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User Instructions For Toptronic Rs-30: 430294Eng-Jun02

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User Instructions

For TopTronic® RS-30


Hoval Ltd
Nottinghamshire NG24 1JN
Phone 01636 672711
Fax 01636 673532
2 Index 430294ENG-Jun02


Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Controls............................................................................................................................................. 3
Display .............................................................................................................................................. 3

User instructions

Key function table.............................................................................................................................. 4

Switching on the room station ........................................................................................................... 4
Additional information........................................................................................................................ 5
Automatic program selection ............................................................................................................. 5
Room temperature ............................................................................................................................ 6
Heating program ............................................................................................................................... 7
Calorifier charging ............................................................................................................................. 9

Advanced user instructions

Language .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Clock setting...................................................................................................................................... 10
Time clock level................................................................................................................................. 10
Time clock programming ................................................................................................................... 11
Block programming ........................................................................................................................... 14
Table program 1 settings................................................................................................................... 17
Table program 2 settings................................................................................................................... 18
Table program 3 settings................................................................................................................... 19
Room level ........................................................................................................................................ 20

Parameter tables

Room level parameters table............................................................................................................. 23

Advanced parameter table ............................................................................................................... 24

Installation / technical

Installation......................................................................................................................................... 25
Technical data................................................................................................................................... 25
430294ENG-Jun02 Introduction 3
The RS-30 has the most modern technology and serves as a weather / room temperature regulator with
integrated hot water control and remote operating functions for the UltraGas or Topgas boilers.

With the most up to date micro electronics exclusive functions can be activated which guarantee the
highest level of comfort with the minimum energy usage. This is achieved with adaption and optimization
functions which match heating energy to the exact building requirements.

As well as these room temperature related functions a variety of equipment specific information is
available which can be read within the living room and when necessary adapted to individual
circumstances. This encompasses dates, on/off switching of the heating cycle with differently regulated
room temperatures, actual values and diagnostic fault messages of the boiler.

Operation of the unit is easy to understand and is limited to a minimum of operating elements which are
separated for user and advanced user levels. The instructions are separated into two parts.

Part 1 (user instructions) delivers all immediately important operating stages which are necessary for
use and are selected with directly accessible operating keys.

Part 2 (advanced instructions) these should only be used by the advanced user or service engineer
and relate to specific settings / heating parameters and are accessible by the covered operating keys.

Controls Symbol Display

Heating Night setback

4 2

5 3
Room temperature

7 10

12 11


8 9
1 – LCD Display
2 – Key (increase value)
3 – Key (decrease value)
4 – Key for heating program
5 – Key for reduced (night time) program
6 – Information
7 – Program key (time/date)
8 – Program key (automatic programs)
9 – Program key (house level)
10 – Program key (service level)
11 – Forward key
12 – Backward key
13 – Cover
4 User Instructions 430293ENG-Dec01

Key Function table (User Level)

Adjust with keys /

Function Enter with keys Page No.

Room temperature or or ??
correction 5…30oC
Heating (day) or with or ??
room temperature 5…30oC
Reduced (night) room or with or ??
temperature 5…30oC

Information i ??

Party function press and hold or ??

Continuous press and hold or ??
heating 5…30oC

Absent function press and hold or ??


Continuous reduced press and hold or ??

Heating Off press and hold or ??
(manual summer operation)
On, Off

Automatic or ??

Calorifier and or ??
charging simultaneously OFF

Automatic programs 1-3 and or ??

simultaneously 1, 2, 3

Switching on the Room station the room station is in reduced (night time)
When the room station is first switched on the operation.
following display will show for 5 seconds:
Monday 10th March
1997 Time 20.15
Room temperature
20.5oC Clock
Room Station Software version synchronisation
Control type

The default display will then appear. The

symbol indicates that the room station is in
heating operation and the symbol indicates
430294ENG-Jun02 User Instructions 5
Attention: Fault Indications
· During summer switch off the following The RS-30 room station has a comprehensive
symbols are not shown and . fault indication system which has priority over all
· Blinking symbols or indicate that other indications and remain active until the fault
the unit is not operating under a normal is rectified.
program eg. party.
Faults concerning the firing unit must be rectified
Additional Information in accordance with operating manual
The following additional information can be instructions.
obtained by pressing the i button (only if the
relevant sensors are fitted): If any of the following fault displays are shown
(Fault – System Off, Fault – Hot water
Default display. temperature, Fault – Boiler temperature, Fault –
Room temperature ) you must notify the heating

Automatic Program Selection

External sensor In automatic there are three different time
temperature. programs to switch between for the heating. As a
general rule these can be used without the need
for adjustment but if individual programs are
required customised cycles can be entered (see
i the advanced user section ).
Flow temperature.
Program 1

Day Heating on time

i Mo – Fr 6.00 - 8.00
Boiler return 16.00 - 22.00
temperature. Sa, Su 7.00 - 23.00

2 – Program 2
Day Heating on time
Domestic hot water
temperature. Mo – Su 6.00 - 22.00

Program 3
If the calorifier is fitted with a thermostat instead
of a sensor the following will be displayed: Day Heating on time
Calorifier on/off. Mo – Su 6.00 - 23.00

Default display.
6 User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

Changing between Automatic Programs press or

By using the and keys and following

procedure it is possible to change between the
automatic programs heating. Display for reduced

Press Simultaneously

The following will be displayed for the default press

setting of program 2:

Display for heating


Use the and keys to change between Works setting: 20oC

programs 1, 2 or 3. Adjustment range: 5oC…30oC
After 4 secs the default display will be restored. press to increase
to decrease
Room Temperature
Default screen
By using the program keys and the automatically returns
increase / decrease value keys the room after 4 seconds.
temperature can be changed for heating and
reduced (night time). B – Reduced (night room temperature)
If in reduced operation as indicated by on the
A – Heating (day room temperature) display follow the procedure below:
If in heating operation as indicated by on the
display follow the procedure below: press or
press or
Display for reduced
Display for heating
operation. Works setting: 16oC
Adjustment range: 5oC…30 oC
press to increase
Works setting: 20oC to decrease
Adjustment range: 5oC…30oC
press to increase
to decrease Default screen
automatically returns
after 4 seconds.
Default screen
automatically returns If in heating operation as indicated by on the
after 4 seconds. display follow the procedure below:

If in reduced operation as indicated by on the

display follow the procedure below:
430294ENG-Jun02 User Instructions 7
press or For example:
At 20.15 the heating needs to be extended by 3
hours (to 23.15).
Display for heating press to increase
operation. to decrease
Adjustment range 0.5…10h
It should be noted that the adjustment is from the
time of alteration and not an extension of the
automatic program 1, 2 or 3.
press The default display will return after 4 seconds.

To cancel party program

The party program can be cancelled and put
Display for reduced back into automatic by the following procedure:
press and hold

Works setting: 16oC

Adjustment range: 5oC…30oC
press to increase
to decrease

Default screen
automatically returns
after 4 seconds.

Heating Program
The default display returns after 4 seconds.
With the two program keys and the
following changes can be made to the programs: B - Heating
This program is used to switch on the heating
A - Party continuously.
B - Heating
C - Absent press and hold
D - Reduced
E - Heating off

A – Party
This program is used to switch on or extend the
heating automatic program to a certain time for a
one off event

press and hold

Display for party

program. The default display returns after 4 seconds.
8 User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

To cancel heating program

The continuous heating program can be
cancelled using the following procedure:

press and hold

The default display will return after 4 seconds.

D - Reduced
This program is used to switch to reduced

press and hold

The default display will return after 4 seconds.

C – Absent
This program is used to switch to reduced or
extend the reduced automatic program to a
certain time for a one off event

press and hold

Display for absent

The default display returns after 4 seconds.

For example: To cancel reduced program

At 13.00 the heating is switched to reduced for The continuous reduced program can be
the next 6 hours (to 19.00). cancelled using the following procedure:
press to increase
to decrease press and hold
Adjustment range 0.5…10h
It should be noted that the adjustment is from the
time of alteration and not an extension of the
automatic program 1, 2 or 3.
The default display will return after 4 seconds.

To cancel absent program

The absent program can be cancelled and put
back into automatic by the following procedure:

press and hold

The default display will return after 4 seconds.

430294ENG-Jun02 User Instructions 9
E – Heating Off

This program enables the heating operation

to be switched off without any danger of
frost. With outside temperature below the set
frost protection limit the heating cycle is
regulated according to the minimum room
temperature. The hot water generation
remains in operation.

Application: Manual summer operation

(heating off, hot water on) The default display will return after 4 seconds.

press and hold Calorifier Charging

With this program it is possible to switch the
calorifier on for a fixed three hour period.

press simultaneously

The default display will return after 4 seconds.

To Cancel program:

press simultaneously

The default display will return after 4 seconds.

During this operation method the will blink

To cancel heating off program

The heating off program can be cancelled using
the following procedure:

press and hold

The default display will return after 4 seconds.

10 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

Language - Month
The room station is programmed in three
Change with:
languages English, German and French. To
to increase
change the language press or key
to decrease
for 5 seconds. Once the language appears the
Setting Range:
keys can be used to change languages.
1 … 12
- Year

Change with:
to increase
Works setting: ENGLISH
to decrease
Setting Range:
The previous display will return in a few
1995 … 2030

1 - Clock setting - Return to default display

The following functions can be set: If the key is not pressed the default display
will return after 2 minutes. It is possible to return
- Time (minutes, hours) to the default display at any time using the
- Day information key.
- Month
- Year 2 - Time clock level
The clock can be set to automatically change
In the time clock level the individual program
over from summer to winter time by a parameter
times can be customized. Standard heating
in the service level of the central unit.
programs 1, 2 and 3 can be called up as desired
and overwritten with different switch times and
Changing clock settings
temperatures. Each standard program can thus
The clock can be changed by using key be configured individually and stored under the
and then the and keys to increase or same program number so that three different
decrease the values. programs are available on demand. These can
then simply be called up in the user operating
- Time level see page 6 for setting of the automatic
Change with: Note: Programming of room temperatures is only
to increase possible if the relevant parameter has
to decrease been enabled in the service level by an
Setting Range: engineer.
00:00 … 23:59
If this has not been done it is only possible
to change the on / off times. In this case
- Date the room temperature will be the works
setting of 20ºC or the corrected value
Change with: which has been set in the user level.
to increase
to decrease The standard programs are lost when
Setting Range: overwritten by customized programs.
1 … 31 These are cancelled after a reset and
replaced by the standard programs and
therefore have to be recreated if needed.
430294ENG-Jun02 Advanced User Instructions 11
Room temperature correction for PARTY and Press key
HEATING with variable temperature
parameter enabled. Boiler circuit
Works setting
For operating types: program 2


The room temperature is set to automatic works Boiler circuit

setting of 20ºC or the corrected value which has Room level set to
been set in the user level. program 1

The actual room temperature values for each of

these two operating types can be set or
independently to the automatic program if the
relevant parameter has been enabled in the Boiler circuit
service level by an engineer. Room level set to
program 3
The value is set separately when calling up the
operating type PARTY or HEATING by using
the and keys. These values remain With the and the heating or hot water
stored for each further call of this operating circuit can be called up and is available for
type. programming.

Time Clock Programming Calling up of heating cycles

It is possible to program up to three cycles / With a further pressing of the key the first
periods for each desired weekday. heating cycle of the selected program shows
complete with indication of weekday, cycle
1 – Heating Cycle number, on time, off time and temperature. Each
value is called up with the key in series
For heating each of these cycles has an on / off
as well as a temperature indication for this time - On time
span. The temperature can only be adjusted if - Off time
the relevant parameter is enabled in the service - Temperature
level. Between heating cycles the room
temperature is regulated according to the The key can be used to step backwards.
night temperature.
The current value which can be changed with
2 – Hot Water Cycle the and keys is shown blinking. Switch
times can be altered in 5 minute intervals and
For hot water each of these cycles has an on / temperatures in 0.5K increments in the range of
off time. Between hot water cycles hot water 5-30ºC.
heating is switch off. The temperature is set in
the room level and cannot be changed for each The next heating cycle can be called up by
cycle. pressing the key and the process repeated.

Entering the time clock level Note: The on/off times of not used heating cycles
should be set to 00:00 by simultaneously
Entering this level is achieved by simply pressing pressing the and keys.
the key. The program 1, 2 or 3 which is set The 00:00 value does not refer to a clock
in the room level is shown. time but only shows an undefined switch
After programming the last heating cycle
(Sunday – cycle 3) the first heating cycle
(Monday – cycle 1) will follow.
12 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

By pressing the key in quick succession Next cycle

the programmed cycles can be called up in
series the values noted and corrected if Cycle 3 Monday
Time clock level can be exited by pressing the

Press to enter Change with

Cycle program Next setting

Cycle 1 Monday
Change with
Next setting

Change with TEMP

Next setting (only when set in
service level
OFF parameters)
Change with
Next cycle

Change with Remaining days in week

Next setting
Program as Monday
(only when set in Tuesday ON
service level cycle 1
Change with
Next cycle

Cycle 2 Monday
Sunday OFF
ON cycle 3

Automatic Switch off Time Correction

Change with
Next setting
When programming a cycle, if the switch off time
is programmed before the switch on time the
cycle has no function.

Automatic Cycle Sorting

Change with
If the heating cycles 1 and 3 are programmed
Next setting
and the second cycle is not set (indication 00:00)
the second cycle is automatically set to the third
cycle values, the third cycle is then made
available for further programming.
(only when set in
service level
Change with
430294ENG-Jun02 Advanced User Instructions 13
Skipping Cycles

If a called up cycle shows 00:00 the next cycle is Press Simultaneously


Heating Cycles which overlap midnight

If a programmed heating time overlaps midnight Cycle cancelled

e.g. switch on time 6.00pm switch off time
2.00am the cycle must be programmed
separately on both days as shown below.

Day 1 - Swtch on time 6.00pm switch off time Restore standard program
23.55pm and temperature if enabled.
To restore a customized program to a works
Day 2 - Switch on time 00:00 switch off time standard program select the program as
2:00am and temperature if enabled. described on page 6 and press the and
keys simultaneously.
Time clock program
Enter the
The tables shown on pages 17-19 give an time program
overview of the works programmed standard
programs together with temperature settings
which cannot be lost. When creating customized Boiler circuit or Hot water circuit
programs note the appropriate values in the

Canceling of individual heating cycles

If necessary individually created cycles can be Press Simultaneously

cancelled. After selecting the required cycle by
pressing the key several times the cycle
can be cancelled by pressing the and
keys simultaneously.
Standard program
Enter the
time program

Boiler circuit Hot water circuit

Boiler circuit or Hot water circuit
Standard program Standard program
Restored restored

Press several times until

the desired cycle appears

Time clock level can be exited by pressing the i

key. The default display will then be restored.
14 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

Block programming
In order to simplify the programming of the time clocks it is possible to copy the time clock settings in
various ways.

A – Complete automatic programs

It is possible to copy complete heating or hot water programs to other programs for example heating
program 1 to heating program 3. This can be achieved by using the key to enter the time clock and
then the keys to select the heating or hot water as the source. The key is used to select
the target program to which it is to be copied. The key is used to complete the copy. The procedure
is shown in further detail by the illustration below.

Note: It is not possible to copy heating programs to hot water programs or vice versa.

Press to enter clock program

Heating circuit

* only if present

Source program Use or to

change program no.

use to enter program

to be copied to
Source program
Boiler circuit Program will blink Program will blink
program 1 Copy will
Target program
mixer circuit 2
program 2 Press key to
confirm copy

Program copied OK appears to confirm

program copied

Target program
= New source program for
Source program further copying

Copy program 3 from Copy hot water prog. 3

program 1 from hot water prog. 2
430294ENG-Jun02 Advanced User Instructions 15
B – Day to day or week
Time programs can also be copied from day to the whole week or from day to day for example Tuesday
to Wednesday.

Day to week
While in the time clock see page 13 the key followed by the key can be used to copy the current
day to the whole week. The procedure is shown in further detail by the illustration on page 16.

Day to day
While in the time clock see page 13 the current day can be copied to another day by using the key
two or more times to select the target day. The key is used to complete the copy of the current day
to the target day. The procedure is shown in further detail by the illustration below.

Enter from heating cycle program Day to copy (source day)

Day copying Week Copying

Press again to
Press to copy
select target day
Target day to Day copied to
Copy to whole week

Press to copy
Beginning of
Source day copied week now
To target day displayed

Copy again Target day =

Source for next copy
16 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

Room temperature corrections with individual temperature cycle programs

When individual temperatures have been entered for each heating cycle, the desired room temperature
can be altered via the correction keys or for one of the cycles. This change will then effect all
other heating cycles as shown in the below example:

Original cycle temperatures

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

18ºC 20ºC 22ºC

Room temp + 2K

New Cycle 2

New cycle temperatures

Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

18ºC + 2K = 20ºC 20ºC + 2K = 22ºC 22ºC + 2K = 24ºC

As the temperature was increased by 2K during cycle 2 the desired value has been increased by 2K in
the other cycles.
430294ENG-Jun02 Advanced User Instructions 17

Program 1 settings
Standard Program 1 - Heating Standard Program 1 - Calorifier
Calorifier temperature - 55 C
Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3

From To Temp From To Temp From To Temp From To From To From To

o o
Mon 6.00 8.00 20 C 16.00 22.00 20 C - - - Mon 6.00 8.00 16.00 22.00 - -

o o
Tue 6.00 8.00 20 C 16.00 22.00 20 C - - - Tue 6.00 8.00 16.00 22.00 - -

Wed 6.00 8.00 20oC 16.00 22.00 20oC - - - Wed 6.00 8.00 16.00 22.00 - -

o o
Thur 6.00 8.00 20 C 16.00 22.00 20 C - - - Thur 6.00 8.00 16.00 22.00 - -

o o
Fri 6.00 8.00 20 C 16.00 22.00 20 C - - - Fri 6.00 8.00 16.00 22.00 - -

Sat 7.00 23.00 20oC - - - - - - Sat 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Sun 7.00 23.00 20oC - - - - - - Sun 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Custom Program 1 - Heating Custom Program 1 - Calorifier

Calorifier temperature - __ C
Setting Setting Setting
Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Day
1 2 3

From To Temp From To Temp From To Temp From To From To From To

Mon Mon

Tue Tue

Wed Wed

Thur Thur

Fri Fri

Sat Sat

Sun Sun
18 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

Program 2 settings
Standard Program 2 - Heating Standard Program 2 - Calorifier
Calorifier temperature - 55 C
Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3

From To Temp From To Temp From To Temp From To From To From To

Mon 6.00 22.00 20 C - - - - - - Mon 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Tue 6.00 22.00 20 C - - - - - - Tue 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Wed 6.00 22.00 20oC - - - - - - Wed 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Thur 6.00 22.00 20oC - - - - - - Thur 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Fri 6.00 22.00 20oC - - - - - - Fri 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Sat 6.00 22.00 20oC - - - - - - Sat 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Sun 6.00 22.00 20oC - - - - - - Sun 6.00 22.00 - - - -

Custom Program 2 - Heating Custom Program 2 - Calorifier

Calorifier temperature - __ C
Setting Setting Setting
Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Day
1 2 3

From To Temp From To Temp From To Temp From To From To From To

Mon Mon

Tue Tue

Wed Wed

Thur Thur

Fri Fri

Sat Sat

Sun Sun
430294ENG-Jun02 Advanced User Instructions 19

Program 3 settings
Standard Program 3 - Heating Standard Program 3 - Calorifier
Calorifier temperature - 55 C
Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3

From To Temp From To Temp From To Temp From To From To From To

Mon 6.00 23.00 20 C - - - - - - Mon 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Tue 6.00 23.00 20 C - - - - - - Tue 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Wed 6.00 23.00 20oC - - - - - - Wed 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Thur 6.00 23.00 20 C - - - - - - Thur 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Fri 6.00 23.00 20 C - - - - - - Fri 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Sat 6.00 23.00 20oC - - - - - - Sat 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Sun 6.00 22.00 20oC - - - - - - Sun 00.00 23.55 - - - -

Custom Program 3 - Heating Custom Program 3 - Calorifier

Calorifier temperature - __ C
Setting Setting Setting
Day Setting 1 Setting 2 Setting 3 Day
1 2 3

From To Temp From To Temp From To Temp From To From To From To

Mon Mon

Tue Tue

Wed Wed

Thur Thur

Fri Fri

Sat Sat

Sun Sun
20 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

3 - Room Level Burner hours run

At this level, the parameters relevant to the
heating requirements of the building and its Works setting:
characteristics can be displayed and changed. 000000.00h
Range: 0 … 99999999
- Hot water temperature
- Hot water operation
- Burner hours run
- Burner starts Number of burner
- Holiday program starts
- Clock programs
- Heating curves Works setting:
- Room temperature correction 00000000
- Reset function Range: 0 … 99999999

Entering the Room Level

Room level can be entered by using the
key. Changes can be made using the , Holiday program start
and keys.

To exit the room level press the i key at any

time. Adjust with to increase and to decrease
Press and hold for 3 secs Change between day and month with and

This function is used to switch the heating to

frost protection only while the building is
unoccupied for example a holiday. The default
display will be today’s date.

Hot water
Holiday program
Works setting: 55ºC
Adjustment range 10ºC … Hot water maximum
temperature Adjust with to increase and to decrease
press to increase Change between day and month with and
to decrease
The maximum temperature is set in the technical
parameter level. This function is used to switch the heating back
on when the building becomes occupied.

Example of holiday program

Hot water operation
The heating will be
switched to frost
protection only on the
Works setting: On 29.3 at 24.00 hrs
Adjustment range: On or Off
Change with keys or

On – Hot water control possible The heating will

Off – No Hot water control remain off from 30.3
00.00 hrs to 14.4
00.00 hrs. This will be
the default display until the heating is started
again on 14.4.
430294ENG-Jun02 Advanced User Instructions 21
Cancellation of holiday program Program 3
Change with or
A complete holiday program can, before With this parameter it is possible to change
commencement be cancelled by pressing between the three clock programs for hot water,
see pages 17 to 19 for settings.
Holiday Begin

Boiler circuit clock

or program

Holiday end
Works setting: Program 2
Options: Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
The and keys simultaneously. Change with or
The values for holiday start and holiday finish With this parameter it is possible to change
with the exception of holiday set remain for between the three clock programs for the boiler
possible reprogramming. circuit, see pages 17 to 19 for settings.

Early Cancellation of holiday program

An activated holiday program can be cancelled

at any time by pressing the or keys and Heating curve for
holding until automatic is indicated. boiler

Blinks if auto adaption

is set in service level
parameters (do not

Works setting: 1.4

Press or and hold Range: 0.20 … 3.5
Change with or
With this parameter it is possible to change the
slope of the heating curve for the boiler circuit
(see graph).

The heating curve gives the boiler flow

temperature / outdoor temperature ratio. The
curve should only be reset with minimum
changes spread out over a certain period of time
to enable the regulator to react (by nature a
heating installation is very slow to react).
Corrections of 0.1 increments every 1 or 2 days
The default display returns after 4 seconds. is recommended.

Hot water clock


Works setting: Program 3

Options: Program 1
Program 2
22 Advanced User Instructions 430294ENG-Jun02

Note: The room station should be placed in the

room that most accurately represents the
temperature of the building. Thermostatic
radiator valves when fitted properly should only
serve to deregulate foreign heat sources and Room temperature
therefore should be fully open. During the compensation
regulation phase all foreign heat source should
be switch off and ventilation should be kept to a
minimum so as not to disturb the regulation 1 2
Works setting: 0.0K
When the heating curve is correctly set the room Range: -2.5K … +2.5K
temperature should remain constant regardless Change with or
of outside temperature. If automatic adaption is
set in the service level the value will blink and is 1 – Room temperature
constantly corrected. In this case it must not be 2 – Correction
manually altered.
With this parameter it is possible to calibration
Recommended values: the room temperature by ± 2.5K.
Floor heating: 0.3 ….. 1.0
Radiator heating: 1.2 ….. 2.0
Convection heating: 1.5 ….. 2.0

Heating curve graph

Reset function

With this function it is possible to reset all the

Max 80ºC room level parameters back to their factory
settings with the exception of burner hours run
Flow and burner starts.
To reset room level parameters hold and
Simultaneously until the following display

Min 31ºC Parameters reset

Outside temperature ºC

Default screen
430294ENG-Jun02 Room Level Parameters 23

Parameter Function Range Factory Setting Current Setting

o o
1. Hot water temp 10 C – Max 55 C
2. Hot water operation Off, On On

3. Burner hours run 000000.00 – 000000.00

4. Burner starts 00000000 – 00000000
5. Holiday program start 01/01 – 31/12 Not set

6. Holiday program finish 01/01 – 31/12 Not set

7. Clock program for Hot water 1–2–3 2

8. Clock program for Heating 1–2–3 2

9. Heating curve 0.20…3.50 1.4

10. Room temperature -2.5 … +2.5K

11. Reset Reset to factory settings
24 Advanced Parameter Table 430294ENG-Jun02

Parameter Factory Current

Parameter Function Range
Function Setting Setting

1 First Commissioning date - -

2 Room Sensor Off - On Off

3 Influence of room temp 0…250% 50%

4 Auto Adaption Off - On On

5 Variable room temp Off - On Off

6 Derivative action time 0…6 h 2h

o o
7 Heating maximum temp 40…90 C 80 C

o o
8 Hot water maximum temp 40…60 C 60 C

o o
9 Frost protection -20…+10 C 0C

o o
10 Summer switch off +10…30 C 17 C

Protection against
11 Off 1…8 Off

12 Night water load 10…100% 30%

13 On – Off On
1.0 / 1.31 / 2.0
14 Heating user index 1.31
2P5K, 2P10K
Minimum outdoor o o
15 -20…0 C -10 C

16 Type of calorifier sensor 1, 2 1 (Thermostat)

17 Room level lock up 0, 1, 2 0

18 Alarm Logic signals On – Off On

430293ENG-Dec01 Installation / Technical Data 25
Positioning – without room sensor
If there is no room sensor or the room sensor has not been activated the unit can be placed as desired.
Positioning – with room sensor
When used with the unit sensor activated the unit must be placed at a height of approximately 1.20 to
1.50 m in a place representing the temperature of all rooms. It is advisable to choose an internal wall in
the coolest room which is used in the day.
The unit may not be positioned:
· In direct sunlight (take note of the position of the sun in winter)
· Near any equipment which produces heat like televisions, wall lights, radiators etc.
· On walls where hot water pipes or chimneys run.
· On outside walls which are not insulated.
· In corners, recesses, shelves or behind curtains (insufficient air circulation).
· Near doors which lead to unheated rooms.
· In rooms which are regulated with thermostatic valves.
Open the cover and loosen the screw inside. Lift the unit off the back plate. Secure the back plate with
the screws provided. The data bus cable must be threaded through the lower part of the back plate. With
a data bus cable of over 50m cable of types JY-(ST) 2x0.6 must be used. The screening must be
connected to the earth terminal of the boiler.
Note: on new installations use a box behind the room station.
Electrical Connection
Before connecting / wiring the power at the boiler must be off. The 2 core bus cable is connected to the 4
pole terminal on the back plate. After the wiring is complete the room station is slotted in from above and
screwed to the back plate. Refer to the electrical diagram supplied with the boiler.
Note: by incorrect wiring the remains in VERSION indication for approximately 1 minute and then goes to
fault indication.

Technical Data Fixing distance: 60mm (2 hole fixing)

Wall Fixing: 2 x 3mm dia x 18 long
Wiring: 4 pole screwed terminals on back plate
for 1mm2 max wire cross section. Weight: 170g

Bus Interface: RS485 Operating Temperature: -10oC….+50oC

Power supply: From central unit Storage Temperature: -25oC….+60oC

Color: White RAL 9016 Clock Accuracy: - +/- 50sec./month

Data retention: - Backup for 5 years
Indication: Alpha numeric text indication as well
as symbols

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