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Characteristics of Stainless Steel ........2
Fabrication Properties ........................2
Drilling ...................................................2
Mechanical ........................................3
Circle Shearing...............................4
Sawing ...........................................4
Blanking, Punching,
and Nibbling...............................5
Abrasive Cutting.............................6
Flux Cutting ....................................6
Arc Cutting .....................................7
Plasma Arc Cutting.........................7
Springback ........................................8
Types .................................................9
Press Brakes ..................................9
Roll Bending...................................9
Roll Forming...................................9
Stretch Forming............................10
Descaling ............................................10
Removal of Oxide Scale...................10
Pickling Solutions .........................10
Blasting ........................................10
Removal of Weld Discoloration ........10
Passivation ..........................................10
Finishing ..............................................11
Grinding, Polishing & Buffing ...........11
Care in the Shop..................................11
Handling ..........................................11
Cleaning ..............................................12
Rust Contamination..........................12
Cleaning Methods............................12
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 5
Stainless steel is not a single alloy, but rather the name applies to a group of iron
based alloys containing a minimum of 10.5% chromium. Other elements are added and
the chromium content increased to improve the corrosion resistance, improve heat resist-
ing properties, enhance mechanical properties, and/or to improve fabricating characteris-
tics. There are over 50 stainless steel grades that were originally recognized by the
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) and are detailed in a designer handbook, Design
Guidelines for the Selection and Use of Stainless Steel, available from the Specialty Steel
Industry of North America (SSINA).
This booklet on the fabrication of stainless steel will only deal with 30 of the more com-
mon grades in three metallurgical groups: austenitic, ferritic, and martensitic.
This group contains chromium and nickel and is identified by the Type 300 series.
Grades containing chromium, nickel, and manganese are Type 200. These two types
have different compositions and properties, but many common characteristics. They
can be hardened by cold working, but not by heat treatment. In the annealed condition,
all are essentially nonmagnetic. They have excellent corrosion resistance and unusually
good formability. Type 304 (18% chromium - 8% nickel) and Type 316 (16% chromium -
10% nickel - 2% molybdenum) are the most widely used grades in this group.
The ferritic stainless steels are identified by the Type 400 series. They cannot be
hardened by heat treatment. They are straight chromium alloys and only moderately
hardened by cold working. This group is magnetic and has good ductility and resist-
ance to corrosion. Type 430 (16% chromium) is the general purpose stainless steel of
the ferritic group.
This group is also identified by the Type 400 series and are hardenable by heat
treatment. They are magnetic and resist corrosion in mild environments. The ductility of
this group is fair to good. Type 410 (11.5% chromium) is the most widely used alloy of
this group.
The Specialty Steel Industry of North America wishes to acknowledge information
obtained from the International Nickel Company, the Southern Africa Stainless Steel
Development Association, the Steel Service Center Institute and the Nickel Development
Institute (NiDI) as having contributed to this publication.
Exhibit 1
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 7
MECHANICAL Typical relative derated capacities are ting of the blades is, therefore, important.
Shearing as follows: For shearing thin gauge sheet a clear-
The shear strength of annealed ance of 0.001 to 0.002 in. (0.03 to
Low Carbon (mild) steel 0.05 mm) is suggested.
austenitic stainless steel is about 65 to
0.4 in. (10 mm) thick material Closer clearance tends to increase
70 percent of its ultimate tensile strength.
Ferritic Stainless Steel (T430) blade wear, whereas larger clearances
The shear strength of carbon steel is in
0.3 in. (7-8 mm) thick material allow the material being sheared to drag
the range of 55 to 60 percent of its ultimate
Austenitic Material (T304) over to an excessive degree, resulting in
strength. Generally, shears are rated on
0.2 in. (5-6 mm) thick material excessive wear of the blades and a poor
their capacity to shear mild carbon steel
of 50 ksi tensile strength. The shears are cut. As the material thickness increases
Note: Because thinner gauges of the clearance should be increased
supplied with rake on the upper knife in
stainless steel are generally used, the accordingly and adjusted to best suit
accordance with the shear manufac-
force required to shear stainless steel the specific piece of equipment being
turer’s specification. More force and
for a given part is often comparable to used, consistent with minimum roll over,
heavier equipment will be required to
the force needed to shear a similar part burr height and distortion (camber, twist,
shear equal thicknesses of the stainless
made of thicker carbon steel. and bow).
alloys. With more power required it is
Ferritic stainless steels tend to fracture The clearance between the shear
necessary to derate the shears against
after being cut through approximately knives should be sufficient to avoid sec-
their nominal capacity, which is usually
half their thickness. In this respect they ondary shearing by the upper knife as it
given in terms of the thickness of low
are similar to carbon and low alloy passes through the cut. Insufficient clear-
carbon (mild) steel which they are capa-
steels. ance exists if the cross section of the
ble of shearing.
Austenitic stainless steels are charac- sheared edge is smeared from top to
terized by a high ductility and, hence, a bottom. Proper clearance is present if
greater resistance to fracture. A greater about 40 percent of the metal thickness
degree of penetration takes place before is burnished at the top side of the table
the fracture occurs. The clearance set- piece and at the bottom side of the drop-
Exhibit 2
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 8
off piece. Although clearances have ance/rake angle, without causing chip- Knife speed for circular shearing is on
been found to vary from shop to shop ping of this blade. the order of 60 to 150 surface feet per
according to specific requirements, a For anything but the shortest of pro- minute (18 to 45 surface meters per
good guide is to use a clearance of duction runs, blades should be made minute) depending on the thickness of
about 5 percent of metal thickness for from high quality tool steels, quenched metal cut. For material below 17 gauge,
stock 0.062 in. (1.6 mm) thick and heav- and tempered to possess the correct 0.058 in. (1.5 mm), the knives are oper-
ier, and 3 percent of the metal thickness combination of hardness, strength and ated at the maximum referenced speed
for stock below 0.062 in. (1.6 mm) thick. toughness. and at lower speeds for heavier gauge
Experience has shown that hard material Recommendations of the type of steel material. Knives should be smoothly
will tolerate somewhat larger clearance for shear knives should come from blade ground to keen cutting edges. Knives
than soft material. Dull tools increase or knife manufacturers. However, sug- deteriorate with metal pickup. This is
shearing pressure, create the effect of gestions on the AISI type steels for minimized by using a lubricant such as
too small a clearance, and produce knives are: Type D-2 of 60 Rc hardness heavy duty water soluble oil or petroleum
burrs on sheared edges. for long runs on light gauge material; base oil to which 15 to 20 percent of
To counteract the shearing force Type A-2 of 60 Rc for intermediate runs kerosene is added.
required, the hold down pressure on and intermediate gauges and Type S-1 Here again recommendations on
the clamps may have to be increased, of 57 Rc for heavy duty shearing. shear knives should come from their
particularly when shearing the austenitic Lubricants are generally not necessary manufacturers. Suggestions on AISI type
grades. when shearing stainless steel, but the steels for knives are: Types D-3 and M-2
Figure 1 shows the typical shearing periodic application of soap or kerosene hardened to 62 to 65 Rc for thin gauges
parameters and mechanical setup. with a swab have been found helpful in to .030 inch; Type D-2 for intermediate
reducing metal pickup on the cutting gauges .030 to 0.100 inch, and Type S-5
edges when the shear is in constant use. for heavier gauges.
Side Some benefits may be obtained by
View (MOVING) BLADE a slight reduction of shearing speed Sawing
(20-25%), but this may increase the dis- Stainless steels can be cut with mech-
BACK DOWN tortion of the cut piece. anized or hand operated hack saws.
RAKE ANGLE Distortion (twist, camber, and bow) High speed steel blades are recom-
MATERIAL tends to increase as the width of the cut mended for all types of sawing. The
piece decreases relative to the thickness sawing of austenitic grades (300 series)
of the material, and also to a lesser is made more difficult due to their tend-
degree as the length of the cut ency to work harden. When cutting
BLADE increases. Distortion may be minimized these grades the cut must be initiated
CLEARANCE by careful attention to, and adjustment without any riding of the saw on the
of, the various parameters as discussed work, a positive feed pressure must be
above. If these steps do not eliminate maintained, and no pressure, drag or
Front UPPER distortion, stretching the cut piece by slip should occur on the return stroke.
approximately 3-5% usually rectifies An emulsion of soluble oil should be
the situation. used as a cutting fluid.
ANGLE The work hardening effect of shearing
MATERIAL is significant in the case of austenitic Hand Hacksawing. Generally used for
SHEARED stainless steels. Subsequent forming random cutting of light gauge material,
(bending) may lead to the initiation of a small diameter bar, tube and pipe. A
crack from the sheared edge. This can blade with a wavy set is preferable.
be overcome by mechanical dressing of Wave set tooth blades of 32 teeth per
Figure 1: Schematically shows the shearing the sheared face to remove the work inch (25 mm) mounted in a rigid frame
parameters and mechanical setup. hardened surface layers, or by annealing to prevent bending are preferred for
the cut pieces. material up to 16 gauge, 0.062 in.
The higher power requirements can to (1.6 mm). Wave or raker set teeth of 24
some extent be countered by altering the Circle Shearing teeth per inch (25 mm) are satisfactory
rake/shear angle. A rake of 1 in 40 is a It is important to set circular knives to for material 1⁄16 to 1⁄4 in. (1.6 to 6 mm)
shear angle of approximately 11⁄2°. This correct horizontal and vertical clearance thick. Heavier gauges require coarser
is the suggested least rake which should to attain clean cutting and acceptable teeth to facilitate removal of cuttings and
be used. Small rake/shear angles neces- knife life. Optimum horizontal knife clear- to prevent clogging. Regardless of the
sitate higher power/force, but cause less ance usually varies from one setup to section thickness, it is desirable to have
distortion, whereas larger rakes/shear another. A good guide from which to at least two teeth constantly in contact
angles (e.g., 1 in 16 or 31⁄2°) reduce the start is a clearance equal to 8 percent of with the work to attain smooth cutting.
power/force required, but need higher the thickness of the stock. Usually less Cutting should be accomplished with
hold down pressure on the clamps and vertical clearance in relation to the stock long smooth strokes with light but con-
tend to increase distortion. thickness is required for hard material stant pressure at a rate of about 30 to 50
Blades MUST BE SHARP. Dull blades than for soft material. A minimum of over- strokes per minute. On the back stroke
increase the roll over, burr height and lapping (vertical positive clearance) of the blade should be lifted clear of the
distortion (clamp, twist, and bow). the knives is desirable to attain burr-free surface to avoid riding over and work
The moving blade should be provided edges. Knives are generally overlapped hardening the surface and to maintain
with as large as possible back clear- to cut all the way through the metal up to
about 0.045 in. (1.1 mm) thick. For heav-
ier gauge metal, the knives are sepa-
rated (vertical negative clearance) to
attain a clean cut and break action on
the sheared edge.
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 9
sharpness of the teeth particularly when Blanking, Punching, and Clearances are best determined by
sawing austenitic stainless steels. For Nibbling experience and depend on the specific
light gauge material, where bending may piece of equipment employed, the com-
be a problem, backing up the material Blanking. Blanking stainless steels plexity of the job, and the material.
with wood has been found helpful. requires more force than for equal thick- Close clearances require very careful
nesses of carbon steel because of the alignment of the tools and tend to
Power Hacksawing. Cutting fluid should higher shear strength of stainless steel. increase the wear on the tooling. Larger
be flooded on the cut to maximize Part of the reason that greater force is clearance are preferred consistent with
cooling, particularly in cutting the needed is that the blanking cut must be preventing the metal being drawn into
austenitic grades. More than one tooth carried further through the thickness of the die and minimum burr formation
should be in contact with the work at all austenitic stainless steel than is neces- (particularly austenitic stainless steels).
times. Therefore small pitched blades sary with carbon steel, before final break- Larger clearances should be used when
should be used for cutting thinner gauges ing occurs. Thus the punch should also working temper rolled austenitic material.
and small diameters. As the material travel through the metal. To reduce the shearing force in blank-
thickness or diameter increases the tooth Blanking, punching, and piercing ing austenitic stainless steel parts, one of
spacing should increase to give better operations can be carried out without the cutting tools is often provided with
clearance and to minimize chip packing: lubrication. However, the use of a lubri- angular shearing edges, Figure 2. If the
cant reduces the power required and blanked portion is to become the part,
up to 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick/diameter also improves the tool life. Lubricants the angular shear edges should be on
10 teeth per inch (25 mm) which may be used are emulsifiable the die and the punch should be flat to
1/4 - 3/4 in. (6-20 mm) thick/diameter chlorinated waxes/oils, wax based avoid distortion of the work piece. Con-
10/8 teeth per inch (25 mm) pastes, soluble oils, or soap plus borax. versely, if the blanked portion is the dis-
3/4 - 2 in. (20-50 mm) thick/diameter Clearance between the punch and card, the angular shear edges should be
6 teeth per inch (25 mm) the die is important. For the thinnest on the punch to maintain flatness in the
over 2 in. (50 mm) thick/diameter gauges of material a minimum clearance remaining part.
4 teeth per inch (25 mm) of 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) per side is sug- Tooling should be clean and free of
gested. For thicker sheet the clearance any surface imperfections which other-
Band Sawing. Band sawing can be used per side should be between 5-10% of wise tend to pick up material, scoring the
for contour cutting, the sawing of tubes, material thickness, and for plate thick- punch and dies, and possibly causing
pipes and medium to large diameter nesses the clearance per side may be jamming and breaking of the punches.
bars. Adequate cutting fluid should be increased to 15% of the material Blanking and punching are severe
fed to the cut, especially in the cutting of thickness. applications involving both shock and
abrasion. A range of tool steels may be
Cutting Speeds and Feeds Strokes/minute Feed/Stroke used, depending on the aspects of the
particular job, and the production quan-
Wrought Ferritic Stainless Steels 90 0.006 in. (0.15 mm) tity required. Proper heat treatment by
Wrought Martensitic Stainless Steels (Harder) 75 0.006 in. (0.15 mrn)
Wrought Martensitic Stainless Steels (Softer) 100 0.006 in. (0.15 mm)
quenching and tempering must be
Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steels 80 0.006 in. (0.15 rnm) employed to develop the necessary
Cast Austenitic Stainless Steels 65 0.006 in. (0.15 mm) combination of properties, i.e., hardness,
All steels are assumed to be in the annealed (softened) condition wear resistance and toughness.
thick material — a minimum of 30 drops Cutting speeds in surface feet and (meters) per second
per minute, increased for thicker mater-
ial. As in power hacksawing, fine pitched For thicknesses of 1/4 - 1/2 in. 1- 3 in. 4 -12 in.
blades are used for cutting thin material, (6-12 mm) (25-75 mm) (100-300 mm)
the tooth spacing being increased as the
Austenitic Type 304 2.3 (0.71) 1.7 (0.51) 1.2 (0.36)
material being cut increases in thickness. Austenitic Type 316 (*) 1.7 (0.51) 1.0 (0.30) 0.7 (0.20)
Austenitic Type 321 2.3 (0.71) 1.7 (0.51) 1.2 (0.36)
up to 1/16 in. (2 mm) thick/diameter Austenitic Type 309/310 (*) 1.8 (0.56) 1.3 (0.41) 0.8 (0.25)
32 teeth per inch (25 mm) Ferritic Type 430 2.3 (0.71) 1.5 (0.46) 1.2 (0.36)
Martensitic Type 410/420 2.8 (0.86) 1.9 (0.58) 1.4 (0.43)
over 1/16 - 1/4 in. (2 mm - 6 mm) thick/
diameter All steels in the annealed (softened) condition
24/14 teeth per inch (25 mm)
over 1/4 - 3/4 in. (6 mm - 20 mm) thick/ Note: • The thinner the material, the
diameter higher the cutting speed.
10 teeth per inch (25 mm) • Up to about 4 in. (100 mm)
over 3/4 - 13/8 in. (20 mm - 35 mm) thick/diameter a regular tooth
thick/diameter shape should be employed. For
8 teeth per inch (25 mm) thicker material a hook shaped
over 13/8 - 2 in. (35 mm - 50 mm) thick/ tooth has advantages.
diameter • Feed Pressure. For thin material
6 teeth per inch (25 mm) the feed pressure should be a
over 2 in. (50 mm) thick/diameter minimum, for medium thickness
4/3 teeth per inch (25 mm) average pressure, and for thick
material the feed pressure
should be at a maximum for all
materials. The steels indicated
(*) require higher feed pressure.
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 10
In conventional oxy-cutting the metal is
first heated by the flame, then an excess
of oxygen is supplied. This causes
exothermic (heat generating) reactions
which generate the heat necessary to
Regular Sheared Punch melt the oxides formed, which are then
for Piercing removed from the cut by the velocity of
Sheared Dies for Blanking
the gas jet.
Stainless steel having a high level of
Figure 2: Face-sheared tools. stainless steel than carbon steel, the chromium (Cr) cannot be cut by simple
capacity of nibbling machines is about oxy-cutting methods due to the very high
Punching. Punching has much in com- four gauges less for austenitic stainless melting point of the chrome oxide which
mon with blanking, except that the holes steels than for carbon steel. Usually the is formed. Modified or other methods,
are smaller and the punched out metal is tools are flat faced and should contain therefore, have to be employed.
usually discarded. Thus the angular no irregular shear edges. If problems are
shear edges are placed on the punch. experienced in cutting a thickness, which Flux Cutting or Metal Powder
The punched holes may be pierced sep- should be possible, or if an unaccept- Cutting
arately or by multiple punching. able cut is produced, attention should be A fine iron-rich metal powder is
In the austenitic stainless steels, circu- given to parameters which include stroke sprayed into the oxy-acetylene gas
lar holes should have a minimum diame- rate, feed rate and clearance. Machines flame. When this burns in the oxygen
ter of at least twice the thickness of the equipped with mechanical feed devices stream, a great amount of heat is gener-
metal and the minimum distance and variable stroke rates are recom- ated, sufficient to melt the refractory
between adjacent holes should be 1/2 the mended. The cutting edges of the tool- chrome oxide, and in addition, a diluting
hole diameter. ing MUST BE SHARP. The importance effect also takes place. The molten
Lubrication should be used to mini- of this aspect cannot be over emphasized. material is removed from the cut by the
mize metal pickup on the tooling and High speed steel or high carbon-high velocity of the gas stream enabling
cool the work piece and the tools. In the chromium alloy die steels hardened to a cutting to proceed.
absence of previous experience, it is rec- Rc hardness of 60 to 62 are satisfactory This process is adaptable from thin to
ommended that lubricant suppliers be materials for blanking, punching, and very thick material, with cutting speeds
consulted as to the proper mixture of nibbling. High speed steels are preferred only slightly less than those for equal
coolant and lubricant. However, in most for nibbling. Cemented carbide punches thicknesses of carbon steel. Therefore, it
instances, lubricants which have been and dies, well supported and properly is particularly suitable for the cutting of
proved satisfactory for blanking, have aligned, are satisfactory for blanking and thick plates and slabs, and the removal
been satisfactory for punching opera- punching, but before proceeding with of feeders and risers from castings.
tions. If annealed austenitic stainless the use of carbide tools, it is recom- The cut edge is both chemically and
steel tends to distort during punching mended that the tool supplier be con- metallurgically affected causing alteration
because the holes are too closely sulted to obtain a recommendation on of chemical composition, and possible
spaced, the tendency for distortion may how to best use the carbide tools. precipitation of carbides (sensitization) in
be prevented by the use of slightly cold the austenitic grades. Prior to welding,
worked material, such as the 1/4 hard Abrasive Cutting 0.10 - 0.12 in. (2.5 - 3 mm) of material
temper rolled, and by the use of flat Abrasive wheels, rotating at high should be removed from the cut edge to
faced tools and reduced clearance speeds, can be used for both cut-off ensure the corrosion resistant properties
between punch and die. operations on relatively small section are retained. Cut edges not welded must
sizes, and for straight line cutting of sheet also be dressed prior to service.
Nibbling. Nibbling is a process of cut- and thin plate material.*The cutting of The process is amendable to auto-
ting by blanking out a series of overlap- large radius curves is also possible. matic set-up on profile cutting equipment.
ping holes and is ideally suited for irregu- Abrasive cutting is a useful method for Stack-cutting is also possible.
lar shapes. This process is widely used cutting thinner cross sections to length (or
for parts where quantities do not justify to a mitre), and for making cuts of limited
the expense of blanking dies. The holes length on the shop floor during fabrication.
can be of varied shape — circular, trian-
gular, or rectangular with rounded cor- *Note: Straight line cutting of thick
ners. The smoothness of the edge is plate (from 3/4 - 4 in./20 - 100 mm thick)
governed by the shape of the tooling can be accomplished by abrasive cut-
and the overlap of successive cuts. ting. This necessitates the use of special-
Since more force is necessary to cut ized equipment.
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 11
A variation on iron powder cutting is which are removed from the cut by • The Plasma Gases. Many gases
the injection of finely pulverized flux into the gas stream. can be used in a plasma-arc torch,
the cutting oxygen stream. This flux provided they do not have an
reacts with the refractory chrome oxide Direct current electrode negative adverse effect on the tungsten cath-
to form a slag of lower melting point gives the most rapid cut. The speed ode or the metal being cut. The effi-
compounds, which is then removed from of cut varies with the thickness and ciency of the gas in terms of the
the cut by the gas stream velocity. This composition of the metal being cut, thickness and the speed of cut
method is sometimes preferred because the oxygen pressure, the amount of depends on its thermal conductivity
it produces a smoother cut. However, it current and the dimensions of the as a plasma at the high tempera-
is not as versatile as powder cutting, the electrode. tures.
edge must also be dressed to a depth of The cut surfaces are rough and
0.08 in. (2 mm) and operators must be The traditional gases used for the
uneven. cutting of stainless steels are the
protected from the toxic fumes which are
produced. gases argon (A), nitrogen (N),
Shielded Metal-Arc Cutting is a hydrogen (H), and helium (He).
modification using a heavily flux Argon is easily ionized, but has a
Arc Cutting coated stick electrode. The flux per-
The extremely high temperatures devel- lower thermal conductivity at high
forms the same function as temperatures. Nitrogen has better
oped in Electric-Arc processes will melt described previously, and the
all metals, thus enabling them to be cut. thermal conductivity and is, there-
molten metal is removed from the fore, added to enable the cutting of
Many modifications of the process cut by gravity, the force of the arc,
exist. Different electrodes can be used, thicker material. Hydrogen has a
or both. high thermal conductivity and, there-
with or without gases either to promote
or prevent the oxidation of the metal Standard welding equipment can be fore, should be used for improved
being cut. The two commonly used used for cutting thicker sheet cutting capabilities and efficiencies
processes are Air Carbon-Arc Cutting gauges and thinner plate. on thick material (over 1/2 in.
and Oxygen Arc-Cutting. [12 mm]). Helium also has a high
The cut edge must be dressed prior thermal conductivity, but is seldom
to welding or being placed in service. used because of its high cost.
• Air Carbon-Arc Cutting. A car-
bon graphite electrode is used and a Plasma Arc Cutting The use of nitrogen under conditions
stream of high velocity compressed Plasma forming gases are constricted employing high arc currents can
air flowing parallel to the electrode and passed through an arc chamber, the lead to the formation of relatively
strikes the molten metal behind the arc supplying a large amount of electri- large amounts of nitrogen dioxide
arc thus removing it from the cut. cal energy. This ionizes the gases and (NO2) - a brown gas. This is highly
As the thickness of the material they exist as a plasma, a mixture of free poisonous gas, and all due precau-
being cut increases, so does the electrons, positively charged ions and tions should be taken.
electrode diameter and the current neutral atoms. Extremely high tempera- Active gases such as carbon dioxide
required. For cutting stainless steels tures are attainable up to 55,000°F (CO2) and compressed air can also
direct current is preferred, and the (30,000°C). Therefore, cutting results be used. The use of such active
power source must have sufficient from the high temperature and not a gases requires torches and nozzles
capacity (e.g., 1/4 in. [6 mm] elec- chemical reaction. The constricted specifically designed for their use.
trode needs 150-350 amps, 1/2 in. plasma arc heats and melts the metal
[12 mm] electrode needs 400-800 in the cut and the molten products are Carbon dioxide is used in conjunc-
amps). removed by the gas jet. tion with nitrogen as the plasma gas.
Plasma Arc Cutting with the Trans- The carbon dioxide performs the
For thorough-cutting, the electrode ferred Arc is schematically illustrated in function of an annular shielding gas.
is held almost vertical. More than Figure 3. The tungsten electrode is the
one cutting pass may be necessary cathode (connected negative terminal), Compressed air is used alone as the
for cutting material over 1/2 in. and the metal being cut is the anode plasma gas, and the plasma arc
(12 mm) thick. (connected positive terminal). temperature is complemented by the
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 12
3819 Fabrication 6/22/01 2:57 PM Page 13
a. The geometrical factors, such as ing pressures that are used for hot rolled Exhibit 3 shows the minimum bend
thickness, bend radius and bend angle carbon steel four gauges heavier. Cold radii for press brake forming of annealed
and rolled tempers and the ferritic grades and cold worked tempers of austenitic
require larger radii than annealed stainless steel.
b. The characteristics of materials, austenitic material. As with carbon steels, V-shaped
such as alloy composition and the yield On bending a part, the tool stroke female dies are frequently used. In this
strength (before and after bending). The should be as short as possible to lessen case the die opening is usually about
amount of springback per degree of the tendency of stainless steels to foul or eight times the inside radius of the
bend is constant regardless of the total score the tools. To avoid ironing, the formed part.
angle of the bend. Springback increases clearance between the die and the
with increasing ratio of bend radius to punch should be about 10 percent more Roll Bending
part thickness, that is a small bend than the metal thickness. Dies should be The roll bending of flat stainless steel is
radius results in less springback than a given a high polish, and must be free performed in the same manner as with
large radius on a part of equal thickness. from all surface blemishes, to prevent carbon steel. More power is required
Increasing yield strength also increases marring the finish of the stainless and there is more springback. The
springback. In addition, the springback steel parts. increased springback can be offset by
depends upon the degree to which the increasing the roll pressure.
part conforms to the contour of the tools The most common types of roll ben-
under load.
;; ;;
Die Radius
1.04 = 10
T type bender is about twice the center roll
diameter as compared to about one and
1.07 Die angle 1.12 a half times for low carbon steel.
Part angle (on average)
If part angle is to be 90°, the part Roll Forming
must be bent an average of 100.8°. Roll forming is roughly similar to draw-
If the die angle is to be 90°, the part
bench forming, except that it is per-
Part Angle
Die Angle
angle will be an average of 80.3°. formed with driven rolls, rather than
1.30 idling rolls, and is, therefore, a continu-
ous process. It is a more economical
method of shaping sections in long
lengths and large quantities.
1.70 Stainless steels can be roll-formed
readily in the annealed state. Extensive
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 roll forming has been performed suc-
Die Radius cessfully on harder tempers, but more
Thickness passes are required.
As with drawbench forming, generally
Figure 5: Relationship normally encountered between thickness of material, radius and angle of die and the the same bend radii recommendations
radius and angle of the part in bending annealed type 300 stainless steels. as for other methods of bending should
be followed, though bends approaching
Figure 5 shows springback data If the brake forming process involves zero radius have been satisfactorily roll-
which have been encountered in some primarily a drawing operation, lubricants formed.
commercial bending operations. must be used. High carbon or alloy steels are satis-
Minimum recommended bend radii factory roll materials. Cast aluminum
TYPES vary over rather wide limits. When bend- bronze rolls have been used where slid-
ing the annealed, more ductile, austenitic ing motions between roll and part are
Press Brakes grades, a minimum radius of 1/2 the great.
Press brake bending of austenitic metal thickness is possible. For hard Dilute solutions of water soluble oils
stainless steels is performed in the same tempers of austenitic and ferritic grades make adequate lubricants for roll forming
way as bending of carbon steel with radii up to six times the metal thickness stainless steels. Soap solutions and
allowances made for the higher strength may be required. extreme pressure lubricants give greater
and greater springback of stainless roll protection and produce a finer finish
steels. The power necessary to bend on the stainless steel. They are, however,
annealed stainless steel is 50 to 60 per- more difficult to remove.
cent more power than is needed for car-
bon steel. Cold rolled tempers will need Exhibit 3
even more because of their higher MINIMUM BEND RADII FOR PRESS BRAKE FORMING
Due to their high ductility, the Annealed Steels
1/2 to 11/2 t
annealed austenitic stainless steels can Stainless and Low-Carbon Steels
be bent to equally small bend radii, Work-Hardened Stainless Steels
gauge for gauge, as carbon steel. How- 1/4 Hard 1 to 2 t
1/2 Hard 21/2 to 4 t
ever, it is a good rule in setting up brake
forming procedure for one gauge of Full Hard 4 to 6 t
Where t = Metal Thickness
stainless steel, to assume the same form-
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Exhibit 4
Routine Cleaning Warm Water, Soap, Ammonia, Detergent Apply with sponge or cloth.
Can be used on all finishes.
Fingerprints and Smears 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Arcal 20, Provides barrier film to minimize fingerprints.
Lac-O-Nu, Lumin Wash, O’Cedar Cream Polish, Can be used on all finishes.
Stainless Shine
Stubborn Stains and Discoloration 3M Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish, Allchem Rub lightly, using dry or damp cloth, in the
Concentrated Cleaner, Samae, Twinkle, Cameo direction of polish lines on the stainless steel.
Copper Cleaner, Grade FFF or Grade F Italian
Pumice, Whiting or talc, Liquid Nu Steel, Copper’s
or Revere Stainless Steel Cleaner, Household
Cleaners, Lumin Cleaner, Zud Restoro, Sta-Clean,
Highlite, Allen Polish, Penny-Brite, Copper-Brite
Grease and Blood, Scotch-Brite Power Pad 2001, Easy-Off, De-Grease-It, Excellent removal on acids, all finishes.
Burnt-on or Baked-on Foods 4% to 6% hot solution of such agents as tri-sodium Particularly useful where rubbing is not practical.
polyphosphate, 5% to 15% caustic soda solution
Grease and Oil Any good commercial detergent or caustic cleanser. Apply with sponge or cloth in direction of
polish lines.
*NOTE: Use of proprietary names is intended only to indicate a type of cleaner and does not constitute an endorsement. Omission of any proprietary cleanser does not imply its
inadequacy. All products should be used in strict accordance with instructions on package.