Of Nitrogen-Fixing Systems: Application in Soil Management
Of Nitrogen-Fixing Systems: Application in Soil Management
Of Nitrogen-Fixing Systems: Application in Soil Management
of nitrogen-fixing systems
in soil management
1.1 General 1
1.2 Global Status of Nitrogen 1
1.3 Fixed Nitrogen 2
1.4 Fertilizer Nitrogen 3
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Organisms 5
2.2.1 Bacteria 5
2.2.2 Blue-green algae 5
2.3 Associative Symbiosis Between Free-Living
Diazotrophs and Other Organisms 6
2.3.1 Loose associations 6
2.3.2 Associations with animals 6
2.3.3 Associations involving morphological
modification or accommodation 8
2.4 Biochemistry of Biological Nitrogen Fixation 9
2.4.1 Nitrogenase enzyme system 9
2.4.2 Requirements for nitrogen-fixation 9
3.1 The Microsymbiont.Rhizohium 11
3.1.1 Taxonomy 11
3.1.2 Morphology and cytology of Rhizobium 11
3.1.3 Cultural characteristics of Rhizobium 11
3.1.4 Physiology of 12
3.1.5 Ecology of rhizobia in soil 14
3.2 The Macrosymbiont. The Legumes 14
3.2.1 Cross-inoculation groups 14
3.2.2 Nodules 16
3.3 Genetic Aspects of Nodulation and Nitrogen-Fixation
by Legume-Rhizobia Association 22
3.3.1 The macrosymbiont. Legume host 22
3.3.2 The microsymbiont. Rhizobium 22
3.4 Legume Inoculation 24
3.4.1 Strain selection 24
3.4.2 Collection of strains 24
3.4.3 Evaluation of strains 24
3.4.4 Bacteria propagation 25
3.4.5 Carriers of rhizobia 25
3.4.6 Inoculant preparation 28
Legume Inoculation (Cont.) Page
6. AZOLLA 93
6.1 Introduction 93
6.2 Taxonomy 93
6.3 Azolla-Azolla anabaena association 94
6.4 Reproduction 96
6.5 Nitrogen-Fixation 96
6.5.1 Effect of combined nitrogen 99
6.5.2 Nitrogen-fixation efficiency 99
6.5.3 Nitrogen-fixation and conversion factors 99
6.5.4 Release of fixed nitrogen by the algae 99
6.5.5 Photosynthesis of Azolla 99
6.5.6 Growth of Azolla 99
6.6 Total Nitrogen Input Estimates of Azolla 100
6.7 Environmental Factors Affecting Azolla 101
6.7.1 Water 101
6.7.2 Light 101
6.7.3 Temperature 101
6.7.4 pH 102
6.7.5 Season and soil conditions 102
Environmental Factors Affecting Azolla (Cont.) Page
6.7.6 Inoculum density 103
6.7.7 Nutrition 103
6.7.8 Salinity and salt concentration 105
6.7.9 Pests of Azolla 106
6.7.10 Pesticides 106
6.8 Control of Azolla Pests 106
6.9 Fungal Diseases 107
6.10 Role of Azolla in Agriculture1 107
6.10.1 Azolla as green manure 107
6.10.2 Azolla grown in the field 108
6.10.3 Crop response to Azolla 109
6.10.4 Availability of Azolla nitrogen 110
6.10.5 Azolla cultivated under rice plants 111
6.10.6 Place of Azolla in rice rotation in Vietnam 111
6.10.7 Double narrow row method 112
6.10.8 Recommendations for Azolla cultivation 114
6.10.9 Nutrients for Azolla during summer114
6.10.10 Azolla and rice yields 115
6.10.11 Azolla as feed 116
6.10.12 Azolla as weed 117
6.10.13 Azolla as means of improving water quality 117
6.10.14 Other potential uses of Azolla 117
D.1 N Tracer 147
D.2 Determination of Ammonia in Cultures of
Blue-Green Algae 147
D.3 In Situ Assay of Nitrogen-Fixing Activity 148
D.4 Nitrogenase Activity of Blue-Green Algae 148
D.5 Silica Gel Plates 148
D.6 Chlorophyll (a) Content 148
D.7 Algal Biomass in Soil 149
D.8 Culture Solutions for Blue-Green Algae 149
D.9 Management of Algal Producation for Paddy Inoculation 154
E.1 Guidelines of Azolla multiplication and
Utilization 157
E.2 Multiplication of Azolla on Large Areas 158
E.3 Utilization of Azolla 158
E.4 Nutritient Solutions used for Azolla Growth 159
F.1 Culture Collections of Rhizobium 162
F.2 Culture Collections of Blue-Green Algae 164
F.3 Culture Collections of Azotobacter and
Azospirillum 166
F.4 Culture Collection of Azolla 167
1 Estimates of total nitrogen-fixationfor the year 1974 2
2 World nitrogen fertilizer production 3
3 Nitrogen-fixing bacteria 5
4 Inoculation rate and minimum number of rhizobia per seed
for Australia 29
5 Response of clover to R. trifolii and granulated inoculant 31
6 Effect of inoculation in presence of superphosphate on
broad bean yield and the total nitrogen content of the seeds 33
7 Grain yield (kg/ha) of Cajanus cajan in field experiments at
different sites in India 34
8 Weight of foliage (g) from plants inoculated with selected
Rhizobium strains in glasshouse trials 35
9 Effect of water stress on nodule number, size and acetylene
reducing activity of P. vulgaris plants inoculated with
two strains of R. phaseoli 38
10 Nitrogen fixed by pulses, forage, green manure and shade trees 41
11 Nitrogen fixed by different legumes under Egyptian conditions 41
12 Amount of nitrogen fixed by leguminous crops, and their
influence on a following cereal crop 42
13 Changes in soil nitrogen cultivated with legumes and non-legumes 42
14 Nitrogen fixed by three legumes in plastic-lined cinder plots 43
15 Nitrogen contribution by two Desmodium forage legumes in
association with pangola grass 44
16 Effect of green manure incorporated immediately before planting
on the yield of field beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in
Sao Paulo State, Brazil 44
17 Heterocystous blue-green algae reported to fix nitrogen in
pure cultures 46
18 Non-heterocystous algae reported to fix nitrogen in pure cultures 46
19 Number of doublings per day of some blue-green algae 51
20 Effect of herbicides on dry weight, nitrogen and chlorophyll
content of T. tenuis 55
21 Amounts of nitrogen fixed by different blue-green algae
in liquid cultures 57
22 Build up of organic matter due to algae inoculation 58
23 Culture media used to propagate blue-green algae 60
24 Effect of inoculation of Aulosira fertilissima on average
growth and yield of a variety of paddy (T9) 64
25 Effect of T. tenuis on grain yield (kg/ha) of 498-2
“Aman” variety of rice 65
26 Grain yield of paddy (IR 8) due to algal inoculation at
different levels of nitrogen 65
27 Grain yield of rice variety ASD 5 due to algal inoculation 66
28 Effect of T. tenuis on the grain yield (kg/ha) of rice variety
BR 34 at Sabour in Bihar 66
29 Effect of inoculation with alga T. tenuis on the yield of rice 68
30 Effect of nitrogen and algal inoculation on rice yield in
the absence or presence of phosphate 70
31 Effect of certain fertilizers and the preceding crops on the
yield of rice 71
32 Effect of inoculation with algae and nitrogen fertilization
on nitrogen contents of rice plants in different soils 72
33 Yield response to algalization with T. tenuis and nitrogen
and phosphorus fertilizers 72
34 Effect of Azotobacterin on crop yields in various regions
of U.S.S.R. 78
35 Effect of Azotobacterin on crop yields on collective farms
in U.S.S.R. in 1949-1951 79
36 Effect of seed inoculation on grain yields of wheat in
field trials 81
37 Occurrence of nitrogen-fixing Spirillum in roots and soils
under various climatic conditions 85
38 Occurrence of nitrogen-fixing spirilla in malate enrichments
prepared from rhizosphere soil and roots of various plants 85
39 Nitrogenase activity on roots and in the rhizosphere soil
of tropical forage grasses 89
40 Nitrogenase (C H ) activity of S. lipoferum enrichment
2 2
cultures obtained with roots and rhizosphere soil from
various tropical crops 90
41 Field work on the inoculation of different crops with
S. lipoferum 90
42 Dry matter forage yields inoculated with S. lipoferum
compared to uninoculated 91
43 Field trials on 19 varieties or species of other plants
with and without inoculation with S. lipoferum 92
44 Characteristics of Azolla varieties common in Vietnam 94
45 Effect of combined nitrogen sources on acetylene reduction 98
46 Effect of various concentrations of nitrogen on the yield and
nitrogen-fixation capacity of Azolla 98
47 Nitrogen increase and growth rate of Azolla 100
48 Influence of pH on Azolla growth in a rice field water
solution under different conditions 102
49 Growth of Azolla in soils of varied pH 102
50 Azolla growth in different seasons and types of soils 103
51 Fresh weight, total nitrogen and acetylene reduction activity
of Azolla in P, K, C, and Mg deficient media and N-ammended
medium 104
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The importance of legumes in building and conserving soil fertility
has been recognized since the beginning of agriculture. With the development
of new techniques for detecting the ability to fix nitrogen such as Kjeldahl,
15N and acetylene (C2H2) reduction methods, an increased number of species
and systems able to fix nitrogen have been identified.
Such species and systems include free-living ones e.g. bacteria and
blue-green algae; symbiotic systems e.g. rhizobia-legume, angiosperm-
actinomycetes, and blue-green algae associations and associative systems e.g.
rhizosphere, phyllosphere and lichens. All these systems have one character-
istic in common: the ability to utilize nitrogen, but they differ in physiology,
metabolic structure and genetic characteristics.
Family Genera
iii. Rhizosphere
The rhizosphere of various plants harbours high levels of nitrogen-fixing
bacteria and evidence for significant nitrogenase activity has been reported
for the rhizosphere of sugar cane, rice, grasses and marine angiosperms.
3VITAID0224 232018MY2
1A3J 0014 U J 3 Z
TOOR 23JU0011
J I 2113HD
0022A AI IT 2140
HR I 3R3141120S
00224 I A 2140IT
I8MY2A 2320
3UJ8 1433510 JAOJA
The algal symbiont is always a Nostic or Anabaena species and, except for
Gunnera, it is extracellular though often localized in morphologically
specialized structures of the host plant. Moreover, the symbionts are
often morphologically and physiologically distinct from the free-living
b. Legumes
The family Leguminosae comprises three subfamilies: Mimosoideae,
Caesalpinoideae, and Papilionoideae with over 12 000 to 14 000
species. The exact incidence of nodulation and nitrogen-fixation
is not known but reports indicate that about 90o/ of the subfamilies
Mimosoideae and Papilionoideae and 33% of the Caesalpinoideae are
The Fe-protein is the smaller of the two and has a molecular weight
of 50 000 - 70 000 and is extremely sensitive to inactivation by oxygen,
losing over 70% of its activity after one minute of exposure to air. It is
cold labile and is made up of two identified subunits, and contains 4 iron
atoms and 4 acid labile sulphide groups, similar to ferrodoxin.
3.1.1 Taxonomy
In the 8th edition of Bergys' manual of determinative bacteriology
Rhizobium is given as one of two genera making up the family Rhizobiaceae
(Jordan and Allen, 1974). The second genus is Agrobacterium. Both genera
produce cortical hypertrophies on plants. Rhizobium forms nodules mainly on
roots of legumes and evidence is presented that rhizobia also produce
nodules on non-legumes e.g. Trema and Zygophyllum. Agrobacterium produces
disorganized galls on many kinds of plants.
Young cells are motile with flagella which are either polar or
peritrictious. Young rhizobia, while in culture media, are rod-shaped and
become bacteroid under certain conditions, similar to the forms of rhizobia
in the nodule.
The need for cobalt for growth has been confirmed: 0.01 m mol is required
for maximum growth of R. japonicum. Cobalt deficiency prevents sufficient
synthesis of vitamin B which is necessary for the normal function of
methy-malonyl-Co-enzyme A mutase and leads to excessive production of
ribonucleotide reductase apo-enzyme.
v. Oxygen
Graham (1963 a) indicated that none of the rhizobia tested grew
However, although excellent growth was obtained at less than 0.01 atm of
oxygen, none grew without it at all.
vi. pH
In general all rhizobia grow within a pH range of 5.5-7.5. Acid tolerance
in decreasing order, is (R. lupini, R. japonicum, cowpea) >
(R.leguminosarum, R. trifolii , R. phaseoli) > (R. meliloti). Tolerance to
high pH is in the reverse order.
vii. Temperature
From data available it appears rhizobia grow over the range 0-50°C with
the optimum near 20-28°C. Among temperate strains, those of R. meliloti
are the most tolerant (36.5-42.5°C), being 8°C higher on the average than
those of R. leguminosarum and R. trifolii (31-38°C). In the collection of
rhizobia from tropical legumes (cowpea miscellany) the range is from
3.1.5 Ecology of Rhizobia in Soil
For the greater part of their existence, rhizobia survive as free-
living bacteria in soil. They will survive and even grow in the absence of a
host legume. A remarkable phenomenon occurs when the root of an appropriate
legume is interposed into the environment of the free-living rhizobia. It is
a phenomenon of mutual recognition between the two compatible partners. The
legume plant root recognizes just the right kind of Rhizobium among all other
bacteria, including other rhizobia in the vicinity, and the Rhizobium in turn
recognizes just the right kind of legume root among all the other roots which
may occur in that environment (Schmidt, 1978).
i. Alfalfa group
v. Bean group
There are certain legumes that appear to require specific strains of legume
bacteria for effective inoculation. Some of these legumes are:
3.2.2 Nodules
Dart (1977) traced the recognition of nodules to drawings of legume
roots in the sixteenth century, when Dalechamp (in 1586) remarked on the
abundant nodules on Ornithopodium tuberosum.
i. Infection
b. Pre-infection stage
The point of chief interest and dispute is the nature and
specificity of the curling reaction. Yao and Vincent (1969)
distinguished degrees of curling and found that the
characteristic shepherd's crook curling is only produced by
bacteria able to infect the root, whereas indole-acetic acid
causes a more generalized kind of deformation.
Some workers claim that polygalacturonase plays a role in the
infection process, while others have questioned this premise.
Small amounts of the enzyme produced by the host and detected
in the rhizosphere are induced only by the homologous bacteria,
or bacterial polysaccharide fractions, and this enzyme plays a
part in infection.
d. Nodule initiation
The infection thread penetrates through and between the root
cortex cell towards the stele (Fig. 3). Actual nodule initiation,
usually at the inner cortical tetrophoid cells, takes place near
diploid cells in the pericycle that has the potentiality for
lateral root formation. The close identity of nodule and lateral
root initials is shown by common genetic control and parallel
physiology. By changing root temperature or by delaying inoculation,
nodules can be induced to form at positions that would otherwise form
laterals. Nodules differ from roots in their requirement for some
substances elaborated in the shoot, whereas roots have simpler
needs. Nodules are integrated with the whole plant physiology
and are therefore susceptible to changes affecting nutrition
photosynthesis, translocation, photoperiodic and photochemical
e. Nodule structure
Histologically, the term "mature nodule" refers to that stage
when all tissues essential for nodule function are well defined
structurally. Four distinct zones of tissue differentiation
characterize the mature nodule. Figures 4 and 5 show cross-
sections in nodules of Vicia faba and soybean.
Wt. 0.088-86CCIOU 01. RoXpGrm uocmou epoxyut Aciecnyol. ati.mucp slug fULOCCGC1 t/2234
(cobALltp; emut)
(1) hemispherical: such as in bean, cowpea and soybean
nodule where an equal rate of cell division throughout
the peripheral area produces radial enlargement;
b. Antibiotic resistance
A streptomycin-resistant marker has been the one most
frequently used in genetic or ecological experiments, or
for biochemical study of associated blocks in symbiosis
(Schwinghamer, 1977). Resistance to streptomycin occurs
c. Auxotrophy
Lorkiewicz et al (1971) noted a wide range of amino acid
or vitamin requirements among auxotrophs isolated from an
irradiated effective strain of R. trifioli, but all the
auxotrophs were non-infective, parasitic or ineffective
and all prototrophic revertants examined remained defective.
. . Nit-
lior ".
"L ). 4V4`t
14 4
7 -
,.. P..
C. control (non-inoculated).
W. inoculated with R. trifolii wild type strain
A. " " " Agrginine-less mutant
T. " " " Tryptophane-less mutant
M. " " " Methionine-less mutant
H. " " " Histidine-less mutant
Le. " " " Leucine-less mutant
Ly. " " " Lysine-less mutant
D. " " " Adenine-less mutant
U. " " " Uracil-less mutant
(contributed by S.M. Abdel-Wahab)
Inoculation is defined as the addition of effective rhizobia to
leguminous seeds prior to planting for the purpose of promoting symbiotic
nitrogen-fixation. Pure cultures on agar were first introduced in 1896
by Nobe and Hiltner (Date and Roughly, 1977), but later sterilized soil
impregnated with rhizobia was used and then impregnated peat.
The liquid cultures from the 45 litre fermenters are used as starter
or seed cultures for 1 800 litre fermenters. Again, 72 hours are required
to attain the desired bacteria count of 5 000 x 106 cells/ml.
Many attempts ahve been made to produce inoculants other than peat
based ones such as: 1) peat containing carbon black; 2) soil plus wood
charcoal; 3) peat or soil ammended with materials such as lucerne meal,
ground straw, yeast and sugar; 4) Nile silt supplemented with nutrients;
5) soil plus coir dust or soybean meal. Other materials have been tested
as carriers of rhizobia: vermiculite, decomposed perlite and rice husk
composts, ground rock phosphate, coffee husk compost; cob-earth (milled and
decomposed), ground maize supplemented with nutrients; finely ground bagasse
which has been found suitable for soybean rhizobia; coal-based inoculant,
(the best results were obtained with coal) bentonite, lucerne(CBL at 2:2:1)
at a moisture content of 50%; and eat moss discs.
ii. Containers
The containers in which carriers are packed are important since their
gas exchange and moisture properties may have a marked effect on the
quality of inoculants. Bottles plugged with cotton wool and covered
with cellophane have been used in Holland. Bags of low density polyethylene
are used in Australia (0.038-051 mm gauge), while high density ones of
0.31-0.32 mm gauge are considered suitable for carriers in New Zealand
and South Africa.
(Date and Roughley, 1977)
Seeds rate Rhizobia
Host species number/kg Kg seed/ minimum
70g number/
Peat2 seed3
i. Dusting
Manufacturers used to recommend that inoculant need only be mixed with
the seed immediately before sowing. By this method some cultures adhere
to the seed by lodging in the micropyle and in scratches and
on the testa, and by electrostatic attraction. However, much of the
inoculant tended to fall off especially when the seed was passed through
machinery. Therefore dusting is no longer used.
ii. Slurry inoculation
By this method the culture is applied as a water suspension, or
alternatively, the inoculant is mixed with moistened seed. However the
seed must then be dried (not in direct sunlight), and while it is drying
part of the inoculant tends to fall off. A large amount of the inoculant
can be attached to seed by using an adhesive in the slurry, e.g. l0%
sugar solution, gum arabic or cellofas A (carboxymethyl cellulose).
iv. Pre-inoculation
Seeds can be pre-inoculated by seed merchants prior to sale or
Distribution to farmers. This implies a period of storage of the
inoculated seed before it is sown.
A seed impregnation technique has been devised to extend the life of
inoculum by introducing rhizobia beneath the seed coat where they are
protected from drying and other adverse environmental conditions.
Thompson, Brockwell and Roughley (1975) reviewed legume seed pre-
inoculation in the USA and Australia, as a result of which they
recommended that the date of preparation be displayed on all batches
of pre-inoculated seed. From that date the expiry period of one month
should be adhered to by all concerned.
Nodule number 247 - 628
Nodule weight 0.3 to 0.75 g/plant
Nitrogenase activity
2nboz- i ILICL6926
bpo2bp0:C Ki.go ATGIc; (K9\pu) IUCL613816 LOCO! UT0..455,Gu
7U XTG1q ol 2GO02 (wW\15) ILI
odtwo) nuruocnjtocog pocolocog (ce\ps) nuTuocnrucoq Tuocniucog
viii. Desmodium
Under conditions in western Kenya, Desmodium uncinatum did not respond
well to inoculation (Keya and Van Eijnatten, 1975). Seeds pelleted with
lime, rock phosphate and gypsum were planted in potted field soil and in
plots. In the pot experiment, inoculated seeds showed an initial
advantage, but did not maintain it beyond 20 weeks. The field
experiment showed no advantage from inoculation because of infection by
indigenous, ineffective strains of rhizobia.
x. Clover
Hastings and Drake (1972) isolated the rhizobia R. trifolii from five
different New Zealand soils. Eleven strains of rhizobia were inoculated
into white and subterranean clovers grown in the different soils in pot
experiments. The results (Table 8) show that all strains were effective
for red and white clover, the best strains being 2666, 2153, 2163 and
2641. With subterranean clover, strain 2121 was considerably better
than any other strain. Figure 10 shows the type of response of berseem
clover to inoculation under greenhouse conditions.
Hissar Badnopur Bangolore Indhiana
Treatment soil pH 8.0 soil ph 8.0 soil pH 6.2 soil pH 7.6
Var. T-21 not reported Var. S-5 Var. T-21
2nb6LIOL acuiTu
i. Soil atmosphere
The composition of the gas phase may differ considerably from that of
the atmosphere, because there is more carbon dioxide and less oxygen
in the soil due to respiration of microorganisms and plant roots.
iii. Oxygen
For the formation and functioning of nodules, a liberal supply of
oxygen is necessary. In the soil, the oxygen level is usually well
below 20% and at this level both nodule formation and functioning
will be suboptimal. Moreover, when there is excessive water, there
may be a temporary reduction in nitrogen-fixing activity because the
thin layers of water surrounding the nodules will cause a reduction
in the oxygen supply.
Hardy and Havelka (1973) showed that carbon dioxide enrichment for
soybean increased nitrogen fixation more than five-fold by doubling
nodule specific activity, doubling average nodule mass, and extending
the exponential phase.
v. Soil pH
A great deal of variability in pH tolerance has been found among
rhizobia. Vincent (1965) reviewed the effect of pH on rhizobia and
concluded that R. meliloti is acid sensitive, R. trifolii is less
so, and R. japonicum is acid tolerant (e.g. as low as pH 3.5).
vi Temperature
Temperature is one of the important factors affecting the survival of
rhizobia in soil. R. meliloti strains are relatively tolerant to
high temperatures and limiting ranges are reported to be between
R. meliloti in peat has survived for 21 days at 40°C in the
Laboratory and for longer periods at intermittently higher
temperature in the field. Chowdhury et al (1968) indicated that
temperatures higher than 35-40°C were lethal for both R. trifolii
and R. lupini species grown in sterile unfertile soil. Salem and
Szegi (1971) showed that optimum growth of R. phaseoli in three
Hungarian soils was at 30°C, but incubation at 40°C limited its
growth in all three soil types.
vii. Moisture
As is the case for all soil bacteria, rhizobia must be surrounded by a
film of water in which the solutes are not so concentrated as to raise
osmotic problems for the cell. Too little water (rather than too much)
is a threat to their survival and function (Schmidt, 1978).
viii. Salinity
Several reports indicate that growth of rhizobia, and nitrogen fixation
by various legumes, is reduced with increasing levels of salts (Pilai
and Sen, 1966; Hamdi and Al-Tai, 1976). Steinborn and Roughley (1974)
showed that the death rate of R. trifolii increased with increasing
salt concentration in peat. An increase in the salt concentration in
irrigation water led to a significant decrease in weight of soybean
plant, pods and nodules (Ala el-Din, 1976).
Rhizobium strains
3601 3605
Control Stress Control Stress
Pmoles C H /mg/min 16.45 1.75 37.45 3.15
2 2
Nodule number 28.40 8.3 18.50 4.5
Average nodule weight (mg) 1.44 0.95 1.72 1.16
Water content of sand (% DW) 6.54 0.71. 6.34 0.81
- Molybdenum
The specific role of molybdenum in the efficient functioning of the
formed nodule has been studied intensively. 10-15 ppm molybdenum
appeared necessary for maximum nitrogen fixing ability in lucerne,
4 to 8 ppm sufficed subterranean clover.
- Cobalt
The essentiality of cobalt for symbiotic nitrogen fixation has been
demonstrated in soybean, lucerne and subterranean clover under
controlled conditions.
- Boron
Boron deficiencies that interfere with nodule function have been
reported from time to time, establishing the role of this element,
a deficiency of which affects the vascular system leading to the
nodule and hence causes a shortage of carbohydrate at the fixation
xiii. Pesticides
All fungicides are likely to be toxic to rhizobia to some degree.
Thus when the host has to be both treated against fungal infection
and inoculated with rhizobia, a balance has to be achieved between
the two effects, by the careful selection of fungicides. Compounds
containing toxic metals such as mercury, copper and zinc, are always
a serious risk, as also halogen substituted aromatic compounds,
although reports differ as to the degree of risk in relation to
formulations used.
Various fungicides based on thuram are generally the least toxic to
rhizobia and this advantage has in fact been accepted for use in the
Insecticides have not been studied in any detail in the laboratory, but
there are clear indications of toxic effects with inoculated seed.
Some herbicides appear to have no effect on rhizobia, while some are
harmful. Information on inhibiting levels is confused by the fact that
species, and strains within species, differ considerably in their
sensitivity to even one herbicide, and because results are likely to be
affected by local conditions and time of inoculation.
xiv. Competition
One important attribute of a given strain of Rhizobium is its ability
to compete in nodule formation with closely related soil rhizobia.
The ability to colonize the rhizosphere in high numbers is essential
in all instances.
An example of the results of studies on this subject is the analysis
of the competitive ability of R. japonicum strains 110, 38 and 76
introduced into rhizobia-free soil. Strain 110 produced 98% of the
nodules when applied with strain 38, and 76% when combined with strain
76. Strain 76 produced 95% of the nodules when combined with strain
38 (Caldwell, 1969).
Two insects are known to attack legume nodules: Sitona lineata and
Rivellia sp. Sitona larvae mature within nodules of a number of legumes,
such as Vicia faba, peas and sometimes lupine in Europe. Larvae of
Rivellia spp attack nodules of Glycine javanica resulting in 50-70%
of the nodules being damaged (Diatloff, 1965).
Rizk (1968) reported that the nitrogen content of the soil varies
according to the crop cultivated. As indicated in Table 13, the increase in
nitrogen of soil varies between 34 and 259 kg/ha with legumes, but, with
non-legumes like barley, sesame and chickoria, the nitrogen content varies
between 7 and 38 kg/ha. It is apparent from the table that plants reduce the
nitrogen contents in the soil during the growth period.
P L A N T Average Ranges
Vicia faba 210 45-552
Pisum sativum 65 52- 77
Lupinus spp. 176 145-208
Phaseolus aureus (green gram) 202 63-342
Phaseolus aureus (mung) 61 -
Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea) 224 168-280
Vigna sinensis (cowpea) 198 73-354
Canavalia ensiformis 49 -
Cicer arietinum (chickpea) 103 -
Lens culinaris (lentil) 101 88-114
Arachis hypogaea (groundnut) 124 72-124
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (guar) 130 41-220
Calpogonium mucunoides (calapo) 202 370-450
Broad bean Immature - 10
Lentil Mature + 34
Lentil “ + 86
Fenugreek “ + 166
Termis (lupine) “ + 122
Chickpea “ + 91
Groundnut “ + 82
Soybean “ + 58
Berseem fahl Single cut + 101
Berseem miskawy 4 cuts + 259
Barley Immature - 26
Barley Mature + 7
Sesame Mature + 38
Chickoria 4 cuts + seeds + 22
Digitaria decumbens
Pennisetum purpureum
Apparent kg N/ha/yr
T r e a t m e n t
Legume fixed transferred
D. canum (uninoc.) + pangola1 26 80 26
D. canum (inoc.) + pangola1 27 97 32
D. intortum (90 cm rows) + pangola1 54 213 42
D. intortum (45 cm rows) + pangola 64 264 37
D. intortum (45 cm rows) alone 100 290 -
Digitaria decumbens
L.S.D. 165
Recognition of blue-green algae as nitrogen fixers dates back to
Frank in 1889 when he noticed that soils containing blue-green algae fixed
nitrogen. Prantil also, reported (in 1889) that impure cultures of Nostoc
fixed nitrogen and other workers around the same period observed similar
phenomena. But this was followed by a period of doubt until Drews in 1928
published evidence that Anabaena variabilis, Anabaena sp, and Nostoc
punctiforme grew well in pure culture in a medium free of combined nitrogen
(Stewart, 1975).
According to the 8th edition of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative
Bacteriology, blue-green algae are classified in Division I which includes
the phototrophic procaryotes, “The cyanobacteria”. The division includes
3 classes:
Class I : Blue-green photobacteria
Class II : Red photobacteria
Class III: Green photobacteria.
(Class I and II represent part I and include the phototrophic bacteria).
Cylindrospermum gorakhpurense
C. licheniforme
C. majus
C. sphaerica
4.6.4 Methods for Testing the Ability of Blue-Green Algae to fix Nitrogen
In experiments designed to show the nitrogen fixation by a given alga,
two points should be carefully considered:
Some methods which have been developed for testing include the following
- N Tracer. Williams and Burris (1952) developed a method for
testing Calothrix parietina (Appendix D.l);
- Microkjeldahl (Appendix A.2);
- Acetylene reduction (Appendix D.3);
- Detection of ammonia. Stewart and Rowell (1975) indicated that it
is possible to get the blue-green alga Anabaena cylindrica to
secrete ammonia into the medium. This method depends on two facts.
It appears that glucose, sucrose and mannitol stimulate the growth of, and nitrogen-
fixation by Tolypothrix tenuis, Nostoc muscorum and Calothrix brevissima under
continuous illumination, while sodium acetate or citrate have no effect
or are inhibitory (El-Sayed, 1974).Shalan (1974) observed that in the presence of light,
maximum growth and nitrogen-fixation by Anabaena sp and Aulosira sp took place with
molasses, followed by glucose and mannitol at a concentration of 0.2%.
ii. Nitrogen
Nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae can readily assimilate inorganic and organic nitrogen,
and when combined nitrogen is available it may be assimilated prerentially thus
inhibiting fixation. This inhibitory effect depends however on the level and type of
combined nitrogen, the exposure periiod to it, the physiological status of the algae and
whether or not the experiments are carried out with whole cells or extracts.
iii. Phosphorous
De and Sulaiman (1950) reported that the addition of phosphates to rice fields,
whether in soluble form as potassium phosphate or in insoluble form as calcium
phosphate, stimulated nitrogen-fixation by blue-green algae. Similarly,De and Mandal
(1956) showed that superphosphate at the rate of 67 kg/ha of P O
2 5
incerased nitrogen-fixation only in soils relatively poor in this nutrient.
iv. Calcium
Calcium has been shown to be required for the growth of blue-green algae. It
plays a particularly important role in the maintenance of plasma membrane, salt
formation with colloids and cell wall materials. It has been shown that calcium
is required for Anabaena cylindrica whether the alga grows with molecular or combined
nitrogen and at least 20 ppm of calcium are needed for optimum growth and this element
cannot be replaced by strontium (Allen and Arnon,1955).
v. Trace elements
Cobalt is an essential element for nitrogen-fixation by
Nostoc muscorum and Calothrix sp although the requirement
is very small, (0.004 ppm is sufficient for growth).
Molybdenum is essential for the growth of seven species of
blue-green algae in medium without combined nitrogen. It
has been shown that the optimum concentration required for
Anabaena cylindrica in a nitrate medium is 0.1 ppm, whereas
more than 0.2 ppm is required to give optimum growth in
elemental nitrogen. The optimal concentration of molybdenum
for T. tenuis in the absence of combined nitrogen or in the
presence of N0 -N was found to be 0.01 ppm, but when ammonium
sulphate, urea or monosodium glutamate were supplied no
growth response to molybdenum was observed. Nostoc commune
responded to added molybdenum reaching a maximum at about
4 x 103 mg/l after which a decline in algal growth occurred
(Taha and El-Rafai, 1962).
4.8.3 Light
Stewart (1975) has cited numerous studies on the relationship between
light and nitrogenase, both with free-living blue-green algae and with lichens.
Generally there is a correlation between nitrogen-fixation and acetylene
reduction in natural ecosystems. The relationship is also complicated by other
factors such as the effect of desiccation, while in aquatic systems light
intensities may be excessive at the water surface. For example the activity
of samples collected at 0.9m depth in Lake Mendota was found to be more than
that in the surface waters (Rusness and Burris, 1970).
4.8.4 Temperature
Blue-green algae are able to withstand temperature extremes. Nitrogen-
fixation by hot spring algae was noted in Alaska and in Yellowstone National
Park where the upper limit of temperature was near to 60°C. Blue-green algae
dominant at 40-60°C include species of Mastigocladus (Stewart, 1975). In hot
springs in Japan, potential nitrogen-fixing species of Anabaena Calothrix
Cylindrospermum, Hapalosiphon, Mastigocladus, Nostoc and Scytonema all occur
at temperatures ranging from 30-50°C.
4.8.5 pH
Blue-green algae are found in most abundance in natural or slightly
alkaline habitats, and rarely in acid ones.
4.8.6 Desiccation
Desiccation is one of the more important factors regulating the
nitrogenase activity of blue-green algae. Nitrogen-fixation by Nostoc and
Collema in Antarctica is greatly affected by the snow-free seasons and
0.25 280 8.3 3.2 395 10.6 3.2
2.50 290 7.8 2.0 371 6.7 3.2
25.00 101 6.6 1.0 340 8.2 2.9
0.25 307 8.5 3.3 221 10.3 2.7
2.50 243 7.7 2.1 289 9.2 3.5
25.00 96 8.6 0.6 309 7.9 2.5
0.18 308 9.2 3.3 407 10.4 3.8
1.80 231 4.6 1.0 427 6.4 2.8
18.00 No growth 199 1.8 1.1
Control 448 13.0 448 13.0 2.0
4.8.9 Algal Pathogens
Blue-green algae are attacked by various organisms such as aphids,
protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses (Singh, 1978) and these manifest
themselves as pale or white spots, or rings, on algal lawns. The variability
in algal population from field to field and the sudden disappearance of algae
are generally attributable to attack by these organisms. The chytrids and
bacteria (Myxobacteria, Cytophaga) are found in many habitats and laboratory
work has shown that they can infect algal lawns to plague proportions. Daff,
Begg and Stewart (1970) isolated a virus pathogenic to Plectonema, Phormidium
and Lyngbya from a variety of fresh waters in Scotland. Blue-green algal
viruses from rice fields in India have been studied in detail (Singh and
Singh, 1967).
4.8.10 Salinity
Blue-green algae are widely distributed in marine ecosystems, although
they are seldom dominant. Hof and Fahmy in 1933 (Fogg et al, 1973) divided
the algae into two physiological groups: halotolerant and halophilic. For
example a halotolerant species is Calothrix scopulorum,while an example of a
halophilic species is Spirulina subsalo.
Nitrogen fixed
Period Quantity Reference
Studies on symbiotic systems have shown clearly that the nitrogen fixed
by blue-green algae is rapidly transferred to the host. Bergersen et al (1965)
have shown that nitrogen fixed in cycads appeared in all parts of the plants
within 48 hours. Nitrogen fixed in lichens was transferred to the mycosymbiont
within 3 hours. N appeared in the angiosperm in a Gunnera system within 1.5
hours of supplying 15N to the alga.
Pot and field experiments have shown that the nitrogen fixed by blue-
green algae becomes available to associated rice plants, which results in
increased crop yield.
Many algae produce vitamin B and this process is promoted by the
addition of cobalt salt but is not much affected by carbon or nitrogen sources
(Venkataraman et al, 1964; Venkataraman and Neelakanthan, 1967).
See Appendix D.8 for composition.
After preparing the main field for rice cultivation, it is flooded and
750 kg/ha of algae are spread as inoculum. The algae grow and attain 7.5 t/ha
and even up to 16 t/ha within 10-15 days at temperatures above 30°C.
Phosphate, the limiting nutrient, was added as K HPO and nitrate as KNO .
2 4 3
lollno0 CV E 2. 0.2 -
(b,itiluoni) mr er C.S1 n.ES o.eac
(bo/aluaont) EEI SI C.01 8.NII
lua /o :no/isluooni .eeer.c.cs ',I:0 lo :/a,v16d .eeer.st.c
1967 1968
Grain yield (g) Grain yield (g)
Pot culture experiment values are average of six replications.
In a trial conducted in a farmer’s field with rice variety IRB, it
was observed that algal inoculation increased the yield by 20% over control
with no chemical nitrogen and by 12% over 100 kg nitrogen/ha alone (Venkataramar
and Goyal, 1968). In another cultivator’s field with no added nitrogen
fertilizer, the same authors observed an increase of about 18% in the grain
yield of ASD 5 rice variety compared with an application of a fertilizer
mixture of superphosphate and sodium molybdate (Table 27).
l. Control 5 859.4
2. Fertilizer mixture
(112.1 kg superphosphate +
0.25 kg Na molybdate/h) 6 453.4 10.13
3. Fertilizer mixture + algae
(1 kg dry wt/h) 7 470.7 27.48 over 1
18.76 over 2
aaer-baer aael-eaer
Ibrahim et al (1971) also studied the effect on rice yield and soil
nitrogen of adding T. tenuis, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer. Addition
of the alga increased the grain, straw and nitrogen yield, as shown in
Table 29. Algal inoculation, without fertilizer, increased the yield of
rice grain and straw by 4.2% and 19.3% respectively. In the presence of
phosphorus, the increase was 7.0% and 56.6% with maximum yield being obtained
from alga plus 0.5 g phosphorus per pot.
Grain Straw
-alga +alga % increase -alga +alga %increase
The content of P is stable at 0.5.
Preceding crop
Treatment Horse bean Wheat
per ha Yield Increase Yield Increase
kg/ha % kg/ha %
Without Ca-superphosphate
24 kg N 8 182 9.28 6 058 28.18
48 kg N 8 074 7.84 6 177 30.69
240 g alga 8 312 11.01 6 296 33.21
480 g alga 7 768 3.75 6 476 37.01
With Ca-superphosphate
(36 kg P O /ha)
2 5
24 kg N 8 910 18.99 7 020 48.51
48 kg N 9 108 21.64 6 627 40.21
240 g alga 8 539 14.04 6 130 29.70
480 g alga 7 196 - 6 004 25.20
For consistency, the original figures presented in ardebs and feddans have been
converted to metric units. The following conversion factors have been used:
1 ha = 2.4 feddan
1 ardeb = 150 kg (approx)
Field trials in Egypt (Hamissa, Khadr and Gad, 1978) using the blue-
green algae A. oryzae (local isolate) and A. fertilissima (imported culture),
with and without nitrogen fertilizer, showed that the yield of rice (seed
and straw) was significantly increased: 31.6% by the alga A. oryzae.
Nitrogen uptake by plants was also increased in the presence of the blue-green
alga A. oryzae by 25 to 42.5%. A. fertilissima, however, did not stimulate
the response of rice as much as the nitrogen uptake. Algalization combined
with 36 kg N/ha caused an increase in yield of 72%; nitrogen fertilizer gave
a 45.62% increase.
gnibepel9 agolo
Islnsmiloqx3 noi3silqqs
evi/slel bIely
emiT (aAssw) ealoH xeIls8 levoI0 xs17 isedW nse8 lovo10 /mdW
9d (16
alnsulilano0 0
(1 oil -Ii/lel
lesi - -
001 001 001 001 - - -
(S AS gA m 4.5
- c.eol 5.851 - - - - -
(C 8b gA M S E.701 S.0E1 ell .C11
(4 8N gA 0
ae gA ,o,(1
s -s a.m s.orNI o.act a.es/ - - -
(e 813 (b) S ..s _ _ _ _ 001 _ _ _
(a ot%s 2 sgIs _ _ 1.11 S.CCI e.osi e.all - _ _ _
(7 ONS g Bs's
ac gA e019 -
S I.A11 7.esi - - - - -
(8 ObS g sgls
8b gA M S -
S.70I -
- - - - -
(e ONS g sgls
+11,48 s _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _
(II OAS g +sg1s
gA e019
b s
S -
S7 gA M b - - - -
C.SS1 -
- -
(SI S7 gA 0 s - - - - - - 001 001
(CI as (11)
ac gA + e0,9 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 001
(bI ObS g sgIs
8N gA -
ac gA e019 s ..s s.vol
* lens
** eloled gniJnsIclans1J
9mils2 ¿loe Lior ast11 lo Intshol,
-0 2:4,124 -0 veasl)mi oessl'Ai -0 2:',13m¡
',ism» I Jet,Ino, S JR,Jmo, 'owe, S
.0.2.J 20.0
ttio2 ro.e
thwelasll 1£.1?
noi,361,2111 (0.61
5.3.1 Historical Background
In 1902 Gerlach and Vogel were the first to study the effect of
Azotobacter in soil, on the growth of several plants. They noted no increase
in the dry weight of oats, but an increase of 42% in dry weight and 35% in
nitrogen content of white mustard and a decrease of 83% and 78% in dry weight
and nitrogen content respectively of carrot.
Azotobacter cells are grown on agar in Roux bottles and harvested with
water. The bacterial suspension is further diluted with water and used to
spray seeds, or in the case of potato tubers or seedlings for example, they are
soaked in the suspension.
Peat and soil azotobacterin preparations are also diluted with water,
and the resulting suspension is sprayed on seeds and seedlings. Peat
azotobacterin is sometimes used as a top dressing on sugarbeet.
The following rates per hectare are used for different azotobacterin
i. A ar preparation: growth from 600 ml Roux bottles containing
4.6 x 1010 azotobacter cells is used to treat cereals. The growth
from 350 ml Roux bottles is used for treating potato tubers and
vegetable seedlings .
ii. Peat preparation: 3 kg are used to treat cereals and 6 kg to treat
potato tubers and vegetable seedlings. One gramme of preparation
should contain 5 x 107 azotobacter cells.
Spring wheat
Poltava 2 5.48
Vladimir 6 12.92
Gorki 1 10.21
Kirov 12 23.28
Vorshilovgrad l 23.09
Poltava 1 30.00
Vladimir 2 32.37
Leningrad 5 7.56
Vladimir 1 23.73
Kirov 1 18.48
Voroshilovgrad 3 20.76
Kirov 2 11.90
Leningrad 1 21.73
Kirov 2 24.48
Gorki 1 8.98
Kirov 1 14.29
Vorshilovgrad 1 16.66
Poltava 1 28.57
Another survey was made by the All Union Institute for Agricultural
Microbiology of experiments carried out at a number of research institutes
from 1949 to 1955 and at collective farms from 1949 to 1951 (Table 35).
Again in the majority of the experiments, azotobacterin increased crop yields.
The results of trials carried out in 1963 and 1964 are summarized in
Table 36, giving yield relative to 100 for uninoculated plots. The Table
shows that there was a much greater tendency for inoculation to increase grain
yield than to decrease it. If ± 5% is accepted as a minimum meaningfull yield
difference (though not necessarily statistically significant), then, of the 71
comparisons, there were 28 increases and four decreases following inoculation.
t hae in 001 001 001 001 001 001
801 CII eol aot OW
SO1 aol
aor CO1 CO1
:89/12 A 9318W 13WiianI 1wt) awold (d31n1 We/icing b91) nwold Wins
rUlow9Ibbn2 )1381d) (floe noiniI0 ymroI) slie/ Icao,
3 oPirnoM bn6a) cri,i (zao, ozninoM cpsb) (brine
sA = q9tvIA03osA 88 Ja ,rammOog ID = mmtmlnusSamq
bloly 9v138191 0/ 001 101 ort, bolnluaoninu
3nws5litiol .IolJnop
111138116/2 :,ons3i1insite ." lnnoiltrigia ln ,e bnn XI.0
Azotobacter indicum was described as a new azotobacter species by
Starkay and De (1939) when isolated from two Asiatic soils of low pH, e.g.
4.9 and 5.2 (Becking, 1961). Later, Derx (1950) urged that this organism be
set in a new genus named Beijerinckia.
Cells are highly acid and alkaline tolerant, and will grow between
pH 3.0 and 10.0.
5.5.1 Taxonomy
Four species have been recognized in the genus Beijerinckia: B. indica,
B. mobilis, B. fluminensis and B. derxii (Becking, 1974a).
5.5.4 Vegetation
Vegetation seems to exert an influence on the distribution and
occurrence of Beijerinckia in soil. Derx (1950) noted the particular abundance
of Beijerinckia in hydromorphic paddy soils. It also tends to be more abundant
in the rhizosphere of the rice plant than in tree soils.
In 1922, Beijerinck reported the occurrence of nitrogen-fixing
Spirillum in an enrichment culture of A. chroococcum. At first he named it
Azotobacter spirillum, but afterwards, in 1925, he gave it the name
Spirillum lipoferum. Becking (1963) obtained isolates able to assimilate
N which required 0.01-0.005% yeast extract to grow below the surface of
semi-solid malate media. Later on, the organism was found to be common in
free as well as rhizosphere soils in different climatic conditions, as
indicated in Table 37. In Egypt, the occurrence of S. lipoferum was reported
in association with several plants (Table 38).
(Dobereiner, 1975)
a b
Roots Soils
Country Latitude Number Number Number Number
of positive of positive
samples samples
examined examined
U.S.A. 40-48° 72 11 54 5
Brazil 28-30° 52 14 - -
0-23° 584 293 69 35
Senegal 15° 24 10 24 12
Gambia 14° 6 5 6 6
Liberia 6° 8 4 8 8
Nigeria 6° 20 10 18 6
Kenya (1 700 m) 2° 18 0.0 18 4
bsmauocaialgria ab ++
ssa imaM r. 0
rGanw!uoauG lwAptryw ateammurmslw r. e.
Qthcsme wax oLL 4,4+
Krieg (1977) suggested the generic name Azospirillum and named two
species: A. lipoferum and A. brasiliensis.
5.6.6 Temperature
The optimum temperature for nitrogen-dependent growth is high, between
32 and 40°C and similar to that of organisms from tropical environments, e.g.
Derxia and A. paspali. Day (1975) found that below 24°C growth was very slow
and there was none below l8°C. At 42°C the nitrogenase became inactive and
little growth occurred.
JIO2 10 JADI9ORT 30AR01 2322ARD
40a) (eve!
çibAV,H,D ir1\aoo 34\..H10 1A\Iioe
raw' 'Ion snarl 9Io1
0.4.11;sAan% M:13= liS618 ael - 00' 0.0
molgtun lsnnaT) (aenig e - 8N1
risscknqmiqki el.mn VI - es 8b1.0-o
zilz344 smadma.m5b IS - NON ebE.o-o
ma,Owsistmq mwrImsnmq e - bee 280.0-0
mmn.ltImq marcrxmm os - bes abr.o-o
aia13514 sylolVamm'sm EI - IN TE11.0-0
moimmq) tqc435a. vi - eas aat.o-o
nuiSaqsal mm3nula (efals3a8) S - CBS OtE.0-0
sogogonba amsmog Gilogin di - OVS
agnstwls') aIna:IS1 al
savoqodm45 um53nNit oa - es
molooN5 nolo%1 01 - oe
tulle0 qqa S
zinasinnioq0 lAmn OC - Ohl
15:11.NAtoq0 busionalb 01 - 21
mm:slulA mam..mom ev _
mg3Insol Ilmot.mmmo5 as - OE _
A mm3ngn'sq E
mulinismA mwrimInmq oa _
A missionoSo El
p:ma352 Iltqasp 1
- OS1
qosoqbpA ri riovI /eno0 oe - 08E
ralqsailkwyl% DAgolOwysd 001 - ONI
alikladWe as)1410A3azINAlz NV
aulaq0 umnoW.raustio OE - 0S8 _
.') lquslm14los oe - oat
nmns410 qa oett ooet-
a's.SNotandral qa 08 - oet
tisnimknnnq0 3Soaa'sb S - IN
15:11abmoba %.141risa Ne
5.6.8 Oxygen
Control of the partial pressure of oxygen is critical in growing S. lipoferum
under conditions requiring nitrogen-fixation. If ammonia is supplied as a source
of nitrogen, the organism grows as a typical aerobic one. When the organism
is fixing nitrogen, it operates as a micro-aerophilic organism (Burris, 1977).
* Significant at 5% level
Again the results are not statistically significant, but they were
definately in a positive direction toward benefit from S. lipoferum
inoculation. Use of these data to calculate yields and increased nitrogen on
a per hectare basis indicates a possible increase in total nitrogen of
2 to 5 kg/ha during a growing season.
i 000-
El 2,z)\\\\(\w oyzAwNli
Nivz;Aopeit% cvootoctmu
o /afb\.%",kt,Q cciwahqAl29,
o F--1
r. C01J4L01 (nUlUOVIKIISci
JO 000-
C) a 000 -
.. .
0- -^
Lof- ja AycLowcw,a,. .,(rTA70. ,0 IJOU;4'61414, LIGG (I158)
uoTT 27%er6ua. TuocnjutGq putp aLuJua o ulcLolScu-uxiuU puczw.11.1
(mpongo 4t iaao
Inoculated Uninoculated
g % N g %N
Azolla is a symbiotic algal association that grows on the surface of
water (Fig. 20). It has long been grown in lowland rice fields, both as green
manure to enrich the field and as a feed for domestic animals.
The genus Azolla belongs to the family Azollaceae (Salvinaceae) of the
order Salvinales of the Division Pterodophyta (Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1978).
The six existing forms (Becking, 1979) are usually divided into two sections:
Section I Azolla (or Euzolla). This section contains four species:
- A. filiculoides Lam., found throughout the Americas and widely
distributed elsewhere,
- A. caroliniana Willd., found in eastern U.S.A., Mexico and the
West Indies,
- A. mexicana Presl., northern South America to British Columbia
and eastward to Illinois,
- A. microphylla, western and northern South America to southern
North America and the West Indies.
Section II Rhizosperma. This section covers only two species:
- A. pinnata R. Br., widespread in the eastern hemisphere,
tropical and southern Africa, southeast Asia, Japan and
- A. nilotica Decaisne. A large species occurring on the Nile
in Africa.
Tuan and Thuyet (1978) reported that Van Liem (in 1962) described three
varieties of azolla: green, purple and red (Table 44). It has been generally
accepted by farmers and research workers that green azolla is the most resistant
to high temperature, the red to low temperature, the purple one to acidity and
the red is also resistant to salinity.
Azolla varieties
Green Purple Red
Propagation of azolla is always through vegetative reproduction.
However, azolla is heterosporous and produces both mega- and micro- sporangia
within the sporocarps which are formed by the lower lobe initial of the first
leaf of a branch. Details of this sexual cycle have been reported by
several workers (Becking, 1978 a; Peters, 1978). Significantly, the symbiont
maintains its association with the host plant during the sexual cycle, an
outline of which is given in Fig. 23.
Although azolla can utilize nitrogen present in its aquatic environment,
the algal symbiont is capable of meeting the entire nitrogen requirement of
the association. Nitrogen-fixation by Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis has been
demonstrated indirectly by the use of nitrogen-free nutrient solution,
acetylene reduction-gas chromatography and assay of H production, and
directly by the use of 15N tracer method (Lumpkin and Plucknett, 1978).
2b0b0bHAIE 2b0B0bHAIE
64563 0 IAA L bl OCInt pOU
woctozbotocoib wocLostx)Locab
wocLozboic wIckoebots
wocLoCtowcobloAls w!cLodowolobpA
szucpcdouoniu ouspoLiq!nw
Becking (1978a) showed that A. pinnata had a doubling time of 2.6 days,
a growth rate of 0.308 g/g per day and nitrogen-fixation of 9.86 mg N/g dry
weight per day.
Rate of C H produced
2 4
Nitrogen source nana mole/mg total SD Number
N 27.1 5.3 7
Nitrate 18.5 3.8 6
Urea 18.4 2.4 7
Ammonium 10.3 0.2 10
N dark control 0.09 0.08 4
Chu (1978)1 indicated that when the nitrogen concentration (as ammonium
nitrate) is increased nitrogen is reduced. Under a weak light of 1500 lux and
with 1000 ppm ammonium nitrate, activity of nitrogenase is completely checked,
but it retains some activity with 10 000 lux of light (Table 46). With a
weak light of 1500 lux and 100 ppm ammonium nitrate azolla grows better.
When the concentration is increased, the rate of growth decreases. However,
under strong light ( 10 000 lux) and 10 ppm ammonium nitrate, the yield
increases slightly. If the concentration is increased, the yield decreases.
Personal communication
This Table is extracted from the working paper by Dr Chu for the IRRI Symposium on
Nitrogen and Rice.
Note. The base culture solution was Checkiang Agr. 6302 free from N; light was from tungsten iodic lamp, 28°C.
6.5.2 Nitrogen-Fixation Efficiency
Anabaena azolla, when isolated from the azolla’s cavities and incubated
under N , releases ammonia into the incubation medium (Peters, 1976). No
ammonia is released during incubation under Ar or N + 2% Co. 15N experiments
showed that, in general, 50% or less of the nitrogen fixed is incorporated
into the symbiont. Newton (1976) indicated that fixed nitrogen constituted
up to 50% of the total nitrogen in the free nitrogen pools of the azolla
association when it was grown in the absence of combined nitrogen, and that
there were substantial levels of glutamine, glutamate and cystathionine.
Because of the ability of azolla to fix nitrogen and to pump out ammonia,
it is hoped that this system can be employed as a living biosolar-driven system
for ammonia production in the future.
Both the azolla plant and the algal symbiont removed from the plant are
photosynthetically competent. The azolla contains chlorophyll(a) and (b) while
the alga contains chlorophyll(a) and phycobilins. Both organisms contain
carotenoids. On the basis of three separate methods of determination, the
algal partner has been estimated to contribute 15 to 20% of the association’s
total chlorophyll (Peters et al, 1979).
Azolla populations grown with rice during the summer have rapid initial
growth and reach peak biomass 28 days after inoculation. The subsequent
decline in biomass is rapid, especially in A. mexicana, implying a significant
nitrogen loss from the biomass to the aquatic environment.
Espinas and Watanabe (1976) determined the growth rate of Azolla pinnata.
The results (Table 47) showed that azolla doubled its weight in 3-5 days during
the first week. In two weeks, approximately 30-40 kg N/ha had accumulated in
the azolla tissue.
6.7.2 Light
While some reports indicate that high intensity of light enhances the
growth of azolla, others show that the optimal light intensity for growth is
15-18 kilo lux and that at higher intensities growth and photosynthesis are
inhibited. At pH 5, high intensity of light enhances growth but at pH 6 and
7, it inhibits growth (Tuan and Thuyet, 1979).
Ashton (1974) observed that both the growth rate and nitrogenase
activity of A. filiculoides change with increasing light. In South Africa,
it was found that growth increased with increasing light intensity, up to a
maximum of 50% sunlight (i.e., about 49 000 lux). Further increases in light
intensity decreased the growth rate. In 25% sunlight the growth rate was
higher than in full sunlight. The nitrogenase activity followed the same
pattern i.e. highest at 50% sunlight and lower at both 25 and 75% sunlight.
6.7.3 Temperature
Several workers have reported various ranges in temperatures, but the
optimum temperatures for azolla spp seem to be between 18-28°C (Tuan and
Thuyet, 1979).
pH after 15 days
Soil Initial of floodin Inoculum Growth after
collections pH fresh wt, g 15 day
Standing fresh wt.g
Soil water
20-25°C 11.19 0.245 8.53 0.141 9.13 0.165
27-29°C 10.63 0.225 9.70 0.190 9.66 0.186
26-29°C 9.36 0.170 9.22 0.168 7.78 0.111
17-22°C 7.19 0.090 9.34 0.173 9.51 0.180
6.7.7 Nutrition
i. Phosphorus
Rains and Talley (1978) indicated results of experiments with
A. filiculoides and A. mexicana to ascertain their requirement of
phosphorus. Azolla grown in a phosphorus-deficient solution
decreased or ceased growth, became red in colour and developed
curled roots (Watanabe and Espinas, 1976). A. filiculoides grown
as a fallow crop in the spring might require as much as 60 kg
P O /ha, either as a single application or as a split treatment
2 5
of 30 kg P O /ha each time. Maximal production of A. mexicana
2 5
was obtained with a split application of 15 kg P O /ha in equal
2 5
doses at 1, 10 and 21 days after inoculation. The higher yield
thus obtained seemed to result from less stimulation of competing
green or blue-green algae. At higher levels of phosphorus
fertilization, competing organisms proliferated and may have inhibited
azolla development (Rains and Talley, 1978).
ii. Iron
The addition of 1.5 kg Fe/ha was sufficient to eliminate the deficiency
in paddy water (Rains and Talley, 1978). The critical concentration
of iron for azolla growth was found to be 20µg Fe/l.
The availability of iron as a nutrient to plants is affected by pH.
When the pH is high ( alkaline ) iron is precipitated as hydroxide and
is therefore less available to plants. Unavailability of iron causes
yellowing of the ferns (Espinas and Watanabe, 1976).
Plate size was 314 cm2
The contaminated green algae were not completely removed
Average ± standard deviation
6.7.9 Pests of Azolla
Azolla is frequently attacked by lepidopterous and dipterous insects,
which are common in the summer and in rainy seasons (Singh, 1977; 1978), but
insect occurence is low when the morning water temperature remains below 20°C.
The larvae of insects, mostly Chironomus, Pyralis and Nymphulus (Thuyet and
Tuan, 1973) roll the leaves of plants together and feed on them, causing
brown patches in the azolla cover (Singh, 1979). Other pests reported from
different countries are reviewed by Lumpkin and Plucknett (1978) and among
them are mites, weevils, aphides and moulds.
6.7.10 Pesticides
Becking (1979) tested 8 compounds in concentrations usually applied in
agricultural practice: carbofuran (100 mg/1), dimecron (80 mg/1), diazinon
(40 mg/1), thiodin (40 mg/1), 2,4-D (amine) (67 mg/1), DDT (50 mg/1),
dithiocarbamate (33 mg/1) and MCPA (67 mg/1). Nitrogenase activity was
assayed with the C H reduction test in 70 ml serum bottles, and incubated at
2 2
28°C at a light intensity of 12 000 lux. In a 48 hour incubation period, no
significant decrease of the C H reduction rate was observed, possibly because
2 2
the algal symbiont living in the leaf cavity of the aerial leaf was not in
direct contact with either the nutrient solution containing chemical, nor the
vascular system of the plant, so that the substance could not reach the
symbiont suring short-term exposure.
ii. soil and azolla can be disinfected by using 4.8 kg/ha (8 catties)
of carbofuran at the last harrowing; 50% fenthion or 1 500 dilutions
of 50% fenthion may be used to soak mother azolla for 5 min;
iii. insecticides: it is important to know the characteristics of pests
before deciding on the kind and quantity of insecticide to use.
It is better to use different insecticides in rotation or mixtures
of them, or to use them in combination with fertilizers. A list
of suggested insecticides is given in Table 52.
(Chu, 1979)
Nymphula tarbata Butler
Polypedilum juinoense Hauber
Radix swinhoer H. Adams
Soil mixed with azolla can be used directly in the fields where it
grows or can be dug out to use as fertilizer elsewhere. It is estimated
that in this way 66m3 of compost material per mou (1 000 m3/ha) can be obtained.
The results of experiments have shown that 10 tonnes of comnpost mazerial
generally increase rice yield by 470 kg/ha.
When 0.1-0.4 kg inoculum per m2 was sown in the field (Singh, 1978)
8-15 t green matter per ha was obtained in 7-20 days and 333 t/ha, which
contained 840 kg N (Table 53) and 20 t dried compost, was produced annually
in breeding plots. A thick layer of azolla ensured about 30-40 kg/N/ha
because it contained 4-5% N on a dry weight basis (0.2 to 0.3% on a fresh
weight basis).
20.13I1 MAT
sluJsisnnsJ 3°
blsiy a.Et 0.1i c.c 8.11 8.2C 8.8S
IsunnA spcisyt
blsiy 1..131 e.ce, A.ttt o.tAt c.taA I.ISE
!win* nspollin
til,iv 10.0 ?S.! 08.0 U.0 ar.1 8.0
The data were collected from 32 plots with a total of 256 m2 in the field and from
12 tanks with a total of 82.8 m2. The azolla crop was collected four times a month
over 20 months (June to January, 1978).
Species Yield/t/ha
Fresh Dry weight N/kg/ha Reference
ii. The variety of the rice: rice varieties with a long growing season
generally give better yields than those with short ones because the
longer growth period permits greater nutrient absorption.
iii. The type of soil: the addition of green manure to soils of high
fertility usually increases crop yield by 9.9-27% but in soils of low
fertility a 13.3-42.7% increase in rice yield can be expected.
The spacing between the double rows of rice plants is 53-66 cm, and
between the narrow rows of rice plants the spacing is 13 cm. The distance
between the clusters (hills) of rice in the rows is 6.5 cm. The azolla is
grown in the wider space between the double rows of rice plants (Fig. 25).
10 RnIlav1/1Ln a3SOSA owl) (acsol ad\aInnol
c.,1A ca,c(1 salIosk ,3t11 0I0sX yLla3 oicJ
ad ad\aenno, tfl
not/oubonci d31674 a -
/bballa 0:4.0 .o,0 SS rts a.et ass r.e e.E1
bog- "301/
not/oubong linclA C
,bapitn8 8E.0 .n,0 ES SOS E.81 1ES 0.8 8.51
0.,q-td2 dill
notiouboll dxta 1
,basii8 85.0 .3q/2 81 711 ,!.E1 Ea! 0.8 C.8
td2-nid2 bnS
noif3t,bong 111qA el -
II:Iasi-1H E1.0 ./q9Z et Ell e.el EL! 2.6 1.01
adT DITIoa elznu vtt1 no'd b9/1,vroD moil Id, InntRIlo ,aan1dD
allnu an :awo110 1 ,aln110 uom = 000.0 ad
,a,n/d, 'Wisp = 0.0 0
1 ,nnol = 1 000 soi
6.10.8 Recommendations for Azolla Cultivation
Chu (1979) recommends the double row method of azolla cultivation with
rice outlined above (section 6.10.7).
The rice plants should be of the compact type, with straight narrow
leaves, hard stems, big ears, plenty of grains and medium tillering capacity.
(The same spacings as indicated in section 6.10.7 should be used).
The parent azolla should be grown in shallow water first until nearly
harvest time for the rice, when the water depth should be increased. When
the rice plants are fully grown use additional irrigation water, or drainage,
as necessary to ensure optimum growth of the azolla.
Sodium molybdate
1 ppm 2.96 197.3 11.13 114.4
Ferrous sulphate
500 ppm 3.01 200.7 10.73 110.3
Control 1.5 100.0 9.73 100
6.10.10 Azolla and Rice Yields
Yields from rice grown with A. mexicana were 550/kg/ha greater than
for A. filiculoides and rice, and 850 kg/ha more than the controls. The
amounts of A. filiculoides and A. mexicana used in the experiments were res-
pectively 30 and 38 kg/ha. Incorporation of 60 kg N/ha into the soil. as
decomposing A. filiculoides increased rice yields by 1 470 kg/ha over yields
of unfertilized controls (i.e. 112%). Combining A. filiculoides as a green
manure in the plots produced an increase of 2 700 kg/ha over controls
(i.e. 216/), compared with increases of 292 and 1 470 kg/ha respectively for
separate treatments with A. filiculoides as a dual crop and green manure
(Talley et al, 1977).
Moore (1969) cites yield increases of 14, 17, 22 and 40% in four
separate experiments where A. pinnata was grown together with rice.
Azolla harvested from the field should also provide good quality
forage. Moore (1969) estimated that it contains 23% protein, 4.4% crude
fats, 9.5% crude fibre and 6.4% starch (dry weight).
Ash 10.5
Crude fat 3.0-3.36
Crude protein 24 - 30
Nitrogen 4-5
Phosphorus 0.5-0.9
Calcium 0.4-1.0
Potassium 2.0-4.5
Magnesium 0.5-0.65
Manganese 0.11-0.16
Iron 0.06-0.26
Soluble sugars 3.5
Crude fibres 9.1
Starch 6.54
Chlorophyll 0.34-0.55
(Singh and Subudhi, 1978)
Number of symbiotic
Order Family Genus species. In parenthesis
number of species
Values for 35 plants of each species
Root nodules of non-leguminous plants can be divided into two main
groups: the Alnus and Myrica-Casuarina types.
Alnus type root nodules are formed in the genus Alnus and other
genera of the families Elaeagnaceae, Rhamnaceae, Coriariaceae and in Rosaceae.
All these nodules are modified roots with an arrested or very slow growing
apical meristem. The nodular lobes are usually dichotomously branched,
producing nodules of corallaid appearance (Fig. 27).
Data from comparison of Myrica pine stands and pure pine stands. Nitrogen-fixation
determined by subtracting total amount N pine stand from total amount N Myrica-pine stand.
Virtanen (1962) demonstrated that the seven-year total content of
nitrogen in leaves of an alder (Alnus glutinosa) plant was 14.0 g. From
this he calculated that in a grove of alder trees 2.5 m tall with a density
of 5 plants/m2 the total nitrogen gain would be 700 kg/ha.
Evidence has been presented (using 15N) that nitrogen-fixation occurs in.
the nodules and is followed by a rapid export of fixed nitrogen to other parts
of the plants. Bond (1959) showed that Ceratozamia nodules fixed about 1.6%
of the total nitrogen of the sample. Bergersen, Kennedy and Wittman (1965)
showed that nodules of Macrozamia communis produced 5.2 µg N/g fresh weight/hour.
In Egypt, the unit of inoculant is sold to the farmer for U.S. $0.20
(E. £0.15) but the Government subsidises the production costs. From the
farmer’s point of view costs and savings compared to using mineral fertilizers
under Egyptian soil conditions for a crop such as soybean (soils free of
R. japonicum) can be calculated as follows:
Without inoculants
Nitrogenous fertilizers required: 60 kg/N/feddan (144 kg/N/ha)
Total cost 60 x E £0.15 = E £9.00 (E £21.6/ha)
With inoculants
Nitrogenous fertilizers required: 15 kg/N/feddan (36 kg/N/ha)
Cost 15 x E £0.15 = E £2.25/feddan (E £5.4/ha)
Inoculant 2 units x E £0.15 = E £0.30/feddan (E £0.72/ha)
Total cost E £2.55/feddan (E £6.1/ha)
1) incubation of the test material in the presence of N enriched with N.
2) conversion of all N in the sample to ammonia by Kjeldahl digestion.
3) isolation of the ammonia by distillation.
4) oxidation of the ammonia to N .
5) mass analysis of N in a mass spectrometer.
Any N incorporated by the test material is detected as an increase
in the abundance of mass 15 above the background value of 0.364% due to
natural abundance of 15N. This increase is expressed as % 15N excess. Samples
giving an atom % 15N excess of more than 0.015 could be accepted as positive
evidence for N fixation.
xsaaA bodism bno 1qirntq sacnsgolliN m8ins100 ni b19r1 bns
- sacan
(H")rismollosqa *. 4 44.
aanm noieaim, (11")
- 9vi/9soibol gniinuo9 (H") 4
9869,090 n1 1A-,11 oi3s1 Rniwollol :noi/eduDni
- Basa! x119mo1199qa
sinommA noi/smnol ni e/osincs gniwollol noi/sduoni Isbnu H
- xlismilolso
H sAslow xd :0961.1x9
- xl/smonsm
ebod/sM bsesd no xiilids lo set:mogol/in o/ soubs1 aelsliedua
Indio nsdi
,H,D nollpubs/ o/ :,H,0
- asa xdoclgoJsmold, . 4.
- 10./smilofna
,e1illiH sliliinoai :no1/9mb91
- si es xdosigoismold9
,OH noi3oubs1 o/ H
- xlIsmonsm
- asg xdqs/Ao/smoldp
- easm ylismolJ9sqa
abodieM bsasd no nolissIlilu lo :s/inoidJib
- VU xl/smo/odclol/n9qa
iii. Internal standard: C H is a natural internal standard for the assay and it
2 2
is measured readily in conjunction with the product C H .
2 4
vi. Product stability: The gas samples containing product C H can be stored
2 4
indefinitely in gas-tight containers for chromatographic analyses.
vii. Economy and mobility: All apparatus used is relatively inexpensive and rugged
enough for use in all terrain-type mobile units.
viii. Sample conservation: The test material need not be sacrificed for analysis,
and normally can be repeatedly sampled because each analysis requires only
a small fraction of the incubation atmosphere.
Sample Preparation
Assays should be made immediately after sampling (within 2 hours).
Nodules are best assayed while still attached to the roots. Removing the
tops has no measurable effect on short term assays.
Assay Procedure
For active systems e.g. nodules or blue-green algae, assays can be
made in air, provided a concentration of 10% C H is used. The atmosphere
2 2
in the vials can be altered by alternately evacuating to 30 mm Hg and flush-
ing with an appropriate gas mixture (usually Ar/O ) two or three times.
After a suitable time (30 min for legume root nodules, up to 24 hours
for soil) gas samples 0.5-2 ml are taken with a syringe. For periods up to
about 3 hours, the gas sample can be stored by sticking the syringe needle
into a rubber bung. For storing gas samples over longer periods, samples can
be transferred into pre-evacuated containers.
Gas Chromatography
Gas mixtures can be separated by gas chromatography and then quanti-
fied by flame ionization or thermal conductivity detectors. For acetylene,
ethylene and propane, various column packing materials can be used. A
convenient system to use is 80-100 mesh porapak N or T in a 2m x 0.003m
diameter, stainless steel column at 100 °C, with a nitrogen gas flow rate of
25 ml/min using a hydrogen/air flame ionization detector. Another convenient
system is 100:0 NO PO on spherosil x 0.3 cm glass column at 35°C with a
3 4
nitrogen carrier gas flow rate of 4 ml/min. Most detectors can routinely
detect 0.1 ppm C H in a 0.5 ml gas sample. For porapak N or T, CH (propane)
2 4 4
has the shortest retention time followed by C H (ethylene), C H (acetylene)
2 4 2 2
and C H (acetone). For a Na PO column, however, propane is eluted before
3 8 3 4
the acetylene. At most concentrations encountered in the assay, peak heights
can be taken linearly and be related to the concentration with fair accuracy.
100 x 10 ml C H and = X CU
2 4
ii. Disposable plastic syringes and 25 g needles (0.5 mm diameter) are suitable
for samples and gas transfers. Contaminating C H can be decreased by
2 4
evacuating and flushing the syringes with air about 6 times.
iv. C H can be used as an internal standard in the assay to monitor sampling and
2 2
injection errors. Propane can also be used in the assay atmosphere as a
standard, specially for assays of soil-plant systems.
vi. C H is a plant growth hormone, and most responses are saturated by 2 ppm
2 4
C H . Plant membrane integrity is affected by C H and/or C H .
2 4 2 4 2 2
The decision as to whether a culture is or is not a rhizobium usually
depends on a plant test. Certain conformable and contradictory characteristics
are worth noting (Vincent, 1970).
R. trifolii R. japonicum
R. legumino- R. meliloti R. lupini Agrobacterium
serum Cowpea
R. phaseoli rhizobia
i. Colony size, mm 2+ 2+ 1 2+
ii. Raffinose used 0.84 0.73 0.19 0.89
iii. Citrate used 0.03 0.27 0 0.72
iv. Growth pH 4.5 0.65 0.09 0.83 0.88
v. Growth pH 9.5 0 0.91 0 0.56
vi. Growth 2% NaCl 0 0.45 0 0.61
vii Growth 39°C 0 0.72 0 0.06
viii.Response to thiamine 0.65 0 0 0.11
ix. Response to pantothenate 0.89 0 0.03 0
x. Response to biotin 0.59 0.36 0.23 0
xi. H S produced 0 0.81 0 1.0
xii. Penicillinase produced 0.08 0.08 0.77 0.11
xiii.Precipitate from
Ca glycerophosphate 0 0.55 0 1.0
Entries, except in the case of i. represent the proportion of rhizobia strains in each
group, or species, showing the characteristics.
Table 68 Nodulation specificity of Rhizobial species
(Collected from Graham and Parker, 1964).
1/ Entries represent the proportion of rhizobial strains in each species nodulating the
2/ Partly reflects poor compatibility of isolates from Agrican clovers; those from T.ambiguum
are poorly compatible with Mediterranean clovers.
3/ Formerly Phaseolus: M.atropurpureum is widely susceptible to slow growing rhizobia
including isolates from Lotoraonis and Leucaena which are host specific.
4/ Whereas M.sativa appears to be always invasible by R.meliloti, other species of Medicago
are likely to be more strain specific. Some strains from Leucaena nodulate M.sativa.
The test is usually formed by exposing the systems to a legume host plant,
isolating rhizobia from the nodules that are formed, and studying the
occurrence of the serotype(s) among the nodule isolates. Agglutination
technique is widely used. Immuno diffusion technique has also been
applied (Vincent, 1970).
Adhesive. A high grade gum arabic or gum acacia is the best adhesive agent.
It is essential that the gum is free from preservatives. Very finely ground
gum is hard to dissolve in water (8-mesh ground dissolves satisfactorily).
Other adhesives are methofas R, cellofas A, and methocel R. These do not
provide the same degree of protection for the rhizobia as does gum arabic.
Pelleting material. A finely ground form of calcium carbonate that will pass
at least 300 mesh seive is required.
Fine lime 7½ lb (3.4 kg) Add the lime all at once and mix
rapidly for 1 to 1½ min only.
Characteristics of a good pellet
- The seed should be evenly coated by the lime.
- After the mixing, the pellet should appear dry but without
loose lime left on the surface giving it a powdery look.
- Free lime should not be left in the mixer.
- Pellets should be firm enough to drop on the floor without
- When dry, the pellets should withstand light rolling between
the fingers.
ii. Gram-stain: rhizobia are gram negative. Reject any broth with contaminants
iii. Total cell count: broth must contain at least 1000 x 106 cells/ml. If fewer,
reject the broth.
iv. Serological check: to verify that the correct strain is present, mix 3 ml
of broth with 3 ml of 0.85% saline in a test tube and boil for 1/ hour
(to remove “H” antigen).
Test by using 3 serology tubes:
a. 2 for test
b. 1 for control
Use a pasteur pipette to add to an agglutination tube:
a. 18 drops of boiled broth-saline plus 2 drops of
antisera, and
b. 18 drops of boiled broth-saline plus 2 drops of
0.85% saline.
Incubate in water bath at 45° C for 4-5 hours.
Result: Agglutination of cells compared with control idicates a positive
i. Add yeast to water and let stand for 2 hours
ii. Autoclave for 3 mins
iii. Stand for 2 days
iv. Decant clear liquid and dispense into flasks
v. Autoclave for 30 mins
To use: 100 ml/litre media
Glucose Peptone Agar
Glucose 5.0 gm
Bacteriological peptone 10.0 gm
Agar 15.0 gm
Water 1 litre
1.6% alcoholic brom-cresol purple
Method of preparation:
i. Add peptone and agar to water. Autoclave at 10 lb/in2 for 5 minutes.
ii. Add glucose, brom-cresol purple, dispense in tubes and autoclave
at 10 lb /in2 for 10 minutes.
HgCl2 1.0 gm
Conc. HCl 5.0 ml
Distilled water 500.0 ml
Seeds which may be sterilized with mercuric chloride
Clovers-sub, white, rose, red, strawberry
Medics - lucerne, paragosa
Vetch - for good germination, leave seeds soaking in water,
after sterilization overnight.
Lotus bean
Seed may have to be washed free of fungicide before sterilizing.
After sterilizing, place seed in closed container on damp cotton
wool until germinated. This may take 4-5 days.
1.0 A
OtHV.,02AM S.0 g
MGM 1.0 A
0083 0.0S gm
(1D99 0.01 Am
OtHS,OoMnH 0.S gm
IsAA 2V./ A
OtH 0001 1m
-79ni9-19dou s (avei) muib9m '103 .ri/wols 1\A
ol1a..%1 1)1= 0.2
,04,HN A.0
0tHV.,08AM S.0
1001 1.0
0sHV.t10cD SO.0
OtHO.t1091 10.0
0sHS.,0oMs11 S00.0
.8 Iomyrii ould
aee.o) reuooupc 1m
IcAA ay.'
19JaW 0001 1m
Hq e.a
noA0 3% ID (vcet) mulbem
,041Hd1 o.a '3 b9xim ni MOI lo on/ Icnil
0.A (A 9mufov bns b9vslooJus -/cicqoa
y19 bns b9bbs oi 9d3 bloo
0tHC.,020 0
,1010 50.0 A
IIGho. bloc 0.2
HOsil 0.E A
/acoY 39o1,x9 1.0 3
(1093 0.01 Am
OtHS.,OoMcM 0.S Am
,OEnM I.S Am
,08,11 8.S Am
0,HE.E(0311)u0 A0.0 Am
0,HV.,02nT AS.0 Am
Hq 8.0
Appendix D
Williams and Burris (1952) developed a method for testing Calothrix
parietina as follows.
After the algal cultures have used most of the fixed nitrogen, they are concentrated
aseptically by decantation or centrifugation and are resuspended in 100 ml of fresh Chu 10
medium containing one mg fixed nitrogen per ml. The medium is modified by substituting CaCl
for Ca(NO ) and the nitrogen is supplied as NH NO . The 250 ml bottles are closed with
3 2 4 3
sterile rubber stoppers carrying cotton plugged inlet tubes.
The bottles are evacuated and assed with 0.25 atom 15N-enriched N , 0.50 atom argon,
0.20 atom O and 0.05 atom CO . These cultures are illuminated and remain stagnant. They are
2 2
not opened until time for harvest (4-30 days). At harvest, cells are sedimented, resuspended
in distilled water and washed by centrifugation.
The cells are subjected to Kjeldahl digestion, the ammonia is distilled and then
converted to N with alkaline hypobromide. The N is analysed for 15N with a mass
2 2
By this method, 0.003 atom per cent of 15N excess can be detected and 0.015 atom per
cent N excess will serve as a conservative level for establishing fixation of 15N.
Standard curve: using a range of concentrations of NH Cl in distilled
water, pipette 8 ml of solution into triplicate test tubes (range from 0 to 1 mmol).
Add 0.2 ml of phenol alcohol solution, followed by 0.2 ml of sodium nitropruside
solution followed by 0.5 ml of alkaline hypochlorite solution. Shake well between
each addition. Allow to stand at room temperature (22-27°C) for 1 hour and read
absorbence at 640 nm using a reagent blank as zero. The colour will remain
unchanged over 24 hours. Glassware should be acid washed before use.
Use 5 ml (or smaller volume made up to 5 ml with distilled water) of
supernatant prepared by centrifuging or filtering the cultures. Add reagents
and treat as for standard curve. Read values of ammonia concentration from
standard curve.
An in situ acetylene reduction assay technique for use in paddy fields, using
plastic bags and bottomless metal frames has been developed. The plastic bag chamber
is convenient for addition and removal of gas. This technique has been used by Watanabe
et al (1977) to estimate nitrogen fixation in rice fields.
During analysis 0.5-2 ml of standard gas mixture (air and acetylene 9:1
containing 100 ppm ethylene gas) were injected.
To remove any excess of acidity, the silica gel plates are dipped for 2 days in
a current of tap water, then the plates are sterilized by flame.
The algal growth is vigorously macerated together with washed sand. The chlorophyll
(a) is then extracted with 90% v/v aqueous acetone. After centrifugation (500 rpm/min) the
coloured supernatant is measured at a wave length of 665 nm using a one cm thick cuvette of
the spectrophotometer (special zeiss, Jena) and 90% acetone as a blank. The amounts of
chlorophyll (a) are then calculated as mg chlorophyll (a)/mg algal dry weight using the
following equation:
µg chlorophyll (a)/mg dry wt = Ex x 11.9 x Volume of acetone
Dry wt of the alga/mg
s08tH e.s 1\g
InsmelsolDIM noi/u1oa
t08tH 01.E 1\A
02nM ES.S 1\3
,02nS (157.0 1\A
IN E80.0 1\A
belIiiaiO Islow 0001 Im
eibnzlgoH noi/uloa S-H al bsbbs o/ sd/ mutbem 2S\1 lo d/gnsi/e bsillssge lo/
Istigid .a/nalq
CPn.e ILIGAPnw JO (rawm)
LG (ga ED1V cowb!Gx) bbw
A (92 'WAD')
co (v? co(vo)'es5o) 001 bbw
WT (02 mrsos"eHlo) 00:00: bbw
C (02 C5(20.)51020.'Svils0) bbw
m (ua 140mw"sti'o) 0-01 bbw
ITcau!nw ox!ciG 0-05 bbw
OO W muo) wux ;)G tolcm mliGLG 9 u!cLoEcu aonLcc, !a LodnTLGq.
40(171.76(1 wsq!nw (2canp' raer)
on' ve*A
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W1620' .A130 52'0
10103C0) 51'0
L6 ED1V aoinc!ou T00
/Lacs sTswsuc aornpou 0'09wI
macTTIGq macGL nb co 1000 WI
EDTA solution
5 ml of 0.1 N solution of FeCl .6H Oin 0.1 N HC1 solution of disodium salt
3 2
of ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid are mixed together and then topped up to 500 ml.
I00 WJ coucgru' wV
1L9C6 6T6W61Jf2 2oinpou:
1-1/130 3100
Wu20HSO 5530
Wg520.'S1150 3'3
(AHditki01'4W0 88
KI 9'3
SI-120AHs0 58'A
cci(wo')s'ynso J2'y
co(mo').eWo ry.e
Cn205H/O IS'2
1T20.(1H')08H10 188
cs(mo))5.A145o 3'A
A30°(20')T8 HO32
VI/(20°)3020"'SVH30 VA'V
Algal Propagation
i. Prepare shallow trays of galvanized iron sheet (4' x 3' x 9") or of bricks
and mortar so as to have permanent units. The size and number of trays
(tanks) depends upon the amount of inoculum produced. It is advisable to
have permanent structures with proper irrigating and draining facilities at
the block level.
ii. Keep 17 kg of soil in the trays and mix it well with 10 g of superphosphate.
About 2 g of Na molybdate may alsobe added if there is a response to its
addition in a particular type of soil.
iii. Keep the soil flooded after the addition of water. Lime is recommended
for acidic soils to raise the pH.
iv. When the water becomes clear sprinkle the starter culture on the surface
of the standing water. The starter culture must be in a healthy condition
(about 20 g fresh material equivalent to 2 g dry wt.), for rapid growth.
The trays should be kept in the open field since algae grown under field
conditions multiply rapidly after inoculation.
v. Algae multiply rapidly during the summer and cover the area in 15 days.
Harvest the algal mat and use it for inoculation. In off seasons the
algal mat is collected, dried in the shade and is kept for further possible
use. As far as possible fresh algae should be used as inoculum.
vi. Continue cultivation and harvesting with the above amendments and change
the soil after 3-4 harvests. A single harvest from a tray 85 cm x 65 cm
x 15 cm, after 20 days, weighs around 250-400 g of fresh algae.
vii. To control the insects which eat blue-green algae add 3-5 g of diazinon
or cyeolane or furadan.
viii. Nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae growing in fallow flooded rice fields
before ploughing can also be collected and used as a starter culture or
inoculum. For this purpose some experience of identifying promising
blue-green algae by visual observation is required.
Field Application
i. Inoculate fresh algal material as fast as possible, rather than dried
algae, at the rate of 25-50 kg/ha (90% moisture) on standing water
which corresponds to 3-5 kg/ha on a dry weight basis. The addition of
excess algal material helps to produce more algae in a shorter time.
ii. Apply algal material with each crop for 3-4 consecutive seasons.
iii. Inoculate the algae after a week of planting in clear water. Inoculation
should be avoided during rains.
iv. Apply superphosphate at the rate of 20-40 kg P O /ha in two doses
2 5
during inoculation. The second one should be applied after 20 days.
v. Algae can be used with 20-40 kg N-fertilizer safely to obtain higher
vi. Recommended rates of pesticides or herbicides and other agronomic
practices do not generally interfere with algal establishment.
Appendix E
i. Ploughed, levelled and bunded fields must be used for multiplication.
ii. Maintain 5-10 cm standing water continuously while multiplication is
in progress. Raising the water level to 30 cm will not have any adverse
iii. Inoculate Azolla at the rate of 0.2 to 0.4 kg per m2 depending upon the
availability of inoculum.
iv. Mix superphosphate at the rate of 4 to 20 kg P O /ha together with inoculum.
2 5
Ratna phosphate and rock phosphate are not recommended for Azolla cultivation.
A few grams (0.1 to 1.0 g/kg of pesticide furadan) should also be mixed with
the inoculum or both superphosphate and furadan may be applied after
LIE- bd unitibirciwou
(coutIpnicq PW WIC VOW)
v. After the formation of a layer (in a week) harvest the Azolla with the
help of a bamboo stick and again inoculate at the same rate for further
vi. Harvested Azolla should be re-inoculated in another field otherwise
it will decompose and turn into compost (5% N) which can also be used.
vii. Generally fresh Azolla (0.2 - 0.3% N) is used for manuring.
viii. Under conditions at Cuttack (India) Azolla multiplies throughout the
year while the water temperature is between 17 - 29 and 28 - 33°C
(night/day) at the rate of 2 - 4 times per week. Its multiplication
is affected adversely when the water temperature exceeds 32-40°C
ix. Azolla grows well in soils of slightly acid to alkaline pH (6 - 8).
Very acid soils of Kerala (pH 2.9 - 3.6) do not support its growth.
x. It can also be multiplied in concrete tanks containing 15 cm of soil.
xi. The multiplication programme should be started about a month in advance
so as to have sufficient inoculum for one acre.
The multiplication programme may be summarized as follows.
4 kg azolla + 36 g superphosphate (SP) inoculate 4 x 3 m incubate one week
12 kg azolla + 90 g SP inoculate 5 x 6 m incubate one week 36 kg azolla +
300 g SP inoculate 10 x 10 m incubate one week 110 kg azolla + 900 SP
inoculate 20 x 15 m incubate one week 330 kg azolla + 3 kg SP inoculate
45 x 20 m incubate one week 1000 kg azolla inoculate into one acre
with SP.
(Note: A few grams of the pesticide furadan may be mixed with each
Dr. J. Dobereiner
Institute de Pesqurae Experimentacae
do Sentro sul (IPEACS)
Km 47 via Campo Grande Zc-26, GB.
Dr. M. Hauser
Dept. of Microbiology
University of Guelf
Dr. Helena Jakubcova
Dept. of Microbiology
Central Res. Inst. of Plant Production
16106 Praha 6, Ruzynev, 507
Dr. M. Obaton
Station de Recherches de Microbiologie des Sols,
7 rue Sully - 21 - Dijon
Dr. R.B. Patil
Dept. of Microbiology
University of Agricultural Sciences
Bangalore 24
Dr. S. Ishizawa
Dept. of Soils and Fertilizers
National Inst. of Agricultural Sciences
Nishigahara, Kita-kir, Tokyo
Dr. S. Yoshida
Dept. of Agricultural chemistry
Nagoya University
Chekusa-Ku, Nagoya
The Netherlands
Miss E.O. Biewenga
Institute of Soil Fertility
Oosterweg 41, Haren, Groningen
Dr. Z. Lorkiewicz
Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry
University of Marie Curie
Skiodowska, Lublin
Dr. W.P.L. Sandman
Glasslands Res. Station
P. Bag 701, Marandelles
Rhodesia, Africa
South Africa
Dr. B. Strijdom
Plant Protection Res. Institute
Private Bag 134
Pretoria, S-Africa
United Kingdom
Dr. D. Gareth Jones
Dept. of Agricultural Botany
University College of Wales
Panglais, Aberystwyth, Wales
Dr. M. Dye
Rothamsted Experimental Station
Harpenden, Hertfordshire
Dr. B.E. Caldwell
Crops Res. Division
Beltsville, Maryland 20705
Dr. F.S. Matevosian
Institute of Microbiology
Armenian S.S.R. Academy of Sciences
Tsharentso 19,
Erevan 25, Armenian S.S.R.
Dr. Vera Petrovic
Institute of Soil Science
Beograd, Teodova Drajzera 7
In addition to the above collection centres, there are two MIRCENS which
are dealing with rhizobia cultures:
Prof. B. Fott
Charles University
Chair of Botany, Cryptogamological Dept.
Dr. J. Komarek, Dr. O. Lhotsky
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Botanical Institute
Laboratory of Hydrobotanics
Prof. S. Prat
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Experimental Botany
Collection of Cultures of Autotiophic Organisms
Dr. R. Pourriot
Centre de Recherches Hydrobiologiques
Gif - sur - Yvette
United Kingdom
Dr. E.A. George
The Culture Centre for Algae and Protozoa
36 Storeys Way, Cambridge
Prof. G.S. Venkataraman
Indian Agricultural Res. Institute
Culture Collection of Microalgae
New Delhi
Dr. J. Watanabe
Los Banos, Philippines
Prof. R.C. Starr
Indiana University
Culture Collection of Algae
Bloomington, Indiana
Dr. B.V. Gromov
State University of Leningrad
Institute of Biology
Leningrad - Petergol
Dr. F. Dobereiner
Institute de Pesqurae Experimentacae
do Sento Sul (IPEACS)
Km 47 Via Campo Grande Zc-26 GB
United Kingdom
Dr. J. Postgate
Unit of Nitrogen Fixation
ARC University of Sussex
Dr. G.A. Peters
C.F. Kettering Lab
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Dr. J.H. Becking
Institute for Atomic Sciences in Agriculture
Posbus 48, Wageningen
Dr. P.K. Singh
Central Rice Res. Institute
Cuttack, Orissa
Dr. I. Watanabe
The International Rice Res. Institute
Los Banos, Laguna
Dr. L.C. Chu
Soil & Fertilizer Res. Institute
Fukien Acadamy of Agriculture Sciences
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