Machine Design QP Ktu
Machine Design QP Ktu
Machine Design QP Ktu
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) What are the failure modes of a riveted joint? (2)
b) Explain thread loosening. What are the factors influencing thread loosening? (3)
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A R7902 Pages: 3
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
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A R7902 Pages: 3
c) Design a truck spring that has 12 numbers of leaves, two of which are full length (15)
leaves. The spring supports are 1 meter apart and the central band is 70 mm
wide. The central load is to be 6 kN with a permissible stress of 200 MPa.
Determine the thickness, width, leaf lengths and deflection of the spring leaves if
the ratio of total depth to width of the spring is 3.
8 a) Compare the strength and stiffness of a hollow shaft of same outside diameter as (5)
that of a solid shaft.
b) A shaft is supported by two bearings 1 m apart. A 600 mm diameter pulley is (15)
mounted at a distance of 300 mm to the right of left hand bearing and this drives
a pulley directly below it with the help of a belt having maximum tension of
2.25 kN. Another pulley 400 mm diameter is placed 200 mm to the left of right
hand bearing and is driven with the help of electric motor and belt, which is
placed horizontally to the right. The angle of contact for both the pulley is 1800
and µ=0.24. Determine the suitable diameter for a solid shaft .The allowable
working stress is 63 MPa in tension and 42 MPa in shear for the material of the
shaft. Assume that the torque on one pulley is equal to that on the other pulley.
9 a) Prove that a square key is equally strong in crushing and shearing. (5)
b) Design a bushed-pin type flexible coupling to connect a pump shaft to a motor (15)
shaft transmitting 32 kW at 960 rpm. The overall torque is 20% more than mean
torque. Material properties are as follows:
1. The allowable shear and crushing stress for shaft and key material is 40
MPa and 80 MPa respectively.
2. The allowable shear stress for cast iron is 15 MPa.
3. The allowable bearing pressure for rubber bush is 0.8 MPa.
The material of the pin is same as that of shaft and key
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