Susan Mcgarry - Parking Services Manager
Susan Mcgarry - Parking Services Manager
Susan Mcgarry - Parking Services Manager
1.1 To note the annual report on the performance of the Council’s parking
service for submission to North Yorkshire County Council and the
Department for Transport and for publication.
2.1 To endorse the Parking Services Annual Report for submission to North
Yorkshire County Council in full and the Department for Transport and for
4.1 Failure to provide an annual report would mean that the Council is not
complying with the requirements of the Traffic Management Act 2004 with
regards to Annual Reports.
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5.2 This report covers the period from 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010.
5.5 In addition, the Traffic Penalty Tribunal, have to be informed of the number of
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued.
6.1 The Borough Council carries out enforcement as agent of North Yorkshire
County Council for all on street parking areas covered by Traffic Regulation
Orders (TROs) within the whole of the District. The Agreement operates on
the basis that the Council recovers its costs for administering the CPE and
any surpluses are held by the Borough Council on behalf of the County
Council and are ring-fenced for expenditure on parking/transport related
projects within the Borough.
6.2 The Council also operates CPE in its own off-street car parks.
6.3 Information about parking and parking enforcement is available via the
Council’s website. The address is and, in addition, a
number of guides are produced and distributed giving information about
parking throughout the District.
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6.4 In addition to their enforcement duties the Parking Services staff also
undertake routine maintenance inspections, coning duties, the display of
signs and setting out of cones for parking suspensions.
6.6 Patrols are carried out between the hours of 7 am to midnight each day.
However, after 6.30pm only customer requests and hot spot enforcement is
carried out. The Council receive many requests for enforcement from
Residents, Businesses and the public who appreciate the need for parking
enforcement to help regulate the use of the public highway.
6.7 The cash collection service is undertaken by the Cashiers section of the
Department of Resources, and the in house Parking Maintenance Supervisor
ensures the correct operation and the re-supply of tickets for the on and off
street pay and display machines.
6.8 Processing of PCNs and informal objections are dealt with by a small team
of officers within the Department of Development Services, comprising of a
Senior Administration Assistant with 4.5 full time equivalent Parking
Administrators. There is also a full time Representations Officer who deals
with formal objections.
6.9 Training is given to all enforcement staff in Customer Care, Health and
Safety, Personal Safety and First Aid. Our aim is that all enforcement staff
complete the City and Guilds 1885 (Parking Control) within the first year of
their employment. All staff have an annual appraisal to establish learning
gaps and personal development needs.
6.10 It should be noted that statistical information is taken from a live system
which is updated daily. The PCN figures in this report are correct as at 17th
August 2010.
7.1 The information below is intended to give an overview of the parking service.
This covers the period from the 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010.
7.2 In addition, the information also covers that which an enforcement authority
is required to produce on an annual basis as indicated within the statutory
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Financial Statement
7.3 The income and expenditure of the Council in connection with its on-street
charging and with both its on and off-street enforcement activity, is governed
by Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended by
Section 95 of the Traffic Management Act 2004. This requires that surplus
income, after meeting operating costs, is spent on parking facilities as a top
priority. If parking needs are met then the surplus can be used to fund
highway improvements, public transport or environmental improvements.
7.4 The regulations also reinforce the requirement that the Council is not
permitted to set a budgetary target for penalty charge income, and that any
surplus income earned from off-street penalty charges may be used only to
fund expenditure on parking and other transport related functions set out in
Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
7.5 In the past, on-street income has been used to fund the redevelopment of off
street car parks as well as public transport and highway improvements.
On Street Parking
Pay and Display/Meters 1,644,145.45
Residents/Visitors/Business Permits 59,369.44
Other non-PCN income 93,961.26
PCN Income 398,883.77
Total Income 2,196,089.92
Employee Costs 767,697.19
Maintenance 16,227.12
Supplies & Services 44,748.57
Transport 7,014.57
Support Services 190,319.85
Total Expenditure 1,026,007.40
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Off Street Parking
*The overall surplus does not take into consideration any expenditure related
to the off street enforcement.
7.6 Civil Enforcement Officers are required to identify and report areas within the
Borough where the parking controls are not enforceable due to inadequate signs
or lines. In many cases these involve consideration and actions by the County
Operational Statistics
Off Street On Street Total
Number of higher level PCNs issued 400 3583 3983
Number of lower level PCNs issued 3268 10411 13679
Number of PCNs issued with no charge level 0 0 0
Total number of PCNs issued 3668 13994 17662
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7.10 At the time of reporting the payment rate is just over 78%. Of the total
number of PCNs issued, 3089 have been cancelled or written off (see table
5). The remaining 736 are at various stages of recovery either registered
with the Traffic Enforcement Centre or with the Council’s appointed Bailiffs.
Therefore the payment and cancellation figures are subject to a variation.
7.11 Table 3 breaks down the number of PCNs issued per calendar month from
1st April 2009 to 31st March 2010. There was a significant reduction in
PCNs issued in January 2010 due to the bad weather.
2008-2009 2009-2010 % + or -
April 1825 1560 -14.52
May 1731 1487 -14.10
June 1709 1628 -4.74
July 1957 1482 -24.27
August 1664 1592 -4.33
September 1417 1558 +9.95
October 1749 1730 -1.09
November 1566 1648 +5.24
December 1291 1206 -6.58
January 1486 937 -36.94
February 1263 1287 +1.90
March 1678 1547 -7.81
Total 19336 17662 -8.66
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Penalty Charge Notices Issued by Contravention (Top 10)
7.12 Table 4 shows the Top 10 contravention codes where PCNs have been
issued. All the codes relate to on street parking areas with the exception of
codes 82 and 83 which are for PCNs issued for contraventions occurring in a
car park.
7.13 Table 5 below gives information on the reasons why cases have been
Total Number Cancelled 3089
% of Total Number Issued 17.49
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Handheld computer fault 51 0.29 1.65
Training/Test notice 8 0.05 0.26
Valid Blue Badge 370 2.09 11.98
Valid dispensation/waiver produced 78 0.44 2.53
Valid guest permit produced 384 2.17 12.43
Valid other permit 82 0.46 2.65
Valid parking ticket produced 539 3.05 17.45
Valid residents Permit 140 0.79 4.53
Valid season ticket 48 0.27 1.55
Vehicle broken down 36 0.20 1.17
Vehicle driven away 68 0.39 2.20
Vehicle reported stolen 1 0.01 0.03
Bailiffs unable to execute warrant 44 0.25 1.42
Compassionate reasons 29 0.16 0.94
Foreign vehicle/Keeper 229 1.30 7.41
Medical reasons 58 0.33 1.88
No disc displayed 241 1.36 7.80
On Higher Authority 37 0.21 1.20
Unable to trace keeper/driver 156 0.88 5.05
Proof of bankruptcy 1 0.01 0.03
TOTAL 3089
7.14 Analysis of the above information will allow the Council to review its public
information to help clarify to motorists the nature of orders and offences.
Appendix A gives comparisons of cancellation data for 2008/09 and 2009/10.
7.15 The Borough Council deals with all appeals in the following way:
The vehicle owner may dispute the issuing of a PCN at three stages:
Once a ‘Notice to Owner’ has been served, an owner may make a formal
representation against the Notice to Owner to the Borough Council; and
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7.16 The Council has appointed staff to deal with appeals. The Council’s
Representations Officer deals with all cases where a formal representation is
made to the Council. Where formal representations are rejected the officer
deals with any subsequent appeals to the Parking Adjudicator.
7.17 Table 6 gives unattributed details of Formal Appeals received by the Council
and the outcome of Adjudicators decision.
Appeal Appeal Not Pending
Allowed Refused Contested (4)
(1) (2) (3)
Harrogate On Street 6 7 0 0
Harrogate Off Street 1 1 0 0
Knaresborough On Street 1 3 0 0
Knaresborough Off Street 1 0 0 0
Ripon On Street 0 0 0 0
Ripon Off Street 0 2 0 0
Rural On Street 0 0 0 0
Rural Off Street 0 0 0 0
Below are some examples of appeals that have been dismissed or allowed
and the reasons why.
Case 1 – A PCN issued for being parked after the expiry of paid for time at a
pay and display bay, brought into question who was liable for the charge.
The vehicle was the subject of a hire agreement that only lasted one day.
The hire company provided details of the hirer and a copy of the hire
agreement, however, a hire agreement of less than six months duration must
contain certain information such as details of the hirer’s driving licence. In
this case, while the agreement had provision for that information it had not
been recorded. On appeal, the hire company acknowledged that there had
been a clerical error. The Adjudicator found that the contravention, of being
parked after the pay and display ticket had expired, had occurred. It was also
determined that the hire agreement did not contain all the necessary
information required by the Road Traffic (Owner Liability) Regulations 2000
and that liability for the charge remained with the hire company and not the
hirer. Appeal dismissed.
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Case 2 – A PCN was issued to a vehicle parked in a loading bay on
Cambridge Road, Harrogate. The issuing Civil Enforcement Officer had
observed the vehicle for eight minutes and found no evidence of loading or
unloading taking place and the Officer also noted that the vehicle was
displaying a Blue Badge parking permit. The Appellant had made
representations that the Traffic Regulation Order was invalid and explained
that he had always parked in that location when visiting Harrogate. The
Appellant went on to state that section 8 of the Local Authorities Traffic Order
(Exemptions) for Disabled Persons (England) Regulations 2000 exempts
Blue Badge holders from the restrictions of loading bays. The Council argued
that the regulations quoted by the Appellant exempted Blue Badge holders
from the restrictions of single and double yellows lines when displaying a
badge and parking disc. The Council also produced copies of Department of
Transport guidance provided to Blue Badge holders that explains where
parking is allowed and that parking in loading bays is not permitted. The
Adjudicator considered the case on the papers provided and determined that
the signs and lines clearly informed drivers that it was a loading bay and that
Blue Badge holders were not exempt from the loading/unloading only
restrictions. Appeal dismissed.
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Case 5 – A car parked out of any bay, at the end of the road a cul-de-sac
resulted in a PCN being issued on a Sunday morning at 11.33. In his initial
objections, the Appellant had stated that his wife had returned home late at
night and no bay parking was available. However, his representations stated
that he had parked there for a short time to unpack his car. The Council
maintained that the PCN was correctly issued as the bay markings and
signage clearly conveyed the restrictions. However, the Adjudicator took the
view that, while the vehicle was not parked within a parking bay, the signage
did not inform the driver that parking where he did was prohibited. Appeal
8.1 Finance staff have been consulted during preparation of this report and
approved the report content.
9.1 Consultation with the Human Resources section was not necessary during
the preparation of this report
10.1 Consultation with the Legal section was not necessary during preparation of
this report.
11.1 Consultation with the ICT section was not necessary during preparation of
this report.
12.1 A risk assessment has been undertaken and the major risks are outlined
12.2 Failure to provide an Annual Report would mean that the Council does not
comply with the Traffic Management Act 2004.
13.1 An Equality and Diversity Impact Assessment has been undertaken and
there is no impact from this proposal on race, disability and gender equality
in the local community or in the Council.
14.1 This report reflects the performance of the Parking Service for 2008/09. The
Service will reflect on the statistics of this report and make adjustments to its
operation as necessary.
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Background Papers – None
If all comments lie within the shaded areas, the proposal is sustainable.
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The PCN figures for 08/09 have been updated from last years report to reflect the
current status.
Inadequate Signage/Lines/Markings 77 74
Civil Enforcement Officer Error 358 246
Loading/Unloading Proved 77 94
Machine Fault 21 16
Operator Error 62 59
Hand-Held Computer Fault 64 51
Training/Test Notice 104 8
Valid Blue Badge 458 370
Valid Dispensation/Waiver Produced 71 78
Valid Guest Permit Produced 449 384
Valid Other Permit 56 82
Valid Parking Ticket Produced 461 539
Valid Residents Permit 198 140
Valid Season Ticket 63 48
Vehicle Broken Down 27 36
Vehicle Drove Away 80 68
Vehicle Reported Stolen 10 1
Bailiffs Unable To Execute Warrant 510 44
Compassionate Reasons 35 29
Foreign Vehicle/Keeper 179 229
Medical Reasons 59 58
No Disc Displayed 310 241
On Higher Authority 61 37
Unable To Trace Keeper/Driver 259 156
Proof Of Bankruptcy 13 1
The Contravention Did Not Occur 3 0
The Traffic Order Was Invalid 1 0
Other Representation Allowed 2 0
Total 4068 3089
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