Evaluating Teachers Professional Development For ICT Use

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International Journal of Education, Learning and Development

Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015

___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Dr. Douglas Darko Agyei
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana

ABSTRACT: This paper describes an evaluation study designed to investigate the impact of an
ICT-Instructional digital innovation in teaching Mathematics, English and Integrated Science
subjects from the teacher capacity building professional development programme to classroom
implementation at senior high school levels in Ghana. Interviews and survey data were used for
data collection following a week professional development programme on the instructional digital
learning training. The study demonstrated that the teachers increased in ICT proficiencies but this
was limited to their own professional development and not so much of classroom implementation
of ICT which results when transfer of learning takes place from training to practice. The study
reported that teachers faced a complex mix of factors that when combined, contributed to
challenges in transferring the ideas gained in the training programme to the classroom situation.
It was evident from the findings that more systematic efforts are needed at the school levels and at
the level of stakeholders who implement in-service teachers’ professional development
programmes to move the goal of transforming teaching and learning through ICT-based
innovations. Based on the outcomes, the study discussed recommendations to help smoothen the
transition from teacher professional development programmes to actual classroom
implementations in Ghanaian senior high schools and such similar contexts.
KEYWORDS: Teacher, Developmenr ICT, Classroom, Digital Innovation, Mathematics,
English, Integrated Science, Ghana

Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is high on the education reform
agenda worldwide particularly in developed countries. Often ICT is seen as an indispensable tool
to fully participate in the knowledge society (Peeraer & Van Petegem, 2011). ICT’s are therefore
perceived to provide a window of opportunity for educational institutions to harness and use
technology to complement and support the teaching and learning process. Although a large body
of research on factors determining the integration of ICT in education emerge from developed
countries, recent development indicate that developing countries are finding means to participate
effectively in the global information society and to address challenges regarding ICT in education
(Tilya, 2008). The emerging developing countries do not only draw on this research but are also
gradually advocating for ICT use for teaching and learning to gain acceptance in education.
Ghana is an interesting case for research on integration of ICT. Ghana’s efforts to use ICT in
education began to receive governments’ attention only recently. The integration of ICT into her
educational system was formally introduced as part of educational reforms which began in

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
September 2007 as part of government’s initiative to improve quality of teaching and learning in
the nation’s schools. One major requirement of the 2007 educational reform was to ensure that all
students in pre-tertiary institutions in Ghana acquire basic ICT literacy skills (including internet
use) and apply these not only in their studies but also in a variety of ways in their everyday life
activities (CRDD,2007a, b and c). As a result, the government and other institutions in the past
have invested huge sums of money in procurement of computers and establishment of computer
labs in most SHS’s. Although these efforts have not yielded the needed results in extending
instructional methods or promoting integration of technology in the schools’ curriculum, the
Government has not shelved her efforts in improving the quality of education by transforming
teaching and learning through ICTs.
For instance, the Government of Ghana through Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ghana
Education Service (GES) in recent times has initiated a project with the view to promote
integration of ICT in Mathematics, English and Integrated Science (MEIS) curriculum in Senior
High Schools (SHSs) in Ghana. This project aimed at providing internet access for all SHSs with
a view to supporting teaching and learning achievement. As part of the activities of the project,
installation of connectivity in 400 SHSs as well as development of an implementation manual for
pedagogical integration of ICT were done. Essential to this project, unlike similar earlier projects,
was a professional development programme aimed at equipping the MEIS teachers in those SHSs
to teach their subject matter with ICT. The professional development training programme was
meant to develop teachers’ capacity to integrate ICT to enhance their current teaching practices in
teaching MEIS subjects across the beneficiary schools of the project.
Several months after this intervention, teachers who participated in the programme have been
teaching in their various SHSs.. What remains to be done is a follow-up to see if the training
programme has yielded the desired results in the way the teachers teach their subject matter after
the training. Fishman and Krajcik (2003) reported that in the space between originating context
and broader applications or continuity, most innovations either disappear or become
unrecognizable and as Fullan (2007) reported, a great majority of policies and innovations did not
get implemented even when implementation was desired.
This study is an independent one to explore whether the professional development imparted on the
teachers’ knowledge and skill and to ascertain the extent to which the knowledge gained reflect in
the teachers’ current teaching practices.

Conditions for Implementing Educational innovations

According to Fullan (2007), implementation consists of the process of putting into practice an idea,
programme or set of activities or structures, new to the people attempting or expected to change.
Burkman (1987) notes that in many cases, the failure of an innovation is not due to the quality of
the product, but results from those responsible for its successful implementation failing to consider
variables other than the product itself; These arguments suggest that implementation is key for
educational projects or innovation to have lasting impact on education.
A number of studies have shown that though most research projects yielded valuable knowledge
about nature of cognition, teaching and learning; yet they failed to have a broad or lasting impact
on education. These studies point out that learning from a formal training programme is often not

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
or in a limited way applied on the job (e.g.Saks, 2002; Yamnill & McLean, 2001). Questions raised
normally centre around the degree to which trainees effectively implement the knowledge, skills
and attitudes gained in a training context to their classroom practices. Several factors required for
the successful implementation of educational project (Dede & Nelson, 2005; Fullan, 2007) have
been identified by different researchers to account for this.
Dede and Honan (2005) identified four key themes in adapting an educational innovation
successfully in some local setting to effective usage in wide range of contexts: 1.Coping with
change: context, leadership, and funding, 2. Promoting ownership: building constituent support;
institutionalizing innovations, 3. Building human capacity: working with collaborators and
partners; providing Professional development and 4. Effective decision making: interpreting data;
creating and applying usable knowledge. Fullan (2007) identifies at least three components or
dimensions at stake in implementing an innovation in a classroom: (1) the possible use of new or
revised materials (Instructional resources such as curriculum materials or technologies, (2) the
possible use of new approaches (i.e. new teaching strategies or activities) and (3) the possible
alteration of beliefs (e.g. pedagogical assumptions and theories underlying particular new policies
or programs. According to him, all three aspects of change are necessary because together they
represent the means of achieving a particular educational goal or set of goals.
These arguments regarding factors influencing successful implementation of educational
innovations seem not to differ from innovations that are technologically inclined. For example,
Fishman and Krajcik (2005) argued that anyone who is working to create a lasting change with
technology that have sustainable impact on teaching and learning must be mindful of creating
innovations that function as part of systemic reforms. According to him, a fundamental goal of
systemic reform is alignment across component of school systems (such as administration and
management, curriculum and instruction, assessment and policy, and technology). According to
Webb and Cox (2004), one of the reasons for the unenthusiastic response to ICT innovation
amongst teachers might be that technological knowledge or skill is either absent or lacking in the
processes that underpins teachers’ planning.

The literature reviewed here served as a benchmark to explore potential factors for the successful
implementation of an ICT innovation among teachers in Ghana. Prior to this study, a select cohort
of teachers were previously involved in an Instructional digital learning training programme and
development to acquire the skills and knowledge in teaching Mathematics, Science and English
with ICT and Internet resources in SHSs. This study explored the results achieved after the
programme: the quality and the extent of implementation of the professional development ideas
by the teachers in their current teaching practices.

The Professional Development Programme (PDP)

The Professional development programme was organized to target Science, Maths and English
teachers from 400 SHSs that participated in the study. Preceding the professional development
programme, training of master trainers’ programme was organised. The focus of the training of
the master trainers was to build their capacity to train other teachers during the professional
development programme. The training was conducted with the goal of familiarising the master
trainers with the content of training modules to be used for training teachers during the professional

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
development programme, the facilitation approach, as well as the relevance and appropriateness
of the training materials for the intended audience. Three modules aimed at enhancing teacher ICT
competencies were developed and used for the training purposes.
Module 0 focused on revision of ICT Basic Skills through problem solving and group work
strategies. Module 1 focused on Applying ICT in Mathematics, English and Integrated Science
teaching. Module 2 focused on Infusing ICT in Mathematics, English and Integrated Science
teaching. Emphasis was on exploring how ICT can be used to support didactic and problem-based
teaching & learning and how teachers can shift towards technology infusion in their MEIS
classroom practice. The modules and other useful resources were placed on a designated portal or
website where teachers participating in the programme could access. The national master trainer
team was organized into seven training teams to provide training for seven teacher groups.
Training focused on building a common understanding on ICT concepts and skills as well as the
specific skills required for the meaningful use of ICT for teaching and learning in Mathematics,
English and Integrated Science. During the training sessions, the national master trainers used the
modules to guide trainees to develop the theoretical foundation/concepts as well as the practical
skills they need to design and teach ICT-based lessons. The lesson design and implementation
adopted Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a conceptual framework to
examine and develop the knowledge and skills teachers needed for ICT integration. Developing
the teachers’ TPACK was done through” Learning Technology by Design”, an approach in which
teachers were involved in collaborative authentic problem solving task with ICT. Trainees had the
opportunity to scout for resources from the internet. Following exemplary materials in the
modules, they were to design their lessons, plan and teach the lessons at micro-levels in teams or
collaborations. The teaching approaches which were adopted to be used in teaching their subject
matter with ICT were the Didactic Pedagogical Approach (DPA) and the Problem Based Learning
(PBL) approach. The other part of the PDP encouraged teachers to upload their developed lesson
on the designated portal to promote professional community collaboration with other teachers from
schools within the select 400. The expectation was that the portal will be accessible to teachers
even after the programme is over because provision of internet (i.e., supply of ICT logistics
including servers and routers for internet connectivity) to the schools formed an integral part of
the intervention programme. The training was spread over 8 weeks, each group spending a period
of one week duration each.
Several months after the training, the teachers who were involved in the training still teach in their
various SHSs. What remains to be done is a follow-up to see if the PDP imparted on the teachers
knowledge and skills and whether they still hold and implement the programmes’ ideas in their
current teaching practices.

A Conceptual Framework of the study

Dede and Honan (2005) reiterates that a clear understanding of factors that support implementation
of a successful innovation in a particular context is critical when evaluating an educational project.
Thus, it is essential that in judging the true value and worth of any professional development
endeavor, a model which is effective in evaluating elements at different levels of the professional
development arrangement is used. This present study therefore sought to apply Guskey’s
professional development evaluation model to evaluate the efficiency, effectiveness and relevance

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
of a professional development programme for ICT use in teaching among MEIS Ghanaian teachers
who took part in the study as mentioned earlier on. Thomas Guskey has been writing for some
time about the importance of seeking evidence of effectiveness in professional development
programmes (see Guskey 1985; Guskey 1986; Guskey 1990; Guskey 1991; Guskey and Sparks
1996; Guskey 1998). While Guskey’s focus has been on professional development for teachers
and schools, his research on accountability and evaluation also have application beyond the school
environment. According to Guskey (2000), effective professional development evaluations require
the collection and analysis of the five critical levels of information. Thus, the model’s key elements

 Level 1: Participants' Reactions – Participant’s initial satisfaction with the experience;

 Level 2: Participants' Learning – New knowledge and skills of participants;

 Level 3: Organization support and change – The organization’s advocacy, support,

accommodation, facilitation, and recognition;

 Level 4: Participants' Use of New Knowledge and Skills – Degree of quality of

implementation and;

 Level 5: Student Learning Outcomes – Student learning including Cognitive

(performance & achievement), Affective (attitude & dispositions) and Psychomotor
(skills and behavior).
Guskey indicated that with each succeeding level, the process of gathering evaluation information
gets a bit more complex. He reiterated that each level builds on those that come before, success at
one level is usually necessary for success at higher levels.
The Guskey (2000) Model was used particularly in the design of this study and for the evaluation
processes of the PDP. As indicated, this evaluation study is a follow-up on a cohort of MEIS
teachers who took part in a professional development arrangement to foster adoption of
technological innovation in their teaching practices in their various SHSs.
The study focused on only the first 4 levels of Guskey’s Model. Level 1: Participants' Reactions,
focused on the teachers’ general impressions about the Instructional digital learning training
programme and its components (e.g., activities, time and effort, usefulness of resource materials,
effectiveness of resource persons) in enhancing teaching and learning of MEIS subjects; Level 2:
Participants' Learning, focused on the quality of learning during the training (e.g., are there change
in teachers’ attitudes, competencies, self belief of ICT use in teaching); Level 3: Organization
support and change, focused on schools’ conditions and practices that undermine or support
teachers’ implementations efforts and recognition of ICT use by the MEIS teachers after the
training programme ; Level 4: Participants' Use of New Knowledge and Skills, focused on the use
of the training programmes’ ideas in practice. At this level, the emphasis was on whether teachers
were applying the knowledge and skills they had acquired during the training in their professional
and teaching practices, what conditions either promoted or hindered implementation of the
programmes’ ideas in their schools. Level 5: Students' Learning Outcomes was not assessed in this
study. Firstly, for such a PDP endeavor, it was difficult to gather evidence of student learning

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
outcomes within the period of time the study was conducted. The kind of information needed at
this level requires a longer time to assess. Secondly, to show that a professional development
programme uniquely leads to improvements in student learning can be complicated. It requires a
level of experimental rigor that is hard and impossible to attain in this study.

Research questions and Research Design

This study which aimed at implementing an Instructional digital innovation programme among
MEIS subject teachers in SHSs in Ghana were guided by two research questions: (1) how did the
MEIS teachers perceive the contribution of the PDP to developing their experiences (teachers’
learning and teaching) of technology-enhanced lesson; and (2) to what extent did the PDP promote
ownership, transfer of learning and practicability among the MEIS teachers? In the study:
Ownership referred to the schools’ claiming responsibility, for actions regarding supporting the
instructional digital innovation use in teaching and learning; Transfer of learning , referred to
whether new knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by teachers during the training programme
were being applied or used in their professional and teaching practices; and Practicability, referred
to how new knowledge, and skills acquired after the training are being used to support use of the
innovation by teachers in the classroom situations.
The study employed an Embedded mixed method research design (Creswell, Plano Clark,
Gutmann & Hanson, 2003); including the collection of quantitative and qualitative data.

The main study participants for the Evaluation study were 400 teachers of Mathematics, English
and Science who took part in the professional development programme from a selected 400 SHSs
in Ghana. An online survey targeted all these teachers who participated in the training programme
across all the ten regions in Ghana. Hundred and ten (110) teachers representing about 28%
responded to the survey. Of the total respondents, 88 representing 78.6% were males whiles 22
representing 19.6% were females. The distribution of the professional qualification of the
respondents occurred as follows: First degree (79%); Masters Degree (15.2%) and Diploma
(5.7%). While the majority (32%) of teachers had 16-20 years working experience, a large
proportion were new teachers with working experience of 5 or less years. Only a small percentage
had 20 or more year’s experience of teaching.

Research Instruments
In Table 1, an overview of the data collection procedures at the different levels of Guskey’s critical
level evaluation model is presented.

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Table 1: Relationship between Data Collection Procedures and the Conceptual Framework

Evaluation Typical Questions Data Collection What will be

Level Addressed Instrument Measured/Assessed
Participants’ Did participants like the Online Survey Initial satisfaction
Reaction training? Was time well Interviews with experience.
Participants’ Did participants acquire Online Survey New knowledge and
Learning the intended knowledge or Interviews skills of participants
Organization Did the Instructional Online Survey The schools’
and Change digital learning training Interviews advocacy, support,
programme activities accommodations,
promote changes that were facilitation and
aligned with the mission of recognition
the school?
Participants’ Did participants Online Survey Degree and quality
Use of New effectively apply the new Interviews of information
Knowledege knowledge and skills?
and Skills
Online Survey
This study adopted an online survey evaluation tool (developed from a survey monkey) which was
used previously for the data collection during the PDP for the MEIS teachers. A questionnaire was
developed and uploaded in the survey monkey and used to collect data at the first 4 levels of
Guskey model from the MEIS teachers who participated in the study. The focus was to
systematically assess the impact of the training programme on the Instructional digital innovation
in teaching MEIS subjects from the teacher capacity building professional development
programme to classroom implementation levels. Items on the survey included the MEIS teachers’
perceptions and how they valued the Instructional digital learning training programme and its
components. The survey also contained items which measured teachers’ perceptions regarding the
extent to which they used ideas of the programme and factors influencing their actual use (Sample
questions for each level of Guskey’s model is shown in Table 1). The survey also included thirty
statements representing factors promoting/hindering teachers’ use (inability to make use) of the
Programmes’ ideas. These items were classified under 8 sub-scales drawn from Ely (1999)
formulated eight conditions for the implementation of an educational innovation. The conditions
have been defined as follows:

 Sufficient knowledge and skills – the knowledge and skills acquired during the training
programme which reflect in the way MEIS teachers currently design their lessons and
teaching practices with ICT.
 Dissatisfaction with the status quo – teachers’ dissatisfaction with existing teaching
approaches in MEIS subject areas
 Commitment – MEIS teachers’ dedication to their students’ learning, in particular through
ICT and to their own professional developments as teachers

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
 Availability of time – MEIS teachers’ willingness to devote learning time to become skilled
in design and practice of ICT-based lessons during pre-lesson preparations
 Availability of resources – amount of ICT resources currently available and accessible to
MEIS teachers to successful transfer their learning of the Instructional digital innovation
in the teaching of their subjects.
 Participation – MEIS teachers’ involvement in decision making with regards to decisions
that relate to the planning and designing of ICT innovation in the school setting
 School Culture – conditions (such as school resistant to change, importance of leadership
in managing ICT, classroom timetabling, provision of training opportunities) for ICT
practices at the school level
 Rewards and Incentives – existence of extrinsic or intrinsic rewards/incentives provided
by school management which are presumed to motivate MEIS teachers’ use of ICT in
For all the sub-scales, a five-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 5-strongly agree) was used.
The scores were interpreted as follows: 1 is the lowest possible score, which represents a very
strong negative perception, while the 5 is the highest possible score which represents a very strong
positive perception.

Interviews were conducted for 15 teachers from the SHS’s that were involved in the study.
Interview data was meant to provide in-depth elaborations for data collected through the

Data collection and data analysis procedures

The online questionnaire link was sent to all the participants through their emails they provided
during the PDP training. Responses were later downloaded from the survey monkey and collated.
For the Interviews, the author visited the selected schools and interviewed the selected teachers.
To analyze the data descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA were used. Interview data were audio
taped and transcribed using data reduction technique (Miles & Huberman, 1994).

Using the Guskey’s framework for evaluating professional development programme, information
was collected and analysed at four levels of the Instructional digital training programme and its
implementation in the real classroom situation. The findings reported here focused on data
collected via the online survey evaluation tool corroborated by interview data collected from the

Teacher Reaction to the Professional Development Training Programme

The first level of evaluation focused on the teachers’ reaction to the Instructional digital learning
professional development programme. The purpose was to understand what worked and what did

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
not work in the processes of the PDP and to develop strategies for improving its design and
facilitation for future initiatives. The teachers in the study reported their perceptions and how they
valued the Instructional digital learning training programme and its components via the online
survey. The results showed overall positive high perceptions (M=3.96, SD= 0.581) (ie.
approximately ‘agree’) to all the positive statements regarding the PDP its components. Most
components of the PDP: Use of exemplary materials (M=4.23, SD=0.657), Collaboration in teams
(M=4.30, SD=0.735), Resourcefulness of facilitators (M=4.18, SD=0.690) and Use of PDP
Modules (M=4.03, SD=0.849) were highly valued by the teachers indicating that most of the
teachers were satisfied with various aspects of the training programme to develop their knowledge
and skill in applying and infusing ICT in professional practice and MEIS subject teaching.

Table 2: Descriptive Statistics of Components of the Training Programme

Item Mean SD
Use of exemplary materials (designed lesson plans) promoted my 4.23 .657
learning of ICT-enhanced activities
Collaborations in teacher subject teams enhanced my learning in the 4.30 .735
PDP process
Use of facilitators/Resource person promoted my learning and design 4.18 .690
of ICT-enhanced lessons
PDP Modules promoted learning and design of ICT-enhanced 4.03 .849
Use of Web-Resources facilitated my learning of ICT-enhanced 3.86 1.083
lesson design
Sufficient time was allotted for activities in the programme 3.23 1.201
Note: 5= strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=uncertain, 2= disagree, 1=strongly disagree
Interview data gathered with the teachers supported the findings. Participants were of the view that
the professional development approach adopted ‘learning technology by design’ provided
opportunity for the teachers to develop their attitudes, knowledge and skills in ICT integration
through collaborative design and enactment of ICT-based MEIS curriculum materials. They
reiterated that collaboration in design teams in which the teachers work with the peers was an
important means to stimulate and support teacher learning. The approach improved interaction and
interdependence among teachers, making them discover how to share knowledge and ideas of
relevant information. The PDP manuals were necessary components for the teachers’ learning
during the training. It promoted the teachers’ understanding of what integrating ICT in lessons is
about, promoted pedagogical design capacity and promoting their decisions on how to proceed
with their own designs. The use of exemplary materials (designed lessons) provided a theoretical
and practical insight of ICT-supported learner-centred lessons and hands on experience promoting
concrete how-to-do suggestions which facilitated a better implementation of the innovation.
Findings also showed that the role of resource persons were mainly facilitating and that was a good
approach to challenge teachers as well as sustain their focus in preparing their own lesson and
enacting them in micro-teaching.
Participants also reported on aspects of the programme which did not auger well for their learning.
Table 2 shows the teachers’ ranking on two of such issues: “Use of Web-Resources facilitated my

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
learning of ICT-enhanced lesson design” and “Sufficient time was allotted for activities in the
programme” which were ranked relatively low. Interview data reiterated that the progarmmes’
critical area for improvement that was mostly commented on was the quality of the internet
connectivity. The teachers expressed general dissatisfaction and frustrations on the poor internet
accessibility during the training programme. Lack of access to computers was also presented as a
key factor that impeded teacher learning of ICT use in the training programme. As a result most
participants resorted to the use of their mobile phones during the programme which did not serve
the purpose any better. Another critical area for improvement presented by many of the participants
was the issue of time. Although trainees were of the view that the content of the programme was
relevant, they indicated that the time was limited in proportion to the package of the programme
content to be covered over the period of 5 days. In particular, a number of the teachers indicated
that there was little or no time to try out the designed lessons among their peers.

Professional Learning of the MEIS teachers

The second level of evaluation focused on the quality of teacher learning in the training programme
process. Findings showed that teachers’ perceptions about the impact of the training programme
on their learning were a mixed one. Whiles some teachers indicated how much confidence they
had acquired to teach their subject matter with ICT others were reluctant to indicate that they could
transfer their learning from the programme in designing and teaching their own subject in their
classrooms. A number of teachers had the opportunity to clarify their opinions about the learning
that took place during the interviews. The following were some of the statements made by some

The training content was very relevant to my needs and I learned a lot of things
that will help me improve on my teaching as far as integrating technology is
I have learnt a great deal of pedagogical based approach of teaching science and
I hope to use it extensively in my future lessons…
It was difficult to follow the activities to design lessons in my subject area
because just as I did not have a personal laptop to follow the activities, the
internet connectivity was such that one could hardly have access to the modules.
So most of us sat as observers …
Figure 2 shows the distribution on teachers’ responses on aspects of their learning that took place
during the training programme. What was most popular which most teachers indicated were
confident to do was the use of Internet Resources to support students’ concepts formation teaching
their subject matter (M= 3.80). The use of Problem Based Learning pedagogical approach (M=
3.59) to support student learning with the aid of computers was indicated as the second best skill
and knowledge learned by the teachers.

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)

ICT-enhanced lessons plans to guide


PBL to support student learning with


DPA to support student learning with


Internet Resources to support students’

concepts formation

"ICT-enhanced demonstration” to
define roles as facilitators

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9

Figure 2: MEIS Teachers’ Learning from the training programme

The teachers indicated responses on other skill and knowledge learnt: applying didactic
pedagogical approach to support student learning with the aid of computers (M= 3.37), using ICT-
enhanced lesson plans to guide lesson implementation (M= 3.38) and applying “ICT-enhanced
demonstration” to define roles as facilitators in lessons (M= 3.4) although they were relatively
low. A number of reasons were identified why some teachers were not able to learn the required
skill and knowledge the programme intended to impart on trainees. First of all it appears the
background knowledge in basic computer skills of teachers differed widely among teachers.
Whiles some were novices in basic computer use, others had some computer literate skills and
unfortunately the training could not ensure a common understanding on basic ICT concepts
through its activities. As a result of the different entry levels, participants’ learning which focused
on applying basic ICT in Mathematics, English and Integrated Science teaching were done at
different levels. While participants were expected to bring laptops from their schools to the
programme many arrived without laptops. Thus, majority of the teachers who were not fluent in
the use of computers and indeed came to the training without their own computers had complex
challenges and frustrations learning barely anything at the training as hordes of trainees had to
crowd around one computer amidst other difficulties like internet access, poor visual and audio
quality in the equipments used and continuous breakdown of internet services.

MEIS Teachers’ Use of New Knowledge and Skills

A major question dealt with in the study was whether the MEIS teachers were able to transfer their
knowledge and skill gained in the Instructional digital learning training programme in the way
they design and teach their lessons in MEIS currently.

It was reported that less than 50% (Agree= 35% and Strongly Agree = 11%) of the MEIS teachers
who received training implemented aspects of the ideas from the training programme. A large
number (39%) of them were still uncertain and perhaps had not understood the reasons for the
training programme or might have been hindered by certain prevailing conditions in their school

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
setting. For example some teachers reiterated in the interviews that they were not well informed
that the ultimate goal of the training was to improve their classroom teaching with ICT to enhance
their students’ learning of MEIS subjects in the various schools. Another flaw as were reported
by the teachers was the degree of involvement of their heads of the institutions during and before
the training programme. It appears that although most heads had taken delivery of some ICT
logistics supplied to the schools, it was not made clear to them what the focus of the training of
the teachers was about and what their roles as heads were. As a result most of them did not play
any supervisory role to ensure that teachers who took part in the training made use of their
knowledge acquired in their teaching.

Figure3: MEIS Teachers’ Reported Use of Training Programme Ideas

Teachers who implemented (M = 3.38, SD= 0.961) aspects of the training progarmme were
reported to be low in general. Table 3 shows levels of classroom implementations of components
of the PDP. The results did not differ significantly by experiences of teachers nor by gender. What
seemed to be most popular (although not encouraging) was the MEIS teachers’ use of internet
resources to promote students’ active learning (M=3.74, SD=1.223). The teachers indicated that
they hardly consulted or accessed resources from the project website (M= 2.97, SD= 1.27). It did
not seem to them that resources and lessons plans developed during the training were loaded to the
designated portal to provide universal access to all the teachers. Most teachers did not seem to be
aware of the purpose of the projects’ portal and it was not clear whose responsibility it was to
upload useful e-content to the portal to promote professional community collaboration among

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Table 3: Classroom Implementation of the ICT-based Trainings’ Ideas

Item Mean SD
I implement student learning activities for my lessons to 3.74 1.223
promote active learning with the aid of internet resources
I implement student self-regulated learning for my lessons with 3.07 1.278
the aid of computers
I use the exemplary lessons designed during the training 3.51 0.906
programme for some of my lessons
I consult the project’s website to access useful resources to aid 2.98 1.272
my teaching
Note: 5= always, 4=often, 3= sometimes, 2= seldom, 1=never
The overall results suggest that ICT-based implementation at the school level is feasible and could
impart teachers teaching approaches. It is also evident that lack of effective communication
between project implementation agents and schools was a possible factor affecting implementation
of the Instructional digital training programme.

Conditions influencing MEIS teachers’ use of the Instructional digital Innovation

As reported earlier in Table 3, the implementation of the Instructional digital innovation (M =
3.38, SD= 0.961) in the classroom was woefully low. Analysis of results from the questionnaire
responses indicate that the teachers’ perceived factors that influence/hinder the implementation of
the innovation in teaching MEIS in their classrooms differ. In Figure 4, the factors which influence
teachers’ actual use of the innovation in class are shown.

Figure 4: Conditions influencing implementation of the ICT innovation

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
An ANOVA test indicated that the teachers did not differ significantly in their response by their
working experiences .Overall, teachers’ dissatisfaction with status quo (M=3.94, SD=.734) was
the most valued factor reported; indicating that teachers expressed their dissatisfaction with the
existing methods of instruction and reiterated the need to change the existing teaching approaches.
This was followed by teachers’ participation (M=3.94, SD=.734). The MEIS teachers tended to
agree (M=3.81, SD= 1.094) that they had opportunities to communicate their ideas and opinions
with regards to decisions that relate to the planning and teaching with ICT resources in their school
setting. Knowledge and skills (M=3.51, SD= .898) appeared moderate; indicating the teachers had
acquired some knowledge and skilled’ during the preparatory programme and was an influential
factor for using ICT in their classroom teaching. Thus, it is encouraging to note that in spite of the
limitations of the training programme reported by the teachers’ most of them had acquired
sufficient knowledge and skill which indicates how well the training programme contributed to
their professional learning. School related factors such as availability of ICT resource and time
were weak in promoting the teachers’ use of the innovation. The teachers expressed their
frustrations regarding these observations in various ways. The following were some of the
statements made by some teachers:
My school did not receive any server so we do not have any connectivity. Apart
from the problem with ICT resources, there are also problems with timetabling.
The period of teaching mathematics with ICT is very short whereas the workload
is huge…
The leadership of the school does not place so much priority to ICT use in
teaching. As far as leadership goes in the school, use of ICT is not a large focus
so there is little I can do…

Problems with inaccessibility of ICT in the schools had to do more with sustainability of
connectivity. According to some teachers there were frequent cut offs of Internet connectivity by
the suppliers due to delays or failure of schools to pay for connectivity fee especially after the first
month of the connectivity. At the school level, it appears that communication regarding who
(whether the project managers or the schools) was to pay for connectivity supplied by service
providers was not made clear and this created a lot of confusion. Unfavorable School conditions
such as classroom timetabling, school resistant to change and importance of leadership in
managing ICT were also perceived as hindrances to teachers’ implementation of ICT use in their
classrooms. For instance, it was surprising to find that servers and other ICT facilities supplied by
the project were sitting in the storehouses of some schools unknown to the heads and or ICT
coordinators in some cases. Most teachers also kept to their former ways of teaching for reasons
best described by the author as lack of support in the face of a wide range of responsibilities. The
teachers indicated that they had challenges balancing the demands of a crowded curriculum with
providing students with opportunities to explore concepts using ICT in ways that embrace the
principles of lifelong learning. The findings of the study therefore suggest that teachers faced a
complex mix of factors that when combined, contributed to challenges in transferring the ideas
gained in the training programme to the classroom situation.

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
Prior to this study, a select cohort of teachers were previously involved in an Instructional digital
learning training programme and development to acquire the skills and knowledge in teaching
Mathematics, Science and English with ICT and Internet resources in SHSs.This study explored
the impact of the training programme on the Instructional digital innovation in teaching MEIS
subjects from the teacher capacity building professional development programme to classroom
implementation levels. The study has demonstrated that the teachers increased in ICT proficiencies
but this was limited to their own professional development and not so much of classroom
implementation of ICT which results when transfer of learning takes place from training to
practice. Participants of the study expressed general satisfaction with PDP content and processes.
For example the approach of teacher learning, collaborative design in design teams in which
groups of participants developed and modeled their own lessons after exemplary materials and
taught their peers in some cases was a viable and effective one for learning about technology
integration (cf. Koehler & Mishra, 2005).
While the programme content and processes were well received, essential conditions to support
the programme were seemingly not adequate. Inadequate ICT equipment for participants training
was a big hurdle. Most training centres were not equipped for the training programmes and so
lacked the necessary facilities; this inordinately complicated the training as hordes of trainees had
to crowd around one computer amidst other difficulties like internet access during the training in
some centres. Evidence from the study also showed that the training programme did not offer
adequate opportunities for the teachers’ to develop pedagogical integration of ICT experiences (cf.
Webb & Cox, 2004). It appears a lot of activities were packed into the training programme against
the constraints of time and other resources.

Undoubtedly, ownership, transfer and practicability of the new knowledge and skills acquired after
the training were complex constraints faced in the study. The study hardly demonstrated ownership
at the school level. The main problem had to do with the passive involvement of principals and
practicing teachers other than MEIS teachers who were involved in the training (cf. Fishman,
2005). Roles of principals for the schools were limited to selecting teachers from their various
schools to attend the respective training programmes. Just as the heads, the other subject teachers
were not in the known of the project, the rationale behind it and what it tended to achieve.
Obviously this predisposition is likely to enhance ownership of the innovation, increase the
tendency to discourage the MEIS teachers’ efforts to scale up the training ideas to other teachers.
Improving communications between the project implementers and the schools and scaling up the
training to involve other teachers are key in promoting ownership at the school levels.
Transfer of learning to a little extent was demonstrated in some MEIS teachers’ high enthusiasm
to apply the new knowledge and skills about the ICT training programme. Findings from study
showed that, after several months of finishing the training programme, most teachers still held
strong positive pedagogical views about ideas of the training programme and made attempts to
employ aspects of it but these attempts were limited to their own professional development levels.
Practicability problems resulted from a complex interaction of several variables. However, it
appeared that the underpinning factors had to do with unfavourable cultures existing in schools,

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
limited ICT facilities and attitudes of teachers. Although the project achieved success in equipping
the schools with the projected ICT facilities, more needs to be done in terms of accessibilities to
promote teaching and learning with ICTs in the schools. This findings support the contention that
the extent of access to ICT facilities in schools can foster or hinder ICT-based innovation use in
teaching and learning (Tondeur, Valcke, & Van Braak, 2008)
It is therefore necessary to emphasize just as Agyei and Voogt (2014) reported that, if the goal of
transforming teaching and learning through ICT-based innovations is to move beyond rhetoric,
many bridges exist to be crossed at the teacher and school levels as well as teacher preparation
progarmmes and other stakeholders.

Towards sustainable integration of ICT innovations in teachers’ teaching practices

Based on the outcomes of the study, recommendations are provided to aid smoothen the transition
from teacher ICT-PDPs to actual classroom implementations in Ghanaian SHSs and such similar
 The maintenance of a professional learning culture among teachers in the senior High
schools will require heads of institutions/principals as well as management of school to
support institutional change. There is a need for principal and heads of institutions
themselves to be well informed and updated with the potentials of ICT use in education and
knowledge and skills teachers need to be able to integrate ICT in their educational practice.
In addition to providing training for classroom teachers, it would be worthwhile for project
implementers also to organize such training programmes for school heads and management
periodically. Involving the heads in such a manner will inform the sense of ownership after
such training programmes and enhance their supervisory roles.
 At school level, there is an urgent need to resolve difficult dilemmas in the terrain of ICT
and technological pedagogical knowledge; innovative school culture such as: school-based
in-service training (INSET) opportunities, flexibility of classroom timetable and willingness
to change existing traditional approaches should be promoted. This study therefore
recommends that the Ghana Education Service strengthen and enforce policies regarding the
practical use of ICT for educational practices in the curriculum. A clear articulation of policy
within the framework of the teacher education department and secondary education
department could ensure better grounding of ICT integration in secondary education in

 In the midst of lack of ICT facilities, teachers must make choices about the continued use of
ICT-based innovative materials within their existing support structures and school
environment conditions. The study recommends that principals and school leaders provide
supervisory and the necessary pedagogical leadership in ICT integration. They should also
provide motivation (e.g. award schemes) to promote the use of ICT-based innovations in
 At the teacher level, conscious efforts to use existing hardware and software in creative and
situation specific ways to design and enact ICT-enhanced activity-based learning activities
to accomplish teaching goals are to be encouraged. It is recommended that school

ISSN 2054-6297(Print), ISSN 2054-6300(Online)
International Journal of Education, Learning and Development
Vol.3, No.9, pp.28-45, December 2015
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org)
management lend their support by providing opportunities for teachers to learn technology
by collaborative designs. In-service trainings could be a means to provide such a support.
 Parent Teachers’ Association, School Management and Boards must join forces and put
priority on the provision of ICT facilities in Ghanaian schools (e.g. mathematics laboratories,
computers and projection devices in classrooms) to facilitate and increase access to ICT of
teachers. Easy access to ICT facilities will certainly contribute to teachers’ use of ICT
innovations in schools (cf. Agyei, 2012).

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