Chapter Iv - MRF

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This chapter focuses on the presentation of data and interprets the results

of the observation and survey tests conducted. The current chapter concentrates

on the management of solid wastes and the benefits of having a Material Recovery

Facility in the Municipality of Tunga. The methods used in data collection, tools

and sources of data are explained. Each data was analyzed and demystified to give

answers to the problem under investigation.

1. Does the Municipality of Tunga have solid waste management

plans in accordance with R.A 9003 and its local ordinances?

The Municipality of Tunga is well informed and oriented with the R.A. 9003,

The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. Tunga, Leyte already

conducted solid waste management systems. Also, looking forward for further

proposals and plans in accordance with R.A. 9003. The municipality is very active

in implementing the activities and /methods on its respectful barangays, both

urban and rural. Yes, the Municipality of Tunga do have plans in order to have a

systematic management of solid waste. These plans aim to have a community

living in a safe environment through community’s involvement in waste reduction,

waste segregation and recovery of reusable, recyclable and compostable wastes.

The said municipality is trying to achieve a clean and green environment through
proper and strict implementation of Ecological Solid Waste Management Act for

the benefit of the people and the environment.

2. /What are the major issues in the open dumpsite that will

seriously affect the inhabitants:

From the definition of Open Dumpsite, it is an unprotected dumpsite that is

penetrable by any living organism because this is a site where wastes are being

dumped without being segregated and it can harm all possible areas, both living

and non-living that it can reach. This can also cause inhalation of toxic gases, fire

and explosion due to the gas that is fused from the different wastes, disease

carried by mosquitoes, flies, and other surrounding animals that may enter the

dumpsite, contamination of soil and groundwater, and etc.

3. What are the waste characterizations of Tunga, Leyte in terms of:

a. Volume of waste collected

As we have interviewed Sir Bryan G. Lim, MENRO-Designate, we found out

the waste characterization of the urban barangays in Tunga Leyte in terms of

volume of waste collected is five (5) tons per collection or fifteen (15) tons per

week as their schedule of collection is Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In this

schedule of collection of wastes, they have implemented a policy that during

Monday and Wednesday, they will only collect biodegradable wastes like diapers,

food wastes, papers, leaves and, etc. Then on Friday the garbage collectors will
only collect non-biodegradable wastes like plastic bottles, tin cans, metal scraps,

cellophanes, glass and, etc.

b. Classification of waste collected

Tunga Leyte’s waste composition can be summarized into 61%

biodegradable wastes, 31% recyclable wastes, 6% residual wastes and 2% special



Biodegradable Wastes Recyclable Wastes Residual Wastes Special Wastes

6% 2%



Figure 5. Waste Composition in Tunga, Leyte

Figure 5 show that waste composition in the municipality indicate a high

volume of biodegradable wastes. The municipality must give priority on diverting

biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes as it comprises the large volume of

the municipality’s waste.

Special waste of the municipality comprises only a small portion of the total

waste generation and is monitored for proper waste disposal. Health care waste

or clinical waste that are generated from health care institution are properly

disposed of in their septic vaults in accordance with the requirement of the

Department of Health (DOH). At present, toxic and hazardous waste from

households, commercial establishments and institutions are mixed with other type

of wastes during collection and is directly disposed at the disposal facility of the


4. How does the barangay collect and transfer its wastes as

presented through the:

a. Sources of waste

a.1. Household

The Municipality of Tunga executes the collection of solid wastes in their

localities through the typical way of collection, and that is by the cooperation of

each urban barangay. Each household will personally gather up or stack their

wastes whether it’s biodegradable or non-biodegradable in a certain container of

their choice, since the segregation process is not being practiced at the moment

due to some reasons. One of /the reasons is the lack of interest of the household
themselves. /Tunga has only one(1) dump truck at the moment, and this is another

reason whenever the garbage truck is not in good shape to operate and must

undergo repair, the collection of course will be affected which results for a delay

of the collecting garbage and sometimes they will postpone collecting garbage on

that day. This then causes the garbage collection crews to compromise segregated

waste from the households because of their urgency to accomplish their task at

the right time and to be efficient of collecting solid wastes from almost all around

the urban barangays of the Municipality of Tunga. But the main reason why the

collection is still mixed, biodegradable and non-biodegradable, because the LGU

has not implemented yet the policy on “No Segregation, No Collection”.

a.2 Commercial

b. Schedule of waste collection

The table shown below containing the Garbage Collection Schedule has

been obtained through the researchers’ interview of the MENRO-Designate, Mr.

Bryan G. Lim.

Table 1. Schedule of Garbage Collection

Barangay covered in the Collection Collection Schedule

San Antonio (Población) Mondays, Wednesday, Friday

San Vicente (Población) Mondays, Wednesday, Friday

Sto. Nino (Población) Mondays, Wednesday, Friday

San Pedro Mondays, Wednesday, Friday

San Roque Mondays, Wednesday, Friday

The aforementioned barangays in the table belong to the urban area of the

municipality. Rural barangays, namely, Astorga, Balire, and Banawang, are not

covered because of distance and the road accessibility; also, the LGU has only one

(1) dump truck. The said dump truck is not only dedicated to collection of garbage

rather it has multifunction.

c. Presence of landfills/dumpsites and their location

Currently there is an open dumpsite inside the Municipality and it is located

at Brgy. San Roque right beside the municipal cemetery and near LEYECO III

station, about 300 meters away from the national highway and around /1.2

kilometer away from the municipal building. The dumpsite area is 0.522 hectares

or 5,220 square meters and serves as the final disposal facility for collected waste

at present. And this is part of the serious problems facing by the localities when it

comes to solid waste management in accordance to R.A. 9003.

d. Means of Collection

Table 2. List of Existing Equipment for SWM

Equipment No. of units Capacity Remarks
3.5 cubic Undergone
Dump Truck 1 Operational
meter repair

In the collection of municipal solid waste, the municipality has an available

one 3.5 cubic meter dump truck. Its present condition though still serviceable but

had already undergone repairs, such as replacement of steel plate flooring as its

major repair operation.

e. Resources (Garbage collection facilities)

5. What are the practices of waste segregation in the barangay

especially in:

The municipality has already implemented waste segregation policy to

ensure that they could easily segregate the biodegradables and the recyclables

and make the job easier. In times when the waste segregation policy hasn’t been

implemented yet, only few were doing waste segregation. Now that it is

implemented, every household is obligated to segregate their waste to ensure a

clean and fast collection of all waste. They now segregate the biodegradables from

the non-biodegradables and this waste are collected on MWF schedule.

Commercial, institutional and industrial establishments also do segregate

their waste because they also produce many kinds of waste that is harmful to the

6. Is there a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in the barangay? If so,

what are the:

There are no processing facilities present in the municipality of Tunga. No

barangay MRFs that may be process biodegradable and recyclable wastes. The

LGU has a Municipal MRF located within the dumpsite area but is not functional.

There is a plan to have a fully functional Municipal MRF but because of there is no

budget that was given yet to the municipality, the Municipality MRF has no layout

created yet.

There are no processing facilities present in the municipality of Tunga. No

barangay MRFs that may be process biodegradable and recyclable wastes. In order

to fully monitor the segregation of the wastes, there is a crew in the dumpsite who

are responsible of segregating the wastes.

Survey Questionnaire Results

Table 3. Are you aware of R.A. 9003 or the “Ecological Solid Waste Management


Freq. Percent(%)

Yes 53 53%

No 47 47%

Table 4. Are you aware of the barangay’s rules and regulation regarding solid
waste management?

Freq. Percent(%)

Yes 83 83%

No 17 17%

Table 5. Do you practice waste segregation (biodegradable, non-biodegradable?


Freq. Percent(%)

Yes 80 80%

No 20 20%

Base on table no. 3 which shows the result of the respondents’ awareness

about the R.A. 9003 or the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000”, fifty-

three percent (53%) of the 100 respondents answered “Yes” in the survey

instrument which is interpreted that more than half of Tunga, Leyte’s population

in the urban barangays were already aware that the said law has been

implemented in the country. According to the researchers’ observation, if the

respondent is aging from 40-60 years old, he or she is most probably aware of the

law, but if the respondent is aging from 18-39 years old, the exact opposite would

be the result. This shows that R.A. 9003 is not yet imparted to the younger

Regarding with the respondents’ awareness about their own particular

barangay’s rules and regulation regarding solid waste management garnered a

positive result with 83% of the urban barangays’ population answered “Yes” that

they were aware. This implies that the local government was very active and

successful in implementing their ordinances regarding with solid waste

management and making their citizens well oriented pertaining to that matter.

As a positive result of table no. 4 which regards to the respondents’

awareness of their own barangay’s ordinances about solid waste management,

table no. 5 has also showed a very good percentage of 80. The table was all about

the result of the respondents’ answers if they do practice waste segregation from

biodegradable to non-biodegradable materials in their own households. This result

was the fruit of the barangay officials’ effort in imparting to the locals their local

ordinances about solid waste management. And probably one of those ordinances

was waste segregation. This also means that this would be easier for the local

government to impart to the citizens of whatever the R.A. 9003 requires about

waste segregation for they already practice segregation.

Table 6. Do you think improper waste disposal have an effect on the

environment especially, on soil and sources of water?

Freq. Percent(%)

Yes 98 98%

No 2 2%
Table 7. Is the dumpsite in the barangay properly managed?

Freq. Percent(%)

Yes 52 52%

No 13 17%

I don’t know 35 31%

Table 8. Are you satisfied with the waste management activities here in the


Freq. Percent(%)

Yes 78 78%

No 14 14%

Undecided 8 8%

Table 6 shows the percentage of residents who thinks that there is an effect

on the environment on improper waste disposal. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of

the respondents said that they really know the effects of the improper waste

disposal that it would bring to the environment. Only two percent of the

respondents doesn’t know its effect. This goes to show that they are aware on the

consequences that it would bring to them if they do not properly dispose their


Open dumpsite is the easiest form of disposal of municipal solid waste that

is available and affordable for any Municipality but pose threat to the surrounding

environment. Many types of waste are dumped in one place with no regards if it
is biodegradable or non-biodegradable and if it is hazardous. Table 7 shows that

fifty-two percent (52%) of the respondents said that the open dumpsite is properly

managed. They said that the dumpsite has already perimeter walls to prevent

anyone from going in and out. Seventeen percent (17%) said that the open

dumpsite is not properly managed and Thirty-one percent (31%) of the

respondents don’t know if properly managed or not.

Tunga, Leyte especially the urban area has implemented rules and

regulation regarding the waste disposal scheme. The residents then follow this

scheme and seventy-five percent (75%) of the respondents said that they are

satisfied with the waste management activities in their respective barangays. Only

ten percent (10%) of the respondent were not totally satisfied and fifteen percent

(15%) are undecided (Table 8). This shows that the head of the barangays did a

good job in implementing their waste disposal policies.

Table 9. Awareness of the residents on waste segregation

Statement Mean Interpretation






General Mean 4.45

Table 8 shows the level of awareness of the residents of Tunga, Leyte on

waste segregation. It yielded a general mean of 4.45 on level of awareness and is

interpreted as moderately aware.

With their knowledge regarding to the existing waste segregation policy of

the barangay’s local government, the respondents’ perceptions garnered a mean

score of 4.29 which is interpreted as moderately aware. That still shows a high

level of awareness from the perspective of the respondents. /But during the

researchers’ interview with the barangay captain in one of the urban barangays of

the municipality, Mr. Fideleo G. Baac, said that their local ordinances with the

waste segregation in their barangay was stopped for the reason that the local

government has not yet fully imparted to their constituents. Mr. Baac also said

that it was a good thing that even though the localities had not yet strictly

implemented the “No segregation, no collection” policy, still the residents do

practice segregation in their own households.

With the knowledge on the waste classification as to biodegradable, non-

biodegradable and recyclables, it yielded a mean score of 4.48 which can be

interpreted as moderately aware. This data show that the residents of Tunga,

Leyte knows or has the knowledge pertaining to the waste classification as to

biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclables. This high mean result was

achieved thanks to the barangay official effort on educating their resident on

materials that are recyclables, biodegradables and non-biodegradables.

Awareness or having knowledge on the effect to the environment of

improper waste disposal is very necessary. And it is a good sign that the

respondents’ knowledge about it was yielded with a mean score of 4.59, which

means that the residences of Tunga, Leyte are very aware of those effects that

improper waste disposal may result. Even without having municipal records of

some bad effects, they were really informed of what might happen if improper

waste disposal will be practiced. Because of the residences’ massive level of

awareness, the respondents are very responsible to dispose their wastes properly

and orderly.

/From the R.A. 9003 Section 15(h), this states that Practical applications of

environmentally sound techniques of waste minimization such as, but not limited

to, resource conservation, segregation at source, recycling, resource recovery,

including waste-to-energy generation, re-use and composting. In the knowledge

of the residents on what materials or objects are classified into biodegradable,

non-biodegradable and recyclables. The residents’ needs to be ascertain to

themselves if they can really classify the things that are to be disposed and not to

be disposed to also help the reduction of wastes produced by the households and

to minimize the waste to be segregated in the dumpsite. It is best if the household

can determine first the type of waste and the possible use of the material. By then

the household can decide of either recycling or disposal of the possible waste.

The awareness of the people of Tunga on materials/objects that are

classified into biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclables had resulted to a

weighted mean of 4.44 which can be interpreted as moderately aware. This means

that all of the households of every barangay in the urban areas are aware of how

to segregate the biodegradable and non-biodegradable, and how to determine the

recyclable things.

Table 10.a. Regularity of solid waste collection

Statement Mean Interpretation



4.72 Very regular

General mean 4.66 Very regular

As shown in Table 10, with the regularity of solid waste collection, it yielded

a general mean score of 4.66 which can be interpreted to a very regular solid

waste collection. Regular collection of wastes is an implementation of proper

waste disposal. With the municipality’s regularity of solid waste collection, the data
gathered gave in a mean score of 4.60, which expresses that garbage collection

in Tunga, Leyte is very regular. The said schedule of collection is every Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday. The respondents are well oriented that Mondays and

Wednesdays’ collection are for biodegradable wastes, and the collection of non-

biodegradable wastes are done every Friday. The municipality is very responsible

that they are collecting the town’s disposed wastes very regularly. They only

skipped collection when celebrating fiesta and sometimes the incapability of their

only one garbage dump truck to collect.

With on time arrival of garbage collection crew, this yielded a mean score

of 4.72, which can be interpreted as very regular. The residents that were

interviewed by the researchers said that the collection crew always arrive on time

and collect the garbage regularly with the exception on times when the garbage

truck is non-functional.

Table 10.b. Adequacy of facilities on solid waste collection

Facilities Mean Interpretation

GARBAGE TRUCKS 4.8 Very Adequate


General mean 4.8 Very Adequate

When it comes to the garbage truck adequacy, the gathered data resulted

a mean score of 4.8, this means that the garbage truck is very adequate. The

Municipality of Tunga has only one garbage dump truck, but this single truck is
very efficient and effective in collecting solid wastes. Meanwhile, there are some

rare instances of flaws and incapability of the dump truck to roam and collect.

From the interview about the adequacy of the garbage collectors, it resulted

to a weighted mean of 4.8, which means that the collectors don’t need additional

helper in collecting and whenever a collector became absent, this won’t greatly

affect the accuracy of collecting the garbage which only consumes a half of the


Table 9.b. Adequacy of facilities on solid waste collection

Tools Mean Interpretation


GARBAGE BINS 3.4 Adequate




General mean 3.96

As for the garbage collection tools, it yielded a 3.96 general mean which is

interpreted to moderately adequate. Proper garbage collection suit gave an

average mean of 4.4 and is interpreted as moderately adequate. This means that

the garbage collection suits are enough for all the garbage collection crews.

For garbage bins it gave a mean of 3.4 which is interpreted as adequate.

According to the garbage collection crew, garbage bins are just enough for every


As for wheel barrow, brooms, and dustpans they yielded an average mean

of 4.4, 3.8, and 3.8, respectively. According to the garbage collection crew, these

tools are adequate enough to carry out their work.

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