The Mechanics O-WPS Office

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The Mechanics of Writing

It refers to the rules that must be followed when writing. The goal of the mechanics of writing is to make
the writing precise and grammatically correct.

1. Punctuation

Puntuation clarifies sentence structure, separating some words and grouping others. It adds meaning to
written words and guides for readers to understand as they move through sentences.

2. Numbers and Numerals

A number is a characteristics that describe a unit within a collection. A number is expressed by numerals
or by words. A number is expressed by numerals ( 1,2,3,4 ) or by words. Cardinal numbers use words
such as "one, two, three", ordinal numbers use words such as "first, second, third". In computer
documentation, you will most often use numerals when numbers are discussed in text.

Spelling Out Numbers

Spell out:

• Numbers from zero through nine, unless the number is part of a measurement.

Three computers (a count)

3 inches (measurement)

• Any number that begins a sentence

Ten files are required

• Approximations

You can choose from hundreds of applications for your computer

• Extreme numbers

Numbers That Require Numerals

• Numbers 10 and above

• Dates
We do not use ordinal numbers ( i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd ) with full dates

• Percentages

According to the latest survey, 52% of teachers live in the city.

It's good to know that only 7% of Americans say they are unhappy.

• Decimals

• Time

Numbers and Money

When it comes to money, numbers follow their own set of rules. Money is usually written as numerals,
but can be written out when the amount is vague or rounded up - "it cost two or three dollars." Here are
some of the most important guidelines to keep in mind:

• Currency symbols should be placed before the number, with no spaces.

• Thousands should be separated by commas.

• Decimals should be separated by periods

• When you reach numbers in the millions and billions, write out the full word (instead of all those

Parts of Speech

Knowing the parts os speech, using them correctly and understanding how they relate to one another is
an important early step in creating strong writing skills.


Correct spelling is an important part of successful writing since incorrect spelling can lead to confusion
over meaning and gives an overall unprofessional look to a paper.


The function of capitalization is to emphasize words or show their importance.

What to Capitalize

Capitalize the following items:

• The first word

• Proper Noun

• The first letter of the first word in numbered or bulleted lists

• Quotation

• Position title

• Title

• Capitalize directions only when they refer to specific regions

• Letter part

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