PTA 9-10-2019 Final

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David M.

Cox ES PTA General Membership Meeting 9/10/2019 Minutes

I. 6:05pm call to order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Officer Reports

A. President- Danielle Hall
1. Shana Spencer moving out of state. Stephanie Pandulo will be
VP of Community Activities
a) Vote for VP
(1) Sarah Gondek motion
(2) Dan Bollard second
(3) Motion carried
B. Treasurer- Rebecca Warnick
1. Not present tonight
2. Bank balance: $25,000
3. Fun Run over $40,000, we keep 60%
4. Will be updated next meeting
C. Secretary- Julie Reitz
D. Membership- Hiba Lobue
1. 108 members
2. Fewer members than last year
3. End of September-set up something for the teachers to
increase membership-can use the money from Fun Run
4. Mr. Frank highest membership
E. 1st Vice President, Fundraising- Mary King
1. No update on Fun Run yet
F. 2nd Vice President, Communcations- Lauren McGreal
1. Check from Shoparoo will be coming this month-will be made
out to David Cox not PTA
2. Send her updates to be uploaded on Facebook
a) Make sure to “like” the posts and it will increase visibility
3. Decision made to continue the PTA newsletter
David M. Cox ES PTA General Membership Meeting 9/10/2019 Minutes

4. Delinda mentioned Amazon Smile- items purchased will go into

PTA fund directly
b) Lauren will post again on Facebook
G. 3rd Vice President, Community Activities- Stephanie Pandulo
1. Milers
a) Good number of volunteers
b) Gates open at 8:25 and close at 8:45-kids need to stay on
c) Even though parents are present, kids need to stay on
the field
H. 4th Vice President, Legislative- Sarah Gondek
1. No updates
I. Box Tops and Shoparoo Chair
1. Need a volunteer for these items
2. Box tops
a) Scan your receipt and the box tops are credited to the
3. Shoparoo
a) Scan receipts
b) Make sure to update the grade you donate to
J. Milers Chair- Allison Theodosis
1. Not present. No update
K. Yearbook Chair- Monica Smallridge
1. Not present
2. Pictures are needed
a) Email pictures to: [email protected]
3. $15 for soft cover, $25 for hard cover
L. Family Fun Night Chair- Mary King
1. No updates
M. Reflections- Anexie Portalatin-Karsaz
1. State PTA is not sponsoring Nevada-no schools can participate
David M. Cox ES PTA General Membership Meeting 9/10/2019 Minutes

2. Other contests posed on bulletin board and will be posted on

Dojo for the kids who would like to participate
N. Restaurant Night Chair- Beth Camuso
1. Peter Piper night totals not in yet
2. Tuesday September 24 Chic-fil-A 4-8pm
O. Staff Appreciation Chair- Melanie Riggs
1. Not present
2. Soup luncheon during parent/teacher conferences (November)
a) Volunteer list will be sent and soups are needed
P. Principal- Tara Imboden
1. All playgrounds are being replaced
a) Equipment and grounds
(1) Will start in December and last through January
2. Roof is 35% done-should be done by October
3. Support staff is short
4. Student enrollment is down
a) Lost some to charter
(1) 589 without self-contained classrooms
(2) 607 total
5. Grandparent breakfast
a) Good turnout
6. Garden
a) Money has been received from SNWA
(1) Turf conversion rebate $20,000
(2) Garden cost $14,500
(3) $8,000 to maintain the garden for next few years
(a) Need to move the money from CCSD
budget into DMC checking account
(4) Calendar of events for the year is being worked on
7. Instagram and Twitter accounts are ready to be launched
a) Will research more before launching
8. Parents have emailed about the messy parking lot
David M. Cox ES PTA General Membership Meeting 9/10/2019 Minutes

a) Would like to get signs for parking lot-PTA help with cost
(1) No left turn
b) New banner for kiss and go
(1) Sarah will email Mrs. Imboden a resource for the
9. Next month would like to discuss stipend for teachers who stay
beyond contract time
10. Delinda reminded PTA that she will donate $1000 for any buy
or sell that closes
a) Last year projector was purchased and ½ went to the
teacher and ½ to the school

IV. Old business

A. None

V. New business
A. Penguin Patch 12/9-12/13
1. Company sends items for Christmas shop
a) Kids can purchase for family/friends
b) Learn how to budget money
2. Will be looking for volunteers
a) Mary King will help run the shop
B. Mrs. Pisano requested funding for Reflex Math
1. Mrs. Stackel’s Reflex grant ends in January
2. $35 per child or school is $3,295
a) May be able to get a discount for the first year or so
b) Would all teachers use it if purchased?
c) Math Facts could be removed if we purchase Reflex
3. Mrs. Stackel will speak to the company about discount
4. Motion to approve
a) Beth Camuso motion
b) Amanda Miller second
c) Motion carried
David M. Cox ES PTA General Membership Meeting 9/10/2019 Minutes

C. Mrs. Swinger
1. Request for binding machine for the entire school
a) $300-$350 for a new machine
(1) Coil binding machine $325 includes coils
(2) Old machine $355.09 without binding materials
2. Kindergarten would like to request balls and wagon to take out
to playground
a) $400 for all requested equipment
3. Motion for coil machine and equipment: Stephanie Weston
a) Second Dan Bollard
b) Motion carried
D. Dan Bollard- Garden committee
1. Seating and white board
a) $200-$1500 options
(1) Metal and composite benches
(2) $1250 for 8 tables that convert to bench
(3) $200 White board
b) $2000 in PTA budget for garden
c) Money will be taken from district budget and ordered
through the school
d) Dan to email Mrs. Imboden and Athena will order
2. Mini farmers market October 4
a) Volunteers to sell in the afternoon 3-3:30 (Leadership)
b) Outside Kindergarten gate
(1) 2 6-foot tables
c) Mrs. Stackel mentioned they are harvesting this Friday.
Dan will verify the date for sale
d) Another farmers market in spring with Green Our Planet
(1) 1 teacher will take the kids and PTA will pay for
the sub teacher for that day
E. Junior League offers grants that we can apply for
1. Sarah Gondek will post info on Facebook
David M. Cox ES PTA General Membership Meeting 9/10/2019 Minutes

VI. Adjourned at 7:15

A. Next meeting (general membership): Tuesday, October 8, 2019, DMC

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