Calculation Sheet of RCC Frame Building

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Design For Combined Footing 1

Design For Combined Footing 2

Design For Combined Footing 3

Design For Combined Footing 4

Design For Combined Footing 5

Design For Combined Footing 6

Design For Combined Footing 7

Design For Combined Footing 8

Design For Combined Footing 9

Design For Combined Footing 10

Result Summary

Left Overhang Right Overhang Length Width Thickness

Footing No.
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 1.000 1.000 22.000 2.500 0.500
2 1.225 1.225 22.450 2.950 0.600
3 1.375 1.375 22.750 3.250 0.500
4 1.450 1.450 22.900 3.400 0.500
5 1.000 1.000 22.000 2.500 0.700
6 1.050 1.050 22.100 2.600 0.500
7 1.425 1.425 22.850 3.350 0.600
8 1.250 1.250 22.500 3.000 0.700
9 1.425 1.425 22.850 3.350 0.600
10 1.050 1.050 22.100 2.600 0.500

Footing No. Footing Reinforcement

- Main Steel Top Main Steel Bottom Secondary Steel Top Secondary Steel Bottom
1 Ø12 @ 75 mm c/c Ø12 @ 75 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c
2 Ø12 @ 90 mm c/c Ø12 @ 55 mm c/c Ø12 @ 155 mm c/c Ø12 @ 155 mm c/c
3 Ø12 @ 90 mm c/c Ø16 @ 60 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c
4 Ø12 @ 100 mm c/c Ø16 @ 55 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c
5 Ø12 @ 95 mm c/c Ø12 @ 95 mm c/c Ø12 @ 130 mm c/c Ø12 @ 130 mm c/c
6 Ø12 @ 55 mm c/c Ø12 @ 130 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c
7 Ø12 @ 100 mm c/c Ø12 @ 70 mm c/c Ø12 @ 155 mm c/c Ø12 @ 155 mm c/c
8 Ø12 @ 100 mm c/c Ø12 @ 110 mm c/c Ø12 @ 130 mm c/c Ø12 @ 130 mm c/c
9 Ø12 @ 100 mm c/c Ø12 @ 70 mm c/c Ø12 @ 155 mm c/c Ø12 @ 155 mm c/c
10 Ø12 @ 55 mm c/c Ø12 @ 130 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c Ø12 @ 185 mm c/c

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Combined Footing 1
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 5

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 40

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A

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Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A

Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 75

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 110

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 145

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

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Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 44.800 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.000 m

Width of footing, W : 2.500 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.500 m
Area, A : 55.000 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.000 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

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Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 5
1 633.646 3.632 -7.456 -7.263 -3.459
Column Number : 40
1 876.291 4.315 3.214 3.069 -4.120
Column Number : 75
1 772.578 4.171 0.000 0.000 -3.987
Column Number : 110
1 876.291 4.315 -3.214 -3.069 -4.120
Column Number : 145
1 633.646 3.632 7.456 7.263 -3.459

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 5
1 633.646 3.632 -7.456 -7.263 -3.459
Column Number : 40
1 876.291 4.315 3.214 3.069 -4.120
Column Number : 75
1 772.578 4.171 0.000 0.000 -3.987
Column Number : 110
1 876.291 4.315 -3.214 -3.069 -4.120
Column Number : 145
1 633.646 3.632 7.456 7.263 -3.459

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269 0.000

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269 0.000

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269 0.000

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

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corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)

Load Case
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269

1 80.1804 80.1804 82.7269 82.7269


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 29.179 0.000 5599.837 49278.564 191.914 96303194473.080


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 547.824 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 1697.453401 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 526.484 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 1697.453401 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

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Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 758.476 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 14937.590366 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 453.409 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 408.476165 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.3255

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 408.618 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 572.199 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 341.297 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 814.844 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 486.026 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 711.130 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 424.165 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

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Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 814.844 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 486.026 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 572.199 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 341.297 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1500.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3463.717 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3463.717 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 79.600 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13200.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 188.690 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

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As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1500.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3612.600 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3612.600 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 77.032 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13200.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 4770.179 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 13200.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 188.690 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 79.600 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 75 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 77.032 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 75 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 188.690 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 188.690 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 2

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Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 4

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 39

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 74

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 109

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A

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Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A

Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 144

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

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Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 64.177 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.450 m

Width of footing, W : 2.950 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.600 m
Area, A : 66.228 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.225 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.225 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 4
1 969.670 2.205 -8.682 -8.421 -2.067
Column Number : 39
1 1309.696 2.745 3.763 3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 74
1 1171.507 2.608 0.000 0.000 -2.463
Column Number : 109
1 1309.696 2.745 -3.763 -3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 144
1 969.670 2.205 8.682 8.421 -2.067

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 4
1 969.670 2.205 -8.682 -8.421 -2.067
Column Number : 39
1 1309.696 2.745 3.763 3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 74
1 1171.507 2.608 0.000 0.000 -2.463

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Column Number : 109

1 1309.696 2.745 -3.763 -3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 144
1 969.670 2.205 8.682 8.421 -2.067

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774 0.000

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774 0.000

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774 0.000

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774

1 98.4697 98.4697 99.5774 99.5774


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 18.035 0.000 9672.994 73613.125 536.338 3140298296546.021


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 1082.077 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

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Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3006.849751 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 650.410 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3006.849751 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1457.421 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 22882.636895 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 671.807 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 418.623659 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.3655

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 429.202 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

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Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 875.365 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 385.327 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1215.390 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 535.003 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1077.202 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 474.174 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 1215.390 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 535.003 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 875.365 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 385.327 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

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Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2124.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3433.475 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3433.475 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 94.600 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 16164.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 157.310 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2124.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 5865.179 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 5865.179 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 55.647 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 16164.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 7496.778 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 16164.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

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Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 157.310 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 94.600 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 90 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 55.647 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 55 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 157.310 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 155 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 157.310 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 155 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 3
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 3

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 38

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No

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Pedestal Shape : N/A

Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 73

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 108

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 143

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm

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Length Increment : 50.000 mm

Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 70.914 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.750 m

Width of footing, W : 3.250 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.500 m
Area, A : 73.938 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.375 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.375 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

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Load Combination/s- Strength Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 3
1 1083.936 -0.056 -8.946 -8.668 0.150
Column Number : 38
1 1461.623 -0.024 3.858 3.694 0.114
Column Number : 73
1 1312.767 -0.041 0.000 0.000 0.130
Column Number : 108
1 1461.623 -0.024 -3.858 -3.694 0.114
Column Number : 143
1 1083.936 -0.056 8.946 8.668 0.150

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 3
1 1083.936 -0.056 -8.946 -8.668 0.150
Column Number : 38
1 1461.623 -0.024 3.858 3.694 0.114
Column Number : 73
1 1312.767 -0.041 0.000 0.000 0.130
Column Number : 108
1 1461.623 -0.024 -3.858 -3.694 0.114
Column Number : 143
1 1083.936 -0.056 8.946 8.668 0.150

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311 0.000

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311 0.000

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311 0.000

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

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Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311

1 99.0932 99.0932 99.1310 99.1311


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 0.758 0.000 11907.951 83355.657 15718.342 167007600.659


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.442 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 1454.043 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 2186.854152 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.442 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 591.907 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 2206.689422 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

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Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1862.634 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 15446.826386 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 796.695 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 552.110454 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.7130

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 563.526 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 1006.752 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 600.493 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1384.440 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 825.770 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1235.584 kN

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Shear Stress(Tv) = 736.983 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 1384.440 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 825.770 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 1006.752 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 600.493 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1950.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3864.197 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3864.197 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø16

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 92.294 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13650.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

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Selected spacing (S) = 188.650 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1950.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 10349.356 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 10349.356 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø16

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 61.451 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13650.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 11850.220 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 13650.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 188.650 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 92.294 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 90 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø16

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 61.451 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø16 @ 60 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 188.650 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 188.650 mm

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Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 4
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 2

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 37

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 72

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 107

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m

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Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 142

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


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Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 74.525 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.900 m

Width of footing, W : 3.400 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.500 m
Area, A : 77.860 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.450 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.450 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 2
1 1147.711 1.728 -9.002 -8.717 -1.523
Column Number : 37
1 1541.371 1.948 3.866 3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 72
1 1386.822 1.914 0.000 0.000 -1.706
Column Number : 107
1 1541.371 1.948 -3.866 -3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 142
1 1147.711 1.728 9.002 8.717 -1.523

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 2
1 1147.711 1.728 -9.002 -8.717 -1.523

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Column Number : 37
1 1541.371 1.948 3.866 3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 72
1 1386.822 1.914 0.000 0.000 -1.706
Column Number : 107
1 1541.371 1.948 -3.866 -3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 142
1 1147.711 1.728 9.002 8.717 -1.523

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781 0.000

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781 0.000

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781 0.000

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781

1 99.0950 99.0950 99.6781 99.6781


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 12.861 0.000 13154.762 88601.195 1022.826 150965440837.447


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

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Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.442 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 1646.374 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 2287.785882 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.442 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 560.744 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 2308.536626 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 2091.636 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 15548.673590 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 848.107 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 561.809310 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.7818

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 584.114 kN/m^2

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T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 1070.284 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 638.387 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1463.943 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 873.191 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1309.395 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 781.008 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 1463.943 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 873.191 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 1070.284 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 638.387 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

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Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2040.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3644.043 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3644.043 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø16

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 102.750 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13740.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 188.331 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2040.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 11874.333 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 11874.333 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø16

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 55.661 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13740.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 13338.463 mm2

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Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 13740.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 188.331 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 102.750 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 100 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø16

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 55.661 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø16 @ 55 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 188.331 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 188.331 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 5
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 1

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 36

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

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Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m

Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 71

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 106

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 141

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No

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Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m

Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 53.237 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.000 m

Width of footing, W : 2.500 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.700 m
Area, A : 55.000 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.000 m

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Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 1
1 779.841 -7.634 -7.621 -7.401 7.540
Column Number : 36
1 1064.540 -8.865 3.286 3.144 8.714
Column Number : 71
1 947.455 -8.642 0.000 0.000 8.506
Column Number : 106
1 1064.540 -8.865 -3.286 -3.144 8.714
Column Number : 141
1 779.841 -7.634 7.621 7.401 7.540

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 1
1 779.841 -7.634 -7.621 -7.401 7.540
Column Number : 36
1 1064.540 -8.865 3.286 3.144 8.714
Column Number : 71
1 947.455 -8.642 0.000 0.000 8.506
Column Number : 106
1 1064.540 -8.865 -3.286 -3.144 8.714
Column Number : 141
1 779.841 -7.634 7.621 7.401 7.540

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932 0.000

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932 0.000

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1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932 0.000

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932

1 94.0966 94.0966 99.4932 99.4932


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 61.835 0.000 6654.526 58559.832 107.618 64969443763.099


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.644 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 642.905 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3571.113517 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.644 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 660.367 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3571.113517 kNm

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Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.644 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 927.227 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 31425.799866 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 506.920 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 314.857381 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.1819

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 317.146 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 669.521 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 227.192 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 954.221 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 323.800 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

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Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 837.136 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 284.069 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 954.221 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 323.800 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 669.521 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 227.192 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2100.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 2928.572 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 2928.572 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 95.520 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

= 18480.001 mm2

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Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin)

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 134.282 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2100.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 2848.712 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 2848.712 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 95.520 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 18480.001 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 4006.676 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 18480.001 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 134.282 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 95.520 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 95 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 95.520 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 95 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 134.282 mm

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Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 130 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 134.282 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 130 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 6
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 1

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 2

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 3

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 4

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Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 5

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60

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Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm

Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 53.023 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.100 m

Width of footing, W : 2.600 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.500 m
Area, A : 57.460 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.050 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.050 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 1
1 779.841 -7.634 -7.621 -7.401 7.540
Column Number : 2
1 1147.711 1.728 -9.002 -8.717 -1.523
Column Number : 3
1 1083.936 -0.056 -8.946 -8.668 0.150
Column Number : 4
1 969.670 2.205 -8.682 -8.421 -2.067
Column Number : 5
1 633.646 3.632 -7.456 -7.263 -3.459

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Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 1
1 779.841 -7.634 -7.621 -7.401 7.540
Column Number : 2
1 1147.711 1.728 -9.002 -8.717 -1.523
Column Number : 3
1 1083.936 -0.056 -8.946 -8.668 0.150
Column Number : 4
1 969.670 2.205 -8.682 -8.421 -2.067
Column Number : 5
1 633.646 3.632 -7.456 -7.263 -3.459

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 61.323 848.440 6932.843 58929.169 113.054 69.456


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Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 350.297 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 1765.351537 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 714.787 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 1765.351537 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1022.606 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 15005.488502 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 500.189 kN

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Shear Stress(Tv) = 433.289428 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.4148

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 452.603 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 711.504 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 424.387 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1077.435 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 642.652 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1012.042 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 603.648 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 896.160 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 534.528 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

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For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 558.843 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 333.330 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1560.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 4788.723 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 4788.723 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 59.238 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13260.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 187.932 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1560.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 2258.565 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 2258.565 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 130.947 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

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Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13260.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 6449.569 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 13260.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 187.932 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 59.238 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 55 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 130.947 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 130 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 187.932 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 187.932 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 7
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 36

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A

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Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 37

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 38

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 39

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 40

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

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Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 69.410 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.850 m

Width of footing, W : 3.350 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.600 m

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Area, A : 76.548 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.425 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.425 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 36
1 1064.540 -8.865 3.286 3.144 8.714
Column Number : 37
1 1541.371 1.948 3.866 3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 38
1 1461.623 -0.024 3.858 3.694 0.114
Column Number : 39
1 1309.696 2.745 3.763 3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 40
1 876.291 4.315 3.214 3.069 -4.120

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 36
1 1064.540 -8.865 3.286 3.144 8.714
Column Number : 37
1 1541.371 1.948 3.866 3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 38
1 1461.623 -0.024 3.858 3.694 0.114
Column Number : 39
1 1309.696 2.745 3.763 3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 40
1 876.291 4.315 3.214 3.069 -4.120

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

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Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 26.198 1271.477 12077.140 82376.911 460.993 64.788


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 949.695 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3414.558192 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 668.669 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

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Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3414.558192 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1983.840 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 23290.345336 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 681.439 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 373.924147 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.2782

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 382.019 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 979.660 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 431.237 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1453.993 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 640.034 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

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Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1372.165 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 604.014 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 1218.157 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 536.221 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 783.088 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 344.708 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2412.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3517.180 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3517.180 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 104.452 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

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Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 16452.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 156.814 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2412.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 5069.417 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 5069.417 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 73.591 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 16452.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 10240.676 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 16452.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 156.814 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 104.452 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 100 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 73.591 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

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Ø12 @ 70 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 156.814 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 155 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 156.814 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 155 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 8
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 71

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 72

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 73

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A

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Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A

Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 74

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 75

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

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Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2

Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 62.786 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.500 m

Width of footing, W : 3.000 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.700 m
Area, A : 67.500 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.250 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.250 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 71
1 947.455 -8.642 0.000 0.000 8.506
Column Number : 72
1 1386.822 1.914 0.000 0.000 -1.706
Column Number : 73
1 1312.767 -0.041 0.000 0.000 0.130
Column Number : 74
1 1171.507 2.608 0.000 0.000 -2.463

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Column Number : 75
1 772.578 4.171 0.000 0.000 -3.987

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 71
1 947.455 -8.642 0.000 0.000 8.506
Column Number : 72
1 1386.822 1.914 0.000 0.000 -1.706
Column Number : 73
1 1312.767 -0.041 0.000 0.000 0.130
Column Number : 74
1 1171.507 2.608 0.000 0.000 -2.463
Column Number : 75
1 772.578 4.171 0.000 0.000 -3.987

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610 0.000

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610 0.000

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610 0.000

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610

1 99.4610 91.2021 91.2021 99.4610


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 0.000 1045.249 9652.144 72391.078 689451419.447 69.257

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Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.644 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 669.987 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 4285.336221 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.644 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 717.992 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 4285.336221 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.644 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1520.518 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 32140.022570 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

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Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 575.479 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 297.867204 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.1643

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 303.095 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 843.855 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 286.349 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1280.339 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 434.463 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1203.882 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 408.519 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 1060.220 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 359.769 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

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Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 659.369 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 223.747 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2520.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3174.571 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3174.571 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 103.143 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 18900.001 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 134.060 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2520.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 2956.627 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 2956.627 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 111.077 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

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Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 18900.001 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 6589.269 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 18900.001 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 134.060 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 103.143 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 100 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 111.077 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 110 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 134.060 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 130 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 134.060 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 130 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 9
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 106

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A

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Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A

Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 107

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 108

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 109

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 110

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A

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Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A

Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3
Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2
Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 69.410 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.850 m

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Width of footing, W : 3.350 m

Depth of footing, Do : 0.600 m
Area, A : 76.548 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.425 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.425 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 106
1 1064.540 -8.865 -3.286 -3.144 8.714
Column Number : 107
1 1541.371 1.948 -3.866 -3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 108
1 1461.623 -0.024 -3.858 -3.694 0.114
Column Number : 109
1 1309.696 2.745 -3.763 -3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 110
1 876.291 4.315 -3.214 -3.069 -4.120

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 106
1 1064.540 -8.865 -3.286 -3.144 8.714
Column Number : 107
1 1541.371 1.948 -3.866 -3.700 -1.738
Column Number : 108
1 1461.623 -0.024 -3.858 -3.694 0.114
Column Number : 109
1 1309.696 2.745 -3.763 -3.598 -2.593
Column Number : 110
1 876.291 4.315 -3.214 -3.069 -4.120

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

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Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693

1 97.9433 89.2200 90.4460 99.1693


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 26.198 1271.477 12077.140 82376.913 460.992 64.788


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 949.696 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3414.558192 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

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Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 668.669 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 3414.558192 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.544 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1983.840 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 23290.345336 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 681.439 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 373.924163 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.2782

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 382.019 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 979.660 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 431.237 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

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Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1453.993 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 640.034 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1372.165 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 604.014 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 1218.157 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 536.221 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 783.088 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 344.708 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2412.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 3517.180 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 3517.180 mm2

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Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 104.452 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 16452.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 156.814 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 2412.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 5069.419 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 5069.419 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 73.591 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 16452.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 10240.676 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 16452.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 156.814 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

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Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 104.452 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 100 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 73.591 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 70 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 156.814 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 155 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 156.814 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 155 mm o.c.

Combined Footing 10
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 141

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 142

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 143

Column Dimensions

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Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 144

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 145

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Pl) : 0.500 m
Column Width - Z (Pw) : 0.500 m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 1.000 m

Length of right overhang : 1.000 m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500 m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000 mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000 mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000 mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000 mm
Length Increment : 50.000 mm
Depth Increment : 50.000 mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000 mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000 mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000 kN/m3

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Soil Bearing Capacity : 100.000 kN/m2

Soil Surcharge : 0.000 kip/in2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000 in
Depth of Water Table : 120.000 in

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 25.000 kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 25.000 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 415.000 N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : Ø12
Maximum Bar Size : Ø60
Minimum Bar Spacing : 50.000 mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 400.000 mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000 kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 55.000 sq m

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 53.023 sq m

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 22.100 m

Width of footing, W : 2.600 m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.500 m
Area, A : 57.460 sq m
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 1.050 m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.050 m


Load Combination/s- Service Stress Level

Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL
Load Combination/s- Strength Level
Load Combination
Load Combination Title
1 DL

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 141
1 779.841 -7.634 7.621 7.401 7.540

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Column Number : 142
1 1147.711 1.728 9.002 8.717 -1.523
Column Number : 143
1 1083.936 -0.056 8.946 8.668 0.150
Column Number : 144
1 969.670 2.205 8.682 8.421 -2.067
Column Number : 145
1 633.646 3.632 7.456 7.263 -3.459

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 141
1 779.841 -7.634 7.621 7.401 7.540
Column Number : 142
1 1147.711 1.728 9.002 8.717 -1.523
Column Number : 143
1 1083.936 -0.056 8.946 8.668 0.150
Column Number : 144
1 969.670 2.205 8.682 8.421 -2.067
Column Number : 145
1 633.646 3.632 7.456 7.263 -3.459

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851

1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851

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1 94.3593 86.3416 91.2673 99.2851


Check for stability against overturning

Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

1 61.323 848.440 6932.843 58929.169 113.054 69.456


Design for Flexure

Sagging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 350.297 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 1765.351537 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Hogging moment along length

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = 714.787 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 1765.351537 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Transverse direction

Critical load case : 1

Effective Depth = = 0.444 m
Governing moment (Mu) = = 1022.606 kNm

As Per IS 456 2000 ANNEX G G-1.1C

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Limiting Factor1 (Kumax) = = 0.479107

Limiting Factor2 (Rumax) = = 3444.291146 kN/m^2

Limit Moment Of Resistance (Mumax) = = 15005.488502 kNm

Mu <= Mumax hence, safe

Check trial depth for one way shear(along length)

Critical load case for maximum shear force along 1

the length of footing :
Shear Force(S) = 500.189 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 433.289428 kN/m^2

Percentage Of Steel(Pt) = 0.4148

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause 40 Table 19

Shear Strength Of Concrete(Tc) = 452.603 kN/m^2

T v< T c hence, safe

Check trial depth for two way shear

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 1
Shear Force(S) = 711.504 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 424.387 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 2
Shear Force(S) = 1077.435 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 642.652 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 3
Shear Force(S) = 1012.042 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 603.648 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

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Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 4
Shear Force(S) = 896.160 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 534.528 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 1

For Column 5
Shear Force(S) = 558.843 kN
Shear Stress(Tv) = 333.330 kN/m^2

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Ks = = 1.000

Shear Strength(Tc)= = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Ks X Tc = 1250.0000 kN/m^2

Tv<= Ks X Tc hence, safe

Selection of reinforcement

Top reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1560.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 4788.723 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 4788.723 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 59.238 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Provided Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13260.000 mm2

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 187.932 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Bottom reinforcement along length

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 1560.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 2258.565 mm2

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Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 2258.565 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 130.947 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Along width

As Per IS 456 2000 Clause

Minimum Area of Steel (Astmin) = 13260.000 mm2

Calculated Area of Steel (Ast) = 6449.569 mm2

Provided Area of Steel (Ast,Provided) = 13260.000 mm2

Astmin<= Ast,Provided Steel area is accepted

Selected bar Size (db) = Ø12

Minimum spacing allowed (Smin) = = 50.000 mm

Selected spacing (S) = 187.932 mm

Smin <= S <= Smax and selected bar size < selected maximum bar size... The reinforcement is

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 59.238 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 55 mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: Ø12

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 130.947 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 130 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.: Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars : 187.932 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): Ø12

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 187.932 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

Ø12 @ 185 mm o.c.

Print Calculation Sheet

file:///C:/ 19-09-2019

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