Ep100 Manual
Ep100 Manual
Ep100 Manual
Position control
PE 2
V 3
R 4
3 Phase W
AC220V S 1
CN2 4 Pins Connector
NFB MC For Motor Power
r 14 5V
t 15 5V
16 5V
DC COM+ 18
17 5V
18 0V
Servo ON(Enabled) SON 10
19 0V
Alarm Clear ALRS 11
20 0V 2
CCW Drive Inhibition FSTP 12
21 0V 3
CW Drive Inhibition RSTP 13
1 A+ 4
Deviation Counter Clear CLE 14
26LS32 2 A- 7
Command Pulse Inhibition INH 15 Receiver
3 B+ 5
CCW Torque Limit FIL 16
4 B- 8
CW Torque Limit RIL 17
5 Z+ 6
CN1 6 Z- 9
7 U+ 10
Servo Ready
SRDY- 25
8 U- 13
ALM+ 26
9 V+ 11
Servo Alarm
ALM- 27
10 V- 14
COIN+ 28
11 W+ 12
Positioning Completed
COIN- 29
12 W- 15
BRK+ 30
22 0V 1
Mechanical Brake Release
BRK- 31
23 0V
15 Pins Connector
CN1 26 FG For Optical Encoder
PULS+ 32
Position Command
SIGN+ 34 1 OA+ A
Position Command A
3 OB+ B
FG 36 B Output Signals
4 OB- B of Encoder
Driver 5 OZ+ Z
Ground of 6 OZ- Z
Metal Case
1.2 Terminal disposition for interface
Figure 3.1 is the disposition chart of terminal connector CN1 for the servo driver. CN1 is
the connector with 36 cores. Figure 3.2 is the disposition chart of terminal connector CN2 for
the servo driver. CN2 is the connector with 26 cores.
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1
36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20
35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19
12 10 8 6 4 2
13 11 9 7 5 3 1
25 23 21 19 17 15
26 24 22 20 18 16 14
z The range of external DC power supply is 12~24V, and the minimum input current is
100mA .
z Inverting the polarity of DC power source, which is provided by the user, can cause the servo
driver damage.
1.3.2 Switch value output interfaces
Relay Servo amplifier
max 25V
28 Max Output 50mA
Relay connection
max 25V
Servo amplifier
28 Max Output 50mA
Photo-coupler connection
z The outputs use Darlington photo-coupler. It can be connected with relay, photo-coupler.
z Inverting the polarity of DC power source, which is provided by the user, can cause the servo
driver damage.
z Open-collector circuit is used to transfer the outputs signal. the maximum current is 50mA,
the maximum voltage of external DC power supply is 25V. loads of the output signal should
be limited in that range, if not or directly connect to the power, can cause the servo driver
z When using relay like inductive loads, a free-wheel diode must be connected with the inductive
load in parallel. If the diode connects in wrong direction can cause damage to the output circuit.
z Owing to the low level of output is approximately 1V and cannot satisfy the TTL low-level
request, therefore cannot directly connect with the TTL circuit.
1.3.3 Pulse interfaces
Pulse waveform of position command Parameter demand
Differential Single end
tck>2μs tck>5μs
th>1μs th>>2.5μs
tl>1μs tl>>2.5μs
trh<0.2μs trh<0.3μs
trl<0.2μs trl<0.3μs
ts>1μs ts>2.5μs
tqck>8μs tqck>10μs
The maximum frequency is 500kHz tqh>4μs tqh>5μs
tql>4μs tql>5μs
tqrh<0.2μs tqrh<0.3μs
tqrl<0.2μs tqrl<0.3μs
tqs>1μs tqs>2.5μs
1.3.4 Encoder signals output interfaces
z The encoder signals is transferred through the differential driver (e.g AM26LS31).
z On the host controller uses AM26LS32(or equivalent) to make the receiver, must connect the
terminal resistance, the value is about 330Ω;
z Encoder signal (GND) of servo driver must connect with the ground terminal on host
z No isolation output.
z The high-speed photo coupler (e.g. 6N137) can also be used on the host controller to make the
1.3.5 Open-collector output of encoder Z signal
z The Z signal of encoder is transferred through the open-collector circuit, it output ON(Turn on)
when the Z signal appears or OFF(Turn off) when there is no Z signal appears.
z No isolation output.
z Because the width of the Z pulse is narrow, please use a high-speed photo-coupler to receive it
on the host controller.
The default value in the next table take 110ST-M02030 (matches the EP100-2A drivers the
example. the parameter “*” symbol is possibly dissimilar in other models.
Table 4.1 User parameter table
Ordinal Name Usage Range Default Unit
0 Password P,S,T 0~9999 315
1 Identity code of servo driver P,S,T 0~51 30*
2 Software version (read only) P,S,T * *
3 Status of initial display P,S,T 0~21 0
4 Control mode selection P,S,T 0~6 0
5 Proportional gain of speed loop P,S 5~2000 150* Hz
6 Integral time constant of speed loop P,S 1~1000 20* ms
7 Filter of torque P,S,T 20~500 100 %
8 Filter for speed detection P,S 20~500 100 %
Ordinal Name Usage Range Default Unit
9 Proportional gain of position loop P 1~1000 40 1/s
10 Feed forward gain of position loop P 0~100 0 %
11 Cut-off frequency of feed forward P 1~1200 300 Hz
filter for position loop
12 Numerator of frequency divider for P 1~32767 1
position command pulse
13 Denominator of frequency divider P 1~32767 1
for position command pulse
14 Input mode of position command P 0~2 0
15 Reversing direction of position P 0~1 0
command pulse
16 Positioning completed range P 0~30000 20 pulse
17 Position deviation limit for error P 0~30000 400 ×100
detection pulse
18 Neglect excessive position deviation P 0~1 0
Ordinal Name Usage Range Default Unit
34 Internal torque limit in CCW P,S,T 0~300 300* %
35 Internal torque limit in CW direction P,S,T -300~0 -300* %
36 External torque limit in CCW P,S,T 0~300 100 %
37 External torque limit in CW P,S,T -300~0 -100 %
38 Trial running in speed mode; Torque S 0~300 100 %
limit in JOG operation
39 Zero offset compensation of analog T -2000~2000 0
torque command
40 Acceleration time constant S 1~10000 0 ms
41 Deceleration time constant S 1~10000 0 ms
42 S-curve acceleration/deceleration S 1~1000 0 ms
time constant
43 Gain of analog speed command S 10~3000 300 (r/min) /
44 Reversing direction of analog speed S 0~1 0
45 Zero offset compensation of analog S -5000~5000 0
speed command
46 Time constant of filter for analog S 0~1000 300 Hz
speed command
47 Action setting for electromagnetic P,S,T 0~200 0 ×10ms
brake when servomotor is in
48 Action setting for electromagnetic P,S,T 0~200 50 ×10ms
brake when servomotor is in motion
49 Action speed for electromagnetic P,S,T 0~3000 100 r/min
brake when servomotor is in motion
50 Speed limit in torque control T 0~5000 3600* r/min
51 Electronic gear is available in P 0~1 0
52 Second numerator of frequency P 1~32767 1
divider for position command pulse
53 Bottom four bits control word for P,S,T 0000~1111 0000 Binary
forcing the input terminal to be ON
Ordinal Name Usage Range Default Unit
54 Top four bits control word for P,S,T 0000~1111 0000 Binary
forcing the input terminal to be ON
55 Bottom four bits control word for P,S,T 0000~1111 0000 Binary
inversing the terminal input signal
56 Top four bits control word for P,S,T 0000~1111 0000 Binary
inversing the terminal input signal
57 Control word for inversing the P,S,T 0000~1111 0000 Binary
terminal output signal
58 Time constant of input terminal for P,S,T 1~1000 16 0.1ms
removing the effect of vibrating
59 Demonstration operation P,S 0~1 0
1.5 Alarm table
The front panel consists of the display (6-digit, 7-segment LED) and four switching buttons
( ↑、↓、←、Enter ). It is used for display the system status, parameter setting and so on. Operation
is executed in layer. ← and Enter button expresses the layer going backward and forward
respectively; The Enter button has the meaning of enter, confirm. The ← button has the
meaning of exit, cancel. The ↑ and ↓ button expresses increase and decrease of serial
number or value size respectively; if press down and hold the ↑ or ↓ button,then has the
effect of repeat for doing so; And the longer of holding the higher of repeat rate.
If 6 LED digit or decimal point of the most right side LED digit is twinkling, shows that
any alarm occurs. If the POWER lamp lit indicates that the main power supply is on. If the RUN
lamp has lit, indicates that the servomotor is in motion.
EP100 Series
AC Servo Amplifier Power
Use the first layer to select the operation mode, There are seven operation mode can be
selected by using ↑ or ↓ button,Then press down the Enter button for entering the second
layer that has selected. After that if press down the ← button, then return to the first layer
If has chosen the monitor mode “dP-@@@” in the first layer, Press the Enter button to enter
the monitor mode. There is twenty one monitor’s status. Use ↑ and or ↓ button to select the
needing monitor's status; Press the Enter button again to enter the concrete display condition.
dp-pos Bottom 5 digits of current position (pulse) p45806 Current position 1245806
Top 5 digits of current position pulses
dp-pos. (x100000 pulse) p. 12
dp-[po Bottom 5 digits of current command (Pulse) [45810 Position command 1245810
Top 5 digits of current command pulses
dp-[po. (x100000Pulse) [. 12
dp-epo Bottom 5 digits of current deviation (Pulse) e 4
Position deviation 4 pulses
Top 5 digits of current deviation
dp-epo. (x100000Pulse)
e. 0
dp-trq Motor torque(%) t 70 Motor torque 70%
dp-lsp Linear velocity(m/min) l 5.000 Linear velocity 5.000m/min
dp-apo Absolute position of rotor in one turn(Pulse) a 3265 Absolute position of rotor 3265
ee-set wirte in
Operation success
Parameters Press down and
ee- rd read out hold for 3 second finisk
ee- ba Parameters start
ee- rs backup Operation fail
ee-def default value
According to the picture 7.8 make the wiring carefully.
z The main circuit terminal R、S and T connect with three phase AC 220V power supply.
z The terminal ‘r’ and‘t’ of control power supply connect with single phase AC 220V power
z The output terminals(U,V,W) must be connected with the servo motor connections(U,V,W)
correspondently, otherwise the servo motor will stop or over speed.
z Using the encoder connector CN2 connect the servo driver with the servomotor.
z Using the control signal connector CN1 connect other wiring according to the drawing.
PE Motor
U 2
V 3
R 4
3 Phase W
AC220V S 1
CN2 4 Pins Connector
NFB MC For Motor Power
r 14 5V
t 15 5V
16 5V
DC COM+ 18
17 5V
18 0V
Servo ON(Enabled) SON 10
Optical Encoder
19 0V
20 0V 2
SRDY+ 8 21 0V 3
Servo Ready
SRDY- 25 1 A+ 4
26LS32 2 A- 7
PULS+ 32 3 B+ 5
Position Command
PULSE PULS- 33 4 B- 8
SIGN+ 34 5 Z+ 6
Position Command
SIGN SIGN- 35 6 Z- 9
7 U+ 10
Ground of 8 U- 13
Encoder Signal GND GND 9
9 V+ 11
Z Signal of Encoder Z CZ 7
(OC Output) 10 V- 14
11 W+ 12
12 W- 15
22 0V 1
FG 36
23 0V
15 Pins Connector
26 FG For Optical Encoder
Ground of
Metal Case