SVN 2011 Sponsorship Package
SVN 2011 Sponsorship Package
SVN 2011 Sponsorship Package
Sponsorship Opportunities
Where business, community & spirit connect for the common good
“SVN is where I made the connections that helped me find ways to address social
problems through for-profit business. It’s the best place I know to synergize resources
for the common good.”
— Ben Cohen, Ben & Jerry’s
Homemade Ice Cream
Past SVN Sponsors have included:
SVN Innovation Awards
Year-Long Sponsorship Opportunity
The SVN Innovation Awards honor enterprises with the greatest promise of impact and re-
wards them with access to SVN’s community and network of resources to help them achieve
their potential. Former Innovation Award winners include D.light, Revolution Foods, Ter-
raCycle, New Resource Bank, Cleanfish, Root Capital, Workforce, Inc. and many more.
Sponsorship of the Innovation Awards generates high-level exposure for your organiza-
tion throughout an entire year, with many unique privileges at SVN’s national conferences.
SVN Innovation Awards (cont.)
Gold Sponsor
SVN Local Gatherings Sponsor
$30,000, One opportunity available
SVN Local Gatherings occur in cities throughout the country to help connect regional
members and introduce prospective members to the SVN community during the year. The
15 planned Local Gatherings for 2011 range from a few intimate parties to at least a doz-
en larger networking events co-hosted with local SVN member companies. As the Local
Gathering sponsor, you’ll gain targeted, national exposure with the SVN membership and
beyond, extending your brand recognition within local sustainable business communities.
• Your organization promoted at 15 regional events to approximately 1,000 attendees
• Prominent display of company logo and link in e-mail invitations, RSVP web page, and follow-up
e-mails to attendees within and outside of SVN membership
• Company name and link in Events area of monthly Networker, SVN e-newsletter to SVN Mem-
bers and Affiliates
• Year-long promotion in the Event section of and SVNet (members-only community)
• Verbal acknowledgment at each Local Gathering
• Option to make a 2-minute announcement at each Local Gathering and hand out promotional
• One complimentary registration for each SVN national conference
• Prominent branding on Conference Connections site with curated sponsor page
• Premiere branding on all national conference marketing collateral including:
• Prominent display of company logo on print and e-mail invitations, company description in pro-
gram book
• Premiere logo projection on main screen at conference
• Premiere placement of company logo on registration area signage
• All other Basic Conference Sponsor Benefits (see Conference Sponsorship)
Proposed 2011 Local Gatherings
National Conference
Sponsorship Opportunities
SVN conferences attract an unusually high-quality audience of business leaders and in-
fluencers. In fact, most participants are the founders or CEOs of highly successful orga-
nizations. Past speakers have included visionaries, civic leaders, and leading innovators
of the sustainable business movement, such as:
National Conferences (cont.)
Social Media Sponsor: $10,000
Two opportunities available: Fall or Spring Conference. Buy both and save 20%!
There are many facets to building a just and sustainable economy. Take advantage of this op-
portunity to not only tie your brand to SVN, but to extend your brand identity by customizing
a sponsorship category that aligns perfectly with your organization’s mission. For example,
Environmental Sustainability, Fair Trade, or Impact Investing. Impact Category Sponsor benefits
National Conferences (cont.)
National Conferences (cont.)
Underwrite the sustainable menu at the conference and you’ll impact the confer-
ence and the local community. With signage at every meal, your brand will be
highly visible to all attendees. No one wants to miss a meal, so no one will miss
seeing your brand’s name! Sponsor benefits include:
National Conferences (cont.)
Graffiti Wall: $4,000
One opportunity per conference, Fall or Spring. Buy both and save 20%!
New! Throughout the conference, the Graffiti Wall will capture and reflect the attendee ex-
perience, both artistic and verbal, as well as serve as the backdrop to the conference reg-
istration area. Your logo will be prominently displayed at the top of the wall. Other sponsor
benefits include:
By advertising
connecting your brand to a network
where socially responsible business
SVNet Online Advertising: $950
leaders go to connect and collaborat
Advertise on SVNet until June 30, 2011
By advertising on SVNet you are connecting your SVNet homepage
brand to a network where socially responsible
business leaders go to connect and collaborate. What
Your logo will appear on the main page of SVNet,
Your lo
seen every time a member signs in. The logo is seen ev
linked to your new organizational page with a linked t
company description, links to your web pages
and feeds to your social media marketing. A link
to your own personal profile will also be on your and fee
organization page so interested members can link to
clicking here
contact you.
on your
Your organization’s page is dynamic, updating can con
itself with content from your feeds automatically.
You may also edit your organization page at any takes you here Your or
itself w
Your business will also be linked to a search term
of your choosing; e.g. marketing, investing, real
You ma
estate. When members search for that term your time.
organization will be at the top of the results.
Your bu
of your
estate. W
[email protected] or (41
include a top-of-the-page cluster logo and link to your own web page on our private Con-
ference Connections web site, the virtual meeting place for conference attendees before,
during and after the conference.