Dissertation Topics
Dissertation Topics
Dissertation Topics
5. General-
Study of left/ right sided remedies and its utility in prescription
Remedies for ill effect of vaccination
Time modalities and its therapeutic implication
Bach flower remedies
Study of remedies – moon phases
Significance of mental symptoms- remedy selection
The indications of Nosodes
The indications of intercurrents in a case
Deriving the pathogenesis of snake venoms from toxicological study
Study the miasmatic aspects of the sequence – calc-> lyco-> Sulphur
Comparative study of the indolent trio- carbons, alumina, silica
Acute cardiac emergencies- remedy selection and management
Efficacy of clinically verified remedies
Hidden values of unusual remedies
Materia medica- application in clinical practice
Homeopathic medicine and astrology
Study of little used remedies
Constitutional remedies – an in-depth study
Study of war remedies
New aspects of old remedies
Study of gestational remedies- clinical utility
Common remedies- study of their rare use.
Biochemic remedies and their homeopathic implications
Homeopathy – how to avoid operations?
Cardiac therapeutics
Homeopathy and hormone disorders- clinical implication
Homeopathic intervention in surgeries
Homeopathic intervention in veterinary practice
Chronic conditions- acute remedies
Nosodes – indications in acute diseases
Study of plant families
Physiological action of a remedy
Toxicological action of remedy
Pathological co-relation with the therapeutic index
Patho-physiological action of remedy
Proved Ayurvedic / allopathic drugs- its use homeopathically for a disease
Remedy relationships
Study of inorganic remedies
Relationship of the pathogenesis of drugs from the plant and animal
kingdom to the chemical constituents
Study of Indian plant remedies
Morphological comparison – calc carb and silica
Classification of remedies
Modern approach- preparation of mother tinctures
Study of Vehicles with medicinal qualities
Hahnemannian method of drug preparation- its efficacy in modern times
Study of the methods of preparation- obstacles and their solutions
Differentiation between the old and new methods of preparation
Properties of vehicles – their selection in preparation of medicine
Utility of LM potencies in practice
Posology in intermittent fevers
Utility of Higher potencies in practice
Acute cases- potency selection
Homoeopathic Prophylaxis.
The scope of external applications in Homoeopathy
Mother tinctures and its utility in prescriptions
Vehicles and their importance in remedy prescription
Dispensing procedures for medicine and placebo
Inter-relationship of homeopathic and Allopathic posology
Importance of Dosage in prescription
Mechanics of potentization
Mysteries of potentization- unraveling them
Comparison of classical and modern potentization techniques
Comparative study of the different potency scales
Protocol for drug proving- its implementation in modern proving
Obstacles in proving- identification, evaluation and management
Comparison of Hahnemannian and post-Hahnemannian proving techniques
Utility and validity of prescription writing
Efficacy of Doctrine of signature in prescription
Interdependency of Homeopathy and Biochemistry
Comparison of old and new asepsis techniques of lab equipment
Preservation of medicines- precautions, obstacles and how to overcome
Scope of Homeopathic pharmacy in relation to material medica
Standardization of remedies- utility and validity
Scope of Homeopathic pharmacy in relation to organon of medicine
1. Disease condition and related rubrics