Alternative Process of Glucose To Be Sorbitol
Alternative Process of Glucose To Be Sorbitol
Alternative Process of Glucose To Be Sorbitol
Member : Ulfah (F34160061); Nabilatun (F34160067); Fery (F34160069); Natha (F34160078); Kennedy
Napitupulu (F34160084);
The first alternative process is about material chosen from some alternatives and
second is about method chosen from some alternatives. Based on the materials, there are 3
alternatives that appropriate to convert material become glucose for this topic such as
material from white sweet potato, cassava and corn. Based on the yield resulted, according to
Sutamihardja et al (2016), white sweet potato have glucose yield 94,07 % in acid
concentration 0,75 N with hydrolysis time is 90 minutes. While, cassava have glucose yield
84,22 % in acid concentration 0,75 N with hydrolisis time is 90 minutes. Also corn have
glucose yield 89,08 % (Richana 2016). From all alternatives the apropriate one for produce
glucose with high yield is from white sweet potato.
Based on the method to produce sorbitol from glucose, there 3 alternatives that
appropriate such as biotechnology method, catalytic hydrogenation method, and
electrochemical method. Based in the yield resulted, with catalytic hydrogenation, this process
produces an overall yield of 95-99 % (Dewi et al 2014).
While according to Chun and Rogers (1988) with biotechnology can produces yield of 95%
and required longer time for fermentation process. Biotechnology process required Zymomonas
mobilis as bacteria to convert the raw material which are glucose and fructose become ethanol
and sorbitol. Yields for biotechnology process can reach up to 95% and required longer time
for fermentation process. From the side of quality, sorbitol that resulted from fermentation is
low because sorbitol is a by-product of Z. mobilis. Then th process also need membrane
separation that required high cost.
Also with electrochemical method can produces yield of 85% (Zhen et al 2017). The
electrochemical production of sorbitol was one of the first industrial processes for producing
an organic chemical by electrosynthesis. Anodic reaction was the water oxidation resulting in
oxygen and protons while cathodic reaction was the reduction of D-glucose to sorbitol as main
product and mannitol as a by product.
From all method alternatives, the appropriate one for produces glucose to be sorbito is
catalytic hydogenation.
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