Laporan Praktikum Fisika
Laporan Praktikum Fisika
Laporan Praktikum Fisika
Arranged by:
NIM : 19101105008
Department : Pharmacy
A. Aim
1. Able to explain the relationship between theory and practice about the use of the black principle to
calculate the heat of solids
2. Able to explain the working principle of calorimeter
3. Able to calculate the type of heat of solid
4. Able to calculate of calorimeter water value and the ratio between (T-T1) and (T-T2) with T is
room temperature.
B. Equipment Required
1. Ohaus Balance
2. Calorimeter
3. Termometer
4. Electric Stove
5. Steam Vessel
6. Stirring spoon
7. Cross-section glass
C. Introduction
Caloric is a substance found in every object and every object with a higher temperature has
more caloric than others with a lower temperature. When two objects that have different temperatures
are touched, an object which is rich in caloric will give a portion of its calories to an object that is less
caloric, eventually both objects have the same temperature. It can be defined that heat is something
that is moved from the system to its surroundings due to temperature changes. Thanks to research
conducted by Romford and Joule it was found that heat is a form of energy not matter (Sulistiati,
According to sulistiati (2010), the amount of energy transferred from the system to the
environment due to temperature differences is given the symbol Q. Transfer of heat into the system is
called the system absorbs heat and is given a positive sign. While the heat transfer out of the system
is called removing or removing heat and is given a negative sign.
Q> 0, the system absorbs heat
Q <0, the system releases heat
The arrows indicate the direction of heat transfer and work, energy added / taken to / from
the system. The sign agreement for heat transfer is the opposite of the sign used for work. Negative Q
and positive W express heat and work out of the system into the environment (Sulistiati, 2010).
According to Moningka (2009), Object that receive heat, shape or temperature will change.
Object that release heat, the temperature will go down or change its form. The amount of heat absorbed
and release by an object is directly propotional to :
a. Mass of objects
b. Specific heat of object
c. Temperature transfer
Heat is energy transferred from one object to another due to the differences of temperature. in
the seventeenth century, galileo, newton and other scientists generally supported the theory of the
ancient Greek atomic expert, who regarded heat as a form of molecular motion. In the following
century, methods were developed to quantitatively measure the amount of heat leaving or entering an
object and found that if two objects are in thermal contact, then the amount of heat leaving an object is
equal to the amount of heat entering another object. This discovery led to the development of a
seemingly successful theory of heat as an eternal matter which was not created or destroyed but only
flowed from one object to another (Tipler,1998).
According to Hamid (2007), The process of changing mechanical energy into heat is one
example of the principle energy determination. Conversely, heat can be converted into mechanical
energy. So, heat is a form of energy. In terms heat can be distinguished by two concepts :
1. A felling of heat (Hot) called temperature
2. Quantities that can cause changes in temperature called heat
The units of heat is defined as the change in temperature of the determined mass of water.
60° BTU is defined as the amount of heat flowing in 1 lbm of water if at 1 atm pressure the
temperature rises from 59.5°F to 60.5°F, then written BTU only. While 15° calories is defined as the
amount of heat flowing in 1 gram of water if at 1 atm pressure the temperature increases from 14.5°F
to 15.5°F then written calories only. Mechanical effort do on an object can be changed into heat by
friction. Tara mechanical heat is defined as the ratio of work expressed in mechanical units ft-lb or
joule, to heat expressed in BTU or heat (Sulistiali, 2010)
If an object is immersed in a fluid that has a lower temperature than fluid (T1) then the object
will release heat and the heat will be absorbed by the fluid, and at some time will reach an equilibrium
state (fluid temperature T2). The amount of heat released by the object must be the same as the amount
of heat absorbed by the fluid (Black Principle) (Tim Penyusun Fisika, 2019).
In this experiment the type of heat measured object is first heated in a steam vessel. So in this
condition it can be assumed that the temperature of the object is the same as the temperature of the
water in the steam vessel. Keep in mind that the boiling point of water depend on the air pressure at
that time. So before making a measurement, first write down the air pressure then determine the boiling
point of water (Tim Penyusun Fisika, 2019).
According to the Black Principle, the heat received by water is the same as the heat given by
the heated object. In such circumstances, it can be stated in the equation :
The arrows indicate the direction of heat transfer and work, energy added / taken to / from the
system. The sign agreement for heat transfer is the opposite of the sign used for work. Negative Q and
positive W express heat and work out of the system into the environment (Basic Physics practicum
module UMS, 2017).
According to Basic Physics practicum module UMS (2017), The heat type of a substance is a
number that shows how many calories needed to heat up one unit mass of substance with 1˚C of
temperature. To heat a gram of mass, with temperature increase of ∆t is required for heat of: (Basic
Physics practicum module UMS,2017)
Q = m.c. ∆t
With : Q = Heat (Calories)
m = Mass (kg)
The type of heat of a substance is apparently not fixed, but depends on the temperature. The type
of heat usually mentioned for temperature intervals in particular, in this case : the type of heat is the
average heat for the interval temperature (Tim Penyusun fisika,2019).
Calorimetry is an experimental technique used to measure the specific heat capacity of a substance.
Calorimeter is also used to measure the energy required to melt or boil a substance, to measure the metabolic
rates of animals, and to calculate the chemical energy released during chemical reactions and even during
explosions. (Van Heuvelen,1986)
Calorimetry measurements are made using a device called a calorimeter. Such devices vary
considerably in construction, depending on the type measurement to be made. A calorimeter used to
measure the specific heat capacity of a solid material is shown in Fig. It consists of an insulated can
containing a known amount of water. The insulation around the can (for example, Styrofoam or a vacuum
jacket) prohibits the transfer of heat into or out of the can. (Van Heuvelen,1986)
The can and water are set at some known initial temperature, and the object whose specific heat
capacity is to be measured is warned or cooled to a temperature different from that of the water and can.
The object is then placed in the water. The can, water, and object eventually reach the same final
temperature. If the object starts at a higher temperature, it cools by transferring heat to the water and can.
The water and can, in turn, are warned. The net heat change is zero since heat gained by the water and can
equals that lost by the object. (Van Heuvelen,1986)
D. Procedur
Method 1
1. Preheat the steam vessel.
2. Weigh the object to be measured its type head (Mb).
3. Put enough water into the calorimeter then weigh the mass (Ma).
4. Record the temperature of the water / calorimeter T1.
5. The object that is heated in a steam vessel (Tb), is transferred into the calorimeter then stir until
equilibrium occurs.
6. Record the equilibrium temperature (T2).
7. Repeat points 2 to 6 for other objects.
Method 2
1. Weigh the object to be searched for its type capacity (Mb).
2. Insert the object into the vessel, then heat it to a temperature (90°C) (Tb).
3. Put enough water into the weighing calorimeter and measure the temperature (Ma and T1).
4. Move the heated object into the calorimeter then stir (30 second), measure the final temperature
5. Repeat procedures 1 to 4 for the same object 2 to 3 times.
6. Perform procedures 1 to 5 for other objects.
E. Result
F. Analysis
Pada praktikum ini, praktikan mempratekkan tentang kapasitas panas jenis zat padat. Pada
praktikum kapasitas panas jenis zat padat ini, praktikan harus memanaskan bejana uap terlebih
dahulu menggunakan kompor. Setelah itu, praktikan mengukur massa gelas arloji yang merupakan
alas untuk menimbang massa biji besi dan biji tembaga pada saat penimbangan di atas neraca agar
biji besi dan tembaga tidak berceceran. Setelah menimbang massa gelas arlogi, menimbang massa
biji besi dan biji tembaga lalu dikurangkan dengan massa dari gelas arloji. Kemudian mengukur
massa kalorimeter. praktikan memasukkan jenis zat padat pertama yaitu biji besi yang telah
ditimbang tadi ke dalam bejana uap yang telah diisi air panas menggunakan saringan khusus. Sambil
menunggu pemanasan biji besi, praktikan mengukur suhu air (T1) yang ada di dalam kalorimeter
menggunakan termometer.
Percobaan dilakukan dengan mencelupkan biji besi yang telah dipanaskan ke dalam calorimeter.
Sebelum mencelupkan biji besi, suhu air di dalam calorimeter diukur terlebih dahulu (T1) dan
sesudah itu biji besi yang sudah dipanaskan di dalam bejana uap dicelupkan ke dalam calorimeter
lalu mengukur suhu air di dalam calorimeter (T2). Pada saaat slesai melakukan proses
kesetimbangan suhu, praktikan harus cepat-cepat mengukur suhu kesetimbangan. Hal yang sama di
lakukan pada biji tembaga.
Pada percobaan ini dilakukan lima kali perulangan untuk masing-masing benda. Massa air yang
ditimbang pada sepuluh percobaan sebesar 0.1504 kg, 0.1495 kg, 0.1474 kg, 0.1484 kg, dan 0.1467
kg, 0.1484 kg, 0.1474 kg, 0.1471 kg, 0.1448 kg, dan 0.1475 kg. Massa biji besi yang ditimbang
pada awal percobaan sebesar 0,0485 kg dan massa biji tembaga yang ditimbang pada awal
percobaan sebesar 0,034 kg. Suhu air dalam bejana uap adalah 940C, dengan suhu kalorimrter mula-
mula(T1) adalah 32 °C, 34 °C, 36 °C, 36 °C, 38 °C, 38 °C, 40 °C, 42 °C, 44 °C, dan 44 °C, dan
suhu calorimeter pada keadaan setimbang adalah 34 °C, 36°C, 38°C, 38°C, 40°C, 40°C 42°C, 44°C,
46 °C, dan 46 °C. Temperatur benda mula-mula adalah 940C.
Kendala kendala yang dialami praktikan selama praktikum adalah ketidaktelitian praktikan
selama pengambilan data seperti ketidaktelitian dalam mengukur suhu air dalam kalorimeter
disebabkan termometer yang digunakan juga tidak terkalibrasi, timbangan yang digunakan juga tidak
terkalibrasi dengan baik. Ketidaktepatan praktikan akan melihat angka yang tertera pada
ternamometer. Pada saat pengukuran suhu kesetimbangan, praktikan kurang cepat dalam
menghitung suhu setelah biji besi diangkat dari calorimeter, sehingga menyebabkan banyak data
suhu kesetimbangan (T2) sama. Terdapat juga kebocoran calorimeter yang disebabkan oleh adanya
pengaruh suhu ruangan. Suhu ruangan pasa saat pengukuran adalah 320 C. Kebocoran menyebabkan
beberapa data memiliki hasil berbeda dan ratio T1 dan T2 tidak sama.
G. Conclusion
Jumlah kalor yang dilepaskan oleh biji tembaga atau biji besi ketika dicelupkan sama dengan jumlah
kalor yang diterima oleh air, ini sama seperti prinsip azas black yang menyatakan bahwa kalor yang
dilepaskan oleh suatu benda itu sama dengan jumlah kalor yang diterima oleh air.
Kalorimeter merupakan alat yang mengalirkan arus listrik pada kumparan kawat penghantar/ kaca
penampang yang dimasukkan ke dalam air. Pada saat bergerak, pembawa muatan bertumbukan
dengana atom logam dan kehilangan energi. Akibatnya pembawa muatan bertumbukan dengan
kecepatan konstan yang sebanding dengan kuat medan listriknya. Tumbukan oleh pembawa muatan
akan menyebabkan logam yang dialiri oleh arus listrik memperoleh energi yaitu energi kalor atau
Panas jenis zat padat merupakan perbedaan suhu benda yaitu suhu mula-mula benda dan suhu akhir
benda yang telah melakukan suhu kesetimbangan dengan air dalam kalorimeter. Rumus untuk
menghitung panas jenis zat padat adalah :
(𝑴𝒂.𝑪𝒂).(𝑻𝟐 −𝑻𝟏 )
Cb =
𝑴𝒃.(𝑻𝒃 −𝑻𝟐 )
Nilai air kalorimeter akan mengalami pengurangan setelah proses pengadukan air dengan jenis zat
padat, sehingga nilai air dalam kalorimeter tidak akan sama. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari pengukuran massa
kalorimeter. Ratio adalah cara untuk menentukan apakah kalorimmeter mengalami kebocoran atau
H. Reference
Hamid,Ahmad.2007.Kalor dan Termodinamika. dinamika.pdf. [Diakses pada
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Moningka,J.B.2009.Penuntun Praktikum Fisika Dasar I.FMIPA UNIMA Tondano.
Sulistiati.2010.Termodinamika.Yogyakarta;Graha Ilmu
Tipler,Paul.1998.Fisika untuk Sains dan Teknik.Jakarta:Erlangga.
Tim Laboratorium dan Pusat Pengembangan Ilmu Teknik Dasar Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta.2017.Modull Praktikum Fisika Dasar.
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Tim Penyusun Fisika.2019.ModulPraktikumFisikaDasar. Manado: FMIPA Universitas Sam
Van Heuvelen,Alan.1986.Physics a general Introduction Second Edition.The Unite State: