Crisis Communication Plan: For The N.C. Cooperative Extension Service
Crisis Communication Plan: For The N.C. Cooperative Extension Service
Crisis Communication Plan: For The N.C. Cooperative Extension Service
Purpose Assumptions
This plan outlines procedures for collecting and During a crisis, much of what the public learns
conveying information to the public during or im- about the event is through news media. Negative
mediately following an emergency or crisis. How news coverage can potentially damage an organiza-
communication is handled in the first few hours and tion’s reputation; however, a crisis also offers an
days during a crisis is critically important in terms opportunity to demonstrate excellence in response
of maintaining credibility and confidence with the and accountability and to communicate desired
public. messages.
Temporary Spokesperson
The temporary spokesperson, typically an Extension
administrator, makes initial comments to the news media.
This person may or may not be designated the permanent
Permanent Spokesperson
The permanent spokesperson will be approved by the
Director or designee in consultation with Communication
Services. This person ideally will have good communica-
tion skills, high familiarity with facts related to the crisis,
strong professional credentials and the ability to remain
calm under pressure.
Crisis Response 10. In consultation with the Director or designee and
Communication Services officials, the CCT may con-
1. Employee first encountering an emergency should sider organizing a news conference within 24 hours of
immediately call 911 and, if safe and reasonable, pro- the start of the crisis and offer follow-up briefings, as
vide comfort to the injured but not move them. On needed.
campus, University Police should be notified immedi-
CED or DED, Dept. Head or DEL notifies the State Extension Director. In The Director will also
consultation with the head of Communication Services, the Director will determine when it is
determine if a crisis response is warranted. If so, the Director will appoint the necessary to inform the
Crisis Communication Team and name first a temporary spokesperson, then a Dean, Chancellor or other
permanent spokesperson to field media calls for this crisis. university officials.