of law. Project Staff
Health Programme will be established to educate and provide health services to the workforce
relative to the prevention and control of diseases vectors, communicable and sexually transmitted
diseases. Licenses to operate small businesses will be made conditional upon appropriate disposal
of wastewater, waste and good sanitary conditions. The same environmental provisions that apply
to other construction areas will also apply to the construction work camps.

3.8.7 Construction of Headrace Tunnel – Impacts & Mitigation

Construction of the headrace tunnel will occur on the right bank of satluj River. Construction will
involve excavation of materials from the headrace channel and the tunnel. A section of the area will
be cleared of vegetation and overburden.

Excavation of the headrace tunnel to the Power Station will involve movement of vehicles and the
use of excavating equipment, explosives and other types of machinery.
A primary Impact of this construction will be placement of spoils removed from the tunnel. The
clearing of the area and muck disposal will be source of impact.
The concrete batch plant will be used to mix the concrete necessary for lining the tunnel and for
the lining of the surge chambers. Placement of the concrete for the lining of the tunnel and surge
chamber will require movement of vehicles to the various locations. Installation of the concrete
batch plant could create some impacts associated with air quality, water quality and noise.
Movement of vehicles bringing aggregate to the batch plant from the quarry could also create some
similar impacts.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Standard construction impacts will be mitigated as required by the various environmental
management plans to be prepared by the SJVNL (air quality, water quality, noise, spoil disposal).

3.8.8 Construction of the Power House and Tailrace Channel - – Impacts & Mitigation
Construction of the Power House and the Tailrace Channel will have similar impacts to those
identified for the Headrace Tunnel. The main potential sources of impacts include
• Disturbance of land
• Disposal of spoil material
• Operation of construction equipment

During construction of the power station, a certain amount of land will be disturbed. The power
Station switchyard and substation construction will require the clearing of forest. Disposal of the
spoil materials will be required The major potential impact of the cleared areas in the construction
and spoil disposal areas includes the potential for erosion and the runoff of cement, oils, and
grease, particularly during the wet seasons. The potential impacts of additional sediment and the
discharge of cement, oils and grease to the streams include damage to fish populations and
pollution of water sources for residents living downstream from the construction areas.

Mitigation measures for prevention of contamination of the local water courses will be similar to
those described in earlier sections and will be enumerated in detail in Environmental management
Plan to be prepared by the construction contractor.

3.8.9 Road Construction Impacts & Mitigation

The project involves upgrading public roads and the construction of new roads and three of bridges
(mainly one spanning 75mts steel bridge at Jhakri near NJHEP power house, one 125 mts concrete
near RHEP power house and one permanent steel bridge at Kunni Khad). In addition, access roads
and tracks, some of them of a temporary nature, will be constructed between public roads and
project facilities to enable construction, operation and maintenance. This section presents an
assessment of the environment that will be impacted by road construction and a discussion on the
potential direct and indirect environmental impacts from the construction and use of the roads.
Finally Mitigation strategies and measures will be discussed

Upgrading of roads will not cause significant environmental impact over and above that of the
existing roads, with the exception of impacts that will occur during the upgrading construction
activities. Safeguards to ensure that road upgrades will not generate additional disturbance to the
environment and will remedy any existing poor environmental performance will be included in
various sub-plans of the environmental management plans which cover erosion control,
landscaping and best practices in drainage and earthworks.
The planning of design routes for the new roadways will incorporate inputs from ground surveys to
minimize social and environmental impacts and to provide for the best technical and financial
solution. A formal alternatives analysis has not been conducted for the siting of the new roadways
as the proposed routings have proved to be highly suitable, with expected low environmental and
social impacts.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Environmental impacts include both direct impacts at the road construction sites and in the
immediate surroundings, and indirect impacts in the adjoining area, such as induced economic,
social or environmental effects, whether planned or spontaneous, which are the results of
increased accessibility and lower transportation costs.
Vegetation clearance, erosion and sedimentation, dust and impacts related to construction workers
will have similar impacts as mentioned in earlier sections. Additionally, disturbance to crops will
occur in areas near the roads. Traffic on the roads during construction and during operation might
cause accidents with livestock moving on the roads.
Mitigation measures are similar to the mitigation measures described above, and for impacts on
crops, the mitigation measures are discussed in the sections below. For details, refer EMP (Chapter

Indirect and Cumulative Impacts on Natural Resources

The improved year round access to the whole project area from new and upgraded roads will
enable people to settle in the area.Use of the improved access will enable movement from one area
to another. This translates into the development of roadside villages, and a potential increased
pressure on the natural resources in the vicinity of the roads. The increased pressure will include
uncontrolled logging, hunting, and fishing, wildlife and non-timber forest product collection,
livestock husbandry, the shifting cultivation in forest areas and forest fires. These impacts are
expected during the economic development of the Satluj basin, and are expected to be managed
by the basin level catchment area treatment plan, and the proposed Environmental Master Plan for
the state.

Interference with Movements of Wildlife

Road construction, human presence and traffic will interfere with the natural movement of wild life.
However, RHEP area does not have significant wildlife movement.

Mitigation measures for road construction and upgrading are summarized in the EMP.

3.8.10 Transmission System - Impacts & Mitigation

The clearance of vegetation for construction, cutting of lopping trees within Right of Way and
access roads required for routine maintenance of the easements are the main impacts associated
with he transmission lines. Loss of socially relevant properties and lands are social issues generated
by transmission projects.

Mitigation Measures
The development of certain protocol will be required so as to minimize disturbance, through
alternative routes, or least damaging route. The following protocol will be used for routing the
transmission lines:
• The route will not involve any human habitation and public utility services; The route will
not affect any monument of cultural or historical importance;
• The proposed route will not threaten the survival of any community, especially tribal
communities; The route will not pass through any sanctuaries, National park, or similar
ecologically fragile areas, etc.
A comprehensive transmission route planning will be done based on the survey of the project area
so as to meet the above-mentioned protocol.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

3.9 Other Environmental Impacts on the Communities

The resettlement issues are not discussed in this EA/EMP Report. Refer the Social Assessment
Reports Prepared. The following sections

3.9.1 Impacts on Human Health

The influx of people into the area is associated with an augmented risk of transmission diseases,
including sexually transmitted diseases.More traffic on the roads during construction and operation
could increase accidents within communities living adjacent to the roads. Aquatic invertebrates
known to be vectors of disease could inhabit stagnant water created during construction of roads.
The increased prevalence of such diseases may impact the health of communities and the
construction workforce.
The findings of the village level surveys, data collected from the Health Department and
Government hospital, Rampur doesnot indicate the prevalence of water borne diseases in the area.
However, during summers (April-July) about 50 cases on an average have been recorded related to
Gastroenteritis, Diarrhea and Dysentery from the study area. Information has been collected from
Rampur Hospital for the area (Table 3.112).

Table 3.112 - Leading Causes of Premature Mortality in Himachal Pradesh, 2003

Male Population % Female Population %
Road accident 12.75 Diarrhoeal diseases 13.25
Diarrhoeal diseases 10.77 Other unintentional injuries 11.32
Other unintentional injuries 9.34 Road accident 9.67
Ischaemic heart diseases 9.09 Lower birth weight 9.23
Tuberculosis 6.54 Tuberculosis 8.32
Lower birth weight 5.85 Ischaemic heart diseases 7.87
Self inflicted injury 5.78 Self inflicted injury 7.44
Other unintentional injuries 5.48 Other unintentional injuries 6.23
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases 4.12 Other digestive diseases 4.82
Other digestive diseases 3.32 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases 3.55
Source: Department of Health & Family Welfare, Himachal Pradesh

Table 3.113 - Leading Causes of Disability in Himachal Pradesh, 2003

Male Population % Female Population %
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases 26.09 Iron deficiency anaemia 20.13
Iron deficiency anemia 14.19 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases 17.15
Other unintentional injuries 12.24 Diarrhoeal diseases 13.04
Dental caries 7.08 Other unintentional injuries 12.68
Diarrhoeal diseases 6.15 Other infectious diseases 11.64
Asthma 5.92 Dental caries 7.31
Other unintentional injuries 5.23 Asthma 5.87
Upper Respiratory Infection 4.80 Tuberculosis 5.61
Lower Respiratory Infection 3.24 Road accident 5.38
Otitis media 2.28 Upper Respiratory Infection 4.78
Source: Department of Health & Family Welfare, Himachal Pradesh

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The common leading causes of disability (YLD) in both sexes of Himachal Pradesh are obstructive
pulmonary disease, iron deficiency anemia, diarrhoeal disease, and other unintentional injuries as
shown in Table 3.113.
The information on prevalent disease for the area has been collected from Khaneri Government
Hospital, Rampur and is in Table 3.114 below:

Table 3.114 - Disease Profile in the Influence Area of the Project, 2005
Name of Disease Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec
G.Entritirs 12 15 15 21 42 31 44 27 10 14 10 -
Diarrhoea 1 2 - - 4 10 4 5 1 7 - -
Dysentry 9 - 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 - 6 7
Pneumia 5 4 5 7 10 11 3 4 7 - 6 7
Br. Pneumia 3 5 14 5 7 10 11 3 4 7 na na
Br. Asthma 5 2 6 8 - - 11 - na na na na
COPD* 36 31 48 38 29 11 16 25 31 29 29 12
PGO 15 12 4 8 5 15 13 4 6 13 - -
AOD** 7 4 3 3 7 27 3 3 7 - - -
* COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; ** AOD: Arteriosclerotic occlusive disease
Source: Khaneri Government Hospital, Rampur

The construction activities that are taking place because of the hydropower project in the area will
involve the engagement of a work force in the area, thus changing the population density and
increasing the floating population during construction activities. This may result in a change in the
existing health scenario due to increased pressure on existing infrastructure i.e. water supply
sources, sanitation, etc. The additional domestic sewage generated may cause increased
contamination of river water.
Lesser flow in the river due to diversion of flow may affect the dispersion and dilution time of
domestic effluent coming from major settlements, such as Rampur town, along the river, hence,
measures to maintain the levels as stated in the HPPB Standards are required. Further, due to
lesser river flow, algal growth may occur along the river stretch in the study area, which on decay
creates foul taste and odour thus making the river water unfit for use.
The diversion of water into the tunnel at Jhakri will cause a change in the velocity in river water
flow and due to this, mosquitoes may establish during lean seasons. Thus, pre and post
measurements should be identified to avoid such a situation.

At present, the river is not a source of drinking water for the habitants as ample natural water
sources i.e. natural springs (chashme), perennial/seasonal streams are present in the region.
However, looking at the present scenario of hydroelectric power project development on river
Satluj and indirect impacts coming on natural water sources due to extensive blasting process, in
long term (how long), natural sources may get dried up. In this case, river will be the alternative
source of water thus river ecology and flow conditions cannot be compromised. Minimum desired
quality standards for the river as specified by the Himachal State Pollution Control Board should be
Following actions could be initiated for community health outreach programs to emphasize long-
term improvements in region’s health status:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Augment existing government and NGO health programs.

• Place high priority on health education for local project workers and community residents.
• Vaccination programs - meningitis, tuberculosis & tetanus

HIV/AIDS Risk Level

Hydroelectric projects may cause spread of HIV/AIDS in the project area due to following reasons:
• Project requires long-term input of labour from outside the area.
• Project requires that significant numbers of project employees be separated from their
families for long periods of time (e.g. a month or more at a time).
• Project involves the creation of large, temporary construction camp(s).
• Increases mobility of people in and out of the area (job seekers, formal and informal
service providers).
• Requires participation / resettlement of the local population.

Potential Management Interventions for HIV/AIDS

Following are the proposed management interventions to prevent HIV transmission and to manage
the impact of HIV/AIDS:
Specific HIV prevention activities:
• HIV/STDs/AIDS awareness centres for IEC (information, education and communication)
• Peer education programmes within the workforce.
• Condoms provision.
• Training of health personnel, social marketing of condoms, technical and material support
to STD clinics, etc.
• Integration of HIV/AIDS into thematic projects (e.g. emergency training).
• Workers periodically brought out of the field with pay to receive health and safety
Specific HIV/AIDS management & mitigation activities:
• Voluntary counseling and testing for education, free condoms and screening for sexually
transmitted diseases.
• Treatment of opportunistic infections.
• Provision for ART (Anti-Retroviral Treatment).
• Medical Aid policies for workforce.
Addressing “vulnerability” of the workforce:
• Adjust labour recruitment policies to (i) support better distribution across gender groups,
(ii) promote use of local labour.
• Improve labour housing to accommodate families and enhance integration into the local
• Recreation provision.
• Remittance provision.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Labour transport.
There needs to be meaningful consultation with local communities so that management measures
are culturally appropriate locally, and will have community support. The HIV/AIDS/STD
management plans should be compatible with and integrated with local, and state initiatives, and
be implemented in consultation with State AIDS Control Society.

3.9.2 Impacts of Downstream Hazards

A water level profile has been plotted for a hypothetical 1500 cumecs flood for the reach between
Nathpa to Bael and is shown below in Figure 3.38.

Figure 3.38 - Water Level along the River at a Flow of 1500 cumec




Water Level - RL (m)



Nathpa-Jhakri Jhakri- Bael
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000
Distance (m)

Based on the above profile, it is inferred that between Nathpa to Jhakhri stretch, no habitation
would be vulnerable as the habitation is at much above elevations along the hill slopes. However,
in the downstream reach of Jhakhri to Bael, the major habitation like Rampur, Nogli and Duttnagar
are most vulnerable to flooding. An emergency action will be prepared for protecting the
downstream vulnerable areas. The Emergency Preparedness Plan will include warning and
notification procedures to be followed during the monsoon season in case of possibility of flood.
The objective is to provide timely warning to nearby residents and alert key personnel responsible
for taking action in case of emergency.

3.9.3 Water Availability for Communities

As mentioned earlier, the river Satluj is not the main source of water in the area. The natural
springs and ‘chashme’ are the key sources of water for people living in the area for their own
domestic consumption, livestock use and irrigation purposes. In most of the villages except those
situated on high hills, the IPH Department has laid down the pipelines to connect the natural
springs (at upper reaches) to the households through storage tanks for water supply after
providing primary treatment. The villages those are located on higher reaches depend directly on

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

natural springs or khads flowing in vicinity. Hence, the hydropower development in the area, which
is causing diversion of flow from river for power generation, will not directly put an impact on
availability of water for consumption purpose for village population.
However, drying of natural springs (at its original location) has been reported in the past by the
villagers due to construction and blasting activities. It has been reported that more than 30
chashme have dried up in Yangpa village due to the construction works for Sanjay Vidyut
Pariyojna. Also, it was found out during primary surveys conducted for the study that more than 8-
12 chashme have dried up in Nathpa-Jhakri areas due to NJHEP project. Considering a post project
measure, SJVNL has conducted a monitoring campaign for examining the flow of springs. It was
established that blasting/digging activities can cause building up of excessive water pressure at
particular location, which may lead to shift in the position of a spring or reduction in the flow rate
of spring, but complete drying of springs is not likely.
Due to construction of NJHEP, the IPH water supply schemes were badly affected in following

Table 3.115 - IPH Department Water Supply Schemes Affected due to Nathpa-Jhakri Project
S. No. Name of Scheme Name of Habitation Present Population
1. WSS Maghara Majholi Koshgar Majhewali 490
Koshgar 130
2. WSS Kartot Chandpur Kartot 437
Chandpur 138
3. WSS Khasha Shah Jaleend Gaso 622
Shah 326
4. WSS Sharn Rattanpur Rattanpur 151
Rattanpur II 50
Basara 329
Sanarsa 282
Halti 229
5. WSS Jhakri Jhakri 4980
Total 12 habitation 8164
Source: IPH Department, Rampur

Presently, restoration of these schemes is going on and SJVNL is providing financial support to IPH
department for restoration of these schemes. SJVNL has kept a budget provision of 5 crore for
renewal of water provision in areas where the water resources have been dried up. Immediate
measure under the scheme will be lifting of water directly from river Satluj to the affected villages
to maintain the minimum water supply to the affected areas.
Under the proposed Rampur Hydroelectric project, SJVNL is taking pre-project measurement of
flow and started monitoring the flow of existing natural springs in the influence area. All water
supply sources have also been video documented. SJVNL will compensate any affect on these
water supply sources and schemes.

3.9.4 Impact of Blasting on Agricultural & Horticultural Yield

Simla is one of the biggest apple growing districts in HP. About half of the State’s apple crop is
produced in the district. But for the consecutive 5-6 years from 1992-93 to 1997-98 the apple crop
was very poor due to continuous rains and widely fluctutating temperatures (maximum and
minimum) at the time of flowering during March- April. In 2001-02, there was virtually no crop in
apple growing areas situated at elevations below 6500 ft above MSL.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.116 – Horticulture Crop Trees in the Nathpa-Jhakri Influence Area

Horticulture trees No. of Trees
Apple 6135
Plum 265
Khurmani 86
Almond 9
Walnut 16
Nashpati 110
Galgal 8
Lemon 15
Total 6644
EIA updation Study for 1500 MW NJHEP, Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, 2004

Table 3.117 - Production of Apple in Himachal Pradesh

Year Apple Production (‘000 tonnes) Year Apple Production (‘000 tonnes)
1980-1981 118.01 1992-1993 279.05
1981-1982 306.79 1993-1994 294.73
1982-1983 139.08 1994-1995 122.78
1983-1984 257.91 1995-1996 276.68
1984-1985 170.62 1996-1997 288.54
1985-1986 174.61 1997-1998 234.25
1986-1987 359.32 1998-1999 393.65
1987-1988 259.27 1999-2000 491.3
1988-1989 165.15 2000-2001 376.73
1989-1990 394.86 2001-2002 180.53
1990-1991 342.07 2002-2003 348.26
1991-1992 301.73 2003-2004 459.49
Source: HP, Statistical outline of Himachal Pradesh, 2003-04,
Department of Economics and Statistics (Horticulture Department data)

This kind of reduction in apple production was attributed to dust pollution caused by various
hydropower project-related activities in Satluj Basin. Projects of these kind include activities like
blasting for various construction purposes like excavation of underground tunnels for channelising
the waters of river, open blasting for mining operations and other works of the project. A
committee was formed by Horticultural Department, HP to inspect the case. The following areas
were surveyed by the experts 1, to inspect the level of air pollution and to study whether the
particulate air pollutants emitted from blasting operations were causing any adverse effects on the
production of apple and other fruit crop:
• Project sites at: Nathpa; Jhakri; Pashada quarry; Mini hydroelectric project at Kafnu/
Katgaon; Piwa crusher plant at Tapri.
• Orchards near project/ quarry sites at: Pachchada and Dhar Gaura; Ponda and adjoining
areas; Katgaon/Kafnu; Kacksthal; and Tapri.

Sh TCP negi, Joint Director, Horticulture, Dr. SA Ananda, Professor of Pomology and Dr. PS Chauhan, Horticulturist

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Although atmospheric pollutants adversely affect the plants in various ways, such as causing
closure of leaf stomata, growth retardation, injury to leaves, plasmolysis, other physiological effects
like reduced photosynthesis etc, in this particular case, the findings of experts are given below:
• No evidence of dust pollution were recorded being responsible for the low and declining
yield of apple in Shimla and Kinnaur areas falling within the boundaries of SJVNL projects.
• Though dust deposition on flowers may reduce the period of stigma receptivity or may
hinder pollen dehiscence and pollination, or may affect pollen germination but for all
these effects to show up, the dust pollution must be very high so as to form a sufficient
thick layer of dust particles on the flower parts. But it was found that the level of dust on
the plants in the adjoining area of Jhakri, Pashada and Dhar Gaura villages were not high
enough to cause such adverse effects on flowers of fruit plants, including apple.
• No such dust deposition was noticed at orchards/ sites at Ponda, Nichar area, Katgaon,
Kafnu and Kacksthal. The SPM at a site near Jhakri at a distance 250 m from Pashada
quarry as recorded during the time of inspection was around 350 μg/ m3, which was
much lower than the threshold admissible limit of 500 μg/ m3 for industrial areas.
• At the Pashada Quarry, although open blasting was being carried out, the levels of dust
pollution caused by blasting appeared to be low because these operations were carried
out entirely on solid stone rocks. Also, most of the components of NJHE project work
were carried underground; hence underground blasting could not cause such serious
pollution problems. Similarly, no pollution could have been caused by dumping of
excavated sites as these sites were away from fruit plantation.
• Similarly in villages of Jhakri, which is located just near Pashada quarry and Snarsa and
Shah, which are located on Kacha approach road to surge shaft and in the villages of
Ropru, Pashada, Dhar Gaura, Dobi and Gopalpur, it was found that the although the fruit
set for stone fruits like apricot, plum and almond was good, the fruit set in apple in Shah,
Pashada and Dhar Gaura areas was average. It was concluded that had dust pollution
been responsible for poor fruit set in apple, it should have played a similar adverse role in
fruit set in stone.
It was observed that the extent of fruit set in apple in above-mentioned areas was low, but it is
due to some other factors. The main causes might be:
• Continuous rains and low temperature during the time of flowering (March April) results
in poor bee activity, inadequate cross pollination and poor fruit set. An attempt was made
to correlate the rainfall with fruit production. Table 5.4 shows drastic reduction in the
production of apple in the year 2001-2002. The rainfall data (Table 3.118 produced below
again) shows that in this particular year, there was continuous rainfall in the months of

Table 3.118 - Rainfall at Rampur: Relationship with Impacts on Orchards

[Unit – mm]
Year Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total
1999 78.9 19.9 5.4 0 31.4 19.6 185 60.9 18.5 0 0 5.2 424.8
2000 0 0 0 0 0 244.9 337.9 21.3 12.1 0 0 0 616.2
2001 20 40 105 34 103 113.9 60 123.1 60 0 16 41 716
2002 61.5 142 93 104 13 45 10 152 104 0 0 1 725.5
2003 55 110 60 61 11 41.5 264 132 107 0 4 41 886.5
2004 67 4 0 69 57 114 93 244.5 24 81 2 6 761.5

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• However, the areas located at higher elevations, i.e. 2000m above msl had good crop
because in such area flowering took place a little later which escaped the adverse effects
of rain and low temperatures.

Figure 3.39 – Relationship between Rainfall and Production of Apples

Rainfall vs Apple Production


1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003-
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Rainfall (mm) in the month of March

Rainfall (mm) in the month of April
Apple Production in '000 tonnes

• It may be due to lesser number of pollinizer trees in the orchards 2. It was observed that
the fruit was very good in pollinizer trees of Golden Delicious variety and adjoining trees
of Royal Delicious variety, but was poor in trees away from pollinizer’s trees. Hence, the
reason of lesser extent of apple could be due to the inadequate and improper placement
of trees of pollinising varieties in orchards.

3.9.5 Potential Effect on the Occupation Pattern in the Project Influence Area

Employment Benefits
A large number of hydro projects are planned in the entire Satluj basin. The development of these
over the time would generate many employment opportunities in the basin directly as well as
indirectly in the form of various service providers. A tentative estimate of potential employment
opportunities have been worked out on the basis of hydro generation capacity. As per MOU signed
by government of Himachal Pradesh with all hydro developers, 70% is to be engaged from the
state. Hence around 30000 staff is expected to be employed from the state. Rest of the staff
would contribute as migrant population. The migrants will also bring their families along with them
and thus the migrant population will be around 38000. It is also expected that 2% of the migrant
population will start some petty business or business establishments for their daily needs.

Survey report on the effect of Blasting operations on Fruit production in NJ HEP areas, by Dr. SA Ananda, Professor
and Head, Department of Pomology, Dr. PS Chauhan, Senior Horticulturist, RHRS and Dr. KN Ojha, SMS, Deptt of Horticulture,

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.119 - Employment Generation in the Hydropower Projects on the Satluj

Project Capacity Staff expected to be employed
(MW) Technical Supervisor Skilled Unskilled Total
RHEP 412 200 350 1500 2000 4050
NJHEP 1500 215 378 1628 2200 4421
Khab EP 1020 490 860 3700 5000 10050
Karcham 1000 480 842 3626 4802 9750
Bhawa augmentation 4.5 5 9 37 49 100
Sorang 100 48 84 362 480 974
Luhri 700 337 591 2545 3371 6844
Kol 800 385 675 2908 3851 7819
TOTAL 5536 2160 3789 16306 21753 44008

In absence of time series data (before and after) for all hydroelectric project sites that are in
operation or proposed, change in employment pattern and employment benefits has been assessed
and quantified only for NJHEP and RHEP influence areas which would be helpful to understand the
kind of scenario which could be foreseen for the region, once all proposed hydro power projects
get started

Shift in Occupation Pattern

There is clear indication of shift of type of economic activities from agriculture to business due to
massive hydropower development projects in the region. The statement has been substantiated
with the help of following:

Table 3.120 – Change of Occupation of the Community (%) induced by the Nathpa-
Jhakri Project
Occupational Activities Areas outside the Project’ Project’s Immediate Influence Areas
Immediate Influence Area
Pre Project Post Project
Cultivators 51.89 49.39 40.07
Agri-Labour 0.84 1.70 2.13
Daily Wages 1.68 13.59 18.29
Service 29.95 20.15 24.35
Others 7.17 20.15 20.15
Business 8.43 11.65 12.79
Pensioners 0.84 - -
Non-working 74.78 76.10 74.15
Source: EIA for Updation of NJHEP, Year 2003

A comparison of pre and post project employment scenario as given above reveals the following:
• Average annual employment of those households who were given land for land has
increased from 393 days to 550 days per household. The average annual income has
increased from Rs.45,222 to Rs.107,422. However, the share of agriculture in the
household income has declined because of reduction in the size of their land holdings.
But their income from wage labour and services has more than doubled as compared to
there past income six years ago.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• The average income of those households who got compensation for house construction
has increased from Rs.28,333 to Rs.50,933. The employment and income from regular
jobs have increased in the group.
• In the case of those households who were allotted alternative shop plot average annual
income was Rs. 79,867 in 1996, which increased to Rs.181,107 in year 2002. This change
has been mainly due to increase in pretty business/trading activities, which have
increased due to increase increased demand for daily need items from residents of new
NJPC colony and also due to increased purchasing power of project affected families.
Average income of those families who have been provided employment in the NJPC has
increased from Rs.68,874 to Rs.141,759 per annum. The increase in household income
has been mainly due to increase in employment in non-farm activities.
• Those households who were provided cash compensation only have also improved their
economics position. Average annual employment of these families was 350 days in 1996,
which has now increased to 401 days. Similarly the average annual household income has
increased from Rs.77,677 to Rs.98,721 in year 2002.
• Out of 62 families of project affected areas and who are rendered landless under the
project, one person each from the 51 families has already been provided a regular
employment in the NJPC, and it is to be noted that 29% of employed persons are
Further, in case of RHEP, apart from students, the largest number of males is engaged in service
and females have agriculture as a main activity. The analysis indicates that annual income of the
sampled households from different sources, at overall level was Rs.107,408 per annum, which was
Rs. 77,351/- for SC/ST and 132,748 for general category. The largest share of the total income was
generated from employment including service and wage labour. This was followed by agriculture;
accounting for 18.61% and other sources, 17.71%. Business was observed to be last in this respect
and generated only 0.98% of total household income at overall terms.
It is foreseen that after operation of RHEP project, the business activities will definitely have some
impact and this would flourish due to increase in influx of the people resulting in demand for all
daily-need products.
A similar trend is predicted for the whole Satluj basin when construction of the envisaged
hydropower projects will start. Business establishments like vegetable shops, grocery shops etc,
taxis, auto rickshaw etc will come up in respective regions. Hence, the development of the basin,
in-general, would improve the living conditions of the local population by generating employment.

Accessibility to Basic Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a key facilitator of economic development. With the hydropower development in
the region, improvement in basic infrastructural amenities i.e. roads, highways, public health
institutes, telecommunications, water supply, electrification and hence, the economic development
of the area is bound to happen.
For the various projects envisaged along the Satluj basin, from upstream Khab to downstream,
which comprise the extreme boundaries of our study stretch, various infrastructural developments
have occurred due to the progress of hydro power projects. These developments would, in the long
run, i.e. even after when the projects are well-commissioned, be of great use to the inhabitant
However, the villages falling under influence areas had already had accessibility to basic
infrastructural amenities like motor-able roads i.e. highways, access/approach roads, electricity,
piped water supply, health centers, primary schools, Banks/post offices and Canals (khuls) for

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

irrigation but due to hydropower project development, there has been improvement in road
facilities. At various places pathways have been made, bridges have been constructed across
nullahas and rivulets, which has significantly reduced the travel time and distance of the villages
with nearby towns and also among villages of the area.
Generally, for the area, infrastructure building could be discussed under two different heads, one is
building up of these facilities which are directly must for hydro power project development during
construction stages, it could be of use of local people as well. Second category is these
infrastructure facilities, which have been built up or proposed by the implementing agencies for the
project-affected areas or indirectly catering to those areas as well, which are not directly affected
by the projects. Below is the complied information on infrastructure amenities that have been
built up under different hydropower projects:
Infrastructure Building to Cater to Community Needs during Construction of the Projects:
• For the movement of heavy trailer/ machinery up to Karcham, for execution of NJHEP
and Baspa HEP –II, the highway has been widened with the quality improvement of road
surface as well.
• For movement of heavy machinery during construction of NJHEP project, 15 m wide road
has been constructed at right bank of the river up to Jhakri along with the connecting
bridges, which has helped in connecting the local villages to the highway and hence, in
improving their quality of life.
• From Karcham up to Khab, the widening of the road and strengthening of bridges (five in
number from Jhangi to Khab) has been kept in the purview under Khab project.
• At Luhri, the existing High way from Shimla to power house site/ dam site will be suitably
widened/ improved to 7-10 m wide specifications in about 80 km length to serve as
approach road to the project site for construction. In addition, NH way will be re-aligned
at some stretches where blind curved exist. Also a 70R bridge for crossing over to the
right bank of river Satluj will be constructed near dam.
• Under proposed Luhri project, it has been proposed that schools and college education
institutes, hospitals, market, recreational facilities at Nathan and Suni would be
constructed for the staff posted on the project, which would also cater to the local village
Infrastructure Building during Operation to Cater to Community Needs
• Under the NJHEP project, infrastructure has been created for nearby rural areas which,
helped farmers in switching from the traditional subsistence farm production system to
the high value cash crops in the area, which would ultimately helped in increasing the
employment opportunities.
• A mobile Health Unit has been started under NJHEP project, which is functioning since
January 2000. The unit makes four visits per week to nearby villages that include two in
project-affected villages of Kinnaur district and two Shimla district. Through this, doctors
of the team are also helpful in making the local people aware about common health
diseases and ailments.
• A project hospital in NJPC colony at Jhakri at the cost of Rs.13.22 million has also been
established under NJHEP project, which is also serving local people of villages.
• A 200-bed hospital has been constricted at Khaneri, Rampur by the State Government
with the financial assistance of Rs. 80 million from the NJPC.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• A school has been established at Jhakri with a grant of Rs. 20 million from NJPC for the
children of the staff. It is also providing quality educational facility to the local people and
helping other schools to improve their existing level of infrastructure and quality of
education. The project affected area villages have to pay subsidized fees for their children
in this school, which is otherwise a very costly affair for them as compared to any other
government school.
• NJPC also helping in building up of new infrastructure facilities or in improving the
existing ones in government schools of the area in terms of construction of classrooms,
play grounds etc. A sum of Rs. 70 lacs has already been spent on school building and
playgrounds by the ER&R department of the NJPC. The school at Sansara village has
been provided playground with the financial assistance from NJPC. Financial assistance
has been provided for construction of school building at Shah Village.
• The displaced shopkeepers were provided alternative shop plots in the market complex.
NJPC has provided water supply, sewerage system, streetlight and other amenities in the
market complex. All shops in the new market complex are of permanent type, unlike the
old shops, which were kuccha structures.
• All the project-affected villages have been electrified and have provision of piped water
• IPH has various schemes for renovation of water supply schemes for the local village
people and the places where water sources have been dried up, alternate sources would
be provided. NJPC is providing financial support to IPH for such schemes.
Similar provisions are expected to be provided by various project proponents of the various
envisaged hydropower projects in the Basin. The living standards, access to infrastructure,
education and health and hygiene will improve considerably. The State Development Plan of the
Government may incorporate such changes in anticipation.

Power Generation and Transmission Benefits

There is a broad consensus in the government to expand power generation by developing the
country’s hydropower potential, of which only 30 percent has been harnessed so far. The
government has set the target for India’s optimum power system mix at 40 percent from
hydropower and 60 percent from thermal/nuclear power. The present ratio – at 25:75 – falls far
short of this optimum, causing severe power shortages particularly during peak periods and
technical and economic problems in grid operations. The country, therefore, plans to increase
hydropower’s share in power generation to 28 percent by fiscal 2007, and to reach the target of 40
percent over the longer term.
Table 3.121 shows the major hydropower projects along river Satluj, their generation capacities
and transmission benefits.
The Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Board is planning the evacuation system in totality in view
of the multiple hydropower projects in the State. The power generation will improve the quality of
electrical supply to existing consumers, especially at peak times, and also benefit farmers and other
consumers in the northern Indian states who currently have either no access or constrained access
to electricity. While the benefits from the additional power generated are indisputable, the financial
benefits from the projects are also immense for the Government of Himachal Pradesh as the state
is entitled to get 12% free power generated from the projects and there would also be additional
revenue earnings by way of direct & indirect taxes by the sale of electricity.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.121 - Power Generation & Transmission Aspects for Hydropower Projects in
Satluj Basin
S.No. Project Power Benefits/ capacity Power Transmission
1. Khab Capacity: 1020 MW The proposed evacuation plan is under
review as suggested by CEA in view of the
various upcoming projects in Satluj basin.
2. Baspa II* Capacity: 300 MW (100 MW x 3) A 400 KV D/C transmission line between
Generation: BASPA-II to Jhakri.

90% dependable year: 1213 MU

50% dependable year: 1391.61 MU
3. Karcham Wangtoo Capacity: 1000 MW (250 MW x 4) Evacuation system planned by Himachal
Generation: Pradesh State Electricity Board.

90% dependable year: 4463.88 GWh

50% dependable year: 4810.56 GWh
4. Nathpa Jhakri* Capacity: 1500MW (250 MW x 6) About 12% of the energy at Bus Bar is to
be supplied to the State free of cost and
about 25% of the remaining 88% will be
90% dependable year: 6684 MU supplied at bus bar rates to Himachal
50% dependable year: 7425 MU Pradesh.

5. Rampur Capacity: 434 MW (144.67 MW x 3) Power will be evacuated by LILO of 400

KV Jhakri-Nalagarh D/C line at Duttnagar.
90% dependable year: 1946 MU
50% dependable year: 2206 MU
6. Luhri Capacity: 465 MW (155 MW x 3) Evacuation system planned by Himachal
Generation: Pradesh State Electricity Board.

90% dependable year: 2037.15 MU

50% dependable year: 2260.50 MU
7. Koldam Capacity: 800 MW (200 MW x 4) Evacuation system planned by Himachal
Pradesh State Electricity Board.
Source: PFR Khab, Year 2004; PFR Luhri HEP, Year 2004; EIA for Rampur HEP, Year 2005; EIA for NJHEP, Year 1998
* Operational projects

Coordination among different projects for peaking power generation: An analysis has been carried
out for peaking power generation synchronization among various projects. For this assessment, the
following projects have been considered:
• Khab H.E Proejct
• Karchham-Wangtoo H.E Proejct
• Nathpa-Jhakri H.E Proejct
• Luhri H.E Proejct &
• Kol Dam H.E Proejct
The distances between Khab to Karchham, Karchham to Nathpa, Nathpa to Luhri and Luhri to Kol
along with the river bed levels at all the above locations have been given in Table below. The travel
time of the releases for peaking generation during the lean discharges as well as maximum
discharges have also been calculated and given below in table 3.122.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 3.122 – Time Lag for Peaking Power Generation among Projects in the Satluj
Project Distance in km River bed level in m Travel time at max Travel time at lean
flow (hour) flow (hour)
Khab 0 2550 0 0
Karchham 100 1700 3.0 5.0
Nathpa 125 1450 3.75 6.0
Luhri 200 710 6.00 10.0
Kol 295 600 11.0 18.0

Synchronization of peaking power generation will need to be undertaken accordingly as per

requirement and can be coordinated by a single agency – which could one of the major benefit
from a basin level water resources agency. The State Government is discussing the possibilities of
management of water resources infrastructure at a basin level management perspective.


Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report


4.1 Objective & Principles of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

The Rampur Hydropower Plant project will generate individual, cumulative and induced impacts
which might have some impact on the sustainability of the project influence area as well as the
region in which project influence area falls. The potential environmental and ecological impacts to
be managed from the project are related to biodiversity, erosion and sedimentation, construction-
related impacts, fish management and instream flow management. The purpose of this EMP is to
achieve better environmental and ecological viability of the hydropower project, with an overall aim
for sustainable development around the project. The key purpose of this EMP will be to:
• Minimize pollution load on the ecosystem
• Minimize damage to terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity
• Optimize river management for sustainable downstream use and for aquatic life
• Minimize safety risk to the employees and communities
• Improve the quality of life of the people associated with project directly or indirectly.

Environment Management Plan for the hydropower projects extends to different zones of project
impacted areas. Some of the EMP activitiess provide immediate mitigation to environment problems
while some others take longer in giving results, for example, the catchment area treatment plan
(CAT plan) or the Biodiversity Management Plan. Adaptive Management is implemented until the
mitigations measures stabilize and reach a point where they are self-sustainable.

Spatial Boundary
Area examined for the project i.e., study area for environmental impact assessment is area up to
7km upstream of the intake, 7km downstream of proposed power house, 7km on both side of the
river. This study area is termed as the Project Influence Area(PIA). The study area has been further
divided in two inner zones for evaluating impacts on significant influence zones of the project.
These are:
• Activities within Project’s Directly Affected area (PAA)
• Activities within Project Immediate Influence area (PIIA) i.e. within 500m radius of the
project site

Temporal Boundaries
Environmental Impact Assessment for primary data collection was carried in post monsoon season
of year 2006. However, references have also been made to past and current studies going on in
the area on issues related to fisheries, biodiversity and catchment area improvement. Environment
Management Plan has been developed for immediate as well as long term project impacts. The
CAT Plan is developed for a 10 years period. Adaptive Management Plans are designed with
minimum five years duration, expecting that within five years adaptive management plans will
stabilize and start delivering results. In case where adaptive management plan is successful in
establishing its approach before five years, further changes will be stopped and that plan will be
established as the environment management plan for specific project impact.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

4.2 Methods & Approaches

4.2.1 Stakeholder Consultations

Stakeholder consultations provided sound platform for planning mitigation measures for the project
and the influence area. Site selection, project design, resettlement and rehabilitation measures,
social development of the area and biodiversity issues were all addressed by the project with
properly organized stakeholder consultation sessions. SJVNL adopted an extensive and multistage
consultation process for arriving at a good hydropower project. Details of stakeholder consultations
are explained below.

Public Consultation and Disclosure

The Public Consultation and Disclosure (PCD) process has been guided by the requirements of the
Government of Himachal Pradesh, Government of India and the World Bank. Its overriding goals
had been to ensure transparency in decision-making and provide for stakeholder involvement in
selecting resettlement sites, designing the project and determining appropriate remedial measures
for impacted people and communities. More specifically the objectives were to:
• Ensure Stakeholder concerns are incorporated in Project design and planning
• Increase public awareness and their understanding of the Project
• Enhance positive development initiatives through the direct involvement of affected

Public Consultation Activities

Stakeholder consultation activities for this Project began at the conception stage of the project;
there have been significant number of public consultation and participation meetings and briefings.
This project was indeed significant that a large-scale public consultation process was undertaken
and substantial capacity and understanding on stakeholder involvement in decision making has
been built and strengthened as a result. Consultation ongoing has provided constructive proposals
form local villagers about the resettlement and compensation programme, mitigation measures for
environmental issues and about enhancing the positive development of the project. This is
providing an excellent basis on which to make improvements to the entire environment and social
management plan.
The PCD program had been and continues to be carried out in a three stage process:
• Phase I: Information Collection and Dissemination: data collection on the human and
physical characteristics of the current environment in order to predict Project impacts. As
part of this phase, information was disseminated to stakeholders regarding Project
features and its potential implications in terms of changes to the social and physical
• Phase II: Consultation with Stakeholders: Comments continue to be sought from
stakeholders in response to information gathered as part of Phase I. The information was
disseminated and discussion of the alternative and proposed mitigation measures were
encouraged. Issues for stakeholders that may previously have been overlooked or are
outstanding are given a forum for review.
• Phase III: Active Involvement in Project Design and Implementation: Based on the
discussion of Phase II, stakeholder input has been sought in determining mitigation
measures to address project impacts. The process of stakeholders’ involvement and
identification will continue during project implementations.
Techniques used have reflected the diversity of individuals and groups involved. They include:

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Use of visual representations including pictures, diagrams and posters.

• Face to face communication where levels of literacy are recognized as being low
• The translation into local Language of project documents and summaries
• Use of local SJVNL Project Information Centers (PIC); and
• Direct contact with stakeholders through electronic or written media, group and individual
briefings, distribution of detailed project information, organization of stakeholder forums.
Efforts have been made to remain sensitive to language and gender issues. The participation of
women in consultation has received special attention because they tend to be less educated than
men or have less exposure to the outside world. The participation of women has been encouraged.

Project Planning Responses to Stakeholder Concerns

Feedback from Stakeholders has influenced or has been incorporated into the Project planning and
design. For example, the following Project design features are attributed to public consultations:
• Location of the power station to avoid any resettlement
• Routing of the downstream channel to minimize impacts
• Construction of the Regulating Pond to minimize fluctuations in daily discharge into the
Satluj River.
The views of Project affected people have also been incorporated into the design of resettlement
areas, house designs, livelihood models and village composition.

Throughout Project planning, copies of key reports and draft projects environmental and social
documents have been made available. Informations has, and continues to be disseminated through
the SJVNL website including drafts of the EA/EMP and its Summary. The first draft of the EA/EMP,
the background reports, and their subsequent updates, have been disclosed to the public since
In accordance with State Government, MoEF and WB procedures, the EA/EMP were be finalized
following local, regional and national information dissemination and consultation. Local level
consultations on the E/EMP began in 2005. Any further required revisions will be made after
consultation with various stakeholders.

4.3 Environmental Regulations, Compliance & Voluntary Actions

The Rampur Hydropower Project project has been developed meeting the State as well as Central
Government environmental regulations. The project issues have been addressed to comply with
following mentioned environmental regulations.
• Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and all relevant Rules made under this Act
• Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972
• Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
• Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, & Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution), Act, 1981
• Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958
• EIA Notification, 1994

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

4.3.1 Environmental Clearance for Rampur Hydropower Project

A 3-stage procedure for project preparation as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Power was
followed. Activities of 3 stages were tied up with a concurrence or clearance from the HPEPPCB/
MoEF. (See Chapter 2 for details.)

4.3.2 Conditions laid by the State Government

The State Government Departments and regulators laid down certain conditions (most of these
pertain to preparation of the EA/EMP), all of which had been complied by the project.
• The spatial dimension of ambient air quality monitoring needed to be increased from the
current two locations to more locations so as to represent all adits and the villages of the
project area.
• Water Quality Monitoring needs to be monitored for two more seasons in addition to the
one season already undertaken.
• Video recording of all ground and surface water sources to be done by the project
• Technical plan for muck disposal will be submitted to HPEPPPCB and proper measures will
be taken for a safe dump site
• Sewage treatment plants will be used in the townships rather than septic tank and
Incinerator will be used for treating garbage of the township.
• EMP Implementation cost should include cost of third party monitoring during
construction and post construction stages of the project.
• Flow in the natural regime of river Satluj available at Jhakri should not be diverted for
Rampur Hydel project.
After project authorities complied with all the requirements including above mentioned, SCSTE
informed the HPEPPCB to conduct public hearing as per procedures laid down in EIA Notification.
Public notices for holding environmental public hearing near proposed power house in village Bayal
and near Kunni khad bridge in village Chatti were published in news paper for holding the Public
Hearing on 26-10-2005. There were significant issues raised by stakeholders from villages
surrounding the project. Project authorities were asked by HPEPPCB to prepare action plan for
addressing those issues. After receiving the action plan, HPEPPCB issues No Objection certificate
(NOC) to the SJVNL and recommended the case to MOEF for environmental clearance.

4.3.3 Conditions laid by the Central Government

The environmental clearance was obtained from MoEF in March, 2006. Environmental clearance
was granted by MoEF with prior mandatory conditions for implementation by the project during
construction and operation phases. Simultaneously, Mining lease and permission for diversion of
69.3762ha of forest land was obtained by SJVNL from Director of Industries and MoEF (FC Division)
The MoEF stipulated additional conditions to ensure safeguards from the uncertainties, and
weaknesses, if any, in the EA/EMP. These are as below:
• Preparation and implementation of (a) a resettlement and rehabilitation plan, (b) a
catchment area treatment plan.
• Dissemination of clearance to the village panchayat/local NGO and advertisement in local
newspapers for general disclosure.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Implementation of fish management plan in consultation with the state fisheries

• Conservation of medicinal plants.
• Compensatory afforestation and involvement of local people in afforestation.
• Restoration of borrow pits and quarry sites.
• Disposal of muck at designated sites and landscaping of the sites.
• Maintaining the specified minimum flow of water in the stream.
• Health check up for construction workers.
• Availability of minimum 23.7 cumec water during lean season in the river downstream of
dam for sustaining aquatic life.
• Establishment of multi-disciplinary institutional mechanism for environmental monitoring.
This may include representatives from ecology, forestry, wildlife, soil conservation, NGO,

4.3.4 SJVNL Activities for Ecosystem Sustainability of the Satluj Basin

The power potential of Satluj basin is estimated at more than 10,000 MW installed capacity. 17
power plants of capacity 100 MW and above have been identified in Satluj basin, of which four are
under operation, two under construction and others in the planning/ investigation stage. Presently,
only Bhakra dam is a storage dam project on Satluj river. Kol dam project, immediately upstream of
Bhakra dam, has a limited life of 18 years to function as a storage dam after which it has also to
operate as a run-of-the-river plant. Nathpa Jhakri Project, the biggest power plant on Satluj with an
installed capacity of 1500 MW is a run-of-the river scheme. An acute silt problem in Satluj River has
created a need for storage dam projects in the Satluj basin for improving functioning of
downstream projects.
Cumulative impact is a major issue in Satluj basin as there are power plants in cascade in Satluj
basin and there are numerous developers in the Private sector, State sector and Central sector
operating in the basin. A consensus on co-operation strategy, for operating existing as well as
planned power plants, is essential for sustainable development of the region. It is also necessary to
reduce the impact of silt which would yield beneficial results to all the power plants operating/
planned in the basin. Long term measures for silt control like catchment area treatment through
vegetation, toe walls and bench development to stabilize slide prone areas, check dams etc. are
Further, the basic inputs for planning of the power projects in Satluj basin are the river discharge,
silt load and other meteorological parameters. Presently, there is duplicacy in observing these data
and agencies like BBMB, HPSEB, SJVNL, CWC, NTPC etc., are recording the data to meet the
requirement of their own organizations. Since the planning and development of the power potential
in the basin, keeping in view peculiar considerations, has to be based on systematic basin analysis,
it is necessary that a joint understanding on maintenance of these observation sites and exchange
of data between various organizations be resorted to as per their requirement. Similarly, testing
laboratory could be upgraded with the state of the art facilities on shared basis.
Treatment of the catchment area through CAT plans and other measures will also be taken up in a
comprehensive manner for the whole of the basin.
There are certain laws, regulations and guidelines issued by various authorities including Govt of
India & State Govrnment that make it mandatory for all the plants to release minimum discharge in
the river during lean season. There is a need for power producers to take up such matters jointly.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

In general, while operating power stations in cascade, as is the case in Satluj basin, several issues
are likely to come up and co-operation would be required amongst all the power producers.
To achieve above-mentioned objectives, idea of a permanent Forum of Hydropower Producers of
Satluj Basin is being actively promoted by SJVNL.

4.3.5 Other Parallel Activities Ongoing

Implementation of the Hydropower Policy of the State

As per the hydropower policy of the state, the GoHP will constitute a multi-disciplinary committee
under the chairmanship of Chief Minister. Other members will be state Power Minister (Vice
Chairman), Minister/Member of Legislative Assembly of the area where Projects are being
executed, representatives of the hydropower company, representatives from various concerned
state government departments, Chairman/Managing Director of the concerned Power Utility and
Chairman, Local Area Development Committee (LADC). The Committee will be monitoring the
issues arising during the implementation of the project; employment related monitoring, relief and
rehabilitation, review of progress of LADC schemes, implementation of CAT plan, compensatory
afforestation, environmental management plan, and restoration of facilities which get damaged
because of the implementation of the project. The committee will also review the recommendations
(and implementation thereof) of the Forum of Hydroelectric Power Producers. The Committee will
draw up the methodology to regulate the payments to be made by the Company to the various
departments of the Government in connection with the implementation of the project.

River Basin Development Optimization Study

The World Bank (financed by PPIAF) is also supporting the GoHP through a technical assistance in
preparing river basin development optimization strategies, for the Satluj basin. The ongoing study
would demonstrate the methodology for optimization of hydro-development in the Satluj basin with
the goal of facilitating coordinated and sustainable development by private and public sector
developers, with due regard for the environmental and social impact of river-basin-wide
development. The optimization study will cover environmental and social implications of multi-
project development, including but not limited to: (i) implications for water resource management,
(ii) catchment area treatment plans, (iii) potential cumulative impact on natural forests and other
protected areas; (iv) social impacts arising from multiple projects; and (v) communication/public
outreach issues.

Planning for Basin Level Implementation of Catchment Area Treatment

In view of the extensive hydropower development planned in Himachal Pradesh, the Forest
Department has created Upper Satluj Watershed Society for implementation of the CAT Plan
and the other compensatory afforestation program. Additionally, as per the recent discussion
between the SJVNL and the GoHP, an integrated CAT plan will be prepared for the entire Satluj
basin, based on satellite imageries and remote sensed data. SJVNL will prepare this plan.

4.4 Institutional & Implementation Arrangement

4.4.1 Activities within Project Area

The activities within project area having major impact on environment will be land acquisition,
felling of tree, clearing of forest for construction work, construction of project facilities and
operation of the project once it is functional. Environment Management implementation for impacts
related to forest and tree felling is the joint responsibility of Satluj Jal Vidut Nigam Limited (SJVNL)
and State Forest Department. Compensatory Afforestation Plan (CAP) will be implemented by State
Forest Department. Muck/Quarry Area Redevelopment Plan, Avenue Plantation and Landscaping

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

will be implemented by SJVNL. Environmental Management Plans for construction and operation of
the project is responsibility of project contractors and SJVNL respectively. Wherever contractors are
involved, SJVNL will hold responsibility for implementing EMPs through contractors.

SJVNL Environment Management Department (EMD)

The EMD of SJVNL will be responsible for the technical planning, implementation and monitoring of
all environmental mitigation and compensation measures under SJVNL’s responsibility as outlined in
EMP. In addition the EMD will monitor mitigation measures that will be implemented and
supervised by the contractor to ensure compliance with constructor’s contract(CC). The EMD will
also work closely with the Himachal Pradesh Environment Protection and Pollution Control
Board(HPEPPCB) and MoEF, as appropriate.
EMD will prepare regular reports for submission to HPEPPCB and MoEF. The reports will address
the following items:
• Progress made to implement the environmental mitigation measures in compliance with
EMP and the CC;
• Schedule of implementation of environmental mitigation measures;
• Difficulties with implementing the environmental mitigation measures and
recommendation for correcting the problems; and
• Any aspect that does not conform to the environmental mitigation measures and
proposed remedial measures.
Prior to the start of construction, the EMD will:
• Ensure that the relevant environmental mitigation measures are reflected in the project
• Prepare plans for mobilizing subcontracts for studies that will be conducted by SJVNL
• Hold discussion with the government authorities participating in the project to develop
procedures for inter-agency coordination and reporting
• Ensure that the construction phase activities include appropriate environmental
• Assist the HPEPPCB to plan and manage environmental public hearing and information
program; and
• Provide any necessary background information to the HPPCB to enable response to public
comments, complaints and inquiries in relation to the environmental mitigation measures.
During the construction and the operating phases, SJVNL, through the EMD, will be responsible for
implementing and monitoring environmental mitigation measures. The management of
environment concern will include:
• Developing and implementing the monitoring programs;
• Managing the subcontracts for specialist studies to ensure their performance
• Liaising and cooperating with the government authorities
• Preparing work and cost schedules for the monitoring programs
• Conducting appropriate testing to ensure that the environmental mitigation measures are
• Arranging for reporting of the results of the monitoring programs

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Maintaining records for reporting to HPEPPCB and MoEF

• Preparing budgeting and financial reports for the operation of the EMD
• Conducting internal and external audits to ensure compliance with the EMP and the
procedures of SJVNL, and
• Assisting Government of Himachal Pradesh with the public consultation programs and
documenting the feedback for incorporation into program planning.

The Construction Contractors

The contractor will be responsible for implementation of measures to avoid or minimize
environmental impacts during construction. These will include protection measures relating to:
• Meeting effluent standards and water quality requirements for discharges into surface
water and ground water;
• Controlling erosion and sedimentation;
• Managing onsite traffic;
• Providing physical cultural protection and relocation as necessary
• Managing onsite waste;
• Managing, preventing and developing emergency plans for chemical pollution incidents;
• Controlling noise emissions and dust;
• Proper siting of the construction work camps
• Implementing a health program for all persons engaged in undertaking construction
The provisions of the contract between SJVNL and the construction contractor include clear
descriptions of the Contractor’s obligations for undertaking measures to minimize and/or to
mitigate impacts on the existing environment and social situation. The primary reference document
for this will be the constructions contractor’s environment management and monitoring plan
(CCEMMP). The CCEMMP will cover all the protection measures listed above and will be required to
contain an over view of the project impacts that the contractor’s work will have on the physical,
biological and social environment and including:
• Details of environment control to be implemented in accordance with the requirements of
the CC;
• Statutory requirements including approvals and licenses
• Location of environmental control works
• Timing of environmental control activities
• Assignment of responsibility to implement, maintain, asses and monitor each
environmental control
• Procedures and instructions to implement, maintain, asses and monitor each
environmental control
• Reporting procedures
• Emergency procedures, and
• Corrective action requirement and verification.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The CCEMMP will also contain the plans and sub plans addressing the contractor’s general
environmental measures including a manual of environmental procedures and practices applicable
to all construction works.

State Forest Department

State Forest Department will be responsible for preparing and implementing catchment area
treatment (CAT) plan. Department will work for forest conservation and improvement, soil and
moisture Conservation works, Infrastructure Development and Implementation of Eco Development
plan for reducing pressure on forest.

4.4.2 Activities in the Project Influence Area

In the project influence area, the Biodiversity Management is the joint responsibility of Satluj Jal
Vidut Nigam Limited (SJVNL) and State Forest Department. Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan
and Wild Life Management Plan will be implemented by State Forest Department. Managed river
flow responsibility will lie with SJVNL.

4.4.3 Activities in the Catchment

In view of the extensive hydropower development planned in Himachal Pradesh and the limited
capacity of the Forest Department of GoHP to implement the compensatory afforestation and
catchment area treatment plan in the Satluj basin, the Forest Department and the hydropower
development agencies (particularly SJVNL) will share the implementation responsibility. The overall
principle of such division of responsibility would be to make best use of the comparative
advantages for implementation (which suggests that all mechanical, i.e. non-plantation works will
be implemented directly by the hydropower agencies). The cost norms will be as per the Forest
Department norms, and overall monitoring will be done by the Upper Satluj Watershed Society (a
part of the Forest Department). For the Nathpa-Jhakri and the Rampur projects, SJVNL will discuss
on the actual division of works with the Conservator of Forests (CF), Rampur Circle. The forest
department will also modify the catchment area treatment plans, so as to treat the priority areas
(such as current landslides) first. To this end SJVNL and the CF, Rampur Circle will review and
agree on the modified CAT plan. Additionally, as per the recent discussion between the SJVNL and
the GoHP, an integrated CAT plan will be prepared for the entire Satluj basin, based on satellite
imageries and remote sensed data. SJVNL will prepare this plan.

4.5 Environmental Management Actions for the Rampur Project

The most reliable way to ensure implementation of the management plan is to integrate the
management measures in the overall project planning, design, construction and operation works.
In the Rampur project, the environmental management actions had been integrated into the civil
works contracts, and other project planning and design activities. The EMP measures include
mitigation or enhancement measures as appropriate to the nature of impacts, and are explained in
the following Sections. These include:
• Actions related to managed flow of river (at Nathpa dam), fisheries management and
control of water pollution
• Actions to conserve and protect biodiversity; and compensatory afforestation
• Catchment area treatment plan
• Mitigation of construction related impacts, control of pollution from labour camps,
restoration and landscaping of areas disturbed by construction and quarrying; muck
disposal plan and reinstatement of muck disposal areas; control of air and noise pollution
• Delivery of public health services

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Safety assurance plan

• Emergency preparedness plan

4.5.1 Managed River Flow

The Rampur hydro electric project will lead to reduction in flow for a stretch between Tail Race
Outfall of existing Nathpa Jhakri hydroelectric project and tail race outfall of proposed Rampur
project. The reduced flow rate will have some potential to affect the aquatic ecology (although
impact on fish species is expected to be low). Due to construction of a diversion dam on river Satluj
at Nathpa, reduction of flow has already affected the riverine ecology by converting lentic system
to a lacustrine system. As a result of reduction in flow, downstream of the dam i.e., from Nathpa
dam to Bayal village, some form of aquatic life, such as the benthic population may be affected.
The fishery study undertaken revealed that the stretch has negligible fish population in the main
river, although some fish is found in the side streams/ tributaries, hence chances for significant
adverse impact are negligible. However, reduced flow may mean decline in the water quality,
particularly due to increased sewage load. Although there is no direct consumption of water from
the river for irrigation or domestic purposes in the stretch being impacted, small impacts on grazing
land close to the river in future is ruled out. Also silt flushing could be an issue for which regular
flow is important, particularly during the lean season.
Objective of the managed river flow is to minimize, to the extent possible, potential impacts on
aquatic and terrestrial habitats from the planned diversion of river water which will curtail the
natural flow between Jhakri and Bayall village (of which the Rampur project is responsible for
diversion downstream of the Nathpa-Jhakri tailrace outfall) rendering it less useful quality wise.

Minimum Release
SJVNL will affect a minimum water release of 7 cumec from the Nathpa dam during the lean
season. This will be added by another additional 16.7 cumec from various tributaries between the
Nathpa dam (except the tributary called the Shoulding, which was already diverted to the head
race tunnel of Nathpa-Jhakri project) and Bayal, total discharge available upstream of the Rampur
tailrace outfall at Bayal will be 23.7 cumec.
Minimum flow available in various tributaries between Nathpa and Bayal will be lifeline of the
aquatic habitats in the river stretch impacted by Rampur Hydropower Project. SJVNL is obliged not
only to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the minimum water is released in continuous
manner but also to ensure that constant observation is maintained on the flows coming from
tributaries and in case of reduction in flow, adequate measures are implemented to restore the
minimum flow.

Waste Water Treatment

SJVNL as part of the adaptive environment management plan will monitor the water quality at
various locations of the river and adopt necessary measures to protect river water quality and
aquatic life. SJVNL, in association with state public health department will ensure adequate
treatment of sewage from the Jagatkhana and Brow towns since the river at these sewage
discharge points will be affected by lean flow and hence dilution for natural purification will not be
enough over there. Additionally, Rampur Hydropower Project project colony will have separate
sewage treatment plan for treating domestic wastewater.
Sewage Treatment Plant for Project colony: In the project operation phase, a plant colony with 300
quarters is likely to be set up. Suitable treatment facilities will be set up to treat the sewage
generated from the colony. The cost required for construction of these facilities in the project
colony has already been covered in the budget earmarked for construction of the project colony,
and therefore not included EMP budget.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Sewage Treatment Plant for Jagatkhana and Brow Towns: SJVNL in consultation with the local
administration will develop of sewage treatment facilities for these settlements. As a preliminary
estimate an amount of Rs. 10 million has been earmarked for this purpose. The amount can be
revised at a later date, once the details of the sewage treatment plants are finalized.
During project construction phase, sufficient measures need to be implemented to ameliorate the
problem of water pollution from various sources. The sewage generated from various labour camps
will be treated in septic tanks and disposed by discharging into river Satluj. The septic tanks will be
located so as not to pollute the drinking water sources. The construction activities would require a
crusher to crush large lumps of rocks to the requisite size for coarse as well as fine aggregates.
The effluent generated from these crushers will have high suspended solids. The effluent will be
treated before disposal. Settling tanks of appropriate size for treatment of effluent from various
crushers will be provided.
During tunnelling works the ground water flows into the tunnel along with construction water which
is used for various works like drilling, shortcreting, etc. The effluent thus generated in the tunnel
contains high suspended solids. Normally, water is collected in the side drains and drained off into
the nearest water body without treatment. It is recommended to construct a settling tank of
adequate size to settle the suspended impurities. The sludge from the various settling tanks can be
collected once in 15 days and disposed at the site designed for disposal of municipal solid wastes
from the labour camps. The sludge after drying could also be used as cover material for landfill
disposal site. An amount of Rs. 20 million will be earmarked for construction of various settling
Sanitation at the Construction Camps: The aggregation of large workforce during construction
phase is likely to put significant stress as a result of discharge of sewage, solid wastes and other
pollutants to the streams and rivers. Water requirements for the construction camps and the
labourers camps will be met by nearby rivers or streams flowing upstream of the labour camps,
strictly without affecting any existing community sources of water. Bacteriological analysis of water
to be utilized for meeting domestic water requirements be done regularly. Normally, disinfection by
chlorination would be adequate. The chlorine dosage will be fixed judiciously so that there is
adequate residual chlorine in water being used by consumers at various locations.
In the construction and labour camps, a community WC can be provided for each 20 persons or
part thereof. The sewage from the community latrines will be treated in aerated lagoons and
settling tanks. The total budget required for providing adequate sanitation facilities will be Rs.
21.86 million.

Table 4.1 - Budget for Sanitary Facilities for Construction and Labour Camps
Unit Rate (Rs./unit) Number Total cost (Rs. million)

Community latrines 20,000 593 11.86

Aerated lagoon and secondary settling tank including Lump sum 10.00
sewerage system for from labour camps to treatment site
and to disposal sites

Total 21.86

Control of Silt Runoff in the River

Adequate provisions as mentioned in sub plans of construction activities, “erosion and
sedimentation control” as well as mentioned in CAT plan, will be implemented during construction
and operation phase of the project to control sedimentation of the river especially during wet

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

seasons. River bank protection/stabilization downstream of tailrace discharge and lining of exposed
sections of the downstream channel will be important activities throughout the project life span.

Fishery Management and Sustenance of Endemic Fisheries

SJVNL will prepare a fishery monitoring and management plan under the guidance of fisheries
department and implement the same. The fishery study undertaken as part of the EIA study was
done for a short period of time; a detailed study will be undertaken to substantiate findings of
earlier fishery study and to develop a baseline for a comprehensive fishery management.
Snow trout (Schizothorax richardsonii) is the endemic species in the Satluj and being a vulnerable
species amongst the threatened fishes of India, scientific management of the existing stock in the
region will be adopted.
Supplementary stocking program will be implemented in the project area. River will be stocked for
a length of 10 km each on the upstream and the downstream sides of the Nathpa dam site. The
rate of stocking is estimated at 100 fingerlings of about 30mm size per km. The stocking will be
done annually by the Fisheries Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh. To achieve, facilities
to produce seed of trout will be developed at suitable sites, in addition to the facility at Sangla
financed by the Nathpa-Jhakri project. The fisheries department shall prepare plan and design for
the hatcheries and rearing units, along with the budget. Seeds will be transported from this
hatchery. The supply of seeds could be augmented by collecting them from natural sources. The
total budget for developing of hatcheries will be Rs. 6.5 million. The dimension of the hatching
nurseries and rearing unit and their approximate cost is given below.

Table 4.2 - Farm Components in Snow Trout Facilities financed by the Project
Farm Component Area (m) Number Type Rate of flow Cost (Rs.
(lpm) million)
Hatchery building 20x15x8.0 1 - - 0.5
Hatching trough each with 4 trays each 2.0x0.5x 0.4 20 Flow through system 3.0-5.0 1.0

Nursery ponds (Cement lined) 5.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 15 Flow through system 25-50 1.0

Rearing tanks (cement lined) 10.0 x 2.0 x 1.0 10 Flow through system 75-100 1.0

Stock raceways (cement lined) 25.0x3.0x 1.5 5 Flow through system 150-200 2.0

Storage – cum – silting tank 100x50x50 1 - - 1.0

Total 6.5

Overall, the management plan for sustenance of riverine fisheries for the Rampur project will be
implemented at a cost of Rs. 10 million.

4.5.2 Biodiversity Management

An institutional framework for implementation of the State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
has been set up by Government of Himachal Pradesh in the form of a committee comprising of Vice
Chancellor, University at Palanpur, Head of the Department of Bio-Sciences, Himachal Pradesh
University at Shimla, and the Member Secretary of the State Council for Science Technology &
Environment. The committee regulatory reviews implementation of BSAP and takes corrective
measures accordingly.
Biodiversity Evaluation Approach: The State Government of Himachal Pradesh has assigned
“environmental value” to forest land – a sum of Rs. 800,000 and Rs. 500,000 are assigned as
environmental value per hectares for the areas having forest cover exceeding 10% and for the

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

areas having less than 10% forest cover respectively. Cost equivalent to this value towards
compensation for loss of environmental values of forestland will have to be borne by SJVNL for
every hectare of forestland diverted for the Rampur project. The amount so collected will be used
to improve the forest cover and the quality of the forests.

Actions in the Project Influence Area (PIA)

The objective is to protect the biodiversity from adverse environmental and social impacts cause by
the Rampur Hydropower Project, by implementing various mitigation measures. This applies to an
area within 7km radius of the project site. Responsibility for implementation of biodiversity
management plan in project influence area will lie with state forest department of HP. Local people
will be involved by the forest department on its discretion, for encouraging community
Control of Timber Demand: Local people have recorded rights of timber for construction
purposes at nominal rate and due to division of families, the number of right holders is multiplying
rapidly leading to depletion of forests. Timber demand by villagers is seriously affecting forests of
the project influence area. The loss of timber trees of the forest has tremendous potential to
adversely affect the forest cover and habitat for wildlife. Mitigation measures will be taken up by
state forest department and district authorities for prohibiting felling of timber species of size less
than 90 i.e. girth at gbh (II B class) timber species. Rates at which the timebr is offered to the
villagers will also be increased at par with the market so that black marketing could be avoided,
simultaneously judicious selection of right holders will be made to avoid duplicacy in a family and
fake claims. Provision of alternate building material to timber will be promoted such as the concrete
block made of fly ash or brick for construction of houses/dwellings.
Control of Agriculture/Horticulture activities in forest areas: The agriculture/horticulture
activities at the cost of forestlands will be discouraged and control on land use in forests areas will
be gradually converted to “on land capability” classification. Areas under dense forests cover will
not be disturbed for agriculture/ horticulture activities
Control of Forest Fire: Effective fire protection measures like early detection systems,
communications systems, equipment and public awareness will be implemented for forest fire

Control on Grazing: Overgrazing will be controlled by punitive as well as awareness building

measures, as mentioned below:
• In the permitted grazing areas, the animals will be allowed to enter the forests well after
the rains so that grasses would have grown sufficiently to withstand grazing and
• To reduce the dependency of grazing on forest surrounded by heavy bovine population,
stall feeding, balanced animal nutrition, improved cattle varieties application of
concentrates etc. will be encouraged
• Cattle proof trench of size 3m wide top, 1.5m wide bottom, and 1.5m deep will be dug
and dugout earth would be heaped on the edge of trench so that cattle cannot enter the
protected area. On the soil, heaped on the edge of trench, thorny species like Carissa
spinarium, Zizyphus nummularia, Euphorbia royleana, Agave americana etc. will be
planted so that it will stabilize the soil and prevent animals to jump and get into forest.
Prevention Illegal Felling of Trees: Illegal cutting of trees will be prevented by adequate
security measures and also by involving NGOs for creating public awareness against illegal felling of

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Actions in the Project’s Immediate Influence Area (PIIA) and the Directly Affected Area
The objective of these actions is to protect the biodiversity of the project immediate influence area
and project’ directly affected area from adverse environmental and social impacts cause by the
Rampur Hydropower Project, by implementing several mitigation measures. All sites where project
components will be located, and 500m area around these sites will be covered by these action.
These actions will be joint responsibility of SJVNL and State Forest Department. Local Community
will be involved to encourage community participation.
As part of biodiversity management, Compensatory Afforestation, Catchment Area treatment
(including Wild Life Management activities) will be implemented by State Forest Department.
Redevelopment and reinstatement of the muck disposal areas and quarry areas, avenue plantation
and landscaping will be implemented by SJVNL.

Compensatory Afforestation Plan

In order to compensate diversion of 69.38ha of forestland for establishment of various project
units, and 21ha forest land for notionally acquired for underground work, compensatory
afforestation will be undertaken on 139ha of land as per the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.
Compensatory afforestation will be carried out in unprotected forests of Arsu and Nither ranges of
Ani forest division of Kullu District. The cost of compensatory afforestation will be Rs. 7.45 million.
The details of sites selected for Compensatory Afforestation Plan are explained below:

Table 4.3 – Sites Selected for Compensatory Afforestation

Sl. No. Status of Land Name of Range
1 Unprotected Forest Bail C-9
2 Unprotected Forest Chebri C-83
3 Unprotected Forest Kindla C-38
4 Unprotected Forest Karnon C-11
5 Unprotected Forest Rallo C-14
6 Unprotected Forest Shalt C-6
7 Unprotected Forest Sisu C-10

Quarry/Muck Area Redevelopment Plan

The vegetative measures will be used for redevelopment of quarry and muck disposal areas.
Plantation will be done extensively for slope stabilization. Plantation of ornamental plants such as
Robinia, Ailanthus, Poplar, Silver oak, Bottle brush, Subabul, Baken will increase aesthetic nature of
these areas and also catalyze growth of biodiversity on the land and in surrounding area. The soil
binders will be used for slope stabilization.

4.5.3 Catchment Area Treatment

The CAT Plan for Rampur project aims to (i) improve the overall landscape of the catchment, (ii)
increase retension of moisture in the soils of the catchment, and (ii) reduce the sediment load in
the river. It is imperative that the sediment load in the Satluj does not increase due to disturbances
in its catchment or due to construction and operation of the project. The success of the Rampur
Hydropower Project CAT plan is however affected by the silt generation activities on the upstream
of the CAT plan area which are not presently covered under any CAT plan. Overall, the need is to
move towards a basin level planning and implementation for CAT Plans. Once such basin level plan
and implementation arrangements are ready, the CAT plan for Rampur project will be merged into
that. Until such time, the CAT Plan for the Rampur project will be implemented as follows.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

CAT Plan Area

The area covered in the cat plan is 1,062.5km2, of which 612.5km2 falls in Rampur Forest Division
while 450km2 is in Ani Forest Division. The catchment Area Treatment Plan of proposed Rampur
HEP includes Rampur Range, Bahil Range, Machhada catchment of Nankhari Range and of Sarahan
Range. Population density in the catchment area per 107/km2 and the population is predominantly

Objective of the CAT Plan

The CAT plan is designed to address catchment area degradation of the Rampur Hydropower
Project tract. The plan will support a combination of bio-engineering techniques to reduce soil
erosion, conserve water and improve vegetation cover in the catchment. Institutional strengthening
will also be undertaken to ensure sustainability of the CAT plan interventions. The main objective of
CAT plan will be:
• To achieve ecological rehabilitation of the project area leading to all round economic
development on sustainable basis.
• To increase the vegetation cover in the area by afforestation of areas/forest threatened
with erosion, with due consideration for fodder/fuelwood and timber demand of local
• To combat erosion in all forms on slopes, where possible
• To promote in-situ moisture conservation, ground water recharge and to increase the
productivity of all types of land.
• To carry out soil conservation measures in identified water shed to ensure the longevity
of the reservoir of Rampur Hydropower Project.
• To improve carrying capacity of pastures by augmenting grass and fodder availability and
to solve the problem of migratory graziers
• To provide employment to the local people by engaging them on afforestation and soil
conservation works.
• To improve rural infrastructure in the project area
• To increase productivity of all types of land and sustained use of natural resources.
• To promote community participation
• To conduct research for developing appropriate site specific tools with focus on solving
CAT plan implementation problem
• To mitigate the project impacts on wild life by initiating ameliorating measures and to
strengthen wildlife management in the catchment.

Plan Period
The proposed plan is formulated by State Forest Department for the period of ten years starting
from 2006-07 until 2015-16. Emphasis in the first year will be to develop and maintain nurseries to
raise sufficient planting stock. Most of the activities will be completed within initial 5 years and the
later half of the plan will be mainly for maintenance. The afforestation work will be completed in 3
to 4 years and thereafter maintenance will be done up to 7 years. Pasture development works and
soil and water conservation works will be completed within first five years and will be further
maintained till the completion of the project period. Infrastructure work development will again be
completed within five years.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The CAT plan will be implemented by a society specifically created for this purpose by the
government of Himachal pradesh. The Government has notified and registered a society in the
name of Upper Satluj Valley Watershed Development Society. Overall, the execution of CAT plan
will be the responsibility of the State Forest Department with Conservator of Forests of Rampur
Division acting as the project director. Field level responsibility will be of divisional forest officers of
respective divisions and their support staff. The area of CAT plan will be divided into small
watersheds. The communities living in watershed will be associated in preparing micro plans within
the framework of CAT plan.

Forest Conservation & Improvement

In order to improve forest cover of the Catchment area it is proposed to increase vegetation cover
through implementation of various forestry schemes such as Afforestation of degraded forestland,
Replenishment, afforestation, Assisted Natural Regeneration, Development of Medicinal Plants,
Pasture improvement and subsidiary silvicultural operations barren, areas which are devoid of tree
growth or the degraded forestland with scanty vegetation will be brought under afforestation. The
details of various schemes will be implemented under forest conservation and improvement
program is given in detailed below
Afforestation of Degraded Forestland includes blank areas devoid of vegetation or degraded
forestland will be taken up for plantation. A total 780 ha area have been identified available for
taking under this scheme. Out of total 300 ha falls in Rampur while 480 ha in Ani forest division.
Replenishment Afforestation includes plantation of forest areas of the track depleted due to
excessive pressure of local community due to fodder, fuel, timber, etc., to restore such areas to
their optimum productive potential. Such forest areas will be planted by artificial means to increase
their stocking to the required level.

Table: 4.4 – Activities under Forest Conservation & Improvement Component

Type of Scheme Total Area (Ha), No. of Share in the CAT Plan
Forest Compartment Plants/ha Budget (%)
Degraded Area Development 780 R:480 A:300 1100 17.31
Replenishment Afforestation 460 R:260 A:200 700 8.25
Assisted Natural Regeneration 400 R:195 A:205 300 5.17
Development of NTFPS/ Medicinal 170 R:80 A:90 2000 2.92
Alpine Pasture Improvement 125 R:100 A:25 - 0.47
Low-lying Pasture 240 R:80 A:160 - 3.92
Source: Catchment Area Treatment Plan (2005) State Forest Department HP

The Assisted Natural regeneration scheme will be implemented to forest areas where conditions are
conductive to natural regeneration. Forest floor will be cleared of slash, debris and felling refuse to
afford a clean seed bed to the falling seeds & to germinate large number of villagers depends on
medicinal plants as their livelihood. In order to meet their demand as well as for in-situ
conservation of Medicinal plants, herbs such as Karoo, Dhoop, Chora, Salam Pania, Discorea, Patish
will be planted on 170ha of forestland.
Under Pasture improvement schemes, Alpine pasture and Low-lying pastures will be taken up for
treatment. A total of 3200ha of pasture area is available in catchment. It is an important source of
herbage/roughage for cattle, sheep & goats. The well developed crop areas within the forests will
taken for subsidiary silvicultural operations to improve the growth conditions & hygiene of the
forests floor such as, climber cutting (de-weeding), slash disposal, debris collection & burning.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Species Selected for Afforestation

Based on climatic & adaphic site-specific conditions following species are selected by Forest
Department for afforestation. However, preference of local communities as regard the choice of
species will be planted under this scheme. The species recommended for low-lying pastures are
Lancia lecocephala (Subabul), Salix sikkimensis (Willow), Grewia oppositifolia (Biul) and Morus alba

Table: 4.5 - List of Trees Recommended for Afforestation in CAT Plan

S. N. Name of Plant species S. N. Name of Plant species
Scientific Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Name
1 Cedrus deodara Deodar 8 Dalbergia sissoo Shisham
2 Pinus wallichiana Kail 9 Aesculas indica Aesculus
3 Robinia pseudoacacia Robinia 10 Ailanthus sp Maharukh
4 Lancia lecocephala Subabul 11 Populus citiata Paplar
5 Melia azadirach Dreak 12 Picea smithiana Spruce
6 Albizzia lebbek Siris 13 Queruces incana Banoak
7 Abies spectablities Silverfir 14 Grewia oppositifolia Biul
Source: Catchment Area Treatment Plan (2005) State Forest Department HP

Soil & Moisture Conservation Work

In order to control soil crosion in catchment area due to various project activities during
construction & operation phase, various soil & moisture conservation work will be carried out. The
soil stabilization measures such as construction of check walls, protection walls, vegetative barriers,
bushwood check dams etc. Various schemes implemented under this head are detailed out below.

Table: 4.6 – Activities under Soil & Moisture Conservation Component

Name of Scheme No. of Sites, Forest Measures to be Taken Share in the CAT Plan
Compartment Budget (%)
Stabilization of Landslides prone area 71 R:34 A:40 Engineering Measures 9.22
Vegetative Measures
Treatment of Nallas 150 R:99 A:51 Engineering Measures 17.83
Vegetative Measures
Roads Side Erosion - - 0.48
Treatment of Private Land - Contour bunding, Terrace 0.64
Avenue Plantation/Landscaping - - 0.15
Source : Catchment Area Treatment Plan (2005) State Forest Department HP

A total number of 71 sites were identified in catchment area which are severely eroded and need
soil stabilization measures. Similarly about 150 number of nallas are to be treated so as to stop
excess silt load in the main river other erosion control measures includes road side erosion control,
avenue plantation and landscape works surrounding project site.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure development is an important part of Forest Management. In order to maintain
roads/path in serviceable conditions are needed to be improved. Various schemes implemented
under this head are discussed below.
Forest infrastructure development includes repair of forest path, construction/repair of operational
buildings, farm ponds, soil & water harvesting structures. While rural infrastructure development
includes construction/repair of village ponds & tanks, repair of springs, wells & other water
resources, repair of village roads & paths and construction of footbridges & rainwater harvesting

Table 4.7 – Activities under Infrastructure Development Component

Name of Scheme Item (Number, Forest Compartments) Share in the CAT
Plan Budget (%)
Forest Infrastructure Development (i) Forest Path 0.69
(ii) Construction of Buildings 2.18

Rural Infrastructure Development Repair of Village Road and Path 2.29

Village Ponds 31 Nos. R:13 A:18 0.63
Soil and Water Conservation Structures 17 Nos. R:8 A:9 1.09
Improvement of Water Resources - 0.86
Strengthening of Village Path - 2.29
Construction of Foot Bridges - 0.17
Fuel Saving Devices LPG, Pressure Cooker, Smokeless Chullas 0.1
Rain water harvesting 14 Sites 0.65
Source : Catchment Area Treatment Plan (2005) State Forest Department HP

Wildlife Management (in the CAT Plan)

The wildlife in the forest is exposed to lot of human disturbances besides stray cases of poaching.
The excessive cattle population, traditional rights of local people, lopping of trees for fodder, illegal
felling of trees etc resulted in depletion of forests and thereby reduction/loss/disturbance to wild
habitat. The wildlife Management plan is formulated by State Forest Department Govt of H.P. to
maintain viable, healthy and productive population of wildlife, to improve habitat by proving forest
cover, water holes, saltlicks etc and protect them from natural & anthropogenic hazards. Following
measures are suggested to protect wildlife.
Protective Measures: The protection of wildlife can be afforded by implementing preventive and
control measure for preservation and propagation of wildlife, as below:
• Ban/Reduction in issuing crop protection licenses
• Provision of Forest Guards to control hunting & poaching
• Protection from forest fire
• Prevention from diseases spread by domestic animals
• Increase in Public Awareness about wildlife
• Reward/Incentives to informers
Habitat Improvement: In order to provide suitable condition for growth, development and
reproduction of wildlife following measures are suggested
• Increase in forest cover through implementation of various afforestation schemes

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Plantation of tree species, which are major sources of fodder for wildlife
• Provision of Saltlicks at various places as a source of essential nutrients required for
growth of wild animals
• Increase in pastureland by sowing suitable local species of grasses, bamboo plantation
Besides this, there is also provision conducting of wildlife census in forest areas, as well as
conducting Public Awareness Programs, display of sign and slogan boards in forest areas for
protection of wildlife. The budgetary provision for wildlife management plan is given detailed

Table 4.8 – Activities under Wildlife Management Component

Name of Scheme Amount (Rs. Lakh)
Wildlife Improvement 47.10
Protection of Forest 25.48
Training and Studying 5.00
Awareness and Publicity 2.00
Eco Development 12.50
Source: Catchment Area Treatment Plan (2005) State Forest Department HP

4.5.4 Mitigation of Construction related Impacts

The mitigation measures aimed to mitigate and manage the construction induced impacts, are
categorized into the following, and each of these group of actions are described in the following
• Erosion and sediment control measures
• Muck disposal planning and management measures
• Quality management measures
• Water quality management and monitoring measures
• Chemical waste/ spillage management measures
• Emergency measures for hazardous materials
• Emissions and dust control measures
• Noise control measures
• Enhancement measures for physical cultural resources
• Landscaping and re-vegetation measures
• Vegetation clearing measures
• Waste management measures
• Environmental training for construction workers measures
• On-site traffic and access management measures
• Site hygiene measures for construction work camps and resettlement areas
• Health assurance measures for project and contractors’ staff

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Erosion and Sediment Control

There is the potential for site erosion and sedimentation of downstream waterways if the site
activities are not carefully managed.
Erosion and sedimentation will be controlled during the construction of the works. Areas of the site
not disturbed by the construction activities will be maintained in their existing condition. A principal
effort at the Construction Areas will be management of erosion of excavated surfaces especially
during the wet season when the volume of the runoff is expected to be high. Contractors shall
prepare an Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan that shall include environmental
management and pollution control techniques for all these areas of activity including drainage
measures for underground works.
The Contractor shall prepare an erosion and sediment control plan in conjunction with the
Contractor’s Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan which will be prepared in accordance
with the Landscaping and Re-vegetation Plan. It shall detail all site-specific measures the
Contractor will implement during the construction phase to prevent an increase in pollution loads
being exported from the site. It shall cover site drainage, especially related to storm water
management. In particular it will include:
• An assessment of the potential for water pollutants to be generated.
• Measures to be taken to collect, store and treat storm water prior to any discharges form
the site, (considering options for water re-use on site)
• Management of material storage areas, including raw materials, chemicals, fuels, and
• Measures to prevent litter entering water courses and details of permanent pollutant
treatment measures or other water pollution control devices proposed for the operational
• Identification of any significant effects on hydrological condition and appropriate
hydrological studies;
• An inspection and maintenance program to maintain the effectiveness of erosion and
sediment control measures
Examples of activities, requirements, and practices that will be included in the Contractor’s
Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan include the following:
1. Areas within the construction areas not disturbed by construction activities will be maintained
in their existing conditions.
2. Soil erosion and sediment control practices will be implemented prior to any major soil
disturbance, or in their proper sequence, and maintained until permanent protection is
established. Only approved areas due for construction activity according to the Programme will
be cleared of vegetation and topsoil in accordance with sub-section on vegetation clearance;
3. Prior to wet season, the contractor shall implement appropriate measures to ensure that
erosion is minimized from works where the permanent drainage and erosion control measures,
if any, are yet complete;
4. Materials excavated by the Contractor from open and underground excavation, which are
unsuitable for incorporation into the Permanent Works or are surplus to such requirements,
will be disposed of as spoil dumps in spoil disposal areas. Materials suitable for roads, saddle
dams, slope protection, channel armoring or riprap and resettlement area fills will be stockpiled
separately from spoil disposal areas, at agreed locations for later use by the Contractor or

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

5. Soil excavated during construction will be stockpiled separately. The soil will be used for
landscaping and restoration of work areas. All stockpiles and spoil dumps will be constructed
and stabilized, including provision of drainage and erosion control measures in accordance with
the Landscaping and Re-vegetation Plan. The height of stockpiles and spoil dumps in spoil
disposal areas will be proposed in the Sub-Plan and will be limited to 3m for Topsoil and
materials for future use. The height of spoil dumps will be determined by the locations
occupied, but generally will be not more than 6m, with a 2m berm at 3m. Topsoil stockpiles
will be deep ripped to provide for moisture retention and re-growth. Drainage and erosion from
the stockpiles will be controlled by locating them in areas away from drainage lines. The
erosion of the base of the dump will be prevented by providing a silt fence to contain any
sediment in any runoff resulting from stockpile or spoil dump;
6. Stockpiles and spoil disposal areas shall not be located on drainage lines or in floodway zones
or other areas important for the conveyance of floodwaters during major floods. Flooded area
behind spoil disposal areas will be allowed to drain to the Downstream Channel;
7. Plans for water management during construction will be in accordance with the Best Practices,
and include development of drainage works, sediment traps, diversion, culverts and other
structures designed to treat water to the water quality requirements of this Sub Plan and
Water Quality Management Plan before discharge into natural watercourses. All these structure
will be constructed progressively prior to commencement of construction work and areas will
be directed to the sediment settling areas;
8. The drainage works shall direct site runoff to established watercourses. They will be inspected
regularly for damage caused by scouring, sediment deposition, channel obstruction, and loss of
vegetation cover. Non-erodible segments will be established along the slope lengths. These
outlets will be located along the natural drainage lines;
9. Sedimentation controls will be implemented in the form of silt trap fences and sedimentation
ponds where appropriate depending upon the size of the catchment, and other physical and
environmental constraints. The silt trap fences shall control flows along minor drainage lines,
whereas the sedimentation ponds will be utilized for removing sediment-laden runoff from the
construction areas. These will be built prior to the start of the activity and will be maintained
until the completion of that activity. The ponds will be designed in accordance with the Best

Planning & Managing Muck Disposal

Impacts from spoil disposal from excavation activities on surface water drainage will be properly
addressed during construction period.
The Contractor will prepare a Muck Disposal Planning and Management Plan for the total works.
The Contractor will also submit Muck Disposal Planning and Management Plans for each proposed
spoil disposal sites, to the SJVNL for no-objection at least two months prior to commencement
work at each site.
SJVNL has already identified a number of muck disposal sites, and erected the toe protection
works. For any new site identified by the contractors, and for the currently identified sites, the
contractors will be responsible for planning and designing for all protection works.
The Muck Disposal Planning and Management Plan shall include environmental studies and
consultation which analyses the potential impacts of each proposed muck deposit and will be
complete at least three moths prior to commencement of construction activities in the particular
The Contractor shall submit to the SJVNL, prior to submission of the Reference Design, drawings
showing the proposed locations for muck disposal areas. The Contractor shall also include the

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

requirements of the activities given below (which are Contractor’s responsibility) which will be
modified in accordance with the SJVNL’s comments and incorporated in the Reference Design.
The Contractor shall carry out all the following activities, and shall use the findings and results in
the preparation of the drawing showing the proposed locations of the spoil disposal areas:
1. Field inspection of sites and geomorphologic studies to determine if any proposed spoil disposal
areas are located in floodway zones of the flood plain;
2. Land use impact assessment, with attention to those areas of land used and designed for
agricultural purposes;
3. Estimation of flood stage frequency at relevant locations;
4. Determination of the reduction in flood storage volume that would result from spoil dumps in
main segments of flood plains
5. Determination of the reduction in cross-section area that would result from the positioning of
each spoil platform;
6. Assessment of impacts caused by increases in the general depth of flooding in each proposed
spoil disposal areas.
7. If preliminary flood studies show that the effect of spoil disposal in a particular site would be so
small as to have little impacts on users of the flood plain, the application of more rigorous
hydrological analysis and hydraulic modeling may not be necessary. However, if the preliminary
studies show that significant adverse impacts might accrue to the well-being of the flood plain
inhabitants, more rigorous analytical methods will be applied to determine, with greater
accuracy, the effects of spoil disposal in a particular site;
8. Consultations with the communities, if any, living close to the proposed spoil disposal sites
which may be affected. The consultations shall provide local villagers with detailed information
of the potential spoil disposal site, collect relevant information which may be of use in
determining the most appropriate site, and provide an opportunity for villagers to express their
opinions and concerns with the proposed plans. Information and feedback from the
consultation process will be incorporated into the final design for each spoil disposal site.
The SJVNL shall consider all the above requirements when reviewing the drawing showing the
proposed location of the spoil disposal area, which may require modifications to the proposals. The
modifications will be incorporated in the Reference Design.
The Contractor shall also use the findings and results of the above activities to prepare a Muck
Disposal Planning and Management Plan as a sub-plan under the Contractor’s Environmental
Monitoring and Management Plan. The Muck Disposal Planning and Management Plan shall:
• Include allowance for muck disposal sites to be located in flood storage areas only in
those cases where the studies have determined that impact is not significant.
• Include the requirement for all muck disposal sites to be located outside of flood
conveyance areas.
• Not permit the obstruction of access to gardens or dwellings, or require re-routings of
roads and tracks;
• Include provisions regarding the environmental management of the day-to-day
construction of muck platforms.
• Require disposal sites not to be located in areas of land, which prior to the
commencement of the construction works, were used for agricultural purposes, or were
designated for agricultural purposes;

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Include provisions for incorporating the most appropriate stabilization techniques for each
disposal site;
• Assess risks of any potential impacts regarding leaching of the muck, both in terms of
impacts on surface water as well as on ground water supplies;
• Include appropriate engineering analysis to determine that the selected mcuk disposal
sites do not cause unwanted surface drainage;
• Include recommendations for measures to be implemented regarding stabilization and
erosion relating to the muck disposal sites, in accordance with the requirements of the
Landscape and Re-vegetation Plan and the of Best Practices
• Include a social and environmental assessment of risk in case of failure of each muck
disposal site
• Incorporate information and feedback obtained from public consultation meetings as
provided by the SJVNL for the area identified above or as practical for other areas.
Topsoil will be stripped from areas to be used for spoil platforms and subsequently used to
landscape and grass the top and slopes of the muck platforms.
The Contractor shall identify muck materials which have potential for use by others in future
construction work. Such muck will be stockpiled and secured by the Contractor according to those
requirements relevant and in such a manner to allow future use of the muck by others.
The spoil will be placed on reverse order of excavation, with finer materials in layers towards the
top of the spoil dump, and stockpiled topsoil placed as the final layers. All layers will be of uniform
thickness and compacted sufficiently to minimize future settlement, in accordance with agreed
SJVNL will be responsible for supervising and to assure that the spoil is placed in the appropriate
sites, to evaluate potential for failure of the slopes, and to monitor the effectiveness of erosion
control at each of the sites.
Recommendations for rehabilitation of muck disposal areas: Pending preparation of the
contractors’ rehabilitation and reinstatement plans for the muck disposal areas, the following are
recommended. These could form the minimum acceptable guidance for rehabilitation and
• The retaining wall varying from 2 to 7 m of height will be provided to prevent the
dumped material from sliding.
• One meter terracing along the contour at 5 m interval along the slope in staggered
manner will be done.
• The uphill side of the terraces will be provided with the walls/edging of 50 cm height and
50 cm thickness to protect the uphill side of the terraces from slipping.
• Vegetative measures would include (i) suitable tree and shrub species will be planted
after fencing the area, and (ii) bBroadcasting of grass and Rumex seed will be done
• Fencing and Planting - After the completion of civil works in the dumping sites to be will
be fenced with the barbed wire in strands with two diagonal strands using wooden fence
posts of eucalyptus 3m apart.
• Choice of Species for planting: Keeping in view the climatic and soil conditions of the site,
broadly following species are recommended for planting:
• Tree species: Robinia, Ailanthus, Poplar, Iqomoea, Siverock, Bottle brush, Ducinia,
Agave, Melia azedarach.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Grass seeds: Heteropogan, Fescue and Chrysopogon seed at the rate of 4kg per
hectare may be broadcasted all over the area. Rumex hestatus seed in small
quantities may also be broadcast. Since this plant is naturally growing in the area in
• Maintenance: Possibility for watering the plants at least for early two or three years of
planting will be explored. Maintenance of the plants will be for five years. The dead plants
will be replaced and fencing if damaged be repaired.
Budget for rehabilitation and reinstatement of the muck disposal areas including for all measures
for stabilization of muck disposal site will be Rs.23. 26 million. Works to be carried out during pre-
construction period will include constructing retaining wall or toe wall of average 5m height (2m to
7m) at a cost of Rs. 13.21 million. Works to be carried out after completion of muck disposal will
include terracing, fencing, planting and grass seeding; at a cost of Rs. 10.04 million.

Table 4.9 – Budget for Protection (Retaining/Toe Wall) during Pre-Construction

Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
Excavation 2.70m 64.00 172
Cement concrete 0.81m3 982.10 795.50
Cement mortar 2.01m3 1140.60 2292.60
Dry masonry 6.41m3 453.00 2903.73
Boulders filling 3.00m3 391.70 1175.10
Others - 391.70 1175.10
Total for 1m of retaining or toe wall 7337.73
Total 1800m 7337.73 13,212,000.00

Table 4.10 – Budget for Reinstatement Works after Completion of Muck Disposal
Description of Measure Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
Terracing of 1 meter width with toe walling 50 x 50 cm size 18000 running metre 145.00 26,10,000
Fencing of area with barbered wire 4 strand horizontal and 3600 running metre 38.00 1,36,800
two strand diagonal – as per HPSR - 1999
Planning of different species of plants 14000 plants 18.98 2,61,639
Grass seeding 18.38 hectare 1320.00 24,26,160
Total 54, 34,599
Total including escalation @ 8.5% per year for 6 years 80, 43,206
Add for maintenance for 5 years 20, 00,000
Grand Total 100,43,000

Quarry and Borrow Area Management

The project has identified 1 quarry site for acquiring aggregate and additional areas for sand.
During construction there is potential for noise, dust and sedimentation of waterways, and
increased traffic hazards if the development and operation are not carefully managed. Suitable
mitigation and closure measures will be adopted for management of these sites. The requirements

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

of considerations and specifications for the use of quarry and borrow areas has been incorporated
into the construction contracts.
The contractor will be responsible for use of the quarries and borrow areas in accordance with the
provisions of the EMP. The EMD of SJVNL will ensure that the specifications are incorporated into
the construction contracts. The EMD will develop a monitoring program to ensure that the
operations are in accordance with the requirements of quarry management.
The Contractor shall have the right to quarry construction materials such as soil, sandstone,
limestone, stone, sand, gravel and any other materials from the Quarry Areas subject to the
requirements of the EMP and the Conditions of Contract.
The Contractor shall prepare an overall Quarry Management Plan for the total works in conjunction
with the Contractor’s Environmental and Management Plan.
At least 3 months prior to commencing any activities in a particular Quarry Area, the Contractor
shall submit a separate Quarry Management Plan to SJVNL for no-objection for the proposed
quarrying activities. The Plans shall include the following consideration:
• An assessment of the following impacts at all quarry sites will be identified and assessed
for their magnitude and importance:
ƒ Erosion and sedimentation
ƒ Road damage
ƒ Spoil and other waste generation
ƒ Noise and dust generation
• A plan showing the extent of the area to be developed
• A method statement defining the proposed working method
• The proposed access and haulage routes between the quarry and the destination for the
extracted material
• A justification for the quantities of material to be extracted, an estimate of the waste
materials to be generated and disposal details for such waste materials
• Details of the measures taken to minimize the quarry area and its visual impact on the
surrounding area
• Measures which are recommended to minimize the significance of each identified impact
The plan will also describe details of the measures to be taken for the log-term rehabilitation of the
quarry and borrow workings. These shall include re-establishment of vegetation, restoration of
natural courses, avoidance of flooding of the excavated area wherever possible, achievement of
stable slopes, and avoidance of features which would otherwise constitute a risk to health and
safety or a source of environmental pollution.
Where the excavated quarry and borrow areas cannot be reasonably drained, the contractor shall
minimize their number and consult with the local population as to that population’s preferences for
their location for reuse or other community purposes
Quarry faces and excavations will be made safe and buildings, plant, equipment and debris and
miscellaneous stockpiles of material will be removed form the areas
Materials, other then waste materials, extracted from quarrying operations will be used exclusively
for the Construction Works.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Water Quality Monitoring

Construction activities may impact water quality in areas downstream of the construction activity.
SJVNL will monitor water quality in the Satluj River, and some of the tributaries.
SJVNL’s water quality program will start before the main civil works contract is initiated to
determine baseline conditions in Satluj River. The information obtained during this period will be
used to improve the water quality modelling and to compare water quality conditions during
construction and operation of the project. The monitoring program will assess whether SJVNL is
fulfilling its goal of beneficial use of water within the project area.
The EMD of SJVNL will be responsible for implementing the water quality monitoring program from
the pre-construction phase through construction and the operating period. The water quality-
monitoring plan will be designed to monitor the effects of surface water runoff from areas
disturbed by all construction related activities.
The SJVNL shall prepare a Water Quality Monitoring Plan. The Water Quality Monitoring Plan will be
designed to monitor the effects of surface water runoff from areas disturbed by all construction
related activities. The plan shall include the following:
• Detailed plans regarding monitoring the effects of surface water runoff from all
construction areas, including cleared land, roads, construction camps, quarry areas, which
may affect water quality in natural waterways. The plans shall include the locations of the
sampling water in waterways upstream and downstream of the entry points of the
surface water runoff from the construction areas. The frequency and method of testing
will be in accordance with internationally recognized standards;
• The contractor shall ensure all construction related activities shall not pollute waterways,
in accordance with Application Standards. The Water Quality Monitoring Plan shall include
the Applicable Standards for water quality parameters
• The water quality monitoring program shall also monitor the quality of potable water
supplied to the construction work camps, work sites.
As and when any water quality impact is identified, SJVNL will take immediate actions to control
pollution of water, including provision of all corrective measures at site.

Management of Water Quality, Chemical Waste and Spillage

During construction there will be a potential for the pollution of adjacent habitat areas and
downstream waterways if the site activities are not carefully managed. SJVNL will strive to reduce
the potential impacts to surface water and ground water within the vicinity of the construction
areas. This includes waste water management and discharges from the construction areas.
Construction camps will be equipped with waste water treatment facilities to prevent adverse
impacts to the surrounding water bodies. To ensure that the waste water treatment facilities at
each camp are effective, the EMD will implement a water quality monitoring programme, as
described in sub-section above.
Responsibility for providing waste water treatment facilities at the construction camps will be the
construction contractors. The EMD of SJVNL will be responsible for monitoring of the wastewater
treatment facilities.
The Contractor shall prepare a Chemical Waste/Spillage Management Plan. The Plan shall include
proposed actions for the following situations, and any other situations that could involve similar

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

All refueling of heavy equipment and machinery will be undertaken with appropriate safeguards
and protection measures to prevent any spillage or contamination by chemical wastes or
maintenance oils, lubricants etc;
All fuel and hazardous material storage will be adequately bunded to prevent any spillage
Storm water runoff from open workshop servicing and repair areas and bunded storage areas will
be collected and treated before discharge to drains or waterways
Portable toilets will be installed at each short term work site employing 5 workers or more. At least
one toilet will be installed per 20 workers. The toilets will be clean and a special service unit will be
responsible for collection and distribution of toilet units. The sludge will be treated according to the
requirements of the Contractor’s waste management plan
Suitable sanitary sewage and solid waste disposal facilities or systems will be provided at all long
term work sites, workshops stores and offices; all explosives will be transported, stored and
handled in accordance with the Applicable laws and Good Design Engineering, and Construction
Practice. The Contractor shall provide details of proposed storage and security arrangements;

Emergency Measures for Hazardous Materials

During construction there will be a potential for the pollution of adjacent habitat areas and
downstream waterways if site activities are not carefully managed, and there is uncontrolled
disposal and/or leaching of hazardous chemicals. SJVNL will minimize the potential for impacts
associated with chemical waste and spills of oil, diesel, grease from the construction area.
The contractor will be responsible for the preparation of the chemical waste and spillage
management plan, which will be approved and monitored by the EMD. This plan will incorporate
measures and processes to handle situations resulting from accidental spills of hazardous materials,
including chemicals and hydrocarbons or other similar incidents.
The SJVNL will be informed immediately of any accidental spill or incident in accordance with the
Following any spill or incident the Contractor shall immediately initiate remedial action.
This plan will be coordinated with the Emergency Preparedness Plan, and will include provision of
trained personnel, specialized plant and equipment, and defined and approved treatment and
disposal methods for the known range of hazardous materials.
The Contractor shall subsequently provide a report detailing the reason for the spill or incident,
remediation action taken, consequences/ damages from the spill, and proposed corrective actions.
The Emergency Plan for Hazardous Materials will be subsequently updated and submitted to SJVNL
for no objection, every time such an accidental spill happens.

Emissions & Dust Control

Fugitive dust from the site disturbances and emissions from the vehicles and plant have the
potential to negatively affect air quality in the vicinity of the construction sites and access roads.
SJVNL will minimize emissions from vehicles and equipment used for construction activities and
minimizes fugitive dust from construction areas and from unpaved roads within the construction
Responsibility for incorporating specifications for regular maintenance of vehicles and equipment
used will be with construction contractor. The EMD of SJVNL will review the contracts to ensure
that these specifications are incorporated. The Contractor will aslo prepare an Emissions and Dust
Control Plan. The EMD will develop a monitoring program to ensure that specifications within the
construction contracts are respected.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The Contractor’s Emissions and Dust Control Plan will include the following:
• Proposed methods and action to control dust resulting from construction related activities,
including quarry sites, crushing and concrete batching plants, earthworks including road
construction, embankments and channel construction, haulage of materials and
construction work camps. As a minimum, dust will be controlled by water spraying or any
other similar measures. These are to be applied as necessary to reduce to a minimum the
spread of dust from unsealed construction roads and public roads when construction
equipment is active, in areas of major earth excavation, and any other areas which
produces dust;
• The exhaust gases from the construction machinery and vehicles are accepted. However
the engines will be inspected and adjusted as required to minimize pollution levels;
• The emission and dust control plan shall include an internationally recognized air quality
standard such as from ITA (International Tunneling Association) which will be applied to
designing, monitoring and controlling air quality/ pollution in the underground works.
For all underground works, for all activities and type of material excavated, the Contractor shall
install mechanical/ forced ventilation systems which shall provide air pollution concentration that
comply with the requirements of the internationally recognized air quality standard included in this
sub plan. When internal combustion engines are operated in the underground works only diesel
engines will be used.
The burning of waste and/or garbage will be done in designated areas at a distance of at least 2km
downwind from the nearby villages and in accordance with Applicable Law and the Contractor’s
Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan. Burning of any material which produces toxic
gases will not be allowed.

Noise Control
Although noise impacts on communities on plateau are unlikely, excessive noise will impact on
wildlife. In the Power Station excessive noise will impact upon communities. SJVNL will minimize
the amount of noise generated at construction sites, as well as in the power house.
The contractor will be responsible for the preparation of the noise control plan, which will be
approved by the EMD. Monitoring of noise in the construction areas will be responsibility of EMD.
The Noise Control Plan shall include a nationally recognized noise level standard which will be
applied to designing and managing noise levels in construction plant, equipment and vehicles
Mufflers and other noise control devices of construction equipment and vehicles will regularly
checked, and be repaired or replaced if defective;
Construction works may generally be carried out 24 hours a day within 1km of villages and
construction camps. Work practices may have to be modified outside the period of 6:00 and 18:00
Construction workers exposed to noise levels of 80dB or more will be provided with adequate
hearing protection, in accordance with the requirement of Health and Safety Plan. Blasting, except
for underground, only permitted between 10:00 and 18:00 hours, within 2km of any villages.

Enhancement and Conservation of Physical Cultural Properties

Objects and sites of physical cultural resources may be encountered during construction activities in
the Construction Areas. SJVNL will implement the procedures required to prevent damage to the
objects and sites of Physical and Cultural Resources and to enable appropriate action to be taken

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

SJVNL will avoid or minimize impact to physical cultural resources, including items having
archaeological, historical, religious, scared and or unique nature values that may be affected by the
project construction and operation. The SJVNL will be responsible for the appropriate management
of all items or sites of physical cultural resources located in Construction Areas in coordination and
consultation with Government Authorities.
SJVNL has already undertaken field work to evaluate the potential for cultural resources within the
construction areas. Based on this survey, a detailed update to previous findings has been compiled
along with recommended mitigation and management strategies for each item of physical cultural
resources. The result of the survey will be taken into consideration in construction of the project.
The contractor will prepare a sub-plan called the physical cultural resources management plan.
The SJVNL has completed surveys for objects and sites for physical cultural resources within the
selected construction areas. The results of the completed surveys indicate that few, if any, object
and sites will be affected by construction activities. Objects and sites of physical cultural resources
which may be encountered during construction activities include sites having archaeological,
palaentological, historical, religious, sacred and unique natural values.
Prior to commencement of work by the Contractor in any portion of the Construction Areas, the
SJVNL will have:
• Completed a physical cultural resources survey for the particular portion of the
Construction Area
• Informed the contractor of any known objects and sites of physical cultural resources
within the particular portion of the construction area
• In accordance with conditions of the contract, required actions to be implemented by the
contractor for any such known objects and sites of physical cultural resources
The Contractor shall prepare a physical cultural resources plan for dealing with any objects and
sites of physical cultural resources notified by SJVNL or encountered by the contractor within the
Construction Area. Such physical cultural resources plan shall include proposed methodologies for:
• Documentation and identification of any location of any objects or sites of physical
cultural resources notified by SJVNL or encountered by the contractor within the
construction areas;
• Notification to the construction workforce of the need to be vigilant in the detection and
reporting of, and the prevention of disturbance and damage to, objects and sites of
physical cultural resources
• Notifications to the SJVNL of any objects or sites of physical cultural resources
encountered by the contractor within the construction areas
• Stopping work and securing the area adjacent to the objects and sites of physical cultural
resources to prevent damage to such objects and sites.
The SJVNL, in coordination and consultations with Government Authorities, will be responsible for
the appropriate overall management, protection and preservation of all objects and sites of physical
cultural resources encountered within the construction area and will, in accordance with the
conditions of contract, instruct the contractor on the actions to be taken by the contractor in
relation to avoiding or minimizing disturbance and damage to such objects and sites of physical
cultural resources, including:
• Protection and preservation measures are to be taken by the Contractor;
• Additional mitigation, management, notification and reporting measures are to be taken
by the Contractor to enable the construction activities to proceed;

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Changes to the Works and the construction methods, if any, required to be taken by the
Additionally, SJVNL will retain the support of the Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla Office to
periodically inspect the site, and the physical cultural properties identified by the survey, to verify
that these properties are not damaged, and are being protected adequately. The experts from the
Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla Office would also advise on the enhancement and protection
measures that might be required from time to yime.
Archaeological Chance Find Procedure: Sites and properties that are buried or not identified
by the survey undertaken by SJVNL may be discovered during project implementation, especially in
the course of construction or excavation. Such unanticipated discoveries of remains of an
archaeological and/or historical nature are termed archaeological chance finds. Most often they are
concentrations of pottery, worked stone, and human and animal bones, without commercial value,
but of significance to archaeologists, historians, anthropologists, and paleontologists.
The following archaeological chance find procedures will be adopted in project design and
construction contracts:
• The responsibility for preservation, maintenance and assessment of historical and cultural
monuments rests with the Department of Archaeology, Government of Himachal Pradesh,
and in specific cases, with the Archaeological Survey of India.
• Whenever chance finds of cultural or historical artifacts (moveable and immovable) are
made the Department of Archaeology, Government of Himachal Pradesh, and the
Archaeological Survey of India will be informed. Should the continuation of work
endanger the historical and cultural artifacts, the project work will be suspended until a
solution is found for the preservation of these artifacts, or advice from the Archaeological
Survey of India is obtained.
• Contractors, employees of the contractors and all project employees will be responsible
for informing the Project Director immediately after discovery of the chance find, without
any judgment on their own on the value of the chance find. The Project Director will be
responsible to inform the Department of Archaeology, Government of Himachal Pradesh,
and the Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla Office, within 48 hours of such discovery.
• The Project Director will request for a representative of the Department of Archaeology,
Government of Himachal Pradesh, and/or the Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla
Office to make a site inspection.
• Project Director will order cessation of work in the vicinity of the chance find until the visit
of a representative (usually required within 48-72 hours of notification); and follow the
advice by the Department of Archaeology, Government of Himachal Pradesh, and/or the
Archaeological Survey of India on possible salvage or excavation (usually required within
48-72 hours of notification).
• Failure to report a chance find within the 48 hours of discovery, is a punishable offece
under the relevant Indian legislation. Similarly, (intentional) damage to a historical or
cultural artifact is a punishable offence.
SJVNL will also seek the support of the Archaeological Survey of India, Shimla Office to periodically
inspect the sites of construction, excavation and muck disposal to detect any chance finds.

Landscaping & Re-vegetation

The contractor will prepare a Landscaping and Re-Vegetation Plan that includes measures for
restoration of cleared areas, quarries which are no longer in use, spoil areas, haulage roads,
construction camp areas, borrow areas, stockpile areas, working platforms and any areas

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

temporarily occupied during construction. The measures will include landscaping, provision of
adequate drainage and re-vegetation.
All areas disturbed by construction activity, including temporary access roads and tracks, will be
landscaped to reflect natural contours, restore suitable drainage paths and encourage the re-
establishment of vegetation.
Spoil heaps and excavated slopes will be re-profiled to stable batters and grassed to prevent
erosion. Topsoil stripped from the areas occupied by the spoil heaps will be used for landscaping
works. Re-establishment of vegetation will be commenced at the earliest possible opportunity.
Appropriate local species of vegetation will be used.
Local depressions created by construction activities will be either backfilled or drained to prevent
ponding possible. Where the local depressions cannot be reasonably drained, the contractor shall
minimize their number and consult with the local populations as to that population’s preference for
their location for reuse for fish forming or other community purposes.
All hazardous materials construction plant and waste will be removed from site and safely disposed
of in an environmentally acceptable manner. Reusable construction materials will be either
removed from site or, with the approval of the SJVNL, left in a secure manner such that they do
not constitute a risk to health and safety or a source of environmental damage.
Watercourses, if any, which have been temporarily diverted by the construction activities, will be
restored to their former flow paths.

Vegetation Clearing
During construction there will be a potential for areas to be cleared in excess of real requirements,
and insufficient consideration given to retaining vegetation. SJVNL will minimize vegetation clearing
for construction activities and control erosion and sedimentation from the disturbed areas. All such
additional clearance will be subject to the approval of the State Forest Department, if the land is
designated as forest land, or if the land supports forests.
All land and forest/vegetation clearing activities will be carried out according to a site plan, which
enforces the minimization of vegetation disturbance. Additionally, specification for control of
erosion of sediments will be detailed in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.
The contractor will include specifications for the removal of vegetation from the construction areas
and specifications for management of runoff from the disturbed areas during the construction
phase. These specifications are incorporated into the construction contracts. The EMD will be
responsible for ensuring the compliance of the construction contractors. The EMD will also inspect
the construction areas at the end of the construction phase to ensure that the areas are stabilized
before the construction contractor can vacate the area.
At the end of the construction period, the disturbed areas will be inspected to ensure that the areas
have been re-graded to conform to the natural topography and that appropriate grasses and
shrubs have been planted to start the re-vegetation process. The constructor contractor will be
responsible for the stabilization of construction areas before they are allowed to vacate the
construction areas.
Areas proposed for clearing will be submitted to and agreed by SJVNL, and only those proposed
areas will be cleared. SJVNL will reasonably consider the existing usage of the project land to allow
its existing usage to continue as long as is practicable, without interference with the contractor’s
The design of roads, including temporary and permanent access roads, shall avoid crop areas
where reasonable and practical. The application of chemicals for vegetation clearing will be

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

minimized to the greatest extent reasonable and practical. Chemicals, if any, will be selected on the
basis of being non-residual and with regard to human health.
Herbicides used in the Project shall have negligible adverse human health effects; be shown to be
effective against the target vegetation species; have minimal effect on the natural environment;
and be demonstrated to be safe for inhabitants and domestic animals in the treated areas, as well
as, for personnel applying them. Herbicides will be appropriately packaged, labelled, handled,
stored, disposed of and applied according to international standards to be proposed by the
Contractor for the SJVNL’s non objection. Persons applying herbicides will be provided with
appropriate training, equipment, and facilities to handle, store, and apply these products properly.
All herbicides shall have labels in both English and local Languages to allow those handling the
herbicides to comprehend the labeling fully.
Clearing will be carried out in accordance with the following requirements, ‘Logging and Removal of
Waste Forestry Products’ given below, which describes the Contractor’s responsibilities, which is
referred to in the Conditions of the Contract.

Logging and Removal of Waste Forestry Products

Prior to Commencement of Construction, SJVNL shall have the right, but not obligation, to remove
or arrange for the removal of commercial and non-commercial timber as well as other forestry
products from the designated Construction Areas. After commencement of Construction the
Contractor shall have the right to log and remove forestry products remaining as required to clear
areas to carry out the construction of the works, as necessary. However, in either case, the
ownership and any value accruing remains with the State Forest Department.
The contractor shall submit plans for removal of the remaining timber and other forestry products
in the areas permitted under this clause to SJVNL for approval at least three months in advance of
any work being executed by the Contractor. The plan will be in accordance with the Contractor’s
obligations of the contract Requirements, including in particular, the following items:
• erosion and sedimentation control and mitigation
• vegetation clearing
• air quality
• noise pollution
The contractor’s plan shall provide detailed information regarding the proposed logging and
clearing work, including the following:
• Clear identification and justification of the areas to be logged and cleared;
• Name of the company or organization to do the logging and clearing work;
• Schedule for logging and clearing to be undertaken;
• Clear identification of disposal sites for the timber and forestry products;
If the SJVNL elects to log and clear the areas nominated in the Contractor’s plan as areas which the
SJVNL may log and clear, it shall have the right to do so within the period specified by the
Contractor consistent with the obligation referred to in contract.
All works involving the logging and removal of timber and other forestry products after
commencement of Construction Works must be carried out in accordance with the Contractor’s non
objected Vegetation Clearance Plan;
Other than the contractor’s right to use timber obtained from the areas permitted under this clause
for construction or for the temporary works necessary for that construction and other than the sale

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

rights described in contract, the contractor must not sell, use or obtain any other benefit from the
commercial timber of forestry products form the Construction Areas.
The contractor, with explicit permission from the State Forest Department, shall dispose of any
timber or forestry products resulting from the clearing not used in the construction Works and
which are not sold, in a manner selected by the contractor including leaving the timber and forestry
products at the perimeter of the cleared construction areas or areas selected by the Contractor
within the cleared construction areas for collection by SJVNL.
For timber and forestry products discarded by the contractor and left at the perimeter of the
cleared Construction Area or at areas selected by the contractor within the cleared construction
area, the SJVNL shall have the right to arrange for the removal of such discarded timber and
forestry products.

Solid Waste Management

During construction there will be potential for garbage and waste collection and disposal to be
given a low priority with resultant low efficiency and health problems. SJVNL will ensure proper
management of solid waste generated by project activities.
A solid waste management plan will be developed by the contractor and will be monitored by the
EMD, which will assure that the solid waste is disposed as described in the solid waste
management plan.
A sufficient number of garbage bins and containers will be made available at the work camps, the
areas of planned and spontaneous resettlement and at the main work sites. Garbage and other
waste will be regularly collected and be transported to a designated waste disposal site.
Suitable sanitary and solid waste collection and disposal facilities or systems will be provided at all
camps, workshops, stores, offices, long term main work sites and personnel will be provided to
operate and maintain the systems. During construction phase, labour, clerical staff and technical
personnel are likely to congregate. The increase in population is expected to be of the order of
11,850. The average per capita solid waste generated would be of the order of 425
gm/day/person. The solid waste likely to be generated from labour camps will about 5 tonne per
day. For solid waste collection, 50 number of masonry storage vats, each of 2m3 capacity will be
constructed at appropriate locations in various labour camps. These vats will be emptied at regular
intervals and the collected waste can then be transported to disposal site. Three covered trucks to
collect the solid waste from common collection point and transfer it to the disposal site will be put
to service. A total provision of Rs.11.11 million is earmarked for these purposes.

Table 4.11 – Budget for Solid Waste Management

Item Cost (Rs. million)
Three covered truck for conveyance of solid waste to landfill site @ Rs. 1.60 4.80
Manpower cost for 12 persons @ Rs.5500/month for 6 year 6.11
Awareness programme 0.20
Total 11.11

The waste disposal site will be located at least 2km from the nearest village. Connections to the
groundwater or surface water will be avoided, either by clay or impervious membrane at the
bottom and walls of the waste disposal site. When parts of the waste disposal sites are full, they
will be covered by a depth of 1.5m of soil, and then re-vegetated according to relevant
requirements included in the Landscaping & Re-vegetation Plan. In addition, rehabilitation of those
areas used to bury waste will be done in accordance with the requirements of the HPEPPCB.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

A separate collection and storage procedure will be developed for hazardous or toxic waste, such
as batteries, unused paint thinners and hydrocarbons, disused electronic equipment, etc. These
wastes will be stockpiled in accordance with the requirement of the applicable Laws and
subsequently transported to special solid waste treatment plant capable of proper disposal of such
hazardous or toxic waste as approved by HPEPPCB.

Management of Construction Work Camps and Spontaneous Settlement Areas

During construction there will be potential for construction work camps and spontaneous
settlement areas to be developed without sufficient consideration of planning, health, and
environmental requirements. SJVNL will mitigate the following identified impacts of establishing and
operating work construction camps - erosion; runoff and sediment control from the disturbed
areas; and health issues. For spontaneous development of business not associated with the
construction activities at all sites, or for spontaneous settlement of construction workers or ther
families, SJVNL will seek to maintain the similar standards.
The contractor will be responsible for developing a plan and design for construction of the work
camps. SJVNL, through the EMD, will ensure that the work camps prevent environmental impacts
to the camp sites and to the surrounding areas. The EMD will be responsible for monitoring
activities within the camps to ensure compliance with the plan.
The contractor shall plan, design and construct construction work camps for the construction
workers, which satisfy the following general requirements:
• Plans will be prepared for all camps and preliminary plans and information will be
submitted with the contractor’s Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan.
• Approvals and permits will be obtained in accordance with the Applicable Laws, Applicable
Standards and Environmental Requirements, if any, for the building and infrastructure
work for each camp area.
• Camp site selection and access roads will be located so as to avoid clearing as many trees
and vegetation as possible form the areas and to avoid aquatic habitats.
• Camp areas will be sited to allow effective natural drainage.
• Effective sediment control measures during construction and operation of the
construction work camps in accordance with the Environmental Requirements, especially
near rivers.
• Adequate drainage structures will be located and constructed to prevent formation of
stagnant pools.
• Suitable sanitary, sewage and solid waste collection and disposal facilities will be provided
to serve the construction camps. Sewage effluent shall meet water quality criteria
required by Applicable Laws, Standards and Environmental requirements before
• Adequate provision for medical facility; signage for awareness on health and hygiene;
and condom vending machines and other awareness materials to combat HIV/AIDS.
The contractor shall plan, design and construct construction work camps for the construction
workers and the officials of the contractors’ organization, which satisfy the following specific
• Paved internal roads, storm water drainage systems to prevent stagnant water, adequate
day time, night time and security lighting will be provided

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Camps shall consist of living facilities with housing mess, shopping, recreational and
sanitary facilities for all workers accommodated within the camps.
• Fire fighting equipment and services and portable fire extinguishers will be provided for
all building
• Medical and first aid facilities will be provided at each camp area
• The camp areas shall have an adequate supply of potable water compliant with WHO
criteria and Applicable Laws
• Ventilation of buildings within the camp areas will be in accordance with Applicable Laws
and Standards
• Mess halls and residential accommodation will be mosquito and fly proofed.
• Adequate provision for medical facility; signage for awareness on health and hygiene;
and condom vending machines and other awareness materials to combat HIV/AIDS.
Water quality will be maintained, and sanitation facilities provided as described in Section 4.5.1.

Mitigation for Impacts from Construction of Roads

SJVNL will strive to inimize impacts during the construction and upgrading of roads. The major
mitigation measures is the minimization of new road alignments in favour of upgrading existing
roads and for new roads, seeking an alignment that minimizes damage to vegetation.
The contractor will be responsible for constructing and/or strengthening the access roads, the
haulage roads, or any other roads within the project area in accordance with the EMP. The EMD
will be responsible for ensuring that contractor’s environment management plan adequately covers
the environmental impact mitigation measures for the road construction activities. It will also be
responsible for monitoring compliance.
The approach roads will have to be constructed as a part of the access to the construction site. In
a hilly environment, construction of roads sometime disturbs the scenic beauty of the area. In
addition, landslides are often triggered due to road construction because of the loosening of rocks
by water trickling from various streams.
Road construction is expected generates significant quantity of wastes (muck) due to the stripping
of the rocks. The stripped muck is generally cleared by dumping the material along the slopes.
These dumped materials finally flow down to the valleys and ultimately finds its way in to the river.
In the Rampur HEP, this will be prohibited. The stripped material will be collected and dumped in
the designated muck disposal areas, which will be managed and protected as described in a sub-
section above.
After disposal operation is complete at the dump site, dump site will be reinstated, contoured and
vegetated. Various other aspects to be integrated while constructing the project roads are
described below.
• Where erosion is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations will be so
scheduled and performed that grading operations and permanent erosion control of
features can follow immediately thereafter, if the project conditions permit; otherwise
temporary erosion control measures will be provided between successive construction
stages. Under no circumstances, however, should very large surface area of erodible
earth material be exposed at any one time by clearing and grubbing.
• The method of balanced cut and fill formation will be adopted to avoid large difference in
cut and fill quantities.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Where rock blasting is involved, controlled blasting techniques adopted to avoid over-
shattering of hill faces.
• Excavated material should not be thrown haphazardly but dumped duly dressed up in a
suitable form at appropriate places where it cannot get easily washed away by rain, and
such spoil deposits may be duly turfed or provided with some vegetative cover.
• Drainage of the water from hill slopes and road surface is very important. All artificial
drains will be linked with the existing natural drainage system.
• Surface drains shall have gentle slopes. Where falls in levels are to be negotiated, check
dams with silting basins will be constructed and that soil is not eroded and carried away
by high velocity flows.
• Location and alignment of culverts should also be so chosen as to avoid severe erosion at
outlets and siltation at inlets.
• Tree felling for road construction/works will be kept bare minimum and strict control must
be exercised in consultation with the Forest Department. Equivalent amount of new trees
will be planted as integral part of the project within the available land and if necessary,
separate additional land may be acquired for this purpose.
• Depending on the availability of land and other resources, afforestation of roadside land
will be carried out to a sufficient distance on either side of the road.
An amount of Rs.8 million is earmarked for the purpose of implementing these EMP measures
described above. These costs have already been included in the estimates of the contract cost, and
the bill of quantities. Therefore, these are not included in the EMP budget.

Table 4.12 - Budget for Implementation of EMP Measures for Road Construction
S. No. Item Cost (Rs. million)

1. Clearing and grubbing 3.0

2. Provision of breast walls, construction of catch water and interceptor drains 1.5

3. Provision of drainage system along roads 2.0

4. Planting and grassing works, roadside plantation, etc. 1.0
5. Sprinkling of water through tankers on roads 0.5
Total 8.0

Mitigation for Impacts from Construction of Power Evacuation System

Although the transmission line that would be constructed for the project will be a short loop-in
loop-out line, and the impacts are not expected to be significant, there would be some potential
impacts. The system will be constructed by the Powergrid Corporation of India.
The Powergrid Corporation of India has already adopted and implemented in its projects, a set of
Corporate Environmental Policies. These policies are equivalent to the environmental safeguard
policies of the World Bank. Using guidance and methods defined by these policies, the Powergrid
Corporation of India will mitigate the impacts of vegetation and habitat loss, disturbance from
construction, possible soil toxicity from the application of chemicals used in vegetation clearance,
and possible health risks associated with electric and magnetic fields generated by transmission
lines. Additional measures to mitigate against impacts includes avoidance of felling of trees as
much as possible, implementation of proper logging techniques where vegetation clearing is

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

unavoidable, avoidance of application of chemicals, and prohibition of dwellings, and businesses in

the easements along the transmission lines.
The Powergrid Corporation of India will be responsible for these activities. The EMD of SJVNL will
report on the adequacy of the environment management by the Powergrid Corporation of India.

Environmental Training for Construction Workers

During construction there will be a potential for workers to damage the forests and waterways
adjacent to camps and work areas. The contractor shall prepare a training plan for all construction
workers. The training will need to ensure that all employees of the contractor are aware about their
duties, responsibilities, liabilities and consequences of non-compliance.
All employees of the contractor will be required to comply with environmental protection
procedures and they will be able to provide evidence that they have attended the training sessions
detailed in the plan.
The goal of the “Environmental Training for Construction Workers” program will be to educate all
construction workers on the following issue: traffic regulations, illegal logging and collection of non-
timber forestry products (particularly in the resettlement areas), hunting nad fishing restrictions,
sanitation practices, waste management, erosion control, general health issues including the
information and education, specific health issues related to HIV/AIDS, safety issues and general
information on the environment in which they will be working and living.
Training will also include awareness generation that (personal, not related to work) use of
explosives and chemicals is not permitted; or hunting and fishing is not permitted. Contractors will
establish rules and penalties for violation.
These training sessions will be organized by the contractor, and woulod include formal training
sessions, posters, signage in construction and camp areas, and tool box meeting. These would be
in addition to the training program organized by EMD, SJVNL. However, both training program
could be coordinated.

On-Site Traffic & Access Management

During construction there will be a potential for use of large numbers of vehicles of variable size,
leading to hazardous conditions on public roads, camps, project roads and work areas. To address
the potential hazardous conditions, the contractor will prepare and implement an On Site Traffic
and Access Management Plan. The plan shall address the following:
¾ Details regarding expected road quality, maximum permissible vehicular speed on each section
of road, establishment of safe sight distance including within the construction areas and
construction camp site.
¾ Detailed plans for signage around the construction area to facilitate traffic movement.
¾ Estimated maximum concentrations of traffic and effects on existing traffic patterns for
different times of day, and at individual locations within the construction area.
¾ Provisions to be made by the contractor for adequate off-road parking of all construction
related vehicles.
¾ Plans to be followed while moving special loads, such as hazardous material, or heavy loads.
Plans for controlling site access, including both construction areas and construction camp
¾ Monitoring and methods of enforcing the requirements of the traffic management plan.
Construction traffic, including heavy loads, must not damage public roads. Personnel authorized to
the construction areas will be briefed on traffic regulations applicable to the construction area.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Parking will be provided for all classes of vehicles travelling to the site. At no time shall construction
vehicles be parked in a manner which may restrict movement of traffic on public roads. Signage
should provide directions to various components of the works, provide safety advice and warning.
All signs will be in both English and Local Language and be constructed to Indian Standards.

4.5.5 Contractor’ Staff Health Program

During construction there will be potential for workers to be affected by diseases associated with
the local conditions and camp/ temporary living conditions. There would be potential to infect the
local communities with infectious diseases, or communicable diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS. SJVNL
will strive to ensure that the health of the construction workforce is maintained, and that the local
communities are not exposed to increased health risks, or increased HIV/AIDs risks due to the
presence of the large number of migrant workforce.
SJVNL will ensure that disease control measures are affected by the contractor at the time the
construction camps are built and during the construction period while the camps are inhabited.
Construction camp siting decisions will be made considering good drainage, water supply, sewage
disposal and disease transmission potential, especially malaria. An adequately staffed clinic will be
sited at the base camp. The contractors will establish all required linkages with the State AIDS
Control Society (SACS), and will implement all measures including referral system advised by the
SACS. The contractor will responsible for these activities. SJVNL, through EMD will be responsible
for monitoring the contractor’s activities and compliance.
As part of the contractor’s Health and Safety Plan, the Contractor shall prepare and enforce the
Staff Health Program in respect to matters regarding the health and safety of the construction
workforce. The contractor’s project Staff Health Program shall also provide some assistance to
nearby communities for emergency matters if space resources become intermittently available.
Similarly, the contractors can coordinate, as an additional facility but not replacing its own
obligations under this EMP, with all other functioning medical facilities in the locality.

Construction Camps
• In general, anti-malaria measures following current accepted practice will be instituted at
campsites and facilities established for early diagnosis and treatment of patients with the
• Disease control measures are to be implemented by the construction contractors at the
time the construction camps are built.
• Decisions regarding siting of camps will be made with regard to good drainage, water
supply, sewage disposal and disease transmission potential, especially malaria.
• Mosquito nets will be provided.

For Overall Workforce

With regard to providing high quality health services to the Contractor’s employees, the program
shall include:
• Appropriate measures to address mosquito control, including dengue fever control.
• A medical centre sited at the main construction camps, for the diagnosis and treatment of
communicable diseases, simple medical complaints and handling of medical emergencies
and accidents. It will be staffed adequately. Subsidiary treatment or first aid posts at each
smaller construction camps will be staffed by either a trained nurse or locally trained

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Suitable workers will be selected from the workforce and receive additional training in
occupational health and first aid shall form teams of two or three personnel at each work
site. They shall do this as part of their normal work and will be under the supervision of
the person responsible for occupation health and of the medical officer.
• For the control of communicable diseases and other public health issues, contractors will
employ services of a sanitation officer and a disease control officer.
• Provision will be made for health checks of employees, including checks, where required,
for drug abuse and sexually transmittable diseases in accordance with ILO and WHO
resolutions, recommendations, guidelines for construction workers.
• The contractor shall employ a sanitation management and control office who will be fully
devoted to (i) control vector borne and other diseases, (ii) ensure the continued safe
disposal of all solid waste and sewage, (iii) implement fly and other insect control at
construction camp sites and in the project area, (iv) implement and monitor the sanitation
management measures throughout the project area including construction camps and
spontaneous resettlement areas, (v) provide appropriate information and education to the
workforce on prevention of diseases, including malaria, diarrhea, STD and HIV/AIDS, and
(vi) investigate and document diseases outbreaks within the contractor’s workforce.

Additional Malaria Control Measures

To reduce the risks of workers contracting malaria, the following measures will be followed for
mosquito control at construction site:
• Education of workers about problems and preventive measures
• Require protective clothing
• Repellents protective clothing
• Minimize presence of containers full of water
• Remove discarded items that could contain water
• Keep storm water drains and borrow pits free of vegetation
• Insecticide control as a last resort method and only after studies indicate primary
locations of mosquitoes

HIV/AIDS Prevention Measures

To effectively address the HIV/AIDS issues and the associated risks, the contractors will associate
with the SACS fully and without any failure or excuse. SJVNL will insist that the contractors
implement all advice from the SACS. In addition, the contractors will be obliged to implement
regular and periodical awareness campaign on HIV/AIDS, provide for all awareness materials and
their dissemination, including erecting large signage in prominent areas; and to provide for and
maintain condom vending machines in all work areas including construction camps, pubic toilet
booths, and work sites.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.13 – Summary Environmental Management Plan

Activitiy/Imp Direct and Indirect Impacts of the project Boundary 1 Proposed Mitigation Measures Responsibility
act Receptor
Space Time
Project Preparation Stage
Acquisition of Loss of 48.9 ha of forest land and associated Project affected Until Compensatory Provision for alternate land for Compensatory State Forest Department/SJVNL
Forests Land biodiversity area afforestation is Afforestation Plan

Felling of Trees Loss of one thousand seventy five(1075) trees Project affected Until Compensatory Compensatory Afforestation with large scale tree State Forest Department/SJVNL
for project area afforestation is plantation
construction complete

Vegetation Loss of shrubs and grasses leading to loss of Project affected Construction Period Clear marking of required areas so that excess Contractor will prepare and
Clearing for biodiversity area vegetation clearance does not happen implement the vegetation
construction clearance plan and SJVNL will
Erosion of soil Logging and removal of waste forestry products
activity monitor the implementation

Project Construction Stage

Construction Emissions from vehicles and equipment Localized in PAA The impact will be Dust suppression measures will be utilized at all dust Contractor will prepare and
activities and operating at construction sites and PIAA temporary but will generation locations implement dust and emission
vehicle continue till control plan and SJVNL will
Dust generated by construction activities at All equipment and engines will be maintained in good
movement quarry sites,concrete batch plans,construction construction stage condition monitor the implementation
siates,dust on roads and passing traffics
Proper collection and disposal of waste will be practiced
Burning of waste and burning of waste in and around the project area will
be prohibited.
Generation of Increase in noise level, causing disturbance to PAA,PIAA Impact will be Mufflers and noise control devices will be used in Construction contractor will be
Noise from the fauna and human settlements around the temporary but will construction equipment responsible for preparing and
constructionare site. continue during the implementing the noise control
Defective vehicles generating gih noise will be replaced
as construction period plan
Construction activities will be limited to day time only
SJVNL will be responsible for
Hearing protection aids will be used where high noise monitoring the implementation of
level exposure to the workers is needed to be curtailed noise control plan

Project Impact boundary is categorized as –Project Affected Area(PAA),Project Immediate Influence Area(PIIA) and Project Influence Area(PIA)

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Activitiy/Imp Direct and Indirect Impacts of the project Boundary 1 Proposed Mitigation Measures Responsibility
act Receptor
Space Time
Construction Destructions of flora and Wildlife hunting Wildlife hunting will be banned by order of law Construction contract will be
Work camps responsible for preparing and
Tree felling for timebr exploitation as fuel Alternate source of energy such as Kerosene or LPG will
implementing a construction work
Waste water/Solid waste generation be provided
camp management plan
Punitive measures will be enforced tree cutiing and
SJVNL will be responsible for
damage to natural resources
monitoring the implementation of
Proper soild waste collecetion and treatment measures the plan
will be implemented
Waste water will be treated and safely disposed of.
Environmental awareness training will be provided to the
Contractor and workers.
Quarry Loss of biodiversity PAA,PIAA Sediment traps will be installed Construction contract will be
activities responsible for preparing and
Runoff from the area may affect surface water Dust suppression measures will be implemented
implementing the quarry
quality and eventually pollution of river
Abandoned borrow pit and quarry will be rehabilitated management plan
Loss of aesthetic value of the area with vegetation,etc
SJVNL will be responsible for
Dust generation Good landscaping measures will be adopted monitoring the implementation of
the quarry management plan

Muck Disposal Damage to top soil and flora at the sites of PAA,PIAA Until construction Top soil will be reused for landscaping activities Construction contractor will be
construction. activities are over responsible for preparing and
Silt trap fences will be installed and before dumping
implementing a muck disposal
Heavy siltation of surface water and river action the muck disposal area will be covered by
especially during rainy season due to muck retaining walls on the sides bordering the surface water management plan
falling in surface water source/river source/river SJVNL will be responsible for
monitoring the implementation of
Loss of aesthetic value of the area Muck disposal area will be vegetated and good
noise control plan
landscaping will be done

Excess Timber Loss of flora due to logging of timber trees PIAA,PIA During construction Effective catchment area treatment plan will be State forest department will
logging as well as operation implemented develop and implement CAT plan

Blasting Drying of water supply sources like natural PAA,PIAA,PIA Temporary during Water resource survey will be undertaken before SJVNL will undertake survey and
springs,khulls,etc blasting time construction activity and any loss will be compensated compensate the asset loss
High noise generation
Construction of Loss of crop land Locations of During tower Adequate compensation will be provided for loss of asset Environment management Plan for
transmission transmission errection transmission line projects will be
Loss of vegetation; Tree cutting Towers will be aligned away from habitation
towers towers developed and implemented by
Creation of electromagnetic field around towers Transmission towers will aligned to reduce tree cutting SJVNL

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Activitiy/Imp Direct and Indirect Impacts of the project Boundary 1 Proposed Mitigation Measures Responsibility
act Receptor
Space Time
Construction/ Loss of biodiversity PIAA,PIA One year from Environment Management Plan for road construction Constructor contractor will be
upgradation of construction till road work will be prepared and implemented responsible to implement the plan
Silt runoff to surface water body/river
roads construction and/or and SJVNL eill br responsible for
Construction related pollution upgradation is over monitoring the implementation
Project Operation Stage-Impact on Physical Environment
Hydrology Diversion of 388.83 cumec from Satluj River at River Satluj Life span of the Project will release minimum 7 cumec of flow into SJVNL will be responsible for
Jhakri Between Jhakri project downstream of NJHEP to help sustain the riparian release of minimum flow and HP
and Bayal environment.Additionally about 14 cumec water will also Environment Protection and
Significant reduction in flow in satluj River
flow in from various tributaries between Jhakri to Bayal. Pollution Control Board will monitor
between Jhakri and Bayal Stretch
the same.
Water Quality Periodic episodes of low dissolved oxygen River Satluj Life span of the Solid waste and waste water management in the villages SJVNL will be responsible for water
concentration in downstream rivers Between Jhakri project and rampur town quality monitoring and
and Bayal implementation of suitable
River pollution from discharge from power Effective Catchment Management Plan
measures. Environment Protection
house through tail race discharge Water quality Monitoring and implementation of effective and Pollution Control Board will
measures in case of water pollution monitor the same at regular
interval as external check
State forest department will
implement CAT plan
Erosion and Increase in silt load of the river stretch between Monitoring of minimum release in the river downstream SJVNL will implement adaptive
sedimentation Jhakri and Bayal and silt flushing capacity of the river management plan for managed
Increase in river bank erosion from the tail race Inclusion of regulating channel in design facilitating river flow
discharge below confluence with the more constant and controlled release of water at
downstream channel downstream
River bank protection/stabilization downstream of
tailrace discharge
Lining of exposed sections of the downstream channel
Asset compensation for any land/asset lost
Operation Phase-Impact on Biological Environment
Aquatic Transformation of 25 km stretch of satluj River Satluj River Life span of the A detailed fishery study will be undertaken and fish Fisheries department will
habitats and between Jhakri and bayal will alter habitats and Stretch between project management plan will be developed undertake fishery study with
fish diversity disfavour species adapted to fast flowing Jhakri and Bayal project related support from SJVNL
Continuous water quality monitoring and implement
conditions. adaptive management practice for maintaining water SJVNL will undertake monitoring
The diversion weir will present a barrier to quality and river bank stabilization
migration of fish programme in association with
Stabilization of road sides and other areas to reduce
state forest department wherever

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Activitiy/Imp Direct and Indirect Impacts of the project Boundary 1 Proposed Mitigation Measures Responsibility
act Receptor
Space Time
Changes in water flow,quality and temperature erosion required as rule of the law
might alter the species composition and River bank stabilization
productivity of the river
Work in or along river might increase the
sediment load causing damage to
fish(gills),destroy pawning areas and reduce
productivity of the river
Terrestrial 80 ha of land and associated vegetation PAA,PIA Life Span of the Compensatory afforestation plan towards loss of forest State forest department will
Biodiversity affected by project permanently(construction project prepare and implement
Effective Catchment treatment plan
phase) compensatory afforestation plan
Control measures for grazing and CAT plan
Improved accessibility of the area and
increased human population on plateau will Control measures for forest fire
stimulate increased pressure on natural
resources and wildlife due to encroachment and
poaching activities
Increased land erosion activities in catchment

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

4.5.6 Safety Assurance in the Project

It is the policy of SJVNL to provide a safe place to work for its employees. It is acknowledged that
SJVNL has the ultimate responsibility for compliance with all the requirements of applicable safety
rules and orders on the Rampur Hydropower Project.
Each employee has the responsibility to plan, organize and perform work in the safest manner
possible, consistent with sound construction practices. All employees will be constantly on the alert
for unsafe acts and conditions and to correct them immediately. SJVNL management will ensure
that all employees – including contractors and subcontractors, are aware of their personal
responsibility in maintaining an accident-free and healthy work environment.

Goal of Working Accident-Free

When an accident occurs, the degree of loss is determined by chance; therefore, preventing all
accidents must be the objective of the safety goal, rather than only those where potential for
serious consequences is most apparent. Accidents are preventable and result from unsafe and
inefficient procedures or methods, unsafe physical conditions, unsafe equipment, and unsafe
personal acts.
The challenge is to work every day on the job INJURY FREE. The Safety Manual lays out the
written program that will assist in preventing accidents. Safety is a full time commitment on
everyone’s part, not just the Safety management team. SJVNL has prepared a directive that lays
down the necessary SJVNL policy and requirements governing SJVNL’s “Health, Security, Safety
and Environment” (HSE) efforts to achieve this ambition.

Safety Assurance Plan & Safety Manual

A project-specific Safety Manual and a Site Safety Assurance Plan have been prepared.
However, all employees will ensure that the Safety Manual and the Site Safety Plan must be
complemented with continuous day-to-day, personal involvement in preventing accidents.
It is recognized, however, that Occupational Health and Safety Legislation and Regulation in
Himachal Pradesh and India are also driving forces behind safety management. Legislation and
regulations will take precedence over any provisions of SJVNL’s safety policies or procedures.
Nothing contained in SJVNL’s documentation will be construed as somehow lessening the
requirements of duly enacted Legislation or Regulation.
The Occupational Health & Safety Management System and its associated definitions of roles and
responsibilities has been constructed as a guide to meet the intent of the SJVNL Health, Security,
Safety & Environment Directive as well as to meet the expectations of legislators and regulators. If
a legislator or regulator ever questions whether SJVNL or any of its personnel has met the
expectations of safety and health legislation, a key defense of our actions will be one of due
diligence—whether we have taken reasonable care to comply with occupational health and safety
law and its intended purpose of protecting the health and safety of workers whilst they are
employed by SJVNL or by our Contractors.

Safety Management Arrangement

Safety on this Project will be the responsibility of everyone on the job – it will be the ultimate team
effort involving management, supervision, craft, owner’s representatives, and subcontractors.
Everyone is encouraged to think and act as a safety supervisor and is empowered to stop work and
immediately correct unsafe acts or conditions.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The Site Safety Assurance Plan will be continually monitored by the HOD (Safety), who will
ensure that all elements of the Plan and the Safety Manual are effectively working. The HOD
(Safety) will report directly to the the Project Director, and be the point of contact for all issues
regarding safety and health on the project. Along with project management, the HOD Safety will
establish and enforce the Project’s attitude and commitment towards site safety. Other primary
duties of the HOD Safety will include:
• • Spending the majority of time in the field actively observing operations.
• • Conducting and monitoring orientations, training, and reporting.
• • Monitoring management, distribution and proper use of all safety equipment by the
• • Monitor all on and off-site medical including physicians and facilities to be established
by the contractor.
• • Interfacing continually with the General Manager (Projects) on all matters of safety.
• • Maintain records and documentation.
• • Conduct accident investigations.
Safety Supervisor(s): The HOD Safety will manage a staff of Safety Supervisors. Each work site
will have a full-time Safety Supervisor who will have no other duties other than safety. The Safety
Supervisors will be trained and qualified. These supervisors will be deployed by the Contractor.
Competent Person(s): Each area of work will have a Competent Person deployed by the
contractor who will be assigned and readily available to address any safety issue at that location.
Competent Persons shall have the knowledge and training to meet all requirements for the work
being performed. The Competent Person shall perform routine inspections of the work area,
address any instant worker concerns, and understand all emergency and crisis response activities.
Due Diligence: Societal expectations are increasing the pressure on organizations, such as SJVNL,
to reduce the risk of illness accidents and incidents in the workplace. In addition to meeting our
legal responsibilities, SJVNL will strive to continually improve safety performance and management
systems to reduce occupational injury and disease to the lowest practicable level amongst its own
employees, and those of Contractors, through the application of following stated principles:
• management accepts that all accidents are preventable
• management accepts responsibility for providing a safe workplace
• employee training is essential
• training to work safely is essential
• all employees are accountable for health and safety

All employees will be held accountable for their own and their staff or crew’s actions. Accountability
is not limited to disciplinary action that happens after an incident or accident. Accountability will
include dedication and commitment to all of the process goals that will make the Project work
Accident-Free. This Pro-Active Accountability will include:
• Effective Training - Monthly Mass Safety meetings – (i) well planned using
demonstrations and training tools; (ii) 100% mandatory attendance; (iii) front-line
foremen who conduct training.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Hazard Identification – (i) safety engineering (risk mitigation) part of each Work Plan; (ii)
detailed, operation-specific Job Hazard Analysis; (iii) all documents used in field and
constantly updated.
• Proper Indoctrination - (i) first impression to emphasize importance of safety and
accountability; (ii) provide all necessary training, personal protective equipment; (iii)
multiple-step orientation process that lasts longer than the first day of work.
• Promote Awareness – (i) inspection and audit feedback provided directly to foreman and
crew; (ii) visible incentive programs tied to safety performance and personal performance

Zero Tolerance Program

SJVNL’s ZERO TOLERANCE directive for the Rampur HEP holds all employees – including
management, all staff, consultants, contractors and all subcontractors - accountable to prevent
injuries and prevent property damage.
SJVNL will direct all its staff, contractors, consultants, and subcontractors to be aware of the
following principles.
• ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone knowingly creating a hazardous condition, or allowing a
hazardous condition to exist without taking appropriate action.
• ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone performing their work or knowingly allowing the work of
others to be performed in a hazardous manner.
• ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone purposely causing an injury to another person.
• ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone damaging company vehicles, equipment, and tools, or
causing damage to another person’s property when taking proper action could have
prevented damage.
• Violations of our safety policies, whether an injury occurs or not, will subject violators to
• Disciplinary actions could include (i) re-orientation, (ii) verbal reprimand, (iii) written
reprimands, (iv) suspension from project site or termination; or that (v) a willful violation
will be grounds for immediate termination.

Implementation and Responsibilities

Every employee is responsible for full compliance with the Project’s Site Safety and Health Plan and
be committed to building work Accident-Free. Each SJVNL’s/Contractor’s Managers and Supervisor
are responsible for daily conformance with all Site Safety Programs including training,
documentation, communication, and reporting requirements to ensure full conformance and
commitment to providing a safe workplace for each employee, subcontractor, vendor and visitor.
All supervision and employees are responsible for conforming to all safety requirements, correcting
and reporting unsafe acts and conditions, reporting all accidents, maintaining their work areas in a
safe manner, and providing a “Safety First” attitude in their work areas at all times. Each person
will be held accountable for his or her actions and for the actions of their crew.
Each person on the job has specific duties within the Safety Program, including that the employees
• Come to work prepared to work safely.
• Maintain a positive attitude toward safety at all times.
• Follow all safety rules at all times.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Keep your work areas neat, organized, and professional.

• Report and correct any unsafe working conditions immediately.
• Report all accidents immediately to your supervisor.
The Safety Supervisors will:
• Set an example for safety.
• Maintain a positive attitude toward safety at all times.
• Enforce the Zero Tolerance Policy at all times.
• Train your employees to SJVNL standards and rules.
• Develop Work Plans that take safety into account.
• Demand that work areas be maintained in a neat, organized and professional manner
• Ensure that all required safety equipment is available and in good condition.
• Correct all safety deficiencies immediately.
• Report and investigate all accidents immediately.
The SJVNL Management will:
• Support a “Safety First” attitude, and hold individuals accountable for safety.
• Maintain a safety focus at all times – lead by example.
• Establish clear and consistent expectations for safety performance.
• Assist in providing meaningful safety training in time to deal with potential risks before
they occur.
• Make sure employees get the training they need.

4.5.7 Emergency Preparedness Plan

SJVNL has prepared an Emergency Preparedness Plan for the Rampur HEP. This plan however,
applies also to the Nathpa-Jhakri Project also, as the two projects operate in tendem, and as the
diversion dam and the diurnal storage of the Nathpa-Jhakri project is used by the Rampur HEP.
Following below is a summary of the Emergency Preparedness Plan.

Emergency Identification and Evaluation

The Emergency Preparedness Plan includes an Emergency identification and evaluation matrix
containing following items:
• Listing of the conditions or events which could lead to or indicate an existing or potential
• Brief description of the means by which potential emergencies identified, including the
data and information collection system, monitoring arrangements.
• Designation of persons responsible for identifying and evaluating the emergency.
Accordingly emergency identification Response Level Matrix has been prepared and is described
below (Table 4.14).

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.14 – Response Level Matrix for Each Type of Emergency Events
Hydrological Event/Flooding Emergency releases at upstream Earthquake Instrument Gate Failure/Power
reservoirs Readings loss/Equipment failure/fire
In case instruments
Reservoir level approaching design flood level,
Earthquake less than DBE
placed in the main civil Failure of Spillway gates - For
outflows approaching channel capacity- A flood
recorded - Nathpa dam has
structures of the normal conditions , one sluice
upto the magnitude of 3000 cumec can be Upstream dam warns of imminent spill - In
been designed for DBE value project show abnormal gate has ben taken to be
passed through dam sluices by opening the dam our case, upstream dam is at Karcham. In
Internal Alert of 0.29g for Max. sluice readings, the same inoperative and floods upto 3000
sluices. This is possible if advance warning of case the dam authorities warn of imminent
Situation can be section. After the earthquake, would be critically cumec can be safely passed
the flood about the magnitude of the flood is spill due to sudden tripping of units, water
managed the visual inspection of dam examined by the through dam sluices even when
available about 3 hours in advance so that all would take about 90 minutes to reach dam
internally Outside body & galleries etc. will be design department. the reservoir level is at El.
the sluice gates can be opened and reservoir site. If the amount of discharge to be
notification NOT carried out and After the analysis of 1474.0m. However, if more than
level is brought down to free flow level . released is upto 700 cumec , it can be passed
required. instrumentation readings will the abnormal readings, one gate is in-operative, matter
However, before bringing down the water level safely by opening the dam sluices in advance
also be taken and the same remedial measures for will be immediately taken up
below MDDL, generation in the power house will within the above time period .
will be intimated to the design if any would be between field & design
be stopped and intake & SFT gates closed in
department . suggested by the departments.
phased manner.
design department.
Reservoir level above design flood level, but
Earthquake greater than DBE-
below crest level - A flood of the magnitude of
Release in excess of channel capacity - In After the earth quake ,the In case instruments
4500 cumec can be passed through dam sluices
case a discharge of the order of 4500 cumec visual inspection of dam body placed in the main civil
by resorting to flood routing . This is possible if Failure of Spillway gates - For
is released by upstream dams due to falsh & galleries etc. will be carried structures of the
advance warning of the flood is available about normal conditions , one sluice
flood etc. in their tributaries, the same can out and instrumentation project show abnormal
Response Level - 3 hours in advance so that al the sluice gates gate has ben taken to be
be passed through dam sluices by resorting readings will also be taken readings, the same
I. Conditions can be opened and reservoir level brought down inoperative and floods upto 4500
to flood routing . This is possible if advance and the same will be would be critically
might lead to to free flow level. However, before bringing cumec can be safely passed
warning of the flood is available about 3 intimated to the design examined by the
downstream down the water level below MDDL, generation in through dam sluices when the
hours in advance. Immediate information will department . If design department.
flooding. Outside Power House will be stopped and intake & SFT reservoir level is at El. 1485.0m.
be passed on to Civil Authorities/Warning instrumentation readings After the analysis of
notification gates closed in a phased manner. mediate However, if more than one gate
Stations etc. asking people not to venture indicate earthquake of the abnormal readings,
required. information will be passed on to Civil is in-operative, matter will be
into river banks below HFL mark. the magnitude more than DBE, remedial measures for
Authorities/Warning Stations etc. asking people immediately taken up between
information will be immediately passed to the information will be if any would be
not to venture into river banks below HFL mark. field & design departments.
Power House, Civil Authorities & Defence immediately passed to Power suggested by the
the information will be immediately passed to
Department. House, Civil Authorities & design department.
Power House, Civil Authorities & Defence
Defence Department.
Reservoir level above design flood level, but Controlled releases likely to flood inhabited Instability of dam resulting In case instruments Failure of Spillway gates - For
Response Level - below crest level - A flood of the magnitude of areas - In case a discharge of the order of from earthquake- If there placed in the main civil normal conditions , one sluice
II Prepare for 6500 cumec can be passed through dam sluices 6500 cumec is released by upstream dams appears to be any possibility structures of the gate has ben taken to be
evacuation by resorting to flood routing . This is possible if due to flash flood etc. in their tributaries, the of any substantial damage or project show abnormal inoperative. But in case of
advance warning of the flood is available about same can be passed through dam sluices by failure of dam due to readings, the same exceptional conditions when
3 hours in advance so that al the sluice gates resorting to flood routing .. Generation will earthquake, Immediate would be critically there is flood of the order of

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Hydrological Event/Flooding Emergency releases at upstream Earthquake Instrument Gate Failure/Power
reservoirs Readings loss/Equipment failure/fire
can be opened and reservoir level brought down be stopped and Intake Gates & SFT gates will information will be passed on examined by the 6500 cumec , all the five gates
to free flow level. However, before bringing be closed in phased manner. Staff working in to Civil Authorities/Warning design department. have been assumed to be in
down the water level below MDDL, generation in the dam complex area would be asked to be Stations etc. and people living After the analysis of operative condition. The flood of
Power House will be stopped and intake & SFT ready for evacuation Immediate information near HFL mark asked to be the abnormal readings, the order of 6500 cumec can be
gates closed in a phased manner. Staff working will be passed on to Civil Authorities/Warning ready for evacuation remedial measures for passed through dam sluices by
in the dam complex area would be asked to be Stations etc. and people living near HFL mark Necessary action to shift the if any would be resorting to flood routing when
ready for evacuation. Immediate information will asked to be ready for evacuation . the SJVNL staff to safer places suggested by the advance warning of the flood is
be passed on to Civil Authorities/Warning information will be immediately passed to will be taken by the project design department. available. The reservoir level is
Stations etc. and people living near HFL mark Power House, Civil Authorities & Defence authorities. the information brought to free flow level by
asked to be ready for evacuation . the Department. will be immediately passed to opening all the radial gate in
information will be immediately passed to Power Power House, Civil Authorities advance .However, if more than
House, Civil Authorities & Defence Department. & Defence Department. one gate is in-operative, matter
will be immediately taken up
between field & design
Integrity of dam jeopardized
Failure of Spillway gates - For
by earthquake- If by visual
normal conditions , one sluice
Overtopping imminent - In case information Controlled releases likely to flood inhabited inspection any substantial
gate has ben taken to be
regarding flood of the magnitude more than areas - In case a discharge more than 6500 damage has been caused to
inoperative. But in case of
6500 cumec is received from Khab , flood upto cumec is released by upstream dams due to dam or there is possibility of In case instruments
exceptional conditions when
6500 cumec can be passed through dam sluices flash flood etc. in their tributaries, failure of dam due to damage placed in the main civil
there is flood of the order of
by resorting to flood routing. Instructions can be instructions can be given to the manpower because of earthquake, structures of the
6500 cumec , all the five gates
given to the manpower working at Nathpa dam working at Nathpa dam complex that after immediate information will be project show abnormal
have been assumed to be in
complex that after opening radial gates of dam opening radial gates of dam & closing the passed on to Civil readings, the same
operative condition. The flood of
& closing the intake gates, SFT gates the intake gates, SFT gates the complex will be Authorities/Warning Stations would be critically
Response Level - the order of 6500 cumec can be
complex will be evacuated and all the staff evacuated and all the staff should move to etc. asking people living examined by the
III Evacuation is passed through dam sluices by
should move to safer place. It is expected that safer place .It is expected that power house downstream near the river design department.
necessary resorting to flood routing when
power house has stopped generation . has stopped generation .Immediate banks upto 10m above HFL After the analysis of
advance warning of the flood is
Immediate information will be passed on to Civil information will be passed on to Civil mark to evacuate and move the abnormal readings,
available. The reservoir level is
Authorities/Warning Stations etc. asking people Authorities/Warning Stations etc. asking to safe places. Necessary remedial measures for
brought to free flow level by
living downstream near the river banks upto people living downstream near the river action to shift the SJVNL staff if any would be
opening all the radial gate in
10m above HFL mark to evacuate and move to banks upto 10m above HFL mark to evacuate to safer places will be taken suggested by the
advance .However, if more than
safe places. the information will be immediately and move to safe places. the information will by the project authorities. design department.
one gate is in-operative, matter
passed to Power House, Civil Authorities & be immediately passed to Power House, Civil the information will be
will be immediately taken up
Defence Department. Authorities & Defence Department. immediately passed to Power
between field & design
House, Civil Authorities &
Defence Department.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Emergency Evaluation
Emergency Preparedness Committee: The committee will have the following members.
Head of Project - Chairman of Committee
Head of PH/Mtc - Vice Chairman (alterative to chairman in his absence)
Head of MIS - Member Head of P&A - Member
Head of PH-Operation - Member Head of Civil Maintenance - Member
Head of Dam - Member Head of Medical - Member
Head of Finance - Member Head of CISF - Member
Head of W&T - Member Head of Store - Member
Head of Safety - Member Secretary
The Emergency Preparedness Committee will invite any other official/ Expert, if considered
necessary. The committee shall supervise following activities:
• Functioning of emergency control centre very specifically availability of all facilities for its
functional healthiness as per the response level matrix detailed in Table 4.14 above.
• To evaluate communication of the disaster Management plan to all segments of
employees to familiarize them about their responsibilities in case of any disaster including
evaluation of behavior of employees and others.
• To ensure that employees are fully aware to fight any emergency like sealing of fire
fighting, flash floods, land slides or any other such measures, etc.

Mock Drills
It is imperative that the procedures laid in the plan are put to the test by conducting Mock Drills.
The mock drills will be carried-out step by step as stated below:-
• FIRST STEP: Test the effectiveness of communication system.
• SECOND STEP: Test the speed of mobilization of the plant emergency teams.
• THIRD STEP: Test emergency isolation of all the actions to be taken during an
• FOURTH STEP: Conduct a full rehearsal of all the actions to be during an emergency. The
Disaster Management plan will be periodically revised based on experience gained from
the mock drills.
Disaster Management Efficacy Drill Monitoring Committee (such drill will be conducted at
least once in every 3 months):
Head of Project - Chairman Head of Operation - Member
Head of PH- Maintenance - Member Head of P&A - Member
Head of Communication - Member Head of CISF - Member
Head of Medical - Member Head of Safety - Member, Secretary
The committee will invite any other official/ expert to assist its functioning. Following activities will
be necessary supervised for its being effectiveness.
• All employees are trained about their responsibilities/ duties during an emergency. They
all are aware about evacuation routes, direction of evacuation, equipments to be used

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

during evacuation or the method of evacuation. The Response level Matrix at point 1
above may be made aware of.
• All employees are fully trained to rescue their colleagues. In case they are unable to so
they will be in a position to know whom they have to contract.
• All employees are fully trained in first aid, use of desired equipment’s including breathing
apparatus, first aid box etc. are available at the desired location.
• All warning alarms are functional. Public Address System is in healthy condition.
• All telephone/communication systems are provided in control rooms and there is no
removal of the facilities (as prescribed) for the control rooms.
• It is very clear amongst the concerned Managers, who shall call for assistance under
mutual aid scheme or facilities from within.
• It is clear at the plant, who shall declare emergency.
• It is clear at the plant, who shall inform the District Authorities/ State Authorities and
Corporate centre.

Preventative Actions (where available)

These are provisions for preventive actions available during emergency.
• Round the clock monitoring of river Satluj at Khab and Powari warning stations. Listing of
all the Data records available in the dam Control room.
• Once the emergency situation is suspected as per Response Level Matrix conditions,
action to be initiated. All the villages falling under emergency or on margin would be
communicated through wireless system, phones or any other means of communication
• Mock drill will be conducted once in three months for emergency preparedness. Regular
inspection and maintenance of Dam, Power House, other underground structure, sluice
gates and other gates installed at various structures.
• Regular inspection and maintenance of electrical equipments, substations, lifting devices
like EOT Cranes, Mobile Cranes, etc., and arrangement of at least 1000 sand bags, etc.,
in the SFT.
• Use of Personal Protection Equipments (PPE); procurement of rescues equipments to the
rescues team.
• Medical services.

Notification Procedure
Notification procedures are the procedures which contain a list of all persons to be notified in the
event that an emergency is declared. Any emergency as per Response Level Matrix will be
intimated through communication system to Head of Project and other as per following:
Head of Power House – Operation Head of Power House – Maintenance
Head of Personnel & Administration Head of Dam – Operation
Head of Dam – Maintenance Head of Hospital
Head of CISF Deputy Superintendent of Police
Local Administration, SDM Head of Safety

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Army Headquarters
• Message regarding flood conveyed from BRO, Sumdo to Warning Station, SJVNL, at Khab
from where it is further communicated to Dam Control Room, NJHPS at Nathpa.
• Message will immediately conveyed from Dam Control Room to Power House, NJHPS,
• Message from Dam Control Room will further pass on to local administration at Bhaba
Nagar, Jeori & Rampur.
• Message will be conveyed from Dam Control Room to Corporate Office, SJVNL, Shimla.

Notification Flowchart
A notification flowchart is a diagram showing the hierarchy of notification during an emergency.
Following is the notification flowchart in case of major emergency:

Figure 4.1 – Emergency Notification Flowchart







Head of Project, NJHPS

Head of

Head of Head of Head of Head of Head of SDM Head of

Power Power P&A Dam CISF Dam
House House Mainte Opr’n

Head of Head of ARMY Dy. SMO

Safety Medical Sup. of Rampur

Important Telephone Numbers

The following names and contact numbers will be advertised in the important locations within the
work sites, and in the locality.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.15 – Important Emergency Contacts

24 Hours Operated Telephone Numbers of Power House & Dam Site
Power House Control Room - 275194/ 234960/ 98166-75197
Dam Control Room - 253238/ 94180-11368/ 98166-11368/ 200359
Control Room, Powari - 94181 40083 Control Room, Khab – 01785 232760/ 232724
Local Administration, Rampur Bushahr (+91 - 1782)
DC, Shimla - 0177 2803400 SDM - 233002, 233030
Tehsildar - 233003, 233003 SMO MGMCP Khaneri - 233029, 234429
DSP - 234646, 233114 CO, ITBP, Sarahan Bushahr - 274324
Police Station - 233010 Fire Station -233168
SJVNL’s Important Telephone Numbers
Dam Control Room, Nathpa – 253238; 9418011368; 9816611368
Power House, Jhakri - 275194; 234960 HOP, Jhakri – 275201
HOS, Nathpa - 253598 In-charge, Dam Operation - 253598
In-charge, Dam Maintenance - 253590
DC – 222252, 222251 AC to DC – 222227, 222278
SP – 222270, 222288 DSP – 223055, 222316
CO, Army (Pooh) - 232244 ADM (Pooh) – 232222, 232223
ADM (Kalpa) – 222253, 222310 SDM (Nichar) – 253201, 253202
CMO (Kinnaur) – 222922, 222346 Police Assistance – 222210
Ambulance – 222319 Fire station – 222219
Complaint Electricity – 222299
Army Cont./ CO – 275304 (4950), 275188 Police Station DSP - 275450 (4966), 275570
Himachal Fire Service, Rampur - 233 168 Police Station, Jhakri - 275 554/ 275 450; EPABX: 4966/4967

Table 4.16 - Local Gram Panchayat Contact Numbers

Name of Village Pradhan Village Contact Number
Sh. Hari Dass Jhakri 94180-75569
Sh. Sohan Lal Jeori 94181-20448
Sh. Soni Wadhal 94180-51771
Sh. Hari Om Thakur Gopalpur 094177-33214
Smt. Shanti Devi Dopda 273514
Smt. Sheela Devi Shahdhar 98163-16860
Sh. Tara Moin Tranda 94183-40301
Sh. Subhash Chand Ponda 94180-11485
Smt. Kamla Devi Nichar 94183-07878
Sh. Jai Ram Nathpa 94181-55452
Sh. K.C. Chahaun Dhar Gura 01782-275875

Early Warning System and Communication Network

The early warning system and communication network at Nugalsari, Chaura & Jeori in addition to
Khab, Powari, Dam Site Nathpa and Power House site at Jhakri will be established. Warning system
will be established at Nugalsari, Chaura, Wadhal, Jeori and Jhakri with installing Hooters and
Communication system.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Communication Systems
Following communication system (Internal/External) are available in the Dam Control Room at
• Mobile (BSNL)
• Mobile (Air Tel)
• Land Line (BSNL)
• Intercom (EPABX)
• Wireless Handsets
• Mobile van announcement s
• Written messages.

Access to Site
• By vehicles upto maximum approachable point.
• On foot
• Using rescue paths & rescue equipments
• Primary access to Dam is routed within project site premises via P&A, GVG to Dam
Control Room.
• In case of any disruption in above mentioned path, substitute approach is available in the
right bank of river Satluj via NH-22, Wangtoo upto Dam Control Room.
• In case of worst situation/emergency, walkway path will be used from Dam Control Room
to approach at NH-22.
• Helipad is available near P&A building premises at Nathpa and near VIP Guest House at

Response during Periods of Darkness

The following equipments and procedure will be followed – (i) DG sets, (ii) emergency lights; (iii)
hand light, torches, etc., (iv) glow-light signs. Procedure as suited and mentioned under title
“Access to the Site” will be followed with safety equipments.

Response during Periods of Adverse Weather

All arrangements like, raincoat, gum boots and other personal protective equipments (PPE) etc. will
be made available to respond the adverse weather. Procedure as suited and mentioned under title
“Access to the Site” will be followed with safety equipments.

Sources of Equipment
• Rescue equipments will be available with rescue team of CISF fire wing.
• The other material and equipment will be available through effective communication at
work from O&M In-charge Power House, In-charge W&T, In charge Stores & Civil
Maintenance Division of NJHPS.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Effective Communication regarding any emerging disastrous situation will be intimated

immediately from Dam control room to the Contractor, if any, for mobilizing the
equipments etc.
• Internal vehicles/equipments for emergency use be managed within the project.
• Mechanical store is situated in the Intake Structure premises at site.

Stockpiling Supplies and Materials

• During emergency main stock of the material will be maintained in the main store of
NJHPS at Jhakri & Dam site and thereafter supplied to the different areas i.e. Power
House Complex, Dam site and other rescue camps.
• The material will be supplied to the different units directly under the control of
Store/Safety department.
• The location is same as mentioned above under title “Sources of Equipment”.
• Mechanical store is situated in the Intake Structure premises at site.

Emergency Power Sources

• DG Sets
• Emergency lights
• Torches
• Auxiliary/standby power supply will be restored by any of the DG set one each available
at Intake Structure, GVG Complex, Residential premises.

Warning Systems (if used)

• Hooters at prominent locations at dam ,power house site ,identified places in villages as
per discretion of Dam –in-Charge.
• PA System
• Mobile Van announcements and
• By all other means of communications.

4.6 Accessing Carbon Finance

There is a growing demand of electricity in India due to its rapid economic growth. To meet its
demand, India will increase its production capacity utilizing all sources of generation facilities
including thermal energy (coal, gas, oil) as well as renewable energy sources. Compared with
thermal plant, the hydro plant has more initial investment per MW, longer gestation period and not
the least cost project and the water flow has some uncertainty in local area. On the other hand, the
thermal power plant (coal, oil, gas) is the majority type (72% of energy mix in Northern Region of
India) and least cost expansion with shorter gestation period and this situation will not change in
the foreseeable years. To meet its increasing demand, India will go for least cost expansion with
shorter gestation project.
India acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in August 2002 and one of the objectives of acceding was to
fulfill prerequisites for implementation of Clean Development Mechanism (hereinafter referred to as
CDM) projects, in accordance with national sustainable priorities, where-under, a developed
country would take up greenhouse gas reduction project activities in developing countries where

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

the costs of greenhouse gas reduction project activities are usually much lower with the purpose to
assist developing country parties in achieving Sustainable Development and in contributing to the
ultimate objective of the Convention and to assist developed country Parties in achieving
compliance with their quantified emission limitation and reduction commitments.
The supply of renewable, clean and reasonably low – cost hydro electricity from the Rampur
Hydropower Project to India would displace or delay the equivalent capacity addition of thermal
plant, thereby reducing the CO2 emissions that otherwise would have been emitted without Rampur
Hydroelectric Power Project. The Rampur Hydro Power Project once commissioned would generate
about 1969.69 GWh per annum of renewable energy. By utilizng this energy in India, it is
estimated that it would displace about 1.3623 million tons of CO2 per year. The increased power
production shall contribute to sustain a higher growth rate of economic development, particularly in
the region and generally for the country.
The estimates of CO2 abatement from the Rampur Hydropower Project is as given below.
• Annual: 165,337.24 tCO2-equivalent
• Up to and including 2012: 1,215,557 tCO2-equivalent
• Up to a period of 10 years: 13,476,113 tCO2-equivalent
• Up to a period of 7 years: 9,389,261 tCO2-equivalent
• Up to a period of 14 years: 18,925,249 tCO2-equivalent
With this potential the Rampur Hydropower Project will try to avail carbon finance. It has asked
support from the World Bank to access the CDM.

4.7 Environmental Monitoring Plan

Monitoring will determine during the concession period (pre-construction, construction and
operation) whether the mitigation measures undertaken by construction contractor, SJVNL and
other agencies responsible for implementation of activities are achieving their objectives. Internal
monitoring of the environmental measures will be undertaken by various parties involved in
environmental management plan.

4.7.1 Internal Monitoring by the Environment Management Department (EMD) of SJVNL

The EMD will:
• Manage and implement the overall monitoring programme and supervise the monitoring
done by other entities;
• Regularly review the status of the project impacts;
• Make recommendations to contractors to rectify any failure to perform its obligations in
respect of the environmental measures; and
• Report regularly to the environmental regulatory authorities of state and central

4.7.2 Major Monitoring Themes

From the monitoring point of view, the important parameters are water quality, river bank
landscape, induced impacts, etc. The suggested monitoring details are outlined in the following

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Water Quality
Construction Phase: It is proposed to monitor the effluent before and after treatment from
septic tanks. The frequency of monitoring could be once per month. The parameters to be
monitored include pH, Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids and Total Dissolved
Solids. The analysis work can be done by a laboratory recognized by the State Pollution Control
Operation Phase: The surface water quality of river Satluj needs to be monitored thrice a year.
The proposed parameters to be monitored include pH, temperature, electrical conductivity,
turbidity, total dissolved solids, calcium, magnesium, total hardness, chlorides, sulphates, nitrates,
DO, COD, BOD, Iron, Zinc and Manganese. The sampling sites will be:
• 1km upstream of the intake site, and 3km downstream of the confluence of the tail race
discharge, with river Satluj.
• The analysis will be done throughout the entire life of the project. The analysis work can
be conducted by a reputed external agency recognized by State Pollution Control Board.
During project operation phase, a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is proposed to be set up to treat
the effluent from the project colony. Once every week, it is envisaged to analyse a sample each
before and after treatment from the STP. The parameters to be analysed include pH, Biochemical
Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids and Total Dissolved Solids.
The analysis work can be conducted by a reputed external agency recognized by State Pollution
Control Board.

Ambient Air Quality and Meteorology

Construction Phase: The ambient air quality monitoring during construction phase can be carried
out by an external agency, approved by State Pollution Control Board at three stations where major
construction sites. Every year monitoring is to be done for three seasons namely, winter, summer
and Post-monsoon. The frequency of monitoring could be twice a week for four consecutive weeks
at each station for each season. The parameters to be monitored are Respirable Particulate Matter
(RPM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Sulphurdioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx).
Every year, ambient air quality is to be monitored for (3 stations* twice a week* four weeks*three
seasons) 72 days.
A meteorological laboratory will be set up (by HPEPPCB with financing from the project) at one of
the ambient air quality monitoring stations. Automatic recorders for temperature, wind speed and
direction, humidity, rainfall needs to be commissioned at the site. An amount of Rs.400,000 has
been be earmarked for this purpose.

Construction Phase: Noise emissions from vehicular movement, operation of the construction
equipment may be monitored during construction phase at major construction sites. The frequency
of monitoring could be once every three months. For monitoring of noise generators an Integrating
Noise Level Meter will be required. An amount of Rs.50,000 has been earmarked for purchase of
noise meter.

Construction Phase: A detailed ecological survey covering forestry, fisheries, wildlife is
recommended during the entire construction phase. The survey can be conducted once every year
for the entire construction period. The various aspects to be covered include qualitative and
quantitative assessment of flora & fauna and monitoring of restoration of muck disposal area.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Operation Phase: Monitoring of aquatic ecology will be essential to achieve sustainable yield of
fish. Some of the parameters to be monitored are phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, benthic life and
fish composition, etc. Status of greenbelt development, changes in migration patterns of the
aquatic and terrestrial fauna species will be studied. The monitoring work will be conducted by an
independent agency.

Incidence of Water-Related Diseases

Construction Phase: Identification of water-related diseases, adequacy of local vector control
and curative measures, status of public health are some of the parameters which will be closely
monitored three times a year with the help of data maintained in the government
dispensaries/hospitals. The monitoring can be done by Public Health Department and other
infrastructure, e.g. hospitals and dispensaries constructed by the project proponents.
Operation Phase: Increased prevalence of various vector borne diseases and adequacy of local
vector control and curative measures need to be monitored. The monitoring can be done three
times in a year. The monitoring can be done by Public Health Department and other infrastructure,
e.g. hospitals and dispensaries constructed by the project proponents.

Land Use
Operation Phase: During project operation phase, it is proposed to monitor land use pattern once
every year using satellite data as procured by National Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.

Table 4.17 - Environmental Monitoring by HPEPPCB during Construction

Item Parameters Frequency Location
Effluent from septic tanks pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS Once every month Before and after treatment
from each septic tank
Water-related diseases Identification of water related Three times a year Labour camps and colonies
diseases, adequacy of local
vector control and curative
measure, etc.
Noise Equivalent noise level Once in three months At major construction sites.
Air quality SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx Once every season At major construction sites
(total 3 stations)
Meteorological aspects Wind direction & velocity Once every season At one of the ambient air
temperature humidity, rain quality sampling sites

Table 4.18 - Environmental Monitoring by HPEPPCB during Operation Period

Items Parameters Frequency Location
Water pH, Temperature, EC, Turbidity, Total Thrice a year 1 km upstream of Rampur
Dissolved Solids, Calcium, Magnesium,
1 km down-stream of Rampur town
Total Hardness, Chlorides, Sulphates,
Nitrates, DO. COD, BOD, Iron, Zinc, 1 km down-stream of Tail Race
Manganese discharge of Rampur power house
Treated Effluent from pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS Once every week Before and after treatment from
Erosion & Siltation Soil erosion rates, stability of bank Twice a year -
embankment, etc.
Ecology Status of afforestation programmess of Once in 2 years -
green belt development

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Items Parameters Frequency Location

Water-related diseases Identification of water-related diseases, Three times a year Villages adjacent to project sites
sites, adequacy of local vector control
measures, etc.
Aquatic ecology Phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, benthic Thrice a year 1 km upstream of Rampur Town
life, fish composition
1 km down-stream of Rampur Town
1 km downstream of Tail Race
discharge of Rampur power house
Landuse Landuse pattern using satellite data Once in a year Catchment area
Soil pH, EC, texture, organic matter Once in a year Catchment area

4.7.3 Adaptive Environmental Management Requirements

The concept of adaptive management has become a foundation of effective environmental
management for initiatives characterized by high levels of ecological uncertainty. Adaptive
environmental management is based upon the premise that managed ecosystems are complex and
inherently unpredictable. Adaptive management accepts the uncertainty that exists in the real
world rather than ignoring it. Consequently adaptive management views management actions as
experiments rather than solutions. Generally, adaptive management of environmental issues
involve the monitoring and evaluation of the environmental performance of a particular program or
activity and responding to that evaluation with appropriate changes to the program or activity. This
is an iterative process, repeated for as long as it takes for an environmental system to stabilize
after an impact.
SJVNL recognizes that changes may need to be made to the methods used to address and
implement the impact management and monitoring objectives determined for the Project. An
Adaptive Management approach will therefore be adopted for environmental and social
management components. Adaptive management will be applied to following project related
impacts for at least five years irrespective of changes to these over five years period. If any impact
does not show uncertainty within five years then that component will be assumed to be stabilized
for environmental complexity point of view:

River Water Quality

SJVNL will continuously monitor river quality for three seasons every year at four locations viz. at
Rampur Hydropower Project intake structure, downstream near Rampur town, upstream of tailrace
channel and downstream of tailrace channel. The monitored results will be utilized for adaptive
management of environmental and ecological issues generated from managed flow.

Silt Load and Grain Size Distribution

Siltation is common phenomenon in Satluj river. Upstream project activities, floods and other
natural disasters often dump large amount of silt in the river causing heavy load on power
generating units downstream. NJHEP operations have faced major shutdowns due to this. For the
Rampur Hydropower Project, measurement of Silt load and grain size distribution every year in the
river of Rampur Hydropower Project stretch will be undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of CAT
plan and further mitigation/improvement measures required if any. State of the art tools and latest
models will be used for this study.

Indoor Air Quality at Power House Area

This is important parameter for measuring occupational health of the operators in the powerhouse.
Indoor air quality will be monitored twice a year for internationally established indoor air quality

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

parameters. The results will be utilized for designing effective air quality management in the area
and continuous improvement of the same.

Erosion and Landslide

Erosion and landslides ill be monitored through photographic analysis of pre selected areas of rock
and land strata at 6 monthly intervals. SJVNL team will undertake survey of the potential areas,
mark and photograph them on visible scale of clarity. Exercise will be repeated every six month and
comparative analysis will be made of photograph to identify changes, if any in the rock, vegetation,
and strata locations. A record will be maintained of changes occurring in the character of the land
strata and /or rock. Evaluation will be used for advance warning of possible erosion and landslide

Changes in Flow of the Natural Water Source like Tributaries and Springs
Natural water resources will be monitored every year by SJVNL physically to establish their
conditions and for maintaining inventory so that compensation measures for asset loss as
established during project preparation stage could be implemented effectively. This will be in
addition to the system where local people have access to project information system for notifying
their complaints, etc on the water resources status of the area.

Fish Management
Fish management as approved by state fishery department will be implemented and evaluated for
progress every year. Adaptive management principles will be implemented in case the progress is
not found satisfactory.

Review of Adaptive Management Targets

In the first five years, adaptive management targets and related monitoring requirements will be
reviewed and amended. Thus, the adaptive management process will accommodate any changes
based on new information.

The monitoring and evaluation process will require additional and at times, extensive surveys and
primary data collection, either to establish a base line or to measure changes. In order to respond
to evolving management needs, a contingency budget may be required-especially where response
may require capital works. In the project some substantial contingencies have already in certain
cases been allocated. Remaining requirement of contingency budget will be committed by SJVNL
under performance commitment as recommended by the finance agencies.

Future Studies
In addition to studies already done, other studies are either ongoing or will be conducted for the
project to assist in preventing, mitigating potential project impacts. These studies will also, in some
cases, facilitate each of the major areas identified for adaptive management, particularly:
• The effect of CAT Plan implementation on reduction on sediment and silt load;
• Effect on the landscape of the river banks due to reduced flow of the river;
• Effectiveness of the EMP implementation.

4.7.4 Indicators for Monitoring Implementation and Performance of EMP

These indicators are summarized below, in Table 4.19.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.19 – Indicators for performance Monitoring

1st Yr. 2nd Yr. 3rd Yr. 4th Yr. 5th Yr.
Planned disposal of muck in the designated
28000m3 14000m3 7000m3
1. sites, measured by the instances of unplanned 0 0
(1%) (0.5%) (0.25%)
dumping. (Total muck volume – 2,818,771m3)
Reinstatement of any affected community
2. water source (identified by quarterly 75% 100%
3. Proposed STPs in EMP fully operational 1 2 2
4 CAT Plan implemented
4A CAT Plan implementation by Forest Department 10% 20% 50% 80% 100%
4B CAT Plan (part) implementation by SJVNL 25% 50% 100%

Completion of Compensatory Afforestation 28ha

5. 69ha 97ha 124ha 138ha

Reporting and monitoring to comply with 100%

6. GOI/GOHP Environmental Compliance 100% 100% 100% 100%
Environmental Training Program completed Total Person days
7. 220 550 870 1030 1088
(person-days) = 1088
Contractor’s compliance to EMP & incidence of
8. non compliance rectified within 3 days of 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Response to public grievances related to
9. Environmental issues (within 15 days of 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Contractors will be
1. No. of accidents (fatal or serious) 0 0 0 0 0
advised to ensure.
Rectification taking
full mitigation
2. Contractors rectification of incidences of safety 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
measures within
three days.
3. No. of days lost due to accidents 0 0 0 0 0
Compliance be
Contractor’s compliance to safety aspects for
4. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% made within three
days of reporting.

4.8 Communications and Public Disclosure

Experience has shown that development projects in general, infrastructure projects in particular,
and hydropower projects perhaps most of all require early and continuous communication between
the implementing authorities and all other stakeholders. In this way the benefits of the project are
widely understood and both real and perceived concerns of stakeholders are taken into account.
This in turn contributes to better design and sequencing of the project, larger stakeholder support
for it, and smoother implementation.
The approach towards communication therefore has been to prepare a strategy that will:
• Ensure complete transparency around the Rampur hydropower project and help SJVNL
uphold the highest standards of transparency and disclosure as benchmarked by the
Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Establish and maintain an effective and credible two-way channel of communication with
stakeholders in general and project-affected persons (PAPs) in particular, throughout the
implementation of Rampur Hydropower Project.
• Help ensure smooth and timely project implementation by anticipating and addressing the
concerns and misapprehensions of local communities and other civil society organizations
that may impact the project.
Accordingly, SJVNL has agreed on the importance of proactive, professionally managed
communication and transparency through all stages of the project both at the site and at the
corporate level. Effort will be made to ensure that the communication activities are not piecemeal
but are integrated with the project process so that: (i) they meet the assessed information needs
of different stakeholders at any given time; (ii) project SJVNL’s work on the ground and its position
on various issues; (iii) help it meet desired standards of transparency and disclosure; (iv) equip it
to meet all contingencies, and (v) enable it to gain skills in this area that would stand it in good
stead in future, especially in the wake of growing competition in the sector.
A communications need assessment study for SJVNL was conducted by a consultant, based on
which an action plan has been prepared. The plan is aimed at addressing key issues highlighted by
the Needs Assessment Study including:
• Ensuring transparency by following appropriate disclosure norms.
• Establishing and maintaining an effective and credible two-way channel of communication
with PAPs.
• Enhancing public awareness of SJVNL as a socially and environmentally responsible
developer of sustainable hydropower.
At present, SJVNL maintains a Public Information Center at the proposed site in Bael village; has
steady, informal relations with local communities; is upgrading its website; has designated an
information officer as required under the RTI legislation; and engages with the local Himachal
Pradesh media. Also, given the challenges thrown up by the communications needs assessment,
SJVNL has set up its own internal nodal communications cell which can guide and oversee the
implementation of communication activities detailed in the following table 4.20:

Table 4.20 – Communication & Public Disclosure Plan

Area of Action Actions Required for Implementation Status
Disclosure Ensure full compliance with Right to Information Information officers and appellate authority as
(RTI) Act norms. mandated by the RTI legislation have been appointed;
an RTI corner has been created on the SJVNL website
containing details mandated for disclosure under Section
SJVNL is also formulating a disclosure framework in
order to put into place systems and processes for
continued disclosure under RTI, both for suo moto as
well as on-demand disclosure.
SJVNL has also agreed contracted an appropriately
qualified independent consultant (as suggested by the
Central Information Commission) to identify any gaps in
its current RTI disclosure. This consultant has also
undertaken specialized RTI training modules for SJVNL
staff as well as for project-affected communities.
Maintain full and complete documentation and These documents, as and when available, are being
disclosure on rehabilitation and resettlement disclosed in the PIC at Bael village and also on the
(R&R) issues – eg. (i) lists of PAPs; (ii) RAPs; (iii) SJVNL website.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Area of Action Actions Required for Implementation Status

entitlement criteria etc; (iv) R&R status updates.
These should all be available in the PIC at the site
as well as on the website.
At all times maintain at transparency of Efforts to increase transparency around these are
procurement and financial management processes ongoing.
and decisions through effective disclosure.
Document the process followed and the details of Ongoing; details are maintained in the PIC at Bael..
public consultations (on R&R, environment impact
etc) and their outcomes and disclose these in the
PIC as well as on the website. This documentation
should include details such as date, venue,
participants, issues discussed, decisions and next
steps. Photographic records should also be
Communication Regular and transparent consultations on key Ongoing
with PAPs and issues affecting PAPs
Strengthen the existing PIC set-up by furnishing Ongoing
full details of R&R package (see above), etc.
Robust grievance redressal mechanism to be PAPs have been notified about the establishment of the
identified and details communicated to PAPs grievance redressal committee and details will continue
through personal interaction, PIC, handbills and to be communicated through diverse media on an
the website. ongoing basis.

Make relevant technical issues (eg dam safety, Inititiated – will be taken further by the nodal
construction safety and emergency measures) communications cell.
accessible to stakeholders through easily
comprehensible handouts as well as direct
Enhancing Revamp the website to include: Completed in substantial part in-house, but SJVNL is
SJVNL’s Public • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) experiencing a skill-gap on this and will need external
Profile Interactive section on feedback, queries technical and creative help to make its website truly
and grievances comprehensive and user-friendly. Hence, a professional
web consultant is being retained to take this forward.
• Details of grievance redressal mechanism
• R&R details (see above)
• Major reports and studies including EIA,
RAP, etc.
• Monthly updates on project developments
and achievements
• Human interest stories from the ground
(including benefits of Nathpa Jhakri).
Regular and intensive media outreach: Ongoing.
• Regular stream of project updates to local
• Site visits for media at appropriate
• Workshops and roundtable discussions
aimed at sensitizing the media to relevant

4.9 Improving Environmental Management Capacity

Implementation of the EMP is the responsibility of the SJVNL and the state departments alike.
Overall the following is the distribution of responsibilities:
• The state Forest Department will be responsible for implementing the (i) compensatory
afforestation, including implementation of afforestation works from the money separately

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

allocated for (a) compensatory afforestation, (b) lease value of forest land, and (c) net
present value of forests;
• The state Forest Department will be responsible for implementing the CAT plan, including
any part of the CAT plan the forest department delegates to other agencies for
implementation (such as part of the soil and moisture conservation works delegated to
SJVNL or any other agencies under separate contracts);
• The Fisheries Department will be responsible for implementing the Fisheries Management
• The state Pollution Contol Board will be responsible for implementing the specific
Environmental Monitoring activities agreed;
• The SJVNL will be responsible for implementing all other components of the EMP,
including any EMP activities delegated to the contractors or any other agency by SJVNL.
• The regulatory roles for compliance monitoring will be with the state Environment
Department and the pollution Control Board, the state Forest Department, and the GOI
Ministry of Environment and Forests.
For ensuring effective implementation of the EMP, all these above agencies will require capacity
building. For SJVNL the capacity building activities will be implemented by the project. For the state
agencies, the capacity building will be part of the larger development policy lending (DPL) funded
by the World Bank.
These are discussed below.

4.9.1 Capacity Building of Relevant State Agencies

State Forest Department

The aim of capacity building activities under the DPL is to improve the accountability mechanism,
so that the entire catchment of the river valley projects, especially hydropower projects on the
Satluj is managed effectively, the erosion and sedimentation is effectively reduced, and the
afforestation and catchment management works are completed by the time the projects are
operational. This will require adequate and timely resource flow; monitoring and performance audit
systems; and clear responsibilities for implementation, with adequate reporting (to authorities at
different levels) on non-performance and capcity constraints. For this the following will be done
(see Table 4.21 for details).
Institutional Arrangements: The GoHP will notify State Compensatory Afforestation and
Management Authority (CAMPA); with adequate authority to receive and distribute funds (including
releasing funds for eligible activities under the CAT Plan), and ask for performance reports and
audits. The GoHP will notify River Valley Watershed Societies (RVWS), using the HP State NRM
Society Act; with authority to spend through enforceable contracts (between RVWS and
government or public sector agencies / Panchayats / private sector).
Consolidation of Funds: All compensatory afforestation resources will be deposited to State
CAMPA (including a centralized State database for forest land diversion and status of consolidation
of compensatory afforestation funds). The state will consolidate CAT Plan resources to RVWSs
(including a centralized RVWS and State Database for accrual and outstanding.
Interim Actions to Use Part of the Currently Available Resources: CAMPA will finance
priority plantation works for 1 year (based on annual estimates by Territorial DFOs) – at least 10%
outstanding compensatory afforestation works will be completed in by 2008. RVWS will finance
priority works for 2 years (based on annual estimates prepared by each territorial DFO, and each

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

hydropower agency) through enforceable contracts – to use least 20% of the currently accrued
resources (INR 140 crores ~ US$ 35 million).
Prevention of Degradation of Catchments: The GoHP will order the PWD banning any disposal
of construction and excavated waste or muck in hill slopes, including that any muck from clearing
of landslides on roads or from any other construction activity to be dumped in pre-identified sites
(to be listed by PWD).
Improved Planning for compensatory afforestation and CAT: The Forest Department will
creation adequate baseline data (using GIS and survey of sediment load for each stream), and
prepare proper actions for compensatory afforestation; proper CAT Plan actions (including
dovetailing of micro-plans for each Panchayat and Forest Division; with separation of activities to
be funded by other sources of financing). It will develop proper implementation and reporting
arrangements (by jurisdiction, by competence, and by capacity to implement).
Adequate Fund Release Mechanism: Fund releases to RVWSs will align with CAT Plan
requirements, and every agency will prepare Annual Work Plan; and six-monthly release of funds
by CAMPA/RVWS. All CAT fund flow will be purely based on contractual arrangements; and based
on performance audits.
Effective Implementation: Each agency will be permitted to outsource (through contracts), but
will be responsible for outputs. Whenever the private Sector is engaged (by direct contract or by
subletting) a system of supervision will be in place. Periodical Review of CAT Plan targets and
Implementation will take place at 3 levels. Failure to implement or release funds in time will be
recorded and placed before the Principal Secretary, Forest Department by RVWS every six months.
Monitoring & Enforcement: The Forest Department will develop an effective monitoring system
(GIS and Satellite Imagery database), with monitoring responsibilities clearly defined. There will be
a system of independent half-yearly monitoring / audit, supplemented by Community Monitoring.
The Forest Department will ensure full public disclosure of targets and achievements. Irrespective
of sources of funding, all relevant activities (i.e. all activities similar or same as the activities listed
in the CAT Plan) will be recorded and reported (on a GIS platform). The Forest Department will
also put in place a system to link the community monitoring and the independent monitoring to
performance management of RVWSs and the Forest Department’s staff including territorial DFOs.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.21 – Capacity Building Proposals of the Forest Department (through the DPL financing)
Item Institutional Capacity Building Requirements for Implementing Compensatory Afforestation & Catchment Area Treatment
Institutional } Notify State CAMPA
• Separate account, budget head; GO for State CAMPA to prepare annual plans
• GO for State CAMPA to also use State Watershed Societies as implementation agencies for CA (as the capacity of the territorial DFOs is limited)
• GO requiring performance audit of territorial DFOs on any amount received from State CAMPA

} Notify River Valley Watershed Societies (RVWS), using the HP State NRM Society Act
• GO that RVWS can only spend through enforceable contracts (and not through MOU, GO, etc.)
• GO allowing enforceable contracting arrangements between RVWS and government or public sector agencies / Panchayats / private sector
• GO authorizing Panchayats and private sector to work in forest land (including reserve forests, but not within protected areas - NP/WLS) – include measures to prevent illegal
felling, etc.; GO for Territorial DFOs to allow and assist other agencies implementing CAT Plan activities within their territory

} Improved Reporting Arrangements of the State Forest Department

• GO for each Territorial DFO to prepare beat level status of forests; Designated State CCF to review and consolidate these reports (on a GIS platform)
• GO that expenditure on each beat on each type of activity to be recorded and reported, irrespective of the source of financing (format to be attached with the GO)
Consolidation of } All CA (+NPV + LR) resources to be deposited to State CAMPA
• Separate account, budget head for State CAMPA; Deposit all current accruals, and all money unutilized to data to Sate CAMPA account; Prepare statement of outstanding CA
(+NPV + LR) resources from all cases of forest diversion; Centralized State database for forest land diversion and status of consolidation of CA funds

} Consolidate CAT Plan resources

• For each River Valley Watershed Society, create separate account; Deposit current accruals to the RVWS
• GO for future CAP Plan resources to be directly deposited to the RVWS; Centralized RVWS and State Database for accrual and outstanding
Interim Actions to } CAMPA finances priority works for 1 year
Use Part of the
• Territorial DFOs send an annual estimate (by beat) of money required for CA; Nursery raising should not account for >10% of the above annual estimate; Non-plantation works
Currently Available
will not be allowed (in this interim annual plan)
} RVWS finance priority works for 2 years
• Each territorial DFO, State Department (Fishery, Horticulture, Wildlife Division of Forest, Soil Conservation) prepare an annual estimate for relevant catchment treatment in year
1; RVWS gives out contracts to the above
• Each hydropower agency prepare a list of priority actions (such as treatment of landslide sites); RVWS reviews and contracts the hydropower agencies to undertake the priority
Prevention of } GO to the PWD banning any disposal of construction and excavated waste or muck in hill slopes
Degradation of
• Each road work to minimize muck disposal (show balance of cut and fill); and protect dumping sites to acceptable standards (with toe walls); Should fully apply to PMGSY roads
• For each stretch of roads in the state, State PWD to prepare a list of designated muck disposal area (and prepare an estimate for protection of these areas)
• Each PWD Executive Engineer will be held accountable for non-compliance

} GO that any muck from clearing of landslides on roads or from any other construction activity to be dumped in pre-identified sites (to be listed by PWD)

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Item Institutional Capacity Building Requirements for Implementing Compensatory Afforestation & Catchment Area Treatment
Planning } Creation of Baseline Data
• GO for each Territorial DFO to develop forest cover and quality baseline data for each forest beat (using GPS); Identify areas under erosion; gradation by erosion intensity
• Develop baseline of sediment load by rivers and streams (by an independent survey - recurring)

} Prepare Proper Actions for CA (+NPV + LR)

• Identify the maintenance needs for current forested areas; and needs for plantation in degraded beats; Allocate resources depending on the nature of work, site contexts, and
for assured survival; Allocate separately for maintenance of planted saplings

} Develop Proper CAT Plan Actions

• Identify where treatment will give best results (benefit / cost ratio); For each area to be treated, develop specific action plan
• Separate (beat-wise) works to be funded under ALL regular Government Funding and Special Projects (externally funded projects, and Centrally Sponsored Schemes).
• Identify plantation/afforestation works to be financed by CA; and the remainder by CAT Plan resources; Flexibility for micro plans for each Panchayat and Forest Division

} Develop Proper Implementation Arrangements

• Identify jurisdiction for each treatment site, and for each type of treatment; Considering implementation capabilities, develop action plans for each type of work; Develop
implementation responsibilities + reporting arrangements

} Allocate budget to activities and for each jurisdiction; Prepare model contract documents (for Panchayats, Public or Private Agencies)
Fund Release } CA Fund releases to RVWSs to align with CAT Plan requirements
} Every agency to prepare Annual Work Plan - Watershed Society releases money to State Agencies (including Territorial DFOs), Panchayats, and other public/private agencies
based on Annual Plan; Separate clear allocation for maintenance; based on clear annual maintenance plan by each implementation agency
} Other than CA fund releases to Territorial DFOs, all other fund flow to be purely based on contractual arrangements
• All release will be timely and performance referenced - Annual funds released in equal half yearly installments; Link fund release with financial performance of each agency
Implementation } CAT Plan to be detailed out at Panchayat or Forest Division levels (micro-plans)
} Each agency is permitted to outsource (through contracts), but will be responsible for outputs
} Whenever, Private Sector is engaged (by direct contract or by subletting), a system of supervision will be in place
} Periodical Review of CAT Plan targets and Implementation at 3 levels - Joint Review (Forest Department + Hydropower Agencies) of progress every quarter; RVWS reviews the
progress of work through half yearly independent monitoring; Annual review by State Forest Department
} Failure to implement or release funds in time to be recorded and placed before the Principal Secretary, Forest Department by RVWS every six months.
Monitoring } Develop Effective Monitoring System - Develop a GIS and Satellite Imagery database and system for monitoring; Monitoring responsibilities clearly defined; A system of
independent half-yearly monitoring / audit; Monitoring based fund release arrangements
} Community Monitoring - The Annual Plan for each Forest Division or Panchayat to be displayed / disclosed to the public at every Panchayat Office; Community reporting of
progress and non-performance incentivised; Online community grievance reporting system (available to RVWS), summary of which will be compiled and distributed to all relevant
stakeholders (Principal Secretary Forest and all Hydropower Agencies)
} Irrespective of sources of funding, all relevant activities (i.e. all activities similar or same as the activities listed in the CAT Plan) are to be recorded and reported (on a GIS platform)
• Agree on performance audits system - Independent audit mechanism; Performance monitoring at local, catchment and state levels; All instances of treating the same area
(beat) more than once to be audited separately

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Fisheries Department
Himachal Pradesh Fisheries Department is responsible for Implementing various fishery
development and management program on Satluj River. From setting up of modern seed
raising fish farm in the state to the development and strengthening of fisheries in the main
Satluj river and its tributary, are important activities which are currently underway and/or
planned in future. Department also associates from time to time with national and
international research organization for undertaking research on various aspects of fisheries.
The EMP component on fisheries management is not very large, and within the current
capacity of the Fisheries Department to implement.

Department of Environment
Sustainability of economic growth in HP is contingent upon sustainability of its environmental
heritage. HP’s key growth and revenue drivers in the medium term are critically dependent
on the state’s natural resource base. While some environmental degradation inevitably
accompanies growth, inaction or failure to balance the environmental costs of development
with the benefits will have particularly serious consequences for the state—whose
opportunities lie in sectors like horticulture, tourism, and hydropower which depend on the
environment. Given HP’s unique geographic situation and small resource base, protecting
rich natural resources assume greater importance than in other states. In addition, increased
pollution can have implications for the entire Indo-Gangetic plains.
HP has already introduced a number of commendable new initiatives to address the growing
threats to its fragile ecology, though there remain issues around implementation. These
initiatives include: (i) broadening the State Pollution Control Board’s (HPEPPCB) regulatory
role to include environmental auditing, micro/macro level environmental planning by which
zoning atlases have been completed for five districts, the preparation of district level
industrial siting guidelines, and industrial estate planning studies; 2 (ii) establishment of a
Special Area Development Authority to implement the approved notified development plans;
(iii) implementation of a ban on polythene bags of certain dimensions with effect from June,
2004; and (iv) segregation of non-biodegradable waste. 3 The major concern remains the
weak implementation of regulations. There is an over-reliance on command and control
regulations which are cumbersome and costly to enforce.
GoHP recognizes the need to improve institutions to manage environmental assets,
and has committed to improving environmental management, particularly by: (i) promoting
inter-departmental coordination to ensure convergence of environmental objectives and
minimize inter-sectoral conflicts; (ii) strengthening the Environment Department, which
currently has insufficient capacity and powers, in order to capitalize on the state’s
comparative advantages and use environmental resources as growth drivers; and (iii)
preparing an Environment Master Plan supporting development goals, and providing a holistic
view of the growth-generating potential of natural resources, as well as the limits and
carrying capacity of key resources.
Recognizing the importance of environment, GoHP, in its Budget announcement, has
proposed to form a Department of Environment and Pollution Control, as per terms of
reference issued by the Ministry of Environment of Forestry in GoI. A comprehensive
Government Order has already been notified by GoHP on April 13, 2007, providing details for

The five districts are Shimla, Kullu, Kangra, Kinnaur and Chamba
Draft“State of the Environment Report”, Himachal Pradesh, Coordinated and prepared by State
Council for Science, Technology & Environment, Sponsored by the MoEF.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

the formation of the department itself, its staff and equipment composition, and functions for
each of the subset departments: Science and Technology, Biotechnology, and Environment
and Pollution Control.
An urgent need has been noted for conducting a capacity assessment for the new
Department of Environment and Pollution Control. The assessment would review staffing/skill
mix, equipment, knowledge and resource requirements, as well as identify functions to be
performed by the Department and those to be outsourced. It has been further emphasized by
GoHP that the state’s extremely fragile Himalayan eco-systems warrant a strong research and
development capacity in priority areas such as adaptation strategies for glacial melts due to
global warming; preservation of pasture lands and wetlands (Ramsar sites); river basin issues
impacting environment flows, aquatic life and impacts on livelihoods. GoHP plans to
mainstream environment management within sectoral agencies by preparing sectoral
guidelines to strengthen environment management in sectors with high vulnerabilities. This
will be initiated with a particular focus on the needs of the hydropower sector.
With a long term perspective in mind, GoHP has indicated its intention to prepare an
Environment Master Plan for the state to foster inter-departmental coordination and
include environmental considerations as key planning tools. This includes identifying
execution, accountability, monitoring, and enforcement procedures, and roles for other
departments such as Transport, Forestry, Tourism, Hydropower, Industry, Urban
Development, Town and Country Planning, and Public Works—to be coordinated by the
Environment Department. The components of the Environment Master Plan would include
detailed resource inventory covering all environment parameters; trend analysis of
environment degradation; vulnerability assessment to establish zones and appropriate
development criteria to guide development and optimize resource utilization. Once prepared,
its implementation would be piloted, beginning with fragile areas and gradually scaling up to
state level.
In order to build up towards the Environment Master Plan, GoHP will first initiate a “gap
analysis” of the sector. This would include: (i) assessment of environmental pressures in
various areas in the state; (ii) identification of regulatory, institutional, and policy gaps
leading to these pressures; (iii) assessment of workload and implementation capacity for the
Environment Department, Forest Department, and the State Pollution Control Board; (iv)
strengthening of compliance and efficiency by assessing alternative ways of implementation
of development projects; and (v) assessment of adequacy of the existing range of policy
instruments and feasibility of using new ones that target the systemic and root causes of
policy failure.
In addition, GoHP is keen on strengthening community involvement mechanisms, to
enhance environmental performance and accountability, and improve regulatory compliance.
Since GoHP has already established Local Area Development Committees in each district, it
has been proposed that pilot “community environment monitoring mechanisms” would be
initiated through these Committees. In addition, grievance redressal mechanisms will be
established by project proponents to increase their environment responsibility and public
In the context of GoHP’s specific needs of balancing green cover and maintaining the “health”
of forests, the need for further research in the area of environmental restoration and
regeneration has been recognized by GoHP. GoHP will work on preparation of guidelines to
strengthen the Compensatory Afforestation programs using scientific criteria (e.g. biodiversity
off-sets, restoration biology) in the short term.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Coordination for Sustainable Hydropower Development

Hydropower is a key resource of the state, and can be a major source of non-tax revenue, as
described above. It is particularly important that hydropower be developed in an
environmentally sustainable manner. Injudicious exploitation of the state’s hydropower
resources can pose a threat to the state’s natural resources. As the development of the
significant hydropower potential of HP advances to a mature stage, concerns pertaining to
optimal planning for the development of the state’s river water resources and the long-term
sustainability of this development will come to the fore.
The project-based approach currently in use by the state (and throughout India) will be
inadequate to address these concerns. With the entry of the private sector as well as a
number of relatively new public sector agencies into hydropower generation, HP is
increasingly experiencing the situation where projects in the same river basin are assigned to
a number of different public and private operators. This approach to allocating projects could
eventually give rise to controversy or conflict, as the differing owners/operators could have
different priorities for the quantum of exploitation of the water resource available to them,
and there may be differing views on the actual use of the water held by local communities,
environmentalists, and other interest groups. Eventually, as the revenues from power sales
become significant, it is normal to expect the emergence of competing views on the use of
these revenues in the context of the public discourse on the budget.
In order to manage these processes, GoHP, as the steward of these significant resources,
may find it useful to move beyond the present planning paradigm based on the individual
project to a more holistic approach to development based on river basin management as a
whole, that incorporates the environmental and social aspects as integral to the process of
development. There are many aspects of management on the level of the river basin which
are crucial for sustaining revenues and the long-term operability of projects, but which are
not adequately reflected when development is viewed from the perspective of individual
projects. Examples of this include management of the river catchment area; management of
sediment in the river bed; management of social and environmental impacts; and the
implications for the entire river basin of the long-term evolution of basin hydrology and river
geomorphology, including the possible impact of climate change.
A potentially positive development is the recent establishment of a Forum of Hydropower
Producers of Satluj Basin in order to achieve common goals and objectives for harnessing the
hydroelectric potential of the Satluj basin in an eco-friendly manner, and to ensure the
development of the area including welfare of people. 4 The state could facilitate a river basin
study for the Satluj basin as a starting point, and prepare an implementable Action Plan that
could promote sustainable development of the hydropower resources along the dimensions
outlined below.

Institutional Arrangements for River Basin Management

In order to promote effective institutional arrangements for river basin management, the
state could consider creating a specialized agency with a broad mandate for overseeing the
development of the major river basins. Another important benefit of a river basin agency
with a mandate for coordination is the positive role the agency can play in facilitating the
work of investors with other governmental agencies in specific areas of relevance to project
development, e.g. land acquisition, implementation of environment management plans,

The members of the forum are - Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB), NTPC Ltd, Himachal
Pradesh Electricity Board (HPSEB), Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (SJVNL), Jai Prakash Hydropower
Limited (JPH), Himachal Sarong Power Ltd., and Nuzivedu Seeds Ltd.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

resettlement and rehabilitation aspects, etc. In a well-functioning agency, this would

facilitate the overall project implementation process and give assurances to investors,
contributing to the mitigation of the significant risks generally perceived to be associated with
development of hydro projects. The following points must be considered with respect to a
river basin management agency.
• Common institutional models follow a two-tiered management and governance
structure, whereby political support and policy decision-making are separated from
technical and managerial functions. The design of a river basin agency model for
HP would need to assess and address the specific issues of operations across
departmental and administrative jurisdictions and include mechanisms of conflict
resolution. Given the highly technical nature of the expertise required to operate
such an agency, it will be particularly important to ensure the insulation of the
technically-based decisions from political pressures.
• Basin institutions can be advisory in nature but they may also include planning,
construction or management in their mandate. The mission of the agency must
define the fields of activity, which may include flood management, social and
environmental management, disaster planning, etc., in addition to hydro
• Basin institutions can also help facilitate putting in place mechanisms for cost-
benefit sharing between projects within the same basin, for example, in a scenario
where an upstream storage project could complement several downstream projects
with increased generation during lean season
• Identification and incorporation of stakeholders is crucial for ensuring that all
interests are represented, that the adequate legal authority is vested, and that
adequate financial resources are made available. It is also important to realistically
assess the requirements of driving the change agenda, and to include the
institutional actors accordingly.
A practical starting point could be the creation of a working-level forum for the coordination
of existing projects on a given river basin and to finance its growth over time through
earmarking a small portion of the revenues from projects as they enter commercial
production. Where such forums already exist, they will be institutionalized and given a formal
One of the key issues in the planning for the development of the Himalayan rivers for
hydropower generation has been the relative dearth of storage projects, with preference
given to small and medium-sized run-of-river projects. Under certain circumstances, storage
projects could be the economically preferable alternative, as long as adequate provision can
be made for mitigating the generally greater environmental and social impacts of the project.
The storage projects can provide significant benefits in terms of drinking water availability,
peaking power generation and silt management.
In current practice in India, the decisions regarding the siting and capacity for the hydro
project allocations are generally not supported by river systems analysis. This can lead to
sub-optimal planning whereby benefits are foregone due to under-realization of hydro
potential. A strong river basin management agency with good analytical capacity could help
rectify this shortcoming of the planning process.
Better hydropower planning could be adopted, with decisions regarding the siting and
capacity for hydro project allocations supported by river systems analysis. There is an
important role for the state in identifying and encouraging storage projects for possible future
development, and this function could be assigned to a river basin management agency. The
state could investigate opportunities for economically viable storage projects and, where

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

identified, facilitate their development while ensuring adequate risk mitigation towards
environmental and social impacts.

Environmental Management of Hydropower Development

One of the most challenging and controversial dimensions of the development of the
Himalayan rivers, including the rivers of HP, is the environmental impact of the development
projects. Given that this is a major sector that GoHP wishes to expand in the medium term,
particular attention needs to be paid to ensure that hydroprojects are developed in an
environmentally sustainable manner. Injudicious exploitation of the state’s hydropower
resources can pose a threat to the state’s natural resources. Delay in or improper
implementation of environmental management activities falling within state’s domain is a
threat to the larger environment. In HP, this is important not just for assuring stewardship,
but also because of the negative external impacts on the growth prospects of other economic
The track record of GoHP’s agencies, notably the Forest Department, in implementing
Environment Management activities—like the Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) plan,
Compensatory Afforestation, development of fisheries, conservation of wildlife, etc.— related
to hydropower projects in the state is modest. In order to promote sustainable development
of the sector, it is important to take steps to improve these activities, as discussed below.
Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) is critical, but instead of using a river-basin approach,
the current approach of preparation and implementation of CAT plans is piece-meal. A
uniform approach to the preparation and implementation of the CAT plan, rather than the
current piece-meal approach that divides responsibility for the CAT plan among the individual
projects, would have direct technical benefits, as removal of sedimentation is one of the
major operational problems faced by hydropower generation plants on rivers in the
Himalayas. In order to improve the framework for environmental management with regard
to hydro development, the state could reform of the practice of preparation and
implementation of CAT plans using a river-basin approach, consider alternative methods of
implementation (e.g. through outsourcing, through project developer, etc.), and ensure the
activities are completed in synchronization with project completion.
Any delay in the implementation of the environmental management activities (such
as CAT plans, compensatory afforestation) falling within state’s domain is a threat to the
sustainability of the environment. It is critical to ensure that these activities are implemented
in synchronization with the project implementation schedule so that maximum benefits are
available to the stakeholders. Given the limited capacity of local government institutions and
agencies (e.g. Forest Department) to implement environmental management activities, it may
be worthwhile to consider such innovations as outsourcing this responsibility or making the
project implementing agency responsible for carrying out the activities under the CAT plan
and other important tasks in the area of environmental management. In parallel, it would be
advisable for the state to put in a place a plan for building up capacity of state regulatory
agencies for implementing and supervising such activities—such as the SPCB and the Forest
The current approach of applying a uniform minimum ecological water flow
requirement irrespective of the project site and other considerations is inefficient to the
extent that the actual requirement (i.e. what is needed to achieve the stated objective of the
minimum flow) at any given location may be higher or lower than the arbitrarily determined
uniform norm. If the uniform norm is higher than the actual requirement, then there would
be a loss in the benefits of electricity generation. On the other hand, if the uniform norm is
lower than the actual requirement, then there would be a failure to achieve the stated
objective of the minimum ecological flow. Flexible norms that are determined on the basis of

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

site-specific analysis would lead to outcomes that are preferable from both a technical and an
environmental perspective. The role of the government, then, will be not to determine
uniform norms, but to specify the nature and quality of the environmental analysis to be
carried out at specific sites in order to come to the determination of the minimum ecological
flow requirement for the concerned section of the river. Accordingly, the state could
introduce flexible, site-specific norms for minimum ecological flow—where GoHP determines
the nature and quality of the studies required to make the site-specific determination
Given the increased global focus on “low carbon” technologies for generating power and
the significant role hydro power can play towards that end, the state may also wish to
consider measures to encourage use of carbon finance as a potential source of revenue
towards mitigating the costs of the risks associated with development of hydropower. While
the likelihood of future projects being commissioned and becoming eligible to receive carbon
revenue before the end of the first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, in 2012, is
low, negotiations are on-going for the second commitment period, which may provide
important opportunities for HP.

Managing Muck Disposal in the State

This is required to prevent muck and eroded material (resulting from all kinds of construction
work, especially road works) from being indiscriminately thrown on the hill slopes – damaging
forests and ultimately adding to the silt load. Ultimately all much generated from different
kinds of construction works will be disposed at the designated sites; the sites are to the
protected against breach or erosion; and the sites will be used for productive purposes (such
as village grounds, real estate, parking spaces or gardens) after disposal is complete on a
particular site.
As part of the DPL the following will be taken up by the different state agencies involved.
• Activity I: The Urban Development department (UDD) will identify and assess
feasibility (including environmental and social impact assessments) of muck disposal
sites within urban areas and in the urban fringes. A first set of these forest or
revenue lands will be leased to the UDD to develop in a commercial model (such as
a prospective real estate).
• Activity II: The PWD will similarly identify suitable disposal sites all along the road
(national and state highways in phase I, major district roads in phase II, other
district roads and village roads in phase III). Forest department will assess and
clear these sites for much disposal. Protection works for these sites will be
implemented using rural employment guarantee or other similar schemes.

4.9.2 Capacity Building of the Regulators

Himachal Pradesh Environment Protection and Pollution Control Board (HPEPPCB)

HPEPPCB is the nodal agency in the state for prevention and control of pollution. Hydropower
plants generate environmental impacts during construction as well as operating phase.
Maintaining minimum flow in the river down stream of the hydro plant is one of the main
responsibilities of the Board, in addition to water quality monitoring of rivers. The HPEPPCB in
collaboration with the MOEF, GOI is carrying out “Environmental Status Mapping and
Conservation Strategies” for the Satluj Catchment in Himachal Pradesh. The study involves
extensive monitoring of environmental resources, inputs from latest tools and techniques of
Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Spatial Environmental Planning.
Outcome of this environmental resource inventory/spatial environmental information
database would be helpful to the development agencies and user institutions of the State in
their decision-making wherein, all aspects related to environment are considered in relation to

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

the entire catchment system and to achieve the development targets which are compatible
with the regional environmental conditions. This composite view of environmental status
mapping and conservation priorities of the region/catchment would also be useful to the
environmental regulators to have a neutral opinion in decision making while granting
environmental clearances to the development projects at the State and MOEF level.

Such a programme not only require dedicated skilled manpower but also various tools and
techniques helpful in completing such projects. Currently, HPEPPCB does not have adequate
resources to undertake studies diligently. A detailed plan will be prepared, as part of the DPL
for the Board’s need on capacity building vis-à-vis this project as well as other upcoming
projects and related studies.

HPEPPCB /State Council for Science Technology and Environment (SCSTE)

SCSTE and HPEPPCB are responsible for regulatory control on all new hydropower
development activities and existing hydropower activities. While SCSTE is mainly involved in
environmental clearance process at state level, HPEPPCB is responsible for public hearing,
environmental clearance from state, post project monitoring and implementation of plans and
programs. HPEPPCB can also impose new conditions on the plants or ask for more studies if it
thinks is required under a particular scenario having adverse impact on environmental
conditions. As it is in the case of SJVNL, HPEPPCB may also require adaptive approach to
monitoring and management. New monitoring equipment, software and training will be
important component of the capacity building program.
The project will finance setting up of the environmental monitoring, mostly to ensure
regulatory compliance by the project, by HPEPPCB. This will include financing an environment
monitoring laboratory for the HPEPPCB.

Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), GOI

MoEF is responsible to regulate site clearance, environmental clearance and diversion of any
forest land for non forest purposes. The agency regulates the project activities through its
regional offices in the state and information on the same is sent to the MoEF at Delhi. Prior to
granting site clearance and environmental clearance, MoEF seeks number of studies and
plans including detailed environmental impact assessment report of the proposed project.
Ministry officials also make visit of the plants through its regional offices at frequencies
decided by the environmental importance of the project. The ministry has the right to add
additional safeguard measures subsequently if found necessary and to take action including
revoking of the clearance under the provision of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. No
capacity building may be required for MoEF for monitoring this project.

4.9.3 Capacity Building of SJVNL

The following sections describe the workload of the Environment Management Department of
SJVNL, the additional staffing requirement, and the environmental training program.

SJVNL: Environmental Activities

Environment Management and Monitoring would continue to be a key area of activity in
SJVNL along with growth in generation of power. Driven by its commitment for sustainable
growth of power, SJVNL has evolved a well defined environment management policy for
minimizing environmental impact arising out of setting up of power units and preserving the
natural ecology. SJVNL has adopted an Environment, Policy which reiterates company’s
commitment to sustainable development which is within the carrying capacity of the eco-
system and promotes the improvement of quality of life.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

The Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. has prepared and followed a comprehensive Environment
Management plan and Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan for its various Environments and
R&R related activities in its on going Nathpa Jhakri Power station and Rampur HEP. SJVNL
has established a separate Environment Department at Corporate Centre and individually for
Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Project, Rampur site and also proposes to strengthen this
department in future for new projects in Uttranhal and other states within the country and
out side the country also.

Environmental Institutional Set-up

Realizing the importance of protection of the environment with speedy development of the
power sector, the company constitutes different groups at project and corporate centre level
to carry out specific environment related functions. The Environment Management Group can
function from the Corporate Centre and initiate measures to mitigate the impact of power
project implementation on the environment and preserve ecology in the vicinity of the
projects. Environment Management Group established at each site, look after various
environmental issues of the individual site. See Figure 4.2.

Staffing Requirement
It is proposed to develop environmental group at corporate headquarters level. The group will
be able to handle all issues related to different environmental attributes. The group will be
overall responsible for environmental management in all hydro projects being undertaken by
SJVNL whether at investigation level or execution level.
Similarly at each project site, the Environment group will be strengthened by posting at least
one specialized Environment Engineer at each project site. This was endorsed while
approving the Environment Policy and also during discussions with the World Bank.
For specific increased work loads specifically during execution stage of various environmental
mitigation measures, the individual teams can be reinforced from the corporate head quarter
environment team. Manpower requirement for corporate environment cell as well as at each
project location has been indicated as in Figure 4.2.
It is envisaged that Environment engineer at Project sites should send the detils of EMP
Implementation progress through their Head to Corporate Environment .In addition if there is
some advice on policy and implementation same can be referred to the Corporate
Environment Department. Corporate Environment Department will work a nodal centre for
Environment aspect implementation at Project and a guiding force for environment aspects.
The corporate environment will interact with external agencies.

Environment Activities at Corporate Environment Level

The following activities and work load has been identified as well as presently undertaken at
Corporate level:
• Preparing Terms of References of Environment Impact Assessment Studies for the
Projects. Coordination with projects for submission of form to MOEF, GoI for
approval of TOR and site clearance/ scoping.
• Award of EIA Studies based on approved TOR by Ministry of Environment, GOI.
• Finalization of EMP for inclusion in to the EIA Report based on Public Hearing of
each Project. Holding Public hearings at the Project site.
• Co-ordination for finalization of CAT Plan proposal in consultation with project
authorities or the Forest Department and other external agencies.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

• Assistance for completion of EIA Studies by constantly interacting with agency for
sampling and preparation and finalization of report thereof. Preparation of
comments and guidelines for project environment for timely completion of these
studies. Preparation of board agendas for approval of these studies.
• Coordination with state agencies like the Forest Department, the Environment
Department, the Pollution Control Boards, Irrigation & Public Health Department,
PWD, etc.
• Compliance monitoring for Ministries of Environment and Power; and the World
• Regular monitoring of approved Environment Management Plan for each project.
For effective implementation the Corporate Environment will undertake regular
visits to site and will seek monthly progress reports on Muck disposal, environment
monitoring, Compensatory afforestation and CAT plan, etc.
• Corporate Environment will prepare status reports for management on
environmental issues of the organization covering all the projects.
• Corporate Environment will prepare implementation guidelines and monitoring
mechanism so as to address the EMP Implementation in letter and spirit at the
project site in coordination with project head.
• Preparations of technical reports, technical papers, status reports and other inputs
for Management from time to time.
• Environment related consultancy services to other outside agencies undertaken by
SJVNL’s consultancy wing.
• Proposals for Carbon Financing involving environmental aspects.

Environment Activities at Project Level

The following activities and work load has been identified a for Project Environment for
implementation of Environment Management Plan:
• Prepare schedule of implementation of the approved Environment Management
Plan (EMP); based on schedule implement the EMP the activities will be monitored
and compliance report will be submitted to corporate environment.
• To interact with Contractor throughout the course of study and seek guidance if
required on matters of Environment aspects of the project from the Corporate
Environment Department.
• Prepare schedule of implementation of CAT Plan for physical inspection and inspect
every site of work related to environment activities.
• Implement and Monitor Muck disposal and other environment related aspects at
construction site during the construction of the project.
• To overall see the concerns of environment are taken care within the project.
• To interact with agencies like forest, pollution Control Board at site for liaison; and
submit monthly progress reports on environment aspects of the project to corporate
• To establish Environmental Management System (EMS) as per ISO-14001 at
• An environment lab with some facilities for water quality, noise and air pollution
facilities will be setup so as to keep a check from time to time.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.22 – Workload of the Environment Department of SJVNL

Regulatory Compliance Environment Management Plan Training & Communication
These works includes those environment This aspect involves preparation of This aspect covers public consultations, This aspect will be monitored by This aspect is important as Env.
aspects which are essential as per environment activities for public hearings, status reports and other the Corporate Env. Group Deptt will not only identify the
statutory and legal requirements. implementation for new projects and for related reports to be prepared by the opportunities but will also prepare
actual implementation for the ongoing Department for management and baselines and application for carbon
projects. external agencies. financing.

} New Projects – 3 } EA /EMP Quality } Public Consultation } Safety Plan for each Project } Identifying opportunities
• TORs } Budgets } Input to communication activities } EPP for each project } Prepare baseline
• Consultant Supervision • Input to Website updates • includes monitoring
} Implementation Plan } Implementation
• EIA quality • Safety activities
} Implementation of EMP } National Seminars / Conferences } After project 6 month / annual
• State Clearances • Safety Training monitoring to claim CF
• SJVNL activities } Training
• Public hearing • including coordination with
• Corporate level • Area level emergency
} Monitoring verification agencies
• MoEF Clearances response
• self regular • Project Level
} Forward looking monitoring
} During Construction • New Staff } Monitoring
} Consultant supervision and research and consultancy
• Implementing Clearance • Contractors safety work.
• Contractors
conditions } 6-mmonthly monitoring reports ( 3 assurance
monthly for World Bank projects) } To develop new initiatives and
• Regulatory monitoring } Preparation of Training Module • Coordination for EPP approaches for development.
} Co-ordination with State • Overall
• 6-monthly compliance reporting } Reporting
implementing agencies • EMP based.
} Operation period • Regulatory reporting
} Adaptive (Long term) Management (under Acts)
• Compliance monitoring } Board agenda preparations
• Includes forward looking • 3/6 monthly reporting
• Yearly reporting research } Applications for submission to
various awards. } HIV/AIDS/Health coordination
} CAT Plan implementation and } ISO Certification for all projects.
physical inspections } To prepare status of Management
} ISO Implementation Review Meetings. } OSHAS 18000
} Project Review Meetings and • Certification
Status reports.
• Implementation
To accomplish above mentioned work To accomplish above work two One environment engineer can To accomplish these works one
one environment engineer (full time) is environment engineers are required for undertake this work along with safety environment engineers (full time) is
required through out the year. six months man hours averagely. and health aspects required throughout the year.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Figure 4.2 –Environment Management Department in SJVNL

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Training for Environment Management & Development of Adaptive Management

Capacity is defined as the ability of individuals and organizations or organizational groups to
perform functions effectively, efficiently and in sustainable manner. This has three important
• It indicates that capacity is not a passive state but is part of a continuing process;
• It ensures that human resources and the way in which they are utilized are central to
capacity development; and
• It requires that the overall context within which organizations undertake their functions
will also be a key consideration in strategies for capacity development.
Capacity development is a broader concept than institutional development, and in addition to a
concern with human resources and the development of institutions, it includes an emphasis on the
overall environment within which organizations operate and interact.
Unlike capacity building efforts, adaptive capacity is something organizations pursue in an ongoing
manner through measures that embed the four attributes of adaptive capacity-external focus,
network connectedness, inquisitiveness and innovation inextricably in the corporate culture.
The difference between capacity development and institutional development is mainly a difference
of perspective. A capacity development approach requires that, even if the focus of concern is a
specific capacity of an organization to perform a particular function, there must nevertheless always
be a consideration of the overall policy environment and the coherence of specific actions with
macro-level conditions. Capacity development is therefore concerned with the micro and macro
factors that determine how institutions translate their capacities into actual performance.

The Five Dimensions of Capacity

Five dimensions of capacity have been identified as the major areas of analysis and the key levels
of intervention.
First, training and education: Effective performance requires a well-trained human resource
base of managerial, professional and technical personnel. This involves both specialized training
and professional education, and in-service training needed for role specific activities.
Secondly, organization and its management: effective performance requires the utilization
and retention of skilled people. Thus, capacity development must include the organizational
structures, processes and management systems, in particular the personnel management systems,
which make the best use of skilled human resources, and which ensure their retention and
continued motivation.
Thirdly, the network and linkages among different groups: there is a need to consider the
network of groups or divisions that facilitates or constrains the achievement of particular tasks. The
accomplishment of many tasks requires the coordinated activities of many groups and any
particular group may belong to several task networks. How these networks function, and the nature
of formal and informal interactions among them, are important aspects of group’s performance.
Fourthly, the public sector environment: the policy and institutional environment of the public
sector is a major factor that constrains or facilitates organizational activities and affects their
performance. This includes the laws, regulations and policies affecting the civil service, including
hiring, promotion, salary structures and operating procedures, the budgetary support that allows
organizations to carry out their tasks, the definitions of responsibilities among agencies, and the
nature of the policy environment that supports or impedes the performance of functions.
Fifthly, the overall context: it is important to consider the broad action environment of the
organization, beyond the public sector. This refers to the economic, social, cultural and political

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

milieu in which organization operates, and the extent to which conditions in this broader
environment facilitate or constrain the functional capacity of organization. For example, the level
and rate of growth of output, changes in markets, and changes in aid policies of major donors are
key economic factors that can constrain or facilitate capacity development.

Training Needs Assessment

Training need assessment has been done based on discussions with SJVNL staff with regard to
immediate requirements of ongoing/proposed projects at SJVNL, in-house expertise available at
SJVNL for regular monitoring of ongoing hydroelectric projects & proposals for up-coming projects.
It is important to mention that besides operational NJHEP (1500MW) project and planned Rampur
Hydropower Project (412 MW) project, the following are 5 projects have been proposed by SJVNL:
• Devsari Dam HE Project ( 300 MW )
• Devra Mori HE Project ( 33 MW )
• Jhakhol Sankari HE Project ( 35 MW )
• Luhri HE Project (700 MW)
• Khab HE Project (636 MW)
Successful operation of hydro electric project demands regular monitoring of various activities
related to civil works, environmental issues and social issues. In addition, key contribution by the
concerned organization, in overall development of the area by adopting R&R programme and by
association with local organizations in various development schemes is must to deliver.
In view of existing organisational structure at SJVNL Corporate office, which is presently under
process of restructuring and at project office (NJHEP & Rampur Hydropower Project), following, is
The existing staff working on environmental aspects in SJVNL will be kept abreast with the latest
tools and methodologies in Environment field especially Impact Assessment Studies. They should
undergo short duration trainings on environmental issues linked with hydro electric projects and
their remediation practices being follwed in other areas from prestigious institutions in India or
abroad. In India, it could also be in the form of attachment with some organizations already
involved in implementing environment mitigatory requirements for hydro power development like
NHPC, THDC etc or conceptual up gradation by attachment with TERI, NEERI etc.
While short term overseas training could also be undertaken at University of Oklahoma or East
West Centre, Hawaii. with emphasis on modeling of various environmental parameters. These are
the institutes which are pioneer in the field of Environment managements. The association with
B.C. Hydro –Canada can also be fruitful in this direction.

Table 4.23 – Overall Program & Budget for Environmental Training

Budget (INR

Category / Levels of Person Days of Training Person Days of Training Planned (by Source of

Year of

Officers Planned (by Level of Officers) Training)


E1-E5 E6-E8Æ E1-E5 E6-E8Æ In India Abroad / In-house

Director Director Exposure Visit (Shimla/Kotla)
2007-08 76 42 76 42 76 42 42 41.2
2008-09 100 45 100 45 100 45 42 56.2
2009-10 52 58 52 58 52 58 42 36.2
2010-11 76 42 76 42 76 42 42 41.2
2011-12 76 26 76 26 76 26 42 31.2
Total Budget for Training on Environmental Management 206
NOTE: See Table 4.25 for details of Training Program.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Table 4.24 – Training on Environment Management: Training Contents & Targets

Target Trainee - Staff of the Trainer Target Trainee - Project Trainer Target Trainee – Contractors’ Trainer Target Trainee – SJVNL Trainer
Environment Unit Engineers (Selected – Mid Staff Corporate Units (Planning,
Level) Finance, Procurement), Senior
EIA – Case studies WB, Outside Environment impacts of Outside country Details of Indian Legal SPCB Environment impacts of WB
Experts hydro project; storage, run of and within requirements & hydro project; storage, run of
Screening & Scoping
river India. Procedures: forest, water river
International POE
Guidelines for EIA & EMP flow, construction (roads),
Impact International & National International & National
Assessment Experiences safety, health, etc. Experiences
Details of Indian Legal CPCB / MOEF Dam related disasters: Dam With in India / SJVNL Env Policies/ Environment Dam related disasters: Dam POE
requirements & Safety Issues, Indian Outside. guidelines/ procedures Unit of SJVNL Safety Issues, Indian
Procedures: forest, water Experience Experience
flow, construction (roads), WB
safety, health, etc.
Procedures for baseline Outside experts Details of Indian Legal MoEF /CPCB Implementation of SJVNL Environment What is EIA/EMP: content of WB, Outside
surveys: biodiversity, requirements & Corporate Policies Unit of SJVNL an EIA/EMP, when an E/A will Experts
aquatic life, cultural property, Procedures: forest, water be done, different types of EIA
health issues, landslides, etc. flow, construction (roads),
safety, health, etc.
Procedures for Impact Outside country Monitoring outputs, results and MoEF/ CPCB Monitoring outputs, results and Environment Indian National / State HP SPCB, Other
Assessment and within India. outcomes of EMP outcomes of EMP Unit of SJVNL requirements for EIA and Experts
implementation implementation other relevant laws / rules,
Monitoring Methodologies Outside country Project EMP – Details International Project EMP – Details Contractors’ EO Studies and deliverables
and within India. Training. Monitoring, evaluation &
Owners’ responsibilities Contractors responsibilities EnvU
Monitoring outputs, results Outside country Health & Safety Management International Health & Safety Management National Safety EIA Notification and Env Act: HP SPCB
and outcomes of EMP and within India. Systems & Responsibilities Training. Systems & Responsibilities council. different deliverables
Risk assessment, International Owners’ Reporting on EMP, Within India. Contractors’ Reporting on EMP, Contractors’ EO Examples of Env Management Outside Experts
apportionment and Training Health and Safety Management Health and Safety Management in hydro projects:
management Resource needs and effort in
Public consultation / Outside country Risk assessment, Within India. Contract Provisions for Contractors’ EO preparation, construction &
information dissemination and within India. apportionment and Environment, Health & Safety operation
management Management
Implementation of SJVNL Outside Trainer Public consultation / Within India. Contractors’ Obligation to the Labour SJVNL Env Policies/ Environment
Corporate Policies (IHA?) information dissemination State (Different Relevant Acts) Commissioner guidelines/ procedures Department
of the State.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Target Trainee - Staff of the Trainer Target Trainee - Project Trainer Target Trainee – Contractors’ Trainer Target Trainee – SJVNL Trainer
Environment Unit Engineers (Selected – Mid Staff Corporate Units (Planning,
Level) Finance, Procurement), Senior
Corporate Sustainability AOTS Japan Implementation of SJVNL Within India. Details of the Safety manual Maharastra Responsibilities for Env Environment
Reporting Corporate Policies and Safety Plan Dam Safety Management Department
Organization / Env Div. staff, capacity,
NSC training
EMS Quality systems: ISO Outside country Corporate Sustainability Within India. Safe Construction Practices Contractors’ Other corporate responsibilities
14000, OSHAS 18000; EMS and within India. Reporting EO/ Engineer
Audit Response to emergencies

Methods of mitigation of Exposure visits EMS Quality systems: ISO Within India.
impacts and Outside 14000, OSHAS 18000
Carbon Finance: WB Response to emergencies Within India. / Resource needs for Env mgmt Environment
Opportunities, International in SJVNL Department,
methodologies, & monitoring visit. WB, Outside
for claiming Experts

Table 4.25 – Detailed Plan for Training on Environmental Management

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International
Training for the Staff of the Environment Unit
EIA – Case studies E1-E5 24 person days Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
in India days in India.
Screening & Scoping Training /
Guidelines for EIA & Exposure NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada
EMP 16 person days Visit CPCB, New Delhi / / California College projects / Three Gorgees 16 person
E4-E8 Rs. 5.00 Lacs
ESCI Hyderabad of Natural Resources within India River Project - days
CMD/Directors –Barkeley (Env. China Abroad
Leadership Prog.) /
AOTS Prof. Trg. Prog.
Details of Indian E1-E5 10 person days Training Yes Yes 10 person Rs. 1.00 Lacs
Legal requirements in India days in India
& Procedures:
forest, water flow, NEERI Nagpur / Hydro
construction, CPCB, New Delhi / projects
safety, health, etc. ESCI Hyderabad within India

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International
Procedures for E1-E5 24 person days Training Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 2.00 Lacs
baseline surveys: in India days in India
/ Invited
biodiversity, aquatic
Trainer Rs. 3.00 lacs.
life, cultural CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA NEERI Nagpur /
property, health GOI CPCB, New Delhi /
issues, landslides, ESCI Hyderabad /
etc. TERI
Procedures for E1-E5 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Impact Assessment in India days in India .
E6-E8 NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada Rs. 5.00 Lacs
16 person days CPCB, New Delhi / / California College projects / Three Gorgees
Abroad ESCI Hyderabad / of Natural Resources within India River Project -
16 person
TERI –Barkeley (Env. China
Leadership Prog.)
Monitoring E1-E5 24 person days Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Methodologies in India days in India
Training /
NEERI Nagpur / BC Hydro Canada
16 person
E4-E8 / Exposure CPCB, New Delhi / Hydro / Three Gorgees Rs. 5.00 Lacs
projects days Abroad
Directors 16 person days Visit ESCI Hyderabad / River Project -
TERI within India China
Monitoring outputs, E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
results and in India Trainers in India
outcomes of EMP
implementation 5 person days CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA
E4-E8 5 person days Rs. 3.00 Lacs
abroad GOI

Risk assessment, E5-E8 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 6.00 Lacs
apportionment and
CMD/Directors Abroad Exposure NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada days in India
management Visit CPCB, New Delhi / / California College projects / Three Gorgees
ESCI Hyderabad / of Natural Resources within India River Project -
TERI –Barkeley (Env. China
Leadership Prog.)
Public consultation / E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
information in India Trainers in India
E4-E8 CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA Rs. 3.00 Lacs
5 person days 5 person days

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International
Implementation of E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
SJVNL Corporate in India Trainers India
CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA Rs. 3.00 Lacs
E4-E8 5 person days 5 person days
Corporate E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Sustainability in India Trainers India
E4-E8 CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA 5 person days Rs. 3.00 Lacs
5 person days abroad
EMS Quality E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
systems: ISO in India Trainers India
14000, OSHAS
E4-E8 CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA 5 person days Rs. 3.00 Lacs
18000; EMS Audit
5 person days abroad
Methods of E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
mitigation of in India Trainers India
E4-E8 CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA 5 person days Rs. 3.00 Lacs
5 person days abroad
Carbon Finance: E1-E5 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Opportunities, in India days in India
Exposure NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada
methodologies, &
Visit CPCB, New Delhi / / California College projects / Three Gorgees 16 person
monitoring for E4-E8 16 person days Rs. 5.00 Lacs
ESCI Hyderabad / of Natural Resources within India River Project - days Abroad
claiming CMD/Directors –Barkeley (Env.
Abroad TERI China
Leadership Prog.)
Target Trainee - Project Engineers (Selected – Mid Level)
Environment E1-E7 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
impacts of hydro in India days in India
Exposure NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada
project; storage, run
Visit CPCB, New Delhi / / California College projects / Three Gorgees
of river ESCI Hyderabad / of Natural Resources within India River Project -
International & TERI –Barkeley (Env. China
National Experiences Leadership Prog.)

Dam related E1-E5 24 person days Training / Yes Yes. UNEP Env. Trg, Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
disasters: Dam Inst. / California
in India Exposure NEERI Nagpur / Hydro BC Hydro Canada days in India
Safety Issues, CPCB, New Delhi / College of Natural projects / Three Gorgees 16 person
16 person days Visit
Indian Experience E4-E8 Resources –Barkeley Rs. 5.00 Lacs
Abroad ESCI Hyderabad / within India River Project - days Abroad
CMD/Directors (Env. Leadership
TERI China

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International
Details of Indian E1-E5 24 person days Training/ Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Legal requirements in India days in India
Invited NEERI Nagpur /
& Procedures: CPCB, New Delhi /
forest, water flow, CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA
ESCI Hyderabad /
construction 5 person days GOI
TERI Rs. 3.00 lacs.
(roads), safety,
health, etc.
Monitoring outputs, E1-E5 24 person days Training/ Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
results and in India days in India
Invited CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA NEERI Nagpur /
outcomes of EMP CPCB, New Delhi /
Trainer GOI
implementation Rs. 2.00 lacs.
5 person days ESCI Hyderabad /
Project EMP – E1-E5 24 person days Training/ Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Details in India Invited CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA NEERI Nagpur / days in India
Owners’ Trainer GOI CPCB, New Delhi /
Rs. 3.00 lacs.
responsibilities ESCI Hyderabad /
Health & Safety E1-E5 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Management in India days in India
Exposure NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada
Systems &
Visit CPCB, New Delhi / / California College projects / Three Gorgees 16 person
Responsibilities E4-E8 Rs. 5.00 Lacs
ESCI Hyderabad / of Natural Resources within India River Project - days
16 person days
CMD/Directors TERI –Barkeley (Env. China Abroad
Abroad Leadership Prog.)
Owners’ Reporting E1-E5 24 person days Training/ Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 2.00 Lacs
on EMP, Health and in India days in India
Invited CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA NEERI Nagpur /
Safety Management Trainer GOI CPCB, New Delhi /
Rs. 3.00 lacs.
ESCI Hyderabad /
5 person days
Risk assessment, E1-E5 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes Yes 24 person Rs. 3.00 Lacs
apportionment and in India Exposure NEERI Nagpur / UNEP Env. Trg, Inst. Hydro BC Hydro Canada days in India
management CPCB, New Delhi / / California College of projects / Three Gorgees 16 person
E4-E8 Visit Rs. 5.00 Lacs
16 person days ESCI Hyderabad / Natural Resources – within India River Project - days Abroad
CMD/Directors Abroad TERI Barkeley (Env. China
Leadership Prog.)
Public consultation / E1-E5 24 person days Training / Yes Yes Yes. NEERI Nagpur 24 person Rs. 2.00 Lacs
information in India / CPCB, New Delhi days in India
dissemination / ESCI Hyderabad /
5 person days Invited GOI Rs. 3.00 lacs.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International
Implementation of E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
SJVNL Corporate in India Trainers India
Policies E4-E8 5 person days
5 person days GOI Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Corporate E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Sustainability in India Trainers India .
Reporting 5 person days
E4-E8 GOI Rs. 3.00 Lacs
5 person days abroad
EMS Quality E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
systems: ISO in India Trainers India
14000, OSHAS
E4-E8 5 person days GOI 5 person days Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Response to E1-E5 5 person days Invited Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
emergencies in India Trainers India
GOI 5 person days
E4-E8 5 person days Rs. 3.00 Lacs
Target Trainee – Contractors’ Staff
Details of Indian All levels of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Legal requirements Contractor’s in India Trainers India
& Procedures: Staff GOI
forest, water flow,
(roads), safety,
health, etc.
SJVNL Env Policies/ Senior Staff of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
guidelines/ Contractors in India Trainers India
Implementation of Senior Staff of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
SJVNL Corporate Contractors in India Trainers India
Monitoring outputs, All levels of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
results and Contractor’s in India Trainers India
outcomes of EMP Staff
Project EMP – Senior Staff of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Details of Contractors in India Trainers India

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International
Health & Safety All levels of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Management Contractor’s in India Trainers India
Systems & Staff GOI
Contractors’ All levels of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Reporting on EMP, Contractor’s in India Trainers India
Health and Safety Staff
Contract Provisions All levels of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
for Environment, Contractor’s in India Trainers India
Health & Safety Staff GOI
Contractors’ Senior Staff of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Obligation to the Contractors in India Trainers India
State (Different
Relevant Acts)
Details of the Safety Senior Staff of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
manual and Safety Contractors in India Trainers India

Safe Construction Senior Staff of 5 person days Invited Yes 5 person days Rs. 2.00 Lacs
Practices Contractors in India Trainers India
Target Trainee – SJVNL Corporate Units (Planning, Finance, Procurement), Senior Management
Environment E5 – E8 16 person days Outside Yes Yes 16 person Rs. 5 lacs
impacts of hydro abroad & 5 Trainer / days abroad &
CPCB /MoEF BC Hydro Canada
project; storage, run person days World 5 person days
GOI / Three Gorgees
of river - trianing bank / training Rs. 2 lacs
River Project -
International & Exposure
National Experiences visit
Dam related E5 – E8 16 person days Exposure Yes Yes. BC Hydro 16 person Rs. 5 lacs
disasters: Dam abroad visit Canada / Three days abroad
Safety Issues, Gorgees River
Indian Experience Project - China
What is EIA/EMP: E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 5 lacs
content of an trainer
EIA/EMP, when an
E/A will be done, CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA BC Hydro Canada
different types of GOI / Three Gorgees
EIA River Project -

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

Topic / Item Target Trainees Mode of Duration & Source of Training Schedule for Training
Training Training Budget
Invited Trainer Training Program Exposure Visit
Group Number National International National International National International

Indian National / E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes 5 person days Rs. 2 lacs
State requirements trainer
for EIA and other
relevant laws /
rules. Studies and
evaluation & actions
EIA Notification and E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes 5 person days Rs. 2 lacs
Env Act: different trainer CPCB /MoEF
deliverables GOI
Examples of Env E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes 5 person days Rs. 2 lacs
Management in trainer CPCB /MoEF
hydro projects.
Resource needs and
effort in
construction &
SJVNL Env Policies/ E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes 5 person days Rs. 2 lacs
guidelines/ trainer CPCB /MoEF
procedures GOI
Responsibilities for E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes 5 person days Rs. 2 lacs
Env Management - trainer CPCB /MoEF
Env Div. staff,
capacity, training.
Other corporate
Response to
Resource needs for E5 – E8 5 person days Outside Yes Yes 5 person days Rs. 5 lacs
Env mgmt in SJVNL trainer CPCB /MoEF WB / IHA
NOTE: (1) The training plan has been devised for five years and will be implemented in phases. (2) The Institutes suggested in the Columns are illustrative and efforts will be made to explore more such
institutes where relevant Training can be imparted.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

List of Training Institutes In India & Abraod

• Central Pollution Control Board –New Delhi
• Environmental Management & Policy research Institute – Bangalore
• National Water Academy –Maharashtra (www.
• The Energy Resource Institute –New Delhi
• National Environment Engineering Research Institute –Nagpur
• Administrative Staff College of India-Hyderabad
• Engineering staff college of India –Hyderabad
• EPTRI-Hyderabad.
• Exposure visits to sites of NHPC,NTPC ,Narmada Projects.
• Gailillee College ,International agricultural Training Centre ,Ruth Fishmann, Nahalal,
• Charted Institute of Water & Environment Management, UK. (
• UNEP-Environmental Impact assessment Training institute ,Production & Consumption
branch (
• Asian Institute of Technology –Bangkok
• Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental management – CIPSEM,
Dresden, Germany .
• University of California ,Barkeley –College of Natural Rsources, Centre for Sustainable
Resource Development, Environment Leadership[ Programme
• British Columbia Hydro, Canada,
• World Bank Institute ,Washington, USA
• Yangtze River Three Gorgers Study tour through Yangtze Cruise ,
• University of Oklahoma
• East West Centre Hawaii –Japan
• AOTS-Japan Sponsored Program

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

4.10 Budget & Procurement of EMP and Environmental Capacity Building Activities

4.10.1 Budget for Implementation of EMP and Environmental Capacity Building

The overall budget for implementing the EMP is INR 455 million (~ US$ 11.4 million). A detailed
break-up is given in Table below.

Table 4.26 – Budget for Implementing the EMP

Implementation Budget
Responsibility Million INR Million USD
Compensatory Afforestation including payment of NPV of Forests HP State Forest 66.03 1.651
Wildlife Conservation Department (SFD) 6.25 0.156
Catchment Area Treatment Plan SFD and SJVNL 219.90 5.498
Muck disposal Plan, including Restoration of the Disposal Areas SJVNL 23.66 0.592
Restoration and Landscaping of Sites directly affected by the Project SJVNL 2.50 0.063
Fisheries Development Activities Hp Fisheries Department 10.00 0.250
Sanitation Facilities SJVNL 21.86 0.547
Control of Pollution from
Labour Camp during Solid Waste Management SJVNL 11.11 0.278
Construction of Settling Tanks SJVNL 2.00 0.050
Sewage Treatment Facilities for Jagatkhana and Brow towns SJVNL 10.00 0.250
Pilot Works on Muck Dumping & Active Landslide Sites SJVNL 5.00 0.125
Public Awareness Programme SJVNL 0.50 0.013
Development of Environmental Laboratory and Monitoring Instruments–
for Rampur Project 1.95 0.049
Environmental Monitoring during Project Construction and Operation HP Pollution Control Board 7.50 0.188
Independent Environmental Monitoring, Regulatory Compliance, Reporting) SJVNL 10.00 0.250
Environmental Monitoring SJVNL 5.50 0.138
Environmental Monitoring Silt Analysis SJVNL 3.00 0.075
Equipment, Tools and MIS
Software (Corporate & Emergency Communication and Information
Project) Systems 3.50 0.088
1:15,000 Topographic Maps SJVNL 2.50 0.063
Emergency Preparedness Plan: VSAT for communication SJVNL 5.00 0.125
Adoption of Environment management Systems (ISO-14000 & OSHAS-
18000) – Rampur Project 2.00 0.050
Panel of Safety Experts SJVNL 6.60 0.165
On-Site Training SJVNL 17.20 0.430
Implementation of
Environmental Training Off-Site Training in India SJVNL 5.60 0.140
Program (Corporate &
Overseas Training & Exposure Visits
Project) SJVNL
(Environment & Sediment Control) 6.00 0.150
Total Budget for EMP Implementation 455.16 11.379
NOTE: In addition to the above budget for implementation of the EMP, the budget for Implementation of the RAP and the SCDP are INR
320 million (USD 8 million) and INR 256.8 million (USD 6.4 million).

The budget for implementing the RAP (INR 320 million ~ US$ 8 million) and the Sustainable
Community Development Plan (INR 256.8 million ~ US$ 6.4 million) is not included in the following
Table. The total budget for managing social and environmental issues in the project is 25.8 million,
which is about 4% of the overall project cost.

Rampur Hydropower Project: Consolidated EA and EMP Report

4.10.2 Procurement of EMP Implementation & Environmental Capacity Building Activities

A procurement plan has been prepared by SJVNL, and is part of the Project’s overall procurement
plan. The Table below is a summary of the procurement plan.

Table 4.27 – Summary Procurement Plan for Implementation of EMP and

Environmental Capacity Building Activities Rupees in Lakh (INR100.000)
Type Item Unit Unit Total First Year
No. Budget No. Budget
Consultancy International Safety Expert Visit 3.0 12 36.0 4 12.0
National Safety Expert Visit 1.5 20 30.0 6 9.0
Environmental Monitoring Consultants for Regulatory Number 20.0 5 100.0 1 20.0
ISO 14000 and OSHAS 18000 Systems Adoption and Number 20.0 1 20.0 - -
Preparation of 1:15000 Topographic Maps and Cross Number 25.0 1 25.0 - -
Sections in Nathpa-Bael Stretch
Training / Implementation of Environmental Management Training Person-days 172.0 44.0
Consultancy Plan – Training at Site
Implementation of Environmental Management Training Person-days 56.0 19.5
Plan – Training in India (Off-Site)
Implementation of Environmental Management Training Person-days 60.0 10.5
Plan – Exposure Visits to China, South Africa, Canada,
Works Pilot for Reinstatement of Muck Dumping Areas using Site (2 ha) 10.0 2 20.0 1 10.0
environmentally degradable materials
Pilot for Treating Acting Landslide Sites – using low cost Site (2 ha) 15.0 2 30.0 1 15.0
methods and bio-engineering
TOTAL WORKS 50.0 25.0
Goods Mobile Environmental Monitoring System (Vehicle-SUV + Number 25.0 1 25.0 1 25.0
thermometer +barometer +air quality monitoring kits and
consumables + water quality monitoring kits and
consumables + interated noise meter + vehicle mounted
video system + telescope + computer, etc.)
Additional monitoring kits – air quality, noise quality + Set 2.5 2 5.0 1 2.5
integrated noise meter
Digital Silt Analysis (Grain size distribution, petrographic Number 30.0 1 30.0 1 30.0
analysis, physical and chemical properties) Instruments
Rehabilitation and upgradation of gauging stations Number 7.5 2 15.0 1 7.5
Emergency communication systems (New and Number 10.0 2 20.0 1 10.0
Desk top computers with total station (printer + scanner) Number 1.0 2 2.0 1 1.0
and all assemblies
Desktop computer and printers Number 0.6 5 3.0 3 1.8
Laptop computers Number 1.0 2 2.0 1 1.0
Handheld GPS with complete kits Number 3.0 3 9.0 1 3.0
Methanometer + Gas Detector Number 0.5 4 2.0 4 2.0
Software for MIS for Environmental monitoring and Number 2.0 1 2.0 1 2.0
Software (Mike 11 or equivalent) for flood routing analysis Number 5.0 1 5.0 - -
TOTAL GOODS 120.0 85.8
GRAND TOTAL 669.0 228.8


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