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The Kubernetes Book

Nigel Poulton
This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/thekubernetesbook

This version was published on 2017-10-27

This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean
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© 2017 Nigel Poulton

Huge thanks to my wife and kids for putting up with a geek in the house who
genuinely thinks he’s a bunch of software running inside of a container on top of
midrange biological hardware. It can’t be easy living with me!
Massive thanks as well to everyone who watches my Pluralsight videos. I love
connecting with you and really appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten over the
years. This was one of the major reasons I decided to write this book! I hope it’ll be
an amazing tool helping to you drive your careers even further forward.
One final word to all you ‘old dogs’ out there… get ready to learn some new tricks!

0: About the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

What about a paperback edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Why should I read this book or care about Kubernetes? . . . . . . . . . . 2
Should I buy the book if I’ve already watched your video training courses? 2
Versions of the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1: Kubernetes Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Kubernetes background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A data center OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2: Kubernetes principles of operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Kubernetes from 40K feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Masters and nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
The declarative model and desired state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Pods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Pods as the atomic unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Deployments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3: Installing Kubernetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Play with Kubernetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Minikube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Google Container Engine (GKE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Installing Kubernetes in AWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Manually installing Kubernetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4: Working with Pods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Pod theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Hands-on with Pods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

5: ReplicaSets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
ReplicaSet theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Hands-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

6: Kubernetes Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Setting the scene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Hands-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Real world example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

7: Kubernetes Deployments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Deployment theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
How to create a Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
How to perform a rolling update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
How to perform a rollback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Chapter summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

8: What next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
0: About the book
This is an *up-to-date book about Kubernetes. No prior knowledge required!
If you’re interested in Kubernetes, want to know how it works and how to do things
properly, this book is dedicated to you!

What about a paperback edition

I’m a fan of ink and paper, and I’m also a fan of quality products. So I’ve
made a high-quality, full-color, paperback edition available via Amazon. If you
like paperbacks, you’ll love this! No cheap paper, and definitely no black-and-white
diagrams from the 1990’s!

While I’m talking about Amazon and paperbacks… I’d appreciate it if you’d give
the book a review on Amazon. It’ll take two-minutes, and you know you should!
Especially considering the long dark months I devoted to writing it for you :-P
0: About the book 2

Why should I read this book or care about

Alongside Docker, Kubernetes is the hottest infrastructure technology on the planet!
It’s literally changing the way we do everything in IT.
So, if you want to push ahead with your career and work with one of the coolest
technologies to every hit the scene, you need to read this book. If you’d rather get
left behind… don’t read the book. It’s the truth.

Should I buy the book if I’ve already watched

your video training courses?
You’re asking the wrong person :-D
Kubernetes is Kubernetes. So there’s gonna be some duplicate content - there’s not a
lot I can do about that!
But… I’m a huge believer in learning via multiple methods. It’s my honest opinion
that a combination of video training and books is way forward. Each brings its own
strengths, and each reinforces the other. So yes, I think you should consume both!
But I suppose I would say that ;-)
Final word: The book has enough 4 and 5-star ratings to reassure you it’s a good
investment of your time and money.
0: About the book 3

Versions of the book

Kubernetes is developing fast! As a result, the value of a book like this is inversely
proportional to how old it is! In other words, the older this book is, the less valuable
it is. So, I’m committed to at least two updates per year. If my Docker Deep Dive
book is anything to go by, it’ll be more like an updated version every 2-3 months!
Does that seem like a lot? Welcome to the new normal!
We no-longer live in a world where a 5-year-old book is valuable. On a topic like
Kubernetes, I even doubt the value of a 1-year-old book! As an author, I really
wish that wasn’t true. But it is! Again… welcome to the new normal!
Don’t worry though, your investment in this book is safe!
If you buy the paperback copy from Amazon, you get the Kindle version for dirt-
cheap! And the Kindle and Leanpub versions get access to all updates at no extra
cost! That’s the best I can currently do!
I you buy the book through other channels, things might be different - I don’t control
other channels - I’m a techie, not a book distributor.
Below is a list of versions:

• Version 1. Initial version.

• Version 2. Updated content for Kubernetes 1.8.0. Added new chapter on
ReplicaSets. Added significant changes to Pods chapter. Fixed typos and made
a few other minor updates to existing chapters.

Having trouble getting the latest updates on your

Unfortunately, Kindle isn’t great at delivering updates. But the work-around is easy:
Go to http://amzn.to/2l53jdg
Under Quick Solutions (on the left) select Digital Purchases. Select Content and
Devices for The Kubernetes Book order. Your book should show up in the list with
a button that says “Update Available”. Click that button. Delete your old version in
Kindle and download the new one.
1: Kubernetes Primer
This chapter is split into two main sections.

• Kubernetes background - where it came from etc.

• The idea of Kubernetes as a data center OS

Kubernetes background
Kubernetes is an orchestrator. More specifically, it’s an orchestrator of containerized
apps. This means it helps us deploy and maintain applications that are distributed and
deployed as containers. It does scaling, self-healing, load-balancing and lots more.
Starting from the beginning… Kubernetes came out of Google! In the summer of 2014
it was open-sourced and handed over to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Figure 1.1

Since then, it’s gone on to become one of the most important container-related
technologies in the world - on a par with Docker.
Like many of the other container-related projects, it’s written in Go (Golang). It lives
on Github at kubernetes/kubernetes. It’s actively discussed on the IRC channels,
you can follow it on Twitter (@kubernetesio), and this is pretty good slack channel
- slack.k8s.io. There are also regular meetups going on all over the planet!
1: Kubernetes Primer 5

Kubernetes and Docker

The first thing to say about Kubernetes and Docker is that they’re complimentary
For example, it’s very popular to deploy Kubernetes with Docker as the container
runtime. This means Kubernetes orchestrates one or more hosts that run containers,
and Docker is the technology that starts, stops, and otherwise manages the con-
tainers. In this model, Docker is a lower-level technology that is orchestrated and
managed by Kubernetes.
At the time of writing, Docker is in the process of breaking-out individual compo-
nents of its stack. One example is containerd - the low-level container supervisor and
runtime components. Kubernetes has also released the Container Runtime Interface
(CRI) - a runtime abstraction layer that 3rd-arty container runtimes can plug in to
and seamlessly work with Kubernetes. On the back of these two important projects is
a project to implement containerd with the CRI and potentially make it the default
Kubernetes container runtime (author’s personal opinion). The project is currently a
Kubernetes Incubator project with an exciting future.
Although containerd will not be the only container runtime supported by Kuber-
netes, it will almost certainly replace Docker as the most common, and possibly
default. Time will tell.
The important thing, is that none of this will impact your experience as a Kubernetes
user. All the regular Kubernetes commands and patterns will continue to work as

What about Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm

At DockerCon EU in Copenhagen in October 2017, Docker, Inc. formally announced
native support for Kubernetes in Docker Enterprise Edition (Docker EE).

Note: All of the following is my personal opinion (everything in

the book is my personal opinion). None of the following should be
considered as the official position of Docker, Inc.
1: Kubernetes Primer 6

This was a significant announcement. It essentially “blessed” Kubernetes to become

the industry-standard container orchestrator.
Now then, I am aware that Kubernetes did not need Docker’s “blessing”. I’m also
aware that the community had already chosen Kubernetes. And… that Docker was
bowing to the inevitable. However, it was still a significant move. Docker, Inc.
has always been heavily involved in community projects, and already, the number
of Docker, Inc. employees working openly on Kubernetes and Kubernetes-related
projects has increased. Clearly this was a good announcement for Kubernetes.
On the topic of Docker Swarm, the announcement means that the orchestration
components of Docker Swarm (a rival orchestrator to Kubernetes) will probably
become less of a focus for Docker, Inc. It will continue to be developed, but the
long-term strategic orchestrator for containerized applications is Kubernetes!

Kubernetes and Borg: Resistance is futile!

There’s a pretty good chance you’ll hear people talk about how Kubernetes relates
Google’s Borg and Omega systems.
It’s no secret that Google has been running many of its systems on containers for
years. Legendary stores of them crunching through billions of containers a week
are retold at meetups all over the world. So yes, for a very long time – even before
Docker came along - Google has been running things like search, Gmail, and GFS on
containers. And lots of them!
Pulling the strings and keeping those billions of containers in check are a couple of
in-house technologies and frameworks called Borg and Omega. So, it’s not a huge
stretch to make the connection between Borg and Omega, and Kubernetes - they’re
all in the game of managing containers at scale, and they’re all related to Google.
This has occasionally led to people thinking Kubernetes is an open-source version
of either Borg or Omega. But it’s not! It’s more like Kubernetes shares its DNA
and family history with them. A bit like this… In the beginning was Borg…… and
Borg begat Omega. And Omega *knew the open-source community and begat her
1: Kubernetes Primer 7

Figure 1.2 - Shared DNA

The point is, all three are separate, but all three are related. In fact, a lot of the people
involved with building Borg and Omega were also involved in building Kubernetes.
So, although Kubernetes was built from scratch, it leverages much or what was
learned at Google with Borg and Omega.
As things stand, Kubernetes is open-source project under the CNCF, licensed under
the Apache 2.0 license, and version 1 shipped way back in July 2015.

Kubernetes - what’s in the name

The name Kubernetes comes from the Greek word meaning Helmsman - that’s the
person who steers a ship. This theme is reflected in the logo.
1: Kubernetes Primer 8

Figure 1.3 - The Kubernetes logo

Rumor: There’s a good rumor that Kubernetes was originally going to be

called Seven of Nine. If you know your Star Trek, you’ll know that Seven
of Nine is a female Borg rescued by the crew of the USS Voyager under
the command of Captain Catherine Janeway. It’s also rumored that the
logo has 7 spokes because of Seven of Nine. These could be nothing more
than rumors, but I like them!

One last thing about the name before moving on… You’ll often see the name
shortened to k8s. The idea is that the number 8 replaces the 8 characters in between
the K and the S – great for tweets and lazy typists like me ;-)

A data center OS
As we said in the intro, I’m assuming you’ve got a basic knowledge of what
containers are and how they work. If you don’t, go watch my 5-star video course here
Generally speaking, containers make our old scalability challenges seem laughable -
we’ve already talked about Google going through billions of containers per week!!
But not everybody is the size of Google. What about the rest of us?
1: Kubernetes Primer 9

As a general rule, if your legacy apps had hundreds of VMs, there’s a good
chance your containerized apps will have thousands of containers! If that’s true, we
desperately need a way to manage them.
Say hello to Kubernetes!
When getting your head around something like Kubernetes it’s important to get your
head around modern data center architectures. For example, we’re abandoning the
traditional view of the data center as collection of computers, in favor of the more
powerful view that the data center is a single large computer.
So what do we mean by that?
A typical computer is a collection of CPU, RAM, storage, and networking. But we’ve
done a great job of building operating systems (OS) that abstract away a lot of that
detail. For example, it’s rare for a developer to care which CPU core or memory DIM
their application uses – we let the OS decide all of that. And it’s a good thing, the
world of application development is a far friendlier place because of it.
So, it’s quite natural to take this to the next level and apply those same abstractions
to data center resources - to view the data center as just a pool of compute, network
and storage and have an over-arching system that abstracts it. This means we no
longer need to care about which server or LUN our containers are running on - just
leave this up to the data center OS.
Kubernetes is one of an emerging breed of data center operating systems aiming
to do this. Others do exist, Mesosphere DCOS is one. These systems are all in the
cattle business. Forget about naming your servers and treating them like pets. These
systems don’t care. Gone are the days of taking your app and saying “OK run this part
of the app on this node, and run that part of it on that node…”. In the Kubernetes
world, we’re all about saying “hey Kubernetes, I’ve got this app and it consists of
these parts… just run it for me please”. Kubernetes then goes off and does all the
hard scheduling work.
It’s a bit like sending goods with a courier service. Package the goods in the courier’s
standard packaging, label it and give it to the courier. The courier takes care of
everything else – all the complex logistics of which planes and trucks it goes on,
which drivers to use etc. The only thing that the courier requires is that it’s packaged
and labelled according to their requirements.
1: Kubernetes Primer 10

The same goes for app in Kubernetes. Package it as a container, give it a declarative
manifest, and let Kubernetes take care of running it and keeping it running. It’s a
beautiful thing!
While all of this sounds great, don’t take this data center OS thing too far. It’s not a
DVD install, you don’t end up with a shell prompt to control your entire data center,
and you definitely don’t get a solitaire card game included! We’re still at the very
early stages in the trend.

Some quick answers to quick questions

After all of that, you’re probably pretty skeptical and have a boat-load of questions.
So here goes trying to pre-empt a couple of them…
Yes, this is forward thinking. In fact, it’s almost bleeding edge. But it’s here, and it’s
real! Ignore it at your own peril.
Also, I know that most data centers are complex and divided into zones such as
DMZs, dev zones, prod zones, 3rd party equipment zones, line of business zones etc.
However, within each of these zones we’ve still got compute, networking and storage,
and Kubernetes is happy to dive right in and start using them. And no, I don’t expect
Kubernetes to take over your data center. But it will become a part of it.
Kubernetes is also very platform agnostic. It runs on bare metal, VMs, cloud
instances, OpenStack, pretty much anything with Linux.

Chapter summary
Kubernetes is the leading container orchestrator that lets us manage containerized
apps at scale. We give it an app, tell it what we want the app to look like, and let
Kubernetes make all the hard decisions about where to run it and how to keep it
It came out of Google, is open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license, and lives within
the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
1: Kubernetes Primer 11

Kubernetes is a fast-moving project under active development. So things are chang-
ing fast! But don’t let that put you off - embrace it! Rapid change like this is the new
As well as reading the book, I suggest you follow @kubernetesio on Twitter, hit the
various k8s slack channels, and attend your local meetups. These will all help to
keep you up-to-date with the latest and greatest in the Kubernetes world. I’ll also be
updating the book regularly and producing more video training courses!
2: Kubernetes principles of
In this chapter, we’ll learn about the major components required to build a Kuber-
netes cluster and deploy a simple app. The aim of the game is to give you a big-picture.
You’re not supposed to understand it all at this stage - we will dive into more detail
in later chapters!
We’ll divide the chapter up like this:

• Kubernetes from 40K feet

• Masters and nodes
• Declarative model and desired state
• Pods
• Services
• Deployments

Kubernetes from 40K feet

At the highest level, Kubernetes is an orchestrator of containerized apps. Ideally
microservice apps. Microservice app is just a fancy name for an application that’s
made up of lots of small and independent parts - we sometimes call these small parts
services. These small independent services work together to create a meaningful/use-
ful app.
Let’s look at a quick analogy.
In the real world, a football (soccer) team is made up of individuals. No two are the
same, and each has a different role to play in the team. Some defend, some attack,
some are great at passing, some are great at shooting…. Along comes the coach, and
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 13

he or she gives everyone a position and organizes them into a team with a plan. We
go from Figure 2.1 to Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

The coach also makes sure that the team maintains its formation and sticks to the
plan. Well guess what! Microservice apps in the Kubernetes world are just the same!
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 14

We start out with an app made up of multiple services. Each service is packaged as
a Pod and no two services are the same. Some might be load-balancers, some might
be web servers, some might be for logging… Kubernetes comes along - a bit like the
coach in the football analogy – and organizes everything into a useful app.
In the application world, we call this “orchestration”.
To make this all happen, we start out with our app, package it up and give it to the
cluster (Kubernetes). The cluster is made up of one or more masters, and a bunch of
The masters are in-charge of the cluster and make all the decisions about which
nodes to schedule application services on. They also monitor the cluster, implement
changes, and respond to events. For this reason, we often refer to the master as the
control plane.
Then the nodes are where our application services run. They also report back to the
masters and watch for changes to the work they’ve been scheduled.
At the time of writing, the best way to package and deploy a Kubernetes application
is via something called a Deployment. With Deployments, we start out with our
application code and we containerize it. Then we define it as a Deployment via
a YAML or JSON manifest file. This manifest file tells Kubernetes two important

• What our app should look like – what images to use, ports to expose, networks
to join, how to perform update etc.
• How many replicas of each part of the app to run (scale)

Then we give the file to the Kubernetes master which takes care of deploying it on
the cluster.
But it doesn’t stop there. Kubernetes is constantly monitoring the Deployment to
make sure it is running exactly as requested. If something isn’t as it should be,
Kubernetes tries to it.
That’s the big picture. Let’s dig a bit deeper.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 15

Masters and nodes

A Kubernetes cluster is made up of masters and nodes. These are Linux hosts running
on anything from VMs, bare metal servers, all the way up to private and public cloud

Masters (control plane)

A Kubernetes master is a collection of small services that make up the control plane
of the cluster.
The simplest (and most common) setups run all the master services on a single host.
However, multi-master HA is becoming more and more popular, and is a must have
for production environments. Looking further into the future, we might see the
individual services comprise the control plane split-out and distributed across the
cluster - a distributed control plane.
It’s also considered a good practice not to run application workloads on the master.
This allows the master to concentrate entirely on looking after the state of the cluster.
Let’s take a quick look at the major pieces that make up the Kubernetes master.

The API server

The API Server (apiserver) is the frontend into the Kubernetes control plane. It
exposes a RESTful API that preferentially consumes JSON. We POST manifest files
to it, these get validated, and the work they define gets deployed to the cluster.
You can think of the API server as the brains of the cluster.

The cluster store

If the API Server is the brains of the cluster, the cluster store is its memory. The config
and state of the cluster gets persistently stored in the cluster store, which is the only
stateful component of the cluster and is vital to its operation - no cluster store, no
The cluster store is based on etcd, the popular distributed, consistent and watchable
key-value store. As it is the single source of truth for the cluster, you should take care
to protect it and provide adequate ways to recover it if things go wrong.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 16

The controller manager

The controller manager (kube-controller-manager) is currently a bit of a monolith

- it implements a few features and functions that’ll probably get split out and
made pluggable in the future. Things like the node controller, endpoints controller,
namespace controller etc. They tend to sit in loops and watch for changes – the aim
of the game is to make sure the current state of the cluster matches the desired state
(more on this shortly).

The scheduler

At a high level, the scheduler (kube-scheduler) watches for new workloads and
assigns them to nodes. Behind the scenes, it does a lot of related tasks such as
evaluating affinity and anti-affinity, constraints, and resource management.

Control Plane summary

Kubernetes masters run all of the cluster’s control plane services. This is the brains
of the cluster where all the control and scheduling decisions are made. Behind the
scenes, a master is made up of lots of small specialized services. These include the
API server, the cluster store, the controller manager, and the scheduler.
The API Server is the front-end into the master and the only component in the control
plane that we interact with directly. By default, it exposes a RESTful endpoint on port
Figure 2.3 shows a high-level view of a Kubernetes master (control plane).
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 17

Figure 2.3

First up, nodes used to be called minions. So, when some of the older docs and blogs
talk about minions, they’re talking about nodes.
As we can see from Figure 2.4, nodes are a bit simpler than masters. The only things
that we care about are the kubelet, the container runtime, and the kube-proxy.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 18

Figure 2.4


First and foremost is the kubelet. This is the main Kubernetes agent that runs on
all cluster nodes. In fact, it’s fair to say that the kubelet is the node. You install the
kubelet on a Linux host and it registers the host with the cluster as a node. It then
watches the API server for new work assignments. Any time it sees one, it carries
out the task and maintains a reporting channel back to the master.
If the kubelet can’t run a particular work task, it reports back to the master and lets
the control plane decide what actions to take. For example, if a Pod fails on a node,
the kubelet is not responsible for restarting it or finding another node to run it on. It
simply reports back to the master. The master then decides what to do.
On the topic of reporting back, the kubelet exposes an endpoint on port 10255 where
you can inspect it. We’re not going to spend time on this in the book, but it is worth
knowing that port 10255 on your nodes lets you inspect aspects of the kubelet.

Container runtime

The Kubelet needs to work with a container runtime to do all the container
management stuff – things like pulling images and starting and stopping containers.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 19

More often than not, the container runtime that Kubernetes uses is Docker. In the
case of Docker, Kubernetes talks natively to the Docker Remote API.
More recently, Kubernetes has released the Container Runtime Interface (CRI). This
is an abstraction layer for external (3rd-party) container runtimes to plug in to.
Basically, the CRI masks the internal machinery of Kubernetes and exposes a clean
documented container runtime interface.
The CRI is now the default method for container runtimes to plug-in to Kubernetes.
The containerd CRI project is a community-based open-source project porting the
CNCF containerd runtime to the CRI interface. It has a lot of support and will
probably replace Docker as the default, and most popular, container runtime used
by Kubernetes.

Note: containerd is the container supervisor and runtime logic stripped

out of the Docker Engine. It was donated to the CNCF by Docker, Inc.
and has a lot of community support.

At the time of writing, Docker is still the most common container runtime used by


The last piece of the puzzle is the kube-proxy. This is like the network brains of the
node. For one thing, it makes sure that every Pod gets its own unique IP address. It
also does lightweight load-balancing on the node.

The declarative model and desired state

The declarative model and the concept of desired state are two things at the very
heart of the way Kubernetes works. Take them away and Kubernetes crumbles!
In Kubernetes, the two concepts work like this:

1. We declare the desired state of our application (microservice) in a manifest file

2: Kubernetes principles of operation 20

2. We POST it the API server

3. Kubernetes stores this in the cluster store as the application’s desired state
4. Kubernetes deploys the application on the cluster
5. Kubernetes implements watch loops to make sure the cluster doesn’t vary from
desired state

Let’s look at each step in a bit more detail.

Manifest files are either YAML or JSON, and they tell Kubernetes how we want our
application to look. We call this is the desired state. It includes things like which
image to use, how many replicas to have, which network to operate on, and how to
perform updates.
Once we’ve created the manifest, we POST it to the API server. The most common
way of doing this is with the kubectl command. This sends the manifest to port 443
on the master.
Kubernetes inspects the manifest, identifies which controller to send it to (e.g. the
Deployments controller) and records the config in the cluster store as part of the
cluster’s overall desired state. Once this is done, the workload gets issued to nodes in
the cluster. This includes the hard work of pulling images, starting containers, and
building networks.
Finally, Kubernetes sets up background reconciliation loops that constantly monitor
the state of the cluster. If the current state of the cluster varies from the desired state
Kubernetes will try and rectify it.
It’s important to understand that what we’ve described is the opposite of the
imperative model. The imperative model is where we issue lots of platform specific
Not only is the declarative model a lot simpler than long lists of imperative
commands, it also enables self-healing, scaling, and lends itself to version control
and self-documentation!
But the declarative story doesn’t end there. Things go wrong, and things change, and
when they do, the current state of the cluster no longer matches the desired state.
As soon as this happens Kubernetes kicks into action and does everything it can to
bring the two back into harmony. Let’s look at an example.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 21

Assume we have an app with a desired state that includes 10 replicas of a web
front-end Pod. If a node that was running two replicas dies, the current state will
be reduced to 8 replicas, but the desired state will still be 10. This will be picked
up by a reconciliation loop and Kubernetes will schedule two new replicas on other
nodes in the cluster.
The same thing will happen if we intentionally scale the desired number of replicas
up or down. We could even change the image we want the web front-end to use. For
example, if the app is currently using the v2.00 image, and we update the desired
state to use the v2.01 image, Kubernetes will go through the process of updating all
replicas so that they are using the new image.
Though this might sound simple, it’s extremely powerful! And it’s at the very heart of
how Kubernetes operates. We give Kubernetes a declarative manifest that describes
how we want an application to look. This forms the basis of the application’s desired
state. The Kubernetes control plane records it, implements it, and runs background
reconciliation loops that constantly check what is running is what you’ve asked for.
When current state matches desired state, the world is a happy and peaceful place.
When it doesn’t, Kubernetes gets busy until they do.

In the VMware world, the atomic unit of deployment is the virtual machine (VM). In
the Docker world, it’s the container. Well… in the Kubernetes world, it’s the Pod.

Figure 2.5
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 22

Pods and containers

It’s true that Kubernetes runs containerized apps. But those containers always run
inside of Pods! You cannot run a container directly on a Kubernetes cluster.
However, it’s a bit more complicated than that. The simplest model is to run a single
container inside of a Pod, but there are advanced use-cases where you can run
multiple containers inside of a single Pod. These multi-container Pods are beyond
the scope of this book, but common examples include the following:

• web containers supported a helper container that ensures the latest content is
available to the web server.
• web containers with a tightly coupled log scraper tailing the logs off to a
logging service somewhere else.

These are just a couple of examples.

Figure 2.6

Pod anatomy
At the highest-level, a Pod is a ring-fenced environment to run containers. The Pod
itself doesn’t actually run anything, it’s just a sandbox to run containers in. Keeping
it high level, you ring-fence an area of the host OS, build a network stack, create a
bunch of kernel namespaces, and run one or more containers in it - that’s a Pod.
If you’re running multiple containers in a Pod, they all share the same environment
- things like the IPC namespace, shared memory, volumes, network stack etc. As
an example, this means that all containers in the same Pod will share the same IP
address (the Pod’s IP).
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 23

Figure 2.7

If those containers need to talk to each other (container-to-container within the Pod)
they can use the Pods localhost interface.

Figure 2.8

This means that multi-container Pods are ideal when you have requirements for
tightly coupled containers – maybe they need to share memory and storage etc.
However, if you don’t need to tightly couple your containers, you should put them
in their own Pods and loosely couple them over the network. Figure 2.9 shows two
tightly coupled containers sharing memory and storage inside a single Pod. Figure
2.10 shows two loosely coupled containers in separate Pods on the same network.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 24

Figure 2.9 - Tightly coupled Pods

Figure 2.10 - Loosely coupled Pods

Pods as the atomic unit

Pods are also the minimum unit of scaling in Kubernetes. If you need to scale your
app, you do so by adding or removing Pods. You do not scale by adding more of the
same containers to an existing Pod! Multi-container Pods are for two complimentary
containers that need to be intimate - they are not for scaling. Figure 2.11 shows how
to scale the nginx front-end of an app using multiple Pods as the unit of scaling.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 25

Figure 2.11 - Scaling with Pods

The deployment of a Pod is an all-or-nothing job. You never get to a situation where
you have a partially deployed Pod servicing requests. The entire Pod either comes
up and it’s put into service, or it doesn’t, and it fails. A Pod is never declared as up
and available until every part of it is up and running.
A Pod can only exist on a single node. This is true even of multi-container Pods,
making them ideal when complimentary containers need to be scheduled side-by-
side on the same node.

Pod lifecycle
Pods are mortal. They’re born, they live, and they die. If they die unexpectedly, we
don’t bother trying to bring them back to life! Instead, Kubernetes starts another one
in its place – but it’s not the same Pod, it’s a shiny new one that just happens to look,
smell, and feel exactly like the one that just died.
Pods should be treated as cattle - don’t build your Kubernetes apps to be emotionally
attached to their Pods so that when one dies you get sad and try to nurse it back to
life. Build your apps so that when their Pods fail, a totally new one (with a new ID
and IP address) can pop up somewhere else in the cluster and take its place.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 26

Deploying Pods
We normally deploy Pods indirectly as part of something bigger, such as a ReplicaSet
or Deployment (more on these later).

Deploying Pods via ReplicaSets

Before moving on to talk about Services, we need to give a quick mention to
ReplicaSets (rs).
A ReplicaSet is a higher-level Kubernetes object that wraps around a Pod and adds
features. As the names suggests, they take a Pod template and deploy a desired
number of replicas of it. They also instantiate a background reconciliation loop that
checks to make sure the right number of replicas are always running – desired state
vs actual state.
ReplicaSets can be deployed directly. But more often than not, they are deployed
indirectly via even higher-level objects such as Deployments.

We’ve just learned that Pods are mortal and can die. If they are deployed via
ReplicaSets or Deployments, when they fail, they get replaced with new Pods
somewhere else in the cluster - these Pods have totally different IPs! This also happens
when we scale an app - the new Pods all arrive with their own new IPs. It also happens
when performing rolling updates - the process of replacing old Pods with new Pods
results in a lot of IP churn.
The moral of this story is that we can’t rely on Pod IPs. But this is a problem.
Assume we’ve got a microservice app with a persistent storage backend that other
parts of the app use to store and retrieve data. How will this work if we can’t rely on
the IP addresses of the backend Pods?
This is where Services come in to play. Services provide a reliable networking
endpoint for a set of Pods.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 27

Take a look at Figure 2.12. This shows a simplified version of a two-tier app with a
web front-end that talks to a persistent backend. But it’s all Pod-based, so we know
the IPs of the backend Pods can change.

Figure 2.12

If we throw a Service object into the mix, as shown in Figure 2.13, we can see how the
front-end can now talk to the reliable IP of the Service, which in-turn load-balances
all requests over the backend Pods behind it. Obviously, the Service keeps track of
which Pods are behind it.

Figure 2.13

Digging in to a bit more detail. A Service is a fully-fledged object in the Kubernetes

API just like Pods, ReplicaSets, and Deployments. They provide stable DNS, IP
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 28

addresses, and support TCP and UDP (TCP by default). They also perform simple
randomized load-balancing across Pods, though more advanced load balancing
algorithms may be supported in the future. This adds up to a situation where Pods
can come and go, and the Service automatically updates and continues to provide
that stable networking endpoint.
The same applies if we scale the number of Pods - all the new Pods, with the new
IPs, get seamlessly added to the Service and load-balancing keeps working.
So that’s the job of a Service – it’s a stable network abstraction point for multiple
Pods that provides basic load balancing.

Connecting Pods to Services

The way that a Service knows which Pods to load-balance across is via labels.
Figure 2.14 shows a set of Pods labelled as prod, BE (short for backend) and 1.3. These
Pods are loosely associated with the service because they share the same labels.

Figure 2.14

Figure 2.15 shows a similar setup, but with an additional Pod that does not share the
same labels as the Service. Because of this, the Service will not load balance requests
to it.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 29

Figure 2.15

One final thing about Services. They only send traffic to healthy Pods. This means if
a Pod is failing health-checks, it will not receive traffic form the Service.
So yeah, Services bring stable IP addresses and DNS names to the unstable world of

Deployments build on top of ReplicaSets, add a powerful update model, and make
versioned rollbacks simple. As a result, they are considered the future of Kubernetes
application management.
In order to do this, they leverage the declarative model that is infused throughout
They’ve been first-class REST objects in the Kubernetes API since Kubernetes 1.2.
This means we define them in YAML or JSON manifest files that we POST to the
API server in the normal manner.
2: Kubernetes principles of operation 30

Deployments and updates

Rolling updates are a core feature of Deployments. For example, we can run multiple
concurrent versions of a Deployment in true blue/green or canary fashion.
Kubernetes can also detect and stop rollouts if the new version is not working.
Finally, rollbacks are super simple!
In summary, Deployments are the future of Kubernetes application management.
They build on top of Pods and ReplicaSets by adding a ton of cool stuff like versioning,
rolling updates, concurrent releases, and simple rollbacks.

Chapter summary
In this chapter we introduced some of the major components of a Kubernetes cluster.
The master is where the Kubernetes control plane services live. It’s a combination
of several system-services, including the API server that exposes a REST interface to
the control plane. Masters make all of the deployment and scheduling decisions, and
multi-master HA is important for production-grade environments.
Nodes are where application workloads run. Each node runs a service called the
kubelet that registers the node with the cluster, and communicates with the master.
This includes receiving new work tasks and reporting back about them. Nodes also
run a container runtime and a kube-proxy service. The container runtime, such as
Docker or containerd, is responsible for all container related operations. The kube-
proxy service is responsible for networking on the node.

We also talked about some of the main Kubernetes API objects, such as Pods, Repli-
caSets, Services, and Deployments. The Pod is the basic building-block, ReplicaSets
add self-healing and scaling, Services add stable networking and load-balancing, and
Deployments add a powerful update model and simple rollbacks.
Now that we know a bit about the basics, we’re going to start getting into detail.
3: Installing Kubernetes
In this chapter, we’ll take a look at some of the ways to install and get started with
We’ll look at:

• Play with Kubernetes (PWK)

• Using Minikube to install Kubernetes on a laptop
• Installing Kubernetes in the Google Cloud with the Google Container Engine
• Installing Kubernetes on AWS using the kops tool
• Installing Kubernetes manually using kubeadm

Two things to point out before diving in…

Firstly, there are a lot more ways to install Kubernetes. The options I’ve chosen for
this chapter are the ones I think will be most useful.
Secondly, Kubernetes is a fast-moving project. This means some of what we’ll discuss
here will change. But don’t worry, I’m keeping the boo up-to-date, so nothing will
be irrelevant.

Play with Kubernetes

Play with Kubernetes (PWK) is a web-based Kubernetes playground that you can use
for free. All you need is a web browser and an internet connection. It is the fastest,
and easiest, way to get your hands on Kubernetes.
Let’s see what it looks like.

1. Point your browser at http://play-with-k8s.com

3: Installing Kubernetes 32

2. Confirm that you’re a human and lick + ADD NEW INSTANCE

You will be presented with a terminal window in the right of your browser.
This is a Kubernetes node (node1).
3. Run a few commands to see some of the components pre-installed on the node.

$ docker version
Docker version 17.06.0-ce, build 02c1d87

$ kubectl version --output=yaml

buildDate: 2017-06-29T23:15:59Z
compiler: gc
gitCommit: d3ada0119e776222f11ec7945e6d860061339aad
gitTreeState: clean
gitVersion: v1.7.0
goVersion: go1.8.3
major: "1"
minor: "7"
platform: linux/amd64

As the output shows, the node already has Docker and kubectl (the Kuber-
netes client) pre-installed. Other tools including kubeadm are also pre-installed.
It is also worth noting that although the command prompt is a $, we’re actually
running as root on the node. You can confirm this with the whoami or id
4. Use the kubeadm command to initialise a new cluster
When you added a new instance in step 2, PWK gave you a short list of
commands that will initialize a new Kubernetes cluster. One of these was
kubeadm init. The following command will initialize a new cluster and
configure the API server to listen on the correct IP interface.
3: Installing Kubernetes 33

$ kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address $(hostname -i)

[kubeadm] WARNING: kubeadm is in beta, do not use it for prod...
[init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.7.9
[init] Using Authorization modes: [Node RBAC]
Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully!

Congratulations! You now have a brand new single-node Kubernetes cluster!

The node that we executed the command from (node 1) is initialized as the
The output of the kubeadm init gives you a short list of commands to copy the
Kubernetes config file and set permissions. You can ignore these instructions
as PWK already has constructs configured for you. Feel free to poke around
inside of $HOME/.kube.
5. Use the kubectl command to verify the cluster

$ kubectl get nodes

node1 NotReady 1m v1.7.0

The output shows a single-node Kubernetes cluster. However, the status of the
node is NotReady. This is because there is no Pod network configured. When
you first logged on to the PWK node, you were given a list of three commands
to configure the cluster. So far, we’ve only executed the first one (kubeadm
6. Initialize cluster networking (a Pod network)
Copy the second command from the list of three commands were printed
on the screen when you first created node1 (this will be a kubectl apply
command). Paste it onto a new line in the terminal.
3: Installing Kubernetes 34

$ kubectl apply -n kube-system -f \

"https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 |\
tr -d '\n')"

serviceaccount "weave-net" created

clusterrole "weave-net" created
clusterrolebinding "weave-net" created
daemonset "weave-net" created

7. Verify the cluster again to see if node1 has changed to Ready

$ kubectl get nodes

node1 Ready 2m v1.7.0

Now that Pod networking has been configured and the cluster has transitioned
into the Ready status, you’re now ready to add more nodes.
8. Copy the kubeadm join command from the output of the kubeadm init
When you initialized the new cluster with kubeadm init, the final output of
the command listed a kubeadm join command that could be used to add more
nodes to the cluster. This command included the cluster join-token and the
IP socket that that the API server is listening on. Copy this command and be
ready to paste it into the terminal of a new node (node2).
9. Click the + ADD NEW INSTANCE button in the left pane of the PWK window
You will be given a new node called <uniqueID>_node2. We’ll call this node2
for the remainder of the steps.
10. Paste the kubeadm join command into the terminal of node2

The join-token and IP address will be different in your environment.

3: Installing Kubernetes 35

$ kubeadm join --token 948f32.79bd6c8e951cf122

Initializing machine ID from random generator.
[kubeadm] WARNING: kubeadm is in beta...
[preflight] Skipping pre-flight checks
Node join complete:
* Certificate signing request sent to master and response received.
* Kubelet informed of new secure connection details.

1. Switch back to node1 and run another kubectl get nodes

$ kubectl get nodes

node1 Ready 5m v1.7.0
node2 Ready 1m v1.7.0

Your Kubernetes cluster now has two nodes.

Feel free to add more nodes with the kubeadm join command.
Congratulations! You have a fully working Kubernetes cluster.
It’s worth pointing out that node1 was initialized as the Kubernetes master, and
additional nodes will join the cluster as nodes. PWK gives Masters a blue icon next
to their names, and Nodes a transparent icon. This helps you easily identify Masters
and Nodes.
PWK sessions only last for 4 hours and are obviously not intended for production
use. You are also limited to the version of Kubernetes that the platform provides.
Despite all of this, it is excellent for learning and testing. You can easily add and
remove instances, as well as tear everything down and start again from scratch.
Play with Kubernetes is a great project ran by a couple of excellent Docker Captains
that I know personally. I highly recommend it as the best place to build your first
Kubernetes cluster!
3: Installing Kubernetes 36

Minikube is great if you’re a developer and need a local Kubernetes development
environment on your laptop. What it’s not great for is production. You’ve been

Basic Minikube architecture

If you know Docker, Minikube is similar to Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows
- a super-simple way to spin up something on your laptop.
Figure 3.1 shows how the implementation of Minikube is similar to Docker for Mac
and Docker for Windows. On the left is the high-level Minikube architecture, on the
right is the Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows architecture.

Figure 3.1
3: Installing Kubernetes 37

At a high level, you download the Minikube installer and type minikube start. This
creates a local virtual machine (VM) and spins up Kubernetes cluster inside of the
VM. It also sets up your local shell environment so that you can access the cluster
directly from your current shell (no requirement to SSH into the VM).
Inside of the Minikube VM there are two high level things we’re interested in:

• First up, there’s the localkube construct. This runs a Kubernetes node and a
Kubernetes master. The master includes an API server and all of the other
control plane stuff.
• Second up, the container runtime is pre-installed. At the time of writing this
defaults to Docker, though you can specify rkt instead if you require.

This architecture is shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2

Finally, outside of the VM we have kubectl, the Kubernetes client. When you run
minikube start, your environment will be configured so that kubectl will issue
commands to the Kubernetes cluster running inside the Minikube.
As interesting as the architecture is, the most important aspect of Minikube is the
slick and smooth experience that accurately replicates a Kubernetes cluster.
3: Installing Kubernetes 38

Installing Minikube
You can get Minikube for Mac, Windows, and Linux. We’ll take a quick look at Mac
and Windows, as this is what most people run on their laptops.

Note: Minikube requires virtualization extensions enabled in your sys-

tem’s BIOS.

Installing Minikube on Mac

Before jumping in and installing Minikube it’s probably a good idea to install kubectl
(the Kubernetes client) on your Mac. You will use this later to issue commands to the
Minikube cluster.

1. Use Brew to install kubectl

$ brew install kubectl

Updating Homebrew...

This puts the kubectl binary in /usr/local/bin and makes it executable.

2. Verify that the install worked.

$ kubectl version --client

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"8"...

Now that we’ve installed the kubectl client, let’s install Minikube.

1. Use Brew to install Minikube.

$ brew cask install minikube

==> Downloading https://storage.googlapis.com/minikube...

Provide your password if prompted.

2. Use Brew to install the xhyve lightweight hypervisor for Mac.
Other Hypervisor options are available - VirtualBox and VMware Fusion - but
we’re only showing xhive.
3: Installing Kubernetes 39

$ brew install docker-machine-driver-xhyve

==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.combottles...

3. Set the user owner of xhyve to be root (the following command should be
issued on a single line and there should be no backslashes in the command \).

$ sudo chown root:wheel $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin\


4. Grant it the ability to setuid (the following command should be issued on a

single line and there should be no backslashes in the command \).

$ sudo chmod u+s $(brew --prefix)/opt/docker-machine-driver-xhyve/bin/docker\


5. Start Minikube with the following command.

$ minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve

Starting local Kubernetes cluster...
Starting VM...

minikube start is the simplest way to start Minikube. Specifying the --

vm-driver=xhyve flag will force it to use the xhyve hypervisor instead of

You now have a Minikube instance up and running on your Mac!

Use kubectl to verify the Minikube install

The minikube start operation configures your shell so that you can use kubectl
against your new Minikube. Test this by running the following kubectl command
from same shell that you ran minikube start from.

$ kubectl config current-context

3: Installing Kubernetes 40

Great, your kubectl context is set to Minikube (this means kubectl commands will
be sent to the Minikube cluster).
It’s worth pointing out that kubectl can be configured to talk to any Kubernetes
cluster by setting different contexts - you just need to switch between contexts to
send commands to different clusters.
Use the kubectl get nodes command to list the nodes in the cluster.

$ kubectl get nodes

minikube Ready 1m v1.8.0

That’s our single-node Minikube cluster ready to use!

Deleting a Minikube cluster

We spun up the Minikube cluster with a single minikube start command. We can
stop it with a minikube stop command.

$ minikube stop
Stopping local Kubernetes cluster...
Machine stopped

Stopping a Minikube keeps all the config on disk. This makes it easy to start it up
again and pick things up from where you left off.
To blow it away completely - leaving no trace - use the minikube delete command.

$ minikube delete
Deleting local Kubernetes cluster...
Machine deleted

How simple was that!

Running a particular version of Kubernetes inside of Minikube

Minikube lets you specify the version of Kubernetes you want to run. This can be
particularly useful if you need to match the version of Kubernetes used in your
production environment.
Use minikube get-k8s-versions to list the versions available.
3: Installing Kubernetes 41

$ minikube get-k8s-versions
The following Kubernetes versions are available:
- v1.8.0
- v1.7.5
- v1.7.4
- v1.7.3
- v1.7.2
- v1.7.0

Use the following command to start a Minikube cluster running Kubernetes version

$ minikube start \
--vm-driver=xhyve \

Starting local Kubernetes cluster...

Starting VM...

Run another kubectl get nodes command to verify the version.

$ kubectl get nodes

minikube Ready 1m v1.7.0

So that’s Minikube on Mac. Now let’s look at it on Windows 10.

Installing Minikube on Windows 10

In this section we’ll show you how to use Minikube with Hyper-V as the virtual
machine manager. Other options exist, but we will not be showing them here. We
will also be using a PowerShell terminal opened with Administrative privileges.
Before installing Minikube, let’s install the kubectl client. There are a couple of ways
to do this:
3: Installing Kubernetes 42

1. Using the Chocolaty package manager

2. Downloading via your web browser

If you are using Chocolaty, you can install it with the following command.

> choco install kubernetes-cli

If you are not using Chocolaty, you can download it via your web browser.
Point your web browser to https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/ and
click the Windows tab under the Install kubectl binary via curl heading. You will be
given a link to download the latest version using your browser. You do not need to
use curl.
Once the download is complete, copy the kubectl.exe file to a folder in your system’s
Verify the installation with a kubectl version command.

> kubectl version --client=true --output=yaml

buildDate: 2017-09-28T22:57:57Z
compiler: gc
gitCommit: 6e937839ac04a38cac63e6a7a306c5d035fe7b0a
gitTreeState: clean
gitVersion: v1.8.0
goVersion: go1.8.3
major: "1"
minor: "8"
platform: windows/amd64

Now that you have kubectl, you can proceed to install Minikube for Windows.

1. Open a web browser to the Minikube Releases page on GitHub

• https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/releases
2. Download the 64-bit Windows installer (currently called minikube-installer.exe).
3: Installing Kubernetes 43

3. Start the installer and click through the wizard accepting the default options.
4. Make sure Hyper-V has an external vSwitch .
Open Hyper-V Manager and go to Virtual Switch Manager.... If there is no
Virtual Switch configured with the following two options, create a new one:
• Connection type = External network
• Allow management operating system to share this network adapter
For the remainder of this section we will assume that you have Hyper-V
configured with an external vSwitch called external. If you’re has a different
name, you will have to substitute your name in the following commands.
5. Verify the Minikube version with the following command.

> minikube version

minikube version: v0.22.3

6. Use the following command to start a local Minikube instance running

Kubernetes version 1.8.0.
You can use the minikube get-k8s-versions command to see a list of
available Kubernetes versions.
The following command assumes a Hyper-V vSwitch called external. You
may have named yours differently.

> minikube start \

--vm-driver=hyperv \
--hyperv-virtual-switch="external" \

Starting local Kubernetes cluster...

Starting VM...
139.09 MB / 139.09 MB [================] 100.00% 0s
Starting cluster components...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.

7. Verify the installation by checking the version of the Kubernetes master.

3: Installing Kubernetes 44

> kubectl version --output=yaml

buildDate: 2017-10-17T15:09:55Z
compiler: gc
gitCommit: 0b9efaeb34a2fc51ff8e4d34ad9bc6375459c4a4
gitTreeState: dirty
gitVersion: v1.8.0
goVersion: go1.8.3
major: "1"
minor: "8"
platform: linux/amd64

If the target machine actively refuses the network connection with a Unable to
connect to the server: dial tcp... error. This is most likely a network
related error. Make sure that your external vSiwtch is configured correctly,
and that you specified it correctly with the --hyperv-virtual-switch flag.
kubectl talks to Kubernetes inside the minikube Hyper-V VM over port 8443.

Congratulations! You’ve got a fully working Minikube cluster up and running on

your Windows 10 PC.
You can now type minikube on the command line to see a full list of minikube sub-
commands. A good one to try out might be minikube dashboard which will open
the Minikube dashboard GUI in a new browser tab.

Figure 3.3

So that’s Minikube! Probably the best way to spin up a simple Kubernetes cluster on
your Mac or PC. But it’s not for production!
3: Installing Kubernetes 45

Google Container Engine (GKE)

First up, that’s not a typo in the title above. We shorten Google Container Engine to
GKE not GCE. The first reason is that GKE is packaged Kubernetes running on the
Google Cloud, so the K is for Kubernetes. The second reason is that GCE is already
taken for Google Compute Engine.
Anyway, a quick bit of background to set the scene. GKE is layered on top of Google
Compute Engine (GCE). GCE provides the low-level virtual machine instances and
GKE lashes the Kubernetes and container magic on top.

Figure 3.4

The whole raison d’être behind GKE is to make Kubernetes and container orchestra-
tion accessible and simple! Think of GKE as Kubernetes as a Service – all the goodness
of a fully-featured, production-grade Kubernetes cluster pre-packaged ready for us
consume. McDonalds anyone!?

Configuring GKE
To work with GKE you’ll need an account on the Google Cloud with billing
configured and a blank project setting up. These are all really easy to setup, so
we won’t spend time explaining them here - for the remainder of this section I’m
assuming you already have an account with billing configured and a new project
The following steps will walk you through configuring GKE via a web browser. Some
of the details might change in the future, but the overall flow will be the same.
3: Installing Kubernetes 46

1. From within the Console of your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project, open
the navigation pane on the left-hand side and select Container Engine from
under the COMPUTE section. You may have to click the three horizontals bars at
the top-left of the Console to make the navigation pane visible.
2. Make sure that Container clusters is selected in the left-hand navigation
pane and click the + CREATE CLUSTER button.
This will start the wizard to create a new Kubernetes cluster.
3. Enter a Name and Description for the cluster.
4. Select the GCP Zone that you want to deploy the cluster to. At the time of
writing, a cluster can only exist in a single zone.
5. Select the Cluster Version. This is the version of Kubernetes that will run
on your master and nodes. You are limited to the versions available in the
drop-down list.
6. Select the Machine type that you want your cluster nodes to be based on.
7. Under Node image chose COS. This is the Container Optimized OS image based
on Chromium OS. It supersedes the older container-vm image.
8. Use the Size field to choose how many nodes you want in the cluster. This
is the number of nodes in the cluster and does not include the master/control
plane which is built and maintained for you in the background.
9. Leave all other options as their defaults and click Create.
You can also click the More link to see a long list of other options you can
customize. It’s worth taking a look at these but we won’t be discussing them
in this book.

Your cluster will now be created!

Exploring GKE
Now that you have a cluster, it’s time to have a quick look at it.
Make sure you’re logged on to the GCP Console and are viewing Container
clusters under Container Engine.
The Container clusters page shows a high-level overview of the container clusters
you have in your project. Figure 3.5 shows a single cluster with 3 nodes running
version 1.7.6 of Kubernetes.
3: Installing Kubernetes 47

Figure 3.5

Click the cluster name to drill in to more detail. Figure 3.6 shows a screenshot of
some of the detail you can view.

Figure 3.6

Clicking the > CONNECT console icon towards the top right of the web UI (not shown
in the Figure above) gives you the option to open a Cloud Shell session that you can
inspect and manage your cluster from.
Open a Cloud Shell session and run the gcloud container clusters list com-
mand. This will show you the same basic cluster information that you saw on the
Container clusters web view.
3: Installing Kubernetes 48

$ gcloud container clusters list

clus2 us-centr 1.7.6 35.188... 1.7.6 3 RUNNING

The output above has been clipped to make it more readable.

If you click > CONNECT and choose the Show gcloud command option, you will be
presented with the commands needed to configure kubectl to talk to the cluster. Copy
and paste those commands into the Cloud Shell session so that you can manage your
Kubernetes cluster with kubectl.
Run a kubectl get nodes command to list the nodes in the cluster.

$ kubectl get nodes

gke-cluster... Ready 5m v1.7.6
gke-cluster... Ready 6m v1.7.6
gke-cluster... Ready 6m v1.7.6

Congratulations! You now know how to create a production-grade Kubernetes cluster

using Google Container Engine (GKE). You also know how to inspect it and connect
to it.

Installing Kubernetes in AWS

There’s more than one way to install Kubernetes in AWS. We’re going to show you
how to do it using the kops tool that is under active development. So, expect some
of the specifics to change over time.

Note: kops is short for Kubernetes Operations. At the time of writing,

the only provider it supports is AWS. However, support for more
platforms is in development. At the time of writing there is also no kops
binary for Windows.

To follow along with the rest of this section you’ll need a decent understanding of
AWS as well as all of the following:
3: Installing Kubernetes 49

• kubectl
• the kops binary for your OS
• the awscli tool
• the credentials of an AWS account with the following permissions:
– AmazonEC2FullAccess
– AmazonRoute53FullAccess
– AmazonS3FullAccess
– IAMFullAccess
– AmazonVPCFullAccess

The examples below are from a Linux machine, but it works the same from a Mac
(and probably Windows in the future). The example also uses a publicly routable DNS
domain called tf1.com that is hosted with a 3rd party provider such as GoDaddy.
Within that domain I have a subdomain called k8s delegated Amazon Route53. You
will need to use a different domain in your own lab.

Download and install kubectl

For Mac, the download and installation is a simple brew install kubectl.
The following procedure is for a Linux machine.

1. Use the following command to download the latest kubectl binary.

$ curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl \

-s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin\

The command above is a single command, but is quite long and will wrap over
multiple lines in the book and insert backslashes at the end of each printed
line \. These backslashes are not part of the command. It will download the
kubectl binary to your home directory.
2. Make the downloaded binary executable.
3: Installing Kubernetes 50

$ chmod +x ./kubectl

3. Add it to a directory in your PATH

$ mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

4. Run a kubectl command to make sure it’s installed and working.

Download and install kops

1. Download the kops binary with the following curl command (the command
should be issued on one line and have no backslashes \ in it).

$ curl -LO https://github.com/kubernetes/kops/releases/download/1.5.3/kops-l\


2. Make the downloaded binary executable.

$ chmod +x kops-linux-amd64

3. Move it to a directory in your path.

$ mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

4. Run a kops version command to verify the installation.

$ kops version
Version 1.5.3 (git-46364f6)

Install and configure the AWS CLI

The example below shows how to install the AWS CLI from the default app repos
used by Ubuntu 16.04.

1. Run the following command to install the AWS CLI

3: Installing Kubernetes 51

$ sudo apt-get install awscli -y

2. Run the aws configure command to configure your instance of the AWS CLI
You will need the credentials of an AWS IAM account with AmazonEC2FullAccess,
AmazonRoute53FullAccess, AmazonS3FullAccess, IAMFullAccess, and Ama-
zonVPCFullAccess to complete this step.

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: **************
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: **************
Default region name [None]: enter-your-region-here
Default output format [None]:

3. Create a new S3 bucket for kops to store config and state information.
The domain name you use in the example below will be different if you are
following along. The cluster1 is the name of the cluster we will create, k8s is
the subdomain delegated to AWS Route53, and tf1.com is the public domain I
have hosted with a 3rd party. tf1.com is fictional and only being used in these
examples to keep the command line arguments short.

$ aws s3 mb s3://cluster1.k8s.tf1.com
make_bucket: cluster1.k8s.tf1.com

4. List your S3 buckets and grep for the name of the bucket you created. This will
prove that the bucket created successfully.

$ aws s3 ls | grep k8s

2017-06-02 13:09:11 cluster1.k8s.tf1.com

5. Tell kops where to find its config and state.

$ export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://cluster1.k8s.tf1.com

6. Make your AWS SSH key available to kops.

The command below will copy the keys in your authorized_keys file to a
new file in ∼/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. This is because kops expects to find your
AWS SSH key in a file called id_rsa.pub in your profile’s hidden ssh directory.
3: Installing Kubernetes 52

$ cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

7. Create a new cluster with the following kops create cluster command.

$ kops create cluster \

--cloud=aws --zones=eu-west-1b \
--dns-zone=k8s.tf1.com \
--name cluster1.k8s.tf1.com --yes

The command is broken down as follows. kops create cluster tells kops
to create a new cluster. --cloud=aws tells kops to create this cluster in AWS
using the AWS provider. --zones=eu-west-1b tells kops to create cluster in
the eu-west-1b zone. We tell it to use the delegated zone with the --dns-
zone=k8s.tf1.com flag. We name the cluster with the --name flag, and the
--yes flag tells kops to go ahead and deploy the cluster. If you omit the --yes
flag a cluster config will be created but it will not be deployed.
It may take a few minutes for the cluster to deploy. This is because kops
is doing all the hard work creating the AWS resources required to build the
cluster. This includes things like a VPC, EC2 instances, launch configs, auto
scaling groups, security groups etc. After it has built the AWS infrastructure it
also has to build the Kubernetes cluster.
8. Once the cluster is deployed you can validate it with the kops validate
cluster command.

$ kops validate cluster

Using cluster from kubectl context: cluster1.k8s.tf1.com

master.. Master m3.medium 1 1 eu-west-1b
nodes Node t2.medium 2 2 eu-west-1b

ip-172-20-38.. node True
ip-172-20-58.. master True
ip-172-20-59.. node True
3: Installing Kubernetes 53

Your cluster cluster1.k8s.tf1.com is ready

Congratulations! You now know how to create a Kubernetes cluster in AWS using
the kops tool.
Now that your cluster is up and running you can issue kubectl commands against
it, and it might be worth having a poke around in the AWS console to see some of
the resources that kops created.

Deleting a Kubernetes cluster in AWS with kops

To delete the cluster, you just created you can use the kops delete cluster
The command below will delete the cluster we created earlier. It will also delete all
of the AWS resources created for the cluster.

$ kops delete cluster --name=cluster1.k8s.tf1.com --yes

Manually installing Kubernetes

In this section, we’ll see how to use the kubeadm command to perform a manual install
of Kubernetes. kubeadm is a core Kubernetes project tool that’s pretty new at the time
I’m writing this book. However, it’s got a promising future and the maintainers of the
project are keen not to mess about with command line features etc. So, the commands
we shown here shouldn’t change too much in the future (hopefully).
The examples in this section are based on Ubuntu 16.04. If you are using a different
Linux distro some of the commands in the pre-reqs section will be different. However,
the procedure we’re showing can be used to install Kubernetes on your laptop, in your
data center, or even in the cloud.
We’ll be walking through a simple example using three Ubuntu 16.04 machines
configured as one master and two nodes as shown in Figure 3.7. It doesn’t matter
3: Installing Kubernetes 54

if these machines are VMs on your laptop, bare metal servers in your data center, or
instances in the public cloud - kubeadm doesn’t care!

Figure 3.7

The high-level plan will be to initialize a new cluster with node1 as the master. We’ll
create an overlay network, then add node2 and node3 as nodes. All three nodes will

• Docker
• kubeadm
• kubelet
• kubectl
• The CNI

Docker is the container runtime, kubeadm is the tool we’ll use the build the cluster,
kubelet is the Kubernetes node agent, kubectl is the standard Kubernetes client, and
CNI (Container Network Interface) installs support for CNI networking.

The following commands are specific to Ubuntu 16.04 and need to be ran on all three
apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https

curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add


cat <<EOF >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list deb http://apt.kubernetes.io/

kubernetes-xenial main EOF
3: Installing Kubernetes 55

apt-get update

These commands set things up (on Ubuntu 16.04) so that we can install the right
packages from the right repos.

1. Install Docker, kubeadm, kubectl, kubelet, and the CNI.

$ apt-get install docker.io kubeadm kubectl kubelet kubernetes-cni

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree

2. Run the same command again to see version info

$ apt-get install docker.io kubeadm kubectl kubelet kubernetes-cni

docker.io is already at the latest version (1.12.6-0ubuntu1~16.04.1).
kubeadm is already at the latest version (1.6.1-00).
kubectl is already at the latest version (1.6.1-00).
kubelet is already at the latest version (1.6.1-00).
kubernetes-cni is already at the latest version (0.5.1-00).

That’s the pre-reqs done.

Initialize a new cluster

Initializing a new Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm is as simple as typing kubeadm
3: Installing Kubernetes 56

$ kubeadm init
Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully!

To start using your cluster, you need to run (as a regular user):

sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/

sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/admin.conf
export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/admin.conf

You can join any number of machines by running the following on each node\
as root:

kubeadm join --token b90685.bd53aca93b758efc

The command pulls all required images and creates all the required system Pods etc.
The output of the command gives you a few more commands that you need to run to
set your local environment. It also gives you the kubeadm join command and token
required to add additional nodes.
Congratulations! That’s a brand-new Kubernetes cluster created comprising a single
Complete the process by running the commands listed in the output of the kubeadm
init command shown above.

$ sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/

$ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/admin.conf
$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/admin.conf

These commands may be different, or even no longer required in the future.

However, they copy the Kubernetes config file form /etc/kubernetes into your
home directory, change the ownership to you, and export an environment variable
that tells Kubernetes where to find its config. In the real world, you may want to
make the environment variable a permanent part of your shell profile.
Verify that the cluster created successfully with a kubectl command.
3: Installing Kubernetes 57

$ kubectl get nodes

node1 NotReady 1m v1.6.1

Run another kubectl command to find the reason why the cluster STATUS is showing
as NotReady.

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

kube-system kube-apiserver-node1 1/1 Running 0 1m
kube-system kube-dns-39134729... 0/3 Pending 0 1m
kube-system kube-proxy-bp4hc 1/1 Running 0 1m
kube-system kube-scheduler-node1 1/1 Running 0 1m

This command shows all pods in all namespaces - this includes system pods in the
system (kube-system) namespace.
As we can see, none of the kube-dns pods are running. This is because we haven’t
created a pod network yet.
Create a pod network. The example below creates a multi-host overlay network
provided by Weaveworks. However, other options exist, and you do not have to go
with the example shown here.

$ kubectl apply --filename https://git.io/weave-kube-1.6

clusterrole "weave-net" created
serviceaccount "weave-net" created
clusterrolebinding "weave-net" created
daemonset "weave-net" created

Be sure to use the right version of the Weaveworks config file. Kubernetes v1.6.0
introduced some significant changes in this area meaning that older config files will
not work with Kubernetes version 1.6 and higher.
Check if the cluster status has changed from NotReady to Ready.
3: Installing Kubernetes 58

$ kubectl get nodes

node1 Ready 4m v1.6.1

Great, the cluster is ready and the DNS pods will now be running.
Now that the cluster is up and running it’s time to add some nodes.
To do this we need the cluster’s join token. You might remember that this was
provided as part of the output when the cluster was first initialized. Scroll back up
to that output, copy the kubeadm join command to the clipboard and then run it on
node2 and node3.

Note: The following must be performed on node2 and node3 and you
must have already installed the pre-reqs (Docker, kubeadm, kubectl,
kubelet, CNI) on these nodes.

node2$ kubeadm join --token b90685.bd53aca93b758efc

Node join complete:
* Certificate signing request sent to master and response received
* Kubelet informed of new secure connection details.

Repeat the command on node3.

Make sure that the nodes successfully registered by running another kubectl get
nodes on the master.

$ kubectl get nodes

node1 Ready 7m v1.6.1
node2 Ready 1m v1.6.1
node3 Ready 1m v1.6.1

Congratulations! You’ve manually built a 3-node cluster using kubeadm. But remem-
ber that it’s running a single master without H/A.
3: Installing Kubernetes 59

Chapter summary
In this chapter we learned how to install Kubernetes in various ways and on various
platforms. We learned how to use Minikube to quickly spin up a development
environment on your Mac or Windows laptop. We learned how to spin up a managed
Kubernetes cluster in the Google Cloud using Google Container Engine (GKE). Then
we looked at how to use the kops tool to spin up a cluster in AWS using the AWS
provider. We finished the chapter seeing how to perform a manual install using the
kubeadm tool.

There are obviously other ways and places we can install Kubernetes. But the chapter
is already long enough and I’ve pulled out way too much of my hair already :-D
4: Working with Pods
We’ll split this chapter in to two main parts:

• Theory
• Hands-on

So let’s crack on with the theory.

Pod theory
In the VMware and Hyper-V worlds, the atomic unit of scheduling is the Virtual
Machine (VM). Deploying workloads in these environments means stamping them
out in VMs.
In the Docker world, the atomic unit is the container. Even though Docker now
supports services and stacks, the smallest and most atomic unit of scheduling is still
the container.
In the Kubernetes world, the atomic unit is the Pod!

Figure 4.1

Be sure to take that and mark it in your brain as important - Virtualization does
VM’s, Docker does containers, and Kubernetes does Pods!
4: Working with Pods 61

Pods vs containers
At a high-level, Pods sit somewhere in between a container and a VM. They’re bigger,
and arguably more high level than a container, but they’re a lot smaller than a VM.
Digging a bit deeper, a Pod is just a shared execution environment for one or more
containers. More often than not, a Pod only has one container. But multi-container
Pods are definitely a thing. For example, multi-container Pods are excellent for co-
scheduling tightly-coupled containers - containers that share resources and wouldn’t
work well if they were scheduled on different nodes in the cluster.

Pods: the canonical example

The example we all use when describing the advantages of multi-container Pods is a
web server that has a file synchronizer.
In this example we have two clear concerns:

1. Serving the web page

2. Making sure the content is up-to-date

Micro-service design patterns dictate that we should keep these concerns separate.
One way to do that is deploy them in separate containers - one container for the web
service, another container for the file-sync service.
This approach has a lot of advantages.
Instead of building a mini-monolith where a single container runs the web service
and file-sync service, we are building two micro-services, each with its own separate
concern. This means we can have different teams responsible for each of the
two services. We can scale each service independently. We can also update them
independently. And if the container running the file-sync service fails, the web
service can stay up (though it may end up serving stale content).
However, despite designing them as separate autonomous services, it makes sense to
run them side-by-side on the same node. Figure 4.2 shows the basic architecture of
this example.
4: Working with Pods 62

Figure 4.2

The simplest way to implement the shared volume is to schedule the two containers
on the same node. Pods let us do this. By running the web service container and the
file-sync container in the same Pod, we ensure they are deployed to the same node.
We also give them a shared operating environment where both contains can access
the same shared memory and shared volumes etc. More on all of this later.

How do we deploy Pods

To deploy a Pod to a Kubernetes cluster we define it in a manifest file and then POST
that manifest file to the API server. The master examines it, records it in the cluster
store, and the scheduler deploys the Pod to a healthy node with enough available
resources. Whether or not the Pod has one or more containers is defined in the
manifest file.

Figure 4.3

Let’s dig a bit deeper…

4: Working with Pods 63

The anatomy of a Pod

At the highest level, a Pod is a shared execution environment for one or more
containers. “shared execution environment” means that all container in a Pod share
the IP address, hostname, sockets, memory, volumes, and more, of the Pod they run
inside of.
Under the hood, a Pod is something called a pause container. That’s right, a Pod
just a fancy name for a special container!
This means the containers that run inside of Pods are really containers running inside
of containers! For more information, go and watch “Inception” by Christopher Nolan,
starring Leonardo DiCaprio :-D
Seriously though, the Pod (pause container) is used to create a common set of
namespaces that all other containers in the Pod will inherit and share. These include:

• Network: IP address, port range, routing table…

• UTS: Hostname
• IPC: Unix domain sockets…

As we just mentioned, this means that all containers in a Pod share a hostname, IP
address, memory address space, and volumes.
Let’s look a bit closer at how this affects Pod and container networking.
Each Pod creates its own network namespace - a single IP address, a single range of
ports, and a single routing table. This is true even if the Pod is a multi-container Pod
- each container in a Pod shares the Pods IP, range of ports, and routing table.
Figure 4.4 shows two Pods, each with its own IP. Even though one of the Pods is
hosting two containers, it still only gets a single IP.
4: Working with Pods 64

Figure 4.4

In this example, we can access the individual containers in Pod 1 using a combination
of the Pod IP, coupled with the containers individual port number (80 and 5000).
One last time (apologies if it feels like over-repeating myself), each container in a
Pod shares the Pod’s entire network namespace. This includes; localhost adapter,
port range, routing table, and more.
But as we’ve said, it’s more than just networking. All containers in a Pod have access
to the same volumes, the same memory, the same IPC sockets and more. Technically
speaking, the Pod (pause container) holds all the namespaces, any containers the in
Pod inherit and share these Pod namespaces.
This Pod networking model makes inter-Pod communication really simple. Every
Pod in the cluster has its own IP addresses that’s fully routable on the Pod overlay
network. If you read the chapter on installing Kubernetes, you’ll have seen how we
created a Pod network at the end of the Play with Kubernetes, and Manual install
sections. Because every Pod gets its own routable IP, every Pod can talk directly to
every other Pod. No need to mess around with things like nasty port mappings!
4: Working with Pods 65

Figure 4.5 Inter-pod communication

Intra-pod communication - where two containers in the same Pod need to commu-
nicate - can happen via the Pods localhost interface.

Figure 4.6 Intra-pod communication

If you need to make multiple containers in the same Pod available to the outside
world, you do this by exposing them on individual ports. Each container needs its
own port, and two containers in the same Pod cannot use the same port.
In summary. It’s about the Pod! The Pod gets deployed, the Pod gets the IP, the Pod
owns all of the namespaces… The Pod is at the center of the Kuberverse!

Pods and cgroups

At a high level, Control Groups (cgroups) are what stop individual containers from
consuming all of the available CPU, RAM and IOPS on a node. I suppose we could
say that they “police” resource usage.
Individual containers have their own cgroup limits.
4: Working with Pods 66

This means it’s possible for two containers in a single Pod to have their own set
of cgroup limits. This is a powerful and flexible model. If we assume the canonical
multi-container Pod example from earlier in the chapter, we could set a cgroup limit
on the file sync container so that it had access to less resources than the web service
container, and was unable to starve the web service container of CPU and memory.

Atomic deployment of Pods

When we deploy a Pod, it’s an all or nothing job. There’s no such thing as a partially-
deployed Pod.
For example, either: everything inside of a Pod coms up and the Pod becomes
available, OR, everything doesn’t come up and the Pod fails. For example, you
can never have a situation where you have a multi-container Pod with one of its
containers up and accessible but the other container in a failed state! That’s not how
it works. Nothing in the Pod is made available until the entire Pod is up. Then, once
all Pod resources are ready, the Pod is made available.
It’s also important to know that any given Pod can only be running on a single node.
This is the same as containers or VMs - you can’t have part of a Pod on one node
and another part of it on another node. One Pod gets scheduled to one node!
This principle is at the heart of the Pods co-scheduling ability. If you need two
containers/services to run on the same node, deploy them in the same Pod.

Pod lifecycle
The lifecycle of typical Pod goes something like this. You define it in a YAML or
JSON manifest file. Then you throw that manifest at the API server and the Pod it
defines gets scheduled to a healthy node. Once it’s scheduled to a node, it goes into
the pending state while the node downloads images and fires up any containers. The
Pod remains in this pending state until all of its resources are up and ready. Once
everything’s up and ready, the Pod enters the running state. Once it’s completed its
task in life, it gets terminated and enters the succeeded state.
If a Pod fails, it is not rescheduled! For this reason, we rarely deploy them directly. It
is far more common to deploy them via higher-level constructs such as ReplicaSets,
DaemonSets, and Deployments.
4: Working with Pods 67

When a Pod can’t start, it can remain in the pending state or go to the failed state.
This is all shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7 Pod lifecycle

It’s also important to think of Pods as mortal. When they die, they die! There’s no
bringing them back form the dead. This follows the whole pets vs cattle analogy
- Pods should be treated as cattle. When they die, you replace them with another.
There’s no tears and no funeral. The old one is gone, and a shiny new one – with the
same config, but a different ID and IP - magically appears and takes its place.
This is one of the main reasons you should code your applications so that they don’t
store state in the Pod, and also why they shouldn’t rely on individual Pod IPs etc.

Pod theory summary

1. Pods are the smallest unit of scheduling on Kubernetes
2. You can have more than one container in a Pod. Single-container Pods are the
most common type, but multi-container Pods are ideal for containers that need
to be tightly coupled - maybe they need to share memory or volumes.
3. Pods get scheduled on nodes – you can’t schedule a single Pod to span multiple
4. They get defined declaratively in a manifest file that we POST to the API server
and let the scheduler assign them to nodes.
4: Working with Pods 68

Hands-on with Pods

It’s time to see Pods in action!
For the examples in the rest of this chapter we’re going to use the 3-node cluster
shown in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8

It doesn’t matter where this cluster is, or how it was deployed. All that matters is
that you have three Linux hosts configured into a cluster with a single master and
two nodes. You’ll also need the kubectl client installed and configured to talk to the
Following the Kubernetes mantra of composable infrastructure, we define Pods in
manifest files, POST them to the API server, and let the scheduler take care of
instantiating them on the cluster.

Pod manifest files

For the examples in this chapter we’re going to use the following Pod manifest (called
4: Working with Pods 69

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello-pod
zone: prod
version: v1
- name: hello-ctr
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

Although this file is in YAML format, you can also use JSON.
Straight away we can see 4 top-level resources that we’re going to need to understand:
.apiVersion, .kind, .metadata, and .spec.

Note: In this chapter we’re only going to step lightly through the
sections and fields in the manifest file. This is so that you don’t get
overwhelmed. In the chapter on ReplicaSets we’re going to give a more
comprehensive dive into manifest files.

As the name suggests, the .apiVersion field specifies the version of the API that we’ll
be using. v1 has been around since 2015, includes an extensive Pod schema, and it’s
stable. If you’re working with some of the newer constructs such as ReplicaSets and
Deployments, you’ll have to specify a newer version of the API.
Next up, the .kind field tells Kubernetes what kind of object to deploy - in this
example we’re telling it to Deploy a Pod. As we progress through the book we’ll
populate this with various different values – Services, Deployments, DaemonSets,
Then we define some .metadata. In this example, we’re naming the Pod “hello-pod”
and giving it a couple of labels. Labels are simple key-value pairs, bit they’re insanely
powerful! We’ll talk more about labels later as we build our Kubernetes knowledge
4: Working with Pods 70

Last but not least, we’ve got the .spec section. This is where we define what’s in
the Pod. In this example, we’re defining a single-container Pod, calling it “hello-ctr”,
basing it on the nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest image, and we’re telling it to expose
port 8080.
If this was a multi-container Pod, we’d define additional containers in the .spec

Manifest files: Empathy as Code

Quick side-step.
Configuration files, such as Kubernetes manifest files and Dockerfiles, are excellent
sources of application documentation. As such, they have some secondary benefits.
Two of these include:

• Helping speed-up the on-boarding process for new team members

• Helping bridge the gap between developers and operations

So, if you need a new team member to understand the basic functions and require-
ments of an application, get them to read the application’s manifest and Dockerfile.
If you have a problem with developers not clearly-stating their application’s require-
ments to operations, get them to use Kubernetes and Docker. As they describe their
applications through Dockerfiles and Kubernetes manifests, these can then be used
by operations staff to understand how the application works and what it requires of
the environment.
These kinds of benefits were described by Nirmal Mehta as a form of empathy as
code in his 2017 Dockercon talk entitled “A Strong Belief, Loosely Held: Bringing
Empathy to IT”.
While describing config files like these as empathy as code might be a bit of a stretch,
there is some merit to the concept. They definitely help in the ways previously

Deploying Pods form a manifest file

If you’re following along with the examples, save the following manifest file as
pod.yml in your current directory.
4: Working with Pods 71

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hello-pod
zone: prod
version: v1
- name: hello-ctr
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

Use the following kubectl command to POST the manifest to the API server and
deploy a Pod from it.

$ kubectl create -f pod.yml

pod "hello-pod" created

Although the Pod is showing as created, it might not be fully deployed on the cluster
yet. This is because it can take time to pull the required image to start the container
inside the Pod.
Run a kubectl get pods command to check the status.

$ kubectl get pods

hello-pod 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 9s

We can see that the container is still being created - no doubt waiting for the image
to be pulled from Docker Hub.
You can use the kubectl describe pods hello-pod command to drill into more
If you run the kubectl get pods command again, after a short wait, you should see
the STATUS as “Running”
4: Working with Pods 72

$ kubectl get pods

hello-pod 1/1 Running 0 2m

Congratulations! Your Pod has been scheduled on a healthy node in the cluster and
is being monitored by the local kubelet process on the node. The kubelet process is
the Kubernetes agent running on the node.

Introspecting running Pods

As good as the kubectl get pods command is, it’s a bit light on the amount of
information it divulges. Not to worry though, there’s plenty of options for deeper
introspection. Let’s take a look at some.
First up, kubectl get offers a couple of really simple flags that give you more
The -o wide flag gives a couple more columns, but is still a single line of output.
The -o yaml and -o json flags take things to the next level! Both return full copies
of the Pod manifest from the cluster store.
The command below shows a snipped version of a kubectl get pods -o json

$ kubectl get pods -o json hello-pod

"apiVersion": "v1",
"items": [
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2017-10-21T15:28:46Z",
"labels": {
"version": "v1",
"zone": "prod"
4: Working with Pods 73

"containerStatuses": [
"containerID": "docker://5ad6319...f3907160",
"image": "nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest",
"imageID": "docker-pullable://nigelpoulton/k8sbook...",
"lastState": {},
"name": "hello-ctr",
"ready": true,
"restartCount": 0,
"state": {
"running": {
"startedAt": "2017-10-21T15:29:02Z"

Notice how the output above contains more values than we initially set in our 13-line
YAML file. Where does this extra information come from?
Two main sources:

• The Kubernetes Pod object contains a lot of properties - far more than
we defined in the manifest. Those that you don’t specify are automatically
expanded with default values by Kubernetes.
• When you run a kubectl get pods with -o yaml or -o json, you get the Pods
current state as well as its desired state. However, when you define a Pod in a
manifest file, you only declare the desired state.

Another great Kubernetes introspection command is kubectl describe. This pro-

vides a nicely formatted, multi-line overview of the Pod. It even includes some
important Pod lifecycle related events. The following command describes the state
of the hello-pod Pod and shows a snipped output.
4: Working with Pods 74

$ kubectl describe pods hello-pod

Name: hello-pod
Namespace: default
Node: node2/
Start Time: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 15:28:46 +0000
Labels: version=v1
Annotations: <none>
Status: Running
Container ID: docker://5ad63194...bcf3907160
Port: 8080/TCP
State: Running
Started: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 15:29:02 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Environment: <none>
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
1stSeen From Type Reason Message
------- ----- ------ ------ -------
1m default-scheduler Normal Sched Success
1m kubelet, node2 Normal MountVol succeeded
1m kubelet, node2 Normal Pulling pulling

The output above has been snipped to better fit the page.
Another way to introspect a running Pod is to log into it or execute commands in
it. We do this with the kubectl exec command. The example below shows how to
4: Working with Pods 75

execute a ps aux command in the first container in the hello-pod Pod.

$ kubectl exec hello-pod ps aux

root 1 0.0 0.0 1024 15:28 0:00 /pause
root 7 0.0 0.0 11356 15:29 0:00 /bin/sh -c cd /src && node ./app.js
root 13 0.0 0.0 717820 15:29 0:00 node ./app.js
root 22 0.0 0.0 13376 19:13 0:00 ps aux

You can log-in to the first container in the Pod with the following command. Once
inside the container you can execute normal commands (as long as the command
binaries are installed in the container).

$ kubectl exec -it hello-pod sh

sh-4.1 # curl localhost:8080
<html><head><title>Pluralsight Rocks</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="htt\
body><div class="container"><div class="jumbotron"><h1>Yo Pluralsighters!!!<\
/h1><p>Click the button below to head over to my podcast...</p><p> <a href="\
http://intechwetrustpodcast.com" class="btn btn-primary">Podcast</a></p><p><\

The -it' flags make the exec‘ session interactive and connect STDIN and STD-
OUT on your terminal windows with STDIN and STDOUT inside the container.
When the command completes executing your shell prompt will change, indicating
that you are now in a shell running inside the container.
If you are running multi-container Pods, you will need to pass the kubectl exec
command the --container flag and give it the name of the container in the Pod that
you want to create the exec session with. If you do not specify this flag, the command
will execute against the first container in the Pod. You can see the ordering and names
of containers in a Pod with the kubectl describe pods command.
One other command for introspecting Pods is the kubectl logs command. Like with
other Pod-related commands, if you don’t specify a container by name, it will execute
against the first container in the Pod. The format of the command is kubectl logs
4: Working with Pods 76

Chapter Summary
In this chapter, we learned that the atomic unit of deployment in the Kubernetes
world is the Pod. Each Pod consists of one or more containers, and gets deployed to
a single node in the cluster. The deployment operation is an all-or-nothing atomic
The best way to deploy a Pod is declaratively using a YAML or JSON manifest file.
We use the kubectl command to POST the manifest to the API server, it gets stored
in the cluster store and converted into a PodSpec that gets scheduled onto a healthy
cluster node with enough available resources.
The host component that accepts the PodSpec is the kubelet. This is the main
Kubernetes agent running on each node in the cluster. It takes the PodSpec and is
responsible for pulling all images and starting all containers in the Pod.
If a Pod fails, it is not automatically rescheduled. Because of this, we usually deploy
them via higher-level constructs such as ReplicaSets, Deployments, and DaemonSets.
These higher-level constructs add things like self-healing and roll-backs, and are at
the heart of what makes Kubernetes so powerful.
5: ReplicaSets
Pods are the basic building-block in Kubernetes. But if we deploy them directly, all
we get is a single vulnerable Pod. We don’t get any self-healing or scalability. So, if
that Pod fails, it’s game over!
Because of this, we almost always deploy Pods via higher-level objects like ReplicaS-
ets and Deployments. These bring all the goodness of self-healing, scalability, and

You may hear people use the terms ReplicationController and ReplicaSet
interchangeably. This is because they do the same thing. However,
ReplicaSets are the future, and ReplicationControllers are being phased

One final thing before moving on. More often than not, you’re going to deploy your
applications via Deployments rather than ReplicaSets. However, Deployments build
on top of ReplicaSets, so it’s vital that you understand what we’re going to cover in
this chapter. Don’t skip it.
We’ll split the remainder of the chapter in to two main parts:

• Theory
• Hands-on

ReplicaSet theory
Let’s start out with the high-level stuff.
Pods wrap around containers and bring a bunch of benefits: co-location, shared
volumes, simple networking, secrets, and more. In a similar way, ReplicaSets wrap
around Pods and bring a host of benefits. See Figure 5.1.
5: ReplicaSets 78

Figure 5.1

Before getting into the benefits, we need to make one thing about ReplicaSets crystal-
clear - it is a one-to-one relationship between a ReplicaSet and a particular Pod!
As an example, assume you have a micro-service app comprising three services. You
will more than likely build this so each service is contained within its own Pod. This
will give you three Pods - one for each service. To manage these three Pods, you’ll
need three ReplicaSets. That’s because a single ReplicaSet cannot manage more than
one type of Pod. Look closer at Figure 5.1 and notice how the rs-web ReplicaSet is
managing the pod-web Pods, and the rs-auth ReplicaSet is managing the pod-auth
Pods. One ReplicaSet can only manage one Pod type.

ReplicaSet basics
A ReplicaSet defines two important things:

• The Pod template

• The desired number of replicas

The Pod template tells the ReplicaSet what type of Pods to deploy. Things like;
container image, network ports, and even labels. The desired number of replicas
tell the ReplicaSet how many of these Pods to deploy. Figure 5.2 shows a simple
ReplicaSet manifest with the Pod template and number of replicas highlighted.
5: ReplicaSets 79

Figure 5.2

As an example, you might need four instances of a particular front-end web Pod
constantly running. You’d use a ReplicaSet to accomplish this.
That, right there, is the basics of ReplicaSets! They make sure we always have the
right number of the right Pod.
Let’s get into a bit of detail.

It’s all about the state

It’s critical that you understand three concepts that are fundamental to everything
about Kubernetes (and therefore fundamental to ReplicaSets):

• Desired state
• Current state (sometimes called actual state)
• Declarative model

Desired state is what you want. Current state is what you’ve got. The aim-of-the-
game is for the two to match - current state should always match desired state.
5: ReplicaSets 80

A declarative model lets you describe your desired state without having to get into
the detail of how to get there.

The declarative model

We’ve got two competing models. The declarative model and the imperative model.
Declarative models are all about describing the end-goal. Imperative models are all
about lists of commands that will get you to an end goal.
Let’s look at an example.
Assume you’ve got an application with two services: front-end and back-end. You’ve
configured things so that you have a Pod template for the front-end service, and
a separate Pod template for the back-end service. To meet expected demand, you
always need 5 instances of the front-end Pod running, and 2 instances of the back-
end Pod running.
Taking the declarative approach, you create a configuration file that describes your
front-end and back-end Pods (what images and ports they use etc.). You also declare
that you always need 5 front-end Pods and 2 back-end Pods. Simple! You give that
file to Kubernetes and sit back while Kubernetes does all the heavy-lifting. But
it doesn’t stop there… because you’ve told Kubernetes what your desired state is
(always have 5 front-end Pods and 2 back-end Pods), Kubernetes watches the cluster
and automatically recovers from failures!
The opposite of the declarative model is the imperative model. In the imperative
model, there’s no concept of desired state. Instead, you write a script with the all
the steps and commands required to pull the front-end and back-end images, and
then to create 5 front-end containers and 2 back-end containers. And you have to
care about details such as which container runtime you’re using (the commands to
start containerd containers are different from the commands to start rkt containers
etc.). This ends up being a lot more work, a lot more error-prone, and because it’s
not declaring a desired state, there’s no self-healing. Boo!
Kubernetes supports both models, but it strongly prefers the declarative model. You
should only use the imperative model in times of absolute emergency!
5: ReplicaSets 81

Reconciliation loops

Fundamental to all of this, are background reconciliation loops.

ReplicaSets implement a background reconciliation loop that is constantly monitor-
ing the cluster. It’s checking to see if current state matches desired state. If it doesn’t,
it wakes up the control-plane and Kubernetes takes steps to fix the situation.
To be crystal clear - Kubernetes is constantly striving for harmony between
current state and desired state!
If the two diverge - may be desired state is 10 replicas, but only 8 are running
- Kubernetes switches to red-alert, orders the control plane to battle-stations, and
brings up two more replicas. And the best part… it does all of this without paging
you at silly o’clock in the morning!
But it’s not just failure scenarios. This very-same reconciliation loop allows us to
scale up and down.
For example, imagine scaling an application from 3 Pod replicas to 5. To do this, we
POST an updated version of the ReplicaSet manifest file to the API server where
this gets registered as the application’s new desired state. Then, the next time the
reconciliation loop runs, it notices that desired state is 5 and current state is only 3,
and the same routine is followed - Kubernetes calls red alert, and the control plane
spins up two more replicas.
I think it’s fair to say that desired state is the raison d’être of Kubernetes, and the
reconciliation loop is the beating heart of Kubernetes!
If you understand these concepts, you’ll go far with Kubernetes.

ReplicaSet manifest files

As with Pods and other Kubernetes objects, ReplicaSets are deployed declaratively
using YAML or JSON manifest files.
If you’re new to Kubernetes, these manifest files can be scary. Don’t worry though,
we’re about to lay them bare!
The YAML file below is a fully-working ReplicaSet manifest. It works with Ku-
bernetes 1.8 and later, requiring the apps/v1beta2 API. At a high-level, it de-
5: ReplicaSets 82

ploys 10 replicas of a single-container Pod. The Pod is based on the nigelpoul-

ton/k8sbook:latest image and listens on port 8080.

For versions of Kubernetes prior to 1.8 you should replace the app-
s/v1beta2 API with extensions/v1beta1. You should also remove the
three consecutive lines starting with selector, matchLabels, and app:

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: ReplicaSet
name: web-rs
replicas: 10
app: hello-world
app: hello-world
- name: hello-ctr
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

As with Pod manifests, ReplicaSet manifests have 4 top-level resources:

• apiVersion (.apiVersion)
• kind (.kind)
• metadata (.metadata)
• spec (.spec)
5: ReplicaSets 83

It’s common to use a simple dot-notation when referring to components of Kuber-

netes manifest. The four top-level resources shown above are ReplicaSet.apiVersion,
ReplicaSet.kind, ReplicaSet.metadata, and ReplicaSet.spec. However, for brevity,
we normally omit the ReplicaSet prefix and simply name them .apiVersion, .kind,
.metadata, and .spec.

Figure 5.3 is a visual breakdown of the manifest into these 4 top-level resources.

Figure 5.3

Let’s step through the file in a bit more detail.

All Kubernetes manifest files start out by declaring the version of the API to use
(.apiVersion). Different versions of the API use different object schemas. This
means the schema for a ReplicaSet in the apps/v1beta2 API will have different
properties and fields than the schema for the ReplicaSet object in the extension-
s/v1beta1 API. Starting with Kubernetes 1.8, you should use apps/v1beta2 for
deploying ReplicaSets. For older versions of Kubernetes, you can use the older

The .kind field tells Kubernetes which type of object is being defined. In this example
5: ReplicaSets 84

it’s a ReplicaSet. Behind the scenes, this makes sure the manifest gets delivered to
the ReplicaSet controller on the Kubernetes control plane. The .kind field is always
a string and always written in CamelCase.
The only required field in the .metadata section is the name of the ReplicaSet. In
this example, we’re naming it “web-rs”. The name of a ReplicaSet is a string, and it
has to be unique in the namespace the ReplicaSet exists in (the default namespace
in this instance). You can add labels and other metadata in this section.
The final top-level resource is the .spec section. This is where the main configuration
of the ReplicaSet lives.
In our example, .spec.replicas is declaring a desired state where 10 copies of the
ReplicaSet’s Pod will always be running. This property is at the heart of ReplicaSets.
It is used when the ReplicaSet is initially deployed, as well as during scaling and
healing operations. For example, when you scale a ReplicaSet, you update this field.
.spec.selector is new in the apps/v1beta2 API in Kubernetes 1.8. It lists the label(s)
that a Pod must have for it to be managed by the ReplicaSet. In this example, we’re
telling the ReplicaSet to manage all Pods in the cluster that have the label app:

.spec.template is the Pod template. It describes the Pod that this ReplicaSet
will deploy. This includes initial deployment, as well as scaling and self-healing
operations. For example, when scaling or healing, the ReplicaSet deploys additional
copies of the Pod defined in this section.
.spec.template.metadata.labels is the list of labels that the ReplicaSet will apply
to Pods it creates. In this example, all Pods deployed by the ReplicaSet will be tagged
with the app: hello-world label. If you’re using the apps/v1beta2 API, it is vital
that this matches the ReplicaSet’s label selector specified in .spec.selector. If it
does not, the API will reject the ReplicaSet.
Finally, .spec.template.spec defines the containers that will run in the Pod.
This example is a single-container Pod, but multi-container Pods have multiple
.spec.template.spec.containers entries.

Kubernetes manifest files can be daunting. So don’t worry if it’s not crystal clear yet.
Mark this section and come back to it later after we’ve written a and deployed a few
manifests. It won’t be long before it all makes sense!
5: ReplicaSets 85

Before moving on, it’s worth noting that the Pod template section (.spec.template)
in a ReplicaSet manifest is exactly the same as a standalone Pod manifest. This is
because ReplicaSets create standard Pods using the standard Pod-related API calls
and endpoints. The only difference is that ReplicaSets wrap Pods in a blanket of self-
healing and scalability.

Pod custody
It’s important to understand that ReplicaSets and Pods are loosely coupled. The
only thing a Pod needs, for it to be managed by a ReplicaSet, is to match the label
selector of the ReplicaSet. This is powerful!
For example, a Pod can be managed by a ReplicaSet even if it wasn’t created by the
ReplicaSet - it just has to match the ReplicaSet’s label selector. When a new ReplicaSet
starts managing an existing Pod, we say the ReplicaSet has adopted the Pods.
Another example of the power of loose coupling is the ability to delete a ReplicaSet
without deleting the Pods it’s managing. For this to work, you have to pass a special
flag to the delete command (we’ll see this later).
That’s enough theory, let’s get hands-on!

ReplicaSets are not defined in the v1 API. This means you need to use a beta API. If
you’re using Kubernetes 1.8 or higher, you should use the apps/v1beta2 API. If you
are using Kubernetes 1.7 or earlier, you should use the extensions/v1beta1 API.
The remaining examples assume you are using Kubernetes 1.8 or higher, with the
apps/v1beta2 API or newer.

Use the kubectl version command to determine the version of Kubernetes you are
5: ReplicaSets 86

$ kubectl version --output=yaml

buildDate: 2017-10-17T15:09:55Z
compiler: gc
gitCommit: 0b9efaeb34a2fc51ff8e4d34ad9bc6375459c4a4
gitTreeState: dirty
gitVersion: v1.8.0
goVersion: go1.8.3
major: "1"
minor: "8"
platform: linux/amd64

The major and minor entries tell us that we are using version 1.8.
You can also use kubectl api-versions to see a list of supported API versions.

Create a ReplicaSet
Create a ReplicaSet manifest file called rs.yaml with the following YAML content.

Note: Remember to use the extensions/v1beta1 API if you are using

a version of Kubernetes prior to 1.8. You should also remove the three
lines that represent .spec.selector.matchLabels.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: ReplicaSet
name: web-rs
replicas: 10
app: hello-world
5: ReplicaSets 87

app: hello-world
- name: hello-ctr
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

The first thing to note is that .spec.replicas is requesting 10 replicas. This gets
recorded in the cluster store as part of the apps desired state.
Next, the ReplicaSet will select and manage all Pods in the cluster with the app:
hello-world label (.spec.selector). This includes any existing Pods with that label.

Finally, the Pod template (.spec.template) describes a single-container Pod based

on the nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest image that listens on port 8080.
Use the kubectl command to POST the ReplicaSet manifest to the Kubernetes API

$ kubectl create -f rs.yaml

replicaset "web-rs" created

Notice that you do not have to tell kubectl the type of object you are creating. It can
derive this from the kind field in the manifest file.

Note: If you are using the apps/v1beta2 API, ReplicaSet manifests are
POSTed to /apis/apps/v1beta2/namespaces/{namespace}/replicasets.

Introspect the ReplicaSet

You can use the usual kubectl get and kubectl describe commands to inspect the
web-rs ReplicaSet.
5: ReplicaSets 88

$ kubectl get rs/web-rs

web-rs 10 10 10 hello-ctr nigel.. app=hello-world

See how we can shorten ReplicaSet to rs on the kubectl command line.

The output above shows that all 10 replicas are up and ready. It also shows that the
ReplicaSet is selecting Pods that have the app=hello=world label.
Check that the Pods deployed by the ReplicaSet are tagged with the app=hello-world

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels

web-rs-4qdkj 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-jmzvx 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-pffbk 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-pvr4g 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-qhwsb 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-vfrtf 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-ww277 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-xhffd 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-zfk69 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world
web-rs-zpwcm 1/1 Running 0 1m app=hello-world

Label selectors are simple and powerful, but we need to understand a few things
about them:

1. If you are using the apps/v1beta2 API, the ReplicaSet label selector (.spec.selector)
must match the Pod template labels (.spec.template.metadata.labels). If
it doesn’t, Kubernetes will reject the ReplicaSet. If you do not specify a label
selector for the ReplicaSet, it will default to the same value as the label specified
in the Pod template.
2. .spec.selector is immutable as of apps/v1beta2. So no changing it after you
deploy the ReplicaSet.
5: ReplicaSets 89

3. You need to be very careful when creating label selectors. Kubernetes does
not check for clashes with label selectors in use by other objects (ReplicaSets,
Deployments etc.). This means it is possible to have more than one ReplicaSet
with the same label selector. In this scenario, the two ReplicaSets will fight
over managing the Pods. You do not want to go there!

Expansion and current state

When we deployed the ReplicaSet with the rs.yaml file, we only specified a few of
the required fields and properties. The ones we didn’t specify were automatically
populated with defaults (expanded).
We can see this in action by running a kubectl get rs web-rs --output=yaml
command. This returns a copy of the ReplicaSet manifest as stored in the cluster
store - including the default values that Kubernetes added, plus some information
about current state.
The following snipped output shows some of the default values as well as the current

$ kubectl get rs web-rs --output=yaml

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: ReplicaSet
creationTimestamp: 2017-10-23T21:07:57Z
generation: 1
app: hello-world
name: web-rs
namespace: default
fullyLabeledReplicas: 10
observedGeneration: 1
replicas: 10

We can see from the output above that one of the default values that Kubernetes
5: ReplicaSets 90

added is namespace: default. The most recently observed state (current state) is
displayed in the nested .status property.

Note: The complete definition of an object (e.g. a ReplicaSet) stored in

the cluster store contains the desired state and the current state. The
desired state is expressed in the object’s .spec field, and the current
state is added by Kubernetes as the read-only .status field. This means
that when Kubernetes is reconciling the cluster by bringing current state
in-line with desired state, we could re-phrase this to say *it is bringing
the status in-line with the spec.

Loose coupling of ReplicaSets and Pods

Let’s demonstrate the loosely-coupled nature of ReplicaSets and Pods.
Verify that we already have 10 Pods running as part of the web-rs ReplicaSet.

$ kubectl get rs/web-rs

web-rs 10 10 2 3m
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels
web-rs-2rr2z 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-42zq7 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-64sxx 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-hwbtd 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-q6h4v 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-t8rqw 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-v4jc2 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-wntz9 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-wskgq 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world
web-rs-x4skb 1/1 Running 0 5m app=hello-world

In the next step, we’ll use delete the ReplicaSet with the --cascade=false flag. This
will delete the ReplicaSet without deleting the 10 Pods it currently owns. We’ll also
run some commands to verify the operation.
5: ReplicaSets 91

$ kubectl delete rs/web-rs --cascade=false

replicaset "web-rs" deleted
$ kubectl get rs
No resources found
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels
web-rs-2rr2z 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-42zq7 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-64sxx 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-hwbtd 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-q6h4v 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-t8rqw 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-v4jc2 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-wntz9 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-wskgq 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world
web-rs-x4skb 1/1 Running 0 6m app=hello-world

The commands above show that the ReplicaSet is deleted but the Pods it cre-
ated/owned are still running. This demonstrates the loosely-coupled nature of
ReplicaSets and Pods.
The 10 running Pods are now orphaned and have no self-healing capabilities. Don’t
worry though, we can easily create a brand-new ReplicaSet and have it adopt the
Use the following command to create a new ReplicaSet (with the same config as
the old one). The ReplicaSet will request 10 replicas of the same Pod that is already
running. When the manifest is POSTed to the API server, Kubernetes will query the
cluster to see if there are any Pods already running that match the Pod template and
label selector. In this example, it will find 10.

$ kubectl create -f rs.yaml

replicaset "web-rs" created

Take a moment to understand what just happened there. We POSTed a ReplicaSet

manifest file to the API server requesting a desired state of 10 replicas. Kubernetes
5: ReplicaSets 92

checked the current state of the cluster and found that there were 10 replicas of
the required Pod already running. So it didn’t create any new ones. The only thing
it did was instantiate the ReplicaSet object so that we get self-healing and simple
Verify that the ReplicaSet is running and that there are still only 10 Pods running.

$ kubectl get rs/web-rs

web-rs 10 10 10 13s
$ kubectl get pods --show-labels
web-rs-2rr2z 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-42zq7 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-64sxx 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-hwbtd 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-q6h4v 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-t8rqw 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-v4jc2 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-wntz9 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-wskgq 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world
web-rs-x4skb 1/1 Running 0 39m app=hello-world

If you look closely, the Pod names are the same as before. This is because the Pods
remained running while we deleted and re-created the ReplicaSet.

Scaling with ReplicaSets

With the ReplicaSet already in place, it’s really simple to scale the Pods it’s managing.
Following the declarative model, the best way to scale a ReplicaSet is to edit its
manifest file and re-POST it to the cluster. This makes sure that the manifest file
is always up-to-date and in-sync with what is deployed.

Note: It’s a best practice to treat your manifest files like application code
and check them into version control repositories.
5: ReplicaSets 93

Edit the .spec.replicas section of the manifest file to change the desired number
of replicas to 5.
This shows the updated section of the manifest file.

replicas: 5

Use the kubectl apply command to update the config of the ReplicaSet.

$ kubectl apply -f rs.yaml

Warning: kubectl apply should be used...
replicaset "web-rs" configured

Verify the operation.

$ kubectl get rs/web-rs

web-rs 5 5 5 14m
web-rs-2rr2z 1/1 Running 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-42zq7 0/1 Terminating 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-64sxx 1/1 Running 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-hwbtd 1/1 Running 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-q6h4v 0/1 Terminating 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-t8rqw 1/1 Running 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-v4jc2 1/1 Running 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-wntz9 0/1 Terminating 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-wskgq 0/1 Terminating 0 50m app=hello-world
web-rs-x4skb 0/1 Terminating 0 50m app=hello-world

See how some of the Pods are in the Terminating phase. This is while they are
gracefully terminated to bring the desired number down from 10 to 5.
Great. There are now only 5 Pods in the Running state.
5: ReplicaSets 94

Scaling the ReplicaSet up follows the same workflow - update the .spec.replicas
field of the manifest file and use the kubectl apply command to re-POST it to the
API server.
The output below shows the three new Pods being started following an update to the
manifest file changing the desired number of replicas from 5 to 8.


web-rs-2rr2z 1/1 Running 53m app=hello-world
web-rs-64sxx 1/1 Running 53m app=hello-world
web-rs-hwbtd 1/1 Running 53m app=hello-world
web-rs-t8rqw 1/1 Running 53m app=hello-world
web-rs-v4jc2 1/1 Running 53m app=hello-world
web-rs-htccm 0/1 ContainerCreating 3s app=hello-world
web-rs-sp7wm 0/1 ContainerCreating 3s app=hello-world
web-rs-wn7mb 0/1 ContainerCreating 3s app=hello-world

Only in emergencies!
It is possible to deploy and modify Kubernetes applications the imperative way
(issuing commands to manipulate state rather than defining desired state in a
manifest file). However, you should only use the imperative form in cases of
This is because of the risk that imperative changes made the cluster never find
their way into the declarative manifest files. Subsequent POSTings of the out-dated
manifest files to the API server will then overwrite the previous imperative changes.
This can cause serious problems.
Imagine the following example. You have an application in production and the
application is down! The problem lies with the version of the image in use, and you
are forced to make an emergency change to the image to implement an updated
image. It’s an emergency, so you update the cluster via an imperative method. The
change takes effect and the problem is resolved, but you forget to reflect the change in
the application’s manifest file stored in version control!! At this point, the manifest
file still references the broken image. A month later, you scale the application by
checking the manifest file out of version control, updating the .spec.replicas
5: ReplicaSets 95

field, and re-applying it to the cluster. The change updates the desired number of
replicas, but it also changes the image back to the old broken image!
Moral of the story… Declarative FTW! Imperative methods should only be used in
absolute emergencies!!

Chapter summary
ReplicaSets bring the concepts of desired state to our applications. We specify a Pod
template, a desired number of Pod replicas, and let Kubernetes perform the magic!
We define ReplicaSets with the usual YAML or JSON manifest file and feed it to
the API server. This gets handed over to the ReplicaSet controller which makes sure
the right number of the right Pod get instantiated. Fundamental to this is the all-
powerful reconciliation loop that is constantly watching the cluster and making sure
that current state and desired state match.
Even if we only need a single instance of a Pod, we should probably deploy it via
a higher-level object like a ReplicaSet or Deployment. This will give the Pod self-
healing capabilities and the ability to scale if we decide we need more in the future!
It’s common to deploy ReplicaSets indirectly via higher-level Deployment objects.
6: Kubernetes Services
In the previous chapters we’ve launched Pods and added self-healing and scalability
via ReplicaSets. But we’ve explained that we can’t rely on Pod IPs. In this chapter,
we’ll see how Kubernetes Services give us networking that we can rely on.
We’ll split the chapter up like this:

• Setting the scene

• Theory
• Hands-on
• Real world example

We’ll look at two typical access scenarios:

1. Accessing Pods from inside the cluster

2. Accessing Pods from outside the cluster

Setting the scene

Before diving in, we need to remind ourselves that Pod IPs are unreliable. When
Pods fail, they are replaced with new Pods with new IPs. Scaling-up a ReplicaSet
introduces new Pods with new, previously unknown, IP addresses. Scaling-down a
ReplicaSet removes Pods. This removes network endpoints form the ReplicaSet/app.
All of this means that Pod IPs unreliable.
We also need to know 3 things about Kubernetes Services.
First, we need to clear up some terminology. When talking about a Service in this
chapter we’re talking about the Service REST object in the Kubernetes API. Just like
a Pod, ReplicaSet, or Deployment, a Kubernetes Service is an object in the API that
we define in a manifest and POST to the API server.
6: Kubernetes Services 97

Second, we need to know is that every Service gets its own stable IP address, DNS
name, and port.
Third, we need to know that a Service uses labels to dynamically associate with a
set of Pods.
The last two points are what allow a Service to provide stable networking to a
dynamic set of Pods.

Figure 6.1 shows a simple pod-based application deployed via a ReplicaSet. It shows
a client (which could be another component of the app) that does not have a reliable
network endpoint for accessing the Pods - remember that Pod IPs are unreliable.

Figure 6.1

Figure 6.2 shows the same Pod-based application with a Service added into the mix.
The Service is associated with the Pods and provides them with a stable IP, DNS and
port. It also load-balances requests across the Pods.
6: Kubernetes Services 98

Figure 6.2

This means the Pods behind the Service can come-and-go as much as needed. They
can scale up and down, they can fail, and they can be updated… and the Service in
front of them notices the changes and updates its knowledge of the Pods. But it never
changes the stable IP, DNS and port that it exposes!

Labels and loose coupling

Pods and Services are loosely coupled via labels and label selectors. This is the
same technology and principle that links Pods with ReplicaSets. Figure 6.3 shows
an example where 3 Pods are labelled as zone=prod and version=1, and the Service
has a label selector that matches.
6: Kubernetes Services 99

Figure 6.3

The Service shown in Figure 6.3 provides stable networking to all three Pods. It also
provides simple load-balancing.
For a Service to match a set of Pods, and therefore provide stable networking and
load-balance, it only needs to match some of the Pods labels. However, for a Pod to
match a Service, the Pod must match all of the values in the Service’s label selector.
If that sounds confusing, the examples in Figure’s 5.4 and 5.5 should help.
Figure 6.4 shows an example where the Service does not match any of the Pods. This
is because the Service is selecting on two labels, but the Pods only have one of them.
The logic behind this is a Boolean AND operation.
6: Kubernetes Services 100

Figure 6.4

Figure 6.5 shows an example that does work. It works because the Service is selecting
on two labels and the Pods have both. It doesn’t matter that the Pods have additional
labels that the Service is not selecting on. The Service selector is looking for Pods
with two labels, it finds them, and ignores the fact that the Pods have additional
labels - all that is important is that the Pods have the labels the Service is looking for.

Figure 6.5

The following excerpts from a Service YAML, and ReplicaSet YAML, show how
selectors and labels are implemented. We’ve added comments to the lines we’re
6: Kubernetes Services 101

interested in.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hello-svc
app: hello-world
type: NodePort
- port: 8080
nodePort: 30001
protocol: TCP
app: hello-world # Label selector


apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: ReplicaSet
name: hello-rs
replicas: 10
app: hello-world
app: hello-world # Pod labels
- name: hello-ctr
6: Kubernetes Services 102

image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

In the example files, the Service has a label selector (.metadata.labels) with a single
value app=hello-world. This is the label that the Service is looking for when it
queries the cluster for Pods. The ReplicaSet specifies a Pod template with the same
app=hello-world label (.spec.template.metadata.labels), meaning that any Pods
it deploys will have the app=hello-world label. It is these two values that tie the
Service to Pods deployed by the ReplicaSet.
When the ReplicaSet and the Service are deployed, the Service will select all 10 Pod
replicas and provide them with a stable networking endpoint and perform load-

Services and Endpoint objects

As Pods come-and-go (scaling up and down, failures, rolling updates etc.), the Service
dynamically updates its list of Pods. It does this through a combination of the label
selector and a construct called an Endpoint object.
Each Service that is created automatically gets an associated Endpoint object. This
Endpoint object is a dynamic list of all of the Pods that match the Service’s label
Kubernetes is constantly evaluating the Service’s label selector against the current
list of Pods in the cluster. Any new Pods that match the selector get added to the
Endpoint object, and any Pods that disappear get removed. This ensures the Service
is kept up-to-date as Pods come and go.
The Endpoint object has its own API endpoint that Kubernetes-native apps can query
for the latest list of matching Pods. Non-native Kubernetes apps can use the Service’s
Virtual IP (VIP), which is also kept up-to-date.

Accessing from inside the cluster

When we create a Service object, Kubernetes automatically creates an internal DNS
mapping for it. This maps the name of the Service to a VIP. For example, if you create
6: Kubernetes Services 103

a Service called “hellcat-svc”, Pods in the cluster will be able to resolve “hellcat-svc”
to the Service’s VIP. Therefore, as long as you know the name of a Service, you will
be able to connect to it by name.

Accessing from outside the cluster

We can also use Services to access Pods from outside of the cluster.
We already know that every Service gets a DNS name, Virtual IP, and port. A
Service’s port is cluster-wide, meaning it maps back to the Service form every node in
the cluster! We can use this port to connect to the Service from outside of the cluster.
Let’s look at an example.
At the lowest level, we have nodes in the cluster hosting Pods. Then we create a
Service and use labels to associate it with Pods. The Service object has a reliable port
mapped to every node in the cluster – the port that the Service uses is the same on
every node. This means that traffic from outside of the cluster can hit any node on
that port and get through to the application (Pods).
Figure 6.6 shows an example where 3 Pods are exposed by a Service on port 30050
on every node in the cluster. In step 1 an external client hits Node2 on port 30050.
In step 2 it is redirected to the Service object (this happens even though Node2 isn’t
running a Pod from the Service). Step 3 shows that the Service has an associated
Endpoint object with an always-up-to-date list of Pods matching the label selector.
Step 4 shows the client being directed to Pod1.
6: Kubernetes Services 104

Figure 6.6

The Service could just as easily have directed the client to Pod 2 or Pod 3. In fact,
future requests will go to other Pods as the Service load-balances traffic between
There are other options for accessing services from outside of a cluster, such as
integrating with load-balancers from your cloud provider. But that starts getting
platform-specific (implementation differences between Google and AWS etc.) and
we’re not going there.

Service discovery
Kubernetes implements Service discovery in a couple of ways:

• DNS (preferred)
• Environment variables (definitely not preferred)

DNS-based Service discovery requires the DNS cluster-add-on. If you followed the
installation methods from the “Installing Kubernetes” chapter, you’ll already have
this. The DNS add-on implements a Pod-based DNS service in the cluster and
configures all kubelets (nodes) to use it for DNS.
6: Kubernetes Services 105

It constantly watches the API server for new Services and automatically registers
them in DNS. This results in every Services getting a DNS name that is resolvable
across the entire cluster.
The other way is through environment variables. Every Pod also gets a set of
environment variables that assist with name resolution. This is a fall-back in case
you’re not using DNS in your cluster.
The problem with environment variables is that they are inserted into Pods at
creation time. This means that Pods have no way of learning about new objects
added to the cluster after the Pod itself is created. This is a major reason why DNS
is the preferred method.

Summary of Service theory

Services are all about providing a stable networking endpoint for Pods. They also
provide load-balancing and a cluster-wide port that the Service can be accessed
on from outside of the cluster. We associate them with Pods using labels and label

We’re about to get hands-on and put the theory to the test.
We’ll augment a simple single-Pod app with a Kubernetes Service. And we’ll show
how to do it in two ways:

• The imperative way (only use in emergencies)

• The declarative way

The imperative way

Warning! The imperative way is not the Kubernetes way! It introduces the risk that
changes made imperatively never make it into declarative manifests, rendering the
manifests stale. This introduces the risk that these stale manifests are used to update
6: Kubernetes Services 106

the cluster at a later date, unintentionally overwriting the changes that were made
Use the kubectl command to declaratively deploy the following ReplicaSet. The
command assumes the ReplicaSet is defined in a file called rs.yaml and has the
following content.

You do not have to complete this step if you still have the ReplicaSet
running from previous examples.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: ReplicaSet
name: web-rs
replicas: 10
app: hello-world
app: hello-world
- name: hello-ctr
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

$ kubectl create -f rs.yaml

replicaset "web-rs" created

Now that the ReplicaSet is running, it’s time to imperatively deploy a Service for it.
Use the following kubectl command to create a new Service that will provide
networking and load-balancing for the Pods deployed in the previous step.
6: Kubernetes Services 107

$ kubectl expose rs web-rs \

--name=hello-svc \
--target-port=8080 \

service "hello-svc" exposed

Let’s explain what the command is doing. kubectl expose is the imperative way to
create a new Service object. The rs web-rs is telling Kubernetes to expose the web-
rs ReplicaSet that we created previously. --name=hello-svc tells Kubernetes that
we want to call this Service “hello-svc”, and --target-port=8080 tells it which port
the app is listening on (this is not the cluster-wide port that we’ll access the Service
on). Finally, --type=NodePort tells Kubernetes we want a cluster-wide port for the
Once the Service is created, you can inspect it with the kubectl describe svc
hello-svc command.

$ kubectl describe svc hello-svc

Name: hello-svc
Namespace: default
Labels: app=hello-world
Annotations: <none>
Selector: app=hello-world
Type: NodePort
Port: <unset> 8080/TCP
NodePort: <unset> 30175/TCP
Endpoints:,, + more...
Session Affinity: None
Events: <none>

Some interesting values in the output above include:

• Selector is the list of labels that Pods must have if they want to match the
6: Kubernetes Services 108

• IP is the permanent virtual IP (VIP) of the Service on the Pod network

• Port is the port that the app listens on
• NodePort is the cluster-wide port
• Endpoints is the dynamic list of Pods that currently match the Service’s label

Now that we know the cluster-wide port that the Service is accessible on, we can
open a web browser and access the app. In order to do this, you will need to know
the IP address of at least one of the nodes in your cluster (it will need to be an IP
address that you reach from your browser - e.g. a publicly routable IP if you will be
accessing via the internet). Figure 6.7 shows a web browser accessing a cluster node
with an IP address of on the cluster-wide port 30175.

Figure 6.7

The app we’ve deployed is a simple web app. It’s built to listen on port 8080, and
we’ve configured a Kubernetes Service to map port 30175 on every cluster node back
to port 8080 on the app. By default, cluster-wide ports (NodePort values) are between
30,000 - 32,767.
Coming up next we’re going to see how to do the same thing the proper way - the
declarative way! To do that, we need to clean up by deleting the Service we just
created. We can do this with the kubectl delete svc command

$ kubectl delete svc hello-svc

service "hello-svc" deleted
6: Kubernetes Services 109

The declarative way

Time to do things the proper way… the Kubernetes way!

A Service manifest file

We’ll use the following Service manifest file to deploy the same Service that we
deployed in the previous section. Only this time we’ll specify a value for the cluster-
wide port.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hello-svc
app: hello-world
type: NodePort
- port: 8080
nodePort: 30001
protocol: TCP
app: hello-world

Let’s step through some of the lines.

Services are mature objects and are fully defined in the v1 API (apiVersion).
The .kind field tells Kubernetes to pass the manifest to the Service controller for
deployment as a Service.
The .metadata section defines a name and a label for the Service. The label here is a
label for the Service itself, and not the label that the Service uses as its selector.
The .spec section is where we actually define the Service. In this example, we’re
telling Kubernetes to deploy a NodePort Service* (other types such as ClusterIP and
LoadBalancer exist) and to map port 8080 from the app to port 30001 on each node
in the cluster. Then we’re explicitly telling it to use TCP (default).
6: Kubernetes Services 110

Finally, spec.selector tells the Service to select on all Pods in the cluster that have
the app=hello-world label. This means it will provide stable networking and load-
balancing across all Pods with that label.

Common Service types

The three common ServiceTypes include:

• ClusterIP. This is the default option, and gives the Service a stable IP address
internally within the cluster. It will not make the Service available outside of
the cluster.
• NodePort. This builds on top of ClusterIP and adds a cluster-wide TCP or
UDP port. It makes the Service available outside of the cluster on this port.
• LoadBalancer. This builds on top of NodePort and integrates with cloud-
native load-balancers.

The manifest needs POSTing to the API server. The simplest way to do this is with
kubectl create.

$ kubectl create -f svc.yml

service "hello-svc" created

This command tells Kubernetes to deploy a new object from a file called svc.yml.
The -f flag lets you tell Kubernetes which manifest file to use. Kubernetes knows to
deploy a Service object based on the value of the .kind field in the manifest.

Introspecting Services

You can inspect the Service with the usual kubectl get and kubectl describe
6: Kubernetes Services 111

$ kubectl get svc hello-svc

hello-svc <nodes> 8080:30001/TCP 8s
$ kubectl describe svc hello-svc
Name: hello-svc
Namespace: default
Labels: app=hello-world
Annotations: <none>
Selector: app=hello-world
Type: NodePort
Port: <unset> 8080/TCP
NodePort: <unset> 30001/TCP
Endpoints:,, + more...
Session Affinity: None
Events: <none>

In the example above, we’ve exposed the Service as a NodePort on port 30001 across
the entire cluster. This means we can point a web browser to that port on any node
and get to the Service. You will need to use a node IP that you can reach, and you
will need to make sure that any firewall and security rules allow the traffic.
Figure 6.8 shows a web browser accessing the app via a cluster node with an IP
address of on the cluster-wide port 30001.

Figure 6.8
6: Kubernetes Services 112

Endpoint objects

Earlier in the chapter, we said that every Service gets its own Endpoint object with
the same name as the Service. This holds a list of all the Pods the Service matches
and is dynamically updated as Pods come and go. We can see Endpoints with the
normal kubectl commands.
In the command below, we abbreviate the Endpoint to ep.

$ kubectl get ep hello-svc

hello-svc, 1m
$ Kubectl describe ep hello-svc
Name: hello-svc
Namespace: default
Labels: app=hello-world
Annotations: <none>
NotReadyAddresses: <none>
Name Port Protocol
---- ---- --------
<unset> 8080 TCP
Events: <none>

Summary of deploying Services

As with all Kubernetes objects, the preferred way of deploying and managing
Services is the declarative way. Because they leverage labels they are dynamic. This
means you can deploy new Services that will work with Pods and ReplicaSets that
are already deployed and in use. Each Service gets an Endpoint object that maintains
an up-to-date list of matching Pods.
6: Kubernetes Services 113

Real world example

Although everything we’ve learned so far is cool and interesting, the important
questions are: How does it bring value? and How does it keep businesses running
and make them more agile and resilient?
Let’s take a minute to run through a really common real-world example - making
updates to business apps.
We all know that updating business applications is a fact of life - bug fixes, new
features etc.
Figure 6.9 shows a simple business app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster as a bunch
of Pods managed by a ReplicaSet. As part of it, we’ve got a Service selecting on Pods
with labels that match app=biz1 and zone=prod (notice how the Pods have both of
the labels the Service selector requires). The application is up and running.

Figure 6.9

Let’s assume we need to push a new version of the app. But we need to do it without
incurring downtime.
To do this, we can add Pods running the new version of the app as shown in Figure
6: Kubernetes Services 114

Figure 6.10

The updated Pods are deployed through their own ReplicaSet and are labelled so that
they match the existing Service’s label selector. The Service is now load-balancing re-
quests across both versions of the app (version=17.06.02 and version=17.06.03).
This happens because the Service’s label selector is being constantly evaluated, and
its Endpoint object and VIP load-balancing are constantly being updated with new
matching Pods.
Forcing all traffic to the updated version is as simple as updating the Service’s label
selector to include the label version=17.06.03. Suddenly the older version no longer
matches, and everyone’s getting served the new version (Figure 6.11).
6: Kubernetes Services 115

Figure 6.11

However, the old version still exists - we’re just not using it any more. This means
if we experience an issue with the new version, we can switch back to the previous
version by simply changing the label selector to include version=17.06.02 instead
of version=17.06.03. See Figure 6.12.

Figure 6.12

Now everybody’s getting the old version.

This functionality can be used for all kinds of things - blue-greens, canaries, you
6: Kubernetes Services 116

name it. So simple, yet so powerful!

Chapter Summary
In this chapter, we learned that Kubernetes Services bring stable and reliable
networking to apps deployed on Kubernetes. They also perform load-balancing and
allow us to expose elements of our application to the outside world (outside of the
Kubernetes cluster).
Services are first-class objects in the Kubernetes API and can be defined in the
standard YAML or JSON manifest files. They use label selectors to dynamically match
Pods, and the best way to work with them is declaratively.
7: Kubernetes Deployments
In this chapter, we’ll see how Kubernetes Deployments build on everything we’ve
learned so far, and add mature rolling-updates and rollbacks.
We’ll split the chapter up as follows:

• Theory
• How to create a Deployment
• How to perform a rolling update
• How to perform a rollback

Deployment theory
The first thing to know about Deployments is that they are all about rolling updates
and seamless rollbacks!
At a high level, we start with Pods as the basic Kubernetes object. We wrap them in
a ReplicaSet for scalability, resiliency, and desired state. Then we add a Deployment
for rolling updates and simple rollbacks.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 118

Figure 7.1

The next thing to know, is that they are fully-fledged objects in the Kubernetes
API. This means we define them in a manifest file that we feed to the deployment
controller via the API server.
To recap; Deployments manage ReplicaSets, and ReplicaSets manage Pods. Throw
them into a pot, and we’ve got a pretty awesome way to deploy and manage
Kubernetes apps!

Rolling updates the old way

Before we had Deployments we’d deploy our apps via ReplicationControllers (pre-
decessor to ReplicaSets). To update the app, we’d create a new ReplicationController
with different name and v different version label. Then we’d do a kubectl rolling-
update and tell it to use the manifest file for the new ReplicationController.
Kubernetes would then take care of the update.
This process worked. But it was a bit Frankenstein - a bit of a bolt-on. For one thing,
it was all handled on the client instead of at the control plane. Also, rollbacks were
a bit basic and there wasn’t proper audit trailing.

Rolling updates with Deployments

Deployments are better!
7: Kubernetes Deployments 119

With a Deployment, we create a manifest file and POST it to the API server. That
gets given to the deployment controller and the app gets deployed on the cluster.
Behind the scenes, we get a ReplicaSet and a bunch of Pods – the Deployment takes
care of creating all of that for us. That means we get all of the ReplicaSet goodness
such as background loops that make sure current state matches desired state etc.

Note: You should not directly manage ReplicaSets that are created
as part of a Deployment. You should perform all actions against the
Deployment object and leave the Deployment to manage its own

When we need to push an update, we commit the changes to the same Deployment
manifest file and rePOST it to the API server. In the background, Kubernetes creates
a new ReplicaSet (now we have two) and winds the old one down at the same time
that it winds the new one up. Net result: we get a smooth rolling update with zero
downtime. And we can rinse and repeat the process for future updates - just keep
updating that manifest file (which we should be storing in a version control system).
Figure 7.2 shows a Deployment with two revisions. The first is the initial deploy to
the cluster, and the second is an update. We can see that the ReplicaSet associated
with revision 1 has been wound down and no longer has any Pods. The ReplicaSet
associated with revision 2 is now active and owns all of the Pods.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 120

Figure 7.2

As we can see in Figure 7.2, the old ReplicaSets stick around and don’t get deleted.
They’ve been wound down, so aren’t managing any Pods, but they still exist. This
makes them a great option for reverting back to previous versions.
The process of rolling back is essentially the opposite of a rolling update - we wind
one of the old ReplicaSets up, and wind the current one down. Simple!
Figure 7.3 shows the same app rolled back to revision 1.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 121

Figure 7.3

That’s not the end though! There’s built-in intelligence that allows us to say
things like “wait X number of seconds after each Pod comes up before us mark
it as healthy…”. There’s also readiness probes and all kinds of things. All-in-all,
Deployments are lot better, and more feature rich, than the way we used to do things
with ReplicationControllers.
With all that in mind, let’s get our hands dirty and create our first Deployment.

How to create a Deployment

In this section, we’re going to create a brand-new Kubernetes Deployment from a
YAML file. We can do the same thing imperatively using the kubectl run command,
but we shouldn’t! The right way is the declarative way!
If you’ve been following along with the examples in the book, you’ll have a
ReplicaSet and a Service still running from the previous chapters. To follow with
these examples, you should delete the ReplicaSet but keep the Service running.

$ kubectl delete rs web-rs

replicaset "web-rs" deleted

The reason we’re leaving the Service running is to demonstrate the loose coupling
between the Service object and the Pods it serves. We’re going to deploy the same
7: Kubernetes Deployments 122

app again using the same port and labels. This means the Service we deployed earlier
will select on the new Pods that we’re about to create via the Deployment.
This is the Deployment manifest file we’re going to use. The following examples call
it deploy.yml.

If you’re using a version of Kubernetes prior to 1.8.0 you should use

the apps/v1beta1 API. If you are using 1.6.0 or earlier you should use

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: Deployment
name: hello-deploy
replicas: 10
app: hello-world
minReadySeconds: 10
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 1
maxSurge: 1
app: hello-world
- name: hello-pod
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
- containerPort: 8080

Let’s step through the file and explain some of the important parts.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 123

Right at the very top, we’re specifying the API version to use. Deployment objects
are relatively new at the time of writing, so they’re not in the v1 API, and require
us to use relatively new versions. The example assumes Kubernetes 1.8.0 or later
with the apps/v1beta2 API. For version of Kubernetes prior to 1.8 you should use
apps/v1beta1, and for versions prior to 1.6.0 you should use extensions/v1beta1.

Next, we’re using the .kind field to tell Kubernetes we’re defining a Deployment
- this will make Kubernetes send this to the deployment controller on the control
After that, we give it a few properties that we’ve already seen with ReplicaSets.
Things like a name and the number of Pod replicas.
In the .spec section we define a few Deployment-specific parameters, and in the
.spec.template section give it a Pod spec. We’ll come back and look at some of
these bits later.
To deploy it we use the kubectl create command.

$ kubectl create deployment -f deploy.yml

deployment "hello-deploy" created

If you want, you can omit the optional deployment keyword because Kubernetes can
infer this from the .kind field in the manifest file.

Inspecting a Deployment
We can use the usual kubectl get deploy and kubectl describe deploy com-
mands to see details.

$ kubectl get deploy hello-deploy

hello-deploy 10 10 10 10 1m
7: Kubernetes Deployments 124

$ kubectl describe deploy hello-deploy

Name: hello-deploy
Namespace: default
Labels: app=hello-world
Selector: app=hello-world
Replicas: 10 desired | 10 updated | 10 total ...
StrategyType: RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds: 10
RollingUpdateStrategy: 1 max unavailable, 1 max surge
Pod Template:
Labels: app=hello-world
Image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest
Port: 8080/TCP

The command outputs have been trimmed for readability. Your outputs will show
more information.
As we mentioned earlier, Deployments automatically create new ReplicaSets. This
means we can use the regular kubectl commands to view these.

$ kubectl get rs
hello-deploy-7bbd... 10 10 10 5m

Right now, we only have one ReplicaSet. This is because we’ve only done the initial
rollout of the Deployment. However, we can see it gets the same name as the
Deployment appended with a hash of the Pod template from the manifest file.
We can get more detailed information about the ReplicaSet with the usual kubectl
describe command.

Accessing the app

In order to access the application from a stable IP or DNS address, or even from
outside the cluster, we need the usual Service object. If you’re following along with
7: Kubernetes Deployments 125

the examples you will have the one from the previous chapter still running. If you
don’t, you will need to deploy a new one.
Only perform the following step if you do not have the Service from the previous
chapter still running.

$ kubectl create svc svc.yml

service "hello-svc" created

The manifest file for the Service is shown below:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: hello-svc
app: hello-world
type: NodePort
- port: 8080
nodePort: 30001
protocol: TCP
app: hello-world

Accessing the app is the same as before - a combination of the DNS name or IP
address of one of the nodes in the cluster, coupled with the NodePort value of the
Service. For example, as shown in Figure 7.4.
If you are using Minikube, you should use the IP address of the Minikube, which you
can get using the minikube ip command.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 126

Figure 7.4

How to perform a rolling update

In this section, we’ll see how to perform a rolling update on the app we’ve already
deployed. We’ll assume that the new version of the app has already been created
and containerized as a Docker image. All that is left to do is use Kubernetes to push
the update to production. For this example, we’ll be ignoring real-world production
workflows such as CI/CD and version control tools.
The first thing we need to do is update the image tag used in the Deployment’s
manifest file. The initial version of the app that we deployed used an image tagged as
nigelpoulton/k8sbook:latest. We’ll update the .spec.template.spec.containers.
section of the Deployment’s manifest file to reference a different image called
nigelpoulton/k8sbook:edge. This will ensure that next time the Deployment man-
ifest is POSTED to the API server, the entire Deployment will be updated to run the
new edge image.
The following is an updated copy of the deploy.yml manifest file (the only change
is to .spec.template.spec.containers.image - the third line from bottom).
7: Kubernetes Deployments 127

apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: hello-deploy
replicas: 10
minReadySeconds: 10
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 1
maxSurge: 1
app: hello-world
- name: hello-pod
image: nigelpoulton/k8sbook:edge # This line changed
- containerPort: 8080

Warning: The images used in this book are not maintained and will be
full of vulnerabilities and other security issues.

Let’s take a look at some of the update related settings in the manifest before starting
the update.
The .spec section of the manifest contains all of the configuration specific to the
Deployment. The first value of interest is .spec.minReadySeconds. We’ve set this to
10, telling Kubernetes to wait for 10 seconds after updating each Pod before moving
on and updating the next. This is useful for throttling the rate at which an update
occurs - longer waits give us a chance to spot problems before all of the Pods have
been updated.
We also have a nested .spec.strategy map that tells Kubernetes we want this
Deployment to:
7: Kubernetes Deployments 128

• Update using the RollingUpdate strategy

• Only ever have one Pod unavailable (maxUnavailable: 1)
• Never go more than one Pod above the desired state (maxSurge: 1)

As the desired state of the app demands 10 replicas, maxSurge: 1 means we will
never have more than 11 Pods in the app during the update process.
With the updated manifest ready, we can initiate the update with the kubectl apply

$ kubectl apply -f deploy.yml --record

Warning: kubectl apply should be used...
deployment "hello-deploy" configured

The update will take some time to complete. It will iterate one Pod at a time, wait 10
seconds after each, and it has to pull down the new image on each node.
We can monitor the progress of the update with kubectl rollout status.

$ kubectl rollout status deployment hello-deploy

Waiting for rollout to finish: 4 out of 10 new replicas...
Waiting for rollout to finish: 4 out of 10 new replicas...
Waiting for rollout to finish: 5 out of 10 new replicas...

If you press Ctrl+C to stop watching the progress of the update, you can run kubectl
get deploy commands while the update is in progress. This lets us see the effect of
the some of the update-related settings in the manifest. For example, the following
command shows that 5 of the replicas have been updated and we currently have 11.
11 is 1 more than the desired state of 10. This is a result of the maxSurge=1 value in
the manifest.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 129

$ kubectl get deploy

hello-deploy 10 11 5 9 28m

Once the update is complete, we can verify with kubectl get deploy.
$ kubectl get deploy hello-deploy
hello-deploy 10 10 10 10 9m

The output above shows the update as complete - 10 Pods are up to date. You can
get more detailed information about the state of the Deployment with the kubectl
describe deploy command - this will include the new version of the image in the
Pod Template section of the output.
If you’ve been following along with the examples you’ll be able to hit refresh in
your browser and see the updated contents of the web page (Figure 7.5).

Figure 7.5

How to perform a rollback

A moment ago, we used kubectl apply to perform the rolling update on a Deploy-
ment. We used the --record flag so that Kubernetes would maintain a revision
history of the Deployment. The following kubectl rollout history command
shows the Deployment with two revisions.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 130

$ kubectl rollout history deployment hello-deploy

deployments "hello-deploy"
1 <none>
2 kubectl apply -filename-deploy.yml --record=true

Revision 1 was the initial deployment that used the latest image tag. Revision 2
is the rolling update that we just performed, and we can see that the command we
used to invoke the update has been recorded in the object’s history. This is only there
because we used the --record flag as part of the command to invoke the update. For
this reason, it is highly recommended to use the --record flag.
Earlier in the chapter we also said that updating a Deployment creates a new
ReplicaSet, and that previous ReplicaSets are not deleted. We can verify this with
a kubectl get rs.

$ kubectl get rs
hello-deploy-6bc8... 10 10 10 10m
hello-deploy-7bbd... 0 0 0 52m

The output above shows that the ReplicaSet for the initial revision still exists (hello-
deploy-7bbd...) but that it has been wound down and has no associated replicas.
The hello-deploy-6bc8... ReplicaSet is the one form the latest revision, and is
active with 10 replicas under management. However, the fact that the previous
version still exists, makes rollbacks extremely simple.
The following example uses the kubectl rollout command to roll our application
back to revision 1.

$ kubectl rollout undo deployment hello-deploy --to-revision=1

deployment "hello-deploy" rolled back

Although it might look like the rollback operation is instantaneous it is not. It

follows the same rules set out in the Deployment manifest - minReadySeconds: 10,
maxUnavailable: 1, and maxSurge: 1. You can verify this and track the progress
with the kubectl get deploy and kubectl rollout commands shown below.
7: Kubernetes Deployments 131

$ kubectl get deploy hello-deploy

hello-deploy 10 11 4 9 45m
$ kubectl rollout status deployment hello-deploy
Waiting for rollout to finish: 6 out of 10 new replicas have been updated...
Waiting for rollout to finish: 7 out of 10 new replicas have been updated...
Waiting for rollout to finish: 8 out of 10 new replicas have been updated...
Waiting for rollout to finish: 1 old replicas are pending termination...
Waiting for rollout to finish: 9 of 10 updated replicas are available...

Congratulations. You’ve performed a rolling update and a successful rollback.

Chapter summary
In this chapter, we learned that Deployments are the latest and greatest way to
manage Kubernetes apps. They build on top of Pods and ReplicaSets by adding
mature and configurable updates and rollbacks.
Like everything else, they’re objects in the Kubernetes API and we should be looking
to work with them declaratively.
When we perform updates with the kubectl apply command, older versions of
ReplicaSets get wound down, but they stick around making it easy for us to perform
8: What next
Hopefully you’re up-to-speed and comfortable working with Kubernetes!
Taking your journey to the next step couldn’t be easier! It’s insanely easy to spin-up
infrastructure and workloads in the cloud where you can build and test Kubernetes
until you’re a world authority! I’m a huge fan of Play with Kubernetes (PWK) for
testing and playing around!
If you feel trying another style of learning, you can also head over to my video
training courses at Pluralsight1 . If you’re not a member of Pluralsight then become
one! Yes, it costs money. But it’s excellent value for money! And if you’re unsure…
there’s always have a free trial where you can get access to my courses for free for a
limited period.
I’d also recommend you hit events like KubeCon and your local Kubernetes meetups.

8: What next 133

Massive thanks for reading my book. I genuinely hope you loved it. And if you’re an
old dog, I hope you learned some new tricks!
Time for me to ask for a favour (that’s how we spell it in the UK)… It takes an insane
amount of effort to write a book. So, do me a huge favour and give the book a review
on Amazon. It’ll take you two minutes, and I’d really appreciate it!*

Also…. feel free to hit me on Twitter2 .

That’s it. Thanks again for reading my book, and good luck driving your career


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