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river of elevated trains, only the that shattered previous records for buildings are converting office

Welcome to Chicago most jaded could shake that feeling size, including the still-extant Mather space to condominiums and
Chicago is the home of the blues and
of awe at the canyons of LaSalle Tower, Tribune Tower, and later the hotels, and builders are racing
the truth of jazz, the heart of comedy
and the cliffs of Michigan Avenue. Chicago Board of Trade. to erect what will be some of the
and the idea of the skyscraper.
Moreover, the Loop contains a world’s tallest buildings, which may
Here, the age of railroads found
world-class collection of public art, Second Wave radically re-shape the city’s skyline.
its center, and airplanes followed
in the form of huge street-side stat- The second wave, oddly enough, The latest result of the building
suit. Butcher of hogs and believer
ues by many of the 20th century’s occurred during the 1960s and spree is, of course, the Trump
in progress, it is one of the world’s
most famous sculptors. 70s, when urban centers across Tower, now the second tallest
great cities, and yet the metropolitan
America were experiencing white building in the U.S., and the ninth
luxuries of theater, shopping, and
flight and severe population decline. tallest in the world. In the past six
fine dining have barely put a dent in
real Midwestern friendliness. It’s a
Architecture The answer of Chicago’s first Mayor months, construction has ground
First Wave Daley was simple: build, and then to a halt as virtually all sources of
city with a swagger, but without the
In the late 19th century, Chicago’s credit dried up, leaving a few of the
surliness or even the fake smiles build some more. As a result, while
downtown was an ideal location most intriguing projects in jeopardy,
found in other cities of its size. the residential population spread
for architects of ambition; the including the highly anticipated
across a wide range of suburbs,
Great Chicago Fire of 1871 had Chicago Spire.
commercial activity remained fixed
As the hub of the Midwest, Chicago literally gutted the downtown area,
at the center of the city. It was during
is easy to find — its picturesque creating a relentless drive to re-
this time when Chicago gained its • The Skydeck, 233 S Wacker Dr
skyline calls across the waters build and ample space in which to
most famous modern skyscrapers, (Quincy/Wells CTA), +1 312 875-
of Lake Michigan, a first impres- do it. Chicago’s engineers solved
including the three of the tallest: the 9447, [11]. Apr-Sept 9AM-10PM,
sion that soon reveals world-class the problem of the load-bearing
Sears Tower, the Aon Center, and Oct-March 10AM-8PM; open
museums of art and science, miles wall, liberating structures from the
the John Hancock Center. (It was every day of the year, including
of sandy beaches, huge parks and limits of what a masonry foundation
also during this time — as occurred holidays. “The Ledge”, which lets
public art, and perhaps the finest could support. Built in 1885, William
during the first wave — when a giant visitors walk out in a transparent
downtown collection of modern LeBaron Janney’s 10-story Home
swathe of early skyscrapers were balcony suspended 1,353 feet
architecture in the world. Insurance Building was the first to
recklessly demolished.) above the street. To avoid the
use a steel-frame skeleton to support
crowds, visit after 4PM.
its walls — at one-third of the weight
The Loop of a structure using conventional Third Wave
The Loop is the center of Chi- means. Real estate prices and The third wave of supertall • Hancock Observatory, John
cago and without a doubt the most building heights soared in the years construction is underway right now. Hancock Center, 875 N Michigan
iconic section of the city. If you’ve that followed, but the boom years of Driven by downtown Chicago’s Ave (Chicago Red Line), 1-888
never been to Chicago, begin here. the 1920s financial bubble saw an residential real estate boom (the 875-8439, [3]. 9AM-11PM.
Whether on an official architecture unprecedented wave of skyscrapers hottest in the country prior to the 360-degree view from the 94th
cruise along the Chicago River, or current financial crisis), existing floor. Not quite as high as the
an unofficial one along the veritable Sears Tower Skydeck, but with a

better view!

The Sears Tower John Hancock Center

Chicago Convention &
Tourism Bureau
2301 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 567-8500

WELCOME TO Photo credits

• Chicago Theatre: Richard Yuan

CHICAGO (http://www.flickr.com/photos/

• Millenium Park: Ed Yourdon


Chicago Theatre Millenium Park

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