The Correlation Between Hemoglobin Concentration During Pregnancy With The Maternal and Neonatal Outcome

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ID Design Press, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2019 Feb 28; 7(4):594-598.
eISSN: 1857-9655
Clinical Science

The Correlation between Hemoglobin Concentration during

Pregnancy with the Maternal and Neonatal Outcome

1* 1 2 3
Sarma Nursani Lumbanraja , Muhammad Rizki Yaznil , Dewi Indah Sari Siregar , Adriani Sakina

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia;
2 3
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia; Faculty of
Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Citation: Lumbanraja SN, Yaznil MR, Siregar DIS, BACKGROUND: The prevalence of anaemia is higher among women, including pregnant women. The estimation
Sakina A. The Correlation between Hemoglobin
Concentration during Pregnancy with the Maternal and
was about 24.8% of the population in the world suffering anaemia. Anaemia during pregnancy is a big problem
Neonatal Outcome. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 because it can contribute morbidity and mortality, either in mother or newborn. The impacts of anaemia during
Feb 28; 7(4):594-598. pregnancy included post-partum haemorrhage, low birth weight (LBW), preterm delivery, and low Appearance,
Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration (APGAR) score.
Keywords: Hemoglobins concentration; Anemia during
pregnancy; Maternal; Neonatal outcome
AIM: This study aimed to determine the correlation between haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy and the
*Correspondence: Sarma Nursani Lumbanraja.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of
outcome of mothers and newborns.
Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected] METHODS: It was a cohort study that included 200 pregnant women in second or third trimester at antenatal care
Received: 19-Nov-2018; Revised: 06-Feb-2019; of Sundari General Hospital Outpatient Clinic on February until September 2018. The participants were
Accepted: 07-Feb-2019; Online first: 27-Feb-2019 interviewed using a questionnaire, and their blood was checked to measure haemoglobin concentration using
Copyright: © 2019 Sarma Nursani Lumbanraja, portable Easy Touch Hemoglobinometer. In the next three until six months, the following investigation was
Muhammad Rizki Yaznil, Dewi Indah Sari Siregar, Adriani
Sakina. This is an open-access article distributed under
conducted to assess the maternal and neonatal outcome.
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) RESULTS: The result of this study showed among the maternal outcome, only antepartum haemoglobin
Funding: This project was supported by Basic Research concentration had a statistically significant correlation with the haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy (p <
Award from the TALENTA Universitas Sumatera Utara, 0.05), meanwhile, among the neonatal outcome. LBW was the only factor that statistically significantly correlated
to the haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy (p < 0.05).
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no
competing interests exist
CONCLUSION: We can conclude that once anaemia occurs in pregnant women, then the women kept suffering
from anaemia with its correlation was statistically significant.

Introduction 14% in developed countries and 51% in developing

countries. WHO also estimated that among the
population, the cases were the most frequently found
In all over the world, anaemia has been a in Africa and Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a part of
global health burden since it can affect anyone without Southeast Asia. Thus, anaemia in pregnant women is
considering age or gender group [1]. However, the frequently found here. It is proven by the data from
prevalence of this nutritional disorder is higher among Basic Health Research Ministry of Health of the
women, including pregnant women. About 24.8% of Republic of Indonesia in 2013 showing that the
the population in the world suffers from anaemia [2], prevalence was about 37.1% [1], [2], [4].
[3]. Anaemia during pregnancy is defined as the
Anaemia during pregnancy has become a haemoglobin criteria is less than 11 g/dL. Once
widespread nutritional disorder either in developing or pregnant women suffer from anaemia, iron deficiency
even developed countries. According to the World becomes the most common cause that should be
Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of the considered [3]. Other risk factors related to maternal
population suffering from anaemia in pregnancy was anemia are unhealthy lifestyle, poor socio-economic

Lumbanraja et al. The Correlation between Hemoglobin Concentration during Pregnancy with the Maternal and Neonatal Outcome

status, malnutrition, hemoglobinopathies, age (under In the next three until six months, following
20 years or above 35 years), early marriage or investigation was conducted by asking the pregnant
teenage pregnancy, decreasing period of pregnancy women to come again before giving birth. Then, we
interval, smoking or alcohol use, history of menstrual assessed the second haemoglobin measurement
disorder or infection, and gemelli or multiple during their antepartum by the same portable
pregnancies [5]. measurement.
Anaemia is a big problem especially when it A few weeks later, the data about the
occurs during pregnancy because it may contribute to outcome of maternal and neonatal was collected from
morbidity and mortality, either in mothers or the medical record if the subjects are giving birth in
newborns. Anaemia (regardless the severity) Sundari General Hospital. Unless they did not give
accounts 12.8% maternal death which is the second birth in the same hospital, follow up was done by the
leading cause of the death. In Indonesia, the national phone. The maternal outcome includes the estimation
Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is still so high with of haemoglobin antepartum, bleeding volume while
307/100.000 live births. Anaemia during pregnancy giving birth, and the initial breastfeeding. The neonatal
becomes an indirect cause of postpartum outcome includes the data whether the newborn alive
haemorrhage and results in maternal mortality in the or not. Among the alive and healthy newborn, other
latter [4], [5]. Meanwhile, the national Neonatal data was collected, including preterm birth, low birth
Mortality Rate is much higher with 987/100.000 live weight, and APGAR score. In this study, low birth
births. Moreover, the fetal or neonatal complication weight defined as the infant birth weight which less
can include prematurity, low birth weight, and low than 2500 gram and preterm birth was considered as
APGAR Score. All complications were significantly gestational age under 37 weeks. Because of our
ended with maternal and neonatal mortality [4], [6], limitation, APGAR score was measured by only
[7]. asking whether the newborn cried spontaneously or
not. The newborn crying spontaneously was
Although anaemia during pregnancy may lead
considered as good APGAR Score, but if they did not,
to many adverse effects, actually anaemia can be the
it probably showed poor APGAR Score
most preventable cause of maternal and neonatal
mortality. In the upcoming years, anaemia in pregnant
women should be eradicated to improve maternal and
Statistical Analysis
neonatal health status. Hence, this study was aimed
to investigate the correlation between haemoglobin All data collected and recorded using the
concentration during pregnancy and the outcome of Statistic Product and Service Solution (SPSS)
mothers and newborns. In the future, hopefully, this program 21 version. Values were expressed with the
study can be the reference to counsel pregnant mean ± SD or percentage as appropriate. The
women, especially in Indonesia, to be more aware of analysis of the correlation between haemoglobin
how threatening anaemia is and to decrease the concentration during pregnancy and the outcome of
prevalence of anaemia itself. mother and newborn were computed statistically using
Chi-Square Test. A difference was considered
significant at the p-value < 0.05.

Material and Methods

This study was conducted at antenatal care of
Sundari General Hospital Outpatient Clinic. It was a
prospective randomised study that included 200 There were 200 pregnant women involved
pregnant women in the second or third trimester who with their newborns that evaluated in this study. There
met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. was found no maternal mortality. In this study, the
mean of haemoglobin (Hb) concentration was 10.73 ±
This study took a period of 7 months —
2 g/dl, the median was 10.6 g/dl, the maximum was
February until September 2018. After obtaining the
15.8 g/dl, and the minimum was 7.8 g/dl. The mean
consent, we interviewed the pregnant women who
birth weight was 3015 ± 584 gram.
consumed Fe tablets, consist of ferrous sulfate 200
mg which contains 60 mg elemental iron for 90 days The subject characteristics were shown in
after the first trimester using a questionnaire to know Table 1. The mean age of all participants was 29 ± 5.5
their characteristics including age, gestational age, years. For all characteristics, except birth method,
education background, and occupation. Then, the either anaemia or normal group, had the similar result
haemoglobin measurement was conducted by using of majority variable. The most common age was 20 –
Easy Touch portable hemoglobinometer. The data 35 years. The majority of participants were in the third
was collected during their antenatal care in the trimester of gestational age. Most of the participants
second or third trimester. were housewives. The majority education background

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Feb 28; 7(4):594-598. 595
Clinical Science

was senior high school. Most of the participants gave It means that the pregnant women in either
birth in a hospital. Otherwise, for the birth method, the second or third trimester kept suffering from anaemia
anaemia group had different result compared to the until the antepartum period.
normal group. The majority birth method in anaemia
Table 4 showed that among all participants,
group was spontaneous birth. Meanwhile, cesarean
unfortunately, stillbirth (3.8%) was found. All stillbirth
birth was most commonly conducted in the normal
cases occurred in the anaemia group. There was no
group. By using Chi-Square Test, there were no
significant correlation between haemoglobin
characteristics which had a significant correlation with
concentration during pregnancy and neonatal
the hemoglobin during pregnancy (p-value > 0.05).
condition (p > 0.05).
Table 1: Demographic of subject characteristics
Table 4: The correlation between hemoglobin concentration
Characteristics Haemoglobin concentration Total P value during pregnancy and neonatal condition
during pregnancy
Anemia Normal (47.5%) Neonatal Hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy P value
(52.5%) condition Anemia Normal
Age Mean 29 ± 5.5 years 0.218 Alive newborn 101 (96.2%) 95 (100%) 0.157
< 20 years 0 (0%) 2 (2.1%) 2 (1%) Stillbirth 4 (3.8%) 0 (0%)
20 – 35 years 88 (83.8%) 79 (83.2%) 167 (83.5%) Chi Square Test.
> 35 years 17 (16.2%) 14 (14.7%) 31(15.5%)
Gestational Age 0.267
2nd Trimester 28 (26.7%) 19 (20%) 47 (23.5%)
3rd Trimester 77 (73.3%) 76 (80%) 153 (76.5%) To analyse the correlation between
Occupation 0.974
Housewife 77 (73.3%) 72 (75.8%) 149 (74.5%) haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy and
Civil servant 9 (8.6%) 7 (7.4%) 16 (8%)
Private servant 9 (8.6%) 7 (7.4%) 16 (8%) fetal outcome, participants with stillbirth were
Education background
10 (9.5%) 9 (9.5%) 19 (9.5%)
excluded. We found four cases of stillbirth. Thus,
Elementary school 4 (3.8%) 2 (2.1%) 6 (3%) there were only 196 participants involved in this
Junior high school 13 (12.4%) 14 (14.7%) 27 (13.5%)
Senior high school 59 (56.2%) 57 (60%) 116 (58%) analysis. The result showed in Table 5. Among all
6 (5.7%)
23 (21.9%)
9 (9.5%)
13 (13.7%)
15 (7.5%)
36 (18%)
variables of neonatal outcome, low birth weight was
Mode of Delivery 0.121 the only outcome that significantly related to the
Normal vaginal 76 (72.4%) 36 (37.9%) 112 (56%)
Cesarean 29 (27.6%) 59 (62.1%) 88(44%) haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy (p <
Birth location
Hospital 56 (53.3%) 59 (62.1%) 115 (57.5%)
0.210 0.05).
Midwifery unit 49 (46.7%) 36 (37.9%) 85 (42.5%)
Chi-Square Test. p-value < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Table 5: The Correlation between haemoglobin concentration
during pregnancy and fetal outcome

The indication of cesarean birth can be seen Neonatal outcome Haemoglobin during pregnancy P value
Anaemia Non-anemia
in Table 2. The most common indication was the Spontaneous Yes 92(96.8%) 86 (90.5%) 0.892
cry No 9(3.2%) 9 (9.5%)
previous cesarean delivery. The other indications Preterm Yes 4 (4%) 10 (10.5%) 0.074
related to pregnancy problems, such as obstructed delivery No 97 (96%) 85 (89.5%)
Low birth Yes 4 (81%) 11 (82.1%) 0.045*
labour, placenta previa, abnormal fetal presentation, weight (< 2500 gram)
No 97 (19%) 84 (17.9%)
and cephalopelvic disproportion. (≥ 2500 gram)
Chi-Square Test *p-value < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.
Table 2: The indications of cesarean birth
Factors Anaemia Non-anemia
Previous cesarean birth 21 (72.4%) 20 (58.8%)
Obstructed labor 3 (10.3%) 5 (14.7%)
Placenta previa 2 (6.9%) 1 (2.9%)
Cephalopelvic disproportion 1 (3.4%) 2 (5.8%)
Abnormal fetal presentation 2 (6.9%) 5 (14.7%) Discussion
Others 0 (0%) 1 (2.9%)

Table 3 showed how maternal outcome Out of 200 pregnant women in this study,
related to haemoglobin concentration during more than half (52.5%) of them were suffering from
pregnancy. Among the three variables, only anaemia. It is relevant to the previous study which
antepartum haemoglobin concentration that stated that half population of pregnant women in the
significantly associated with haemoglobin world affected by anemia. Meanwhile, the proportion
concentration during pregnancy (p < 0.05). of anemic pregnant women varies in each countries,
such as 58% in China, 50% in Southeast Asia, and
Table 3: The correlation between haemoglobin concentration 40% in Istanbul [8].
during pregnancy and maternal outcome
Based on Chi-Square Test, this study showed
Maternal outcome Haemoglobin concentration during P value
pregnancy that no significant correlation between hemoglobin
Antepartum Anemia
89 (84.8%)
57 (60%) 0.000*
concentration during pregnancy with any
hemoglobin Non-anemia 16 (15.2%) 38 (40%) characteristic variables, included maternal age (p-
Postpartum < 500 cc 85 (81%) 78 (82.1%) 0.834 value = 0.218), gestational age (p-value = 0.267),
hemorrhage ≥ 500 cc 20 (19%) 17 (17.9%) education background (p-value = 0.974), occupation
Initial Yes 27 (25.7%) 27 (28.4%) 0.791 (p-value = 0.453), mode of delivery (p-value = 0.121)
breastfeeding No 74 (74.3%) 68 (71.6%)
Chi-Square Test *p-value < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant.
and place of birth (p-value = 0.210). It was relevant to

Lumbanraja et al. The Correlation between Hemoglobin Concentration during Pregnancy with the Maternal and Neonatal Outcome

the previous study conducted by Vural et al., showing Investigation of neonatal outcome was done
that there was a statistically significant correlation by analysing three factors, including spontaneous
between anaemia prevalence and mode of delivery. crying to assess APGAR Score, preterm delivery, and
Otherwise, in Vural et al., study, the correlation low birth weight. Among the factors, only low birth
between maternal age and anaemia prevalence was weight had a significant correlation with the
statistically significant [8]. haemoglobin level during pregnancy (p = 0.045).
This study found that the mean of Birth weight is a good indicator to evaluate
haemoglobin concentration was about 10.73 ± 2 g/dl. whether the mother supports the fetus adequately or
Based on both the World Health Organization (WHO) not. Besides, it is the only determinant factor of
and the Center for Disease Controls and Preventions newborn mortality in the first year of life. Birth weight
(CDC), the mean is defined as anaemia since the less than 2500 gram is defined as low birth weight that
haemoglobin concentration less than 11 g/dl. [9]. is most commonly caused by anaemia during
Although it was categorised as anaemia according to pregnancy. Previous meta-analysis literature showed
criteria of WHO and CDC, the concentration of 10 g/dl that there was a significant correlation between
in the mid-trimester of gestational age seems to reflect anaemia during pregnancy and low birth weight in the
the adequate expansion of plasma volume [10]. 3 trimester. Otherwise, the same study showed no
significant correlation between both variables in 1
Although more than half of the population nd
and 2 trimester [9], [16]. Haemoglobin concentration
were anaemic, there was found no maternal mortality
of less than 10.5 g/dl was reported to increase the
in this study. It was suggested that the haemoglobin
sevenfold risk of low birth weight [17]. Abnormally a
concentration still able to compensate for optimal
previous literature stated that several studies reported
plasma volume expansion. It was relevant to the
low birth weight in anaemic pregnant women, but high
previous study stated that the cutoff of extremely low st
haemoglobin concentration in 1 and 3r trimester also
haemoglobin concentration was less than 6.5 g/dl.
correlated with the risk of low birth weight due to
This condition with other factors can contribute to
similarly poor plasma volume expansion [10], [17].
maternal mortality. Even, the other cutoff with 8.9 g/dl
associated with twice risk of maternal mortality [11]. Besides low birth weight, preterm delivery and
low APGAR score were the other impacts of anaemia
In this study, out of 115 anaemic pregnant
during pregnancy in neonatal outcome. This study
women, 20 participants (19%) had bleeding after birth
showed that there is no significant correlation between
≥ 500 cc without significant correlation between
haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy with any
haemoglobin level during pregnancy and the bleeding
factor (p > 0.05). It seems relevant with the previous
volume. The previous study of Frass had similar result
study conducted in Moshi Municipality showing a
showing 29.1% of anaemic pregnant women
similar result about no correlation between anaemia
developed postpartum haemorrhage during cesarean
and low birth weight and preterm delivery. However, a
delivery because of the uterine atony [12]. Even, the
different study showed that maternal anaemia and
study of Kayle et al. showed that there was a strongly
preterm delivery had significant correlation
significant correlation between moderate-to-severe
statistically. Even, Hb < 10.5 g/dl can increase fivefold
anaemia and blood loss severity [13]. Despite the
risk of preterm delivery [17], [18]. Our study can give
widespread postpartum haemorrhage in all over the
more information about how the impact of
world, unfortunately, there is still a lack of data in the
haemoglobin concentration on the outcome of
literature about contributing factors of it, especially in
maternal and neonatal. However, our study had a
developing countries where many PPH and maternal
limitation that did not bring any information about the
death occur. David study stated that weak uterine
dietary pattern of the pregnant woman, especially
muscular strength and lower resistance to infectious
during pregnancy. This study also did not give any
disease possibly occur due to severe anaemia.
intervention for the anaemia correction before the
Meanwhile, the higher risk of PPH experience related
to severity anaemia still needs further studies [13],
[14]. In conclusion, from this study, we can
conclude that once anaemia occurs in pregnant
This study investigated whether there is a
women, then the women kept suffering from anaemia
correlation between initial breastfeeding and the
with its correlation was statistically significant. Several
haemoglobin concentration during pregnancy. Our
studies showed that there was a significant correlation
study showed that most of the initial breastfeeding
between anaemia during pregnancy and postpartum
failure found in the anaemia group (74.3%). Despite
haemorrhage. However, this study found a different
the fact, the correlation was statistically not significant
result with no significant correlation between
(p-value = 0.791). Another complication of anaemia
haemoglobin concentration with PPH and initial
during pregnancy that still not familiar is breastfeeding
breastfeeding. Therefore, further studies are needed
failure. However, an article review mentioned
to investigate more about the maternal and neonatal
breastfeeding failure becoming the impact of anaemia
outcome due to anaemia during pregnancy. Moreover,
during pregnancy, after puerperal sepsis and sub-
this kind of study is still limited developed in
involution [15].

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2019 Feb 28; 7(4):594-598. 597
Clinical Science

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