Asme 2019 Sec VIII Div 1 Key Changes
Asme 2019 Sec VIII Div 1 Key Changes
Asme 2019 Sec VIII Div 1 Key Changes
Section VIII
Division 1
Key Changes 2019 Edition
René Uebel
16 July 2019
Lloyd's Register 4
List of Sections
Code Changes
Following have been added:
Code Case users can check the cur-
rent status of any Code Case at
Code Case users can also view an
index of the complete list of Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code Cases and This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Lloyd's Register 6
Revisions to U-2(g), UG-16(a), New Appendix 46
2019 Edition
Paragraph U-2(g)
This Division of Section VIII does not contain rules to cover all
details of design and construction. Where complete details of
construction are not given, it is intended that the Manufacturer,
subject to the acceptance of the Authorized Inspector, shall provide
the appropriate details to be used of design and construction which
will be as safe as those provided by the rules of this Division.
Lloyd's Register 7
Revisions to U-2(g), UG-16(a), New Appendix 46
2019 Edition
Paragraph U-2(g)
(1)Where design rules do not exist in this Division, one of the
following three methods shall be used:
(-a) Mandatory Appendix 46.
(-b) proof test in accordance with UG-101.
(-c) other recognized and generally accepted methods, such as
those found in other ASME, EN, ISO, national, and industry
standards or codes. This option shall provide details of design
consistent with the allowable stress criteria provided in UG-23.
Lloyd's Register 8
Revisions to U-2(g), UG-16(a), New Appendix 46
2019 Edition
Paragraph U-2(g)
(2) The provisions of this paragraph shall not be used to justify the
use of materials, joining processes (fabrication), examination,
inspection, testing, certification, and overpressure protection
methods other than those allowed by this Division.
For Subparagraph (1) finite element programs Appendix 46 is
applicable and VIII-2 Part 5 to be used
Subparagraph (2) makes it clear for which "construction" areas that
U-2(g) rules are not applicable.
Lloyd's Register 9
Revisions to U-2(g), UG-16(a), New Appendix 46
Last sentence added:
As an alternative, the design rules of Mandatory Appendix 46 may
be used.
Lloyd's Register 10
Table U-3
Reply: No.
Lloyd's Register 13
Lloyd's Register 16
UG-14 and Mandatory Appendix 2, 2-2(d)
Case 2155-2 Use of Rod and Bar for Heads
Lloyd's Register 17
UG-18 and UG-84(g)(6)
The parenthetical example given in the second paragraph of UG-18
was deleted because the guidance suggested for weld metal impact
testing requirements is not universally applicable, depending on
the metals being welded and the dilution of the weld metal by each
of the base metals being joined. This means the suggested guidance
is not sufficiently accurate to be retained.
Added new paragraph UG-84(g)(6), addressing requirements for
toughness testing and acceptance criteria for weld metal and HAZ
test specimens when qualifying a WPS for joining dissimilar metals
where WPS qualification with toughness testing is required.
Lloyd's Register 18
UG-44(b) External loads (forces and bending moments) may be
evaluated for flanged joints with welding neck flanges
Incorporation of Code Case 2901 to add the method in PVP2013-
97814 for calculating allowable external forces and moments on
standard welding neck flanges.
External loads (forces and bending moments) may be evaluated for
flanged joints with welding neck flanges chosen in accordance with
● ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
● ASME B16.47, Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through NPS 60
Lloyd's Register 19
UG-44(b) External loads (forces and bending moments) may be
evaluated for flanged joints with welding neck flanges
For evaluation the following requirements to be used:
● The vessel MAWP (corrected for the static pressure acting on the
flange) at the design temperature cannot exceed the pressure-
temperature rating of the flange
● The actual assembly bolt load (see Appendix S) shall comply with
ASME PCC-1, Appendix O
● The bolt material shall have an allowable stress equal to or greater
than SA-193 B8 Cl.2 at the specified bolt size and temperature
Lloyd's Register 20
UG-44(b) External loads (forces and bending moments) may be
evaluated for flanged joints with welding neck flanges
For evaluation the following requirements to be used:
● The combination of vessel MAWP (corrected for the static pressure
acting on the flange) with external moment and external axial force
shall satisfy the following equation (the units of the variables in this
equation shall be consistent with the pressure rating)
Lloyd's Register 22
UG-84(g)(2) Location, Orientation, Temperature, and Values of
Weld Impact Tests
Revised the second sentence in UG-84(g)(2) to clarify the intend of the
Code as follows:
The number of heat affected zone impact specimen sets to be
removed, and the location of their removal the location of the
centerline in the prepared test specimens, shall be as shown in
Figure UG-84.5 and Table UG-84.6.
Added new last sentence
Where the material thickness permits, the axis of the notch may be
inclined to allow the root of the notch to align parallel to the fusion
Lloyd's Register 23
UG-84(g)(2) Location, Orientation, Temperature, and Values of
Weld Impact Tests
Revised Table UG-84.6 - to clarify the intent of the code related to
approximate location of the notch in the test specimens.
● There are only two thickness ranges remaining, t ≤ in. (19 mm)
and t > ¾ in. (19 mm)
● The centerline of the specimen shall be located within ¼ t and ½ t
Lloyd's Register 24
UG-84(g)(2) Location, Orientation, Temperature, and Values of
Weld Impact Tests
Revised Table UG-84.6 - to clarify the intent of the code related to
approximate location of the notch in the test specimens.
Lloyd's Register 25
UG-84(h)(2)(-b) Impact Tests of Welding Procedure Qualifications
Lloyd's Register 27
UG-84(i)(3)(-b) Number of Vessel Impact Test Plates Required
Added requirements for the number of HAZ test specimen sets in UG-
84(i)(3)(-b); and revised the text in order to provide clarification.
(-1) Welding is completed within any 3-month period at one
(-2) The cumulative length of all joints welded by each welding
procedure does not exceed 400 ft (120 m).
(-3) Materials are of the same specification and grade.
Lloyd's Register 28
UG-84(i)(3)(-b) Number of Vessel Impact Test Plates Required
Added requirements for the number of HAZ test specimen sets in UG-
84(i)(3)(-b); and revised the text in order to provide clarification.
(-4) The plate thicknesses of the vessels or parts of vessels do not
vary by more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 25%, whichever is greater.
(-5) The number of heat-affected-zone impact specimen sets to be
removed and the locations of their removal shall be as shown in
Figure UG-84.5 and Table UG-84.6 for the largest plate thickness in
the range specified in (-4).
(-6) The additional requirements specified in (-a) shall be met.
Lloyd's Register 29
UG-99(k) and UG-100
Pressure Test Requirements for vessels with metallic liners
● Revised UG-99(k)(2) and UG-100(e)(2) to clarify leak test
requirements if a vessel is lined, are for non-metallic liners.
● Revised UG-99(k)(3) and UG-100(e)(3) to allow UCL-51 tightness
test in lieu of pressure testing prior to installation of applied
● Revised UCL-52 to clarify UG-99(k) is not required for vessels with
integral clad or weld metal overlay cladding.
Lloyd's Register 30
Construction Type Nameplate Marking Requirements
● Aligned nameplate markings between Divisions 1 and 2, by
reducing the “construction type” markings that are mandatory on
the nameplate for Section VIII.
● W, P, B, and RES have been eliminated as identified as not useful
information to a repair organization, User or jurisdiction.
● Other markings found in certain parts of Subsection C, like UHT,
WL, ULT and CS, have been added.
Lloyd's Register 31
Construction Type Nameplate Marking Requirements
Type of Construction Letter(s)
Tensile enhanced by heat treat (see UHT-115) UHT
Layered (see ULW-115) WL
Low temperature (see ULT-115) ULT
Graphite (see UIG-116) G
Cold stretch ed (see Mandatory Appendix 44, 44-7) CS
Lloyd's Register 32
Revisions to Parts Fabrication Certificate Program (PRT)
Parts of vessels for which Partial Data Reports are required in UG-
120(c) shall be marked by the parts Manufacturer, with a nameplate
or stamping, with the following:
(-a) the official Certification Mark with, as applicable, the:
(-1) U or PRT Designator shown in Figure UG-116 sketch (a),
above the word “PART”; or
(-2) PRT Designator shown in Figure UG-116 sketch (c)
Lloyd's Register 33
UG-120(b)(3) added
To advise the Manufacturer of the mandatory requirement to fill out form
U-5 for fixed tubesheet exchangers.
For a fixed tubesheet heat exchanger, as defined
in UHX-3.2, Form U-5 shall be filled out with the information
required by UHX-19.3.2, signed by the Manufacturer
and Inspector, and included with the Manufacturer’s Data
Lloyd's Register 34
Figure UW-3
Revised Figure UW-3 by adding a sketch of weld neck flange with its weld
category as C.
● 2017 Edition ● 2019 Edition
Lloyd's Register 35
UW-27, UW-9(a), and UW-12(f)
Revised UW-27 to delete the list of welding processes and replace it with a
single reference to Article 2 of Section IX for acceptable welding processes.
References to "pressure welding processes" in UW-9(a) and UW-12(f)
are replaced with "permitted welding processes in UW-27(a) that
include the application of pressure." Revised UW-9 and UW-12 to
correct the paragraph references to the revised UW-27 paragraphs.
Added UW-27(e):
Welding processes accepted under Section IX Code Cases shall not
be used unless those Code Cases are explicitly accepted by this
Lloyd's Register 36
Full Radiography of butt joints in nozzles and communicating chambers
With removal of the second reference to Paragraph (2) this makes
nozzle or communicating chamber radiography required only when
the nozzle or communicating chamber itself exceeds the thickness
requirements of UW-11(a)(2), or if the shell and/or head (so the
entire vessel) is designed for lethal service or as an unfired steam
boiler exceeding 50PSI.
Lloyd's Register 37
Full Radiography of butt joints in nozzles and communicating chambers
UW-11(a)(4) does allow for
certain exemptions for
Category B and C butt joints,
due to thickness in these
nozzles and communicating
chambers, but not for Category
A or D joints butt joints. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Lloyd's Register 38
UG-116(b)(1), UW-9, UW-11(e], UW-12, Table UW-12, UW-15, and 2-4(b)
Lloyd's Register 39
UW-16(d)(2) and Figure UW-16.1(p-2)
Added a new detail (p-2) to Figure UW-16.1
Added in UW-16(d)(2) the words "Studding-outlet-type flanges may
also be attached by full-penetration welds as shown in Figure UW-
16.1 sketch (p-2)“.
Lloyd's Register 40
UW-16(h) was added to provide clarification on what size fillet weld
is required on the sides of a radial nozzle penetrating a cylinder
where the nozzle diameter is close to the diameter of the cylinder.
Lloyd's Register 41
Minimum size of fillet weld required where the nozzle intersects the shell
90 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the cylinder
Lloyd's Register 42
Welded Stayed Construction
Revised to increase the
applicable thickness limit
from 3/16 in (5 mm) to 1/2
in (12 mm) when
completely filling the hole
with weld metal
Lloyd's Register 43
Clarification the tubesheet
allowable stress to be used
when the tubes are welded to a
clad tubesheet is the allowable
stress for the clad material and
not the base material.
Lloyd's Register 44
Revised in its entirety
Now permits waiving the
surface examination
requirements imposed by
UW-50 when performing
pneumatic testing under the
rules of UG-100 when
qualifying conditions have
been met This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Lloyd's Register 45
Revised UW-51(a)(2) by deleting the exception to written procedure
requirements, replacing the term "penetrameter" with "image
quality indicator", and striking the phrase "shall be the basis for
final acceptance.
Revised UW-51(a)(4) to clarify that the permission to use UT in lieu
of RT applies to welds in which the thinner of the members joined is
1/4 inch thick or greater.
Lloyd's Register 46
Lloyd's Register 47
Revised to resolve conflicts and confusion due to 2017 Edition revisions to
Section V.
Removed reference to in Section V, Article 1, T-120(h), which is ANDE.
Also added reference to T-120(j) and T-120(k).
Lloyd's Register 49
UCS-56(c) and UHA-32(c)
Revised to address PWHT of welds between dissimilar metals to be
consistent with the text of UW-40(d).
2017 Edition:
When pressure parts of two different P‐Number groups are joined by
the postweld heat treatment shall be that specified in either of
Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11 or Tables UHA-32-1 through
UHA-32-7, with applicable notes, for the material requiring the
higher postweld temperature.
When nonpressure parts are welded to pressure parts, the postweld
heat treatment temperature of the pressure part shall control.
Lloyd's Register 50
UCS-56(c) and UHA-32(c)
Revised to address PWHT of welds between dissimilar metals to be
consistent with the text of UW-40(d).
Replaced in 2019 Edition:
When pressure parts of two different P‐Number groups are joined
by welding, engineering judgment shall be applied when selecting
the postweld heat treatment temperature and holding time to
produce material properties suitable for the intended service.
Alternatives such as welding with buttering as described in Section
IX, QW-283 may be considered.
When nonpressure parts are welded to pressure parts, the postweld
heat treatment temperature of the pressure part shall control.
Lloyd's Register 51
Table UCS-56-11, Note (3)
Addressed Mn+Ni limits for weld consumables and PWHT limits for
P-No 15E Group 1 (Grade 91) material, Background:
The use of Grade 91 material is beginning to be recognized in VIII-1 as an
alternative to 2-1/4 Cr vanadium modified material for high temperature high
pressure hydroprocessing reactors, particularly as the design temperature
approaches 482°C (900°F) or higher. At 482°C (900°F) the allowable stress of
Grade 91 is approx. 30% higher than 2-1/4Cr V modified material. The design
temperature would like to be raised up to 510°C (950°F). 2-1/4Cr V modified
material can’t be used at more than 482°C (900°F). However, as reactors are
thicker wall [up to 350 mm (14 in.) thickness] with associated longer PWHT
times, plus the requirement for hot tensile tests and impact testing, the need
for high temperature strength and lower temperature toughness require weld
consumables with higher Mn+Ni content to achieve these properties.
Lloyd's Register 52
Table UCS-56-11, Note (3)
Addressed Mn+Ni limits for weld consumables and PWHT limits for
P-No 15E Group 1 (Grade 91) material 2019 Edition:
For welds made with matching Grade 91 filler, the maximum
holding temperature shall be determined as follows:
(a) Ni+Mn ≤ 1.0%, max PWHT temperature shall be 1,455°F (790°C)
(b) 1.0% < Ni+Mn ≤ 1.2%, max PWHT temp. shall be 1,435°F (780°C)
(c) Ni+Mn > 1.2%, max PWHT temperature shall be at least 20°F
(10°C) below the lower critical transformation temperature (Ac1)
as determined by measurement of that temperature for the
specific heat of filler metal to be used in accordance with ASTM
Lloyd's Register 53
Deleted: “or (c)”
This revision is to delete the option of reducing MDMT of B16.5 and
B16.47 standard flanges using shell stress ratio. Custom flanges whose
MDMT is determined from UCS-66(a) still have the option of reducing
MDMT by the stress ratio from the shell where the flange is attached.
Lloyd's Register 57
Figure UCS-66, Note (1)(c), Note (2)(a)
Revised UCS-66(c) - Added highlighted
Added Note (1)(c)
A/SA-105 forged flanges supplied in the as-forged condition
Added in Note (2)(a)
A/SA-105 forged flanges produced to fine grain practice and
normalized, normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered
after forging
Lloyd's Register 58
Application of a stress ratio for bolts and nuts becomes problematic
because the bolt pre-load applied to equipment under the scope of
ASME VIII is often significantly greater than the allowable stress of these
components, therefore always generating a stress ratio > 1. Appendix S
and ASME PCC-1 provide the basis behind the higher pre-loads.
● Modified UCS-66(b) to clarify that Figure UCS-66.1 is not permitted for
bolts and nuts
Added: “Use of Figure UCS-66.1 is not permitted for bolts and nuts.”
● Deleted "(including bolts and nuts)" from UCS-66(b)(1)(-b)
● Deleted "(including bolts and nuts)" from UCS-66(i)(2)
Lloyd's Register 59
Figure UCS-66/M Notes (2) and (4)
SA/GB-713 Grade Q345R has a better impact toughness than SA-516
Gr. 70.
Therefore it can justified that impact exemption curve can be
reassigned to
● Curve B if not normalized
● Curve D if normalized
Lloyd's Register 60
UCS-79(d) revised in its entirety
Relaxation of post forming heat treatment rules for thin wall pipe and
tube after cold forming
Lloyd's Register 61
UCS-79(d) revised in its entirety
Relaxation of post forming heat treatment rules for thin wall pipe and
tube after cold forming
The cold-formed areas of vessel shell sections, heads, and other
pressure parts shall be heat treated in accordance with UCS-56 if
the resulting extreme fiber elongation determined in accordance
with Table UG-79-1 exceeds 5% from the supplied condition except
that alternative heating and cooling rates and hold times may be
applied to formed pipe and tube having a nominal thickness of 1/4
in. (6 mm) or less when the heat treatment method is demonstrated
to achieve a thorough heating of the pipe or tube.
Lloyd's Register 62
UCS-79(d) revised in its entirety
● Cold-formed and bent P-No. 1 pipe and tube material having a
nominal thickness not greater than ¾ in. (19 mm) does not require
post-forming heat treatment.
● For P-No. 1, Group Nos. 1 and 2 materials other than those
addressed by (1), post-forming heat treatment is required when
the extreme fiber elongation exceeds 40% or if the extreme fiber
elongation exceeds 5% and any of the following conditions exist…
● Cold-formed or bent P‐Nos. 3 through 5C pipe and tube materials
having an outside diameter not greater than 4 ½ in. (114 mm) and
a nominal thickness not greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm) do not
require a post-forming heat treatment.
Lloyd's Register 63
Table UNF-23.2
Added UNS C95820, UNS C70620 and UNS C71520
Revised "UNS No." entries for
Lloyd's Register 64
Table UHA-23
Added UNS S32003 and UNS S31254
Revised "UNS No." entries for
Lloyd's Register 65
Table UHA-32-2
Added General Note (d)
Provided an exemption from PWHT for the following alloys:
UNS S40910,
UNS S40920,
UNS S40930,
UNS S40935,
UNS S40945,
UNS S40975,
UNS S40977,
UNS S43932,
UNS S43940.
Lloyd's Register 66
Added "nominal material thickness" definition
The nominal thickness of plates
and pipes as defined in
Mandatory Appendix 3 shall be
used for determining the
nominal material thickness for
toughness requirements. For
other product forms, the
nominal material thickness shall
be determined as follows: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Lloyd's Register 67
Added "nominal material thickness" definition
● castings: maximum thickness between two cast coincidental
● hollow cylindrical forgings: maximum radial thickness
● disk forgings: maximum thickness, including the length of an
integral hub if a hub is present
● weld neck flanges: the larger of the thickness of the flange ring or
the neck
Lloyd's Register 68
Added new rules for openings near tubesheets
Except as limited in (1) and (2) below, nozzles in cylindrical
shells or cylindrical channels adjacent to integral tubesheets (see
Figure UHX-4-1) may be located at any distance from the tubesheet
(refer to UG-37 and Figure UG-40 for nomenclature not defined in
this paragraph).
These requirements do not apply to nozzles in shells or channels
having tubesheets that are calculated as simply supported (see
UHX-12.6, UHX-13.9, and UHX-14.7).
Lloyd's Register 69
Added new rules for openings near tubesheets
(1) For a circular nozzle with d greater than 30% of D, no part of d
may be located within 1.8 (Dt)½ of the adjacent tubesheet face (see
Figure UHX-4-1).
(2) For a noncircular nozzle, dmax (major axis) is defined as the
maximum diameter of d, and dmin is defined as the minimum
diameter of d.
(-a) For a noncircular nozzle having its major axis not parallel to the
tubesheet face and dmax/D > 30%, d is limited to the distance
specified in (1).
Lloyd's Register 70
Added new rules for openings near tubesheets
(-b) For a noncircular nozzle having its major axis parallel to the
tubesheet face and dmax/D > 30%, no part of d may be within 1.8
(Dt)½ + (dmax − dmin)/2 of the adjacent tubesheet face.
(3) Nozzles subject to the limitations in (1) or (2) above may have
their required reinforcement (see UG-37) located within 1.8(Dt)½ of
the adjacent tubesheet face.
Lloyd's Register 71
Figure UHX-4-1
Added Figure UHX-4-1 Nozzles Adjacent to Tubesheets
Lloyd's Register 72
UHX-10(d) and Figure UHX-10(c)
Added in UHX-10(d)
If a hemispherical head is attached to the hub of a tubesheet, the hub
may be considered part of the hemispherical head and not require an
intervening cylinder, provided the hub complies with one of the
following conditions:
(1) It is shaped as a continuation of the head in accordance with
Figure UHX-10, sketch (b).
(2) It meets the requirements of Figure UHX-10, sketch (c).
For both cases, the tangent line of the head is coincident with the
adjacent face of the tubesheet.
Lloyd's Register 73
UHX-10(d) and Figure UHX-10(c)
Added Figure UHX-10(c)
& Note(3)
(c) Hemispherical
Channel With Tubesheet
Hub Thicker Than
The reason for this is that other items are in the works to provide
stress limits for the test condition. This would keep the test
condition from governing the design for cases where the shear went
all the way to the 0.54 yield limit.
Lloyd's Register 75
Revised calculation procedure for tubesheets to incorporate the necessary information
into part UIG, as well as to make necessary improvements to the procedure itself.
It was determined that some critical elements in the design of
tubesheets were not yet considered.
The intention was incorporating all of the formulas, design
considerations, and nomenclature that had previously been
referenced from part UHX.
Very little has actually changed. Existing UIG rules simply state slight
modifications to the design procedure laid out in UHX-13, the revision
is just a copy of UHX-13 with these modifcations incorporated.
Lloyd's Register 76
Paragraph 2-2(b): The "flange section thickness" was revised to the
thickness used in the flange design equations, "t".
Paragraph 2-2(d): Incorporated the (revised) Code Cases 2155-2 and
2156-3 and reconciled UG-14 and Appendix 2
Paragraph 2-3: Replaced W with Wm1 in the definition of gasket load HG
Paragraph 2-9(d): Added to clarify that flange rigidity rules are not
required for split loose flanges.
Lloyd's Register 77
Subparagraph (b)(8)
revised: RT and UT to
NDE interpretation
Subparagraphs (b)(14)
revised: hydrostatic to
pressure test records
Lloyd's Register 80