leave her job and asked her for how long they will stay like
this and asked her to leave her house saying that after 2- 4 months
their families would also agree.
2. The prosecutrix further stated in her complaint that on
04.10.2014 she left her house and accused took a flat on rent in
Mayur Vihar. After 10 days her family members came to know that
she was living with accused Manoj Bhandari and they met him and
told him that if he wanted to live with prosecutrix, he should bring
his family members and get man-ied to her according to rites and
ceremonies. Manoj Bhandari did not tell her all this. On
5 th November she returned home and accused alongwith his
relatives came to her parent's house and fixed marriage with her.
All his relatives concealed the fact that he was already married
and accused introduced his wife Laxmi as his elder bhabhi and he
also introduced his father-in-law and sister-in-law to her family
and his brother-in-law, mama, jija and sister were also there.
Although her parents did not like Manoj Bhandari however, for the
sake of her happiness they agreed for the marriage.
3. The prosecutrix further stated in her complaint that her
marriage with accused Manoj was fixed for 15.11.2014 and on the
day, at about 2:50 p.m. Manoj called her on phone to meet
for for five minutes in Select City Walk Mall as he had bought
something for her which she could select. She believed him and
went with his friend to the Mall, from where accused Manoj asked
her to accompany him to Saket Court and when she asked him that
he had called her to the Mall and today was their marriage and
what would they do in the court, he fell at her feet and started
asking for her forgiveness saying that he had called her to the
court because he was already married and had two children. She
was shocked to hear this and started crying. People had collected
there so accused took her inside and told her that the same day he
was filing divorce case against his wife Laxmi in Saket court and
he left saying that he would just come back. In the court, she got
puzzled, she did not know what to do and was feeling numb. In
her house, marriage preparations were already done, guests had
arrived to leave for banquet hall at 5 PM, her parents were
already against the marriage and everything went bad. In Saket
Court the father-in-law, wife, children, brother-in-law and brother
of accused Manoj met her and father-in-law of accused took her to
one chamber where there was one lawyer namely Rubina Yasmeen
who made her sign on the affidavit, however, she did not know
what was written on the affidavit and she kept signing like a
machine and
she was told that her signatures were being taken for the sake of
protection so that Lakshmi, wife of accused Manoj' could not take
any legal action against them and thereafter, she was asked to
4. The prosecutrix further stated in the complaint that
after spending about two hours in Saket Court when Dheeraj,
the friend of accused Manoj was leaving her home she asked him
when he knew everything then why he concealed
about Manoj being already married on which Dheeraj told her that
he could not do so because of his friendship. She was scared and
did not have the courage to tell anything to her family members
and she trusted the accused and compromised with the situation.
5. The prosecutrix further stated that on 15.11.2014 she got
married to accused Manoj Bhandari and after marriage they went
to Mayur Vihar and one day after her marriage she came back to
her parent's house and after the Satyanarayan Katha she went
back to Mayur Vihar and since then accused Manoj started
emotionally torturing her. Laxmi the wife of Manoj, her sister and
brother and brother-in-law started abusing and beating
her everyday and also snatched her money and when she
complained to Manoj he told her he could not do anything and
used to ask for money, his mother used to tell her on phone from
the village that she should work and should herself take care of
her expenses as Manoj had to bear the expenses of Laxmi and two
children and he was also spending a lot of money for taking
divorce from Laxmi.
7. The prosecutrix further stated that after
10.03.2015 Manoj started showing true colours and started asking
her for money for business purpose by any means and demanded
Rs. 5000 per day from her but she could not tell her trauma to
anyone as she was not having the support of her family members
as well and due to everyday harassment and taunts, her health
deteriorated. Manoj started living with his wife Laxmi and two
children in Trilokpuri and did not pick up her calls. She told
everything to her sister who had come to her parent's house from
Punjab and her sister came to her and took her to doctor and
stayed with her for two days. Manoj had made her sign on blank
cheques which her sister caught and her sister went and told
everything to her parents but till then Manoj had already taken Rs.
4 - 5 lakhs and her entire jewellery worth Rs. 6 lakhs which her
parents had given to her in marriage, were got mortgaged. After
coming to know everything, when her parents tried to speak
to Manoj he vanished and switched off his mobile. She came to
know that
after taking her money and jewellery accused Manoj had left for
his village in Tehri Garwhal alongwith his wife and children. When
she contacted accused on the mobile phone he abused her, told
her not to contact him and refused to return her money
and jewellery and he had married her to usurp her money
and jewellery from her and to save himself from police inquiry
as his financial condition was very bad and the same thing he
had done with other women also. Accused threatened that if she
complained against him he would get her abducted and her family
killed and he had good contacts in the underworld who take
money and kill anyone and he also had contacts in Delhi and he
would destroy her life and she could not do any harm to him.
Accused Manoj Bhandari was still sending her
threatening messages via Whatsapp.
8. Pursuant to the above complaint of the prosecutrix FIR
was registered under Sections 376/493/406/506/34 IPC. The
prosecutrix was got medically examined. Statement of prosecutrix
was got recorded under section 164 Cr.P.C. Thereafter Sections
377/328 IPC were added to FIR. The accused was granted
anticipatory bail. During the course of investigation, an affidavit
of the prosecutrix was found in the office of lawyer Rubina Yasmin
in which she had stated that she
was in love with the accused and was marrying him despite
knowing that he was already married. The accused was formally
arrested. His medical examination was got conducted. The friends
and relatives of the accused could not tell anything about the
second marriage of the accused and stated that they had never
met the prosecutrix. The prosecutrix could not furnish evidence
about the presence of the relatives of the accused in the
marriage. The jewellery bills produced by the prosecutrix which
was supposed to be given to her at the time of the marriage were
got verified from the concerned shops. The prosecutrix did not
produce any marriage certificate of the marriage in Noida. The
factum of marriage could not get verified by the priest. The
charge-sheet was filed against the accused under Sections
376/406/493/377/328/506/34 IPC.
9. Post compliance of the requirements contemplated under
Section 207 Cr.P.C, the case was committed to the Court of
Sessions. On 14.03.2017 charge for the offences u/s 328, 506 and
417 IPC and also Section 376 IPC and in the alternative under
Section 493 IPC was framed against the accused, to which he
pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.
10. The prosecution examined nine witnesses in support of its
11. The PW 1 / the prosecutrix stated that on 14.02.2013, she
went to the birthday party of her friend Ankita at PVR Saket and
accused Manoj Bhandari met her for the first time there in
the said party and the accused was standing at the gate of PVR
Saket and he got her (prosecutrix's) entry in the PVR Saket Club
without any charges and he introduced himself as the owner of the
said club and stated that he hailed from Uttrakhand and she (PW l)
stated that she also belonged to Uttarakhand and thereafter
accused took her mobile phone number and gave his mobile phone
number to her and thereafter accused started sending messages
on her mobile phone and also used to call her and invited her to
the parties at club and that during those days, she (prosecutrix)
was employed with Snap Deal.
12. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that one day, accused came
outside her office and gave her a call and asked her to come to
see a movie with him but she (prosecutrix) refused his proposal as
she had to go to her house, PW l/prosecutrix further stated that in
the month of May, 2013, he took her for a movie at PVR Saket and
thereafter they both became good friends and accused also got
her (prosecutrix) talk with his brother and bhabhi on mobile
phone. 13. PW l/prosecutrix stated that on 25.10.2013 her
(prosecutrix's) birthday party was organized by accused at the club
of his friend in G.K, for which she had paid Rs.40,0()0/- and the
said party was attended by her (prosecutrix's) brother and elder
sister as well as all her friends and she (prosecutrix) introduced
the accused to her brother, sister as well as friends, as her friend.
14. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that in the end of November,
2013, her office organized a tour to Jaipur and accused insisted to
accompany with her on the said tour and he went with her on the
said tour to Jaipur, where he told her (prosecutrix) that he loved
her and wanted to marry her, to which she asked him to talk with
his as well as her family and in Jaipur, accused stayed with her in
a separate room at Jaipur for two days and thereafter returned to
Delhi. PWl/prosecutrix further stated that thereafter accused told
her that there was a birthday party of sister of his friend namely
Ankit on 07.12.2013 in day time and since it was her (prosecutrix's)
holiday on 07.12.2013, accused called her and took her to the
aforesaid party of his friend's sister at Indira Enclave, Neb Sarai
where two persons were already sitting and she (prosecutrix)
asked accused that he had conveyed her regarding the birthday
party but only two persons were present there and thereafter
Ankit told her that he was going to bring his
friends to the party and Ankit as well as one other person, who
was sitting there with Ankit, left from there by saying aforesaid
facts and asked her to stay there. PW 1/ prosecutrix stated that
accused was alone with her at the said place and thereafter
he switched on the television and he brought a cold drink from the
fridge for her and offered to drink and after drinking the same,
she (prosecutrix) started feeling giddy and had headache and she
became unconscious and when she regained consciousness at
about 4:00 PM she felt that she did not have any control over her
body and accused had already forced himself upon her by that
time and she did not have any clothes over her body' and she was
also bleeding from her private part and had severe pain and when
she started weeping bitterly, accused told her that she was not
the first woman who had sexual intercourse and that all women do
so and these days everyone is doing so and she (prosecutrix) was
very nervous as this had happened to her for the first time and
accused brought Nimbu Pani for her and told her not to worry as
he would be marrying her and he kept talking to her and
counseling her for about two hours and advised her not to make
any complaint against him since he would be marrying her and he
left her at her house at about 6:00
15. PW l/prosecutrix stated that when she reached home, her
health condition deteriorated and she went to office after two
days and accused used to remain standing outside her office at
about 9:00 AM when she was about to reach office and 6:30 PM
when she used to leave office, everyday, and accused used to tell
her not to worry and that since he had physical relations with her,
he would not leave her in lurch and would marry her and that she
(prosecutrix) tried to forget whatever accused had done with her
and trusted his words that he would marry her and accused told
her that whether physical relations were established once or ten
times, it was all the same.
16. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that on 25.01.2014 accused
took her to Saket J-Block on the pretext that his friend Ankit had
taken a rented accommodation and there the accused had forcible
physical relations with the prosecutrix again stating that whether
said physical relations were made once or ten times it was all the
same and that after 2 —4 days accused took her (prosecutrix) to a
hotel of his friend at Noida and the said hotel had a very strange
atmosphere as there were many rooms in the said hotel and many
girls and boys were also there and accused also hired a room there
and tried to have unnatural sex with her at said place and she got
very angry with accused and told him
that she would tell everything to her family members on which
accused told her that she had no trust in him and assured her that
he would marry her within ten days in a temple.
17. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that on 12.02.2014, accused
purchased a ring for her from a shop at Sector 25, Noida and also
a mangalsutra for her from Laxmi Amba Jewelers at Lajpat
Nagar and on 15.02.2014, he married her in Shiv Sai Mandir at
Sector- 18, Noida where his two bhabhis Anita Rawat and Laxmi
Bhandari, sister Manju and one brother namely Prakash Bisht were
present at the marriage ceremony and his Bhabhi Laxmi Bhandari,
who had come for the ceremony, representing herself to
be bhabhi of accused, was in fact, the wife of accused and the
prosecutrix came to know of this fact later on and she
(prosecutrix) told both the bhabhis and sister of accused
that accused had established physical relations with her prior to
their marriage and Laxmi, Anita and Manju told her (prosecutrix)
that they would go to their native village and would talk to the
parents of accused. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that
thereafter accused and prosecutrix were sent to Nainital for
honeymoon along with Prakash Bisht and Anita, brother
and bhabhi of accused and they all stayed there for three days and
on return, she (prosecutrix) and accused remained happily for 2 —
days and thereafter whenever accused desired, he made her take
a leave from her office and took her to a hotel in Sector 18, Noida
and told her that since they were married, the prosecutrix should
have no objection in having physical relations with accused and
accused continued to do so with her for about five months and
when she asked him how long it would continue like this, accused
told her that there was a Pooja at his native village in July and he
would go and inform his parents that he had already married.
18. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that accused went to his
native village in July, 2014 and when he returned back, on the
asking of the prosecutrix, accused told her that his parents had
refused for marriage and they did not believe in marriages
performed in temple and on hearing this, she started crying but
accused consoled her by telling her not to worry and stated that
he wanted some more time to convince his parents to accept her.
19. PW l/prosecutrix further stated that in August, 2014, she
told accused that her parents had searched a boy for her with
whom they wanted to marry her, on which, accused said that it
was not possible for her to marry anyone else since she was his
wife and he (accused) had only asked for some more time from
55. The prosecutrix/ PW I stated in cross examination that she
has been working since the year 2009 and she met accused for the
first time on 14.02.2013 and she had love affair with accused since
October, 2013. The prosecutrix/PW1 further stated in cross
examination that after she started having love affair with the
accused, she used to talk to him routinely on phone and also
exchanged messages with him and met him frequently. In the
cross examination, the prosecutrix/PWl admitted that prior to
February, 2014 she did not make any complaint to any of her
family members nor informed them about her affair with the
accused. The prosecutrix/PWl further stated in the cross
examination that prior to February, 2014 accused forced himself
upon her sexually on two occasions and thereafter, PW
l/prosecutrix stated that it is correct that on both these occasions,
she did not make any complaint against the accused to her family
or to the police or any other administrative authority. The
prosecutrix/PWl further stated in cross examination that it is
correct that she did not take any medical treatment when accused
forced himself upon her for the first time.
Thereafter, PWl/prosecutrix further stated in cross examination
that it is correct that she continued to meet him even though he
had committed rape upon her. The prosecutrix/PW1 stated in
cross examination that she has
mentioned in her complaint Ex.PW1/A that accused used to
threaten her and the prosecutrix/PWl was confronted
with statement Ex.PW1/A where it was not so recorded.
56. The prosecutrix/PW1 flirther stated in cross examination
that she had gone to Jaipur with accused in November, 2013 and
she stayed with him at Jaipur for about two days. The
prosecutrix/PWl further stated that it is correct that she
never informed her family members that she had gone to Noida
and other places for outings with accused. The
prosecutrix/PWl further stated in cross examination that it is
correct that when accused committed rape upon her at hotel at
Noida, she did not make any complaint against the accused to the
hotel manager, staff, etc. The prosecutrix/PWl further stated in
cross examination that it is correct that she did not inform her
parents about the incident of rape with her which had taken place
at hotel in Noida and she voluntarily stated that accused had
already married her in a temple on 15.02.2014. The prosecutrix/
PW 1 further stated in cross examination that it is correct
that when accused had physical relations with her at Noida, they
were already married and were husband and wife.
57. The prosecutrix/PW1 further stated in cross examination
that it
is correct that she did not complain about the incident of
07.12.2013 to police or her parents or any other authority and she
did not get herself medically examined after the incident. The
prosecutrix/PWl further stated in cross examination that it is
correct that she did not mention about the incident of
07.12.2013 and the incident of Noida in her complaint Ex.PW1/A.
58. 'R', the mother of prosecutrix appeared in witness box
as PW8 and stated in cross examination that the prosecutrix
made complaint against the accused only on 18.03.2015 and prior
18.03.2015 the prosecutrix never make any kind of complaint to
her about the accused. The IO/SI Nitesh / PW9 stated in cross
examination that during the course of investigation she did not get
any proof of incident of alleged rape of the prosecutrix by the
accused at Indra Enclave, Neb Sarai or at J-Block, Saket. 10 W/SI
Nitesh / PW9 stated in cross examination that the prosecutrix did
not give her details of the hotel in Noida where she claimed that
accused had taken her. Hence, as per the evidence adduced by
prosecution, apart from the testimony of the prosecutrix, there is
no other evidence to corroborate the testimony of prosecutrix that
accused had committed rape upon her on 07.12.2013 at Indra
Enclave, Neb Sarai and on
office and took her to a hotel in Sector-18 Noida and accused told
her that since they were married, she (prosecutrix) should have no
objection in having physical relations with her and accused
continued to do so for about five months.
61. The contention which has been raised on behalf of accused is
that no such marriage of accused was solemnised with the
prosecutrix on 15.02.2014 at Shiv Sai Mandir at Sector-18, Noida
and no evidence has been adduced by the prosecution to prove the
62. In the chargesheet, it is stated that the complainant was
asked to produce the marriage certificate of her
marriage solemnised with accused at Shiv Sai Mandir, Sector-18,
Noida but the prosecutrix failed to produce the same and the
concerned priest was asked to furnish the evidence of the
marriage and the priest was asked to reveal about his presence in
the marriage but he stated that the marriage of the prosecutrix
was not solemnised in his presence neither he had any idea about
this lady (prosecutrix). 10 / SI Nitesh / PW9 stated in cross
examination that she had enquired from the pujari of the temple
where the prosecutrix stated that her marriage
was solemnised with accused on 15.02.2014 and the said pujari
told her that he had
not solemnised marriage between accused and the prosecutrix.
The prosecution has not produced any evidence to corroborate the
testimony of the prosecutrix that the marriage of prosecutrix
was solemnised with the accused on 15.02.2014 at Shiv Sai Mandir
as alleged by the prosecutrix.
63. The contention which has been raised on behalf of the
accused is that the prosecutrix was aware that he is already
married and has two children and the prosecutrix despite knowing
the factum of previous marriage of the accused insisted for
marrying the accused and the accused reluctantly married the
prosecutrix on
15.11.2014 and the same is evident from the fact that the
said marriage was attended by the brother and maternal uncle of
the accused and no other family member of the accused attended
the said marriage and the entire family of the prosecutrix
had attended the said marriage. It is contended on behalf of
accused that the prosecutrix had sworn an affidavit before Ms.
Rubina Yasmin, advocate / Notary Public on 15.11 in which
the prosecutrix has clearly stated that she was aware about the
previous marriage of the accused and despite that she is willing to
marry the accused and in the circumstances, it cannot be said that
the accused played any kind of deception on the prosecutrix or
induced the prosecutrix to marry him after making her
that time, there would have been no plausible reason for the
Imam's reluctance to carry out his conversion. Nay, in the ordinary
course, he would have been welcomed to that faith, as well as by
his prospective wife's family, making any opposition even by the
latter totally improbable. For reasons recondite, the Imam has
also not been examined by the prosecution. Fourthly, if he was a
bachelor there would have been no impediment whatsoever for
them to marry under the Special Marriage Act. Fifthly, we cannot
discount the statement attributed to the prosecutrix that her faith
permitted polygamy; on extrapolation it would indicate that she
was aware that the Appellant was already married and
nevertheless she was willing to enter into a relationship akin to
marriage with the Appellant, albeit, in the expectation that he
may divorce his wife. Sixthly, the prosecution should have
investigated the manner in which the prosecutrix's uncle came into
possession of the Appellant's marriage photograph, specially since
it is his defence that he had given the photograph to the
prosecutrix when she had insisted, on the threat of suicide, that
they should marry each other. The Appellant has also stated that
this photograph had been entrusted to Fathima, on the prosecutrix
's own showing, was her confidant. Again, for reasons that are
unfathomable, the prosecution has not produced these witnesses,
leading to the only inference that had they been produced, the
duplicity in professing ignorance of the Appellant 's marital status
would have been exposed. The role of the prosecution is to
unravel the truth, and to bring to book the guilty, and not to
sentence the
innocent. But we are distressed that this important responsibility
has been cast to the winds. In fact, learned counsel for the State
has contended that Fathima could have been produced by the
Appellant, which argument has only to be stated for it to be
stoutly rejected. The Court can fairly deduce from such an
argument that had Fathima been examined she would have spoken
in favour of the Appellant. Seventhly, it has not been controverted
by the prosecutrix that the Appellant had made all arrangements
requisite and necessary for setting up a home with the
prosecutrix. The present case is not one where the Appellant has
prevailed on the prosecutrix to have sexual intercourse with him
on the assurance that they were legally wedded; the prosecutrix
was discerning and intelligent enough to know otherwise. The
facts as have emerged are that the couple were infatuated with
each other and wanted to live together in a relationship as close
to matrimony as the circumstances would permit. Eightly, as
already stated, Sasi should have been examined by the
prosecution as she was a material witness and would have testified
as to the state of mind of the prosecutrix. Finally, the law has
been succinctly clarified in Kaini Rajan. The Court is duty bound
when assessing the presence or absence of consent, to satisfy
itself that both parties are ad idem on essential features; in the
case in hand that the prosecutrix was lead to believe that her
marriage to the Appellant had been duly and legally performed. It
is not sufficient that she convinced herself of the existence of
this jäctual matrix, without the Appellant inducing or