Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Purpose/Rationale (what do you want students to get from this lesson; why is
this lesson relevant to lives of students)
Students will understand the importance of fair employment, and the human trauma
associated with being a migrant farm worker and financial hardship.
Background Knowledge (How will you tap into the students prior knowledge,
experiences and prior learning)
Using a circle map, I will explore and engage prior knowledge of both current migrant
farm workers, and those of the Great Depression.
Assessment (formal/informal)
HOW you will assess: WHAT you
will be looking for: Must align with
objective to the left
about the language demands of the
lesson to determine the language
objectives. Each lesson must have at
least two academic language objectives.
The students will
Assessment (formal/informal)
HOW you will assess: WHAT you
will be looking for:
As a pre-reading assignment,
*Multicultural Objectives:
** How will the lesson address social
Materials and Safety Precautions (if applicable) (List all materials and
resources to carry out this lesson. Then talk about potential safety issues and how
you will assure necessary precautions are followed)
The Materials needed for this lesson are a completed power point
presentation, pens, and blank pieces of notebook paper for the journal entry.
This topic of conversation can be difficult emotionally for students whose
family might be or might have been migrant farm workers at some point.
Care must be taken to feel the class for sensitivity of the topic, and to
monitor student discussion for positivity in the subject. This subject is a point
of contention in the modern political climate, so understanding the political
background of the class on a personal level will also help to aid in facilitating
Accommodations for special needs, advanced and English language
learners (What specific accommodations, scaffolds or strategies will you use to
help the identified students? How will instruction be differentiated to meet the needs
of all students, including advanced learners? This should be different for each lesson
and tailored to the content and learning activities planned.)
Procedures (There are four sub-subsections based on the Gradual Release model
of instruction focus lesson, guided instruction, collaborative learning, independent
learning. Outline the steps for what will happen first, second and so on to teach what
you expect the students to learn. [NOTE: all four subsections will not necessarily be
covered in every lesson. What you include and emphasize depends on where you
are in the overall sequence of teaching your content.]
However, procedures should be the longest section and should be very specific and
detailed. For example, it MUST include questions think Blooms taxonomy you
plan to pose to your students during the lesson especially open-ended questions,
detailed descriptions of the different activities your students will do, directions you
plan to give the students, teaching models/strategies you plan to use during the
Reflection (What worked? Did not work? Why? What did the students learn? How
do you know? What would you do differently next time? How will this inform the
next lesson?)