Geotech. Eng. Software

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Geotechnical Engineering Software

There are many geotechnical engineering software packages available

on the market. In this chapter, an introduction to some of the more
famous software will be discussed.

18.1 Shallow Foundations

18.1.1 SPT Foundation

SPT Foundation is a program available at
The program computes the bearing capacity of shallow foundations
using the Terzaghi bearing capacity equation. The SPT blow count in
the soil is used to obtain the friction angle to be used in the Terzaghi
bearing capacity equation. The program uses the correlation provided
by Hatakanda and Uchida (1996).
The program is capable of conducting the settlement of founda-
tions, as well. The average SPT (N) value within the depth of influence
below the footing is used for settlement computations. A portion of
the program is available without charge. As per authors of the website,
they use the method proposed by Burland and Burbidge (1984).

18.1.2 ABC Bearing Capacity Computation

Free programs from the following website are capable of conducting
bearing capacity computations:
260 Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb

ABC can be used to solve bearing capacity problems with m a n y layers

of soil. The program can be used to solve rigid foundations resting on a
cohesive-frictional soil mass that is loaded to failure by a central vertical
force. The program provides option for the cohesion to vary linearly
with depth.
In reality, such situations may be rare. The program authors claim
that the computations are done using a finite element grid using stress
analysis without resorting to approximations. The program is fully
documented and provided with a user manual. It is freeware at the
present time, but will probably be commercially sold soon.

18.1.3 Settle 3D
Settle 3D is a program by for analysis of consoli-
dation and settlement under foundations, embankments, and surface
excavations. The program is capable of conducting 3D analysis of
foundation settlement.

18.1.4 Vdrain~Consolidation Settlement

Vdrain is a free program available from that can be used
to calculate settlement and consolidation of soft soils.

18.1.5 Embank
Embank is a program that computes settlement under e m b a n k m e n t
loads. Embankments are c o m m o n for bridge abutments. The program
computes vertical settlement due to e m b a n k m e n t loads. For the case of
a strip symmetrical vertical e m b a n k m e n t loading, the program super-
imposes two vertical e m b a n k m e n t loads. For the increment of vertical
stresses at the end of fill, the program internally superimposes a series
of 10 rectangular loads to create the end of fill condition. This program
can be downloaded free of charge from the FHWA website.

18.2 Slope Stability Analysis

18.2.1 Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS)
RSS is a program capable of design and analysis of reinforced soil slopes
(reinforced soil slopes). The software is based on the FHWA manual
Reinforced Soil Structures, Volume I~Design and Construction Guidelines
Chapter 18 Geotechnical Engineering Software 261

This program analyzes and designs soil slopes strengthened with

horizontal reinforcement, as well as analyzing unreinforced soil slopes.
The analysis is performed using a two-dimensional limit equilibr-
ium method. The program is a predecessor of very popular STABL
computer program from the 1990s (Federal Highway Administration,

18.2.2 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls (MSEW)

The program MSEW is capable of conducting design and analysis of
mechanically stabilized earth walls. The program is available from

18.3 Bridge Foundations

18.3.1 FB Multipier
The FB MultiPier software package is capable of analyzing bridge piers
connected to each other. Each pier is considered to be supported on
piles or caissons. The settlement and load bearing capacity of founda-
tions can be computed using this program. The authors state that this
program conducts a nonlinear structural finite element analysis, and a
nonlinear static soil model for axial and lateral soil behavior.
The product needs to be licensed prior to service, and can be down-
loaded from

18.4 Rock Mechanics

Rock Mechanics is freeware available from Southern Illinois University
Carbondale. The program can be downloaded from their website,
The program considers rock joints and water pressure to compute
the stability. See Fig. 18.1.

18.4.1 Wedge Failure Analysis

Wedge failure is an important software package to tunneling engineers
and rock slope stability computations. The formation of wedges due
to joints needs to be analyzed. The free computer program available at
262 Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb

Figure 18.1 Rock slope stability be used to analyze the

formation of wedges in a rock formation.

18.4.2 Rock Mass Strength Parameters

RocLab is a software program available from http://www.rocscience.
com/for determining rock mass strength parameters. The user can use
the program to visualize the effects of changing rock mass parameters
on the failure envelopes. collaborates with E. Hoek,
one of the most distinguished authorities in the rock mechanics field.
Together they provide very valuable information on rock mechanics.

18.5 Pile Design

18.5.1 Spile
Spile is a versatile program used to determine the ultimate vertical static
pile capacity. The program is capable of computing the vertical static
pile capacity in clayey soils and sandy soils. The program is designed
based on equations presented by Nordlund (1979), Meyerhof (1976),
and Tomlinson (1985).

18.5.2 Kalny
The Kalny software package conducts pile group analysis. This program
provides pile forces for regular and irregular pile groups for multiple
load combinations in a single spreadsheet. The engineer can check
Chapter 18 GeotechnicalEngineering Software 263

governing forces for "corner" piles or review the forces on all piles in a
two-dimensional fashion.
In certain situations, certain piles may have to be discarded due to
doglegging or damage during driving.

18.6 Lateral Loading Analysis--Computer Software

W h e n a lateral load (P) is applied as shown in Fig. 18.2, the following
resistances would be developed.

Figure 18.2 Lateral loading analysis

PS1 = passive soil resistance due to pile cap on one side of the
pile cap
$1 = skin friction at the base of the pile cap
P1 and P2 = lateral soil resistance of piles

If the pile cap is connected to other pile caps with tie beams, there
would be resistance due to tie beams, as well.

18.6.1 LateralLoading Analysis Using Computer Programs

The input parameters to lateral loading analysis computer programs are

1. Pile parameters.
2. Soil parameters.
264 GeotechnicalEngineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb

The pile p a r a m e t e r s include

9 Pile diameter.
9 Center to center spacing of piles in the group.
9 N u m b e r of piles in the group.
9 Pile cap d i m e n s i o n s .

18.6.2 Soil Parameters for Sandy Soils

Soil parameters should be provided to the computer for each strata.

9 Strata thickness.
9 ~p' value of the strata.
9 Coefficient of subgrade reaction, k.

Note that the ~' value of sandy soil can be calculated using the
following equation (Peck et al., 1974).

~0'= 53.881 - 27.6034 x e -0.0147N


N = average SPT value of the strata.

Note t h a t the coefficient of subgrade reaction, k, can be o b t a i n e d
using Table 18.1. Similarly, soil p a r a m e t e r s for o t h e r strata also n e e d to
be provided.

Table 18.1 Coefficient of subgrade reaction (k) vs. N (SPT)

SPT (N) 8 10 15 20 30
k(kN/m 3) 2.67x 10 -6 4.08x 10 -6 7.38x 10 -6 9.74x 10 -6 1.45x 10 -6

Source: Johnson and Kavanaugh (1968).

18.6.3 Soil Parameters for Clayey Soils

The soil parameters required for clayey soils are

9 Su, the u n d r a i n e d shear strength. Su is o b t a i n e d by c o n d u c t i n g

u n c o n f i n e d compressive s t r e n g t h tests.
Chapter 18 Geotechnical Engineering Software 265

9 tc, the strain corresponding to 50% of the ultimate stress. If the

ultimate stress is 3 tsi (tons per square inch), then ec is the strain at
1.5 tsi.
9 ks, the coefficient of subgrade reaction.

The coefficient of subgrade reaction for clay soils is obtained from

Table 18.2.

Table 18.2 Coefficient of subgrade reaction vs. undrained

shear strength
Average undrained shear strength (tsf)
(0.5-1) tsf (1-2) tsf (2--4) tsf

ks (static) lb/in. 3 500 1,000 2,000

ks (cyclic) lb/in. 3 200 400 800
Source: Reese (1975).

18.7 Finite Element Method

Most geotechnical engineering software is based on the finite element

method. The finite element method is considered to be the most
powerful mathematical method that exists today to solve piling

9 Any type of soil condition could be simulated using a finite element

method. See Fig. 18.3.
9 Complicated soil profile is shown in Fig. 18.3. Nodes in each of the
finite elements are given the soil properties of that layer, such as r ),
(density), cohesion, SPT (N) value, and so on.
9 The nodes of the elements in layer 1 are given the soil properties of
layer 1. Similarly, the nodes in layer 2 will be given the soil properties
of layer 2.
9 Due to this flexibility, isolated soil pockets can also be effectively
266 Geotechnical Engineering Calculationsand Rulesof Thumb

Figure 18.3 Finite element grid

18.7.1 Representation of Time History

9 The capacity of a pile is dependent on the history of loading. A pile
that was loaded gradually would have a higher capacity than a pile
that was loaded rapidly.
9 Assume that a developer is planning to construct a 10 story build-
ing in five years. In this case, the full building load on piles would
gradually develop over a time period of five years.
9 On the other hand, the developer could change the plan and decide
to construct the 10 story building in two years. In this case, the full
load on the piles would develop in two years. If the piles were to be
fully loaded in two years, the capacity of the piles would be less than
the first scenario.
9 In such situations, finite element method could be used to simulate
the time history of loading.

18.7.2 Groundwater Changes

The change of groundwater conditions also affects the capacity of piles.
The change of groundwater level can be simulated easily, using the
finite element method.
Chapter 18 Geotechnical Engineering Software 267

18.7.3 Disadvantages
The main disadvantage of the finite element method is its complex
nature. In m a n y cases engineers may wonder whether it is profitable
to perform a finite element analysis.

18.7.4 Finite Element Computer Programs

Computer programs are available with finite element platforms. These
programs can be used to solve a wide array of piling problems. The user
is expected to have a working knowledge of finite element analysis
to use these programs. More specialized computer programs are also
available in the market. These programs do not require a knowledge of
finite element analysis.

18.8 Boundary Element Method

9 The boundary element method is a simplified version of the finite ele-
ment method. In this method, only the elements at the boundaries
are considered. See Fig. 18.4.

Figure 18.4 Boundary element method

9 Only the elements at the soil-pile boundary are represented.

9 In this method, the full soil profile is not represented. As shown in
Fig. 18.4, the isolated soft soil pocket is not represented.
9 On the other hand, fewer elements will make the computational
procedure much simpler than the finite element method.
268 Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb


Burland, J. B., and Burbidge, M. C. 1984. Settlement of foundations on sand and

gravel. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 1, 78" 1325-1381.
Hatanaka, M., and Uchida, A. 1996. Empirical correlation between penetration
resistance and effective friction of sandy soil. Soils and Foundations 36(4): 1-9.
Johnson, S. M., and Kavanaugh, T. C. 1968. The design of foundations for
buildings. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Mayne, P. W. 2001. Geotechnical site characterization using Cone, piezocone,
SPTu, and VST. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Georgia
Institute of Technology.
Meyerhof, G. G. 1956. Penetration tests and bearing capacity of cohesionless
soils. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE 82(SM1):
Meyerhof, G. G. 1976. Bearing capacity and settlement of pile foundations.
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 102(GT3, paper 11962): 195-228.
Nordlund, R. L. 1979. Point bearing and shaft friction of piles in sand. The Fifth
Annual Conference on the Fundamentals of Deep Foundation Design.
Peck, R. B., Hanson, W. E., and Thornburn, T. H. 1974. Foundation engineering.
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Reese, L. C. 1975. Field testing and analysis of laterally loaded piles in stiff clay.
Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Vol. II.
Schmertmann, J. H. 1975. Measurement of in situ shear strength, keynote
lecture. Proceedings of the conference on in-situ measurement of soil properties,
Vol. II, American Society of Civil Engineers.
Tomlinson, M. J. (1985). Foundation design and construction. Essex, UK:
Longman Scientific and Technical.

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