Rasi Taurus
Rasi Taurus
Rasi Taurus
Sun’s entry into the sign Taurus, or Vedic Vrishabha, is also known as Vrishabha Sankranti. If
you are interested in the mundane aspects of the Sun’s entry into different signs checkout Visti’s
Rama courses [link].
Pandit Sanjay Rath said that the word symbol we can examine as Karaka, a doer. So, the
symbol of the sign will show us the traits of the sign. For example, Taurus is symbolized by the
bull, and as such can indicate one who is firm and determined, well built and strong, with high
endurance power. As the second sign of the Zodiac, it maps into the 2nd house that is the first of
the Artha trines that have to do with wealth, hence major Dhana (or wealth) yogas are involving
the 2nd house or the 2nd lord. On the Tatwa (elemental) level, this is the first of the three Prithvi
or Earth element signs, and people indicated by the sign Taurus can be very practical, have a
good understanding of wealth, which also implies the necessary knowledge or skills for its
Degree Interpretation
Just like tail wifts away the ies and bad smell, people born with
Tail of Ascendant or other special lagna (such as Moon, Atmakaraka, etc.)
the bull will tend to be calming presence, can make things easier, nicer and
deal with the bad energy;
Power of
5 – 10 the hind These people are forceful, have a strong drive, can push hard;
10 – 15 Power to segment and digest knowledge and then use it;
Has to do with pulling, people who are good at helping others out
20 – 25 of a problem, one who can lift the fallen, and take them out of the
su ering;
Head It is said that if the head of the cow is lifted it shows intellectual use
25 – 30 and the of knowledge, but when the head goes down horns are important
horns and bull is ready to charge*.
* Satwa planets look up, always looking for the higher knowledge; Rajas planets look straight or
ahead, and in this context, they can show thinking or deciding; Tamas planets look down and
planets in this portion of the sign can indicate the aggression of the bull, somebody who is ready
for the fight.
Shri Krishna is known as the god of compassion, tenderness, and love and is one of the most
beloved Hindu gods. He is also known as Govinda “chief herdsman”, and Gopala “Protector of
the ‘Go'”, which means “Soul” or “the cows”.
Vishnu’s avatar Sri Krishna was born as Taurus (Vrshabha) Ascendant in the last portion of the
sign, indicating the head of the bull. This portion can be both brain/intellect or the horns, but
with Satwa Moon on the ascendant, it indicates the head with the symbolism of knowledge and
Still, he was known as a fierce warrior, slayer of the demons, and the Avatar of the Kali Yuga.
Note that the Moon here is placed in the hump portion of the bull indicating somebody who can
carry the burdens of others.
Whilst reading the other life events, one should examine the whole chart. As an example, an
important parivartana yoga including the ascendant lord in the 3rd house, and 3rd lord on
ascendant explains his fierce battles with many demons and enemies and his crucial role as a
charioteer during Mahabharata (Venus and Moon form Yanavantha yoga).
– om tat sat –