Parasite Control in Zoo Animals 2015
Parasite Control in Zoo Animals 2015
Parasite Control in Zoo Animals 2015
Parasite Control
Content/Animal Page Content/Animal Page
Index 1 Emu 23
- How to use this guide Parrots: Red-Tail Black Cockatoo 24
General Notes 2 Parrots: Rainbow Lorikeet 25
- Parasite Control Warning Free-Flight Aviary Birds 26
- Worming timing Holding Aviary Birds 27
- Glossary - Boarding
- General Drug Notes - Quarantine
- General Treatment Notes Reptiles (not turtles) 28-29
- Disclaimer Turtles 30
Dingos 3-4 Bilby 31
Steer 5 Spinifex hopping mouse 32
Pony 6 Appendix 1: Bird Exoparasites 33
Pigs 7 Appendix 2: Avian Metacam 33
Poultry 8-9 Appendix 3: Brand and Drug 34-36
Goats 10 Product List & Details
Sheep 11
Guinea Pig 12
Wombat 13
Eastern Grey Kangaroo 14
Red-neck Wallaby 15
Red Kangaroo 16
Swamp Wallaby 17
Red-legged/bellied Pademelon 18
Brush Tail Rock Wallaby 19
Rufous Bettongs & Potoroos 20
Quolls 21
Bandicoot 22
General Notes:
Worming timing:
Animals in high risk areas (e.g. Barn – birds in contact with wild birds) are to be wormed monthly, or at most frequent
recommended preventative time frame as per product descriptions.
Animals with low exposure to parasites can be wormed 3 monthly, or at lowest recommended preventative time frame
as per product descriptions, (i.e. possibly only if infection is suspected).
Animals with current parasite infection should be wormed once, then repeated at 14 days (10- 21 days), or as per
product / veterinarian instructions to suit parasite life cycle.
Rotating drug classes helps prevent drug resistance in parasites, however drugs should not be rotated too frequently,
i.e. rotate every 1-2 years, or every ~10 treatments.
External parasite treatments may increase frequency in warm, wet weather as this favours insect breeding.
Int = Internal parasite treatment Lge = large
Ext = External parasite treatment Sml = small
BW = Body weight, as in “1mL per 1 kg of body Wks = weeks
weight” m = months
All treatments are empirical and derived from treatment regimes for same/similar species. The dose rates here
represent a ‘best guess’ as very few dug studies have been performed with these species. As such, always monitor
animals before and after treating, and contact a wildlife vet with any concerns.
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*** Both dingos treated annually for heartworm – “Proheart” injection by Vet, March each year, see records.***
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Frontline Plus for Large + Med Monthly Per label: Apply down back of neck & shoulders of dry
dogs (Fipronil, S-Methoprene) Min-Min: 1 med tube; dingo. No bathing for 3 days after applying. Kills
Pindari: 1 large tube adults, prevents breeding.
Bayer ‘Advantix’ for Large Monthly (or Per label: Apply down back of neck & shoulders of dry
Dogs (Imidacloprid, fornightly to Min-Min: 1 large tube; dingo. No bathing for 3 days after application.
Permethrin) prevent ticks). Pindari: 1 large tube Kills adults, prevents breeding, repels before
Purina TotalCare ‘Spot-On Every 3 months Per label: Apply down back of neck & shoulders. Bathing
Flea Control’ for Large Dogs Min-Min: 1 large tube; negates. Preventative only: stops breeding,
(Pyriproxyfen) Pindari: 1 large tube doesn’t kill adults.
‘Capstar for Medium and Daily when fleas Per label: Oral – ensure swallowed. (Pindari will cough up
Large dogs’, (Nitenpyram sighted, works Min-Min: 1x 57mg tab; tablets if not down throat far enough). Best to
57mg Tab), brands include within 30 mins, Pindari: 1x 57mg tab. treat once then continue preventative program
Exelpet & Novartis. lasts 24 hours. within 24hours.
Exelpet ‘Vet Series Spot-on Monthly Per label: Apply down back of neck & shoulders of dry
flea treatment’. Min-Min: 1 med tube; dingo. No bathing for 3 days after applying. Kills
OR Pindari: 1 large tube adults.
Purina TotalCare ‘Flea Shield’
(both Fipronil 100g/L)
Troy Fly Repella Cream – As required = up Light smear of cream Apply light smear of Fly Repella cream to fly
midges & flies only. to 2x daily. when bites present affected areas twice daily, check around eyes,
(spring / summer). ears, tail, paws etc. TOXIC TO FELINES
See Notes following page for cautions prior treating.
See product details and packet images on following page for purchasing.
Don’t use Ivermectin or any “–mectin” (macrocyclic lactone) based drugs on the dingos, as many collies etc. are fatally
sensitive to Ivermectin; while there’s no research on Dingo sub-species specifically, it’s not worth risking lethal toxicity.
For Ticks, most external products are unreliable. Acaricide line-ons such as Frontline and Advantix applied at increased
frequency (every 14 days) show most success, but daily in-depth tick checks (observation and manual feeling through
coat for ticks) are best preventative for tick paralysis. Signs of tick paralysis are hind limb weakness progressing to upper
body & full paresis/paralysis, plus breathing issues. If ANY signs or chance of tick bites are present, take the animal to
vet IMMEDIATELY, as signs can progress after the tick is removed. (Snake bites are often similar).
Product details:
Vet/ Pet shop Endoparasite treatments:
Drontal: each tablet treats 10kg, (Praziquantel, Pyrantel, Febantel)
Palatable, or tablets of same brand available. Palatable, or tablets of same brand available.
Oxibendazole, Praziquantel Pyrantel, Oxantel, Praziquantel
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Noromectin (Int + Ext) As above As above Pour-on As above
(Ivermectin Pour-On )
Brute (Permethrin)* Every 12 weeks, +/- as 12.5mL, undiluted Line-on: Pour along spine in a single line,
- As pour on required, (min. 3 wks avoid application when wet.
between treatments) May increase frequency to once per 3 weeks
in summer as insects increase.
Brute (Permethrins)* Left in enclosure as a Dilute 45mL in 3.6L oil Keep rubbing device charged with mix. Hang
- As Back Rub Device backrub, top up as and apply to rope or where steer can walk under it, results can be
required. wrapped fabric boom increased by hanging in position where steer
until wet through. is forced to walk under (e.g. door/feed access
Permethrin fly/lice As required (daily if Light topical mist as Spray light topical mist over affected areas;
sprays* (inc' Musca-Ban, necessary) required. avoid eyes, nose and mouth. Use in well
Equus Shoo-Fly, Virbac ventilated areas. Spray enclosure as necessary
Fly-Away, Avitrol (e.g. if mites/lice found), avoid food and water
Mite&Lice). areas.
Equus Shoo-fly Per above Dilute 10mL per 400mL Per above
concentrate* water.
Estimated weight, Dexter, Dec 2014 = 450kg
Dose calculations above based on Dexter’s estimated weight Dec 2014 = 450kg.
* Brute (Permethrins) is toxic to cats and guinea pigs. Take care around feline species and guinea pigs.
Brute can also be used undiluted as a surface spray/wiped on to enclosure surfaces to prevent external parasites, e.g.
stable flies.
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Brute (Permethrins)* Every 12 weeks or as 9.75mL, undiluted. As a wipe-on:
required (min. 2 weeks Apply to skin with soft cloth, avoid eyes/
between treatments) sensitive areas. May require brush/bath if
dirty. For specific pests:
- Black fly: wipe face, inside ears, under chin,
throat and belly; avoid eyes.
- Stable fly: legs, lower shoulders, belly.
- Bot fly: under chin, throat, chest, legs.
Permethrin fly/lice As required (daily if Light topical mist as Spray light topical mist over affected areas;
sprays* (inc’ Musca-Ban, necessary) required. avoid eyes, nose and mouth. Use in well
Equus Shoo-Fly, Virbac Dilute/use undiluted as ventilated areas. Spray enclosure as
Fly-Away, Avitrol per label (see e.g. brands necessary (e.g. if mites/lice found), avoid
Mite&Lice). below) food and water areas.
Equus Shoo-fly Per above Dilute 10mL per 400mL Per above
concentrate* water.
Troy fly ointment As required (daily if Light smear of ointment. Topical application to insect affected areas,
(repellent inc’ necessary) around eyes, ears, tail, paws, face, or gaps
Diethyltoluamide, where sprays may irritate.
Weight, Joshie, 29/12/2014 =156kg (Body condition score at time = 5/9, i.e. muscular, not fat).
Body weight calculation (kg) =
(3.7 x heart girth in cm) + (2 x length in cm) -348.5
Dose rate calculations above based on Joshie’s weight Jan 2015 = 156kg.
*Brute (Permethrins) is toxic to cats and guinea pigs. Take care around feline species and guinea pigs.
Brute can also be used undiluted as a surface spray/wiped on to enclosure surfaces to prevent external parasites, e.g.
stable flies.
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Equus Shoo-fly As required (monthly), Add 6.3mL to 1000mL Sponge bath pig including ears. Minimum
concentrate (40g/L must be at least 14days water (must VERY 14days between treatments. For current
Permethrin) between treatments. WEAK!) Measure mange cases, repeat bath 14 days after first
carefully and mix treatment.
Average 3 week estimated weight = 5kg
Weigh pigs before dosing.
Pig skin and biology is different to other domestic mammals, so drugs designed especially for swine/pig/porcine use are
preferred over ‘off-label’ treatments.
*Permethrins are toxic to cats and guinea pigs. Take care around feline species and guinea pigs.
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 1-3 m, as 0.04mL/kg, OR DILUTE: add 0.5mL Topical spot-on at back of base of neck. Clean
spot-on 5mg/mL) required Noromec to 4.5mL metho, give and spray habitat with mite spray at same time.
0.4mL per 1 kg BW. For feather louse, foot mites**
Avitrol Mite & Lice Spray, At entry to zoo, Light topical mist as required. Spray over all areas of bird, inc’ under wings, on
(Permethrins, Piperonyl) every 1-3m tail. Avoid eyes, food and water. Treat habitat
thereafter. at same time.
Read Notes & cautions over page prior to administration.
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In-water Cautions:
o Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding birds: in-water drugs may overdose via increased thirst.
o Not palatable, can sweeten with honey for non-nectar-eating birds only (as nectivores may overeat).
o *NEVER use Panacur stronger than Panacur 25 (25g/L) in avian species – may cause toxicity in birds.
o Avoid Panacur during moult - affects feather regrowth, (often Spring/Autumn, look for pin feathers).
o Do not use eggs for 7 days after finishing Panacur.
o ** Don’t give Ivomec Oral & Noromec topical at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ wks between.
o *** Minimal Ivermectin may absorb via the skin, so discard eggs for >2 weeks after using Noromectin/Ivermectin
top-spot (legally, Ivermectin for poultry is ‘off-label’ so eggs may never be eaten again, though many backyard
poultry keepers do.)
If tapeworm suspected, treat with Avitrol Plus, Worm-out Gel or Panacur – only these treat tapeworm, Panacur only
Check poultry regularly for mites & lice, and apply mite and lice spray if sighted.
o See Appendix 1: Bird Exoparasites (p.32) for details.
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required (daily if Light topical mist as Spray light topical mist over affected areas;
(inc’ Musca-Ban, Virbac necessary). If current required. avoid eyes, nose and mouth. Use in well
Fly-Away, Avitrol infestation, re-treat at 14 Dilute/use undiluted as ventilated areas. Spray enclosure as
Mite&Lice). days. per label necessary (e.g. if mites/lice found), avoid
food and water areas.
The above products are unlikely to reliably treat tapeworm, contact a vet if this is suspected.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above. As above As above – treats some mites, but not all
(Int + Ext) lice/midges etc.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, up to 2x Damp mist. Spray damp topical mist over affected areas; avoid
(inc’ Musca-Ban, Virbac daily. eyes, nose and mouth. Use in well ventilated areas.
Fly-Away, Avitrol Spray enclosure as necessary (e.g. if mites/lice
Mite&Lice). found), avoid food and water areas. Not effective
for most sheep-specific external parasites (See
below) but may help ward of midges, mosquitos
Maverick pour on (Ext + After shearing 30mL in 2 wide bands. Requires a T-Bar applicator. Apply within 24 hours
Int) (Coopers, 0.6% (yearly). of shearing, in 2 broad bands down either side of
Abamectin) backline.
Weight, Tyrone, 10/1/2014 =25.2kg
Dose calculations above based on Tyrone’s measured weight in July 2014 = 25.2kg.
It is hard to apply topical external parasite control to sheep owing to their thick wool – it doesn’t penetrate, or sits on
the outer wool layer as it grows creating a barrier which lice/mites/parasites can live below. Therefore sheep maybe
best treated reactively – i.e. watch for signs of external parasite infestation including rubbing/scratching at fleece,
patchy or greasy-looking wool, scabby areas of flesh etc. You can check these areas for underlying scabs or injury with
your fingertips. If found, the sheep is best treated with an injectable anti-parasitic, so contact the vet. Sheep-specific
external parasites are unlikely if Tyrone has no contact with other sheep and quarantine is observed.
Always watch for blowfly strike – often looks like wet, greasy, discoloured wool patches. Separate the fur to look for
weeping, maggot-infested injuries, and contact a vet if any are found. To help prevent, always spray sheep injuries
thoroughly with anti-insect fly or wound spray.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin 3 monthly as required; 0.1mL per 1kg BW, repeat in 7d. Using syringe, spot-on topically
spot-on, 5mg/mL) repeat in 7d to back of neck
Revolution for Kittens 3 monthly as required; 1 single-dose Kitten/Puppy tube of Spot-on topically to back of
and Puppies (Pink box repeat in 14d 0.25mL (15mg) Selamectin for ~1kg neck.
containing 0.25mL = guinea pig.
15mg Selamectin)
Guinea Pigs can weigh anywhere from 900g to 2kg, so weigh prior dosing.
Do NOT use PERMETHRINS on or near Guinea Pigs – can cause toxicity! E.g. Musca-ban, shoo-fly, brute.
****Do NOT give Penicillin products to Guinea Pigs – it is Toxic to G.P’s! ****
Aristopet Small Animal Mite & Mange Spray is marketed for Guinea Pigs, however its safety and effectiveness is
unreliable owing to the active ingredient Pyrethrin.
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites,
(Int + Ext) but not all.
Noromec (Ivermectin 3 monthly, unless mites 0.05mL per 1kg BW: Using syringe, apply topically to
spot-on, 5mg/mL) detected, then give 4 doses 10 Pixie = 1.2 mL centreline down neck &
days apart. Sassy = 1.25mL between shoulders.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required. Light mist/topical application Light mist/topical application to
(inc’ Musca-Ban, Virbac to affected areas. affected areas, spray OUTSIDE
Fly-Away, Avitrol of burrow, avoid eyes, nose and
Mite&Lice). mouth.
May give Ivomec & Noromec simultaneously only if scabies is detected, as this will treat inner and outer layers of skin
for mites. Wombats don’t tend to intake topical Noromec orally as they’re not major mouth groomers. If no mite
infection, avoid giving Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time, leave at least 2 weeks between.
Decreasing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs, and using only preferred feed (corn, pellets) may improve
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PARASITE CONTROL – Eastern Grey kangaroo (combined with Red Roos, Red-Neck Wallaby + Emu)
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites, but not
(Int + Ext) all lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months or as 0.05mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back
spot-on, 5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d E.G = 2.75mL of neck
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if flies Light topical spray. Spray onto skin where flies/bites visible
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac present, or ears/ tails
Fly-Away, Avitrol have insect bites
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave at least 2 weeks between.
Removing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs may improve uptake.
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PARASITE CONTROL – Red-Neck Wallaby (combined with Eastern Grey kangaroo, Red Roos, + Emu)
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) (Int As above As above As above – treats some mites, but not
+ Ext) all lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin spot-on, Every 3 months or as 0.05mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back
5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d Leeroy = 1.25mL of neck
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if flies Light topical spray. Spray onto skin where flies/bites visible
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac Fly- present, or ears/ tails have
Away, Avitrol Mite&Lice). insect bites
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
Monitor wallaby after Panacur admin, Panacur has no known problems in wallabies, but other related drugs have shown
adverse effects/mortality.
Removing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs may improve uptake.
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PARASITE CONTROL – Red Kangaroo (combined with Eastern Grey kangaroo, Red-Neck Wallaby + Emu)
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites, but not
(Int + Ext) all lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months or as 0.05mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back
spot-on, 5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d R.R = 1.25mL (lge); of neck
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if flies Light topical spray. Spray onto skin where flies/bites visible
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac present, or ears/ tails
Fly-Away, Avitrol have insect bites
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
Removing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs may improve uptake.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites, but
(Int + Ext) not all lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months or as required; 0.05mL per 1kg BW: Using syringe, spot-on topically to
spot-on, 5mg/mL) repeat in 7d Per Swampie = 0.45mL back of neck.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if flies Light topical spray Spray onto skin where flies/bites
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac present, or ears/ tails have visible.
Fly-Away, Avitrol insect bites
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
Monitor wallaby after Panacur admin, Panacur has no known problems in wallabies, but other related drugs have shown
adverse effects/mortality.
Decreasing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs may improve uptake.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites, but not all
(Int + Ext) lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months or as 0.05mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back of
spot-on, 5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d Paddie = 0.225mL neck.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if flies Light topical spray Spray onto skin where flies/bites visible
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac present, or ears/ tails
Fly-Away, Avitrol have insect bites
Davie (male) weighed 13/1/2014: 4.4kg (light body condition, 3/9)
Estimated weight Dec 2014 of 4.5kg used for dose calculations above.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave at least 2 weeks between.
Monitor wallaby after Panacur admin, Panacur has no known problems in wallabies, but other related drugs have shown
adverse effects/mortality.
Decreasing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs may improve uptake.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites, but not all
(Int + Ext) lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months or as 0.05mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back of
spot-on, 5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d BTRW = 0.4mL neck.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if Light topical spray Spray onto skin where flies/bites visible
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac flies present, or ears/
Fly-Away, Avitrol tails have insect bites
Estimated weight Dec 2014: 8kg
Dose calculations above used Dec 2014 estimated weight.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave at least 2 weeks between.
Monitor wallaby after Panacur admin, Panacur has no known problems in wallabies, but other related drugs have shown
adverse effects/mortality.
Check total drug doses with correct number of animals (3 x BTRW in calculations above)
Decreasing feed source the night before using in-feed drugs may improve uptake.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some mites, but not all
(Int + Ext) lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months or as 0.05mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back of
spot-on, 5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d Bettong = 0.15mL neck.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required, apply if flies Light topical spray Spray onto skin where flies/bites visible
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac present, or ears/ tails
Fly-Away, Avitrol have insect bites
Estimated Bettong/Potoroo weight Dec 2014: 2.5 - 3kg.
Doses above calculated at higher weight of 3kg, estimated Dec 2014.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ wks between.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Revolution for Dogs (Selamectin Monthly as required. 0.25mL of 120mg/mL fluid Spot on behind neck/
120mg/mL) 2.6-5kg X- small dog = 1x of 2.6-5kg dog tube, (see shoulder blade midline.
(purple) packet. packet image below).
Exelpet ‘Vet Series’ “Spot-on flea Monthly as required. 0.35mL of 100g/L fluid Remove 0.35mL of fluid
treatment”, (100g/L Fipronil) Small = ½ a tube of small dog from tube with a syringe.
dog packet. (0.675mL) spot-on, (see packet Spot-on to back of neck/
OR images below). shoulder blade midline. One
Purina Total Care “Flea Shield” tube will treat 2x quolls.
(100g/L Fipronil) Small dog packet.
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) (Int + Ext) As above As above As above – treats some
mites, not all insects etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin spot-on, Every 3 months or as 0.04mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on to
5mg/mL) required; repeat in 7d Quoll = 0.18mL back of neck.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays (e.g. As required, apply if flies Light topical spray, dilute 10mg Spray onto skin where
Musca-Ban, Virbac Fly-Away, present, or ears/ tails to 100mL water. flies/bites visible
Avitrol Mite&Lice). have insect bites
Quoll estimated weight Oct 2014: 4.5kg, (usually lighter in winter months, consider weighing prior dose).
Doses above calculated at 4.5 kg weight, estimated Oct 2014.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
Revolution – X-Small Dog Exelpet ‘Vet Series Spot-on flea treatment’ OR Purina
TotalCare ‘Flea Shield’ - Small Dog
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above. As above As above – treats some mites, but not all
(Int + Ext) lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months as 0.04mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to back
spot-on, 5mg/mL) Ext + required. Bettong = 0.12mL of neck.
unreliable Int.
Frontline SPRAY (0.29% As required, treat at Light topical spray. Light spray over animal. Spray outside
Fipronil) least 1 month apart. enclosure, avoid eyes, nose, mouth,
inhalation, food/water
Permethrin fly/lice sprays Daily or As required, Light topical spray. Spray coat lightly but thoroughly
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac apply if flies present, or avoiding eyes, nose, mouth. Focus on
Fly-Away, Avitrol ears/ tails have insect where flies/bites visible. Avoid
Mite&Lice). bites. inhalation, food/water.
Coopers Amitic EC Pig and Weekly for 3-4 weeks Heavy spray of Amitic EC Thoroughly spray animal including
Cattle Spray (Amitraz as required. diluted to 1.25% (12.5g/L). underbelly & legs. Avoid eyes, nose,
125g/L, 12.5%) To make up: Add 10mL of mouth. Can also soak sponge and wipe
Amitik EC (125g/L Amitraz) to onto animal if preferred.
100mL water. Make up fresh
each time.
Estimated Bandicoot weight Sept 2008: 2.4 - 3kg (
Higher weight of 3kg estimated Sep 2008 used for calculations above.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
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External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above – treats some Ext, but not all.
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin 3 monthly. 0.04mL per 1kg BW: Using syringe, apply topically to centreline
spot-on, 5mg/mL) Ext + Hemu = 1mL down back. Same as Ivomec, so leave at least
some Int. 14 days between oral & topical doses. Unknown
intake from pour-on so internal parasite
treatment unreliable.
Permethrin fly/lice sprays As required up to daily, Light topical spray. Spray onto skin/feathers where flies/bites
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac apply if flies present, or visible
Fly-Away, Avitrol lice/mites suspected.
Estimated Hemu weight Jan 2015: 25kg
Jan 2015 estimated weight used for dose calculations above.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
Don’t give Panacur during moult (usually Spring/Autumn) – affects feather regrowth.
Do not use eggs for 2 weeks after treating.
If tapeworm is suspected, treat direct orally with Avitrol Plus or Panacur – only these treat tapeworm.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 26 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin As required (leave 1+ 0.04mL per 1kg BW OR Topical spot-on at back of base of
spot-on 5mg/mL) month between DILUTE: add 1mL Noromec to neck, avoid inhalation/ingestion, or
(feather louse, foot treatments) 6.5mL Methylated Spirits, apply may cause alcohol poisoning.
mites) ** 0.03mL per 100g BW:
Male = 0.19mL
Female =0.28mL
Avitrol Mite & Lice Spray. As per required; at entry Light topical mist as required. Spray over all areas of bird, inc’
to zoo, or if mites present under wings, on tail. Avoid eyes,
(below). food and water. Treat habitat at
same time.
In-water Cautions:
o Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding birds: in-water drugs may overdose via increased thirst.
o Not palatable, can sweeten with honey for non-nectar-eating birds only.
If tapeworm is suspected, treat direct orally with Avitrol Plus or Worm-out gel – only these treat tapeworm.
o ** Don’t give Ivomec Oral & Noromec topical at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ wks between.
o *** Minimal Ivermectin may absorb via the skin, so discard eggs for 2 weeks after treating.
See Appendix 1: Bird Exoparasites (p.32) for details on checking for mites & lice, treat if sighted.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 27 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin As required, leave 1+ 0.04mL/kg, Topical spot-on at back of base of neck,
spot-on 5mg/mL) months between OR avoid inhalation/ingestion by bird, metho
(feather louse, foot treatments. DILUTE: add 1mL Noromec may cause alcohol poisoning.
mites) ** to 24mL Methylated Spirits,
apply 0.1mL per 100g BW.
Avitrol Mite & Lice As per required; at entry Light topical mist as Topical. Spray all areas of bird, inc’ under
Spray. to zoo, or if mites required. wings, on tail. Avoid eyes, food and water.
present (below). Treat habitat at same time.
Don’t treat nesting or young-feeding birds as intake is unreliable for both parents and juveniles.
In-water Cautions:
o Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding birds: in-water drugs may overdose via increased thirst.
o Don’t sweeten with honey for nectar-eaters as increased uptake may cause overdose.
o ** Don’t give Ivomec Oral & Noromec topical at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ wks between.
o *** Minimal Ivermectin may absorb via the skin, so discard eggs for >2 weeks after using
If tapeworm is suspected, treat direct orally with Avitrol Plus or Worm-out gel – only these treat tapeworm.
See Appendix 1: Bird Exoparasites (p.32) for details on checking for mites & lice, treat if sighted.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 28 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin As required, leave 1+ 0.04mL/kg, Topical spot-on at back of base of neck,
spot-on 5mg/mL) month between OR: Dilute 1mL Noromec with avoid inhalation/ingestion by bird,
(feather louse, foot treatments. 24mL Methylated Spirits; especially if diluted with metho, (may lead
mites) ** apply 0.1mL per 100g BW. to alcohol toxicity!).
Avitrol Mite & Lice As required; at entry to Light topical mist as required. Topical. Spray all areas of bird, inc’ under
Spray. zoo, every 3m. wings, on tail. Avoid eyes, food, water.
Treat habitat at same time.
In-water Cautions:
o Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding birds: in-water drugs may overdose via increased thirst.
o Not palatable, can sweeten with honey for non-nectar-eating birds only.
o ** Don’t give Ivomec Oral & Noromec topical at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ wks between.
o *** Minimal Ivermectin may absorb via the skin, so discard eggs for >2 weeks after using
If tapeworm is suspected, treat direct orally with Avitrol Plus or Worm-out gel – only these treat tapeworm.
See Appendix 1: Bird Exoparasites (p.32) for details on checking for mites & lice, treat if sighted.
Weights: Here are some VERY rough estimates – weigh before direct dosing!
Large pigeons, (Wonga, White-headed) estimate Jan 2015: 450-500g,
Medium doves, (Emerald Ground, Bar shouldered), estimate Jan 2015: ~105-160g,
Blue-faced Honeyeater, estimate Jan 2015 : ~100g ,
Princess parrot, estimate Jan 2015: ~90g,
Glossy Black Ibis, estimate Jan 2015: ~485-600g,
Corella, estimate Jan 2015: ~450 – 600g,
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 29 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext)
Noromec (Ivermectin As required, leave 1+ 0.04mL/kg, OR Topical spot-on at back of base of
spot-on 5mg/mL) month between DILUTE: 1mL Noromec with neck, avoid inhalation/ingestion by
(feather louse, foot treatments. 24mL Methylated Spirits, apply bird.
mites) ** 0.1mL per 100g BW.
Avitrol Mite & Lice Spray. As per required; at entry Light topical mist as required. Topical. Spray all areas of bird, inc’
Preferred method for to zoo, or if mites present under wings, on tail. Avoid eyes,
new birds. (below). food, water. Treat habitat at same
In-water Cautions:
o Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding birds: in-water treatments may lead to overdose .
o Avitrol Plus is not palatable, can sweeten with honey for non-nectar-eating birds only.
o ** Don’t give Ivomec Oral & Noromec topical at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ wks between.
o *** Minimal Ivermectin may absorb via the skin, so discard eggs for >2 weeks after using
If tapeworm is suspected, treat direct orally with Avitrol Plus or Worm-out gel – only these treat tapeworm.
Finches and small birds are tricky to worm – use finch/small bird specific products or contact an avian vet.
See Appendix 1: Bird Exoparasites (p.32) for details on checking for mites & lice, treat if sighted.
Weights: Here are some VERY rough estimates – weigh before direct dosing!
Blue-faced Honeyeater,: ~100g , Budgerigar: ~30g,
Sulphur-crested cockatoo: 700g – 1.5kg, Glossy Black Ibis,: ~485-600g,
Corella: ~450 – 600g, Large pigeons, (Wonga, White-headed): 450-500g
King parrot: ~200-250g, Medium doves, (Emerald Ground, Bar shouldered):
Princess parrot,: ~90g, ~105-160g.
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PARASITE CONTROL – Reptiles (NOT TURTLES) (****Do NOT give Ivomec/Noromectin to turtles)
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Exoparasites in reptiles can only be treated if the ENCLOSURE is treated at the same time.
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above As above As above
(Int + Ext) NOT TURTLES!
Ivomec Oral as SPRAY As required, leave 2+ Dilute 33mL of IVOMEC ORAL Topical Spray. Spray lightly but thoroughly.
(0.8mg/mL) Topical Spray wks between in 467mL water, apply via Remove reptile from enclosure to spray,
(Ext only) treatments. spray bottle, light mist daily rinse with warm water 60minutes after
TOXIC TO TURTLES! for 7-10d. application. Use with extreme caution,
especially in skinks (blue-tongues).
Frontline SPRAY (0.29% As required, treat 1+ 3mL per 1kg BW Calculate amount per animal, apply to a soft
Fipronil) month apart. = 0.3mL per 100g BW. cloth and wipe over animal.
Warm Soapy water Daily for 4-7 days. Small amount of soap in Soak for 5-10 mins, soap allows water to
enough water to cover reach & drown mites. Rinse reptile
majority of animal. thoroughly after treatment.
See Notes following page for cautions prior treating.
****Do not give Noromectin / Ivomec to TURTLES & fish****
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 31 of 38
****Do not give Noromectin / Ivomec to TURTLES & fish: IVERMECTIN-based products may cause FATAL TOXICITY, so
be very careful around waterways/reptile displays. Signs include drowsiness, tremors, blindness, paralysis +/- vomiting
etc. Contact vet immediately if toxicity is seen/suspected.
Ivermectin has a LOW SAFETY MARGIN in skinks and crocodiles, take extreme care and weigh prior dosing.
Do not treat snakes with topical products when they are preparing to shed.
Spray reptile with topical products outside of enclosure to avoid habitat build-up & toxicity.
Treat habitat at same time as animal, clean out enclosure thoroughly including substrate, scrub with antiparasitic
cleaner (e.g. F10, Clinikil, Terrarium Cleaner) and rinse thoroughly before replacing reptile.
For tapeworm, treat Direct Oral with Avitrol Plus, Reptiwormer, or Worm-out gel – only these kill tapeworm.
Regular treatment is not recommended in reptiles due to chemical sensitivity, treat only if suspected/ at risk, (e.g. eaten
wild insects, diarrhoea, worms/eggs detected in faeces under microscope), or mites are detected (close inspection or
wipe damp white fabric over reptile, looking for small dark spots). Ticks can be removed manually or by applying a
PERMETHRIN ONLY spray directly to the tick (NOT SKIN) with a cotton tip.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 32 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Exoparasites in reptiles can only be treated if the ENCLOSURE is treated at the same time.
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Frontline SPRAY As required, treat 3mL per 1kg BW Calculate amount per animal, apply to a soft cloth
(0.29% Fipronil) at least 1 month = 0.3mL per 100g BW. and wipe over animal, particular care for around
apart. leg holes and neck creases.
Warm Soapy water Daily for 4-7 days. Small amount of soap in Soak for 5-10 mins, soap allows water to reach &
enough water to cover drown mites. Rinse reptile thoroughly after
majority of animal. treatment.
****Do not give Noromectin / Ivomec to fish & TURTLES, as IVERMECTIN-based products may cause FATAL TOXICITY.
Be very careful when using around waterways/reptile displays. . Signs include drowsiness, tremors, blindness, paralysis
+/- vomiting etc. Contact vet immediately if toxicity is seen/suspected.
If tapeworm suspected, treat direct orally with Reptiwormer or Worm-out gel – only these treat tapeworm.
Regular treatment is not recommended in reptiles due to chemical sensitivity, treat only if suspected/ at risk, (e.g. eaten
wild insects, diarrhoea, worms/eggs detected in faeces under microscope), or mites are detected (close inspection or
wipe damp white fabric over reptile, looking for small dark spots). Ticks can be removed manually or by applying a
PERMETHRIN ONLY spray directly to the tick (NOT SKIN) with a cotton tip.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 33 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above. As above As above – treats some mites, but
(Int + Ext) not all lice/midges etc.
Noromec (Ivermectin Every 3 months as 0.04mL per 1kg BW, Using syringe, spot-on topically to
spot-on, 5mg/mL) Ext + required. or DILUTE: Add 0.3mL Noromec to back of neck.
unreliable Int. 0.7mL methylated spirits, apply
0.134mL per kg BW:
Winnie =0.325 mL
Amber = 0.125mL
(Weigh Joeys prior dosing).
Frontline SPRAY (0.29% As required, treat at Light topical spray. Light spray over animal. Spray
Fipronil) 1+ apart. outside enclosure, avoid eyes, nose,
mouth, inhalation and food/water
Permethrin fly/lice sprays Daily or as required, Light topical spray. Spray coat lightly but thoroughly,
(e.g. Musca-Ban, Virbac apply if parasites especially where flies/bites visible.
Fly-Away, Avitrol present. Avoid eyes, nose, mouth, inhalation,
Mite&Lice). food/water.
Coopers Amitic EC Pig and Once per week for 3- Heavy spray of DILUTE Amitic EC, Thoroughly spray animal including
Cattle Spray (Amitraz 4 weeks as required. dilute to 1.25% (12.5g/L). underbelly & legs. Avoid eyes, nose,
125g/L, 12.5%) To make up: Add 10mL of Amitik EC mouth, food/water. May soak
(125g/L Amitraz) to 100mL water. sponge and wipe onto animal if
Make up fresh each time. easier.
Bilby weight Jan 2014:
o Amber = 0.89 kg
o Windorah = 2.42 kg
o Joeys: Claus = 0.76 kg; Holly = 0.62 kg.
NB: Joeys are still growing, so weigh prior dosing.
Doses above calculated from Jan 2014 weights.
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
The above drugs may not effectively treat tapeworm, contact a wildlife vet for options if suspected.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 34 of 38
External control – External Parasites, inc’ fleas, mites, lice, (not ticks):
Product: Frequency: Quantity: Method:
Ivomec Oral (0.8mg/mL) As above. As above As above – treats some mites, but not all
(Int + Ext) lice/midges etc.
IVOMEC as a SPRAY (Ivomec Every 3 months if Light spray of Ivomec ORAL Topical: Light spray over animal outside
Oral, 0.8mg/mL) (Int + Ext) required, repeat for sheep. Spray once per enclosure. Avoid eyes, nose, mouth,
weekly for 3 wks. week for 3 wks. inhalation, food/water.
Frontline SPRAY (0.29% As required, treat at Light topical mist. Light mist over animal outside enclosure.
Fipronil) least 1 month apart. Avoid eyes, nose, mouth, inhalation and
Vetafarm Furry Friends Monthly to every 6 Light topical spray, ensure Light spray over animal outside
Liquidator (Sml Animal) weeks as required penetrates coat. enclosure. Avoid eyes, nose, mouth,
(Piperonyl, Permethrin, inhalation and food/water.
Aristopet Sml Animal Mite Monthly as required. Light topical spray, ensure Light spray over animal outside of
& Mange Spray (Pyrethrins, penetrates coat. enclosure. Avoid eyes, nose, mouth,
Piperonyl, C17H25NO2*) inhalation and food/water. Less safe than
Average SHM weight Dec 2014: 30g (0.03kg)
***Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave 2+ weeks between.
In-water Caution: Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding mice: in-water treatments may lead to overdose via
increased thirst.
The above drugs may not effectively treat tapeworm, contact a wildlife vet for options if suspected.
*C17H25NO2 = N-Octyl bicycloheptene dicarboximide, a pesticide that enhances the potency of Pyrethroids.
Upd. Jan 2015 Page 35 of 38
Don’t treat stressed, hot, dry or young-feeding birds, especially with in-water treatments as it may lead to overdose via
increase thirst.
o *NEVER use any Panacur/Fenbendazole drug stronger than Panacur 25 (25g/L) in avian species – higher
concentrations have caused toxicity in birds.
o Do not use Panacur during moulting/ regrowth as it affects feather growth, (usually Spring/Autumn, Look for
pin feathers).
o Do not use eggs for 7 days after finishing Panacur.
o ** Do not give Ivomec Oral & Noromec top-spot at same time – may overdose. Leave at least 2 weeks
o *** Very low amounts of Ivermectin absorb via the skin, so do not use eggs for >2 weeks after using
Noromectin/Ivermectin top-spot, (legally, Ivermectin for poultry is ‘off-label’, so eggs may never be eaten again,
though many backyard poultry keepers do.) Topical lice & mite sprays are preferable to avoid egg residue,
however these often do not treat scaly foot mite (Ivermectin does).
Check poultry regularly for mites and lice (single = louse), paying attention to:
o Ear canal –lice can often be seen crawling/moving in and around ear holes, they are small, pale and fleshy in
appearance, 1-2mm long. Separate the feathers behind and below the back corner of the beak by
moving/blowing feathers aside to look into the ear canal for lice.
o Below tail – lice and mites can be seen in the skin fold between the tail base and the cloaca by lifting the tail
and separating the feathers. External parasites can be appear as crawling pale or dark insectoids, moving pale,
dark or red speckles, or as sand-like egg clumps at the base of feathers.
o Flight/wing feathers – if you hold wing feathers up to the light, feather mites can be seen as dark specks on the
fine grooves of the outer feather (vane barbs).
o Scaly foot/face mite – can be seen as raised leg skin with improperly replaced scales, +/- crusty, honeycomb
skin/scales on legs, toes or cere (face).
o On yourself – very itchy red dots in groin/armpit areas, +/- small red crawling specks may indicate ‘Red Mites’, a
small zoonotic parasite that spreads readily & survives well in the environment.
Avoid using mite/lice powder on poultry as respiratory irritation has been reported.
Product (Brand): Ingredients & Concentration Application Method: Species Used (N.B. Mostly kjOff-label!): Treats:
(1mg/mL = 1g/L):
TotalCare ‘Spot-On Pyriproxyfen: 20mg/mL. TOPICAL - Spot On Dingo Fleas at larval moult stage.
Flea Control’ (Purina).
TotalCare Tasty Per tablet: Oxibendazole: 112.5mg; ORAL - Direct Dingo Gastrointestinal worms including Tapeworm.
Allwormer for Dogs Praziquantel: 25mg.
‘Vet Series’ “Spot-on Fipronil: 100mg/mL. TOPICAL - Spot On Dingo, Quoll Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting insects NOT Ticks.
flea treatment”
(Exelpet) OR Total Care
“Flea Shield” (Purina).
Amitic EC Pig & Cattle Amitraz: 125mg/mL. TOPICAL – Spray Cattle, Pigs. Ticks, Lice, Mange mites, Keds.
Spray (Coopers).
Amitic EC Pig & Cattle Amitraz: 125mg/mL. TOPICAL – Spray Cattle, Pigs ,Bandicoots, Bilbies Ticks, Lice, Mange mites, Keds.
Spray (Coopers).
Avitrol Bird Mite & Lice Pyrethrins: 0.5mg/mL; Piperonyl Butoxide: TOPICAL – Spray Birds - all species Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
Spray (Avitrol, Mavlab). 5mg/mL. Gape worm.
Avitrol Plus (Avitrol, Levamisole hydrochloride: 10 mg/mL; ORAL - Direct Birds - all species Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
Mavlab). Praziquantel: 2mg/mL. Gape worm.
Avitrol Plus (Avitrol, Levamisole hydrochloride: 10 mg/mL; ORAL - In Water Birds - all species, LESS RELIABLE in desert species Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
Mavlab). Praziquantel: 2mg/mL. Gape worm.
Avitrol Plus (Avitrol, Levamisole hydrochloride: 10 mg/mL; ORAL - In Feed / Direct Lizards, Snakes. EXTREME CARE in turtles and unwell. Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
Mavlab). Praziquantel: 2mg/mL. Gape worm.
Avitrol Plus (Avitrol, Levamisole hydrochloride: 10 mg/mL; ORAL - In Feed / Direct Swamp Wallaby, Pademelons, Brush Tail Rock Wallabies, Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
Mavlab). Praziquantel: 2mg/mL. Bettongs, Potoroos. Gape worm.
Avitrol Plus (Avitrol, Imidacloprid: 100mg/mL; Permethrin: TOPICAL - Spot On Dingos - TOXIC TO FELINES, GUINEA PIGS. Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
Mavlab). 500mg/mL. Gape worm.
Brute (Y-Tex). Permethrin: 87mg/mL (25:75 cis:trans). TOPICAL - Line On Cattle, Horse Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting Insects.
Brute (Y-Tex). Permethrin: 87mg/mL (25:75 cis:trans). TOPICAL - Wipe On Cattle, Horse Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting Insects.
Brute (Y-Tex). Permethrin: 87mg/mL (25:75 cis:trans). TOPICAL - Back Rub Cattle, Horse Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting Insects.
Capstar (Exelpet, Per tablet: Nitenpyram: 57mg. ORAL - Direct Dingos Fleas
DectoMax (Pfizer). Doramectin: 5mg/mL. TOPICAL - Line On Cattle Mites, Lice, Flies, Gastrointestinal
Roundworms, Lungworms NOT Tapeworm.
Droncit (Bayer) OR Praziquantel: 50mg per Tablet. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Quolls, Dasyurids Tapeworm.
Virbac Tapewormer
Drontal (Bayer). Per Tablet: Praziquantel: 50mg; Pyrantel ORAL - Direct Dingos Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
embonate: 49.8mg; Febantel: 250mg. Gape worm.
Equinox Orange (Value Oxfendazole: 185g/kg. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Horse Gastrointestinal worms, NOT Tapeworm or
Plus) Bots.
Equis Shoo-fly Permethrin: 40mg/mL. TOPICAL – Bath Horse, Pigs, Cattle, TOXIC TO CATS AND GUINEA PIGS Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting Insects.
Concentrate (Mavlab
EZY-DOSE Intestinal All- Per Chew: Pyrantel embonate: 143mg; Oxantel ORAL - Direct Dingo Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm.
wormer (Exelpet). embonate: 543mg; Praziquantel: 50mg.
Fly Repella Ointment Diethyltoluamide: 50g/kg; N- TOPICAL - Wipe On Dingo, Horse Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting insects, Ticks.
(Troy). octylbicycloheptene dicarboximide: 50g/kg; Di-
N-Propylisocinchomeronate: 12.5g/kg;
Pyrethrins: 2g/kg; Benzalkonium chloride
Frontline Plus (Merial). Fipronil: 100mg/mL; S-Methoprene: 90mg/mL. TOPICAL - Spot On Dingo Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting insects NOT Ticks.
Frontline Plus (Merial). Fipronil: 2.9mg/mL (0.29%). TOPICAL – Spray Dingo, Quoll, Bandicoot, Bilby, Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting insects NOT Ticks.
Spinifex Hopping Mice.
Furry Friends Piperonyl butoxide: 0.625%; Permethrin: TOPICAL - Spray Spinifex Hopping Mice Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting insects, Ticks,
Liquidator for Small 0.125%; Methoprene: 0.002%. Basically all insects.
Animals (Vetafarm).
Ivomec Oral for Sheep Ivermectin: 0.8mg/mL. ORAL - Direct Pigs, Poultry, Goat, Guinea Pig, Wombat, Macropod - All Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
(Merial) species, Quolls, Dasyurids, Bandicoots, Bilbies, Bettongs, Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
Potoroos, Birds - All species, Spinifex Hopping Mice. AVOID in
Dingos. EXTREME care in Reptiles. TOXIC: TURTLES & FISH.
Ivomec Oral for Sheep Ivermectin: 0.8mg/mL. ORAL - In Water Spinifex Hopping Mice. Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
(Merial) Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
Ivomec Oral for Sheep Ivermectin: 0.8mg/mL. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Pigs, Quolls, Wombats, Macropods - Many Species, not Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
(Merial) Potoroos, Bettongs, Bilbies or other animals with uncertain Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
feed intake that are able to be dosed directly; EXTREME care
in Reptiles. TOXIC TO TURTLES AND FISH. Avoid in Dingos.
Ivomec Oral for Sheep Ivermectin: 0.8mg/mL. TOPICAL - Spray Spinifex Hopping Mice, Lizards, Snakes. TOXIC TO TURTLES Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
(Merial) AND FISH. Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
Maverick Pour-On for Abamectin: 6mg/mL (0.6%) TOPICAL - Line On Sheep Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
Sheep (Coopers) Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
Metacam (Bayer) Canine: 1.5mg/mL to Avian: 0.5mg/mL. ORAL - Direct Birds - All species. For prolonged use give half dose. Anti-inflammatory, Pain relief.
Nilverm Pig & Poultry Levamisole: 14mg/mL. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Pigs. Lungworm, Gastrointestinal Roundworm,
wormer (Coopers). NOT Tapeworm.
Nilverm Pig & Poultry Levamisole: 14mg/mL. ORAL - In Water Poultry. Same as Avitrol Plus, but without additional Lungworm, Gastrointestinal Roundworm,
wormer (Coopers). ingredient to treat tapeworm. NOT Tapeworm.
Noromectin (Norbrook) Ivermectin: 5mg/mL. TOPICAL - Line On Cattle, Guinea Pig, Wombat, Macropod - All species, Quolls, Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
Dasyurids, Bandicoots, Bilbies, Bettongs, Potoroos, Birds - All Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
species, DILUTE if small. NOT REPTILES OR MICE- too strong, UNRELIABLE internal parasite control in non-
TOXIC TO TURTLES AND FISH. Avoid in Dingos. domestic animals.
Noromectin (Norbrook) Ivermectin: 5mg/mL, DILUTED. TOPICAL - Spot On Bilbies, Birds - All species. Flies, Mites, Lice, Nasal bot, Lungworm,
Gastrointestinal worms NOT Tapeworm.
UNRELIABLE internal parasite control in non-
domestic animals.
Panacur 25 Oral Fenbendazole: 25mg/mL. ORAL - Direct CARE in Wallabies. EXTREME CARE in Cage Birds especially Lungworm, Gastrointestinal Roundworm,
(Coopers) pigeons, small parrots, overdose common. SOME Tapeworm.
Panacur 25 Oral Fenbendazole: 25mg/mL. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Poultry, Goat, Wombat, Sheep, Quolls, Emu, Kangaroos, Lungworm, Gastrointestinal Roundworm,
(Coopers) Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Spinifex Hopping Mice. AVOID in SOME Tapeworm.
animals with uncertain feed intake that can be dosed
directly; CARE in Wallaby & Pademelon, EXTREME CARE in
Cage Birds.
Panacur 25 Oral Fenbendazole: 25mg/mL. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Dingo, Cattle, Poultry, Goat, Wombat, Sheep, Guinea Pig, Lungworm, Gastrointestinal Roundworm,
(Coopers) Bandicoots, Quolls, Emu, Bettongs, Potoroos, Kangaroos, SOME Tapeworm.
Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Spinifex Hopping Mice. CARE in
Wallaby & Pademelon, EXTREME CARE in Cage Birds.
Permethrin fly/lice Permethrins, varying percentages. TOPICAL - Spray Dingos, Cattle, Horse, Sheep, Wombat, Macropods - All Fleas, Flies, Mites, Biting Insects.
sprays (e.g. Musca-Ban, species, Bettong, Potoroo, Quoll, Bandicoot, USE SPECIES-
Virbac Fly-Away, Avitrol SPECIFIC SPRAYS for Pigs, Birds, Mice. TOXIC to FELINES AND
Mite&Lice). GUINEA PIGS.
Repti-Wormer Fenbendazole: 50 mg/mL; Praziquantel: ORAL - In Feed / Direct Snakes, Lizards, Turtles Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm.
(Aristopet). 5mg/mL.
Repti-Wormer Fenbendazole: 50 mg/mL; Praziquantel: ORAL - In Feed / Direct Snakes, Lizards, Turtles Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm.
(Aristopet). 5mg/mL.
Revolution for Dogs Selamectin: 120mg/mL (small dog) TOPICAL - Spot On Guinea Pig Fleas, Mites, Lice, Heartworm,
(Pfizer). Gastrointestinal Roundworm, NOT
Small Animal Mite & Pyrethrins: 0.20mg/mL; Piperonyl Butoxide: TOPICAL - Spray CARE with Spinifex Hopping Mice, Guinea Pig. Fleas, Mites, Biting insects.
Mange Spray 0.36mg/mL; N-Octylbicycloheptene
(Aristopet). Dicaboxamide (C17H25NO2): 0.60mg/mL.
Small Animal Wormer Piperazine: 40mg/ml as the citrate. ORAL - In Water Spinifex Hopping Mice, Guinea Pig. Roundworms only.
Small Animal Wormer Piperazine: 40mg/ml as the citrate. ORAL - Direct Spinifex Hopping Mice, Guinea Pig. Roundworms only.
Systamex (Coopers). Oxfendazole: 90.6mg/mL. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Cattle, Pony, Macropod, Wallaby and Pademelon - Safer than Gastrointestinal worms, SOME Tapeworm.
ValuMax (Value Plus) Abamectin: 3.7mg/g; Praziquantel 46.2mg/g. ORAL - In Feed / Direct Horse Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm.
OR Equimax (Virbac).
Warm Soapy water. Dash of dish washing detergent or natural hand TOPICAL - Bath All reptiles, rinse well. Reptile mites, fleas (drowns surface insects,
soap in water, enough to form light bubbles. no residual action.)
Worm-out gel for Birds Oxfendazole: 20 mg/mL; Praziquantel: 20 ORAL - Direct Bird - All species, Lizard, Snake, Turtle. May require Dilution Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
(Vetafarm). mg/mL. depending on size. Gape worm.
Worm-out gel for Birds Oxfendazole: 20 mg/mL; Praziquantel: 20 ORAL - In Feed / Direct Lizard, Snake, Turtle Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
(Vetafarm). mg/mL. Gape worm.
Worm-out gel for Birds Oxfendazole: 20 mg/mL; Praziquantel: 20 ORAL - In Nectar Bird - Nectivores, Lorikeets Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
(Vetafarm). mg/mL. Gape worm.
Worm-out gel for Birds Oxfendazole: 20 mg/mL; Praziquantel: 20 ORAL - In Water Bird - small species, less effective in desert species. Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm,
(Vetafarm). mg/mL. Gape worm.
WormRid (Animal Per Tablet: Oxantel embonate: 1355mg; ORAL - Direct Dingos Gastrointestinal worms, including Tapeworm.
Science). Pyrantel embonate: 357.5mg; Praziquantel: