Geotech. Eng. Software
Geotech. Eng. Software
Geotech. Eng. Software
18.1.3 Settle 3D
Settle 3D is a program by for analysis of consoli-
dation and settlement under foundations, embankments, and surface
excavations. The program is capable of conducting 3D analysis of
foundation settlement.
18.1.5 Embank
Embank is a program that computes settlement under e m b a n k m e n t
loads. Embankments are c o m m o n for bridge abutments. The program
computes vertical settlement due to e m b a n k m e n t loads. For the case of
a strip symmetrical vertical e m b a n k m e n t loading, the program super-
imposes two vertical e m b a n k m e n t loads. For the increment of vertical
stresses at the end of fill, the program internally superimposes a series
of 10 rectangular loads to create the end of fill condition. This program
can be downloaded free of charge from the FHWA website.
18.5.2 Kalny
The Kalny software package conducts pile group analysis. This program
provides pile forces for regular and irregular pile groups for multiple
load combinations in a single spreadsheet. The engineer can check
Chapter 18 GeotechnicalEngineering Software 263
governing forces for "corner" piles or review the forces on all piles in a
two-dimensional fashion.
In certain situations, certain piles may have to be discarded due to
doglegging or damage during driving.
PS1 = passive soil resistance due to pile cap on one side of the
pile cap
$1 = skin friction at the base of the pile cap
P1 and P2 = lateral soil resistance of piles
If the pile cap is connected to other pile caps with tie beams, there
would be resistance due to tie beams, as well.
1. Pile parameters.
2. Soil parameters.
264 GeotechnicalEngineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb
9 Pile diameter.
9 Center to center spacing of piles in the group.
9 N u m b e r of piles in the group.
9 Pile cap d i m e n s i o n s .
9 Strata thickness.
9 ~p' value of the strata.
9 Coefficient of subgrade reaction, k.
Note that the ~' value of sandy soil can be calculated using the
following equation (Peck et al., 1974).
SPT (N) 8 10 15 20 30
k(kN/m 3) 2.67x 10 -6 4.08x 10 -6 7.38x 10 -6 9.74x 10 -6 1.45x 10 -6
18.7.3 Disadvantages
The main disadvantage of the finite element method is its complex
nature. In m a n y cases engineers may wonder whether it is profitable
to perform a finite element analysis.