SUN (Surya) : The King
SUN (Surya) : The King
SUN (Surya) : The King
The King
Sun's Diameter: 864,337.3 mi
Sun's Motion: Aprox 365 days to go through entire zodiac
Sun's movement through each zodiac: 30 to 31 days aprox.
Sun is the minute hand on the clock.
Sun is at his highest point in the sky in June
Sun has a 11 year long solar cycle.
Sun can never be Retrograde
Mercury and Venus are always 0-90 degrees apart from the sun in
a horoscope.
Yantra image credit:
Surya Yantra.
Who is Surya in Jyotish?
Sun is the hottest graha in Jyotish. It can burn
everything. Including our karmas. Surya is the
reason why we are born.
Our sages spoke to God, divine beings,
nakshatra beings, star beings through sun light in
the morning. The 1st 'Kiran' (Rays) is the most
powerful light source of the day and if one to
say the right mantras facing the east in morning
the mantra prayers will reach the God whom you
are trying to invoke. If you ever want to reach a
certain God or Goddess like Ram, Laxami,
Shiva, Jesus etc.. you must say your prayers to
the rising Sun light which the fastest form of
transportation of messages and things. Light is
everything. Very few people know far more
information on light than what is taught to us in
schools and grad schools.
Main Pointers:
• Sun is divine
• Sun is pure
• Sun is light
• Sun is God
• Sun is Soul
• Sun is father
• Sun is authority
• Sun is fire
• Sun burns
• Sun purifies
• Sun energizes
• Sun heals
The seven horses of Surya are known by the
name Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnih, Jagati,
Trishtubha, Anushtubha and Pankti. These are
the 7 colors of the rainbow and 7 chakras inside
the spine. The symbolism of the horse is the
clue. It says Surya runs our lives we do not run
our lives. The ones who open their Kundlini
chakars are no longer bound by the Sun and can
ride their own horse. With activation of Kundlini
one becomes the Sun. This is why all the saints
who are honest, authentic and real actually have
a halo of bright light around their head that
looked like the sun. It was a indication that this
soul is now divine and merged in with thee. The
few that I know of are Lahiri Mahasaya, Shri
Yukteshver Giri, Neem Karoli baba and Sri
Trailanga Swami.
Leo is the home of Surya which is known as its
Moolatriknona Rashi. Moolatrikona is the "root"
sign. The home office.
Main Pointers II
metal: Copper, Gold
Sun Matures at: 22nd age.
Sun and its Debilitation Sign
Sun and Places Associated
Sun is associated with Shiva Temples, Forests, Lion’s Cave,
Government Offices, Parliament House, Forts, Palaces, Open
Fields, Courtyards Allowing Plenty Of Light, Deserts. Sun is also
associated with places of Worship.
Sun and Cause of Childlessness
Sun shows Curse of Lord Shiva, Garuda, and Curse of Father