Wright Haven Dhon Final
Wright Haven Dhon Final
Wright Haven Dhon Final
Relations between self-regulation, divergent thinking, and perceived stress in emerging adults
This study investigated the relationships between self-regulation and stress, self-regulation and
creativity, and perceived stress as a mediator for the relationship between self-regulation and
creativity. Questionnaires were administered to undergraduate students to individually access
each construct. Creativity was measured through divergent thinking and self-regulation was
measured through the SRS and effortful control. Regression analyses were run to determine the
relationships between the constructs. A negative association was found between effortful control
and stress. Individual positive relationships were found between effortful control and all of the
creative thinking styles except convergent-unpleasant. Lastly, the indirect effect of effortful
control on the convergent-unpleasant thinking style as mediated by stress was significant. This is
a notable finding when considering previous research on the topic is contradictory.
Relations between self-regulation, divergent thinking, and perceived stress in emerging adults
college (Arnett, 1999), many undergraduate students experience an increasing level of stress in
response to heightened academic and social expectations (Olpin, 1996). In light of these
increasing demands, many students thrive within secondary education, finding innumerable
opportunities to hone skills and refine their interests. There are, however, an important set of
abilities that can either facilitate or impede knowledge and skill attainment and encompass a
myriad of capacities that can aid an individual in focusing on the task at hand, resisting
distractions, and not overreacting with violence or aggression when presented with undesirable
stimuli. Such abilities constitute our capacity to engage in self-regulation, an umbrella term
capturing a range of skills reflecting the volitional control of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in
the pursuit of a goal (e.g., Bridgett, Oddi, Laake, Murdock, & Bachmann, 2013; Friedman et al.,
Research on Self-Regulation
A review of the literature on these important cognitive abilities highlights that such
capacities have been studied from multiple disciplines, most notably work investigating aspects
known as executive functions, effortful control, and executive control (e.g., Bridgett et al., 2013;
Liew, 2012; Nigg, 2017; Zhou, Chen, & Main, 2012). Although these different perspectives
contribute to both a rich, yet nebulous framework for the organization of self-regulatory abilities,
there remains an important theoretical overlap warranting a greater appreciation for the differing
(i.e., multifaceted) aspects of self-regulation (e.g., Liew, 2012; Nigg, 2017). From within the
clinical and neuroscience literatures, the executive functioning perspective of cognitive self-
regulation has largely been typified by three component abilities: inhibitory control, working
memory, and cognitive flexibility (e.g., Best & Miller, 2010). Inhibitory control allows for
focusing in on the target stimuli by blocking out irrelevant stimuli and prevents one from
depending solely on impulsive responses (Roos et al., 2017). Working memory is responsible for
updating information and suppressing content that is not relevant to the task at hand (Carriedo et
al., 2016). Finally, cognitive flexibility is the extent to which behavioral adaptation is possible in
the face of a changing environment, for instance, changing how a task is carried out in light of
new rules or demands (Marko & Riečanský, 2018) while effortful control deals with the focusing
of attention or inhibition of behavior (Bridgett et al., 2013). Together, these capacities more often
reflect a more clinical orientation and are collectively grouped as executive functions, however,
Although effortful control has been predominantly researched within the field of
control of a variety of systems that are useful in understanding the inhibition of one dominant
response for another (e.g., Evans & Rothbart, 2006; Rothbart, Ellis, Rueda, & Posner, 2003).
concurrent and enduring success across the lifespan (e.g., McClelland, Acock, Piccinin, Rhea, &
Stallings, 2013) and given the conceptual overlap between these similar skills, the current study
investigates self-regulation using indices that embody both temperamental and clinical (i.e.,
the cognitive abilities and processes behind adapting one’s mindset and meeting increasingly
style typified by solving problems with new frameworks (Soroa, Balluerka, Hommel, & Aritzeta,
2015)—and effortful control has been conflicting. For instance, individuals who engage in
greater divergent thinking might experience lower effortful control due to previous research that
suggested negative correlations between cognitive inhibition and creativity were often measured
through divergent thinking instruments (Lin, Hsu, Chen, & Chang, 2013). However, Zabelina &
Ganis (2018) found that those who engaged in greater divergent thinking exhibited greater
cognitive control, not less. Moreover, cognitive self-regulation, inclusive of the EF and EC
literatures, has been increasingly investigated due to its ties to various aspects of social and
academic success across the lifespan (e.g., Best & Miller, 2010; Best, Miller, & Jones, 2009).
Furthermore, prior research has found relations between aspects of creativity and the role
it can have on cognitive flexibility, another self-regulatory ability (Best & Miller, 2010; Zabelina
& Ganis, 2018). It could be that creativity makes use of divergent thinking through the process of
generating several ideas that could then be used to solve a problem in an innovative or unique
way. However, this generation of ideas can be hindered by high levels of perceived stress
(Seehagen, Schneider, Rudolph, Ernst, & Zmyj, 2015). Stress is an inevitable experience and
while it does have evolutionary benefits such as providing and boosting energy, too much stress
can have detrimental effects on health (Ganster & Rosen, 2013). Perceived stress, like objective
stress, can vary from person to person depending on how they process environmental stressors
Research on Creativity
Creativity is an important part of intelligence, but the scientific community has struggled
to clearly define it. Creativity is often associated with divergent thinking because it utilizes the
idea generating process to create novel ideas. A positive correlation was found to exist between
divergent thinking and creativity (Batey, Furnham, & Safiullina, 2010). Divergent thinkers prefer
to work with new frameworks through creativity to solve problems (Soroa, Balluerka, Hommel,
& Aritzeta, 2015). Since students who align themselves with the fine arts are thought to be more
creative, important research was done on whether or not creativity was more prevalent in
students based on their area of study. In what follows, an overview of studies investigating the
Art students are not inherently more creative; art education is designed to foster creative
thinking skills through the use of a sensory anchor, being engaging, and encouraging rich
connections (Moga, Burger, Hetland, & Winner, 2000). Experimental studies found that a
modest relationship existed between creativity and art education if the type of creativity was
relationship existed if the type of creativity was verbal or conceptual. It could be that creative
students are naturally drawn to more creative areas of study (Eisenman, 1969). Creativity was
tested in English versus Business majors and found that the participants who studied English
were far superior. These studies demonstrate a correlation between higher creativity levels in
Individuals engage in a variety of artistic areas of study. Contrary to Moga and his
colleagues (2000) and Eisenman (1969), Woodward and Sikes (2015) did not find higher
creativity in an area of study deemed creative. When individuals trained in music were tested to
see if they could respond more divergently (i.e., creatively) than nonmusicians by creating
original meanings for the abstract sounds, no significant difference was found between the
groups’ visual and written creativity. In addition, students’ high school major did not make a
significant difference on their level of creativity (Dӑu-Gaşpar, 2013). Thus providing further
Study Aims
The goal of the present study is to investigate whether there is a connection between an
individual’s self-regulatory ability and perceived stress and how this relates to their ability to
engage in more original problem-solving (i.e., divergent thinking). In turn, being able to shift
one’s perspective to allow for one to reach a solution any number of ways is theorized to be an
important predictor of less perceived stress (Seehagen, Schneider, Rudolph, Ernst, & Zmyj,
2015). In light of this, the aims of the current study are to elucidate these connections. The
Specifically, the following research questions guided the present study. First, I sought to
investigate the association between an individual’s self-regulation abilities and their perceived
level of stress. As an individual progresses through adolescence and emerging adulthood, the
expectation to make autonomous decisions increases commensurate with age (Arnett, 2007). In
the context of college, as one progresses through their program of study, the requirements
become increasingly complex, requiring solutions to novel problems. As such, the greater an
individual’s ability to have effortful control, the less perceived stress they should experience.
and their ability to engage in divergent thinking. It was hypothesized that a positive relationship
would be found between effortful control and divergent thinking, aligning with previous research
supporting that divergent thinking relies on executive control (Zabelina & Ganis, 2018).
For the third research question, I sought to examine the relation between an individual's
self-regulatory abilities and their ability to engage in divergent thinking to see if they are
partially explained through levels of perceived stress. As divergent thinking reflects novel
approaches to problem solving, it was hypothesized that the relationship between effortful
control and perceived stress would be partially mediated by divergent thinking due to the
The last research question guiding the present study was more exploratory in nature and
sought to examine whether any indirect effects of cognitive self-regulation on divergent thinking
through perceived stress was moderated by academic major (i.e., moderated mediation). Despite
some students demonstrating greater creative abilities than their peers, it was hypothesized that
any indirect effects of self-regulation on divergent thinking through perceived stress will not be
assess the constructs of creativity (through divergent thinking), perceived stress, and self-
regulation. Self-regulation was measured with both the Self-Regulation Scale and effortful
control due to the theoretical overlap across disciplines. Students were recruited through the
Psychology Department’s subject pool coordination system and Qualtrics was utilized in order to
The study was composed of approximately 327 undergraduate students between the ages
of 18 and 51 (M=20.09, SD=3.781) who identified as either female (74%), male (13.1%),
transgender (less than 1%). My sample was predominantly White (69.7%); followed by Black
(9.8%), Two or more races which do not include Hispanic or Latino (4.6%), Asian (2.4%),
American Indian or Alaska Native (<1%), and less than 1% decided not to answer.
All measures were administered through the SONA subject pool coordination system,
where all study materials, including informed consent were contained. Participants were offered
SONA credit for their involvement in the project, which some professors in the psychology
department accept as extra credit in their courses as a way to encourage students to participate in
The Self-Regulation Scale (SRS; Diehl, Semegon, & Schwarzer, 2006) is a 10-item
questionnaire rated on a 4-point Likert scale (1: not at all true and 4: completely true). The SRS
assesses one’s abilities to accomplish their goals over time while circumstances change and asks
questions such as “When I worry about something, I cannot concentrate on an activity” and “If
an activity arouses my feelings too much, I can calm myself down so that I can continue with the
activity soon.” The reliability for the SRS in the current study was good with internal consistency
of ⍺ = .802. Diehl, Semegon, and Schwarzer (2006) demonstrated validity with the SRS when
positive correlations were found with positive affect and negative correlations with depressive
The Adult Temperament Questionnaire-Short Form (ATQ-SF; Evans & Rothbart, 2007)
is a shortened version of the original ATQ (Evans & Rothbart, 2007) which is a self-report
temperament questionnaire that has four constructs: effortful control, negative affect,
extraversion/surgency, and orienting sensitivity. In the present study, effortful control items were
administered to assess cognitive self-regulation and yielded values for three indices: attentional
control, activation control, and inhibitory control. Attentional control refers to one’s ability to
choose what they want to concentrate on. For example, a questionnaire item for attentional
Control refers to one’s ability to perform a task despite a strong desire to avoid it. A
questionnaire item for this construct is “I can make myself work on a difficult task even when I
don’t feel like trying.” Finally, inhibitory control refers to one’s ability to withhold inappropriate
behavior. One of the items reads “I can easily resist talking out of turn, even when I’m excited
and want to express an idea.” In the current sample, internal consistency estimates for the three
effortful control variables ranged from .504 to .705 [INH: .504; ATT: .705; ACQ: .679]. The
ATQ-SF has been found to show convergence with the Big Five.
(EDICOS; Soroa, Balluerka, Hommel, & Aritzeta, 2015) is a 30-item questionnaire rated on a 6-
point Likert scale (1: strongly disagree and 6: strongly agree). The EDICOS assesses 4 distinct
proactive, and divergent-pleasant. The scales are distinguished by divergent vs. convergent
(thinking styles), pleasant vs. unpleasant (affective styles), and proactive vs. preventative
(motivational systems) to account for dynamic individual differences. An example item for
anxiety” while a convergent-preventative item example would read “I like to anticipate the
consequences that my decisions will have.” Additionally, an example item for divergent-
proactive was “I am motivated to change ideas until finding the most innovative one” in
comparison to a divergent-pleasant example item which stated “When I get involved in projects
that require creativity I feel joy” (Soroa, Balluerka, Hommel, & Aritzeta, 2015). The reliability
for the EDICOS in the current study was acceptable with internal consistency values ranging
from .703 to .844. Construct validity with the EDICOS has been demonstrated with the creative
thinking styles relating positively to measures of motivational and emotional creativity (Soroa,
Perceived Stress
The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983) is a 14-item
questionnaire that is rated on a 5-point Likert scale (0: never and 4: very often). The PSS assesses
one’s level of self-reported stress and asks questions such as “In the last month, how often have
you felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems?” and “In the last month,
how often have you found that you could not cope with all the things you had to do?” Cohen,
Kamarck, and Mermelstein (1983) found that the PSS was both reliable and correlated with
physical symptomatology. The reliability for the PSS in the current study was good with an
Multiple regression analyses were used within a path analytic framework to answer my
first three research questions: R1 investigating the association between an individual’s self-
regulation abilities and the amount of stress perceived in college, R2 evaluating the association
between an individual’s self-regulation abilities and their ability to engage in divergent thinking
and R3, examining the relation between an individual's self-regulatory abilities and their ability
to engage in divergent thinking to see if they can be partially explained through levels of
perceived stress. In the case of missing values on the ATQ, any missing data was replaced with
the item mean from the sample as recommended by the ATQ test authors (Evans & Rothbart,
Initial means and correlations can be found in Table 1. In the present study, my first
abilities and the amount of perceived stress experienced in a sample of college students. To
assess this, multiple regression analyses were performed utilizing the PROCESS macro for SPSS
(Hayes, 2012). Results of the regression analyses revealed that there were significant direct
effects between each facet of self-regulation and perceived stress. Specifically, INH (ß= -.17),
ACV (ß= -.19), ATT (ß= -.19), and SRS (ß= -.76) each significantly predicted perceived stress.
The second research question sought to find the association between an individual’s self-
regulatory abilities and their ability to engage in divergent thinking. When predicting
convergent-preventative thinking styles, each of the self-regulation scales were each significant
predictors (ATT (β = .11), ACV (β = .11), INH (β = .18), and SRS (β = .44). For both divergent-
proactive and divergent-unpleasant thinking styles, both ACV (β = 0.12 & 0.15, respectively)
and SRS (β = 0.36 & 0.42, respectively) were significant predictors. Convergent-unpleasant
thinking styles were not significantly predicted by any of the measured self-regulatory abilities.
For my third research question, I wanted to see if the relationship between an individual's
self-regulatory abilities and their ability to engage in divergent thinking could be partially
explained through levels of perceived stress. There was a significant indirect effect of the
convergent-unpleasant thinking style on the ATT through stress: ATT (95%CI: -.09, -.03), ACV
(95%CI: -.11, -.04), INH (95%CI: -.10, -.03), and SRS (95%CI: -.40, -.18). There was no
thinking style and the ATT (ACV, INH, SRS), divergent-proactive and the ATT (ACV, INH,
Finally, my last research question, assessing whether any indirect effects between self-
regulatory abilities and the ability to engage in divergent thinking through levels of perceived
stress were dependent upon major (i.e., moderation mediation) was not able to be determined due
participants self-identified as working towards one of UTC’s creative majors, including Art
Education, Painting and Drawing, Creative Writing, Music, Photography and Media, and
between self-regulation and stress. That turned out to be correct on all four measures as a
negative association was found between the two constructs. For research question 2, I predicted
that a positive relationship would be found between self-regulation and the ability to engage in
divergent thinking. This turned out to be correct for some factors of the creative thinking styles,
but not all. This could be in part because, conceptually, as one’s ability to understand a situation
and determine the appropriate response increases so does their control of the situation; therefore,
lessening one’s stress response. When predicting convergent-preventative thinking styles, ATT,
ACV, INH, and SRS were each significant predictors of self-regulation. ACV and SRS each
were not a significant across any factor. These findings were in line with previous research
suggesting that higher divergent thinking requires greater levels of cognitive control (Zabelina &
Ganis, 2018).
Research question 3 was hypothesized that there would be a partial mediation between
the self-regulatory abilities and the creative thinking styles through perceived stress. The results
indicated that there were significant indirect effects of stress between a few of the thinking styles
and the ATT. There was a significant indirect effect of stress on the association between the
convergent-unpleasant thinking style and the ATT, specifically: ACV, INH, and SRS. However,
there was no significant indirect effect of stress on the association between convergent-
preventative and the ATT, divergent-proactive and the ATT, nor the divergent-pleasant and the
ATT. While stress has a higher influence on certain mental abilities more than others, previous
research has shown stress to affect divergent thinking as opposed to convergent (Krop, Alegre, &
Williams, 1969). The difference in findings are important to note because it could be that stress
and the convergent-unpleasant thinking style are more closely linked than previously thought.
One of the limitations of this study was that the internal consistency for inhibitory control
was very low. Additionally, there were not enough participants to properly address the fourth
research question regarding the moderation of the indirect effect (i.e., moderated mediation) by
academic major. Future studies should make an effort to ensure more creative majors are
recruited as UTC’s subject pool coordination system (SONA) primarily serves psychology
majors. Perhaps the deficiency of creative majors was brought on by a lack of familiarity with
SONA when presented with the survey and the additional privation of potential incentive for
extra credit for a class outside of the psychology department led to a deterrence in participation.
In conclusion, I set out to find the relationship between self-regulation and stress. The
regression analysis revealed a negative association between the two which was in line with some
of the previous literature and adds further validity to the negative association between the two
positive relationship was found for both divergent thinking styles which goes along with
previous research demonstrating a positive relationship between the two, but does not explain the
positive correlation between effortful control and the convergent-preventative thinking style.
More research should be done to further investigate the relationship between the two. Lastly,
stress was shown to have significant indirect effects as a mediator between effortful control and
the convergent-unpleasant thinking style. This indirect effect is notable considering these
findings contradict previous research stating that stress affects divergent thinking.
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Perceived Stress
Self-Regulation Creativity
Parameter Estimates
Convergent-Unpleasant Convergent-Preventative Divergent-Proactive Divergent-Pleasant
Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE Est. SE
INH➔ Thinking Style (XY) 0.01 0.04 0.18*** 0.05 0.08† 0.05 0.04 0.06
*** ***
INH➔ Stress (XM) -0.17 0.04 -0.17 0.04 -0.17*** 0.04 -0.17 ***
Stress➔ Thinking Style (MY) 0.36 ***
0.06 -0.08 0.07 0.01 0.06 † 0.08
Indirect effect ab = -0.06 [CI= -0.10, -0.03] ab = 0.01 [CI = -0.00, 0.04] ab = -0.00 [CI = -0.02, 0.02] ab = 0.00 [CI = -.017, 0.04]
ACV➔ Thinking Style (XY) 0.02 0.04 0.11* 0.05 0.12** 0.04 0.15** 0.05
*** *** *** ***
ACV➔ Stress (XM) -0.19 0.04 -0.19 0.04 -0.19 0.04 -0.19 0.04
Stress➔ Thinking Style (MY) 0.37 ***
0.06 -0.09 0.07 † 0.06 -0.00 0.08
Indirect effect ab = -0.07 [CI = -0.12, -0.04] ab = 0.01 [CI = -0.00, .05] ab = -0.00 [CI = -.03, 0.01] ab = 0.00 [CI = -.03, 0.03]
ATT➔ Thinking Style (XY) -0.04 0.03 0.11** 0.04 0.03* 0.03 0.05* 0.04
ATT➔ Stress (XM) -0.19*** 0.03 -0.19*** 0.03 -0.19*** 0.03 -0.19*** 0.03
Stress➔ Thinking Style (MY) 0.32 0.06 -0.06 0.07 0.01 0.07 -0.02 0.08
Indirect effect ab= -0.06 [CI= -0.09, -0.03] ab = 0.01 [CI= -0.01, 0.47] ab = -0.00 [CI= -0.03, 0.02] ab =0.00 [CI= -0.02, 0.04]
SRS➔ Thinking Style (XY) 0.03 0.10 0.44*** 0.11 0.36*** 0.11 0.42*** 0.12
*** *** *** ***
SRS➔ Stress (XM) -0.76 0.07 -0.76 0.07 -0.76 0.07 -0.76 0.07
*** *
Stress➔ Thinking Style (MY) 0.37 0.07 0.02 0.08 0.12 0.07 0.09 0.09
Indirect effect ab = -0.28 [CI= -0.41, -0.18] ab =-0.02 [CI= -0.14, 0.09] ab = -0.09 [CI= -0.22, 0.02] ab= -0.07 [CI= -0.20, 0.06]
Note: (†= p < .1, *= p < .05, **= p < .01, ***= p < .001)