1.ITU 08104 Module
1.ITU 08104 Module
1.ITU 08104 Module
• Lee, Wei-Meng (2013), Android Application Development Cookbook, John
Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 1118177673
• Fling, Brian (2009), Mobile Design and Development: Practical concepts and
techniques for creating mobile sites and web apps, O'Reilly Media; ISBN:
• McWherter, Jeff and Scott Gowell (2012), Professional Mobile Application
Development, John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 1118203909
• Meier, Reto (2012), Professional Android 4 Application Development,John
Wiley &Sons;ISBN: 1118102274
• Mobile Application Development
– is the set of processes and procedures involved in
writing applications for small, wireless computing devices such
as smart phones or tablets.
Application An Android application can have one Application class which is instantiated before any other
Android component. It is the last component which is stopped during application shutdown.
If not explicitly defined, Android creates a default application object for your application.
Activity An activity is the visual representation of an Android application. An Android application can have
several activities.
Activities use views and fragments to create their user interface and to interact with the user.
Service A service performs tasks without providing an user interface. They can communicate with other
Android components and send notifications to the user. For example, a broadcast receiver can
notify the user via the notification framework in Android.
Broadcast receiver (short: A receiver can be registered to listen to system messages and intents. A receiver gets notified by
receiver) the Android system if the specified event occurs.
For example, you can register a receiver for the event that the Android system finished the boot
process. Or you can register for the event that the state of the phone changes, e.g., someone is
Content provider (short: A provider defines a structured interface to application data. A provider can be used for accessing
provider) data within one application, but can also be used to share data with other applications.
Android contains an SQLite database which is frequently used in conjunction with a content
provider. The SQLite database would store the data, which would be accessed via the provider.