Inquiry (5E) Lesson Plan Template

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Teachers: Diego Rodriguez-Mendoza Subject: Social Studies Grade: 8th Grade

Common Core State Standards:

 8.SP1.4 Use questions generated about individuals and groups to analyze why they, and
the developments they shaped, are historically significant.
Objective (Explicit):
 Students will be able to analyze how first and second-generation immigrants have built and shaped
contemporary America by examining a lecture on Albert Einstein and preparing themselves to
research famous and important immigrants in American history.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response

Students will analyze the life of Albert Einstein and list at least 3 of his contributions that helped build and
shape America. Student responses will assess the evidence of mastery moving forward in the project.
Response answers to their task may include but are not limited to: “Albert Einstein helped shape America
due to his work in the creation the Atomic Bomb and nuclear weapons” and/or “Albert Einstein developed
the theory of relativity”.

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

Students will have learned of early migrations/settlers/colonists in early American history and the reasons
for their departure (economic wealth, freedom of religion, new life). This project, but specifically the lesson,
will reference many attributes of immigrants throughout U.S. history. The objective is directly tied and made
relevant to the students' lives. Morris K. Udall has 94 percent Hispanic student population in the
community. Students will develop various skills including social networking, public speaking and utilizing
primary and secondary sources in order to think historically.
Key vocabulary: Materials:
 How will you activate prior knowledge?
 How will you hook student attention?
 What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Come to school dressed up as Albert Einstein. Write the class objective during the first few
Furthermore, a presentation/lecture on the life of Albert minutes of class. Furthermore, students will take
Einstein will be taught in class, highlighting key out their notebook/piece of paper and write down
contributions of his life. Contributions will be primarily the highlighted information in the lecture presented
tied to the shaping of America. After the presentation, while simultaneously paying attention to the
the driving question will be presented to the class. The lecture. Write in their notes the driving question.
driving question that the teacher shall ask the student
is, “How do we, as first- and second-generation
immigrants, help build and shape America”.
 How will you model your performance expectations? (Remember you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to
model expected behavior or required procedures.)
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in the
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Ask students to take out their electronic device (tablet Students will: Take out their electronic device. Go
/Chromebook). Teacher will provide a link/website that to the assigned website and briefly research an
contains information of first- and second-generation immigrant (in the website) that caught their
immigrants including: Steve Chen, Steve Jobs, Walt attention. Think historically of the importance of
Disney, and more. The website will include critical the immigrant they are briefly researching
facts of the immigrants (including Albert Einstein).
Task students to briefly research an immigrant in class
from the website provided. As students are
researching, the teacher will ask the class to pay
special attention on the importance of the immigrant.

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from the
Engage before moving on?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Strategically assign students in groups. Direct a class Discuss with their group new information that they
discussion regarding Albert Einstein and the website on have learned through their brief research.
immigrants. Answer to all student questions concerning Participate in the class discussion after talking with
the life and/or contributions of Albert Einstein in shaping their designated groups.
America. Answer to all student questions concerning
the lives of the first- and second-generation immigrants.

Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this
learning at a deep level?
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If? Question)?
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Strategically assign students in groups. Task students Discuss with their designated group 3 contributions
to answer certain questions in their group such as: Albert Einstein had in shaping America. Students
contributions of Albert Einstein, why the first/second will then discuss with their group on the immigrant
generation immigrant caught their attention, why is the what they shortly researched (through the website
immigrant important, and how did the immigrant help the teacher has provided). Topics of discussion
shape America. Allow students to discuss with their may include why the first/second generation
groups and join in the conversation of certain groups. immigrant caught their attention, why is the
immigrant important, and how did the immigrant
help shape America.
Co-Teaching Strategy
 What co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content)?
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

Task students to write down on a piece of paper 3 Look back at their notes and successfully be able to
contributions in which Albert Einstein has impacted list at least 3 contributions of Albert Einstein in
the building of America. As an exit ticket, teacher will shaping America. At the end of the lesson, students
ask students to turn in a paper with the 3 key will turn in their exit ticket (3 key contributions of
contributions of Albert Einstein, the name of the Albert Einstein, the name of the immigrant they
immigrant they briefly researched, and why the shortly researched, and why the immigrant they
immigrant they researched caught their attention. researched caught their attention).

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