Micro Surfacing Brochure
Micro Surfacing Brochure
Micro Surfacing Brochure
Micro surfacing is aligned with federal, provincial and
transportation policies for innovation, lower life-cycle
cost and more environmentally friendly technologies
surface drainage, segregation, raveling, performing well. The earlier micro surfacing Conference)
is applied on the life-cycle curve of a Micro surfacing is often used to restore a skid-
flushing, oxidized surfaces and filling small resistant surface to slick bridge decking with
potholes. roadway, the higher quality the roadway
minimum added dead weight. No milling required!
will remain. (Disciplines FAQ. International Slurry Seal Association)
Micro surfacing is versatile and can be used Short construction process with minimal traffic
on various types of roads. For example, Micro surfacing is proven to improve distribution. Highway production 10+ lane km per
it is used on main highways such as Hwy roadway safety, lower greenhouse gas day. Public traffic on Micro surfacing within two
2 in Alberta where traffic can reach over emissions and be more economical than hours.
20,000 + annual average daily traffic (AADT) waiting until rehabilitation is required (e.g.
50mm mill and inlay). ECONOMICAL:
counts. It is used on secondary roads with
Financially responsible treatment strategy that
less than 100 AADT. It is also used annually preserves past investments in existing asphalt
Micro surfacing has a 53% reduction in initial
construction costs compared to 50mm mill and inlay.
(Quantifying the Sustainable Benefits of Preserving Ontario‘s Flexible
Pavement Assets. 2013. Canadian Technical Asphalt Association
Our experience in Western Canada has shown
micro surfacing is between 50-70% less expensive ASK YOURSELF:
initially compared to mill and inlay construction
costs. l Would you run the same engine oil in a vehicle
for its entire life until the engine blows? Or would
Studies show after factoring in annualized unit
you do regular maintenance and change the oil
cost, micro surfacing is between 28-34% more
to get a longer life span out of the engine?
economical than waiting until rehabilitation of the
roadway using 50mm mill and inlay. l Would you fix a small leak in the roof of your
(Quantifying the Sustainable Benefits of Preserving Ontario ‘s Flexible house? Or let the entire roof deteriorate to the
Pavement Assets. 2013. Canadian Technical Asphalt Association point of replacing the complete roof at a higher
(BASF Corporation. Micro Surfacing Eca-Efficiency Analysis Final Report
2010. ISO Certified)
Purchasing agencies can surface more kilometers
of road ways with fewer tax dollars. WE ALL PERFORM REGULAR
There is no loss of curb reveal. Asphalt milling is MAINTENANCE ON OUR CARS
not required to match existing utilities or curbs. AND HOUSES TO PREVENT LARGER
During times of economic downturn when PROBLEMS IN THE FUTURE. THE SAME
purchasing agencies are running deficits and do PRINCIPLE SHOULD APPLY TO OUR
not have capital to rehabilitate poor roads, micro
surfacing is the best holding strategy to maintain
the value of the roadway asset until money is
Black surface; the general public will not know difference between micro surfacing and hot mix asphalt.
Fills cracks and minor potholes while providing a uniform surface.
“Micro crack box” is used to correct longitudinal and
transverse cracks. Typically the custom spreader
box is set to 0.6 meters or 2 feet in width, allowing
AGGREGATE: the micro surfacing mixture to fill the entire cracked
area. This process has been widely used on the
TYPE 1 Trans Canada Highway.
RESIDENTIAL The average price over the past five years for
transverse crack repair using mill and fill was $49
A very fine aggregate that generates per linear meter for Alberta Transportation projects.
maximum crack penetration while sealing The average price for “micro crack box” is between
residential traffic areas. $10-‐12 per linear meter. The savings if “micro crack
box” could have been used instead would have been
$772,000 over the past five years. This would have
been a 78% reduction in price.
RESIDENTIAL, ARTERIAL Longitudinal Joint Repair Longitudinal Joint Repair
The most commonly used aggregate utilized in urban areas, arterial roadways, airports, and for “micro crack box”. Before After
Micro surfacing rut fill makes roads safer for
the traveling public by reducing or eliminating
hydroplaning. Ruts up to 50mm in depth can easily
be filled to correct drainage and pooling on the
TYPE 3 roadway. We do not recommend rut fill without a
HIGHWAY full width topcoat of micro surfacing. The full width
placement of micro surfacing provides the proper
A coarse aggregate that is primarily used in highways resurfacing and “rut fill” applications. This aggregate leveling course for proper drainage and it is also
provides the best skid resistance and reduces hydroplaning and wheel rutting. more aesthetically pleasing.
The federal and provincial governments are working on implementing asset management plans that each
purchasing agency will need to implement in the near future. The Canadian Infrastructure Report Card 2016
“Increasing reinvestment rates will save money in the long-term. Without an increase in current reinvestment rates, the condition of Canada’s
core municipal infrastructure will gradually decline, costing more money and risking service disruption.
Spending $1 on
40% Drop in Quality preservation here…
75% of Life
…eliminates or
delays spending
$6 to $10 on
POOR rehabillitation or
reconstruction here.
40% Drop in Quality
12% of Life
0 5 10 15 20
By preserving roadways with micro surfacing before the point of rehabilitation, there are proven environmental
benefits compared to 50mm mill and inlay:
Figure 1. Example of asset deterioration curve (Canadian Infrastructure Report Card. 2016)
On average, the micro surfacing process emits 83% Micro surfacing projects have the lowest energy
less carbon dioxide, 86% fewer nitrogen oxides, requirements because of the overall consumption of Figure 1 demonstrates that when roads, as is typical for many assets, are allowed to deteriorate below a
and 84% fewer sulfur oxides. asphalt binder, lower manufacturing and application “Fair” condition rating, the rate of deterioration and reinvestment costs both increase substantially. Investing
Quantifying the Sustainable Benefits of Preserving Ontario’s temperatures, and reduced logistical impacts due to in preventive maintenance and regular repair program will prolong the asset service life, avoiding premature
Flexible Pavement Assets. 2013. Canadian Technical Asphalt shipping less material to and from job sites.
Association Proceedings. BASF Corporation. Micro Surfacing Eco-Efficiency Analysis
and costly reconstruction and service disruption.
Even considering the use of RAP in hot mix inlay, Final Report 2010. ISO Certified
Building for today’s communities and tomorrow’s Canada requires long-term planning. Survey results
the micro surfacing technology uses over 50% No blue smoke emissions.
demonstrate that, if our current rates of reinvestment do not change, the condition of Canadas existing
fewer resources by mass (asphalt, aggregate, 100% recyclable. municipal infrastructure will decline. A long-term plan is needed to ensure Canadians can continue to rely upon
energy, etc.).
Reduced use of virgin materials. essential public services without disruption.”
BASF Corporation. Micro Surfacing Eco-Efficiency Analysis
Final Report 2010. ISO Certified Environmentally friendly cold process.
65 Limestone East R7A 7L5
OFFICE 1-204-725-9538
FAX 1-800-878-9293
55501 Range Road 203
Box 250, T0B 0S0
OFFICE 1-780-796- 3437
FAX 1-800-878-9293
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