LB Islington Parking Annual Report 2008 09

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Parking and CCTV Services

Islington Council

Civil Enforcement of Parking and Moving

Traffic Contraventions

Annual Report 2008/09

Islington Council - Parking and CCTV Services Annual Report 2008/09 1

Purpose of this report

The purpose of this report is to present statistical and financial data regarding
civil enforcement of parking and moving traffic contraventions in Islington. The
report has been produced following guidance from the Department for
Transport (DfT), but also through a commitment to demonstrate good ethical
governance and increase transparency in the way we operate and to further
encourage scrutiny.

The information contained herein is accurate at time of production (July 2009).

Red routes

Please note this report does not contain any statistical or financial information
with regard to decriminalised parking enforcement on the Red Routes in
Islington. These remain the responsibility of Transport for London.


Islington statistics

Islington is a small borough covering an area of just under 15 km2 containing

1361 mostly residential streets measuring 212km in length. The streets
contain around 35,500 parking spaces, 27,000 of which are for resident use
and 2,700 which can be used for pay and display parking, the remainder
comprises of motorcycle bays, bays for use by disabled people, business
bays, and doctors bays.

With around 188,000 residents Islington is the second most densely

populated local authority in England and in addition to this over 112,000
people commute in to the borough daily, significantly swelling the daytime
population. There are around 115,000 vehicle trips in Islington everyday,
many of which are made in the 42,000 vehicles owned or rented by Islington

Given the number of available parking spaces detailed above and with many
of the 115,000 vehicle trips resulting in at least one parking action, Islington
parking spaces clearly have to be managed in order to allow every driver the
opportunity to park safely and legally.

A common sense parking charter for Islington

Islington Council has a priority of listening to the community. We are listening

to what residents, businesses and others say about parking. You told us you
accept there are more cars than parking places preventing everyone having
what they would like. Therefore you want us to:

• ensure our roads are safe

• enable traffic to flow freely to minimise the environmental impact
• give residents and businesses in the borough priority parking over

Islington Council - Parking and CCTV Services Annual Report 2008/09 2

• provide priority parking facilities for key groups such as disabled people
or health care workers

Our commitments to you are that we will:

• focus our parking attendants on offences that have a serious impact on

road safety or traffic flow
• protect parking spaces allocated to residents and businesses
• provide a permit system to support key groups such as disabled people
and health care workers
• apply common sense when we enforce parking rules and not issue
tickets for trivial offences
• ensure that ticketing is correctly done and evidence is fully and properly
• ensure appeals against tickets are responded to quickly and
professionally within 10 working days
• ensure any money made from parking enforcement is invested into
transport projects, such as funding the Freedom Pass for elderly and
disabled people, maintaining roads and road safety
• communicate clearly with residents and businesses about parking and
adapt our policies based on your feedback

Financial Performance
Income and expenditure

The table below provides a breakdown of parking service income by revenue

stream. Total expenditure for the entire service is show below and the surplus
below that.

Section Total (£s)

PCN 10,706,295
Clamping/removal 54,855
Suspensions 741,783
Permits/vouchers 5,386,701
Pay and display 6,127,228
Miscellaneous 61,281
Total 23,078,143

Expenditure -18,646,505

Surplus 4,431,638

Islington Council - Parking and CCTV Services Annual Report 2008/09 3

How predicted surplus was allocated

At the beginning of a budget year it is only possible to predict the potential

surplus or deficit on the parking account. Parking surplus income can only be
spent on specific council services. In 2008/09 these services were as shown

Area where money was allocated Total (£s)

Road safety 437,000
Transport planning 731,000
Highway improvements 3,762,000
Street lighting improvements 54,000

Statistical Performance

Parking ticket issue

The table below shows the number of parking and moving traffic
contraventions for which a penalty charge notice was issued. This is broken
down in to higher rate contraventions, such as parking on a double yellow
line, and lower rate contraventions, such as overstaying in a pay and display

Number of higher level PCNs issued 192,171

Number of lower level PCNs issued 56,845

Parking ticket payments

The table below shows how many of the above penalty charge notices have
so far been paid, and how many of these were paid at the discounted rate
(within 14 days of issue).

Number of PCNs paid 162,138

Number of PCNs paid at discount rate 103,538

Parking ticket appeals

The table below shows how many of the above penalty charge notices were
appealed either informally (before Notice to Owner, or formally (after Notice to

Number of PCNs against which an informal or formal

representation was made 84,764

Parking ticket cancellations

The table below shows how many of the above appeals resulted in the
penalty charge notice being cancelled.

Islington Council - Parking and CCTV Services Annual Report 2008/09 4

Number of PCNs cancelled as a result of an informal
or formal representation 37,900

The next table shows how many penalty charge notices were cancelled
(regardless of appeal) due to an error by the council or our contractors.

Number of PCNs cancelled due to council or

contractor error 8,155

The next table shows how many penalty charge notices were cancelled
(regardless of appeal) due to our compassionate and common sense policies.

Number of PCNs cancelled due to compassionate or

common sense policies 10,961

Clamping and removal

The table below shows how many vehicles were immobilised (clamped),
removed from the street to our car pound, or relocated to a safer location in
the immediate area. Following the adoption of the common sense charter the
number of clamps fitted and vehicle removals dropped significantly.

Number of vehicles immobilised 282

Number of vehicles removed 410*
Number of vehicles relocated 856

* This includes 153 of the clamped vehicles which were subsequently

removed after no contact was received from the owner.

Performance against targets

Contract KPIs

The enforcement contract awarded to NSL Services (formerly NCP) in

September 2007 is driven by a number of quality based key performance
indicators. Targets and performance against these indicators are shown in the
table below.

Indicator Target Performance

Percentage of incorrectly issued PCNs <1% 1.23%
Level of parking compliance >90% 98.87%
Percentage of upheld complaints <7% 4.39%
Supervisor hours spent on street >50% 66.29%

Response times for representations

The Traffic Management Act suggests 56 days as a suitable period of time

within which authorities should respond to formal and informal appeals. Our
local target is to respond within 10 days. The table below shows our average
response times for the four quarters of the year.

Islington Council - Parking and CCTV Services Annual Report 2008/09 5

Quarter Average response time
1 - April to June 2008 5 days
2 - July to September 2008 9 days
3 - October to December 2008 3 days
4 - January to March 2009 4 days

Adjudication results

After informal and formal appeals cases can be referred to an external

adjudicator (the Parking and Traffic Appeals Service) to make the final binding
decision on a disputed PCN. Our performance at the adjudicator is shown

Appeals processed Accepted or not contested Rejected

1588 1253 335

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