SMMT Sustainability Report 2017 Online
SMMT Sustainability Report 2017 Online
SMMT Sustainability Report 2017 Online
The UK automotive industry vehicles with advanced engine and emissions control
had another successful year in technologies will continue to be fundamental to air quality
2016, with production achieving solutions, while diesels will remain vitally important in
the best performance since lowering CO 2 emissions.
the turn of the century, record
exports and an all-time high for Industry recognises and is responding to the air quality
new vehicle registrations. At challenge, to climate change and to the need to deliver on its
the same time, manufacturers social responsibilities. It makes a vital contribution to the UK
delivered on key environmental economy and we will continue to engage with policymakers
indicators, including CO 2, to ensure the industry remains competitive and innovative –
energy, water and waste and, importantly, rooted in the UK to help maintain jobs and
per vehicle produced, while maximise the economic potential of the nation.
improving their economic and
social performance. For this report, we welcome three new signatories: Lotus,
McLaren Automotive and ATP, a remanufacturing company,
This progress puts the industry on a good footing to meet further enlarging the breadth of businesses this report
the challenges ahead, not least Brexit, skills shortages and covers. Lotus and McLaren Automotive join Aston Martin
the need to improve air quality and CO 2 emissions. 2017 sees to give the report additional insight into the small volume
the introduction of a new test cycle to measure CO 2 and fuel manufacturing sector and you’ll find a specific focus on this
economy which will deliver more representative figures for sector on page 11. The total number of signatories has risen
consumers. At the same time, new vehicle types will have to to a new high of 28, representing an even broader range of
comply with the toughest new emissions standards in the member company activities.
world, including Real Driving Emissions tests designed to
measure cars’ on-road performance for the first time. In addition, for the first time, SMMT has undertaken a
materiality assessment, examining current, emerging and
And, as this latest report shows, progress remains strong on future priorities of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, as
a number of key sustainability indicators. UK manufacturers well as other stakeholders, including government advisors,
have continued to improve the environmental performance academics, charities, environmental NGOs and trade unions.
of the vehicles and components they produce, as well as The findings, which you can read on page 25, will help
within their manufacturing processes. In 2016, average CO 2 shape future reports, ensuring they continue to provide a
emissions per vehicle fell -2.9%; energy use fell -3.2%; water true reflection of the industry and its progress in improving
use fell -3.5%; and waste to landfill was down -33.7%. In sustainability, aiding strategic planning, operational
fact, almost 90% of waste was recycled in 2016. management and future investment decisions. n
Page 2 | 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS
Output up
8.3% to
Training days up 9.1% 1.82 million units
R Energy per vehicle
produced down 3.2%
Sector employment
to 2.00MWh/unit
stable at 814,000
Waste down 33.7%
Workplace incidents
Water per vehicle
down 18.6% produced down 3.5%
RECORD LOW to 2.4m3/unit
95% of a vehicle (by Registrations up 0.2%
weight) is reused, recycled to 3.1 million units
or recovered
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 3
% change
Units 2000 2015 2016
2016 on 2015
AS Number of signatories 17 27 28 3.7%
Total new car and CV registrations (million) 2.5 3.06 3.07 0.2%
VMs Total number of vehicles produced (million) 1.6 1.66 1.81 8.9%
Production inputs
VMs Energy used per vehicle produced (MWh/unit) 3.9 2.07 2.00 -3.2%
Material outputs
CO2 equivalents per vehicle produced (tonnes/unit) 1.1 0.58 0.56 -2.9%
VMs Volatile Organic Compounds emissions (cars) (g/m 2) 55.0 33.6 32.2 -4.2%
Volatile Organic Compounds emissions (vans) (g/m 2) 59.0 50.3 50.6 0.5%
VMs Waste to landfill per vehicle produced (kg/unit) 40.3 2.0 1.4 -33.7%
Vehicle use
AS Number of lost-time incidents per 1,000 employees 13.4 2.0 1.7 -18.6%
Key – See p10 for full details. AS Signatories WI Whole Industry VMs Vehicle Manufacturers only
To gather insight on the relative importance of specific environmental, social, governance and other issues to the stakeholder base and the automotive industry
itself, SMMT appointed an external organisation to conduct a materiality assessment. The study identified a wide range of issues, most of which were ranked as
important or very important to the industry and external stakeholders. We plan to use the outcomes to inform future sustainability reporting.
The assessment consisted of desk-based research, interviews with external stakeholders and a stakeholder workshop to review findings. A wide range of
stakeholders were consulted with academics, charities, consultancies, environmental NGOs, government advisory body and trade unions. To draw on the
assessment conclusions, this report will explore the most material issues identified.
During the materiality assessment, external stakeholders and SMMT members highlighted the importance of global mega trends - such as the sharing economy,
urbanisation, climate change, air quality, an ageing population, connected cities and alternative powertrains – and their impact on the automotive industry and
the future of mobility. These trends will interlink and are widely expected to create new business models and innovations.
The trends are developing in the context of globalisation and geopolitical uncertainty. These can manifest themselves into significant political shifts, as evident
in 2016 in the US and the Brexit vote in the UK (see page 10). These changes create business uncertainty, with diverging legal and regulatory schemes, currency
fluctuation and customers’ expectations, which need to be taken into account and will impact on the automotive sector.
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The UK automotive industry has been exceptionally successful in recent years, with car production at its highest level
since 1999, exports at record level and an increasingly competitive UK supply chain. Now the automotive sector is going
through further transformation, including, for example, digitalisation and increasing automation of manufacturing. It is
expected that the industry will change more in the next five years than in the past 50. At the same time, political, economic
and social changes, notably in the UK and US, create uncertainty for businesses. This uncertainty was affirmed during the
materiality assessment and could become the most significant challenge to the industry’s competitiveness in a generation.
UK AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTION EU, which grew 25% in 2016 and accounted for 94% of total CV
UK car production achieved a 17-year high in 2016, with exports. The counterbalance of a 48% reduction in CV exports
1.73 million cars produced by 15 manufacturers. This was an to the rest of the world was led by a decline in Asian demand.
8.3% rise on 2015 car production, and a significant contribution The overall picture for UK vehicle production remains positive
to the 8.3% overall increase in total vehicle production. Ten despite uncertainties with an independent report by Auto
brand new car models began production in the UK last year, Analysis revising projections for UK vehicle production in 2017
nine of them from premium brands. This helped make the UK to reach 1.9 million vehicles, led by strong growth to export
the second biggest producer of premium cars after Germany markets for both cars and CVs and increased investment in
and the third biggest car producer overall in Europe. the UK providing a boost to engine production. Many of the
projections for future production are based on assumptions
As a proportion of the mix, cars accounted for 95% of UK vehicle of transition as the UK leaves the EU, with the latest report
production and 96% of UK vehicle exports in 2016. Light vehicle suggesting the UK may fall just short of its 2 million vehicle
engine output grew 7.5%, to 2.54 million units, supported by output potential in 2020.
the new Jaguar Land Rover plant in Wolverhampton and this
provided a boost to the UK’s domestic demand for engines, which DHL’S NEW EAST MIDLANDS HUB
grew significantly in 2016. Exports of UK engines still accounted DHL’s hub at the UK’s East Midlands Airport demonstrates
for the majority of production, with 55% of those produced excellence in sustainability. Following an extension
destined for export markets. The UK has a reliance on Europe, investment of €23 million at the 174,000 square metre site,
which supplies a significant proportion of components that go the hub improves delivery services in the UK by handling
into UK built vehicles, highlighting the critical importance of 450 trucks daily and serving 24 incoming and 24 outgoing
tariff-free and barrier-free trade for the UK automotive sector. flights per day. The facility includes energy efficient features
such as internal and external LED lighting and a solar
Exports of UK produced cars grew 10% in 2016, with 78% of photovoltaic system that enables on-site power generation.
production intended for external markets. The majority of 100% of the hub’s electricity comes from renewable
which (56%) was traded with the EU, a slight decline in terms sources. In addition, waste recycling since 2004 has
of percentage share. Exports of cars to the rest of the EU still increased from 77.6% to 90.5%.
grew 7% in 2016, to just under 750,000 for the year in total. UK
car exports to non-EU markets were stronger still with growth
of 13%, rising from an increase in popularity for UK premium
cars in markets such as the US.
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 5
Castle Bromwich
Jaguar Land Rover
£100 million Sunderland
Expand its West Midlands manufacturing Nissan
£100 million
Production of the New Juke
Wolverhampton New Qashqai and X-Trail models
Jaguar Land Rover safeguards 700 jobs into next decade
£450 million Infiniti
Engine manufacturing centre 300 new jobs
Production of the Q30 and QX30 models
Jaguar Land Rover
£250 million
1,300 new jobs investment in lightweight
technologies announced
All-new Discovery revealed 500 new employees
support production of new 5-door Honda Civic
£200 million
Bridgend Manufacturing centre in Swindon to produce
Ford the next generation 5-door Civic
£181 million
New low-emission engines at Bridgend plant
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The UK automotive industry constantly strives to improve its performance. Automotive production processes are
the perfect example of where improved efficiency can reduce costs, increase competitiveness and minimise the impact
on the environment. Further implementation of digital manufacturing and automation will most likely further improve
the overall efficiency and the resource efficiency of automotive production processes.
0 0
The latest energy management system, ISO 50001, has been 2000 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
embedded in the production processes of four signatories:
Bentley, Honda, Leyland Trucks and Toyota. RENEWABLE ENERGY
In 2016, the number of signatories reporting on their on-
site renewable energy production remained stable. Eleven
The McLaren Technology Centre (MTC) was designed to signatories produced 57.7GWh of energy, which would be
maximise natural light and LED energy-efficient bulbs sufficient to power 14,420 homes. This represents a 3.2% drop
were installed throughout to reduce energy usage. on the previous year’s performance. This may be due to less
MTC has two combined heat and power systems (CHP) favourable weather conditions, for example less wind. In addition,
installed which reuse the heat produced during the one signatory reported metering issues.
energy production elsewhere in the building. MTC also
uses a man-made lake located next to it, to assist the CO2
building’s cooling system by regulating the temperature CO2 emissions are calculated based on the official conversion
and decreasing the need for cooling towers. factors for each energy stream used by manufacturers. Last
year, Defra reviewed its conversion factors to account for a
Through efficient use of the existing Building Management lower carbon footprint of energy production in the UK, resulting
System, McLaren Automotive Limited only increased electrical in industry figures for the past two years being revised.
consumption in the Production Centre by 20% in 2016
compared with 2015, despite introducing an additional shift and VMs’ absolute CO2 emissions increased by 5.6% year on year,
almost doubling total production. The second shift started in in line with the energy usage increase of 5.2%. CO2 per vehicle
February 2016 with the new roles adding approximately 40% to produced was down by 2.9% to 0.56 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
the existing headcount in the Production Centre. However, by Electricity accounted for 43.3% of the overall energy used
the end of 2016, electricity consumption was reduced to below by VMs. Green energy made up 11% of all the electricity
2015 levels in the same period. purchased in 2016 (Chart 2, below).
CO 2 equivalent (tonnes) ,000s
1,200 0.8
0 0
2000 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 7
Page 8 | 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS
uf M
an ta
M oyo
2002 2007 2010 2012 2015 2016
ot en
m ar
to cL
Au M
g/m 2
2000 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 9
Digital technology in the form of the personal computer and the internet has already transformed the way we live
and work. The ubiquitous use of computing has caused the rapid development of the digital economy.
30% 5% BY UP TO
To remain competitive, the automotive industry has to rapidly immediately assess the impact of traffic disruption on the
adapt to growing trends with the digitalisation production schedule. From the supply chain’s perspective,
of manufacturing (also referred to as ‘Industry 4.0’) playing having greater visibility of changes in customer demand
a critical role. Digitalisation, alongside automation has will enable improved scheduling, reduced downtime and
also been identified by the materiality assessment as overtime, as well as reduced component inventory.
one of the most important areas for the sector from the
external stakeholders’ perspective, due to its impact on To ensure that UK automotive enjoys the full benefits
manufacturing-related jobs. However, it can be reasonably of digitalisation, the government needs to put this
assumed that as new job roles are created as a result of technological change at the heart of the Industrial Strategy.
digitalisation, a growing number of students will begin to
specialise in topics that will enable them to secure those jobs,
The government published a consultation on industrial
while those already employed in manufacturing will retrain.
strategy in January 2017. This recommitment to industrial
strategy is strongly welcomed by the automotive sector. If
In 2016, SMMT published The Digitalisation of the UK the UK is to retain its position as one of the leading locations
Automotive Industry. It showed that if UK automotive in the world for automotive manufacturing, industrial
continues to embrace digital manufacturing, leading to strategy must provide a long-term vision and build upon
fully digital vehicle manufacturing factories (in addition to the partnership approach the automotive sector currently
digitalisation of the supply chain), there could be £8.6 billion enjoys through an automotive sector deal. It should also
value added to the UK economy every year up to 2035. The prioritise science, research and innovation, developing skills,
next step in the digitalisation of automotive production will upgrading infrastructure, supporting businesses to start and
be to connect vehicle manufacturers with their supply chains grow, encouraging trade and inward investment, delivering
– for example, to monitor supply deliveries in real time and affordable energy and regional/local measures.
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This year, with the additional two new signatories, we are able to showcase the SVM consolidated environmental performance.
The KPIs displayed below show a very positive year-on-year trend, thanks to continued technical and operational improvements
as well as an increase in production volumes. Only absolute water use increased, and only marginally.
Production inputs
Material outputs
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 11
Production inputs
Material outputs
Data from logistics companies is not included in the table above (to focus on producers of automotive components and so enable per/unit of output comparisons).
One signatory left SMMT membership and therefore is no longer a participant in this report.
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2016 was generally a positive, albeit mixed, year. Many long-term negotiations came to fruition, bringing
substantial investment from large global tier one suppliers to address gaps in the UK supply chain.
These multimillion pound, long-term investments were of Brexit outcomes. And with recent vehicle manufacture
in line with the trend of recent years set by UK vehicle commitments to the UK, the sourcing opportunity is arguably
manufacturers, demonstrating the competitiveness of the largest the UK supply chain has ever seen. Alongside
component manufacture and assembly in the UK. domestic activity, a weaker pound provides new export
opportunities some of which have already been captured,
These results highlight the progress made by SMMT and other helping to address the UK-EU trade deficit.
key stakeholders in promoting the value of doing business
in the UK. Further improvements in the supply chain will be One key growth area to explore is in digitalisation of
possible with support from government as part of the Industrial manufacturing. The recently published KPMG and SMMT
Strategy. To date, cross-sector and government collaboration report on the matter highlighted 30% of the economic benefit
has worked very well, supporting an increase in UK-made generated by the sector would be driven by suppliers. There is
content from 36% in 2011 to 41% in 2015.1 a clear opportunity for UK suppliers to leverage productivity
from investment in these technologies, enabling global
There is no doubt this positive momentum has been affected competitiveness and the capture of opportunities both at
by Brexit. While various multimillion pound investments home and abroad.
from tier one suppliers and vehicle manufacturers have been
welcome, uncertainty has meant some investment decisions In addition to new ways of manufacturing products, a new
may have been put on hold, potentially threatening the long- generation of products will also bring their own wave of
term development of the UK’s supply chain. opportunity. With sales of ultra-low emission vehicles
(ULEVs) accelerating globally, the UK will look to maintain and
In addition to the uncertainty, Brexit raises issues around develop its current competitive advantage in key strategic
customs, tariffs and the movement of parts, particularly technologies and capitalise on the resulting supply chain
for the supply chain. The current supply chain is a deeply opportunities. Similarly, the proliferation of connected and
embedded, complex, cross European network, with crossing autonomous vehicle technologies will bring opportunities for
borders multiple times through the assembly process. A new entrants to suppliers looking to increase and diversify
reversion to World Trade Organisation (WTO) tariffs and their range of products and services.
implementation of full customs checks at UK borders will
have a significant impact on end-user costs. With events such as the recently launched
Automechanika Birmingham, suppliers now have an
That said, the opportunity for UK suppliers is still very clear. opportunity to showcase their capabilities to a domestic
With post-Brexit investments continuing to come to the UK and international audience.
from vehicle manufacturers, including Nissan, Jaguar Land More than 550 exhibitors and 12,000 visitors took part in the
Rover, Toyota Manufactuting (UK) and McLaren Automotive, 2016 launch and the 2017 show is expected to have been 70%
suppliers have a significant sourcing opportunity to aim at. bigger. With SMMT bringing events like Meet the Buyer and
The reshoring opportunity for the upstream supply chain, Open Forum to the show, SMMT continues to drive the reshoring
estimated at £2 billion annually, in addition to the £4 billion2 conversation and provide opportunities for buyers and suppliers
opportunity for tier ones, should be realised regardless to link up and develop new business. n
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 13
UK automotive has a talented and dynamic workforce, characteristics which have been a key factor in its recent
successes. This was reflected in the materiality assessment, which identified human capital as a key area to the sector and
external stakeholders. To ensure continued growth, there is a need to maintain and build upon these strengths through
a holistic approach to skills, delivered through a comprehensive and long-term skills strategy. Such a strategy should
focus upon: increasing the take-up of automotive careers; the training, upskilling and retention of people in work; and
addressing the skills challenges posed by new technologies and demographic trends (such as the ageing workforce).
The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy has focussed attention on apprenticeships, which industry welcomes, as long
as alternative routes into automotive careers are also developed and well communicated. The innovation agenda is also
a priority, with digitalisation of manufacturing and new technologies such as connected, autonomous and alternatively
fuelled vehicles presenting both a skills challenge and an opportunity. It is important that the sector’s talent pool is primed
for the introduction of these technologies, allowing the UK to remain in the vanguard of future development.
The growth of the sector has been reflected in an 11.9% A continued upskilling of its workforce enables the industry
to stay competitive and prepare for future challenges. The
increase in employment reported by signatories, which
number of formal training days per employee reported by
reached 109,890 employees in 2016. Signatories reported
signatories increased in 2016 by 9.1%, from 2.7 to 2.9 days.
that around 18% of the workforce in 2016 were agency This is in addition to informal training such as e-learning,
workers, up from 16% the year before. In line with increased toolbox talks and mentoring, which is not officially
industry growth, the number of jobs dependent on the measured. Signatories also reported their staff achieving
automotive sector in the UK remained stable at 814,000 in 549 nationally recognised qualifications.
2016, with direct employment in automotive manufacturing In 2016, more than 870 new apprentices were taken on and
jobs also stable at 169,000. almost 800 were retained by signatories.
600 12
Lost-time incidents
400 8
200 4
0 0
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
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CHARITABLE DONATIONS business. Through SMMT hosted meetings, and with an input
In 2016, signatories reported cash donations to charities of from business organisations such as the CBI, our members
more than £8.3 million and made other contributions worth share best practices principles to ensure the industry is
more than £4.1 million. Signatories also reported giving in doing all it can to remove modern slavery practices from the
excess of 180,000 hours of employees’ time to local causes. automotive supply chain.
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 15
More than 100 years ago, the first cars transformed the way people travel. This increased mobility has improved
the lives of millions of people across the world. This success story, however, also has local and global environmental
implications. The industry has invested heavily to increase the efficiency of conventionally powered vehicles, develop
alternative powertrains,and invest in future mobility including Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs). In additon, the
way in which customers access and use vehicles is changing. The industry needs to adjust its business models to adapt to
those changes in how we conceive of mobility and also address the increasing importance of data and cybersecurity.
Alternatively fuelled vehicles (AVFs) showed the greatest 60,000 Pure electric
growth – up 22.2%. However, with 88,919 units registered,
this segment still represents only 3.3% of the overall market
(Chart 7, below). Further incentives will be needed in order to 40,000
boost volumes significantly.
3.0 AFV Diesel 0.035 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Petrol AFV share
2.5 0.03 the slowest rate of decline since 2004 and is well below the
3.5% averaged since 2008 (Chart 8, above). The slowdown
New car registrations – millions
2.0 in the rate of improvement most likely represents the
AFV market share
increasing challenge of delivering further technological
1.5 gains. This is also reflective of consumer demand and
0.01 In 2016, Volvo Cars announced it aims to see up to one
million electrified cars by 2025. The Swedish company
0.5 0.005 plans to achieve this aim by offering at least two hybrid
versions of every model in its range and releasing its first
0 0 all-electric car in 2019.
’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 15 ’16
Page 16 | 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS
market trends, most notably a shift in vehicle segment type TRANSPORT CO2 PERFORMANCE
towards higher CO 2 emitting segments (e.g. dual purpose Road transport is one of the largest sources of CO 2
and executive) as well as a decline in diesel penetration generation, just below emissions from energy supply
(given diesels typically emit around 20% lower CO 2 than the (2015 data, Chart 9 below). 4 Although emissions from road
equivalent performance petrol-engined vehicle). transport have been cut since 2000, albeit by a modest
3.5%, they have risen in each of the past two years. The
A new car will also offer the consumer increased information recent increase corresponds to a rise in vehicle use, which
to help reduce emissions in use, for example, gear shift has begun to offset the improvements in new vehicle
indicators, trip computers and sat navs (helping reduce efficiency. This has put an increased focus on the role of
distance travelled through optimising route guidance transport in meeting the UK’s carbon reductions targets.
and avoiding congestion). New cars are lower emitting, Emissions from all cars in use have fallen by 8.9% since
safer, more reliable and more desirable than their older 2000), although they rose in 2015. 4 There was also a
counterparts. In 2016, new cars only represented around notable growth from the van sector.
8% of the 34.4 million cars in use. It is also a concern that
the average age of the car in use has increased, from 6.8 There are a number of fleet CO 2 emissions influencers,
years to 7.8 years over the past decade, which will be to the some of which are set out in the diagram below. Action can
detriment of the environmental profile of the fleet. be taken on a broad number of measures to help reduce
emissions. This could include measures to reduce the need
CHART 9 | CO2 EMISSIONS BY SOURCE to travel at all such as using electronic communications, or
choosing the right mode of transport and, ensuring vehicles
are well-maintained and well driven. A poorly maintained
Other vehicle can emit as much as 50% more CO 2 , while eco-driving
Sources Other techniques can reduce emissions by 5-15%. 5
4.1% Cars road Other
17% transport Transport
Further information on vehicle
environmental performance
can be found in SMMT’s
15.7% New Car CO 2 Report 2017
Energy supply
Technological progress
AUTO Fiscal measures
AND Infrastructure
Information REGULATORS
Media – info/advice
Journey/modal/vehicle choice
Local Authorities OTHERS
Driving style
– parking rules, congestion or CONSUMERS
Vehicle maintenance
clean air zones
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 17
The automotive industry recognises its part in the air quality air quality (because long-distance diesel drivers often use
challenge, as underlined by the findings of SMMT’s materiality motorways which are not typically in urban areas). However, it
assessment, which scored air quality as one of the most would have an adverse impact on CO 2 performance.
important issues for the industry and external stakeholders.
It is investing billions of pounds to engineer and produce the While advanced Euro 6 technology will deliver great
cleanest, lowest emitting vehicles in history. improvements, it cannot solve the air quality problem on its
Industry takes tackling air quality pollutants very seriously own. In addition, policymakers must encourage consumers
and looks to the latest Euro standards (setting maximum to purchase these latest low-emission vehicles and
levels that a vehicle can emit) and the introduction of the implement measures to tackle congestion in urban areas.
additional Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test to help them Air pollution is a local issue, and so needs local solutions,
deliver on air quality targets and help ensure confidence in but these must be guided by central government to ensure a
the on-the-road environmental performance of new vehicles. coordinated and consistent approach.
At the same time there will be a new test cycle introduced for
The UK government has recently published its National Air
CHART 10 | NOx AND PM2.5 EMISSIONS Quality Action plan. Clean Air Zones will be implemented in
a variety of cities and the plan includes a consultation on
proposals to address air quality issues in the areas impacted
90 by these issues.
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Cumulative total
600 Alcohol
Cumulative parc infrastructure provision, could also help ensure modal and
technological shifts can be delivered.
A Euro-VI bus emits
95% less NOx
on the road than a
’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 Euro-V bus
Source: Transport for London
Optare identified a host of measures to
improve its manufacturing efficiency, which
will also reduce annual expenditure on
energy and fuels by 18.5%. Subsequently in
2016 Optare completely changed production
warehouse lighting and office lighting to
energy saving LEDs. Monitoring and targeting
software was installed, offering step-by-step
control which should help the company shave
another 5% from its use. This means that
processes can be monitored and targeted
for improvement, through engineering and
improved tooling solutions. Optare is also
working with paint suppliers to find solutions
to further reduce its bake cycle/cure time
to make savings on gas use, while still
ensuring its low Volatile Organic Compounds
emissions remain unaffected. In 2017, there
are plans to install fast action automatic
roller shutter doors to contain warmth and
reduce gas heating usage further.
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 19
Sustainable biofuels form a part of the solution to reducing
Last year, Jaguar announced the I-PACE concept car,
CO 2 emissions and some pollutant emissions, including
its first electric sport utility vehicle (SUV). The I-PACE
particulate matters. Currently petrol and diesel fuels sold
will have a range from a single charge of 310 miles, and
in the UK already contain biofuels. E5 allows for up to 5%
will be able to accelerate from 0-62mph in about four
of petrol to consist of ethanol and B7 allows for up to 7%
seconds. The all-wheel-drive I-Pace will use a pair of
of diesel fuel to be biodiesel. The UK is also considering the
electric motors that will produce close to 400bhp and
introduction of E10, and all petrol cars now sold are designed
516lb ft of torque, all powered by a 90 kWh lithium-ion
to run on this fuel (provided it meets the appropriate fuel
battery pack.
specification and quality standards). Natural gas (both in
As part of its electrification plan, Jaguar has gone
compressed and liquid forms) is also used in trucks and
back to racing in the Formula E all-electric series. This
bus applications, resulting in improvements in air quality
provides Jaguar with an exciting test-bed for battery and
pollutant emissions. For all fuels, it is essential that the
electrification technology, and a developing pipeline of
quality is correct, to avoid any issues which impede the
learning for its electrification strategy.
normal operation of the vehicle and negatively impact the
introduction of such fuels.
CHART 12 | C
2011-2016 In March 2017, the government announced a £23 million
fund to stimulate the infrastructure and uptake of hydrogen
12,000 vehicles. Hydrogen fuel providers will be able to bid for
funding in partnership with organisations that produce
10,000 Slow hydrogen vehicles to help build high-tech infrastructure,
Charging connectors by type
’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16
source: Zap-Map
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300 1100
200 900
150 800
100 700
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 21
CONNECTED AND AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES (CAVs) Data protection and vehicle cybersecurity are also areas of
SMMT’s materiality assessment identified future mobility key focus for the industry. The EU General Data Protection
as another key issue for the industry and its stakeholders. Regulation (GDPR) was approved in April 2016 and will come
Currently, a new generation of vehicles, which are connected into effect in all member states two years after this date.
and increasingly autonomous, is emerging. This technological The new legislation makes personal data exchange more
revolution will change how our society functions, improving challenging owing to its new requirements and hefty fines for
safety and efficiency and reducing congestion and emissions. breaches. The UNECE, meanwhile, is seeking to draw up a set
While some vehicles already feature some connected or of high-level guidelines for vehicle cybersecurity.
autonomous technologies, the industry has already begun See SMMT video on connectivity:
testing prototype fully self-driving vehicles on UK roads.
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The end of life stage of a vehicle's life cycle is taken into account at the design stage, when the recyclability and
recoverability of vehicles is ensured. Consequently, components can be reused and remanufactured to extend their natural
life. Also materials coming out of vehicle shredding operations can be recycled and used to produce vehicles and other
products. This ensures the optimal resource preservation and aligns with circular economy principles.
Car parc (millions)
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 23
With the emergence of alternatively fuelled vehicles, the The flexibility of remanufacturing can also deliver significant
biggest share of a vehicle’s carbon footprint will shift from benefit in addressing replacement part availability in the car parc
use to the production process and vehicle end of life. To and help to keep millions of vehicles on the move. As the number
address this issue for electric vehicles, manufacturers are of niche models grows, product cycles shorten and parts ranges
focusing their efforts on battery remanufacture and reuse proliferate, it is becoming extremely hard for new replacement
to extend their life while reducing the overall environmental part providers to ensure the necessary range for service and
impacts. In line with circular economy principles, some repair, particularly of electronics content. Remanufacturing can
manufacturers already work on using them as energy provide timely availability solutions to this problem.
storage for private and commercial use.
Remanufacturing will also help to maintain the affordability
The industry also provides battery dismantling information and quality of the growing number of electric and hybrid
through the International Dismantling Information System vehicles in use. With diverse architectures, complex software
(IDIS) to enable their safe removal from vehicles, which have and expensive drive systems, battery pack and associated
reached the end of their life. ancillary equipment, remanufacturing can address essential
cost considerations in the maintenance of these vehicles and
REMANUFACTURING meet the rising quality thresholds from OEM customers.
Remanufacturing, commonly defined as the process of
bringing a product to a like-new condition, is enjoying Increasing use of software driven products and the difficulties
significant growth as vehicle manufacturers recognise its experienced in accessing technical information and parts
value not only from an environmental perspective but also details are a key concern to many in the sector, but with
for its proven ability to reduce warranty costs and increase growing engagement from all quarters in the circular economy
customer satisfaction. the future for remanufacturing looks healthy.
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The SMMT sustainability report has evolved considerably ranked the new issues that arose during the interviews
since its inception, and the latest development is the and workshop and agreed their overall rating. The post-
addition of SMMT's first materiality assessment (see page 4) workshop materiality matrix was then circulated to
to ensure the report continues to cover the most important stakeholders for final comment.
challenges facing the industry.
In this edition, as a starting point, SMMT aims to cover
The assessment involved desk-based research interviews topics scored highest by external and internal stakeholders.
with 12 external stakeholders and nine SMMT members In future reports, we plan to cover the remaining issues
(a balanced mix of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers) identified by the assessment.
were invited to comment on the sustainability issues It needs to be noted that the assessment outcomes
identified and rate each in terms of its importance to the presented here represent only a snapshot in time. The issues
UK automotive industry. This was followed by a workshop, identified are evolving and additional ones are appearing
where eight SMMT members and 12 external stakeholders over time. Therefore, future assessments can be expected.
Health and
Future mobility and Air quality
sustainable cities Energy and
5 Manufacturing automation
climate change
Human capital
and ethics
Responsible lobbying
Environmental management Human rights Global
Responsible marketing trends
Water Inclusive and
Social investments governance
2 3 4 5
Health and safety Future mobility and Ageing population Geopolitical uncertainty
sustainable cities See page: 10
See page: 14 See page: 15 ■ Brexit implications
■ Employees’ safety See page: 21 ■ Ageing workforce
■ Road and ■ Connected and for VMs its suppliers
and drivers
vehicle safety autonomous vehicles
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 25
BMW Group UK including Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Ltd BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce
Bosch Bosch
CabAuto CabAuto
Lotus Lotus
McLaren McLaren
Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd and Nissan Technical Centre Group Infiniti, Nissan
Optare Optare
Pritex Pritex
Schaeffler Schaeffler
Page 26 | 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS
Registrations – vehicles registered for road use in the UK 6. Transport energy and environment statistics: 2013
for the first time with the DVLA or the DVLA’s equivalent
organisation in Northern Ireland, Channel Islands or Isle of Man. environment-statistics
UK Turnover – the money/income that a business generates 7. SMMT based on TfL data
each year.
UK expenditure on Business and R&D - the amount, in take-up-of-latest-low-emission-buses-to-help-cut-
monetary terms, spent on research and investment, each year. londons-nox/,
. and-reports/bus-fleet-data-and-audits
REFERENCES AND DETAILED DATA 8. National Statistics: Reported road casualties in Great
CAN BE FOUND AT road-casualties-in-great-britain-main-results-2015
THE SOCIETY OF MOTOR MANUFACTURERS AND TRADERS 2017 UK Automotive Sustainability Report Page 27
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